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MEN like this. WOMEN like this. (You) like this.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114 (Cross-thread)

Previous: >>494431550
rava here~~
More slutty sphene please
Sex with catgirls
beep boop moonie online
I agree
mentally it's still femlala friday....
sex with male middies
my goopnose is losing the will to exist
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Post it.
Your pvp enemy's initials, and why you hate them so.
I told you, not until marriage
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You know what that means right?
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>sex with male middies
I do not have enemies, only rivals who I want to plap in the middle of the field.
Im not clingy if I start to feel pain when they havent messaged me back in 3 minutes, right?
H.K. because he still strikes fear into my heart.
shocking lack of male characters at LB currently
at least take me out to dinner and cuddle first.
cc doko
stop being wholesome!! im hornyposting here!!
I am so very alone
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currently have a massive crush on the buppy hrothgar ninja at lb14 but he doesn't know who I am teehee
>want to go to the lb14
>realize I have no one to idle with
>will be seen as a loser if I just stand around alone

it's so over
Post a screenshot of what/who you're doing right now
You are clingy as fuck, that's not healthy
I shant, I live for being wholesome
need clingy eb like this
more femboys getting fucked please
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i do that all the time because i have no friends either
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queue CC 5:45

unless you're really focused on who your team's targeting it's fairly hard to tell what cooldowns your team has up
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LB14 is full of schizos anyways.
Go to better areas like Old Sharlayan.
My malezen does this most of the time and its fine. Just come and hang out if you really want to bwo
do it so you can afk and occasionally alt tab to something interesting and then go back to workmaxing
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I got my mount so I'm queueing down. That's one less
in queue. Thanks for the games and calls.
When I was trying to hornypost back you didn't like it and called me a fake male middie, it's your fault, now keep getting wetter as I talk about marriage and keep edging you
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Sex with Y'shtola after a nice day reading in our large estate's library while watching the rain fall outside and sipping tea.
haha fuckin loser

haha fuckin loser
are we at least watching Alien during/after?
No, I don't want to boos their ego.
Chomp and munch, chew and crunch!
There's a lot here to destroy
Inch by inch, it's a cinch
Bringing down this big ol' boy!
just stand around with your gock out and bitches will hop on
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waiting for msq to pop so I can fill my 2 level quota for the day
unfortunately not filled with bunny splooge tonight
give me your mare NOW
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>face 3
EB me
having friends in this game is a huge red flag
>get to know melf
>we hang out, vibe really well
>we try out erping
>they get clingy and reveal they are a fujo irl
>my attraction is gone
every fucking time
we need a god damn cock verification system in this game
Wanna...get a hug and emotional support?
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thanks for the calls, i'm also queueing down
No one ACTUALLY cares where you stand or how many people are standing with you, at least no one with a brain anyway, even thinking about it is retarded
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you talk the talk but i know you can't walk the walk
Okay but I'm going in raw and cumming inside, no protection
you can idle next to me if you want to.
am alone (on purpose)
Its not that bad if I refresh my friends list every 5-15 minutes to see where they are, is it?
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this post has been brought to you be the zero thread credittor
I love femezen so much it's unreal
good night bros
That's a liiiiittle excessive but I'm kinda the same way so I get it.
>PLD in friendlies
this is basically like picking meta knight in friendlies
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I once watched a Sfia stream, only because he was playing one of my favorite games: a puzzle game called The Witness. He got stuck on a puzzle and cheated his way past it. Then he got stuck on another puzzle, got mad about it, and quit the stream in frustration.

It came as no surprise when I found out later that he 1) cheats at FFXIV raiding, and 2) misleads and cheats on women. That's who he is: a frustrated, inconsiderate buffoon who won't stop cheating because he can't cope with anything.
molly makes me cum so hard its not healthy
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>missed queue
Eh, I need 5-minute break anyways.
do you like rava+
someone compliment my CC skills NOW
>MNK in friendlies
this is basically like picking little mac in friendlies
I don't have MARE BRO.
I love face 3 femras too bro but she has to go into hibernation so you'd be EBing a farce...
yes after, but if its alien: resurrection or AVP, during
actually she is a gutenose
I want these FUCKS DEAD when I q against them
Just winding down for the night
Stand next to a random person and target them and don't say a word
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Good night /xivg/
Kill yourself tranny
ultimate littlemac is dogshit
Okay but what if I EB you because
I'm quite fond of you regardless
all bunnies are precious and should fill my womb to the brim,,
Get Meteodrived, idiot.
>RPR in friendlies
this is basically being a friendless school shooter in friendlies
I am a very drunk EU anon, needing something to do my 4chan autists. Chomp and munch is goat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siK4Z2huu80
do it anyway, no one cares just pick someone cute and idle nearish to them but not RIGHT next to them to make them weirded out
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>queue for origenics
>Think its cool that we have a hype final dungeon that isnt just the main antagonists backstory for the 4th time in a row
>implying you've seen all my hidden assets
I'm impressed, honestly. Your CC skills are amazing, I could count on you if I was ever planning on going in with a premade
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You know what's crazy
3rd time...
wanna what
this but with atomic helion
My pvp enemy is some guy in a gold frog suit who keeps going out of their way to sweep my corpse
there's always a level cap story dungeon you big dummy..
You're better than jizzda.
Petting the crab riding lala
Pumping between Essi's fat boobs and blowing a load all over her face as she tries and fails to avert her eyes in lust and shame
Golbez counts and you know it
Why did Speen make Living Memory and increase energy consumption exponentially when she couldve just made living memory in the digital world and a mix of Alexandria and have everyone live there instead?
Is she stupid?
I wish someone would say this about me
This. Huj can go eat a dick.
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y-you too
I wasn't even considering the patch dungeons at all
Origenics is just purple ktisis hyperborea too
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I have no enemies.
just stand with one of the sluts and occasionally join content while posting your character sometimes and eventually you will bee one of us
not wrong, unfortunately
Holy... I hear you but I'd only eb for items and I flee from anonymous confrontation so excuse me while I run away. Apologies.
I want to pet all these cute cats but I'm a nobody..
I'm your enemy now
You've really been killing it lately too you know, it was a pleasure to queue up with you
i liked The Looker
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shower and sleep perhaps
no i am
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queue CC 9:00
he also deleted that vod afterwards out of shame. iirc he mentioned that he would make people who applied to tps do puzzles and other retarded shit like that to assess them too.
I wish someone would say this about me
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Can we go to the zoo and get dippin dots after we try to kill each other?
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Kind words anon
i'm blushing anon wtf...
even if it's just a meme that means a lot so thanks
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Everyone is my pvp enemy except for >>494439878
my footless wife
I only have cc crushes from here
i was hoping to hold hands and stuff after we're done fighting...
my moony? he is kinda like this
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>Enter Origenics
>Doors slam shut behind me
>Lights turn red
>Robot tentacles suddenly lift and and tie be to a slab
>Ceiling opens up
>Massive saw begins to descend
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What the... but I'm winding down for the night. That's an illegal move
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which one of you CC guys is this
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anyone who presses the "Push the crystal" ping
it is literally never helpful
If you unironically play PLD in /xivg/ friendlies I'd be happy to see you slit your wrists
Never stand with the group, stand far away, in the shadows. Don't contribute to any conversations. They will think that you are cool and mysterious..

