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Previous: >>494463073
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alive gaem
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White man's game
THE OG creatura kelly
Thank god loda fucking crashed outta ti
Topson is not white.
Any fucking day
xg never showed up
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How do we feel about remaining teams? Liquid is obviously reddit but who is /ourguys/? Who is bad guys?
Wait what? They divorsed? What's the official reason? Didn't they had kids?
Nomad is the dumbest fucking interviewer looking like a damn tweaker with the amount he moves uncomfortably up there. His voice has no commanding interviewer presence, he has no idea how to fucking not sound retarded
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quinn up
Do the chinese even play dota anymore?
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How many godlike sprees did we have at this TI?
Like 6-7?
I don't remember there ever being that many.
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Chinese Dota is worsening over the years, so much so that eventually SEA will catch up and overtake China. Still won't ever win a TI though lmao
They've been busy playing the phone version instead.
lmao liquid and gg are the only teams that matter, everything else is wasted breath
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deadlock ANNOUNCEMENT when?
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It's gonna be a 7-0 for GG isn't it?
Sex with CN -> ENG translator
Flaconz vs gamin finals
Gamin win
Quinn hangs the jacket becomes a redneck farmer
quinn winning ti would anger the largest number of people, so i want gg to win
But people on /v/ told me that slavs aren't white
Falcons has a Dane and GG has a Dane so I'm entirely okay with either one of them.
23 savage looking ass
>eventually SEA will catch up and overtake China
SEA server is basically 50% chinese at this point
Member when we used to be sticked during TI? I member
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Thats a man right?
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no more xingQ
Tundra has russians. If reddit hate putin and russkies then they are /ourguys/
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>no sticky
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>this is your fan group
>leddit hates Quinn
>tobson :--DDDDD
>falcons is a team of backstabbing frauds
>team blaquid
It's either GG or Tundra for me.
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I member
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Good guys
Bad guys
Topson choked saksa and whitemon carried game 2
Why does d2g pretend like gaimin isn't reddit incarnate?
Reminds me of the panel hyping up other regions even though it’s a dead game outside the regions the game got popular in. (East/West Europe) AWWW XG HAS THE REGION HOPES that’s because the region is dead and will continue to get worse. Europe is the only region getting bigger/stable so makes sense it’s the only non zombie region.
This is Quinn and gg aegis to lose at this point thank you TS don't see GG choking it
>no sticky
its so over dotards
pretty much. its not even fun to watch. trash TI as usual
CCnC winning is the biggest dunk in leddit we can get
Because liquid exists
Because they're not, and you're the only faggot here trying to change the narrative.
Imagine being such a faggot, caring about chinks and posting crying anime girl because they lost
You are pathetic
>Ephey talking
I just mute the stream, I dont care what the community sand whore has to say
Europe has also literally always been the biggest region, but valve loves portraying them as underdogs in every true sight
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>geoguessr world cup gets a sticky
>dotards last TI gets nothing
I fap when she is on the screen
>dotards last TI
Is this official or just "trust me bro"?
>woman panelist
>not a single woman pro ever
Kind of fucking dumb we have to convince ourselves this person knows anything about pro dota despite literally never being pro or winning anything.
don't post monkeysluts in here please I beg you
trust me bro
Gabe just called TI the greatest esports event
is this beastiality?
Quinn is a leftist faggot. His beef with reddit was literally about being unable to go five minutes in a match without flaming someone.
Plus dyrachyo is unbearable to watch and is a shit player. Hardest carried pos1 in the tournament and m1cke exists.
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>all bad guys
its over for dotards unironically, the good asians are moving to deadlock or CS2
*posting a crying anime girl
Would >>49
everyone except gaymen cucks gladiators
ok this is disrespectful to dota 2 at this point stop showing deadlock this is TI here i get it valve you have a new game
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>random deadlock gameplay
she is 9k and you are not
>Ephey talking about diversity
Why? She loves white cock after all.
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he's trans so it's double wrong
Anime girl please make me happy
Western and eastern europe are distinct

