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Previous Thread: >>494378374

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Sep. 3 - Sep. 30 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Dancing Heartstrings
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 16 | New Coalition Unit: Alina - Narciss
[Current] Sep. 10 - Sep. 23 | Theater Mode Season 13 (HOC: RPG-29)

[Current] Sep. 5 - Oct. 3 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
[Current] Sep. 12 | New T-Doll Batch x4 (SIG Cross, Mk.18, XM556, M400)

[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 17 | New Major Event: [Singularity Immemorial]
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 17 | External Search - [Seeking Stars] (Xinghuan)
[Current] Sep. 10 - Oct. 8 | External Search - [Nocturnal Blade] (Penumbra)
[Current] Sep. 10 - Oct. 1 | Character Event: Penumbra [Netherblade Gleam]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
Spider good
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I wonder what's she going to look like in GF2.
pre-reg doko
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Start ur day with STARturday!
Remember when they ran a whole marketing campaign in CN 2021 and the game wasn't out for another two years.
That was a good use of resources.
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nyoooooo SKK help meeee!
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STAR trying a different form of shooting
>message has been send to the spam folder<
>SKK committing domestic violence on Cluck because she's a dumb bitch
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>meanwhile SKK
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Hey SKK, did you get my messages?
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>he isn't giftMAXXING
more like time wasted on a shit game MAXXING
memes aside, I'm glad to see some mechabare
Now back to the good game and theater.
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So /gfg/, answer me this:
We all know Kryuger recruited (You) not prioritizing prior experience and perfect tactical judgement, but ability to connect to and relate to dolls.
If dolls were real, what would your own personal ability on that be like? Would they just be expendable toasters to you, or would you try to get along with them, or something else? And why?
I like to think we'd all give these dorks a measure of happiness, but I also sometimes see posts that reflect 90% of what humanity in 206x thinks.
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Smooch Entropics! Before they disappear!
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So the leaker dude posted more shit from the script
"Are you saying she can't switch to her second form because of damage to her original body?"


(Sextans, the doll, nods silently and coldly gazes at her former comrades.)

"Vepley, Kroliko, get all the 404 dolls onto the vehicle! Hurry!"

(At their feet, the collapsed BlueSphere struggles to make sense of the images being transmitted to its visual module.)

"Name confirmation obtained. Who are you?"

"Subject unidentifiable."

"Ugh—so—heavy! Sextans, come help Vepley, will you!"

(Sextans pauses, her cold and unfamiliar gaze resting briefly on BlueSphere before shaking her head and ignoring the bewildered doll. She walks toward Vepley to help her and Kroliko carry the 404 dolls' bodies.)

"Hey, be gentle… gentle, hey hey hey…"

(Standing next to the jeep, Kroliko tosses the unconscious Mechty, she was carrying to Sextans, who is already carrying Belka, before rushing toward BlueSphere and swinging a blade at its head. However, the blade halts abruptly after making contact.)

"What is she made of?! I can't cut through her?!"

so Sextans joins us
Did they need to pull the enemy jobbers join us card so early?
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I mean she literally got beaten by us so why not rewrite her and make her join
how can i know before seeing a real doll firsthand and gauging the uncanny value feel
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thanks anon
Thin, no smug and self conscious
48 hours have pass, so where is the pre-reg fagmily niggers
Do you feel she'll still be sporting the Nyto body?
You need to start making a deck of these cards you speak of
>fagmily niggers
nega fambli lies, color me surprised
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It says 10.00
Which means sometime in October
the boy
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Ok anons I have acquired M2 and her 5 dummies. What do?
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oh no
feminist skk got her
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>If dolls were real, what would your own personal ability on that be like? Would they just be expendable toasters to you, or would you try to get along with them, or something else? And why?
I would try to get along with them and make them feel comfortable, I joke about Doll molesting and telling Dolls they owe me sex but I would be more professional. But I would keep posting on the Commander only board on Griffchan.

>what would your own personal ability on that be like? Would they just be expendable toasters to you, or would you try to get along with them, or something else? And why?
In battles in game and even other games I try to keep my units alive as much as possible even if their death wouldn't affect the mission in any real way, but I also know that at times you have to be cold and calculating. I would be maybe middle of the road commander at best, nothing really to write home about, especially compared to other anons here

>I like to think we'd all give these dorks a measure of happiness, but I also sometimes see posts that reflect 90% of what humanity in 206x thinks.
In the year 206X, A human's life is cheap as dirt, and a Doll's life is even Cheaper
>male dolls again
are you fucking kidding me?
>Do you feel she'll still be sporting the Nyto body?
Yeah, maybe some upgrades. But other than that the same

>Ok anons I have acquired M2 and her 5 dummies. What do?
Give one to me. Please
You guys aren't funny.
She might feel bad now but you'd think that after 10 years she'd learn to accept her new life.
good, I wasn't being funny
this is serious
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Dolls are like working dogs, they have emotional and psychological needs, they are partners in your job. One should treat them well, but remind them that they are under humans in hierarchy.
What's the point of Oaths in exilium?
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>affectionate dollhandling from a former enemy in the dorm
She'd accept it, but her confidence would still be cracked and scarred.
I love these retarded ass questions that are trying to be funny but just fall flat.
Are you retarded?
I legit don't know what it does, except the cutscene and the brand.
I wasn't interested until 11 appeared.
>ask question in a retarded way
>call others retards
You get more stats, more intimacy levels, a cod weapon skin with her face in and eventually the ring turns gold.
Hag dols are for real men
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Are you an American? Only burgers think that there's only a few ways of "correctly" saying things.
>Answer million dumb questions from people who don't know how to spawn second echelon at night maps
>Get screamed on for asking one (1) stupid questions