You are the lone wolf and they are your prey....
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post them regardless.
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Enemy Team.
They're the enemy team.
returning to the soil
I press push the crystal when we're getting backdoored
>You are the lone wolf
calm thyself, incelzen
That makes my bussy wet.
more people would be happy to see you slit yours :)
>le friendlies
you first
Push the crystal and I won't press push the crystal.
you should wipe better
they will never find his body, but they will smell it for weeks
i can smell you all the way from over here
I forgot how to play MNK
Lizzy Lostheart
Fibblit Tandywine
Mona Slater
Charlotte Bellveil
Inquistor Valtrois
Talienne Arliss
Mira Nicotera
You're a breeding facility??
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I will cut you down my enemy.
You can wipe it with your tongue.
Is that the play when multiple people on the enemy team are just diving hard into your own base? I'm always unsure on what to prioritize during that.
Just did the Malboro guildhest and it's the first time fighting something where I had to care about the status effects. The tank face tanked the breath and got 6 or 8 debuffs, and I've just now learned I have to Esuna each one separately. Wow is that horrible.
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I shan't be joining, but I wish you three tons of excellent rounds. Don't forget to have fun
going to bed
I miss when CC with the thread was mostly at the meetups instead of daily, people didn't act like faggots as much.
>the list grew
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>"B. is for BBC, right? Like, thats what we all agree on? Yeah? Okay. *unpauses video*"
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If you would please consult the image.
need a viera to slap her nuts against my nose
You just need to lay there and look pretty
Hit enrage on m4s at 0.1% AMA
a proctologist is better suited for that. good luck
what do you play as
What's the mental like right now?
Ironclad and flourishing or doomed?
I don't want to boost their ego
How many deaths did the group have?
why are you such a failure
Unironically same.
Dont worry about it because:
A- The Tank should not be getting hit in the first place
B- The few times that Esuna actually matters in the entirity of the game can be counted with the fingers of one hand, and even then you just gotta esuna 1 debuff per person only.
i see something
two somethings
If you play any of the following in frontlines..
Then your win was not legit
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>Turns you into a pig and fucks up your entire momentum
you see nothing shhhhh
just like my irl dnd group
we had the edgy rogue who got team killed in the third session because he was annoying
oh sweet, i was waiting for a pvp variant of "you didn't really clear"
>he thinks I meant that PvP garbage
enough fag ops man.
Don't care, I want the coat
I should have been there to save you, but I didn't queue.
Don’t know if I’m overreacting or not.

I don’t like deep dungeons, but some friends dragged me along to do PotD.
Tank/point man likes to run ahead and try to squeeze past enemies. Sometimes, they try to make a beeline to the exit, inevitably pulling multiple enemies.

I’m just frustrated why they/we just don’t clear a safe path, single-pulling until things are dead? Why make all these risky plays? Time isn’t an issue. We are a team of four with maxed aetherpools.
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what's great is i haven't even been making them today. i've converted someone to the cause.
Was confident in the next pull and then we wiped to midnight and disbanded so I'm full doomer now.
6, 2 of them were a dps fucking up witch hunt twice in a row and getting brink of death early in the fight, and rest were post sunrise from damage (I think I dodged my stuff right)
I play FFXIV, I'm a failure by default
Sometimes I press "moving the crystal" to let my team know it's time to get together and murder the other team on the other side of the map and very far away from me.
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>doing good in cc for the first time (in my opinion)
Guys... I'm gonna make it
sorry i'm too shy to meet with someone
i fucking love men so much. masculine men, femboys, whatever. i love them. i want to be so gay with them
why? most people here are fags
>so I'm full doomer now.
Oooo ouch but you gotta bounce back bro, next party for sure.
fill balls
drain balls
make light and dark ball/double light/double dark ball every two minutes
make phantom rush/ball or missing ball/phantom rush every minute after
row on CD
empty chakraballs asap
Only if your femlala is like that and does lewd poses with biggers
I am a malera
Eating Chipotle leftovers at nearly 2am
hmmmmm nah
this is either a colossal fag or a fujo
for some reason i believe it may be the latter
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>the list grew
>People now hate MNKs in FL
And just when I started to RAPE with it in FL
im going to find you sometime, and make you come out of your shell :)
I could shatter that facade with what's really happening if you like
All fiddies and one felf
hmmmm, yeah I know exactly who this is
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queue CC 1:30
i would throw this entire thread into a holy grail for a chance at a lala like this
Next party had a vpr wipe us 3 times before phase 2 so now I'm sitting in a new party in pf
>fail right at the last second
If your group doesn't take this as a huge shot in the arm and feel invincible, you're fucked and your group is just unsalvageable. If they start crying and dooming over a near success, then they're just too heavy to carry.
me, because I suck
most gay people dont talk like this fyi sis
you are either a tranner in denail or a full blown biofujo
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I should work on the 2000 Dawntrail A Rank achievement and finish the current PVP battle pass but I think I need a break from FFXIV after the 1000 Dawntrail S Ranks.
Grown men and grown women
we have evolved?
I need to believe there is an xivg lala like this that likes male midlanders
lb14 is overrated anyway. Ul'dah was better and I fucking hated Ul'dah.
I am and I do but I'm not a lala anymore.
My favorite femlala is Feriri Feri and I think she's wonderful.
he never sleeps, he says he'll never die
last pull of the night (actually last pull someone has to leave type deal) then it's a real ball buster imo
Ul'dah sucked 10 years ago and it sucks now. Go fuck yourself.
lb14 has been my favorite idle spot thus far desu
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this but unironically
That was going to be the "last pull" then everyone wanted to do one more. Everyone was hopeful but it was not to be.
i miss the queue so im going to watch a youtube video
>SSS that early
Rookie mistake.
I just said it sucked you illiterate nog.
Someone open up Balmung so I can goon with everyone in lb14.
no you don't

