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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114 (Cross-thread)


Previous: >>494457705
catboy supremacy
Sex with catgirls
Anyone want to see my moonie+'s penis irl
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Would you our hero?
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Cats are for petting
hehe wuk
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All femlalas...were destined to be...
Ah fuck it, i'm tired.
Pyon Pyon, nigga.
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My femezen acts like this.
Good morning /xivg/
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Reminder that you can remove Sena's awful Wuk lmao dub entirely with this handy mod now
murder all lalafell
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Behemoth, Primal
i love piercings but this game's modding community made me hate them
Why would I ever play a Japanese game in English anyway
lcc doko
Please be + please be + please be +
Insatiable (The Primals) is the worst song in FFXIV
Anyone want to impregnate my Moonie?
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Good morning! Whatcha eatin?
post it
I'm not I'm melting
now if i fuck this model
and she just bleached her asshole
and i get bleach on my t-shirt
i'mma feel like an asshole
The two are not mutually exclusive
but your cat is definitely pettable
Because it's the language you speak?
Why would you consume media in another language? You like hearing all those kawaii noises while you read subtitles?
My femlala wants to…..sex with a femlala+
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I was going to but then I realize half the thread would know who it is cause I've posted my bedroom in the thread before
Our resident heroic hrothtard with a hardon for justice
is there any plugins to automatically respond and emote back after being pet? it sometimes feels like my reaction time is lacking in social situations and if there's something that makes this easier it would be a huge help.
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We have the highest quality exported steelworks across all of Hydaelyn.
You must be some 37 year old boomer that watches English dubs of anime, don't reply to me again
that's just part of who you are
it's not an issue
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Light CC 6:15 ET
breakfast with this femra in particular
yeah install autonigger and it will call them a nigger in tell automatically
I dont even emote back I just jump in place
I dont think one exists Atma Buster, sorry.
>he still uses English subtitles
>he still uses English text
>can’t speak or read Japanese actually
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pizza (meaty and spicy)
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Lamia, Primal.
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GM Nice Femra! Can I interest you in some green tea and doman rice crackers? They are fresh!
Well yeah, I speak English, so why wouldn't I?
i'd rather be kidnapped by a sunnie, gomen
It's okay if somebody ever asks me in game it'll probably end up here cause you can't trust an xivg nigga anyway
I am a femlala playing mount and blade warband
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I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
if i get matched vs another bison player im going to fucking kill myself
yeah but that's not as arousing as it being sent to you by the person who has the dick
Relax Jeb.
just had some chicken noodle soup. the poor life rules!
Are you serious dude? You want to fucking bot your way through social interactions? Jesus fucking christ.
i will beat jeb's ass
Maybe if you asked to see dicks more often you'd see mine
omg hey it's the good LL
Modding was a mistake
It's up
The King of Street Fantasy 14?
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Is chemo awake
Is this really a new thread... or just the same one as before..?
You remind me of an Italian guy I hate.
interdimensional fusion
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now hes in a knitted cardigan
uts like this quest was made for ovulating women, like how they reaxt to seeing a kitten or a baby
it is indeed me hello anon
Light CC 8:15ET
if I did that people would only send me their dicks and not actually do content with me
why do you look so shocked
Been fun reading all the Sfia drama takes the last few days. Lots of incels mad at women for talking about their bad experiences with dudes being weirdos in high end raiding
Reported for sexualization of children. Thank you, anon.
holy shit is that the red mist
Lmao those yaoi hands
Based boondocks reference
I am a moonie that has woken up drunk. cracking open another one
crack open this dick bitch
I feel bad for people who didn't like Dawntrail
They are stuck playing this for a few years if they love XIV
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he's learning how to cook
gentle femdom femhroth?
Wuk Lamat saved this game for the lowest point it's been in years, and at least the story with her is something interesting to build off of, unlike ARR and all that shitty patch content for it.
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please post elezen
thank you and goodnight
my hair is thinning... its over
will it get me more drunk?
i liked it but only the first half, the shit with spheen and solution 9 was so ass
This was me with EW
I don’t fuck those people.
What is that hairmod you lesbo
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I'll shove what remains of you into a fridge, snowman-non!
You could have one of these cookies I baked for my family this morning. They're oatmeal and raisin.
That's a lot of meat you packed on the pizza
I'll trade you oatmeal and raisin cookies. :3
Noodle soup is pretty good tho. been sick so I've been slurping it all day.
based ngl
Light CC 10:45 ET
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If you really have to make comparisons to ARR post patch to make your shitty expansion look good, then that's an L.

ARR is still better than DT.
gonna make a retrospective video on dawntrail a month from now and say actually it was good
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ur lucky i had this ready from last time
gn (real)
>8 minutes until reset
>only did trial and normal raid roulette
>when now in an active mood to grind poetics for manderville
It's so Joever
I mean it was good solid 8/10 expansion
i have been writing a script for my autistic video essay that will get 10 views per month if i'm lucky
Ty and gn
>kitten or a baby
I feel like that's the case in every expansion. Corn servent, bunnylalas, etc. Whatever lures the biofems to my critically acclaimed, japanese mmo.
I want to do both though
ARR was better and more entertaining even the post patches
>ladies.. and bunboys
why the distinction
>that chocobo thing is an actual npc in this game
you are tweaking lol
It must hurt being this painfully contrarian
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Do omega!
Newfags can't dispute this
I'll watch your video essays
>bleached asshole
Now that's a new model I want to see compared to the countless bibo assholes.
what kind of content do you like then
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Your cat is definitely pettable and more
When I'm done with shadowbringers
Literally anything and everything from roulettes to ultimates I just want more friends to play with
It's a deal! Shame such exchange of cultures through cuisine may never occur. CURSE YOU, DC TRAVEL!
>You obtain 3,562,500 gil.

