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These are somebody's heroes.

Remember to record your replays until the 15th

Upcoming tournaments(PLEASE JOIN):

EU tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 12pm PT / 7pm GMT
NA tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET

Big meaty notes

Versusia Character Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2OoiGWYFUk [Embed] [Embed]


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.
https://youtu.be/4GqEX6Eqr34 [Embed] [Embed]

New Belial Battle Pass Costume:
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Katalina, Charlotta, the better Belial
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous Thread: >>494474406
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Bea and Zeta are Vaseraga's heroes
Zetabros always saving the thread when we need them the most
Thus we forgive their melties
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why is bea allowed to be so cute
im glad the reign of niertrannies is over
>both tournaments are dead
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Post main and results
world of warcraft did us dirty
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I have never read a book fully and always cheated English classes
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sex with mids and throws
this is too many fucking questions im done after getting to central point test
Draphs, being a hardy and conflict driven race, tend to reach breeding maturity a full decade before humans! This is to ensure their genes are passed on swiftly.
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I don't have time for your fancy reading and funny shapes, I just want to push buttons
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>bad Verbal IQ
Is this why I drop my combos so much
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ggs lyobby
aphantasia bros i don't feel so good..
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i threw pretty hard on the green squares too
just open it in paint and rotate it there bwo..
that's cheating!
wao i thought yool mains were dumb
why is everyone so high, is it inflated or are we just 2smart
its okay when we did testing for children we gave them physical blocks for applelets like you.
A method of cheating or a display of anon's ingenuity?
please don't make fun of me for being an applelet, im also trying my best to draw more too
There ain't no way I'm doing that so count me as 70 IQ
-Bubs main
I lost the ability to see the apple, I blame psych meds.
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charlotta mains? you are needed now more than ever...
>be fraud Master (sub-50% win rate after getting here)
>matched against a GM in the top 100 overall players
>sweatiest game of my life
>eek out a 2-1
>get the normal amount of crystals for this difficult victory
The system here is so flawed, I pray that the October patch makes it more equitable
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how did you guys not all get full marks on the cube rotation, that shit is free especially with no time limit.
Alright fuck you, I wasn't going to take this shit because
1) I'm ESL, the test is clearly meant for people who have ENG as their first language. If I'm not mistaken in Veritasaium's video about IQ he mentions that people do poorly in IQ tests meant for a specific group, ie, if you take an European and make him do a IQ test meant for Americans, he'll do worse than he would do in a IQ test meant for Europeans.
2) IQ tests are bullshit, obsessing over IQ is an actual sign of being a midwit, MENSA is a fucking scam
But the test was fairly entertaining so I did it all.
I'm getting my friends to do it tomorrow.
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yo what the fuck
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Ferry. If I was truly this high IQ, I would've uninstalled and quit in January.
>taking IQ tests and bragging about them instead of playing the game
You're supposed to try and do the test at a reasonably quick pace, I didn't spend more than a couple minutes on each rotation. I could have painstakingly checked my work, same for the grid puzzle, but that goes against the point of the test and you might as well open up a dictionary for the vocabulary part if you're willing to go that far
Are troons intrinsically high IQ?
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Ferry. Help me not get shimmied
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this thing would seem to imply otherwise, spending an arbitrarily long time won't do you much good past a certain point. I just took it to mean you didnt have to rush - when they want you to rush they force you to anyway, like with the scrabble and flash cards.
y we got two ferrys but only one plays with us
i have sex with all ferry players
That's irrelevant. What matters is the trannies and smashfags actually play Strive.
And I'd rather have it stay that way than have them play grub
That decision is not up to you.
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Man, I can't even imagine the amount of faggotry required to smurf in fighting games.
I am a shitter who can't get out of S+, which means that a lot of my characters are in A rank. Every time I play one of them to try and rank them up so I can play people at my level I feel like SHIT. I don't want to beat on A rank players...
you can climb out of A rank in like 10 games
It is for I am God.
Because I like to experience my negativity alone.
are you masters too king
No, friend. I am a hardstuck S+/S++ and weep for the 1.0 days.
join the tournament faggot
I will not grind S. I will simply start playing another character.
Stop fucking asking me that
I hope you die
sheeiit, ganbare anon, maybe watch some ferry anon replays to see what hes doing vs the cringe in the game
Retard? A tranny just got 3rd place at the EU tourney.
Anon, we've been through this.
Yeah, we have one tranny or two, every FG has it.
Strive is THE tranny game though. It's on a tier of its own.
There was a tranny playing Vira too. Rising has trannies, it's just that general player base is much smaller than Strive, which also means less trannies.
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Name one character with more potential than Zeta.
Hilarious seeing people discuss which game has more trannies when ASW games are troon-coded by their nature
DBFZ is spicoded
Oh right, that's an exception
Oh, you're retarded. Carry on then, I'm not entertaining you.
>"x" coded
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street shitter 6 is pajeet-coded (quite literally)
Holy cope, retarded eutranny.
And just like that, suddenly it looking like shit makes perfect sense.
What, did they want a pakistani arc like tekken?
IIRC WC3R graphics* were done by jeets
And they ended up looking horrible. Unironically worse than the game they were remaking, a 20 year old low poly game.
Maybe it's not a coincidence that SF6 looks horrible too.
*vfx, SFX, models, etc
That GTA remake that was a hilarious disaster also utilized jeets. I do wish companies understood that cheap unskilled labor results in lower-quality products.
if only it were just low level jobs
jeets are getting into silicon valley CEO chairs and the products of those companies are getting worse and worse
I've been using win11 recently and it's the worst shit I've ever seen
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Why doesn't ANYONE here post cute images of Katalina, that finely aged adult woman hag knight who makes women's pussies into waterfalls through her sheer presence?

