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>Recent News
Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign - (09/01 - 09/23)
Daily Single draw, 200 crystals daily, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP (10.5x until cap), ½ AP/EP, ½Off Host costs, 4x Journey Drop buffs, ½Off Side Story Shop, FP Special Campaign w/ Gold Brick, Sephira Gauge Doubled & +1 Defender Gauge etc.
Half Anniversary Skyscope Missions - (09/01 - 09/24)
Outfit: Skysonic Gig (MC) - (08/31 - 09/30)
Extra Drop Campaign (Dark) - (09/10 - 09/17)

Side Story: The Art of Mercy - 09/17
Grand Order Summon FLB - 09/17
4 new Manaturas & 6 new Shields - 09/17
Auto-Reduce/Reserve for SR and higher - 09/17
Share Chests removed, Drops adjusted - 09/17
Sutera Outfit added to Daily Point Shop - 09/17
Militis Staff & Axe 4* FLB - 09/21
Chat Noir FLB - 09/24
Outfit Shop UI Update - 09/24

Divine Generals CD - 09/25
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>September Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)
09/15 - 09/22 The Strength to Wield (Rerun)
09/21 - 09/28 Tales of Arcarum (Nier)
09/28 - 10/06 Story Event

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Previous thread >>494455010
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the harvins are sleeping.
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
Io, Sara, Kolulu, Renie event soon
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All shipshit
cute, stupid and breedable
Will October have another RotB then since November has both GW and the collab? Or will we have to wait until December? I guess having it in December could be good if they time it so they reveal Qilin/Huanglong on the stream right as the fourth saint releases.
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Is FLB Nier still used anywhere or will this be a waste of sand?
dark gw was 5 months ago bro
she's good for coz, and you need coz mats to mk2 your settes
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
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Why do her eyes have
She's planning to bring it to earth when her ULB drops.
december is too far away, so october
is she ok
grubs for this feel?
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>Pant... Pant...
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Cantate the goddamn Cunnycake. This girl... God, she's just such an amazing fucking character. Not only did she establish herself as the most popular character in the franchise WITHOUT shilling, but her mere existence and the observation of her actions and personality can teach deep lessons of philosophy and ethical nuance if one has the proper intellectual capacity and mental fortitude to embrace such lessons.

No lie: since becoming a Cantate fanatic, my IQ has gone up an unprecedented 20 points. My friend is an English professor at an esteemed institute of wisdom and knowledge, and he deemed my incredible lexicon and masterful grasp of the English language astute enough for me to come in and guest lecture on a subject I could relate to the importance of the written word. Naturally, I chose Cantate the Cunnycake. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see all the heretofore unenlightened individuals and the looks of pure, innocent understand that came over their faces as I elucidated the truth about the single greatest and most important character in all of fiction. A philosophy professor happened to overhear my musings and invited me to guest lecture in his class next week, so I'll probably spend the next few days preparing a lengthy expose on how Cantate’s characterization espouses themes heavily present in esotericism and dichotomism, as well as the more subtle but no less evident influences stemming from ancient religious codes such as Zoroastrianism and Confucianism.