Its over
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are you on NA and do you wanna meetup before I go to sleep in 15~ minutes
are you asking me?
if so, yes. i'm at my home.
I can fix that
yeah will you give me joi, if you're hot i promise it'll be done before you go to sleep
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i got wendys
for you because I'm retarded >>494482454
also if this is you then give address/world
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people got upset with me for standing near fate spawns
i thought you were a real fat ass enjoyer but instead i see you're just another poser
Oh, really?
And how will you do that?
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god i fucking hate fxaa holy shit fucking nigger rendering
gposefags of /xivg/
what antialiasing methods do you use?
i am going to try changing the dlss .dll to force DLAA

this game looks horrible
Unhealable fucking retards holy shit
>Needing AA
1080ptard lmaoooo
Im a sunnie, so i can kidnap you and more
Catbox I can finish to?
the slight visual upgrade isn't worth the performance hit
>can't remember which plot I bid on
Anon just take them in 4k???
Oldfag here. This is true.
what happened bro, how bad were they?
Actually me here

Balmung, Tuliyollal, Resplendent Quarter Aethernet Shard but I WILL send you a tell to go somewhere else as soon as I see you because this thread is cringe, or you can just say no thanks and leave and we'll never speak of it again.
i play 1440p but the new gearsets are so visually busy that they all shimmer
playing with no AA is no longer an option imo.
the new AA introduced with dawntrail looks the same as FXAA and the upscalers don't do anything
i don't have a 4k monitor :(
Check timers
nerdy fucking loser EB to watch skyrim lore videos with?
Does it even matter when you won't win?
Skyrim is the worst video game ever made
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Oh I never knew that. I guess that makes sense because people would crowd one singular server but still... I would have tea with you if I could. Much better than just doing nonstop roulettes heh.
skyrim is boring because its just generic white people lore
>crusty niggas in horned helmets and dragons

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what happened to all the "pictomoonie" posts
ok if you think I'm cringe just don't /tell and I'll go to sleep eventually
shut up you contrarian cunt
>Not watching Oblivion lore
you're trash.
in that case...
We shall now play Mahjong. Only if you beat me shall you earn that right.
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The same end, again and again and again...
Actual congrats bro!
Bad enough that those 7 minutes felt wasted
you can digitally upscale your monitor to 4k for pics in your gpu settings or get that one plugin that does the same
We can have tea on Materia some day.
thank u
i will look into this
im sneaking into your walls

why can't somebody do this for bibo or yab
Melk came in and it died.
nta but there's nothing contrarian about that opinion, skyrim was to the TES series what FO4 was to the FO series
only yourself to blame for going healer, this is why I go tank
I heard this song for the first time like 10 years ago as an ending theme in a Japanese B-zombie movie. All Nishimura movies are fun. Good times.
WHM is fun
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I was number 21, anon.
Do you guys just larp as clingy are are you ACTUALLY clingy.... asking for a friend
cope skyrimbab
naaaaah greeding shit melees cant but tanks can is better
Do what exactly? There's a bunch of heavy-light coat upscales
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Gm chat
Ilberd! I should have known.
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I am literally only posting here due to lacking attention and having a melty
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haha raid speedbummers MAD cus your gay cat cunt shite looks fucking pathetic as fuck now cus it IS. go home to your moms and feed tit you poorly built diluted sperm goats and hang around with gay elf and FWENDSSS

when you see DD runs you think "damn beast in session!"

