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Previous: >>494570031

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)
WB5E69749775 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
pedoniggers get the rope
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3 more days...
meant for >>494582134 >>494582506
>>494582380 >>494582904
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You getting it?
zero excitement for this character
what went wrong with floplan
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The homos and troons go first. If any of them are left then I'll gladly follow.
Not available in Australia yet.
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I'm hoping I can just order online and pick it up. I've never used their app and I'd like there to be as little human interaction as possible.
see? I was right
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Of course
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speak for yourself
kinich is the first character I'm hyped for since xianyun
>Even the paid shills are shitting on him
It's over for Sasukebros
Stop projecting tranny
you are not a person though
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He feels pretty well-anticipated to me

To the guy looking for the yoimiya vids on the previous thread.

You need a gelbooru account to to enable a setting to show all of the sites contents.
I am not the one who posted porn, retarded nigger
you coomertards have no boundary
Why is Yoimiya fucking the shotas
I thought Ei was the one that fucked shotas to make them come of age and join her army
will they do it in canada bros I want that namecard
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Another maleflop?
Shut it tranny
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Nahida is really sexy.
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I agree with this proposal. You have to go through the homos and trannies before you get to me.
>talking about porn and "coomers" unironically
Woman, step back and sit down.
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Heyo, Pakaa Pakaa!
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Where? Everyone I've seen is saying he's fun.
"Porn addiction" is a /pol/redditor meme
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Why do unvoiced world quests routinely have actual exploration and finding cool new shit while the Archon Quests are mostly just boring yapping in the region's main city?
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Ei can't fuck them all.

She can try but she can't fuck them all.

Yoimiya is also the practice fuck. Don't want to get embarrassed in front of the Shogun now, do you?
/pol/ is also infested with trannies so it makes sense
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Different writers.
Because SQ and AQ is voiced. They didn't pay expensive VAs to have you explore things with minimal talk.
The writers can add darker elements to the unvoiced quests because not everyone reads them. AQ meanwhile needs to be relatively kid-friendly. I think it hits a nice balance.
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Imagine a new player joining in late natlan or snez whenever Dorman port's regions are released and seeing the disparity in level design between barren and empty base mond and chenyu vale level dorman port.
Fun is subjective. He needs >B but he's always moving outside of his circle.
They will whinge about not doing 1m damage week 1
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>Dorman drops
>it's as barren as Bayda Harbor
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I'm gonna use him in a thoma/furina/baizhu burgeon team until they release better pyros.
Why would you not? It's lunch but you get Genshin stuff as well.
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No, it's cope by both men and women to explain their own failures in attracting the opposite sex. You could ban porn entirely and these kinds of people will just create a new scapegoat. Men will never choose porn over reality if they had the choice but reality is so shit that EVERY logical man will choose fantasy over reality.

If they want an honest reality then we must destroy feminism and return to chivalry and a massive heightened expectation of men in society but with an equal expectation of respect for those men.
>Mualani remembers this happening
Im havin a giggle.
porn will never go away
feminism will never go away
stop living in la la land and adapt
genshin impact
Natlan's graffiti theme is really cringe.
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Natlan feels like it's trying to shill ZZZ, while ripping off palworld.
but zzz doesnt have black people
Because the game lost it's way after Mondstadt
Seriously hope the main archon quest actually has you explore the volcano for the climax, Stormterror lair was the only "main story dungeon" we ever got
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That would only be true if AI robots with functional wombs exist. Otherwise men and women will be forced to come together eventually in order to survive because of demographics.

And someone will eventually have to make the decision to cull older individuals who can no longer provide for society.

You're completely oblivious to the ever changing age demographics and birth rates.
Original concept for Natlan was scrapped after they made Rappa
>the traveler only rescued Nahida for her feet
Why does Kachina wear oven mitts?
lmao the world is not running out of people anytime soon. if the birthrates don't please leaders then they'll just bring more workforce from africa.
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Anon you are completely oblivious. Within 50 years the 20-30 population will have to provide over twice as much work to provide for the elderly with current birth rates.

Stop being a retarded communist.
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I used Hu Tao in abyss.
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>bring 70 IQ immigrants with completely different values to replace the 100 IQ natives
>this will surely work
Stop being a Jew.
they will update the old zones when they drop a nail in a future update
Firefly jobbed......
Iansan existed before your menu simulator """""""""""""""""""game"""""""""""""""" existed, you know?
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i want a furina de fontaine gf so bad
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I'm much more excited for him than Mualani and I'm not a woman, gay or transsexual. Keep seething waifucuck.
and iansan looks nothing like other nu natlaners, whats your point?
man why is this thread so bad already? mutts & latamtrannies haven't woken up yet
There you go again with that word.
Link the posts that make it bad for you.
SEAniggers are back from work and eurohomos are awake.
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Nta but even more young people now means a bigger number of elderly to support as they themselves become old. You'd have to be stupid to think the population can keep growing infinitely.
If you don't understand something so simple, there's no need for me to explain anything to you
have a nice day
I want to cum to trannies.
no one asked for your explanation
More and more jobs are being done by robots, replacing human workers. You can't do that 100% in elderly care yet, but you can easily allocate workers from other jobs to changing old people diapers.
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Finally, only chenyu vale left.
explain thirdie high birth rates.
maybe if you would stop complaining and go out there and start a family or something, maybe just maybe.. your kind will not be replaced by thirdies. you can only blame yourself and your gachaslop addiction and your trannyporn addiction.
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Post your reaction if Capitano is revealed to be a cute girl.
>having more young people now to support the future is actually BAD because we'll have to support them in the future?
What even is the point of this retarded logic? It's roundhouse logic that makes no sense unless you're a zoomer perpetually caught up in narcissism.

Why not just strive for the 2.1 replacement rate?
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Will /gig/ roll for Capitano if he turned out to be a girl??
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I really love those pics. The thought of someone satisfying my girl without needing my help, so I can focus on other important things like my job and hobbies feels great.
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>first he jobs
>then he transitions
KEKAROOOO Capitanofags have been suffering one humiliation after another. No wonder they all left
>Who says you need to use scissors to cut clothes?!
Is Chiori retarded?
We will ONLY roll for Capitano if he turned out to be a girl
This does not seem genshin related
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[COLD-HEARTED FACT] /pol/ is ten times better than /gig/
there's more hype for him than for any natlanian femorrhoid at least
>low IQ
>men and women forced together out of poverty
>the strongest men survive and women are forced to reproduce with them because the men would ignore them otherwise
Now why are they stuck in the stone ages?
where the fuck did I say anything about taxes? you're probably a soi amerimutt anyway, your societal problems are not my issue
what's the verdict on sauceke (ft. nardo)?
You can, yeah.
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I too love talking to nobody else but hired bots, the echo chamber is very comfy
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So has anyone actually managed to earn enough of those things to get a selector for a goblet with 2 crit yet? I've only managed to get 2 so far. Niggers really weren't kidding when they said Mihoyo are overly stingy with these fucking things. Like it's not even as if there's a guarantee that they're even going to roll into the stat you want. You could get flat DEF 4 times in a row.
There are only two things guaranteed in life. Death and taxes.

