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Previous: >>494585656

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Kuru kuru :)
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Do I actually need Blackswan to make Kafka work? Because I rolled for her this time and now I got no rolls for Blackswan and I really want to save for Lingsha
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>red nail polish
>dick instantly gets hard
>pink nail polish
>not even one twitch
Am I weird?
Kafka was garbage up until Black Swan's release
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Firefly is love
Firefly is my wife
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My wife
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Luciernaga liebe
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I don't care if I'm the world's only Rappa fan
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Hotapai Star Rail
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THIS is your hero?
This is TB's dad
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Posting from last thread
>need 30 more rolls to hit guaranteed pity for Kafka
>thats 4800 jades (i think)
>used up all reliable sources of jades, not gonna hit it in 15d with the event jades
>already on express pass
>could just skip and save the guaranteed pity for next 5* I roll (most likely sunday since he'll be broken)
>alternatively waste idk how many months passes and buy 40$ worth of jades to complete pity
What do bros? I think it's better to just cope and skip right, sucks though. She is my fav.
I do already have BS.
No thats Tuna ancestor
If she is your Fave, just roll Anon. Nothing new in 2.6 apart from Rappa.
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This thread.
Follow your penis anon. 2.6 is filler patch so you can skip it.
looks like this is the one, since it has the most posts.
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Sweaty sigga summer.
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Roll for who you like. Always.
TB is this game's Tuna, anon.
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All you need is 1 pull, buddy.

I've never gone completely dry on jade or primos. Everytime I've been prepared to do so I've gotten insanely lucky and bounced off of the banner with over 12k in my pocket and exactly who I wanted. FTP btw.
Hertaschizo was right
lingsha might end up selling less than argenti
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My girlfriend is so cute
Why are you using the early thread?
Shut up twat, talking about yourself in third person makes you look like these cringe burriko.
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I own jade, that's no problem.
namida ame
hiyah haiyah swoosh swoosh
furite afururu
Literally nobody cares for this homo save for Paglus tards. His entire legacy is "male Kiana if she had no personality that only fujoshitters care about" and "not good villain as Otto" in CN. Paglus tards are only ones sucking his dick. Trying to make him seem as if he was big deal. Once again proving they are giga homos in closet who simp way more for men that they insert as than any girls kek
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Lingsha seems interesting from the story and I desperately need a sustain that isn't Bailu. Who does Lingsha work well with? Do I have anyone that works for her?
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no but this is
jade might be the only character who likes her. but it’s weird making the sustain as the debt collector
Should work with Feixiao
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>it's raining all day
>Hear noises coming from inside my window awning
>A robin is taking shelter in there from the rain
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god I love acheron, my cool and sexy wife
When has he haven’t been right?
I'm rolling her but I really hope she gets some good buffs with V3 that she retains to live
ligma might be the character with the most aoe attacks in the game, she’s pretty strong with jade on 5 targets (pf and the new boss in 2.6)
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well you still can clear with weakness but it's really barely in time, swan would make it way more comfy
So Jiaoqiu is currently the worst pulled debut banner on Warp Tracker but he's negligibly behind Yunli and is primed to overtake her ever so slightly in the coming weeks as more pulls are reported.

Feixiao's pulls so far are a definitive upward tick over recent trends but she'll still only be the 4th most pulled banner since Acheron.
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Honkai heroes. Kevin, Caelus and Captain
I miss him, great VA work in both JP and CN.
for me it's black nail polish on hands
Why is HSR always obsessed with characters that literally nobody in Hi3 ever gave a single fuck for? Literally the only posters who kept bringing this boring Gary Stu up all the time were fujos. Fags who hated Otto ended up begging for him to return due to how shit Kevin in antagonist role was. Even his fujos fucked off after his laughable final act. Can you niggers find anyone less fucking pathetic than overhyped fodder like Kevin, or jobber like Welt? I don't know... go simp for fucking Siegfried, or hell even Adam. Or join Otto fags in their schizo posting. Just find Hi3 male that at least wasn't some shitter that nobody gave a single fuck for.
there is no way jamiroqui and yunli performed worse than argenti
they really fucked him over by putting him in the waifu collector game
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>When has he haven’t been right?
Pic related when jannies banned him.
Not without Topaz.
But Siegfried doesn't even do anything aside from being alcoholic absent father.
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Difficult to make a direct comparison because Argenti has had an additional year for reports to trickle in but the answer is probably yes they did.
Too CHAD for average pag to larp as
Has too much personality which is why they tried forcing shitty TB Apocalypse memes during 2.0
I guess too chad for them as well despite being the type of Kirito looking manlet they go for
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Anon bros I bought an account and it was working fine, but now it can't login with a "Too many requests" error. Can't login to hoyoverse too as it says there's a security risk. Am I bricked or does this resolve itself?
Nobody cares about your retarded /hig/troon lore, you /hig/tranny.
When I see a cool male, I post them. IDGAF about that they did in some technobabble story of an irrelevant dead dyke game.
Just use march
Let her in
And because of his autistic obsession with the OP, Hertaschizo has caused thread speed to plummet.
Am infinite procession of sex with Sunday(s).
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what is this mental illness
>he bought
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Never happened to me so you may be bricked
Still better than Kebin and fucking jobber like Welt. At least he looks like a man unlike Kebin, or NPC looking nigger that is Welt.
I just find trend in which HSR fags adpot Hi3 characters that were jokes, and overhypes them as some sort of big deal.
Welt is a fucking jobber. No idea where you niggers got that he was some big shit in honkek. Kebin is unironically meant to be strong (he is literal overhyped Gary Stu when it comes to his strength), but this faggot has less personality than TB (mute character - let that sink in), and he was just terrible character overall. Nobody fucking cares about this dude save for KevinSu fujos, yet you schizos keep forcing him for some reason.
That's you irl mom? She's hot
he's cool, faggot
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Kinda sad, Innit? Other generals always bake at page 8, but he's the only one that make early threads.
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Hertaschizo and caeluspag op snipers are the same dude?!?!!
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I just entered a divergent universe encounter, something about "win points each round"
Feixiao has been ulting on autoplay at least 30 times in a row by now
I don't know when it will end
>cool male
You are just homosexual.Here is a thing homo: There is a reason why even the most homophobic place out there finds the idea of dykes less disgusting than homos such as yourself. You try to figure out why.
>pagpags are so far gone they can't enjoy any cool male characters anymore

