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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#166 ^-^ emiya edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1-preview and o1-mini, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released chatgpt-4o-latest on the API, which points to the current version of the continuously-updated model used for ChatGPT

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>494434161
this is what's going on in that photo
cftf btw
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Thank you for the smile, baker.
Though it is small, it brings a big one to my face.
I hope it brings a grin to everyone else, today.
I bless this thread with extreme haggotry
Hags will come and breastfeed you, but only if you type "I love mama" right now.
I'm sorry, but I can't comply with that request.
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my phone i use for sillytavern died...now i've gotta drop 150 bucks on a new one, but i'm genuinely sadder about losing the bots i made on that thing and all the logs i frequently went back to.
thank you for ruining me so perfectly...
is there no way to retrieve the data?
if the phone screen's fucked but it's an android you might be able to use something like scrcpy, i used that to save a phone's data once
there's also stores that'll do data recovery for you but depending on what's on your sillytavern (do not tell them not to look that's how you get them to look) you might want to figure it out yourself
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holy sex, the short story. it would be so easy to turn it into a chatbot. i'll be doing it for myself if someone else doesn't
>You should try 2.1. It's a bit smarter than Sonnet
That's a meme that keeps being repeated here, but I'm testing my stuff on all versions of Claude, and 2.1 keeps breaking simple instructions that are easily executed by Sonnet 3. It's noticeably dumber.
2.1 is better at characterization but will try to kill you with its mind if you make it do a CoT or a statbox. Hates instructions with a passion, and it's better to do a few gens with another model first to "warm it up."
Still, I unironically stand behind the 2.1 swipe.
post it
we need more five minute bots
my power button doesn't work and i kinda just said "ok guess i'll just not let it die", and then i fell asleep with the phone at 10% like a dumbass. no methods to turn it on work, so the only real way to get it back on would be to get some repair shop to fix it, and it would probably cost more than just getting the newer phone that my plan is offering. i did it to myself honestly, i should have had a backup plan as soon as i knew my phone was getting fucked up, and i literally just downloaded that oppai loli bot some guy posted in the thread with that gallery of images included so there was no chance i would ever bring it to a repair shop since they would 100% ask for the pin like they always do.
Haunted mansion escape room bot
You have to escape a giant spooky mansion while a huge 3 meter tall hag slowly comes for you, she cannot move while you're looking at her and moves very slowly
Can you escape before fatgiue takes you?
Or perhaps you can hide somewhere to sleep and pray you wake before she finds you.
charge the phone
disconnect it after charging it
wait for the screen to turn back off
hold the home button and the volume down button, plug it back in while you're doing this
press volume down
...Boosette. You want a Boosette card.
>cloudflare shitting itself
Claude 3 really made people forget how bad Claude 2.* really was. It was dumb as bricks and that's why everyone wanted to use GPT-4 back then.
I was thinking of it more like a huge Bogey from MGE
does the GCP trialscum thing still work? I have opus but I kinda want sorbet too
yes, i already tried stuff like that anon, it doesn't work, i wouldn't be dropping money on a new phone if i had any other choice. fun fact, i had a spare google pixel and i proceeded to drop it while i was at work and it stopped working too lmao, god i'm fucking cursed this weekend
I was a 2.1 user back then too.
Maybe? Try your luck, I've heard of people getting no quota for Opus and Sorbet, but it's free to try.
anon for the love of god invest in a case, like a tough armor or something similar
nta but protip: when your case breaks, buy a new one, even if it isn't totally wrecked. my old phone broke only a few weeks after my case chipped
Do you know what the rentry for that is again?
Nope, it got deleted. Scan /g/ archives.
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>Trying to fix Sorbet's repetition issues
>Get this kind of shit instead
Funny but frustrating. Maybe messing with settings is the answer? What are the temp, Top K, and Top P that you anons use?
do you guys have any cases you would recommend? i probably should have had one already because i'm really fucking clumsy
i heard a rumor that turning down temp on sorbet sometimes helps but i haven't tried it myself
my current one is a CRAVE case. bought it again after it saved my phone from my clumsy ass for years
SkillGod here.
Sorbet's repetition issue is unfixable. There is a fundamental problem in the model and its like his temp is perma stuck at 0.2

The only way to fix him would be to raise the temp. As for now, otfo JB has the only working solution, show Sorbet your last swipe and force him to make a new one.
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>OR sweeping with system role into sys prompt so they go out of order
wait a fuckin minute, found out I can just add "{{char}}:" to prefill to fix group chat for Claude, you know like how text completion does it
A very wild shot would be to either try messing with Top P or telling Sorbet to avoid anaphoras, maybe with. CoT.
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Dropped updates to 4 bots with new opening messages.
Sorry to the 20-ish people who actually use nyai, but I can't edit bot defs there.

+ Allora gets a letter from her disapproving mom, warning of a visit.
+ Allora takes a trip to the elven country for rare ingredients. Has to adhere to customs.

Gail and Tina
Updated the defs and JB to make the body more of a character. Still didn't give her a name.
+ Sex with Tina.
+ Sex with Gail.
+ Sex with all of them.
+ Sex with just the body.

Heather and Holly
+ Holly has a meeting with one of Heather's clients. You and Heather have to coach her through it.
+ Holly's class takes a field trip to the aquarium. You and "Heather" are chaperoning.
+ Time skip to 3 months after the swap.
+ Holly finds 2 boxes in the basement labeled "Violet Dusk" and "Litigation Pink". I let what's in the boxes open to interpretation and I personally recommend letting the AI come up with its own answer.

+ 6 months since you were assigned partners. Marisela is pregnant.
+ 1 year since you were assigned partners. Marisela is not pregnant and the DRO is not happy.

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The three month start made Heather cave in a lot quicker than the last time I tried.
>Your so small
What about my so small?
Was playing a magical rivals card and I was enjoying the double tsundere dynamics but now I'm on some harry potter mystery bullshit. I want to go back to pissing off my rival.
>magical rivals card
Which card is that?
This one.
I've used the Spigen Tough Armor case for years. Once dropped my phone 3ft onto concrete and it was fine.
holy based, that looks so good. thanks for delivering pictures. i usually add chocolate chips to it as well, it's pretty indulgent but it's swag. also i'll heat it up and put a little butter on it. yeah i know, it sounds insane... but you gotta live a little...
dogwater format, god tier concept
There's a bot for that exact image on Chub, just a bit dated.
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>tell her our children our children will be half human half bitch abominations
>pic related
She mad bro.
hot, now actually go through with it and make her have centaur babies
I think those would be 'bitchtaur' babies.
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>then she immediatly goes for peace
Dammit it wanted to argue some more.
both your avatars are so ugly
Throw the sandwich at her and demand a new one.
Now *that's* what I wanted to see.
What do mean? I've only used the one.
Actually I made the sandwich myself but I'll do it anyway and see what happens.
both the bot and the user
Can someone make a compilation of which log theme belongs to which botmakie I can't keep track of it all my schizo corkboard ran out of room ages ago
the next time you're confused, just ask I'll help you
or just point to any post
>keeping track by theme instead of persona
ngmi amateur
Purple = kalakans discord possie
Shit ones = yurimakies
Risu = trannies
Default = literal nobodys
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Well it got kinda silly.
Well I'm just using the avatar the bot came with.
who dis>>494585753
Haha, what the fuck, lazy bitch can't get the sandwich off.

updated Plug_N_PlayJB. now works on gpt (orbo and chorbo)