I remembered to add the people, it hasn't grown technically
is that era or are you a soddie
I wish I had someone who would message me as much as I message my friends maybe I'm annoying them maybe I should stop
Ul'dah is top of the fucking list for dogshit idle spots. Kill yourself.
sauce on this bikini?
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kongbros not like this our guy is getting cucked again
Y'know what's funny to me is I still stand out there sometimes, but I'm a lala so I blend in with the lala crowd that's taken it over. A few of them now have chatted me up talking about how they're glad "those people" finally left.
why do so many gay men play female characters
I was staring at this for the longest time trying to figure out where I'd seen it before. Well played, good sir! Take my upvote and go!
just dc hop bwo
I look like this
You honestly have the worst taste in ebins to fuck
GRIM. Also is this 2 chests? I'm wondering if there's a possibility I could slide through on a cleared character.
ask them but not in a loser pathetic way.
It's never been so over
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Molly is based the only tranny here is you.
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Oh hell no
So peopel been saying this raid tier is easier than previous ones and at the same time that PF is worse than usual.
Why is that? Is it because people communicated it's an easy tier that more people got into the raids that usually skip it?
Take your meds.
When is a housing district in NA going to build a Japanese Night Market so we can hang out there?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFN9yVkRCoc this is the youtube video, i dont own any terrariums but i find them interesting
This is unironically a picture of Preebitz
I literally said it was shit you drooling retard. If I hit your water head with a dictionary, will you learn how to read?
The party I was in was a 2 chest, the one I'm in now is any
never NA is sovlless
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Can I be your CC enemy or do I suck too much?
mmmh yes, the 4k res arc that skyrim went through is back baby
Read it again you illiterate tranny.
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It's funny, because I haven't made any in a long while and I get accused of making the threads. They keep forgetting that homos roam these threads too.
Shut up cumtears
Mechs are easier to digest but mit and healing is tighter making even a missed feint cause wipes
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i am an actual female femlala
who hates that gay men are allowed to openly play our race
from the bottom of my heart, truly, i hate gay men for what they've done to me
forcing this anon to download my 8k gock
What's the point of leaderboard posting if you are doing Casual/FL?
It's like parsing in a dungeon/ex.
You should try start one, it's pretty easy to create a small terrarium. It might improve your taste in ebins as well
Besieged was fun back in the day.
what gave it away
How many times are you willing to be the one that messages first and shows interest in having continued communication before you give up and let the ball sit in their court?
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try that and tell me if that's it, if not I'll go grab it off telegram.
Word, if you wanna post then by all means but if not then all good. Good luck either way.
Your horns would make poor daggers.
Everyone because they all beat me
May I tickle your tummy and kiss your forehead?
wonder if ffxiv will ever get people who remove mods because of the election like the civil war modder did with skyrim
Lb14 sucks. Cope, seethe and dilate.
is this too big
We like this. This is what XIV should be.
i would've lived but he LB'd me the moment my purify came off CD
Femrabits abuse is not cool.
Your typing gave it away. Let me plap your femlala
Then leave fat fuck.
your brain is too small :(
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i'm in an awkward spot where i'm not tired enough to lay down but not awake enough to do actual content so i'm just tinkering with portraits
yeah it's still a penis too
I almost always message first, I want them to feel loved and know that I'm thinking about them
you focused on it being gay instead of it being implicit.
Now let me pet your femlala.
Val will ERP with anyone but me...
>pixiv master file
Bro come the fuck on
do you like miera?
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queue CC 5:30
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I hate retard, like you, who get off to that shit in the first place. I think your lolita shit is more cancerous that whatever obnoxious homo shit we bring into XIV. Consider a rope and chair.
I don't know if you want to come to Primal but I'm in one hosted by KT and we just need 2 healers.
make balls a little bigger then its good
This is reportable, just saying... Don't get any ideas
i hate performance bots
No but the color clash looks so amateurish and awful
XIV has had multiple modocausts. Not because of an election, just normal melties.
if it’s someone i’m just getting to know, i let them message. if it’s someone im comfortable with, i probably message them when i get up whether they messaged me or not
There's no specific number, it mostly depends on if they show excitement/engagement at seeing me and chatting with me. If they seem disinterested or annoyed, I probably won't message them again for a while.
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more evidence this is elk
Wait, really?
does it reach your bellybutton?
weird proportions
there was no real doubt that it wasn’t him
I live there. I need to afk a sec but if it's up when I'm back, I'll join.
why is it normal color when your skin is pale white
based, thank you gaslighting rat. I will pet you later.
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im just afk in my fc room alone, the picture was taken from discord
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My penis goes past my bellybutton irl
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I think some of you will enjoy this one
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No. This is weird proportions.
two things can be true
I will always hate dying to this guy because of his gross name, there's no reason he should be that good and it makes me so mad.
yeah me
>know who this poster is
>he doesn’t message me first
Dalamud loaded.
》 Adventurer in Need v1.5.0.0 loaded.
》 AntiAfkKick v2.1.0.6 loaded.
》 Artisan v4.0.1.8 loaded.
》 AutoHook v4.3.0.12 loaded.
》 AutoRetainer v4.4.0.2 loaded.
》 Better Shadows v1.4.2.0 loaded.
》 Better Targeting System v0.0.11.0 loaded.
》 BigPlayerDebuffs v1.1.0.10 loaded.
》 BossMod Reborn v7.2.0.120 loaded.
》 Character Data Sync v2.0.0.10 loaded.
》 Clarity In Chaos v2.0.0.0 loaded.
》 Clean Hunt Chat v1.0.0.0 loaded.
》 Death Recap v1.12.0.0 loaded.
》 Deliveroo v5.5 loaded.
》 DSR Toolbox v2.0.1.3 loaded.
》 Dynamic UI Scaling v0.0.0.2 loaded.
》 EnemyListDebuffs v0.4.0.3 loaded.
》 EnemyListHP (former EnmityHp) v2.0.1.4 loaded.
》 EngageTimer v2.4.0.1 loaded.
》 ezMiniCactpot v2.0.0.1 loaded.
》 ezWondrousTails v3.1.0.4 loaded.
》 FF Logs Viewer v2.1.7.7 loaded.
》 GatherBuddy Reborn v7.2.1.8 loaded.
》 Gauge-O-Matic v0.8.0.9 loaded.
》 Glamourer v1.3.1.1 loaded.
》 Globetrotter v1.2.11 loaded.
》 JobBars v1.3.1.4 loaded.
》 JustBackup v1.1.0.8 loaded.
》 Lifestream v2.2.1.2 loaded.
》 Mare Synchronos v0.10.9 loaded.
》 Market board v1.8.0.0 loaded.
》 Nameplate Debuffs v1.1.0.3 loaded.
》 Pandora's Box v1.6.1.0 loaded.
》 Penumbra v1.2.1.4 loaded.
》 Portrait Fixer v1.0.0.9 loaded.
》 QuestAWAY v2.0.0.5 loaded.
》 Ready Check Helper v1.0.7.5 loaded.
》 Saucy v1.4.0.3 loaded.
》 Simple Tweaks Plugin v1.10.1.1 loaded.
》 Sonar v0.6.5.3 loaded.
》 Splatoon v3.7.0.7 loaded.
》 Target Furniture v1.0.2.0 loaded.
》 TextAdvance v3.2.3.5 loaded.
》 Umbra XIV v2.2.36.0 loaded.
》 V(ery) Island v0.0.0.118 loaded.
》 Visibility v1.1.7.5 loaded.
》 Weatherman v2.4.1.0 loaded.
》 WTSync v0.11.0.0 loaded.
》 XIVJitterFix v0.0.0.4 loaded.
》 XIVSlothCombo v3.2.0.8 loaded.
》 Yes Already v1.7.2 loaded.
Take your meds dude