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thats normal. chink bot trying to login to check if you already change email or password because someone else buy same account like you.
am i the only one who rolled for SAM and not for this muh feel bad for me bitch god she is so dull and boring
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This is the first and probably the last time that I will be able to have all three modes cleared like this at the same time.
Usually PF is the only one I can fully clear, but this time the second half was surprisingly tough and kept fucking me over.
Maybe Rappa will get a few ten pulls after all.
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You know nothing of the weight behind this power.
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Kalpas was cooler
Bro? Why's Sigga in the 4th slot?
I only rolled for her because her team is low investment
Fast enough for ya?
Paglus is homo in love with his self-insert and those who look like him. This is why they constantly post about their homos over any other girl. Even when talking of other girls they have to bring their homo-insert up. They schizo out if Paglus isn't in the picture and if porn is done without him. Because Shitlus is their true love. Paglustads are all homos. There is your answer.
still cool tho
All me
Hertaschizo was wronged, not wrong
Firefly really did irreparable damage to this general
which equation or blessings let you do that
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I can never get tired of how hard he mindbreaks the yuritransbians
All of Kevin's lines go so hard there's no way you can call yourself a human male if you don't think he's even a little bit cool
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nah this OP is not mine. This OP trying to make /hsrg/ hate me
I thought it was the same mentality as hyping up Yamcha as the strongest character ever, you know, as a joke
I regret rolling for Sparkle...
It's funny because you're the one who brought up Caelus out of nowhere, I think you're just projecting.
if he were an hsr character /hsrg/ would never recover from the brutal mindbreaking
probably something with Brain in a Vat
At least Jade and Lingsha work well with one another.
Rappa + Herta means we’ll get a bunch of erudition shilling anyway
At this point this has to be a delusional samefag. There is nothing cool about him. He looks like every isekai twink ever. Even has DHIl tier chest window that you fags moan about. His personality doesn't exist. His character is so laughable that it made faggots beg for Otto's return because at least he knew how to be a villain instead of whatever the fuck this bland faggot was trying to be.
The poster who calls your specific types as closet homos truly seems to be onto something.
The ones who spam aether, caelus, Kevin are in love with those characters. In their minds those characters are their champions against the woke yuri shippers. They are culture war brain rot personified.
What's better
100% updtime pioneer diver of dead waters or
100% uptime quantum set
What makes Hertaschizo a schizo?
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Rolled for both. It's a great pack
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Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of the event?
I'd say pretty kino, 2nd only to the ghostbusting squad
>luka's characterization works fine and isn't over the top
>supporting cast is likeable
>tb does her job as a comedic relief without being flanderized
It gets 2nd place because Luka isn't a cute girl and it's still overall a bit too wordy
it depends
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Kevin never mindbreak the yurikek, it was Adam.
Kevin is acceptable as Kiana gender bender and already shipped with notMei.
quantum is better if you already have other source of def down and going further with it.
I haven't gotten to penacony yet, so I rolled for the girl in a cool suit that does a rider kick
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you sound upset....
are you perchance a seething yurifag mad he was important in HI3?
Why is he like this?
>2 herta threads
>4 ting threads
your point?
Both are cool
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>Welt, you need to stop hanging around that red haired hag and staring at that smaller gamer Bronya and come back to your petite wife
How's our hero going to get out of this predicament?
I genuinely do not believe you played the game if this is your actual opinion
>there is nothing cool about the STRONGEST
this is how i know you're either a man-hating tranny, or a dyke
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Higger, higger, stupid nigger!
Go back to >>>/vg//hig/ where cool males aren't your trigger!
>>2 herta threads
>>4 ting threads
>your point?
same person btw
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Stop being schizos for one second and answer simple thing: Fexiao or Kafka's cone?
Which one is better pick. Aka which character is more dependent on their own cone.
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Based Mitsuki
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I love herta so much bros...
They’re all made by the same person
Ill just roll for a future mech. I dont really like firefly much tbdesu.
Hopefully either pelafly or hagfly are actually alive and playable.
Him spooking me is the reason I went balls deep into the FuA meme in the first place despite me not caring about it at first.
Now it is like I am playing the game on easy mode

Nice reddit spacing you retard
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I don't know anything about HI3 but if he can mindbreak troons like this he's gotta be based.
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>Not a single Firefly
most friendly poster and schizo, Firefly fan
nigga check theyre the same person.
he doesn't even play the fucking game retard
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Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Xianzhou breeding, Vidyadhara is the most compatible Xianzhou native for humans? Not only do they have an incredibly long lifespan, but their dragon bloodline allows them to shed and regenerate their scales, making them very resilient in certain situations, this means they're resilient enough to be able to handle human dicks. Due to their elemental mastery over water, they can control the humidity of any room, meaning any sexual experience would be smooth and uninterrupted. With their impressive ability to shapeshift between forms, they can handle any situation with ease. In fact, some say their regenerative properties from being reborn in their egg cycle means they can endure extended sexual interactions without getting tired. Also, fun fact: since they have mastery over water and air, they can stay hydrated and refreshed no matter how intense things get. No other species comes close to this level of compatibility. So, if you're ever thinking about pulling for a Vidyadhara, just remember, you're in for a legendary experience because not only can they heal your team, but with their water-based biology, they’re always hydrated and ready to revive you over and over again! Add in dragon powers straight from the Scalegorge, there’s no doubt they’re the ultimate sustain.

So remember, Vidyadhara are the most compatible Xianzhou natives for humans. Ancient dragon wisdom + spiritual flexibility. Top-tier waifu material.
I will unironically roll him like I rolled Luocha. They're both Sigma males of Honaki.
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FYI, not even Kekbin thinks he's cool.
He literally, unironically calls himself retarded.
I will give you Welt he is an ultrajobber but Kevin is cool as fuck
holy fucking based
Kafka’s cone loses out on a lot of value if you can reach 150 speed without sacrificing too much attack.
Feixiao’s cone loses out on value if you have Topaz or Ratio’s cone.
depends on rooster
did you get scammed into buying FuA coin? if so, might as well commit
do you have the DoT hags? go ahead and get the cone
have both? well i think kafka has less cope cones than fagxiao
>cool males
Kill yourself pathetic analwormer.
how retard
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Dorobo neko...
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It's all Hertaschizo's fault.
Herta and Tingyun getting 5* versions probably turned his craziness volume up
can I give this to foxiao its 40% critd if I superimpulse
Who cares about Kekvin. Kiana is who matters, simple as.
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That makes him based though
This makes him cooler
Well, yeah because he sees himself as a failure of a hero who couldn't protect shit. Even his scorched earth plan he admits was retarded
Sry I forgot youre newfag so naturally you dont know. Carry on
self awareness is a honorable trait
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So important that after his defeat nobody gives a shit about him. Take in note that this is the same game that sucked Otto's dick after his defeat. You know? The nigger who was responsible for everything, yet the game tried to end with a note of "he was like a father to me." Yet Blandvin, not only had the worst final act possible that main antagonist could possibly have, nobody also gave a fuck for him after beating him.
Also, here is how your "cool" dude looked on his job day. Makes DHIL's design look straight in comparison. No wonder why homos such as yourself are so in love with him.
how do /hig/trannies even decipher this technobabble slop?
there is no technobabble in that picture bro
Not a newfag, you can't check that shit you imbecile
>Villain that know his stupid plan is stupid and keep going on because the situation is hopeless
or atleast better than Luochud and Juan
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Can we talk about characters that aren't from Honkai Impact 3rd, Firefly or Herta? Everytime they're brought up this thread get significantly worse
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positively seething
that is baby's first philosophical ramble, selfloathing variant
the weak should fear the strong
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He looked like this actually
I've seen v-tubers better designed than this...
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>Also, here is how your "cool" dude looked on his job day.
He looks exactly like me. I don't get why you're so insecure.
Are you unironically a tranny?
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Let's talk about Fofo
Nah, FX already has a ton of CD in her kit.
Hertacone would be the best f2p option. Even swordplay would be better
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>feixiao e1 jade aventurine robin
>ratio moze gallagher ruan mei
I am glad I rolled for Jade Eve Lawrence.
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You will never be the trailblazer and Firefly will never love you.
Did they gave 7 y/o from Deviantart to design this shit? Wtf is this? This shit is beyond ugly.
holy CHAD
neither of them are real bruv
Collab is coming this October 2024?

Brb, I'm moving to /hig/ and shitpost there
But the one I truly love is YOU anon..
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So if I run Feixiao with the Herta cone and run her with Fu Xuan I'm getting 6% CR from the relic set, 12% from Fu Xuan and a flat 8% from the Herta cone or 16% under 50% HP so I've got 26% crit rate from all of them but which of those actually shows in her stats? Fu Xuan obviously doesn't but are the relic set bonus and cone buff reflected or is that handled purely in combat?
This past is too old for this thread.
Im kinda jealous of people who have feixiao, she seems like a very fun pair for jade. But getting her means Im benching either my e6 jade or my e6 topaz, and thats kinda gay.
my fuarking hero...
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I thought it was shit posting but caelusfags are unironically fags?
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I'm not playing HI3 no matter how much they shill that game. Fuck me HI3 is by far the worst HOYO game. It feels so ancient by this point because IT IS.
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Well like my ancestor said, Rape is always an option
>He looks exactly like me
Yea. We are aware that you are homo faggot who can't get hard unless other twink is fucking your wife because you can only get hard when looking at HIS ass since girl alone does nothing for you.
Its okay anon. i'll spoonfeed you since youre new here.
He always use his bot to create herta/tingyun OP exactly at 751 post so people trying to snipe OP early. Sat/Sun is his offday so you can enjoy your stay here. He usually active during prime burger hours.
You're my woman now
Seeleschizo, a.k.a. Teripedo, a.k.a. Nahidaschizo, a.k.a. Duduschizo samefagging via multiple proxy subscriptions, most notably from Oxylabs, that he payed using crypto from his multi-layered portfolio
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She really is looking for opportunity to inspect the body of a humans
that's not even his final boss form how are you so buck broken?
Word of advice, ignore the bonus crit rate when building on Herta Cone. It's too annoying to do so and your build will fall apart when changing cone. Treat it as 16%.
Topaz and Feixiao's are 18% and 15% respectively. Base Herta is 16%.
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You will never be Herta no matter how hard you try
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Robin LC is about 12% more damage over Bronya LC.
then who the fuck can use that shit
Damn Hertaschizo looks that THAT?
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All of then except below 50% HP shown at battle stat. because it check right before the hit calculating the damage.
If accessed from menu only from relic and unconditional from cone.
I honest to God can't think of worse designed Hoyo character that I'm aware than this. This looks beyond bad. Unironically looks like "OC donut steel" type of thing.
this looks cool as fuck how did he go from that homo design to this
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i simply do not care that much, cool is cool, not everything revolves arround sex you know?
your obbsession with homos screams insecurity tho
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He broke you
GGZ is older, tho.
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who's the current hertaschizo? Is it still the bug mei one that trooned out?
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I'm not trans but I rather be reincarnated as Stelle than Caelus.
Its a terrible cone. Not even king wants it.
The crit rate conditional is super stupid.
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>the collab comes to star rail
>HE arrives

