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Broken edition

Reminder to report, hide and ignore shitposters.

New to the series?
Quick Start: https://i.imgur.com/mx2lG14.png

Most Recent Releases
KINGDOM HEARTS collections (I.5+II.5, II.8, III + Re Mind (DLC)) available on PC, PS4, XBOX, Switch (Cloud)
2003 Lost Kingdom Hearts Pilot Animatic (archived copy): https://archive.org/details/kingdom-hearts-pilot-animatic

Two new Kingdom Hearts games have been announced: KINGDOM HEARTS IV and KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link.
The KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link closed beta test for Android and IPhone devices has ended. Pre-registrations coming soon.
The Kingdom Hearts series are now available on Steam.
KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road has been delisted without any announcement. If you had redeemed the game previously you can still redownload it

New Trailers




Catch up on KINGDOM HEARTS news

Lore Resources

Mobile games
KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road is now delisted but you can watch the story on Youtube or download the apk to experience the story yourself

Union χ[Cross] scenes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPCJnwphQDQcJOkD9OsmxxMHX7YHE4WP2
Uχ scene compilations: https://roboloid.github.io/khux/theater
Dark Road playthrough: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhcSrKyqhfh6KtymEp7GpkwvLVK2Cu-Vp

PC Version Mods and Patch Manager

Previous thread: >>493248371
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2024 events where we can get KH news:
>interview in Young Jump issue 42 - between September 19 and the end of September
>Tokyo Game Show - September 26
>Game Awards Show - December 12
>Jump Festa - December 21
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Are Darkness the ancient aliens of KH?
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>ib4 more merch news
Missing Link has been delayed for a simulatenous multi platform release
You grind resources on the go with mobile, while at home you can do actual cool battles and story
man if only
Would be cool but I doubt it.
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Are you pondering /khg/?
I'm annoyed it's been years since MoM despite the game clearly signaling we'd be getting to the next arc soon
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How different would things be if they actually made a Kingdom Hearts cartoon?
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I'm so desperate for KH4 that I tried Reynatis demo and bought Type-0. Thanks Nomura.
Type-0 doesn't play like KH at all
Also it's not that good
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I am become Xehanort.
I will buy Reynatis for the simple fact that it has Shoka in it.
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What the fuck is this?
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Derp Fortune Teller drops the ball! Woopsie! Looks like her fortune was true!
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Not him but the story was pretty alright from what I remember.
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It was... fine, I guess
But the climax comes literally out of nowhere, and as far as I know this is because you're supposed to play the game over at least a second time to magically unlock the full story
Hades is making fun of us
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What are the chances of this being more than just
>we're working on it, so just keep waiting
At this point i would be overcome with joy just from a confirmation that ML is still a thing
no, "Darkness was born in people's hearts"
>he hasn't been following the mobile lore
how do i resist
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>clean up my house
>can't find my KH themed GBA
It's so over
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2024... I am forgotten.
Just made it to Demyx on my level 1 run, feel like I'm gonna be here for awhile.
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Its obviously going to be more spiritual than scifi.
Light within darkness?!
are any of the mobile games still playable?
Dark Road is, but the KHUX app was delisted so you'll have to find an apk of it to play it.
2020 video: kh mom, dark road
2022 video: kh4, ml
2024 tga: missing link release date spring 2025, kh4 2027 winter announcement
Playing vision of mana (and before replacing 7R) I felt the lack of buff and debuff Magic is weird for this franchise.
I also would like to KH4 to have something like the Elemental vessel attack/platform
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They're probably inspired by the aliens in the movie Dark City, like the first Organization 13 and maybe even classic scifi like Childhood's End or something because hiveminds are a scifi trope. So maybe?

But how would aliens even work in Kingdom Hearts when you have all the seperate worlds anyways? I know they're more parallel universes but they are called worlds and exist in world like icon things in the middle of space. I guess just from an OC world? I feel like them being from Kingdom Kingdom Hearts itself is most likely because I think Kingdom Hearts is a world right? I vaguely remember Maleficent saying it was a place with knowledge to Riku in KH1 or something? Also its looks like our moon and in that picture 2 of the 4 ancient aliens live on a moon. And the moon reflects the light of the sun which is a star and every star is said to be the world. So I feel like maybe there could be a whole world in the sun. Im thinking Nomura will mix the Darkness and Light(that has to be MoMs people right?) with inspiration from mythology and religion like they will be the equivalent to angels and demons descending from heaven but in a scifi way. TWEWY and Xenogears sort of does this too.

MoM has more in common with the ancient alien trope considering he architected a master plan and the direction of everything and has advanced technology. He's even named like the King of Kings (jesus)
Oh also if Kingdom Hearts reallyis a place its still the collective of all the hearts in the world, is an actual place and people came from there then those people would be like ancient aliens that wouldn't contradict darkness being born from our hearts.

Maybe someone who actually knows lore knows about that weird kh1 stuff about it though. Or maybe they mention it in khux.

Xehanort also sees a purple star in the intro of KH3. Maybe its not just symbolic and ite the world of the darkness. There's also the world of darkness and I don't know if theres any lore about that right now? Darkness might come from there?

Im just wondering outloud...
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Here's your Tokyo Game Show KH news
it's merch news
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I was going to finally buy a Halloween Town Sora for Halloween and holy shit second hand Bring Art prices are insane. So are new prices now too actually. And of course its the one thing Square doesn't make merch of now or rerelease even.
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Actually sort of curious how Monstro would look in UE4/5. In this artwork the environment looks like it's glistening. Could've added more texture and atmosphere so you actually feel like you're inside a living thing more. Not to gross though.
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something like this i think, wriggly and fleshy and whatever
basically like those cgi cells representations, Monstro insides never made sense how KH made them look like but they likely wanted to avoid it being jabu jabu's belly but on ps2
I don't think they'd literally be aliens or referred to as such but you'd be able to read it that way. Like they're beings from another realm/world to humans. The whole hivemind thing and how they infected humans reminds me of the original concept for Jenova too, where it's cells were dormant in every human not just the Sephiroth copies. Although I'm not convinced Darkness is as irredeemable as Jenova. There's just similarities in how they function.

Ansem talks about "the great darkness within the great heart" in KH1. Obviously Kingdom Hearts is mostly light but when Xehanort takes control of it it does go dark so there could be darkness in it. Whether that was always there or True Darkness infected it I don't know. The creation story implies light came from darkness so if KH was born from darkness it could have some of that inside it. It's not some separate pure thing but inextricably linked to it's opposing force. And then you could theorize MoM's plan might be to excise all darkness from Kingdom Hearts and therefore every heart and every world.
The more I think about it, it's probably a good thing the cartoon didn't get made. I could see it dividing the fanbase between people who prefer the more americanized cartoon and the games. The showrunner even said if they'd made more seasons they wouldn't have followed the games storyline.

I'm not super familiar with Sonic or it's fanbase but it might've ended up being similar to that where you have the Japanese and western sides of the franchise and they ended up with stuff like the Ken Penders comics. Doubt it'd get that weird but I can imagine Kingdom Hearts as a franchise blowing up more in the west because of the cartoon as well and then a bunch of other American creators come in and screw it up. That's if the cartoon was even a success in the first place. It might've died/been cancelled after one season and ended up being a cult thing kind of like V CAST; a relic of American experimentation with the KH IP.
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Kh1 being ethereal af
Bring back blurry cutscenes. Bring back blurring subtitles when Sora is dazed or big magic is happening.
>Bring back blurry cutscenes
please don't I fucking hate it other than the time when defeating a boss
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I always saw it as more of "this enemy is so powerful they are warping the space around them" sort of thing. Like DBZ.
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Imagine if the next trailer started like this
I miss when KH had all these effects. My favorite is the tv static effect with the Roxas memory reconstruction dreams though.
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>yfw Xehanort returns
The negative effect is certainly one of the crazier ones. Its hard to remember whether it was actually in the game, or if I'm just remembering a windows movie maker amv.
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Cringe art by a cringe man
It's such shit that Re:Coded's intro couldn't even do that, it just overlayed a bunch of 1s and 0s and called it good enough
>Demyx is my favorite org member
What kind of person do you imagine?
SW trailer has to be a fakeout where it starts and it looks like a random SW game with idk Luke's voiceover, the main theme playing softly and whatnot and then suddenly Sora shows up from the bushes
>Playable party members are introduced through this
It'd be kino.
Meant >>494649783
>kairi swaps clothes with namine
>namine swaps with xion
>Kairi instantly realizes she can't bend down or fight without flashing everyone.
>Panty easter eggs stop being only glitch accessible, she starts showing off to Sora especially.
Kairi would be so hot in Namines short dress hnnnng
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>"The Force is strong in my family, my father had it, I have it, my sister has it. You have that power too... Sora."
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He's mine too. It's a combination if him being a funny character, having a mysterious backstory and not appearing as much as I'd like him to. I mean he's better off than Luxord and Lexaeus when it comes to screen time but I still want more.

I hope his human persona isn't radically different to his nobody one though like it seems to be with Larxene and Elrena. To this day despite being one of the goofier members he has that mask off "silence traitor" line in 2 that none the other org members really get. When he's about to die he goes back to acting like normal Demyx though so he could've bsing/putting on a brave face.
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that's exactly what i had in mind
>this trailer had released just a few days before KH4 got announced
If we don't get a Kronk's New Groove world what's even the point?
So that's why it looks so bad (graphically)
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Most likely budget/manpower related. There is absolutely Switch games that look great
>pushing Switch to its limits
It feels like a Vita game

>I really like The World Ends with You
Yeah, the graffiti art for the special skills made that fairly clear
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It looks so bad because that's the way Furyu games are. They're incredibly budget releases. It's a step above Idea Factory.
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>he didn't get on the hydra's back
why is the JP page for Missing Link better than the EN page?
like why would you make a different webpage instead of reusing the good one you already have?
many such cases
Alright I still keep getting no results elsewhere, I'm getting to fight the data true organization and I'm trying to decide on the keyblade setup I should use for each one, I'm planning on using Ultima, either oblivion or oathkeeper depending on riku/kairi/dark syphon, and a third keyblade to fit their place in the story. (Twilight town has like four fucking keyblades, so I'm spreading that out based both on strategy and thematic stuff.) I think I've mostly figured those parts out, but some input would be helpful. That said, I'm also picking out two elemental spells for mostly strategy purposes for each fight, so any advice would be helpful there too. I've asked other places, but so far /khg/ is somehow the most consistently helpful on things like this.

I put it in a pastebin so I'm not hogging too much space.

Seems like Yukari Ishida has been in Square Enix lately , would be nice for her to work against with Nomura in a KH spin off
>It's a step above Idea Factory.
Is a step above because at least the producers want to do something more original like a notVersus13,notSaGa ,a notMana and a notOldsona
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>would be

>he hasnt seen the official art of it
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>creation story implies light came from darkness so if KH was born from darkness it could have some of that inside it. It's not some separate pure thing but inextricably linked to it's opposing force

It's definitively some ying yang thing. Kingdom Hearts 3 remind even have a literal yin yang when Sora does this finisher with the oblivion and oathkeeper.
I don't know, I'd say that doing so many not!games isn't very original. Whereas Idea Factory games are underbaked, but I kind of like the concepts that they're trying to do better even if the games aren't good themselves. Like Dark Rose Valkyrie's plot being that there's a traitor that you have to root out with it varying depending on the playthrough (though I really liked Lost Dimension for doing it as well and it's better than Dark Rose Valkryie by far and is a Furyu game), Fairy Fencer having those three relatively beefy routes depending on how many swords you pull, that dragon game for having combat take place over multiple vertical layers, that one where the gameplay changes between genres and Mary Skelter seemed to become a series of it's own.
From Furyu, Caligula Effect is in a similar vein to it, where I really like the concept but I wish that the game was better made.
Post it PLEASE
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That makes the most sense when the series mythology is pretty rooted in eastern philosophy but then they've started using terms like sin and making Darkness this malevolent force with a will of it's own. Maybe we should differentiate darkness and True Darkness though, seeing as they were originally living beings of some kind and not a force of nature as far as we know. It's more like they abandoned their original existences and became part of the darkness, in a way that somebody belonging more to light might be able to shed their body and become a pure light form. Eraqus kind of does this, hiding inside Terra like a Darkness would but in a benevolent way and then taking form when he needs to. But unlike Darkness he doesn't feel the need to cling to life. It might not be a 1:1 comparison, like the True Darknesses aren't necessarily dead. And besides, what constitutes death in KH is up for debate a little. Some characters like Terra and Eraqus are able to persist in ways that don't feat neatly into the Heartless and Nobody groups.

Plus it seems like in the beginning humans were all light, that's not very yin yang. Darkness infected them. Unless that's a lie and True Darkness just made worse something that was already there, small seeds of darkness exist deep in all hearts. But that'd make everything MoM and Odin talked about untrue so idk if they'd really do that. Having all that keyblade knowledge be built on a lie would be interesting though and kind of realistic, it mirrors both Ansems thinking they knew everything about hearts and being proven wrong too.

But if everything they said is true I could see balance being achieved though if True Darkness end up getting infected with light in return. Curious to find out how the philosophy will be applied to the actual lore.
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very uppity
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A tale as old as time. I can't find my JP vs SENA image, someone else post it.
Aqua's legs are so appealing.
The JP Missing Link beta invite system also sent sign up confirmation email, as well as an email if you didn't get selected. The Aus/UK ones didn't.
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>but then they've started using terms like sin and making Darkness this malevolent force with a will of it's own.