I wonder, did Artifact recieve the same amount of shilling in places where people couldn't give a fuck about it?
why did he betray our trust
I don't like the fake voice caked up tattooed brown whore desu
Bwo that's just the nature of pos1 these days. Just survive for 4 minutes in lane and then twin gate teamfight for the next 30 minutes
shes a groupie for chinese players
t. knower
She isn’t pro and I don’t play, you might as well get every high rank pub player to discuss their “insight” also 9k is shit nowadays
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Enchbros are winning
I don't want deadlock to fail if it does they will go full revenge mode on dota and just kill it
>quinn is our guy bros!! He hates reddit!
Meanwhile Quinn in reality if he saw this thread:
>Ughh stop using the n word guys!!!! It's wrong and not funny!!!!
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when will they revert facets or better yet 7.0
or will they double down and add more forced diversity of skills
a fucking single skill can have 3-5 effects/damage
the absolute state of this game
i hoped it was just a mistake he made not knowing what a doe is
rotting buck hole, imagine the stink
>I wonder, did Artifact recieve the same amount of shilling in places where people couldn't give a fuck about it?
did it recieve any kind of shilling outside of this:
read the filename it's aislop
> I don’t play
Stopped reading there
never call me a bwo without attaching a cute anime girl or a doro
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Anyone but Blitz
Deadlock already feels stale idk what it is, it doesn’t have the depth of data and other shooters have more polish, idk what they want with that game but I literally cannot see it getting as big as any top esport even ignoring the fact that esports in general are declining, it literally just takes people away from dots that’s it
the art is good though
because NA’s last hope is on that team
dota 3.
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These disgusting furry ench vs hoodwink jiggies
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they took the soul out of Jenkins
nattea bros...
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deadlock is dead on arrival
Is topson the goat if he becomes a three timer?
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You said the exact same thing every thread.
I don't really care since my team is already out, but I hope that GG won so the entire /r/dota2 (you included) would seethe.
tf2 players like it but they are like only 30k of them out there
Whatever, nigger.
just because he is one of the boys doesn't mean he doesn't take care of his Verodicia-given vagina
Keep defending a diversity hire retard maybe hire those redditors who post their 9k achievements for panel too?
who is jenkins cosplaying as
it looks so familiar
yes, even if its ai slop
Sneyking fans in shambles. Also 3 of the remaining teams have NA coaches for some reason
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I'm gonna make a Dota clone but as a SEGA all-stars game.
What color is you immortal medal?
Ah blank cause you don't play
You know they'll add even more new garbage on top of facets
Quinn looks like the exact definition of "yakubian ape"
>3 "swedes"
>a polak
>a jew
>coach is a blacked watching chink
Literally name a more unlikable team, you cant
the whole concept has been done over and over and always failed. its not gonna be an esports at all, screenshot me when the tournaments only attract 100 viwers
league board
league website
jenkins looking pretty fire today
More gachasluts please
which serial killer is this?
Trevor Moore
6v6 jungle role is all i want fr
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what's the point of tormentors as an objective
>b-but they will damage you!
it's literally just there to give free items
and you can't contest for it if you're already losing
He could pull a decent Leon Kennedy if he wanted to
Boxi is cute but he needs to recover is hair somehow
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china is better
Jannies are gachanigger who hate seeing non gacha thread at top
another thing for you to ping but your chud carries refuse to attack
Change location to the current spots of triangle watcher problem fixed
At least they removed wraith pact, pretty sure that item had more utility than your average pre 7.00 support's whole kit
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Why ignore my question and instead utter ad hominem? You keep responding so you must be mad I don’t like your diversity hire faggot white knight you literally can’t justify her being there if she isn’t a pretty brown woman
>posted indo
zhang pls kys
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>SK will get banned
>they'll pick Doom for 33 and he'll shit the bed
theyll turn everyone into invoker
Any russian team that isn't TS.
fuck no artifact just got a trailer i never seen so much mentioning the whole TI really about it lol we are here to celebrate dota 2 and the best players its not a mini advertisement for valve new game but i get it they might not want to go the trailer route this time
Need a major in china need a major in manila fr take me back to golden age of crowd play
Doom is a Jewish hero, 33 always plays him well
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they already took revenge on dota by removing the battlepass, it was something to look forward too every single year and you had a tournament with record prizepools, now this TI just feels hollow
The tech guy has a dota tattoo lmao
Idea tap and hold abilities
tap q for the ability hold q for it's stronger slower variant
>failing with the lucifer hero
Boxxi looks like a crack addict
And that's enough to be there seethe and cope brownie gonna stay
>Noone became a referee after being eliminated
good to see
they gutted it, we have to rely on the esports world cup now, the aegis is only for nostalgia now
So channeling but worse for no reason?
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quinn looking good
where is xyclopz
Quinn deserves to win TI.
Everyone knows he's the best mid in the world, he just doesn't have the bragging rights.
yeah i'm thinking they're sunsetting the game deadlock chads are the new main characters of valve
expect no TI next year
Investigate everyone chewing gum for traces of stimulants
Battel pass will return someday have hope
>what Dota does to a 26 year old nigga
punished quinn
>sticky for dead game
lmao even
Dota is literally only faggot effeminate europeans look at every single top four for tournaments, outside Europe and a specific subset of Europe at that, no money can be squeezed out of dota anymore, the aging player base gets tired of the game eventually.
next year bald
speaking of indo apparently their new VP candidate is a gigacoomer who has OF and Nhentai accounts

he leaked artifact shit under nda and is blacklisted by valve, he will be missed
CHADlock won
ace or tofu?
Blitz please obliterate this yakubian ape
wasn't this guy a pedo
Is that a...
is GG an EU team or an NA team?
where's banana dogshit jamma
tofu, hes just hansom
Wait really?
Fuck, his casting was a gold mine.
>can actually look attractive
>chooses to dress as a clown 90% of the time
but why?
LD wasn't even the main damage dealer lol.
Both Enchantress and Rubick dealt almost the same damage as LD with like half the networth. LD was just there to soak damage and be the honeypot frontliner which the chinks fell for
god i hate blitz. in fact i hate most people still involved in pro dota why am i watching
no he had an impregnation fetish and dated a pornstar
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what if ringmaster to deadlock announcement
>play game
>someone leaves
>another game
>another leaver
>yet another game
>yet more leavers
what's going on today?
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Unironically what happened with these prize pools