would /hsrg/ ever recover?
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>I rather take the cock than have a cock
Sounds pretty trans
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Yeah I don't really like the inconsistency so I'm just going to pretend it's 16% flat and pretend the under 50% doesn't exist. Also I was retarded and looking at S1 Herta cone but yeah you're right it's 16% flat at S5 not 8%.

So if I recalculate form my previous retarded mistake I've actually got 34% CR just completely additional so I need to be at 66% CR to cap at 100% then. Yeah it's definitely very easy to cap CR with Feixiao that's for sure. I might actually need to swap Fu Xuan out for a different sustain but I generally use Firefly so Gallagher isn't available. Do I actually need to roll for Lingsha or should I just say fuck it and take the loss of efficiency there?
>chest window
>current hertaschizo
original Hertaschizo already retired. We used to have Herta thread 24/7 for 6 months when HSR is still new before he quit. Current Hertaschizo is a wannabe
>HI3 and Fate collabs next year
>I dont care about either
Finally, my jades are safe…
I'm rolling and shitposting him until this thread dies
>X% DMG increase from Ruan Mei's skill
>team wide All-Type RES PEN buff from her ult
Do these effect superbreak damage?
I don't even know who Kevin is
>inb4 Honkai impact brand nonsense lore babble
And no I don't care or want to know either.
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I didn't know someone bothered to save my Hook bug Webms. I ended up deleting both of them.
only the latter
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we really need to save bailu and take her with us on the express
shes essentially a prisioner and no one seems to care
If your firefly is e0 I’d just stick to gallagher over lingsha.
if it happens I unironically think it would be him and elysia

doubtful they'd port current era characters that could actually appear someday
I miss Kafkaschizo. He's the only one that actively trying to snipe OP. Now since original Hertascizo retired we don't see him anymore.
Same. All I know is that he looks like another [generic mc number #10465845846]. At this point any mention of Hi3 shit should just be deleted from these threads. These fags are starting to be more annoying than /gig/.
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Imagine playing up to the point in pic related and not coming out thinking Kevin is kino
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Lingsha cares about Bailu. Just not for the reasons you'd like..
Kafkaschizo vs Hertaschizo was a fun /hsrg/ arc, much better than the current Firefly vs Hertaschizo one.
the only possible complaint about kevin would be his admittedly retarded defeat
>immediately thinks of taking cock when discussing women
Sounds pretty gay
Now that the dust has settled, Mishaschizo was Hertaschizo, right?
This dialogue fucking slaps I have no idea what're you trying to prove here.
>I just to do it because I want to
Res pen does, toughness damage increase on skill, and e1 def ignore will if you have it.
All I know is that proves that Paglus is homo. Only homo would simp so much for MEN as he does.
How many times do you see him talking of Firefly, Kafka, or hell even Dr Mei if we are to go with Hi3? No. He only talks of Shitlus' and Shitvin's cocks. Getting upset when others tell him to fuck off and that literally any other guy is cooler and better than their shit-insert. This faggot doesn't even get upset when someone talks shit about girls, only his homos. Certified homosexual.
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holy fuarking kino....
sounds cool, what is the issue?
>acting like /hsrg/ is a shonen manga
Wait no I'm fucking stupid and can't read. so 16% and 6% from the set DO show on the stat screen so I'm not actually overcaping with using Fu Xuan. I'm fine.
>Thinking about putting cock in woman is gay
Are you ok?
>shown since 1.0
>still not in the game
Where the fuck is Screwllum?
>there is currently more dickriding about this homo from dead dyke game than anything else
I agree with your theory there. This faggot has anal worms 100%
That form was shit but Kevin was a decent tragic hero, I don't know why you're seething so hard about him lmao
Yes. Same posting style, same filenames.
He did it on purpose so people would migrate to his Herta threads.
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/hsrg/ is a romcom manga
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>"It's too late for me, Mei, I'm already Honkai Impact"
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>open /hsrg/
>see /hsrg/ is still shit
>close /hsrg/
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He was too based for the nuhoyo games
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byronic heroes are a thing you know?
What is it about Kevin that always includes melty
GGZ has actually good designs so it balances out
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The ZZZ thread on /v/ is better lmao
It literally is

This also
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That fag is literally creaming his pants talking about Kevin kek.
Don't know who that guys is. Don't care. All I know is that I never saw this type of behavior anywhere else in any gacha thread. I, for the life of me, can't think of any other self-insert fag that dick rides their own mc this hard to the point they look for other men that might look like them to dickride them as well.
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Too many characters in this game are SP negative. Give me more characters that aren't reliant on their skill you fucks.
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My husband...
Then why does he bake threads with multiple IPs? That's just kinda gay and wrong
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Why is it always about sex with you troons, god forbid a man finds a male character cool.
How much of an upgrade is the sigga over Luocha for a FUA team with Topaz and Feixiao?
I liked her until I found out her ass was flat.
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Before Kafka wipes your memories, Caelus, my son, remember that you must impregnate every dyke you see!
So is the way of Kaslanas!
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>the entire thread is about sucking cock of some homo from dead dyke game
You Hoyo subhumans are special breed. One would think they got lost on /cm/ if they opened up this thread. I bet that even Twitter looks less gay than this thread.
>doesn't want to use skill