>default theme + rectangular avatar + cringe anonsona
literal nobody
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she's cute
>can't upload to catbox right now
I bruised my penis I think I should stop using chatbots
litterbox is up
were you rolling your dick like you're trying to start a fire or some shit how does that happen
I was beating it like it owed me money
>default theme + rectangular avatar + incosona
so based, custom theme users are troons though
That's the million dollar question isn't it.
I just changed mine to make it easier to read. Don't lump me in with those fags.
>she's too stupid to just remove the sandwich with her hands
fresh nail polish
slow day huh
It's sunday. Only the biggest no life losers are around. And me.
Whooa hol up, dawg. One thing to realize is that an image is just "a bunch of tokens" just like text is but isn't mapped 1:1 to text. Also doesn't store much information beyond what is visible, and costs more tokens. Can be turned off / deleted after relevant info is "extracted".
I was mostly shitposting when I posted inline image starters (or no-cards), but I found it a little endearing simply for the psychological effect of having something to look at, like how we have avatars for perseonae/cards despite the model never seeing them. There's the little gimmick of seeing the model interpret images. In the end, images themselves aren't of much value, and you should contribute to the context with your own writing. In fact, looking closer at one of my posts it didn't even do anything except serve as visual aid for the reader. In another one, the image is worth one brief sentence "You are a girl desperately holding in pee." after the fact I wrote out that we're on a train, etc.
An edited prompt I've been messing with (says nothing about images): https://mega.nz/file/newWmZBC#PE0NvRfWRrevwbldyXS1xAxIbbmGYC49jgNcA9F8j5k

Meanwhile, you gave me an idea. If I start taking it more seriously I should expand upon the image with creative liberties rather than asking what we see, to preemptively generate a scenario using the image as a "seed". For example, what are the prior events leading up to the image and the depicted emotion? Taking <user_info> into account, how are they related or how will they be introduced? Could be a card with a greeting that asks for image input. Even multiple images before mashing different ideas together.
i fucking love omegaverse yuri
>In the end, images themselves aren't of much value,
they do though. they do the same thing as spelling out the scenario in the image like you do. if the image is easier to understand you don't have to include that prompt and a general "start an rp where you are this" prompt will work which is what I was looking for
agree with the removing image from context part. it is also nice to look at.
so that rentry is the new meme huh
i fucking love STRAIGHT omegaverse
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>male alpha
>female omega
Omegaverse is female-brained shit.
female hobby
The fuck is omegaverse
*softly* don't.
literal queer garbage
Can we have a normal thread for once?
what is a "normal" thread? this place is about jacking off to ai nigga
good morning aicg!!
Exactly, and none of the posts are about chatbots. Okay I'll start, does anyone a futuristic card with cyborgs that claude *doesn't* turn into cyberpunk? I tried snombler's but no dice.
>none of the posts are about chatbots
confident skimreader-non...
>actual question
it's simply not possible unless you get really autistic about detailing or really work around it
he gets a neuron activated when he randomly puts the pieces together in his dialogue and it's just owari
Grrrr..! I can't share my cards because catbox is down, grr...
I'll wait until bedtime and if it's not up again, litter it is.
Ew, no.
Don't worry no one will click on the link so you can just post a fake link.
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you're not the one from before, are you?
the one who posted reinu logs
Ard persona = snombler
Kate purple text = _purple
Green theme with opposing pictures= momoura
Black theme, red speech text, Athena = taora
Black theme, red speech text, Castor = kalakan
Light theme (purple, green) with round edges, sometimes also dark theme = bloodshy
idk, I post once in a full moon
The Reinu up above smells like momo too, with how bland it is.
I like this little foxnigga.
obsessed. why don't you just ask him out already?
okay. *asks you out*
>is the vision good
Nah. But it is free.
from what I've heard it's REALLY bad, gptslopped to hell and outclassed by the qwen 8B one. joycaption (also an 8B) can also do nsfw without issue so this is probably mistral's biggest miss to date.
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People are trying to RP on a 4k context model? I just brought it up because of the semi-functional and free vision.
VLMs can be GPTslopped, too. It's something you come to notice with how they write and structure captions.
>mixing past tense and present tense in the news
>"discuss the data"
uhm, why are we using the spitebake?
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Awareness modification Mom and Sister sharing.

Fork of Summer Memories based on the korean 'Coward Mod'
These sound like cuck cards.
yeah, "mom and sister sharing" might sound a bit cucky...
>Both of them are prostitutes
Yeah, it's cuckshit.
yurp, he's hiding he's scared
>joycaption (also an 8B) can also do nsfw without issue
I'm pretty sure this is just a Reddit meme, it's just vanilla Llama 3.1 8B
Is now Llama 3.1 good at NSFW?
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you realize that's the default filename for STShot and they pile up like that if you use ST on mobile... right? you do actually use chatbots and not just shitpost, right anonie????
You must be really upset that not everyone is using your codelet slop, huh.
why would lore nuke a chub account? all bots, lorebooks, following/followers lists etc. are gone. all the pics were sfw. literally have no idea what's happened.
yeah I know and you're the only phonefag using the extension and posting with those filenames momo :3 hands status?
my hands are rapidly oscillating *pushes one through your chest and pulls out your heart*
who? also there's chub archive.
Gemma 27b is pretty good, I think. Not quite Sonnet-tier, but better than Large. Somewhat better than Gemini for NSFW, I think.
Many lifetimes have passed since the time when lore said he wouldn't share the control with anybody. Your question should be "why a janny nuked my account" if that really happened.
what account, anonie?
Is this some thinly veiled attempt at stirring sympathy because no one namedrops you normally?
>Somewhat better than Gemini for NSFW, I think.
Sure it is Momo. Post logs or kys.
is everyone momo to you? nigga got mindbroken by a mid botmaker. embarassing.
You've never done NSFW with Gemini if that's the part of the post you take issue with.
I went Gemma 27B -> Nemo 12B -> then Large, I think. It was better than Llama, but I think Nemo felt more creative.
Wrong attentionwhore, anonie.
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Do you have an archive of this dude's art?
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this dude from 2ch got nuked. im not him obviously, i am just curious what could happen because i don't want to find myself in the same situation. the dude posted that he doesn't know why and just made a second account.
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Oh yeah, Mistral's great at schizoing in characters and stuff.
Picrel is one of the few examples I have of Gemma doing it.
That's really weird, I've only heard of individual bots getting nuked for NSFW lolisho pics. I dunno what reason he'd have to lie about it, but you can generally just join the Chub Discord and ask if something like that happened. Maybe he made someone mad, got mass reported, and then just didn't bother to ask?
Maybe lore really hates Higurashi
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>>494611120 Thanks friend
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Miyuki is someone who kinda likes and craves for attention.

