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Previous: >>494436082

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Costumes WHEN? It breaks my immersion that a girl like Nicole wears the same thing two days in a row.
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zzz for this feel? (6yo cow loli with fat tits).
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zzz for this feel? (Newborn baby).
Go where?
it makes me more immersed as I have been wearing the same clothes for over a month
Yaia is a good girl and deserved better than Granblue limbo.
I love those shorts crotch lines so much...
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I miss the bartender poster.
Haven't heard anything about that game ever since that one silver haired elf loli got a lewd skin and Twitter melted down.
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Seth is to be RELENTLESSLY bullied.
>please select at least 1 agent
fuck you game rocketboo is more than enough
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They need to give us chibi bangboos that look like this.
Yeah but you're not a cute girl.
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Qingyi bros what went wrong...?
yeah but I'm also poor
Why is the background of the second dialogue option interacting with the world geometry
normalfag adult women fetishists artificially pumping up j*ne's numbers with AI sloppa clearly
show the revenue numbers
Imagine if ZZZ had it's grand 10th birthday celebration and Dawei and, I don't know, Waterkuma announced on stream they'd be stepping down and that the game would go full jew.
That's basically GBF's current state.
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Lighter waiting room
Can't wait for the samefaggimg to begin.
Well that sucks. So many good girls stuck in that shit hole IP.
Anon, it's transparent.
Zhu Yuan has original boobs and ass, would plow. Qingyi has bootleg tits and ass, would not plow.
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>go to /zzz/
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh fanart count
>go to /hrtg/
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh fanart count
>go to /gig/
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh fanart count
Are all gacha generals this infested with spiritual shareholders or is it just a Mihoyo thing?
the shit you read on this website
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God I love spats so much
Then why's the top half dark and the bottom half light on the road part
Unsafe horny
If you use your pattern recognition
you can tell the nigger it's a tourist
Gacha games are an investment of time and money. We just want to make sure we're investing in something smart. As soon as sales or other indicators start to dip I sell my account to some 3rd worlder for 10 bucks and start playing whatever the new popular thing is.
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>Waterkuma announced on stream they'd be stepping down and that the game would go full jew.
Could you explain a little more? How is GBF going "full jew", and did they really somehow lose their main art guy? I'm kind of interested because I used to play it a few years ago, so I kinda have a bit of a soft spot for it.
Lolifags are loud minority
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Special Belle
>newcutie doesn't know Indian shills are paid to salefag all threads
>retard and probably fell for the salefagging
Which is you?
>go to /v/
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh player count
>go to /vg/
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh player count
>go to redshit
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh player count
>go to [wokevertaken forum here]
>people are obsessed with muh sales and muh player count
It's just how things are now, for the worse
God I love dragging belle into an alley to rape her
That is the paint on the road to mark different lanes.
As a fossilized gachanomad I can confirm most were and are like this but it's mostly shitposters or actual unironic retards so just ignore
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Post Wipeouts
I'm just triggered at seeing my favorites character not getting enough fanart and complain, please understand
Alright, but I've got my eye on you, mister
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Is m6 corin stronger than S11?
From clips I've seen she is.
Shouldn't you know by now it's done by a brownoid playing both sides here?
We are never getting a loli again after the idols, mark my words.
>born 2 eat out (ratpussy)
>forced 2 wipeout
npc looking shitter, if he is a S rank, that month we are getting bullied when the revenues get posted
Burnice's in-game model had to go through 2 updates. How many updates will Miyabi get.
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S11 has smooth gameplay, Corin makes you feel like lodging a bullet in your mouth
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Meanwhile, Wise is a tryhard
but lost anyway
From my experience, with Qingyi and Rina, yes. But I don't think S11 is at her full potential with the current roster though. Just like how Corin got a lot stronger when Qingyi was added.
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what changed?
That really depends on application and situation but Corin fucking annihilates stunned enemies, just melts them. It's only her multi-target inability that holds her back. If you just use her as a stun bomb for single big targets and cover the multi-target role with someone else then she's T0
>412k crit
They fixed her chin.
Loli "fags" are the core otaku audience, you are a guest here, not the other way around.
I hate the original game but versus and relink are actually fun
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>Try trial Ben with Piper and Lucy
>slightly faster than my Koleda
The difference would have been larger (in favour of Ben) if the trial bosses were more aggressive. In Shiyu, I can't really use Piper outside of the stun windows (I parry into Koleda like one second into Piper's ex) because you can't tank hits, and enemy attack cooldown is very, very short. Ben's shield would let me tank one or two hits before parrying into Ben again, and that is huge. There is also Ben doing decent damage with his signature, +15% damage buff from the new shield set and the (admittedly meaningless on Piper) +16% crit rate buff.
Koleda is, of course, faster at stunning, but it takes too long on aggressive bosses compared to letting you fight outside of stun windows.
I'm not trying to shill, I was surprised by the result as well. Did anyone else try something like this out?
It's kind of sad because I like Koleda a lot, but this just feels much better to play against aggressive enemies.
am I supposed to use saarlight on corin or her signature?
I want his teeth, claws, and cock in me, all at the same time!
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She broke
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she loves me
in the first model, the distance between her nose and mouth was too far apart. Devs "fixed" it by raising her mouth, which made her chin too big. They fixed that by carving her chin out. Also changed her eye model a bit too.
Coco my beloved...
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If you retake the photo commission you get a different line when explaining the request
>How is GBF going "full jew"
Insane powecreep, you have to roll for collab units now and they are releasing gacha variants of Eternals (the units you had to farm and that only received skins previously).
>did they really somehow lose their main art guy?
Not exactly, I just didn't have a good enough comparison since we don't know the names of the ZZZ devs. KMR (Cygames CEO and GBF's "balancing guy") and FKHR (GBF's director) stepped down and revealed that for the past three years an unknown and undisclosed Director was training under them to take over. Also, the official animator that used to work for them quit because they were pushing for the use of AI in the art dept.
Don't know to what extent the use of AI was but when the whole draw of your game is its art...
but fagman, that kills people!
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>6 purple tapes worth of XP for 10 hours
A character needs 500 hours in this to go from lvl 1 to 60. That's around 21 days.
If you got a character that you want to build in the future, it could be worth it to put them in there every 10 hours.
Of course only if it's repeatable.
Incels got triggered at Burnice not looking like a perfect anime baby doll so the devs had to oblige and cater to their whining
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>I mod btw pic
>Irrelevant, time wasting observation
Marketing and her banner was stuck between asscop and la rata sexo who are more appealing to normies
>nothing personnel, youngster.
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>unironically wanting another yae incident
her face looked nothing like her art fuck off
I'm not gonna set an alarm or wake up early to do it though. Kind of wish it were 12 hours (making up the difference with more XP) so I could do it at 9 and 9 or something. Or even 24 hours, have it as just another daily.
>touch my tail?
If you have Qingyi and m6w5, Corin is really strong. The two of them do Shiyu in good time against a physical-resistant enemy (side 2) without a third character as a support (I use an unleveled Nekomata just to get the team buffs).
I'm going to build Soukaku as a cope support until I get Rina or an actual physical support releases.
no boobs
no ass
Lighter is the one to change to the ether boss.
He won't b playable.
Bet his last/real name will be Brutus.
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Oh hey I'm finally gonna be able to build billy
Does Belle's hairclip "IN" mean something?
>got triggered at Burnice not looking like a perfect anime baby doll
>so the devs had to oblige and cater to their whining
you are unironically a faggot and that's sad, fortunately your kind is starting to lose again.
Aren't guys naturally more into girls smaller than them height wise? I don't get how she wouldn't be normie friendly
when are they fixing the many clipping issues the game has
It's possible that this isn't the only one or the best one.
IN, and there's like a C on her vest. Therefore, replace the V in "vest" with C and that's what it means in combination with the hairclip
When you dilate
I'm 99%sure that I'm way taller than the rat and the handlebars cop
Burnice on top.
She would bounce so fucking good you'd barely last a minute, you just know she's INSANE.
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Ellen was too sleepy and forgot to wear her full maid outfit
Working as intended. Belle's shoes are supposed to phase through her legs as she walks. That's just New Eridu technology!
Are you seriously asking this question about people that consider Lady Dimitrescu peak female form?
Her breath smells like petrol
Only fags liked her (redditors) I liked her “daughters”
How? Anby's jacket alone is a clipping nightmare.
yeah so does mine cunt what of it
I'm 173cm and I prefer girls around my height or taller
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>Pulchra convinced non furries to pull
Ewww, you guys have shit taste
forsooth, thou havest the private matters befitting of a lady, and smelling of oils?
most queer
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dont care
I know it's a challenge but there has to be a way
>this live stream was a great success!
Ah, to conceive of the aroma...
>Thinks Hoyo gives a fuck about other people's opinions
You give yourself too much credit, chud
HMOFA =/= furry
Hey, that's pretty cool if its repeatable. At least then you can spend stamina on other things.
I would have hated the concert watching it alone, but the /zzz/ stream made it bearable or even a bit fun
>HSR has the best story in the 3 hoyo games
Does Lucy and Burnice have some kind of anti-synergy since they both increase the burning anomaly bar lowering the total anomaly damage Burnice would have done solo or does that only applies for assault anomaly?
please don't cope that way, at least be a man and admit that you are a weird furry
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thnx for the random lore drop
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Bros is Jane into little girls???
That applies for all anomalies, but Lucy bringing the damage down isn't a huge concern if you only use her to refresh Cheer On. The loss should be minimal and more than made up for by her attack buff.
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>Don't know to what extent the use of AI was but when the whole draw of your game is its art...
Holy fucking shit, now THAT is sad. It's exactly as you said, I began playing Granblue precisely because the art was so fucking good. What a fall from grace from what I'd heard was one of the better gachas out there, and now I'm certain that I'll never play it again. Thanks for replying.
actually its hebe tourist
wtf I thought howl had the rights to his life and business
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>HE IS...
Bow before the new order, old man.
Please elaborate
Just got to Xianzhou, is the wanking really that bad?
You larpers it’s clearly newborn baby
if you ignore the entirety of luofusloppa, yes. though zzz has better characters