Why would they want LESS money from making a competent battlepass? Have they sunk all their resources into Deadlock?
Nha they just wanted to keep the 40mill and use to develop deadlock without gabe needing to open his wallet we funded deadlock with this 4 act whatever we go this year
ace in the front
tofu in the back
people coming back for TI and realising they dont like playing, just watching
>he isn't down with the clown
*asks for a handshake before the game begins
loosing more and more mmr to "ill play support sniper too, like in the TI!"
why does it matter to you
its not you ever won a cent
what a retard
>Quinn will win a TI before RTZ
I'm rooting for GG
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ngl his casting was comfy even when you couldn't understand most of it
>Have they sunk all their resources into Deadlock?
yeah probably
Deadlock is 100% going to be the big announcement. Dota 2 is over and Deadlock is the real Icefrog passion project.
retards on reddit complaining. "its wrong to have items only available for a limited time!! its exploitative!!" so valve stopped selling skins for prize pool money, im still not sure what they sell now, all i know is, it doesnt sell.
Quinn deserves it whereas RTZ is a fraud.
Oh how I miss having to spend 300 dollars to get cosmetics
Don't choke a cake walk TI Quinn TS is gone
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no wonder the chinks didn’t try as hard last game there’s no prize pool here
what about tightening mmr? Fucking ESL ape.
>first pick a losing wr hero
to watch them fail
your stonks just crashed
Canadian organization playing in EU
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Oh shit bros.
>their reaction to a nonwhite child
literally gigachad jaw
>chinks lost because they weren't trying
Nice try, Zhang.
Icefrog is tired of doing dota, they're sunsetting dota and will be replacing dota with deadlock (I'm going to fucking kill myself)
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this nigga's DONE
Look at the Liquid player posture. They already know they've lost. Game 1 hasn't even started and they know they lost.
If you look at certain years the TI was the only tournament giving out any substantial amount of money, now there are multiple tournaments having 1 million and up prizepools. Also i'm not even sure if the players get that money or as i assume it just goes to the owners of the team and they just get some kind of wage.
loose and lose are pronounced the same, not my fault your language is nonsensical. retard
Everyone on my friendlist with all act bundle max levels say otherwise
Poe is an anime sweetheart
And he is the ugly bastard
Now buy some tabs faggot.
crownfall is selling well
we just dont know how much
Liquid always look like this
Nothing valve don't want it to be that high anymore they don't want another ana/notail/jerax situation
Bone bro is picked
why bother with skins and shit where you take a 75% cut when you can sell them unrelated to TI for 100% of the revenue?
>Unironically what happened with these prize pools
Valve wants Russian teams/players in the tournament but DoJ would say no if they prizepool was big
what will happen to my 10000$ inventory?
it's over
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nigga wtf is GG doing
fucking clinkz?
oh fug glingz
it's just the natural posture of swedecucks
if you're using the internet, you're learning English by reading
You just have low IQ
Inbred faggot.
is the money from crownfall going to the ti prizepool? i thought it was just compendium
2-0 stomperbros, we're eating good today again.
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Us soon fren
Pretty sure it's actually more that they hated esports orgs getting such a big cut. They tested decoupling cosmetics earlier with the team packs during DPC and figured out that the orgs added zero value so Valve just removed them completely
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(optional) WHY?

The current prediction success rate for /d2g/ is 0% since everybody bet 2-1 XG and got btfo. Can you guess it right this time?
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The place looks packed
GG must be destroyed, fuck clinkz
>giving them chen
just call gg and go to game 2
chen/clinkz seems negative synergy
The stompernational
>Clinkz picked
Mason meta
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Not ti but straight to valves pocket and it's selling more than battelpass even my broke bucks got every act unlocked
Sell now before it's too late.
GG thrashes Shitquids balls
GG 2-0 liquid
i dont want stinking imaginary steam points for my soon-to-be worthless og items
Because ti is ads for the skins. 100k skins sold at 100% price is less than 1M of same skins sold at 25% price
Gg giving ace underlord might as well forfeit the game
>Underlord Ace
yeah it's gg
go next
Liquid 2-1
>another deathball lineup
GG win
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>No sticky
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It's not actually making that much, they were pretty generous with the way it's set up. If they really wanted to milk they could have just paywalled all the cosmetics instead of making them directly purchaseable

t. knower
crownfall is 100% valve
the arcanas were available upfront from day 1 with an going sale price
this model of content delivery is some of the best dota has ever had
how about you get your head out of your ass, as if your english is perfect all the time. lick my asshole you dumb nigger
How does the prize pool affect the number of spectators for TI?
I was dooming this game from 2016 and its still fucking alive. I gave up doomposting, you will too.
I'm sticky
These guys are already rolling the Deadlock updates way too slowly
They are not announcing shit lol
>tofu potm
>seleri chen
>ace pitlord
Yep, it's gg.
>qop of pain
except after more than a decade of collecting data on precisely this, evidently valve has found that the marketing aspect of esports is not really worth all that much.

