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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494499081
catboy supremacy
moonies run these threads
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>people only hate smile because its positive
Are these songs not positive ????? What the fuck are they if not positive and heroic interpretations of the plot
post fiddies please
searching for a bloonie for my bloonie
Myron Bruh is a lying obessive creepy sexpest stalker. DO NOT interact with him
Who's the funniest ebin in your opinion? Not asking who you like the most and who you crush on, I want to know who you objectively find the funniest motherfucker from here.
should i post my goopnose?
Miya Kabuto
Maggo Drago is a lying obessive creepy sexpest stalker. DO NOT interact with him
The actual funny posters are barely even classified as ebins
The only regular poster that makes me laugh is the solo FC guy. None of the ebins are particularly funny
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I'm making serious cash right now
Post big titty catgirls for Saturday
I see my crush in the LB…
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there are very few of us
i dont consider actual funny posters ebins
i will now interact with myron bruh
hell yea
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Moonies! :3
gger ska
like it's not bad if you consider it only as a song in its own genre, it does what it's supposed to do. like if you're just listening to it as a gospel song, it's *okay*.

it's terrible given where they decided to apply it and the way it affected the mood of everything they slapped it over.
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last call, q cc 7:45 et on crystal
who's your crush
sorry i seem to have misplaced her i'll try again next thread
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Silence from the knife that softly severs
Mistaken for an unsung prayer
Now rising from the soundless deep, awaken
White fury, blinding indigo
Swell ye seas of old, leviathan, leviathan
Surging tides grow bold, leviathan
Seething currents whorl, leviathan, leviathan
To swallow up the world, leviathan, leviathan
Leviathan, leviathan endless
Leviathan, leviathan send us
Leviathan, leviathan rend us
Leviathan, leviathan end us
Posting fiddie
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no wait please
This is a good fiddie
>Meidis is gay
Which ebin do you absolutely loathe and why?
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You may have an old cat for this Caturday.
How come no one ever posts proof with these?
ebin is a derogatory term for avatarfag
blacking out while choking on this fiddie's +
brb making dirt
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my sphenis just throbbed again
Me. The reason should be obvious.
enough about who are the worst sexpests, who are the BEST sexpests?
the ones you WISH would groom and plaprape you?

my femra is listening to this
Effy and Kong ERP when?
Hnnngggg need an EB who uses the preggers body,,,,
you didn't make dirt that was mother natures creation you're stealing
erm, myron is a catgirl though
Either that or sometimes the person he is plapping will post their pics
I shan't be posting mine

but this is my favorite one
Ccatgirl (of the moon)
I heard male middies impregnate this one regularly
fiddie means futa middie
Would this cat
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This. You cannot qualify as an ebin unless you force yourself onto the thread to an annoying degree, and no one likes that or the people who do it.
I don't know who Kong is. I don't care. And, god willing, I will never do either for the rest of my life. Why would I ever find such a person funny? I on;y know they exist at all because everyone else thinks is extremely important to have an opinion on this person, whoever the fuck they are.
post middies (male)
Plappers don't like to associate with kiss and tellers
my male middie looks like this
Rob Chidori
Because if you say x bad enough people start to believe it
See: Elk and Kong
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feline of the lunar
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sex with catgirls
grow up
can you post my butt?
This is a good anon
Oh no!! I'll put you to bed and take care of you...
Now you definitely have to post your fiddie!
This is FAKE news don't listen to this guy
we're so back
every once in a while this cat pops up and every once in a while so do i
Would this cat as well
But she's not a futa, no pussy down there
anyone else here have no irl gf abd in-game eb
I do all my funny post anonymously and I don't want to cuck everyone with the knowledge that their favorite anonymous poster is an ebin that they hate.
lookin god bro
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>bored as fuck, watching a >stream
>streamer talks about someone getting sexpested in-game
>chatter asks what server
>people reply balmung
>random chatter goes "wtf don't be like that"
>"people love to blame balmung for that"
>watch this happen in the chat
>I'm a malera
The irony is not lost on me but c'mon dawg
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moonie sisters, get behind me.
Thanks, you too.

I'm still around just not as this cat...
i have several exes irl and in game
i am perhaps unlovable
cute cute fiddie
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Whats the worse population of XIV? The MTF femra tranny lords with their eb obsessed simps or the less talked about FTM miqo slutpoles with their flavor of the month chaser defenders?
lookin' real fucking cotton candy bro
all my pictures are thirst traps and i cant post those here
Hola, azul squeak. /pet
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I will post not one, but TWO fiddies.
Do we have an objective list on who the current ebins are?
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take this, anon, you'll need it :3
me :3
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Here's my fiddie
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I'm EB'd to the grind haha .... hah.... um....
Look into his angel eyes
One look and you're hypnotized
He'll take your heart and you must pay the price
Look into his angel eyes
You'll think you're in paradise
And one day you'll find out he wears a disguise
Don't look too deep into those angel eyes
Oh no no no no
All me.
all my wives
The state of crystal
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only because you said I have to I will

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Yeah? What's good bro
I am currently logged in on my sunny.
Where do you get all these moonies from, moonie poster?
The one on the right is clearly either a modded elezen or highlander though???
wife material!
I have a ton of funny posts but I do it as anon and do my attention whoring on my plapmeat
My middie preferred beast tribes over allied societies
Shame my cat is dead now
I want to plap Cassius Aurelius so fucking bad…
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It was better in Japanese, but man Wuk really stole the thunder in that final fight.
I thought moonie stocks were supposed to crash
i'll oblige
how's it going bro
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I am not a moonie but here, my most prized moonie pic
Same but he said he has to start out with smaller futa cocks before he can handle mine
Then WHY did I see it happen? Saw her near a male midlander with him behind her. She then walked odd!
Heard male middies like to impregnate glubs
My favourite fiddie fan...
Her stealing Otis' scene was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
She went from annoying to "just fuck off"
Molly sexpests my middie
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What would it smell like?
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i found a matching lala
A-as you wish, sister.
*get down on my knees*
*lift the tail*
single as can be
bro thinks hes the lich king
nah, that fiddie uses highlander animations for some reason.
one of my LB crushes
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gonnya do all the roulettes
leaving in 5 minoot
on baldumb atm
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I can't throw this away, can I?
i dont even know what to say to you niggas ima rape u both
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This. You'll notice that all of the songs that people consider the 'best' FF14 songs are all associated with the high points of the story. To The Edge, Flow, Return to Oblivion, Scream, etc are all dramatically bolstered by being associated with emotionally resonant story beats or other favorable contexts like awesome fights.