None of this would have been possible without Cantate the GREAT'S influence. I humbly thank her from bended knee, and encourage you all to do the same. Rise to my intellectual heights by accepting Cantate into your hearts. Ascend, brethren.
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Nier is the best thing you can spend sands on!!
damn the primarch skip is fucking worthless
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they thought it'd be funny to do the Trials instead of Four Primarchs...
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vile creature
can't believe GW killed them all...
>3 revans and a sand in 9 clears
>one of the few battles I can auto
Fuck, why is diaspora super comfy. Going from siegfried to this is giving me whiplash.
this but 7man, damn i missed 4t and moving on
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Asking for it
tee hee
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frail richi rape
since wind is confirmed for next gw what are the good wind setups? I don't got lich or galleon. I farmed 4 magna 3 guns but I have no pns or revans because I refuse to play *ugi.
Shut the fuck up about mahjong
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
depends on the nm, you VILL ougi for nm250 though.
roons always are
I won't though. either I'll bomb any raids my crew opens with my best burst or I'll just leech.
so this is what fkhr ragers look like
ougirager is fucking nuts
Sooo best wind team with good dispel+dispel cancel+veil?
you should farm 20 revans and get richi
you're mum + 3 dudes lmao
unironically mirin+shion
Y.Vampy, S.Galleon, H.Lich covers veil, dispel cancel and has 3 dispels every turn
Will Wind GW boss finally have more than 2 charge diamonds so Sandalphon can be useful?
SIETE FA team was like Zeta / Perci and Aniue?
ain't no way
it's happening
this was planned by bahamut himself
sorry he's only designed for sieg enjoy :)
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ain't no way
Yeah I'm thinking Shion sexo
mirintix when?
We'll get one before GW right?
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His balance soon.
LJ percy wilnas agielba :3
luv samurai bitches
>kengo with bampi galleon and richi
You're supposed to run manadiver
>need to do 4m+ autos
now that I'm thinking about it wind is such a terrible element I'm just going to leech.
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okkusenman means 10 million idiot
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Threadly reminder that Eresh won in YGO and she also has a cunny version.
>wins in fgo grub and ygo too
>f2p endgame ougi grid
>easiest revan raid
>people still wont prepare for nm250
>Link 5
blud can't read the card text
siete mines are too fast
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how is she so powerful?
How come Siete didnt unworldly ougi damage?
tiny tyratyratyra
He got the strongest ougi in game (event mode).
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grubbluds do be illiterate like that howeverthough
Remember when Yu-gi-oh used to be about cool egyptian monsters instead of this trash?
sorry I don't play k*tana classes
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>All of these voices inside of my head
Good thing the class can use murcielago
The egyptian archetypes have always been trash so not really
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Kengo or Chrys with sky ace+eva
Which one is better?
Chances of it being good?
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>cool egyptian monsters
When was the last time Zoi got something good
cool egyptian monsters like...dark magician(girl), jinzo, kuriboh, summoned skull, celtic guardian, mystical elf, man-eating bug, blue eyes white dragon...
Cygames thought 1 GB for drain was worth it
GO already has drain. She's not getting better than that LOL.
Today in grubbage: things that never happened.
Kaz liked to draw obscure cool monsters and bdsm; see the eyes restrict, dark necrofear and thinks alike
don't forget sharks
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last thread lasted 15 hours
that's way faster than 22 hour thread...
it would have been 22 hours if that retard didn't keep spamming catbox links that nobody clicks on.
he's based
seethe homo
Why'd you leave out exodia; the most iconic Yugioh monster?
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Claris won
exodia was barely present in the original anime.
who tf is talking about anime?
exodia was also a meme in the power of chaos ygo games.
In this day and age, even characters who don't have unworldly ougi can hit the 6,600,001 hard cap if your grid and buff is strong enough.
Everybody knows "EXODIA OBLITERATE!"
Ain't nobody going around talking about......uhhh....."Underworld Goddess of the Closed Moon" LOL
what an ugly artstyle
dark magician girl
blue eyes white dragon
No, everyone knows about weevil trolling yugi
Everybody knows "Huna and Hoshino"
Ain't nobody going around talking about......uhhh....."naked gay bara homos from a has-been dying game where the 2 producers ran away" LOL
>Huna and Hoshino
literally nobody knows what or who tf you're talking about blud
we're talking about galge-oh try to stay on topic in the off topic conversation.
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nice thread grubbas
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someone's going nuts after this post...
nyo, we should go back to granblue archive, the main topic of this general
>dont release your mobage globally and market it so it can grow as an IP
>this happens
It's nuts how koreans and chinese have bigger balls than nips. Cygames being a massive pussy got them here.
Skyleap still isnt in english lol.
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Shilled success.
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At least I didn't spend a bar on the sky ace & eva-
>ewiyar dagger-let
What are my cope options?
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halloween Raziel will save wind
might as well make a kengo sette grid
It would've died faster than Priconne if they tried to make a global version. Nobody cares about horseshit but japs.
upgrade your opus
But I'm already done with that. Well, not the revan Mk2 stage.
yea kinda nuts that they thought it would be a massive success when the main game hasn’t even been released globally
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now what?
gun autist...
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gm grubbas
get a real gun to shoot yourself in the head
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Blud never stood any chance
surely the switch version sold golshillions
It sold 37k and then 8k the week after LOL
your gif is broken
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You should have mentioned the God Cards since they at the very least had a constant presence in the first anime's plot. Though even then they're mostly trash in the actual game besides Ra Sphere mode and Obelisk being a tech option back during Dragonlord mirror matches.
Granblue Fantasy
Slifer >*
Who is blud talking to?
YGO genwunners don't actually play the game
Pricon is just another example of their retardation.
>let crunchyroll handle your game when they fucked over the danmachi game so badly (they removed parts of the game because it was "problematic")
>they EOS your game while BA is stealing your fanbase
>BA is now a cultural hit in your own home country
Took them too long to start publishing their own games globally.
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release Slifer NOW
wtf I want to fuck slifer now
We should all take a moment to laugh at the retard who thought enneads would be a hyped character group to release for the 10th anni
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>laugh at the retard who thought enneads would be a hyped character group
>made them ALL retards
>couldnt beat casino security guards and other regular humans
Primals were already jokes but they made them even worse. Varuna and Neptune were the final nail in the coffin for them.
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10th anni in general was such a forgettable nothing burger. For example, you now manually remember Abramelin
>can't galleons1 tag attack on nm90 as magna
Is this it... the limit of our capabilities....
She's in the halloween flash
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Hauhet fucking mogged all of them and she's a neverever, clown game
The one thing I was absolutely convinced would happen for the 10th anni was a Grand Lyria. That seems like such an obvious thing to do with your game's main heroine on the biggest milestone this game will ever reach. Instead we get Sandalphon 2 and a literal who loliflop
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For me it's
Abramelin was the only character I remember from that event. Just one of the dozens of male characters that have entire events focused around them but never get released for whatever reason, making the shilling worthless.
Even a regular SSR Lyria, something.
lol nope.
>oh lets give the MC a power up that requires the exodia pieces that we all conveniently have ehre
>btw this power up is a one time thing. it's only a thing so you can have a moment of relevance in this game's BIGGEREST 10th anni lol
>said power-up is just a hair recolor
Meanwhile Sumoshit gets an entire new class and design
RotB girls were also gigaflops
I said this about dirt then it was my highest honor GW ever.
>introduce nm100 on day1 and nm250 on day3
Just means the sumo writer cares more about grub that the anni writer did. Nuts I tell ya.
because grub is the only game that would let their shit writing in
Enneads would've been a good group if they actually built them up in a previous event like they did the 6D in old bond. Maybe have them be a semi-competent threat for a while so we actually have villains again outside of le Otherworlders. But no they go straight to the retard bin and now barely anyone cares about them.
this, no buildup, shit characerization and then immediately forced into lazy ass seasonals just to keep the status quo. terribly done compared to 6D and its not like that's a high bar.
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I care about SEXiris.
Pricon was more of their own fault tbqh
>was never a big hit ourside of their debut period (around 6 months?)
>designs didn't got burka'd but most of them either looks generic or very overdesigned, both in a bad way
>general artstyle makes everyone looks really bland
>the gameplay sprites aren't charming at all
>the game has the same attiutede as they had in grub where they take success for granted and treat player time like dirt
>the same shit writing in grub (but they have pandering at least)