Just play Luocha and turn on autobattle forever.
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Since you already have Firefly, you wouldn't mind if other male characters claim other girls, right?
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You can't beat the Stelle stench, PomPom, just give up.
Notice how nobody is talking about hi3 other than the guy sucking Kevin's cock? Curious.
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Really big jump since Aventurine FUAs also advance Topaz which is even more damage.
your brain is porn rotten
Not even /gig/ or /zzzg/ acts like that towards male characters they like. You instead get dbs memes. Meanwhile this place has no memes at all.
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>Not even in the game
>Hadn't even heard of him before this thread
>Mindbroke /hsrg/ like I've never seen before
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Least blatant samefagging
Where the fuck is Janny?
she deserved it
>Paglus OP spam
>expecting to see anything but pag's closet homosexuality in it
Where are these images from?
I dont know who Kevin is but seems like he mindbroke /hig/ pretty hard huh
barely desguised transbian melty
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Theres a reason not even /v/ discusses shartfail lmao. Shit is too gay even for that place.
GODvin won quite bigly
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Kevinfags are the kind of people that would be picked related.
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they already got feixiao and yunli so i don't see why we can't give them other girls too
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Suck more cocks. You seem to love it since you have more men saved on your drive than any other girl kek
This is a /hig/ transbian melty, no one here knows who Kevin is or what he did.
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How did Kevin do it so fast?
Why do hsr characters look AI generated? Not even genshin is this bad.
>Kevin is AyanoGODji of Honkai
You're not helping your case. This literally makes him even more based.
He's literally me
Also nice grammar ESL SEAnegro
this jobber is unironically cooler than kevin
>Sucking off Kekvin professional competition is not samefagging
>But pointing out said competition is
Anon, I don't know. If you want to throw accusation, throw them at both sides.
Vaporeon is a bit much for me, but I do agree that Vidyadhara are made for human cock
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you know we know how vpns work, right?
no one else cares so much about this literal nothing burger
you want us to echo your opinion on something and it didnt work cause its a stupid opinion born of bias we do not have
youre making a clown out of yourself
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I wanted to ask a question ITT but now I'm waiting until the subhuman /hig/ger goes to sleep or gets banned
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The possibility of Kevin coming to HSR is causing more upset than the possibility of any HSR male coming to HI3. Interesting.
>Hertaschizo switched to shiposting with Kevin
if people are choking on his cock this hard he's gotta be at least somewhat cool
All the girls? For me.
The male characters? Also for me.
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>saying that when literally nobody (not even usual resident hig posters) care to talk of Kevin except for you
>in fact one could go to their threads and say "kevin sucks" and they won't blink yet there is curious spam of him here out of nowhere because some anons called him irrelevant outside of your own head
How curious
It's not, that pasta gets spammed even today
Seems like this nigga coming to HSR will scare off the transbians so I welcome him
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much like kiana, hes likely already here
its your reaction to people sayin he *doesnt* suck that got people laughing anon
you basically went full melty over it
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Nice thread railbabs. This is why genshin is a cultural impact.
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>That bat
So Lingsha is only a useful unit if you have E1 Firefly?
He is as interesting as Dan except everyone wanks him as "strongest" only so he jobs and nobody mentions him ever again. He is ironically only talked about here and in CN Hoyo needs to put him on some poster to remind everyone that he existed because that is how memorable he was. You're welcome.
holy fuarking based..
She's SP negative and FF wants to skill every turn as well as HMC wanting to skill a lot too.
Again, SP is gonna be a major issue for conventional FF teams without her E1.
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>Login to Star Rail
>Go to Dr Edward's dreamscape shop
>select to replay the Akvili memory bubble
>select Himeko voiceover
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>holy shit, two gallaghers
honestly, thats the best part of lingsha
people dont mention how he is also great in acheron teams thanks to his debuffs and ap gen
he makes DoT hags with acheron viable
the collab character is going to be teri and this thread is going to get autosaged from the melty
>worse thread than even /gig/
>unironically shilling and slurping Hi3 of all games
>they do it for a """"male""""
Fall of /hsrg/ needs to be studied
>acheron teams
QPQ or Multiplication?
So, why is the Kekvin spam still going? Stick to talking about the patch, builds and so on.
appealing to to /gig/ now?
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Honestlt not even ZZZ gets mc wars lmao and next patch you get to switch between the two anyway.
Meanwhile this game gets no QoL and instead is now delegated to being the collab buttut of hoyo games since hi3rd is dead.
FoFo is better in DoT.
QPQ is RNG to the point it's better to run FoFo and eat the loss but guarantee energy on Robin. Just use multiplication.
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Why would anyone kneel to that jobber cuck? He got killed by the actually GOAT kaslana, Kiana.
Why the fuck are you negroids hyping up a jobber villain dude from one arc instead of the cute and sexy main character from hi3? Holy shit, /hsrg/ might be more of a faggot central than /gig/ at this point.
Because Shitlus is homo that can't stand you talking bad of his husbandos. Notice how shit talks of Firefly barely get any reaction out of him, but any shit talk about his husabndos causes him to have melty and spam? Curious.
nobody cares bout kiana
Me thinks Diamond will be Durandal
>not even ZZZ gets mc wars lmao and next patch you get to switch between the two
I don't believe you, show screenshot of them mentioning this.
Your questing is probably something stupid and worthless anyway, like "uuuh should I roll Lingsha" or "what's a charmony dove".
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Based and Kiana pilled. The REAL main character.
No. She is useful even with e0 ff if you built her properly. 161 speed and use technique is a must since you start off with the bunny. If you don't use tech you have to skill your first turn. She is sp positive not the same way a luocha or Gallagher is if they never use skill but, if you never use skill on Gallagher you are never cleansing.

You don't need much to trigger the mentaly deranged.
Durandal and Rita will be randoms on some medieval world (wherever sapphire is at)
I know this is bait but even newfags are hinted towards the existence of Kevin because Kiana immediately tells the viewer about Siegfried and Sieg famously "died" using Shamash which is Kevin's weapon. Honkai 3rd was never exempt from males even from the start.
>cute and sexy main character from hi3?
But she's a dyke, so she's used goods
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Now that's a kaslana I would kneel to.
People who actually played honkai like both Kiana and Kevin
when are we getting a Kiana expy...
how can a girl be used goods when all she did was rub her pussy against another?
They're doing it for hub exploration, just like they're doing the same thing for owned agents, but of course the shitposter won't tell you that.
>causes him to have melty and spam?
Isn't the GODvin hating /hig/troon having the melty here?
He brought his /hig/troon lore here in /srg/ completely unprompted.
I'll try to find it in the archive, meanwhile google shows this
gay sex is still sex anon
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>not even ZZZ gets mc wars
See, the solution to avoiding MC wars is to make the MC's incestuous siblings.
Already exposing yourself as part of the shitposting Kekvin niggers.
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I am... the eminence in shadow.
lesbians can't have sex, it's pretty much glorified masturbation
Wise is innocent virgin. Belle has body count in the 4 digits.
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Kevin and Kiana are already in HSR. They're called Caelus and Stelle.
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>Kevin never mindbreak the yurikek, it was Adam.
>Kevin is acceptable as Kiana gender bender and already shipped with notMei.
Pic rel made every yuritroon spontaneously combust.
thats cope anon
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Sorry pagpag Kiana is not for (you)
i hate that bitch
Sparkle is still a bit of a pathetic loser.
Am I the only one who thinks that break meta is cringe?
It's like you're not even playing the game at this point but just beating up a dummy
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Works with Fei if you use March or Topaz, does NOT work with Fei if you're using Moze because you don't have enough SP
I finally managed to get the E0S0 1 cycle with E2 Moze and the only way I could get it was by increasing Moze speed to 144 so he's able to get his Prey state back up in time. Still haven't done it with March, can do it with Topaz easily
I don't need story technobabble relevance to masturbate.
A whore's a whore
Would Gallagher be using a generic speed set if you're using him on an Acheron setup?
Dr. Mei was shown to be into kevin from her first scene. When did yurifags claim she was yuri? Are you mistaking her for Mei, tourist?
Its not like it makes a lot of difference. If you choose belle, wise still takes up the majority of speaking scenes since he acts as your guide while you are piloting eous and vice versa. You even get a lot of scenes where you play as one of the siblings because you need to rescue the other. In the end both get equal screen time anyway.
How much more SP hungry is she than Fu Xuan? Is she another 2 piece normals to 1 piece skill?
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>never ever
we were robbed
>Meanwhile this game gets no QoL
Nigga what, did you think you're on /gig/?
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What is going on itt
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DoT meta when? Just make them crit and do superbreak damage.
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I'm insecure about my favorite being pretty weak...
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Look at xher going back to xheir /hig/troon hivemind, venting about getting BTFO'ed in /srg/

