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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

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Captured behind enemy lines: >>493848467
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"Chinless chud"-free edition hopefully
Because man was that last thread ruined by nazi incels. Please keep this shit on topic.
Way to ruin the thread with the first post you fuckwit.
No, I'm trying to prevent what happened last thread from happening in this one. Sorry to rain on your goose stepping parade. Now again, let's get back on topic and try to keep it that way please.
No. What you have done is drag last threads drama it into the the new thread rather than ignore it and move on like a normal person would do. Now those people will reply to your first post and bait you into spurging out, fuckwit.
>drag last threads drama it into the the new thread
*drag last threads drama into the the new thread
Sasha, your zigger brethren are missing far more chins than any other demographic, even more so after their special ed road trip.
And my point has already been proven. Well done fuckwit.
Bro it's not the first thread these nazis have shit up. They do it almost every time. That post was a much needed warning and if they continue, Just ignore, hide, and report their posts.
Where do you think you are fuckwit? Do you think any one of them is going take your "warning" (wtf lol) seriously and not do the exact opposite of what you want them to? It is quite obvious you are highly autistic and have no idea how the real world works. And look not one fucking on topic post has been made. Almost makes me think you did this deliberatly becuase you didn't make the OP and want to be the centre of attention. Just shut the fuck up and go back to retarddit/enlisted forums/discord, you stupid fuckwit.
And yes I am mad and taking it personally becuase I made the OP and you've just taken a big retarded shit on the thread in the first post.
You always have to have the last word dontcha? The nazis have been warned. Let's leave it at that and get back to topic, okay? Anyway, what's your favorite BR?
>the nazis have been warned
oh nooo, not the plebbitor warning of doom. What will you do, report me to your tranny friends?
So when the inevitiable happens and your warning gets laughed at and ignored, what the fuck are you going to do, you fuckwit?
What is a gold order soldier worth getting. Is it better to get one for a faction you are more invested in (good vehicles too)
Made a new thread becuase a fuckwit pozzed this one in the first post
How many gold soldier order do you have? The meta is to get them for every faction because it's beneficial to use the join any army option.
does the nkvd knife have the sword speed boost? I can't tell
Sounds like a chinless chud got btfo
>>There was a guy doing speed testing before maybe he can shed some light on it
Once I unlock it I'll test it, but I heard someone said it could have a boost. Idk how they would know that. It'll be interesting to test.
i used to get gold soldiers cuz it was like 7500 silver for a rank 2 guy
now i just get them to get the 20% squad xp bonus, since i've a lot of squads that need leveling
only 2
I'm gonna be real.
I don't vibe with the ZK. I much prefer the MP-35/I
>>But doesn't the sprint boost only kick in when charging?
Run speed is movement without pressing shift or MMB. Sprint speed is with shift and charge is with MMB while sprinting. In that case it would give a speed boost to running and sprinting but not charging. Which kind of sucks because with axes, swords, and bayonets you can get that quick melee instakill. Shovels are useful for digging.
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I love Enlisted
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So the NKVD knife doesn't give a run speed boost, which neither does the sword. At least with both tested with combined run and sprint perks. However, the NKVD knife gives the same sprint boost that the sword does. The only thing is that you cannot charge with the NKVD knife and thus don't get the insane max speed charge that the sword gives. Overall, it's a good melee weapon to give you maximum sprint boost.
You can't go wrong getting two gold engies for two factions you think you're going to be playing the most. Engies are useful in pretty much any squad and they're top level engineers. The other gold soldiers aren't the top tier versions. Like there are gold riflemen II but not gold riflemen III. Gold riflemen are bad either because they can be included into most squads.
>Gold riflemen are bad
>unironically crying about "nazi incels"
Shut the fuck up
Fuck naziniggers
Fuck slavniggers
>Like there are gold riflemen II but not gold riflemen III
Unless you are an oldfag
Aww I missed them when were they removed? All gold soldiers seem to be at tier 2 now
Tier 2 riflemen are Mets for high br though
When they added the Marshal Program you got one Rifleman 3. Wilbur Ross
>Tier 2 riflemen are Mets for high br though
Why is that?
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>sitting on a roof waiting for something to shoot at
>enemy CAS flies right overhead
>spray it with a mag of smg cause im bored
>no hit indicators or anything
>next pass the pilot eats shit and hits trees and explodes
>get the kill
which enlg is the real enlg
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What are the most Rusaryan squads?
Sprint speed is a better perk than medkit use speed
Riflemen 3 improve medkit use speed. Riflemen 2 improve sprint speed.
Medkit use speed synergizes with a lot of medkits, which someone would run in low BR with bolt actions or semi autos since they buffed semi auto ammo.
No one uses them in high BR though where you absolutely need ammo bags for your automatic rifle. Not running medkits means you are better served running sprint speed, with synergizes with riflemen 2
I tried that today and got the kill after the pilot crashed. Going to start making it a habit to pop off some shots and incoming aircraft.
It was this one but someone threw a fit over obvious bait and made a second one
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mfw i babysit (scream orders) a entire team, they lisen and we win
Okay that makes sense, thanks. I'd prefer sprint speed and I guess that outweighs the 3 extra perk points from Riflemen 3. With Riflemen 3 I'm assuming the medkit perks+backpack with medkits synergizes well with the downed state perk and vitality perk. But I'm not sure exactly how that downed state perk works.