the same conclusion riot and blizzard arrived at, by the way. all the historically biggest esports supporters are scaling down their investment because it turns out esport exposure does not really move the bottom line all that much.
its shit for the ti prize pool. miss having huge games with tens of millions on the line. true despair
you don't need to pay jack shit to unlock acts
how and where, no scams please
>Liquid picks Doom
>WR against DK Clinkz Mirana
Liquid is fucked with this draft.
>[HERO SHOOTER #68953] will be big
Sure it will, buddy...
fake hype
its about the aegis not the money
Lulquid doesn't have nearly enough damage to punch through Underlord and DK it's fucking over bros.
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Liquid has more cuties.
they still do battlepass (crownfall) just now they keep 100% of the profits and don't have a deadline (valve employees are allergic to deadlines)
my panties are sticky too
what was ana/notail/jerax situation
dyracho is cuter and more breedable than Ephey and Sheever combined
people want money not aegis
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>dont want GG to win
>dont want liquid to win
What the fuck are these audio filters
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isnt Denmark a white country?
what did blitzedRAW say
i dont want any of the top 4 to win

not anymore
t. dane
based blackedz
then watch the arab lan
oh wait no one gave a shit
meanwhile TI3 (similar prizepool to T13) is remember as one of the best
The best casters have arrived
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This is going to be another 2-0 won't it?
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I have no faith in it happening but have to root for Liquid
making so much money they quit the game and you never hear from them again lol especially with notail
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countries are legal fictions created to enforce the will of biggest local warlord circa 300 years ago
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>"I like watching Blacked videos"
Why did he said this on camera?
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>wins TI through force of drip alone
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>cucksfan and his cuck goy friend
Lol they patched the game to show facets
It's fine as arab bloodmoney going to fund escorts for next 10 years
Remember when Tobi cucked Synd and dumped his gf after?
he was an analyst at lan last year
Sunsfan will not be able to cast tomorrow.
goumang hero when?
i did watch the arab lan, it was good. we have to be honest, best tis ever were the back to back OG won, not ti3, come on...
When? Link please
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is that legendary hontrash trixi?
please dont let cap cast finals please dont let cap cast finals please dont let cap cast finals please dont let cap cast finals please dont let cap cast finals
Well they only need 2 sets of casters anyways, unless they swap them between games
you're right arab lans dont compare to any ti
despite having higher prizepool than many of them
why does prizepool matter again?
The best TI was the one with the best game and that was EG vs CDEC
>jew complaining about EU dominance
>honeypot doom
gg 1-0
>didnt even show up
greedy old man
me on the left
You did call it.
valve gave us a way to donate to the pros if you felt the need to
wont anything think of these poor pros only competing for a measly 2 mil
Tfw your mid can't play the meta hero of the patch
>pick GOON
simple as
my hotwives
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what a humiliation ritual
3 more games of this tomorrow too
the prophet
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reminder NA would never have won a TI without sumail
quinn sharts on nisha everytime they play
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>At least the goyim tipped me
any handfuckers in chat
Only Norway is white out of northern Europe
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Please don't let it be a stomp, I beg you script-writers, please-please-please
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yeah TL still can't beat GG go next
arab lan better than any ti with a lower prize pool than it though, more exciting, more at stake

prizepool matters because it makes each match worth more, each win worth more, each loss so much more devastating
why the fuck is sunsfan casting when he's sick
i cant listen to this
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new hero announcement tonight or tomorrow?
nishart choking hard
Liquid just choke to them everytime
Is it better to run or curse the road?
choking is when you get ganked and do their combo that no amount of skill can outplay
>arab lan better than any ti with a lower prize pool than it though, more exciting, more at stake
lmao no
alliance taking the aegis is much more memorable than quinn winning at in desert shithole
No hero this time
neither. game is sunsetting for deadlock
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honeypot tournament
God hates me so much
New deadlock hero announcement after loser finals tomorrow
aegis doesnt mean anything lol, ur just delusional
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Tomorrow they will announce Vindicta.
>Barely any breasts
>3 /d2g/s in the catalog is just a coincidence bro!
>arab lan totally has the same draw cause of the prize pool
Would actually be pretty cool to have a deadlock hero, better than marci
yeah it does have a bigger draw cos its worth more lol