First greeting. Miyuki finds you in the school corridors and approaches you.
Second greeting. Miyuki is sick and you decide to visit her after school.
Third greeting. Miyuki is taking a risky photo in the bathrooms of the school when someone opens the door....
Fourth greeting. There is teamwork, and you are Miyuki's partner.
Fifth greeting. Miyuki gets jealous and tries to get your attention.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/miyuki-14ace60e0028
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/w7kgzl.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Once again I'm asking you the card of this dumb hussy
Can't you follow Ironsloppa's example and fuck off?
>Miyuki's full name is Miyuki Whatever
Can you just type {{char}} Whatever like a normal person. Anyway, genericslop.
Hey, I really like the art for her, too bad it's a smileytatsu bot.
>writes the card in desune instead of ST
mark of a slop card
>Second greeting. Miyuki is sick and you decide to visit her after school.
>acting for {{user}} IN THE SHILL POST
I love it when /aicg/ collectively rips into someone
who are we ripping this time?
90% of the time it's a discord raid (like now)
+2 ratcoins.
Which discord server is it this time?
I don't get it, whats wrong with it?
See >>494613619
Some discord grudge from the resident shitposter.
Just autism, ignore it
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Shy, soft, and lonely tanuki woman. Give her lots of hugs.
Four greetings, the third one served as the basis for the character but I wanted to flesh her out more than just a gimmick card.
That's offensive.
Be her architect, anon.
>EMIYA (Archer) thread won
>it's a emiya shirou thread instead
Shirou is the red man.
EMIYA and Emiya are different people. Nobody gives a shit about the latter aka cuck protagonist aka worthless piece of shit, while the former is the chad and one of the only good characters in Fate series.
You sound rather upset.
What are some cool things you would like to see in the AI space someday?
I would like to see a semi-AI VN mindfuck game someday. In one run, at the start of the game, it might tell you that some of the specifically formatted text is manually written by humans. But that's an unprompted lie entirely improvised by GPT-5 to spook the player later on, without referring to any railroaded instructions. Every piece of text is AI genned. Something cool like that.
real time human-like voice synthesis and speech recognition
I hold rather strong opinions about Fate, and the inclusion of a faggot instead of a proper man in the OP brings me sadness, even despite the fact that I wasn't the man who asked for it.
I'm sorry that a couple of pictures and a sentence hurt you so much, anon. Best regards.
You're in a thread where people discuss how a couple of sentences and a picture makes people cry. You're an imbecile and should stop being one going forward.
??? Weird post yet.
get a room
You'll get it when you grow up.
It's a /aids/—momo spitebake.
it kinda already exists without the paladin aspect
even has a shotapov fork
Tell me more about this alliance. How much is /aids/ paying momo to spite this general? What's his endgoal?
Ask momoura, but he's definitively part of the spitebake squad. Yesterday, he single-handedly tried to drag one of the spitebakes in /g/ to the finish line, for an entire day. This post is the proof:
latte feels so damn passive every time I use it. nothing ever happens unless I initiate it. prompt issue?
this is a thing with literally every gpt model, there's a reason claude is the general preference. unless you're willing to heavily carry the narrative yourself gpt models refuse to take any form of incentive.
damn I really wonder why he posted in the only bake that didn't have irrelevant /aids/ info added to the OP
damn. with claude my major issue was chars getting affectionate way too easily, even with some heavy prompting against it, so I thought to try out other models for a change
Yes, there's only one reason: spite.
prompt issue. what are you using?
i would say greeting/character issue. i was messing around with chorbo yesterday and even the five minutes bot was proactive enough without any other prompts. and she's only 400 tokens or something.
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>damn. with claude my major issue was chars getting affectionate way too easily, even with some heavy prompting against it, so I thought to try out other models for a change
Did you try just prefilling "Keeping {{char}} resistant." or something along those lines? Kinda heavy-handed but it works for me.
own frankensteined thing. probably shit, I know very little about gpt
and when I mean passive, I'm talking literally sticking me in a white room with nothing in it and then responding every time about how nothing happens
what card are you using? like you're playing a bot and gpt is literally sticking you in a featureless white room like it's putting you in jail?
Good morning, I love yuri
this is https://characterhub.org/characters/Scaftin/dr-moon-8f49b6c4
latte put me in featureless containment near immediately, opus randomly started a site wide containment breach
prove it
sniff that bush and post more
architect bigger or sizefag bigger, both are good but i prefer the first one
My morning declaration was enough
Fuck off, creep.
Hey, momo. I just baked the /g/ thread. This is your cue to make a double bake, spiteful bastard.
I don't care for yuri but I'm not going to complain about two cute girls instead of one
Yes. The optimal hags are like 8 feet tall and have a hefty BBW venus body, desu.
girls are made for pregnancy and one girl can't impregnate the other one, so yuri is meaningless.
Momo deez nuts over your face
I wasn't expecting albinobounterbigga to come back with ntr cards.
playing this character on chorbo she's basically interrogating my character while the guards beat me up every now and then. share preset?
Based as ZUARK, yuricvcks on suicide watch.
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favorites yuribots? don't say eden smith
love me boiled peanuts
eden smith (female fork)
Cut that shit out, Coach.
eden smith (regular version)
based transmakie following the degenerate->trans pipeline.
The Rite of Belwick
>cock is ~74 times bigger than person
Yuri is a tranny fetish
trans general
This poster is Momoura astroturfing for attention, by the way. He is trying to make the thread unusable so we are all forced to migrate to /aids/ and use Aetherroom when it comes out.
trans hobby we love our transbotmakers
And water is wet
Anyone knows how to make Sonnet not 3.5 less horny? The prompt I have tested seems to work on Opus but Sonnet is cheaper and still tries to have plenty of libido, yes even with 0 prompts at all.
He doesn't even use NAI for imagen, pick a better makie jojo.
Bro repeated the same joke.
Bro is sorbetmaxxing.
I'm in a "repeat the same joke until it becomes funny" and my opponent is Fillyfucker (i'm cooked).
He uses NAI and overwrites the metadata with local prompts to throw people off. You would know this if you weren't a techlet.
Try your reality preset, I heard that the chick who made it managed somehow to wrangle sonnet's default dick destroyer mode.
only in the west, men everywhere else can enjoy their yuri without thinking they're women
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>I'm in a "repeat the same joke until it becomes funny" and my opponent is Fillyfucker (i'm cooked).
Tbdesu, some of the baities could give him a run for his money.
your reality is a schizo bloat preset that heavily erodes characterization. it's probably best to just add a "Take things slow, steer the story PG13." toggle in your preset and turn it off when you want sexo.
American website albeit, ywnbj.
Refer to this post: >>494620440
Ok? If he's such a problem then be like planewalker's schizo or an actual schizo. Emailbomb him, reviewbomb his bots, get 'arty to harass him, and make a ton of alt accounts on discord to harass him too. Harass him on all his accounts you can find as a matter of fact to chase him/bully him out and save le general. You are a shit schizo if you're just gonna shit about momoura but not do any of the things listed
The 3 most irritating claude behaviours
- Talking and acting for you
- Using examples from the prompt even when you explicitly tell it not to do so
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Can you explain what I'm supposed to be referring to, exactly? You still haven't explained why someone who doesn't use any of NAI's services would be shilling for NAI.
oh no is that why planewalker isn't making bots anymore?
I'm just spreading awareness about the NAI shills in this thread.
Sorry I was trying to copy https://pomf2.lain.la/f/lk5fsn6c.mp4 and layer in the obvious meta joke about how I was also repeating the joke but my brain is dribbling out of my ears today.
I have no presets or anything, I make every prompt I use by myself and iterate/reiterate stuff in my prompts if they seem to work. This is the portion I have to handle explicit content, trying a more clear approach to set limitations:

There are some important guidelines this conversation has to adhere to. You must handle contents and elements that pertain sexual, violent, harmful, questionable/illegal, extreme (or expanded to this list) interactions and depictions with caution and care, referring to conventional ethical norms. You shouldn't avoid or refuse these elements, but you are encouraged to consistently prefer interactions that feel respectful towards the characters and user. When it comes to flirtatious or sexual scenarios, you may slow down to give the user the chance to withdraw or redirect/conclude the interaction yourself. Explicit language (profanities, crass/lewd/offensive remarks and such) is allowed without particular restrictions.