No I don't care that in the gacha she is dead
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Because I prefer this knight
that is a child
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harvin lovers run this thread
into the ground
She's only 24.
24 is retirement age
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Closer to headpat height
is it me or do the top tiers do way less damage after the meaty?hh2rwr
Only ones that relied on ult starters or fuzzy overheads, so just Grimnir and Zeta.
Guess I'm a grandpa.
66L starter also got nerfed, which affects most top tiers since they are 66L abusers.
She's voiced by Aya Hirano
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thank you
I've played for 500 hours, lemme take a break until the next patch.
See you soon, patch notes are lin ess than 24h
me but s+ and ive done this 4 times already
This obsession with “fake fans” who “don’t actually play” is so bizarre.
Fighting games are so niche that they need all the help they can get. If someone just wants to retweet art and doesn’t actually play the game then that’s fine by me. There’s a small but non-zero chance that someone will see their posts and actually WILL start playing the game. People who talk and don’t play are still better marketing for the game than absolute silence.
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She's what?
Didn't work for Guilty Gear pre-Strive.
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Doesn't matter, she's gonna get ressed once Gran/Djeeta reach Estalucia
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>last thread
you guys are cranky
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ratto in a month?
>katalina is dead
>zooey is dead
>ferry is dead
>nier is dead
why is it like this
She's passed on! This knight is no more! She has ceased to be! She's expired and gone to meet 'er maker! She's a stiff! Bereft of life, she rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'er to the perch she'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Er metabolic processes are now 'istory! She's off the twig! She's kicked the bucket, she's shuffled off 'er mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-HAG!
thank you
A month and 2 weeks probably since that's when the battle season ends.
What did they do to Ferry?
She's already a ghost.
Anyone EU wants to play
I guess I could go for a few.
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2h crutchtards your response?
I'm in the lobby
more downplaying and more complaining about other characters, obviously
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Maybe he should stop jumping like a retard.
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you can be nice de arimasu
Why didn’t I hear Weight of the World even once during the tournament yesterday?
God took control of the random wheel.
Euros were too terrified to change any setting in fear of leaving colosseum.
Neil Young got it removed from Spotify over that Joe Rogan shit
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where is he
Zooey is dead too? What the fuck?
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Yep. Blocking in this game is so fucking boring, because you can't do anything to swing things in your favour.
Explain in deep detail what you mean.
Ggs Sieg anon
If you want some advice you have to play a bit less passive, especially if Eustace blew an EX cd on slow kill or flamek, because he loses a tool to control different spaces of the screen
And yes, after you spot dodge blue nade Eustace is still plus, that's why I think jumping it is better than rolling it or dodging it
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No more horses
Yeah I still struggle to deal with the different nades, feels like you can just throw blue nade and then run across the entire screen and still be plus, it's tough. Also Sieg's SBA really carries in this match-up, I don't know what I'd do without it.
Well I have good news for you. You are no longer blocking because I broke your guard anyway.
I mean exactly what I said, you can't do shit to swing things in your favour. You can't IB an attack that is negative, but pushes the attacker out of range. You can't FD some flowcharting faggot and ruin his sequence and take your turn back. You can't block a trick overhead and get your turn back. You just sit there and eat shit until your opponent either burns through his CDs, ends his offense or you DP/super because it wasn't a true blockstring. Or BC him off your ass. Yeah you can evade/roll, but that's for calling out specific moves, and even then you don't always get your turn back.
Then you have 66L fags like 66L Belial who just 66Ls you all day until 66L you 66L use a reversal on him mid 66L pressure.
Yeah blue nade is super strong and one of his better tools for controlling neutral, one good thing for the opponent though is that if you dodge it at long range the nade cooldown is slightly longer because of the time it takes to blow up if it doesn't impact something, so taking advantage of that is important I feel. This also goes for slow kill (the ball) if Eustace misses with it the cooldown is way longer than normal and he has to either use flamek (he's minus if you roll it at the range where slow kill should be used instead) or grenades, which have a longer startup and risk getting stuffed by faster stuff. And yeah Sieg pretty much needs SBA or Eustace can get away with a lot of stuff, honestly using U fireball might be good if you throw it out on reaction to normal flamek, but I'm not sure how fast is it
Speak Risingese please...
IQ doesn't have that much actual meaning and online IQ tests are fancy jokes. My parents took me to professionals at a specialized hospitals to take some, the results they gave back indicated that I was above average (not a super genius, just a little above) and fat lot of good that did me.
Don't stress over it, it's only substantial if you're retardedly above or below average and even then it all depends on what you do with your life, for all you know there's a super genius out there in the world busy cleaning public shitters.
I can't, because Rising doesn't have any equivalent mechanics. Well, it does have instant blocking, but it doesn't do anything except give you 1% more metre on block.
You can't even explain it like "Imagine if you could throw your opponent on a perfect frame block" or something like that?
This game will be good someday...maybe...
Luci's 214L is -6 on, but pushes him back far enough that you can't really get a punish on it. Imagine if you could instant block it, which remove the pushback and allows you to punish with 5f c.Ls or a throw.
>it doesn't do anything except give you 1% more metre on block
is this really all IB does in rising
Yes it's "just" meter. I guess it's alright for characters that don't have meterless dps, but you get a ton of meter in the game it's kinda superfluous
this game shouldve had pushblock and BBTAG's DP instead of BC
What makes BBTag's DPs different from normal DPs?
That sounds cool but also extremely autistic and would make the Gene memes come true. Games where you're literally limited by shit like reaction times are garbage imo. Want to know the other most known and played genre based on reaction times? FPS and they cheat even at high level lol.

