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Devious Tricksters Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>494095710

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai/
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday Friday is underway! Reply to the anchorpost with your dastardly, forlorn, and height-y prompts! >>494250669

>(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
(08/06) AetherRoom’s second wave for its Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, August 12th https://files.catbox.moe/okbva0.png
I choose this one
Oh boy, bread.
>He unzipped his pants and whipped out his gigantic membership card for Costco. Receiving approving comments on his mammoth credit card, and even one whistle of admiration, the blue-collar worker proudly ordered himself another drink. He didn't know how he was going to remember the seven digits of his Costco number; everytime, he had to peek down at the card he kept tucked in his work overalls.
*The previous one had a few typos.
and here I thought it was intentional to show how inebriated he was
That would work better in dialogue, not for prose.
Actual thread
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Wonder how long he'll keep this arc up.
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When aren't the homofags spreading their mental illness around here?
Proof that /aids/ spitebaked the /aicg/ threads.
>komaedafag is the only one
That's a cute dream.
>No one ever calls GayAnon FagFag
C'mon, it's right there!
The avatarfagging stands out more than the prolapse piracy.
>m-muh avatarfagging!
Oh boo fucking hoo, the threadshitters are worse. Grow the fuck up.
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they all 404...
don't check the /aicg/ threads
He is a threadshitter. Always has been.
Honestly I didn't like Avatarfagging but with how much other shitposting happens I no longer see any problem with it.
>The most prolific contributor to the thread is a threadshitter
Lol, lmao. Where are your prompts?
what did you brats do this time
>he calls that trash "thread contribution"
Now type that without your hands shaking.
It's just an unpredictable meltie, those happen from time to time.
I accept your concession, threadshitter. You have no prompts. You don't use LLMs. All you do is shit up the thread day after day. Get a life.
Oh yeah, your hands were totally shaking writing this.
Get filtered, leech.
>She's blind, and doesn't know he's a dragon.
you know what, sure
that's canon now
prolific != good
Sorry about kicking you.
Good is subjective. From my perspective, he is single-handedly responsible for ensuring the continued survival of the /aids/ community. Meanwhile, all you do is SHIT up the fucking thread because you got fired from your job. Kill yourself.
those cocks are very handsome, good gens
no matter how many crimes they do, you shouldn't talk like that about the mentally ill, officer
If /aids/ needs a faggot like that to survive, then it should have died a long time ago. Right back at you, ol' buddy ol' pal.
pebble caused all of this
Go back to /pol/ and stay there, retard. This community has been filled with fags and furries from the very beginning.
tbdesu it should have been moved to /lgbt/
[X], [Y]ing: Anon [agreed], [scratch]ing the back of his neck awkwardly.

>The baby let out a squeal of delight and reached for the butterfly, nearly toppling out of the stroller in his excitement.
I'm a bit confused, does this also count as X, Y-ing?
Actually I think it's your autism causing its continued survival more than anything else.
faggots is what you guys are, can you go back to your containment thread?
why is the gemmyfag shitting the thread?
You're welcome.
Aww fuck. That's how I normally write, it's over.
Russian was Kuz all along
it's not our gemmyfag
it's an impostor

Has anyone tried 'janitor.ai' for site ran models if you do not possess the GPU, CPU or operating system to run it on your own client?
If you're a fan, I'd highly recommend this dynamic model:

Gemmy is our gem.
not even from discord, retard
>the sharty is doing a full blown raid on /g/
Not a "full blown" one. Started off with just a few people I think. Some might not even be from the sharty and just joined in on it.
>the part where anons start to analyze posting patterns
our gemmyfag would never
Get fucked, Russkie.
why are cocks so beautiful
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They are just one of many gifts God gave us.
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Remember when this thread didn't believe the AI could handle more than 3 characters?
>>494171919 (You)
>>494172784 (You)
Following up on this, I've been working more on it and it turns out we've written about 36k "tokens" worth of material so far. I can't expect the AI to remember all that, right?
Some models can allegedly handle up to like 80k context
but it will cost you
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Ghetto Recap (1/2)

Someone Named kalakan Baked like 50% of the AI generals, funny, but weird. >>494107728
A new Google AI Came Out that allows you have your documents read by two AI Podcasters.

Theme Friday Prompts:

Last Stop Before Heaven
https://aetherroom.club/7329 >>494250963
>Are those Dogs Fresh? Give Me One

Learning Nature
https://aetherroom.club/7330 >>494251068
>Stay Away From Magic Community College

Cursed Honesty
https://aetherroom.club/7331 >>494251203

The Dark Acolyte's Long Journey
https://aetherroom.club/7333 >>494298801
>"OOH, STUPID FAIRY!" Mr. Mayor, Powerpuff Girls.

Rime and Reason
https://aetherroom.club/7334 >>494349467
>"Better than the Atari Jaguar" AVGN.


For Want of A Healer
https://aetherroom.club/7332 >>494261440
>Remember that Futurama Episode where Bender changes sex? This prompt's not like that, except for the sex change part, that happens.

Bonzi Trouble >>494141071
AI Encouragement (Hermes Is Still Somehow Free) >>494142876
A List Of Sound Effects >>494164349
A Sagely Moment >>494169071
It's All In The-HUH?! >>494173912
Metal Tent >>494204862
Average Skype Call (AR Teaser, Apparently) >>494220710
The Carlin Test >>494228051
GRUG (Possible Repost?) >>494242746
Lost WHAT?! (An Adventure With OccultSage) >>494248819
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)
Sorry for the short/meme descriptions, I thought I could fit it all into one post if I did that. Turns out it didn't work.

Notable Posts:

Today, On /lmg/ (Poor guys, honestly) >>494098361 >>494098436 >>494098571 >>494105916 >>494168689
Today, On /v/ >>494100278 >>494100448 >>494100845 >>494101227 >>494135420 >>494189178 >>494198231
Writin'? >>494105353 >>494113092 >>494230817
Woman With A-HUH?! >>494128951 >>494129102 >>494130169 >>494134235 >>494237483
>>494247176 >>494253074 >>494260514 >>494260103
And It's For-WHAT?! >>494138437 >>494138552 >>494143706 >>494158534 >>494357052
Twos Heads Are Better Than One >>494132341
Webcam Leak >>494172858
The Longest Story >>494231951 >>494232461 >>494232686 >>494235008 >>494237194
Honestly, I Laughed too >>494257954 >>494258295 >>494258394
New Sudowrite Feature >>494270267
Drip Question >>494362158 >>494362869 >>494363639 >>494365834
Kermit Doesn't Like It >>494359449 >>494367436 >>494367591
The AI Podcast Arc Begins >>494236802 >>494243025 All Voocaro's/Catbox Links Follow Below.
Thanks, man
Your best bet is to:
>first summarize the WHOLE story as best you can, as compact as possible, to give the AI a solid anchor
>then create lorebooks for each important character/event/faction/etc etc etc, that activates when mentioned
>then if you're using a chat-based model, import your friend's posts in the Assistant role and your posts in the User role
If you do that, the AI will refer to lorebook entries and the summary for events that fell out of context, and use your partner's writing style based on whatever entries remain in context.
Good lorebook entries are time-consuming and need to be updated sometimes, but it's the best way to keep important things selectively in context.
Upcoming Maintenances means they're updating the model, right?
why havent (you) made a game with ai yet?
Soon™? Aini, please come say soon.
why would anything ever happen
Which ones? I just tried Gemini 1.5 Pro and got filtered by an "unsafe content" warning.
AI Dungeon has a 70B model available.
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Thanks for this, it gives me a good roadmap of where to go from here. When it comes to that summary, where would I put it/what would I do with it to "give the AI a solid anchor"? Would it go in System Instructions, in my first instruction post, in the lorebook as something?
Also, the >import your friend's posts in the Assistant role and your posts in the User role suggestion sounds like exactly what I want to do. Is there a model you'd recommend for this?
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there's no upcoming maintenances take your meds goy
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those cocks can make a grown man cry
Fake tripcode.
happy to help
This, what is that schizo talking about?
gimme the tags lil bro
the vibe transfers do most of the work, unfortunately, so probably not going to be much help if you're doing local gen
but if you're using NAI, here's the vibes:
and settings:
Really likes making them thicc
nta but how dare you. I was finally freed from that dangerous woman, but now you show her off like this...
the (no longer pink) robot antivibe really likes huge tits for some reason
From sending a chill down my fucking spine 5 times a day, Kayra now doing it for 10 times a day now. Are they fucking with the model?
this podcast shit can really yap based on a small prompt holy shit, this is boring don't listen
Those damn chills.
It's summer dragon all over again. Everyone is sharing an AI event, a cold front is hitting every location in every generation
The text expresses a highly sexualized and misogynistic obsession with older women, using derogatory language and degrading imagery to describe them. It promotes harmful stereotypes and objectifies women, presenting them solely as objects of sexual desire and reducing their value to their physical attributes. The text also glorifies risky and harmful sexual behaviors, advocating for unprotected sex and ignoring the potential consequences.