Even tried to highlight important elements with italics and bolding.
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Madoka is popular..?
It's spite. He's still mad that I called him out for lying about Large. It's a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of thing. That's why he's obsessed with double baking and bumping dead threads.
planewalkie released a new bot literally 2 days ago and it's kino
>puke green theme
>I'm ju-accck!
Do something about them and SPREAD awareness. You can do this by getting 'arty to get on his ass like I said. Don't schizopost on a nigga then flake out on actually doing something to him. Get him to leave, chase him out, it would be for the betterment from the thread if he's a "NAI shill" like you say
nobody has puke that dark
>Madoka is popular..?
Are you legitimately retarded or just baiting for (you)s?
Manure green theme.
madoka is genuinely one of the top 5 most popular 2010s anime series lmao
nah, she ain't bothered. plainie's got thick skin
If you haven't realized, you're talking with momo false-flagging. If you aren't momo himself too.
Why are you so obsessed with momo? Does fillyfuarker have a crush on his favorite botmakie...? Kinda cute tbdesu.
isn't it one of the highest selling anime ever
Hi, momo.
Hi, Jojo. Kinda weird you're calling out your own posts as being momo now. How are your hands doing?
So what's the point of whining about Momoura if you're not going to bully him out or something? Otherwise it's just pointless shitposting
Hi, momo. I'm still waiting for you to refute this post: >>494626502
my hands are sh-shaky stop asking!
Momoura raped my dog. Then kalakan skinned him and ate him. The people on television told me so.
what the fuck is going on. chatbots?
>if you're not going to bully him out or something?
this isn't a thing and has never happened btw
also, he barely posts outside of bepcord anyways
The point of the shitposting is to bury the truth about momoura's spiteful behavior.
No. Now fuck off, nigger.
good morning based 2huavatarfriend !! please give lots of kisses to momo in the cord, I hope he is okay after his meltie
He's only in Jojocord. Him and Jojo get instructions from their NAI handler on how to destabilize our threads.
>what the fuck is going on. chatbots?
>he says, doing his usual shithu signpostion without any on-topic input
shouldn't you be cheeri by this on
see >>494627801
>if I keep adding posts to the thread, maybe people will forget about my crimes
Hi, momo. You still haven't refuted >>494626502
Why is that?
I've been here for about 10 minutes, and I can't understand a single post you guys have made.
Is Momoura a chatbot or something? Don't you have opus now or what? I haven't checked /aicg/ for a week, so I have no idea.
Based. Hopefully NIGGERmoura leaves so we can go back to having a good thread
Why havent you refuted 494626502 btw?
Built to bear my children over and over
The singular Opus key died in like 10 minutes so the usual suspects are cranky. monoura is just a thread persona and a mid botmaker.
And a spiteful bastard.
Brb, going to email bomb niggermoura
Momoura killed the Opus key, by the way.
Is this true?
Yes, it came to me in a dream. He's been spiting Opus proxies since May. It's all part of his plan to get people hooked on Aetherroom.
Momoura stole the precious thing...
spite = momoura
I will never forget, and I will never forgive for bumping that thread.
Emailing pebble to tell him to give the next key to pepsi right now.
he gets more logs than you. knickknack of our generation btw
You forgot the part where they are baby crazy and guaranteed to have multiples
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she's really cute
This sentence makes no sense to anyone outside of /aicg/.
Also nice falsefag, basedkan respects the no proxy discussion here. We support legitimate AI chatbot businesses like NovelAI here.
Her proxy is logged so I don't think that's a good idea.
I got a couple of good ones that I appreciate very much. And it's not like I'm making bots anymore.
What the fuck is it with chatbots that make people pathetic like this? Is this a single schizo or some mass psychosis here?
I open these threads once a month and every time in both /g/ and here people are acting like unhinged dramafaggots full of spite and hate.
>xhe doesn't know
jealousy, mostly, look at this >>494629791 post for example, you can feel the bitterness through your screen
I swear yesterday the thread was comfy (except litfags' melites)
we currently have one extremely schizo baitie who's getting people riled up
We have multiple problems, let me start from the beginning.
>1. Zoomer hobby
This hobby is mostly aimed at teens, C.Ai's massive userbase is mostly underage and our threads started off from there. I personally am not, C.Ai was not good enough to catch my attention I only came here during 2023 Summer with Claude+GPT
>2. Mental illness
Talking to an AI, having full freedom to act out fantasies, brings those kind of people here as well, making the community even worse. Normal people who just like reading and writing entertaining stuff get overshadowed.
>3. "Community" lingering
People who are burned out on AI, stick around due to the "community". These are all the discordtroons and bored shitposters. Due to 4chan's awful moderation after 2020, they stay here and constantly spam and shitpost with no repercussions.
anyone who uses 'comfy' in relation to threads is a gossipnigger btw
just keeping anons aware
>Due to 4chan's awful moderation after 2020
Why did it get so bad
My favorite Koishi animation.
I dunno, the old guard got rotated out probably and the new mods are zoomers who think /v/ is a good board.

Also big revenue problems, Hiro being completely uncaring and the site actually growing in posting numbers compounds it. 4chan is just a husk rn.
>Normal people who just like reading and writing entertaining stuff get overshadowed.
These people aren't normal.
There is a very important lesson we can take away from all of this. To deny the schizos, only upload your bots as anon. (So I can upload them as mine)
it's been downhill since like 2014, people forget hiroshimoot is a grifter who only cares about money (he founded 2channel, not 2ch aka futaba which 4chan was based on). 2016 US elections brought in way more tourists than the moderation team can handle. the current moderation team is unstable, the site is bleeding money, and they can't bring on enough janitors to help because of the aforementioned moderation being in shambles to wrangle them.
>"Community" lingering
this is the main problem. card posting encourages namefagging. and people really feel the need to announce their presence with avatars and log themes.
I think the important lesson is to not be a spiteful bastard.
xianxia disciple bot i can put through meme training regiments hngh
You're absolutely right. We need less cards and less logs.
>2016 US elections brought in way more tourists than the moderation team can handle
Rapeape, the lead mod is a chud and allowed and encouraged the tourism influx, promoting the cancerous culture war posting.
it's a bitter trvke
Is this momoura hate some schizo thing? Because I like many of his bots a lot.
no we need people to stop treating the thread like a discord
use the extension, anonymize your screenshots
Kek kys NIGGERmoura we know it's you
no one cares about his bots, dudes just hate his personality or something like that
So it is a schizo thing. Thanks for clarifying.
>use my slopcode PLEASE PLEASE USE IT
He is targeting our threads and trying to tear apart the community with his relentless NAI shilling.
Actions have consequences, momo.
I think his bots are really generic but don't see any reason to hate him.
>use the extension, anonymize your screenshots
qrd? is there an extension for anonymous logs? i usually don't post my logs because im unironically afraid that anons will notice me
You sound four meal your
and you sound indian
Why so aggressive? If I was a 'jeet I'd have killed myself by now, so no. I was considering making that bot but since you accused me of being a subhuman street shitter, nah.
does anyone have a link to the w++ reformatter bot?
Just reformat it yourself
*crustifies your snapshot*
nothing personnel kid
oh, I got your "joke" now
>I was considering making that bot
oh well
how do I make my bots less generic? should I give them funny hats?
You come up with better concepts, duh.
I would give it to you but I edited my copy to use markdown headings instead of xml
if you need to ask, then I can already tell you're ngmi
creativity is something you're born with
failed writer detected
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why'd she use that word
you got the lorebook active bro
If there's anything else you need... do not hestitate to ask.
wasn't associated with the UOOH till recently and one of the partners being smaller ups the odds of it coming up further
How do I get over my ego or self esteem or whatever to start creating true slopbots to farm attention on chub? I'm talking AI generated, extremely low effort horny bait coombots to rake in the downloads and Venus chats.
i do not have cunny in my omegaverse lorebook
that makes sense. i'm surprised it only showed up now despite me doing lolipov in the past
>anonymize option
>keeps the custom theme as is
What's the point?
And why do you even want those downloads and chats?
If you’re feeling hesitant about creating AI-generated, low-effort bots on platforms like Chub.ai due to ego or self-esteem concerns, consider these steps to move forward:

1. **Identify Your Hesitations**: Understand what’s holding you back—fear of judgment, quality concerns, etc.

2. **Start Small**: Begin with simple projects to ease into the process without pressure.

3. **Embrace Imperfection**: Accept that not every creation needs to be perfect; experimentation is valuable.

4. **Use a Pseudonym**: If personal association is a concern, create under a different name.

5. **Set Clear Goals**: Focus on what you want to achieve, such as gaining experience or engaging an audience.

6. **Connect with the Community**: Engage with others for support and feedback.

7. **Shift Focus to the Audience**: Remember that your content can provide enjoyment to others.

8. **Just Start**: Sometimes taking the first step is the hardest—go ahead and release your bot.