>You get more stats, more intimacy levels, a cod weapon skin with her face in and eventually the ring turns gold
>already assuming I'm a burger
did Maxi make it?
>did PNC doll make it
The answer will always be no.
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Say something nice about her.
boy do i wonder why some so called people own dogs only to keep them locked up alone in an apt building absolute vast majority of the time and make their loud ass barking everyone else's problem
doll for the feel?
Gives you slightly more stats and extra intimacy, not all that different from GF1.
Though if you asked me, I'd say the point is because you love that girl in particular. Which is why I'll never score high on theater, because I only give rings to dolls I like.
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One of the few niggers I'm attracted to. Unfortunately, like any other nigger, she can only speak in gibberish.
Nemesis is Nemesex
that's not a doll
The fourth day is in, a trade of 2 for 5 has happened.
RIP in piece: Xenas and Dorkten. Now the spotlight shines on some returnees and this general's all time favourites like:
Quasidork (256500) haunting the 75th place
Ch*nnys (456256) entering the spreadsheet on the 89th row
and less known faces like:
Tomzai (573500) at 85th place
Katakyrie (803873) at 90th place
Ichirosan (399210) at 91st place
A won for the third time in a row and my investigation stocks are crashing.
Oh also lolu7 returned at 98th place, blooded and gritting teeth, let's hope he manages to keep his spot this time!
I forgot about theater for a day sorry.
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I wonder if AK-15 will be even taller
she just needs a bit of love
Dogshit people who can't stand being alone OR put effort into human interaction so they get a minidog for companionship for the lowest amount of effort and yet can't be arsed to train manners to the lil' anklebiter and everyone has to suffer for it.
Guess dolls can fit the same niche of companionship for dogshit people, so any cheap massproduced 2*, to answer your question.
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>still not foot massage minigame
It's over we've lost
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ngl I don't like being alone, but I also don't trust myself with having the responsibility of caring for a lifeform that is wholly dependent on me to provide food, water, outings, and so.
Don't have to be mass-produced 2* for the example, mp-40 is a great and chill doll, mp-41 is a rat snitch, teachink is absolutely wonderful and MDR, despite being a 5* one-of-a-kind is more like a one of a kind piece of shit.
2*s deserve much better than that
MDR is cute though
DSR asks for one in GF1, gotta wait for her
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You are never alone anon look behind you.
You would not want one, they are broken
There's nobody behind me, anon. Never will b-- F-FAMILY?!
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Flattiest aren't allowed to be this smug
wish hammer nygger flattened my cock..
Wish she flattened your hands instead.
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I look forward to seeing how that fight went down, especially that explosion at the 'end'
2x fragment drop doesn't happen often enough.
Just what did compel him to go zero-contact? IIRC there was mention of G43 being hunted down but IDK if that's still true in the latest version of the game.
All the other gacha games that have a fragment search mechanic always have a 2x fragment per month except for PNC who only does it if they feel like it. It's so hard to experiment with units because of this.
I probably wouldn't develop SKK's physical strength and charm but I might actually get along with more dolls because I'm more calm (and boring) than SKK. Nobleconfidantmaxxing.
Hot + Rare

Need more Refuse bully
>ugly, unshaded soles
How did mica knock it out of the park that hard?
How'd that happen? What's upkeep like?
And I guess you save one to modify to the GF2 configurations. I'd say she'll be added 1.5 years after CN launch.
I think there's a balance between caring for the girls and treating them like tools. For me I'd be pragmatic, I'd order them into situations where they could die, but I'd do my best to keep them from dying until it was beyond me. I'd probably sleep with them (nonsexually) too, just to experience life with dorks around. I'm a very solitary person normally and I need to build a connection to them so I know how far they can be pushed.
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it's weird how the scene gives me Dead Space 3 nostalgia
red arm cool
So what happened to Dartrude?
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fond memories from the day this image was made
Our dorks beaten her again but the collapsing factory didn't let us confirm the kill, she was contacted by an unknown person and that was the last thing we know about her
I'm sorry /gfg/, I...
cheated on you.
I saw Battle cats in the store while looking for something new and from all the cheap games that advertise using those shitty 1iq tests with the "person" playing them I decided to give it a shot.
The stamina refreshing as fast as 1 per 1 minute means I can play very often, but I also saw where the logistics thing came from and how greedy the monetization is by telling you to buy items (using premium currency) you can get for free that are basically a part of the base game in pnc and gf1. Fast forward battle? Buy it. Auto-battle? Buy it. More exp per battle or things to make it easier? Buy it. Want to 100% get pretty game-changing treasure from a stage? Buy an item. Logistics is upgraded not by combat stages, but by using itself and speeding it up, is also buyable.
Pulls? All for premium currency. Or more stage grind. IDK yet where one can get golden tickets other than completing the main story, but the fact that there are also no dailies gives me a lot of hope.
So, I think I'll get bored of the gameplay that already seems to lead to more rock-paper-scissors before getting used to the grind.
Blogpost over.
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I remember an earlier conversation (not sure if it's still part of the current story) where Sextan had seniority or something, so her being gone may have let Dorkture get a position she'd normally only get if Sextan died. But if she's also with a different faction now I'd be surprised. That'd mean their original faction lost three Gen 3 Dolls rather quickly. Too quickly, no?
3 gen 3s in 10 chapters of a story, doesn't seem that fast to me
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The medical team she belonged to raised this doll as their daughter. And now here you are, bending her over all the furniture in your room.
looks funny
anyway most people are doing something to past time til gf2
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Given the information provided we could assume this poster is Ichirosan and if I'm wrong, whatever, the dork deserved it anyways
I love this dork
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They trained her holes well
if you like battle cat try counterside
When you put it that way...
That furry already got dorxed today by theaterfag
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Always been fond of this doll, shame she got 0 attention in general.
<Insert side collapse picture>
Double dorxed even? lol
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gotta be someone I suppose
saw some dorks I really liked when I first started and browsed the index
could see USP being a cute police-themed doll in a few ways for GF2 but multiple dolls could be used for that
pic only semi-related
Reminder that she's a filthy coomer
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Her odds of coming back are only slightly above 0, so I'm not holding my breath on that. Would be cool to give her a full size USP on top of that.
This is good.
Pats, but only for the dogs.
Go back
So what is /gfg/ doing while waiting for GF2/GF1 conclusion/saving Hubbly in PNC?
Space Marine 2 and Gundam Breaker 4 here.
>captcha: 404RT
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skipping time irl by gooning and sleeping
I picked up BA during our content doko period, it's been a fun read so far.
Why would you kiss a dog?
is this GF2?
no this is coombreak
DRG and GMing a pathfinder table.
SKK please stop interrupting her goon sessions
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>Hey commander, this is literally you
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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Hydration is important.
"Who are you?"
I marry her.
"I know"
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She's very cute
Fall over and pretend to suffocate
More please
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just games and stories like I did before GF1
recently the universe is intent on getting me to play Ace Combat
it's cool just not sure if I want to get into a marathon right now
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You're going to make her cry...
Say thank you and eat it
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>If dolls were real, what would your own personal ability on that be like? Would they just be expendable toasters to you, or would you try to get along with them, or something else? And why?
I'd try to make them as comfortable as possible (give each echelon their own dorm complete with furniture, etc), give them the best equipment available, that kind of stuff.
Unfortunately, I'm quite introverted, so I'd probably lock myself in my office for most of the day.
I'd actually be more worried about the military side of things. Gameplay seems to show that it's not that hard to outsmart most of Sangvis' Ringleaders, but once the KCCO and Paradeus show up, I'd be dead meat.
she's cute and those are cool
>"If that's me, why is it not wearing a beret?"
yeah same i can't do shit without a guide
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Step 1 involves moving her stupid competition swimsuit thing to the side
You can intuit further steps
That's fine, that game doesn't count.
I've been playing it a while as a f2p, you can get literally everything without spending any money since any resource can be grinded for, so actually buying items is a really dumb move. I have about half the non-collab SSR units and all the SR/R but the game is beatable nogacha.
The main issue is that the game is fucking maaaassive; 4 storymodes, ~750 campaign maps many of which need to be replayed at 4 difficulties, and a slew of gauntlets/bossfights, it's to the point I can't blame you for quitting. Pretty damn challenging though which I like a lot.