need hrt-addled bitchy impotent eb like this
then it can reach your own asshole
now go fuck yourself
wow coomer brained mods are weird?
whoda thunk
Suck on my femras massive tits.
what exactly is the issue with this?
not really no
get off to what? do gay men really only think about sex? what are you talking about?
Almost every time. If I want to do something, I usually don't put the ball in the other person's court to ask me to do what I already want to do. So I just ask first.
My khagan, you are of age and now is time to choose wife. Do you pick beautiful face 3 raen princess who longs for a strong and powerful steppe bvll like yourself to have many children with, or do you pick MtF transsexual moonie who has no money?
No one unironically likes male characters more than they like futas
sis... whens video games
I can't bend my dick when its hard
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I'm tired of pushing the crystal. I want to fight
her voice is so ...deep
What materia do Warriors generally use? Crit and DH?
>loli pic
You ain't fooling us, nigger.
only 3 people would know so if you do know me message me on discord...
yeah it turns my malera the fuck ON
wait, is armpit sweat a zivger?
i love males and hate futas though
‘ate futa
luv male characters
>Every screenshot this schizo posts he sorts by whatever he did the best in to try look good
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I like watching them. They seem to be enjoying themselves.
I'll take the tranny 9/10 days of the tenday
What should I spend my tomestones of Aesthetics on these days? I'm play hrothgar btw
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Okay bros, all tanks done.
Almost done with all my jobs, only two left..
BRD or DNC next?
You guys are really shit at cc lol
Healer. You lazy faggot.
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Actually I took three different screenshots.
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I accept payments in cheeze and cigarettes.
it's a guy
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>tfw this actually hurt my feelings
i'm queueing down
Ok but unironically? This type of voice is like an internal trigger for me. I do not know why I like listening to trannies like this, but I do. I really do. Subject doesn't even matter. Just speak, woman, and I'm all ears.

I must've been dropped as a child. Repeatedly.
I still appreciate you for trying your best, I hope you had fun.
>they left the crystal
please fuck off macchi for the love of god
its because you know you can go raw every night, and never have to worry about him getting pregnant
Hi Macchi
Kacchi. Stop it.
Very weird.
damn why do I like his voice so much
I hope I don't see you in queues again, your damage was pathetic
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queue CC 9:30
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wife fucked time to give presents to the other one~
sure thing babe
ngl matches are more fun when this tryhard is not around
I just swallowed a MicroSD card full of lewd Femlala pics so they'll be with me forever
You're normal man. I always had a thing for trannies too and I think it's tragic that so many of them decide to chop off their cute little cocks. Ok maybe we've both been dropped but fuck it I love trannies and I'm unapologetic about it.
Damn is it really that easy to fool people into thinking your macchi even though macchi does heavy ass gshade pictures.
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I like this rat and I don't care who it is

My moonie looks like this
Post like this are why i keep coming back here
is anyone else getting disconnects
this is the second time someone has complained about the "master" in my filename. what is wrong with it? is it some kind of retarded dogwhistle to you creeps?
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Even weirder.
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Dynamis CC 1200 ET
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You'll need to go to a different DC then because I queue CC all day.
As opposed to what
Unless you're on the other team.
I'll queue tomorrow
it's kong
You did a pose with her? Post it
no, but im the one ddosing to fuck up your queues
if this is suhr i diffed your ass earlier lol
based and cute
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wait, but im in dynamis msq...
>C9 Hours
>Suhr in queue
What the scallop
At least you guys are aware of your stupid fetishes, I personally can't wait to go into a coma for 15 years and have all this trans shit sorted out one way or another
>cloud 9
last match
You're saving downscaled versions you retard.
Ok lmao, I was going to join on SCH and I get back and SCH spot is taken. DANG
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ty for the calls, oyasumi
>Prophecy Star in queue
Its time for kino
what kinda videogames...
my lalaboy is like this~

