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Tips for being a good taichou:
>Almost 5 years taichou
>How good of a taichou have you been for your friends?
>Some friends are just happy with your company
>You can still get the new super intelligent Black Rhino!
>The spicy spanish cat is avaliable, remember to roll for her!
>Kingdom still kicking...

>Kemono Friends Kingdom
>Official Twitter
>Kingdom Mate Codes
https://pastebin.com/E83JZa8Z (embed) (embed)
>Spreadsheet of KFK Friend skills

>KF3 PC Version and Mobile Version
>Chokotto Anime
>Official Twitter
>KF3 Friend Codes
https://pastebin.com/Jjh09inL (embed) (embed)
>Guide and Skill Sheets

>Model Viewers
>Moose-Taichou's Repository
>Moose cache backup
>Another backup

>Previous Thread: >>493055891

>Tip of the day:
The friends will always be there for you. Be sure to buy the biggest pizza and cake for them this anniversary!
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Not sure what you mofos posted last thread but every reply was nuked by a janny.
Swear on the almighty whitey dragon that won't happen again!
>>Kingdom still kicking...
The severs are powered by pure love for Friends alone! Who needs profit when you have cute animal girls!
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Never give caffeine to friends! Even more to little friends!
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Only big birds shares drinks with (you)!
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Transporting these huge dummies is no easy task...
Weird, I've never seen that before.
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Happy Coyo!
What do you think Kemono Diaries is going to be?
I get the appeal, but what's the point in carrying Friends like this?
Her yellow gloves are cute but also a little odd.
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That's how they literally transport rhinos. I guess that artist made a parody
those hand ropes should be tighter
Why would taichou ever need to carry a Friend like that though? Seems excessive...
I need her
Sometimes friends just want a fun little spin!
It's deer season...
Moosechou, dead yet again
They're not dead! Just sleepy!
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That's a weird Serval nee-san
is tatuki back?
Never ever, as much as I wish he were
What's one new Friend you'd want to see in KF in general? Could be an animal, mythical, anything fitting for a Friend.
Touch Friend's balls, Taichou
Seems like 5th anniversary has become our funeral, Taichous
Doesn't help that doing less and posting less feeds into itself, especially for things like threads
Why would taichou touch that one when there are two perfectly good ones on her chest?
M*ne's new drawing...
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Such a cool illustration
Wife spotted
God I wish he just kept drawing without being given any power. Everything could've been fine
I guess taichou being dead fits with spooky season coming along soon
For a lewd bat she's really had so little porn over these 2 years. I guess Japs want us to fap on her as is.
She's already lewd enough, it's hard to improve on that!
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There's going to be another production of the first stage play, but Caracal the Vtuber is playing Caracal. Apparently that is what she looks like IRL. KemoV has been pretty cagey about avoid even hand cam vids but there she is.
KemoV is seiso!!!
>no giraffu