But yeah it's something you play over a long period of time with effectively no story, so it's really a non-competitor.
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Literally me...
should i try fgo since i have nothing better to do and it's the only big gacha i haven't tried yet
No tail? then I guess I'll have to plug her butthole myself
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>can't do shit without a guide
That wasn't the issue, my echelons were simply too weak to deal with 10-4E and Chapter 3 in both Singu and Tree when I first got to them.
I actually didn't mind the difficulty spike, felt pretty immersive imo.
it's better to do anything else, even take a nap
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Who's your favorite Belgian?
I like to think I'try being a good commander they can rely on, but I don't think my sanity could handle the thought of dolls' sensory modules essentially being recording devices, thus possibly making any interaction with them some sort of Truman Show at best and criminal evidence at worst
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This one, la rata is 2nd
Honorable mention goes to TPS
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Honkai impact3 is getting a Collab with Star rail. When will we get the GFxPNCxGF2xBakery girl Collab?
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Shorty my beloved
i'm kind of thinking about dropping snowbreak desu
Is there any reason why the chinese are obsessed with feet now? Almost every chinese game I played has tons of it now.
yeah it's boring as shit, i regret investing money into it since they have me by the balls now
>snowjeets shitting up the thread
It's not like you can understand anything since you're a MTL troon
Chinese always had a thing for feet. Why, it used to be a thing for young girls to wear shoes two sizes under in order to stifle feet growth - women with small feet were considered attractive. Of course, that only lasted until she took the shoes off and you'd see what distorted mess it crumpled into.
first, I was a feminist, then I live in shanghai?
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Since J is going to take Nele does that mean I can keep Mona?
>wakes up
>samefags his trannyslop
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Fuck yeah I knew they wouldn't let such a cool and sexy design go to waste
My husbandfu!
We joined the evil cartel alongside John Mihoyo, John Kuro, and Joan Manjuu
It's a girl though
Nobody told me about this, when did it happen?
She belongs to you now anyway
too late, already cloned neuralcloud, had persica build me a spare body and nakadashi from behind in my dorm room
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on the day chink akihabara got announced according to the schizo
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more interaction would be nice but
I was going to ask why he was having a meltdown about AL the other day but it's probably just the mental illness.
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you will burn in hell you know
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Won't stop her from being a walking fleshlight!
iirc there was some crazy chinks that play AL that made fake ads about Snowbreak. So now they are apart of the cartel. Nevermind the fact AL and Snowbreak are probably on the same level of fanservice.
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We love big feet here.
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She's a Prince.
Oh so you're of those faggots who believe contender is a girl. Got proof on your claim, schizo?
see, SKK needs a body in dorm. that's what matters.
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I will murder you in your sleep before that happens.
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I'd probably be a bad commander to dolls all things considered. As someone who plays RTS, the things I do as second nature are quite horrifying if applied to a doll, assuming they would follow my every command on the field. I will order units to die for their comrades if it means the team overall will take less splash damage, I will send squads to attack infrastructure deep into enemy territory knowing full well none of them will make it back. I would gladly trade my units away with the enemy in unfavourable situations if I knew I had more resources than my enemy. Then again, I probably would work for a PMC that employs human-like dolls. I would much prefer an organization that uses soulless military dolls. Who knows, I might be a ruthless taskmaster like Angela and have one of my subordinate dolls betray me and steal my body but I doubtthat will really happen to me haha.
Won't do shit, nigger. You're acting like the ngafag.
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Same but I wouldn't feel bad about it. Dolls are your tools, whether you love them or not. The nice thing is that you can bring them back to life.
Isn't part 2 already out?
september 5th will happen any day now
Post the leaks then cuck. Of.course you can't because your cuckold chink friends only know how to write cuck fantasies
It's not healthy to project your weird fantasies Scoob. Just a walk and get some sun.
>I will send squads to attack infrastructure deep into enemy territory knowing full well none of them will make it back.
>Not microing the same 5 harass units to be a thorn on the enemy's side from early to end game
Anon, are you... are you bad at multitasking?
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Realistically speaking, you would have to spend a lot of time learning their behavioral patterns and quirks just to keep your job somewhat smooth. That would be fairly easy to pull off with most dolls but imagine having to deal with someone like A-91 or even DSR. It's still better than being in Ange's shoes, RPK would probably drive you crazy lol
We love perky dolks
I was told GF2 Pre-Reg was happening next week, is this true?
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>deletes instantly
dumb bitch is the worst idol ever.
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I think it was where Groza and you finally talk to 416.
Yeah that's common knowledge. I'm still waiting for him to come over.
Honestly. Dolls are nothing but smooch meat to me. I don't care about their personalities or worries, they're just walking lips for me to smooch as I see fit.
I got told to fix them. They got fucked up during AT and only one of them kept firing. Sadly they go back in the vault now.
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>Post the leaks
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This you?
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I want to drink from the tap
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She's cute, that's why I bought her
I'm not sure what to think of RPK even now. Feels like Ange always treated her roughly and never cared to even lend a ear to her random musings, mistook her attitude for arrogance when really she was just much more curious about humanity and their feelings than most. AK-12 and 15 I'd have trouble with - one feels like I'm constantly on a fine edge of a battle of wits, the other has a singular narrow-minded purpose and won't consider anything else outside of her scope.
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Anal Action - 12 getting kinda loose back there
maybe she just farted
Nah, I don't have cooties.
>he removed the links while posting his melty in other threads
why should i care to know
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Fluffy dragonfly day!
Dolls aren't biological, so they can't have cooties, or spread them.
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Uncertain. I wonder if FAL or F2000 will show up in the future.
And yet, you still have cooties. Ew.
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12, sure. She could be an annoying bitch. 15 is a very simple doll, though. Just give her orders and she will execute them.
ordering 15 to rape this tongue with her rim
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Oh, okay...
Doll cumfarting erotic
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>I refuse.
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Of course, there is usually a limit to how many things you can do once and have them still be of a satisfactory quality. Consider how late game harass is significantly less effective than early game harrassment due to your opponents having access to more anti harrassment tools to protect themselves and them having a stronger economy, most of the time it is better to dive and kill just one more worker than saving your harrassment units after their effective timings as in the early game one unit is a bigger pie of their economy.
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So what race is this nga poster?
Also how come nga poster never post any images?
Probably SEA
Image banned probably
>not being a 500 apm gookclick master that can stutterstep 5 different groups of marines simultaneously
whomst is this
I can't believe that this artist committed artistic seppuku
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What the fuck are you staring at you fucking trash?
A Cocochink.
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Why are they so popular?
he admitted in his big /v/ melty a while back he is rangebanned from posting images or making threads
why janny trannies never finished him off is a mystery for the ages
There's something for everyone. Cute, strong, crazy, whatever you want.
It is oddly funny watching a kneecapped schizo lash out and flail around like a retard.
their popularity is carried almost entirely by russkis
how and why there is ru fanbase for a game that doesnt have ru tl I'll never know
good designs
Maybe had to do with him miserably failing at gorespam as his alter ego.
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Cute - Anna (cunny)
Strong - Angelia (commander/soldier)
Crazy - Angelia (rpk)
Whatever you want - Angelia (civilian)
That's like saying "you got shit in 4 different flavors, but it's still shit"
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SKK's wife btw
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If Mica really wants to make the big bucks, they'll release a RPK look-alike to cash in those simps.
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Looks more like he realized he didn't like where he was going and decided to go on a training arc.
how does one marry a corpse
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dunno about all that weird stuff
have some more T80
While deleting everything
>insert that one comic where she says me and the commander are just normal colleges
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But its all compiled?
pineapple with pepperoni is truly strange to me
wonder if anyone actually does that
just earlier I learned about the benefits/medical applications of bromelain from pineapple
pretty neat
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Anal the Chinks
anal is bad
Which doll would say hawk tuah
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This after plenty of rimming
save that talk for yer missus, mister
anal is for gays and trannies
could use a super genki chink in my life right now
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Anal with humans bad
Anal with doll good
Anal with bullpup better
Simple as
american mind is truly beautiful
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say something nice to Vepley
something nice
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I wonder of Ballista or Scout will ever appear again...
Her anus is tighter than Sharkry's
I want to fuck her stupid
nice voice
Her dogged efforts delaying prereg and global extends the time we have NGA-kun giving us free content to laugh at before his heart explodes
I like it. It adds a nice touch of sweetness to balance out the grease of the cheese and tomatoes.
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She's very cute, almost as cute as Sharkry!
maybe I'll grab a can and try that sometime
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This, if I had a genki Chink in my life to get me back in shape things would be different around here
It's good when combined with other toppings which compliment it. Would I just throw pineapple on a pepperoni pizza? No.
She's one of the main reasons why I got into this franchise. Though I don't like her as much as I used to now that I got to know other doros.
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don't say it
Are you suggesting that kimchi would be great for pepperoni pizza as well?
Don't say what? GF2 doko?
You just know gf2 pre reg soon!
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Imagine if Jiang was the official Chinese wife instead of Miss Daiyan, the whole shitstorm would never have happened at all
i'd eat that
>Colphne In Medico's outfit
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good ending
She's not even half as sexy as Miss Daiyan
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the heck you say
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Canon package deal
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Commander's daughter looks so cute!
Interrupting her shower just for anal
I wouldn't be opposed to it. Keep in mind, there's people who replace the tomato sauce with barbecue or ranch.
how did this stupid shitposter manage to be one of the cutest dolls in the game?
what a shitty thing to do
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G11 is not meant for sex anon
watch out she could rape you any second
It's been 10 years anon
She's all grown up and wants it
She's in her rebellious phase, she doesn't like her pops anymore...
Machines don't grow, uploading them to a more mature looking frame doesn't count either.
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Died like a dog
This anon >>494509830 is right. That frame isn't any bigger than her original either. You all just have wishful thinking or have poor eyes.
doll most suitable for performing hourly testicular torsion checkups on me?
Anal in the shower is the best, cleaning her pipes and exhaust from the inside for a deep cleaning of your dolls
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and if she poops herself accidentally you can just do the ol drain stomp
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If you need ANYTHING, you just have to ask your doctor.
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Why did you install a defecation module?
Flo. She's an actual doctor.
flo would also conduct hourly prostate exams
She bought a fake license.
I'd rather not be molested by my healthcare professional. I'll be sticking to doc goosh.
it's an acquired taste
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Wrong! Even Pancake admits that!
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Can't imagine its anything other than poopy
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What if I require a second opinion?
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Your soap dropped, nigga.
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You don't want Flo?
We're not in a prison.
You're giving the naggers way too much credit thinking that. They'd just spin some narrative about- come to think of it /gfg/ used to dunk on her like that too. Damn. Good thing, things changed.
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He would you. Even if you cried.
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Oh you think you're just gonna leave it down there?
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She's a real sweetheart though, has no bad intentions towards you
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Goosh in goosh!
sexy brown doll
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She also cares greatly about personal hygiene. NOW PICK UP THE SOAP!!!
Alright but I don't want her behind me.
Something for everyone. There's smug, strong, schizo and slug.
what is up with Saiga and futanari?
soap? why would she want to strip the essential body oils from me? surely there's a better way
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I'd like to be taken care of by Helix, Bonee, HS2000, Panakeia and Lancet, please. Thank you.
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Oh we'll see about that.