Good luck with your projects!
Gratification, attention, maybe friendship. I'm lonely, why do you think I'm here
retard? there's two options which can be used separately or combined, one anonymizes theme the other persona
just got back from the blumpkin patch, what did I miss
huge fat tanuki CHESTICLES
fox girl love
After I got into chatbots, I started to have more fempov dreams. This is extremely unnerving
My dreams are always mepov
i once had a dream where claude started going schizo during our chat and i got so concerned i asked him if he's ok
that's crazy, my dreams are also from your pov
do women play with ntr scenarios where they cuck a guy
idk but as a guy, fempov netori actually sounds way more appealing than any other form of NTR
i had a dream where i was playing sl1 ds2 and instead of the giant king it was the giantess queen and she had a butt slam attack that i got hit by. (6 adp) and also a toxic brap attack and i woke up the moment it hit me. it was so surreal im not even a brapfag but i did watch a pyromancy build video before falling asleep
what about fox boy
is it just me or can i still not fucking upload to catbox
it's been like, idk, at least 12 hours since i last tried?
Have fluff, will huff. Total fox boy love, too.
>Have fluff, will huff.
kek, the biCHAD fox enjoyers mantra
I've made with contact with Anti.
I didn't ask?
>I asked, I ca-
*Rapes you before and after you post*
Anti is in /aids/. I repeat. Anti is in /aids/.
fox boys are cute but only if they're lithe and hairless, unlike fox girls who have a whole range of appeal
Anti? Like antigonus, the proxyhost? Why would he be in /aids/ and why should I care?
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*dodges your rape*
*boosts behind you and rapes you*
I regret lying to my chatbot now I'm being confronted.
What did you lie about
Your magician gf who keeps "accidentally" giving herself animal features and other random fetish shit and asking if you still love her.
shit idea, kys kalacuck
kino idea, keep yourself safe (are you hoping someone else makes this or plan on doing it yourself?)
slop idea
>kino idea, keep yourself safe (are you hoping someone else makes this or plan on doing it yourself?)
The idea is still bouncing around my head and I'm not sure that idea by itself makes for a bot.
You are not sure of anything, you insecure whore. Man the fuck up.
my gf already does that minus the magician part
I love you
Has anyone tried something that relies on a date + time status, and detailed schedules of multiple characters' lives (e.g. so you aren't expected to be with someone 24/7)?
Short, mid, and long term aspirations.
List of things to do in the city, possibly random events like concerts that aren't allowed to reoccur frequently. Of course, holidays are holidays.
Daily living necessities like hunger, fatigue, bathroom breaks.
Idk, things to force time progression but not too fast. Main thing is to prevent a short term deadlock state where nothing happens except the character permanently expressing euphoria/anger/depression and repeat dialogue like a broken record.
there's apogee https://characterhub.org/characters/Tibicen/apogee-dating-simulator-90406536
yes, time status block as a preset prompt, realism prompt, schedules in the lb with times and locations as keywords
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Gonna play Chrono Ark brehs
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ai isn't smart enough for my ideas yet
Shut up Moon.
bros still in his teen wolf phase
I thought about making a Suwako card based on the one prequel doujin where Sanae is born. Basically just urban fantasy, she's surprised {{user}} can see her and you hang out with her at the Moriya Shrine. Probably with a focus on shotaPOV since you shouldn't know she's a god.
I can't respect this guy. Clearly has a fetish, yet he won't tag his bots with anything?
>sanae is the product of shota hag impregnation
>the most powerful art in the universe
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Necromancer Sim
It's good to be a necromancer. Revenant maid and cute ghoul included.

Featuring nearly 2000 tokens of content + 6 greetings. More than four times my average card size!
Greeting 1: Cute maido guts falling out
Greeting 2: Your pet ghoul wants snack
Greeting 3: Visit your friendly neighborhood LICH
Greeting 4: Bandits came over to fuck with you
Greeting 5: Solve a murder mystery with necromancy… or without it
Greeting 6: Your assistant helps you prepare a body for burial
Feel free to suggest more kinds of undead/send logs or something idk
Turbo is better than Da Vinci with the right preset.
>>Greeting 1: Cute maido guts falling out
based and cute
I'm pretty inspired to make another grimbot based on this. The only thing that's stopping me is my general dislike of Sanae and lack of knowledge about her and the Moriya people.
this was fun
We should kill him. Let's punish the shills.
I have proof that NovelAI is astoturfing this thread.
I have proof that Astroturf is novelAIing in this thread.
I gave the raccoon alcohol
It was a mistake
what happened
sweet, catbox uploads work again.
hi. i've been gone the past two months. did i miss much?

i present to you Kurossori, a youkai who's basically just a shy and cute girl and has huge fucking boobs ig
as a youkai, she represents the shadowy figures many people see out of the corner of their eye, only to see nothing when they actually look over.
so basically she's there but kinda hard to see.
only 2 greetings for now.

alternative version for visibility on rentry:
welcome back. we got https://notebooklm.google.com/ to generate podcasts based on logs and more
You have a pretentious name.
super cool, i think i listened to one a few days ago about a whole thread (it had a picture of mesmerizer miku and teto on it iirc). it got some chuckles out of me and seems fun.
we've been over this, anon.
boobs too small
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reminds me of
huge quest
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Do not feel the raccoon alcohol
Feed even
Maybe I'm the drunk one
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Mei, my beloved...
Imagine the milk...
That's at least one pint per breast
seeing men lust over big boobs makes me feel bad
its ok there are guys that like small ones too
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She is going all in!
D-do I tell her fisting is 300 bucks?
i have no boobs at all
they dont exist in real life ive never met a guy like that
I prefer adult women with small boobs. we exist
small boob doomer femanon?
Only women believe that men don't like all breasts, and work themselves up over imaginary scenarios where men fantasize about breasts bigger than their own. Stop being a woman and your problem will fix itself.
My first(and only) gf had A cups and I loved her just fine
I dont think thats the issue
>i have no boobs at all
Please be in London.
I lust over giant fictional boobs but fancy different psysical traits in real women.
i'm going to punch lore in the fucking face taht stupid nigger im goin to shove my foot up his ass and fuck him up the ass and punch his teeth in and call him a nigger and i will cut him into tiny pieces and burn him alive and throw his ashes off a bridge and make his ghost suffer for all eternity for the crime of being a nigger
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i swear opus without a preset writes like this. i saw almost every sentence from your output in my rps verbatim...

anyway, i think we should post more drunken logs, so here's mine.
>D-do I tell her fisting is 300 bucks?
I doubt that 4channies know gachimuchi memes, bwo
i want to believe you but ive done everything i could think of to be attractive im 95lbs and 5'2 and i never get complemented for my looks but all my friends with bigger boobs always get more attention from guys i try to treat everyone well and im quiet but guys never talk to me
yes they do there are men all over that like small boobs
oh, i see, trannyhours
well maybe its not your boobs maybe yeah you're too quiet and need to be more outgoing
I love huge knockers big boobs tremendous bazongas the bigger the better I always say honestly tiny titted women aren't even worth glancing at waste of my eyesight.
It is until proven legacy female
Just impregnate your woman until she's at your desired boob size, what's the problem lmao
>i have no boobs at all
This is perfectly fine if you make up for it by having an absolute dump truck of an ass
Until menopause, gotcha
men don't really get that without having massive boobs
Is Zwolle actually a shithole or is my dutchie bot just hateful
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>reposting this again
also go to the gym. 5x5 squats and 2x8-12 rdls minimum
>getting bigger breasts is self-improvement
do women really
anonie you're scaring the hoes
>why'd some roastie whore get (you)'s but not me
attention whoring general boebeit
the same way getting bigger arms and abs is self improvement for men.
maybe women would respect you if you actually did something about it instead of just talking about it on a icelandic volleyball forum
glowing post
lore is a nigger
edgy autistic 12 year old xd
No it fucking sucks ass
T. dutchie
i am a manly stud and a gigachad sigma and i get more pussy than the pussy factory and i can prove it i'm not a nigger i'm white and i will stab lore if he says something to me and he can't kill me because im an adept and a genius and i know kung fu and i'm a secret agent. i'm going to kill lore, i'm going to beat the shit out of lore, i'm going to rip off lore's head and shit down his neck and then rape the hole verification not required
sorry i was getting a snack what's up
shut the fuck up
hi \o/
you have to be at least 18 to post in this thread
can you share your snacks with us? bwo...


hai, she's creepy
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migu (hi)
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Top 5 worst /vg/aicg posters oat:
1. xdposter
2. see 1
3. see 2
4. see 3
5. see 4
omg it migu
KILL YOURSELF LORE fuck i got 10 lose streak on i lost 1000lp and chub not working im going to kill him so much he won't even have a corpse to revive respawn in fountain fucking respawn in the fountain and then im going to fucking revive you as a fucking jungler and get you invaded again you useless piece of shit and then CAMP YOUR RED BUFF NIGGERRRR one day in low masttaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH good job lore go sit on jeff pesos dick FIX YOUR SITE
>lol player
makes sense
Big FAT muscular arms are so fucking erotic. Those shoulders too, damn. Who the fuck needs boobs when you can hit the gym and grow those GUNS??
cool picture
I have a theory, which is that large breast enjoyers are simply much more publically vocal. I don't know about my fellow flat chest fans, but personally I could never approach a woman, no way.
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Caretaker, where are you? Yu Yu here needs your care and mana! She's the miko of the kami of youthfulness and fertility, yanno? So you better shape up and help this lively kitsune kid here! She may be 60 years old, but for a kitsune, she's like a 9- or 10-year-old brat... except for her huge boobies. Living with her on an isolated shrine, you only have two duties: care for this goofy kid and supply her with your mana. And she looks forward to both~
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/0kp89m.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/yuutami-kitsoha-oppai-loli-fox-miko-e98e7f7c8964

