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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
losin on rengar..
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>play a scaling ADC with weak pre 6
>tell them this
>support locks in Pyke or Pantheon and tries to force le plays, feeding kills
These people are subhuman, I don't have billion fucking dashes. Kill yourselves
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what are some top champs that are relatively similar to nasus in terms of chill farming and gameplay and your power ramping up dramatically as time goes on?
everytime i try another champ i get annihilated lol, but i feel like whenever i lose as nasus it's decided in the first 2 minutes and it's over from there :/
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post your border + icon combo
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60 days chat ban, got 1 year chat ban in 2023, I think they stopped permabans
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sneaky went full sissy route??
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Kayle, Vlad, Ornn (most scaling tanks)
It makes money at the convenience of his home much like streaming which he did.
Cho, Kayle, Ornn.
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>people finally agree that vex is horribly designed
really starting to show itself ever since you couldn't bandaid it with everfrost anymore
I want Everfrost. I want Frozen Mallet.
stfu vedius
>Knows casters by their names
Actually SO embarrassing.
not even wrong
Not even right.
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I've been saying it for over a year now it feels like.
Her passive is entirely based around whether or not your opponent knows not to dash to you for a trade and let you burn your spells. Which characters like Zed, Yasuo, Kayn, ya know, the ones that she's supposed to counter....already do that with mages anyway.
Yea, if and when your lane opponent is both an idiot and using someone with dashes, it's a decent, not good but decent passive.
If your opponent is competent at all you are basically just playing Lux but with a worse kit and less damage.
I don't, League of Legends massively undervalues slows and having someone cripple you because they did an unavoidable autoattack is dumb as fuck.
Whats vlads problem
Poast moar League of Cute
how do i win on rengar..
do lane ganks
whats a "lane gank"
you walk into the lane from behind your turret and sneak into the bush without the enemy seeing you
Should I install an overlay for jungle, sum and skill timers?
sure why not
I've yet to find one that's not bundled with one thousand mandatory spyware tho
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File deleted.
>Don't verbally abuse your Sona support. They'll get distracted!!!
>Also Sona mains when they see enemy's jungler;
what does breastmilk taste like
press all your buttons as fast as you can
>what does breastmilk taste like
Ever played with a female ionian champion? Ye, something like that
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you two are idiots and I am an idiot by extension for replying to you two so here is an image to compensate along with three lines of text that may or may not blow your minds:
vex is close range combo burst, lux is not
vex is can interrupt or disrupt enemy momentum in a teamfight, lux cannot
vex has survivability built into her kit, lux does not
>you two are idiots and I am an idiot by extension for replying to you two so here is an image to compensate along with three lines of text that may or may not blow your minds:
Pardon the opinions Vex sisters, average double digit iq Poppy mains simply dont understand anything..
ok timmy
the only one i have found that does not demand you install spywolf is u.gg.
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nice projection. see you in the top lane, teemo
they removed lux's shield and root?
her shield is meant for notYou and is weaker than Vex's because it's best used on more targets than just yourself. Yes, that means you should aim it at friendlies and not an isolated enemy if at all possible. I realize this alone is complicated stuff for many Lux players. Her root is used primarily to catch someone to burst them down - not to save your dumb ass from a gank.
you need some help moving that goalpost?
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What is he saying, what does it mean??
It's time for me to learn Neeko, friends. any tips from the wise regarding the ultimate waifu?

this is like a hobo on the street spouting crazy shit. Just ignore it and move on.
hey look it's the same guy I've been debating any given topic over the internet repeatedly since forums were a thing. Yes, please, I do need that help. They are too heavy for me. Buff Vex and Lux while we are at it.
Idk what "UPOET" is supposed to mean but "PLS TAKE CHAMP WITH CC FOR INVADE PLS FOR FIRST KILLS EASY" is pretty understandable.
I've unironically duo'd with a homeless guy desu, he made sense and somehow had a list of like a 100 women on his facebook. Maybe this guy is esl or drunk something.
Who's gaming rn
based. not all hobos should be ignored. Certainly not for reasons I shouldnt have to explain. But shouty ones like that are pretty much the same as
>Maybe this guy is esl or drunk something
It's your energy to waste trying to understand or communicate with that but I would advise against it
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> is weaker than Vex's
So are you pretending to be retarded or can you not do basic math?
>Her root is used primarily to catch someone to burst them down
It can also be combined with her E to massively slow and stop ganks and disrupt teamfights with CC they can't dodge. Just because it's main function is to let ulting be easier doesn't mean that's it's only use.

What the fuck does Vex's Q do besides stupidly low damage if her passive isn't up? E is just a mana hole for her whenever her passive isn't up because it does even less damage and doesn't even proc her passive on dashes.
It's fine, trying to get down to iron 4 anyways.
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it's time to test the ahri's buffs

>tips to learn Neeko
abuse her mechanic of transforming into minions, even in master the players are caught in that move of coming back to the lane in the middle of your wave as one of them. learn how to make mind tricks with your clone, using an animation emote or recalling after send you clone increases the time of your clone stays on the map giving you view of where it went
Fed Nilah is the funniest shit ever, you just bitchslap tanks to death
if you post ahri you owe me cuddles
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Banner is cool as well
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The edit is cringe, here's the original
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I have been autofilling for ranked games for close to two years now and 90% of the time I get filled to jungle which sucks because I hate jungle.
>lolg dumbfounded at any mage that's not luxtier straightforward
this is what happens to your brain when you play poppy btw
just kill mages
Nope. What's going on is some anons are posting like they're about to fall asleep. When I play Poppy I'm alert and aroused.
thanks! that's pretty much the main reason I've stayed away from her so long. That stuff will need practice to pull off and not embarrass myself. Also thanks for reminding me about Ahri.

you should see that with a yuumi attached. Hopefully on your team.
I have decided to grave the halls of loligee with my divine presence once more.
Hello my dear loligees
How are you C:
holy paypiggu, what do you do for work??
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Nah, just bad champion design lad. It appears Poppy's superiority at stopping dashes has led to some butthurt tho.
I think bruisers should play botlane
Guys should dress like girls
Ranged champs should play toplane
Girls should dress like guys
Mages should play bot too
Guys should kiss guys
go away we have enough balding virgins here already
i want a vex+poppy bot lane. can it work?
you ever just feel bad stomping noobs
Soraka! My Cute Wife!
b-but I'm a toplaner..
It could but you'd have to time Poppy's stun with Vex's fear.
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anyone have this but edited with leblanc clones and swain? can't find it anymore
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based thanks
I'd like you to know that I have a boyfriend now and we're going to fuck so yeah, take that.
me personally the only waifufag I find to be obnoxious is the swainfag probably because of how ugly and shit his waifu is
Homosexual virgins don't have sex anon
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>hello guys how are you!
>go away please we don't like you
>Rude! (starts blogposting)
why don't people like idk go find a friend and talk to them or something?
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>try to quit LoL
>everyone I talk to plays LoL and talks about it daily
>new coworker asks me to play arena
>friends from hs I started talking to again after years just started playing and they knew Ive always played it so they ask me to play with them and teach them stuff
>the only girl I ever dated I met during an IRL league aram tournament
>go on youtube and twitch and everything is LoL
>end up on /lolg/ over and over
>tfw I'm hardstuck IRL
He's not ugly to me anyways, preferences are a thing.
find some new friends.
I'm talking with my boyfriend on VC as we speak...
I'm just shitposting while I'm dead!