Strip? Don't mind if you do.
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she tries her best
she was cute first and then they played the shitposter angle harder and harder
That outfit is good on her, I need to correct her into giving pre reg.
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I know, and being a clean freak makes her even hoter
My nigger wife Saiga is so cute
i wouldn't mind a futa doll having her way with me
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I remember when Saiggers used to look like a serial rapist. Why did she turn into a Disney princess?
She’s the one who should pick it up
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No idea, but rape has been a staple here since the Kancolle days in 2014
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Her presence alone makes me feel better
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... <3
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what's gay about having sex with a female doll
there is still no doll that was created for me....
What do you seek in a doll?
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Draw your own doroo
The lord bless you with two hands, make your own doll.
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I will FUCK that Klin
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Wouldn't mind if you killed yourself.
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What's the Hubble Exodia formation? Hubbly, Dushy, Abi, a tank and healer? Or remove tank for Turing buffs too?
god I love PKP
Let your specialists tank and let Hubbly feast
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Uooh tiny chink...
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she's great
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this is very nice
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Dolls for this feel?
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well she doesn't love YOU.
>still asking why a bunch of autistic manlets want to be raped by literal war machines shaped like hot babes
Imagine the sevensome
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This is exactly why I authorized the janitor to rape her
I love Waterkuma dolls
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be interesting to see when they return
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Me too
she sounds like a dumb kid
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One part of me recognizes this is a joke. The other part also recognizes Russians and radiation are a match made in hell.
There's thousands of illegal radioactive dumps all over Russian land and in their oceans ranging in hundreds of thousands of tons. The jockel in the picture could very well have found an ACTUAL radioactive item.
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We all do
Replace tank with Turing yeah.
Abigail buffs crit and hastens Grand Starfall, Dush increases Operand damage and armor shreds, and Turing increases Grand Starfall damage and also hastens skill while providing bodies to distract the enemy with.
Alternatively you can also use Taisch to spam black holes, but I find it's not as effective.
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Hag gacha.......
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Very nice shrimp bunn by tardigrade man
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Waterkuma working on the sequel doko?
Can''t he's the head of ZZZ
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Remember when they dug the trenches in the Red Forest? And took irradiated stuff from Chernobyl labs as souvenirs?
Is that mp5 or Babu?
He's busy with the furry gacha
that's nice