BA did have a lot of audience overlap with that game but by the time BA enters the market they were already 80% dead
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same but she's the only one
Grubs for this feel?
roongons are just as bad, don't kid yourself. They only exist to shill le wacky genderbending roon that wishes it could be your parent.
She looks like she molests shotas
>playable males
>cuckshit girls
>cuckshit girls
oh yeah I forgot about that part too.

>playable males
well...............at least it's a trap but yeah.
>retarded MC aka (You)
Nips woke up and realized what cygames meant by this
maleringing HIVbrain moment
what they meant by this was they hired a writer who prefers his male mcs to be retarded, that's all, the writer for the original pricon was a different guy
if i was going to play a porn game i'd just play a porn game. how did zoomers get this retarded?
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>maleringing HIVbrain moment
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grubs for this feel?
Rimuru will save grub
titillation =/= porn, homo
....by finally putting it out of its misery.
I only like elements where I can play as relic buster or soldier and click 40 times in one turn to do all my damage at once while ignoring boss mechanics. only water and dirt let me do this. other elements are gay and either force you to play *ugi or require homos like nehan and mugen.
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Having fun grubbas?
sex with brats
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Yes, not with Grub though.
sex with foxy lanes
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>Azur Lane
I touched grass today so yes
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Remember when they announced a kimetsu no yaiba collab, but at the end of the day that event ended up just being Primal Pals 2?
What was THAT about?
that is good thing.
nah i skipped that story. shinobu is cute though
>That seems like such an obvious thing to do with your game's main heroine
Which would be absolutely disliked since no one gives a shit about blue goblina. She's a shit character and the laughing stock of the gacha community. Grub's "main heroine" is Djeeta at this point.
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no i didn't read that slop
my wives
>still a monkilet
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>can only breed one of these
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i was about to yell that they need to rerun the street fighter collab but i typed speed racer
>She's a shit character and the laughing stock of the gacha community
am I fucked for gw without hlich
Give me one good reason why you can't breed the monkey
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>Semen Demons like this come out recently
>New doujins on drip feed chance in making them the next baby mommas for happy endings are ruined by breedgate
When do we win?
when people start ignoring the dogshit writing and do what they want
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she's fine
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somehow somebody decided to play and post sophie after I'm done playing and posting sophie a month ago sophie collab when
Remember when they used to call US the FGOKiller, /grub/queens...
seeing several people i follow on twitter talk about how it's time for their atelier debut thanks to the new game
Looking for tier A and slack crew for next gw with no honors requirement (I will busy and don't know how much I can do).
Ignoring a house on fire does not make the house not on fire. It just makes Cygames think they can go nuts with the flamethrower even more.
>no tyra ring
Besides ougi setups is there really no easy 0 button setups for ex+? everything I see has soldier with Galleon s1 which if it was just Open Fire I’d accept it since grinding out 3 bullets is better than 6 but just adding another click is a no go for me.
we'll never get the clarissegang/atelier crossover we deserve
feel free to leech or leave if you don't like :D
1-4 I open my GW boxes now
5-9 do it tomorrow
0 let the tokens rot
should i play wuwa
That's cygames house burning though, that's why you should ignore it.
Why can't you post like a normal person?
>chinkslop in every way
>open world
Yes, everyone is for (you)
if you like the MC being strong and relevant sure
if you dont like open world games then no
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Did relink and versus help the franchise at all?
It made it 5% more popular in the west, however with no drive to capitalize on that it is irrelevant
They are already forgotten. No.
>one scamcha per week since relink launch
Relink would have made grub relevant among current day gachas if it had been grub 2 instead of a standalone game that dies after 4 months.
>It made it 5% more popular in the west
+12 people victory!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relink is unironically my GOTY. It probably would've won GOTY if the had a more open world feel to it.
We had slightly more GW participants than last year until the summer stream
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>gw over
what now??
>until the summer stream
lotto 2.0 summer...
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chestlet envy is based
They gave us this so yes.
https://pixeldrain com/u/nQcBtYE9
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Grub if they didn't prioritize drawing men asses.
>2 buttons
she's on the Tikohdiet...
Relink did better than expected but by now that doesn't matter much when they didn't capitilize on its success since they had to stick with the same update schedule it was planned to release with so it bled players hard. A sequel would probably do well (but won't happen since it'd take them another almost decade to release it)
Versus and the fgc at large is only a negative
don't get it am I supposed to go cross eyed for 3D images?
I doubt relink 2 would take another decade now that they know what they're doing and with no Platinum fuckery.
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>they know what they're doing
It's a homo detector, you failed
>now that they know what they're doing
Gullible retard.
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no u
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>now that they know what they're doing
Style change
GW skin
I can't breed
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grubs for this feel?
Not related to relink, we all know the gacha is fucked.
i just think since relink was well recieved they had to have done something right.
homo detector is when you edit her mouth too for some reason. should've kept it at her thighs
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The blueprint for the perfect Erune
thighsex nonstop
>thousands will be baited into spending a sunstone on Katzelia when he is literally used for ele switch and skill damage omens in HL
>NM250 is on element (no need of ele switch)
>no hit couns/skill damage omens
should I suptix Mirin for wind gw??