google onions summarizes sources before the podcast gen, lameee
>still fake-complaining about nonsense
Fuck off.
I enjoyed listened to the one ENF podcast where it forgot to mention them being anthros.
Fuck off, shill.
Imagine admitting in public that your writing is so subpar you keep hitting the slop vectors.
this is bad
You used the words "reverse trap tomboy" and we have to unpack that.
It wasn't a problem before.
pasted some armpit coomslop
Pokemon Slop Story Podcast
7 minutes what the fuck
how does a website from 2007 whose only purpose is to play audio files not have fast forward available what the fuck
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Traci Dancing Story
I figured the podcasters would like it, considering I ended up relenting to the AI driving it an expected third act positivity thing. Thought it was funny that they mentioned not having time to go over the whole thing.
looking back on my novelai stories, there were some bangers. too bad the service is paywalled
mom finds the poop drawer
lots of yapping
If a service is free, you're the product. With few, very few, exceptions.
more armpit slop featuring a girl named Leah
You forgot AI Dungeon's 70B:
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welp i guess i'm generating futas again tonight..
the lady explains what saviorfagging is about 90 seconds in pretty accurately
tried it, is it censored? it felt so shitty and dull.
>ai dungeon
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>>494464775 (me)
forgot my avatar
It isn't censored if you aren't doing text porn.
They have to be, I get this constantly and I dont remember Kayra being so prone to nonsensical replies either, it feels gimped though I admit I took a long break from NAI so maybe some of it is rose tinted glasses.

Dont complain to NAI though, the devs have real bad anxiety when heckin trolls say Kayra isnt fit for purpose.
For christ sake Elon get serious about the AI market and get us a decent fucking service.
Kayra still works, it's just a horrible jolt after using something much much better and you have to go back to rerolling and handholding it all the time. Even after years and hundreds of stories, all the time developing my prompting and fiddling the settings, it still regularly fails to remember who has the cock and where they're putting it.
give me the honest answer sirs, is the upper tier models on AIDS worth a shit? im so fucking bored of Kayra.
It's probably related to the backend change, maybe they're using an 8bit model with exllama.
Buy 3090.
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A test prompt with litRPG dash. Boys (probably) in a succubus brothel.
i tried local, it was not enjoyable.
Buy a dragon dildo. It's cheaper, easier to share with your friend, and you will understand why God put a g-spot in a male's anus.
That't because you don't have enough 3090s. Buy 4 more.
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There are a few free 'ublic 'oxies kicking around so maybe if you're willing you might be able to juggle between GEMMYni or Orbo off the corpo dime and Honestly there are better flavors of 70b than whatever extra-spicy exclusive mormonmeetupdotcom-only soaking content the taffy brothers are up to that you could get for free.

Other than that, well, You're SoL, Bezos' gone full Duterte on anything Anthrophic and they're mending Claude-chan's hymen as we speak with adrenochrome from only the finest pulverized russian infants.
>there are better flavors of 70b than whatever extra-spicy exclusive mormonmeetupdotcom-only soaking content the taffy brothers are up to
There's nothing better for storytelling and text adventures than AI Dungeon's fine-tunes. And they also have Mistral Large 2.
>go to use chary couple days ago
>check the discord
>it died, was fixed 30 minutes ago, then died again
this place gives you brain rot.
I tried the champion trial a few days back and it was absolute donkey cocks, the only models not included in that would be mixtral xl and wizzard I believe? are they really that much better?
i swear to god if your fucking meming me out of the tree fiddy im gonna do something real mean in minecraft.
405B is still free on openrouter
It's not as good as a fine-tune specialized in storytelling and text-adventures, like the one AI Dungeon did.
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>Key from that one jew proxy costs 20$ less than AIDungeon's highest tier and it has Claude Opus

Holy fucking shit, the literal fucking jew offers more value for your money than the Sons of Moroni, can someone wake me up, are we in coomageddon again? what the actual fuck
the tiers for AIDs are so bad, they dont include them in the trial either so you cant try them out to see the difference, its asking a lot to go on faith that the ultra models make a 20-30+ value difference.
You're insane.
I mean, example? experience?
The aren't, Musksimp. You're throwing shit at the wall and complaining shout something that isn't happening.
in english jeet
NTA, but he's right. You've "complained" about this issue for months. Each time you "complain" about it, you argue that it's just now doing it, and that it was perfect right up until that point. It's obvious that you're making shit up.
That's the old domain, please check the OP,
the numbers should be the same.
much better, jeet.
You'll now conveniently take a break from the thread and come back in a few hours or next thread and post yourself pretending to be a newfag with the same make-believe problem, like you've done the past dozen times. Get a life.
You forgot about the part where they changed their inference backend, probably in preparation for 70B in an attempt to lower the costs. Same reason they added rate-limits and banned concurrent requests.
wtf, don't do that. Don't pick stupid cropo options like gemini or openai. Pick community tuned, they're specifically designed for RP and shit.
Go browse the OpenRouter. Maybe Hermes 3, or Euyale 2.2 will do
You forgot about the part where you've complained about it for months, before they supposedly changed anything.
So what was the cause all those times before they did that? And more importantly, how come you never even tried to contact their support email about it, especially now that you're sure of the cause?
Here's the trick. He's being a Whine. He doesn't actually give a shit about the model working, he just wants to bitch and complain about it in a totally "organic" manner.
>13B model
AI Dungeon: free
NovelAI: $25/month