Like I found out that units regen hp up to 3 hitpoints. With the full regen perk it only increases that to 6 hp. I thought it was a full regen so it's not as good as I thought.
Ive kept doing it since, just pop off a few shots with whatever I have when enemy planes pass close. If I don't get the kill when they die I usually get an assist score
Yeah those perk points don't allow you to cross any important thresholds or anything, though I guess they can allow you to stack sprint speed and run speed if you sacrifice a few other things. Rifleman III is good if you take large medkit packs and the downed state perk, yeah.
>Running Ammo Bags
Absolute scrub tier.
At BR5 You should run dual guns. Auto Rifle + AT Rifle GL. That way you have best of both cancers.
Tbqh if you have enough time to swap to your grenade launcher and equip the grenade thrower then you are playing too slow. You need to be bunny hopping around every corner and firing while in mid-air and leaning.
We don't know for certain how the downed perk works but we have speculated that you only need the first point into it. Going solely off the tooltip, it appears that the subsequent 4 points only increase your bleedout time.
I make sure all my soviet troops are asiatic fodder from south and east over the urals
Just equip the GL as the primary you tard, bots will prioritize the AR anyway.
And jumping does nothing to save you from HE.
Then why have the autorifle at all? I'd rather just go maximum grenades.
Because you get best of both worlds. 3 AT Grenades can kill most tanks if you are a sweat or clear out a room. While the Auto rifle let's you hold the room you just cleared for about 1 minute per solider.
Ammo bags are worthless on rifle squads since you will just die from the normal garbage in a BR5 Match. Sure it sucks to go click click when you spend your 60 rounds but you could build ammo or be a man and use your bolt action.
Too complicated, I just won't play top tier.
i use what i like in top tier, and i do well, cope
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what if battle pass seasons where divided into early/mid/late war similar to how RS2 did it? As the season progressed tiers would unlock, but you'd still have to research techs.

premium squads excluded; of course
There is a good reason everyone at top tier is using autorifles instead of rifle grenades.
This isn't a great argument because most people who play this game are shitty retards and many of those who aren't shitty retards are cheaters at top tier.
oh okay, so i get ONE nkvd knife? and i cant buy more?
yeah very cool
uh, akchually, you get 2 chud
It's two, ya dumbass. You get another ticket later in the event.
thats still not cool, at best i can make 2 of my soldiers be the cool guys
i think i will give it to the 247th Infantry division-909th Infantry regiment becuse they where formed from the nkvd
I guess you're relatively new but they rarely give away more than two to four of a special weapon per event, and I think they largely stopped giving away four at a time. In prior events they would make you choose between rewards (MP-41(r) vs Lanchester 50, for example) but they seemed to have stopped doing that.
current atlantic battle event lets you pick between 2 swords
wow your mom lets you have two (2) one swords??????
she didint even let me have one
It's still just swords, I can't remember the last time they made players pick between unique options.
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Not sure why it looks rusty in-game
lanchester 50 and tommy 30cal are so much better than the other allies BR3 assaulter weapons
why did nobody tell me about the power of the shovel?