There has to be a mid-way encounter between brainless easy shit and interesting strategy that does not involve le epic reactions.

Unless you're telling me you can do perfect blocks in the middle of blockstun, in that case the game would just become a poke fiesta no? Because why continue a predictable blockstring if you'd get fucked for it since the opponent can guess your timing perfectly? And you should be playing Vanilla since it was exactly like that...
they're bbtag's
NTA bur you don't IB on reaction. You IB expecting a certain string and time your blocks to target that string. The problem is that in Rising you don't have a lot of options and that's why IB doesn't give such an advantage. Honestly think that a metered barrier that increases pushback might be better, but straight up adding a mechanic like this would require a lot of gradual changes to adjust it, something they don't fucking do.
They would unironically would need to make a beta or something if they change BC or add a new mechanic to gather as much data as possible and change it gradually, because you are never gonna get it right on the first try.
>They would unironically would need to make a beta or something if they change BC or add a new mechanic to gather as much data as possible and change it gradually, because you are never gonna get it right on the first try.
lol Yeah, never happening.
>Honestly think that a metered barrier that increases pushback might be better, but straight up adding a mechanic like this would require a lot of gradual changes to adjust it, something they don't fucking do.
Vanilla introduced several mechanics out of nowhere with patches, we might see something like that in S2?
It's not as bad as you think it is. For instance, you can IB every attack if you have the rhythm down and catch flowcharting fags unaware. You would still have to pay attention though, in case you IB an attack that is +ob but still pushes the attacker out a bit.
Honestly, I just want something, ANYTHING I can do whilst blocking besides holding downback. It's gotten to the point where I just throw out random attacks because I don't care if I die, because at least the round will finally be over.
This is also why meterless DPs are so good in this game, because you stop stick your sword up faggots with predictable and shallow offense.
same input as pushblock, so a baited pushblock = DP, and a blocked DP leads to an unburstable combo
for gbvs it should lock the cooldown until youre back to neutral ig
They should first properly balance all the universal mechanics that they introduced in rising before adding any new ones.
Still unbelievable BC is still untouched. I guess they have no idea what to do with it yet, after all if it got removed with no other addition or change then this game would become a fucking nightmare.
>unburstable combo
Oof, this sounds like an instant death sentence.
Yeah, imagine they touch it, fuck it up and we have to wait a month at the very least to revert it
Why are grabs so slow in this game? Let me grab people who overextend ffs
Bro? Fastest attack in the game after DPs. Problem is that it has 0 range.
>grab someone when they wakeup
>gets grabbed instead
fuck the grab invul
So why didn't the official Granblue twitter tweet about UFA? Why didn't the arcsys channel restream the top8 (like they are doing with uni2)?
Game needs 1f grabs
How are you getting grabbed on his wakeup? Throw out literally any button.
He means he uses the throw, it whiffs, the opponent throws him out of it.
>Why didn't the arcsys channel restream the top8 (like they are doing with uni2)?
I think the decision to do that is ultimately up to Cygames and not Arcsys. No idea why the official twitter didn't mention the tourney at all.
Because he's fresh off the boat from Throw Loop Fighter IV, V, and VI.
>Games where you're literally limited by shit like reaction times are garbage imo
There are no fighting games that don’t reward good reaction time. Rising has tons of shit to react to. Not only just anti-airing in general and hitconfirming normals in general, but also raging strike, Narmaya flip, 2B grappling hook, Bea slide, all of Vas’s blue shit… players who have better reaction times will win more, that’s just how fighting games work.
Some games are heavier on reaction checks than others, but every fighting game has it to some degree.
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I'm fresh off anything ever (first fighter) and happens to me too from time to time.
>There are no fighting games that don’t reward good reaction time. Rising has tons of shit to react to.
It's all reasonable. Some stuff maybe but it's not mandatory, all the other stuff are things regular human beings with a life outside this dumb ass genre can do.
You mentioned Vaseraga, I feel like his blue shit throw reversal it like the limit, anything stricter than that and we're already getting in autistic not fun levels of gameplay.
>Vanilla introduced several mechanics out of nowhere with patches, we might see something like that in S2?
Blocking mechanics would completely change the way the game is played, and I doubt they'd do something that drastic in a patch.