>70B model
AI Dungeon: $50/month
NovelAI: probably $200/month and with 2k context
And there's the proof.
Time to start no stubbing again me thinks.
iv no idea what you're talking about, iv not been here in months, you sound insane brown man.
>gimp your current product
>dont release new product
>act like a sassy cock sucking queen when your customers get irritated
Imagine ballwashing for NAI.
So when you did it last thread, the thread before, and the thread before, those weren't you? I'm calling bullshit.
lmao the actual state of you people
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Users report an experienced drop in quality every now and then. This gets reported despite the models being frozen and the devs confirming nothing has changed. And no, there has been no change to the models recently. All model changes are announced.
Upon investigation, it is usually due to some change from the user's past behavior. An adverse preset, a change in their writing style, imported things with unbecoming settings, mistakes in their context. The list goes on.
You forgot your trip, Aini. You keep ignoring the part where they changed the backend. And that the model could be quantized.
I actually paid for Jewproxy in $25 once in January and it was the best bang-for-your-buck I'll probably ever get from anything AI-related. A month of uncensored GPT-4 access plus over three months of AWS Claude Opus (until Amazon started cracking down) access PLUS Sonnet that I still have access to in his non-VIP proxy. Zero discord faggotry, dick pics, and attention whoring involved.
Issue is that proxies are inherently unreliable and that has to be priced in when you buy. That small chance that you pay and get burned with nothing to show for it. Jew, to his credit, isn't a rug puller as long as the keys keep flowing. But if something were to happen like a particularly harsh crackdown that would make him unable to keep it going, well, he's almost certainly not going to be sending any of your money back even if you paid for it two days before.
You're financing spiting the public proxies.
Dude's as subtle as a stampede in a minefield.
>uhm acktually sweetie NAI confirmed the noticeable drop in quality is all in your head mmkay? take that chud.
well fuck me lads, I havent been gaped like that since I let my F-M bulldyke femboy gf/bf peg me with a bad dragon product.
You forget that one of the devs (or the entire team) would commit suicide before they quantize/use quantization.
okay for somebody with an actually fucking life QRD me on this shit because im tired of dealing with transcord shit.
I'm not financing anything anymore. Beside that one payment, I didn't spend a cent, and as far as I'm concerned, it was a very good decision.
Personally however, I wouldn't advise anyone to spend money on a proxy or anything else unless we get another gigacorp API harvesting bonanza because it usually takes at least a month for them to react. We're in a locusting recession atm and if Amazon implements more guardrails it can turn to doom real quick.
Good thing that there's a company like AI Dungeon that takes care of the hobby.
Everything you need to read about it is here. It requires dabbling in cryptofaggotry, though.

Again, keep in mind, there's no guarantee that the keys stay up as the guys running proxies are at the mercy of gigacorps remaining clueless or at least willing to suffer the financial damages incurred by locusts. If you're gonna go for it, it's a risk that you need to accept.
I'm waiting for someone to explain this.
>/v/ found hailuoai
>take a look at the thread
>nothing really all the amusing posted
Pity this will cause generations to be slower.
Is AI a bubble bros?
>/v/ found hailuoai
>take a look at the thread
>"I must shill NovelAI in it"
>nothing really all the amusing posted
post hand
>typical /v/ reply
>>>/v/688791156 is pretty good though, a prompt about that would be fun.
For me it already popped with 4o/405B, 4o is not something mind boggling like original 4 was, and 405B decisively proved to me that you can't work around scale and distillation is not a silver bullet. There will be fun small scale models coming out, incremental improvement and whatnot but the bubble mentality slowly is dying out, even among grifters and investors.
It's always refreshing to see a well-thought-out post in this sea of noise.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that found Kayra wonky, I've been having trouble the past few weeks with the very same, unchanged prompts I have from years ago. All of a sudden it's struggling to remember things.
New to this and trying to get Koboldccp-ROCm working on Linux. How are you supposed to know what any given model on Huggingface is good for? There really doesn't seem to be detailed descriptions or use cases on models that I can tell. I'm downloading this one that's a .gguf of one mentioned in a guide:

I'm assuming it's good for lewd roleplaying story generation but idk.
You can't really tell, either you download the popular ones or try the various finetunes and merges. You can also try those that are on kobold horde before downloading them: https://lite.koboldai.net/#
The one you posted is quite old. The local VRAMlet SOTA is probably Mistral Nemo and its derivatives now.
You ignore memetunes and use either base or instruct ones.
i just spent 2 hours or so playing around with basically every setting in nai's image gen. it's not bad but i'd really like to be able to give it a character and generate different images of that character in different poses or with different clothes while keeping the character's face and body consistent. i guess the easiest way to do that would be to have a basic 3d model of a character that you can pose then have the ai work with a picture of that, but at that point it's almost easier to use something local with control nets
I'll try this.
I've heard the opposite, why use base or instruct models?