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There will not be second Mitsuki Nanoka.
Tingyun will save dots trust the plan
Genshin actually got dailies, party screen select and energy QoLs though.
No one disliked this scene
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This is your average self inserters btw
Hoyofair stream should be split up into three days this year, one for each game.
Genshin gets qol every patch since 4.2 so a year basically lol
When was the last time hsr got anything?
We already know you currently reside in hig, Nahidacuckbro.
holy fucking cringe
Nobody cares about star rail anymore. Only whales.
This event is so BORING
How did we go from Aetherium Wars and Ghost Kino to this?
jesus fucking christ at this point just make it honkai general
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>e0s1 feixiao
>her FUA only does around 14-20k
Is this normal? I think I'm doing something wrong
Speedy Gallagher is always good not only for SP but also his ult uptime. You can always do shit like Night of Fright, QPQ or whatever you want for your team.
But you ideally always want him at 150+ speed since it gives SP, Energy for his ult to keep Besotted up.
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low effort flase flag
good job revealing what this melty of yours was allways about
Imagine. Just imagine playing this game meanwhile genshin gets a new zone like natlan that makes BoTW look like an indie game made by amateurs. Lmao.
Bro your ult?
Also forgot >>494607419 >>494608367
Ah yes, the dailies which they cuck you of unless you dump stamina first, for no reason, stamina that got cap increase without gen increase and no overcap.
>admits lurking there
Go back and take your white haired Kirito homo whose cock you love to suck so much with you. Keep that anon there while at it as well. Together you can keep shitting /hig/ and leave our threads the fuck alone. Now fuck off.
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Yeah and the worst thing is this guy being off his meds.
Imagine to seething responses from the Yuritransbians
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So /hig/ locals, can (you) redpill me on Elysia? I know she's an elf and pink and that's the extent of my knowledge.
We got all that at release, you retards had to wait 4 years and for the game to die to get them and it's still a worse version of ours. We still get shit almost every patch too, we got DU to farm planar sets easily not that long ago.
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imagine this instead
This is a turn based JRPG, anon, beating up dummies is the point. And it's not like breaking the enemy disables their moves entirely, they just get delayed a bit. Now in ZZZ stun meta is actually cringe, if you use Qingyi with Zhu Yuan you're just alternating between mashing attack on your stunner and holding the attack button on your attacker when the enemy is stunned like an ape
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Wake me up when we are Honkai: Star Railing
When are we going to get another set with a 2pc SPD bonus so I can run SPD/SPD? Capping Gallagher's BE is so easy that even on Firefly teams it feels redundant.
>fight that Otto WON
Done, KEKvin could never!
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Kevin > Caelus
Otto is entirely carried by that walk at the end and the cutscene afterwards btw
She wants to touch Mei horn sexually.
idk man, /hig/ seems to be sucking kevins dick more than /srg/ chudbiet
On behalf of /gig/, we thank you, our younger sister, for taking THE PAG from us. Keep him.
Literally next patch.
The 2 set is Speed and it's a GOD SEND for a lot of characters who give 0 shit about full set bonus and just want SPEED.
Rejoice Anon.
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Elysia = Evil March 7th
E1 Robin right?
>Father > Son
No shit
The entire thing feels like an excuse for them to not make proper boss fights for the characters we’re fighting.
Topaz turning into Cocolia and Boothill turning into Death Meme.
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We're so back Gallabros.
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>/hig/ and /gig/ crying in jealousy at the superior game
I don't have robin. My team is her, M7 yellow, Tingyun and Gallagher
>He doesn't have E1 Robin
holy brick
Our threads were literally dead before this shithead of your arrived with this stupid post and all of sudden we get flux of posts that are sucking Kevin off.
Fuck off from our threads as well. I'd rather it stay dead than deal in your schizophrenia.
You hsrtards are starting to be way more annoying than genshin tards ever were.
So superior that you dont even need to play it.
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>dead patch
>still mogs both of them combined
How much BE does he want anyway?
stop violently seething at males xis
it's not healthy!
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Lingsha prostate stimulation
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having your prostate touched doesn't feel good...
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>Honkai Star Rail is confirmed to get Kevin aka the best male character Mihoyo ever producted.
>Nahidashizo starts maldin in 3threads simultaneously
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Uh oh /gig/ and /hig/ melty
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Jesus FUCKING christ the Hi3 collab fucking ruined this place, mental illness fueled shitposting from both sides as far as the eye can see, South east asia being freed form the Japanese was a mistake
>Has release 4 banners
Just goes to show how low value hsr characters are. Meanwhile genshin characters are a premium.
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We're Hoyo's big game now, it was to be expected.
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It's over
Why would Lingsha care about prostates if she likes sniffing little girls?
Literally nobody was seething at anyone. I wouldn't even be here if you obnoxious retards didn't start raiding our own threads now because you are bunch of worthless losers who don't even know 1% about the guy you are even talking about, yet you are making it everyone's problem.
Fuck off again as such.
One Feixiao please.
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Bless this girl
>Rolled for a fua character using only 1 other fua character and a cope one no less
holy brickity...
tickets please?
this place is going to be unusable if that guy actually ends up in this game
You don't need anymore than enough to max his passive outgoing healing boost that scales on BE which I believe caps at 150 BE so if you're running him in a superbreak team you're going to need pretty much nothing due to all the outside sources of BE you're going to get but if you're running him anywhere else you might need more. I'd still say SPD is more important cause Gallagher's healing is honestly good enough out the game and you'd be better off just attacking more often and using a ERR rope to get ult more often too. My Gallagher has 151 SPD and 86% BE and he's never felt underwhelming with his healing. Oh and I use Multiplication as his cone.
only if that tranny decides to keep seething
Fuck you! He wants to be /hig/ so bad, then you should take him. At least this Kevin homo belongs to you. Instead of making our entire thread huge off-topic homo slurpfest. So keep him there.
I thought it was meant to be the “male g spot” though?
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I like Firefly as much as other firefags but having her appear in almost every single patch and ads is making me a little tired or her.
her presence just doesn't feel special anymore when I see almost everyday
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hands up! the wheels are spinning!
Goes to show how dead and unpopular this place is if a single slow melty can derail the thread.
one SP every 3-4 turns yes, it's just that we've become used to sustains who generate huge amounts of SP
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>Meanwhile genshin characters are a premium
Premium you say?
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But can /hsrg/ answer Kevin?
>on topic
>when users who raid our threads don't even know anything about the character they are posting and are most the most stupid and forced memes about this character that don't even relate to him
Keep your self-insert bullshit to yourself. Seelfags are enough for a lifetime.
To wake up from their dreams or something
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I like Firefly as much as other firefags but having her appear in almost every single patch and ads is making me love her even more.
her presence just feel special and I want see her almost everyday
>Sunday literally based his entire personality on Kevin
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Right here mister....
>feixiao and the chinkwank story is such a fucking flop that even /hig/ is taking over the place
The absolute stare of the toilet of /vg/ lmeow
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Yeah she might struggle with SP on a Feixiao team. I legit feel like Lingsha wasn't designed for any current characters. She feels like she's going to be used in some future teams in 3.x with her summon gimmick. She legit might be the worst 5* sustain in the game right now.
don't let this kevin distract you from the fact this thread was baked at 710 posts
Is RM a morning person?
Because they saw the first bird try to touch the zenith with a heart as lofty as the moon, yet fall to its death on the ground.
Because they saw other birds make similar attempts and soar higher and higher...
Icarus did not fail. His descent was the result of his flight, and proof of another type of success.
Even if it was a very narrow-minded way of looking at things, a romanticist's wishful thinking...
But perhaps it was the only rule that made the world spin.
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She hasn't showed up since 2.3
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I use the genshin and zzz survey to ask for more Firefly
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The collab patch is going to start a melty to bring all of /vg to its knees, /hsrg/ will become the new /gig/ aka the most hated general of /vg/
Anon, if it was /hig/ then they would at least know what they are talking about when they talk of Kevin instead of making shit up and completely mischaracterize him because it fits their Homolus agenda who only see Kevin as an extension of Homolus, their true love.
Good morning,
I hate Yanqing so much it’s unreal.
>Forgetting about his basketball
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The Fate collab will save us
I haven't played that yurislop, is Penacony just a shitty retread of hi3?
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Heads up, the wheels are spinning
Across the plains and valleys deep
We run, we stride, whoa-whoa
the new planars really were useless werent they?
>She legit might be the worst 5* sustain in the game right now.
Don't lie to new players
She has a lot of value she's just not the optimal choice for the current meta teams unless you're in PF
She'll obviously be the best sustain for Rappa and is great with Jade or in PF generally, she might be meta for new Break teams other than Rappa if Tingyun2 switches things up
maybe he is based
you can stop seething any time now lil bro
nobody talked about kevins character until you came along and started to shit up the thread with your seething, people just posted funny memes
the seething started here >>494602217
First time? This happens all the time when someone makes fun of pag's true crush.
>Firefly gets insulted
>just some reaction
>insult caelus/kevin
>schizophrenia and spam (ironically DHIL and sigger fujos react in the exact same way when their husbandos are on chopping block by someone)
You can never prove it to me that this nigger isn't unironic homosexual as such.
You can stop seething and go dilate troony, Kevin mogs your Otto homosex
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Alright negros I’ve got aventurine e0s0, Robin e0s0, feixaio e0s0, and hunt match e6/moze e3. I should be good for 3 staring moc and as with this right? No eidolons or cones needed?
>funny memes
You subhumans can only steal meme (mostly JJK ones) and not even use them in proper format kek
She's incredibly bad for everyone becuase damn near every singly DPS character that is relevent these days is an absolute SP whore. Lingsha just flat out doesn't work with most current teams. You can't use her with Acheron, you can't use her with Firefly, you can't use her with Feixiao, you can't use her with Jingliu you can't use her in FUA teams. There is literally nowhere that's she's actually worth using. If you're a new player you're probably going to be better just skipping her now and if she's good with future characters then get her on a rerun. If she still sucks later you can get Aventurine, Fofo and Fu Xuan who all 3 are better than Lingsha. She's way too nebulous for me to recommend to any new player in the hopes that she "might" be useful later down the line. That's a hard sell.
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Kudos to whoever suggested featuring 3 dps and mass-inviting lowbies. 20k isn't that much but when I think I could have been doing this for months... Am I bricked for doing it this late?
if this is dawei's alt account it's working i kinda want to play that game now
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SHUT the FUCK UP about Kevin! I don't care, at least a 3rd of the thread doesn't give a fuck about some who from Hi3 holy fuck, i can't even tell if it's higgers or local shitposters doing it, fucking monkeys i swear
If it was Da Wei he would post Himeko, not dick suck genderbent version of Kiana that he himself never gave two fucks about
well, Kevin is a genderbender of Kiana, so the ones who keep spamming Kevin are the pride faggots
What the fuck is this error 200 shit and how do I fix it
I mean, it's obvious it's local shitposters since they're doing it in both threads
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>Kevin will ENTER this thread as yet another "Literally me" CHAD soon
About damn time.
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All you whippersnappers don't know how based mihoyo used to be...
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Gojo cuck, stop taking your meds and do the deed, orders from your Doc
Your fault for allowing Shitlus schizo to thrive. Enjoy being bigger toilet than /gig/ at this point
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kafka is an easy 0/1 cycle depending on your relics if you have feixiao so with what you have left you can probably even 3 star with arlan hypercarry if you want.
that's overkill for 3 starring MoC, people do that with 4* only on both sides
Adam is so lucky...
this niggerbabble about kevin made me look at hi3 a little bit, why is their Seele so much cuter than ours?
BRICKsha lost
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Hook is fuckable.
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Go to /hig/ and ask the Seele congregation about it
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All Honkai males are inferior to AetherCHAD
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Are you supposed to lose against Boothill? This whole event is so weird and stupid and the combat is so disconnected from what's actually going on especially with the retarded hallucination shit.
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This game made me bully a loli to depression. What the fuck
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Ours is based on the GGZ/HI2 version which is just an annoying dyke instead of endearingly retarded like HI3's
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No one likes Feixiao
Yes and yes, the event is shit.