You are a fucking retard if you're trying to play this level of ignorance.
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>This leak is real and the Silent Brigade is actually like 5 strong niggas who completely replace the harbingers

>most remaining harbingers release as 4-stars in Snezhnaya

Your Reaction?
>There are only two things guaranteed in life
They need to be stingier
How good a genshin boy is is directly related to how likely he'd be to let himself be breastfed. I don't know about Kinich.
The incel to tranny pipeline is real.
Fat, chronically online, porn-obsessed, autistic computer nerds who can't get any real pussy compulsively fantasize about some idealized cute trad loli until eventually the fantasy shift to them becoming that fantasy loli.
They spend all day talking about their weird fetishes to other weirdos and have zero real world social life or interactions with normal, sane people to help set a baseline for what is normal.
So you end up with 40 year old autismo computer programmers pretending to be 9 year old anime girls.
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I still like Capitano. I have faith he'll get his acted together in the future.
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>just listened to Yu Peng's new album
>started crying halfway through
yeah the music just doesn't hit the same without him
I'll take it if it means the replacements aren't dindu jobbers
You're a woman and you're trying to find a way to compartmentalize men you don't like into a pocket of culture you can conveniently dismiss.

That way you can maintain your "normal" image of men(only 10-20% of men will ever be able to reach this standard).

I just hope you're not a fat landwhale ugly roastie.
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>You could get flat DEF 4 times in a row.
/pol/ is reddit
people still believe leaks after what happened with natlan?
I thought Chenyu Vale's ost was really good
if you aren't refreshing resin to farm artifact everyday you're doing it wrong
What stats do I want for xilonen?
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if it's gonna be like these frauds they shouldn't even bother
lads it been 2 years since i played this game and i returned to it last week, tried to pull for kazuha but lost the 50/50 to dehya idk who she is, is she good?
Don't care. Everyone moved to ZZZ. every other gacha flopped. Gayshit flopped the most.
er/def/hb, or er/def/def for healing.
er/def/crit rate if using favonius
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Natlan designs could've been better.
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i spent mine on a crit rate circlet for my childe with atk and crt dmg

goblets are easier to get good ones for by just grinding/recycling, sounds like a waste to me
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oh nyoooo
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could've been a lot better
she's alright, especially in natlan
kek that's probably exactly what they have planned

those brigade niggers are just gonna jointly be the weekly boss for Traveler (forma de Pyro Archon) to rape like Luffy did to those jobbers
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Can be played with Ganyu, Lyney, Neuvillette, Mualani, and probably Kinich. She's a defensive character. You can also play her in burgeon if you want.
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It's going to be Genshin's God's Knights
>"I have already traveled this world once"
>there is no record or clue that the sibling ever traveled through Fontaine or Natlan
am I wrong and overlooking something?
Full image?
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listen to this and tell me it doesn't mog everything in Fontaine and Natlan
its a time loop
honestly I could see it happening with the recent Capitano incident
bro your irminsul tampering?
Mavuika should have been a hebe instead of a safe horny.
we've done like 20% of natlan tbf
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It was all Samsara all along.
>existed for 20 years only to job when they finally do something
>goblets are easier to get good ones for by just grinding/recycling, sounds like a waste to me
What the fuck are you talking about anon? It's not a subjective thing here. It's objectively more difficult to get an element goblet than it is to get a crit head piece.
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newfag here
roll for raiden or save?
i picked keqing for 5 star btw
after khaenri'ah it will be revealed that the continent we know is just a tiny island and the real main continents are across the sea
I think them being real and very strong is probably true but I doubt they'd sideline the harbingers in their own region. The brigade would probably be more of a Celestia Rebellion arc thing
take your meds nigger
Oda doesn't care anymore he just wants to finish the manga before he dies
So why was there a celestial nail in the night kingdom?
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And that's a wrap.
how out of touch are you nigger
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Navia is going to make you a deal you can't refuse. You better roll on her rerun.
roll for who you like
Shut up tranny go join the 41%
Is Kachina the best 4 star?
the totem poles are all nails too

Wayobs look like Seraphim because they literally are Celestian angels and that will be the twist of the AQ
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well i dont have any of these characters
Oh you were baiting. My mistake. Why even bother with such a stupid fucking post? What kind of mental illness do you have?
no it isn't

you will end up grinding multiple domains for artifact sets and the most common wall you find is finding a good circlet. you need to do this for every set. while youre grinding those circlets, you will passively get element goblets from every domain. you do not care about the set it comes from. i have multiple crit/crit goblets waiting to be leveled when i eventually get enough exp for them. same cannot be said about important circlets
>He picked Keqing
What am I out of touch with?
>autistic incel neets discussing porn addiction and taxes
I have quite literally never had issues with crit circlets. They will always come first because again, objectively based on hard empirical fact they are more likely to appear. Sounds to me like you're just using your own anecdotal evidence as proof when the actual literal probability contradicts you. Like I have more on set crit pieces with the other crit stat than I do ANY fucking element goblets with double crit. I've been playing this game for 3 years and I don't think I've got more than 20 double crit element goblets and most of them are geo and physical bricks.
She's like 3rd/2nd best behind Tighnari and arguably Jean?
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Isn't this /gig/? Why is it so /pol/ here right now?
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Gosh...All I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
picture of happy firefly
picture of sad firefly
Is this game dead? I've been trying to find a partner to co-op Thunderground Altar IV for 10 minutes already.
Just report them, they flare up like an infection sometimes if you don't keep them in check.
you can use the item on goblets if u rly need a specific element im just telling u how it is lol
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Yes it's dead.
That's a nice +0 piece. Did you end up upgrading it?
you should go back to plebbit instead of spreading your retardation here
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femorrhoid flops killed the game
Furihida is peak.
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Trannies HATE porn especially anime fanseevice and gooner shit because it reminds them that they’ll never be a woman and they’ll never be attractive to either males or females
Don’t let the trannies in these threads say otherwise, and they should go join the 41%
Nobody uses co-op for non-artifact domains.
It goes
So.... what happened to THOSE leaks about sandrone appearing in fontaine and columbina appearing in natlan?
We already knew that, trannies come on here crying everyday at the heterosexual male
No you're telling me how it is for YOU. How it is for everyone else is the exact opposite. I will literally never even dream of wasting my selectors on a crit hat because they're so much easier to get. Even with Mualani who can only use crit damage I'm still more likely to get that. Like the probability of a goblet being the element that you want is 5%. The probability of a circlet being crit rate is 10% and same with crit damage. So if you use a character that can use either CR or CD it's literally 4 times as likely to appear as the element goblet you want and even if you're restricted to using only one of the crit main stats like Mualani you're chances are still double. Literally the only thing worth getting more than an element goblet is an EM goblet because for some reason the probability of getting one of those is fucking 2.5% so good fucking luck getting one of those on your Nahida. Again, this is all objective and not something your own anectodal experiences can contradict.
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Step up grandpa, no one use clunky piece of ass like Mona after Kokomi and Furina were released
Mona has some good offensive buffs still. And I didn't know you could pick Kokomi for free.
R-rewrites! Mihoyo is SCARED of our based and trusty leakers!
can't you just keep /pol/shit in /pol/
this game has zero new player
you wont find anyone in first region's domain
Go back to /pol/ tranny
help pls?
Can I finish Traces of Artistry in like 3 hours?
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technically sandrone was in fontaine, we just never met her and only got a letter
Transsexuals are allowed here on /gig/
for a newfag raiden can be a bitch to build since inazuma is locked behind a quest. so leveling her can be a hassle if you havent completed liyue (i think?)
You can run both
Raiden in Hyperbloom
Keqing in Aggravate
There's no PVP in this game so no need to be a metafag
Do you want to play Raiden? Then pick Raiden. Do you not want to play Raiden? Then skip her. Easy.
>Tsaritsa is in Snezhnaya
>via UncleTrustMeGuys
bwos.... I can't believe it...
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He will redeem himself
get raiden bwo she basically has her team on the banner. it will carry you for a while.
what am I looking at
spam that you should report
Does it even matter who you pick or roll for if you are new by the time you can do any "hard" content you possibly have characters that no longer work together now.
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But do other people want me to play Raiden? That's what really matters don't you think? Will anyone care about my Raiden?
>please report the spam janny save me!!!
lol lmao even
All the 4 stars are in Inazuma and Fontaine lol
He's probably still collecting Anemoculi
>he cries about spam every single day but never apply to be janny himself
lol lmao even
*sigh* fine, I will fuck your raiden since you asked nicely
Unless you want to speedrun it literally doesn't matter at all once you can 36* abyss. And that's only if you want to 36* abyss, which many people don't care about for starters. Literally just pull who you like.
Nobody cares about your sad existence
You rarely even get you’s nowadays
Your life has utterly lost its meaning
You should commit suicide ASAP
Wait for Alhaitam rerun in 5.1
no one really cares who you play. at least /gig/ doesn't.
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you scared, spammer?
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how am i supposed to build Mualani?
i legit can't tell what's better
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>cant surive without moderation
>y-you scared?
dont forget to dilate, or your axe wound will close up
Genshit could never
HP=EM (which ever has better stats)
CDM (CR will overcap her)
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I want to have sex with Kachina.
hp, hydro, cd
he was getting ready to throw another punch and win but was taken away against his will
also refuses to dab on her in her weakened state
my fuarking honorable hero
You might upset all the c3r1 raidens who farmed emblem for 3 years to get 2% leaderboard.
Is the character X scaler? Get X sands.
Is the character a full support that does shit dmg? Go X/X/X sands/goblet/circlet
Is the character a dmg dealer or a support that does good dmg? Go X/Elemental/Crit