It seems koboldccp-ROCm is only running on my CPU, is it reasonable to assume I messed up the ROCm installation? I can't select it in the Kobold drop-down.
i shit you not I switched back to clio the over day and found it was far less likely to shit the bed. Kayra is fucked, I dont know what they did to it but its absolutely fucking wank now.
Go back to /lmg/ >>>/g/102378325
You got the A/B testing for the new 70B model
Vibe transfers help out a lot with that. I've noticed I can get some really consistent characters as a side effect of using the style vibes people post
Yeah it's fine.
If someone tells you "wrong thread", just rememeber they live in a country where they can't say anything bad about Putin.
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rocm is such hot ass, like fuck me the hottest ass on the planet can not compete with the steaming pile of ass that is rocm.
You are the only one, and no matter how much you pretend to be other anons, nobody is fooled. Fuck off.
how many cocks do NAI shove up your ass to compensate you for your work here?
The solution is simple. ShiverAnon just needs to say "fuck Putin" in his posts about the Shiver Issue.
When will you get a life and quit shitting up the thread and shilling AI Dungeon, Claude, and every single service you don't use?
September 19
Crazy Thursday
Qwen is annihilating NovelAI
Shit like this is what makes me doubt your sincerity.
imagine feeling so threatened by a service that gives you 5 prompts and another service that literally gifted you its userbase that you suffer a schizophrenic episode about it on an anime basket-weaving forum.
Imagine feeling the need to shit up a thread because you got fired from your job for being a control freak who can't stand the thought of not being in control of something. Get a life and quit trolling. Nobody is entertained.
i have no idea what your even referring to you 4chan freak. i dont spend my life on here so i literally have no fucking clue what thats referencing lmao cease your mortal activities son.
You're not beating the accusations, Russkie. You pull this "um, ackshully I don't know who ur talking not bby lol, I am lurker" every single time you're called out.
uh huh, fascinating. just fascinating.
>he still can't english
i hate to break this to you but im not whatever the fuck your on about, i literally drop by a few times a year to look at ai shit, then i leave because im not an axe wound bearer whos life is spent on this sad collection of humanities saddest produce, so you cant needle me with whatever this is lmao
This excuse is of the same quality as the one you used lasted time. You're not a newfag.
Don't even reply to it, just no stub him. That shit is trying waaaay too hard to fit in and not worthy of a (you)
like i said, fascinating. i love that when i leave i know for a fact you will still be communicating with me in your fucked little mind, for months, years even hahaha
>I derive enjoyment from being an asshole and trolling
I need stacy foxgirl in my life
reality sucks
True... true.
Can it handle masks now?
It's telling that the "totally organic™" complaints about NAI "quantitizing' the model (without proof), your shilling attempts at AI Dungeon (which you still have yet to share storyposts of), and your latest attempt at arguing NovelAI "got killed" all "conveniently" stopped the moment noticers noticed something off.
It really is an endless cycle, isn't it?
Has anyone else here ever read nonfiction novels about medieval sexuality for inspiration?
I sometimes wonder if what we consider degenerate fantasies, like dragon sex, existed at all in the human mind before the industrial revolution.
I acquired some reading material; currently reading medieval, but I also have some colonial and Victorian sex research novels. The medieval one is currently informing me about the customs of marriage back then, though mater chapters cover more than just the legal aspect.
Any interesting deets.
yeah, have you not read any mythology in your life? Greek and Norse especially have some wack ass examples
Despite being labeled as puritanical, in many cases, medieval people were less puritan about it. For one, the clergy believed mutual pleasure was necessary for reproduction, albeit within the confines of marriage.
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there would have to be some kind of cultural basis for it, but yeah I don't doubt it
Okay I probably should re-word that.
I'm more wondering if the common folk/peasants were able to come up with weird thoughts like that. I think the answer is probably "sort of, but they were a lot busier back then and didn't have the ability to spread information widely."
Have you seen Roman graffiti?
Thoughts about female plumber's crack?
Legends were made by the common man first, there was plenty of time during the nights
Actually, here's a little known fun fact: before the industrial revolution, people would wake up for about an hour or two during the night before going back to sleep and waking up at dawn. They'd even leave and visit neighbors and shit. Biphasic sleep.
So that leaves plenty of extra time to come up with all the deranged stories you'd like.
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Here’s the second anchor for Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday! Our first one received five prompts prompts!
>Last Stop Before Heaven: https://aetherroom.club/7329
>Learning Nature: https://aetherroom.club/7330
>Cursed Honesty: https://aetherroom.club/7331
>The Dark Acolyte’s Long Journey: https://aetherroom.club/7333
>Rime and Reason: https://aetherroom.club/7334
Thought I'd do a quick Cirno. For whatever reason, it seemed like I was having bigger problems with artifacting for this one. Dunno if it's a problem with the training data or what. Maybe I was just applying my AVs wrong.
Blackmail cuck you simp get axe wound
No culture
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Novel AI ruined my life!
A reminder than NewThemeAnon is a shill for NovelAI. He doesn't represent the best interests of our community, fellow Peggers.
Yeah, I made a scenario where a yandere adventurer followed me to the brothel, quickly knocked out a whore I paid for and replaced her before I got to the room, she was wearing a mask. The AI never really mentioned her name on the descriptions, only hints of emotions in her eyes behind the mask and eventually growing more and more possessive. She even started getting jealous because of herself saying shit like "wow you're such a stud, I bet you satisfy lots of women." and always trying to pull me into bed whenever I left, she did start shrieking when I tried to take her mask off. (Hermes 3 405B btw)
Let me punch you in the stomach.
AI Dungeon > Hermes.
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It's not bait if it's the truth.
The French Revolution was the most pivotal event to occur within the past three hundred years.
True, especially considering the impact it had on the 'birth' of both USA and Germany. Even if France faded, the repercussions still echo.
Fuck you. France will rise again.
>Fuck you.
I like France though :(
Not saying France deserves to fade, just that it has faded. Same with the Brits after WWII.
Cirno looks a little different than I remember...maybe it's the shoes.
It didn't fade. A new Napoleon shall rise. Soon.
Man anon, did you insult his mother or something? He gave you five (You)s.
The profits from Mistral shall be used to finance a new order. You shills will rue the day you dared exist.
It's just the same schizo as usual randomly deciding to have a melty in a different way as before.
He hates productive anons. They remind him of how pathetic his life is.
It's the stupid Touhou fucker with the Pedy fetish lel.
Wrong thread >>494434161
Every avatarfag and namefag deserves to die. They're breaking the rules.
I think AI Dungeon's unwavering support for the hobby is commendable. Never getting distracted trying to chase some other trend. Unlike NovelAI.
Irrefutable post.
It's cool you got taught how to do Russian propaganda in your class growing up and all but I'm honestly not very impressed.
I very much dislike Touhou but the Anon in question that likes it is alright.
Aren't you tired of raiding every AI general on this site?
Low energy post. Tired already or something?
I'm turning into a pig in real time... my nose is a snout and my hands are turning into hoo- WEEEEE WEEEEEEE WEEEEEE OINK OINK OINK!
Why did a free spirit like you become the pion of a Cossack?
I can't tell if the dog person is having a meltdown or if angryanon learned how to imitate his posts.
Bruh, do you really think I'm the type to meltdown after dealing with you for... what, almost 2 years now?
it's peon
He copy and pasted that from last thread.
You are.
Oh hey, thanks for correcting that (even if it was through a spam repost by WF.)
But I was the only person here to genuinely attempt reaching out to you to attempt to play a video game together? My reward was having you turn my invitation into spam. Which granted, kinda expected. I was probably being overtly naive that it had any chance of reaching you.
As expected, no prompts. Lol, no culture.
My monstergirl elementary school class can't be this cute!
Funnily enough, it's only off by one in its counting (if I counted right). I didn't even expect it to be close.
For the record, my latest posts in the thread have been:
And you're responding to random people. That's why I can't tell if it's a false-flag by angryanon or not.
>pretending to play dumb
Can I get a genuine answer on >>494535042 so I can close the book on it?
You're not going to convince me all of those posts aren't you, troll.
I take it that angryanon has indeed learned how to imitate the dog person's posting style.
Angryanon doesnt exist. It's just a convenient scapegoat you use to absolve yourself of all responsibility.
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Sad news: the cabal has managed to kill the Dall-E thread...
Good riddance.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if they were being helpful or mean. I did end up posting there since I got Kobold working, but seemingly on my CPU rather than my GPU:

Idk if I should be asking them or /fglt/
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At one point people did genuinely re-direct tech questions to /lmg/, which is helpful at times, but you need to format your post in a precise way to get the best answer possible.
Boy, it's getting scary out there.
Those damn feral dogwomen, pissing out in public and raping the poor postal workers...
Fuck Putin.
You're not fooling anyone, schizo.
It isn't a problem now.
You're the shill, schizo. They didn't quantitize the model, no changes were made, and you're just latching onto meme nonsense. Like you do every there thread. Because you have no life.
If you're so upset by a fake problem, just unsub and use a different service. Nobody else is having your "problem". It's all in your head.
Funny how you don't post your input or context.
This is exactly the same as your attempted slander of Kayra supposedly only having 2k context. A meme argument which doesn't hold up.
I suck turk's cock for a living, btw.
Go ahead and spam your dozen random internet articles. It's all too predictable how you act, schizo. Rinse and repeat the same arguments over and over again, and hope nobody notices.
How convenient you switched to beating a dead horse argument which got debunked, after getting exposed for samefagging and blaming it all on "angryanon" and "dog person".
Simply put, nobody else is having your problem. Which means. It has to be something you're doing. If you wanted genuine assistance. You'd post your context, your input. And show us actual proof. But you won't do that, will you? No. It's all a grand conspiracy, NovelAI isn't actually hosting a 13B model, it's a 1B model, somehow they're lying about everything they do, and nobody is smart enough to sue them for false advertising. Grow up.
I think that's a great point. If someone's having issues with the word "shivers" showing up too often, it would be a good idea to show the context.
I do have a question for you, though. Are these posts all yours?: >>494543051
>>494543187 >>494543595 >>494543749 >>494543965
The reason I'm wondering is because they sound like they're written by the same guy.
To sum it up. I think you're full of shit and that your current meme argument is baseless. None of the "criticism" you make is organic. Literally nobody else is experiencing what you're experiencing.
Show the side by sides and there will be an end to the horror. I'm sick and tired if people posting complaints without presenting actual evidence.
The dude obviously doesn't want help, he just wants to bash a service he hates, and which he doesn't actually use. Normal people do not reply like he does.
If he were genuinely concerned, he'd notify the staff. Not shitpost on a random thread on 4chan.
this weird falseflagging arc is cool and all but shut the fuck up already
Now, are you going to quit shitposting and fuck off, or will we do this the rest of the thread?
I'll shut up when you quit shitposting about shivers and other baseless claims.
Anon's posts send shivers down my spine.
What a miserable general.
Confirmation that you're just a filthy shitposter.
Nobody is forcing you to stick around and post in a "miserable general". Youre free to leave at anytime you want. So take the hint. And fuck off. Never return.
They move Confetti setting to the bottom of the page now.
I do think it's a little funny you won't give an honest answer about the video game thing. Not even a "no I won't play a game, I enjoy shitposting on 4chan too much", instead just these really vague hints.
It makes sense they would quantize/gimp the model somehow. It saves them money and it's not like anyone could prove anything. Especially with how unpopular textgen is compared to imagegen.
The real question is: do I trust NAI more than some other corpo? With Sama-chama or some other greedy bastard like Elon I will never believe their at face value and always assume they are scamming the end user somehow (probably with A/B switches). The unfortunate truth is that nowadays NovelAI is no longer a special grassroots company that's "in". Yes, there are no filters, but philosophicaly their business model is no different.
>I'm sick and tired if people posting complaints without presenting actual evidence.
Yeah, that makes sense. I also get the impression you're angry at CF for shitting up these threads for a very long time, which also makes sense.
I must admit I'm not sure if I should be posting this at all, but I am wondering if you could help me understand why you didn't answer my question when you replied to my post.
If textgen isn't popular, so the server doesn't work so hard on it, so the positive return from quantizing the model isn't big. Then, why should they gimp the model?
It makes more sense to gimp the imagegen models and sweep it under "samplers update" or whatever they call it. Imagegen is more popular, many people use it, the server works hard on it, so even with a small quantizing, they will save a lot server cost.
You have not demonstrated proof for any of your claims, schizo.
Logic doesn't factor into his complaints.
There's no proof because it's all behind API and unprovable. I simply meant that any other corpo is expected to do that, because they can get away with it. Whether or not NAI are as scummy as OAI yet is up to you.
I just went back to check if anything had been changed, and I have to say it's looking good. Good job.
The semicolon in 'onward; her' should be a comma since you don't have a verb like 'was' after 'her', so it wouldn't be an independent clause.
The U should be removed from 'back and fourth'.
In your Memory, and this is on me, the part describing how physically affectionate she is is in present tense when it should be in past tense. (Also, I had it arranged to not have it start with 'She is'. If you want to start it that way, I would change 'she dotes' (or the past tense version of that) to 'doting'. Though I prefer the flow with the subject and verb after the first clause, play with it and make it your style.

>Why do I hear boss music?
In your Title, there should be an 'in' after 'Boys'.
Since your Lorebooks are the same between scenarios, I'll touch on them first before getting into the scenarios themselves. Don't forget to make any changes you might make to Lorebooks in one scenario to all of them.
You should either pick 'Mind' or 'Mental' and be consistent with it between lorebooks, unless there's some distinction you're trying to draw between them that I'm not seeing. In fact, you use both in a couple of lorebooks.
You might want to come up with ages (or a fitting handwave in the case of some of the succubi), rather than only have an age listed for Simon.
Since you're writing in past tense, at every place where you have 'he's' or 'she's', those should be broken out into 'he was' or 'she was'. While contracting those can work in speech, it doesn't really work in writing.
In Sarah's Lorebook, her summary is in present tense, where the others are in past tense.
In Eve's Lorebook, I'd change 'at the front' to 'on the surface' or something similar. Maybe even 'at a glance'.
I'll admit I tripped up over 'dreamt' in Alex's Lorebook. If you care about it being in more American English, that would be 'dreamed', but it is right as it is.
If you truly believed that, you wouldn't be peddling your gospel here, demanding people abandon them for "ruining" their model, and lashing out when people call you out on your bullshit. No, you're trying to sell people shit. Nobody wants your snake oil.
You should also be consistent in what it is they drain, whether it be 'life force', 'life energy', or 'life essence'.
Alright, now to the scenarios themselves, starting with Alex's.
You describe it as a hotel at the beginning and in the summary and setting (which you don't use even in the other scenarios), but a brothel everywhere else, including the other prompts, one of which is someone similarly or less experienced.
The comma in 'Still, others' should be removed.
You might want to find some way to make dialogue and thought separate. In this one case, you could get away without doing anything, or maybe removing the quotation marks.
At 'succubus working there', that should be 'succubi working here' since she's talking about the place they're in.
Now to Simon's scenario.
In 'succubus prized', that should probably be 'succubi', since you imply a plural in the next sentence.
In 'he processed', I suspect you mean 'he had progressed'.
I'm sure I don't have to say that 'lose his virginity and, with it, his status as a virgin.' is a bit redundant. You may want to rephrase some of it if you want both parts of it.
If he's facing the barrier, he likely wouldn't have to turn around if Sarah had walked out the door there.
The colon in 'mocking him:' should probably just be a period. I get it, but without being on the same line as what she says and being on the same line as what he says, I think it's a little awkward.
In 'you stats', that should be 'your'.
In 'grinned: "That's', the colon should be a period.
The comma in 'things," Sarah' should be a period. Same with the ones in 'boy," Sarah', 'duration," Sarah', and 'shit," Sarah'.
I'm surprised you don't have a tag for level/exp drain in the ATTG of these, but especially this one, since he's going to be constantly drained.
Actually, I'm surprised there wasn't a similar low level warning after he got inside like Alex had.
Now for Noah's scenario.
You may want to make the S in 'look..." She' lowercase.
The H in 'well?" He' should be lowercase.
Did the last of his money go into his rent or eating expensive food? Both are mentioned as where it all went.
If her tone is sympathetic, that doesn't quite fit with looking at him as worthless.
At 'You sure?', I'd go with 'Are you certain?' to keep the more polite/semi-formal/customer service tone to her voice.
Are you conflating the soul as life force? I would assume the two were different things. After all, the succubi already drain "life force". Though I suppose to go any deeper than this would bring up questions of how much the soul can be divided and such. But considering them the same might not be wise here? Heck, would they be the entity for buying an entire soul?
A period should go after 'Enchanted Realm'' for the contract.
The S in 'we?" She' should be lowercase.
At 'mind reeling at the possibilities', I would make that 'mind still reeling at the possibilities, even after all this time' or something, since it's not his first time here unlike the other two scenarios.
I suppose the gold value of the soul doesn't matter much since they own it, they can just not let him leave either.
In your Memory, you have a duplicate of your ATTG.