But I am neither of those things....
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>the shitty LoR Jobber LeBonk
Good thing LoR is fucking Dead.
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Which is why she's shitposting quite a lot...
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>it's bad champion design if I have to think of when to use my abilities
Learn how to play a different multiplayer game and make new friends, it will be just as easy depending on the popularity of the game
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Anonymous learns that not only do different people find different things attractive, but some people find personality more attractive than appearance.

You are also saying this in the general where people profess their love for the animal and child characters.
Oh yeah, just so everyone knows, my boyfriend is none other than the famous, supercute QIKAMI <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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You're a homosexual virgin though? You're a man who's never had sex
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>anon wake up the cringe edater duobot is also shitting the thread up now
what is even attractive about Swain? (hard mode: dont mention his age)
Quitting league is very easy, also discussing league with friends and so on is not as bad as being addicted to it. As for the online feeds you just ignore them and unfollow them and ignore the game related things and it will level out and stop feeding it to you. Ideally do something else with the spare time conserved from not playing league and you will eventually grow bored and develop other interest for you to do instead. 24 is also not to old to change, I believe people tend to have a midlife crisis of sorts at 30 or atleast a moment of self reflection and a bit of regret here and there, you'll need to try your best to avoid that now because by then you will be surrounded by people in their 30's already surpassing lifes thresholds such as marriage, home ownership, good salary, atleast knowing how to drive/owning a car, etc.
You haven't even seen his face
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>dozen of qicuckami simps itt
>he ends up "dating" a slavic hon
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reminder that Nami is warm
isn't Qikami like very gay for Firestorm and Mantheon
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>I'm a big dog, big bear, nigga, I'm a lion
>I'm the predator of the prey that is hiding
>Oh my, oh my, I have found you, nigga
>Don't you run from me, lil' nigga
I don't find Swain attractive so I'm not able to answer that.
However I think he's cool because he's focused, driven, charismatic and pragmatic, and though he's a leader he doesn't just wave is hand and give orders to others. He doesn't view himself as above doing the distasteful deeds himself.
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dude was extremely autistic throughout my however many matches played together and aside from one single time most the "conversation" we had was "hey man don't forget to buy antiheal btw"
Everyone love Firestorm.
He said NOTHING while i was missing every hook and kept playing with me after that.
can we not talk about namefags for one day
>not filtering them all
>watch random korean chall highlights
>ksante,yone,yasuo,sylas flying all over the place and over walls

i wonder when phreak will realize that nerfing overall stats and reducing movement speed on items won't make the combat's pacing any slower
it just means champs that have (meaningful)mana costs and reduced mobility will be left behind
even if items give less movespeed that won't stop yasuo from flying across your screen if there is a minion wave
How about we cool her down?
anything YOU wanted to discuss???
i want to discuss about which champ has the biggest cock
It's Viego.
ekko k'sante lucian
this "z tier" champ shit is so fucking cringe, actually 100% with phreak on this one
lazy retards think slowing down the combat pace can be done by just removing ability haste even though in reality it's just going to flip overall balancing all over the fucking place and uber buff stat checkers and whatnot that don't rely on haste
canon what do we talk about next
How to fix league
>Make Anivias ult global
>Make it ground
which yordle has the biggest heart :)
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no need, nights are getting cold lately
whats a z tier champ and what did phreak say
Just think about all the people that just queue soloq on the daily for glory that never comes. At least you made friends and became part of a community
I think Riven should have Nilahs passive except that it scales with lethality. 30 lethality = 30% armour pen
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do people still use mobafire? I just remembered how I used to make cringe guides on there that probably nobody ever looked at. And i used to look at guides there for new champs LOL
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So you need a Comfy Warm Fish?
Did I miss a memo, are /lolg/ites actually playing with each other? Wtf
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>Tfw no Ahri KitK@ emote
Why even play...
first time dia let's goo!!!
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Congrats brother.
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Project Briar top is coming along nicely.
I'm not that guy but to me he comes off as a person who's strong in body and mind, he knows what he wants and how he wants it, he takes no shit and has no doubt, if he does have doubt he has that covered in good faith. He's a flawed character as any and that's good because life is not perfect and in a way an imperfect life is necessary for people since you can learn from that experience and develop as a person than if not.
I like how he seems like the type of guy who doesn't care about senseless drama. I like how he's not a low life living off peoples miseries and pettiness despite his power. I like how he'd be the person who'd tell people to improve themselves and strive to be better instead of mourn all the time and he'd probably have a good way in translating that point to peoples comfort.
I know he seems like an easily tempered guy who overly serious about his job but he only is so because he cares and is well respected by everyone with a good enough level of devotion, this is something that is very difficult to pull off if you think about such a scenario to the leaders in the real world.
I like his sense of fashion which looks quite nice. He also likes Sonas music which is also quite nice and relaxing. He's clean and probably doesn't smell. He has a lovely hair. He's got power, money, looks, charisma, ideal personality for my tastes. I also like how large and aesthetic his demon arm is. I like how he allows flamethrower guitar concerts in Noxus. I like how he goes drinking at night to relax. I like how he looks after people he cares about. I like his voice. I like how he likes strategy things and want to play RTS/Simulation games with him. I like how he's confident. I like how his presence reassures me. I like how Noxians go to the beach during summer. I also like how it's run kind of like Rome. I can relate to him having nightmares. I think he'd be totally into stuff like the mothman and stupid /x/ stuff or shitty horror movies. Etc.
Make it also play a horrifyingly grating sound.
I thought Briar Top was a thing when tank items were stronger on her. Maybe try some shit like heartsteel+sterak or something idk
post results if you do
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I tried Hearsteel once against a Tahm and got gigastomped.
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yes, I'll use her as a giant pillow
get a new account
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this plays when she emerges
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Oh yeah I also like how he's a bachelor, which means he's single aka no baggage. I also kinda like how he was in the military because my family comes from a similar background. Also like his pet crows, I like any animals and miss having a pet. I think there's more but I don't remember for now.
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Good job m8 !
Now don't play until the split ends unless you want to lose it.
can I beat braindead malfart players if I finally take the gwensissification pill..
Vex literally IS Luxtier straightforward, I would argue even more straightforward
thank you!

ty ty
and yeah lol I want to make sure I get the border
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I love Lissandra!
I don't but I appreciate your passion about lissandra
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That's reminds me, I'll have to use my Raka as a pillow now.
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Getting competant at the game isn't too hard if you play a lot and learn from others
But getting good at the game, like actually good, is so hard. You can get every cs while farming camps and still not get 10 cs pm
You can do 20 things right and juggle 30 different small details in your mind but then make 1 misclick and have it not matter as you overstep in a teamfight while trying to poke
Sivir is an early game lanebully that needs to snowball to remain even and not a scaling pick
What's the best LB skin? I've got Ravenborn and Elderwood off chests (RIP chests...) but I'm willing to buy a skin if it's better.

Is there something like Frosted Ezreal but for LB? A skin that feels so smooth it might as well be another champion?
I personally like her Christmas one.
Prestigious is very Leblanc-like but it's model is too outdated. Wicket Leblanc is if such a woman were to exist irl.
I'd get all three of them if I didn't hate playing midlane so much lol.
I like her base and IG too
the Faker one, duh
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you should have done it a long time ago
I need sivir to bully my dick
>Vex literally IS straightforward
this statement alone would be correct but otherwise, no
if you're a jungler that rotates out of an uncontested lane in order to get jungle camp instead at minute 20+ you should be permd and mac banned off of this game
She's literally BUILT for being dragged onto and left on dry land. Imagine watching her convulse and flop around helplessly as she asphyxiates...
why she's literally one of the ugliest league girls
She has a nose she can live on land.
and she still wouldn't have sex with you
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Doesn't help that her Ult can seem useless if you don't know what to do with it.