>literally dig your way to the objective while bullets fly over your head
>dig trenches at high ground for squads to take cover in
>dig deep craters to put spawn points and ammo for team
>dig big ditches that hinder where the enemy has to attack through
and you can make holes to fuck tanks over!
marvelous tool
but i wish the depth limit was greater
Don't forget
>Makeshift cover
>Dig down and take shots while only revealing your head
All my engineers have shovels with maxed out melee perks. You can't go without that shovel speed if you're a serious shoveler. Dig trenches on the point so your AI doesn't instantly die. Unfortunately buildables like sandbags and barbed wire get cleared too easily by bombs and shells.
any engineer shoud be able to build AA guns, and im serious, if you dont have engineer squad you cant do shit (unless you have a mg squad and build it at an an angle, still a issue)
According to the Enlisted Resource google docs, it does 10 damage and has identical stats to the other knives. Except it lists that it has the same sprint increased factor as swords have.
only if they remove the lead indicator
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Not true. There are still GL spamming faggots in the top tier.
Fuck hux the communist cuck and his bunch of buttboy lapdogs infesting a thread about a videogame. Communism never has and never will work because it was invented by jews who just wanted to take everything for themselves. Remember the battle of 1488 motherfuckers.
or proximity fuse
I've seen AA guns, HMG's and AT guns do incredible things in a match when placed by an engineer who knows the map. I think they fear the potential it might unleash.
aa guns arent that amazing, they have to be placed at an angle, and they still are inconsistent
when i buy a weapon from the battlepass i get one of that weapon? or do i get ability to buy it, same question with weapons from premium squads
You get one. Most are capped at 4, sidearms are usually capped at 6.
Premium squads cannot unequip their premium weapons.
so if i buy the russian pistol i get one pistol? damn
what if its a non bp gold weapon order?
>what if its a non bp gold weapon order?
Only difference is you can buy it with gold as well instead of just a gold order.
i bought the russian pistol

i have many regerts but whatever, its fun to try burst fire zapping everyone with it and run around like a mad man trying to reload and not get shot
it reminds me of bf1 pistol you coud give to tankers
Frommer? Yeh
>Premium squads cannot unequip their premium weapons.
Soviet paras can which is why they're one of my favorite premium squads. They have superb versatility.
it's a fantastic little PDW of sorts
and in terms of pistols, objectively one of the best because you can just whip it out when you're out of gun juice to unload into a dude for an almost guaranteed kill, like the colt jorts or the (apparently finally good now) schnellfeuer
>Soviet paras can
I specified premium weapons. The Soviet paras don't have premium weapons.
>there was soviet paratroopers event last year
fuuuggg. they dont repeat these i suppose
There is some sort of lootbox like in WT coming soon that based on the community resource looks like it will have event squads among a ton of shit you probably don't want.
I'm very smug i got that because i see alot of plebs in my matches who DONT have one and i havent played the game in 7 months
to be honest i whoud prefer if nkvd didint have the op thompson, so i coud change their weapons and put them in every tier. becuse how cool they look,
muh just take the tank with most crew (t28), give them ppepesh, drive straight intro enemy fire, maybe even pop a single 76mm he, instantly leave the viehicle because everyone pulled out a panzerfaust by this point, your tank explodes but you just placed 6 well armed men in the enemy line. your "free paratroopers" sir
>open lootbox
>engraved korovin
>open lootbox
>open lootbox
>engraved korovin
>open lootbox
>astra 300
>open lootbox
>2 hammers WAOWE
>open 10 lootbox
>gold c96, engraved type 14, 4 hammers, russian saber, engraved M1917, wrapped mosin, and
>m1a1 paras
>open 40 lootboxes
>38 trash pistols and hammers, a lanchester 50, and a flakpanzer squad