I believe this is a new production of the first stage play. Giraffe isn't in that one.
They're just so naturally lewd they don't have to play into that, you mean!
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It's Omega Serval, Taichou, looks like Sandstar is sending a heavy cavalry to smother you now.
but seriously, how is kingdom still alive with literally only one event being repeated again and again?
minimal dev costs
Maybe some hyper autistic Kemono Friends dev is keeping the game on his home server. Or they just forgot to turn off automatic server payments lmao
the little references with the groupings are cute like the four gods beings in their respective spots, the kemov girls all being together or the anime pairings (mostly) being together
poor chevy got split up from weasel...
I have no damn clue honestly.
Maybe they just forgot about it like people forget about subscriptions?
the entire "staff" of kingdom are bots
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>most popular kemov is drunk hag
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Don't worry, our nigga shikoripa is working to fix that!
That's pretty neat. The v-tuber caracal chick playing the character is going to be a great pull for a lot of people I'm sure.
Yep, everyone adored that chick. Too bad giraffe isn't part of this one.
Divine punishment for weasel
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I love frens with confidence!
>that book
You dirty beeper.
Bigger Serval is a scary concept
Confidence is the key to any taichou's heart!
Even her. Especially her.
Coyo is not for sexual.
she brings up her lewd exposed navel all the time so clearly she is
That just makes her sporty and American!
And those mixed with being a Friend makes her lewd!
Fun fact: Tummy Friends are for lewd
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I mean...
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So know kf3 has surpassed pavilion in amount of years alive right?
That sounds about right
I wonder how the friend count compares
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Smelly bat!
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This doragon WILL eat you, Taichou
That's not fair, that applies to all Friends!
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Cute unknown strange bird!
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Love is STILL alive and well.
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Oh yeah, I saw they were going to re-stream the 12 episodes back to back on nico-nico. Glad it was a success.
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Say something nice about the cute armored princess, she has it rough....
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She's very, VERY cool. Probably my second favorite Friend out of my wife's team
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being a western KF fan is a lil bit of suffering
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Sandstar shrunk your rhino, Taichou!
That's a hippo, not a rhino.
I don't know, something is off about that one...
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Little dragon can please 2 Taichous at once!
1 dragon 2 taichous?
Gee how come she gets two taichous?
It may be painful, but it's better than no Friends
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ohayo lucky
She is bigger on the inside
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Yes, sadly. The only game officially translated is kingdom and is just in a state of limbo, forgotten by almost everybody already. I've always wished for a kf3 english release but reallistically it will never be translated since it's not worthy for them to even try. There are just a handful of hardcore western fans out there, just not enough to justify an invesment like that. A lot of people have left and can you blame them? They have made so many stupid decisions with the franchise in the past and they soured a lot of people. Everything is fucked, when you think about it closely is like a downward spiral that has culminated in all this western desinterest.
But still! I'm still glad the franchise is staying somewhat healthy in Japan.
It's hard not to realize with just a little bit of time following the modern state of things that KF has been kept alive basically through fanart and fan-works alone, with KF3 just serving as a vehicle to help prompt those artists
I played Kingdom for a little while and it was fun for a bit but at the end of the day just another gacha game and got burnt out of it. Did spend some money to show "hey there are western KF fans out there" but I feel like at this point ill have to just learn Japanese.
Doesn't help that they stopped doing anything at all. At least other games will add new team comps or stages to test your team comps, all that sorta stuff depending on their style and quality. Doing nothing on the other hand just makes all the problems already there feel worse
What does this mean?
I agree. Some of them are so dedicated it's kinda remarkable. Some could've easily branched out to other franchises and be more successful but they have stayed with us.
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Nue-chan is a bit silly, but she truly has some amazing assets...
what other gacha games do you play?
for me its eversoul
Spot the Friend.

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Plays an animal on TV but cannot draw one.
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Friend visits Friend
blue reflection
The ratings are still pretty similar to the old days of glory, but for comparison here the total number of viewers of some of the most important live streams versus the recent one:
The one with episodes 1 to 11: 608764
The first one with all 12 episodes: 491559
This new one: 32326
Sugoi, they managed to get every niconico user still left on the platform.
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Friendly bird and dog!

Kek, yeah, the image of Nico is now down the gutter after the shitshow of they failing victim to a ramsonware attack, for example, the Wiki tracking the ratings of the anime live streams on Nico went belly up when that ramsonware shitshow was still happening, even though that wiki did have absolutely nothing to do with Nico or Dwango or Kadokawa or whatever, so no way they got hit on the same ramsonware attack, so more like the guy handling the administration of the wiki smelled something rotten and took the decision to call it a day and close the wiki.

On archive.org the page dedicated to KF1 was archived, although only to a point were the last update was done at the end of 2018, so all the streams done after 2018 are missing.