da katzebvll will now fuck your harvins and his sister now
nobody falls for that except noobs
Imagine spending resources in harvins
>host lucihl
>pubs trigger countdown
>pubs use up all countdown stacks
what year is this? why do you guys still do this?
use the mizako team
who cares about nip shitters
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>spend a sunstone to do an extra 2.5 ougi's worth of damage every turn
>Even then you can always just not get the SK4 since that's the only thing that needs a sunstone
don't mind if I do
That skill is literally 99%% of his damage
>Not related to relink
>i just think since relink was well recieved
Again, gullible retard.
You should suptix Mirin because it’s Mirin.
Yeah, I don't know where these retards are even coming from
>Imagine spending resources in harvins
blud really said this after putting a ring on a fully trannyied Uno
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It's seriously fucking bullshit evokers skill 4 needs sunsones
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arcarum is fucking gay and i dont want to play this kusoge
is there anywhere I can read katzelia's fate episodes without having to uncap him? I want to know what happens to the galge empire.
His sister is based
I will use Siete
You are kicked from Numperscord if you do not use Cantate.
I already uncapped haase I just want to know what happens with the rest of her family. also her introductory fates are completely contradictory with katze's. do his uncap fates retcon that part?
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Juuten soon...
Probably on youtube somewhere. His other sister is based
I vaguely remember Katze's fates having them flee the kingdom together but his fates also imply that Haase's uncap fates happen at the same time as his so probably. Don't think about it too hard.
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Remember not to waste resources on k*tze
>42 clicks on box
and people expect to use her in nm250?
if ougi is used box is essential for battery, also she dispels on these clicks
>I can't breed
just cuckbrain things
>seraph cuckposts
>shay cuckposts
>stuey cuckposts
are there schizos that aren't obsessed with cuckoldry?
If Grub 2 has Relink's gameplay then Cygames will instantly curbstomp the Chink gacha market.
numpers has never cuckposted
isn't fraux really good now??
grub isn't mentally ill enough to appeal to ch*nks or burgers.
the best game in the world doesn't correlate with popularity or sales.
Her s4 isn't 100% uptime so no
Should be in medium at least yeah, makes siete FA really easy, and is decent in hexa/sufaa
>Tried to search for Cosmos raid
>Not found
>Thought it's so dead
>Turns out it filled instantly every time
What happened
need cosmos mats for sette mk2 no?
settes mk2 requires cosmos and poopy
When are they fixing the fucking raid finder?? theres NO way that it has 0 raids going on at any one time
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sniff sniff
Why can't they just implement a queue
I haven't played relink, but arent their character kits more expanded than mihomo games?
Grub absolutely is the kind of slop westerners want, just replace the sexo with safe horny and throw in some shipshit and niggers, they'll lap it right up.
mihomo games has 1 button for attack a button for a special attack and a button for ougis and a jump button
You literally have sub humans like Asmon loving Relink. Grub 2 has to potential to mog the entire market.
him actually loving it enough to buy a vee plush was something
So GBF2 would need a similar level of simplicity or they wouldnt be able to implement as many characters.
>need to farm poopy for sette mk2
>8-10 active skills per character with each character having their own unique combat mechanic
It's way more deep than anything mihomo has made
>geisen nier medium
so I take it kengo is still faster than paladin for poopy raid but dies easily?
GBF2 better not copy Relink's sigil system.
I don't want a gbf2 to be honest...
Cantate posting is cuck posting because she is for Caro
But I like the sigil system...would you rather have weapon grids back?
Better than any of the characters in low lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yes. It filters retards and it's an unique system. Sigils were just a ripoff from Monhun decos.
>enjoyed Versus
>want to get into the story
>main game is gachashit
>the anime covers fuck-all
>the manga covers slightly more, but still fuck-all
>nothing in five years
Alright, how grindy is the gacha if I only care about the story?
Me, the grubber
Good morning my favorite dead general
Paladin is safer and you can leave that shit on full auto while you go do other stuff. You could always RB terrorist like the good old days
Katz alone is more than enough since he's actually used in HL and will be used in 250
geisen was fastest 200
Nier is Nier!
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>RB terrorist
That's an RBGOD to you
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M3 Yugu is such a shit fight to test NM250 wih all the unremovable dmg cut and various shit
>if I only care about the story?
then there's barely any grinding for you
>paid exogun
Many newbie claimed that they like grinding come here, stay around 1-2 months and quit after that due too many grinding.
cease wanting to get into the story.
no grind but the story is bad
just play relink
we have versus cuties here...
Where does the grub manga end anyway. As far as I know a lot of the main story shit aren't all that relevant in Versus/Relink past a certain point and the angel stuff is from WMTSB, a side story
I think someone made a website with all the story, don't remember what it was though...
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Not at all, but the story isnt good.
It's because of the fragmentary nature of the narrative with the gacha unlocks/story events and the game's lifetime with constantly switching writers.
Since you're a versus secondary you'd probably be interested in Naru or Nier or some shit.
Neither appears in the main story, has minimal appearances in events, and their stories are tied almost entirely to their fate episodes unlocked by gacha spread across multiple units or in Nier's case her grindy ass unlock conditions.
Either way Granblue Fantasy needs a hard reset and retcon on the story and the setting.
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Soon...superlative weapon users...
all magliele
I haven't play relink but if you want a good story this game won't offer you everything
especially in the MSQ
>inb4 someone mentions other game
More like superlaxative
relink's story isn't "good" but its a fun ride and loyal to early grub with the focus on monstrous primals and magitech instead of gay angels
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based zooeyGOD spitting nothing but facts (no printer)
Does the grub community respect the deads of a tragedy?
Singularity cum can breed this.
>someone mentions "good story" in /gbfg/
>immediately thinks of other games and starts seething about it