Well thanks for trying anyway anon
Oh. I saved this from a friend sending it to me, but I wasn't aware of that. I'm sure I've saved some downscaled versions off Pixiv myself. I'll be more careful in the future.
See? Was it that hard to just explain my mistake?
>Thread claims to love CC
>Quits when it's C9
i wish we could have gone with these three for DT instead
>shitters filtered by C9
lol, lmao
Suhr doesn't need to come here to tell you you're shit, everyone already knows he's better than all of you.
Night! /pet
can u like not, the dps in my duty is cute
I didn't tho that's a interesting idea...
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Everybody gets one
get ib en
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My femlala acts exactly like this.
It's a poopy map with a poopy gimmick. Don't like it.
I've lost almost every game tonight because I'm mirroring better players than myself.
Actually that SCH just left and we may have a regen on the way
say less
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My fiera acts exactly like this.
Are you fucking retarded? Half your new gimmick is the most low effort trash without even a shader on because you want to prove a point that people don't care as long as it's lewd. Fucking autistic spaz
Nigga I got work tomorrow. I'd love to sit on my ass and play video games all day if I didn't have bills to pay.
Goodnight F.T /pet
Crystal CC queue 1
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i logged back in
I'm not sexually attracted to them is the thing, the voice just sounds nice to me. I think its something about way some transgirls pronounce their words, similar to ASMR channels even though I dislike ASMR. That's the only somewhat comparable thing I can think of, but I guess it means they had a good voice coach?
Posing with NPCs can be a lot of fun & it's a nice way to not sweat on quality kinda. I'd encourage it
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I sleep (totally not running away from Cloud 9). Thanks for the calls.
that's 4/5 maps cool
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my fishra acts like this
walking in the park while hand holding with male middies
Who are your favorite anons to get on your CC team?
effy i want you to know that my opinion of you went from entirely neutral to positive after you complimented my gpose thank you
and (You)
send my femlala $40 on paypal or cashapp or ko-fi
damn, you're easy
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I'll try after killing this dragon
Estinien got the vacation we were supposed to have.
What the fuck vacation has us interfere with foreign political powers?
not really, ugly art style/characters
t. faggot
prove it
You mean you like someone's voice who's been spending a good chunk of their free time training said voice? I'm shocked and surprised.
Nobody because if I do bad they are going to call me shit in the thread and tell all their friends how bad I am
>CCircle jerk posting hours
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one more after this one
queue CC 1:00
anyone that /pets me
i will sexpest a male character in your honor
Are you the lala from the other day?
Good, good... ganbare
While you all were doing your crystalline conflicts, the viera were making LODSEMONE.
>log in for CC
>everybody is quitting
i guess i'll fish
wait why are all transies playing femra actually
i thought that was a meme
bet you wont
I was wondering why games seemed easier, Molly wasn't shitting up the queue.
game quality went up severely when you quit so thanks
Thanks for calls. Time for sleep though with Suhr/Tryhard top rankers queueing + C9
why do you think it became a meme
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I'm also macchi
poppin open another brewski let's get it gamers
*goes back to afking*
yes /pet
dude use your words
Lol imagine dickriding another man online, you're such a shitter loser
i am
a gay hrothgar
Is that guy cheating on his wife again?
I play moonie.
t. mtf
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it happens all day long now
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>gra'ha gave you the option of bailing out back in EW
>gra'ha reminds you of it in DT
>cutscene railroads you into rolling with it anyways because there's not an option for "fuck this shit I'm out"
really now
I just defeated suhr
believe in yourself!!
troons play catgirl and femra almost exclusively
>LB14 died in barely a week
>so uneventful it made the thread slow to a crawl
When are we going back to the 'clave
suhr sucks dick
This is literally me at lb14
So true oomfie
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cant they mod themselves an actual jawline or something
yuuuuuuuup saaaaame
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cute... post lalaboy
>people playing the game together is bad
Would you rather the EU faggots just post catboxes of them taking 12 inch dog dick dildos all day?
You're bad at CC lol.
Well...yeah, but Lulu sounds nicer than Sena who is a voice actress so there's that.
i swear to god i will
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>Scared of Suhr
>Are you fucking retarded?
Are you? I'm not them kek. Like I said go black list them then go find me under the frowny faces if that's the case.
there's like 30-40 people here, what are you smoking
it's a compressed image, click it and save the expanded version
Suhr is a schizo fag Elezen who mains tank. No wonder he's shit.
Ohh, cool cool. I wanted to add in that the motion all seemed to flow pretty naturally & that I especially liked how you had the reaper avatar. Keep at it! /pet /pet /wow
How about modding them some bitches
I'm better than you lol
I am a malera trying to resist the urge to consume the rest of this chicken I cooked for dinner
this is a blue board…
NTA but when he's on PLD he hard-focuses me and will even push through the bruiser line to do it. Makes me want to reach through the screen to gently cup his face and in the softest voice tell him to leave me the hell alone.
Go play the game instead of blowing air up each others ass in here faggot.
god thats hot
because you asked

thank you friend. i shall /pet you when i go to LB14 tomorrow
builded for my catboy
It's funny watching people who picked up the minigame to dickride an ebin talk like they're anywhere near as good as actual good players and actively downplay people who have dumpstered their heroes in the past.
Hey...do you like [insert male race]?
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Obviously you all have seen what's going on, sorry firstly to people I hurt directly over the years.
The horsing has been an issue I've worked on (through off and on therapy among other stuff) for a long time.
Not going into details why I'm my brand of fucked up because ultimately it doesn't matter. It is something that has been, is being, and will continue to be worked on.

There is also shit floating around that is untrue - I'm not going into too much detail again because it ultimately doesn't matter and contains some pretty fucked up stuff.

Sorry to people indirectly hurt, people close to me, close to catgirls I've been with.
And sorry to people here, I know people will catch flak for being close to me. I'm generally a private person, and these were private issues.