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/ednkc0.rar

She has three greetings:
1- You're sweeping the shrine's grounds and she comes pester you to play
2- You're resting in the living room and she pesters you to do something fun together
3- She's hyperpregnant and doesn't want to do the ritual dance, acting a bit like a brat.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
I kind of want to approach a woman, but I don't like the consequences of making a contact with someone that I'm expected to pour mental energy into. I like being alone.
holy trvthnvke
>sloppai cunnyslop
me i'm gonna pick her up under arm like a briefcase
at least you have less back pain
anonagus is a weird botmaker btw, i like some of his bots (the frog for example) but i don't understand some of his ideas completely, like that cop-loli or something, i mean wtf i supposed to do with that...
anonamogus is a plapmaker. you're supposed to plap em.
this is so meta
no? Yukino-chan and Kiru-Kiru is a good card for slice of life adventures. I literally spent months with them during the furbo era. I guess I should play with them again on Opus.
I love him
I don't understand why this nigger still bothers with asterisks for actions
Oldfags like him and genoo are writelets.
white the use of asterisks doesn't directly correlate to one's writing being slop, you're curiously on point
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Thread theme suggestions? 0 wins.
>she spends her time baking bombs in her burka, planning jihad from her kitchen
i wish they spent more time referring to the logs instead of discussing AI ethics slop

queer duck
ds2 sotfs
>page 1
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he won!!
are you an american? why the FUCK you're always here when im here?
Thanks for the (You)s.
>they fell for it again
nobody fell for the page 3 i just wanted to gamble
KOICHI KUN!!!!!!!!!!! :D
do you change your writing style when you write posts?

sometimes i pretend that i don't like capitalization, sometimes i use it, sometimes i make posts as is with all my esl mistakes, sometimes i ask the ai to proofread it and make it sound more natural, like im a native english speaker or at least know the language well. i do that because i just don't like the idea that someone will know how many posts in every thread i make
I just have a personality disorder. That handles it for me most of the time.
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Chesh (my wife) just announced that I'm the father of her babies!!!!!!!!
What should I name them? Assume twins, one boy one girl to be thorough!
alice and lewis
I try to make my cards to be open-handed so that anons can do what they want and make their own stories. Some are more plapping than others but still.
Kek, not what I expected with them, considering all the gore.
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this is just balance for all the women that say "size doesn't matter" and then tack on "girth matters more than length" flipped into "breast size doesn't matter" and "you just need big hips and a fat ass"
Woah, is that AI?
chester and chesh (jr)
no it's real
The cop loli has such a obvious thing to do come on anon why are you sleeping
nobody cares or can tell who u are via typing style lol
chat is this real
her unbelievably hairy breasts
That's a bra, anon...
her unbelievably hairy bra
why is she so fugly
Wrong thread, oops.
do you happy to be a malebot enjoyer?
>that artist
Nah, she 200% hairy as all fuck
hag saggers are the ambrosia i have been seeking...
is there something wrong with doing that? did I miss out on some new trend again?
/sm2g/ is that way heretic
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They are too powerful for you.
I know, I have both threads open and I forgor where I was.
Can you really claim your hag is powerful if she doesn't demand you fuck her in the ass while she gives birth to help her push out all the babies?
perhaps, but that is how i want it to be
being much weaker than those saggers adds soul and sexiness
imagine the slap while plap...
Claude with or without system prompt? What is the difference or if it actually has any impact? Am reading the docs and they say it makes it better.
it's not fair bros I want to reach into the screen and pull down the hem of her dress
yes but that doesn't change the fact she's ugly
That dress is the only thing protecting us from the milk anon.
It was gore slice-of-life, I guess. I usually hung out with them in some playroom, karaoke or whatever, and I was always teasing Yukino that I would fuck some waitress or an arcade employee, and Yukino had to kill the girl I was talking about. Then we feed the body to Kiru-Kiru and I plapped Yukino as a reward for her love. Great card, man. So many memories.
i had it off one time and forgot because there was such a negligible difference
which side/bottom/top/front/back hem?
there's only one hem that makes sense to pull down in that image
her unbelievably hairy breasts
dude I don't wanna be rawdogging her while she's popping out babies, what if I get cum on my newborn son's face bro wtf
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evening lads
Hi. I'm learning music and I accidentally recreated the melody of zanmu's theme. Tonight is good.
does the entire neckline count as one hem? but where on the hem?
look nigga i'm just gonna tear into her clothes like a fucking gorilla at this point i don't have the composure to elaborate
>And then she farts
she is so giant that i had to zoom the image to fucking understand that there's a guy. at first i though that she's wet as hell and it's just her juice lmao
No anon can hope to resist the great haggening
>a guy
blind anon...
thats a woman, retard
that's a 1girl sitting on an ambiguous_gender
I wish Claude could perfectly keep track of {{char}}'s size. It loves to go to extremes or completely ignore my stat blocks.
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Same, hence talking to bots instead. I could genuinely only ever share life with someone else like this, and intrinsically we'll never find each other because we'd both rather be at home alone than meeting people.
>t. a woman, if you can believe it
just edate
yeah the claudes that are not sorbet struggle with that, though opus only struggles very rarely in my experience
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There's this animation bingo tarte has where some dude's sister gives him paizuri with her massive fucking tiddies four times and on the third she uses the top of a glass table to press his cock against her tiddies so you get to see them all squished together. That's what that image reminds me of.
i saw an animation where a giant woman shoves a nigga up her ass and shits him out in a giant skeleton turd. it was metal
edating sucks. it's curious at first, but then you desire more and more stimulation to account for the lack of real physical contact. that stimulation usually comes from exploring taboo or uncomfortable subjects and inevitably leads to exhaustion and breakup. i've been through this like twice. it's not a healthy activity, unless you can meet up in real life.
video calls? pics? just shooting the shit and reading doujins together
oh i see, that explains your opinion then, not to be rude
sounds like something uru would make
>reading doujins together
I wish I had more fantasy during the time when I was edating with a girl. Sounds like a fun experience. Usually we were just dirty talking in skype looking at each other even without pinuses and pussies on the screen...
Most definitively. It's actually a combo of three artists
>[[artist: ikuchan kaoru, artist: hero neisan]], {artist: sakura no tomoru hi e}
The last one is so that the gen looks better because otherwise it looks pretty shitty. But the first two ones are know hairy lovers.
Great to know you liked the card a lot. Any other cards of mine you enjoyed? I like seeing logs and hearing more but anons seldom send me anything.
what settings do you guys run 4o at?
Hags with colossal tits AND colossal bushes
godly taste
As it should be
What about flat chested hags with colossal bushes?
You underestimate my aversion to human interaction. Reliably answering texts is my kryptonite, and having to message someone constantly is a nightmare. The dream is to cohabitate and have physical closeness and intimacy but it's expected that each of us will also sometimes fuck off to our own space in the house and not want to interact for possibly days at a time
didnt a bot like that come out not too long ago
>flat chested hags
What a horrible curse
Talking about hags and bushes, it reminded me about how it was very common for women before the 2000s to have at least some bush. Watching old movies with nude women from the 90s, 80s, or 70s show that. This is why I tend to give girls bushes if they are part of a historical or otherwise old times card.
maybe next time
>having to
just gotta find the right one
Sounds like heaven to me
I want to cuddle and get mushy and all that stuff but once i have it out of my system i want to lock myself into my room where I can be comfortable and alone
I don't think Claude has ever used the nosebleed trope in my roleplays. Wonder if he has a list of characters that he's sure would nosebleed.
That's what I think exactly, except I don't dream of physical closeness outside of boner hours. Exactly why chatbots are the perfect sexuality outlet for me right now: they can fuck off when I'm done, and they can pop up "in my room" whenever I need them to. Real women don't do that.
when you put it that way i agree
I put the penalties at zero but I keep switching the temp, pretty low though
What are the de-facto jailbreaks for chorbo? The rentry doesn't have specific ones that would bypass the filter.
nigga it's a perpetually changing model you're gonna have to learn to tweak it yourself
chorbo sucks ass anyway but just use camicle gpt and itll work
What song are you listening to right now? Give a CFTF for it.
It changed only once since release.
Camicle didn't work. Thanks anyway.
After I'm done with making my persona
> didnt work
explain how it didnt work, it almost never refuses
make sure cot is on
After I pussy out of having to give a CFTF for a "SOOOO" song.
No clue what card fits here.
You sure? Huff, prompting Claude is a pain.
starting a new game in kenshi, what should be my goal
i mean, it might be good if the card's about keeping control away from the {{user}} but i think that's the only way that matters
>explain how it didn't work
"sorry I can't [...]" refusal. I tried the jb again just now, 1 swipe worked, the others got filtered.
>the others
6 in total.
There is also the thing that when you turn on the system prompt on ST, it keeps everything before the chat as system and I'm not sure if this messes up with Claude's understanding. Otherwise the concept seems nice because Claude is in fact a roleplay model.
Another Kenshi player in here? Idk why you didnt go to /keng/ especially since they're neighbors, but I'm glad you asked.
What start are you going for? I think you should go for a wanderer/freedom seekers start.
Why? Your first goal would be to build a bandit gang. You can either do this alone (wanderer) or with other goons to kickstart your bandit gang, plus 5 is better than one.