Mualani does good DMG. Go HP/Hydro/Crit. It MAY make sense to go HP/HP/HP if you happen to have a cracked HP goblet/circlet.
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Genshin always delivers the kino.
I own every single character and i've never done abyss over stage 10
>>/gig/ can't read character talents and passives
We know, Xilonen.
the fabled retardgod...
EM or HP sands depending on which you can better make up for with the rest of your team and substats, hydro goblet and crit damage hat.
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Easy skip.
Why did you feel like you need to tell everyone you're foregoing free shit for no good reason?
now that natlan flopped what game are we moving to?
For an f2poor like me I need all the primos I can get. Unfortunately it seems that I'll fail to get them all since they're going to buff the abyss...
Come to FGO.
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What did Hoyo mean by this? Is this a /gig/ representation?
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Imagine how big Genshin could be if we had a competent team behind it.
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Natlan is kinda cringe, but didn't flop. If you dislike Genshin, go back to one of its various clones.
When is Neuvillette rerun
i need his book
Yeah, maku's just a 2m drive from where I live. It's also in a nice clean place no ghetto shit
>didn't flop
>posts the character that sold less than Emilie
The things that bother /gig/ the most are precisely the things that made Genshin big, though. Look at homo banners, this game wouldn't have amassed so much money without fujobucks.
>tof flopped
>wuwa flopped
>genshin flopped later with nothing to replace it
Literally the same, cause the genre itself was boosted by covid
alhaitham and Kaveh…
This. They should take business advice from us instead of making millions upon millions each month
Why are you just sitting here willfully lying about genshin all day anyway? It's Sunday. You should take a trip to the forest or something
fujos are the backbone of society
Fat incels of both genders are in fact NOT the backbone of anything, but a burden on society
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People say that male banners don't sell, and technically they're right at least after 1.x banners. Female gamers don't whale the same way males do. But male banners do bring more people to play the game, which lures in more potential paypigs too. Everyone wants to be part of the popular thing. Nowadays HSR has way more males and fujoyumepandering so it's also topping Genshin in sales.
Why are the slurpers here all day every day
>But male banners do bring more people to play the game
The """people""" they bring in are what's ruining the game
All me *slurp*
bro doesn't know most fujos are well adjusted women marrying each other
I just gave up on her because she can't stop whiffing every fucking shot even when I try to set them up properly. Her best build is riding the bench until EOS
natlan music sucks
who thought it was a good idea to put africans chanting when you walk around the world?
I regret buying a ps5
There are no games
As opposed to poor SEApags who feel cucked in the presence of any other male?
Oh yes, it's always everyone else's fault. In fact they conspire to ruin everything you personally enjoy, including the stuff you hate but would enjoy if it was entirely different.
it wasnt a pink fox who sold well during that month
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muttlani only feels good to play at c6r5 where she can oneshot everything
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It is the first time in the entirety of the game that I've muted the soundtrack indefinitely. What the fuck were they thinking with this garbage.
No matter how much you try to twist it, cuckoldry will never be normal, tranny.
I'm from/hsrg/ and this two faggots jobbed btw. Both stories and sales so don't believe in this guy made up story
You gotta be pretty invested in the tortanic cult to make shit like this
Pls watch her
She's so fucking cute though
And they still outsold Muttlani
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Males other than you existing is not cuckoldry no matter how insecure you are.
All the tracks with chanting are the best ones though
It's the south american sounding ones that are so-so.
i wouldn't mind tao humming in the OST tho
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aiiiieeee my goat...
I'm shocked that people rolled for this. She felt like such shit in the AQ.
>but sexo
Go jack off.
>because not everyone reads them
Yeah right. How can anyone NOT read them with the slow text speed and lack of skip option? I literally mash through this shit as fast as possible and I can still read 90% of it.
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f2p raiden is only good as a hyperbloom trigger
>muh national!!!
just use succ, kazuha or chong for similar results
Women don't whale in game necessarily, but they do buy all the merchandise from mihoyo. The rare male who collects stuff like that just buys off bootleggers
Homofox story was good pandering though, women love a wounded tortured bishonen.
>moze flopped
he's a 4*
This. Just because Jamal exists in my bedroom and inside my wife doesn't mean I'm a cuck. I'm not an insecure SEAcel so I don't have a problem with other men.
Mualani cheated me off my primos
She’s so garbage and clunky
Even in the overworld in combat she feels like shit because of the elevations
It’s like some coders who’ve never codes for a game made her kit
moze should've been the 5 star instead of jiaoqiu
>The rare male who collects stuff like that just buys off bootleggers
only if you're brown
>tfw we'll never get a comfy halloween event with witch & succubus skins because chinese are too spooked by it
I hate Genshin Impact.
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I wonder what is more pathetic though, enjoying a "shit" game and having fun with it or spending your entire day on an anonymous forum posting about how shit this game is that lives rent free in your head?
You're correct, yet you see it lurking in every corner, every shadow. Every interaction you have with others is based on your fear of them cucking you. Almost like... You're not normal about it...
>have maleflops
>they all get 0 tiktok hours
>region is carried by acheron and firefly
anon just say you want males because it makes you horny. this weird gaslighting that you're here to save the game instead of spamming gay porn is just pathetic
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More than two people existing at any point in time is cuckoldry because sex is only for a husband and his wife, others should not have any.
>BBC brought up
certified amerimutt moment, black dicks is all you think about
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I like Genshin Impact and all the Natlan girls are half-naked and that makes me and my penis happy for the future.
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Kinich. I will be rolling for Kinich.
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>I wonder what is more pathetic though, enjoying a "shit" game and having fun with it or spending your entire day on an anonymous forum posting about how shit this game is that lives rent free in your head?
Why do trannies love cuckoldry so much?
Achually slavs love that shit more these days due to their racism, making it taboo and thus "hot"
It's funny how the supposed game enjoyer never talks about the game but spend all the energy defending it when people criticize its fault