when you see raid speed trannies you think "damnn yeast infection"
i am also sneaking in to your walls, to watch you pump fiddies
you're welcome if you need some help findin it let me know
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Witness me.
and not only are none of them universal but they're for a bunch of single sizes only
t. still looking for a YAB non-buff medium upscale for the striking coat
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petting this moonie before grabbing both her hands in mine and forcing her to build lego with me
It would be a pleasure!
you meant to put foray enjoyers on the right
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Anastasiya Medvedeva my if I wasn't so lazy I'd want to pose my hroth rearranging your femras insides.
im sorry to disappoint you anon
>the only game i dont know how to play
....its over.....
nice get, which large was it
is deadlock a good game
>no tummy
I just want yab medium and they're all yab large or bibo large
i'm done posting for the day after this, but do you know the name of the 4k plugin?
I am a little busy out of game at the moment, and I don't know when you're free. But I can post here in a couple of hours if you want to meet up.
7 in Shirogane.
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Did her thighs get bigger? I swear she was more attractive yesterday
Wendys fries are pretty good.
upscale it yourself
use c+ to shrink the yab large to be the general size of yab medium
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Yes sirs Deadlock very good game I play 200 times do needful and redeem Deadlock on Steam™ sirs!
>thread hates thicc thighs now
So when did this thread turn gay
Hello sexbun
when i click with someone i want to spend 16 hours a day with them
but this scares most people off so instead i try not to open up to a point where it could happen
flowers from exile is amazing
I finally beat the MSQ and realized I have to spend weeks gearing up
How does this game maintain subs, this is actual fucking torture
I'm sorry that you got covid, since you've lost all sense of taste
>i won my house
Yeah sadly none of the bigger modders that usually include multiple size/body options worked on it, it mostly seems like newer modders that made that one of their first projects so only one size for the mod to keep it basic.
my fave blankposter
drink responsibly because I am not
What's wrong sis?
Did you see how well i holded the crystal :3
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Thanks, though there's a very sad femra outside who lost the lotto :(
No need, the door's wide open! I don't know anything about owning a house in xiv i didn't think I'd win
I'm not black, I don't like obese women
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if there's jagged edges on any characters in the gpose, I usually just smudge them out in PS
why are you taking theo's gimmick
>calling that obese
i already did lol but i don't have hangover, also please drink water
Post femboys
why does the game not give me gear after beating msq
i just slogged through 30+ hours of trash and now you want me to grind?
even my whimsical 15 year old brain knew that game was dogshit
>tfw saying hello is trademarked bu [random 4chan poster] and no one else can type the word
I mean - what did I have for damage? A whole fucking PLD that was the actual top of damage scoreboard
what are the redflags in statics
>"casual" and "friendly"
>friend group/clique of 5-6 people
>can only communicate or talk through ffxiv memes and lingo
>woman or irl couple
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I've never modded in this game and don't see the point. It's a MP game, you're supposed to make your character look good for everyone to look at, and other people don't see your mods.
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Yeah, it is. 40 BMI but it's all thighs is still obese
the presence of a tranny
Wait can free trial players cross the sea? I don't even think I can go to most places other anons can atm but I can try to touch base.
>retard wiping the group for uptime and parses
>retard that doesn’t listen to feedback
>retard that tries to get with the one (1) girl in the static
>retard that uses open mic
You could always buy some off the market board in the meantime. It's fairly good.
if they were you wouldnt need a name
Make sure to decorate you house.
I don't see the point of your post, if you don't want to mod then no one is forcing you
sorry I don't recall it, it's a very popular plugin that basically lets you do a bunch of qol stuff
I miss Nedroid
you can sync with people to see their modded characters
just keep in mind you will not be able to unsee them
Are you getting into RPR Tika?
Trials can DC travel. You are just at the back of the queue whenever there is one.
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>collect all the horses
>get mythical horse
>collect all the birds
>get mythical bird
>collect all the dogs
>get mythical fox
>collect all the dragons
>get mecha dragon
>collect all the lynxs
>get random unrelated dragon that breaks game canon just by its name
love this pumpbait. give me a catbox pls
with the recent hardcore drama i'd say
>woman in the raid group
Petting and smooching this cat before going all the way and interlocking fingers while handholding
>why did the ff4 expansion give us a dragon from ff4?
Tourists everyone
The last sign of life was in 2023. That's not good.
ffxiv needs playable bird people
But I already posted my thighs before!
this femlala is awake and my eyes are watering from allergies..
Sex with catgirls with homophobic eyes
when they jump, they should do a flapping animation
I'd raid with him, do roulette and afk with him ij lb14 with him and let him save me over and over again until he's creamed himself dry
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It would've made sense if the cats were also FF4 but instead they're entirely unrelated to one another
Please rape my character
Why are JP GPoses so much better than anything NA GPosers make with such consistency? It’s not even fair to NA honestly
fuck you
you weren't wrong
+ or -?
It feels good to have someone cling to you after a long day of work.
I too love photoshop beasts!
sfia did nothing wrong
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My femlala toots like this and then suddenly gets sleeved out of nowhere for seemingly no reason. Can anyone tell us why this happens?
only takes weeks if you care about savage raiding and tome gear. crafted gear is good enough to do most shit with
It was not meant to be.
Where can I find those hot raider girls he gets?
I used to gpose but I don't bother anymore. I can't even get reshade to look good these days, so I just stick to a dof shader and slap on some bloom and don't post anyways.
Afraid not, I have to come show you.
Forcing this femra's womb to drink deep of my seed, inseminating her against her will
I miss doing gposes with my friends but nobody wants to anymore
how am i supposed to rape if there is no character
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idk about that brother
How do you know they were hot?
what happened
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my meena acts like this while you try to talk to him. he can't really hear you, all he hears is very clouded mumbling. his eyes are not looking at you, it's looking through you
For me, my personal favorite noncon play is taking a rope bunny who's addicted to sex and changing her into a woman who only uses the word Father for the Lord.
English is the superior language
Another malera caught sexpesting on my server. Almost every week now.
I will never be in the situation two have TWO females into me to even create such a situation. So I can't say anything negative about the guy. They were his women, he can do as he pleases.
male feminist outed as a dishonest dickhead

