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Previous Thread: >>494522112

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards/Scrimmages - 9/11 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213
[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon)
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I want to roll...
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who's there?
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Reminder that you got a squad of stalkers no matter where you go and what you're doing.
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I can't bing...
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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why does bag no longer care about shupos?
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Best mob?
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>black suns
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For me, it's ponytail GSC
big gamer butts
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my gf
my yellow clear is kinda shit, i wanto to make it faster
i don't have c.hare or any ui, which studeent should i borrow?
RAPE your students
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the sexiest student
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>rape your students
>sensei is so weak and pathetic that a rabbit student can over power him
do you even play this game
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Make your students kiss
post team you used
she was so great
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I want to give them jobs at shale
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I fucked her btw
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bad chise
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I need to stop being lazy and clear these raids at insane or higher, I might even be able to a torment or two at this point
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is this good
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Hello /bag/, I'm back again. Here are your Chinese lolis.


I'll get to that Akari one next after offering Seianon another tribute for his services. Douzo.
I actually worked on this mostly for Saya desu, even if the rest of the doujin was nice
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Suzumi alt when
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Drink your fucking coffee sensei
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my canon elf wife ayane
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Kiss your students.
why do they waste designs like this for China exclusive...
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now this is the kind of chinese takeout i dig
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>I actually worked on this mostly for Saya desu, even if the rest of the doujin was nice
Holy fucking based, Saya is underrated as FUCK
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>which studeent should i borrow?
Not really, no.
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Stop being dead, /bag/
You are not even 4 years old
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this is referencing that AL chick, isn't it
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i wonder why is Momoi the racist one

i can totally see someone like Neru going
"huh? Karin? she is one of the good ones...i guess"
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I'm running solotank yuuka in global, it's unorthodox but gets results (if I kill nyharuna).
I did this
I did that.
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Raid Status?
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mx2j should die
It's 9PM, I dont need coffee
Hina should die
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Comfy EU Plat.
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Drink it
>I did this
>I did that
every student in every other parallel universe gets pregnant while most of you senseis just ignore cherino? don't you care about the future of glorious red winter?
gamer blood
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Is 3* Natsu enough for Peroro?
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I just fapped...
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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isnt last day tomrrow? the ruler should cover more of coconuts body.
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>show up late
>slack off
>dealing [REDACTED] out of the back of schale
Nice to feet you
>AI slop
insane is pretty simple for binah at least. You really only need one team and just swap the damage dealer out.
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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Who said you could stop sensei? keep going even if it's sore
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Are we getting news today for jp?
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I want to fuck Nagisa in the butt.
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>have sex with your stu-
Kisaki banner soon
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Will the rerun of this event save BA again?
Only with bKoyuki
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even with adult pussy?
How is this still untranslated, not even mtl slop
are we really getting kisaki
like frfr
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Mika love
sexy momoi
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How about students having sex with your meat dildo?
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my wife mob
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Don't jinx it now
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No means no
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>>have sex with your stu-
*plap* *smooch* *plap* *slorp* *slap* *smooch* *plap* *slorp* *plap* *smooch* *plap* *pant* *plap* *slorp* *plap* *pant* *plap* *smooch* *plap* *pant* *smooch* *plap* *slorp* *plap* *smooch* *plap* *slorp* *slap* *smooch* *plap* *slorp* *plap* *smooch* *plap* *pant* *plap* *slorp* *plap* *pant* *plap* *smooch* *plap* *pant* *smooch* *plap* *slorp*
*squuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrttttt* *squuuuiiiiiiirrrrr* *squuuuirrt* *squirt*
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You're under arrest
>I am le overworked....
Riveting personality
I need miyako to do this to me unironically.
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It's a hard life okay
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thanks for reminding me
it makes students cum
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Naturally Maki would choose my Binah over Binah.
Wait a minute... You're not my student. WHO ARE YOU??!?!?!?!
>no means no
>tells nonomi and hanako that he'll do whatever their request is
Okay whore
She's a background mob in pv5 you dip
But I'm the victim!
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very nice
no idea why it's not translated
Nobody likes Mutsuki anymore.