Soraka and I wanted to share a pillow... Now, I'll have to use her as a pillow.
She also has a spell to spawn water. Your lame larp is over.
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>and yeah lol I want to make sure I get the border

I dont even remember the last time I got any end season rewards and ive been getting diamond every season with multiple accounts since 2016, holy fuck
She still dies if we glue her nose and mouth shut.
ok and? she's some dirty disgusting gypsy thief that lives in the desert and probably doesn't even shower because they don't have water there??
You guys will call anyone ugly, ffs.
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never too late to try different options
what the fuck man
Ignore em.
the joke was that not even the ugliest women in the world would fuck your ugly timmy dick
they will also call anything a tranny
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At this point Riot should just permaban my chat, my 2 accounts have 1 year chat restriction, this game its a fucking joke
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There are other options?
I cannot WAIT till they add the new "oops my bad" command
nice one bro have fun with your gypsy arab egyptian sand scribble speaking minecrafting enchanting table language ass waifu
She's not even a thief she literally owns the entire nation making her probably the richest person in Runeterria since every other region is partially owned or has fractions.
In the old lore Warwick tried to kill this, can you believe that?
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How long will it take me to get 1M Mastery points with Gwen If I start playing everyday?
diana can't even tell a joke properly, she belongs in too serious
>Not in Slut Wear category
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well, not really
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In old lore, she looked like this. Then, she was turned into a blue grandmother in the West or a blue Alien in Japan, China, or Korea. WW was a pure evil bastard back then, so yes, I could believe it. What I couldn't believe were idiots shipping them. Shippers are awful.
>What I couldn't believe were idiots shipping them
"Mystic goat girl and the werewolf hunter on her tail" is hot as hell, what are you talking about?
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>play exactly 1 ARAM game
>master stack
>get cancer
I unintentionally won both of my games instead of losing, unsure if I should go further.
you deserve suffering
Did they ever show a maskless Jhin?
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i'll never get the fucking achievements if i don't play the game mode sadly
A 30 year old man made this while jerking off his micropenis
This is someone's son
there is nothing wrong with shipping provided you have good tastes
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here you go you unrefined tasteless uncultured losers
Was. This was someone's son.
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They should bring back bo3 and bo5, Im tired of playing with people that dont deserve the rank.
>wood division adventures
>blood and sweat
no that was awful for the pure amount of people who see you're in promos and run it down for the lels. people are evil
/lolg/ friens...
I won't even give you a you
>neeko ugly body
>ahri ugly face
>wood divison adventures
say that to the fucking master stacks
my quickplays are way harder than ranked games in d4
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Briar won
neeko is only there because I actually find her personality cute but couldn't add a tier to the list because the person that made the template is a copyright faggot or smth
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So I'll have to use Soraka. Unless..

This isn't a fucking Twilight fan fic. When someone betrays your trust and tries to kill you, you fucking hate them. Plus, WW was only playing nice; he wanted to eat her heart so he could live forever. He'll never not try and kill her because that was his goal. There is nothing hot about it.
Yeah shit is fucking miserable. It's always me building tank too. Really says something when I have to devolve to quickplays to play what I want instead of arams despite having been an avid aram only player since I even started playing this game.
I wanna plap her until she braps
more like
>quickplay: ranked but angrier
>>neeko ugly body
Are you an actual pedophile or what?
i'm so bad at the game it's unreal, my quickplay games are full of bots
>oh no he's hot!
I don't think he is but I will respect all preferences.
Here in Brazil we have a famous police movie ''Tropa de Elite'' and theres a famous scene where the Captain screams ''Não vai subir ninguém'' (No one will go up)

Basically If anyone saw u were in BO5, the enemy team would start screaming in chat all saying ''Não vai subir ninguém'' and the game would imeditally be way harder than normal

>Plus, WW was only playing nice; he wanted to eat her heart so he could live forever. He'll never not try and kill her because that was his goal
Not unless he ends up falling in love with her. Can't bring himself to swing the axe over her sleeping form one night and tells himself he's holding off just in case there's a magical trap or dead man's switch.
I think he looks too boyish for the persona
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you WILL use Soraka
Yes I heard that from your initial post lol.
how the avg lolg reacts to my presence
I will literally play Nilah to master tier next split until they revert the tank meta before I go back to bronze
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>Not unless he ends up falling in love with her.

OH NO! ANON! You're falling into the Darkness that is Shipping Fan Fics! Don't go into the Darkness!

Then give us a replacement!
KEK why is brazil like this
Samira and Caitlyn being that low is kinda wrong you disgusting freak
Pro esports league is so boring lol
what a slog
>Can't bring himself to swing the axe over her sleeping form one night and tells himself he's holding off just in case there's a magical trap or dead man's switch.
>"I'm just being careful! You never know with these mages" self-gaslighting as he visits her daily on the pretense of being a new neighbor
>"I have to observe her to make sure her gentle personality isn't just a cover for some demonic monstrosity" while taking her out for a day in town
>"There isn't any solid evidence proving eating her heart will work 100% anyway" when going over to her place for dinnerholy shit I actually drooled and had to wipe it off my lip typing this garbage
>"My heart's beating so fast whenever she's near... is it a hex? Does she know?" while doing the dishes with her side by side after the meal
Some time later
>"She must have found out and placed me under a spell! That's why I'm behaving like this!" while offering to have her move in with him
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here you go! that should do just fine
its a shame /lolg/ has never been like /erg/ this place would be pretty entertaining with writefags
what am I reading
caitlyn is obnoxious and fugly, I'd only fuck her if she was the last remaining xx on earth

also samira literally has a missing eye and you call ME a phreak??
ovary reek stench
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I was too late. Anon fell to Darkness. Also, he's too much of a striker! I will give you this. I'm somewhat OK with New WW and New Raka shipping because they don't hate each other anymore, but if you're going to tie me to a chair and threaten me with PAINFUL torture unless I Ship Soraka, then I'm shipping Soraka with Taric. Now, that will be a cute power couple. Write something for that

Good! Sona will be a very soft pillow.
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Sorry I don't want to play with you anymore
>Shipping your wife with someone else other than yourself. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
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Who the hell is this supposed to be?
Top/jungle male melee with mana
If it's Olaf I'm going to FREAK he is not a fucking jungler
post the qos crop it's funny
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oh, Sona can also play games if you get bored
video game of course
Heard that too.
I hear there is a pokemon version of this game
>he is not a fucking jungler
used to be
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please kill yourself, the league of lol isn't your depraved disgusting fetish playground that you keep coming onto so you can jerk off to some mentally ill dude spamming porn here
My boyfriend Qimmy is the coolest <3
>arams are le casual!
>always at least a 4 man premade
>always some Diamond/Emerald player premading with silvers
>"random" map yet the same 5 champions show up over and over
>map's physical design is too small
>filled with level 500 accounts that do nothing but spam ARAM yet don't even understand how the map works
Awful map. Legit should be removed but half the playerbase would kill themselves if they did
>the league of lol isn't your depraved disgusting fetish playground
It is though
weirdo freak
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Shippers will always ship! There's no way to stop them. What we can do is point to healthy ships. No more Toxic ships.