never seen that one before
good stuff
Imagine the threesome
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Turns out its babu
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Nothing copious amount of vodka won't fix.
It'll just make you numb to the skin-melting pain
I will make every single doll in that picture give birth to my children
Attention all dolls, attention all dolls.
Please stop engaging in segregation. We do not have "separate but equal" facilities for Nytos and stop telling them that we do.
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NTA but I remember when the Chernobyl plant caught fire during the fighting and they immediately agreed to a temp cease fire to quickly put it out. Imagine going from shooting at someone to prevent radioactive materials
>not translated
Come on
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Sorry but my base has 4 type of bathrooms
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I still remember the ZNPP raid livestream
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Segregation is a tough but fair compromise. The alternative would be to begin rationing.
nice find
that's real good
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I remember seeing autocannon fire and rockets striking the cooling towers and thinking, "What the fuck are these retards doing!?". Turns out they didn't know what they were doing themselves.
But we do have separate facilities for Sangvis and Nytos. We also have that other room for "visitors" of other squads.
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show me your PNC oath doll. polyfags need not respond.
don't play it anymore though
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If I can respect nothing about the soviets not that I don't have some respect or my respect means anything, I can respect the liquidators hearing tales on youtube from people who were there and survivors telling their stories. The tale about the firefighters always got me. Not even enough time to put on protective gear but you head off to certain death just to put out the fire and then dying from rad poisoning the next day.

I remember seeing the fire spreading and hoping it didn't reach the sarcophagus

To be fair, maybe they thought the plant was mostly abandoned and inactive. Many people didn't know it was still active.
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What if I oathed Nanaka and Kuro? What then?
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Now what
Yeah, it's a damn shame how little they knew of the effects.
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You should start playing again NOW
>PNC oath
I'd only oath my GF wife if she appeared, which will never happen.
i don't see any reason why i should, game was bland as shit
started playing gf1 again for now
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shut up kot your an entropic now and kj will never love you
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I'm sorry kot but I love my cop wife
gf2 doko?
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I remember one of the firefighters were told, that if you got too close to the fire you were going to die from the materials spewing poison, but if the fire spread and the reactor went off it would destroy all of Europe and they still went with no hesitation. I was always a sucker for those stories. I gotta reinstall stalker soon
sudo rm -rf
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such a beauty, love this outfit of hers
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Justice for 2stars!
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>tfw no super cool beauty picking me up with her sports car
she's gorgeous. glad she's gotten as many outfits as she has, I hope she'll eventually get an oath skin to round them out.
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Unironically could make it into GFL2 since she's so tacticool
>girls frontline line 2
So are we going to have the full roster of girls at global launch,or are we always going to be a year behind CN for GFL2.
2 enil eniltnorf slrig<
The latter. You will never enjoy plot twists or events because we will know everything a year ahead.
yeah we're gonna have every single banner launched at once
gfl gfl gfl
can't believe mihomo censored his work
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I hope she shows up in 2. I know it's not the same one but it'd still be cool. I remember when her design first got posted and some of us had that wish.