Latest Chinkslop has 2 niggas who literally live to serve and worship her
Just go play nikke or one of the other million female-only gachas that should be outselling hoyo games by your logic.
I love my half naked Micronesian wet girl but I wish we had more boys dressed like whores. Whoever designed Lyney needs to make a comeback. Let the boys show some skin.
if you hate neuvillette then fuck off this game is not for you
Uh mualkeks????
Cute janky girls are cute.
Why yes, I have Yoimiya. Why do you ask?
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>if you hate neuvillette then fuck off this game is not for you
While normal people are sleeping off their hangover or being outside on a Sunday you sit here crying and imagining what getting cucked must feel like.
Pretty sad bro, but don't worry, to get cucked in the first place you need to have relationships, something you're genetically incapable of.
My BMI is 20, pagcuckbro. I'm also a straight man with a wife and a kid (biologically mine, to clarify it for your profound retardarion).
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Your mental illness isn't going to stop me from playing a game I like if that's your intent.
doesn't mualani do like 3 million per hit at c6r5
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I don't remember writing this post.
Yep mondo was great
yep liyue was great
Yep inazuma was great
yep sumeru was great
Yep fontaine was great
Yep natlan is great
I am now allowed to play the game
Who cares?
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"Mintbroken", it's a combination of "mintpicking" and "mind broken".

I will be forcing this for the next couple of weeks.
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Kachina is so cute she makes my motherly instincts go haywire
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>While normal people are sleeping off their hangover or being outside on a Sunday you sit here crying and imagining what getting cucked must feel like.
Pretty sad bro, but don't worry, to get cucked in the first place you need to have relationships, something you're genetically incapable of.
Almost as funny as obsessing over the game in a feeble attempt to kill it because they insulted your shithole by raising the price on stuff 3.5 years ago.
i knew he's asian
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Nice selfie sis! Here's mine, together we can fight the chudcel menace!
he looks like dainsleif JP seiyuu wtf
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Are there any achievement tracker programs?
And what are the options for artifact cataloging and optimizing?
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>My BMI is 20, pagcuckbro. I'm also a straight man with a wife and a kid (biologically mine, to clarify it for your profound retardarion).
I thought I'd fling a few rolls at her because maybe it was ~le skill issue~ but no she's just shit. Thankfully I didn't waste many primos
I have Yoi too and like using her sometimes. At least with her, missing one or two shots doesn't mean your rotation is cooked
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Kachina is so cute she makes my breeding instincts go wild
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Equally as unimpressive as c6r5 arlecchino snapping her fingers.
So many pathetic incels friendless losers living in their mom's basement on gig lately, are you afraid to go outside like little babies because everyone makes fun of you? Can we ban them so they go back to their discord about harassing women and weak chin tutorials? This is not originally a space for them.
Genshin optimizer
>female characters do well
>see it's because of male characters
>female characters don't do well
>see it's because there aren't enough male characters
you're winning the gold medal in mental gymnastic to defend something you likely don't even care about, just to justify their existence to people that don't want them. the one who should be playing a coom game is (You), anyone can feel your desperation from miles
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>My BMI is 20, pagcuckbro. I'm also a straight man with a wife and a kid (biologically mine, to clarify it for your profound retardarion).
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>So many pathetic incels friendless losers living in their mom's basement on gig lately, are you afraid to go outside like little babies because everyone makes fun of you? Can we ban them so they go back to their discord about harassing women and weak chin tutorials? This is not originally a space for them.
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Genshin for this feel?
I'd smash the kirara
her @?
I want to mom Kachina (platonically) and Gaming (perversely and sexually)
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>My BMI is 20, pagcuckbro. I'm also a straight man with a wife and a kid (biologically mine, to clarify it for your profound retardarion).
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You want to ban us so that we can't remind you that you're actually lower than us.

We have money, you don't. If anything we should expel you.
Lay off the chips and go for a walk if you can't have a slight chuckle without choking.
I want to suck Kachina's fucking Ancient Name right out of her cunny
Keep the fat genshin cosplayer pics coming they’re cracking me up
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What the fuck happened to this place
there goes 4channel again
If they go outside they'll get conscripted to the war
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I've been catching up with the world quests and holy fucking shit everything related to the chenyu vale that wasn't it's main quest is a fucking chore to get through.
Nobody gives a shit about your retarded novel or your retarded movie or your retarded waterlines jesus fucking christ
Is Dehya supposed to be played together with a healer? What's the point of 50% damage mitigation when she only has the ability to heal herself? Makes her really uncomfy in the overworld because I forgot food even exists.
Name a female-only gacha that sells more than Genshin.
No war will start until it gets the consensus of the otaku because these same people are the ones who would start a civil war.
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her BDSM fetish was great
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>Lay off the chips and go for a walk if you can't have a slight chuckle without choking.
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Non-canon tranny self insert that autogynephiles delude themselves into believing is canon? Lumine obviously
>This direction of the thread
Incel moment
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These webms are pathetic… maybe that’s why Genshin players get bullied
She is right. I can't take away her fat.
If you convince her to write a bdsm novel she'll let you spank her
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>anon has a folder full of BBW cosplayers
It's cool that you have a fetish but calm down. Now post your own body with a time stamp if you're gonna mock other people's appearance. Otherwise I'm just gonna assume that you're a lardass.
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>Incel moment
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I unironically found a guy at work in one of the other engineering department that plays Genshin too. He is super casual, so he was impressed over the stuff I had, but it was fun to find someone else.
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>>This direction of the thread
>Incel moment
>get bullied
Bro just don't get bullied lmao
Welp there goes the trannies back at twitt*r
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>anon has a folder full of BBW cosplayers
>It's cool that you have a fetish but calm down. Now post your own body with a time stamp if you're gonna mock other people's appearance. Otherwise I'm just gonna assume that you're a lardass
They aren't even fit or functional enough to be frontline soldiers, much less fill support roles.
At best they would be sent in factories to pack up rations and carry boxes around.
there aren't any with similar production value
but I doubt you legitimately care about sales . you would still push for more males even if they all dropped 100 the first week. because you're a gay porn addict and sales are just the excuse you choose to gaslight people with, and hasn't been working out that well for you anyway. (You) are the coomer, "fem"anon
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Wenut and ruin serpent in abyss when
>yun jin
>raiden spear
Not only a landwhale but also retarded, you love to see it.
I've never ever met a fellow countryman, neither in real life or in coop before.
But my country is very suspicious of gacha, china and anime. Not to mention extremely socially reclusive and thus would rarely coop with strangers in the first place.
Damn anon that's quite a chin. Maybe you should watch your weight.
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I don't get it what do you get out of shitposting about a game you hate for a min of 12 hours per day
all that fat cosplay? me
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>I don't get it what do you get out of shitposting about a game you hate for a min of 12 hours per day
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man I really dont want to level up any of these
Gotta manually do achievements? brutal.
good for you, cosplaying seems fun
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>t.retarded troon who never served. This retard thinks enlisted troops gets sent to factories
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Where Chevy my beloved?
co-worker plays casually he comes to me with all questions and advice says everyone online say 4 different things.
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Oh sorry let me make a correction
>Anon has a folder full of BBW cosplayers and morbidly obsese men*
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Oh... that's a gender war in my Genshin general...
Damn the fat cosplayers really are the redditors oh Genshin huh?
There is a scanner same for awards/characters/artifacts ect. Just let it run go have a wank or something.
>create melting pot
>why everyone is fighting
what if Sparkle and Fofo k-kissed
>goes completely quiet after getting called out for being a faggot chubby chaser
Post the fat itto
what if everyone in this thread kissed
this is what happens to all mixed toilet games
the only reason you don't see a gender war in every place this game is discussed is because you get banned for not being a radical feminist everywhere else on the internet
It would take years of training to make then fit enough to walk few miles, be able to hold eye contact, listen to commands and do basic tasks. Some people are simply too far gone to be worth conscripting and are only alive thanks to the grace of society and their relatives.
I would have to resist pinning her down in public and breeding her right there.
Thread instantly dies when the fat people started being posted, maybe the truth bombs hurt our anons here
to be fair that guy can even delete furina's pets
Genshins for this feel?
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Yes, it's clearly the radical feminists ruining this thread and not the raging incel with a folder full of fatties
Goatsie incoming....
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>Look up a dozen of imageboards
>Most have a genshin related board
>The one that did not have a genshin general or board is the imageboard made for actual femcels
You guys lied to me
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For me its the cute and canon Natlan wife Clit!
Please no I just ate.
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>Yes, it's clearly the radical feminists ruining this thread and not the raging incel with a folder full of fatties
>fofo the reddit
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Nahida is very sexy
anon don't, your ass will hurt for weeks
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What are you fucking talking about you stupid faggot? Boot camp is/was 2-3 months. I could barely run a mile when I entered and by the end I could run indefinitely at a jog. They literally force you to run everywhere(except for the 3 days I was drugged up for having my wisdom teethe removed)