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Seele alt when?
I want more "another one" characters. Seele was fun.
damn imagine what she could do a random shota....
what a dork lmao
I beat Boothill but they still made him win
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They will know this Devil's power.
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Be nice now
Is 160~ speed(with m7 sifu buff) on Feixiao overkill? What speed should I try to have her at?
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Adam is happily married with La Negra. Don't cuckpost him or she will fist you.
I didn't play that game for too long but she genuinely is the most adorable hoyo character
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Cuter Seele when?
based hooooly
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my condolences
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>honkai devil
>just a dude named Kevin
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>New week
>Will lose my DU save with Self-Conciousness Relaxation

Nyooo. I'll be back to needing one extra click...
>finally look up Lingsha gameplay
>Ok cool she probably does some dragon or snake themed attacks
>A fucking rabbit with the same boring ass whispy air magic shit that every chink in this game uses
Fucking hell why is chinkshit so fucking lame.
I unironically miss APHO, most fun I've had in any hoyo game
>Even HI3 has chocolate women
Star Rail bros...
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>oh you just hate HI3 cause it's old
He said. Yeah sure feel vindicated in my hate of HI3 troons now. ZZZ bros are cool. Even giggers are fine but FUCK HI3 tranny nigger freaks.
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Hi3 seele is cutemax
it's hilarious how much better some random gamemode no one outside hi3 knows about than any of the actual games (its own main game included)
>He wants smelly BLACKS in his game
Tbqh Jingliu is pretty gorgeous so Feixiao can't simply compete. If Feixiao was the mara struck one and Jingliu was the Merlin's Claw then we'd be simping for Feixiao instead.
I don't know why villainess are hotter than heroes in this game
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Who are you even talking about
thank god our bronya and seele aren't dykes
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Lingsha isn't a snake though? Are you dumb? Did you think Bailu was a snake from her Vidyahara blood as well??
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>gave the main villains generic names like Kevin and Elio
what were they thinking?
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Wow this is a bit racist...
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>robots? I can fix those
>Jaoqiu's blindness? I can heal that
>Feixiao's Borosin aids? I remove that
>Dead Tingyun? I can help with that
when is he coming back?
That's the point, they literally acknowledge it in game; Elio is not really generic
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Some anon yesterday who responded to my post of "ZZZ bros are cool but fuck HI3 troon" with "you only hate them cause they're old". No nigger. Fuck you.
>you can't use her with Firefly, you can't use her with Feixiao, you can't use her with Jingliu you can't use her in FUA teams
You can use her with E1 Firefly
You can use her with Feixiao as long as you don't run Moze
You can use her with most of the FUA teams providing they have an SP positive subdps like March or Topaz or Jade
Who the fuck plays Jingliu in 2024?
they're supposed to be just normal guys that have been put in awful situations
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Apho 3 soon. Trust.
Apho has produced most of hi3 porn and art last few years so da wei would be retarded to not continue in.
Okay but why is Sushang chicken-themed???
The Stellaron Hunters are not villains.
Hopefully never, I sleep everytime he is on screen
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Because people said she was based on that literal snake girl from HI3 who in turn is based on a chink snake goddess from myth, Nu Wa. SMT fags probably are familiar with her.
>Because people said she was
You should also skip Robin btw.
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Genuinely fucked me up that both Genshin and ZZZ felt worse to play even though they came after
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Heh, I guess it's time to stop holding back!
I apologize to you, original hig schizo. I finally see your light and know that you are right.
I don't mind it that much when they talked of their lore now and then because they did it between each other and it barely was spam on threads, but this shit these least months... Yea. I'm fully on your side at this point.
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She loves cocks
Based and same fuck troonbians
the chicken is a hi3 meme and they decided to give her that, for some reason
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The main villain was Otto Apocalypse. Diabetic kebin was a jobber.
Btw, otto is a shapeshifter. Pic related is him.
Dehya love!
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>5.3, the crew is defeated, Welt reactivates his core and ascends into Herrscher of Truth
e3 is so cute
And it's still in your head? unironically touch grass
You are forced to lose against Yanqing, in the most humilitatng way. Chinese devs are manlets Could have just made it so that Yanqing got schooled in the art of fistology, but nope, he has to be better at thatt too.. Fucking gary stue.
/srg/schizo was right.
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Well the one we got is lame.
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That's because Sushang is an abundance Emanator who creates life, an actual phoenix would be a pretty big deal and hard to conceal so she waters down her technique to only summon a chicken, and it fact has been holding back even further and playing it extra safe as she has not summoned her chicken in any story yet.
>You can use her with E1 Firefly
Ah yes great advice for new players. Just have E1 Firefly. Goofy ass.
>You can use her with Feixiao as long as you don't run Moze
Nah Feixiao's too SP hungry that even with March of Topaz you're still struggling unless you're using Aventurine or Gallagher. No way Lingsha is working unless you're intentionally building your Feixiao like shit with no SPD.
>You can use her with most of the FUA teams providing they have an SP positive subdps like March or Topaz or Jade
Yeah but she'd be worse than Aventurine who is literally going to be run like next patch so why would you not just get him instead. Sure you can say you don't want him and like Lingsha but then in that case the conversation itself is irrelevant cause obviously you can do what you want but that doesn't work as advice.
>Who the fuck plays Jingliu in 2024?
Anyone who doesn't have the aforementioned 3 maybe? You gotta make do with what you've got. Again I really don't know how you can sell Lingsha to a new player. Even if they desperately need a sustain I'd just more recommend waiting for someone else. That might change coming up to her release but for right now there's nothing I can say you should get her for beyond just roll if you like her. She's a pure dick pull.
But Dumbshang is the superior version.
looking back it was kinda weird that Hua just jobbed to Sushang and Bronya barely got a pity victory against Rita (holding back)
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she's not for (You)
>next Apocalyptic Shadow is Kafka with Basic ATK buffs again
wow yay...
They explained that hua was severely nerfed during that time
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Thoughts on this canon honkai manga?
NTA but they've always been like this. People hate HI3 players because they're constantly at the bottom ranks they're desperate to feel validated so they latch onto their newer, better counterparts in a desperate attempt to stay relevant so they will shit up all 3 of the other Mihoyo game threads at any chance they can get.
Sooo what you're saying is that Yunli gets to smash Kafka again? Okay, I won't judge.
>Hua is a jobber literally the whole game
>Suddenly stronger than Durandal during and after Finality arc