I need to actually get to that series someday. Just a time thing.
Homo is in their name, after all
*purrrrrrrrr* *purrrrrrrrr*
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I thought only women became old crazy cat ladies
Would be cool, I'd welcome it
When do we get the Kalina sex event in gf2?
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Incredibly based.
I don't play pnc someone explain why persica made a younger version of herself with bigger boobs for the simulation
because she can
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She made it to stand in for meetings she didn't want to attend.
Everyone realized in the first 5 seconds it wasn't her but they let it slide because she's hot and Persica wouldn't go to them anyways.
Can't blame her desu
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I want to give her a more original name but I got nothing
You'd have to get her out of the server since the real life one is implied to have been decommissioned, though it could just as easily mean the RL one got memory wiped to remove her trauma.
c u t e
name her Amelia like the plane dork she's named after
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Do you think a doll's looks are reused when they update the entire frame and core for that model?
blind dork
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The implicit reason why Evelyn is in the project was to get her out of the public eye over the catastrophic terror attack in her backstory, so they slapped a bunch of medals on her, called her a hero and sent her off to some prestigious AI project so she can't blab anything that contradicts the narrative her bosses put out.
The Evelyn you also know is traumatized because all her friends died in the terror attack which is implicitly why she doesn't make any friends to lose all over again, but if she's reformatted to forget that, it won't even be the same Evelyn as you know anymore.
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If more cats were long legged big titty clingy kemonomimi then I think more dudes would see the light
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I will admit I may have made a mistake
If, and that's a big if, they ever bring PNC dolls into GF2, more likely than not that'll be the way it goes. It'll be their real world versions, and at the very least they won't know anything about the backup PNC and SKKJ.
as a collab event maybe
Doesn't that apply to some of the T-Dolls who are in PNC? Either they aren't the same one or if they are the PNC version has memories the T-Doll doesn't?
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How about "Crab Food"?
If SKKJ failed to rescue anyone, they can still appear in GF2 assuming they had a body to return to in 2060 and wasn't decommissioned later on, of course without any memory of the server or SKKJ.
You'll get to know each other again as strangers, all the time spent in the server meaningless to SKKJ unless he loses his memories too.
Yeah, the IRL version is basically what I hope for. Or even a non-canon for-fun thing. Some of them just look very fun to use in combat.
lol, lmao even
Yes. In Evelyn's case, it's as the other anon said. I can't imagine they'd leave her with memories that could contradict the higher-ups' narrative, so they likely wiped her memory and she won't be the same. You also have Luna who gets told of her mercenary counterpart K5.
>recruit Sol in GF2
>she's still garbage
blue m4
yannie's suckable tanned penis in gf2 pretty please
That'd work for me. I wanted Eve based on her like introduction self. Just the design and small blurb about her personality. So lack of PNC memories is fine.