imagine my shock

>women in the raid group
The English dub is better
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That's an unhealthy color. Can we get a new bunny boy?
Sir, please return to thavnair and stop shitposting.
prove you're not a malera
>his women
Women aren’t property you can own dude
>after a long day of work
won't work out if you're gone half the day or more, i melt when i'm left home alone
*changes rules*
They are now and they were willing to be so.
I'm a male midlander
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He's just stopped updating his main website apparently.
>Women aren’t property you can own dude
>that bio
He’s right
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Don't need to.
male midlanders
dunesfolk femlalas
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I actually don't know either...
I checked super mega and whomp as well. Looks like all web comics end sooner or later.
i won 20 million at the lottery
I am one, which is why I will never participate in community events or talk to anyone outside my FC
I don't use the game as a dating app.
I am a femlala who just gave a catboy a balls only orgasm
+20 dopamine points have been transferred to your neuralink
You're a femlala with a vivid fantasy
Why do Americans have to shove their politics into everything, the guy just stopped wanting to use twitter
Do you guys think the story will get better in the patch content, or just more of the same from DT?
rude anons that should be blocked on sight
>anon messages me out of nowhere to tell me that he doesnt like my sliders
>messages me out of nowhere to call my gear or class or weapon shit
>anon barely or doesnt respond when asked questions while i watch them move areas
>anon makes a deal or a promise but quickly gives up, doesnt pay up or conveniently forgets about it
>try to talk to anon, only get a short irritated sounding response
>explain to anon why another anon is a twofaced snake, anons only response is being "neutral" or "dont want to take a side"
>anon acts overly interested in taking sexy pictures or erp, we do it once and then anon never messages me again
>anon promises not to talk behind my back, find out hes been doing that and worse through another anon
>anon promises to stop being a retard, doubles down instead
>anon hangs out with known degens and pedos, pretends to be offended when confronted about it
I'm a sunnie.
The story is already good, chuddie
nice try khagan
7.1 will be just as bad
7.2 and 7.3 possibly too
7.4 and on, anyone's guess
I'm less concerned about the story than I am about the dungeons raids and trials. Those better remain fun.
cute elezen, sorry you lost the med
Stopped caring until 8.0 i only raid
.5 might be okay
As long as it's not as boring as 5.1 and 5.2 I'm content.
That tranny Sindalf catching strays would be funny
I'm a bottom
im a moony
You call him sexpest, but that only means they were into it.
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trailer for 7.1 leaked
I like men (male)
I've been in queue for frontlines for the past 50 minutes
I'll transfer over. Have to log-off for now and, I might be busy later on, but I'm on Ravana.
They are under sharia law
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Post more femezen please
Twitter is objectively pretty bad now, botted replies, unrelated comments, so many "omg hit tweet check this out"
It's got nothing to do with the retard that bought it, it just went to complete and utter shit.
So true, sis!
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>t. tiktoksi
It was already bad for years and years and I blame the users.
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theres a femra squatting on your plot
a very sexable sunnie at that
does anyone wanna help me with containment bay p1t6 extreme
i keep falling off the side
I notice a distinct lack of mentioning Musk greenlit a fuckton of retarded decisions
im alerting the wood wailers to this moonie thread
I saw their twitter. They show their irl pics.
I lost the house but gained something even more, tempered expectations that anything good will ever come from my miserable fucking catboy life
>Americans waking up
Can't wait for the thread to devolve in to drama again
what a good bait
Damn that's crazy, I don't remember asking, nigger.
Is she seriously calling her "brother"
I want to fuck this catboy
>see a cute bunny
>notice it's kinda short
>it's a miera
Every time
Because it's not really relevant to find who did it. If you go down a road and you notice it ends on a fucking crater to the center of the earth you probably turn around not try to find who the fuck dug it there.
I will transfer over when I'm back on and send you a ping in whatever bread is new. Something something femxaela for tea and crackers.
drop some names you slut
am a male midlander
watching college football
fuck off
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damn, my paper thin disguise failed..
same bro, same...
I dunno about that, anon
sports are gay
I'm the lizard in your walls.
did you plap
>Cameron and Effy wake up
>Thread quality instantly goes to shit
I'm sure youll win soon ser, don't give up
Rob Chidori
Nothing good will ever come from your miserable catboy life with that attitude.
Anon... you might be gay...
can you post that video of you riding the wahoo
Um uhh....
It's not my fault they made miera so cute and pretty
I didn't know about housing either and didn't care for it until very recently. Take your time with it and mind your budget: housing is the gil sink to end all gil sinks.
Ctrl+U, 2nd tab > Housing lottery.
(Soon to be formerly) Famfrit, Primal.
Damn that's crazy, done any game content recently? Surely you have something to show for it like a weapon, glam, mount, or title.
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*proves it*
>another jealous anon
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>gay for thinking this is cute
Sunnies and moonies have united to ruin (you)r day, please look forward to another 12 hours of this
Ask carin, I don't have the video saved
yeah uh hi?
I don't know who that is...
I'm gonna stack AM and HM on top of each other and anal them both
There's nothing left to do until 7.1.
I need to plap your femra
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What are the certified homo races so I can avoid them on sight?
I need to breed your femra
>do one ARR tribe quest because I happened to be close by
>Your reputation with the Amalj'aa has risen by 10.
Yeah no, fuck you.
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this pairing will never happen here, it's too powerful and can't fall into the wrong hands
72 M1S clears
60 M2S clears
31 M3S clears
I'll start M4S one of these days.
Guys, I'm REALLY fucking gay. Thoughts?
Stop playing on Crystal, Chaos, or Light.
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Anyone need any tank ques?
hol up i need to make an alcohol run
Miera is the damn queen of homo races.
we have two of those pairings here
I Love Shatter
I got the Oppressor mount from pvp last night.
They're the gray haired fiddie, posts the yippee posts
I made gposes
>he missed getting the mounts from the Mogtome events
Fuck... I'll be away 9-5pm PST
what's the difference between mare and lopporit
I need you in my bed to tank something
Where ya moving to?
good morningh
correction, it will never happen for me......
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you gay bro
>faggot has been defeated
Do you do lewd pics with others?
it's another agp day i'm a femra
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>tfw the winner already built their house
I have never felt this bad when bidding for plots...
one has a rule of no lewd lalas or child models and the other has no rules to avoid that one rule
Look on the plus side, you won 19mil!
God, I love it when an entire party agrees in unison to vote kick the shitter tank during an alliance raid.
Just how shit is the tank
cats are pretty cool I guess

that's toxic
Miss, that outfit doesn't seem too practical for tanking.
at least they're not standing in front of it all day to greet players with a /laugh
yeah it happened before
i hate lalafells
holy shit, gosling actually sounds good wtf. some people really win the genetic lottery.
Mare doesn't even have a thing about no lewd lalas, that's just random tards screeching. Dev said before they're not even going to bother trying to enforce it but they will ban people for child models.
*raises paw*
May I have a melty?
Very likely I won't actually transfer but Leviathan has always been my favorite world and I'd want the name.
finally some good fucking food
Being friends with cats and not sexing them
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we need an inverse garuda where we link the worst song we can find
Whenever some femra gets uppity and starts spouting off dumb shit or doing dumb shit, we should fuck them. Just fuck them in every hole.
All of the game’s problems could be solved overnight if every femra received a hard dicking.