genshin is shit in all regards
furries hate people like that anon
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I got my first ever full S shiyu!
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So they'll just say outright "Chop Jr is indeed General Chop's son" here, but not in Seth's initial trust events where they keep acting like the connection between the two is a big mystery (even though obviously they're related)?
>he thinks zzz wont get any
just you wait
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Uh seriously? Wanting to fuck Glaceon doesn't actually make me a furry?
Anomaly damage is determined by the stats of the characters that contribute to the anomaly buildup. For example if Burnice contributes 99% buildup, and Lucy contributes 1%, the damage will be based on that accordingly. You can find the actual formula here https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSo82Ac3HqdI_G5_BoAqYJToK6LX4FGLPJxjPZEbhMQ-wSyFyxDFl1dr8i5czcCLJmYwxWfsXkCXN6v/pub
You were basically just playing along with Seth's canon retardation.
That's good to hear. Lucy can already easily reach the required atk stat to cap out her buff she gives so maybe I'll go with AP mainstat for her disk 6.
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NEPS is the China wank
If anything we're going full Nipponwank with Section 6, which will also prob be lame
do you want to be a furry and fuck a glaceon?
if not, then no
just a fucking degenerate
Huh, same teams as me. Billy is just your team bonus placeholder, right? I used nekomata for that.
Also, how come you aren't using rocketboo?
>enemy resistance physical
>Billy Corin bangboo
Honestly that's pretty sovlful
nyo Billy is fully built with that Ultimate buffing Disc 4 set + Physical Bonus 2 set
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Belobog and the main part of Penacony (everything except the terrible Adventurine wank patch) are the peak writing of the 3 games, Luofu and the back to Luofu part are unironically genshin tier, so yeah HSR has the best peaks but ZZZ is more consistent for now, if we ever get to a "chinatown" ark I expect nothing good about it.
Genshin writing is literally dogwater.
The idols also have all jap names
AP is a disc 4 stat, and you'll want atk% on disc 6 anyway since her boars scale with attack even after you've capped her buff. If you plan to go for her m6 I recommend crit rate/damage and double atk%.
Thanks bro
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One could say he can what

What can he do??? (no I can't scroll this down)
I don't want to be a furry but there have been times I imagined myself as a human sized mantis.
also I didn't use rocketboo bcs the A one has better single target multiplier + better anomaly build up, and I'm saving for the Idol Bangboo
Huh, didn't expect you to actually build him.
The HAS to be a Coffin edit of Phaeton, right
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Here you go
I am attracted to furries (anthro animal) but I don’t think I’m a furry (anthro animal)
Please explain.
Are Piper and Lucy's sig their BiS even at W1?
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Why does the Metro count as a store but the pharmacy right next to it doesn't?
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I kneel
>It even doesn't match the timing of the hit
The pharmacy counts. Sometimes, you need to be obnoxiously close to the sign for it for the game to recognize it.
Do you catch train at the pharmacy? Yeah, thought so bitch.
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>shipGOD character has 3x the fanart of a non-shipped character
This is what the people want. /zzz/ loses again.
How do you like Burnice design? I can understand Caesar but Burnice? She's weird
God i want a Hot Topic bitch so much bros....
>It's the mine asshole all over again
The duality of man.
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We missed you Miss Bartender anon <3


I wish they made Burny a legitimate full-on schizo sociopath
Would be fine if not for the fuel tank backpack. Shit looks lame.
its not THAT bad, we just got stuck there for a long period of time after belobog kino, main quest in xianzhou had terrible phasing, and we had to endure it for 5 patches before we went to next planet
and now that new planet story have ended we are back to chinawank fillerslop
pesonally I can't stand it anymore so I've quit and waiting for 3.0
>that butt oomph
Burnice will be the softest and most comfy girl in this game no doubt
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Zhu, Qingyi, Caesar, Burnice = /zzz/ core agents
Ellen, Jane = Reddit TikTok normiefag bait
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I like all of them though
/3dcg/ GOD
you're post = normiefag ledditard postage
my post = based and trvthful high IQ TV enjoyer take
Leave Yaia alone you fucking nonce I'll bash ur face in swear on me mum
Belobog story was pretty simple and straightforward kinda like ZZZ's then Xianzhou arc came along with a bunch of jargon nonsense and every character are Light and Kira wannabes planning 2 or 3 steps ahead and there wasn't even any build up or payoff to the story.
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t-thank you anon
bro, zzzased
Why are /vg/ posters such retarded tribalists? What causes this behavior?
If I wasn't banned on /v/ right now I would not stick around this shithole.
>wtf just evade the ban lol
My ISP is gay and free VPNs are rangebanned.
I want to taste her flesh Hannibal style.
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the s rank selector...any day now...
all these faggots tell me who to like and hate.
saying if i like this person your account is BRICKED!
telling me who to roll for and skip
just shut the fuck up you puss ridden monkey pox anuses
some of us like all the characters and just wanna have fun, not meta/waifu wars
You will roll according to my tastes
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Go and get your rat girl.