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Hot Spring Segg
I'm not a whore
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I never paid too closely to it because it'll slow up again when we do get the chapter in global. I thought it's some whotuber getting a halo or something.
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Fubuki cunnilingus
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Millennium will fall.
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Look at how stupid she looks
I wanna BOMB Moe's womb if you know what I mean
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Sensei owes me video games.
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students that understand that they are your stress relievers are good students
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Do your daily.
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They just need a good role model and some help
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>I'm not a whore
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students that cause you stress are good students
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Is there art of this PV5 cutie though? I want her
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Roll Umika
Me? Of course I like Iori
Nice. Very wide.
Stop posting aislop, monkey
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She causes stress all over my dick.
daily what
>endless student bond stories with generic platonic bullshit
Cucks will defend this
Imagine rolling for hags who won't spread their legs for you
Students owe you sex
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Especially Nonomi and Mimori
What if Sensei loved tits instead of feet?
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>studentfuckers in this thread
Momoi says the gamer word for the nth time so funny guyz xDDDD
I wonder how >>477671621 is feeling now without CHare
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Maybe if they weren't so erotic I would he able to resist
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God, I love armpits
well thankfully i am an irresponsible adult
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Yes, it is. Now shut the fuck up nigger
I am NOT a responsible adult
Oh you're a Kayoko fan? Post your UE50 Kayoko nyKayoko and dKayoko.
Hell yeah
This guy will get cucked by Alec sensei
especially with the ones that are 15
Kinda late but here
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What exactly happens when you use Wakamo's ex before the old one explodes? Does the old one get overwritten and never explode?
Why are you so wide about it?
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b-but I liked it...
it even got the red pupils right
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Canon sensei is a flatfuck lolilover who pounds his beloved arona's pussy for pyros whenever he's broke
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Especially with armpit pussy
he actually has a CHare of his own and actively provides retarded opinions to brick other senseis
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Damn anon pulling out some ancient grudges against some random anon.
I swear people saying you could easily skip SShiroko and CHare were just trying to brick people because they thought it'd be funny.
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you aren't fooling anyone
aislop+photoshop polish is a thing
try it
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SCHALE's duty roster is only full because they know sensex is one of the perks
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I use AI for reasons and I don't post any of that stuff here.
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lazy edition because i need to go take a shower
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Responsible students do not have sex with their teachers.
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Do you prefer GooKamo over Gook Ako?
the old one gets overwritten and never explodes
the key to the explosion is to monitor when that debuff ends
you could cast wakamo EX again just a few seconds before it ends, have the first explosion trigger, then have wakamo land the last hit of her EX just in time to apply the second round of debuff
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The moment the yellow icon starts flashing on Binner you can start another one. If you do it too early it'll just overwrite it and you get no bomb.
meant for >>494554034
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bros, how can i imporve this? who should i borrow?
i don't have ui or c.hare
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Why does Hanako have the only askew halo? Everyone else's are directly behind their heads.
Wide status?
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So you're telling me, there's only one human male and it's sensei, in an entire city full of students who are all girls that has never interacted with a human male before, and his lifespan isn't enough to share between all of the students to spend time with him?
and you're telling me he doesn't have a halo and could die at any moment while the students are all hormonally in need of a male presence?
what ever could the students ever do!
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God I love armpit pussy.
DAru, or Cheringles for slightly faster rotations.
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Would you roll for this alt?
To be fair most of the "skip cHare" posts were giving advice to newfags who were several months out from even being able to attempt Torment who also already have Himari
That guy from 4 months ago is actually just trying to brick people for his own gain lol
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Tsurugi I think.
How do i access this thing? i already download extension from chrome, have registered from e-hentai, but the page doesn't work.
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Very important reasons.
maritime student?
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Wide hip, yes.
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>sensei only likes lolis
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how long do we have to wait in North America?
So what is this? Just a merch thing?
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why is she crying she has food
>tfw dont have to worry about my INS clears anymore

Imma miss when comfy TOR ends eventually
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I'm gonna eos
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Someone say Mari time?
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>chugs cunny concoction just before meeting Sensei
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My precious desert rose.