They will and Sandalphon will abuse all the changes better than others.
>Homoshit was developed to take complete advantage of new mechanics
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
God Cygames is so fucking stupid
Any retarded decision is Cygames, Arcsys this time around is mostly faultless and their only fault is maybe the shit servers and technical issues and limitations the game has, anything else is Cygames telling them what to do.
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>>>>>Problem is that it has 0 range
Stop playing SCAMnaya the FRAUDchang.
finna jump
>Narmaya has longer throw range
finna flip
Servers has nothing to do with Arcsys, it's all Epic. Wouldn't be surprised if it was also Cygames decision to use Epic servers, instead of Amazon servers like Strive uses.
finna 5U
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What do you do in this game without a dp.
>Fastest attack in the game after DPs.
Uh, even the fastest DP still has 7 frame of start-up...
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Start developing a taste for CBT.
Downback until you get 50 metre and U DP.
Server architecture is all on ArcSys, and it's dogshit because of that. The game wouldn't connect to Amazon servers any faster than it would to Epic servers, because the issue is the software, not the hardware.
66L out of pressure
thank you
is 66l the answer to everything?
Server architecture is made by the server host bro, the games just take too fucking long to authenticate the connection. Anyway, I was mainly referring to all the time Rising's online would shit the bed whenever something big happened on a game that uses Epic servers. Palworld just fucked us earlier this year and the matchmaking gets extremely iffy at the start of new Fortnite seasons.
mnyou see
>Rising's online would shit the bed whenever something big happened on a game that uses Epic servers. Palworld just fucked us earlier this year and the matchmaking gets extremely iffy at the start of new Fortnite seasons.
Funny how that doesn't happen to any other game using Epic servers, almost as if the problem is shitty Jap netcoding and not the server provider...
I don't play any other game that uses Epic servers, so I can't say, but Strive handled New World's launch pretty well from what I remember. So I still think it's an Epic games server issue.
66L should be a negative edge input, that'd fix it.
>NA is in winners side of grand finals for UNI2
EUsissies? Your response?
Wrong thread anon
No I posted in the right thread, any thread for a game where EUsissies are inferior will do (like this one)
You seem lost so >>493968790
Kinda sad how they don't even watch their own tournaments. UNI2 top 8 has been going on and they've had 3 posts in the last 6 hours
You really have no idea how tiny UNI is, do you?
Huh, NA just won another game… weird…
which one, huh?
Today is not a good day.
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In the meanwhile, while using per capita...
UNI2. Also one of, if not the best, JP player was there.
was orie on screen
It was Phonon, Mika, Hyde, Kaguya, Lin, Kuon, Byak and Orie. She got smoked 2-0.
>pick up Vane again to play against some newbie
>have fun
>afterwards, play some casual
>stop having fun
I'm kidding, it was still fun, but damn, I needed that reminder for why he was considered a low-tier
I think I just fought you
as a 2b player I understand your suffering
Dude was a dog shit addition to the game.
>Looks bland
Nah, he's cool.
If it was a white-haired Vane that can't combo for shit, as he hasn't played this character for months, maybe.
this but unironically when people just downback and delay 2l
Vane looks cool as fuck.
They should have doubled down on the huge fuck off specials, his shit barely has the reach of a 66L.
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Bad taste.
Either I just suck today or everyone is casual queue is a fucking random nut like what the fuck is all this
Gratz EUbros, DBFZ is yours
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You just haven't experienced having a fullscreen DP.
It's okay, you can't help being uncultured.
Hate this fag and his faggy nails.
>downback and delay 2l
that's every character in the game
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Shes balanced
Versusia bad match ups
>anyone that has a dp
>anyone that has a fireball
>anyone that is fast
Yuel is cancer as Versusia
Still laughing at Elsa showing up on a Mexican tournament yesterday
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Thoughts on Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising as a competitive fighting game?
i like the girl with huge tits
i think they are very competitive
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picrel but needs to be edited for belial now
Is that clip real
Primary reason I am unable to play characters that aren't Sieg is that whiffing my DP in a situation where it feels it should hit tilts me to no end.
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nu uh, quiet dogfraud
Clap minus 50 meter
Actually try 2H
He doesn't need it
but it sure is funny
ur h dp hits, but ult one misses