it's gonna be so lit!
crates are sovl dont listen to him
there is no prox fuse
half those rewards and replace them with paltry silver and boosters and youd be more accurate
you're right
80% of them would be 30% boosters and 500 silver
so we're all in this thread right?
I'm in both
I'm in all 3
Don’t forget all the vehicle decals
>servers shitting themselves again
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wake me up when Heroes&generals is back online
we cant let the other thread just beat us wtf guys
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get back in your box cuckendorf
just give me a free gold vehicle order, i want one
Take one of mine, I have like 8
how, do you just buy battlepass and accumulate them over time
And events. And 15 day logins.
Fair enough i thought you might not be able to get from events because they are more valued possibly
They're sporadic. I haven't missed an event in a long time. After the merge there hasn't really been a reason to buy them anyway unless you particularly like the way one of them loos. Even less so when they changed it recently so you can't do funny stuff with some of the skins anymore.
So you would say theres no gold order vehicle thats a meta alternative to a research vehicle
Not anymore, no. The meta thing before was with the campaign system it let you do some funky things, like the Soviet T-50 was in their Tanker 1 squad which they had immediately, but the T-50 was one of the last unlocks in the campaign. So you could skip straight to an end-game unlock by buying the gold order T-50. That was the most extreme example, but there were a couple others that let you skip 10-15 levels.
Right now the only real benefit for gold order vehicles is that they come fully upgraded.
You can get a fully upgraded Ki-84 and A6M2.
It's not Meta but it's good value.
eh i would take it
if you have to make a new thread you delete the old one retard. as it is you split the thread for no fucking reason
apparently this is the cuck thread and im a proud axis cuck so naturally i came back here >>494731929
another 90mb hotfix just dropped, notes soon

Based. Cheaters BTFO
Welcome brother. This is the general for the cool cats anyway. The other thread is the breakaway containment zone for the butthurters and this thread has been comfy.
It would be nice if gold order vehicles had additional utility in someway. Gold order soldiers were entirely fixed with the squad xp bonus. I haven't used any vehicle gold orders and only started using soldier gold orders with the gold order soldier xp bonus update.
I don't think Battleye is any better than EAC
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>Equip NKVD knife on a Para who has +10% run speed AND +15% sprint speed
>He moves at a trillion miles an hour
Lmao. As funny as that is, I must have THE ULTIMATE SOVIET. The IDEAL COMMUNIST MAN.
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>10% run speed AND +15% sprint speed
It's super strong. Had my radio II pop a flask after we took a point and charge straight to the next point with his sword. I got there way before the enemies could. Call in some arty to block the point and you're golden.
suxcux further vindicated in his paranoiac hackusations. internal metrics must be pretty bad if they are licensing a new anticheat that WT doesnt use
Someone the game's community manager streamed with was banned for cheating and it was announced to the public. It's clearly pretty bad.
just got off the phone with major duckdonalds and he confirmed they're adding the Me 262 in the next major update
Why does it feel like bombs do nothing in any BR anymore? Did the devs really need to nerf planes that hard?
Bombs haven't been changed in ages, as far as I can tell.
look at the replay and see if your bombs are even landing at all
you can have the bonus of reporting cheaters too
Did armor get changed? I swear to god my 250kgs do literally nothing to BR1 tanks. I could just be missing every bomb I drop but when I get hit markers on most drops (not the explosion) I highly doubt it. Maybe theyre driving away?
The time before explosion is sometimes enough to let someone drive away and escape most harm. Look at the replays and figure out exactly what is wrong
>your timing and accuracy being poor
>them surviving because they moved
>server desync
>your plane being bugged or stealth nerfed
>the targets of your bombs are cheating
You'll never find out until you review what happened.
Yea ill start taking a look again at some of my games. I thought I had moved past that stage.
It will be interesting to see how many well known players suddenly start eating shit now
BattlEye is terrible so nothing will change. The cheaters all toggle and turn it on/off as necessary anyway. What's more, a lot of cheaters aren't even bad at the game, they just cheat for that extra edge.
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>the actual state of online pvp
I noticed after the recent banwave there stopped being anything blatant like
>enemy in tank
>hop on tank of my own and take him out
>he gets in plane and beelines straight towards me
>respawn on foot in the middle of nowhere
>he beelines to my location again and wipes my squad
>spawns on foot too and hunts me down from an angle I'm not looking at

Now it's a lot more subtle like >>494794063 said. Did he hear my movement/gunfire and anticipate where I would end up? Was he tracking me visually and prefiring the walls and corner because he knew I would be there? Was it latency?