Good! She can carry us in Marauders. We've lost most of our money, and we keep dying to sweaties with Panzer armor.
It should just be fully random and get rid of rerolls, if someone dodges because of their champ rolled they will get that champ next time. Also yeah this sweaty try hard shit is awful.
>yet don't even understand how the map works
what is even there to understand anymore besides the health points that spawn sometimes
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you have entire boards that are better for gooning. I don't get it
chill, go have a wank
Will you say the same thing to him or no >>494512540
there isn't even anything to get, it's not even some weird exhibitionist fetish it's literally some brainless consumer who comes to lolg to post about lolg but is such a lazy fucking faggot that instead of looking up his freak porn on the internet just gets to enjoy it here thanks to the spammer
> new acc
> can't buy champions from champions page, list is empty when shown unknown toggled even after restarting
> endless loop to results screen from completed tutorial mission
> queue aram, get endless confirmation dialog, reload the game, insta get into the game, apparently i was in lobby while dialog was on my screen
3 insane bugs in 15 minutes of account's existence after tutorial, jesus christ, these people are beyond fucking incompetent
passive punishment for smurfing faggots because that shit only happens when you log into a new fresh account on a pc where you used other accs before
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you bet, she's pretty good in shooters
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im sure it does buddy
>90% of games is 3 adc or all poke comps on at least one team
meetup when?
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idk why but gwen jungle feels more strong than hecarim right now
I'm not your buddy pal
sett is a submissive bottom for aphelios
Incels don't go outside
>eh.. i aint your BUDDY pal >:) *unsheathes epic sword*
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It always makes me chuckle when league faggot streamers whine about some champs being less skill required. Because league is a pretty low-skill game compared to RTS or fighting games.

I always feel like raping their assholes especially Nemesis. I wanna rape his slovenian asshole.
i want to top sett
It's on the list. C:
Sooner than later <3
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and I have like way more mastery than this if we count every acc that got permabannedd in the last 7 years

wtf is going on with my horse?
that one pic isn't against the rules racebaiting and doesn't derail a whole thread. but yes I'm confused about cropped porn spammers and erps too
What are you going to do when you find out that he's ugly
not nemesis man cmoon
you have too many games on him which makes you autopilot more
>It always makes me chuckle when league faggot streamers whine about some champs being less skill required.

Doesnt even make sense
I get super annoyed when someone picks zoe/hwei or anything high skill ceilling compared to normal champs, bro u suck, why arent u playing annie? u gonna feed anyway, at least with her u can flash ult and be useful
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are you going to play vex now?
>you have too many games on him which makes you autopilot more
hmm thats possible, but I still feel like hes super weak compared to last year
Qimmy is the most handsome and cutest person in the world <3
We're going to have very kinky sex <3
how do you even help your team on gwen jungle pre-6?
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I need 3 lolgs to volunteer
He doesn't want to show his face because he's ugly am i right
when did this lolg ship drop
ghosth+E and attack? but I usually just go full clear and kill drake/kevins asap unless bot/top is playing like a retard in my tower, so its easy gank
To me, my eX-Men.
>nun ai poster
I can try. I'm not 100% on board with >>494510240 though because I don't like the idea of reformed!Warwick only going through the actions of romance out of fear . It's cuter if he's aware he's coping. Like
>"She must have found out and placed me under a spell! That's why I'm behaving like this!" while offering to have her move in with him
is far more enticing if it's old-timey self-aware romantic thinking, the same mindset that causes grandpa to say kitschy lines like "falling in love with your grandma was the easiest thing I ever did" sixty years into their marriage.
>She stared at him. "What?"
>"I-" He coughed into a fist. "I mean, it's not safe, living by yourself like this." Studied her reaction. It was no use. Silent and stock still, with her head tilted slightly to the side.
>It's those eyes, he told himself. Those damned eyes. Prey animal eyes, the soft-glowing golden windows to the soul of a bewildered doe caught in a hunter's trap. He took a deep breath to steady himself and continued.
>"A lovely lady like you, all by your lonesome," he explained. Those fucking eyes. They dug at him. He had to look away. His shoes suddenly seemed very interesting. "Someone could break in." The stillness was broken by a decidedly unladylike snort.
>"Someone like you?" Warwick felt his face flush. "Now, hold on, tha- that was different," he began hotly, lifting his eyes back to meet her gaze. "I thought I heard a- a..." His practised excuse died in his throat.
>Soraka had leaned forwards, shrinking the distance between them, her face tilted up, a teasing smile on her lips. The eyes! "A wolf, right?" She supplied the rest of his story for him.
>"...mmh." His throat was dry. His heart never beat this fast, not even when he'd come close to dying on a hunt. Damned goat-witch.
>The silence stretched on for so long that he was about to apologize and retreat when her answer came.
>"Then I better accept," she grinned, winking. "So you may keep me safe from other wolves."
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The counterplay?
immobile sisters....
people actually do this? i thought it was a meme
the counterplay is always rape
People on lolg have met up before, yes.
I think he's talking about the edating through a 4chan thread part
People have edated here before too.
>People on lolg have met up before
i more meant people on lolg meeting up with the intent to date
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kat players owe me a kiss
Knowing when to die and buy
Pushing a wave before fighting/dying so the enemy team doesn't take first tier tower off it
Actually knowing when to engage/fight

The last one makes the map unplayable because so many worthless faggots will sit back doing nothing and trying to poke when they should be engaging
what if we held hands (in game (irl))
Love is not a meme <3

2 months and going VERY strong!
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Sett's tough guy persona is easy to see through
I was M7 on Vex before mastery changes. I'll play her even more if they actually port her WR skins
Thats gonna be me in 20 something years
I think that has also been done but typically they post pictures of each other first and settle down a bit and then do so, this one seems to be an all of a sudden thing though they probably live close enough or the travel is not that expensive to do so on a fling. Europe is quite cheap and convenient.
lolg meetup lan party
How're you gonna be in this general for 20 more years? What are you waiting for?
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>Getting gently teased by mommy raka
>Europe is quite cheap and convenient.
this is true
i can get a flight to a different country for like £15
>2 months and going VERY strong!
whoa, that's excellent news. congrats on the new romance queue
me if i ever find any of you
mutual lolg romance is so cute!
yeah. as the donut!
Love stops being real when it's time to reveal the face and body </3
>lolg community is so toxic and affection starved they think normal romance is called mutual romance
god I hate you people
>Europe is quite cheap and convenient.
and full of refugee bulls that don't play video games
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now that we've agreed that riven is the best girl in this game, what's the next topic of this thread?
Yep. But I must say there is always a chance someone is living closer than you think.
I think I read one guy mention the city I'm living in and talked about seeing someone similar to my profile outside in his travel, it was uncanny nonetheless so I am a bit careful.
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she's kind of lame and boring
White genocide and refugee bulls
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We made a promise to each other
should I really get a haircut
Oh yeah, good luck with that.
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>what's the next topic of this thread?
that taliyah is breedable
Cute cute cute cute
love has bloomed on the rift again this year
what haircut aren't you balding timmy
not what she looks like though
>"I'll wait for you" trope
So this the power of the Shipper. It’s dangerous.