Femra girlfriend acting like a bitch? Fuck them.
Femra neighbor mad because you're making too much noise? Fuck them.
Femra cuts you off on the highway? Fuck them.
Femra cashier gives you the wrong change back? Fuck them.

Think about it. Think about any problem that exists in your life at this very moment and tell me in God's honest truth that you couldn't solve it with giving a femra a good hard fucking.
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thats just a normal garuda though?
yea it was a beach shiro too with only like 20 bids
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Sad that her pit and feet appeal barely lasted 2 weeks...
some of the songs are alright, some are dogshit though
hiiii sis
yeah but thats boring bad songs, i want offensively bad music
We already scraping the bottom of the barrel by posting anime and video game shit
>Elon Musk is politics now
say no more chief
Man, they really blitzed through the whole story in Living Memory.
anyone wanna do rolos
Provoking the dragon to face south so the cleave is now aimed at the entire raid. Good thing it’s interruptible.

Pulling the Atmos before people reached their side of the platforms.

Pulling the ghost guy before A was near.

Pulling the three Vassagos together so they get damage buffs.

Pulling the Behemoth before people were ready. Subsequently dying to meteor.

He was kicked afterwards. The party decided to not open loot. Thankfully.
hiiiii /dote
>get a hint of attention
>log out
What did I mean by that
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>>Americans waking up
>Can't wait for the thread to devolve in to drama again
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yeah alright good morning
>roll Thaleia in alliance roulette
>we get to Oschon
>say "Thank god they finally added a wall here" trying to trick people into jumping off
>there actually is a wall there
>hide chat in shame for the rest of the raid
but where are the feet
this is a certified BANGER thoughbeit
low self esteem gloomy femra eb or genki bright energetic catgirl eb
>Why are the terminals not guarded?
>Why do the terminals kill everyone with a single press of a button?
>Why do the terminals not need a series of confirmations from high-end security clearances?
>Why do the terminals even exist?
>Why does Sphenes digital world have security? They clearly anticipated hostile entities, why not do the same for the terminals?
I haven't really tried to be honest. I just do solo pictures.
Can't hit what they can't catch!
morning sis, great song too (they don't know about 645AR)
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The gloomy femra is built for the energetic catgirl
are there any plugins that show what items can desynth into or auto desynth the same item like it does fish?
I would like to request lewd pics of your femra
There is literally no reason for Carbuncle to exist anymore
Would be cool if we could exchange gil, GC seals, wolf marks, trophy crystals, hunt seals, gemstones, or MGP for poetics.
someone already posted evergrace a few seconds before i clicked send i had to improvise
Wow almost 50% would that's actually extremely impressive for a hroth let alone a male
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Anon... no...
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yeah there was a catboy there too. I think they wanted me to apologize or something for winning? I don't know
I'm fat and ugly and I deserve a 10/10 sunny
Thoughts on the WeskAlber video?
Looks like he needs to be rape corrected by my maleroe.
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Just pick them up like this
I don't know why CT brings the worst of people
>labyrinth: multiple people leaving and early pulls galore
>world of darkness: entire alliances still wipe to eye and cerberus
>syrcus tower: the least eventful of the three
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is there a way to make a little mod that replaces an NPC's appearance with that of a different NPC? im tired of looking at this big gay roegadyn flex at me every time i'm in my front yard and would like to replace him with a catgirl in a bikini or something. im tired of having to open anamnesis and manually swapping him for a different NPC every time i load into the goblet
This is unironically better than any Effy post in the last 6 months

>Offers to play the game
>Talks about the game
>Big boobs
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meena are not made for maleroe.
then you can sleeve them much more easily
They had a bug if they had 3 quests in a row that didn't have you speaking with Wuk Lamat the story would softlock so they couldn't have time to do all this since she wouldn't know.
Post your LB 14 crush
what kind of content do i need to do to get cool housing stuff that i can't get from the marketboard?
He said bad not avant-garde and borderline experimental. Can I get a deathgrips remix on top of this? Thanks.