Smile is, in a vacuum, a fine song. But it has the opposite of the bolstering effect because the story beats it is associated with are in Dawntrail, where like all of the rest of the things in DT that *should* be good it was mismanaged into something lackluster. Smile didn't made sense for the tone of either of the places it is used, it doesn't work as a hype action scene song and while it would make for good ending credits music it doesn't fit the tone of the ending we got *at all*.

> spend an hour murdering the digital ghosts of an entire civilization
> fight to the death someone that the game insists on telling us that we like actually and should feel pity for over and over again for reasons that make logic sense if you read between the lines but the story itself never made a strong argument for
> be left in a dead, desolate landscape of our own creation, a grim but necessary evil

Its just out of place, and comes in when the player is likely most sour because the ending failed to bring this all together in a way that made us care.
My femlala rubbing your cock with her feet
Its in the name, retard.
i have two weddings to go to next week.

im the groom in both
How many moonies are in this I wonder
that's a cool one
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ok ggs someone else can take over
what are you now?
I like the snake jumpscares...
happy cat
FACE your enemy moonie, so you may be moonied
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Post your top 5 male middies and what you like most about them
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
We do NOT rape male midlanders
Shan't be doing that but I love my bros
I am a big fan...

you should say hi to me (unless I already know you then hi!)
Did this fill sis?? I see LOCKED DUTY... WTF...
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This is the first time in my 2 years of playing that a duty has been canceled.
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Hey, bros...
its ok i forgot about it until now
what are those proportions bro....
post what’s in the folder but just the folder names, no thumbnails
shant be doing that but my bros know who they are and i love and support them all the time
I wish for giant fiddies...
I wish I could play this game on console but modded ffxiv is the only way I have of making friends right now
the game looks like such ass, I just want a ps5
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I am a male hroth
all of these are valid points. it doesn't fit the story beats. it doesn't really fit the theme. it really doesn't even fit the setting, either. i think there may have even been a place for like a gospel style song in the game, but not here.

if they really wanted to leave us on any positive pacing, i'd have at least like drawn from the roots of the area they based the continent off of? throw us into a cool drumline and latin dance beat and symbolize that the story's gonna be picking up from here, something.

i feel like the trailer song did a great job of encapsulating the expac but yeah.... the supplementary song has always hit harder, and this one did not.
He's a male midlander... *blushes*
Heard male midlanders like to impregnate this fiddie
Plapping this fiddie
Only if you don’t take the plan b I got you
>the game looks like such ass, I just want a ps5
It looks like ass on PS5 too
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how does it even fit..
More posts like this.
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miera laz is probably the funniest person ive ever met even outside of vg
when is appal gonna get HROTHed?
moonie in the outdoors
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Here have this fiddie
I didn't realize it defaulted to expert
I've fixed and put it up for a bit longer
also wtf why dony't you have expert unlock
nice diaper
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what does passionate loving with a male middie feel like
>golbez trial
>sprout tank is at 9 vuln stacks
>sprout cotank is at 8 vuln stacks
send help
*runs away*
Ranru, my beloved. Please plap me with your giant Moonie+ woober
I heard you kissed him IRL at fanfest from a reliable source...
not telling you!!
built for instant loss
Like eternal bliss
What race do male middies like the most?
Hey /xivg/.... Zolzayaa
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It's pretty fun sis. Try it sometime.

t. femra
Cause I've been afraid to do the straborough deadwalk... ._.
very tight
Femra Nation
*runs up behind you and pulls your shorts up your ass and gives you a wedgie then runs away*
Snake jumpscares your /tells
I'll need to find you again later!
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queue for mahjong (novice quick) on crystal or I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!
Do you have lewds...
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sister what are you doing..
i dont have an enemy moonie, all moonies are my allies.
>from a reliable source...
you cannot be your OWN source
what jacket is that you fat tit goonie
Shut up.
Shut the fuck up, from one male midlander to whatever the fuck you are.
Sick of you fagtrons. Lord help you if you ever message me in-game.
I think it's nice to have a common afk/hangout spot but whenever one is decided the ebinism gets way out of hand. Every second post is just "wow guess what's happening in place x!"
I'm not jealous of val with that fiddie, nope, not at all
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i'm sorry for leading this moonie on
His humour is a bit too reddit for me but he's still better than most anons here
that was unexpected
What is this dance i'm seeing floating around
It's not even really gospel. It kinda sorta has tones reminiscent of gospel if you go for "general vibes" as an argument. But really, it's more like a Disney song. I hear it and I hear it trying to be the new Circle of Life more than it's trying to be gospel. It also fits in better with the way DT tries to be moralizing for kids in the most awkward of ways, I just had the impression the entire expansion that this was an attempt at a Disney story, that fit in really badly because this game is not Disney and then also was executed really, really badly internally.
Never forget this fiddie got cucked by a biohole femra.
why not...