Good! Now get her ready for pillowing! We want to rest!
in an online space there is a difference between simping for someone who will not reciprocate your advances and mutual romance
you retard
yes which is why we call one of them simping and the other romance, no need to chuck the word mutual in there mister wordsmith
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*AHEM* ofc she looks like that
go around and flash through her e
is there any lolg gay romance
Human male visiting bandle city.webm
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whoa, no, I have no idea where she is
I only play Malzahar
I can't deal with Syndra for the life of me.
kg said he'd turn me into his cumdump once
All of it?
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having any of them as a friend seems to be very problematic, I'd rather not
>very obvious one guy commissioning all the Taliyah slave/harem girl pics
there were two but shortlived
lowtiergod and immo342.
The one currently being posted in the thread, that lux person is a male so it is technically gay.
they are all fat balding men pretending to be anime girls
Imagine fucking Briar's fat thighs while making out with zoe holy unf
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We should find her. It can’t be that hard to do so.
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>welcome to bandle city, human
how do we solve the tank situation
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I suck at the champs I like and I never get better at them
I only have good winrates on boring champs
I hate this game so much
Blade of the Ruined King
Liandry's Torment
idk I wanna forced deepthroat her while holding her pillory but at the same time I fear because of shark teeth
>pretending to be women
doesn't make sense
Shyvana in general is not doing so good right now I think, I'd rather wait for her rework, god knows when by now.
revert the vayne nerfs and the ranged botrk nerfs
bring back the giant slayer passive on ldr instead of nerfing it next patch
buff gwens passive and fiora's passive but nerf their base damage
No one:
Literally no one:
Not even Thanos:
LS: yeah Katarina is a S tier pick at Worlds
wow you are a very funny human being person I truly would feel really bad if you killed yourself for that joke
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I've heard she barely leaves her room. It's gonna be difficult.
You would not believe how serious I am.
it doesn't but it's true, all lolg "dating" is like this
who's gayer, Katarina players or LS?
>asks for a solution
He isn't wrong but pros play what they feel is good and not what is actually good
There are plenty of more niche picks you could bring out as counterpicks or if you simply have the pratice on them in general but they never will
Pro champs can have a negative winrate in their pro leagues and for their teams and they will still dredge up their dusty decrepit picks like Azir, Corki, and Sejuani
I was asking a vague question directed at the general concept and state of tanks rather than "uhm guys how do I kill a tank?"

it just feels retarded to have a class be tanky, but naturally they need cc to be sticky to be tanky, but also now they need considerable amount of damage to actually be threatening

so what the fuck then? it just seems like the entire concept of tanks being in league is fucked up from the ground up and we might as well just remove the entire fucking class instead
his bf is also male, the lux poster is meant to be the girl passing one
I sure love seeing cancerboring champs like Maokai, Senna, and Corki instead of Camille, Irelia, and Vayne
yeah if you consider nemesis a femboy then you'd probably consider swift a passing one too
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>welcomes you back home
>notices that you forgot to bring the ice cream
>ADC is designed around having a skilled, constant duo partner on support
>Finally find one
>Win lane every single game
>Winrate remains the same because matchmaking gives you significantly worse teammates when you duo
ADC is not a bricked role. It's OP actually!
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So the Neet is in her room! Come on let’s get her!
That 30 year old man surely passes as a girl
how the fuck is vayne not boring? her laning phase is as uninteractive as it gets due to her low mana pool meaning don't cast anything unless you're highly likely going to get value out of it, she's not really entertaining in teamfights, doesn't do any cool tricks other than just being a machine gun in teamfights

not saying she's braindead but vayne is as boring as it gets to play and or watch
why do girls get fat after marriage
they've been strong since covid hit
>since covid hit
covid doesn't hit neets since they don't go outside anyway
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fine, I knock, you talk
I don't get it
big if true
the duo tax should be removed if you're both in the same lane but quadrupled if you're duoing with a jungler
i quit the game. anyone want an account on EUW with 70% of the champions (at least) as well as a bunch of legacy skins? was plat at some point. think its level 70-90 or so (too lazy to check)

They think they can let loose because they got the man now. It’s not because they had a kid. Women staying big is a lie women made up to stay lazy and fat.
Liu Kang doesn't accept gays
i'd buy it for 10€, deal or bust
>dude invsing juking, sneaking around targets to land condemn into terrain, and have the agency to 1v5 the enemy team is so boring man
>I want to see lethality varus spamming q's from 2000 range away and only autoattacking when his team has targets locked down from him or if he lands r
200? nigga it better have silver kayle
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I bring some snacks instead
>grown ass dude quoting some fictional kung fu guy
why are you so nerdy bro
Check the market right now and just ebay it with the appropriate figure.
black alistar or bust
he said in a 4chan general for a League of Legends
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thats why I play her mid now, she was a good top when goredrinker was in the game, now you gotta wait for the season split to play her top again when they change the items.
nta but I can give you 10 accs like that for 50
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I could sell you my account for 50 cents because I can just take it back any time I want to
Don't be a chump, make your own
>dude invsing juking
oh yeah it's really fun to watch enemy team play duck duck goose around a vayne pressing Q over and over
>sneaking around targets to land condemn into terrain
>wow guys watch this vayne walk around the enemy nautilus for 1.5 seconds before she presses E to stun him into a wall isn't that so fun to watch
>ummmm also you probably enjoy varus gameplay since you dislike vayne
vayne as a champion is just about as fucking predictable as it gets, she's basically a ranged statchecker but she's just checking how much cc/hard engage your team has
I think 50 cents for playing at least one guaranteed match is a bargain
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I want to grab them both by their soft ears and watch them squirm
*hugs you too because you are both our friend*
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FUCK ezreal
the thing is tho that shit has such a long ass windup time this is probably how you'll be throwing hooks in your first 20 matches as thresh
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>find a nice cute funny person in normals
>they're already playing with their duo
why is life so unfair
>2 Thresh on the map
cuties attract lots of people anon, thats why they have friends
I want mine and just mine and no other friends and no going outside or talking to anyone else
is that too much to ask for.........
le quickplay face
i didn't play aphelios for like 10 months so i wanted a quick warmup in case i forgot something
he is getting changed soon anyways
this but with jelly
I want her to be as obsessed with me as she is with league...
wagie Thresh looks so goofy on the rift
thought phreak said theyre not changing him anymore
>not becoming vith their friends and throuple queueing (flex)
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Good things come to those who wait or so they say
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Alright! Come out! Or els- oh shit!
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Anon, are you even listening to me? I said you need to focus on farming more, you're missing every CS!
I have that shit unironically muted and blocked.
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Suprised to see me?
fuck off bitch, where the heck is my Leona bestie at
no im too busy staring at DICKS because im a FAGGOT
fuck off sona
champs for this feel?
disgusting kys
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I just saw a clip from LCK of KT Bdd playing in windowed mode
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oops, looks like we're gonna stay a while
plenty of pros play on windowed
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can you go back to botlane? you're getting in my way putting these huge tits in front of the minions' hp bar
>Spouse(s): Rebecca Sneed (m. 2003)
Erm, Draven and Darius or something. Maybe Renekton and Nasus.
what the fuck is going on in this general
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Yep! Looks like we’re going to be the pillows! Get help!
The numbers of regulars have dropped to about 50 users across NA and EU. Nothing much else to talk about in this game, not like some people even play it.
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maybe being Sona's pillow is not a bad way to go
gee I wonder why I thought we were the most wholesome friendly open armed welcoming general on this board
spam chased all the good posters away
>sex with pictures is le good posting
>playing against the world's pussiest olaf that runs to his turret the moment I try to trade
>enemy jungler ganked twice when I had kill pressure, survived with no kill
>enemy adc decided to sit here and 2v1 the lane for 5 minutes, survived
>enemy jungler got herald and immediately ran down my t1 and t2 turrets
>all while enemy team is getting anally fucking raped 25 to 5 everywhere else and surrender at 15
>win the game 0/0/0
good fucking god I hope these peoples families get murdered, unironic riot zoggbots hired to make sure I can't even have fun in fucking norms
When are you two getting e-married?
People say it's the schizos here that made people leave but I doubt that's the case because people on my friend list aren't even logging in anymore. The spammers didn't make people stop playing or caring about the game. Riot's shit balancing and 3 split garbage did. The biggest ranked addicts on my friends list either don't log on or don't play ranked anymore.
the truth is sex with pictures and sissyposting (and overall traffic) went down because schools opened up and apparently most of the people doing erp with us here were underage high school students
Don't reply to BBCspammer bro
I get really angry and my front gets really hot when I play this game
This game is known to be a mental asylum of sorts, I don't know what new people expect.
Also people have their own circles of friends established already within the general, some which have spanned for years, a new person is nothing to the social ones here nor players in the game who are actually not even new and are on the 15th level 30 account. They missed out on the more proactive years of league so have essentially missed out on other things nor is looking forward to the 10th new Chinese skinline with battlepass and gatcha events exciting to stay for even a year let alone a few weeks/months.
implying thread traffic correlates to people playing
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You mean this? This isn’t a bad way to go?
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Is Vex one of those characters they think won't ever sell skins because the two they gave her are fucking garbage, so they've just dropped her?
she got shitty and few skins BECAUSE no one plays her, perpesumably has to do with her character being a weird obese chipmunk emo unlike the hypersexualized PR champions that people want to self insert as
I used to have fun during the first couple years I played, playing 5 premade on team speak with friends from school and some living far away that I ended up meeting in person
I have none of that now, everything is dead and I'm still here, everybody else moved on, I misses the bus
I think if they play ranked for the year in a series and earn it for the entire season, there's no point really to redo the whole thing for series 2 or 3 of the same years bracket. It would be stupid. Also the playerbase is indefinitely getting old which mess less time to sink and no new bloods will join because the game is an overly complicated mess.
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>everybody else moved on, I misses the bus
wow gramps you're so cool you're soo doomerblackjoeverpilled ! life moved on but you got le stuck in league of lol... so sadge.... truly it would be impossible to stop playing league and do literally anything else with your life from this point on.................. better keep being all depressed emo bitch on 4chan about it and keep playing.................................
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she's not gonna stuff us or something, right?
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lolgs for this feel
I don't know what kind of metrics those retards are looking at but there's no way splits are good for the game. My queue times have doubled in diamond and above while LCS has dropped from 60k viewers last year to 20k this year. There's no way any of the decisions they've been making have benefited anyone. They really just need to clean house and replace these retards.
Priority has always been sorting yourself out instead of time sinking into video games.
Instead of thinking about how you've missed out on life you try to get stuff done from now on.
yep unlucky sorry
she's a wild rift champ now unironically
>no new bloods will join because the game is an overly complicated mess
Not to mention the game is absolutely the antithesis of what adhd-riddled gen z likes. The game is simply too slow-paced and strategic for gen z. That's why Riot keeps dumbing the game down (see: Jungle role) and shortening the length of games. They're trying to get gen z to play League but it's not working.
>They really just need to clean house and replace these retards
it's actually hard to put this into motion in a titan sized company because your product in and of itself already has such a large market of it's own it takes a very major fuck up to actually damage revenue