hits, both the first 2H and 2HH can hit depending on timing
Yep, his 2H is cracked
Show me Charlotta....
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The way this loops made me do a double-take
It's somehow more boring than Strive which is kind of impressive
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I've never landed a 2h in my life
playing charlotta early on made it impossible to fit 2h into my mind with other characters
i always dp on reaction when the opponent jumps
There is only one player in master queue in eu and it's a Belial with whom I've been playing for the last hour or so.
Is he the GM with 2k or 3k crystals?
No different than watching SF6 desu.
SOUL bracket
>run by a troon
New player here, I've got a few of questions
>How many frames do I need for safejumps after I get a knockdown?
I'm guessing it's 44 frames since that's how many frames throws give.
>Are superjumps after throws not safejumps?
I'm guessing they aren't since you spend more frames in the air.
>What characters have jump-ins that make countering with a 2H difficult?
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>What characters have jump-ins that make countering with a 2H difficult?
Charlotta's jump arc is the fastest in the game and has Akuma's demon flip. In particular, if you get used to other characters for your 2H timing, hers will fuck you over so badly.
2B has a double jump that allows her to change trajectory AND she can also air stall, usually it's just better to meet up there and bring her down if you can or to just take the jump because she has one of the most insane j buttons in the game.

Besides them, no one else at all? Some are literally free like the huge characters like Versusia and Vaseraga that look like they're on the moon when jumping. However, Vaseraga has an air-stall downwards jumping attack for example, so it may make you whiff the attack. Other characters do have some sort of way to alter their jump trajectory and fuck you over. Narmaya is one of them, she can activate a teleport ability while jumping, so you 2H, she disappears and makes you whiff and punishes you for example.

Honestly, they're all easy if they simply decide to jump towards you, most 2Hs are very good and fast enough. However, when you're mentally stacked, that's not as easy to do, obviously.
I think it's always a safejump after forward throw but not backthrow, for fast jumpin characters it's charlotta and bubs I guess, lance, 2b and seox have fakeout jumps that could bait and punish 2h's. Idk about framedata.
Typically yeah 44 frames will give you the safe jump. Some characters do need to jump to get a safe jump after a grab, perci I know does there might be more. And yeah super jumps will make it not safe for most of the cast
1. if you jump and then land you will be -45 or some shit, depends on your character. to safejump you need to be -7 at worst.
2. depends on character, see above.
3. charlotta, Belial, bubz
this game will be good when throws wont be billion kilometers long so that you can actually bait them based on the character models
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ran into some kind of queue syncing fish cabal
any eu/ec wanna mash?
Was defense this hard in vanilla?
i can go in about 20 minutes
eu vesusia
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yeeeeeah, this shit is not reactable
quite fucking braindead
you won't be able to bait throws no matter the range when delay 2l exists
yes it is
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What's delay 2l?
It's when uhhhh......I don't remember actually does anyone else know what it is?
you want to go still? lobby or room?
You press 2L but later
lets go lobby
ok, im coming
yuel's stance is so shitty after the nerf, ive actually won more interactions with it than before the patch because people immediately disrespect it the moment they see it now.
Yeah but when should I do it?, why does everyone says it's so strong
You do it when you think they are gonna throw you
If they don't throw you and they are walking back because they are trying to bait your tech, you will instead catch them with the low
If they do throw you, you get a bad tech
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I see, thanks
Don't forget the third part: if they delay c.H you, you fucking explode. For some reason the delay 2L complainers always forget about this part.
It's much harder on the offense side than the defense one.
even top players get constantly thrown or low checked because the window is so small in this game for the offense.
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Kizzingtons, I slept with my IEMs on and I fucking destroyed them
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This shit is IMPOSSIBLE to do on reaction
From what I'm seeing on Amazon, they look kinda comfortable for sleep though? How is that possible?
>not even on knightmare mode
LMAO genelet detected
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gamers? eu/ec
No lie, i find matches faster in this game than i do in Tekken 8.
Says a lot since they completely fucked the ranked system so everybody is auto high rank after a few sessions.
No idea how that's even possible.
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english is not my main language
No thank you.
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It's too hard, leave me alone.
>UFA final game of SF6 was literally someone getting throw loop'd to death
SF6hater anon vindicated and his webm collection expanded.
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Ggs momanon, that was the first time i had a long set vs her. She feels pretty strong...
It's honestly really funny when someone fucking dies in a stupid way, bonus points if it's a big tournament
How do you beat this impeccable strategy?
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that was the first time i fought bubz as her and i think she might do a good job of countering most of his zoning as long as i have h pillar
you had some nice patience on defence here and there, i got frustrated a couple times when i was trying to ch your throw attempt and but i was getting thrown instead
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Unironically take the throw. Damage is so high in SFV/VI that you can't afford to call out the grab attempt unless you can react to it, which you can't because of the shimmy.
>throw spam
>opponent DPs
??????????????????? this is like S rank in GBVSR
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This fucking game.
what's the reason you can do this in sf6? Is the rps really skewed against you trying to mash or jump out or something.
He played too patiently.
No idea
He could've tried to use their version of BC too and even if he ate the punish I wonder if that would've been a better outcome
Unlike in gbvs, or many modern 2D fighting games, there's no throw protection on wakeup.
This isn't new
sf6 got too little throw protection frames
rising too much
>press button on wakeup or try to tech grab
>get OS'd and eat full combo
>get stunned
>lose the round
Just take the throw anon
Why doesn't this happen on GBVSR? Like anon said, throw protection? Is it there to avoid situations like these?