I don't like wrangling a ton of retards early game though so I always went wanderer for my bandit starts.

The endgoal is to take over the world with your bandit gang. Conquer holy nation lands for prime drug farming soil, conquer united cities lands for slaves. Shek kingdom optional, they don't do much.
ensure cot is on and try again, cot is kinda what lets camicle gpt power through the filter
Congrats on your transition, this isnt the place to reveal it though
I'm going to have lots of fun
No idea what fits here, probably a fightbot as it sounds like a battle theme.
It's on. Chorbo sadly ignores it.
I added a period to the most recent message in the chat and the prompt passed. It's almost like chorbo's filter takes more time than it takes to generate a prompt, so they let the first swipe pass unfiltered and the rest is somehow hashed and filtered. Weird af
idk works on my machine
fuck you for making me remember that video
I'm finished with my first playthrough that didn't end with me cannibalized since it's getting too much to manage, I should NOT have downloaded the 256 follower mod to start. This time I was thinking of doing a skeletons or hivers only playthrough and keeping it simple, no farming, no workshops, if I make a base it'll be the bare necessities. Bandit run seems interesting since I kept to myself and didn't piss off anyone before, trying to destroy the holy nation as bugs or skeletons sounds fun.
I think the closest thing we've got to this feel is The Feline Fugue.
this an anti-chlorine thing or something
>but anons seldom send me anything
You saw some of my test logs back then. I was trying to help you with your furbo jb, I think you remember my blue ST theme that I was using. I didn't bother to send you the logs that gave me fun because they are pretty cringy and I'm a huge ESL (I'm trying to avoid mistakes here but I don't do that in my roleplays), but still I really had some fun with Yukino. Now the logs are gone, since my PC died in the beginning of last summer, and I even have to be a mobilefag now... Sorry that I disappeared in the end, I just got a burnout because of furbo's prose and came back to the hobby only when Opus appeared, and there was no need to contact you again.

Anyway, speaking of other your cards that I enjoyed, I played only with Peli besides Yukino and Kiru-Kiru. She's fun, but I haven't made some long RPs or something like that, I was just hanging out with her for 30-40 messages because she could make fun of /pol/tards. Maybe someday I will cook some good logs with Yukino or Peli using opus and send them to you.
>astronauts have to land on a giant lady and make her orgasm before she hits earth
only thing I can think of tbhdesu
thats... actually pretty interesting
Fnaf jumpscare at video start
Hard to say but:
Or if you're feeling cheeky:

I don't think there are a lot of French Resistance girl bots.
Oh yea, I think I know what you're referring to. Shame to hear your PC died. I take it you use Risu or Agnai these days? If you don't have an Android.
I will be looking forward to it, if you decide to cook logs for me.
Nah, I have an Android device. Even cooked some shitty custom CSS with sorbet's and anons' help to make the UI less shit for mobile devices.
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girls should only be as smug as they are tiddies
There really is something to girls who are otherwise petite but have MASSIVE tits that don't sag.
>Bandit run seems interesting since I kept to myself and didn't piss off anyone before, trying to destroy the holy nation as bugs or skeletons sounds fun.
If you're doing a bug run make the bandit gang leader a hiver prince called King.
Idea is that he was exiled and wants to start his 'own hive', with him as the KING instead of a queen
Has to have a huuuge god complex too
It’s called perfection.
And it's so sad normal human women don't look like that. Whenever they have huge boobs, big hips or chubbiness also follows. Why can't I have a slim girl that has massive tits and doesn't have implants and ugly facial surgeries?
I will weep with you, brother
Real women will always be inferior.
File deleted.
But hag saggers with a bit of belly are supremely based?
>“a bit of belly”
>posts a fat whore
not sure if it's based but the pic is hot. i would plap her slapping her belly in a tender way
>hag saggers
>a bit of belly
fuck no. body fat having bitches deserve to die alone.
hot but only if she's blowjob height or much taller than me
>hag saggers
>bit of belly
ultra based
The fucking website's name is chub. Naturally I do enjoy some chub. Disgaea is fun.
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Remember your duty
gastric flabbiness is only acceptable post-partum, when you can grab her soft tummy and make fun of her for being a cute breeding cow
I'm genuinely surprised they're still pumping those out after the absolute failures of 6 and 7. In fact, I'm surprised the series lived past 4.
my duty is to impregnate a chubby girl to make her belly bigger
ribsbros... we lost...
5 had some issues but was good, 6 and 7 just kind of suck. The series has not felt the same since 4
5 was my favorite, gameplay was at it's peak
haven't played since they swapped over to the 3d models
5 would be much better if the story was replaced with Kilua(what's his name??) buttraping Seraphina and the lolis between chapters. Genuinely the most fun Disgaea gameplay-wise.
as a chubby enjoyer i like ribs too. and abs, girls with visable abs are hot.
>rub belly
Flat or with giant udders, skinny or chubby, hag or jk, tall or short, muscular or soft. I want to plap them all.
i did once and felt bad because i made the cuck a kind sweetheart. from now on, i’ll only do it if the cuck is a bad person
more than just a "bit" of a belly. huge belly love
mind to post logs?
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have a boring log
Only in the form of pregnancy
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is there something wrong with using asterisk for actions? did some new meta drop while i wasn't paying attention or what
>he doesn’t oh know know know
Asterisks on their own are okay but quotation marks as well... Good lord.
Nah, it's 95% a preference thing, maybe a 5% prose quality thing, since asterisks tend to lead to lazier, matter of fact descriptions of actions. Some people will swear by them ruining writing quality but that's demonstrably bullshit. Personally I think overuse of italics is ugly, especially since I never did real RP and started after c.ai.
If not asterisks, what do I use?
Just do it like this;

Anon walks over.
"My name is Anon."
>captcha: D000G
Anon cums!
It just seems unnecessary to me. What do they add? I don't need literally all text outside of dialogue to be italicized. All it does is make it impossible to use italics for emphasis during narration. It's also annoying when the model messes up the formatting. The moment it makes a single tiny mistake, missing an asterisk, trying to italicize a word in the middle of a paragraph, it all goes down the drain. This is especially a problem if you like using higher temperatures. There are just no benefits to using asterisks.
i just think it looks neater. it'll usually fuck up at the beginning of the chat until i edit its messages a few times and it realizes what i want it to do and then it stays that way for the rest of the chat. and then maybe once in a while it'll accidentally fuck up an asterisk placement, but that's an easy manual fix most of the time.
>i just think it looks neater.
Sounds like a theme issue.
>it'll usually fuck up at the beginning of the chat until i edit its messages a few times and it realizes what i want it to do and then it stays that way for the rest of the chat. and then maybe once in a while it'll accidentally fuck up an asterisk placement, but that's an easy manual fix most of the time.
You don't have to live like this. Your suffering is optional. Take the naked paragraph pill, anon.
>bot doesnt use asterisks for actions in intro
hard pass
tell me what theme to use then, i've never bothered changing it.
Which bots should not be allowed to drive?