With KF2 there is not problem, because there are zero streams done after the stream dedicated to its last episode:

Gap moe
They're a bit harder to find but I like that even some that have branched out end up returning to KF art every once in a while
A bird being a friend with anyone is a miracle...
Taros barely draws a lewd Pokémon girl after 20 straight days of obtuse Serval comics.
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Hippopotamus? more like HippoPUTAmus
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this will be weasel if she doesn't learn to behave
Have you worked with any actual animals, taichou?
And did that influence any of your personal preferences in Friends if so?
I wanted to become a zookeeper as a kid but it kinda never worked out cause I grew up and became a code monkey
Now im thinking of doing birdwatching as a hobby
That sounds like fun, those sorts of hobbies can be pretty great. Very dangerous though with what's out in the skies though...
Dogs have been fun to work with, but it makes me want to touch Dhole less
My desire for fug is replaced with desire to hug
She can maul you to death very easily you dumb fluffer
Jokes on you, you can say that about a lot of Friends!
Really cute Caracal story.
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This bird watched too much Ladybug
That is indeed extremely cute. That's a great twist on the Arai/Fennec vs Serval/Kaban type dynamic
Bug Friends would be pretty neat
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Ballet bird!
Why is she doing that, it's scary
If only this were how we got crackle in a Tatsuki S2 instead of what we got
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Honey birds!
Bring me the horney birds
You can't handle that many birds
>Open game via dmm player
>Get terms of service agreement
Well that was certainly not how I expected to start the day. Did anyone else who doesn't use dmm get a ToS popup?
Nope, just tried on my phone and it worked fine
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Little Big dragon
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Very important detail
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Hugging is touching too.
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MORE cats and MORE birds for (you)!!
big luck storage
You're not wrong, but it's very different!
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Expectation vs reality? lol
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This has to be the lewdest cat yet
I don't get it
my dissertation was on my friendwife but unfortunately i ended up not being able to work with those particular animals
i work for my state's dnr
Boring desu, people want more mustelids, like the Euro badger.
That's still pretty cool! It's interesting being able to approach them in that way. Who is she?
Otaku wolf loves her Hello Project

"cougar" has a very interesting alternative meaning
junior trainee taichou is in great danger yet again
>an actual straight up cougar
That's scary
Most dangerous cats now that Cougar is around?
I volunteer as tribute.
I'm surprised they didn't tie Dragon Serval to the KF3 anniversary. it would make more sense than just randomly dropping her in later on.
You'd die, taichou
Nah, she's not as heavy as White Lion, I should be fine.
Maybe she's not as heavy, but her speed and strength...
A Friend would be gentle, right?
Not that one
What if her liking taichou makes her go harder?
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Weird dragon
Silly dragon!
Aerodynamic chorogon
>I’m Batman.
That's way more dangerous than a normal dragon!
What even is Dragon Serval supposed to be anyways, Kirin's Shiserval type form?
I want to ride that dragon
Is she compelled to destroy Coelacanth now?
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Serval Sugoi!
Right now she's just a "secret" friend you can find with the AR gimmick from the Dragon shrine collaboration. So we don't really know anything about her. Her outfit does seem similar to Kirin's Yellow Dragon outfit though.
It definitely feels like the natural conclusion to how the dragon Friends have been handled
i love otter and jagga bros
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wakaran is BEST FRIEND!!
in kingdom, does the bunny combo work the same way as the Lion and Moose combo in the sense that it goes away after the three rounds are over?
Arctic Hare is a healer, sending her out in the last three turns usually means that I'll need a third healer alongside her and Reindeer since Reindeer's healing isn't good enough while she's charging and you have to wait until the end to deploy Arctic Hare
I don't like the idea of bringing three healers, it seems like a huge waste
best friend forever!!
yes, the combo buff goes away after 3 rounds
Otter Friends are so cute
I'd extend that to all mustelids but Weasel exists...
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Gururu is having a 2nd anniversary stream with Dire, Caracal, and Rikumu soon.