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What's the rotation for the
SHanako, DHina, SHoshino, DAko, Himari Nagisa team for red Binner?
Is it just supposed to be super crit maldy? I've been trying it and it doesn't seem to go as hard as my Aru clear.
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Comfy TOR won't end for a while. Even Hiero was a comfy TOR to plat.
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Rate this cosplay.
the meme version of this is so much better than the original
>no content
>no news
it's over...
where face?
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It's supposed to kill it in one cycle and is extremely maldy. Just have everything stacked at the same time.
7/10 I need to see the face
spank spank spank
You could try both in mock battles
maybe swimsuit Ui? iunno
preferably you'd use swimsuit Ui along with adult pussy for yellow urban binah
Can someone put up a UE50 DKayoko on NA?

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She’s a fatass so that isn’t enough food for her
She’s going to STARVE
Why is she dressed like a whore?
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Feed the Migga!
could always do the Kazusa + Mika strat with that empty slot
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No idea, most student's halos are typically above their head, or behind in cases like Sakurako. If I had to guess it's probably for her silhouette, since her braid's on her right side, and her ahoge tends right as well, having her halo off to the opposite side could be intentional to balance things out.
Or there might not be a reason for it at all and I'm looking too much into it. What I do know for certain is that way too many artists put her halo above her head or on the wrong side
no one in my list has d.aru, also i don't have cherino and i don't think it's worth borrowing cherino
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/bag/ is too poor to have a ue50 dKayoko
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The rotation is for all of them to sit their ass on my Binah in no particular order until I cum
>imagine giving a red rose to Atsuko and her responding with asking me if I know what this means in flower language
>imagine her responding back with "I feel the same"
>get a massive erection
I am confused by this.
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If I were to guess probably very similar to Hiero.
SHoshino, wait until 9, DAko, wait until DAko/SHanako use their Normal and use Hina and Nagisa,
don't say that about hosh
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For cute students?
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It's called having a breeding fetish.
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I call them like I see them.
Use Aru because it's dHina's worst environment/area? whatever it's called
My precious desert whore
I'll ue50 my d kayoko come next binah, let me get my lesson eleph discount
Yea wtf, do you think im made out of pyros?! I cant even build d.kayo yet!
that sounds like a lot of moving parts for a horrible critmald team
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Cherino or swimsuit Azusa, alternatively you can borrow cHare then replace Himari with swimsuit Shiroko
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fat fuck
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I hope things get better for you and your studentwife. Couldn't be mine.
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I feel like if I jerk off to Iroha, I'm going to cross a line that shouldn't be crossed.
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My mom saw me talking to my student l2d
threesome needed
I love my stupid daughter.
>Fap to Kinnotama's Miyako doujin
>Cum midway in the doujin
>Fap to Kinnotama's Miyako doujin again
>Cum midway in the doujin
>Fap to Kinnotama's Miyako doujin again
>Cum midway in the doujin

And it's been 8 time like this.
Am i destined not to finish this doujin?
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For me, it's standing splits fetish
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what the fuck are you doing
if i do that who should i replace akane with?
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>Hina (Dress) bad mood
>her EX hit multiple times
Well, it's less than a minute if you want to malding.
I would rather call it love fetish. My confusion stems from the fact that I refuse to believe that I can still feel something like this. I thought I had rid of these feelings.
maybe try not stroking yourself while reading this time, and only do so near the climax?
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Well what should i do next then?
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EoS, at last.
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Now that Nexon is giving more resources to the BA team, do you think we'll see more chibi cutscenes and high-quality events? I have faith that the next event will be really good.
If you finish the doujin before you cum it's no good
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> Not cumming at the doujin climax
Why are you like this.
For porn of students.
I also don't post any of my slop here unlike you, if I just wanted cute images there's a shitton of that out there without having to resort to slop.
do the cookie thing
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who's the bluefest student that is the closest of being powercreeped?
What the fuck is "blockbluster" potential? The game doesn't even sell that much and most of the money comes from merch.
I thought they were giving less resources to BA for first transcendent
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why the fuck is azusa so grumpy
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Swimsuit Hanako
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Say bing one more time, motherfucker
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Because you touch yourself at night
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Pine the fjords, anon.