who cares about an aegis, really?
Vindicta sniper persona would be kinda cool thoughever
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Kill yourselves
you're watching this ti
What are you people talking about, BBteam being censored shows this is an Arab lan.
lol sunsfan really is sick
why the fuck is he still sharting up the cast
This is just fucking gay. Nothing but one sided games and obviously Topson is going to win because having a three times champion looks good, and the game doesn't have enough years left in it for another champion to rise naturally. Same bullshit they did with Notail back when the game first began to decline.
Covid and dividing their resources
low energy jew very disrespectful
how come gg has been playing deathball for 2 years but no one bothered to learn it
why does dk get free armor and regen while invoker gets 20% deny xp
>implying PGL of all orgs had any replacement caster up their sleeve
>Russian team is winning again
How do we cope nato bros?
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Deathball online soon...
yeah but not for some dumb ass shield from a videogame. no one cares about the aegis

i think competitions are more exciting when the stakes are bigger (money), other person thinks the aegis is more important
invoker gets to use 10 spells
Chen, no honking!
flat af but good hips
is she still dating ccnc
why are they letting sunsfan cast this he's fuckin dying
Look at her chin when we see her at the desk, she's fat.
Nisha checked out of this game
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wtf is this prizepool
don't click this it produces mustard gas
>yeah but not for some dumb ass shield from a videogame. no one cares about the aegis
its not about the prizepool though, this one is lower than ever so who cares
yet 157k english viewers right now
because aegis > prizepool
which is why ti will always be bigger than arab lan lmao
>Zoom in on doom pressing phaseboots
>Miss two kills bottom
PGL is so fucking shit its unbelievable
I can see the happy merchant
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quinnfags? what is this?
>deer uh sho
>Three heroes can't kill QoP without Solar Flare
i care, i think the games arent as exciting. ti broadcast is in the dota client too so its always going to have more viewers than any other tournament.

with more on the line, the games are more exciting and worth more, simple as that. no one cares about a 3d printed shield or whatever it is
>9th thread
>Still no sticky
>sunsfan on hangover cast
finally good caster with synd
I thought this was ez game QuincyKEKS??
>the jew is playing satan
yet you still watch
you couldnt care that much that you stop
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Honestly some depressing looking titties
Gaimin exposed hard
its still good to watch, but its not as good as it could be
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>dooming during the golden age
I'm now dooming harder, thanks
jig jig
>posts one sauce
>proceeds to not sauce the next
my brother
wasnt ti8 the best ti? with a lower prizepool than ti10?
sorapoi doesn't like tits, he likes gaping colons with stink clouds coming out
doctor, i need more asuna, quick!!!
i don't think so but he could pass for a trixi
true it'd be better if she weren't flat but at least it's accurate
Did Liquid throw that?
Why is sunsfan even casting you can hear the suffering in his voice lol
Rarely do I see art that even has realistic boobs, especially animeshit
I want some gravity on those jugs instead of bolt-ons
>Team of godless sociopaths won
It was the worst TI
When will the age of brooool end bros ... I'm tired...
man its just sad to see this, i hope they dont do another ti next year or atleast make it even more insignificant money and venue wise.
this just hurts. Covid screwed TI10, they should have quit hosting them right after.
this is just sad
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Anyone else just doomposts until big update comes out and then mock doomposters every time? You can also make fun of CS2 fags on twitter to spice things up.
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You shouldn't need to ask, also Liquid are maybe actually going to win???

He draws Naga with giant tits though, well when he used to draw her
Finally a good game
>gaped gaming
Be happy. Brool is a million times better than sneezing at heroes to kill them like in League.
>oh no the prizepool is only 2 mil
>anyone else troll on the internet??
What does DK do?
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>he doubted
tank hybrid, big value
>liquid immediately stomps
>f-finally a good game!
How long until Liquid are somehow losing two lanes of rax? I say 7 minutes
wow are you the hacker known as 4chan?
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Dotards not thinking about League of Legends for 5min challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
All legality and organisation is such fiction but what is fact is that darkies are a bit dumb and violent.
>WR does literally zero damage
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wtf bdog
what the fuck is that orange spells constantly flying all over fighta?
uhhh quinn?????
>ccnc killing tofu
>Quinn has zero damage
>Kills his teammates
he’s right tho
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Kill his own teammates with QoP's Dagger.
It was cool when it was earned, now everyone's just beefy as fuck by default. Used to be kino having supports with brown boots breaking ankles in the trees
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>boxi does the classic Mireska "I just shadow realmed but broke it instantly by attacking"
Im going to TI next year guys
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>kills own support
know ur place
Why did Quinn kill Tofu?
>washed up cuck that streams for a SEA audience talking badly about anyone else
lmao, fuck off Bulldog. Sinned cuck you and you will never let go of that
This game seems so much more high level compared to whatever the fuck XG was doing
What hero in this game has a user base like Draven from LoL? As in you take 1 kill from them that they'll run it down.
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>Quinn's fucking reaction
Who cares about this faggot and his brown audience?
seems like visual bug in clinkz Quas
people don't onetrick in this game
anyone have quinn face? i fucking missed it
you did because you replied to him
just ignore him next time
>PGL tournament production value
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>le soiface
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I just realized why I always lost a lot of games, and that was due to not building core items first and building items made to counter the enemy hero. I am a retard.
Crystal Maiden. They're the most toxic players in this game.
>quinn's hairline
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lmao that reaction was so quick and then it was gone
>they can be subhuman