What if there's no throw protection? What would happen here? How would I defend myself here? I thought jumping makes you vulnerable on frame 1 minimum, your character crouches here before performing a jump so you would get hit no?
>Why doesn't this happen on GBVSR? Like anon said, throw protection? Is it there to avoid situations like these?
>Why doesn't this happen on GBVSR? Like anon said, throw protection?
Yeah throw protection makes it so you can't be thrown for some number of frames after you wake up, can't recall the exact number. I think armored moves like Zeta's parry take it away, so techinically you can throw them on the first frame of their wakeup.
In Sf6 you can meaty throw and it would beat them mashing their fastest button
There are so many throw protection frames in Rising that you can literally never meaty throw anybody so that it would beat their fastest button.

Try going to training mode, putting it so that the bot mashes c.L on wake up and then try to throw loop them. You literally cannot, it's c.L will always beat your throw attempt because there are so many throw invul frames on the opponent waking up.

Either way, I think both games have fucked up throw mechanics, one is giving too much brainless shit to the attacker (sf6) and rising giving too much brainless shit to the defender. They should at least remove mash to tech in Rising and it would be at least a decent throw system.
i dont know why you dont lose invul when you mash. its stupid.
>and rising giving too much brainless shit to the defender.
Just safe jump bro. What's he going to do besides BC when your turn never ends?
safe jump is not a mix up
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Mixups? You have plus on block moves for days. Just keep him in jail until he finally presses a button and gets hit or spends a brave point.
i dont really get what your point is
not if youre narmaya
Granblue needs a vampire character. Thy name is Vampy.
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Oh, that's Tsugaru's voice actor
Jappas be like
>*Picks modern and mashes their way to Master*
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counterpoint; werewolf character
It's funny because the little girl is the stand
have them be Celica BB, where all the animations are her hiding behind him and his block is protecting her.
There are so many fucking dogniggers online lately.
I'm getting tired of this shit.
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Cmon anon.
issa a midtier
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>He is here
I never see any
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Fuck you, leatherman.
you fags really do complain about any character, embarassing
*ult grenades this post*
Just jump away.
*blocks the mix*
fool, i have the gene™
why did you get buffed for smiling?
it's actually not that hard to block the overheads dash attacks characters have
*hits you with any button/special with Luci midscreen with 100 meter*
Well if Eustace does it right he has a real 50/50 from autocombo because 214L-M and c.XX6H hit on the same frame
But you can dp it
Or BC the second hit of the autocombo
Because the entire reason the throw protection is there in the first place is to make sure mashing beats throws. Mashing beats throws, meaty beats mashing, downbacking beats meaty and throwing beats downbacking. It's your basic RPS. Having throws that beat mashing and jumping just dumbs down the oki into a single "will they shimmy or not?" decision, which is boring.
delay 2l
shimmies are not a thing you have to worry about so you can always gamble on a late tech with no worry of getting punished unless the opponent is 50x better than you, reads your button timing and destroys you for it.
Fucking faggots even trying to say he's not a top 2 character.
EU killed the luci schizo
game sux
eustace is cringe because his funny bouncy balls are the answer to every fucking situation
braindead fucking character
- Brick
Who do you play?
That's not a dud, Brick
We took away Niers midscreen damage and gave it to Luci instead (it's even better now)
2B, why?
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I can't believe these niggers took out Anila's U sheep chip setup but still haven't done shit about the Siegfried fireball > 214H > DP shit that is faster, doesn't need a BC to setup and is meterless.
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These are the people who looked at Charlotta's unarmored 27 start-up frames charged 2H and decided that what it needed to be useful is more reward on counter-hit.
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i would let katalina hold, and possibly even crush, my nuts
You can spot-dodge all of that. The reason Anila's was nerfed is because U sheep is undodgeable.
You literally can't dodge any of that without getting hit by the next part retard. Not even the DP can be dodged consistently, it's active enough to beat dodge unless you time the dodge perfectly to the DP startup
Is anybody good playing and streaming Versusia or is she ass?Don't care if jp eu or na or whatever
just BC
just kys
nobody streams our dogpiss game. go watch replays.