Yeah its weird because in Dark Road they had a character question if light and darkness even exists and it isn't a matter of belief and perspective.
How do you lower your anti-points in KH2?
Check stats tab
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Not quite the swap you're looking for but still nice.
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>just made it past Demyx and FF alley fights on Lvl 1.
I'm in a good mood. Goodnight.
Three days lads.
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I'm starting to feel the urge to play The Bouncer. Is it worth playing Sora's big bro's game?
Doesn't that game use pressure sensitive buttons extensively?
I hope you have an actual PS2 controller.
Basically zero. This is an FF7 interview, it's not going to be sidetracked with any legitimate new info on KH.
I got it off of ebay for cheap a while ago and still have my old PS2 slim to play it on.
Expecting something like "We will have more news on [month] so keep your eyes out" at the end
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Im trying to translate scalan from a chart someone posted here and Im having trouble. It might be gibberish but the chart doesnt have any letter for this one?

Did anyone else try to translate the kh3 yin yang before me?
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I got this repeated phrase as: etik mahk oka3uga?. If you put it backwards it actually makes words. ?agu3ako kham kite. Which is something like bite 3 red, a Tibetan language and thief or the wind.

I wont take my meds till we get news
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Wait a minute... stealing and biting something red... Im just shitting you I need meds.
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The keyblade has a big "E" for the teeth. This is how you know its meant for Eraqus, Ephemer, and Edym.
wait its a b disregard me I suck cocks

So it says something about bugs/bagus like that Zelda 2 NPC. They literally put bugs in this Im fucking done
i swear that symbol for "v" is so familiar for some reason. bothers the hell out of me
Agrabah was really barebones in Re: Coded which is surprising because I felt like the worlds prior had a fair amount going on.
I think it looks like that one job icon in ff14. The one people threw a shitfest over because of trypo"phobia".
To me, it sort of looks like that symbol for land of departure. The ones below Xehanort and Eraqus as they play chess.
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>Open google for you page
>More FF7R news and communication from the devs
Every time.
Its not fucking fair.
I'll remember this one
Ps5 flops must have made SQEX panic.
Her name is Aqua not Equa. The key WILL be his.
KH is going to appear for Reynatis' final collaboration going by the datamine and hints from the staff.
You shouldn't be surprised. We have no business expecting anything until FF7 is done.
More like you're a fucking retard.
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Well if you already bought it why are you asking us
It's literally an hour and a half long, just play it
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According to this it's B
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I think a lot of it is either gibberish or Japanese with spelling errors. Unfortunately not many Japanese readers have taken a look at it.
Myde sounds pretty natural to me.
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Spell Dancer!
She has an amazing full head of hair, you just can't see it.
there's also english sentences, ML in particular had them in the beta
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Wait the mark of mastery is a Y? Why?
Hint towards MoM's name.
>Ymir was the father of all the giants; a male and a female grew under his arm, and his legs produced a six-headed son. As the first giant, he’s the ancestor of all of the other giants – and, since almost all of the gods are partially descended from giants, he’s their ancestor as well.
Norse mythos is back on the menu.
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>X aka Chi
What will the Z be for?
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too soon
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>Xehanort uses the X
>Eraqus uses the Y
Clearly Z is Yen Sid's secret symbol
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Wait that means the Xehanort mark he put in his armor and nobodies is actually an inverted Y
What the fuck did Nomura mean by this Y?
Love Fortune Teller's Poofy pants.

Like all the symbols in the game are the same. The nobody emblen is just the Heartless emblem flipped with chunks taken out of it. Most of them are based off the heartless emblem, but in lore it's not allowed to be the first which is aggravating honestly.

Also, it has 13 exterior points.
Is the universe of a kingdom hearts a collective conscious
Does kingdom hearts exist because we believe in kingdom hearts here in the real world
If a character is forgotten about, do they cease to exist in the world of kingdom hearts and coco?
>Is the universe of a kingdom hearts a collective conscious
>Does kingdom hearts exist because we believe in kingdom hearts here in the real world
>If a character is forgotten about, do they cease to exist in the world of kingdom hearts and coco?
Probably because it looks like a Y...
I still can't believe Kairi says "please work" as part of her combo string. What a stupid bitch.
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Sora's eyes wander! Its difficult to maintain eye contact with Aqua!
It's because she's so beautiful all over and you also have to make sure to not stare too much!
Aqua is not a pedo
I want to give Aqua a massage.
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The Norse thing would fit pretty well since the mark is mainly associated with Odin and his students. We haven't seen it show up prior to that in Missing Link so far I think.
I want to give Aqua a message.
And the message is 'ur a faget'
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>Z has the value of 7
Don't tell Nomura.
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Is it ever addressed where Yen Sid was during the events of Dark Road?
News today
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No, we have to assume he was either one of the students Odin mentioned or he was being trained away from Scala and Xehanort and Eraqus met him later in life.
Maybe we shouldn't have saved china
It is KH1 22th NA anniverssary. News today?
He said he was a keyblade wielder alongside Eraqus and Xehanort once but that doesn't necessarily mean he trained with them as kids. He might've discovered Scala when he was an adult or something seeing as he isn't even referenced in Dark Road.
>"I had hoped, Xehanort, your heart would no longer lead you astray"
Not sure what the implication of this line is. Did Eraqus tell him about the time Xehanort scarred him or is this about their even earlier fight they had over summoning Kingdom Hearts in Scala when he got No Name? How many times has Xehanort gone rogue and his friends have forgiven him?
>News today?
Lol, LMAO!
So when are we getting characters named Thor or Loki?
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That's Eraqus and Xehanort. They may even be secretly related.
> Inagaki-san, you're continuing on from "Saga Scarlet Graces." By the way, who is the battle director?
>Kawazu : It was Shibata (Hakuichi Shibata), who worked on Kingdom Hearts III . Actually, Shibata was a new employee during Unlimited: Saga >After Kingdom Hearts III was finished, he returned to Tokyo (※Development of Kingdom Hearts III was mainly carried out by Square Enix's Osaka team)
Si KH4 will be 100% Osaka devs?
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Here's your Thor and Loki bro.
Trust in Osaka. It may have taken them 6 titles and 1 DLC, but they finally nailed it. KH4 is in good hands rest assured.
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KH4 is doomed.
but tokyo team got it right on try number 1 and 2
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Tokyo will be busy enough.
Let's hope a RAX spin of NeoTwewy-like combat or after 7R they divide the team with Verum Rex team and main FF team
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KH1 has some of the worst bosses in the series. Maybe of all time
if you didnt think new yorker kurt zisa was the coolest shit ever, then you can just leave
If you don't think Ursula II is one of the worst bosses of all time then you need to go back to /r/eddit.
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That sucks. Is this Keyblade the 1:1 size one or the other slightly smaller one from Replica?
Lol no. They lost the guy responsible for the data battles/Yozora. KH4 is pretty much DoA.
Reddit hates Ursula II. 4chan thinks she was never that hard.
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You know how people like to ship Sora with Ariel? There should be fanart of the two, with Sora's KH1 design and Ariel's flashback design from the TV show
youre meant to cram yourself against the back of her neck. i never understood this meme
Eh, she is optional and not that bad.
Chernabog felt like a turn based combat something and Bahamut Ansem was shit.
Still , KH1 has great bosses like Riku, Ansem , Clayton , the Monstro Guy,...
BBD and the Roxas game has decent bosses , but 3 I only found memorable Tangled and the Toy's story Doll fights
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>the Roxas game has decent bosses
There isn't a single good boss in any of those games and Ruler of the Sky is among the greatest sins KH has ever committed
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>Monstro Guy
>Limited mobility due to poisonous floor
>Platforms to avoid poisonous floor
>Circular, intimate boss arena forces you to utilize the platforms
Thats some good shit.
Except the floor around him is large enough and his attacks are so simple that you can easily fight him with the walkway in front of him and the edges to the immediate sides of him

Honestly don't know in what situation you'd have to be jumping around on the outer platforms
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>still on this Tokyo/Osaka team nonsense
>still on this "the guy from X made this boss" nonsense
I thought we grew up.
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Kingdom Hearts is NOT about growing up.
Reminder that Sora feeling distant from Pooh was due to Xehanort's influence and NOT because Sora is growing up.
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>Tokyo/Osaka team
Osaka team existed before KH1(parasite eve 2 was made by them) , not our problem that made you seethe people talking about the company different teams.
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So Missing Link will be the 13th Month of 2024 then.
One day, when the first real KH4 trailer comes out, it'll be funny when they introduce some other world instead of Star Wars.
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Dream Drop Distance has a lot of problems, but the most glaring is in my opinion the first worlds: the Traverse Town plot is completely nonsensical, the Hunchback world is boring and has one of the worst KH story adaptions to date and finally The Grid tries to have to stories but kinda fails both of them. Curiously it someone gets better after that, the Pinocchio world features two segments of the same story making it more coherent, the Musketeer world has no right being this on point as a direct to dvd movie adaption with a story working almost in parallel for Sora and Riku and finally the Fantasia world which is just fantastic.
It's really strange like the team didn't understand how to make the worlds work in DDD until the second half.
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darkness within darkness
Tiny Celebration by Tiny Dancer
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Why do so many people like Birth by Shit? The only good thing about that piece of dogshit trash is aqua. Worst gameplay in the series.
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>Worst gameplay in the series.
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We're at peak dead hours. Even an old song and dance is better than nothing at all to some.
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Merch News:
Spirit Halloween is selling Keyblades again

For now the Keyblades available for sale are:
>Way to the Dawn
How did they get Oblivion's colors so fucking wrong
I almost want to get the Starlight.
Nice. I wanted to get the starlight from them
It's the official one that was in the Square Enix Store. Way smaller compared to the Spirit Halloween keyblades
>Worst gameplay in the series
Nobody will take your serious with statements like this. BBS has a lot of problems but from all the handheld games it still feels like the whole console experience, it's also the only one to receive a Final Mix.
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It looks like the Proplica one, which I have
If that isn't 1:1 I don't know what is
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>The Grid tries to have to stories but kinda fails both of them

I don't disagree but DDD had a better story for Tron (the character) than Tron Legacy. Which is fucked up because he's the titular character. He's just a mute goon the whole movie and falls into the water with a hint he rememebers who he was and that's fucking it.

I love how Three Musketeers was chosen to be like a flashback for Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Minnie and Pete. And it explains why Goofy adopted the expression 'one for all and all for one'in KH1. Which didn't need to be answered but works so good.

Fantasia is one of my favourite worlds in KH peroid. And I love how in general all the worlds seem thematically linked to nighttime, festivals, neon lights, nd music. It gives it this really unique dreamy and celebration (it was the 1oth anniversary) atmosphere despite being TWEWY and random disney worlds.

I also loved Julius as a secret boss. I hope KH4 has better secret bosses than 3 and we get another Disney deep cut like that.
Tomorrow, the Nomura interview finally drops.
Aqua's the worst character in BBS. A bigger dumbass than Terra.
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BBS fun
abilities are cool to use and fun to get
Aqua is the best character in the series
Days fun
autistic keyblade modding was neat and the magic was comboable for the first time in the series (ex. ice for 3x Damage multiplier, break with Fire for extra damage, or a physical hit)
being able to play as every org member in MULTIPLAYER was insane for 2010 on the Nintendo DS

KH also fun
KH2 also fun
KH: CoM also fun
KH: ReCoM also fun
KH3 also fun
KH0.8 also fun
BASED Kingdom Chad enjoyer
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B-but anon, she's a girl!
I just found you in Twitter yesterday, hope you don't mind me sending you dickpics
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Today met someone who loved The Bouncer, liked Final Fantasy Spirits Within and said Balan Wonderworld is a good game but then went on a diatribe about how much he hates Nomura and Kingdom Hearts after dropping KH1 and never playing another game. And how he hates Nomura for ruining Versus 13 and defending Tabata for saving it. He clearly had no idea what he was talking about but I'm pretty sure he wasn't trolling. And he is into old games and shit so it wasnt a weird normalfag I think.

I just needed to post this because I don't think I've ever seen such an opinion. Not here. Not reddit. Nor twitter. Not from normalfags or fujoshits. Not Barry, not this general.

Whar in the fuck did Kingdom Hearts and Nomura do to people? Why are people like this? Please tell me I am so fucking confused.
it's just a contrarian
Spirits Within and Balan are objectively unsalvageable
I think if Kingdom Hearts was real Id side with Xehanort.
I just saved over cleared save file by another character in BBS. Is it over?
Ruler of the Sky is fucking easy. Build a magic set.
Tokyo/Osaka divisions as they existed pre-KH3 don't even exist anymore.
Did you have a backup save file?
She is awful but honestly she is not much worse than other KH1 bosses. I remember that fucking retarded hunter dude in Tarzan world who shoots (oneshot) you with no animation at the beginning of the battle (I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THESE GAMES ARE BEING PLAYTESTED).
It's so over. What I would do if you can is see if you can access the old data from the cloud. There's always a chance it hasn't been saved over yet, so disconnect from the internet before it updates.
Ok I checked and the game knows I beat that character.
I think you need a save to get the additional episodes though.
It might be fine IF you grabbed all of Xehanort reports with that character. If you saved over Terra, just make sure you have Xehanort Report 5 or you'll have to do it again.
Kingdom Hearts details from Tetsuya Nomura from his recent Young Jump interview:

>KH4 being made with the intention of new comers to easily jump in

>KH4 story considered a story reset (New Saga)

>Quadratum isn’t a 1:1 of real life Tokyo, described as “feels like a dream, an Unreality in Reality”
(Basically Versus XIII/XVs idea of a fantasy based in reality)

>Missing Links story is being worked on by SE staff members who haven’t previously worked on KH before to give a fresh take on KHs writing

>Nomura sometimes watches KH YouTube videos to stay refreshed about KHs extensive story details

>There is a meaning behind Sora’s famous line that he says at the beginning of KH1 “Is any of this for real or not”. It will eventually be explained.
>There is a meaning behind Sora’s famous line that he says at the beginning of KH1 “Is any of this for real or not”. It will eventually be explained.
They will find out the unreality is the actual real world and their disney universe fuckery is the actual fiction
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He also mentions that there's only a few years before he retires so he is making KH4 with the intention of it being a story that moves towards the conclusion of the series
It'll be more that both worlds are fiction to each other. Neither are "fake".
I really think he's MoM
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>Missing Links story is being worked on by SE staff members who haven’t previously worked on KH before to give a fresh take on KHs writing
it's over isn't it
these are the SBI people, that's why the last beta had type a and type b and you can put little boys in skirts
they're gonna put in big chungus, sus and skibidi rizz because they're 35 and out of touch
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>Nomura sometimes watches KH YouTube videos to stay refreshed about KHs extensive story details
i am ready to see the turkey being seasoned and the salamander being pulled in KH4
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>Nomura says his favorite Organization members are Xigbar and Luxord
I forgot how taxing the data fights in kh3 are. Holy shit, I was able to make attempts for 4.5 hours last time, but this time I only lasted 2.5 for some reason. Admittedly the ones I beat were Terranort, Dark Riku, Luxord and I tried to beat Xigbar, but man I just got so tired part of the way through it. Maybe I rest a day or something.
Yes, there is (laughs). (Laughs.) So we are talking about a timeline that is much older than that of the consumer "Kingdom Hearts" series. However, I'm not sure if you are aware of the fact that the recently announced "Kingdom Hearts IV" is actually "Kingdom Hearts XIII" or not.
>muh SBI
Go back to /v/ kid
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Finally some kind of news. Crumbs, but exciting nonetheless.
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--I would like to ask you a question related to your topic of “the unreal within the real. At the beginning of “Kingdom Hearts,” there is a monologue that says, “I'm not sure if this world is really real. I wonder if you had the idea of “Quadratum” in mind at that time.