What kind of animal is a Rikumu? Never heard of that.
Not the oj**-sans...
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Play with otters rocks...
that damn weasel...
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playable in kingdom soon!
domesticated cat (russian blue breed)
God I still can't believe there are friends like her existing in the files and never being made
Sleep is important, silly Friend
What did he mean by this?
Friends need more love
I think most combos have turn limits that you can read info on when looking at the Friend
Friends you can share a bed with without getting raped in your sleep?
Panda only gets in heat for like 5 minutes a year.
I want to say daughter type Friends would be the safest bet, but who knows...
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Bird and Otter get new dresses!
Those are nice, probably my favorite of the seasonal generic outfits
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Send Taichous to the Lions Arena. Let the strongest one survive.
Whoa... we gladiator now?
That's a super cool new outfit type. Hope we get more stylized in cool ways like this
Comissioned someone to draw Coyo! Can't wait to see it done
The little dragon is finally here...
Goodbye all my currency with my luck
Nice, what'd you get?
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Just a chibi coyo holding up a smol coyote. i play ff xiv and they added a coyote minion recently and it's so cute and adorable I wanted them to "collab" so to speak
her name is squeak
Sounds very cute!
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I don't like that stare...
It's not fair, all the cats keep getting such amazing outfits like this. I won't ever pick them over my Friendwife, but it makes them look way more appealing than they ever should to me!
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Oh shit, finally! That explains the sudden burst of art of her (been saving for her so hopefully i will get her)
Good luck taichou. I'm really hoping I get lucky myself, but I know that's pretty unlikely
Yeah, looking forward to it.
How do we even get the ticket for one of these? Is it locked behind the cash shop, or the final reward at the end of the current event?
They added more items to the current event store including tickets.
Oh, I didn't even think to check there. Thanks taichou.
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Gururu is such a wonderful woman. I wish her all the best.
I'm sure if the Ancient Romans could they would use Mooses in their gladiator fights too. Them horns charging at you is no joke!
>The earliest recorded description of the moose is in Julius Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico, where it is described thus:
>There are also [animals], which are called alces (moose). The shape of these, and the varied color of their skins, is much like roes, but in size they surpass them a little and are destitute of horns, and have legs without joints and ligatures; nor do they lie down for the purpose of rest, nor, if they have been thrown down by any accident, can they raise or lift themselves up. Trees serve as beds to them; they lean themselves against them, and thus reclining only slightly, they take their rest; when the huntsmen have discovered from the footsteps of these animals whither they are accustomed to betake themselves, they either undermine all the trees at the roots, or cut into them so far that the upper part of the trees may appear to be left standing. When they have leant upon them, according to their habit, they knock down by their weight the unsupported trees, and fall down themselves along with them.