this ffxiv stream is going hard right now
Wrong, they are builded for each other
that meena is the result of too much rape correction
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When they increased the amount of wards I bid on a small I have wanted for years with no other bids then an entire fc game in and bid on the entire area including the one I had. I won and they seethed for over 2 weeks coming by saying what a waste of a plot so I made it as ugly as possible and named it the salt farm.
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I'm ready to smash this down your mouth
Your loss they just showed sfias penis
I just want something decent to dump wolf marks into. 200 ventures or a materia for a full stack isn't even worth the trip.
>when mutts are asleep
>low chance of horseposting but thread focuses on gameplay, story, philosophy
>mutts wakeup
>thread focuses on what Jessica (John) did with Charlotte (Charlie) last night while Isabel (Ian) was watching from afar
But over here we got 18,000 viewers watching some crafting.
>avant-garde and borderline experimental
like pollock paintings?
I love doing content or helping people with stuff If I can and I love big boobs.
I'm going to Alice.
I love big boobie femra i want to make one my wife one day
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You are all doing it wrong. Watch and learn.
yes, that's a man
dw bro, i'd fuck him too
Average EU hour post
What, the absolute worst glamour (outside of late Allagan) isn't good enough for you?
>the salt farm
fuckin kek
You leave my wife alone faggot ass bitch
NA and EU should unite against the OCE menace, as OCE combines the worst aspects of both into one insufferable bundle
femlala bestie...?
i got you bwo
omg hiiiiiiii
What’s a feminine name that’s close to Ken?
Not enough I'd say if he's not obeying my orders and maintaining a healthy diet. As I care for his health like all my sex dolls. His skin and body don't belong to himself anymore, and further training will improve his behavior and complexion.
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Kendra, karen, kay
Same, all those CC matches cap my wolf marks too fast. I got the Catoplebas horns so I could burn them all in a sitting and I'm already capped again. 200 ventures for 20k marks or a single materia is absolutely not worth it.
All this being said, what has the writer of DT worked on outside of FFXIV overall?
I was kidding, no one has or wants a femlala bestie
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I offer to run deep dungeons pretty often & the extremes fairly sporadically......
anything from this https://youtu.be/Lwlaqh6yefc
Snip off the right post of the n and put a small dot over it: Keri.
Yes, ventures.
he's literally me
Rookie shit, not only is that song a certified hood classic, the remake's version is actually bad.
Any two DPS on crystal want to run Leveling/alliance/trials?
i want to be raped by a femra
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This whole race is a pysop to make twinks more acceptable by straight males.
Rekka (get it)
What an ominous post.
Oh you want to suffer? I can comply
That's cool sis. Neil Cicierega is literally me.
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my femlala is like this
Ooohh that’s a good one.

Thought of Kendra, but didn’t like it.
Absolutely not Karen.
personally this i my favorite
i can actually play it
This reminds me of something my ex would post
I hope she's doing well
I pull the dragon to middle every time, it speeds up the encounter
are those wrinkly soles photoshopped in or are they part of a mod....
>Tell friend we should do content together some time
>My friends all hate you so they won't join us if we do
For whatever reason this reminded me that it's been a long while since I've done a scene like this with a true Steppe Xaela. There were a couple, but they've either fanta'd off or stopped playing.
although a woman exposing herself to you is enticing no matter the amount of skin, armpits by themselves are hardly erotic
I don't remember making this post.....
No fucking way sis lmao.

Gonna win big in tonights lottery!

This femra is builded to be bludgeoned by thick, bulging malera cocks.
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I'm trying to learn this job so I can stop griefing people I actually like during CC calls.
hroth have raspy tongues?
does it hurt?
I don't care if I win or lose so you're not really griefing me
definitely photoshopped, nonny
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Why are catgirls always displeased with anything but their starting armor
Not much to learn
Spread shield then spread empowered dot
Take a thirty second nap then repeat
...Depends on how sensitive you are...
>japanese artist finding the worst rapper they can find because it's just cool noise to them
why does it keep happening? they're just like us...
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tops when they show up to the beds (replace fent with cock)
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Not feeling it, but thanks anyways.

I don’t get it.

Can a japanese nigga translate this for me
It's not about win or lose, this is true, but it's not *fun* to get steamrolled because the retarded SCH (me) doesn't have the RAM to shield and recuperate at the same time.
I two-trick PLD/RPR so the swap to casting is jarring and the gameplan/positioning is entirely different.
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pick up or delivery?
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i literally just press buttons i could get spawn camped and not care
lmao wtf , i forget the word these happenings

once i pass out you can have your way with me
>Unlock GC and join Twin Adders this time
>Hmm I should unlock some crafters while I'm here so I can start making deliveries.
>Now just slowly unlocking everything.
Oh god here we go again... The endless (semi-comfy) nightmare begins.
any match you're in is fun if you die a lot
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I wish you loved me
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“I thought the starting Miqote outfit was pretty cute, but then going through the MSQ, they kept giving me these trash-looking gear.
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Why must glam be so limiting when you can preview anything with everything?
*gives you AIDS*
*spreads it to your friends*
it is by far the easiest job to learn to do well in cc
this is kino
catgirls are displeased with clothing entirely, why do you think there's so many catboxes of naked catgirls that get posted
Kek based
My mare automatically pauses people who are above 120k triangles
i love glubs so much...
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My femra rn
qrd on sora chan? isn't that a xivgger? they're in the qs trying to erp right now
wish i could say the same for myself haha
I am lonely everybody flirts with me but nobody actually wants me
Very cool that you can blacklist people by searching for them now instead of having to find them, click on them and type a convoluted command
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Oh my god who the hell cares
yea thats me
Mierdas, Hrothgars, Roes and Highlanders are the male homo races.
>mierdas: all of them look like twinks no matter how badass or cool they try to look
>hrothgars: furrybait, will sexpest each other
>roes: less gay than the other two, have more memetic power
>highlander: same as roe