yeah it'd be nice to chat again! and maybe this time I won't be drop dead tired lmao
to the moon(ie)
pretty fiddie
Femra Nation
Can I meet and smooch you?
cause ur afraid of ghosts
*giggles* I could never hate male midlanders...
I never knew and I never cared.
a rava+ wrote this
nobody beats the vag
For me in particular, matchup between fieras and catgirls.
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clearly you care since you responded to it
Oldpost also gn lads
Would right back, perhaps
I feel exactly like this on occasion . . .
I'll have you know that they're just the right size https://payhip.com/b/QXFK0
Does Effy like femra?
oh real shit?
ME TOO, I might swing by in a bit...
/pet 9999999999x
/yes 1x
/dote 1x
/joy 1x
/hug 1x
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Sure but uh... im not online right now, not as my fiddie anyways :^)
That's not how it works.
yes I do
second life
Why oh why, why oh why
are you giving up on me
I'll be waiting, waiting for you
Let me hold you
Under the tree
*runs up behind you and pulls your shirt over your head*
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I made a shitty knockoff
you won't like who it is...
*oils ur joints.*
Anyone remember the sunnie+ named Kawaii Night something?
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idk just do what feels right
Gn milk truck cat
Like you wouldn't believe (it's unreal)
Direct Hit. I'm not joking. Tank gear doesn't have it naturally but it's the best thing to meld
if you didnt give a shit you wouldn't waste a post talking about it or giving it attention
Bros... imagine that finger going up and down inside your ass...
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I love xiv drama man, this is what I reckon every raider is like with women.
I think it could have worked, but Dawntrail missed a crucial opportunity to make the subtext into text in a place where it was desperately needed:

It needed to be way, way more explicit that the WoL's job this expansion was to 'mentor' Wuk Lamat. That alone changes the context for a bunch of shit from "Why don't we just effortlessly solve this ourselves, which we obviously could do" to 'this is a test for Wuk Lamat, she needs to pass or fail it on her own'. You can even make it so that this is a request that her dad makes to us directly when we have that conversation about her not yet being ready for the throne.

Imagine if Wuk Lamat was actively trying to win our approval, and even had a couple of training missions or arcs under us where we show her how its done. If you did it right, then it makes Wuk Lamats later accomplishments into our accomplishments by proxy, because it means we did our job of making Wuk Lamat suck less. Instead of the current version, which is "Wuk Lamat, please, the adults are talking."

You could have done a cool thing in the middle where Wuk Lamat tries changing her fighting style to copy ours, actually have a scene where she tries to use whatever job the WoL is currently on and fucking it up, before rotating through some other weapons in the next couple beats of the story before going back to her Axe at the end but with self confidence this time because she's not longer just trying to copy us.
I'll be around in lb14, though I may leave to go make dinner..

as long as you're not someone I've had a negative interaction with prior idk why I wouldn't
Femra vag...
Man I want to have a raider gf
Anonymous, someone telling you they do not care about your obsessive drama shit does not mean they care about your obsessive drama shit.
Did jumbo cactpot already happen on EU?
That's their name. I couldn't remember. Whatever happened to them
Do you want the numbers?!


Does Effy like short and flat anemic face 1 raen
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here's 710 crafted bis
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Any gamers around here?
How many 100x battles and how many 333x battles have you won so far?
From the onset of the expansion, the very idea of going to a foreign country at the behest of someone we barely know anything about to help her fight for political control of her country is fucking awful. How the fuck was this billed as a vacation when it's just another poorly dont version of a story we've already seen?
>It needed to be way, way more explicit that the WoL's job this expansion was to 'mentor' Wuk Lamat.
I think this is an important factor. In EW, we were basically a hired mercenary or to act as her "champion".
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Yua Hina won
What the hell you can't take a picture of LL that looks that cute. She's supposed to look autistic.
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oh hi effy i've done that ameliance gpose i promised.
took me abit but here is the result:
do you like malera
nice double chin
I wish Effy loved me irl.
We all know this is a lie, you LOVE male middie woobies
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i will be the caller
crystal casual cc @ 5 et
S-sorry sister. It was just a joke. I know that you wouldn't want... or would you? Just joking. Unless...?
idk i think hes still around
i dont remember him being a futa tho
he's in core so ask there
>You could have done a cool thing in the middle where Wuk Lamat tries changing her fighting style to copy ours, actually have a scene where she tries to use whatever job the WoL is currently on and fucking it up,
Youre implying this game has any soul left.
male middies
wyd in game?
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do you like my moonie xivg?
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Ye, I'm friends with 'em. What's up?
Playing Elden Ring
>i dont remember him being a futa tho
All he did was make gposes with him as a futa lmao
i was gonna call...
Grrr.......you lookin' to die?!?!?!
oh hell nah they got mr incredible on galaxy gas
Is it better to rape a very unwilling femra or fuck a very enthusiastic one?
I do! Cute moonie! *smooches*
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was trying to raid Woods but im gonna have to log back into xiv and probably farm FATEs because the servers died
forgot to mention buy the tome chestpiece don't waste melds on it. here's 730 bis that you should be working for unless you're clearing as PLD to get gear for your main job
why does it have to be one or the other
I just want to meet your fiddie, she's an 11/10 :3
Give yourself a kyoppi chin
Male midlanders, teach me your ways, I wish I could pull so much pussy
What's galaxy gas
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u can if u wanna bro i'm not stoppin u... after this one i'll stop if u wanna
hitting the cartnite rn
nice armpit
This expansion would have been good if it was truly the vacation expansion.
This lower stakes story could have been good if it had actually lowered the stakes.
Wuk Lamat could have been a good character if we actually had been her mentor.
Tural could have been a nice place if it actually behaved like a land at peace and not the most dysfunctional place on Hydaelyn just pretending it is.

This is the expansion of "If things had been as they are presented to be, it could have been good, but not a single thing we say is true".