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I'm working on it.
Already clean the cookies, when i register again is jump into e-hentai login site, not ex-hentai.
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bing one more time, motherfucker
but why?
>supported by animated streaming series
>unlock blockbuster potential
retarded faggots
more time eating means less time plapping sensei
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Despite what /bag/gots said and after everything? None of them. None of them will ever be powercrept, unless we're in year 8 or 10.
See: Wakamo.
I'd say Wakamo
>register again
Just login bro
Wakamo is the closest though and it took a big fat unique item buff to keep her relevant
Because she also reduces def and her def debuff interaction is unique since it's aoe so it doesn't conflict with Maki
let me change the question, will they allow blufes student be powercreeped? i wodun't be surprised if they released a new UE rank when they get on the weaker side
all you have to do is create an e-hentai acc and then wait until you can access ex. Last time I created an acc it took me like a week
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Explain to her that much like yesteryear the men of today chase after their own idols and goddesses to worship.
I'm fat chise
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Thanks for reminding me, it's been a few weeks since I tried again. If this shit still doesn't work then I don't fucking know what's wrong aside from needing a VPN for whatever reason.
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don't horny
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>no natsu
>no reisa
>no daru
Torment Peroro is going to be a challenge but at least I know that it's possible.
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Reverse ntr is as bad as ntr
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qt gfs
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I would a sealoos
Hahaha dumb zoos!
which other students have aoe def down like hanako?
this guy gets it
To clarify, i already registered but login on sadpanda cause to it jump back e-hentai login site.
I see, but is there any notification to let me know for accessing?
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This ritualpost sucks
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Migga gorilla!
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It's a gacha game so it's inevitable, it's only the matter of "How".
With that said what they need to do is releasing more students with different type of armor. Blue DPS rosters suck fucking shit because the majority of them has yellow armor.
Without her bond item she probably would have been shelved for other damage dealers. That's less a Wakamo problem and more a blue content problem though.

I'm sure Kuroko and cHoshino will have similar woes down the line. The only badly designed bluefes student is Hanako, though.
Kasumi, Kikyou, Mine, QTomoe, Nagisa for red
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>yuri shit
Looks like xe's having a melty again
Shiroko terror is already slightly better than Wakamo even with bond update
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What's the purpose of this pairing?
Your what?
maybe we'll see the day when wakamo(or whoever gets powercreeped) gets kicked form the blufes only student
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>Open up to Muchuki
>Expect her to mock me later
>She does this

No one rolled Makoto
Xi Jinping?
forgot your scatpic
unique item T3 for Wakamo when
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>no bkarin
>no hinata
>no reisa
I'll have to see how I go but I don't have high hopes for this one.
I've just noticed I've never seen Leisa with her hair down fanart before
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mating press nonomi
Only in outdoor
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faggot seething his boyfriend is either deleting himself of getting deleted and on the range of getting banned himself for off-topic spamming with him
their loss then
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To let you know you have rights and that you are respected.
As I said just log in into e-hentai and then just wait
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> Kicked out of Bluefes roster.
Not happening.
Maybe one day we will get a pack to select a specific Bluefes student, kicking them out of bluefes would be frown upon.
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Koyuki hasn't been posted in a while
Why is Momoi cosplaying as Arcueid?
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Let me sleep in peace, you cur
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Students with students is shit but students with this sensei is good
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>have bKarin
>no resources to invest in her properly with all my other prep
yep it's INS and gold for me
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Just borrow? You should easily be able to 3t torment with BKarin, Iroha, and SHanako
How the fuck does this guy keep tYuuka and nyKayoko alive? Mine keep dying when I attempt to replicate this clear
this student is in heat and ready for sensex
Mika should die
Should've played on the Asia server BUDDY.
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perfect breeding age
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Nonomi is the type of girl i would call "mom" by accident
>goes to the laundromat
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too late I've already committed

it's possible if happen like 3 years from now, wakamo unit would be 6 years old by then and most liekely will have little use
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Your SPYuuka is UE40 right?