this one is pure edge cringe
You're a hoe then
what is that kirito uchiha tier name, lmao
literally me
He loves tranny stuffs
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me when i see a lalaboy
weirdly defensive post but ok
I need a name change.....
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my malera looks like this
It has to be on purpose. A big reason I was able to keep pushing through the early game and expansions was the promise of decent looking gear. If I had access to many good looking options early my interest might have fizzled out.
Sounds like miera behaviour and name quality
>hating Sir Mario Judah
That post was offensive
Doesn't post here anymore but also who cares
stop coping catboy, you are the faggiest of them all, just go to balmung and see that all catboys are fags
I mean, sure.
when i made my catgirl alt, i speedran unlocking glamour plates to make a miqo racial gear plate
I just have a lot of memories of playing neil remixes when people left their ipods or music players out in the open. They all hated me.
it's a cute sunnie, they're usually AFK when I run through there but I /pet every time
>Don't you run from me lil nigga
My crush is a male midlander.
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uh oh mierda melty
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literally me
Here we are, the living dead
Hand to God with one foot in the grave
Are you a weapon hider or a weapon sheather?
Very cute. Met up with them at fanfest.
don't call me mierda, I'd never play that shit
i think they're cool
it's funny how I'm the only person to die every time in this game
sorry bro your crush is a slut
Man everyone is going to levi..
QRD on this Hrothgar hero?
weapon sheather since your weapon should also be incorporated into your glams and if your weapon looks out of place with it you aren't glamming correctly
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he gamed too hard
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Mario Judah rocks you're a fucking retard
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My femra looks like this...
always sheathe unless it horribly clips through something or just looks bad sheathed like some of the monk weapons
My femra acts like this
my drunk wife
show hands
Hider if I'm abusing mogstation glam. Otherwise sheather.
you taking the pro-erp position??
it's a turbogeneric limsa cat
thanks for responding to the prompt
not a crush just recognized his plate since it used to be posted here
almost typed "their" but it's a GAM coded character for sure
I play a femezen so I run around with my weapons out to injure passers by and have a better run animation
Nice, I like it.
When do I use Acceleration as RDM?
when swiftcast is down and you need a proc
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>be me, in 5.4
>friend comes to me offering a spot in their static
>politely decline because it wasn't established at all (formed to do eden promise) and i figured it was going to shake apart before endwalker
>be in 7.0
>friend's static has held together, they've cleared every ultimate, and completed multiple w1 raids
>super close friends now
>im sitting afk in lb14 because i have no one to play with or
Mario Judah is cringe as fuck and his fans are the same tasteless retards who thought lil peep was god
Use it freely when you know you're safe for a while & have it saved when you know a movement heavy set of mechanics are about to happen
Cute! /pet
Damned. Gonna miss those comics.
E Brake into the turn for a good drift and as soon as you are lined up with the road ahead let off the E Brake and punch the accelerator.
I see, so it's basically a pseudo movement ability?
On melee classes they are out.
On monk they are hidden.
On staff-users they are hidden.
they're great songs to slip in at house parties
god i miss those days.....
i only know that name from "where the hell is mario judah" in the BILL DIPPERLY song
thanks now it's stuck in my head along with the NODDERS emote
weird cope (peep sucked)
On cool down if you've got two charges, save one for movement
>refuse to join static because it's not "established"
get fucked retard. how do you think they get established
i am
a male moonie
may i see your femezen
>Be me in 5.4.
>Friend offers me a spot in the new static they're forming.
>We clear savage tier.
>I realize raiding is actually boring af and feels more like a chore than actual gaming.
>Excuse myself and thank them for the opportunity but I'll drop out now.
>Much happier now crafting away in LB14 and doing casual/story content.
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Omg I love Metric! <3 <3
yes peep sucked and so does mario judah

99% of emo rap is trite dogshit
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Mine is this.
Daily reminder: you are all being judged.
can I see your moonie?
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Gloryhammer and Angus McSix have banger songs, fun and catchy fantasy power metal

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Its this one, she enjoys bladed weapons
>drunk, fooling around with erp friend
>get into an argument about obscure 16th century history
>”so what pronouns should I use with you anyway? Don’t worry, I’m bi”

Yeah. Red Mage mobility is abysmal compared to the other casters, so you do need to plan ahead a little bit. Also, during burst windows, you're free to pop both of them without using the procs so you can squeeze in 2 Grand Impacts
He still shitposts to this day. Very commendable.
you're khazia wolfe, right?
Waiting patiently for this fiddie to turn slut.
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My malera looks like this
>Red Mage mobility
can't they move every other cast thanks to dualcast?
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Which one
inquisitor wife
Drinking the inquisitor's 'holy water'
W-we'll have to respectfully agree to disagree...
Well you can't just leave me edged like that. What was the obscure 16th century history that the argument was about?
and it's still the worst of the casters, shockingly
I can't take DF players. Had a reaper who didn't put their buff on mobs or bosses. This is the frustrating part of leveling tanks/healers.
I am displeased with how many hats hide our ears but it could be worse I guess :^)
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they’re just being nice anon!
you know you liked it you little GAM tease
I am a Femra
One that will suck your cock and then drink your cum
such a misunderstood artist.....
I love this bun
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>>”so what pronouns should I use with you anyway? Don’t worry, I’m bi”
based bichad
He’s so cute
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I know this was meant to be dramatic but it was funny as hell.
First Zoraal Ja starts spawn camping Sphene and that commander and then he puts a chokehold on this kid.
The preservation of indigenous religion and language in the conquest of the new world.
The EU one or the NA one?
Sounds like the most kino conversation anyone in this general has had in months.
>just topped a shatter scoreboard on gnb
yep im cracked
>hating malera
What is this, 2017?
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I usually hide it as WHM but I keep my book by my side as SCH :p
How lewd!
On deaths
Kill yourself, I love my chocobo dungeon reference you ungrateful baboon
She already is but only for ravas.
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Topped a femra+ on my moonie+ rn
got a feeling he's a faggy boy irl
Luckily the game genre still exists through niche fan games that take place in the setting. Lisatism never dies.
Yeah, these guys are fun.
wouldnt it be ifrit?
you both are
why are you malera? don't you want to be liked?
All my life, I've been searching for something
Something never comes, never leads to nothing
Post moonie+
Same except I basically stopped playing all of ew, man the meteion and dynamis shit was so fucking retarded
im cheating on anon for the second time today
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gm sers
Someone autism powerleveled another person here by spouting out fighter jet autism
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i got very close to dying once because a sge lb ran out but nah it was kills
Something something femxaela for tea and crackers.
This shit goes hard
shut up and let me choke on your +
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>dissing on alpha
Keep dreaming
trib me already
No i'm a grown man
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They get 1 gcd of movement with Dualcast while BLM can get 6 (without procs of any kind)
PCT can get up to 9 (I know holy in white is a DPS loss but still) and SMN is a ranged phys for 80% of it's rotation.
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>don't you want to be liked
That's the wrong one. You're thinking of the Dualshock version.
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the one Echo used in their fyrakk kill, god whis has to be the most larpy delusional narcissistic white bullshit i've ever heard, makes me physically cringe, just imagine someone like pic related playing a video game and pumping himself up with this song, it's skin crawling
I want to practice being a Healslut. Is there any guides or any friendly tanks who would like to help me?
me when the sprout has been watching the cutscene for 2 minutes
She's free use for black cats
may i see her
fuk you right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJYvCHm3Ov4
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Cry about it.
I'd rather be respected than "liked," and I am. Everyone respects malera.
let me trib u already