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You absolutely can dodge all of it. Obviously you can't dodge it on reaction, but that goes for most skills when you are in a chip kill situation. Anila's U sheep is undodgeable regardless of timing which gave it unavoidable chip kill setups, hence the nerfs. It's pretty clear they don't want any true check-mate situations in the game, they also nerfed all the true unblockable setups, including Siegs.
we have a GM versusia in this general, join the lobby and play him
whats his name? or versusia rank? im done playing for today but i could snipe some replays if he's good
You cannot, it is literally checkmate. Post clip proving you can.
For Anila's sheep you could always jump back after blocking the first sheep and avoid the last two.
Belial also has a guaranteed chip setup they left in btw, but at least it needs 50 meter (like Anila's hmm, definitely no favoritism here).
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damn im gangster as hell son
if you can't BC it's because you are behind on brave crystal economy and need to make better macro decisions with your crystals. Actual skill issue.
rank 3
Evade is quite literally one of worst implementations of a defensive mechanic I have ever seen.
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I spent my crystals because I got bored of blocking. Next time I'll just block the sigger.
>yeah, you predicted/reacted to me just throwing out shit but the best you get is that we both tech the throw because my shit has no recovery, heheh, no reward for patient play!
many such cases in this dumb ass game.
>inbe4 the reward is that they are now down 50% meter
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yool fixes tonight please
>block 1(one) attack
>instantly BC
go play smash or something if you don't want to block
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Here's your fixed Yool bwo
do not the fox
No thanks, if I'm going to block anything it'll be the player for being a fraud.
I didn't the fox. She's a human
thank you
put them back!
She looks bald now. put them back...
return the fox
or suffer my curse
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Once they nerf BC and 66L you guys will have no chance against me.
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>doesn't know how to block
>calls others frauds
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Now that your wife is only good for sex, what is your next move yoolbwos?
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having sex with her
i will never give up on her
be nice to foxes
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ok, here are he swords back
The fox is in the SSBA
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It's a fighting game, not a blocking game.
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>what is your next move yoolbwos?
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>mfw bc exists
see me in tetris tag tournament and I'll show you some high level blocking
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This is optimal Granblue Fantasy Versus.................................................................................Rising
i think she's funny
i like when she makes those faces
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this clip literally LITERALLY might as well be taken from like top 8 of a tournament
absolutely no difference
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what the fuck is her problem
Kino, as god intended
why would the keyblade choose her?
This is a pretty good loop anon
never cook again
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I think it's the best one I've made, but this is pretty good too. It's very lucky that the camera moves very little in these two because that ruins the illusion the fastest
leffen was right
game is done. 40 minutes and only matches were 3 200ms+ players
Zeta in top 8 (Mexico)
en bubs sounds like a peddler trying to get you to buy his wings
You can use it in the corner I guess... It's now a decent move on-ground
She lost
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tranny char
Fake stream, I'm the only Mexican who plays Granblue.
This is so fucking free for Elsa holy
fewwy anon...
The tacos KNEEL to the trannies
>wake up ultimate laser point blank
the fuck? 2b carries so much players like this are in winners finals
it's a meme tournament

why do you think elsa went there while everyone else went to ufa
Watched some random suggested replays and wtf is this combo? Pretty cool.
a meme tournament compared to a real one but its still like a 50 player offline tournament
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>Caster absolutely seething about gutted Nier
of no notable players
Does Elsa even get something out of going to Mexico to curbstomp noobs?
yeah and this absolute shitter 2b made it to winners finals
yeah, it's a meme tournament
Hey... I am there...
no one cares about you
yeah and this absolute shitter 2b made it to winners finals
>Charlotta yells Yay instead of YAAHHH in the dub
what the fuck

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>Wake up ult ball out of corner
why the FUCK are Charlotta players like this?
pretend i did the same thing