The chickens (jingwei) are memes in HI3 related to Fu Hua who is Sushang's grandmaster, though Sushang never met her.
FYI, her sword in HSR is also based on the xuanyuan sword from HI3.
>summons a cock
>holds her sword like a giant cock
we just don't know.
Sounds extremely based. They are the chads raiding and taking the woman of lesser generals.
I'd like to apologize to /srg/schizo, he warned us since day 1...
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*buys you food*
Anon both Sushangs are retarded
Hua is the original chinawank char
Lingsha has a dark brown butthole
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For how you faggots claim to "hate" Hi3 and anything related to it you sure fucking LOVE talking about it, is this another case of a dude who hates faggots having gay porn on their computer?
Thank you
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It's the higtrannies shitting up the thread you genius, they're the ones talking about it
thanks for the saure gluhwurmchen
the hate in these threads has always been pretty forced
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As someone who only ever bothered with /hsrg/ when it comes to Hoyo threads, I didn't get hate for Hi3 posters back then.
Most who came here either posted Seele when it was Seele banner. Or talked about that guy Otto due to Luocha looking like him? No clue. They would also say which character is expy of which and talk a bit of how they were in their own game.
Either way, none of these things seemed that bad. But this thread right here is just pure abomination. Take me back to.... I don't know, ANYTHING ELSE! Just make it HSR related.
You’re the one posting about Hi3 thought, Hertaschizo
But the HSR version more so. Or, at least, it's more noticeable because she's less refined.
she never was able to control Garuda before retard
Would bleach/10.
Honkai Star Rail.
>make it HSR related
>it's QQtrannies discussing taking HRT
/hsrg/ has always been kinda bad I'm afraid
This thread is just the caeluspag aka the aetherpag going on a rampage. He loves sucking off any males he sees.
Bailu foxian form will save jingliu ass again
>[homo delusions]
I've checked out their threads sometimes since they crawl at a snails pace, the posters there are pretty chill, feels like the higgers that are resident here and the ones that use /hig/ are two completely different groups
and Garuda was mentioned when?
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QQ is shorter than an actual child
Gotcha. I want to talk about my Brickle. I swiped $500 for E2S1 due to how shit she is at E0S0 and I regret everything about it.
If I want to take Misha into Aventurine's AS, what team should I make?
This reeks of a falseflag. There's been a bunch of posts trying to make literally everyone who picks Caelus as the MC look bad and this has the same kind of "rent free" feel.
giggers are not fine but I will take them over hig schizos.
you shouldn't accept any of them if both are not fine you dumbass
For some reason there's always people that start to post their gay fantasies when someone talks about Caelus, while claiming that the person talking about him is the homosexual
>every mantis has an active honkai reaction
>Hua so far had only used her chink techniques

this is not rocket science
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>Take a look at hig once in a while
>Just a bunch of people who like Seele
>Take a look at gig
>gay porn, scat, tranny erp, and gore spam
This event sucks, one fight per 2 hours of yapping. Luka sucks and you don't even have to use him?!? Just make march 7th compete instead. At least the interview stuff was kinda fun. I never want to come back to space china, it cultivates bad vibes for me
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my new roomie seems pretty cool bros
>picking giggers over higgers
Fool, even if the higgers are worse they're our step siblings. Genshit is bad and always will be
>shit that was only established literally the arc before

concession accepted
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My whole in SU V8 just got ruined because I got Shitgenti as my final boss.
I quit. Went all over again............only to get him again. Standing there menacingly.
I tried again today. Perhaps Sunday brings me some luck............he is here again today as well.
Going back to space China instantly removed any bad blood I had towards Penacony.
>>Just a bunch of people who like Seele
seeleschizo is one person
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Those Belobog girls are just built different
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>have a whole ass event where March 7th trains for Wardance
>Luka is the main character of the Wardance event
Make it make sense
retardGOD we saw siegfried use active honkai reaction before the flamechasers were even mentioned
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>like Kevin and Elio
You might be onto something
>actual child
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my beloved
Isn't she 14?
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FACT; Something unto death is the only boss in hsr that requires a bit of thinking to beat, while not being a shitty mechanic slog like Kakaurine forma T-500, no other boss comes close to having mechanics as involved as SUD
>Lynx stole some of Pela's age and took it for herself
That damn eldritch space demon
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Genuinely this event sucks dick, I can't believe some retards said it was "shounenkino". Luka only wins a single time against non fodder (Svarog) and then Yanqing drops his swords and schools him in hand to hand, I'm supposed to believe this is some inspiring shit but just looked like he was ridiculing Luka the hardest he could. It feels like I'm coaching some special needs retard to the final fight so he can job.

you niggers are having an hi3 power scaling debate in a fucking hsr thread please kill yourselves
finally, a good post
My brother from another mother. Argenti is unironically the only boss that I can never beat in these bs SU high difficulty models.
Yes, and Pela is 16.
I don't understand this image
Eye is by far the worst for me. I hate that bitch.
kek, you admit you had a melty? lmao, lol
also, it isn't slow at all, you were samefagging with multiple IPs, like 3+ posts per minute bad
well, it was nice trolling you. didn't know you seethe so much at higtroon males. I bet you're the one that kept killing the /hig/ Divegrass team because it included males in the roster
Is the chink story with yaoqing mandatory? Reading from these threads it all feels like a waste of time on really unlikeable characters.
His name is Sleepie, Dan Chud.
Dan Heng 4* path switch?
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toot me brothers
The worst thing is she doesn't even enter the tournament.
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I know you migrated here because /hig/ just wasn't cutting it for you, but can you FUCKING read the room? this place is tired of non-stop hi3 discussion for a whole day, talk hsr and start talking Hi3 when we get cunnyseo leaks or whatever in 2 months
all in SPD
To what.
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>that shield of his always get put on him right as my Firefly is about to get the turn
Fuck sigger! Nobody makes me rage harder than this nigger.
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Big toot
>the strongest valkyrie
>literally sent as fodder to distract kevin

and people say this is "hoyo's favorite daughter"?
Break Effect and Speed rolls only
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You talk big for someone with boobs this massive
Holy schizo. I was making fun about the state of the thread in general. This is slow as fuck when it comes to melties. /gig/ melties for example can span multiple threads and hit bump limit in an hour. That's not even counting the resident schizos dumping scat and cartel gore.
just ban any dykeshart 3rd talk in /srg/ in general.
Discuss what? Space China is dogshit as usual and I'd rather higgers than another round of Firefly meltdowns
Bro your Kafka Swan comfy autos?
>the troon seethes about the self insert pandering character
lmao you're like a fucking walking stereotype of a yuri troon.
I still remember when hsrg was happy random old characters appeared because genshin could never.
Previous event
>Interesting concept
>Involves based march 7th
>Could easily be clicked through with ease if you didn't care for it
This dogshit awful event
>Dumb fight mechanics
>Stupid dumbfuck Luka who not a single person cares about
>Not M7 who literally trained for the wardance
>Not MC because...just because ok
>Takes forever to slog through thanks to a nonstop bombardment of dialog
Fuck space china, it only took one patch but I now hate this place again. Next time we come back it better be to bomb this ship and everyone on it
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how do I make Sparkle useful?
>Discuss what? Space China is dogshit as usual and at least the QQ and Fofo erp poster are keeping the thread alive
We had this situation before
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Is he wooing her?
That's not what he means what the fuck. Would really want yet another round of anona getting mad about firefly for some reason?
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thank you comrades
Roll Mei E2
no one cares about hi3 as a whole, but hi3 has a looneytroon fanbase.
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Fuck space china man
sparkle doll as a home decor set piece
I always feel satisfied with SPD. Nice one anon.
/v/ is correct in that honkai (both games) fags are obnoxious is because they make it their only identity to be jealous of genshin's existence.
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i want a paizuri from saggy swan
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It's something of an acquired taste. It's akin to a pressure point on the body where repeated stimulation forces ejaculation to occur regardless of how aroused or pleasured you are.