Asia plats don't count.
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why is Reisa outdated
Stop post stupid shit with Ui face.
spoilered part but unironically
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POPQN is still working with Yostar. How likely is it that he will design another BA student?
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is your tYuuka ue40? the additional healing it provides directly boosts her shields
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I did Torment this raid you're not allowed to laugh at me.
koharu mama...
i can't do torment, is it possible to get plat on NA?
Do we really need another sameface student?
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Where Ogogee banner
Mine is UE30, is that all I'm missing?

フウカ(正月) 星5 90 MM9M 固有武器3 50
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actually BRONZE on my server is better than torment on Asia
Who did he make again?
Yes. Also sEimi should spook me. I really wish /bag/ hadn't talked me out a dickroll on that one
literal whores dress more modest than this
When Nexon asking to? most of the artists, beside Doremi, mx2j, Paruru are in-house artists.
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You're gonna want that extra healing if you're doing these kind of strats unfortunately.
What's that website?
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Is Makoto retarded?
Nonomi's parents have fallen on hard times...
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if you really want her then you could always get her from the choice ticket in the upcoming 3.5 anniv
A chink boat, specifically a chink seaplane carrier.
She's just doing the usual roughing it as a student larp rich kids do.
Eimi and Mash
I do this, well. More like I did until I started buying habanero tabasco.
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When Mashiro and Eimi gets the 3rd alt, yes.
And hopefully both will be Striker this time.
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Geniuses often are
Guys don't forget about KV, our sister game...
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The unfortunate case of 140 wisdom 89 IQ.
Wise enough to see foresight, dumb enough to have a short range of that insight.
What I'd really like is the ability to stop wanting to pull every student. Even after I manage to skip some
I wouldn't hate it. Another ni02 student might be fun too.
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nah I see through your tricks
you definitely have and are just asking for people to post it, but in a way "to make people prove you wrong" since that strategy unironically always works
no one cares about vaporware
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Rate the students he designed.
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Nonstop dogsex.
A girl being flexible has never been beneficial during sex for me. Maybe if you're into some retarded poo poses from the Kama Sutra or something
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I might actually get plat again on this binner. I've never done a single torment.
No tricks, I could count on one hand the number of times I've seen Reisa with her hair down
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stop thinking with your dick for a few banners
the greatest test for you would be the qipao banners i guess
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she just should dress better
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smell radiation
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9/10 3/10 10/10
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fucking this koharuball
boobs too big
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You can't post that
That looks terrible
she doesn't deserve (- Y -)s
shut up f4gg0t
It's clearly a disc
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nice pubes
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I prefer Ui tits.
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Does your student masturbate?
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I always post >asia too
that was pretty fast, are they watching?
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Sensei will never be able to escape
did i miss some divegrass tonight
Is UI really stinky or just a misunderstanding?
The competition is fierce in port
If all girls look like supermodels, they have to whore themselves out. Not that it helps since 90% of them are already dressed like whores to begin with
Maybe BA just awakens those sorts of feelings in its players
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What did I ever do to you?
I always loved Milky's art, specially the Chises.
>tries to never leave the library
>the old library is stinky
you can interpret this however you want
All the students masturbate except Chise.
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She said in her Momo to ignore the smell.
Of course, the smell would just be old books and woods, but the fanbase run wild with it anyway.
Good thing Reisa is not erotic
cute sockies
Ibuki is also called a princess?
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>the old library is stinky
This is not true, the committee cares for the library very well
my daughter would never shave
I masturbate with Chise
>no pubes
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5000 extra platinum slots that's what
you shouldn't use cheese to masturbate with
cheese is for eating
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It's definitely a meme
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which raid is incoming after binah? i want to get ready
Reisa has pubes thoughever
Rumi's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
She's being treated as such, being a complete demon trait student.
Worse or you could say best part of it is, she has all Succubus traits, so more chances of Pandemonium Society winning over Sensei.
I heard he loves little girls like Neru and Iroha was sent there to confirm it, and it's somewhat true.