>The name “Quadratum” did not exist at that time, but the idea was there. It was a long preparation that one day we would arrive at this point (laughs).
--(Laughs.) - So, the foreshadowing is being recovered over the past 20 years. Last question. Do you see the future of the “Kingdom Hearts” series coming to a conclusion?

>To be dreamless, I have only a few years left until I finally retire, and it is already a question of whether I will retire first or finish the series first (laughs). (Laughs) However, the “Kingdom Hearts IV” that I am working on now is a story that I intend to complete.
>KH4 being made with the intention of new comers to easily jump in
he's only 53 though, something happened with square enix. kh4 shouldn't have taken as much as kh3 to make
Wasnt there a massive reorg?
we get no spinoffs and he might retire during kh5, this series is dead
>he's only 53 though
with how involved he's been in basically every SE project in the last 20 years he could retire tomorrow if he wanted to
Is there an official translation yet? I don't trust some post from here and the Audrey aita chick from twitter sometimes has mistranslations because it wants to be the first one to tell news
>he's only 53 though
people retire at 55-60 now.
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Shut the fuck up
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They're turning KH gay
No they don't, specially not in Japan
so he's aware of nips mixed reception of kh3
Good joke.
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So it's doubtful the series will end with 4 but it sounds like Nomura might be setting the story up to be finished by somebody else if he retires.
Yeah I read it like he was saying he's not sure if he'll be around to finish the series but he'll be here to finish 4 and who knows after.
I wasn't joking.
I knew this was the case as soon as the new saga was formally announced. I predicted the new saga would be much shorter and probably only like 3 games max, people told me I was crazy and some of them were convinced there was going to be a third saga for some reason

I don't think Nomura wants someone else to finish it for him though.
The last line suggests that KHIV's ending will set the stage for the end of the series, meaning KHV could be the last game.
I'd be fine with that. Would be good to see a franchise not beat into the ground, and the new saga already has a lot of stuff set up. Plus if SE or Disney decides to revive it later or keep it going after Nomura wipes his hands clean I can just ignore it.
Some people retire at that age if they're rich, but most people won't be retiring until they're in their late 60s.
My interpretation of this is that the new saga is being written with an ending of the series in mind rather than it being a game series where they didn’t have the ending in mind in the past, and part of that reason is him retiring before they reach that end
>There is a meaning behind Sora’s famous line that he says at the beginning of KH1 “Is any of this for real or not”. It will eventually be explained.
Sora and Yozora are basically the same person and they share each other's dreams, but they forget that when they wake up.
>the story of KH could end within this decade .
Yeah it's very clear now that Sora and Yozora are one in the same. They have been building towards this since the first game.
so it explains why the only person who was able to reach sora was yozora and why he summoned sora's station of awakening. their hearts are one
Well Nomura talks like Missing Link is a blank slate for new people to jump on so even if they ended the main story with say KHV they can always make spinoffs with new characters. As long as they conclude Sora's story first I don't care what they do then.

They don't even need to make new games, they could make KHIV, Verum Rex, KHV and then with the second arc concluded they can pivot to doing console remakes of the mobile games and maybe even Days finally. Or create new compilations that add things to the existing story like we got 0.2. I'd be happier with that sort of thing than indefinite sequels and spinoffs.
So he's pretty much decided he'll probably retire after KH4 and FF7R-3 are done? Man I guess he gave up on Verum Rex then.
>talks like Missing Link is a blank slate for new people to jump on
He said the same thing about χ and I think even Dark Road
I think it's a case of (and Nomura talks about this in the new interview) how he sort of had these ideas as early as KH1 and you see a little of that in the very first secret ending and the KH1 beta trailer talking about Sora vanishing with a very similar quote to Young Xehanort's last words in KH3, and then just this concept of an urban world hidden under everyone's noses; an invisible mirror reality. And that developed into the Realm Between and the World That Never Was in KH2 so the original concept was a bit diluted. But now Nomura's come back to that same idea to adapt it more faithfully. Because Another Side, Another Story implied to me there was this whole other plot happening at the same time as 1 but that didn't really end up being true since Roxas' journey only starts at the end 1 or near then.

Also KH1's secret ending and Versus XIII feel like they're cut from the same cloth though so it's funny seeing the two basically recombine into Verum Rex roughly 20 years later.
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I guess he'll put the major stuff he wanted to put in Verum Rex into 4 and leave the rest for someone else to do if a standalone Yozora game is even going to be a thing.

I feel like the VIIR trilogy is part of that "Versus XIII catharsis" for Nomura too. A lot of the things he talked about including in that have been in the VIIR titles, from similar themes, to in depth character work to the cinematic feeling. Meanwhile Kingdom Hearts has adopted a lot of gameplay mechanics he wanted for his FF game and KH4 will take that further I bet. So creatively he might feel like he's done all he's wanted to do once the remake trilogy and KH4 is wrapped up. We'll see though.
>twitter whore saying based
guess we need a new word to use now
What year do you think it is that "based" is still some secret 4chan lingo
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First beta trailer of KH
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>I think it's a case of (and Nomura talks about this in the new interview) how he sort of had these ideas as early as KH1 and you see a little of that in the very first secret ending and the KH1 beta trailer talking about Sora vanishing with a very similar quote to Young Xehanort's last words in KH3
I can never find the damn quote but I remember Nomura saying he knew how the series would end when he was making KH1. Picrel kind of backs that up imo. Sora disappearing and ending up in reality is heading towards the conclusion.

what's that supposed to mean
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>everything is going according to Nomura's plans from decades ago
He really is irl Xehanort
how much you wanna bet it's a mistranslation of cool
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>That's right, Sora. Your body, your soul, your whole existence… they're all going to disappear!
Idk in the same interview he talks about his commitment to drawing attractive protagonists. I remember, Kitase? it might've been, being unsatisfied with Nomura's initial designs of Squall because he was too pretty.
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The minimum retirement age in Japan is 60, that's seven years away for Nomura, you'd think KHIV would at least be out by then. He could always extend it to 65 though. Maybe that's why he seems uncertain. He might be able to squeeze one more game out before 2030-2035 if he wants.
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does someone have the Nomura version
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this is the closest i can think of
The main protagonist barely knows what or who's going on, so it's funny to see new players worry about that when trying to get in. Never mind the games coming with reports and glossaries, and the freedom to just use wikis or YouTube, if inclined.
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>This game being a fresh start for the series
Sounds like his way of confirming that Sora will lose his memory again. There's no way he or new players can follow the story so far without an npc spending hours of boring cutscenes info dump the shit out of you about what happened in the gacha trash. As if the info dumping in 3 wasn't bad enough.

I'm just hoping that Verum Rex turns out to be something you can enjoy as a standalone game without needing knowledge of KH lore to understand the story. That's always been the main issue with the series ever since KH2 ended.
>Sounds like his way of confirming that Sora will lose his memory again
Sora doesn't need to lose his memory for it to be a fresh start. He knows nothing about anything in the mobile games. In fact, losing his memory would make it less of a fresh start since it'd mean that it'd have the plot of Donald and Goofy trying to get him to remember stuff instead of just leaving all of the unnecessary stuff to the side.
As for Verum Rex, I don't think it's going to be made at this point. Kingdom Hearts is coming to a close, they can't afford to waste a few years on it instead of concluding it with 5.
It just means that the sequel baggage from the Dark Seeker saga is gone, which we kinda already knew anyway

The Organization, Nobodies, Replicas, all that shit got wrapped up and packed away in KHIII
>Kingdom Hearts is coming to a close, they can't afford to waste a few years on it instead of concluding it with 5.
We don't even know what "next few years" means to Nomura desu. Could be a decade, in which case it's only one game, or two decades in which case it's a game and a half.
Originally, I thought it would be something like this
>KH4 - do all the arc introductions and setup while solving its own little plot against a minor antagonist (probably Sigurd or a Quadratum native)
>KH5 - a full assault against the Foretellers (minus Luxu and MoM)
>KH6 - putting a stop to MoM's plans once and for all
But I guess there's no reason the bottom two can't happen in the same game, assuming the Foretellers stay antagonists.
I was kind of hoping for a progress update. But I'll still believe it's coming out before FF7R Part 3.
I wonder if the heartless are the only enemy types remaining
I think KHV will probably be the very last game he makes before he wraps things up with the story. People are gonna be surprised that the Lost Master arc is pretty short since Dark Seeker arc and especially X arc already laid the foundations for what the Lost Master arc would be about so no need to waste more games for that.
This is still likely, all the interview said was that KH4 is being written with an ending in mind rather than the dark seeker saga being written with the intent of more to come. The main difference between the sagas is that we aren’t gonna be getting a ton of side games anymore most likely (thanks to gacha and the death of handhelds)
Unreality gives Nomura leeway to go buck wild with a new enemy type, like Sleeping Worlds and Dream Eaters.
Or the First from FFXIV with Sin Eaters.
You're actually retarded.
Nah Nomura meant he was working on KH4 with it being what leads the way to the series conclusion. Which will likely be with KH5.
>the death of handhelds
We still have the Switch and it's successor will likely retain the same form factor.
It’s really just a portable console, not the same design philosophy
Handheld gaming is like PS4 level specs now.
There’s nothing to suggest that, it’s not like Square was just gonna let him spill the beans on the plan before 4 is out anyways
I think we're only gonna get two console games for the LM arc and that's gonna be KHIV and KHV. KHV will wrap things up with the LM arc and the series overall.
>KHIV: Sora deals with the new world of Quadratum and deals with Yozora who plays a crucial role. Rest of MoM's overall plan will be revealed and then the ending has him heading back to his reality while Sora will do the same to prepare for the clash against the Lost Masters
>KHV: Sora and co fight the Lost Masters, whoop their asses and the worlds are saved and everyone lived happily ever after

They could probably manage to get Verum Rex as an OVA if they wanna really expand KH to different mediums.
So it's the same design philosophy as all handhelds are just portable consoles.
He literally said as much. Your retarded ass is coping super hard. KH's story will come to an end with KH5.
That's a reasonable roadmap. They only really need two games to really wrap this shit up at this point. Whatever questions Missing Link leaves behind will likely get answered in KH4 anyways.
So when is KH1 remake?
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It would be kino if KH5 had it's final battle have one more Sora vs. Riku as a nice callback to the beginning and a nice conclusion to the series.
“Heading towards the ending” means there’s an end in sight, don’t complain and cry about the series being dragged out when it becomes another trilogy
Handhelds in the past were designed around not being able to do the same things as consoles of their time. You got different experiences out of them. The Switch is a portable home console.
that would be cool. maybe a friendly fight or something to remind us they were rivals in the past. maybe it happens at destiny islands?
So KH4 will lead the way to the conclusion of the series which will be with KH5. Can't wait until you get BTFO years to come when they announce KH5 as the conclusion to the story.
Handhelds were always meant to be portable consoles. You moving goalposts by adding the "home" part to it changes nothing. It's the same thing at the end of the day.
Handhelds were constrained by limitations, resulting in games giving different experiences than you'd get on a home console. That's why Nomura wanted to make games for the handhelds as they could provide different experiences.
But that kind thing is gone now with the Switch. If you're making a game for the Switch, you're just making it for a weaker home console that you can port your game to Playstation and Xbox from.
So it's still the same philosophy. Switch has it's technical limitations compared to PS/Xbox just like prior handheld consoles did compared to home consoles.