It really, truly feels like Square was completely convinced that merely introducing Wuk Lamat would make the entire playerbase instantly love her and pledge their entire lives to her unconditionally and without hesitation. It's incomprehensible.
only if you smother me to death with your tits, oh wait...
Yeah. The contrast of flat vs fat chest would be fun
Inverted nipples... kino. Saved, very good. Your cat is great by the way
Yeah they're sick nasty cool nice
You would hate that, I assure you
>GT banned again
>The creepy homo OPs stop
>Threads don't get immediately posted at 700 posts
>All the "anonymous" posts defending him stop too
You don't even know who I am.
we're supposed to be getting pussy?
the tobey mcguiyart lowkey blinkin and i dont got a type-c charger so im huffin straight error codes rn
Is this really how I found out I'm not supposed to attach +54 to every slot possible
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thank u thank u
>This expansion would have been good if it was truly the vacation expansion.
>This lower stakes story could have been good if it had actually lowered the stakes.
>Wuk Lamat could have been a good character if we actually had been her mentor.
>Tural could have been a nice place if it actually behaved like a land at peace and not the most dysfunctional place on Hydaelyn just pretending it is.
>This is the expansion of "If things had been as they are presented to be, it could have been good, but not a single thing we say is true".
fuck man, you hit the nail on the head there.
Yua Hina Zalera. She was a "popular" glubrawho would orbit Rori and Jupyter. Most notably she is a biohole that would include her real face in her eb applications. She apparently(according to schizo posters) led scar fiddie on while fucking around with/dating Luneir. Her tits got leaked and posted here along with her ahaego face. Or maybe she just posted those on trash. Either way, it leaked here.
Gonna get something to eat, brb
pvp hounds, the lot of you
are you gonna play ff16 after that
i have no idea what Woods is but it’s probably more fun raiding in that than xiv
1. I don't know who that is
2. No one reads the OP.
3. No one cares when the thread gets made.
4. Who the fuck cares.
Why do people ruin their characters with ugly cocks
Having a nice saturday, anon?
damn i love vexa
I'm lookin for smooches.
holy moly
pic unrelated??
Go do your island chores now. You haven't been there in weeks or months.
One of the better ones
Nothing to ruin in that character, just awful design all around.
i wish they would ruin my character with that cock
Nah, gonna log in to ff14 later
Vexa is dogshit even without the cock.
how many wipes?
>It really, truly feels like Square was completely convinced that merely introducing Wuk Lamat would make the entire playerbase instantly love her and pledge their entire lives to her unconditionally and without hesitation. It's incomprehensible.
It feels hands off from the main team, and left to a C or D squad for things. There's no way that any of them read through all this and thought, "Yeah, this is fine" because the way Yoshida phrased the 'issues' with Wuk is really, really not even close to the problems with her character or the writing. Hell, he didn't even touch on the poor writing, pacing for characters, and the sheer fact that the Scions were here and that the ones that should've had story got nothing.
Either they're banking on the patches/8.0 or they just fucking know the majority of the playerbase will mindlessly defend anything about FFXIV because it's their home.
Nitrous oxide, huffing it causes actual brain damage
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I miss this fucking autist so much bwos
Read 48 Laws of Power and watch Andrew Tate vids.
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While people are talking about savage, how do you get into it?
Do you just join a party finder group? What kind of gear do you need to start?
Would. Every last inch.
It's the best
disgusting tranny
does effy like big veiny woobers irl
Why would I do something like that?? I'm not here to bully people for inane, insignificant, petty, and superficial reasons.

You ARE looking to die......I don't need tits to smother you to death, you know..
>Why would I do something like that
Because it'd be funny?
That is a very cute femra, are you single
Buy gear
Meld BiS
Join week 1
If you didn't join week 1 you're fucked
Not really. I'm getting demolished in mahjong, my connection is being spotty, I have criterion later, and I kind of just want to rewatch a movie and chit chat with people.
dif10 super helldives
Have sex with trans women.
pls don’t be a golem and be a real, live face 1 middie
Isn't yua a tranny?
love big rava dongers
>Meld bis
But thats millions of gil
post drip
Yeah, I'm cooking ribeye steak to celebrate
>Do you just join a party finder group?
>What kind of gear do you need to start?
crafted/tome/ex1 gear
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I like this unironically
The femra's my main alt but otherwise yes
Watching Chelsea troll in the prem, crafting repair kits, might gpose something, and then celebrating a friend's birthday tonight with omakase.
I'd say it's pretty alright.
nope, sorry
cc doko?!
What is your main then?
god I hate beastiality.
i’m afraid ill find mummified animal corpses..
Cute cat proxy, what made you want to fanta again?
The fact that every single fucking mod for females is on Yab/Rue now really irks me, the legs on that mod are so fucking retarded looking
I think nu monk is growing on me, at first I disliked how they removed the dot and buff but the burst feels less shit because they're gone now
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>i have no idea what Woods is
escape from tarkov map/zone
you always want to max out or get as close to maxing your prioritized stats by looking at these, goes for DoL/DoH jobs too
710 gear from normal raids or crafted along with melds and as much tome [the capped ones] gear as you can
watch guides and join fresh prog groups until you can learn a fight well enough to clear it
this tier is super easy and this late into the tier so many people are very geared you're likely to skip some of the final mechs of fights. if you make a PF and post it here you might get people willing to carry you to a clear, too
710IL crafted/extreme gear. tome gear.
join a fresh prog group
I wish someone loved me.
Two wipes and the first one was such a slog. Even healer LB3 didn't help, because all of use decided to wipe 10 seconds later in the double stack aoe.
I love you.
i love you
Are you worthy of love though?
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I am a real, live, face 1 middie
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next raid series is in march
i'm sure you will be able to get at least 200 crit/dh/det materias until then
>What kind of gear do you need to start?
Savage prog BiS gear which is crafted pentameld.
>Do you just join a party finder group?
Yeah join a fresh prog, then ones on your prog point
*hugs* You will find someone somday, anon.
I love you
My affection comes in two flavors: painfully obsessive or maybe a bit too dismissive. It's an unfun rollercoaster to be a part of I think
Haven't seen you around on this 'ra in a while. Love her to death
cute leviah is CUTE
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The voices...
they made me do it...
not really i just really appreciated her aesthetically and just changed into it
that niggy was cappin ong frfr
You and me both sister
do you have tiny bunny ears? or are those cowlicks
>the Scions were here and that the ones that should've had story got nothing.