unironically this
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>same rank in same fc
>use the same mare code
>erp with the same people like zadie and vexa
gee anon what do you think? use your head.
Go to the QS. Actual healing skill is kinda irrelevant and getting punished for being a bad healer is part of healslutting.
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my moonie is like this
on crystal i get notably more coms despite playing dps instead of tank... what is this power? do they just like femlalas more than primal does
I just want them to bring sphene back
does anyone actually care
isn't that a roleplayer
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leave bangs alone that nigga a real one
i think thats the highlander in that one korkana image, you know the one
Don't you smile at me, I'm trying to decide whether I want to get topped by you!
I love Tommy Wright III
His beats and lyrics are great but man, I can't stand his singing or the comic sans
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My miqote looks like this
No that's Roxy Redwyne
*tribs U*
that's roxy
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i am also
a male moonie
my femroe
Tommy Wright is great, but Packing is easily his worst song.
I've seen your penis
This general is really bad.
Why are you laughing? I'm right.
dc and eb status?
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My arch nemesis... [spoiker]gambling[/spoiler]
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what do we attach if not our character...
Does someone have the meme version of that image by the way, the one with the "it's over" malera shopped in?
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If you say hello dork to me i will tell you if it is me. :)
you can too if you want... c:
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my fiddie doesn't look like this, but acts like this
im not show u my cum nigga
More like your arch nemesis, spoilers
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Banished to dynamis but still EB'd.
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I sincerely apologise. My cat jumped onto my lap.
that's roxy, you clod
give me a minute to check
thanks for the sleuthing
yeah people from here try to sweep shit under the rug by making alts all the time but not on my watch
no response i guess
Press ctrl+s while on the quick reply window
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what is the correct use for this ability
>the scene was him (a blonde British officer) raping a brown miqote on his island resort
>he’s Asian irl
Just layers upon layers. Like an onion.
Fuckin sick of you white people
Raises and GCD heals like Cure 3
I am a moonie
who is ovulating
no one cares
one cast per minute for free mana but keep it banked for raises
why would i care if a roleplayer is roleplaying
found it
before raising someone, or in the odd cases you gotta use Cure 3 or a Medica 2.
thanks for your service protecting us from literally whos
We’re sick of you too
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>Everyone respects malera.
free resses
free medica/aoe cure (rarely needed)
i try to keep one on cd at all times by using them up on glare casts, saving the remaining for emergency resses
If you're counting holy in white you should be counting accel as a movement tool desu. Plus much of their melee combo is free movement. That said, in general, yes, RDMs ability to do quick, frequent movement is the worst of the casters.
this nigga so retarded <3
you're reason people hate fiddies
My lala is on the way.
its over....
why not?

I think most people have

Based, thanks anon.
how's your light skin stare game?
I need to work on mine
sorry child I aint a pedo
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I am... unworthy...
I've seen your actual penis
tommy wright is not for white people lol hes like og memphis rap
white people love phonk inspired by him and military wojak edits
xivg memes are always worth saving
cuz nobody wants to see that..
Only white people listening to Tommy in 2024
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>Everyone respects malera.
It looks very nice and appetizing
I've got two houses on my hermano server
I am a sunnie
who has plapped 4x in 24 hours.
send hydration, please
Raise 98% of the time, Cure 3 1.99% of the time, Glare 0.01% of the time (on the off-chance you run out of MP and need an extra GCD to let MP tick up for some reason).
Oh, weird
I have talked to both of them
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They would know it's me
Not very good I mostly like guys
How about I hydrate your cock with my mouth?
ay caramba, se acabo



you don't NEED to plap that much, get water inbetween!!
i bet you slept inbetween some of those plaps pussy
aint 1 nigga in that whole audience just white zoomers
I'm a heya hoya
I've been listening to TWIII forever, kinda hate how he's become semi mainstream.
I am a femra
that has plapped 4x times in 24hrs
I need more
understandable bro, live your best life
Mahjong takes another's sanity.
did you like it?
do you like s+
>hate how he's become semi mainstream.
You aren't a nigga you are the problem
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Mebbe, how do I find this s+?
Just name a location
Sea of Clouds, northern aetheryte
idk, not that guy, just messing with you. Let's say Gilgamesh
Just save them both in case you die or w/e, this tier has shittons of forced piety.
No, but I grew up in the hood, surrounded by the ghetto

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