You can't escape.
Having been on /gbfg/ since pre-M2 days I can confirm, gachafags have never meaningfully changed. Just that back then we had a lot less hard numbers for sperglords to fap over.
>she will never fart flammable gases in your face
why live
I think you should skip on Burnice and roll Caesar, unless you want your account to be bricked.
>tfw 15 away from guaranteed S on the standard banner
I'm ready to get a brick or ball.
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>won three coinflips so far
Bros, it's gonna happen next time, isn't it?
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couldn't agree more
>want Piper's ball
>really, really don't want to roll on a ball (scam) banner
this is why gacha should be illegal
Anby sex anyone?
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Don't care about Jane, she's used goods
Still love my pure virginal wife Ellen
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No, he's a dog. They don't have human rights.
Anon, I...
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so this is what we get from our B-days.
Do we know if Soukaku's buff stacks with Caesar's?
I fucked Ellen
>was hoping caesar was with lucy and piper was with burnice
bros, my dreams of not having to manage piper's stacks through m6 were dashed...
How exactly are ball banners scam banners? Weapon banners in Genshin were scam banners before the weapon selector (now they're just shit banners because of the 2-pity selector and 50% odds), but the engine banners in zzz are perfectly fine.
ur birthday is one day before mine :O
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>Don't care about Jane, she's used goods
She only molests cute girls. Never had dick.
All weapon banners are scams, no exceptions
Man, if they only they didn't chickened out. If only she didn't wore spats.
All my favorite react streamers watched Jane's trailer but ignored Qingyi's entirely. Check's out.
I like how the Lumina Square is literally just the Shibuya crossing. Pretty based
We can only cope by remembering that the thong straps are still there so we know what's under the spats.
Doesn't this make her way better than lycanon in a Ellen/soukaku combo?
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>lost 2 so far
>both to Grace
She's the only standard unit I have, even my beginner unit was her and every S rank after that was a ball.
>didn't chickened
>didn't wore
How have you been reading English for this long and NEVER noticed we don't do double past tense like that
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This is a universe where weebs won hard.
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>all those female streamers thirsting for Jane
I do.
That's entirely fine in separate sentences for the sake of emphasis.
the latinx are here
Yeah, but you're illiterate.
Um ackshually I do it.
No. I'm eastern slav.
I'm on the verge of just giving up Honkai Impact after I get Vita. It's just not the same game anymore
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Why is it called Lumina?
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Belobog was boring slog and Luofu made me drop the game. I wonder if the Penacony is worth playing but I just can't get back into that game. If I wanna play four niggas in a row I'd much rather just play something like Trails.
I want more men in this game
This is the auxiliary verb.
This is the main verb.
The auxiliary verb sets the sentence tense. The main verb remains in infinitive form.
They should be:
>didn't chicken out
>didn't wear

You can't just transpose taco grammar into other languages and replace the words, you fucking idiot.
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In honor of this strange blonde girl who saved civlization during the Hollow Crisis and then vanished.
No, it isn't. "Didn't wore" is never correct grammar, it's "Didn't wear"
End of fucking story.
And no, you don't say "didn't chickened" you say "didn't chicken out" or "chickened out"
The language, despite how hard you ESL retards have warped it, still has SOME fucking rules.
Are you me?
2 Grace and one kotball
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one can say he can what? AHHHHHH MIHOMO
Sex with koleda
One could say...
>He can
Is finna bust a cap in u muhfugga word to god
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I wish they add more trust even for existing agents.
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>laser skin rejuvination
Is that why there's so many lolibabas in New Eridu?
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I look like this
Lolis get less art from the western front, that's pretty much the gist of it.
There really aren't enough of them, it's stupid how you literally HAVE to do the exact same event multiple times to max them out
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headpats for Koleda!
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Bros my Piper takes 6 minutes to clear stable shiyu 9
I NEED to hit Koleda from behind.
Penacony was better than the Loufu but that isn’t saying much. Set up some intrigue but rushed a number of reveals because the 2nd act focused entirely on a singular character to sell them which ruined the pacing and they had too many lingering plot points to tie up during the 3rd act and epilogue.
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So can someone explain to me why getting to the max proxy level in ZZZ literally takes like twice as long as the equivalent in HSR? Having to wait a fucking entire ass year just to be free of denny problems is some grade A bullshit.
Hi3 mogs all of those games.
At least part 1.
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Brimstone and Weeping Cradle for me but I also managed to get a kotball while rolling for Ellen's weapon.
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I didn't knew zzzg taught english courses
Shouldn't east asians be thin?
Has the east fallen too?
honkers had a magnificent story (as long as you cut a few bits like those random twins for no reason) probably up until Bronya took over for a while for no reason, and then good again for a bit after that and then fell into classic live-service-story-hell where they just had to keep doing shit even though they CLEARLY should have ended it
I wish they would make an anime remake of the story and just keep the good bits, trim a ton of the fat and make it stand as a single cohesive narrative. Of course, you'd miss out on one of the most kino aspects of the story progression (literal year(s?) of happy go lucky fun school times quite suddenly giving way to S U F F E R I N G E X P R E S S) but oh well. It would all be worth it for getting Final Lesson again alone
I don't think Hoyo have it in them to EVER do anything as kino as Final Lesson ever again
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You sure you want to go the salesfagging route?
Is it? In HSR you get to max level in like 7 months?
at least its not genshin level almost 2 years long
You're brown
>she didn't set her birthday at the same day as she started
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She seems to have much bigger breasts than the leaked concept, it reminded me of Grace and Caesar who also have bigger breasts in the 3D model than in their art.
Takes over a year to get there in ZZZ.
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>Caesar only good in niche scenarios
>5/10 otherwise