>mfw the Krile expansion let her have less personal agency and dignity than fucking EW, where she mostly passed messages
>mfw Thancred and Urianger are supposed to be our big rivals throughout the expansion, important enough to feature in the cover art above all other Scions, and they have less lines than minor sidequest npcs
>mfw we discover a shard portal and a shard key and Y'shtola is like "Eh, I'm not feeling it today, I'll just hang back and guard the rear aight?"
>mfw Alphinaud talks about Tural and Wuk Lamat like it's the first time he sees how a country works or how a political figure does stuff
>mfw I have no face because WoL isn't allowed to do anything in the whole story and has only started to somewhat matter now with the raids
fine, i'll do it myself, none of the other bickering anons are doing another match. take over after this if ya want.

casual cc at 9:45 et
just saw some dude play a fart SFX with an emote with some shit and some other dude said "that sounds like my size" before walking over. i'm uninstalling mare
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Give Dark Knight abilities that use health as a resource for damage
Give Dark Knight healing abilities that use mana as a resource
Give Dark Knight an ability that regens mana
Build the job around this concept
Remove any semblance of the 2roon minute cooldown cancer shit and have some fucking creativity for once
There. I fixed the job.
Hey retard, what fucking game do you think youre playing? All damage is highly scripted and designed to leave you alive with plenty of HP if you do the mechanic right. If some moron cant restrain themselves, then we call that a skill issue.
Oh boo-fucking-hoo. You already do less damage than tanks. Shut the fuck up and cast Cure 2 and do your fucking job, tranny freak.
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>2 more months of nothing until 7.1
No it wouldn't.

So are you anon, thank you!
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Painfully obsessive please.
The weirdo in the back
Oh I'm glad you like her so much!! I'll have to give you a prod some time
i was just messin with you, dumbo
Flat moonies
He has none left to give of that. It's all on me.
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CC 9:50 ET
>average moonie player irl
gonna trial for a 24 man savage static
is the 24 man savage real or was that a mistranslation i forget
max height, max bust and max tail moonies
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my moonie is like this
>Remove any semblance of the 2roon minute cooldown cancer shit
this but for all jobs please
we're getting to the point where most of the damage is being done in the first 15 seconds of the fight
i am a malera
that cleared m4s for the first time :)
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i'll keep calling after this one
Guh, I love Frontline.
congrats king
thank you thank you i just wanted to get into a match lol! no hard feelings.
you snoozed, you losed.
Cute, as long as you’re happy. I do miss your lala though!
Bottom coded
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>Start developing a crush on someone from /xivg/
>They say they're a girl
>Starting flirting
>Join voice chat that they're in on discord
>Manlier voice than me

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nom nom nom
2 minute meta is pretty comfy
Sex with catgirls with homophobic eyes
post adventure plate
CC 11:40 ET
No one asked you dragonfucker
my moonie ate too much and now her tummy hurts
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my moonie is like this
Would've cleared faster as a male midlander
The 2 min meta shit is so fucking soulless. I hate it so god damn much.
Effy give me a man's name. Something good.
spot the transphobe
your moonie will never be osaka
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it will be missed, tho she still saved as a golem...
and if i feel like it i still can gpose as her
or just skynwalk myself...
What's the Costco equivalent of Etheirys?
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mine is like this
my voice is like catgirl voice 11 sorry
Are the bees that cross the field on honey b lovely truly random or is there a savespot I can always fall back to?
vexa knows i hate her hyper bun tho
i bully her every day
Wasn't one of tural's big issues food production while having a trailer that features them killing one beast that would feed the entire village
does she want a sunnie to rub her stomach to make her feel better
I've just noticed that my moonies eyes glance around ever so slightly instead of staying perfectly still, neat touch ive never noticed before
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>be femlala
>interested in lalaboy
>he joins my static
>static asks why i havent been on vc the last 4 times
>leave static and delete account and discord
yes please
they're only doubling down on this
pressing buff that gives you a buff to use another ability that does damage
very fun exciting gameplay i love pressing some ogcd skill i can't even see under all the VFX spam once every 2 minutes
what anime is that
friendly reminder that this bun's erp partners are zadie zane (remember him?) and khazia wolfe aka the "new" inquisitor elezen
>val with blue hair