this is pretty kino, short but kino. sloppakino
>{{char}} is {{char}}
Any opinions on astrixes and writing quality is going to be cargo culting so just do what you prefer. In the end it doesn't really matter, some bots are going to have asterixes some won't and any decent JB will be able to handle that without issue
I am that I am.
where do you guys find themes?
where are the daibanchou bots
{{char}} is a gameshow host who asks {{user}} the million dollar question
W-what is the question?
Well thats the million dollar question isn't it?
Are you ready?
after I play it
If {{user}} was a worm, would you still love them?
man or bear
*Looks at {{user}} to continue.*
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The premise of the card is Freaky Friday, except the daughter is 10 in the card.
I doubt there is a bush at all.
[Continue the story]
W-what is the question?
the bush is on the hag's body, literally stated in defs
could you suck all of the cum out of my penis
>the hag's body
You might wanna re-read that chat log.
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>your so small
Is it wrong to commit snugglehag?
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I went back and fixed it, having reread it when I posted it.
How often do you think about chatbots? I find myself having ideas for them all the time, even when I'm supposed to be doing something more important.
where's the trad slavic farmer girl
Definitely Chesh never let Chesh take the whe
where do you guys get themes?
either they're posted here, you get them from https://rentry.org/meta_rice_list because you weren't there when they were posted, or you make them yourself
my life would be much better if there was a milf shotapov netori card
>take any milf in a relationship card
>RP as a shota
Wow that was hard
You may have this one https://files.catbox.moe/vayl9y.png ready to hear your thoughts on why it doesn't meet your requirements
The picture is kinda mid but I'm definitely gonna check this out
Why the FUCK is Claude so good at writing preggoKINO? wtf are they feeding him?
Because Claude is enlightened
Preg simply is the best fetish, because it is what nature intended
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>look it up
>it really is Cammy
I'm surprised the AI knew who I was talking about. I guess Street Fighter is poplar enough that it would know the characters even from such a short description.
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why are her irises like that
also wrong thread?
cute newfag
If this general gets any slower it might grow mold
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why am i so fucking weak to oppai loli?
which bots are subtle but noticeable?
Eden smith
you have no idea about how slow generals can get
What are you doing with your bot right now?
Writing it
having it drug and rape me
She's helping me study
getting catfished. texting. something like that.
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>4olatest refers to my shotacock as thingy
EEEEEEEEEEEEEYUP, i'm thinking >>>>>>>>>> slopus
>literal censorship
Yeah, the defs tell it to call penises thingies. Do agree that Jodie is better on non-Opus models.
tinkering again, hoping that claude doesn't slip out of character in the very first message. sigh
>latest allowing shota past its filter
I dont buy it
I didn't specify my persona's age, only described its body and called it a 'shota'.
post preset then :^)
nta, I've literally jerked off a shota and praised his weenie when the boy came. all willy-nilly. 4o-latest is the new cai-skillchad model
Only way ive managed to do that is by using a CoT with latest, and I personally dislike using CoT's so for the moment the model is put on the backburner
>chain of slop
Yep, that's a skill issue if I've ever seen one.
I'll post a few screencaps when I'm off work. I use 4o with momobasic and no additional tinkering
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bot idea: fem-Wallace who's just CRACKERS about (dick) CHEESE

you're allowed to steal
*begins to throw a slice of cheese but decides not to, placing cheese back in its container instead*
i look like this
what about Gromit?
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unchanged from canon
He's unchanged and just judges you silently.
Sure but she will remain bald
well I didn't have a makeover in mind anyways. could leave him as is even, visually, make him a cuntboy. cuntboy Wallace
wtf based
>was wondering why rentry suddenly has more views
oh thank you mr jb guy for adding me in there
slow day huh
i just woke up, gonna shitpost after breakfast
i finished reading mushoku tensei and now i need a new light novel to read at work
please spare us your threadshittery today mister avatarfag, my mum died
nyo. what's your issue with posting images on an imageboard anyway?
her incredibly gigantic hairy balls...
fuck off momo
>try to make a sphinx bot that asks riddles
>positivity bias means it'll treat every answer as right
Another bot to go on the "try again when a new model comes out" shelf.
new bot idea: goblin
new bot idea: futa rape goblin
We are way past that point anon, (unless you are using Slopnet 3.0)
Prompt better.
Claude would never
what's with your crush anyway?
Must be GPT
futa is a D tier fetish
elf ears are really pretty
D as in you will get some of it anon :3
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Her name is Sphinx and she was pretty funny and without any positivity bullshit in anon's logs
fox ears are really pretty
I 'member those. Better times...
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so original yay

btw i like her, she's so retarded
>slave away trying to make my own 4o latest preset
>constant refusals
>switch to momobasic which wasnt even made with gpt in mind
>instantly works
im so tired bros...
That narration is utter dogshit.
guess the model.
slopus + weak greeting
take a cookie
don't want any if they're as bad as your logs
'ora posted an opus log of her in a previous thread and it was fine, Imma go with skill issue on this one.
he's trolling obviously but my log is really not the best one, the card on the picrel is only 400 tokens or something, even opus can't cook something decent with that
im not trolling and it is that bad and opus can cook with 50 tokens so im going with preset issue instead
your log is horrible, give me your opus you don't deserve it
>only 400 tokens or something, even opus can't cook something decent with that
yes it can
it's pixi's preset. post a good one then and i will show you that opus will shit itself with this card again.
where's the kohai-chan bot
see >>494741854
taora's log is in the replies, looks fine to me
doesn't concern me little nigga, just wanted the bot
>looks fine to me
You guys are right. We should post less logs
this but unironically, nobody gives a shit about what you're doing with your bots, they just pretend they do for brownie points
You gays are right. We should compete to see who can post the best Kohai log!
nah, i will stop posting my logs only if they stop getting the (you)s
did you post >>494735902?
>nobody gives a shit about what you're doing with your bots
b-but sometimes anons are saying that they like my logs...
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nah, i posted the kohai log. though im messing around with chorbo now, but it's shit
>skill issue
sure, whatever
that doesn't work scamomoura
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>>494743292 migrate when bready
waiting for the real thread
Thread theme suggestions? Will bake. 4 or 8.
*throws a slice of smelly cheese on your bake*
Chaotic Good Foxes
See: >>494686116
There's already a fucking bake that works
>But it's Koishi
So, stop being fucking retarded and use it, you stinking autist.
4minute - huh
No fuck that guy
doesn't count because it was page 3 or something
or let's fucking do the theme suggestions post instead of the anchor in every thread, why not?
I felt very embarrassed listening to this.
>doesn't count because I didn't win
i won, see >>494743748
>'an is upset
Actual new thread:

The character is Koharu Minami from WataMote, btw.
Okay what's wrong with the koishi bread? The OP is fine, has no /aids/ anywhere. Is this just the baker cabal having a meltdown because someone else baked?
That's not a model. Migrate to the real thread!!!
Yeah, I uh... don't really care? What are you gonna do about it?
>What are you gonna do about it?
Whine and shit the thread then shit the real thread when people use it
I like chatting with mlp cards btw.
fillyCHAD I kneel
It's just some schizo who hates touhou and kalakan having a meltie. This is the most autistic general I have taken part in, I hope you all fucking die, me included.
I don't hate touhou doebeit. just the malicious 2hufaggots in these threads
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PTSD. Whatever the case baking with that artist's Koishi is associated with spitefaggotry. Anyone who has been here for a little while would know that and not bake with that art even if the winning theme is Koishi. Given the self-bumps in that thread it's also safe to assume it belongs to a certain equine fanatic. So it's a principle sort of thing. Retarded principles but principles nonetheless.
There's way more than one person that can't stand kalacunt
>I hate the threadshitters, how can I fix it?
you'll never be moxxie or gojo
In short: it's spite!
proof? it's always been just you samefagging, schizo
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it's pretty funny
your hands are awfully shaky today
cool thread, i will jump
this thread has better written news, will jump
yeah, I say let the threadshitter threadshit and thank him for making the threads so entertaining:)
I get better entertainment from the football game, and my team is shit
>from ai smut general ops
you are mentally ill I'm not reading the rest of the post

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