Fact is handhelds aren't dead thanks to Nintendo.
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SE likes pushing system limitations, and a game that pushes the Switch successor to its limits may as well just be a main game. We're talking about a series that had two 3D action games for the Nintendo DS, and FMVs for their GBA action game. BBS and DDD were basically PS2 games with less buttons.
>Switch has it's technical limitations compared to PS/Xbox
It's not as pronounced anymore. In the past, if a game was going to both home console and handhelds, it'd essentially result in two different games. For example, the Simpsons Game came out on like every console on release. It was a 3D adventure game. But on DS, it was a 2D platformer. If it came out today, that 2D platformer wouldn't exist, and the Switch would be getting the same version as Playstation and Xbox.
>Fact is handhelds aren't dead
Portable gaming isn't dead. Handhelds in the classic sense are. Developing a Switch game is the same thing as developing a console game, that's partly why there was no Switch KH game as you aren't aiming on delivering a "handheld" experience on Switch.
Irrelevant. Even the Switch successor still won't match the PS5 and Xbox Series in terms of specs due to it's form factor. It could potentially play the same games but that's no different from olden days when handheld consoles got lower resolution ports of home console games.
Yes because the Switch bridges the gap between handheld and home consoles more than prior handheld consoles did but the philosophy still remain the same in what it is. It's why handhelds are simply not dead with Nintnedo around.
>that's partly why there was no Switch KH game as you aren't aiming on delivering a "handheld" experience on Switch.
That has more to do with game development costs from transitioning to HD has been more expensive so they can't allocate any more resources and funds towards handheld KH spinoffs like it was back in the days.
Yeah, the console is so limited that they can only port the cloud version of the entire series. People still make fun of the Switch for not being able to run PS2 games
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Kinda interested in 4 being viewed as a soft reset. Between that and the whole thing of Sora being in Quadratum, makes me wonder if almost the entire game is just “new” characters (including Yozora, Strelitzia, and MoM/Luxu here presumably) + Sora with most old characters not appearing until the end or even KH5. Riku being the only one to go and find him is the odd one out though
That has more to the KH team being lazy and incompetent with optimization. People are too retarded to know this fact.
So that Nobunga fucker is finally going to retire? Good, the man has been nothing but poison to Square since FF7.
>Riku being the only one to go and find him is the odd one out though
You're forgetting Donald and Goofy.
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Ah yeah, they’re not doing a main game without them. Although, Donald and Goofy need no explanation so it’s still easy to use them for a soft reset
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Well yes because they've been Sora's companions since the first game. Limiting the amount of classic characters to just Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy would be like a callback to KH1.
>olden days when handheld consoles got lower resolution ports of home console games.
When handheld consoles got "ports" they tended to be different games unless it was a case of stuff like a later handheld getting enough power to play a console game from a previous generation. Like how Nintendo did those SNES ports on the GBA. Otherwise it was cases like if other consoles got Epic Mickey 2, the 3DS would get a 2D platformer. The gap was just too wide in most cases to be bridged.
>the philosophy still remain the same in what it is.
Not really, the philosophy of handheld games doesn't really exist when you're making console games for the Switch, and not handheld tier games.
>That has more to do with game development costs
That's part of it, but it's also a case where if you're making a Switch version, you're going to at the very least be making a PS4/PS5 version as well. That wasn't the case with any handheld KH game.
Well in terms of new we'll get Magia, Aegis and Nameless Star. Though I suppose they're not really "new" either. Especially Nameless Star who we've had two games with at this point.
>When handheld consoles got "ports" they tended to be different games unless it was a case of stuff like a later handheld getting enough power to play a console game from a previous generation
Except there were plenty of ports that were literally just lower resolution ports of the home console games. Yes devs tended to take liberties with handheld ports back then but that wasn't always the case.
>Not really, the philosophy of handheld games doesn't really exist when you're making console games for the Switch, and not handheld tier games.
The philosophy of playing the same kind of game you play on TV but on the go has been a thing for many years. Switch just took it to the next level but it's still following the same thing.
>That's part of it, but it's also a case where if you're making a Switch version, you're going to at the very least be making a PS4/PS5 version as well.
Because it's cheaper to just do a port than make a brand new game that requires a new staff, new assets etc.
>That wasn't the case with any handheld KH game.
Because HD development costs didn't drive shit up back then and was still in it's infancy.
chasing graphics was a mistake in the industry
>Except there were plenty of ports that were literally just lower resolution ports of the home console games
There were some, but they were uncommon compared to devs just making a new game.
>The philosophy of playing the same kind of game you play on TV but on the go has been a thing for many years
Handheld gaming is defined by it's limitations and compromises. With the Switch, there are still limitations but the kind of limitations that led to the handheld experience are dead.
>Because it's cheaper to just do a port than make a brand new game that requires a new staff, new assets etc.
The fact that you can just do the port is the reason why handheld gaming is dead.
>Because HD development costs didn't drive shit up back then and was still in it's infancy.
It's because the handheld KH games weren't console tier experiences. Stuff like Days would have been an embarrassment if it released on console at the same time as the DS version just with a nicer coat of paint.
I don't know why you're so desperate to deny that handheld gaming is dead, it's not like portable consoles aren't still around.
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Handheld gaming became mobile gaming.
Nintendo and the Switch is just console gaming made portable.
This is just being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse.
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>There were some, but they were uncommon compared to devs just making a new game.
Not really. It was more 50/50.
>Handheld gaming is defined by it's limitations and compromises. With the Switch, there are still limitations but the kind of limitations that led to the handheld experience are dead.
Not really. Switch still retains those exact same limitations and compromises due to it's form factor. Because it uses more advanced tech compared to past handheld consoles, the gap between handhelds and home consoles don't look as big as before.
>The fact that you can just do the port is the reason why handheld gaming is dead.
Except SE doesn't represent all of gaming. Just because they're choosing to not do handheld KH spinoffs anymore doesn't mean handheld gaming is dead since Switch says hi. Plus you also have the Steam Deck if you really wanna go there.
>Stuff like Days would have been an embarrassment if it released on console at the same time as the DS version just with a nicer coat of paint.
That mentality is what brought about the need to chase graphics and drove up HD development costs as companies try to adapt towards this philosophy.

I'm not the desperate one here. You are for acting like the Switch doesn't count as a handheld and going through mental gymnastics to push your narrative.
>retarded mental gymnastics
Switch is a handheld just like mobile gaming is. Get over it.
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Vanitas will sacrifice his life to protect Sora and Ventus in the climax of KH5.
>Not really. It was more 50/50.
More like 80/20 to new games, and I think I'm being generous here. It only really started to change when the Vita could pick up some console ports.
>Switch still retains those exact same limitations and compromises due to it's form factor.
No, because you're not playing handheld games on it. The limitations of the Switch are just in relation to stuff like resolution and framerate. It's not like handhelds where they essentially have an entirely different pool of games than home consoles.
>Just because they're choosing to not do handheld KH spinoffs anymore doesn't mean handheld gaming is dead since Switch says hi.
The Switch is portable, but it doesn't provide the handheld experience. It's a hybrid between portability and home consoles, so it doesn't have the limitations that handhelds did.
>Plus you also have the Steam Deck if you really wanna go there.
That's just a portable PC.
>That mentality is what brought about the need to chase graphics
No, it's because Days is adapted to the DS. Viewing it through the lens of a DS game makes it more acceptable, but if in an alternate reality it released on PS3 then it would have needed reworked a ton to be a console experience because games made for handhelds like Days have to make more compromises than just turning down the resolution and lowering the framerate. Even with BBS and DDD you can definitely feel the handheld limitations when playing them.
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>More like 80/20 to new games, and I think I'm being generous here. It only really started to change when the Vita could pick up some console ports.
Nah it was 50/50.
>No, because you're not playing handheld games on it. The limitations of the Switch are just in relation to stuff like resolution and framerate
So like with handheld ports from olden days.
>The Switch is portable, but it doesn't provide the handheld experience
It does. What kind of mental gymnastics is this?
>It's a hybrid between portability and home consoles, so it doesn't have the limitations that handhelds did.
It does so your point is still invalid.
>No, it's because Days is adapted to the DS. Viewing it through the lens of a DS game makes it more acceptable, but if in an alternate reality it released on PS3 then it would have needed reworked a ton to be a console experience because games made for handhelds like Days have to make more compromises than just turning down the resolution and lowering the framerate. Even with BBS and DDD you can definitely feel the handheld limitations when playing them.
You're just going on a tangent at this point talking about the same thing over and over again when what you're saying here would apply to Switch as well. If we got a KH spinoff solely for Switch, people would think the same thing as they did with Days, BBS and DDD. That it's limited to a handheld platform and not a true console game experience.
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Hey filteranon can you add these chain of posts? Thanks
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It is but since it's so close to a portable console every SE titles released on it will probably see a multi platform release meaning it won't be a handheld experience even on the Switch.
>Nah it was 50/50.
>So like with handheld ports from olden days.
I'm convinced you weren't around back then now.
>It does.
You seem to not understand what the handheld experience is. It's not just playing a game portably.
>It does
It doesn't, and that's a good thing.
>when what you're saying here would apply to Switch as well
It really doesn't, the Switch is too powerful for it to apply here. If a KH game was made for it, in no way would it be on the same tier as the other handheld games.
I would prefer a smaller cast after 3 anyways. There’s a chance for this to be more of an adventure through Quadratum
>it's so close to a portable console
All handheld consoles are portable consoles.
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Honestly depending on how much KH4 covers this could be dragging it out. You could easily wrap up the story in two games when you think about how CoM and KH2 introduced and then got rid of the og organization. And technically the Lost Masters have already been introduced unlike the org who were completely new in CoM so they might not even need to spend much time introducing them. But even if they do they're half the size of the organization so it wouldn't take much.

Yeah I'm now leaning towards it being over sooner than we or at least most people will expect. Because there's that perception that KH will go on for ages and plus like you said the Dark Seeker Saga lasted a lot longer but those were different circumstances. I still think there's more room for more games after the series concludes it's story though. I just think Nomura is keen to make sure he concludes Sora's story and everything he set up in the main titles.
>I'm convinced you weren't around back then now
Funny because that's pretty much what I believe about you.
>You seem to not understand what the handheld experience is.
You don't even understand what a handheld console is. So you really shouldn't be talking about any experiences here.
>It doesn't
It does.
>It really doesn't, the Switch is too powerful for it to apply here.
Irrelevant given its still miles behind in spec power compared to the solely home consoles like PS/Xbox. Which means bridge between home consoles and handheld consoles still remain. The gap is simply smaller than before thanks to Switch.
We have the 13 original darknesses to deal with too, not just the foretellers
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Agreed. After KH3, I honestly don't care to see RAX, TAV or Namine again. Their stories are all practically wrapped up besides Ventus and his can be dealt with in a single chapter as he's not that important in the grand scheme of things.
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Anyone who honestly thinks KH will continue on indefinitely are deluded fools. Moment Nomura wraps up the story he wants to tell before he truly retires, that's it. It's not like SE or Disney give a damn of pursuing the series any further afterwards so they'd be fine with Nomura's conclusion to the series.

There will be no more games after KH5. Maybe some mobage stuff and merch but that's it.
>Funny because that's pretty much what I believe about you.
>no u
>You don't even understand what a handheld console is.
You don't seem to understand what the handheld experience is. Are you just playing dumb?
>It does.
If it had the same limitations, ports to the Switch wouldn't just be gimped on the graphics and framerate.
>Irrelevant given its still miles behind in spec power compared to the solely home consoles like PS/Xbox
That doesn't matter at all. The kind of games that release on Switch wouldn't be out of place on PS/Xbox. It's not like the past where the Switch would be stuck with it's own pretty different pool of games to the Xbox and Playstation.
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>And technically the Lost Masters have already been introduced unlike the org who were completely new in CoM so they might not even need to spend much time introducing them. But even if they do they're half the size of the organization so it wouldn't take much.
That's why the LM arc won't take that long to conclude compared to the DS arc. Only wait time is development time because scope of games are getting bigger with hardware specs getting higher. Otherwise, LM arc will definitely have less games than DS arc.
There's only like 8 of them left. Plus they're trapped in the Lost Masters and Ventus so they'll die once those guys do.
If the darknesses existed to just make the lost masters enemies I don’t think time would’ve been spent characterizing them need the end of KHUX. The 7 crowns thing is likely meant to deal with them
>post immediately got filter
kek thank you filternanon
I'm getting bored entertaining your nonsense so I suggest you go look up what a handheld console is and does because it's clear you never owned any of the classic ones.
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>If the darknesses existed to just make the lost masters enemies I don’t think time would’ve been spent characterizing them need the end of KHUX
All we need to know about them is that Vanitas is one of them and that they need to die along with him.
>The 7 crowns thing is likely meant to deal with them
We have no reason to believe that.
Reminder to report and ignore shitposters like these ones >>495077548
Or use the official khg filter list
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Yeah, I accept your concession now. Falling into doing a constant "no u!" after being called out makes it suitable, and I can't be bothered continuing to reply to someone either being incredibly disingenuous or dumb.
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iirc there's nine Darknesses left. Seven inside the Lost Masters, one MIA and Vanitas. The one that's MIA could appear in Missing Link who knows. But that's like 15 characters in all; The Lost Masters and what's left of the ancient Darknesses. About the same size as Organization XIII. So between two games like CoM and KH2 you could deal with them. Again, maybe some Darknesses aren't very fleshed out.

You have Vanitas at least, he puts a face to the Darknesses (ironically Sora's) so that could be where they do a lot of the fleshing out if he returns with his full memories. But it's been a longstanding headcanon/theory of mine that the Darknesses will all receive human forms like Vanitas and resemble the Lost Master they were imprisoned inside, in a roundabout way revealing what they all look like underneath the masks or in MoM's case under the hood. Which is a cool parallel, the lights being masked and faceless while the darknesses gain faces after being shapeless shadows in UX.
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It took you a while but thanks. Now the thread is good
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just pls don't have kh4 be a ps5 exclusive we need a pc release too. I can't afford a ps5
The Darknesses are trapped in the Lost Masters and Ventus. That's what you're not getting. Once we kill the Lost Masters, those Darknesses die with them. We're not allowed to kill Ventus but if we manage to drag Vanitas out of him and off his ass, then no more Darkness.
PlayStation exclusives from SE are ded now
>KH4 ends with the Foretellers performing some ritual to release the seven Darknesses inside them into mortal bodies so they can be killed for good
>Ventus is taken hostage again to get Vanitas sucked out of him
>The missing Darkness was in Riku all along and is an actual good one
>Vanitas and Riku's Darkness have to team up (Dark Sora and Riku basically)
Are you sure they’re not going to escape the bodies they’re in?
Just like how Final Fantasy ended with IX after Sakaguchi called it quits.
After FF16 and FF7R2's sales, I don't think SE will stick with PS exclusivity anymore unless they signed a deal with Sony for that to only apply to the FF7R trilogy.