I'll pass server lead over to Kou and dip.
I'm not scared of Suhr, the only person I am scared of is a bunboy with a hard to pronounce name but it starts with an M
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>People schizoing Suhr when he hasn't even posted here in like 7+ years
I'm pretty sure he doesn't even intentionally end up in our sync games he just queues CC all day because he has always been a PvP addict.
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LOL. Lmao.
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Reminder that these are the hours when that one EUfag face 1 femra who baitposts constantly is most active.
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such is the power of cloud 9
need someone to randomly find and take advantage of my femlala..
Just pan down a bit further..
haha lol (i dont get it)
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Eating cats? That isn't normal.
SIR!!! blue board!!!
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please keep hitting me, im the most useless person on my team anyway and youre just letting them have free reign
i'm not schizoing him im just saying he went 0-3 today when i was matched up against him, he played like shit too
>the bruiser line
you dunning-kruger niggers are unreal
That's just how /xivg/ is. They're shit and melt about their betters. It's not limited to PvPers.
What do you think "being out of position" means?
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queue CC 5:00
I qued against brian the other day
we were both on vpr and killed him through guard
i went to check his vod cause why wouldnt he be streaming and he was legitimately surprised and didn't know what killed him through guard

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Lightcord ASSEMBLE!

Who we are:
We are Lightcord. European Light DC bullies that will assemble on /xivg/ to defeat the evil Americans that no single Euro can defeat by himself. Join fellow Light gods such as:

Special guests include:

What is expected from you:
Do not be an American.
Negative Threadcred.
At least three bought Ultimate Clears.
Have or be into Horse cocks.
Be a cuck.

What do you get:
A minimum of three namedrops every thread.
A discord full of horsecock autists and special guests from Chaos and Balmung.
Inability to clear P4S.
Unlimited supply of horse semen. Meltdowns on NA having all the good Europeans and the meetups.
Having your ERP leaked by T.T. for exposure and free advertisement.
Exposure induced Schizophrenia.

In order to join please provide the following:
Two pictures of your WoL and a horse cock.
Your WoL cannot be on an American DC.
No associations with the evil American Clique discords.
A minimum of fifteen excerpts from your ERP with any horse gock futranny catgirl or a fem Au Ra.
Do you know where we are? they were just spazzing on dog moonie and that rat girl for being all macchi at the same time.
Yeah I do
Reminder that you're a child diddler, nigger.
contrapointscoded trannyvoicekino
Its meanxivg hours again
this was posted by the same person
>casual CC queues where players don't even use recuperate
>tracking winrate vs players who probably aren't even aware of you at all
that sounds pretty schizo to me
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I want to post an R&B song to honor your fiddie but I'm too tired, just imagine I did.
Meena were made for all the dark skinned chubby characters. That is their only purpose. To serve
>hat so many of them decide to chop off their cute little cocks
They don't, bro. That's such a rare surgery to get
Interesting theory, my nigger. Take your pills.
And I didn't get a single commendation...
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My Elezen behaves like this sometimes.
He has that type of rizz.
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we came we saw we rabbitquered
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I'm so very tired.
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No, he's cooking.
nice ui you autistic weirdo
my eb hasnt messaged me back in 24 fucking hours...
Winning 4v5s is the best fucking feeling. I've only ever been able to manage it once and on C9 but I was riding that high for at least a day.
it should be bannable to post h*s*n in here
>only wants to see the shoes
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I guess you can say I was successfully baited but you guys really are obsessed.
I commended the PLD for covering me at the end.
Dammit I'm usually the one who does this too.
Everybody always stealing my fucking gimmicks in this sub.
I get that feeling whenever I play with a SCH in my team and we win.
Nice...time to start sexpesting moonies.
Rotate the camera 90 degrees and capture the whole cute fiddie instead
I made that post in the hopes that someone would say they like queuing with me and nobody did...
I want the first 4 to rape me all at once while raek watches
That's fair, I accept this
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DGG posted this
>in this sub
Tease me the next time I post a vocaroo and you might get lucky.
absolute snu snu
I feel like nobody really likes vertical shots
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>Everybody always stealing my fucking gimmicks in this sub.
can you at least try to act like you belong jesus christ
>tracking winrate
i played one game against him and i saw his name and was like "oh thats the guy the thread says is good" then he covered the wrong target several times and let another teammate get blown up, didn't wait for his whole team to be around for his LB to get maximum value especially against a DRG
it's a small sample size but he can definitely work on his PLD play
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im tired
Heh. Step down kid. I’m more mentally ill than U are
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Posting screenshots in casual cc is the most pathetic shit. No surprise that the person that does it the most is a mentally ill loser who's been playing this shit game for 10 years.
Elk may I plap
Thanks guys, I needed that tonight. Not replying to the avatarnigger.
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May I see eyes?
t lost 5v4
Elk doesn't play CC, though, he's not good enough.
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Leaderboard screenshots are pretty much namedropping if not censored. Fuck pvp tryhard faggots.
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ok that one was SHIT
we go one more
queue CC 7:30
I forgot to plug my moonie in after work and now it is almost dead.
>tourists taking the sub bait this easily
Man you guys really need to lurk other boards. Saying sub is literally low tier bait and you took it so easily.
get a fucking discord already you fucking pvp nigger rats
Sure. Here you go.
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watching you all,
>pvp shaming
>yurocuck futaposting
No man they're playing along. It's kayfabe, you wouldn't get it.
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Is it on Crystal you guys are queueing?
>Wasn't named

reestablishing my deadclique to reclaim out rightful place in the thread to establish a new culture of niceposting and good times
>plainie lala
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No, faggot. I'm not touching a thread-related discord server with a ten foot pole. I'll drop into posted queues if I feel like it.
No we're queuing on Dynamis because Suhr and Tikaasi are too scary.
I play frontline like a distinguished gentleman and team up with /xivg/ers instead of flinging shit at eachother
>anons playing the game together and posting about it in the thread is... le bad!
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i won every game, you're so jealous
he's a ravaGOD
crushes u to dust
you're banned from sleeping, back to work
If you don't want to be shamed maybe you should fucking play better you ever think of that one smart guy?
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>posting your score to brag in a mario party gamemode
I sorry your father wasn't around to raise you.
Kill yourself Tikaasi.
I'd unironically join if it opened. I'd help me recognize more people that are around here that I should be friendly to.
Go sleep. I'm probably going to head that way soon with how my depression is eating away at me.