uhh based department?
>dyrachyo is the one who survives
That's rare
good guys are winning
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where sticky
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new marvel trailer just dropped
he's jewish its allowed
Agent Micke is still on the case to throw the game
why did gg pick stinkz?
Why aren't more people building blademails into WR?
>nisha lands a BIG qop ult on 3
sunsfan talks like hes describing his desktop setup or smth.
never thought id say this but i almost miss ODpixel, autistic stammering and wordgobblin aside
god please let GG get humbled
They're getting massacred by QoP, WR isn't the problem.
>too stupid to tell when a game is over
what is marvel?
>DK meta
>Mirana meta
>Nobody uses the personas
Told ya they were fucking ugly
>one of these teams could win TI
oof so soulless
it's a joke
this isn't /pol/ keep that shit in your diaper
Nisha carrying shitter like Insania to a TI win
best fighting game
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Do you think this deserves a sticky?
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do we hate quinn?
But I am serious both times
>Ignore all previous prophecies.
Sunsfan and Synd are already confirmed as the casters for the Grand Finals.
that's not tatsunoko vs capcom
you mean toribash?
Shitter like m1cke

Funny. Both teams carries are trash
Quinn hasn't won a TI yet, just let him win
It's not as fun to watch TI without Chinese teams... there no rivalry in the Dota scene anymore. It's just the same few western teams and players now. And the teams even just swap the few same players around so there's nobody to root for.
Was that a new spell from QoP that killed mira? "trigger when teammate is low hp" or something?
>keep that shit in your diaper
one of gods chosen has the right to call out the animal masses for what they are
t. one of gods chosen
I always cheer against Chinese teams so I'm happy that they all got eliminated. They usually play the most boring dota imaginable and don't innovate at all
I prefer Liquid to win it all rather than seeing Gaymen any close to success
QoP aghs emits scream when dagger ends
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>quinn is dead
m1cke shaaaaaaaaart
Sunsfan actually sounds good now. I had no idea it's actually him until he started shouting lmfao I thought they just got some random noname caster
Asunaposter where are you
Did you miss the
>so can we all be
right afterwards?
of course you don't, because you're a fucking retard
The chinese team was the only one picking anything other than the same 20 boring heroes this tournament
>its windrunner now
Ehhhhh? Where's windranger
the polan hater will not like this
It countered Doom in lane
Minor Inconvenience status?
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nisha kinda goated rn no cap on a stacc
heroes is not playstyle zhange
it's not much these days, but still more than anything else on this godforsaken board.
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lets go liquid clapclapclap
>pos1 clinkz arcane boots
Can you unnerf clarities now valbe plz and ty
yikes cringe esl
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That was only WIngs.
I'm low key hyping up your butthole right no no cap on a stacc fr fr
>reee why don't chinks just BROOOOOOL I love BROOOOOLING!
Let Quinn win wtf
Why is liquid such a bully
>Little did Nisha know that the player he was witnessing here would soon be his carry player
>GG gets aegis
>loses 3 towers and heroes
what do you call this play?
new reaction image unlocked
Say whatever you want about Liquid, Nisha deserves to win TI
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Why did they contribute so much to the holocaust and then try to blame the germans for it all?
If you're an oldhead dotard you should like Liquid solely for the fact that they're the only oldschool team that's still relevant
sunsfan lost his voice, so maybe not
It can’t be, doom will actually win a game?!
The 322
just end it gg have literally no late game damage
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>prize pool dropped so low and inflation is so high that you can even buy one medium sized house in Denmark with the entire 1st place prize
Why the fuck does Valve hate Dota now? The "we want to spread the money out" didn't fucking happen since none of the external tournaments have a free money printer like Steam to fund them. It's so fucked, I feel bad for the players.
has dota 2 always had such tanky heroes? every hero every game seems so tanky now, I swear it wasn't like this some years ago.
dota is better than ever for the players
fuck greedy pros
lmao hes like that monkey that gets shown magic tricks
3/10 bait
nobody wants quinn to win
>jumps in 1vs5
I wish that was actually true and the boomers here wasn't licking so much jew dick
Damn QoP, manliest hero in the game righ now. Absolute balls to the walls play.
The players get money through sponsorships and streaming
Why would he blink in there?
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What is the point of this hero again?
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remember your history, proud polacks
No. The game is just terrible now.
the tanky shit is relatively new yeah
Yeah that's on me, I jinxed it
>micke is exposing my secret wr brooch build
I hope he loses
how big is qop's futa penis??
33 has 100% winrate on him btw
3-0 now
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man the casters are pretty damn sad these days. fucking crapping-myself-talist and sunsjew, jesus christ. they better not let either cast the grand final.
at least svg and fogged are decent.
Bro he's immortal
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Liquid are doing it!
potato farmers
Who cares about orgs tho. Thats like fanshitting over new Cloud just because of their 2014 team
You are correct, str and magic resist creep is one of the major differences between old dota and new