Yupskies, that's a easy skip...and it's not even close.
Speaking of what she looks like...
How can he still see with those uncircumcised eyes.
"Teaching" would require you illiterate fucks to actually learn anything.
Flop Doe...
roll for at least M1 on Caesar's banner bro
>"incredible value"
>5/10 though lmao
make it make sense
Being fat is a sign of wealth in Asia.
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>meanwhile in the actual game: I don't like seth
>literally molests every girl she meets who is shorter than her
>gets a girls snapchat
>molests a female criminal
>molests her female colleague
>belle's text dialogue is more spicy than wise's
OH NO NO NO!! YUME'S AND PAGS ACTUALLY LOOOOST! Damn feels fucking GOOD to be a yuri chad right now.
Guys are slightly more allowed to be a bit fat but if you're a girl you're still going to get relentlessly bullied for it
God I wish for this so much. They even have an in-house studio now so I don’t see why they can’t. And yet it’s Genshin that has an anime in production hell right now.
>Hags are flopping
Should have listened to Waterkuma instead of firing him.
>0/6 Mindscapes
>level 47
bwos... you have to level shit up
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One child policy led to a lot of, well, chinese families with only 1 son. The parents would often dote on the son and indulge him a lot. Lots of spoiled chubby chinese children. We are talking on a scale of hundreds of millions of families with only 1 son. Add that together with rising chinese wages and an emergent middle class together with an American lifestyle of eating out and fast foods and well, the popularity of this body type is a consequence of all of those things.
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create new life with koleda
Gonna filter this miss reddit retard
Holy shit, what happened with Jane?
She doesn't look like this.
>ritualfag actually filtered thin skinned ledditor
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This happened. Not to say Jane is bad, different body types for different tastes
I refuse to believe this.
Jane's design is sex.
Jane's kit is sex.
Jane is powercreep-proof for Anomaly builds for a long while.
Why would she not sell?
Is there ANY phone that can run this game without the battery heavily draining and the body burning my hands, or am I stuck playing this on x86 systems only?
Thanks for this anon, I was really feeling depressed at that Qingyi/Jane art count comparison and thinking any future plans for more lolis would all be dead of arrival
whales buy all the packs at the start of a patch, don't trust these statistics they literally mean nothing
>mad about being filtered
The modellers are just too based.
x86GODS won.
wtf i thought jane sells??
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She lost because the absolute sex goddesses of Sons of Calydon were teased so everyone is saving for them.
I don't give a FUCK about influencers.
>mad about being filtered
Literally nobody wants Caesar, though
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EOS bros...
Hag maxxing bros...
feminine Anby bros...
says the ratfucker
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Where is he... I want my Big Daddy...
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>Saving for Bricks of Calydon
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what are the chances that jane doe level jiggle was a one time thing?
i guarantee they saw all the prude zoomtards crying
Reminder that this guy didn't know how anomaly and disorder worked until Jane's story came out.
spamming the thread with the same boring shit is not what ritual means, retard
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Very disappointed that so far no new fanart of her, from the good furry artists I only saw Suurin commenting that she is hot.
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sniffing Nicole's braps...
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One more week to go...
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>steals your jacket
>sniffs it
what's her problem?
>red dot
>finally got seth to go with my jane
back to saving shit
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So why did Caesar go from being the absolute game breaking meta never before seen to a literal brick when basically nothing about her kit has changed?
Huh, reminds me how Asuna from BA has a shit ton of art because normalfags who don't play the game we're drawing her a lot, but she's not actually popular with the real fanbase.
Sexually frustrated high schooler...
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Well, I do.
she's ugly and has been censored heavily
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>he wasted his rolls on Jane
lol. lmao.
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Hormonal teenager, pls understand
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Kek Jane mexicans your response?
miss bartender... 1 marriage please...
ellen got launch buff. 5-9 whatever the fuck units is probably the true nature of the game, depending on how much stuff people have saved at any given time.
FAKE. (chubby) 7, 8, 9 year olds are hot as fuck too. Any honest to themselves heterosexual male knows that.
I wasted my rolls on Jane
I will waste my rolls on Ceasar
irrelevant brainrot
September will still be higher than august because caesar's banner also starts this month, watch the copers still say qingyi killed the game
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It's almost like ZZZ is begging me to play it with this account seed. Guess I'll grind it out and get my Burnice in a month. I don't know or care if she's a brick and Rrat or Caesar are better units or whatever, she's the hottest of the upcoming characters now that I have Qingyi and Ellen.
oh neat
i was going to manually counta ll that shit but this works better lol
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>corruption: dodge cooldown increased
>>female character design, young adult age for example 22 or something
>alright fine
>>same female character design, highschooler
How do JKs do it?
>check study
>sample size of 50 people
the absolute state of pedos
younger = more eggs to seed
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You can't undo hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. JK's are women at peak fertility.
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>Little Eve is the owner of Howl
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I don't know which Bangboo to roll for so I've got a shitload of coupons just sitting around
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cuckrat is safe horny garbage for reddit cucks, half of her art is shiptranny shit, and most of the people drawing her don't even play the game
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Hard facts, thank you Corin
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Man they should fix this scrolling problem, happens all the time in exploration missions
Get attack to +2000 and anal prof to 330 then she should be fine
I know the second one is AI, but would it kill artists to draw the correct proportions?
Shiptroons killed the revenue again. Sad
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hagpags don't have money
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The whole point of AI sloppa is to create images that otherwise wouldn't exist
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Display time
You've watched too much anime in your teens and your thinking has been distorted entirely. There is no difference.
sometimes, art is not about being correct. sometimes, art is about drawing a big ass you want to just smash your face into
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the reds were rough but any other coinflip gods in here
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>look inside
>the demon of babylon disguise itself with the coat of the righteousness
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Tried Lycaon in the trial and he feels really bad to use.
Are you really supposed to charge the 5th attack of his string? And the dodge counter-attack is so short you often get caught by the follow-up.
Qingyi spoiled me so fucking much.
A righteous demon sounds badass though.
Let us all pray that Pulchra will not be playable
Contrary to what his focus on basic attacks may lead you to believe, you're not supposed to on field him.
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How many chapters are there? I'm on the second one right now.
Let us all pray that Pulchra will be playable
3 + the Interludes
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Uppity slut! Needs correction!
Lycaon has a surprising variety of combo chains, but the optimal gameplay is just holding down the normal button for the full combo or the special button if you have energy. He has a ton of i-frames in his second and third charged combos too, while he's in the air he is invincible. The dodge counter thing is just skill issue, you can get away with spamming the dodge and attack button so that once you do the dodge-counter you immediately dodge
>but would it kill artists to draw the correct proportions
No. That's how you get sterile shit like concord. Pursing realism is the death of passion and creativity. Draw what you want to see rather than what you do see.
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Huh, that's not a lot. Was worried I had a lot to catch up to.
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They're going to be playable, right? Hoyo wouldn't make them the Signora of ZZZ or take about 3 years for them to be playable, right?
Biggest timegate is the IK levels, you still have a bit to do, but you should be caught up before 1.2
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that picture...
I've already done it, but just for clarity, is Undercover R&B a required story mission?
No one wants to play a bunch of ugly furfags. Making them playable would unironically kill the game.
Yes. It's part of the main story.
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It gets better. If you check the whole study, none of the data from the graph is present. But pedos are infamously fragile and desperate for validation so this one falsified image gets spread around like a virus, it's hilarious.
This many decent banners in a row is bound to drop off over time. People run out of money they're willing to spend
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His face reminds me of a specific serious anime face but I can't remember who or from what... anyone got a clue??
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when will they hire the next based artist after waterkuma?
The monkey is cool honestly
Not making the cat digitigrade should be a cardinal sin.
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Just hold, bwo
Everyone wants a bunch of beautiful furGODS. Making them playable would unironically save the game.
Wierd that you access it like an agent story, then, and you can pause it like one. Shame you can't replay any of the combat sections.
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What. I have all kinds saved. Like tits. Like lolis. Simple as.
Fist of the North Star?
Ginger Zeke Yaeger
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These GIFs do various things to my brain
I think you've both hit the nail on the head kek. This is looks hilarious when slapped on an orangutan
>he used paths across dimensions to escape Arminwank
is there any source on waterkuma being fired or is it just schizotalk as always?
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I'd kill for a Henreader girl.
>the only playable black character is an orangutan
>westoids melty ensue
so tiring
>ask for black representation
>get it
>complain anyway
typical wokies
Obese Lanky Kong is clearly based on white american rednecks, althoughever.
He seriously looks like KaiCenat to me lmao (not being racist)
bwo... it's a boss
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I'm really getting concerned. Have we heard some news of him actually STILL working as lead artist?
They would be perfect to test a banner and see if there really is an audience that likes furry designs, but they have the problem of maybe having this banner too late and the furries having already abandoned the game, so much so that I think that's why they gave a upgrade the Lighter to rank S for 1.3 and not lose the audience that likes husbandos.
Can you get anomaly prof on an anomaly mastery disc 6?
I've never seen it happen.
fuck I love women's bodies so much bros
You don't need to hold EX after he starts doing the charged follow-up.
It's a prime opportunity for switching to Soukaku to get some of her EX swings in.
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well he hasn't bitch about quitting the company like he did last time with another company and is still tweeting about ZZZ plus zero new horny cunny art so far, so it's safe to say he is still employed
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This is recent staff listing from Mihoyo's offices. I think it's over.
So in short...if i am a boobs guy i have to skip Jane and save for Burnice?
I'm aware, I just like holding it down as I press Space/C
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That's fair.
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You can select a slot to check what possible main stats you can drop are.
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The furry trio reminds me of old school Star Fox characters more than anything else, honestly.
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>I've never seen it happen.
Do you guys think it will be Ligher and Yanagi in 1.3? Or are we going to have some surprise, like would they delay Miyabi even further beyond 1.4?
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I was like
>I'm gonna improve the discs for my Soldier 11
and did three Cleanup runs.