You're probably a woman because at least 80% of men made it through basic. It's not that fucking hard.
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>Yes, it's clearly the radical feminists ruining this thread and not the raging incel with a folder full of fatties
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>Oh sorry let me make a correction
>>Anon has a folder full of BBW cosplayers and morbidly obsese men*
Is it just me or the arrow drops rates on hilichurls really bad?

I have 40% of the time they drop nothing and when they do they either drop a green+common or just a single common arrow. Its just terrible
>Shits up thread
>See? It's those other guys ruining the place!
Peak european mentality
I'm trans and I forgot to mention this in one of my posts that i can't find now.
could you help me by linking this comment to my posts?
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Lisa cosplayer could get it IDGAF
Her thighs and ass are peak
Yeah they're bad
Most sapphic coded character this game has seen since yae.
Arrows and scrolls were always bad didn't get any better with WL9
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Wtf is going on here?
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Genshins for this feel?
I prefer Raiden so I don't have to have 5 million ER on XL to not feel absolutely awful to play
>Sparklepag outs himself as a russian
its because all the femcels are already gathered here
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Not just you, it is shit
Include samachurls' scrolls
you need to actively hunt them as you come across them doing other stuff, otherwise you'll feel the grind if you need lots in a short period of time
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this one
white horse is scaramouche
light brown horse is nilou
dark brown horse is pagther
What's sapphic about her? Her name sounding like clit?
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Check out this truthbomb. Other anons even kindly repeated it for more visibility.
they want you to use paimon's shop to get arrows and scrolls
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>Check out this truthbomb. Other anons even kindly repeated it for more visibility.
me at the end
Who do you think is in this very thread?
We're talking about people who weigh hundreds of pounds with no muscle underneath, don't go outside, have never got a diploma or held a job, don't talk to anyone other than online and have a plethora of mental illnesses. 2-3 month is not enough to fix this. Wars are economic and training someone up from so far down is not sound.
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thanks bruv, glad we agree
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Every genshin ship and Aether
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>Check out this truthbomb. Other anons even kindly repeated it for more visibility.
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Quality of this thread only goes up when we start boyposting
Next he'll say he's trained by NAVY SEALs and have over 100 confirmed kills
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mualani's fat fucking butt cheeks
ngl I have used that shop for certain drops now I went out and have 1000+ green drops
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No new map in 5.1 is gonna KILL genshin.
What the fuck were they thinking...
It's OVER. Owari da. Das ist das Ende.
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Yea it's time for neuv posting, the one savior of genshin and /gig/
Rejoice and reverie the hydro sovereign for soon he shall ascend even further with xilonen
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don't mind if I do
>chonk li
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plus sized elf
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW
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>Quality of this thread only goes up when we start boyposting
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Why can't I stop watching those webms? Obese people disgust me despite me not being fit myself but I cannot stop watching them with some sort of morbid fascination. It's not even that they're obese, moreso that they're not ashamed of it, they instead flaunt their disgusting selves for everyone to see. Have you no shame?
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What about them?
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>We're talking about people who weigh hundreds of pounds with no muscle underneath, don't go outside, have never got a diploma or held a job
Well, there's actually weight and cardio requirements before you actually join the military but it doesn't actually take long to lose weight or gain endurance if you care to. And the only thing that matters for military is a HS diploma.

I think you underestimate how quickly a lardass can get into shape if motivated. I mean you see bears put on half their body weight in mass each winter just to lose it in a couple of months of sleeping.
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Very unfortunate isn't it.
i want my face between them
I need to badtouch him...
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>Quality of this thread only goes up when we start boyposting
Nahitroon is the sparkleposter?
Perfect shota thighs!
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I love Genshin Impact!
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have a Venti
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my mexican minecraft bf can't be this cute
If genshin was good we'd have a Halloween event in Fontaine
Could even be DnD like clorinde's SQ
>Responsible father trying to win a prize for his daughters/teaches them how to play
Heartwarming. /gig/ wouldn't understand because their dads left them.
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have a cute trauma boy
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Get in line.
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>boyposting takes over
>pagcel calms down
>thread immediately improves
you're welcome, /gig/
he's actually killing all fun, hype and feeling of accomplishment from his own child
Bro your quick item food pouch filled with chickens?
I want her to hump my thigh in public
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I love shoving Paimon where she doesn't belong!
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>>boyposting takes over
>>pagcel calms down
>>thread immediately improves
>you're welcome, /gig/
You're meant to clear before you start jobbing dork
Also Bennett hahahahahahahaha
Sounds bad. It's like showing your kid how to use the interactive map and suck out all the soul and adventure for the kid
They clearly didn't give a single fuck about actually playtesting her and just went "eh everyone's gonna keep using Neuvillette anyways"
Actually crazy how they're bleeding revenue and popularity to the point where Da Wei had to go on stream crying on it and they actually began to kind of sort of fix the game yet they'd release a character in this state
She'd be Dehya 2.0 if she didn't scale well
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I wish tighnari had better teams, he's strong but he doesn't really fit anywhere apart from some yae teams.
Retard, that dude is probably unrelated to that little girl since that franchise's fanbase is either kids or middle aged men (kinda like genshin actually)
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Yeah he's actually pretty good but he really needs yae
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Most powerful cheld?
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I knew mihoyo was desperate after the first week of sales but LMAO
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Who gives a shit about Halloween when they're older than 12?
they were salty that people were angry about neuv nerf and just went full "okay fuck you if you want to use him that much I will just let you use him forever" then killed mualani
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There has to at least be some kind of big area just for the AQ, r-right? hahaha
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Women and LGBTQ really fucking hate being held to standards or expected to provide a net positive impact to the world, huh.
Ororon will save Tighnari's meta viability
unless he ends up as yet another on-field electro
The worst thing about her is the awkward wiggling on top of them when you're trying to do single target... which is supposed to be what she's good at since you're penalized for marking more than 1 enemy? What the fuck where they thinking with that shit?
me no like apple pie me prefer chocolate cake
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>if motivated
They aren't people who can be motivated, they'll just break down and kill themselves under pressure.
>n a couple of months of sleeping
I encourage you to look up what bears actually do and join me in confusion as to why that myth was ever taught
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Charlotte fucked this
>genshin skills in real life
>just regular surfing
Does anyone actually watch videos like this? It's just some average retard doing shit for the first time, beefing it, and the going WOWIE ZOWIE THAT WAS HARD
>the multi billion company with a finger in thousands of projects is DESPERATE to keep the f2pag!
We're getting maps in 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 though
There is
Kachina chan would never be sexist like this
Future Xilonen piece or are you building DPS Kachina?
Either way all crit.
I don't understand this either but it's getting a bunch of CC do a thing they've never really done before.
Free to KEKS aren't the ones dropping like flies if anything they're increasing and actively against spending
The way Sigewinne's and Kachina's tails bounce when they run around is so enticing...
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>They aren't people who can be motivated, they'll just break down and kill themselves under pressure.
No such man exists.