and ofc no one will get replaced until revenue is lost because thats how big corpo works
They should hire me and I will make everything worse. Millions will be free.
it's just a hobby I'm used to
I'm doing other things but this remains a constant in my life and it made me think about how different my relationship to it was at the beginning
kids literally think league of legends is a joke
any mention of it to them and they either laugh or give you the fluoride stare
>shortening the length of games
is that why they're nuking ability haste and overall damage resources next season while indirectly buffing tanks and most definitely increasing the avg match length by cutting down on snowballing
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truth is people just moved on
They've also made tft which plays itself and released Briar who also plays itself. Also removing more activatable such as the mythic items instead of adjusting them. Games just trash as fuck this year.
you're just an old senile sentimental man looking at life through rose tinted glasses and don't understand what your actual issue is please refrain from replying to me any further your self serious tone really gives me the ick
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Oh no! She’s not evil. Just aggressively soft.
tbdesu I find it aids having to press some item's active button every 10 seconds
This game is honestly awful ATM and people only play it because they're valve drones.
I don't understand what youre trying to project about
He's projecting about the fact that he's wasted so much of his life playing League. You're fine anon, that other dude is just a loser.
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why are we running then?
Yeah life and all that but I'd say pretty much everyone who did play league play something else now even if they grew up and have less time, this game's changes over the years have been abysmal. Even if most of the playebase are working now or going to college to work it's still an ideal game to play due to how each games are time constrained to around 20 minutes each. However it's just so unfun that it's not worth queueing.
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Skin for this feeling?
7 years to get that champ released.
you used to play league as a teenager with your high school friends after school on teamspeak, the game wasn't as figured out as it was back then, your life itself was simpler back then, mom and dad home and all you have to care about is school and what you want to do you after school. neither information nor anything else in life was as accessible as they are now, and again due to your young age it felt like every single day was full of surprises and new adventures and experiences, because it truly was.

then time went on and on and you've grown up to be an adult, maybe you work a job or not at this point and have had a lot of learning experiences through your youth, and your friends from back then have moved on to become adults too. As you've said you're the only one who stuck with league. the game isn't as much of a learning experience or goofing around as it was back in the day anymore. Even your life itself isn't as adventurous anymore. Even when you meet people, you find it hard to find interest in them because they just feel like a reiteration of that one guy you met that one time. Daily routine started feeling like nothing but routine because of how much life experience you've gained by the coming of your age and things in general simply aren't as fun as they used to be.

But alas instead of looking at things from an objective perspective you choose to be all sentimental about how "it was better and more fun in the old days and now everyone in life has le moved on except you,,, you're le left behind and missed the le bus". Truly it is pathetic that a man can look down on himself in such a manner and have no shame to publicly express it as well, hope you can actually grow into being an adult some day.
aint readin allat nigga
>say some dumb shit
>I take the time to explain why the shit you said is dumb
>didn't read lololo
and you're typing essays on 4chan, you're no better than him
you're seriously beyond retarded
kys unironically
What lolgs are BUILT?
sorry I'll just ragebait next time my bad for sharing a genuine take with the post-irony general
tldr, I think he's just asking you to grow up and move on. Splendor in the grass poem stuff.
your "genuine take" is nothing more than you projecting
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>why are americans like this?
I wonder why
no one cares retard, you're not going to change someone's life. you're just as much of a loser thinking you're doing anything by typing emotional essays on 4chan
it should be required to take a mathematics class before commenting on any kind of game balance decision retards really out here thinking average gp5 value nerfs are going to BENEFIT supp do me a favor go out irl find a redditor and shoot them in the fucking face with at least a 38 magnum pistol
I don't write haikus on 4chan about life has "MoVeD oN WiThOuT Me T-T" nigga, I don't mind things not being as fun as they used to be because I understand how growing up works
jelly rides bbc for an hour after playing league for 16 hours
man, my haircut is fucking UGLY
you understand it but you've yet to take any steps towards it apparently
we know mantheon
As a bare minimum, statistics should be a mandatory subject in every first world country. You should have to study statistics in high school and if you go to university you study it in more detail.
They hated him because he spoke the truth
image banned again huh
there are no steps to take towards it, I know my skills and talents and hobbies and the things I enjoy in life and I understand that the initial baby steps were naturally more fun than the "practice makes perfect" portion of it
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idk i just get this uncontrollable urge to brutally eviscerate with a tetanus ridden corroded knife anyone who goes more than 0/3 on my team
>Class is called marksMAN
>Most of the champs in it are female
what are you on about now
why are incels like this
then cut it?
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his duo wasn't happy either
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We're running because she'll take my Soraka, dress her up, and use her as a pillow! I want to do that to my Soraka!
>who is draven
>who is twitch
rest of class is cringe ass borderline femboy tier males
mantheon but you faggots teased him off lolg
Need a Solid Snake adc champ.
Read my post again
He will be back I think.
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yeah, let's bounce
it sounds fun though
it's a good day to have a good day
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we can only hope
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Nami and Raka can have fun later with Sona, but I need my Raka lap pillow right now!
I don't get it
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Which champions would wear sheer and see through clothing?
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gwen's wondering how aurora's glasses stay on her face since they have no arms