I got zero useful Inferno Metals, so I decided to stop.
I'll start with maxing out her skills and her passive instead.
I hope that he's playable and that Overlord is too
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miss bartender can you not consume my flesh whenever you climax during sex?
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I'm blushing bwos, she caught me
she's literally me fr fr
If Yanagi is an anomaly character and is in 1.3, we would have 3 updates in a row introducing anomaly characters in the second part of the banner.
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>no one must know I'm an undercover cop
Please...i have only 10 days left... somebody tell me if i must pull Jane or save for Ceasar and Burnice...who's stronger...
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Because pre-Jane, Anomaly (the only other DPS type characters) got outnumbered 7 to 2 by Attackers
Caesar and burnice are better. Caesar over burnice.
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who give a shit when a shitter team can clear all contents?
You should always start with passives/skills, they are surefire upgrades while disc are RNG and can take months to farm just for one character
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>pull out all the stops to sell your new character
>not two but THREE lewd trailers
>mini story chapter revolving entirely around her
>strongest dps in the game so far and can solo all content

>none of it matters because she's the unholy trifecta of hag, dyke and whore so waifufags aren't gonna touch her with a 10 foot pole

Many such cases. When will mihomo finally learn that they should KNEEL to waifuGODS if they want their characters to sell? If Caesar and Burnice aren't for (You) this game will EoS before its first anniversary
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There is no better. All 3 do vastly different things
Hypercarry that barely needs anything to function, hogs the field
Off-field energy hungry Anomaly dps, best used for Disorder comps
Defender that gives a universal buff, shield and some dmg%

Whoever you like most is who you should go for because there's quite literally no one in this game that exists now or will exist in the future that you MUST have or MUST skip to clear content
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what killed the thread?
Well the game came out with just one defender and for some reason 3 physical dps lol
I don't think balance will be this game's strong point.
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>sexiest zenless
>brickier than the cocks she's erecting
it's not fair...
There is no balance butt they clearly are looking to slowly fill out the slots of whichever roles we're currently lacking
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Old man...
This is the worst kind of answer i could get. I only have funds for 2, not All 3. Please...clock is ticking.
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Idol doko?
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Why did they make Caesar look like an angry bitch back in the launch trailer? All of the content now has her smiling and happy.
Lighter becomes the first S rank limited support that's as impactful as Banjo Mei. Would you be fine with that?
He could spit on me and I'd thank him for it.
Gap moe
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And a rat at that. If there is an unspoken rule in anime media is that rat girls must always be lolis. It's the only way they work. Idk how Hoyo missed that.
>there's quite literally no one in this game that exists now or will exist in the future that you MUST have or MUST skip to clear content


>MUST have
>MUST skip
Ok but can you post some sex pics of whatever Genshin girl that is.
>his jacket has a giant ARMAGEDDON writing on it
He's so cool...
How old is Zhu Yuan? She feels young, maybe early 20s?
>setting the ceiling that high so early
Fuck no.
Why does she lick things?
unironically patch 1.5 or later. The next few patches are for Calydon and Section 6.
Ask your dick.
She's 24
sure thing, boss
Rough and muscular hags being actually kind and wholesome has been done so much by now it is not longer gap moe honestly
>when youre older than 99% of the cast in modern movies and videogames
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Why are little sisters like this?
Skill priority for Jane?
Which zzz would watch vtubers with me? (Hololive only)
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What if the monster we saw in the trailer isn't him? It's basically a twist where we expect him to be evil and the monster, but it ends up being this little guy who has already appeared in the game and probably ends up betraying the furry gang and becomes the monster.
How common is brother-sister incest in real life?
Post some mualani smelly pics
>the only non-shill/shitposting answer is the worst
Alright anon
Wrong, I say this as one of the biggest Janefags here, you don't need her at all for content. She's only a MUST have for my dick
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Agents for this feel?
I'm thinking 2.0 sadly
Why are her tails so short?
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oniichans are imouto property
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Daily reminder to demand they undo the nerfs to HZ rewards in the survey
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I'm guessing that Pompey will be betrayed by this guy, Pompey might even be a cool guy as a result. The voice in the trailer would fit him more than Pompey too.
Absurdly rare because humans have a natural repulsion to this kind of thing.
So much so that if you read manga or watch incest anime you notice that the sister is basically the childhood friend that the author doesn't need to build anything on because they already know each other and live together.
24 and kissless virgin
anons i have questions about disks
do wearing 6 pieces activate the 2 set again?
do supports need to have disks on them?
Who makes your dick harder?
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What would be better for Jane an A rank disk 6 with AM with AP(no upgrades) or an S rank disk 6 with AM with no AP at all?
Are human x furry, human x robot marriages legal in ZZZ?
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How does this robot hide this much sex power.....
Only works for a brief time if the brother is 3-4 years older than the sister and entering puberty. Outside of that super rare.
Caesar is confirmed for (You) after the big ship doe/dyke doe/whore doe flop.
fuck off man I just woke up and I'm already going to cum to FAT RAT ASS
Considering robot and thirens are considered legal citizens by NEPS and how many half thirens there is, yes
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I also believe that he is not a bad guy, maybe their faction is good and the Egotistical Youth is manipulating everything. It would even be a good excuse to make them playable in the future lol.
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I want to nap but the game wont let me...
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you called, nya?
Obviously they wouldn't make a lot of money, but I would think it would be really cool to have an old guy and furries breaking Hoyo's pattern of just pretty people.
LatinX cutie. I'd make mulatto kittens with her.
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>Considering robot and thirens are considered legal citizens
Strange considering they're apparently not considered people.
I don't get it.
Belle is racist
Tell you what, if I get caesar, her ball and two more caesar copies with my pulls, I'll buy you your ball, and will play you with Caesar (and probably Piper).
But there are 2 playable furries already
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>"you don't need to roll for jane to clear SD bro, it's so easy you can just use your favorites!"
-some absolute retard