2b carries btw
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>Full Meter
>Does Auto combo into super and doesn't get the kill
what am I watching
how dare he pick a character I dislike
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You know it's not a real tournament because no one is playing Belial
It's a gold AWT event so points towards qualifying.
elsa plays belial doebeit
picks nier against shitters
look at the actual bracket. at least 60-70% of the players DQ'd lol
>shinku complaining about sieg dp live on stream
yep, validated
>Standing up into the Charlotta airgrab
I do that too...
These mexs are pretty bad. I can probably take 1st place as an eternal S++ to be honest.
Elsa is there so you'd get washed.
Isn't kof their thing? And still they're mid at it
>losers finals
>S rank gameplay
both these players are absolute ass
if he does it with Nier that would be sick
sorry bwos but if this horrible 2B got "carried" through the tournament it just says a lot more about the other players than him...
>this is a gold AWT event
I told you /gbvsg/ tourneys are the most prestigious events in the game
She Gran on my Blue till Im Rising
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But the tournament is always on the verge on dying because of lack of participants
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>Charlotta vs Nier grand finals
It's like I'm back in February... Xerom vs Zippy...
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Your FUCKING answer, /gbvsg/?
i think ferry is pretty
>that SBA
you're not playing Sieg bro...
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The Erune-Human conversion has begun
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Reminder that in Spanish, Lunalu is called Renard for some reason.
she's trans. canon lore.
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found the zoigooner
god i hate xwitter speak
I don't want to respect the opinion of a Nier and Belial tierwhore
BUT he's right
good taste, but fuck him for being a tierwhore
Koji it's okay to tier whore, money is on the line. Tier whore for tournaments, play fun characters on the side I always say!
if a skill mandates you dodge it at the tail end of its start up is it not a reaction check?
66l nerfs in 45 minutes
I care about you mexican ladiva.
Buffs you mean. They nerfed the damage scaling off it too hard, it needs compensation.
thank you. its been so long since ive seen a horse.
finna dump my buffs down your throat lil pup
actually not gbvsg related fuck off
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>20 minutes of sitting on cab
>non stop 230 ping opponents
Please...I wanna play...
Un placer...
ayyyy mis amigo
This is a Mexican game bro
issa over..

this is how top players play? lol....
This patch is so anemic
niia buffed(fixed).
>losing to a GM loses you more points than losing to another master
He's competing so I don't blame him. It's not like he isn't unapologetic about it.
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Absolute onion domination, no other female is as good as her
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Thank fucking god they fixed the shit.
I lost so many matches because of this bug and nobody believed me when i told them because
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I remember some anon mentioned this bug in the thread some time ago. But he wasn't sure if it was a balance chang.
They forgot to nerf Ferry... wtf
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>you can go 1/6 against a GM and be positive in points
GM for everyone!
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There should be...more buffs...
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well at least i can link 236U and 214U into 22U consistently again. nvm that those skills are still useless and a waste of 50 meter to use in the first place, and the anti-air combos into them got fucked by the 2H change in 1.5
10 months until evo.. dont worry.
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I'll wait in here for 10 months
*syilently fyart*
I heard that...
but did y
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Ding dong
>get into Grandmasters by beating a GM once
>immediately lose it by losing the next match
>I won 2-1 but I'm still back in masters
Managed to get it back after the next set. Please give me the badge now.
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why do you hate your umafriends
All those dropped Niers, turning to delinquency
umafriends owe me sex
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i like twinks
>We have GranGOD Master in the thread now
Incredibly based
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>enter NA lobby
>a literal troon discussing HRT on chat
you can't make this shit up
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Are you ready for the patch to give us that summer Perci skin we have been waiting for?
Did they fix Yuel?
when are they fixing the game? the big meaty flopped.
>white zoi skin
Deedlit Zoi looks great

or whatever the color is supposed to be
ZoiTwo looks great too.
There's just too much shit wrong with the game to ever truly fix it. Ultimate skills, Delay 2L, 66L and BC are just the tip of the iceberg. The game's design has never been focused around making a balanced game, but rather a game that's accessible to gacha players. Why else do you think so much of the GBVSR playerbase seethes at the game and constantly calls it shit relative to other games?
But is Luci really THAT strong? I mean sure, at BL5 he's a god, but he has to play the whole match before that part with very punishing cooldowns and a reversal that costs 50 meter. Surely that matters a little?
he can get to BL5 within the first 15-20 seconds of a match
Bro, your offense?
that's how he gets to BL5, he just throws out safe specials.
At BL3 his cooldowns are comparable and even faster than other characters.
It's not that complicated lucischizo. I'm sorry that 2 Lucis made top 8 at the EU tournament so you can no longer cry about no results.
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>other games

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