I can only scratch my head for a second and move on.
A lot of anticheats have a poor reputation due to a period of ineffectiveness, I’m not aware of how effective BE currently is. Still, presumably people will be more cautious about it or just take a hiatus until the groups using it report that it’s working.
It’s quite a mix. I’d say the bulk of them are actually trash, even though we are more interested in the edge cases. I had a friend become suspicious of someone and they started watching replays. He told me that the guy he was looking at kept beelining straight for me no matter where he was on the map over and over again. I didn’t notice myself because I was still dunking on him.
So how often does this thread splitting shit happen
>A lot of anticheats have a poor reputation due to a period of ineffectiveness
Nature of the beast when they're reactive and not proactive. Not a whole lot can be done proactively, unfortunately, short of hiring blackhats to locate the cheat programmers to kill them or to permanently maim their hands due to how it's moved on from solely being software. The fact that it's advanced to where some sweaty nerd can also buy third party currently undetectable hardware to help facilitate their cheating is not beyond mentioning.
Yeah. Happened to me way too many times to count. Funny thing was was that I'm not even that good compared to some of you niggers in this general. I just happened to take some of them out by chance and they'd instantly get blisters in their rectum.
Rarely. It depends if the OP is a sensitive crybaby or not. The other thread looks to be more toxic so I think we know now who was behind the toxic posting lel. Someone else here needs to take charge of baking new breads so this shit doesn't happen again.
I mean it could be that BattlEye is more cost effective than Easy anti-cheat. The best anti-cheat softwares have to have deep access to the computer down to the kernel level. And even then it's not foolproof. What helps Enlisted is that cheater infestations happen to more competitively-focused games and/or games with possibility for RMT. Cheating in a game that has a rank system is far more enticing than cheating in a game to dab on console kiddies. The best tactics against cheaters are just stealth/soft bans. Put known cheaters into cheater-only lobbies and with bots and those that desert battle all the time. The anti-cheat software can continue to monitor development of that cheat in their system without the user being aware of detection, and if the cheater doesn't know they're being put in cheater lobbies, they'll keep playing which helps shield normal players from those hackers.
Brothers against the fascist war machine
Kernel level bullshit doesn't do anything when the proper way to cheat is with ML powered aimbots that can just be done on a third machine and plugged straight into mouse and keyboard inputs.

The solution is to have your own ML powered anti cheat of which only VAC 2 is the only extant on the market.
Another band-aid remedy is a requirement to link an account to a real-world identity. Identity theft can still happen, but it'd deter a lot of surface level re-offenders too stupid to spoof or get around restrictions; and in regards to identity theft, it elevates the situation to a federal level to where glowniggers will take notice and do nothing about it. Win-win.
we could have solved the cheater problem a long time ago by just blocking china
Mobility is everything in this game, I've gotten so much shit for saying this but it really is better in every way than medpack builds in a game where your squad serves as extra spawns anyway
It's the same retarded OP in both threads
t. Autistic 13 y.o. nazi
The frommer isn't automatic
They probably already do this because I never quit and never see hackers
>Marxist-Leninist powered aimbots
The triumph of Communism
>Avangard Collective Farm (Conquest) Soviet side
Sort of lost the plot half way through this and stopped trying at several points, probably has to be the worst Moscow map, though maybe ive just not played one of the other shit ones in a while. It's so fucking uneven its not even funny, especially when everyone gives up after 2 minutes (though i admit i wasnt really trying at the start)

Also which Axis vehicle is the one that people use to shoot atplanes but isnt AA? that one is quite irritating when enemy armour is completely unopposed.