reminder that this is your fate in a few months
There are times where I wish I knew Chinese just to see if this is a case of something "lost in translation" or if the original material really is that based.
I don't care, I'm skipping her
wow my sub 1 min clear will.. still be sub 1 min
Piper clears 4 seconds slower bwo
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Just ask for more like a normal person, anon. I'm happy to oblige.
no way I'll clear 5 seconds slower with my ultra dog shit discs no wayyyyy!!!!!!!
>genshin impact
it will never happen, ZZZ is too soulful and would NEVER powercreep ANY of the units released. Shiyu will forever be trivial content that the average GAMER can clear.
I don't have Grace or Koleda..
Why are her tits so big? Nonsense
how did Yaia escape the west I thought their melty wouldn't end
post more Yaia pls
I don't really care about this. The biggest time wasters in abyss have always been the stupid fucking enemy placements making you run around not actually doing any damage and every boss having a retarded fucking invulnerability phase where you just stand there watching them.
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holy cope
I'm rolling Caesar just to unbrick my heart {/spoiler] kot, personally
silly question on the first one, no, it does not. Basically it's wasteful to wear 6p of a set instead of 4p/2p of two sets.
yes, most supports have some sort of scaling buff based on their own stats that gets passed to their teammates.
Have you seen the next SD buff? It's literally just "you deal more damage without any conditions"
What nerfs?
Anyone saying this is a whale who has rolled for cinema and signature engines.
Does the S rank one have any attack or pen or anything?
there is no point in this ugly ass shit
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She's a cow.
The west doesn't pay the bills like the Japs do.
Nigga you got fucking Anby and Nicole soloing this shit without S rank balls. Fucking neck yourself
Caesar tits are so fat...
Wow! Look at all these whaled mindscapes and signature engines! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFXs946vIiI
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Wait a minute...
post your f2p anby solo clear then
no, don't post some whale's clear on youtube, post YOURS
Cope whale shill
>page 3
I don't need to
>some whale's
they're LITERAL free A rank agents you get at the start with some shitty A rank engines.
If they can solo that shit there is no cope or shitpost in the world that will convince me that you need any specific limited character to clear shit
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>new event again giving boopons instead of master tapes
neato burrito
>2 out of 3 characters have 5* engines
>discs are clearly a result of buying energy refreshes
not whale btw
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>random unprompted meltdown from a janekek who sucks so much at the game he needs jane to clear shiyu
you love to see it
Delete this please
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Sex with this girl
>I don't need to
Correction: you can't. If you could, you'd post it.
We do this stupid song and dance every time some absolute retard claims you can solo the entire game with lv1 anby, but of course, they never post themselves doing it.
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Da Wei is so desperate he went to this thread to shill Jane
I won't pull btw, my cock is for the angels
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Jeet leakers continue to undermine themselves any time they post about anything lmao. I imagine at this point, they must be frustrated because mihoyo has completely blocked them from their usual clout stealing activities. They literally have them throwing darts at a board at random now in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.
Just looking at its predictions growing increasingly schizophrenic one can almost feel sorry for it, if not for the fact it has been actively promoting falsehoods. The more it death throes the more it turns everybody against itself, and it ties the noose around its own neck as the day of total leaker tranny death irrevocably approaches.
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I have so much shit that I still have to build (Ben, Soukaku, Lycaon) and so much shit I still have to finish (Corin, Piper, Qingyi, Koleda, Lucy) that I have zero interest in rolling for new characters.
I have 120+ tapes saved and I might unironically end up saving until Mibibi, or only rolling for A-rank cinemas (three Pipers for m4 and two Lucies for m6 would be really helpful).
The fact that it's out there and possible with pure f2p shit is enough to prove that you're just a shitposter having a melty over muh Shiyu/Abyss
This is Genshit all over again where after 4 years you can still clear it with or without the current meta characters
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People still don't realize that the better your disks the better your agent will be regardless of rarity.
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They definitely updated her model since the leaked one we saw. The V on her forehead is now stripes and the fur around her neck got fluffier. Boobs might be slightly bigger too.
I love that photo, qingyi needs a good correction
I really need Rina and Kotball... Kotball havers don't know how good they have it. My Corin would be 75 critR and 195 critD...
She is boring.
I've been saying from the beginning, her first appearance was great but from there onwards, they made a huge effort to make her entirely and utterly boring.

They even released that pv with the chinese wuxia thing that meant absolutely nothing.

She has not acted lolibaba enough, or autistic enough, or mischevious enough or anything enough-
She is devoid of any remarkable traits.

They should have focused on the initial approach.
They managed to make a lolibaba robot, boring, how the fuck did manage?
Crazy to me that the leakers have been wrong about the rate ups 2 patches in a row, yet some random anon here got it more right a week ago. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/493119314/#493143746
>the fact that billionaires exist means becoming a billionaire is easy
>why am I not a billionaire? well I COULD be if I wanted to!
>the fact that they exist means anyone can be one, it's simple logic bro