is macchi infecting people?
they're just cowlicks
here bwo
I'm pretty sure they always spawn 135 or 67.5 degrees apart for the first 3 bees and there are basically 3 possible patterns (the 3rd one just being a rotation of the other one)
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>developing a crush outside of highschool
>developing a crush with an anon
any germans itt? i need you to get on vocaroo and say negev NOW
Does she want another moonie to rub her stomach together with the sunnie?
My moonie does this
Delicious in Dungeon
Go watch it, fucker
Little bit. Big fan of COCK
It usually kinda cycles back & forth between the two. I need to get better about managing it
/wow /wow /nod /wow
The Shitripper
It all makes sense now
in savage or normal? and also if its alarm 1 or 2 since in alarm 1 they're a random spawn order around the outside but are targeted at a random player. the start position for alarm 2 is static though but can either go clockwise or anticlockwise around the outside
Get as much ilvl 710 (crafted, normal raid and EX1/2) and 720 gear (tome). In 7.1, you'll have easier access to ilvl 720-730 gear as they'll add EX weapons (ilvl 725), augmented crafted and alliance raid gear (ilvl 720).
Meld your gear, even if it's just the guaranteed slots (crafted gear can be overmelded, that's what the grade XI materia are for after the first overmeld slot).
Type the name of the fight on youtube and the common strat names for it ("m1s Hector", "m4s pastebin", "m4s Rinon", etc.) so you have an idea of how to do the fight. No one's doing blind prog at this point anymore and you'll be expected to watch a guide first before joining a party.
Use PF to prog and clear the fights with PUGs or join a static recruitment discord to find a group for the tier. Most casual groups meet 2 or 3 times a week to play 2-3 hours a day up to 9 hours a week. They're a good starting point even if it's just to acquire some raiding experience without the expectation of clearing the tier before Echo is added around 7.17 or 7.18.
>Start developing a crush on someone
>They say they're a grown ass man
>Start flirting
>Join voice chat
>Clearly a woman's voice
I can't take this shit man why does this keep happening
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Rent free
My femra? She mains Paradox, Pocket, and Vindicta.
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I'm logging in
That's a bad name. I'm going to bed instead of making a tavern.
>Big fan of COCK
based, wanna meet up and frot?
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Corsair fiddies
ladainian tomlinson chases men in ffxiv?
my femra just fucking shits on the floor and all over the place and shit
Hey thats good, i look forward to your new twitter posts then with your cat
Please kill yourself
>Femboy porn spammed all last night
>Gets deleted
>GT hasn't posted since
>No gay ops
Really makes ya think huh?
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dungeon meshi
>Get new ability
>Can only use it once every 2 mins
>Cant even see the unique animation your character does because it gets overridden by your GCD
two is better than one!
go away
>flirt with melf
>we hit it off
>he confesses to me hes actually a woman irl crying over voicechat the first time we talk to each other
>my boner for him dies
>its a fucking dirty fujo
why does this shit keeps happening man
EB status?
cowgirl (position) fiddie
nah, he just took off his trip.
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Oh god this smile
my heart
bless whoever made this facial scaling preset
Talking about normal. I also had the impression that the first couple bees have set spawnpoints that create a cross pattern.
put her in protection or get someone to do it, that's unsanitary
What I have or what I desire?
>Develop a crush on someone from /xivg/
>Join voice chat with them
>They have a super deep, breathy voice
>Can't stop thinking about how they must sound when they're getting off
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felt like a pitbull that match
casual cc on crystal @ 1:40 et
I love how you keep saying who cares to drama while caring enough to respond to it. You care. You keep engaging with you. YOU. CARE. YOU. LIKE. THIS.
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Name ONE thing bad about Kong. You can't because they're a good person.
pumping to this fiddie
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Yeah... that was a pretty good callout. I laughed really hard.
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do I fanta to this?
I picked those lips, are they good?
"i'm a big dog, i do big dog shit"
honestly same that match was great
God I'd kill for more chances to use single target GCD heals.
mmhmm! i have some ideas in mind!
I'll try to gpose more often too.
Honestly I cannot remember normal that much as I've not done it in quite a while
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>Join a static/help someone clear reclears
>The most trucker voice I have ever heard in my life
>Race: Female lalafell.
okay but does he like femra
holy cute
>um actually you do care
No, I don't.
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cutenose poonie
He can't go 3 posts without using majima and I haven't seen majima since.
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Got bullied by the NIN.
>face 4
my favorite gt meme is how he says he hates pedos and then people took it personally

The normal mech on that is actually harder. It has the random puddles.

See if you still call me cute after I knock your teeth out.
That's right
Pick bigger lips
Follow your heart, not what other fags in the thread say or think.
Shut the fuck up idiot, you can't kill anyone, you're a grown man posting cringe ass RP shit threatening people. Grow the fuck up
gocksniffer brapfart
but their horns are cool
prettiest poster here
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i BULLIED the nin
what you want in your mouth/face
very smoochable
some people have told me that my voice would be good for JOI and I have no clue how to respond to something like that
face 4 is the best one
extremely cute femra
> Start developing a crush on someone from /xivg/
>Dont say I’m a girl
>Starting flirting
>Join voice chat that they're in on discord
>They think I’m a bio fem
>I have a dick