Roman Moose is canon.
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Dolphin pants!
but i thought moose was american megafauna
or are you telling me romans were the first americans?
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>they crossed thrugh the bereng strait like it's no problem
>meanwhile us humans have to design special trucks that only work half the time, and go by boat the other half
meeses are so cool
Taichou, there was a land bridge there some million years ago
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This is very helpful information, taichous. Thank you. It's one of the historical themed Moose requests I've thought about but I wasn't sure about their exposure to ancient Rome so I thought I might've been limited to something like Viking Moose and only a few others though viking Moose would still be cool. Cause of that I was going to end up treating it more like a 'fantasy' request than anything else, but that changes things!
Guess that might have to be one of the next comms I order
Humans crossed the strait too, it's just that everything was frozen there for some time in the past!
>viking berserker Moose vs roman gladiator Lion
stop making good ideas it's too much you deserve a break
It's such a fun idea, duo images with the both of them like that would be so cool to see.
I do still think I'd probably get at least one or two images of Roman style Moose, but as a duo idea that'd be pretty fun.
Another pretty fun concept could be just contrasting roles, like gladiator Lion and nobility Moose or the other way around!
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Office cats judging (YOU)!
friend tummy
friend belly button
Office lady Friends are cute!
won't be so smug after a headpat
It wasn't me that left the Memo saying "Big fat cat tats" in the break room I swear
The Saint Seiya fit.
I was playing Kingdom trying to get Lion maxed, I need a TV and a few copies of her.
Then I get to work on Moose!
Why would you do such a thing
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I was hoping for an HR meeting with White Lion but I got smothered in a broom closet instead.
Isn't it strange how many broom closets get added when Friends redesign an office?
I was wondering who did the architecture...
The story of every taichou is truly that of a modern day Icarus
I don't know who is commissioning these amazing animations but God bless you (btw this is the same artist that made that bouncy genet animation)
Except instead of burning to a crisp he barely survives and keep coming back for more.
Taichou is definitely a glutton for punishment maybe even a masochist.
Who's the artist? Seems like they're just not showing up on my radar but I bet they'd be good
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Makes some pixel art type stuff as well. He's pretty good.
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Got her on the first roll
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Oh wow, yeah this guy's never appeared on my pages. Surprisingly cheap for his quality too, that's some really good stuff. Thanks taichou
I definitely need more Friend animations
Cute lizard Taichou
Space frog gets assaulted by doggy and kitty:
God please forgive me for waiting for moments like these to clip
She was great, I wish her the best as well
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This trend of turning everyone into a dragon is a nice one.
>no dragon
Dumb M*ne Frog receiving some Japari hospitality!
It's so over
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NOT that flat! Cats supremacy is real baby!
Yes faster more intense. More mama clips!
I can't believe the dragon version is even flatter than the cat. That's amazing
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Japari scientists doing science stuff!
>science stuff
All they do is run a breeding center.
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Your order, Taichou?
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Even though the cock is smaller in height, she beats the dragon in chest size lmao
She has to be the flatest friend ever
No way... the ultimate cutting board...
An order of large breasts and some inner thighs...
Kako is tired of Mirai constantly playing Melissa Etheridge songs.
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sensei is canonically the flattest friend
she just has nipples and chest, no boob
mmmm chicken breasts
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Silly Friend....
Is there any Friend that can possibly beat sensei?
Empty-headed Friend...
Not in flatness.
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A challenger approaches.
Poor sensei
She may be tiny but she sure is "tasty"...
no brain friends...
Maybe taichou is the no brain one with how he won't wake up
Otters are so good
Silly cat...
that's cute
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Biggest dork in the Savanna!
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Moose bird convict!
What did she do?
Touched taichou too hard
Oh no...
Kako, Mirai, and Calenda should teach the Friends how to be more gentle.
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Does this friends (kurosai) are into taichou? Bcs have bad experience with her.
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Finally getting around to that Red Panda comic from Waon, here goes.
>I came to receive my physical examination!
>Huh? Nana-san is...?
*Cough cough*
>She's stuck in bed with a cold so you're standing in...?
>*Wait, meaning taichou is going to examine me!?*
*Haa haa* (or if you want to be more specific, you could put something like *pant pant* since it's just heavy breathing)
>I'll be in your care!
>Weight measurement
*Thump (heartbeat)*
*Scribble scribble*
>Eyesight testing
*Eyesight MAX*
>Left! (closest to the box) Right! (close to the other arrows)
>Height measurement
*Pie~!!* (shortened "pien", just a little sad sound)
>Auscultation measurements (If you want a better word to pick for this or a note, it's basically listening to the organs like the heart or lungs)
As for the sfx on that bottom part of the page, you seem to handle sfx well but it's a lot of the classics in breathing sounds, heartbeats and such.
Gentle for a Friend is intense for taichou, you can't really change that...
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uuuuuuuu i really want this serval handbag it's so cute and adorable
*Pita* (pressing)
>It was cold so it surprised me... *fuu*
*fuu* (both breathing sounds)
>Eh? A bit higher... you say? (A little bit of a looser translation, but should fit the tone well)
>L-like this...!?
*boing boing*
>Red Panda was easy! (With how the word is used here it's for her being an "easy" girl, but I'm not sure if with the context of the next pages it'd be suitable to say she was tricked or gullible necessarily, even though lewd stuff does happen. I'd say you could say "easy to trick" or "gullible" instead of just easy if you feel that's right for your interpretation of the situation though)
>What is this
>Even though this is a normal checkup my heart is racing...
>Ah, it must be over...
>Ah, um...!? Wait a...?!
>A-any further than that... i-is no good!
Probably should be able to get the last page in tonight, it's pretty simple
Stuff like that would be pretty cute, definitely wish there were more Friend merch that wasn't just Japari Park 'branding' when it's not a direct depiction of a Friend. Guess it's hard to do that without it just being straight up animal merchandising though
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>Gray Fox
>isn't a Cyborg Ninja
that's what she wants you to think
you can't see her hands or legs under those clothes, who's to say she's not rocking some sweet augments in there? Plus, all foxes are known for sneak attacks, like ninjas. So Gray Fox really could be a cyborg ninja that makes Python-nee go "Metal Gear?!?!" when they two meet
Funny Friends cafe!
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Something is VERY wrong with the flattie!
She's just that flat, huh.
why aren't they serving stuff with pineaples and other high-zink foods? i thought their goal was repopulation, not just having a good time?
>We fought in the Japan-Man field years ago...
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Bird and sloth!