Still waiting for you to post your solo anby clear.
Got spooked by small bear ceo. Reading her kit and she seems pretty standard affair tho with good multipliers. What sets her apart from Qingyi or Lycaon?
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Kotball doesn't give you energy recharge, though.
Not having Rina sucks for me as well.
Sex with Coco
she will never be a donut
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Everyone slowly crawling back to Rina when I believed in her day 1
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delete this
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For me it's this girl.
ATK+1 and PEN+1.
Not like in that video the energy regen mattered much. Corin only used one EX skill.
She is worse than those, but still its good if you dont have any of those.
She is not bad, its just if you have one of those you use those instead
What was her application?
Why is she angry
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man I need racing girl burnice
144p god...
Flat I assume? But I think that's overall better than 6 AP.
Yes, but how long will you be able to rely on finishing everything in one go?
I went w5 housekeeper on Qingyi's banner because of this. I kinda wish I finished it and rolled Qingyi's engine as well, but whatever.
I like the little elf there is on the metro station, Archie I believe its her name
>strapless tank top
>latex gloves and leggings
>giant stripper tits
Burnice is MADE for sex
rape quickly
wanting to go into a hollow for reason, I think to look for something.
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She wanted to explore Hollow on her own or something.
Hollow entry denied.
She fucks up thanatos https://files.catbox.moe/8vxg9h.webm
corin bimbofication arc when?!
but that's what exactly what Nicole would want!
He did? Based, I hope he draws something. They should unironically hire him to design fat furry girls
No ATK% actually. I just heard everyone say that AP is like the only thing you actually really need and to be honest I actually have no idea what AM actually does.
am i stupid? how does soukaku use her energy?
Press the special ex button.
Explain how the FUCK QTEs in this game work. I don't quite get it, even as a veteran HI3 player. Do i swap from the automatic? I tried, but i couldn't reliably get them off on manual
Her breath smells absolutely horrible, just so you know...
Damn that's some serious burst stun.
Does this raise hope for that leaked nun character?
She's not even really built that well in that clip. I took everything off of her and put it on Qingyi, she just has a lvl 40 steam oven and a junk shockstar set. She's coming out of storage whenever I get S11 though.
I think he's referring to how these furry designs are more aggressive and less safe compared to Lycaon and Ben, and that there's a female furry too.
Chain attacks trigger when you stun an enemy, and the number varies based on the enemy rank. It's 1 for basic, 2 for elites, and 3+bangboo for bosses. You can cut the chain attack short by pressing middle mouse.
Post the Ellen caviar photo please I deleted it
Interesting how some of these changes already appear in her shadow design.
And it looks like she's going to have a mole on her belly.
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Belle clogged the toilet again.
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i missed you, bartender...
is she actually a bartender
So how are you fags coping now that they're adding another furry to the game? Like it's always been a furry game but not THAT furry.
Oh, that's not bad at all then.
>I just heard everyone say that AP is like the only thing you actually really need and to be honest I actually have no idea what AM actually does
AP is her best stat because of how much it does for her. It's the baseline best stat for anomaly characters because 1 point is 1% anomaly bonus damage. But Jane uses it for even more, because her passive that makes her anomalies crit gains crit rate from it. AND after 120 AP, she turns AP into atk at a 1:2 rate while she's in her buffed state(to a cap). So you definitely want to hit 100% crit rate and max the buff, but that's not super hard.
This makes it sound like you'd go AP over literally everything else, but anomalies also scale off pure atk% which is why some people run her with an atk% disc 6 instead, and pen also increases it. So I'm not a calcfag, but on your S rank disc you're gaining 10% AM + multiple upgrades into stats she also benefits from.
Makes you build up the anomaly faster.
By getting erect
I like furry girls so no cope for me. But anyone hating furfags and still playing the game is a hoyo bootlicker that is funding a furry game btw
My cope is that there will be a robot faction later on, it's only fair.
I skip and move on with my life, now leave
It's a female furry this time so it's a good thing
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If you need to fart gtfo of the arcade
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>Lycaon and Ben on release
>know that thirens ae a thing
>"not THAT furry"
are you retarded or do you just act it
she's has fat milkers so it's alright.
To be fair, the baboon dude is kind of cool.
It’s normally canine based furry characters that attract the weirdos, so Baboonbro gets a pass in my book.
Is it really illegal to fart in public buildings in China?
>finally reached inter-knot 50
What awaits me other than abject poverty?
I will only go back to genshin and star rail if they add furry girls. I DEMAND furry girls if you want my money.
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mimi post
They wouldn't put furries in the game if they obviously weren't going to explore this market, and like, if you want more normal characters, Genshin and HSR exist for that audience.
Yeah I don't think I've seen anyone lusting after him, just MONKE memes
Orangutan, come on bro don't you know your primates?
Of course, why would you let people fart where they’re supposed to shit? That’s disgusting.
Free SD17 clears after you get through the poverty phase
Fuck. I feel so embarrassed now.
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I love her, peak character.
I roofied belle and raped her in her brothers room
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What, you gonna call me beautiful next and then we fuck a la Folgers Incest commercial?
newfag here, how do i play a s11+ben+lucy team?
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anal with this cop
Mr. Z sounds like an asian who spent like 3 months learning English
replace Lucy with Koleda for maximum sovl
Obol soon, bwo.
Yeah I guess that does sound like it would be more use 6 points in AP is hardly a huge amount. Thanks anon.
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You fags are so fucking sure she'll be playable like leakers have never been wrong lmao.
It'll be weird for the to make another biker faction, a faction made entirely of furries or add her to any of the existing ones.
I'll believe it when I see it.
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>you get a "that's all the photos" message after taking all the pics of signs at Lumina Square for the Scene One, Shot One event
>got 14 photos of bikes at Sixth street, but no message about "that's all"

>find a bicycle across from the blocked street near Enzo's shop
>doesn't count
>find a 3-wheeler motorbike behind the closed gates near that one fenced off area full of graffiti stuff (another 3 wheeler counted)
>this bike doesn't count
>Wise's room is open. Does his wall-mounted bike count as one of the bicycles?
There better be only 14 photo ops on Sixth street for inspiration, or I'm gonna lose it.
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how did you toggle off the jacket on the mod?
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No problem bwo, good luck on the grind.
Your order, sire.
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He sounded like some random, slightly hispanic guy they pulled off the street to me.
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Bro, I don't think you'll ever have that, they kind of created zzz to get the audiences that these two don't have.
I raped Anby
>Kaboom the cannon
It's 9/14 and Koleda's EN voice actor STILL hasn't been fired and changed
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already started
If you care that much just put it in the survey.
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It should’ve been me not him!
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How long is left on Jane's banner? I want to roll already.
They made her tits so fucking big
We are blessed
t. the only person itt playing en
sadly iI dont have her tho
but how do I pilot that team in particular
>Using Koleda with Ben makes her stronger
>No other character has this kind of interaction
Big Daddy and Lucy would be ludo kino if he had combo attacks with his kids.
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Will you roll for him?
I thought the difference was just cosmetic. Does it affect multipliers too?
shame furries are a minorty in asia still, mihoyo has a china > japan >>>> korea >>>>> westerners

and most asians lump animal ears and tails as "more ideal" then fur
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So I've got Jane and enough for pity. Will Burnice work well with a Jane/Seth team? I don't really care for Caesar, and my other teams are fine I think (Ellen/Lycaon/Soukaku and Zhu/Nocole/Qingyi).
We really are on the best timeline if they make her playable.
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Yes, he's literally me and I'm getting every member of SoC.
Yeah, from the voice in the trailer, it seems like it’s the kid, not the old man, who becomes an Ethereal. They would be a cool faction in the game even if they overlap with the Sons of Calydon quite a bit
Recently there have been attempts to capture the furry market in Asia, I know that for example Mia from World Flipper had success in the game.
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24 years old kissless virgin
Both Caesar and Burnice will work well in a Jane comp, neither of them want or need to spend much time on-field at ALL which is exactly what Jane likes. Her being an Anomaly means Seth won't be required if you want to switch him out or if they release another buffer that you like in the future
congrats on losing your virginity
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And we also had Hanna in Mahjong Soul who even has a skin too.
Disorder teams don't want to run Seth because he can only buff one character. If you're playing Jane in disorder you drop Seth for Lucy.
>There better be only 14 photo ops on Sixth street for inspiration
wasn't it just 6?
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Either the same way you would run Soldier 11/Piper/Lucy
>On-field S11, Defensive Assist with Piper, jump in to spend EX and sustain Power, Lucy sustains Cheer Up! with Fly Balls whenever possible.
So, mostly Defensive Assist with Ben, and try to follow it up with his parry shortly after if the enemy allows that, otherwise either swap back to S11 or forward to Lucy, so she can do her EX and Quick Assist S11 in.