Sony themselves said they were done moneyhatting for exclusives given how much they lost from them and SE said they were going to focus on having their future titles be multiplatform again.
They'd have done so ages ago.
thank goodness (´∀`;)
That sounds a lot like someone who’s going to be caught off guard by a Nomura asspull
Retarded comparison from a retarded shitposter.
They're dying with the Lost Masters in KH5.
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There's conflicting info on the status of the Darknesses from Xehanort and Odin.
>Odin: The seven most powerful ones were imprisoned within the Keyblade Masters of yore, who had offered themselves as vessels, and came to be called the Lost Masters. Of the six shadows that remained, four were trapped by Keyblade wielders in the "realm between" of another world. Two are said to have been destroyed when the world collapsed, but of that there is no proof.
>Xehanort: The Keyblade Masters of old rendered themselves as vessels to trap the most powerful seven within their bodies. Of the six that remained, four were imprisoned by Keyblade wielders in the world comprised of data. And two were destroyed when the world collapsed... But one survived, it is said, and disguised itself as an ally of light.
So there's a hint that another Darkness survived but again maybe that's a tease for Missing Link or it's been hiding inside another known character similar to Ventus.
Is it? You got new writers being brought in for Missing Link, a new scenario writer from NEO:TWEWY being brought on to KH4, and Tai Yusue (the co-director) has been with this series almost as long as Nomura. FF main games are made by entirely different teams from entry to the next, DQ is still being made with the main composer and main artist dead, but you think KH can't be made when the creator leaves? That may not be something you want to hear, but that's reality.
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The callback is going to be when Sora has to sacrifice himself (permanently) and gives his friends this look again
There's nothing really conflicting there. Odin thought the two missing darknesses may have died but Xehanort said one of them survived. That one is Vanitas and he's currently trapped in Ventus and waiting for us to kill him.
I'm gonna laugh so hard at you when the lower the curtains on KH after KH5. But atleast you'll enjoy the awesome merchandise and maybe even some mobile crossovers. FF and DQ is still enough for SE along with other IPs such as Nier.
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He already sacrificed himself for them in KH3. No more. Just give me my Sora vs. Riku kino to close off the series.
You know that's what everything's leading to
Me leading into Aqua's bed
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MoM says he has a safety plan to avoid sacrificing his apprentices and presumably himself. I don't know yet if MoM is the kind of guy willing to sacrifice himself to bring down Darkness though or if he'd palm that off on somebody else. Maybe he plans to find new vessels. Riku having learned to seal the darkness inside his heart could make him a candidate for a sacrifice. Maybe that's what will put Sora in opposition to MoM. When he starts cherrypicking seven of his friends to be vessels.

>MoM: I used the passage in the Book about the traitor... ...to plant doubt inside all of you for darkness to feed on. For them to take the bait, we all need to harbor true, real emotions. And when emotions grow and clash, they'll get stronger, and eventually the seven shadows will try to take over our hearts. As for the remaining six, five will feed on the Union leaders, and the last one will be trapped in this world.
It doesn't seem to be part of MoM's plan that Vanitas would survive either. But then what he tells Luxu and what he knows can be two separate things. If there is an extra Darkness out there though I expect a Nomura curveball. Maybe it's inside Demyx somehow or it made it's way to Unreality, a lot of possibilities. Maybe it hid inside Brain and now he's on the loose in Missing Link.
my hubby,,.
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>inb4 MoM helps train Sora with the ulterior motive of making him strong enough to seal one of the darknesses inside his heart to be sacrificed
Like fattening up livestock
>I don't know yet if MoM is the kind of guy willing to sacrifice himself to bring down Darkness
If he is really Ardyn 2.0, then you can bet your ass he will do it, and definitely not out of good intentions. In fact, he can only win this 4d chess by becoming a sacrifice.
>It doesn't seem to be part of MoM's plan that Vanitas would survive either. But then what he tells Luxu and what he knows can be two separate things. If there is an extra Darkness out there though I expect a Nomura curveball. Maybe it's inside Demyx somehow or it made it's way to Unreality, a lot of possibilities. Maybe it hid inside Brain and now he's on the loose in Missing Link
There is no other darkness out there. You're reading what Xehanort said all wrong. He knew that particular darkness was Vanitas. That's why he was probing Vanitas for what he knew.
Odin tells Vidar two were said to have been destroyed but there was no proof of that, then years later Xehanort tells Vanitas that one survived. It's not clear either where Xehanort learned that one survived and disguised itself as an ally of light because Odin didn't know that. Does he only make that part up to probe Vanitas' response? I think so. But either way the fact that one MIA Darkness ended up surviving leaves it open for the other one to have survived as well. We can't close the page on that definitively yet until the story is played out more and we know that one was destroyed along with the four trapped in the pipeline.
Again you simply did not read what Xehanort said right so there's no point in discussing this with you further. You're wrong.
>the shitposter is arguing over semantics and vagueries again
Never changes around here does it?
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How does this filter even work?
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I don't know
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Rosy Dancer Dances with a young boy she found.
>I think it's a case of (and Nomura talks about this in the new interview) how he sort of had these ideas as early as KH1 and you see a little of that in the very first secret ending and the KH1 beta trailer talking about Sora vanishing with a very similar quote to Young Xehanort's last words in KH3, and then just this concept of an urban world hidden under everyone's noses; an invisible mirror reality. And that developed into the Realm Between and the World That Never Was in KH2 so the original concept was a bit diluted.

Once you realize that Another Side, Another Story was inspired by Dark City (1998) you realize the same thing happened with the Original Organization 13 and The Darkness in the Lost Master's Saga. Dark City was about aliens from called Strangers who were a Hivemind dying tace who wanted to understand the human soul because they thought it would save them. Which they did with experiments by altering their memories and making them play different roles and lives in the titular Dark City that can ve shaped to their will with moving buildings.

So that's where The World That Never, its moving building, its Dark City, Namine's Powers, Roxas' story !,# The Organization 13 came. But their inspiration was heavily diluted and even more as time went on and it was all just Xehanort's plan for KH3s. But now with the Lost Master's Arc the original idea is back but even more similar to Dark City (1995) because they're more alien than any villian so far (maybe not literally), a hivemind and dying. Although the Organization might have been planned to fade from existence like the Dusks and the enemies were pretty alien.

So its like Nomura is going back to hs original ideas.
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I just know that people who never really cared about KH have posted some of the hottest takes on social media regarding this interview.
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Last night before I went to bed I ended up listening to some guy rant about how Nomura should gtfo out of Square despite only playing the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 1. You just know people are cheering about news of his retirement.
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Kairi is more likely. It becomes her poetry in Kingdom Hearts 2 which she reads aloud in the ending of that game instead.
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>>There is a meaning behind Sora’s famous line that he says at the beginning of KH1 “Is any of this for real or not”. It will eventually be explained.

Daily reminder that Classic Disney movies aren't even real in their own movies. They're stories and fairytales being told to us. They always were worlds of fiction.
>Nomura integrated this into Kingdom Hearts hy making Jiminy Cricket follow Sora and record everything in journals
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Daily reminder 2. The DDD features this same motif of the stories being presented as storybooks we dive into. KHUX' opening has it too. MoM's Book of Prophecy probably fits in here somewhere too.

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Also a lot of these book scenes are live action that transitions to 3d too. It would be crazy if these books were actually in KH4.
Getting a girl to dress like Aqua.
Better translation. The twitter one was google translate.


(It was either a reddit link or khinsider old ass forum reply)
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Dear lord its worse than I thought.


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What do you call a Canadian Namine? Namineh.
I love how people are taking that "reset/fresh start" comment at face value as if he hasn't said that about practically every single game.
>Nomura: I find them genuinely interesting to watch. Often, I think, “It’s not as complicated as people think.” I’m frequently impressed by how deeply people analyze things. For instance, some people try to connect Kingdom Hearts to the Final Fantasy series, but the writers for each are different, and even though I’m involved with both, there’s no connection between the titles.
This is what pisses me off about people who think Nomura is obsessed with Versus XIII. It's so fucking tiring seeing that tired, old discourse still around everywhere. KH4 isn't Versus XIII.
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In modern gaming 3 games is like 12 years of dev time so it tracks.
Who cares what shitposters and normalfaggots brought in by hype think? KH was always and easy target for ridicule, ever since KH1 was released. The only difference being that back then, it was relatively niche, so you were either a fan or you weren't. Now you have all these "dissatisfied fans" who are upset their DeviantArt fanfics haven't being realized.
For all the bitching and crying these retards did after 3, when it came to actually provided alternative takes, all they gave was plagiarism and stollen ideas at worst or didn't take into account any other aspect of game development other that writing, at best. Everyone can talk big on the internet
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Who would you rather fuck, Namine Kairi or Aqua?
I was thinking back to Union X and I remember there were some time-sensitive events with original stories where you'd hang out with other Union members, has anyone archived those? I know there's videos of the main story and the keyblade war
Namine and it's not even close.
Aqua. My ideal woman.
Do the first two even have Aqua's flexibility? Because that bitch does god damn ballet during her attacks.
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>This is what pisses me off about people who think Nomura is obsessed with Versus XIII. It's so fucking tiring seeing that tired, old discourse still around everywhere. KH4 isn't Versus XIII.
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Nomura disagrees with you. Placeholders doesn't mean you can disregard what Nomura said.
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Don't Gigas count? Or the people fighting Yozora's people?
Someone found ground zero for the brunette Nomura keeps making. He's just been waifus with a girl from a visual novel this whole time.
Waiting for news and the excitement of KH4 only to get an interview where Nomura talks about retiring making me think of all of KH ending is a weird feeling. I knew he would retire and the series would end one day but man.

And learning that unreality was planned since the beginning?

Also what was with all the mirrors in KH3?
>And learning that unreality was planned since the beginning?
It wasn't.
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I got lost in a Xenogears podcast where they brought up Lacan's theory of the mirror stage and film analysis and how we go back to the state of mind of a child who is first developing an ego and the border between real and unreal vanishes like a dream or fantasy and it made me think of kingdom hearts. (The theory not Xenogears.) I don't really have a point I just find this really interesting.
I should have said conceptualized

>Nomura: The name “Quadratum” didn’t exist at that time, but I had the concept in mind. It was a long-term plan that I knew we would eventually reach (laughs).

If you're a troll fuck off.
Being conceptualised is different. Unreality existing as a concept doesn't mean that anything we see in KH4 was actually thought about back then.
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Miss Xion
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I don't think that makes the KH world any less real, like Nomura said before it's a matter of perspective and they're both fantasy worlds, one just resembles our reality. I guess the real question is will they break the fourth wall fully and reference our reality as the one Quadratum is based on.
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>"To give you a realistic answer, I’m approaching retirement age, so it’s becoming a race between retirement and finishing the series (laughs). However, I am creating Kingdom Hearts IV with the intent of leading toward the series’ conclusion."
Why do I get the feeling Nomura's going to come out in his next interview and walk back this comment because fans overreacted? Retirement is still pretty far off for him. And even then he might choose to be in more of a producer role rather than micromanage the everything if the new team on KH4 does a good job and he feels he can pass the torch more. And a lot of whether he retires with the series unfinished depends on how soon 4 releases and they can get started on the next numbered instalment if they want that to be the last one. But between that there's still Missing Link and potentially a Verum Rex game. We could still be looking at four upcoming KH games spanning over the next decade (ML, KH4, KH5, VR). Phase 2 of the series being a trilogy would be a nice number too. And don't forget they can do DLCs like Remind now to add Final Mix/extra episodic content to bridge the gaps between games so that adds up to even more releases.

I don't get what the fanbase is so sad about. Sure it's bittersweet but I want to see the series end and not drag itself out until people care less and less or give up on ever seeing an end like the Game of Thrones books.
>I guess the real question is will they break the fourth wall fully and reference our reality as the one Quadratum is based on.

Would Square Enix and Nomura being mentioned in KH3 count as that?

I wonder how deep and meta it will go too. Like is there infinite realities or will there be the two? Will ours show up sort of like the end of Nier/Chrono Cross and FF13? Will there be super meta shit acknowledging the player like Earthbound?
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>I don't get what the fanbase is so sad about

Its just hard to think about getting older and time passing sometimes. I'm thankful we got so many games I'm a fan of a lot of things that only got a few entries or less.
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It is sad but I'm not like devastated because there's also the relief that it will end and hopefully Nomura will be the one doing it. Kingdom Hearts has been a series that's been running most of my life with an ongoing story so it'd weird to think of a time when it'll be over. It's one of those things that's endured pretty consistently compared to other series that have ended or been rebooted/cancelled whatever.
Ok, Dragon Maleficent from BBS might be the worst boss ever made. I refuse to believe anyone tested that fight
There's a rhythm to it.
I wish Disney did more urban fantasy stuff but that's something the euro comics cover at least.