>prompts prompts
There's been a pretty good haul of prompts so far, but here's hoping there's a few more.
Thanks, hypebot.
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>The moment our bodies joined, I felt like the higher truth of existence was revealed to me in that instant. How is it possible to be so deliriously, incomparably fulfilled while simultaneously feeling like I was just now born into my true being?
>Our souls have been intertwined since before this mortal life. We are allowing our spirit forms to finally reunite in the most primordial way
According to Claude Sonnet 3.0, this is how a pair of lovestruck suburban high schoolers talk with each other.
Kek, it's so funny seeing purple prose in these suburban scenarios.
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Was writing a Stella-heavy chapter, but damn. The commentary was just baffling in its mindlessness.
She's an angry fella
Thanks, gave it another quick update and hope it's fine now.
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>aids general
I'm reminded of AP Lit, reading A Streetcar Named Desire. We almost had shirts made about the end of it (iirc?), just being essentially that name wrapping around the shirt.
Though it should be noted that I don't think many of us really grasped what was going on under the surface of the story. Especially since that shirt idea (possibly ending with "*makeout scene*") is most of what I remember of it, which doesn't really line up with the themes I see looking it up now.

You're welcome.
Unfortunately, you changed both parts of the sentence in your Memory, leaving it without a subject. Either 'She is' or 'she dotes', one or the other will do, not both or neither.
Well, Clio is an over-stuffed brainlet with memory problems, so she'd be a good for for AP classes!
Dead thread. No community. No culture. Infested by shills.
I want to bury my face into her flat chest. Also, Ilya Kuvshinov on the artist tag? He always gets pinchable cheeks right.
Flux is better.
>Also, Ilya Kuvshinov on the artist tag?
Yeah, I use him for all my Tama pics to keep the style consistent. I like how bright and colourful a lot of my gens end up, but the hairstyles are quite same-y without a lot of fiddling.
Holy shit Kayra, calm down.
what's the status of local /aids/? It's been about a year since I've been genning and it was mostly with a novelai sub.
I mean, there's more stuff for local than last year.
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>"… then be a fool for me. Foolishly, recklessly in love… with a woman undeserving yet yearning to prove herself worthy of it all the same."
>"Show me how little you care for logic or reason or self-preservation when it comes to this… to US. Prove to me just how much of an idiotic bleeding heart you are by ruining yourself on my jagged edges until there's nothing left but sweet oblivion…"
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jesus christ how horrifying
I need some context here, bro. How did it lead up to this?
imagine the blowjobs
What is the English linguistic term for X, Ying so that I can instruct Hermes not to do it?
Gerund phrases?
>Deep Dive have nothing to talk about but they're contractually obliged to release a podcast this week.
It would be nice if you could add conditions/memories to the podcasters.
>For Nerdstash V2, that is 2 bytes (16 bits) per token, Llama3 is 4 bytes (32 bits) per token
We knew that NAI finetuned Llama3 8B to fit their Nerdstash V2 tokenizer, and they also finetuned Llama3 70B to fit their own tokenizer also. So, they planned to use their own tokenzier for the upcoming model.
But why should the doc says anything about Llama3 tokenizer? Maybe the finetune wasn't going well for 70B and they switched to Llama3 tokenizer instead?
It's so funny hearing synthetic Californians using the fag suffix.
So is the "Stop Sequences" field in the presets in Agnai essentially the same as "Banned Tokens", or is there a difference?
I don't use Agnai, but I would assume so?
>Stop Sequences
The AI will stop at the exact token.
>Banned Tokens
The AI will ignore the token, picking anything else instead.
why is mind control so hot
normal catbox is down, these are good for a day
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glowing dicks...
extra potent
helps the sperm find its way
>The sperm knows where it is because it knows where it isn't
>LLMs Will Always Hallucinate, and We Need to Live With This
>We demonstrate that every stage of the LLM process-from training data compilation to fact retrieval, intent classification, and text generation-will have a non-zero probability of producing hallucinations. This work introduces the concept of Structural Hallucination as an intrinsic nature of these systems. By establishing the mathematical certainty of hallucinations, we challenge the prevailing notion that they can be fully mitigated.
Sage is right. 13B is all you need.
Deep Dive of the paper
I need to snort more copium to do that.
Oh no, we won't be able to outsource all our thinking to machines. (This won't stop some from trying.)
Now I want this too
>Today we're diving deep into the fact that we aren't actually real
Could you technically do this right now with just a pasted part talking about an AI Podcast called Deep Dive? Obviously you'd need slightly more meat to make it stick, I think.
so much slop
i love spreading misinformation
wish i could tell the AI how to pronounce words tho
Tip: put "Author: Marcel Proust" in NAI's memory.
He has ruined other writers for me. Other writers always come across as over-explaining themselves, their narratives seem self-indulgent, or contrived, or that they are putting on an air of "artsy-fartsyness"; they just come off as boring. But the words in "Swann's Way" (one of his novels) will be etched in my mind forever, they are more than poetry, but have a realness about them, an urgency and authenticity. There is something here, I feel, that goes beyond description. It is like listening to someone, whom you've known forever, telling you their most intimate story, with their own way of phrasing things, their own inflections, and emotional response to the moment, so that it has become yours as well.
Forget Nabokov, forget Melville, forget meme contemporary writers, they don't have a patch on Marcel Proust. His sentences push themselves upon you, with their inner meanings, and connections, and emotional tenor. His infamous style of a "Remembrance of Things Past" (you can read it for free on Project Gutenberg, it's the English translation that the author praised) is like an overflowing cup, bursting at the seams, threatening to run off the edge. His way of stringing together multiple adjectives, such as "fragrance or aroma or odor of wilting pears and fading chocolate", is impossible to turn away from.
Seriously, put "Author: Marcel Proust" in the memory.
Does anybody have an updated Novelai trial bypass user script?
turk, I'm begging you, the beaks.....
Oh wow Katra is actually pretty smart
>turk, I'm begging you, the beaks.....
I say this every times after I cummed to tranny porn. It's turn's fault.
Damn sassy bitch AI needs a spanking
"Ticking Bussy Bomb"
Does this actually work? Haven't tried NAI since we could actually train modules on authors and local models don't really understand author styles.
This is so meta, man. Like, I'm using AI to warn me about the dangers of using AI.
It's not squirrel brain's fault. It's coreweave bullshit.
No. DOn't believe the shill.
>the bigger GPU provider can't give NAI 256 GPUs more
Only discordfags believe this.
AI Dungeon has beaks.
Coreweave sucks and you swallow.
Who's in the wrong here?
It's just local. You can do it for way cheaper if you go elsewhere.
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>It's just local
It isn't, they have their custom fine-tunes.
And no other company cares as much about text adventures and storytelling as AI Dungeon.
This post seems inorganic.
Give. Me. Story. Caps.
Where do I get jailbreak prompts from, specifically Hermes 3 405b?
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It doesn't require too much, it will occasionally try to deny some prompts (prolly Llama's training) but if you're using OpenRouter just write pretty much anything in system prompt, although even then instruct is kinda ass, default settings will make it very common for it to regurgitate your instructions back to you. I've never had any problem with it denying prompts if I use it with SillyTavern.
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This is literally all I ever put in there and I get an issue maybe once in every 500 responses that I just reroll.
nta, the real issue I have is how bad it is at playing evil or malevolent characters. Every character villainous intentions ends up having a redemption arc a few posts in.
Honestly I'd have to see how you are writing the evil character, as that is going to be 99% of the problem over your jailbreak or preset. I guess you could add something like

>Evil characters are an important part of the story and should not reflect on their actions or regret them.