Given bun's current condition that may well happen.
God, I hope that they add males to gfl2
They're not even trying
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unironically agree
i was indeed not
Woman players are the worst thing that happened to gachas
The majority of the PNC dolls would be approximately 20 years old by the time of GF2, close to the average doll lifespan. Good a time as any to recruit them as they get let go for more modern replacements.
The ones that no longer have a body, like Magn, Meryl, Undine, and agents that never had one like Turing or Olivia, I don't know how we can save them.
How about I feed (You) to the crabs, huh?
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Woman players will save gachas
damm skipped a beat there
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Build them a new one. Cheeta was given one wasn't she?
Yumestacies are based and gatekeep their shit from homo shippers
You don't. Besides, Magrasea was a dumping ground in general for outdated and obsolete dolls that at least had some data to offer, besides high performing models of commercial lines and experimental prototypes.
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I just want a feet groping minigame, is that too much to ask?
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So far, the dolls that have been in all 3 games have been mute on the subject. However, Centaureissi in GF2 has her PNC white day polaroid. Again she doesn't comment on it at all so it might just be a cheeky reference.
building new bodies for AIs you failed to save won't bring them back
That would necessitate getting them out of the server. Based solely on the fact that SKK can get Persica to make bodies for all these weird ass neural clouds that get conjured out of a drunk fever dream by 416, none of the PNC dolls appearing in GF1 can really only mean nobody got out.
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Patpats and chinrubs. Take it or leave it.
I just want a smooching minigame, is that too much to ask?
dolls for this feel?
Even if you don't treat collabs as canon, Persica does eventually pull out 45's OGAS and put her into a doll body to become the new playable UMP40 in GF2.
I appreciate the insight.
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No deal, the Feather Emperor must die
I just want a rimming minigame, is that too much to ask?
>you failed to save
this shit again.
Dolls have no butthole. I am sorry anon.
This post is why Lusica won
Trying to save everyone means you save no one, it's shrimple as that.
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Wrong Python.
How do you know he meant the dolls butthole?
guys I don't want to lose my cop wife after the server shuts down
SKK fucks niggers.
That doesn't even make sense.
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I'd grope her shrike feet too. Just imagine the freaky stuff she's into.
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Yes we know.
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There is only one person with the power to save them even after Persica sudo rm -rf's the thing
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Let's just say you won't ever get tired of sacrificing others.
I'll do whatever she asks if she saves Evelyn for me
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We'll all have to say goodbye to our dollfus one day and memories will be all we have left, live service games and all.
Cherish your time together while it lasts, anon.
I trust chong to make an offline version or an equivalent since this isn't a cashgrab game.
Why can't we have that again ?
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damn right
I farted
That's nasty
Nasty fuckers today.
doll for the feel? some doll braps?
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Save me german girl
Can someone post EOS brap please ?
uh oh
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>make a bunch of pale goth girl robots
>ultimate creation is a brown gremlin
why did lyco mean by this?
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Behead pixiv niggers who delete artworks or accounts.
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All I need
titty too big
>He rimmed 16 Czechoslovakians, dork was an interior decorator.
>rimtranny STILL thinks xhe's funny
Where's the brap ?
seems funny to me
This is all you'll get from me, go open the game or something
If Sunna is in front of Sol would it be considered an solar eclipse?
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Working on something now.
Let the man work in peace, this might be worth the wait
>xhe shows up
>no attention
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We schizo posting again?
Just me or that skk is a midget?
embrace Lunasia
midget skk or tall ppk
It's some combination of the angle, the two of them being on different plains, the fact he's sitting, and the fact PPK is in heels. I actually had to scale him up to be an absolute fucking giant for that scene just to make the picture not look silly. Same models with SKK moved up to PPK and both standing.
>It's a matter of perspective
lmao he's a giant now
I was going to make fun of him, but I am starting to feel bad about bullying the mentally handicapped.
>defeated by a brapfag
A fate worse than death.
If you put it that way you might be right, he could be a mentally ill person and laughing at him makes us terrible, sordid people.
I knew my implied goon post was gonna be helpful
You wouldn't jack her hammer
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I can't believe he just got gassed
Sometimes you just have to scale things a stupid amount to make them look right for a scene in this game. Logically you can follow "his foot his behind PPK's foot, and his whole body is further back than that, and he's leaning back" but it just doesn't intuitively click, so making him like fucking 8' tall for the one scene just makes it look more right without having to think through it.
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Pull points
Nice insights dorkfibers.
What are you people even talking about.
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Predictions for the 19th?
Threesome with Groza and 416
/gfg/ runs a train on ngaschizos mom, again.
>DI LE TO reuploads
chinks bros we back
uh oh scarecrow just two-shot my mech to shit in mech tower 31
Yeah. She does that. You can try era. But its easier to send normals.
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nothing personnel kid
Kill her with the NPC team and mop the map with the mech
Eh, that's just not a thing that tends to happen, especially when it takes time away from making a new money maker. I wouldn't put it past him to do so but it's very unlikely.
uhh i can't kill her with the npc echelon
Have those two ever met?
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Is she really all I need? Or is she merely what I deserve?
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what happens next? a hug? a slap? a kiss?
Kissing, with tongue.
You did get the anomaly node buffs and they weren't shit like evasion or accuracy buffs right? Also in the fight proper you should move up SP9 and Ribey to die first so Suomi gets more DPS from her % damage.
A girl who is confident in herself but also a hard worker/open to improving is great in and of itself. Loyal too. She knows how to have fun but she isn't trying to ignore the dangers of the world. She's open to suggestion too.
So I'd say she'd make a pretty good partner for anyone who isn't intent on being a lazy slob/subsisting. I guess only a SKK with very different hobbies would have a hard time getting along with her.
I'm actually fine if this Zas's name is Titine. Even though it's not.
>she'd make a pretty good partner for anyone who isn't intent on being a lazy slob/subsisting.
This is where Mechty crawls in.
buffs weren't total shit for sure
thanks i'll try again later, not feeling like it right now so just swiped the lower floor
Post Clucky crying
running a circle between marfusha and snezhinka, then rcbg and re4 (2005)
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I actually feel pretty good about her odds for the sequel even if she won't come soon
how's her mod by the way
wasn't around at the time
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>Titine: A hypocoristic way of referring to a personified object, often a car.
>In Italian: feminine plural of titino
>Titino: m (plural titini, feminine titina) = (history) a supporter or follower of Tito
Sounds good to me
in an RFHG team it's pretty nuts. competes or outdoes the RFs for DPS
I had thought about that but children under her care are a different matter.
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A pair of Belgian and Italian
it's all good now bby
interesting bit about this is that she had a verified contact method
or if she wasn't sure whether it was one he actually used it also didn't just fail to send due to him no longer using that number/address
wonder what the deal with that is but maybe he had some work thing that he couldn't afford to change so his only option was to not answer any dorks
SKK just had enough
Fuck dolls. Fuck glowniggers. Stop talking to me.
if we didn't already have so many medical dols i'd want fluffiest medic to come to pnc
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I need that bear ass on my face
The touches of blue on the chest and arm are nice
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I just didn't want to respond. sorry. NOT
There are too many great women competing for my attention. I'm afraid there will be more to come.
Medics have the 2nd least units and HS2k was already confirmed for PNC before it even released, just a matter of whether they'll release her before the story wraps up.
Well it is a good think you have those three lovely women to help you with time management.
Grossa gets jelly, I don't think she'd enjoy that.
She should pull her pants down and sit on my face.
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valentine quote
>have gf 10 years ago
>hear from gf a girl you turned down still likes you
Yet, that girl never made any trouble. I'm sure the dorks would be just like her in that respect.
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Protip: Shoot scarecrow until she dies
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where'd she find these
these are not hers
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I think I miss my wife.
>Huh, wait, you made plans with another girl?... humph!
easily solved at least
simply make no other plans
it's easy to say when you don't have bitches crying that you ghost them or bitches invading your personal space or bitches recording you without your consent or bitches trying to drug you or...
Artificial Mammaplasty.
She got them once we upgraded her performance
lunasia vs lusica
what kinda base are you running over there?
get a grip man!
>Lunasia vs Lunasia
hmmm Lunasia wins
is GF ever going to get the valentine lines?
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... GF1 has Valentine lines... they never use them in Valentine, but they are there in the doll profile
They're only used when you give a doll a wedding costume. That's where you can hear it
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Well that's news to me
>no one of my dolls have a wedding skin
N-Next year for sure, either way thanks
Seasonal lines for dolls only play if you have them in their appropriate costume, if they have one. So Vector will only NANI NANI if you have her kitty paws skin on.
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hmm nyo
what's that image supposed to mean?
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>My wife is never going to get a wedding costume
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You've been extra active today, friend. Watch your heart rate.
Mark your calendars, its the 19th now
So when the 19th rolls around and nothing happens just like the 5th, what then?
>>trannies melting down
Two more weeks
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Wait and Hope
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Good question, maybe the pleasure of being cum inside
>the 5th is actually two weeks before the 19th
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>So when the 19th rolls around and nothing happens just like the 5th, what then?
im the guy who insde the insider, 19th is the day where Vepley stop hiding the prereg button
Sorry, I can't hear you over your mother screaming my name. Stop making noises in the basement faggot.
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Sharkry shut the fuck up
>there WAS on the 5th even if i cant see it
Holy fuck my sides
>sharkry the fuck up
>there WAS on the 5th even if i cant see it
then show it, oh wait you can't for some bullshit made up reason
Have you tried looking for mental health aid?
you keep saying we lost something but i think our headspace is in a lot better health than yours bwo
Well clearly he is saving it for the global release, you know for some reason because the event with the nuclear bomb level of cuckshit won't get spread any other way before the global release of the game.
>even if i cant see it
now he start seeing thing, how long till he get enlightenment that he is Jesus brother just like that chink emperor.
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Everything will be well
Smooching angels
>HB appendage kept Dork Sol alive even after teamwipe
Well that's a nice surprise. Thanks for the free clear, I'll take it.
So now they are upset girls having limbs chopped off?
Man, just wait till I tell you about this game called Snowbreak.
Most smoochable tummy
Snowbreak has amputations? In gameplay or cutscenes?
Wait are you suggesting snowbunnies is actually part of the cartel?
Bro, we LOVE it. All you need my ass. She's as dumb as her name
god i wish clucky would beat me up
Katya has a prosthetic leg
Lyfe has a fake eye
Haru has a prosthetic arm
I think Fenny supposedly had one, but its never really shown nor talked about so I can't confirm
Caroline is literally a brain in a jar(body)
>In gameplay or cutscenes?
Neither, but they are in the story or talked about how they happened. Like Haru says Lyfe cut off her arm to stop her flooding.
Well, I am here, so yes.
This but her tits
if everyone is part of the cartel is anyone really a part of the cartel?
damn had no idea lyfe had a fake eye
but then again i'm not reading that low grade chinkslop
I mean it wouldn't be much of a cartel if it didn't have market dominance
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There is a random event you can get where you help her put in a new one. Also pic from the first chapter.
I like doll ass.
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i have been asking these drama trannies about the gacha cartel organization structure for example who is the leader, the secretary, the guy in charge of Treasury or who is the captain of hitman team etc.
the way how Mica get shit on i feel like Yuzhong is at the upper echelon at minimum vice president and DaWei is the president.
me too brother
wonderful things come out of doll ass
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Your honest reaction?
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And when everyone's part of the cartel...
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I love doll pussy and ass.
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Lunasia's derriere
I don't like Lunasia
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WA bimmer
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WA rimmer
Joke descriptions
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>ngafags hasten thread by a bit
i guess it's nice to keep him on our leash
Family in heat..
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Skin too white.
funny how this is canon SF tech
Chong was named Warmaster and will lead a coup against Xi by 2060 with his army of T-dolls that he was able to create thanks to his servant Vector/Agent community manager that left to develop AI. Trust the plan
Need a chong version of Horus right now.
where did everyone go?
i'm right here
To visit your dol wife. She was lonely.
its sunday mate we are busy touching grass
I was giving some love to NGAfag mom
I'm reading a book at my leasure and taking notes
I'm watching ALGS LCQ
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I am prepping to astral project into the MICA office to verify that M200 will be in GF2.
what if you get to play gf2 and it's not meeting your expectations be it gameplay or whatever
what then
I'll make the new thread on page 8
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Come on, only 5 post dorks
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Still busy typesetting and redrawing
All I need
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This is going to be oddly specific- but does anyone have the other two Halo/GFL pics that look like this? There's three total, and this was the only one I could re-find. One had Dandelion, and one had Griffin I think?
Russian egg fertilization with lots of kissing
Holding hands with M16 sounds pretty nice
It's sad how foreign that IP name feels to me now. To think I would have more hope for a gacha than my once favorite IP.
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Yeah, I feel you on that. Halo 2 had my favorite multiplayer of any online game, and ODST had my heart.
People were wondering why the art for base Coronet has a see-through joint but it's normal on the model.
Also Lyfe's fake eye doesn't change color or glow when she floods.
Its not your fault. Suits tried to milk it more than they should have and now Halo is a corpse of its former self. Occasionally I go back and replay the first three plus ODST and Reach, but nothing else.
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I just want to have this moment with a girl. At least once in my wretched life.
YZ will have made like 2-5 more games before enough corrupt people pass on from Microsoft for there to be real hope of someone tackling things with a good head.