>Casual CC screenshots are pathetic.
It's why I stay on Primal. You retards are raging over bullshit on Crystal, while we are chill over here.
>next time
Oh fuck dont do this to me...if I'm busy and miss it...
Jizzda better never tell ANYBODY to get better lmao.
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/dote <3
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posting this and going to bed!!!!
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lol retard
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So this is the power of autism
I was the shitter-tier NIN lmao
/shocked /blush /playdead
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>this diaperpedo is posting
No wonder there is so much anti-cc player shitposting.
My goonie is a very big fan of your 'ra. Please continue to wear the piercings
just afk at your house or in the quicksands/limsa to people watch. You will have a better time then at any xivg bench by default.
*kisses this moonies feet and then vanishes.*
nice blog faggot
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man cuz you don't play cc, huh?
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Why couldn't you kill me on MNK when I was PCT, Tiktoksi?
ty for cc calls and the carries
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If I was garbage, I wouldn't be a <<diamond bun>>
CC is fighting game coded and thus it's the gamemode for blacks and browns
Nigger it's piss easy to get diamond
No it isn't, thats PvE you fucking moron
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I am the only white man playing CC v__v
blasting to this
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Nigger there was no crystal feast.
Take your meds Tikaasi, you're not making any sense.
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final game of the day = I post fluoride stares
thanks for coming gg
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t. parsetranny or humble big chungus fisher
I'm a white-coded Asian playing CC.
>lizz beth, the cuter molly
I love fighting games! I love cc! I'm not colored on purpose!
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>thread just screaming macchi, takasi, kong, etc at every post now.
yeeeep its sea entering EU hours
My moonie is about to power off for the day
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yeah bro the general should be goonposting and high school drama all day every day instead
looking you in the eyes while i do it is literally the best part and i have the pictures you took earlier on the side
What'd I say?
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So are any of you guys going to play ranked when 7.1 drops or keep queing casuals?
moonies will stop existing forever if you do this
please hibernate instead
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Thank you! My femra will be complete as soon as they add this hair to the game!
maybe tomorrow will be better
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if the cc update is fun and revives ranked I might do it
Need a hyursband STAT
Sorry, it's the ugly bunny
o-oops, my bad..
depends on what 7.1 does to pvp
I know who this is.
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I'm going to wait to see the job changes and then climb with a bad one on purpose. As a joke.
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>see a black guy from a twitter meme
Partly true
t. Nigga that plays CC
i will play ranked until queues take longer than 3 minutes
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tiktoksi can only abuse rpr. he plays like trash in any other job
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Thanks for the calls Une
has xivg ever had an afk spot at the bismark before?
Okay but me first cause I posted it first- deal?
That sounds like a based spot to be
No way
if someone calls you a "she" ingame because of playing a female wol, how do you react
NTA but your femra is a good girl, don't forget that
No matter what your EB tells you when he finds out you fanta'd
The Bismarck is off-limits since that incident...
ranked pvp in this game has not interested me since feast so I most likely will not partake
I'd call him cancer, but cancer at least kills people.
i don't really care
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I really like Tiktoksi. Seeing him on the other team has me leaning forward in my seat. He always chases me around and helps me practice my defensive play.
i miss you... we havent talked in HOURS...
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deal sis, go get your middibando
feels a little weird but doesn't really matter
love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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Thanks Une, you are great
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Assume they are talking to my character, think nothing of it
Proceed to still be a Grown Ass Man
That's The Warrior of Light in disguise! You can't fool me with that getup.
I love the way she looks at me when she's sucking me off
I'll take middie or highsbando, not gonna lie. Hence hyursbando

Just bear in mind he's blacking Mira Nicotera aka Hot Chip also known as Myrah Nidaal you jealous cucks.
your character is meant to reflect who you are as a person, not be some gross dress-up sex doll for you to goon to
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>mira is already taken
it's so over
there’s not many husband tier highlanders here, good luck though
It's still easy, nigger.
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oh shit its happening
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Yeah, I like those overly offensive players as well. I get better by playing against them and they end up malding when they realize.
I’m trans so I just go with it.
my eb still doesnt know
we havent idle'd together in so long im kinda sad
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Pretzel time.
I don't know who that is and I only know Tikaasi from him spamming his nigger toon as much as humanly possible. I hope they have a very happy afterlife together and soon.
From the few months I've been here:
>A few spots in Uldah
>Doman Enclave
>LB 14

It's really just those spots. I don't know why they don't use old watering holes like Sharlayan or Kugane to house their hangout spots. It'll keep some of the newfags from snooping on a low-level alt.

Let it happen / Ignore it. I don't get offended over pronouns.

It'll never be better. Trust me.
Thanks for the calls sis
My fiera has socks on.
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Ugliest eyes I've seen in xiv
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Anonymouse I have only been playing Reaper in CC since September 13, 2024 at 7PM PST. I really appreciate the compliments but I know for a fact that I am nowhere near as good at Reapist as you pretend I am.
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So we're just making shit up now, huh?
helps with my gender dysphoria
what’s wrong with new players finding you?
May I have them?
you want to use every single formless fist on an OPO GCD
that means DRAGONKICK someone into the milkyway (and opo strike i guess)

time to build lunar? lube up your legs its time to DRAGONKICK
you have fire's reply? DRAGONKICK
i don't
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If they're hard focusing on me, they're predictable. I know what they're going to do and that lessens the decisions I have to make. The most I can do is contribute to the team game by getting a few GCDs off on low health targets before switching back to evading and defense, while the person chasing me is wasting all his gap closers and cooldowns and being one step behind as I run towards potions. It really isn't optimal at all.
Pls name 1
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wots wit da homo shid
Someone left their yurt at LB14
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would anyone like to continue the crystal conflict games for a little while
I know. Terrible times. Not to mention most of them are gay
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Almost every schizopost here is made up shit with just enough truth to it to be believable if you squint and don't think too hard.
holy MOLY
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So I finally completed all of the MSQ up to DT, around the same time I maxed all my crafters/gatherers, got the crafting mentor thing. Made a nice melded set of crafted gear - nearly perfectly kitted out.. and now, I just feel empty.. 9 months, and I spent that doing most content on my journey. I mean, I still have Hildibrand stuff to look forward to, Eureka one day to dive into, Bozja is not quite finished for me yet, and a couple other things.