>instead of gay angels
didn't they introduce sandal and all the other homoangel crap into relink
again I haven't played relink but is the homoangel content more than just a faa boss fight
Wtf is Granblue Archive
imagine if Cygames had an official discord lmao
/gbfg/ favorite game
>schizo pozposing until banned
>Since you're a versus secondary you'd probably be interested in Naru or Nier or some shit.
My favorite character is Zooey. She's probably a minor character.
Never heard of her
I'm so sorry
that's our lil L!
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>favorite character is Zooey
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Discord is focused on maintaining a safe and secure environment for our community, and your account has been flagged by the Discord community for violations of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.

Your account was sharing illustrated or digitally altered pornography which depicts minors (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub).

Your actions are in violation of our Community Guidelines and are issuing you this warning. If the behavior continues, we may take further action on your account, up to and including account termination.

Discord Trust & Safety Team
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Now I'm 70% convinced all of this was bait, but you never know with how naive Versus secondaries are.
Fortunately Zoi has a whole anni event about her!!
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Tell me straight, doc. How fucked am I?
Vol 1 Ch3 flopped albeit
nyou syee...
this game sabotages itself constantly in favor of an audience that they think is a gold mine (it isn't)
and Zoi is the MOST sabotaged character of them all, due to her relationship with the previous developer of this game.
it's two post-game fights vs faa and playable sandal (who has fate eps like any other char) but they don't interfere with the preceding 96% of the game
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just go play versus my nigga
>Siete does literally half the damage of katze
well well well
the writers hate her and have made her go through nothing but humiliation rituals ever since homoangel wank took over the lore
Is zooey a brownflop?
Huh, so that's why it feels like the devs hate her in Rising.
just discord things
Why are you misleading the newcutie when Zoi is so shilled she even has a shiny new uncap dropping in two days?
She was popular with fans in the old days but cancelled a GW with her summer release since they didn't playtest her. Cygays have been shitting on her nonstop ever since.
>are issuing you this warning
only a warning, based
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Bruh you're so delusional lmao
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I felt bad for her in the MHA collab.
any siete replacement, excluding evokers?
>letting her leech popularity from zodiacs is shitting on her
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Wouldn't you rather have the better Zooey instead?
Do you mean Box? Because Katze can do even more damage than Box. But yes, Siete is garbage outside of his omen cancel.
Put the mask back on, nigga.
Yuni? Yes, we love her.
*rubbies your bulgy wolgy*
>didnt get to play it on release
>if I play it now I wont be able to play endgame fights
hahaha holy fuck
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many years ago zoi was
>a very popular character with the fans
>the first (?) primal character turned playable
>extremely busted and she messes up the balance of this entire game
>all of this is tied to a producer called HRT who was kicked out of the game after this fiasco
>the game has done nothing good with her ever since and like >>494587636 said, subjected her to nothing but humilatiion rituals after humilation rituals
that's the tl;dr, if you like any of the female characters in this game there's a very high chance that the story would sound similar, but Zoi definetely was the girl who had it the worst in this game.
if she wasn't popular/busted and reminded people of a time when the game was still popular and successful she wouldn't be in the spinoffs at all.
Granblue died for this
just a puffy vagina surely.......................
>the first (?) primal character turned playable
Holy retard
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Doing better than some other games
unless you're a power level faggot not much
>that one nip who kept begging for them to release her under every GBF tweet
>no nierey
Bro your /gbfrg/ crew members?
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you can play the endgame fights, just grind x4.
Don't bother, it's garbage, it's not even worth a pirate
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so based
it's been more than a decade bro
I can't remember every detail of this pyosg

I guess rosetta is probably the first now that I think about it so she might be the first "enemy primal" that became playable, it's either her or medusa.
>this is censored
>bubs culo is not
more than "half a decade"
>could teach yuni a lot of things
>cosmos revives
>now you're in trouble
Thinking about it this way actually makes me more annoyed at cosmoth revival
bubs isn't showing anything censor-worthy
that's just proof that it doesn't have widespread appeal with the lowest common denominator. >>494585218
grub would never do that and if you actually read the conversation you would know that wasn't the premise.
neither is yuni
who excited to FARM new shields and manaturas??
not da conjunction...
don't be a retarded pedo
lil L being dishonest again huh
Depends on if you count Cerb, who released in the legfes two weeks before her fight.
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no, you obsessed faggot
da summer stream......
It was 997.3 last time I checked damn
38 million players when?
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It's over...
FKHR and his homotranny agenda really did irreparable damage to grub as a franchise huh?
so true
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She wasnt really a primal when she came out. Primal wasnt a tag but it wasnt just that, her writing clearly meant for her to be a demon of sort and a semi collab character like Amira at first, not a primal which she got chanced to later
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Uncap in November, feeling it
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Only if you have Hrunt/Hyperlimiteds. At least Siete you can get away with a perma pool character and Grands.