which nin
Thank you for caring. Thank you for asking.
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Give me this facial scaling preset sis.
>face 4
You respond with JOI.
every femra i have tried to talk to has flaked on me
it’s wild how full the thread is with them
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His name was Heiko Harlock.
Not Cass, the other one.
What are you now?
Yeah the bigger/medium lips are better than smallest ones on f4.
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Remember what they took from us...
Hey what happened to your taped eyebrows?
>the thread
What website do you think you’re on
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I should really swap back one day
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I'll just think it while my jaw is wired shut
I miss k.k.
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she be suckin on my sphenis
i dont
i miss db
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why did he add the extra e? it sounds more fancy now like raising a pinky while drinking tea
idk, why don't you go ask him?
i miss (You)
Would you ever be open to collabing?
>xiv selfie day
>every single biofem uses a sculpt mod
What a turn off...
but im right next to you
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i get that this website is awful with awful people but mods definitely made them more noticeable
stay away from my girlfriend you bitch
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all I did was delete the eye portion after importing it into C+ because I didn't care for the eye scaling, maybe it looks better on other faces' eyes.
I don't know him
You wouldn't kiss a veena
You woulnd't let a veena kiss you
You wouldn't let a veena brainwash you with kisses
You wouldn't let a veena steal your MP with kisses...
You wouldn't let a veena stack 7 or more debuffs on you.....
femra are evolving
I saw you glubber
how do I get that fov
his name was robert paulson
neither do i
that doesn't mean you can't just walk up to him and ask though
kissing a veena with my male character lips
who are you kidding, you’re grown man owned
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I still love you, you know.
use ktisis
do NOT commend tanks
tanking takes NO skill
pressing your stance and mitigation ability is NOT skill
do NOT commend tanks
You know you can just set Eos to look like Selene, right? Right??
shut up bottom
come service my +
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my femra potting before the pull (she knows full damn well it's going to wipe well before the second pot window)
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Shut up Tikaasi and start licking my armpits.
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damn that mch did not like me one bit
crystal casual cc @ 5 et
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I posted this in my sleep.
someone start shittalking
exude a kind of aura that hints that you will plap and they will come
should I log in for cc what map is it
V.V is a biiiIIiIiiiiiiiiiiitch
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No, he won't. I will.
It's the fucking volcano one don't bother
read more of this gay twitter drama and LOL ALL THE "WOMAN" cooming out with alleGAYTIONS are TRANNIES. fake women fake interest
You monster, do you have ANY idea how much I owe you now?? Ghh..
Thank you, wife. And prepare for bearhugs.
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Anon did you participate in corn....
I have no idea what that would entail.. I'd need instruction for the instruction videos themselves!
Also yeah, why does it matter? You only do the normal raid once the entire time you play the game.
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I'll try, thank you
just messing around in glamourer to see if I find something I really like...
>what are you now
catgirl but I want to try something else
like this?
[16:29]You have entered a sanctuary.
[16:29]Shirogane, Ward 29
[16:29]You obtain 3,562,500 gil.
[16:29]You have left the sanctuary.
you're not the one who was angry last night are you
I like volkino doe
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Next time just ask baka
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Straight to the point.
i was watching dandadan at the theater last night anon, so no
I like you, anon.
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uhh that AA dude is really unepic and lame (it's opposite day I'm really epic and cool)
this is a very pretty femhroth
would get spine lovingly crushed by
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this general is a bit too tad obssessed with genders of player characters
sun pride world wide
moonies more like stoopies
cuz theyr dumb
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
can i have one
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palaistra > volcano > castletown > c9 > red sands
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This is the worst button in the game and its not even close
I just think it's a sign of mental illness for a man to play a female character
there is literally like 10 buttons in the game exactly like this
pala sucks cock
wrong and gay
val's toes fucking stink

'like not even in the good sunnie way
he’s right >>494520719
this is the correct list though
typical sunnie shill response from bacon dipped yeast infected no test furry faggot queer cunt and fuck sunnies you twat
Bros...how the FUCK do I get a girlfriend like this?
this general is full of bored motherfuckers looking for even the barest crumb of drama or something to get upset about
Even amongst the buttons that do this, this one feels uniquely shit
map events are gay and palaistra is just a good old-fashioned showdown
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red sands>volcano=clockwork>pala>>>dogshit>>>>c9
Why aren't these just passives that trigger every 2mins? It's just a button to trigger a passive.
I'd hate to see YoshiP design a flight simulator with how bad he managed to make button float in an RPG.
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how i feel reading this thread
I too love sitting on the swift sprint strip as blm and never ever being punished while I fart out aoe onto the point
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Almost all jobs got something similar
talk to women
Turning anons into obedient foot-pets with the irresistible power of moonie feet!
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Decent, boring but decent
>C9 over red sands
This is the worst bait
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this could be us (but it's two dudes)
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How did we win this

What the hell
turning this moonie into an instant loss pet slut that loses her iq with every stroke over her head
i fuck ur mom
Fucking wife
how? it's the least offensive button of its type and you press it at the exact same time during your burst. it literally doesnt do anything and its an ogcd, just press it
If I show them my naked cat wol will they still talk to me?
team issue
heat wave is fucking gay and the c9 event only happens like three times a match
based on her media tab try playing a miera or catboy
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that was a very grim onesided one
i'm gonna get some food so someone else call after this one
crystal casual cc @ 8:15 et
You've never seen me RP, anon....
her irl tits look fucked up lmao
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>team issue
>the only jobs that can effectively counter blm are ones that jump on it
>those jobs also cannot effectively counter blm on the speed strip
Yea thats why.
at least shit like manification gives you a buff >>494521016
This button is literally "you can use hypercharge in the opener"
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Red sand is the best map.
is that a deal breaker or something
yes, ugly character + ugly irl is a deal breaker
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eb like this?
Considering shes a vapid hoe with nothing else going on, yeah
Shes like a 6 or 7 at best, social media has ruined women
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What are some AF armours that dye well thanks to the double dye system? I quite like the PLD Stormblood set since it dyes the cape (only the top is used here)
You are literally a grown man RP'ing as a teenager, seek help
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Don't rub salt into my wound, baka!
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>heat wave is fucking gay
Local gaymer can't take two seconds out of his life to touch grass more knews at 11.
A prostitute dresses more modestly than your character
that's my wife you're posting..
oh wait, looking at your screenshot i just realized you don't even have the job maxed so you don't know what you're talking about. using manafication as a positive example proving that even more so because it ACTUALLY feels like shit to use
N-Nyo! Unhand me! I'm supposed to be in charge here! Don't stop! I'll quit pretending to be a person, just keep petting and don't ever let me go...
you said her boobs were ugly so that means all of her is ugly? also why would the character matter when that’s not what you’re dating
i miss sk
>team issue
>It's a team issue when a range player can stay on the speed strip with little no counter play other than stop what you're doing and kill them
>If its a blm its WAY the fuck worse.
Volcano is the best map because I know the people who hate "Volcano" are range players
sagume nuts lmao
No you dont
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but i do
i mean she's also fat. the character matters because that's the first impression
Have you seen my birth certificate?!

Now you must post butt.