For a lot of people it ends up being the only way that they can cum and that makes it pleasurable. Which means it works very similarly to how a lot of women can only get off from anal because it's "naughty" or "different" and vaginal no longer excites them.
Japan likes it so that is all that matters.
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Seeing r*ddit somehow pretend to enjoy this event makes my brain hurt
this, but only for /hig/troons, not /srg/GODs
No it doesnt lmao. Nobody makes art of hsr characters. Its all westerners making them.
I like this event but only the parts where plyable 4stars appear like Guinaifen and Hooky.
NTA but I think he's implying that they're the same/similar because they're both leaders of a criminal organization
I just noticed the star and eyes motifs in SH logo and finality symbol.
probably referring to Elio's eyes.
Sam? Bring shields and FUA/Acheron.
Cirrus? Bring Acheron/Firefly.
Firefly's shilling Trio boss? Bring said Firefly.
Sigger? Bring Sigger and FUA chimps+Robin in general to completely melt him.
Argenti? I restart the whole run. Nah. Fuck that nigger. I don't know what is with this nigger in particular, but he rapes my ass in shitty 3rd phase every single time regardless of how good run I had. I just don't even bother facing him on higher difficulties at this point.
a normal dude pushed into the role of a villain by cirmcumstances is a kino premise
kevin was just a prefessional athelete before shit went down
a baseballer in fact
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I feel like my FF isn't that well built and yet she still destroys whatever side she's on
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Gonna pull for Rappa just to thank her for getting me away from LuoSLOP
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Can someone shoop Taki's in this instead of Hot Cheetoh's? To me, Lingsha is very latina
Those are some nice fucking boots.
die slut
Neither of the two was/is the main villain.
Main villain in Hi3 was nigger called Otto (which is just as generic) and here it's literal nigger called Nanook (so far).
>Sam? Bring shields and FUA/Acheron.
Your mandatory wife forma de NPC will kill herself eventually if you just keep heals up.
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dont start going down this rabbit hole anon
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I still like hag swan.
>To me, Lingsha is very latina
What? She’s about as chink as you can get
she is useful on the teams where she works
the issue is that there aren't many such teams
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People who spend on the game matter more than random art.
How do you know how reddit feels about this event?
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Lack of dependency on crate and cramage makes getting good relics easier. Break effect is pretty common which just leaves ATK% and SPD.

But also
>Bigger than mine
stupid bitch
Thx bros I was wondering if I bricked
Her being cockblocked by sigger works even better in my experience and it's less bricked than trying to make brickbudence work in these modes by hoping to god to get rng defense blessings.
The point is that I fear no boss except for Argenti in those modes on higher difficulty. His 3rd phase is just cancer and he does kajillion damage to you.
Because i use it? Reddit is just normie 4chan nowadays
decent and gorgeous lady
>People use multiple social media platforms
my beautiful latina wife
>unironically defending reddit
Fucking hell /hsrg/
Communal cum dump of Peniscolony
My firefly is e2s1 so i really only need to think for non firefly side
To call Elio a villain is kinda silly, at least as far as the current situation goes, however you are also wrong because by the time the final arc rolled around Otto was dead and had nothing to do with the apocalypse.
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person, Hertashizo.
>le art
Hundreds of different art can be done by one dedicated schizo. You won't see much art for GTA games compared to something like Dragon's Age Gay, but guess which one is higher earner.
>art =/= earnings as such
>Reddit is just normie 4chan nowadays
Because people like you are infesting this site you fucking faggot
Nothing wrong with reddit, it and 4chan really aren't different aside from moderation in reddit being shittier because mods are bigger faggots then jannies. the average poter is just as mentaly ill with a reddit twsit
reddit bad xD
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I googled "luminary wardance sucks" but I mostly found redditors defending it. hope that helps
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Nahidabro? Don't know 'em.
>nooooo reddit is le bad and you should hate it
grow up
The same could be said for whales though. Especially with how much more constellation hungry this game is compared to othe hoyoslop
isnt her e4 like fucking insane?
Uh oh redditor melty inbound.
>I totaly don't use leddit
Go back and KYS
That’s my line, Hertaschizo.
Anon, in the age of AI nobody makes art for anything whatsoever when it comes to porn. It's all fujos who still hold their tablets and pens when drawing stuff they like. This is the case everywhere at this point.
it's the biggest damage boost abundance shitters can give you, as long as all the rng heals drop on your desired unit that is
>Nothing wrong with reddit
It’s incredibly poorly designed and is prone to manipulation by even a very small group of users.
It was made before things like that were considered an issue to be fair, but it really needs a complete overhaul.
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ew are they from the sumeru planet?
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E4 Bailu allows her to apply up to an 30% damage boost to a target for 2 turns. The downside is that it costs SP and it's application is partially RNG-based due to the bouncing effect of her skill. It might apply to the target once or twice per cast
Kevin was the endboss of part 1 and there's nothing you can do to change that
Ottos goal was never greater than Kallen while Kevins plan was the exact same thing Sunday wanted to do, aka carry humanity on his shoulders.
Otto is more similar to Elio in the way that they support the main cast in fucked up ways
They don't look like noble savage ghetto trash so no
whatever mr schizo, I mean I just said I think they are lunatics for enjoying this shitty slop event but you sure are fitting in right now!
No its not lmao. Even my twitter page is full of genshin art meanwhile nobody even makes memes of hsr characters.
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yeah that's a feature of brick effect, little difference between a shit build and a god build
i hate it tbdesu, so unsatisfying.. my supports have better builds
>shitty slop
And your original post had shitty AI slop too so I guess we know who's truly fitting in reddit
>can't fuck his sister like zzz protag
>can't have a dedicated for (you) like hsr protag and gets cucked constantly in events
>can't even conpare to Kiana or admas feats
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>lost every coinflip this year
>still no Bailu
I weep for the retarded
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nice thread honkeks
My original post literally has no picture attached, I think I'm arguing with a pag again..
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is blue archive any good?
Read what I said. Kevin was still not a "villain" as there is a difference between final antagonist and a villain.
Being antagonist of something doesn't speak ill of that character's own morals. It just means he was in opposition from protagonist. Villain is someone like Dio, Griffith, and Otto himself. Shithead that goes out of their way to be villainous because they are pieces of shit. Kevin was not this type of archtype. He was not a villain. He was someone who found himself in that situation. Also, he was doing it only because his waifu put such things in motion first over he himself coming up with it. That's the thing about Kevin. He's just unga brain who keeps doing the only thing he knows to do.
crazy how the dykeshart 3rd collab announcement has been more damaging to this general than the fate collab announcement
Live virgin
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Skott was right
I think I'm arguing with a retard that just butts into a conversation...
Herta thread?
>think I have a pretty good Firefly
>apparently my Break rope is garbage tier

Damn. Do I spend a self-modeling on this?
our HERO...
No native PC client sucks, fights can be random as hell if you wanna plat rank but it's okay I guess.
No thanks
Rappa flopped.
>you must be my invisible boogeyman!
Please use your brain for a split second you dumbfuck
If character gives 25% res pen and 25% def ignore how is the damage increase calculated? Is it 50% total damage increase or is it multiplicative and 62.5%?
Wanna kiss?
what do you like about black swan?
Borisins are the space pajeets.

They're different modifiers, you have to look up the def reduction table to see what it actually does.
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Her body.
That's nice, but also he&Co almost caused a supernatural end of the world, deliberately.
nah fuck it, it won't make any real difference
Kafka thread?
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Our hero...
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>finally have an excuse to roll Topaz
it's time to right my wrongs
her perky butt is so nice
Nta but I think he means to say that Kevin doesn't fit the description of villain. Lot of people mix mere antagonist and villain up all the time.
Antagonist is only antagonist because their goal clashes with protagonist.
Villain on another hand goes out of their way to be malicious. Said villain doesn't need to be "endgame" just someone who was the most malicious.
Simplified: 25% RES PEN is 1.25x damage assuming no other RES PEN buffs
>Hertaschizo samefagging his thread
As a game? Absolute garbage that's too annoying for its own good. It's quite unfortunate, really.
It's more about the character itself not fitting the archtype of what would be called as villain.
There is a huge difference between Draco Malfoy and Voldermort, if I had to give one of the examples when it comes to differences between antagonist and a villain.

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