And Mugen would've been fine if it wasn't so god damn slow
I remember getting so mad at people who would open their raids at 1% and then kill it before you had a chance to do anything.
Yeah, before it had soul. A couple of years ago they started introducing these bitch ass waifu archetypes that don't fit the game.

Snowbreak did the same as ygo, went the waifu route when everything else was failing. Disgusting
Grub cosplayers for this feel?
I do that all the time
Imagine being an eceleb centered around grub lmao
I still do that for RotB shens
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Whoops meant for
Actually meant for
What is this accent
granblue archivian
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But the nipslip one
Silent Magician
Queen's Knight
Mystical Elf
Dark Magician Girl
Dark Magician Girl (Negro)
Blue Eyes White Dragon
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you forgot this semen demon, probably more
what's this marge meme?
marge moment
>early Yugioh has sexo
>nu yugioh doesnt
reminds me of rob and how cygames is now
>gets thin
>instantly fired
Miico... you know what to do...
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Are there any wind core units as cute as this one?
Galleon, that's it really
so not cute at all? galleon.
for actually cute and core units wind has vampy and lich and cantate
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The Virusmate quick skill... home...
Why are there more people using Fraux than Sunman in Siete?
Alanaan... FLOP
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What did the galleonrager mean by this?
but you intentionally tried to join those raids because it was guaranteed vice mvp and no chance of failure wasting your bp.
No I joined those raids because they were the only ones available
we had twitter back then. the only reason you would join those is because of what i just said or you were too lazy to get try a different id.
maximizing your bp usage was big back before kmr showered us with berries.
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Am I late tot he party?
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She's so trash. Didn't even get a real artist to draw her.
Numpers got a new car
>quit grub
>become cantate
>instant success
>buy a porsche
I join it because I thought they died at 1% and need help
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am I fucked for wind nm200+
Can't spark before it because I want to get a chance at the providence rate up on the 31st
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another win for lotta
i don't wanna play faa0
can you 100' katze?
mirin katze +1 would do the trick, perhaps
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My favorite part about wind is how galleon just breaks it
8 years and they couldn't include a fishing minigame
yes, very sad haha
that raid is so fast now that if you don't already have everything already mapped out and know what you're clicking during the black screen you will brick the raid.
if you don't want to do it then you probably also can't do it.
I'm working on fire evokers and esta domain bonuses for the dispel cancel.
Maybe if getting the new manatura and shields is fast
>6 tiaguns
>2 buttons pressed
what did she mean by that?
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yep it sucks. I have to study the raid mechanics and write down a flowchart for every element and team i'm trying and it sucks.
Also, can I replace Sky Ace with something?
it's so funny that your retarded ass comes here to rage out at people about gameplay but you can't even do luci zero.
>and write down a flowchart for every element and team i'm trying
Just don't do that? Memorizing that raid and its mechanics is fucking easy.
KEKAROO maleringers do be like that
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Bwo wind is the most braindead element. I cleared it during its first week of release with just settes, celestial, cosmic and opus. You dont even need a grand.
Siete and Nio are going to be core for 250, just like Sarasa and Okto.
What does the magna wind grid look like? Don't have the potatoes uncapped.
>What does the magna wind grid look like?
idk who you're talking about.