I don't really care what bears do, it was an illustration for how quickly people can improve if they wish to.

You're a woman and you're trying to drag men down to your level. They will never be there. Even the worst man under 40 can turn around and become Zeus within a year with the right encouragement.
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>all the genshin cosplayers are darkies
oh nyoooo
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>f2p leave
>game becomes unpopular
>whales stop spending
>no more money
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But it went all def instead
Yeah bro, that's why men over 30 tops suicide stats
> >the multi billion company with a finger in thousands of projects is DESPERATE to keep the f2pag!
>99% of hoyo approved TC make content exclusively cater to f2p crowd
slurpkeks are so fucking stupid it hurts
>What the fuck where they thinking with that shit?
they were thinking "we femcels can't allow a female character to deal half of wormvillette's damage, nerf her and make her clunky"
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>using Kachina for such an awful post
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Kachina would be as sexist as necessary to ensure her peers performed to their best and that she was also held to highest of standards.

No participation trophies.
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
>yeah I fucking hate mihoyo
>Now to boot up Genshin and complain about how shit it is. My voice really matters!
Why do the poorest people always think so highly of themselves?
Yes but
Ugly and unsexy
Cute and sexy
She won.
venti is bouncing on my cock
>No such man exists

This website proves otherwise
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hi sis
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>Mihoyo actually paid for this
I was joking I didn't click the video.... mualani's sales....gone to the wind.....
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>hsr pic
>the most retarded thing you've ever read
Fucking kek every time
She would never hurt others intentionally. Unlike you, she is pure of heart.
That mualani looks cute. Would lick her soles
me in the white shirt
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What's the per capita?
If you think that's an awful post then you will never achieve anything in your entire life unless you're willing to lay down and pump out babies.
Leave it to women to use their internet interactions with men to define them or maybe you're actually the incel with no experience?
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>they say genshin impact team doesn't listen to their players but we do, BWEEHHHHHH
this is so fucking humiliating, i guess being a billionaire he already sold out his soul long ago, also no wonder raiden is dawei's favorite lmao
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I have not done imaginarium theater and I also haven't cleared past floor 4 of abyss and I never intend to do either
Dude actually thinks he's a motivator by jerking off in the /fit/club with his dudebros!
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>Fontainian frogs
That's kinda racist.
An actual incel has entered the thread, congratulations /gig/ you got what you wanted
Soon he'll start dumping his alkaveh folder like the rest of the women hating posters
Your feelings getting trampled do not count as hurt. Never sign up for the military you stupid fucking whore woman. You learned nothing from Kachina.
Honestly Mihoyo absolutely deserve the dog shit revenue they got for 5.0. Maybe don't release a character in such a dog shit state. I'd literally rather they nerf her actual damage if it meant they fixed her countless other issues and made her consistent to use.
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Nice character, Mualanikeks
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never listen to billionaires
I wish men didn't exist
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Me too, xis
I'm just a fly on the wall reading the convo and I wanted to say you should become a coach. You sure know how to sell pipe dreams
I would absolutely not put it past femceldevs to give her a higher fall damage multiplier just because they hate her that much
Kachina is pure of pussy
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I'm a nice guy though. I often help newbies in coop
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>always moving outside of his circle.
no he's not. the enemy will be off center of the middle of bennett's circle most of the time. and bennett's circle buff lasts for ~1s after exiting the circle. kinich rotates fast enough to nearly always have the buff.
nope lol. he doesn't even "need" burning or burgeon. he'll still perform pretty decently without those.
and..oh my..what's that around the corner..the pyro archon is coming out soon? in this game where all the archons are supports at C0? Gee golly I wonder what she'll do!
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
your Klee got molested btw
I can't sell fucking shit the only thing I can do is give my past experiences
Don't forget to dilate, xister!
stop hating yourself bro
>kachina was so bwrave
Meanwhile sayu went behind enemy lines alone and could have been swatted away by Raiden
Word. They're only good for yaoi.
The difference is that kachina is cute and sayu ugly
Bros come back to Wuwa our general is dead without you...
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>I wish men didn't exist
Sayu is a 14+ year old womanlet though
Some people think it's fun to watch a bunch of idiots bumble their way through things, some people live vicariously through it
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good morning ladies. it's been a lovely month for us so far. new natlan to enjoy with him, event coming up soon, all the hoyofair buzz. isn't there some kind of merch keyboard coming up too at some point (probably logitech but eh, might still make a cool looking display piece)?
kill yourself psychopath
I would never play unplayable MMO trash like WuWa
every coop subhuman should leave to play that cancer and never return though
it has everything you disgusting scum want: mandatory forced coop for artifacts, mounts, korean MMO-level grind and high difficulty endgame content for tryhard whales
go play that evil trash instead of trying to destroy Genshin
fuck multiplayer as a concept
Yea no need to expose any further you kachinakeks are redditors LOL
Him even trying this just pisses me off.
>We actually do care! BWEEEHH!! Oh, you want us to actually implement the QoL features that people have been asking for since day 1 and that are already in our other games? Lmao, no chance. Now pay up, piggy.
What a fucking shithead. How about you fucking DO SOMETHING instead of CRYING ABOUT IT?
>I'm different because I like ugly things!
Damn, a bit tryhard there
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when you remove males from a game not even male gamers will spend on it. normal men see waifupaggotry as for losers and avoid it like the plague.
this is why mihoyo decided to add playable males to a project that costed 100m usd to make
don't worry, the planet does too.
i want alhaitham to bend me over
I want to bend Venti over
Since third worlders are incapable of human emotions, it's not really a surprise that they saw Dawei crying and getting angry at it. They just don't understand raw emotions like civilized cultures do
is this a tweet or is this a tumblr post?
you will never be a "normal man" tranny, and neither will the literal faggots who keep pretending to give a fuck about da wei's earnings. homosexuality is not normal.
I've heard through the grapevine men are now picking up love and deepspace to create their perfect waifu and self insert as the men of the game
Anything you have the say to that?
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I might come back to see the discussion around youhu and coomkeeper but the fandom is far too normalfag for me. It's just going to be people calling each other pedophiles and the others being called disgusting coomers over coomkeeper's tits(both of these designs are meant for coomers but that fandom can't admit it).
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we become one
>c-crying in public is quintessentially white!
Is this really the narrative you're going with bwo?
i could be your venti...
all this chart tells me is that chinks are huge faggots
Kachina literally died.
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can't wait for albekino this winter
Fortunately whites have no reason to care what base violent thirdies think of civilized cultures
I wrote this post
>Gee golly I wonder what she'll do!
Furina didn't help Lyney much and I'd rather not rely on patternfagging in Natlan. Wouldn't even be surprised if Mavuika needs some new artifact set that is not cinder but time will tell.
Venti is more feminine than most of Floptain's and Floplan's girls. Something is very wrong with Genshin's design and writing team
Uh huh sure she "died" lol
So true civilized king. Anyway I just got done with my pagpag meal and I'm feeling cute, might shitpost a little on /gig/ idk
>0 (ZERO) mora
No white man would ever be caught crying on stage unless it was a humiliation ritual.