>super glue
Every female champs that wears clothes by the way things are going with womens clothing thesedays, fucking annoying having to deal with fabrics that are thin enough to be so due to shrinkflation, in this case the weight of the fabrics.
aurora eyes are tiny when her glasses are off so shes going to glue them to her face
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fine, I'll play some games with Sona
I look like this irl
>ezreal gets sheen
>W Q now hits for 60% of my hp
and somehow this is accepted as normal, as well as his 50% attack speed steroid
not even going to talk about caitlyn's dirk spike that makes her headshot hit 370 into fucking 1k hp
jesus that looks almost as bad as your "art"
>gets this retard in my quickplay game.
ohh okay ill try n do that thx
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season of the adc, don't worry though after split it would be season of the tank
I did okay on rengar top today, maybe toplane is just the lane for me
*ganks your wife's lane, jungle, and her ass.*
>get ahead as MF, lanebully
>you can still be fucked because you're squishy
>get ahead as Jinx, lategame carry
>you can still be fucked because you're squishy
>get ahead as Nilah
>I can literally walk into a bush, into the enemy jungler, support, carry and 1v3
Toppest of keks, this shit is so much fun. Mo' people mo' hp from the ult
why does everyone play ksante but no one plays nilah
botlaners have standards
I haven't seen a ksante in months, but I seen 2 nilahs this moth. both have low pick rates.
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Nilah is absolutely gorgeous, the weird nose ring chain thing ruins it though
self inserting as k'sante and raping all the women
everyone wants to be a woman, duh
imagine ripping that shit
If I pulled that off would she die?
And layman retards like you think it's easy to just up-end kits. It's a lot more complicated and it's much easier for designers with surface-level technical knowledge and access to work with numbers and value types rather than re-designing the entire champ and bringing in programmers to do it. Shit takes time and money out of other areas of the company.

Not necessarily defending that Riot-sided decision, but it certainly ain't on Phreak.
Literally anyone on the balance/dev team: "hey can we have resources to-"
botlaners are more honorable than toplaners?
you are fucking retarded
i just lost like the 20th game in a row to wholesome chungus toplane that is 5 levels up on everybody
toplane is giga broken,midlane is only not gigabroken because junglers love to camp it

game agency goes like this
I'm worried about this too
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super adorable episode
playing with ping 50 is so much better than 80

t. poorfag living under the rock
how long do we have til the garen and darius god king gacha thing goes away? i've held out so far but i'm starting to get tempted
i still wish i had less though but ive seen challenger players with 50 ping
its not an excuse
but 20 or less would be heavily
Maybe I really do have BPD...
be my gf?
Okay, add "5 7 gorilla" on NA...
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cute sissy...
where is everyone
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I have a dumb urge to play Kayn top.
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Why do supports leave their laners alone so often?
>bot is losing
>morg goes mid
>2nd tower & ff at 15
Playing other games. No one is going to play ranked when riot wants to reset their progress every other week.
playing arams till vgs
At the secret /lolg/ meetup that only you weren't invited to
outside it's saturday
Streamer brainrot. ADC was utter garbage for so many years that every mouthpiece in the community was screaming "go roam just roam don't know what to do? go roam help jungle go roam help mid go roam go top just roam"

Unfortunately support players never recovered from the brain rot.
I don't know why because I just started playing bot but it's always the morgana players. Pyke players do it too. They just go somewhere else and let their adc be zoned off or run over by an malphite. Like what can Kai'sa do against a malphite that has R and flash? Farm?

They completely fuck up their partner, it's disgusting.
that is just so unforgiveably mean.
Don't do it, Az.
tfw only play female giga agp champions
It happens with every support champ and regardless if you're winning or losing? The support player's broken brain logic is that oh I'm winning? Better go roam since adc doesn't need me anymore! Oh we're losing? Better go roam! It makes adc unbearable even when you disregard their 50 other problems.
guy just playin his lane gets bored and spouts go roam go roam go roam aloud to himself like a short
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But what if I go Bruiser Rhaast and ban Voli?
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you know best!
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I am here
Why do vgs fail 90% of the time when majins not hosting?
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I dont understand why people willingly announce how tilted they are in all chat, or why they talk shit before the minions even spawn
>Rage in all chat about being camped or generally just start talking shit
>Enemy team has clear evidence that you're mad and proceeds to take every opportunity to exploit it or are doubly motivated to make you eat your words
>What would have been just a normal game turns into a grudge match
Like what is the purpose, even just strictly practically speaking, of letting the enemy team know "Hi I am easily upset and it would take extremely minimal effort to completely remove me as a factor from the game"
Also if you're the kind of person that does this just know that your friends think you're absolutely exhausting to be around, speaking from experience
vg vs vg
vg vs vg is my life I need this win without it my discord dicksuck will abandon me please join fuck I'm bald and 40 please..
>I dont understand why people willingly announce how tilted they are in all chat
Form of venting frustration
humans are emotional creatures that do not run entirely on logic.
similarly why do people flame their teammates when all it acheives is tilting them thus lowering your chance of victory?
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I'd have to make him play Yone mid to carry me while I'll cook in top lane.
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Sylas was emoting at me for missing a w on him as Taliyah after he dashed through my e. I died after that
I then solokilled him twice, forced him under turret like a cuck for 10 minutes straight, and took his tower
He ragequit after that. Truly a fascinating specimen, so willing to talk shit and yet quits like a bitch when he gets exposed himself
Yeah its only natural people get frustrated, but it only takes minimal restraint to not take it to all chat
vg vs vg +1
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>Open up normal game
>Look inside
>Masters on enemy team
had a retard last game griefing a quickplay game, so I ragequit league for the day and started playing fortnite.
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place your bets
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All on Briar

thats a name I have not seen in a looooong time
Garens gonna run her down hard
it's fun
i am currently accepting applications for a lillia wife
>masters and diamonds le fun custom games
>mfw silver 4 peak shitter
wood vgs when
i've played 15 soloq games in 8 hours without taking breaks
thats not too bad right, i gained 20 lp
>2 briars
uhhh who to side with?!!?!
good luck finding a girl with 4 legs
>4 legs
hnnng i just got hard again
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God how bad is it at higher ranks? I went on support Reddit to read about roaming and their egos are huge
>We can judge how good our ADC is within first few waves
>No need to support a bad players
-some faggots on reddit

Last time I played league was long time ago and back then roaming this hard was considered griefing. Nowadays there are plates n shit but people roam... more?