What is wrong with them
That's a big bird...
Extinction level event.
Dire is very funny too.
They don't need to be like that...
The KemoV girls in general are pretty silly
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What a nice bear
I hope we get a white rhino alt too one of these days
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Cute lizards....
Look how tiny Hululu is. Next to an American, she'd look like a child.
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But Coyo is American
Alright, last page.
Squiggly bubble is sorta untranslateable
*Pshh~* (technically "pusha~" if you want to be more accurate, but I think that slight change helps convey the spraying noise in English better without the need for an extra note)
>What is this...
*Howaa...<3* (Basically a fuzzy/fluffy and light type of feeling)
>My head is so fuzzy...<3
*Scribble scribble*
>Eh.... there aren't any problems?
>T-thank you...
Hopefully that's a decent enough translation. Definitely was a fun one to look at! Makes me wish Waon would reopen his comms, at the time of mine he didn't have NSFW enabled from what I remember so I really missed out
I wanna squish their cheeks
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Moose bird's Oktoberfest!
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what is this meant to convey
what is this meant to convey
Grown-up birds!
They don't even know one is a literal god of death.
Hey Friend! Nice pants!
Coyo is not for sexual.
Bedroom eyes say otherwise.
I don't know how the other would even do stuff with Phoenix without getting hurt
we can't let them die out Taichou
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Why do that when you can get results more directly?
that won't satisfy their animalistic needs
True, what's the point if you're not also letting the Friend have fun?
Coyotes are not endangered. They eat garbage all day.
Them being endangered or not doesn't change the mission with Coyo's bloodline!
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this was made so long ago damn i feel old
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Thanks a bunch for keeping up. I haven't been able to make progress with the moose vs doujin but I hope I can finish it this week for real. This month is festive here where I live and that meant more work for me. Thankfully is finally coming to an end.
For now to not get too rusty, and in preparation for the stuff that I have pending, here this comic>>495446882 that I liked the moment I saw it.
I guess humans drove them to ex-tea-nction!
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Very funy, haha, however...COCKhopper penguin!
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>"Tuuday on hoodraulic press channel"
I can hear that guy's voice, god damn. Wonder if he'd make a clay figure of the smug rat and crush her as a dangerous animal.
No worries about that too, I'll just be occasionally putting out more things when I can!
I think the next one might be that Alpaca one with how simple and cute it is.
Triple threat...
Taichou's innocence won't survive the night.
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Nue truck driver!
heh, cute
Is it really okay for such an empty-headed Friend to drive?
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Are you sure to put it in, Taichou?
Why would I put it in a washboard?
Washboards deserve love too
Why is she so lewd?
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KemoV real
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Fuk you buddy. Seven attempts so far and nothing. What's kinda funny is the game mega cucked me once and gave the not so flat cat god instead
More of 7liquid's lewd Serval and Kaban story. First and second parts;
Good to see more comics from him with Friends again
American identity mixed with Friend-ness creates a dangerous combo
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>Blue Dragon is gone from the left
Poor girl. She is by far the most forgettable of the dragons.
Probably cause it'd look weird having her looking nearly the same on both sides or something like that
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That cat's outfit is truly something else
How are cats allowed to get away with this
Stretchy kitty!
All Friends are, they're just the most brazen to do it.
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Silly birds!
they look very gay
He has a case of the Monday's
Yeah, see also no Kirin, only Yellow Dragon since it's just an outfit change.
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Cool frens!
They need to have some restrictions!
Let Friends be lewd.
It's too much of a risk for taichou
How is it risky?
Taichou's going to struggle with other jobs if all his blood is packed into one spot!
Just do the paperwork during the refractory period!
>getting paperwork done
You mean Friend sitting on his lap and getting in the way time?
>Blue Dragon already getting reprinted
Anon earlier wasn't joking; she's so unloved that she's already being given out again. Other reprints take forever. I blame M*ne for this.
Poor blue dragon...
I'm sure there are cuddling positions that still let Taichou do some typing.
Friends most likely to play with your nipples or your butt?
Not when Friends are doing what they do to taichous at the same time
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Drunk dragons!
I feel like even the most innocent Friends might try the first one if taichou makes a funny enough noise when it happens
>Taichou is a squeaky toy
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Dhole's dream!
Gee Dhole, how come Mirai lets you have TWO Taichous?
Mirai is planning to film a proper 1 Dhole 2 Taichous animal video!
There's nothing proper about that...
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Whitey discovering the greatness of Mayo!
It's properly lewd!
Not another mayo freak...
I'll be sure to judge that later
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That lazy hack forgot the garterbelt!
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Very reliable whitey!
It was mentioned before already, she's just seiryuu with a different outfit. There's not much novelty like with the other 3
Birds shouldn't be allowed to be this cute
I like the nod to Gururu being a biker chick. She digs the ride.
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Someone drew a "serval dragon".
That's a horny serval
yeah I'd it
Taichou is dead!
not big surprise
Crushed pelvis...
Ah he was on breeding facility duty again.
How does he even continue work with that?
Sandstar bone marrow transplant.
He doesn't.
He's dead.
Poor taichou
Friend most likely to give you a sweet hug and comfort you after the hip breaking?
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Dhole's nightmare...
More like Dhole's reality nowadays, the poor girl
Why is bro reinventing Kemono Friends
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Nee-san style Capybara is incompatible with my mind
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Great minds think alike, Taichou...
Poor Dhole
Hey, at least they're not sitting closer together and doing anything past that!
Surely she still has a chance!
Good. Dhole can get cucked off for beung annoying
Dhole can share.
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Moose bird flu!
The competition is fierce in Japari Park, Dhole never stood a chance
Well now that's just rude she might be clingy for Taichou but she's not annoying
I don't think there's enough Taichou to go around..
I like his art style, but he goes for a more 'monster girl' type style with these designs, which I don't particularly like that much. KF designs are more much appealing in my opinion.
Zoomers get the hint, masks will never be hot.
Cute deer-bird!
I dunno taichou, masks can be kinda lewd when they hide stuff happening underneath
KF designs definitely have a much more specific and tanoshii feel to them
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Got two new birds
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That guy's Caracal is less 2P Serval at least.
Rest in peace taichou
Won't be found for at least 3 days
What happens to the park if moose and moose bird team up?
We'd need some kind of Sea Moose to stop them.