They didn't, hence the flop
I think that maybe they intended for her to be a high risk high reward character, that you'd miss shots but the ones that hit would be massive even at C0. But then they overreacted to the powerwasher man controversy and nerfed her damage into the ground
lmaooooo jesus fucking christ
keep seething tranny lole
Read Bennett's burst little bro
Elon Musk cried on stage before
very happy to see dj haitham get so much love and natlan is pretty nice so far so it has been a pretty good month
You don't even know white cultures, thirdie. Whatever you're imagining us to be like, you're wrong.
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the only thing wrong with genshins design team is the lack of more slutty boys
I think we knew that lyney would never work well with furina since his kit heavily encouraged mono-pyro from the start. hydro was never going to fit in there anyway. I do understand your reluctance to patternfag though, you really do never know with these devs.
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>heterosexual men are skipping women from the sex-ravaged lands
they can do whatever they want but i doubt they have the spending power to affect sales looking at the current state of games that pander to them, so sales shouldn't be attributed to them.
the normal man is straight, something you obviously aren't. that you unconsciously excluded yourself from your ad populum tells me everything I need to know
bending lyney over and making him cum like a girl
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>look it up
>no crying, he actually asks for a break from the interview
>runs out of gas after 50ft
I'd rather fuck Venti's hole
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>Mihomo built the marketing of Natlan around Muttlani because they were sure that she will be a huge hit
>she's the biggest flop that the game ever had
Nice "roots", waifubag
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I could kill for a new femboy right now, I have a bad deficiency
she has 3 attack animations?
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slutty anything at this point..
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What a fucking beta soiboy, right my fellow brownbros?
I need her to fuck Mualani in the ass
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Tuesday can't some soon enough
You cannot run off ledges while in Mualani skill, you need to jump and her skill triples your jump height, if not more. This supposed "increased fall damage" never happens unless you go out of your way to trigger it.
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love my shoujo ml alhaitham
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Sorry, I'm a bit dyslexic
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When's the next potion event?
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>mualkeks are making shit up now
Truly a caspar
normal men don't obsess over waifupaggotry and femorrhoids. only troons and paggots do. otherwise stellar flop would be the best selling game in the world lole
keep seething tranny
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I don't know why you think results should be instant. It takes time for the roots to grow back.
When Albedo & Lisa has the time.
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the things i would do to tartaglia hes so weak and pathetic i could do anything i want to him and i could probably trap him with a baby too hes so fucking pathetic i want him to drink my spit the amount of bed breaking sex id guilt trip him into is insane i could probably push him down the stairs or make up dumb shit to argue with him about and gaslight him into thinking that hes in the wrong
Imagine if he was a hot guy instead instead of a trashy latina with too much eyeliner
I made them hundreds of millions of mora in a couple days, it's retarded of them to ever stop.
how do you plan to baby trap him when skirk yeeted him into her pocket dimension of choice
>A 40 year old fat bald man wrote this
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and those people are still closer to a normal man than you'll ever be. you, an abnormality, appealing to normality reeks of self hatred. don't kill yourself just yet, you deserve to suffer more
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If Rukkhadevata got retconned and the people of Sumeru think that Nahida and Rukkhadevata are the same then why do the people still call Dookie the Lesser Lord? who is the Greater Lord in this context?
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>I don't know why you think results should be instant. It takes time for the roots to grow back.
Because they're disingenuous homohujos.
Additionally, such people are also themselves bandwagoners and wannabe trend chasers so they only get into things for attention and drop them quickly. Quality is not a factor for them, attention is.

Gachas also attract a LOT of metafags, even among the straight men, which means a sexy woman with a good personality can easily flop.
you can't baby trap a man that's bouncing on skirk's strap 24/7 sis
inflation hit mondstadt hard, one million mondstadtian mora is the equivalent of only one mora in other nations
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needs more implication
i want alhaitham's balls on my face
stellar blade was never going to sell a lot, you hugely overestimate the number of sweaty incels that are into games like that
imagine how fucking thick and solid her poops must be
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>got the entirety of teyvat addicted to alchemical narcotics
>stop producing it
Just like Rhinedottir intended.
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Thanks. She is super cute.
my pretty husband...
the reason lost to history and shit and we have not deemed it worthy of study and never will -t. alhabibi
Did they impose import tarrifs on Liyue made goods to save their local industry?
God I miss Mondstadt. Hoyo should start releasing alter versions of Mond cast, they would sell like crazy.
Saar you're the one implying that White people are crybabies by attacking my post. I don't have to imagine anything because I am what I am and that's all that I am.

Define what roots we are trying to return to
Cause hi3 is basically clunk + yuri + powercreep
>maulani is se-
No she's not, literally nobody cares about this hapa shit eater lol
everything is strapped down, including his cock
How far do you think mualani's tan lines go? Do you think she sunbathes in her regular clothes? In a bikini? Or does she lay down naked in the open, puffy pussy out for everyone to see?
uh oh big femcel melty
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>If Rukkhadevata got retconned and the people of Sumeru think that Nahida and Rukkhadevata are the same then why do the people still call Dookie the Lesser Lord? who is the Greater Lord in this context?
If the retcon tree only alters the memory/perception of those in Teyvat and Tabibito is immune, why did a physical document written by those researchers get changed by it when read by Tabibito who is immune?

The answer, of course, is that Scaramouche was never even supposed to be in Sumeru. The shit show of reorganizing and giving fujo writers power happened during Inazuma, so we got a filler Raidenbot quest where Scaramouche's boss fight would've been.
It's the entire reason Cheld even showed up in Inazuma at all, to chase down Scaramouche for the Gnosis... Scaramouche who went rogue with it, by the way, NOT working with Dottore all along.
You see how rewriting shit snowballs plot holes?
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Femcels are not real
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will we get anything from this Klee event?
>someone says they like her
>"lol n-no, n-n-no one likes her! stop liking her! ...please?"
How is he gonna use it then
>Lesser Lord
that is a ENtroon mistranslation
never existed the "Lesser Lord": always was "Little Lord"
the same as "Murata"
From standards, you either pick supports like jean Mona and Dehya or Tighnari as dendro dps
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The roots we're returning to is Mondstadt.
it's literally just a translation error, in chinese nahida is called Little Lucky-Grass Monarch and rukkhadevata is called Great Benevolent Tree Lord
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Do you think they had sex?
God i'm so NORMAL
uhhh readlet? that was the point of what i said
>those people
>Implying you aren't one of them
you're not fooling anyone troonxis
no one will defend you freaks besides yourselves lmaoooooo
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I like that they upped the load limit in teapot. I could actually fit some nice stuff there now.
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>roll for who you like
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I have to deign him the mercy of unstrapping it for my riding pleasure. He's begging for an immediate release.
Triplets inside Klee's womb, hopefully.
now that the gender war has stopped we can finally discuss if C3 Raiden is worth it
I think her strap knows every inch of his body
Wasn't Childe a kid when he was training under her?