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That's a girl
She's a princess in the Hyakki / Pandemoinum event
I need Rumi to forcefeed me until I can't breathe. This is my fetish.
pelolo indoors
>Been trying to meet you
i feel catfished
Reisa does nothing for me. Post someone else.
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Mmm yes, little girls...
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is it normal that her socks turns me on the most
news in 30
nom nom
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Why isn't anyone posting them?
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Feed the Migga some more!
EW! gross!!
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Whoever posted that Jumbyflation game.
I fucking HATE you. I have been at this for like 2 hours now.
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Should I actually be excited, don't tease me with actually playable kisaki
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Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Everybody tries to be straight
But things are still unchanged
It's useless to resist this
Their effort will be wasted
Head straight for your goal by any means
There is a door that you never have opened
There is a window with the view you have never seen
Get there, no matter how long it takes
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No-one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again (and again and again)
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No-one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again
You live an endless life forever
Now wake up, up, up, up...
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again
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You should never set yourself up for disappointment
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Never mind, ez game. Wasn't seething at all.
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it's over...
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Who knows. At least the chibi dev still values his works, unlike a certain someone.
seeing my daughter naked doesn't nothing to me. other than wanting to scold her to put on clothes
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jumbyflation is real...
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I wish I had a Ui girlfriend that totally loses control and squirts(pisses) herself like crazy. I would spend so much money on new vibrators and new mattresses just to see her mentally break and soak the bed like a fucking animal. Her pleasure would turn into my pleasure and then I'd fuck her right there in her fresh pool of Ui piss.
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Yeah he made some cute Chise blob
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I love
the chibi looks worse too
kisaki soon
I am hopeful
the remaining months will be the last few events from the PVs
why would you do that
that's a waste of money
just buy puppy pads like a normal person
make sure she knows it's meant for puppies before laying it down
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It's fine, I do that every day
Megu's milk trucc
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hmm nyo
skill issue
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>make sure she knows it's meant for puppies before laying it down
I would take more baths and soak if it didn't involve so much cleaning of the tub
and cost of all that water
or if I had all the fancy tubs like the japs do
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Post your third favorite student
I'm sure it's possible to get one. Though probably at some ridiculous premium
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Kisaki in 20 minutes
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I love my top 3 equally.
Which is kind of a problem.
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According to my affection it's Haruka
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18 more minutes until B. Koyuki's announcement.
camera filters have been a disaster for the human race
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that's a tiny knife
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the true soul of blue archive
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If it's cute who cares?
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> Yuzutei animated Hanae paizuri
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Izuna and Wakamo beat her
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oppai lolis are the breast
My local grocery store once had a coupon for buying both peanut butter and puppy pads. It was suspicious
>sound is trash as always
I'm tired
What the fuck is with the size of those nipples
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wtf how did you get this picture of me
I appreciate these for what they are, but what sort of drugs do you need to be on to craft this kind of art?
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For maximus milk production.
which student would produce the most amount of children per impregnation session
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But that's not how it works.
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>Ah, Yuuka-chan! Nani shiteru no?
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Is there more?
thee normal kind
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Cute Migga amogus
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It is in Kivotos AMERICA.
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Please be careful with the remaining image slots...
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Is there a more based student?
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Nah, I don't think I will
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We are better off without images at this point
based bronze himari enjoyer
>completely removed this in her later appearences
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Is there really nothing that can be done for Koyuki, that she has to be locked up magneto style? I get she's unrepentant but it's not like she tried to kill a whole city of innocent civilians like a certain other pink haired girl
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Besides my favorite student, I don't really have a 2nd, let alone 3rd.
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Migga is full!
Why is Hifumi discussing what she did to me when she trapped me in her tank last summer?
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Hina should be naked
She should be locked up magneto style with all of sensei's confiscated items
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>brown hands
Seems fitting
Shut up Magneto. Get hit with the Holocaust Beam.
Some of the writing in the first year was all over the place. They saw that she was unpopular as fuck like that (despite them even giving her an alt sprite) so they got rid of it real quick.
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Let Takane out of NPC jail already, nexon
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She's a shop owner, she ain't gonna do shit.
Or what, do you want her to stuck in Special hell?