Frommer stop auto existed. That was definitely a tanker/pilot weapon.
>people use to shoot atplanes but isnt AA
Was it 20mm? Only one I can think of that has a main gun fast enough to do so is the PzII.
>Also which Axis vehicle is the one that people use to shoot atplanes but isnt AA?
If you mean commander MG-34s, there are several tanks that fit the bill. Otherwise, I guess any of the low BR 20mm tanks? They're pretty awful though and I've never seen anyone really try to use them against aircraft.
enlisted bump
>The other thread looks to be more toxic so I think we know now who was behind the toxic posting lel
Screeching butthurt wignats who think that the only alternative to being an esoteric Hitlerist is to be a tranny with an axe wound are hysterical retards who aggressively gurgle at eachother? Perish the thought.
Both threads have the same OP retard. Somehow this is the most retarded bifurcation yet
>only 1 event going on
this game is so fucking dead dude
We had two events but it's over now... dead game...
its so fucking over bro......
I sold my account for twenty bucks just to make back a little of my sunk cost...
>last tech tree additions were in june
Next update will be huge! They'll definitely add something overpowered to top tier that will make it even more retarded, and some low-mid tier vehicles nobody uses!
look man I just want my spergshing
sick and tired of niggers spamming KT after KT after KT
The Spergshing would ruin balance by being slightly worse than the KT, sorry. You get a P-38 variant for BR IV and the Japanese get a scoped Type 96 for their Sniper III. Best I can do.
The update is taking too long. I feel like it has to be something bigger.
They are either scrambling to try and force out Japan vs USSR (Mongolia or Manchuria) or they are, I dunno, gonna add like four guns and a couple vehicles.
For the umpteenth time, they openly said they didn't expect people to want that match up and that they want to do a Soviet v Japan event before they commit to making the campaign. That means they had to be working on something else.
Yeah, that's kind of what I meant. If they were going to add it next patch, which they aren't, they'd have to furiously shit it out.
I just want iwo jima, some good new alien tech jap smg and maybe my ai to not run in front of me when im shooting
>japan gets released
>half the assets are placeholders
I miss my HESCO barriers and type 97 PTRS-41 edition
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>50 cal truck spam
Blown away by the superhuman reflexes so many players have in Enlisted these days
Combine that with my sudden inability to accurately fire the bolt actions
Recipe for desk slaps
There are a lot of freaks out in force on new event days
>Chinese company takes over development
>Adds Chinese forces as new faction
>Gives them ridiculously OP shit
>You can fight against all Axis sides for no reason whatsoever
>Chinese players flood the game in even greater numbers than ever before
I think this could work guys, Enlisted can still be saved.
it isnt cheating if everyone is cheating
>he hasnt taken the lever action pill
ngmi amigo
I HATE the winchester's sights
But I've been playing everyone so I can't just rely on the cowboy loadout
Idk what it is with enlisted but sights i usually have a problem with in other games im not so annoyed by, (ok maybe some of the ally rifles a little)
The winchester's sight shape isn't the issue
Its the lighting makes the front post completely blend in with the rear a lot of the time
1903 usmc has the best bolt action sights
Nah, that would be the Ross. They're perfect.
anyone else noticed less chinese players with the anticheat crackdown? hopefully battleye gets the stragglers
Has you-know-who played since the update?
You have the tools to find out yourself.
But I'm lazy
umm i dont think i know, in fact i know very few you know whos
what, you think they're just gonna make a scenario with only 2 factions when the wheraboos are seething at the mouth to get their Me 262 wunderwaffe?
Just add the Moon maps at this point.
what, you think they're just gonna let the cash cow wheraboos without a scenario to play with their wunderwaffe?
Foaming* not seething
>Moon maps
What are the Moon maps?
Ross is satisfying to use. The dispersion and damage are the biggest downsides.
Everyone is a pro gamer now apparently. It isn't the 00s or early 10s anymore unfortunately.
Are all Axis engineers Italian?
First engineer squad is.
So until you unock the 2nd one every engineers you bought will talk Italian.
Capture the flag
Chinese need to be forced to their own client
Ping limits on each server need to be enforced
OP was probably one of the nazi shitposters. Why else would he get triggered that bad and rage quit the thread. Chuds are mentally unstable which is why the gravitate towards edgy ideologies.
whatever he is hes a faggot for making two threads
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no more than any other board here
also, terms like "toxic" are gay as fuck
pretty much every other internet resource will let you be a sensitive faggit to your hearts content
>let you be a sensitive faggit to your hearts content
I'm not op tho
One of the most frustrating video game modes ever conceived
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>Defend C against like 3-4 enemy human squads that just keep relentlessly attacking it with my San Marco regiment
Even though mines are shit now, putting 9 of them down was a huge deterrent once the enemy realised what I had done. The soldiers being extremely difficult to kill also helped. Each guy effectively having three lives makes them insanely durable.
i havent noticed much difference aside from them being more sensitive to explosions. They still let you be a bastard.
you can sprint over them now and not die
Yeah, mines are a deterrent that either forces you to slow down and clear them or sprint straight in recklessly, they remove the middle ground of a normal approach. Still a nice option for holding a point but not as comically, ridiculously obnoxious as they were. They don't even guarantee a squad wipe on rally mine now, which I think is fine. I have mined rallies and gotten 3 kills out of 7 troops in the enemy squad, and they don't daisy-chain with AT mines anymore either so you can't use them to trap APCs the way you used to.
they don't trigger AT mines apparently
which completely fucks over my patented daisy chained IED point strategy
>they don't daisy-chain with AT mines
can it daisy chain with TNT? i'm at work right now and can't check
I don't think TNT has ever been triggered by anything but that specific soldier's det charge
damn ok. thanks
That’s not true, I’ve shot TNT when the plunger wouldn’t work several times before.
Really, thats crazy but maybe a good thing. I tend to place them where ai path or people take cover and obscure them in objects or grass. Since people are unaware of where I put them maybe thats why I havent noticed.
The thing to do now is place them in corners or in windows.
Is still hit and miss. Sometimes I'll die, sometimes I'll survive with a sliver of health, and sometimes I'll take zero damage despite standing on top of it.