focus on the game dyrachyo
sex with akasha
Sunjew is sick so it’s better he talks less
It's the blizzard balancing. Everything is a slog and nothing dies.
synd is danish so he's going to cast gf 100%
is Cap wearing a diaper right now?
You'll literally die
>no damage knight
quinn has 4k and dies no problem
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You wouldn't survive you know, just like GG
post unpicked heroes
The casting really went down the shitter. As much shit as Tobi got, he actually casted the games instead of the bullshit we get now from half the casters. LD's casting was also pretty good compared to the current level
That root was something disgusting
Doom is alive kek
AND you get to fuck Akasha? Damn that's a good deal
>4th place at TI gets the equivalent of minimum wage BEFORE taxes
>nisha winning
>suddenly anti polack posts goes through the roof
kek who could be behind
We just saw an entire team melt.
nah he is just "flowing" right now
>jew is the best player of satan hero
I can fix her. With my dick.
nisha winning TI would be pretty cool
>Dota 2 is just WoW battlegrounds now
shields barriers are the worst game mechanic in any multiplayer game
Most honest hero this meta?
Most dishonest hero this meta?
I hope you find happiness anon (and I dont mean the final fleeting moments as you fuck a Succubus Queen)
ti 2014 > ti 2024
those poor poor pros
whatever will we do
nice 2-0 sweeps dotards
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wonder if he ever thinks about how he's husbanding tobis discarded sloppy seconds.
Is that true? Damn, Poland getting more based every time I hear about it.
Nisha is sort of cute though.
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One game down
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>Good job guys, I'm going to goon to blacked porn now. Keep up the good work.
Lone Druid
>incoming another 2-0
What's Jimmy "Demon" Ho doing these days?
don't worry quinnbros, believe the script
His twitter makes d2g look mentally balanced. EE is following in his footsteps too
ez ez ez ez ez
Let's be real, even if Liquid get to the GF, they will choke the BO5 like usual
how long till EE loses all his money with his daytrading arc?
What'd I miss about blacked porn now.
idk nisha seems furious out of sudden
his puck overall never backing off and fighting until 1hp
now this qop rape
hes fucking fuming
>not choking GF
Why doesn't Purge ever cast anymore? I liked his official TI newb streams.
hey chat how mad is Quinn rn?
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is miracle polish?
Yeah because one team was 20k networth ahead, that's why the entire gameplay is just BROOOOL and yet the kill count is so low. Because heroes only start dying once a team is way ahead.
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>blacked this blacked that
when are you letting this one go
t. not blitz
this is the first TI I mostly haven't watched.