Verum Rex is a fantasy based on reality while Kingdom Hearts is a reality based on our fantasies. Both echoes of our own reality maybe.
that's another disney italy thing isn't it
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Yes but too based for mainstream Disney I fear. Would make a good animated film though in the tradition of Prince and the Pauper and Three Musketeers though.
>In a retelling of Fritz Lang’s classic film, the future city of “Mousetropolis” is powered by the world’s highest-tech factory. But that factory runs on the low-tech muscle of poverty-stricken peasants… and “undercover boss” Mictor (Mickey Mouse) discovers a plot to replace them with robots if they object! The Phantom Blot is in charge―and Minnie’s next in line to go metal.
Reminds me of that robot Pinocchio movie.
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>The Phantom Blot
Funny how some of Mickey's oldest antagonists are a guy in a black robe and an evil bald scientist.
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Couple of other examples of euro Disney being based. Yes they've actually parodied Twin Peaks.
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idk how they got away with this one
I'm guessing.
>Missing Link releases
>KH4 releases
>Missing Link hopefully gets a few years of support in Nomura's eyes to push the story forward between 4 and the next console project
>Missing Link ends
>KH5 releases and ends the series.
people will regret acting like nomura saying missing link can act as an independent story means it'll make sense

people will be very confused from just the intro movie in a way you wouldn't expect
And lastly Georges Melies A Trip to the Moon. This one especially has a KH vibe to me. They've done a bunch of famous film parodies like Tron, Blade Runner, the Godfather.

Missing Link didn't seem that connected to UX at the start but we know Brain and Luxu are involved and there's other things that'll probably connect so that's gonna confuse newcomers. Nomura described it as a game that bridges UX and DR before so I don't see how it can be that and a blank slate for people to jump in. I got the sense it was supposed to be a lore heavy game similar to Dark Road.
>there's other things that'll probably connect so that's gonna confuse newcomers
there's also going to be things that confuse people who aren't newcomers is my point

if they show off the intro video without context before the game launches you probably won't realize it's for a kingdom hearts game until partway through and that it's for missing link until farther in than that
Maybe it's considered a blank slate since (Player) starts with what's essentially amnesia, disconnected from most of the events of X/UX?
Like how the global/mobile version of UX had flashbacks to the Keyblade War stuff and wrote the Union Leaders actively trying to repress those memories, the actual content that you didn't get to play until the last anniversary.

Then they'll just write the narrative around you getting such memories back, or talking to relevant characters to exposition dump what plot they deem needed explaining.
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It'd be a good way to introduce newcomers to the story if they created actual 3D cutscenes of key moments from UX you experience as flashbacks as Player's memories return. Might be the closest thing we get to an UX cutscene movie with full voice acting.
Wouldn't be hard to do in theory either. Most of the relevant characters for UX's story have 3D models thanks to Backcover and presumably more are being made with KH4 and ML in mind.
It's just a matter of getting the VA's and even then, for most of UX's story up to the Keyblade war, they're already covered.
The Foretellers, Luxu and MoM all have VA's and models.
Chirithy and Ephemer have models and VA's.
You'd just need what? Skuld at most to recap everything important up to the keyblade war?

Then even post war, Brain and Streletzia have models and VAs now. Marluxia, Larxene and Ven all have VAs, they'd just need younger models. At most it's finding 1 Voice Actress for both JP and English and making 4 models, if they don't give player a canon look and voice going forward since they changed his flashback in DR.
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I wish 358 days and bbs had fully updated graphics and character models.
I wish I could be part of your world
>people will be very confused from just the intro movie in a way you wouldn't expect

But I expect normalfags to get filtered
but do you expect (You) to be filtered too
The one with Haley Joel Osment?
No I enjoy the confusion. I actually want Kingdom Hearts to stop explaining almost anything at all and be even weirder and surreal.
good for you then

also there's gonna be more time travel apparently
I like kh2 namine va better than the other.
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I don't think it's about a blank slate, it's about a blank era. I think we have another Xion situation on our hands, something happens that deletes all history records of Missing Link, hence the game's name.
What are worlds you want to see in the series the most? How much does the world selection effect your enjoyment of the game?
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I don't think budget is a huge issue if the cast were to appear in multiple flashbacks, they've already made a a bunch of models for the medals which includes older Disney characters getting a slight UE4 style glowup. Daybreak Town mostly already exists in UE4, Ventus, Ephemer, Brain and Chirithy too. So there's not a ton more to add in order to recreate some key scenes outside of Lauriam, maybe Elrena, Skuld and maybe Player but these scenes could even be shown in first person like the Kairi flashbacks in MoM. The voice acting would probably be released in Japanese first like the rest of Missing Link at the moment, They might not do the English dub until later on.
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The opening cutscene in ML has somebody in a hurry to reach the ark but if that's in the gothic scala then maybe that one ends up being destroyed too? It's a weird scene. I've seen one analysis say some of the dialogue is the same VA as Brain in the trailer.
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>keyblade wielders have salaries now
>The voice acting would probably be released in Japanese first like the rest of Missing Link at the moment, They might not do the English dub until later on.
this is currently the plan as far as i know
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Some interesting Missing Link Q&A tidbits I don't remember seeing;
>Scala was designed after the image of a main street at night; "It turned into the view of my childhood home…" -Nomura
>Q: What Disney worlds will be in the game?
>A: That's a secret.
>They're (Disney worlds) shown anyway at the end of the Q&A: the player is seeing running through a forest, in a cave, on a shoal, near a beach, and finally Olympus
>Disney worlds will work like they always have; they're places you can visit, have their own stories, and you can meet the inhabitants. There's one other thing, but OP can't say what it is
>Other descriptions: A large lake? The ocean? Mountains, a moon in the night sky… A townscape from afar that you can see the lights from, and a boat on the wharf (Nomura: The colors were adjusted to get them as close to the original as possible)
>Q: How much of the story will be available when service starts?
>A: Since there are so many characters, the modelers can't keep up, and aside from that, it's voiced with animated cutscenes. While we're trying to fix up the structure, we don't intend of making it more compact. It'll be about the same as a traditional Kingdom Hearts game.
>Q: Will Scala get any bigger?
>A: Yes.

My big takeaway from this is them wanting to the story be about the same length as a console game on release. I guess that's why it's taking so long. That plus technical issues on top of that probably. Maybe it's more an early 2025 release now? But in his latest interview Nomura still goes along with the interviewer saying ML will drop in 2024...
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Sometimes Disney movies I like turn out to not make great worlds but worlds based on movies I've never seen or don't care for as much turn out the opposite way. So that kind of thing doesn't affect my enjoyment too much but there are some I'd really love to be in the series that I hope they wouldn't fuck up. I like to be surprised though. Curveball obscure choices for worlds tend to be some of my favorite ones.
Where did you hear that?
>Some interesting Missing Link Q&A tidbits I don't remember seeing
This might be from the print version of the interview.
i feel like they had some set release date(s, multiple), couldn't release the game on time and just delayed it while keep working on it. Probably also got the "make the game work on every phone ever" mandate cause SE is cutting on gachas so they want this one to get enough whales to not die in a year and that's where the technical difficulties come into play, as the betas always said "it runs fine on better phones but also lots of battery drain", iirc only the very last beta kinda solved that issue
also, thinking about it, they probably were on track to have a jp and global separate release but decided on a worlwide one instead, meaning the global stuff had to be sped up to match the jp stuff, in turn further delaying a potential release

even with all this, i'm not expecting the game to have much content, whatever they kept working on is likely kept as buffer that is still released after the game release as if there were no delays
This one. No Haley Joel Osment, but it has Whoopi Goldberg.
Really making me wish for a multi platform release again
Ever Crisis is on PC too, so it doesn't seem impossible, hopefully down the line
I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you
>iirc only the very last beta kinda solved that issue
It didn't.
It could be closer to an MMO vanilla campaign in length and then roughly a year later they add a new major story expansion, instead of tiny updates randomly sprinkled across the years. You know like FFXIV relaunched with A Realm Reborn followed by Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker and Dawntrail. Not saying Missing Link would get that many expansions I doubt it'd run as long for starters but it'd be similar to how χ[chi] was rebranded as Unchained χ, Union χ and finally Union χ Dark Road except without the platform jumping. There'd have to be some smaller story updates or events in between the big expansions to keep players though. Maybe the original story would be the focus of the big annual expansions while there's smaller Disney world quests spread around the year. Everything being more structured basically.
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>Nomura: I find them genuinely interesting to watch. Often, I think, “It’s not as complicated as people think.”
There's a slither of a chance Nomura knows about the sleeping realm theory.
>worlds you want to see
Lilo and Stitch world (Sora has sex on screen with Nani)
Pocahontas world (Sora has sex on screen with Pocahontas)
Wander Over Yonder world (Sora has sex on screen with Dominator)
TWEWY world (Sora has sex on screen with Uzuki)
FMA world (Sora has sex on screen with Lust and Olivier)
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Here's your bunny girl aqua

Permanent Anxiety Heartless Bnuuy Aqua
dare i say, based?
Damn. Someone save my mans.
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I can't even get past my first second visit on level 1, this sucks
>>Scala was designed after the image of a main street at night; "It turned into the view of my childhood home…" -Nomura

I never save shit but I remember reading Nomura lived next to a beach and a really young kid. And so does Squall and everyone at the orphanage and Sora.

I say this everytime it's brought up but Return to Oz would fit so well thematically with reality/dreams. Dorothy has a 'is any of this for real or not' moment escept her Aunt and Uncle send her to a fucking mental asylum. The movie was made to be 'what if Oz was fantasy based on reality' too. Its based sequels to one of the most well known children's stories of all time while being an obscure oddball pick. It also has fucked up shit and monsters to use as enemies and Heartless.
I forgot to mention it has big themes of 'you can never go home again' and Dorothy ends up in a ruined Oz whose emeralds were stolen by the Gnome King so you get some royalty 'true king' shit. And its about Ozma reclaiming the throne and she comes out of a mirror...i could go on and on I love this movie...

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Free Fortune Teller with a Starlight. Or a replica, at least.
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I miss Sora's mom
Aqua's flexibility is so hot...
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Why do people think KH4 is gonna be a soft reboot instead of just a new and easy entry(a lie and is just marketing speak) point for newbies getting into the series since it will basically recap old shit and have new plotthreads
That's basically what a soft reboot is. Not every reboot is a continuity reboot.
ehh look at god of war 2018 and that's more of what i'd call a soft reboot, Kh4 will have way too many things to be like that.
because how much of the existing plot is gonna be relevant in kh4? outside of the characters is anything that happened in kh1/com/2/bbs/ddd/3 going to need to be referenced/given some detail so you'd be able to know what's going on?
Welp, it’s confirmed, A Goofy Movie will be one of the worlds in KH4, meaning that Sora and Donald will Goofy’s son!
We'll see when it comes out, but point is it's a pretty loose term, so I sort of get why people think that.
Oh god did people misinterpret that interview already? In a few years we're going to get a ton of people be like this when 4 comes out.

If we ever see her again I hope they get her voice actress back. She was in so much shit I loved as a kid.
>Lola Bunny
Her voice is sex
>- "This year, Kingdom Hearts Missing Link is also scheduled for release on mobile devices. Do you have any concerns that by developing important stories for apps and portable game consoles, you will end up with more players who can't keep up with the story?"

>Nomura: Honestly, I do. (laughs) That's why we're developing a story that takes place in a time frame that's much earlier than the Kingdom Hearts timeline on consoles. However, as people say, “The newly announced Kingdom Hearts IV is really more like Kingdom Hearts XIII**”, as there are natural connections, even with non-numbered titles, and I think that will allow people to enjoy the series even more deeply.

>(**Translator note: I presume he means that Kingdom Hearts IV is the 13th game in the series, counting spin-off titles such as 358/2 Days, Re:Coded, etc.)

>However, this time, both Kingdom Hearts Missing Link and Kingdom Hearts IV have been created with a stronger focus on being new titles rather than sequels. For example, as a new experiment, we have had staff who have not been involved in the Kingdom Hearts series before participate in writing the scenario. Of course, I will be editing it in the end, but I don't think it will be positioned as a work that needs to be done in the sense that the writer who has never been involved in the 'Kingdom Hearts' series is creating a new base.

>After all, Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link is better described as a blank history***, so it is also based on the premise that there are things missing. If you know about it, you can enjoy it more deeply.

>(***Translator note : The word used here is 空白の歴史 (kuuhaku no rekishi), which literally means “blank history, interregnum, or blank period”...not sure which one fits here.)
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Kingdom Hearts 4 has no reason to bring nearly anything up from the Dark Seeker saga. The returning cast can be easily reduced down to SDG, Yen Sid (briefly), Mickey, Riku and Kairi.
It's really the X stuff that KH4 will go into (though how much of the details is up to debate) which has to be completely explained anyway.
What if Sora lives in that city for multiple games...
I've seen a lot of people want the series to be rebooted and are mad KH3 wasnt the end of Sora's story.
Selfish fuckers, the lot of them.
More selfish to want things to continue past their prime aka Simpsons.
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I still see people say they should get rid of Disney and do a reboot. I don't understand what people are getting out of it if they don't all this shit lol
They want to be part of the zeitgeist because they can't stand not being with "it". And if "it" isn't something they like on a fundamental level? Well it has to conform to their tastes, rather than them finding something that does.

But I think we're just rolling back to people underselling Disney's presence in the series, while overselling Final Fantasy's.
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God of War 2018 did take Kratos from his original setting and give him a new set of antagonists so in that way I can see the KH4 soft reboot parallels. But then they slowly reintroduce elements to the core story to familiarize newbies with some Sora's past, friends and anything relevant from the mobile games like they recapped Kratos' backstory from the other games as the story developed. A lot of what Nomura's talking about when it comes to the clean slate stuff could just be the Quadratum prologue section and also the Lost Masters who Sora's never met before, or at least he's not met the Foretellers who probably have a bigger role to begin with, idk how they deal with him finding out about Luxu/Xigbar still being around, maybe he'll purposely stay out of the way in 4 and show up in another game or that's an endgame reveal. Similar deal with MoM because even if he hasn't met the actual guy the black coat evokes Organization XIII and again that'd be something new players wouldn't know about, if Nomura is really looking at the story through this lens.