The twist is Sea Moose is just vanilla Moose.
Moose in a swimsuit...
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Tipsy goon
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please let it be inna one piece
I need these girls
I just thought of a really cool idea for a military weapon
God, my wife is so pretty
how much gooning do the dragons do?
Probably a few hours.
More than taichou, that's for sure
Taichou doesn't even have a chance to goon, he just gets plapped all the time.
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Ohhh man, this one's so fucking good. I love it!
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What's this about?
Moosechou has it good
Dummy taichou can't stop thinking about work when he's supposed to have fun on a holiday. Deserves correction..
Can't stop thinking about jelly kako's fat jelly kakos
God, what a pretty comic. mgmg's Moose depictions are so amazing and make the pain of no Moose hurt even worse
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Cow print Moose...
I mean, he's getting it out of the dragons in the end right?
Taichou is dreaming...
>Wake up
>See Black Serval is back in rotation
>Other than Mimi Serval, she's the only Serval I don't have
>Decide to roll her
Taichou saw everything that he had rolled, and indeed, it was very good.
Good work getting the last Serval (so far) you can, taichou!
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This park staff looks weird.
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Snacking around Moose birds... Big mistake!
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Moose bird secures her snacks!
What a silly bird
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Big bird assault!
Maybe taichou is lucky it's only hip breaking that happens to him...
How big is her right tit to be visible from this angle?
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good bird
Just admire the breast meat, Taichou
torso slightly turned diagonally please understand
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Silly birds...
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this one gonna be gud
>You can still get the new super intelligent Black Rhino!
I have my doubts.

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