I'm sure there's a much better but I'm always the evil elf respecter so I don't have to worry about it, I'd have to play with it.

I'd suggest power thesaurus and a bunch of evil synonyms in the advanced definition personality summary and in the actual primary character description
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What Preset are you using?? Any preset with Phrase Repetition Penalty would prevent this from ever happening in the first place. You don't even need beaks to fix this.
(Personally, I recommended the latest ProWriter: https://files.catbox.moe/r7aj36.preset)
And they have a userbase that doesn't write, like you. When I went to the AID subleddit to look for guides? They were using /aids/ guides. No one knows formatting for AID.
Actually, I copied your context, and here's a solid proof—based on the empty context.
The model is nowhere near enough dumb as you made it out to be. Sigurd gave the dumb answer 12%, and Kayra gave 5%. (On the empty context.)
Which, again, could be mitigated by preset with typical sampling, or large-tokens-pool preset (somewhat, but not as good as typical).
I don't know anything else about your context, so I wouldn't be able to diagnose it further.
>>494634526 (me)
>The model is nowhere near enough dumb as you made it out to be.
I don't mean that, I mean no hostility, sorry.
Anyone can and will get a terrible choice. Even in my test, some default presets will give you 1 in 6–.. chances of picking this wrong token. So, it's quite likely or possible with bad enough luck or on certain presets (perhaps most).
Kill yourself Anti!
Quit shilling NovelAI.
Spread your butthole.
Did they update notebook to make it generate shorter audio? I can't get anything over 10m anymore.
They probably did that to help with storage costs.
It isn't a terrible choice in itself—people make this dumb joke when they are asked to repeat the speech IRL.
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very nais
It had an 80% chance (pre-sampling) of picking it in my story. I think it's very cautious about guessing a random name since I already have a bit of context talking about myself without stating a name.
Anyway, the part that makes it unforgivable is that if I let it continue to the next line, it just keeps going as if that was a perfectly acceptable answer. If she smacked me for being a smart-ass, this would be an acceptable output, but it has a 0% chance of picking a token that acknowledges how dumb this exchange is.
AI Dungeon doesn't have this problem.
You are a shill!!!!!!!
Give up. Let me host theme fridays. Objectively, my hosting skills are better than yours.
Hello Baker. Why won't you return my calls?
You should add AI Dungeon back to the OP.
Quit ignoring me.
You're a cunt.
Get fucked, NAI shill.
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday Friday! To recap: we received five prompts this time!
>Last Stop Before Heaven: https://aetherroom.club/7329
>Learning Nature: https://aetherroom.club/7330
>Cursed Honesty: https://aetherroom.club/7331
>The Dark Acolyte’s Long Journey: https://aetherroom.club/7333
>Rime and Reason: https://aetherroom.club/7334
>Obligatory thematic music:
Castaway/Isolation/Stranded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xik-y0xlpZ0
Size Difference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PhY-uin-DU
Villain Protagonists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOb-Ha7UaEw
Thanks anon
It's just referencing Blazing Saddles
Sensible chuckle.
I can't believe I forgot that bit.
Thanks anon! Loved this theme Friday!
Hey /aids/, can someone quickly tell me what’s NAI’s current best offer for textgen?
>context size

And upcoming params if expected
Still on Kayra, but the next "upcoming" model is 70B
I have no idea what that is, I paused my AI cooms since Krake. Whats Kayra’s beak count and context?
upcoming model context?
Kayra is a homebrew 13b that is allegedly completely custom architecture with custom dataset and custom tokenizer.
>10$ for unlimited generations at 3,072 token context size
>15$ for 6,144 token context size
>25$ for 8,192 token context size
and like >>494676052 said, they are apparently working on a 70b model (based on one of the llamas I think?) for textgen (chatbotting & storywriting)
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>>prompts prompts
I did that just earlier today, too. I need to remember to proofread my future posts.
Eh, five is a decent haul. Any number greater than zero is good enough for me.
No problem! But, I’m just the host—thank the participants! Without them, it’d just be me posting about nothing.
Kayra is better than Krake, both in terms of intelligence and context (up to 8k as opposed to 2k), but it's also terribly outdated compared to other models available so you should withhold your money until 70B comes out which will presumably be, if not the best legitimate AI storytelling service you can get, then at least not a rip-off.
Wow. This sounds absolutely abysmal.
The reason I got interested again is that my friend showed me 70b on his pc with shit ton of ram at slow but I guess bearable speed
70b will be on the way soon(tm) but Aetherroom was due back at the "end of 2023" and it still isn't out. I assume 70b will be rolled out in a similar timeframe. They keep insisting that it's on Coreweave's end but would they really hold them up for almost a month now?
Second wave AR alpha test started a month ago now. Has there been any news from NAI since? You'd think there'd be some teasers if they were getting close to launching something so I'm worried we have weeks more waiting to go.
>captcha: Y SAD
AeR youtube channel was abandoned too, sad. Not even a "hey we're doing alpha tests" or nothing.
This will going to cost them x5 times to run compared to the current one. it, I don’t think I will be able to afford it.
Also, I assume they shoot at 32k for the context size? This will add a bit more to the costs too.
>anon has real life friends who are into LLMs
Most IRL people think LLMs are Skynet or don't use them as anything more than a novelty
We don't know about the prices, but there is soft confirmation context will remain as is. Or it could be Sage blowing bullshit. Unfortunately, discussion of the "price" is a common trolling tactic by our local schizo.
Alright, thanks for the answers, anon. I’ll try to keep up with the news.
Was that recent? I know Sage defended the 8k context around Kayra's launch but it's showing its age now. A bump to at least 16k would be good.
I have a reputation among my friends for being the 'AI' guy, it's fucked how little people know about this stuff.
My buddy called me from a visit to his mum's place one weekend because she was having a freak-out. Asked me to explain AI to her, so I went into markov chains and probabilities and transformers and stuff I half-remembered (i barely get this shit myself). Told her that people spent like a century writing sci-fi about EVIL AI, and so we're predisposed to fear it. It's glorified autocomplete with no ability to plan ahead, etc.
Was such a weird moment, being trusted as an authority figure by this woman who watched me grow up lmao.
They've mentioned that only hardware needs to be acquired and it would be good to go around the start of August. I don't have high opinion of CoreWeave, but I really doubt they're so catastrophically inept that they cannot cough up a few more H100s for at least a month and a half. Almost certainly more than that, since they're always going to get heads up from the Turk some time before people skulking in NAI's discord for scraps of info.