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5 minutes left to this hour
pat pat pat
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Hina should be publically executed in the Gehenna square.
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Miyu, but Trinity
That gun lift right before the gif ends makes it look like ichika's about to execute the poor mob.
if they were all Miyu JTF would be OP
I need to visit Trinity again.
the imejis...
Angry armory repairwoman student when?
please respond
i want to rest my head on this butt
> Poor
Geez you don't have to comment on it.
Sorry we only have the goofy engineers.
Memes, Seia, Eos aside, is there anything brewing?
A stream where things might get announced, a "big" event like halo festival, new story chapter?
Man I was expecting Seia porn
Fuck you
>flirt with my sensei you noname shaded eyes bitch
>no one ntrs ichika
how do i unlock more images?
$1.50 hotdog
Buy 4 chan gold
i can't do torment, is there any chance of getting plat on NA?
Here's the announcement
zooooos the azoooooooooos
child armpit pussy
You need a Costco membership
there are only like 400 torments out of 5k slots
I'm sitting on 3x INS runs and still at ~900 with relatively unoptimized runs. Even with all the lazies and tryhards waiting til last day to do their runs it should be fairly safe.
^this retard has decent 26m runs and is humble bragging
We still haven't seen Evil Pina.
i got 29 ond red and blue, and most likely will get 27m on yellow. is that enough?
stop associating bing with chise she wasn't even in the event
Gulim should redraw zombie Qipao Marina.
The more I look at it, the worse it gets.
well she should be in the event then
mx2j should die
Chise should be in every event
There's no way you are getting 78m+ without optimized rotations. Lazily doing Akane + Ako + Himari + DPS and accepting your first attempt regardless of crits is nowhere near the top 900.
bing posting improved /bag/
mmm, pilk
>spends hours fine tuning your INS clear for spot 900
>mald clear TOR for free (FREE) rank 450
chise wiz
Chise would rape you when you least expect it
chise mind
mega chise
Chise would lock you in a box with one glory hole in it.
You must shove your dick through it to survive.
Gold looks better arijudono
>artists posts a kaede fanbox
>ask him if she is oppai loli or shortstack
>he doesn't understand
>pul lout my kaede chart explaining the difference between oppai loli and shortstack
>he laughs and says "she got nice tits sir"
>buy fanbox
>it's a shortstack
it was me, chise
I haven't missed a plat since Ako's banner in April
Chise would bing
i hate chiseposting
the overall iq of the thread plummets
Is this what autism looks like?
Kisaki banner tomorrow for sure
there is literally no difference
i'm as smart as chise
azoos is banned
Anon I think you're autistic
What alts do you want to see in the future, /bag/?
You must bing, like i have
Birthday suits
Sensei ᓀ‸ᓂ
It's amazing how much control over other retards thoughts that spreadsheet retard has.
3 mutsukis
Streamer students.
Need more brainrots.
But that's good?
Would ᓀ‸ᓂ bing?
>/bag/ is capable of having nuanced discussions without images while images are still available
>/bag/ turns into a bunch of drooling retards when the images run out
I'm the best ᓀ‸ᓂ poster
There's so many spreadsheets and banner guides with straight up awful information I swear they're just trying to brick people intentionally
Sir your mitcher
My IQ is inservablely proprotional to how many images are posted in the thread.
The images just make imageless posters look smarter
Mitcher is a failed youtuber.
I'm smarter than all of you ᓀ‸ᓂ
Or racing outfits but not race queen, like leather bodysuits
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Whoa, they're back
The spreadsheet retard told newfags to roll for CHare instead of Himari because she's more "noob friendly" due to the longer duration of her buff.
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I need racist outfit.
So redneck students.
Which one was that? The midokuni guide which also told people to skip SShiroko?
i'm not thanking them for destroying blue archive
Dude what if we turn a terrorist into a cute anime girl ᓀ‸ᓂ
We need retarded SEAniggers bricking people to exist so that the platinum slots get freed up by those who trust them lol
The absolute art of triplets.
>being Rome’s redskins.
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>amazon press Nonomi
the yuukascript...
Everything’s better on Koharudisc.
>md5 changing ban evading schizo

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