Basically the references to past games will come but they might be trying to ease potential newcomers in with this new Quadratum setting and the Foretellers who are new in Sora's eyes. Then Donald and Goofy show up and later Riku and Mickey maybe followed by Xigbar and things start to call back more, but by then the newcomer is invested/hooked by the game and wants to know more.
GoW 2018 is a reboot
that nigga ain't Kratos
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Heads up for anyone attempting DDD, contrary to other reports on various forums I could unlock all three difficulty trophies at once on the first playthrough using the Critical Mode unlock mod on Nexus.
There's the mirror/death world thing with Yozora and Sora, remember Yozora by default is even facing the opposite direction to the all the other characters in the kh3 glossary because he's from unreality. And his theme alternatively being called Mirror of Night. Incidentally Ozma is implied to be a reflection of Dorothy and dead in the real world too in that film. desu reading picrel reminded me more of 0.2 and Aqua's journey through the Dark World. Which has a lot of mirror stuff and the Disney worlds are in ruin but frozen in time. A Fragmentary Passage will always be one of my favorite KH experiences.
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Also Yozora and Nameless Star's identities being screwed with fits a lot of fairytale stories like Oz or even closer to Disney I'm reminded of Vanellope in Wreck-It Ralph, even though it's more based on reality that element is still there.
>Tippetarius (called Tip for short) is a fictional character created by L. Frank Baum. Tip is introduced as a young, ragga-muffin adolescent orphan who was thought to be just the peasant slave boy living in the magical Land of Oz. He belonged to the old Gillikin Witch of the Northern quadrant named Mombi.

>Tip was later revealed to be the enchanted form of the long-lost daughter of the late King of Oz, long before the Wizard arrived and took over. The King was only known simply as Pastoria. Ozma is the last surviving heir to the imperial Throne of Fairy Queen Lurline. She now resides in the Royal Palace of Oz which is in the Emerald City. And she is the child Queen of Oz and its rightful ruler. Princess Ozma and Tip are basically the same person.
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>Jared Leto method acting in Kingdom Hearts V
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The newest Masahiro Sakurai video is about Sora's early development for Smash
With all the talk about mirrors, unreality, Yozora and that Nomura interviews I think its really crazy how there were 2 Soras from day one in the opening movie of the game. Even if its unintentional.
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>2 Soras in 1's opening
>The one falling is the real Sora asleep and the one watching next to Kairi is a dream
>Sora's watching himself dream
Presumably the gameplay, music, and characters. There's also presumably an enjoyment of story, since a considerable chunk of people who complain about Disney tend to bring up creative restrictions and a lowering pool of good titles to pick from, but then another portion complain about the OC shit being too complicated anyway.
Awesome stuff. Looking forward to the churro tower lore from Nomura now that Sakurai mentioned it.
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Did we ever get any solid guesses for the Phase 2 chart?
Was it not already gay??
I cant sleep lets add up all the dreamy sleepy bullshit in KH. I don't know what to call it.

>Dandelions are sleeping as dream eaters with their Chrinthy
>Birth By Sleep
>Ventus sleeps in Sora's heart
>The Darkness/Vanitas is sleeping in Ventus' heart
>The other Darkness are sleeping in the Foretellers hearts
>Sora dreams the opening and dive into heart
>Sora wakes up in the middle of the night to Destiny Islands falling to darkness
>Sora wakes up in Traverse Town
>Sora sleeps in the pod at the end of CoM
>Roxas slept in Sora's heart
>Namine slept in Kairi's heart
>Xion slept in Sora's heart
>Kairi slept in Sora's heart
>Eraqus slept in Terra's heart
>Data Ansem is sleeping in Sora's heart to help them
>Riku was a dream eater in Sora's dream
>Sora was in the sleeping worlds
>Sora slept and woke up in the Final World because Death and Sleep touch
>Sora slept for 7 days in unreality where he met Yozora
>Riku saw Sora's dreams
>Kairi was asleep for a year
>Yozora wakes up in his car
>Squall makes a joke about FF8s time travel through dreams

Im pretty sure Im missing mobile game lore and Disney movies. NO fucking wonder he had those weird thoughts.
Doesn't BBS reference Sora falling when Ventus falls to Destiny Islands? And KH2 with Riku and Sora going back to DI? And I think the dives in DDD especially the cover art.
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I just rewatched it and it always follows the perspective of the Sora that isn't falling from the sky. Sora is falling through water but his eyes are opening and closing and the he just sort of blasts into the Sora on the beach opening his eyes as if that was the real Sora. (Pic related) And it only follows that Sora from that point forward. When he sees sky falling Sora he falls backwards into water and starts falling into water into the dive to heart. But its like he got split in two and the Sora that was in the sky was seperate and not the real one. Even though obviously it is and we know this because our brains are telling us and I have no idea how to explain it because its a dream.

Anyways this is Yozora as fuck.

>Sora sees Yozora disappear into the sky into blue light
>Sora sees Sora fall from the sky with blue meteors

No news is making me go crazy...
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Yeah I was going to say Sora looking at himself dreaming isn't unlike Sora meeting Yozora in a way because one is fictional to the other. Sora in Quadratum could almost be read as him lucid dreaming.
Grope Namine
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The slot on the top row next to Remind is clearly DR, you can make out the Union χ Dark Road logo instead of Union χ [Cross] one which is formatted differently. And the third slot is Melody of Memory. The fourth and fifth slots on the top row I'd guess are Missing Link and KHIV.

The bottom row is a complete mystery. Maybe that's all related to stuff like the All-In-One Package, the Switch Cloud Version and the PC Integrum Masterpiece. Idk if Sora in Smash would count or the UX finale but chronologically that was what released between Remind and Dark Road.

But if Phase 2 ends with KHIV that implies a Phase 3, which sort of tracks with there technically being three sagas (Dark Seeker, χ and Lost Master). They could fill that with KHV and maybe even Verum Rex or some other DLC and collections/re-releases I'm sure Square will cook up to milk fans.
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>"The Void Beyond is a chasm between the seen and unseen worlds. It is a space of shadows that are cast long and dark from Valhalla itself. Many form closed, incomplete worlds that are known as temporal rifts. There are other kinds of places here, too, such as palaces and battle arenas molded from nothing more substantial than hopes, dreams, and passions."

>"There is no death in the Void Beyond. Souls who long to die instead live within dreams that are spun from the fabric of their deepest desires. Once trapped within these dreams, they have no means of escape. Next time you look into a mirror, peer closely at the edge. Do you see the ghostly shimmering? That is the world of dreams, known to some as the Mirror World. It is an eternal place of wishes fulfilled and happy memories made real—yet the ghosts who inhabit it know not they are prisoners of eternity."

>"In the physical world, it contains within its form endless chaos. By the will of the deities, it gives birth to all living things. I speak of crystal. The eternal dream world of the crystal lies within the Unseen World. Even the gods long to find their way to that place. In all crystal, the heart that shines most brightly is called Bhunivelze."
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This was pretty good watch. I'm surprised too see all those little details that had to be changed like the stars hit effects and Hollow Bastion water color
maybe the bottom row isn't for games at all
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Sora vs Yozora will conclude the series.
No, I'M Yozora
Well they cancelled the middle grade novels. Nomura said he'd like to explore the upperclassmen through over mediums though whatever that means.
I'm Yozora, he says.
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Darkness within darkness
I forgot to mention earlier when someone mentioned how these might bebideas that go back to Another Side Another Story that the first secret ending even uses its music. Which just felt like a reference at first but maybe intentionally a callback to it because of that.
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You ever think just how terrified Sora's Mom was the night Destiny Islands fell? She had no idea where Sora was, and the entire world around her was falling apart and the heartless likely surrounded her soon after Sora left. She probably could only think about where her son had gone. It must have been horrifying for her. The chance of her becoming Heartless herself is entirely possible too. That and we never hear about her again apart from the brief line in CoM. The Heartless can be incredibly horrifying at times and when correctly used. Makes me wish that the games themselves did more with it, instead of making them fake for the 4th time and other shit, leaving it to me and like a couple others to explore it.

Pic unrelated, unless you wanna pretend it's Sora's Mom.
I figured the reason the astral plane looked like that was because of people's perceptions. It's really more like a conceptual world or idea realm
So is Kingdom Hears IV just the scrapped ideas for Kingdom Hearts II and Another Side, Another Story before Chain of Memories developed the Nobodies and Organization XIII concepts into a different direction?
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that's just Aqua 1 year after giving birth
I'm playing kh2
I really love how Sora was the perfect final pick for Smash thematically
Aqua is going to be a milf!
I'm in love
I think destiny islands fell without a general heartless rampage (since they should already know where the keyhole was), most people would probably just remember a storm, then from their perspective just wake up the next day when the world was restored
But for the mom, Sora seemingly went off and drowned that night, and I think that's a more fucked up scenario
Am I crazy or does this sound like Quadratum
People look at an interviewer saying "this year" and think Nomura said "this year"
Its insane how the first mother we saw in KH was Xehanorts
>But for the mom, Sora seemingly went off and drowned that night
Given that Kairi could have a normal school life and wasn't in an asylum, it's fair to say that she was able to convince people at Destiny Islands that Sora and Riku were okay before everyone forgot him.
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I saw some arguing on Twitter. Are there any ‘actual’ plot holes in Kingdom Hearts? Off the top of my head, I don’t remember any, but I’m also not denying there are. Someone mentioned the fact that Donald and Goofy didn’t recognize Yen Sid’s tower, which is legit. The other one or two I’m thinking of I think were products of a mistranslation.
Things like "there can only be one keyblade master" are localization quirks if that's what people are using as examples of plot holes. Donald and Goofy not recognizing Mysterious Tower is one of the few actual fuck ups but I'm sure that could be handwaved by explaining their memories of it from 11 years ago were still foggy after Namine restoring them in Castle Oblivion. It'd also explain them not noticing Roxas looked like Ventus. But then considering Goofy couldn't even get Ventus' name right in BBS it's not crazy that they just forgot all this because it was a one-off thing over a decade ago desu.
I don't remember this being explained anywhere, but I presume they were just projections from book of prophecies, just like the disney worlds
What was the deal with the good fairies and Maleficent again? Maleficent apparently returns because they remember her name, but then it turns out she'd actually been time traveling this entire time? So is there or is there not some sort of fuckery afoot where you remembered the dead, and they return?
How'd Maleficent bring Oogie Boogie back to life? Ursula?
What was stopping Xemnas from teleporting into the chamber of repose instead of sneaking around with his gameshark disc?
What was stopping Vanitas from teleporting back to Monsters Incorporated?
At the time, it would be assumed that she came back thanks to her unexplained magic. UX retconned/recontextualized it as her time travelling with the lifeboat.
Oogie I presume some roaches survived and she could basically heal him back up, it's not until the end of his KH2 fight where Donald steps on the last one, like Santa or Jack did in the movie.
I genuinely think the KH1 Atlantica was just straight up retconned to accomodate the musical, because I have no fucking clue.
idk, just being overly dramatic I guess. Or maybe darkness can't get in there from outside, it was a special experimental room.
Shame. Would YOU just teleport back after getting owned like that?
Oh I assure you, Nomura doesn’t remember it either.
>Are there any ‘actual’ plot holes in Kingdom Hearts?
Some of these probably have explanations.
KH2 Atlantica. Related is Phantom Ursula who might not necessarily be a plot hole, but is too vague about what she actually is.
Country of the Musketeers. Is it Disney Castle? If it is like the Ultimania says then it doesn't make much sense in regards to it being a world that Mickey visited during his training. But at the same time, if it's not Disney Castle then how is Pete there?
Nobodies don't age when we see nobodies age.
Where is the KH1 Kingdom Hearts? As in the KH1 Kingdom Hearts isn't behind the door as that's just the Realm of Darkness. You see the outline of it around the door but it's obviously not there at the End of the World. Did the concept of what KH actually is differ in KH1?
Riku's haircut.
Kairi's keyblade, at least until Nomura finally addresses it.
Nobodies as how the game treats them. Yen Sid says that they're heartless emotionless beings and also doesn't bring up that they actually can be recompleted by destroying the heartless and nobody until after KH2. It makes sense for Xemnas to hide this, but not Yen Sid. Yen Sid never acts like he just gained new information about them, but always knew this.
Sort of. There's similar ideas there. The Nobodies are called the nonexistent ones which isn't unlike the fiction stuff. There's the city settings. A character who is said to resemble Sora with an identity crisis in the middle of everything (Roxas and Yozora). I kind of see MoM as the new DiZ but without the redemption, both driven to exact revenge on the groups/races that wronged them (Nobodies and True Darkness). And their apprentices leave behind the idyllic worlds of Daybreak Town and Radiant Garden for urban worlds like Quadratum and TWTNW. There might be other things the more we learn about the new arc.
I need to replay/rewatch BBS, but I feel like Mickey should have been alarmed by a guy named Xehanort in Radiant Garden
Maybe it's just Yen Sid being a piece of shit
case in point
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All will be explained in Missing Link.
Namine will be a key player when it comes to defeating MoM and Darkness.
>Is it Disney Castle? If it is like the Ultimania says then it doesn't make much sense in regards to it being a world that Mickey visited during his training. But at the same time, if it's not Disney Castle then how is Pete there?

I don't think it's Disney Castle. Its implied that every Disney short and probably Mickey Mouse thing is canon to some degree through the references to shorts in Disney Castle in KH1, Timeless River, Yen Sid's journals, and Mousketeers. Pete and Minnie were just from that world? Couldn't it just be that simple?