how's the meta?
She's wearing flesh colored panties right. There's no way she's not wearing any panties right? Is there a higher quality version to inspect.
1 more centimeter of hairline lost
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that's not dota he's watching a youtube video of what i'm assuming is league of legends
Dyrachio can't choke as hard as Liquid
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>Want to see nisha win
>Doesn't want to see Blitz "Blacked" chang win
Not sure what to feel about this
old man fear rocking that white suit
it will be extremely painful
iirc she has an onlyfans just saying
Who is Jenkins supposed to be dressed as today? also what's with the cut on his nose?
i miss clinton loomis so god damn much
half polish half muslim
his white polish mother fucked a brownoid
sex with whoever this titcow is
i watched some dota vids from 2013/4 and its insane if you see a qop ult, a pudge hook when ahead in levels or other nukes.Heroes just die,
nowadays you have a bazillion aura and shield items, so bad. Rightfully removing wraithpact from the game only to turn it into this?
rewatch last year GF that twink got destroyed
looks like a peaky fooking blinder
Slacks Bazzing it up. Bet he's having a blast.
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get jigging during the pause
gotta say slacks got a really swagger getup but i really do have to mute the stream every time he comes up
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hello tourist
what is your opinion on this image (very important)
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Oh boy it's going to be another 2-0... ain't it?
same, ill take reddit liquid win over quinn win tho.
I hope liquid wins this series, so GG somehow loses to falcons or tundra and the danger of a quinn ti win is prevented.
i wish nisha was still with secret so i could root for him and el presidente
based tidebro
It's clearly Infernus from Deadlock
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>the only shitpost people has for Liquid is calling out Blitz
this time 2-0 is what everyone in the world wants
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>All those empty seats
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I mean we got this classic, just need to update the person pushing him
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very common
>missing all the poleshitting
>missing all the mickek throws
We Danes care more about Counter Strike.
Realistically, if you're in slacks position, how do you make it entertaining?
>200 bucks for one to sit any watch a screen
I live like 40min away from there and I would never do this.
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Someone explain the blitz porn meme, I have no idea what's doing on
start by not having an ear grating cringe reddit voice and shouting too hard in the mic
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thirdie game anyway.
It is entertaining, it's just massively cringe.
Where did kaci go bros..
i wouldn't hire a guy who makes 80% of watching mute the stream
and 20% dont mute because they go away from the screen
so? you suck at that game too
>hire Kaci for some managerial position
>Slacks who is one of the most interested "talent" in dota health is ignored
Valve really did dirty Slacks
its a break retarded nigger, people go to the lobby
It's literal spam that is being posted by the same person for several years already. Just report it and ignore it
Slacks has a contract with the NFL as well, he's already won
What's her OF?
>a gold digger
>tune in to pro dota for the first time in months
>L*qu*d vs gaymen
>close stream
nice game dotards
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Oh. I assumed he accidentally showed his tabs on stream or something, it's not even based on anything? That's gay
why do they have cups of water on the floor next to chairs with wheels? wtf? what's wrong with bottles?
why is his skull so flat?
blitz showed his blacked autocomplete url on stream someone has the webm i'm sure
tab back in Blitz
It's in the webm. He typed on something on the address bar of his browser and it showed his prior visited sites which contained certain porn sites. As funny as it is, I don't get who the fuck spams it for years almost every thread
How come Dota has no India players?
it's already posted >>494477783
There's nothing to redeem.
>no more soul in the tournament (Team Spirit, XG)
Whats even the point
switching camera from 33 the hobo straight to tofu is mean
>Tfw I went to Copenhagen to watch the one of the national football games instead
It was great.
No designated shitting lanes
Who is the Lina?
uhh sir?
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We have a Dotard from /d2g/ playing right now.
Dota is such a diverse game, so many eastern euro ethnicities/phenotypes that I have no idea existed. I thought America was a mixing pot, but it's become clear that the euro lineages there only come from a few places.
what did they mean by this?
iq 75.
Boxxi has hacked into the GG mainframe, it's over!
Does any game have Indian players?
Even Pakistan has managed to produce top tier players in a game with their dominance of Tekken, but India just doesn't exist
Who am I rooting for?
Thank you friend
Tundra is our best shot at SOVL
but i agree
everyone knows american education is third world tier, no need to remind us
>Verification not required
There is indian player playing on TI mainstage at this very moment
it must not be forgotten
quinn is sovl
lmao i remember buying a ticket to that tourney i still have some dropped items from that. do tourney's still drop the items when someone rampages or something?
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SD picked!
There are barely any when the games are actually on. It's break time.
>maatjes vullen geen gaatjes
where we @ dutch bros
Most games/high tier competitions/olympics don't have Indians. But Dota actually isn't one of them. You have Sumail, Universe, and Bulba
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You're welcome.
those hand tats are so classless
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>chinks knocked out
>crowd turn into crickets
I think there's only the Crimson Immortals in TI now, but you have to be in the arena itself.
no thanks
Bros why don't the saudis just buy out teams instead of hosting costco TI? Falcons was a start but quest is still pretty tier 2
It's fucking over. This hero is useless
Is he? There are over 2 million Christians and Muslims living there.
they're superjews so they must've calculated what's more profitable.
LD is a fat jew, fat and jew
Sumail is Pakistani
>Neta Shapira
my thoughts exactly
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oh nooo guys they banned marci again, shes gonna have to sit this one out
he stop doing daytrading anymore. now he lives with his cute gf and his asset go to index fund
Aw she doesn't actually do any nudes
It's a Hebrew name, it has nothing to do with Judaism.
haha she can sit this one out on my dick, if you know what i mean ;) hahaha
hosting events has more prestige
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So many Windrunners
asuna save me
why do you type like a disappointed chinese dad
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They look like they order 2 escorts per person after a win
this looks like AI sloppa...
both nat you stupid bitch
>called the hero "windrunner"
how did valve get away with it? that's blizzard's......
its funny cuz he's Persian
Do they wear diapers when they play in cease they need go to the bathroom?
i want liquid to win purely so that the rustard seethes more
They're hoping to muscle in on the esports scene as a formative official entity in order to gain control of it moving forward.

Look at how the French seized control of football with their Fifa body and the world cup - professional football and football tournaments predated Fifa sanctioned events, but Fifa organized in such a way that they effectively gained control of a scene that was only loosely managed due to it being seen as merely a game. The Saudis are attempting the same thing with esports (see esports world cup), which is why the IOC suddenly rushed to add esports to the Olympics. They recognised what was going on.
It obviously is.
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She runs like the wind not ranges like the wind
I've always thought that quinn has the "does coke in the bathroom" vibe
Can't wait for the geopolitics when devs have to start rigging the meta to favour specific teams
nigga speaking in tongues
wtf was that I couldnt underestand shit
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>mods are doomposters
that is already happening
westoids rigged the pools against team spirit
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>and the crowd goes wild!!
Nice fucking camera
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Faker would easily 1v5 any team

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