That's retarded
Look at it this way
No matter what happens, Briar won
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>rolled some easy wins in normals
is it time to suffer in ranked
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>Play like absolute dogshit and are very much aware you're playing like dogwater
>win anyway because your opponent is playing even worse without knowing he's shit
jhin is so absurdly broken for like half a year now it's insane
i genuinely wish i could kill the designer + the balance team members behind leaving jhin at the absolute top of the foodchain for so fucking long
garen too but that's another topic
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>playing ranked after cashing in your free win tokens in norms
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how bad of a gutting is that?
new game soon probably idk
not at all it was 30% before this stupid buff came out (and he was already strong in both mid and top beforehand)
this isn't even reverting the buff (that he definitely didn't even need) it's a partial revert
im a shitter and i got hard carried. you, too, can win the lottery sometimes
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>almost 10% pick rate top
>48%wr only
why did he become popular on the toplane if he's not even good there?
he is broken as fuck there the winrate is just low because meta pigs are first timing him
W max meme build became fotm because of streamers
vg vs vg +1
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>briar tank
deserved feed his ass off
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I won the last 3 vg vs vg as briar mid wanted to do a meme build this time
vg vs vg who wins???
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Damn.... 38 assists... impressive

thats what most lolgenners should think
is steel mental your gf?
any lolg streams tonight?
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w max is not even fun
aery ignite is still peak vladimir playstyle (even if i miss s13 when PR was actually good)
>cool dad + retard daughter
im playing in gemerald 1 elo rn and i havent seen draven get banned once in 10 games
have adsissies gotten over their draven ptsd or what is happening ?
I'm gonna paint my warhammer things today I could stream that
tune into mantheons soon
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I wish to engage in sexual relations with Briar
that could be pretty nice. glad you found the courage to start painting it again
Gimme a build for him, just got him in ARAM and fed my ass off doing no damage.
how dare you
gonna take maybe like 5 min to set up since I need to grab my old laptop and the cats gonna be runnin around the table probably but we'll see
>Come back to league
>Its still the damage inflated fotm dogshit they turned it into in like 2018 to pander to the casual stinkmade market
*monkey's paw curls*
ok but she bites your dick off after
i like go cosmic > rabadons > situational (cosmic first is nice and it gives you decent early backs, early codex isn't nearly as good as it used to be but it's ok)
though riftmaker second is definitely possible (that locks you into dcap 3rd though)
aery ignite (you CAN go ghost but it's unfun in 2010+14)
buy dark seal first back it's broken on vlad
>ywn experience the fun gigalords vlad was
also post some sort of playlist you guys like cause you guys dont really dig my music
because you're a loser that peaked in highschool. go paint your dolls already
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so now mods wanna do their job lmao
You need to stop posting your worthless dipshit opinions to me, I do not care about anything you say or think
Nothing you ever post will have any impact on me, you're looking for a reaction or response and this is the only one you will ever get
You are nothing
>i don't care
>responds with heated emotional rant
why are you so easy?
Do you think Azakana gets depressed seeing posts like this talking about Nami poster and Soraka poster?
when is this game getting an overhaul or sequel because this shit is really showing its age now especially with the client
can never go wrong with fob tbqhwyf
He knows he’s the 3rd wheel.
wouldn't he be happy for them instead?
what is that?
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not at all. he watches from the closet and only joins when they let him
man lolg is really boring rn
i miss pompom era lolg
btw why is ezreal allowed to do more damage with autos and W than his Q? you know, the actual skillful part that he has to aim, suddenly it isn't even his main damage source
What's the point of playing gankplank? He farms whole game, then it's suddenly an important fight in a midgame, he misses his triple barrel, dies and gg. Like wtf
Happy that the Soraka poster gets stolen from him?
Well you see, hitting the triple barrel is mostly contingent on the Gangplank player playing well, so when he makes that mistake he learns from it and does better next time.
>champ doesn't function until they build a specific item
shouldn't have harassed everyone till they stopping posting about the game or just left entirely
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>outplayed by my lane counterpart literally having an objectively better team

damn I really need to work on that.
ok mantheon
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You arent supposed to play League of Legends anymore riot turned it into the beta male superbowl by making game balance shit
You are supposed to only watch league now because redditors complained about their premades getting shit on by a single play player
Worrying about such things basically outs you as having some sort of gay crush on him.
sometimes i just watch garen in a game and just burst out laughing. even one with great mechanical skill.

what a champion lmao
Dropped your soraka pic
>he still thinks pompom was some heckin cute poster
dumb nigger it was season of the tank the whole season must be nice to be clueless and bad
Sorry Azakana, no here knows you as being with Soraka fag. We know you as the cuck that 3rd wheels the 2 actually love each other(Nami poster X Soraka poster).
>majin vgs
>might as well queue low elo arams and just fight until 150 kills plus
blue team wins of course im the best

"vg vs vg" custom game lobby new game coming up soon password is "vidya"
zed is insanely bad lol who actively mains this champ
tanny chasers and trannies
belveth is fun in the first 5 minutes of the game and then becomes insufferable boring until you have 100+ stacks and 6 items
>majin only 28k damage
>didnt drop even close to his average of 20 deaths
probably spent the whole game more focused on his bottles of beer than actually playing his role even the vouivre gang dipped after that one
you know who
you also said he's baby mode tier and freelo last time ^_^?
does one schizo really get to be counted as two people?
vg vs vg +1
It was a close game till 45 idk how much better u want the lobby to be but im hitting lately
pompom was one of the most mentall illness poster ive ever seen on lolg but he was kino
dont fucking lie
>some literal who chink
>steel piss drinker
>bolo the incel
>edating trannies
The absolute state of nu-vgs. Just let it die already.
>one of the most mentall illness poster ive ever seen on lolg
how? especially when there's so much competition
do yo research on topi lantto
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Making smart trades.
making smart plays.
Every move calculated.
thats how we do it.
vg vs vg +2
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All we're missing is Lyra
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it do be like that
why does it bother you what anons are doing in their free time
i thought she has blue lipstick. that's a pity

you wish i was an incel im having sex right now getting blown under my desk by ur mother
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female champ for this feel?
vg +1
>get a support with hands
>destroy game
>we honor eachother
>check his profile after game
>he doesn't even play thresh
>he doesn't even play the fucking role
>probably just got autofilled and mogged every support i've ever gotten
Boodrum would fall for that shit
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twitch post
When will HE be in Arcane?
Literally Eve
some ppl thought the rat we see in singed's lab was him but i hope we see him guiding / attacking characters in zaun's sewers
thats the lore to ahri
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vg vs vg bets
ig red side wins easily
bard will 1v9
hwei, vel'koz.
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how is that a real human
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which one of us
im sure if we vod review you you would have plenty of equally dumb plays
whole game lol
what the fuck is jarvan doing here after red buff?
i mean i don't know what elo that is but i don't think i would've ever done that play :^)
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grey where is your fucking paint stream man. been waiting
he's having a meltie
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>after red buff
I really cant play adc anymore after role swapping to supp for a year. I can tryhard and win games sure but I just cant enjoy the role anymore when I know I can just queue supp and have more carry potential while being able to play 10x worse
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most cock eating team ive played with in a long fucking while. jarvan killed me. pushed my wave under their tower and i took shots for it. died. because of him. my teammate fucking killed me for literally nothing
you tasted easy mode its over for you
>just noticed enemy camille
holy shit this is golden
why aren't you playing with your only friend?
>burn out of other games
>decide to come back to league
>queue a norm and play garen top
>emerald viego jungle spends 20 minutes making the game completely unplayable for me
>can't even walk to t1 without getting ganked
>teammates call me a brain damaged retard and tell me I should kill myslef

feels good to be back
why are you being toxic in quickplay that's so unbelievably cringe (especially when you're a beginner)
I refuse to believe this isn't some form of elaborate humiliation fetish you're performing at this point just to get your jollies off.

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