I just feel so incredibly burned out on this game and directionless. I'm worried I'm going to peter off here, at the crest of my humble ambitions (happens all the time with MMOs I get into). That or start becoming a little more community driven, cause man.. the boredom is starting to set in hard, like in a "I'm not even that excited to play through this raid content" kind of way. I just miss my first 3 months playing this game, felt totally different and novel, and now it's like I just occupy a rut of behaviors. Ahh - it breaks my heart, but at the same time, I knew it was going to happen at the start. You know what I mean, Vern?
They are together all the fucking time when they're both online, standing in LB targeting each other for hours on end. Pay attention.
i see it...
>pink eyes
get some taste
>those tits
based YAB/Rue enjoyer
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They want /say chat to be another extension of the thread where they can talk about tranny health issues and gooning all day without another DB showing up to impotently attempt to get them banned.
those are eyes retard
I don't care, I play a female character so she/her and wife are fair game.
nini love
i would watch that isekai
what is the fucking point of posting your eyes
literally what the fuck is wrong with all of you that even the slightest chance of someone giving you attention will have you jumping through hoops and shit
i… only know of the middies, sis. try here
Yo everyone laugh at this nigga he doesn't have eyes
yellow 6
white 3
green 5
red 5
blue 2
grey 1
homophobia 1
orange 1
boobs 1
it's fun
please play final fantasy 14...
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eyes are cute
>standing in LB targeting each other for hours on end
i wish i had someone to do that with...
I can't wait for another homosexual thread for all of our EU friends to feel welcomed in.
Stop trying to understand the "people" who respond to those anchors. You are not mentally ill enough to understand.
piss eyes shockingly common tonight
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I'm afk for upwards of 12 hours at a time in LB, wanna...
>click post number
>click file
>click post button
wow So Exhilarating
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>Unique rescue (Even works through stuns)
>Big badass shield
Why did they make a Sage NPC so much cooler than players? I did this quest as a Sage and I felt like a fucking loser.
why are you wearing a headband?
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>slightly similar to mine irl
Reasons I shouldn't end it?
RPing his receding hairline.
It's more of... schizo behavior. There's nothing wrong with inviting someone new into the group and being inclusive. However, given how this thread has been a consistent shit hole of dumping logs, leaking sensitive shit, and trying to start drama between each other--its the only suggestion that sounds reasonable. It avoids someone spending 10 minutes making a new alt, unlock housing, and then pretending they're someone completely different.

You coomers need to calm the fuck down.

GN elk.

It's just ebin attention whoring stuff.
lil silly posting here and there never hurt anybody
I'm clinically diagnosed as mentally ill and I have not responded to any anchors. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and simply use whatever baseless insult you can throw out.
Sorry to hear about that... /pet
Your cute femra deserves to idle with her EB and getting a lot of praises
But don't worry, /xivg/ is here for you..
weird larp bro
yes because those are incredible tits?
anyway everyone here is just gay sis
are you cute..
May I plap?
Mira always sits by himself thoughever.
can I get some titties
You must have been clinically diagnosed with a learning disability if you can't parse my post.
I'm a sunnie, so no...
Alright, here's your (You), even though you won't post tits.
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Came with the job.
Same thing happened to be but I went from ARR to Endwalker in 4-5 months
Now you are crossing the rubicon - become a gooner like everyone else or become someone who plays every few months.
it’s over for us sis
what do you mean? most sunnines are pretty cute bro
what is it called when you've never been sexually attracted to women but easily crush on them and you like having sex with men but really hate the idea of being in a relationship with one
Sorry but I'm mentally ill, not transgender. There's a difference.
You're a faggot, harry.
heteroromantic homosexual
Heteroromantic homosexual.
Dye the arms silver or black you are activating my autism.
childhood abuse victim
Malera x Femezen
BASED or cringe?
(I am a malera if that changes anything)
It's 9am on a Sat in EU
It's OCE hours rn
Is Warrior actually a high damage tank?
I cant tell because everythings a fucking direct crit and I genuinely cant tell the difference between a direct hit and a crit
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how did you know
Just date a muscle mommy who's into pegging, bro.
the average american dating experience
t. femzen
every tank is legitimately the same damage as long as you dont care about buff contribution
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maybe it just comes as uniquely off-putting to me, but is "can I plap?" is singularly the most unsexy way to ask for sex, even the word itself - I mean I get that it's an onomatopoeia of bodies slapping against each other during sex, it just ... the sound of the word in isolation.. icky. I don't like it - totally in active rebellion of my vibes
how do you feel about lalaboys x femezen
That, I can't deny.
I'm pretty sure most people use that more as a joke anyway hermano
that’s how i feel about the words “creamy”, “milky” and “bussy”
Oh so Warrior and Pally really are the same class
my meena is moist and crispy
is the foray out yet?
I got news for you, that means you're gay
Reminder: fuck you.
porn addict also known as prison gay
that is the exact opposite of what I want bro
I want to sit with a pretty girl and hear her laugh and pick her up and go bowling and stuff and she smells nice and we genuinely like each other and I drop her off at her house and then after the warmest, longest hug I want to go have a threesome with two dudes I used to work with
I don't want some apewoman with a fake cock

this shit sucks I am fucking cooked like >>494447123 said
are you doomscrolling anon
Molly if she wasn't a whore
Yeah you're fucking cooked but same.
Bro you're so far in the closet you're wearing last decade's hottest trends.
every highlander in there is hideous
extremely grim
>only person that got it right
feels good
Well on WAR you get your healing passively and from oGCDs, while PLD has to use GCDs. From the opt of my head I don't remember if cover and intervention are locked behind GCDs though and they are just mitigation.
it's pronounced polly
Only real answer, society just hasn't caught up yet, you'll see, one day that will be a legitimate thing people describe themself as.
Yeah. I mean - I've been making lewd g-poses since I first started playing, so I was dyed in the wool gooner, I suppose, I don't lewd much, if it all in other games - maybe in a tasteful way but ffxiv has been utterly unique for me in this way. I just like to make my little screenshots and maybe do a collab every now and then with another's character. The thought of really becoming a gooner, following personalities, echh.. no.

As for playing a few months, I would at least satisfied with that. We'll see, but the days of hardcore playing are probably over for me. Had a pretty great time overall, I must say.
Nah. You're not cooked. This seems like a very complex issue that I would probably seek professional advice from a therapist (specifically one that's pro-LGBT+) rather than getting it out of a video game thread on 4chan. It sucks right now, but you'll get there. Trust me.
Why is this oxygen-thieving drain on society giving life advice?
and that's a good thing

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