i'm not smart enough for that

yes I know it was easier in the beginning, like >>494598452 said. I could do the kengo magna setup, but then it's even slower
Is awakening the Sette mk2 to ATK really that good? I think I hit the damage cap just fine with regular Sette. What about the def awakening?
you're stacking settes in the two HL raids which you are not capping with mk1 settes
just make 10 mk2 of each
I did but didn't really feel the difference.
Def is fine without awaken.
>erm ackchually it's not me you're talking about this forum is anonymous
is this how autists perceive the world? acting like john cena you can't see me.
when did I ever complain about the gameplay?
What about M3? Im not sure what a grid that can farm settes looks like.
I can't farm settes quick enough before every fucking nips in the raid gets him to 10% and leave...
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become the 10% whore or farm during non-nip hours
That's barely an issue in sufaa thoughevery
This obviously is a huge problem in hexa because that raid requires you to clear unusual omens that might require prep or skills/summons off, although even that isn't critical if you still manage to clear your pearl
In sufaa you literally play alone, you can even do the 55% labors as long as it takes and literally exit at 20% of the boss while actual players play the game, boss is much easier to carry and even non-def 1labor clears extremely frequently
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Galleon content
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source for these???? they look amazing
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Poorest Cantate enjoyer
Where's the hecking Cannedtate MMD model?!
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Guy made the 3d model from scratch
me getting s1'd
thank you, also really based
Siete FA team?
surprised nobody made some AI shit with Hailuo AI
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it's literally impossible to FA as he gets to 10% in less than 30 seconds by everyone else
guys you need to read the whole event, there are some leaky leaks hidden inside the dialogues, i swear!!
Didn't play a lot around it, but i know jannies are very trigger-happy about those gens
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>dydk puts his retarded eustace setup on the wiki
it's a sidegrade to chrys at best, look for the mirin one
Sufaa still easier than Hexa.
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I could fall asleep while doing hexa it's that easy
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i mean it does say that you can replace eustace with mirin, but it still uses the same grid with sky ace, as do the chrys setups on the wiki
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My collection is complete now. My precious shrine maidens and two recent hags
>human ears
AI would be blamed for this if you made this mistake in 2024.
I haven't checked the grid, I was just commenting on the wiki editor's actions
to answer your question though, you can just use settes, with some tweaks
Alright, thanks
Not gay or anything but I would let Vane stretch my bussy
>summons a field of flowers
>murders Siete
Grandpa is too powerful
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having fun grubbas?
not really
do i need to uncap esta for *ugishit or can i get away without it
>have to summon bubz AND click Galleon's S1 to do ex+
Thanks, this fucking sucks
I'm having fun playing Splatoon, yes.
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Who has the dick?
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Collab soon
Splatoon is more of a game than this loading screen simulator albeit
>nintendo collab after dragalia lost
Can I leech homoangel raids?
faa and bubz are leechable, belial not so much
I will give you the permission to do so.
just execute low hp belials
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>game is going to die with its last endgame raids being rehashes of old raids
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lil L...
Subaha and Faa0 are good upgrades to their respective raids which had been powercrept long ago.
But I do wish we got more new hard raids like Hexa, but it's probably gonna be Bubz/Belial rehashed whenever they announce some.
Only raids on the horizon are revans 2 for fucking T5 CCWs of all things.
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Enjoying your loading screens grubbas?
>revans 2 for fucking T5 CCWs
just reading this gives you cancer
I fucking love loading
CC in my minecraft house...
>Genshin had a half-breed banner last year
>Star Rail and ZZZ have half-breed banners this year
>one of Arknight's and FEH's main villains is a half-breed
bwos? gwubba half-breeds that aren't dwagons?
imagine, someone spent moons on skypiercer when sumo ccw comes out next month
is syimply nyot pyosdibke...
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I have no problem with our half-breeds
fyat fyinger fyuck...
for how much people shill granblue archive, it could use some new chibi comics for the loading screens
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Me and who?
Where do you track weekly missions now? I genuinely can't find it...
you pull on that shit to the side
thank FKTRN that he made it show a useless obsolete thing there by default instead on his way out
but...the katalina dupe everyone asked for...
You cap even without the awakening. I was using Settes on my dirt NM250 and hit 13m ougis just fine (Okto goes up to 18m).
>human with fake erune ears
actually breedable
>punching lumi 3 while farming FP
>get literally anything but the guns
there's no fucking way they didnt weight the droprate against the exaltos
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never got a katalina since I've played this game
5/5/5/5/5/4 here, it's fine
yugu even gave me more exaltos than non-exaltos
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Can you imagine how fucking garbage dirt olivia would be if her third skill needed you to pick a target instead of it automatically picking the character after her? She's be like 9.5 at best.
Imagine being manual cuck in grub in 2024.
I wish I could do hexa
good bait
>click skill and click hrunt mc
>click fa right after
>instant 11 instead of 10
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Considering how part of the rating if how good they are in FA, that's not entirely untrue.
She'd be 10 times better
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But you can, if it clears then that's something else :^)
Nier would say this
>can click the MC
are you actually retarded?
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Very unfunny
This got like 20k likes on twatter and of course no one knew who those "other two" were
Bunny is cute, though.
fuck relink for making faa2 instead of lilith
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They're decent, yes.
>one of the loading screens is by siu
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>one of the loading screens is done by siu
>not a dog in sight
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Djeeta from Granblue!
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Isn't that a character from pricone?
That's clearly lumine from genshin though.
Was out for a jog and thought I had a squeaker but it was actually a Mr. P
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>16 hour thread
>not even at bump limit
>not even 22h thread
why is /gbfg/ so fast suddenly?
Get used to it. This game's basically gonna shut down after they announce the inevitable EoS event.
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everyone is...still sleeping...
DM me on Numperscord when we are talking about days, not hours
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grubs for this feel?
>homoknight rerun
>new homoknight event
Nice month grubtards
the end of eos service will end the service?
why, in a game about exploring a fantasy sky world with various islands and races, is our longest running event series about the crew going back to the same island over and over again to help 4 homo humans fight the Feendrache hater of the week?
I love galge futacocks so much
Host hexa, bluds
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Finally dipping my toes into other raids. I'm pretty intimidated by Super ultimate bahamut.
your hrunt?
subaha is easy you just need a janny
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the problem?
bampi has semen drain
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I know.
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why is grub's story telling like this
my pp is twitching...
Homoknight "writing" do be like that
>dead day yesterday
>rerun today
What would you like us to shitpost about?
Granblue Archive won so hard...
https://pixeldrain com/u/sWYr5pm9
https://pixeldrain com/u/Ah6eTB4g
https://pixeldrain com/u/wE9Fs9Eo
so true
das it mane
post photo
Estalucia was always just a MacGuffin to justify going to the same islands, recycle plots, revisit islands again and someday get a nebulous piece of info relevant to the plot but that goes nowhere while also retconning some stuff along the way. Pretty much like WanPiss.
dokkan battle
...has no doujins
Your fate is over retard
In One Piece they don't go back to East Blue every other chapter
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anyways, sex with all the children's day botes
Stop fucking botes
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I loved when we finished the second arc and they decided to send us back to the skydom of the first arc instead of having us continue on our journey.
Oh wait I didn't love it and I stopped reading the story for years because of it.
Anyway let's not forget that Girl in Blue lasted two years, Dawning Sky lasted two years, and Wayfaring Astral, well...
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wtf Bampy looks like THAT?
getting drained by bampi so hard you pass out but the draining continues...
I think the worst part was they said there were so many skydoms we were going to visit (relink was one of them and it would tie in to the main story lol) and then we hit Utopia. Remember when we were getting one msq update a year and we only stopped in one of the utopia islands each time?