Prostitutes are always on their C game.
No, you guys fetishize being lonely
>The Last Earring of Healing
>There are plenty of earrings that were released in subsequent patches

What did they mean by this?
>meena here
>get told to join voice
>everyone thinks I'm going to sound gay
>I sound really cool actually
heh. it's that easy.
>BLM is notorious for being a menace
>"What do you mean I need to focus them?"
>press this at 2 minutes so you can get a gcd
wow man
>it's another "best map" (((discourse))) episode that's just thinly veiled complaining about maps that don't lean into their gimmick playstyles episode
I miss anything compared to how terrible the thread has been the past 6 months.
That's it, I'm drinking the fanta for real this time.
Remember me.
Cool that there was never any proof posted of zolzayaa being a sexpest
why did you give discourse jewish brackets?
You'll live on in my heart forever.
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I main Pictomancer in PVP now
No wonder Dark Knight feels so barren in their filler phase. They have no 30 second abilities. Stuff happens every 60 seconds at the earliest.
Based retardbro.
STOP talking about the game and KEEP talking about underage fiddie prostitutes
>play DRG
>find all CC maps about the same
all this shit is just nitpicking very minor map differences, isn't it?
Thank you anon, that puts my heart at ease.
Meanwhile every woman who does the stupid xiv selfie just recreates herself.
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okay, butt
This is a perfect moonie. This is how all moonies should be. How could I when you're acting like that? Don't worry... I won't.
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My party dosent fill and there is no chaos cc
What a bother
Cute butt
Sometimes you have a salted earth!
Thanks I think you're based too
They're on jenova under a different name now if you want to reconnect. I doubt you'll get anywhere but it's worth a try if you care enough
no one but retards on xivg say this
>salted earth
>tastes like salty dirt
>enrage to clear m3s party
>2 wipes at final fusedown, not even fusefield
>healers yelling at melees saying they were too close
>melees yelling back saying they didn't get enough heals
>ditch group

Why in the fuck are people like this. Why fucking join enrage parties if they still don't have fucking positions down?
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>c9 event only happens like three times a match
i don't like events that require me to burn guard or stand in a circle that only one person including my teammates can use
if the whirlwinds were like big donut aoes like this where you could guard the telegraph or alternatively stand in the black for the buff then, sure.
but right now having to burn guard on a map with no fucking cover is garbage
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grim. its SO grim bros
Welcome... to the Nation of Femra
Femra Nation.
That and you gain less MP per minute with the 2 stacks of blood weapon they removed in DT.
>he doesn't know
no you're just playing the best job in pvp so job matchups and map balance matters a lot less to you
Pretend it's 2017 and Stormblood got just released last month.
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my opinion is the only correct one
i was in an ion prog for m4s yesterday and the retarded smn barely knew how to do EE and fucked up witchhunt constantly . why the party lead didn’t kick them was beyond me
Dude I fucking hate Lyse so much

I swear the only way they could make this bitch worse is if she was a mexican cat or something
Maintenance mode soon
Pretty much. Hardstuck gold players think about this shit much more than Crystal players because Crystal players get their bag and bounce before noticing it.
Eureka next month bros, get hyped!
probably didn't help i was pesting you during huh
>no medium tits
its fucking over..
At least enhanced unmend let's us gap close more often!!!
God they fucked drk this expan, gap closer shit is so stupid considering other jobs still have damage dealing ones or better ones because they let you target party members
what a missed opportunity Zenos was, we just killed his ass and called it a day. Yet another villain of the week we'll never see again like Gaius
map gimmicks only matter to jobs that can play around them
palaistra is a snoozefest however
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Chill brah.
is there a way to anchor the camera to the character if you offset the xyz position of your character in gpose?
my moonie does this
ew wtf
cc doko?
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>Pretend it's 2017
I fucking rather NOT 2017 was when i still played DBD pretty much 20 hours a day
Face ruins it unironically.
I've had this question for years what the hell
I'm too peabrained to execute on it though
now now kitten
there's plenty enough of daddy to go around
Dark arts is so fucking dumb, this job is the clunkers shit ever, plds are laughing at us
Dark Knight was fucked since Shadowbringers, the next expansions added salt (heh) to the wound, and specially this one.
nice armpit
SCH is actually pretty kino, you are incentivized to spend your aetherflow to get a chance to reduce your cooldown by 5s. It's probably the best healer, I am not coping
WHM? I'll never level it
glad they got rid of accuracy now I don't need it for raiding
nice diaper
wow i should try that final fantasy xiv online game ive been itching to play an mmo lol... nah actually ill wait another two years
Drinking a pina collada mixed with strawberry daiquiri rn.
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:45am ET!
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 1:45am ET!
what ails you so on a caturday like this?
What are you changing into?
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It's gotta be fat ass
Damn this game looks bad. *logs onto WoW Legion*
How is that relevant? Genuinely. The interests we have cannot and do not dictate how others customize their character. I can't force them to flatten their chest
yooo shake it off is awesome I can remove paralysis from myself!!
this looks so fucking bad
this actually sounds pretty delicious
These fucking Mercy one tricks dont deserve their rank I swear to god. You got carried to GM...Final Fantasy XIV? I have some friends that play it yeah
There is nothing 'medium' about your breasts, my queen; they are amazing. Should I begin worshipping them?
Go back to the projared middie
meet me in mists...
>you are incentivized to spend your aetherflow to get a chance to reduce your cooldown by 5s.
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That's what I've been saying since 5.0 but I've always been told to cope because DRK has the highest DPS in buff heavy party comps, even now.
And that's what SE has been doing in the past 5 years; leaving DRK's gameplay crippled and making it worse expansion after expansion and deflecting the complaints with potency buffs so their players cope about it. "At least it's strong!"
if you keep posting the stuff you've been posting I'm going to have to punish you tonight.
Have you ever... you know... in this game?
wx is a cute lalafell :3
Gross tranny.
it was shit in SB too
why are oranges like this
won’t be opening this but nice whatever that is bro
The kids don't even know about athf anymore
i don’t click youtube or catbox links bro sorry
dps IS my utility and you will beg me to join your omega statics...
this but unironically
>prepull pot
No job wants to do this
They're both terrible tho, lmao
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