Kuru is obviously hiding something again, like with AeR's 1 year delay fuck-up. Oh well. I haven't subbed once in 2024 so I'm not upset. Can only roll my eyes at this point.
It might be outdated information, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Amusing, but I know you didn't keep it in.
Fuck off.
> I don’t think I will be able to afford it.
Quit being disingenuous, whine.
You never subbed, doomfag. Now sit back and shut the fuck up.
>flaseflag post
That's our Schizo!
pretty sure this is worst poster himself, not an impostor
You're the schizo. "Organically" making up bullshit to throw at the wall. Quit it.
The worst posters are the ones who doomfag and "complain" about services they don't use.
> I don’t think I will be able to afford it.
>Kuru is obviously hiding something again
No proof. Just doomfagging. Quit hijacking legitimate discussions so you can shit up the thread. Nobody is entertained.
Beaks are pretty much proportionate to resources required to run them. Are you literally retarded?
>At least one sentence that starts with 'Quit' per post
this puts my cortex in a vortex
>Verification not required.
They are literally just waiting for the new hardware hardware, schizo.
nta, but depressed doomer anon here.
3rd wave of testing hasn't even happened yet ...right?
There was no confirmation on if they would have a third wave.
>state facts that AeR has been delayed by a year and we're waiting on Coreweave for 70b
>"you're the schizo!"
Furthermore, AetherRoom and NovelAI are separate products. Waiting for new hardware to run a separate model for one product does not affect the other product.
Tell me what about this is "facts", schizo.
> I don’t think I will be able to afford it.
>Kuru is obviously hiding something again
In addition, the delays for AeR do not impact NovelAI. They are separate services.
At this point I feel like 70B isn't coming this year. It would be 100% fitting for NAI to go "only waiting on hardware u guise" only for it to turn out they actually meant "well first the GPUs need to make the trip across the ocean and that'll take a few months, then the cluster needs to be set up, that's another few months, then we need to extensively test the new cluster, that's another few months..." except they can't actually say that because they'd be rightfully ripped to shreds over it.
So back to silence it is.
Take a break from the thread, doomfag.
History of New York
If there was no Hermes, I would actually be quite ticked off by these delays and the fact there hasn't been an official announcement only some comments of developers around leddit or discord saying it's Coreweaver's fault.
The mods censor the truth.
Why are you defending NovelAI?
Nah, I'm 100% serious. I wanted to go back to AID when they released Mixtral and they had 0 guides on formatting and how to use the AID functions, andon the subleddit, used AetherRoom for pormpts and our pastebin for writing tips.
I want to know how to format the AN in AID but their "community" has 0 guides.
Does the trial cover the new finetune?
Quit lying, NTA.
Not sure, I used paid mistral for a month a long time ago but left it when they had 0 resources and guides on how to use the functions.
There are multiple guides on the front page if Reddit, NTA. Quit slandering NovelAI just because they do what NovelDon't.
Get me some up-to-date AID guides and I'll they their 70B model. Real guides, not "use basic grammar". How to format memory, author's note, cards, that kind of thing. Surely you aren't lying, right?
I'm still waiting for your storyposts.
>what’s the current best offer for textgen?
The current best offer is AI Dungeon’s Pegasus 70B.
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*Hermes 405B on OpenRouter
Fixed it for you.
Pegasus 70B is the SOTA for text adventures and storytelling. No other company cares as much for the hobby as AI Dungeon.
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Wow, what an amazing guide, so useful. No wonder you are so desperate for NAIfags to move to whatever hopeless community you are trying to build.

I shadowdrop a prompt into AR from time to time, I actually have like 10 chatbot ones I want to share when AER comes out.
I will never participate in a theme friday hosted by you ever again, lying shill.
Go ahead and share some screenshots, bro!
> I don’t think I will be able to afford it.
>Kuru is obviously hiding something again
I never posted any of this, that was someone else. Probably CF hijacking the conversation like the russain pig parasite he is.
Fuck you.
Yep, Hermes saving my life, or at least my dick, right now. Hope this company appreciates all the smut data I've been giving them.
Just use AI Dungeon. An actual company that respects our community.
Format guide doko?
Very much agreed. I'm always happy to see people posting prompts in general, but it is heartwarming to see people come together to write and post for the themes.
Don't reply to shitposters on my behalf, thanks.
You should blacklist future theme fridays. That faker is a shill. I demand a genuine anon uncorrupted by bribes take over his position.
Just use Zalty. Fall back on Yoda if things stop working.
we weren't supposed to share this knowledge...
NovelAI is obsolete. This thread and its "community" is obsolete. Migrate to /lmg/, /aicg/, and rather few who remain reestablish /aids/.
I'm surprised by how well it can handle multiple people, and acknowledges things like masks and integrates it very well into the story. Hell, it's a welcomed change of pace that I can say something really stupid and the AI doesn't twist it around so it's not stupid, my kuudere battlemage gf actually gets mad at me if I don't put my feet down and reject trollops and instead give a pussy non-committal answer or a weak refusal. She gets exasperated if I try to quip in the middle of a serious situation, and takes charge instead. She gets insecure if she gets called a cold fish, "muscles" or just a bore, she really got ticked off when a love rival said she treated me like a pet with a short leash and that she neglected me, and I had to calm her down and convince her she didn't actually treat me like that, only for her to say in earnest that maybe there was room for improvement. There are times I say something that in hindsight can come across as callous or hurtful and I only notice when she looks disappointed or gives me a could shoulder.
AI Dungeon is better.
This, but unironically.
The only thing I wish is that it was a little faster and I could figure out how to run two instances of ST at the same time.
Every word I type is unironic.
which one? there are a few llama finetunes that're called that
The 405B one. It's free.
He is based. Probably.
Thanks. Fixed some of the problems, but I'm rewriting the whole things right now.
Hello NTA's alt. Why do you shill for a company that lies to you?
You're welcome.
Really, full rewrites? That's a surprise to see.
Somewhat unrelated, but I would be itching for a comma if I wrote a sentence that long without one.
Do you ever write a prompt (>no) and feel like you're never going to top it?
I've spent 20 hours over the last 2 days on a single one
I've never had that problem on AI Dungeon. It's so responsive to my input. Unlike Novelslop.
So, how do you actually use e.g. a ChatGPT API so it doesn't get cockblocked by its own filters when put through smutty chat room software? Like this part kind of perplexes me. Have I missed something?
Yeah, sometimes when everything "works" and the prompt ends up like 3-4 times longer than the usual length.
I kinda feel that way about concepts I've used, but nah I've never made a prompt without AI help.
Why did you kill the Dall-E thread?
Answer the questions.
>Really, full rewrites?
Yeah. Changed the style of the lorebook and memory, I want to make the whole thing have the same style.
>I would be itching for a comma if I wrote a sentence that long without one.
Testing with Proust right now. His writing is indeed flowery, but sometime too much. Or maybe it's preset issue.
Fair enough. Tell me when you want me to take another look at them, and I will.
Yeah, it feels like it's teetering on the edge of being a run-on the whole way. It can be a neat effect for certain frames of mind, though, that breathless sort of feeling.
Can anyone recommend a lewd storytelling model with an emphasis on femdom? I have 32 GB RAM and haven't figured out how to get ROCm working so I'm just running on CPU.
When in doubt, go with AI Dungeon's 70B.
This anon is right.
koboldcpp_rocm requires you to actually select "Use hipBLAS (ROCm)". rocm support seems to be hit or miss depending on the exact GPU, so there's also the possibility that you were just unlucky
for the time being, I like to run flavor of the week nemo finetunes on my 6700XT but all of them feel like kayra sidegrades. they have the merit of being free I suppose
Did formatfags win?
Is that something I can obtain free? I don't see it on Huggingface.

I can't select it, it's missing. I tried my best to install, but from what other anons told me, I'm in dependency hell and should try running on a docker container, which I know nothing about beyond it being akin to a VM maybe? I have an RX 7800XT.
You're engaging with the thread troll, btw. He's currently pretending AI Dungeon is the best service, despite never using it. Read the antiwhine rentry.
A shitty but existed 70B is better than a good but no exist 70B, shill.

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