And now we speedran all the map pieces with plotmagic. We're not going to visit those other skydoms. Grim.
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Crazy to think that normal looking guy like that likes to dress up as Cunnycake...
cunnycake enjoyers:
>drives expensive cars
>goes to a foreign country and live in expensive hotels

cunnycake haters:
>cleans toilets
>go nuts 24/7

I am nyoticing
jap furries are nowhere near as mentally ill and retarded as westshart ones
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Give me 20m ruppies or grub will EoS is three days.
make it 5 minutes
i'll give you 40m to EoS right now
Rimuru collab is coming though >>494641779
Not bad not bad at a-
>bright fucking yellow with a black stripe
That's reserved exclusively for Camaros.
I'll give you 200m to EoS in three minutes.
Kill me, Cendrillion.
>this is considered normal behavior by /gbfg/
Y’all niggas need Islam
Maleringer melty...
that's already considered very sane and healthy behavior in the west
big words coming from someone who thinks ogling random men in a bathhouse is a normal acceptable hobby
nywell nyits just….
I brought the wrong team in and only dealt 2m honors of damage. The japanese player kept typing idk what he was saying but they said my name 5 times
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Marge, we all love furries around these parts
What's the best setup for saving the dead 5% belials?
Nothing wrong with dressing up as an animal and having sex with other men then showering with them and playing a bit of grab ass
Bejitabro btw
you're supposed to screen it and post it here for us to tl...
any burst setup but you guard first 2 turns before his unchallenged is gone
Light RB
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KMR handing over his GBF Producer License to ShadowP (2024)(Colorized).
You forgot to crop the scholarship screen.
ain't no way
I knew I saw someone make this joke already
ATK or DEF for GW settes?
both, 7 each
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The three bug chasing 'roons of /gbfg/
whats everyone doing before the next gw??
my penis smells like cheese
>you can get scholarships writing grubslop for this company
Well god damn that would've been nice to know years ago.
Playing the other granblue of course
3 mk2 ATK
3 mk2 DEF
3 mk2 special
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to be honest this is the most alarming part
I look like this
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literally me when I play this pyosg
alarming how galge cantate enjoyers are
Could you imagine getting a scholarship from fucking Cygames? Absolutely cooked.
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what did she mean by this, can we get chatgpt on this
Cantate scholars do be based like that
what did ChatGPT mean by this?
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speak engrish schizo
out of nowhere
Why the lil L Shaygod raging?
NGAfag doesn't speak neither english nor chinese
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well, since you asked...
*follows the blade with just one eye*
Why is Trooneraph going nuts today?
All fantastic posts
Seraph = Yuta Okkotsu
Momoi = Satoru Gojo
JJKschizo = Suguru Geto
Shay = Yuji Itadori
sex with grass
sex with native americans
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>gbfpags play chinese games but are too scared to accept it so they shit on them instead
We play granblue archive and granblue lane here though
Seraph won bigly
Yuta best character
Numpers = Ryomen Sukuna
still better than being a janitor at mcdonalds
sietes and poe
Numpers is so handsome and sexy…
...on opposite day
Why am I Geto? Can I be Ino instead?
you got the UR yet?
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A lot of companies do that sort of work if you know where to look, there's an SK college that's sponsored by Samsung that's pretty much an instant degree to niche job pipeline. The cygames version likely gives students smaller industry assignments as practice so when they graduate they already know the work flow
Meant for
you will never be meantforschizo
I am ascended super meantforschizo, or you could just call me super meantforschizo 2.
Meant for
Has he really found a way to surpass super meantforschizo 2? Is that possible?
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Am I going to make it?
those are funny looking 7man sords
yikesrino sweaty
And this. Is to go. Even further. Beyond!
None of you are funny
Only need 7 guns! You can do it!
Meant for
Would you fusion dance with Seraph if it was the only way to defeat greater evil, FKHR?
Don't be mad I have more than you sweetie ;)
He already fused with Shart to defeat their greater evil, Cunnycake
Poziel is basically a fusion between Poz and De La Flop
FKHR is not the greater evil there, I'm afraid...
Galgehara is too powerful for Seraph to ever defeat, that's why he was promoted to have even more control over the IP.
fake meantforschizo is fucking nuts
They failed to land a mortal wound and now Numpers put the mask on
gbfpag fanfiction is fucking nuts
Numpers is basically Jiren

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