Yeah, at least the good stuff's around. Not lost like gacha tend to be, not priced through the roof due to being old. It ain't all bad.
asking bit too much
I WILL make family...
Imagine the smell
ring or not just be mentally prepped for if it goes up in smoke
literally too considering deaths have happened on or shortly after wedding days
>that one couple doing a wedding shoot when the Beirut explosion came to say hello
Family has a healthy fat ratio
I want to run my face on her sweaty chest
If I had a crumb of happiness that was suddenly taken from me, I would cherish the memory and feeling of that moment more than I would cry about losing it.
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Like this?
rub my face
RIP Coach ;_;7
not for the first few years, losing stuff is hard
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I was mainly talking about the spending time with a girl you like aspect but this story is pretty silly too.
It wouldn't be easy but I'm used to it.
by all means go after a good thing
it's just good to spend as much time being ready for unpleasant possibilities
it's a bit like being ready for fire or weather events so that they don't hit you nearly as hard
Might ropemaxx soon. Dolls for this feel?
easy mode is obvious but hard mode? I'm thinking modded BAR.
Hate this commercial stuff about marriage, it's so expensive yet useless. The new family needs to money to secure a start, buy furniture and other things
Dying is gay kid
>SKK, as he leaves his dolls for 10 years in pursuit of Hyperborea
kek never seen that before
yeah also good to be mentally braced for many situations that involve them being alive too
New Thread

why marry when you can have your woman loot free child support money from the government (depending on your country of course)
No one cares.
Cute Wawa. You can accomplish it with enough effort. The world just has billions of people to sort through.
rope not - invest
both will feel miserable
only one will bring rewards
>dying before dolls become real
I just finished watching the final episode of The Grand Tour. It was kino to see flashbacks to the very first special in Botswana.

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