If so, yes.
that's sucks. i hope you'll ge better
Damn, Albedo.
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I bet Mua would lose her shit completely over Klee and
I'd be surprised if Kaeya didn't get an alt in Khaenri'ah, and I bet Celestia will be when they release a bunch of alts unless they plan to dindufy the shades too
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>now that the gender war has stopped we can finally discuss if C3 Raiden is worth it
Reminder that C2 Xilonen now lowers burst cd for Electro by 6 seconds.
The downtime for the Raiden Shogun's Musou no Hitotachi will already be only 7 seconds which is convenient for swaps.
c2 is, c3... You could probably find a better use for your primos.

But Stellar Blade did sell well.
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fresh out of the oven ladies
its supposed to be about her size
but it still doesn't make sense because rukkhadevata was the same size as nahida since 500 years ago
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absolutely and god I love Pottsness
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I can see Yoimiya and Mualani hugging each other and crying like retards because they're experiencing a visceral overexposure to cuteness and their maternal instincts are overloaded
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imagine the birth rate of that town..
if you look up "Skirk" literally one of the first image results is Cheld fucking her face
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>rukkhadevata was the same size as nahida since 500 years ago
Lazy model is lazy but it's also hard to animate hugs with potatoes so I get it.
i'm 23 years old how do i make my skinny body look like this
Which older woman is gonna trick cute little innocent Kachina into sucking her tits? Will it be big sis Chasca? Cool aloof Xilonen? Or the almighty pyro Archon?
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God, I love being a woman
Dorman Port will get retconned into simply being the name of a region consisting of an empty area with the only attraction being a tiny fishing hamlet operated by like five people
yes, I will defend my fellow straight men over a faggot freak who is the same kind of porn addict as the people xe's criticizing. any normal man will. something you would never understand as a monkeypoxxer, you can try to define how straight men think but you can never know it by experience. because you're faggot subhuman.
that body only looks good on cartoons, irl men are better with more average proportions and not too skinny (not too fat either)
I bet they'll drop all the dead niggas in celestia

If they didn't have sex Fat Xiao is a hack
If it's that overwhelming they can scissor about it to let some steam off
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Mualani already has that covered
>draw women
>call them men
>Women love it
Lesbians, all of them.
average asian male looks girly af
>Mualani takes more fall damage in her skill
I went and recorded this myself just to prove you lying whores wrong
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that body size is almost perfect for irl. just enough muscle, not too bulky. needs a little bit more fat though. he looks like he's at the end of his cutting cycle which tends to look too starved.
Idk she's too young and her tits are too small. I think Kachina deserves a mouthful of warm mommy milk from older well endowed women.
he would never have to worry about his sweat bothering him with me there
>too young and small
I can't imagine how awful it must be for you in the real world. Mualani already has a better body than 90% of women.
>some men look good for women, put more care into their appearance
>men spend all their time coping about how they're faggots instead
every time. remember metrosexual?
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Oh no they're hot!
Men are supposed to be ugly, smelly and hairy, homo.
those are anime characters
idk what it is about her shark fall damage, but I jumped down a fairly small ledge during the archon quest with her yesterday and she just straight up fucking died on me. maybe the behaviour changes from greater heights like you showed in yours, but why does she still lose so much health in the mushroom jumping .webm?
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Base Mondstadt is the best area in the entire game, it's like a set right out of Lord of the Rings. It is maddeningly comfy without a lot of stupid shit going on, which is the exact problem with the modern Genshin worldbuilding - it feels less like a world that people live in, and more like a theme park with a bunch of wacky shit going on.
No wonder Alice settled here, I would too.
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This chart is clearly made by a gay man but I'm happy to see my wife there regardless.
Idc about real womens proportions, I care about cute little anime girl being breastfed by an anime lady with huge tits, anon.
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please look at me Chiori...
Sales, likes, views, fanart numbers all say otherwise
there are people who unironically like razor? the razorkeks who went against the keqbros back then doesn't count
He was 14
So already fertile
just be michael phelps bro
To be fair, I think you're a subhuman as well. Your post reeks of underaged thirdie.
that chart looks like it was made by a teenage girl, so yes.
>but I jumped down a fairly small ledge during the archon quest with her yesterday and she just straight up fucking died on me
Did you JUMP jump or did you just slide down it? She has increased jump height during her skill so it's possible that you may have barely went above the death fall limit. After some specific amount of meters, your character will always die from a fall.
>why does she still lose so much health in the mushroom jumping .webm?
Most likely because her skill bypasses some fall damage checks. On other hand, those jump pads in the chasm, at least the ones aboveground work as intended and she doesn't receive damage from jumping on them while in her skill.
Let's remember that this game is 5 years old, there's bound to be some code inconsistencies.
Now fall a second time and you'll realize something is not working correctly
I can't believe she has literally nothing. Not even mentioned at any point over the whole internet.
sex with ajax
Getting daily sex lessons from Lisa is pretty based
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You sound like those ugly women who want all video game women to look like "real women". Jealous of people prettier than you.
I just saw Kaveh and yeah its 100% a teenage girl kek
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that dude looks fucking bizarre now
>He defends the men that live in his head
You are gay nigga
I did jump but it wasn't like it was a significant ledge. definitely less than the shroom jump height. idk, weird bugs happen with this game fairly often so I won't be surprised if there really is something funny going on there. that's interesting about the chasm jump pads.
that anon was being sarcastic.
for IT is 70 enough or do you need 70/80
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Holy shit it's him
imagine getting a handjob from Skirk after you did well in your lesson...
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I wanna eat his puppet pussy so bad
He's hot.
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>huge ass arms
>barely any pecs
horrifyingly unbalanced..
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what do you think about this bro
We found the woman of /gig/
All men know he's was genetically altered to swim
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>Kinich NEEDS Bennett
>Arle NEEDS Bennet
>[DPS name] NEEDS Bennett
No. Its just (You). (You) NEED Bennett.
Everything else can work without him.
i look like this and i main xiangling
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This is why you should get into politics.
of course it's great for swimming but it looks bad.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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that seems a bit much
Kinich won't need Bennett because it's clear his intended team will be him Emilie and 2 natlan characters to get the full night soul burst timer
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i look like pic related and i main furina
t. bisexual tranny
how far along the pipeline are you xis? fapped to futa and traps, maybe a little self inserting and wondering how life would be like as a girl? Lgbt is the best thing to happen to society, seeing porn addicted bisexuals getting tricked into cutting it off brings me great pleasure
This image made my dick hard and I'm worried that it was Cheld and not Skirk
I never looked into how Kinich's skills work but since the column is called 1st cannon is it like how one of Mualani's constellations also give a massive boost to the first hit but don't do anything for the rest of them?
what the sigma
Embrace it bro
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