Alternatively, you can try primarily on-fielding Ben and use Soldier 11 as your burst DPS. She does deal extra damage to stunned enemies and her Ultimate has great multipliers. Not to mention, Ben can't do much with a stunned target anyway.
So pretend your Ben is a Stun, and go ham. Do parries wherever you can. Still swap Lucy in to keep the buff up. The team order can still be S11/Ben/Lucy - just immediately swap Ben back in after the Quick Assist - as a bonus, that might end up being a Defensive Assist, which you want to do with him anyway. When you get a stun off, end your rotation with Lucy, Quick Assist Soldier 11 in and unload her EX, Ulti, and then just do basic attacks. Rotate in Lucy for her EX, if the stun windows is big enough.
That's fine, I'll stay on zzz. But they have a year to release a playable one or I'm out, too much blueballing
6 is what you need to satisfy the basic requirement
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I'm super fucking annoyed that S ranks always default to higher than A ranks.

Piper is far and away my strongest, most invested in Agent but gets 3rd billing because >A
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in another timeline burnice would have easily been voiced by tara strong
If they're gonna take the same path as genshin/HSR I'm out too. 1.1 disappointed me a bit
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I need to burrow my face in there
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>Autism given form
Who do you run as third slot with Seth/Jane then? It seems weird since you pretty much never use your third character with them. I thought. Burnice did her thing without having to swap in, thus being a good fit for them.
bro, your Mindscapes..
I want to live and die in there
My goal was to play for a year also in the hope of a furry waifu. I hope Pulchra comes soon and isn't like Arknights which only has one female furry to date.
>Who do you run as third slot with Seth/Jane then?
Lucy or Rina. If you're playing Jane with Grace or Burnice you drop Seth. Buffing both anomaly agents > buffing just one.
They also shit out massive I-frames
>I thought. Burnice did her thing without having to swap in
she does, every now and then you swap her in to apply Scorched and you're good to go.
You can run Seth regardless of whether or not he buffs them both because Anomaly Shred + 100 Anomaly on Jane is still great.
If you want to buff them both then just use Lucy, Rina or Nicole and call it a day
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It's okay, they're adding quick team sets in 1.2, bwo
I have Rina, but she feels like a pain in the ass to use with constant swapping required. I guess I'll roll for Burnice to also get M6 Lucy. Thar way I can play around with team comp more.
Yeah. It's something like 10% extra damage and daze for teamwork attacks.
I eat ass irl and this would beat that 10x
the webm helps a lot, thanks
s11 basics is kinda fucky, I know there's a timing but sometimes it just doesn't work??
Finally beat Withering Garden 11, woo hoo!
For Jane/Lucy/Piper who would Caesar replace in those teams?
Does Ceasar wear panties or thongs?
gz bro
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>New banner in HSR
>Can get every character S1R1 with saved up pulls
These are my pulls like 4 days into the new patch.

Meanwhile, this game, I've saved 20 pulls after playing the entire second half of the patch.

I'll drop this game and go back to HSR if I had to pick one, ZZZ is too stingy with its gacha.
boxer briefs
Just press the button after her attack ends. The timing window is pretty generous.
After you get a hang of it, start trying to actually match the pace of her attacks, so triggering Fire Suppression manually doesn't slow you down.
Isn't the expected gacha income like near enough exactly the same? Also no shit 1st half patch gives more pulls than 2nd half patch. That's how it always works.
>ZZZ is too stingy with its gacha.
Not going to lie, this is actually one of the things I hate the most. Fuck genshin for this stupid and greedy system
Rich in ___
Rich in ___
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I think I only have enough chromosomes to lose one 50/50... idk if I should go for Caesar or Burnice.
My main teams are Jane/Seth/Lucy & Lycaon/Soukaku/Nicole
I also have a S11/Piper/Lucy but Fire Anby is sucks.
There needs to be a way to farm polychrome daily, and not just from the $5 pass or login. Like there should be a repeatable daily mission that gives the same 60 chrome and items as a regular mission.
This sounds highly improbable.
Can someone who also play Shitrail confirm? How many pulls do you get per patch?
So does Ceasar replace Lycaon or Soukaku?
anal rape with corin
I always felt like ZZZ and HSR's wish income was the same.
You're comparing 1st Half of patch HSR vs the second half ZZZ - first half of HSR gives off downtime compensation currency, the 10-wish special, and HSR gave 1000 extra to celebrate Feixiao
Caesar replaces Lycaon and Rina replaces Shitkaku.
tap tap tap pause tap
Listen to shikanokonoko koshitantan on loop in the background to get it down.
It is. The rolls they give out per patch are near enough identical. It's only Genshin that gives out like 30% less because fuck Genshin players I guess. The whole "2 characters per patch" cope doesn't even work anymore when HSR 2.6 is only going to have 1 new character.
Who's the smelliest SoC girl?
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You can thank all the retards who complained about TV's. After the HZ poly nerf, expect in-game rewards to to be even stingier in the future
Theres dozens of indian online marketers paid peanuts to do online marketing which includes going into competitors threads and shitting up the place. Segmenting off india would fix this
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You're doing your best, Seth.
are the Indians in the room with us right now?
Piper. she smells like a grandma
>he plays gacha games but cant afford monthly $100 boost
zero fucking excuse when its like $60 japanese
Reminder that kuro games got caught using bots to astroturf negative reception for zzz when it launched.
Tencent is famous for its water army

Remember when genshin had that nothingburger update to censor like 4 outfits? That was a tencent bot moment
is kuro games in the room with us right now?
Play Punishing Gray Raven.
I was bothered by the animation didn't feel as good as I wanted it to be, so I fixed the timings, shading and compositing then rendered everything again. If you already saved it, save this version instead
>complaining about amount of rolls
>shows HSR at 39
>meanwhile I rolled Jane day 1 and spent everything
>back to 36 rolls with monthly pass alone

you're just paranoid because you probably havent touched HSR in a while so theres more stuff piled to do, so you see rolls stacking faster. HSR and ZZZ have basically the same rewards.

both games feel pretty terrible given how weapons are a must for their dedicated characters and theres very little cope options..
Since Qingyi posters are accepted as the best, who's second best?
HSR is absolutely the worst at making cones viable. ZZZ the problem is basically non existent. Even with Caesar.
sorry chinky posters are the worst. This thread belongs to lucyGODS
Source: indians will do anything for a nickel including scamming old senile women for a
who will bake?
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Based, it's way better now
how does lycaon basics work? sometimes it glows blue??
Can I get paid for posting in here? how much is it?
Hold down LMB but not for too long or you'll die.
10 cents
Sirs I wanna do the rapeful with belle
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Leave the baking... TO HIM!
Hold down the button.
He'll hit blue and harder.
That's about it.
yes im looking at one right now
We know Wise. It must really suck to have a rape fetish when you're girl is down for sex all the time.
Caesar's reliance on her engine is overblown. The only thing she has that scales with impact is her shield value which isn't necessary for the buff as long as you dodge. At worst you're losing the 18% damage and 12% daze from it, it won't matter unless you're using her as a stunner replacement.
Burnice looks like she'll feel bad without hers though since her entire gimmick relies on spending energy to build her gauge for off field damage, and her sig is the only anomaly one with energy regen.
You're holding the button to charge the attack for more damage and daze. The visual indicator is there to let you know the attack was fully charged. Play the character tutorials in training mode, they're helpful and yield a few rewards.
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shut up stupid bastard bitch benchod
I still prefer the version with the hit-timing off similar to some of the construction complex' attacks
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wife boo
Jane is an overrated slut. Qingyi won Pubseggs

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