How did Yen Sids tower show up in the past as a dream world respite not falling asleep again? I was thinking maybe all thr Disney shorts that have sperate worlds split off from Disney Castle like how Yen Sids tower split off from Symphony of Sorcery. (That happened right? My memory is awful.)
I think the "worlds within worlds" thing has enough precedent to maybe be true. And Timeless River has all those sub-worlds based on Disney shorts so Country of the Musketeers could be like that. There's 100 Acre Wood inside a book and Symphony of Sorcery is said to be a world in a music sheet too (the Mysterious Tower part of that world in DDD was just the dream filling in the gaps like musketeer Mickey, Donald and Goofy appearing as figments of that world's dream. Mysterious Tower could've been a world born from Disney Castle too that split off like you said.
>Where is the KH1 Kingdom Hearts? As in the KH1 Kingdom Hearts isn't behind the door as that's just the Realm of Darkness. You see the outline of it around the door but it's obviously not there at the End of the World.

Behind the Door to Darkness. It blasted light in Ansems face when he opened the door. So I read it as Kingdom Hearts being behind the door and once it was opened if disappeared again. It was unseen as a metaphor for God because it's a JRPG and they have been doing this shit since the very first one and a metaphor for how the heart is unseen.

>Did the concept of what KH actually is differ in KH1?
No but it was retconned to not being the true Kingdom Hearts but an artificial one created by their machinations. As well as the one in KH2.

Unless you are talking about physically, because it wasn't a heart moon until Kingdom Hearts 2. The box art just had a heart there because it looked cool.

>Riku's haircut.
Influence by Replica Riku because Riku was finally putting his past behind him (cutting hair is a common trope, like Garnet/Dagger in FF9) and Replica Riku was inside Riku's heart. Unless Im remembering the timeline wrong and it was just the Heartless and Im totally wrong but Im too lazy to rewatch the cutscene to doublecheck lol.
>Kairi's keyblade, at least until Nomura finally addresses it.
Its not really a plot hole yet imo. We know why she got one now. We hust don't really know how Riku pulled it out.

>Nobodies as how the game treats them.

I thought Yen Sid just legitimately didn't know
>Influence by Replica Riku because Riku was finally putting his past behind him
>Put past behind you
>Due to direct influence from a replica version of past you from the past
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UX left so many open questions it's honestly amazing
>What's Unchained?
>Why did the MoM vanish?
>Where was the x-blade and Kingdom Hearts during the Keyblade War?
>What's in the Black Box?
>When did the world fell apart into smaller ones?
>Where was the Keyblade Graveyard, or the Badlands, located? What was its purpose?
>What is the True Dandelion?
>Where did Ava go?
>How did the other Foretellers leave?
And that's taking into consideration that Daybreak Town was really intended as a honey pot for the 13 darknesses. All that lux gathering, the power bangles, the projected Heartless from the book of prophecies, the Nightmares and the stirred up conflict, just to get their attention.
Mickey is just really the tip of the iceberg.
Some of these were likely never intended to be answered in the mobile games, most notably the contents of the Black Box, Ava's whereabouts and the identity of the True Dandelion. But they never really nailed down what the whole unchained thing was. Some kind of induced dream state that produces amnesia of the war I guess.
Ephemer was the first one to be unchained, but he actually went into the data daybreak town, but he could also somehow communicate through dreams(well mickey does it too so not too unique) and also somehow meets sora in a vision long after his death(i assume) while calling out the keyblades of ancient keyblade wielders to help
>So I read it as Kingdom Hearts being behind the door and once it was opened if disappeared again.
I would also agree that it's meant to be behind the door, but none of the other Kingdom Hearts are really like KH1's where it just blasts light into someone's face and disappears. It calls into question why none of the others did anything.
>The box art just had a heart there because it looked cool.
The heart moon became canon in KH2, but Kingdom Hearts was seemingly always a heart considering the shadow heart that surrounds the door to darkness in KH1's endgame. Though it could just be something that gained more meaning when the heart moon became canon.
>Unless Im remembering the timeline wrong and it was just the Heartless
It was just the heartless, IIRC.
>We hust don't really know how Riku pulled it out.
That's kind of what I meant. Even with Lea, he still needed to manifest it instead of Yen Sid pulling it out for him, IIRC. Kairi having a keyblade is fine, but it's the KH2 scene where she gets it that's a big question mark.
>I thought Yen Sid just legitimately didn't know
I find that hard to believe. Like if we got this information from Ansem then it'd make sense why there's this discrepancy as he would be blinded by his hatred for nobodies, but Yen Sid is obviously familiar enough with nobodies that he should know especially since he knows about recompletion despite not even telling Mickey about that detail.
>It was just the heartless, IIRC

I wish I had that picture of Nomura saying 'we decided to forget about that because it looked cool' or something.
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The Ephemer cameo in 3 sounded like it was a bit of an afterthought instead of something that was planned out. The developers asked Nomura if they could do an UX tie-in and they came up with the keykid QTE basically to acknowledge the mobile players. So I'm not sure it's that important when in Ephemer's timeline he did that plus we know Xehanort and Eraqus reverted back to their young selves in death anyway. I doubt we'll ever get much of an explanation about that it was basically one big summon link only the character in question connected to Sora across time unlike the Disney characters who do it from across space.

I guess I could use a little more of a reason for why Ephemer connected with Sora when they'd never met. But through the chain of connections you can trace that to Ventus being an ex-Dandelion.
>Kingdom Hearts are really like KH1's where it just blasts light into someone's face and disappears. It calls into question why none of the others did anything.

Ansem the Wise' machine blasted Kingdom Hearts II's light on Riku somehow... which...doesn't even make sense to me either but was an intentional callback to 1. And the point of that scene was Ansem realizing he couldnt understand people with science so sure why not.

KH2 was a lot more fucked up for this than people with rose tinted glasses realize. Most things introduced now aren't as plot holey or just absurd and random and never touched on again even if it can be more convoluted and weird.
>I guess I could use a little more of a reason for why Ephemer connected with Sora when they'd never met.
Same reason why Sora connected with Ralph despite the KH3 summons being said to be of characters Sora has pre-existing links with. Sora is Player.
>Sora is Player
Sometimes I think miracles just happen in Kingdom Hearts. I mean literal miracles. Miracles by definition can't be explained rationally or by science. And ite a reference to how old Disney movies were too. But its a miraculous act of light and not God. Some are more explained than others like Kairi's princess of heart powers, Sora connecting to people because he has childhood wonder, but then there's shit like: >>495421932

Remember when the light just guided Terra and Aqua to Destiny Islands for no fucking reason to bequeath Keyblades to random kids
That one makes a bit more sense. The way I see it is that the light is from Ansem's machine failing to properly turn KH2's Kingdom Hearts into data. It's basically an explosion of the light from the KH2 Kingdom Hearts, because what happened was that the machine exploded and it sent hearts flying everywhere.
>Sora is Player
It seems obvious because he's us but they'd have to handle that carefully. Or maybe it's something they never pay much attention to but Nomura does confirm Sora is Player's 3rd life. Difference is Player 1 died with unfinished business while Player 2 died pretty peacefully at an old age so Sora is unburdened.
But that means I'm you.
"I'm you he says"
There might be a greater force of destiny at work. They leaned into that a little more in the earlier games with the keyblades and worlds having some sentience. It makes sense. If a tree is alive why can't a world be and act in a way that ensures it's survival. Same with a keyblade. Not saying they're capable of super complex thought but it's more instinctual and they influence hearts where they can in subtle ways.
The worlds are alive. It's something that the series forgot right after it happened, but the worlds made the bridge in KH2 that led to Xemnas.
That's exactly what I was thinking of. But there aren't really any more examples after that I think besides Ansem talking about there being hearts everywhere you look in the trees and leaves etc.

Kingdom Hearts has never really gone down that rabbithole of spiritual manifestations of nature and stuff. It keeps things very abstract and open.
If Kingdom Hearts is a collection of all hearts and multiple players play as Sora/Sora is the Player then we are actually Kingdom Hearts itself from their perspective.

This made sense in my head I have no fucking idea if it does in text.
Also our 'sky' is a 'one sky' that connects every world where all fiction is held.
Xion my beloved
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>Sora is Ephemer's bastard son's clone's nephew's nobody's son
>Same reason why Sora connected with Ralph
The longer we sit on this oddity the more I want it to be true. Ralph is the odd man out, and they already learned their lesson with "shill summons" when it came to Chicken Shittle. Including Ralph is a big fat hint that not everything is as it seems.
So Kingdom Hearts IV is the REAL Kingdom Hearts II, and everything from II to III has been a massive detour...


>How did the other Foretellers leave?
This is one that'll bug me if we're not shown or even told how the end of their battle went down. Did MoM just wait until they were in an inch of taking each other's lives before showing up and letting them in on his Darkness bait plan, then took them to Unreality? Clearly some time had passed between X and KH3 for them when they appear in the epilogue even if they haven't noticeably aged.
Not to mention Sora's affinity for dream eaters, to the point he went back for them at the end of DDD
Strelitzia is the new Namine I fear.
My crack theory is that Urusla somehow figured out how to time travel and was guided to Destiny Islands by YX, when Sora and Riku beat her in the opening she returns to her proper time period and 2s plot happens.
So she'll be equally irrelevant?
She'll be important for the Quadratum prologue.
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exhibit b
Exhibit (A)utism
She mentioned that "he" told her that Sora and Riku would be there so sounds like Ursula met with Xehanort prior. Or he might be responsible for how she appeared on Destiny Islands in the past.
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maybe like how xehanort taught maleficent about time traveling, maybe xehanort taught ursula about it too.
Triton knows more about the universe than he lets on. Maybe his magical trident contains knowledge as well as power.
Ansem was like a time portal so he could've just brought her there from the future like the other norts get ferried around in DDD.
Vanitas doesn't belong on here anymore thanks to what we now know about him.
Yeah. Ursula did have control of the trident for awhile so perhaps she picked up on some certain secrets about the "World".
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Namine (Ava) roused the Dandelions like she did Terra's Lingering Will.
Of course he does. Formless darkness is different than Vanitas.
>"influenced terra's thoughts"
Even when they're giving her a win they make her sound insidious.
The Ansem who was on DI the night it fell to darkness had already given YX the power to time travel so Ansem himself couldn't have picked up Ursula from the future. So it would have had to have been YX who guided her there after using Ansem as a goalpost to arrive on DI at that period in time.
The identity of Vanitas was created via Sora and Ventus' influence. So it's true from a certain point of view.
No it's not. It's the same being.
Yes but Vanitas was not born from Sora and Ventus. All they did was give him a makeover. Roxas, Namine and Xion were all born from Sora and Kairi.
Darkness wasn't born from Sora and Ventus but Vanitas; the face and persona, was. That's what I was getting at. Vanitas didn't exist until Xehanort did what he did to Ventus.
That's like saying Xion doesn't descend from Roxas because Vexen actually created the replica chassis. Darkness was the vessel into which Ventus and Sora poured their essence.
Doesn't really matter. Darkness = Vanitas. All Sora and Ventus did was give the being Darkness a physical form and new look and Xehanort gave that same Darkness a name. The name being Vanitas.
Xion doesn't descend from Roxas, though? She was made separately using Sora's memories sampled at Castle Oblivion
>That's like saying Xion doesn't descend from Roxas because Vexen actually created the replica chassis.
she doesn't descend from roxas. she is a replica based off sora's memories. all she has in common with roxas is that they owe their existence and origins to sora. the reason why the two began to have adverse effects on each other was because both were carrying sora's memories.
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Maybe. Nomura used Dark City from 1998 as inspiration for Another Side Another Story and the Nobodies, but he went even further when he made The Darkness. The aliens in Dark City were a hivemind of a dying race. An anon in this thread earlier or last thread mentioned these ideas probably went to Versus 13 before ending up back in KH because of the whole urban thing seemed to stary in ASAS. Those ideas might have even went to TWEWY a little bit because that was in Shibuya as well.
Maybe you're overthinking things.
Dandelion seeds blow through the sky on the wind.
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I can't believe Riku is banging Sora's daughter
Not really its really obvious Dark City inspired Nomura since Another Side Another Story. (It literally takes place in a city called Dark City.) And the rest I'm just saying he used Shibuya a lot I have no idea how the plots are similar to kh2 or khux and 4.
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It's more like the successor to the original darkness.
... I demand a source and a continuation of your post.
Delusional chart from a shipperschizo
describes /khg/ in a nutshell whenever we get "news"
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More like it's the same being.
This is something Vanitas would do.
That darkness was changed by Sora and Ventus. Not the same being. When you take a member of a hivemind out of the the collective conscious and give them an appearance and personality of their own then they can't be the same being as they were before.
So the same being at the core. Glad we agree.
vanitas was already out of the hivemind back when he was still formless.
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0.2 truly was our Ground Zeroes
>same being at the core
Not particularly. It's like forced rapid evolution. If you had a way of forcing an ardipithecus to evolve all the way into a modern human overnight, is it really still the same being that you started with at it's core?
Whatever individuality that the formless darkness had at that point would have been derived from Ventus. IIRC, the formless darknesses possess people in order to try and form a will of their own. From the moment that the formless darkness went into Ventus, Ventus was making it evolve into something more.
>tfw ill never get halloween soras because japanese scalpers jacked up the price to 200 dollars

Also why a bring arts of everyone from 16 but not jack from sop.
>mental gymnastics
I think you mean heart gymnastics
He tends to do that alot when it comes to this topic.
I wonder if the Borg inspired the Darkness cause Nimoy was Xehanort. And they infect everything and are ahivemind with some defected members.
What the fuck are you talking about?
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More of a philosophical thing. If you change a being to the point of it essentially being reborn, is it the same as what you started with? It feels like the brother of the Ship of Theseus.
Are you a zoomer, retarded, or a weeb who has only watched anime?
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Report and ignore shitposters
He's a massive schizo. Ignore him.
I was thinking about the Borg a tad. But I don't think they really inspired Darkness. They're both hiveminds but while they infect people with darkness, they aren't making new Darknesses.
New thread
This is Aquard.

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