They work extremely well in trenches however. Every time I've triggered a mine in a trench it had killed me. Maybe the game calculation has lethality be increased if the blast/shrapnel is focused and/or contained in an enclosed area.
Is quarry one of the worst maps in the game?

Earlier, I went to mine an enemy rally, and he had mines his own rally. The mine blew up under me and didn't do ANY damage. They are wildly inconsistent.
>Is quarry one of the worst maps in the game?
i would say so with gorge not being too far behind
Gorge is the one with the singular bridges leading to enemy points in Tunisia, right? It's fucking awful. As a map in, I dunno, Battlefield it would be fine. It's also not as bad as Quarry because at least you can do flanking on Gorge and build tricky rallies once you cross the rivers, in Quarry the middle three points are all just nightmarish deathbowls where tanks and AT guns can just shell people trying to cap/defend them with impunity which I did in my last Quarry match using my Para squad, but I have no shame about it because the enemy team had T-50s camping on the edges of the quarry and my team only had tanks armed with guns that could barely scratch them.
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Is quarry one of the most kino maps in the game?
*shells u from a completely safe and unassailable position*
vgh,,,, kino....
>Gorge is the one with the singular bridges leading to enemy points in Tunisia, right
Yes withthat single bridge being the only point of crossing for vehicles.
>because at least you can do flanking on Gorge
I had a game of Invasion as attackers and it was fairly close at the start. We managed to capture both objectives with low casualties at the same time, but that's when our fortune changed.

Next two points were right next to each other. Immediately across the bridge. Our default spawns were just before the bridge. So we'd spawn and immediately die. Those of use that would survive would try to cross only to get mowed down.
A group tried taking the wooden suspension bridge but they'd get sniped off. We all tried swimming across instead of taking the bridge but the enemy had entrenched themselves to where if we crest the hill we'd get stomped. Rallies were placed on the other side but they'd all get taken out quickly since there wasn't any cover. It also didn't matter if we managed to plant the bomb in one zone -- both zones had clear lines of fire into each other so the enemy team didn't have to physically be in both zones to wipe us out. The only thing we didn't use were smoke grenades which would have been a Godsend.

~900 tickets to 0 in that one area. Can't even blame the players. We all played our hearts out. Straight up lost to flawed map design. 100% different turnout if it was only a singular capture point. Or if the points weren't fucking 20m next to each other.
Sounds like you guys needed paras, honestly.
meant destruction
I don't mind Quarry. But it can certainly be AIDS when you have to hold an open position that is constantly being artied, mortared, bombed, and shelled. The first and last points are fine.
The trick to "enjoying" quarry is to just run an AT squad with a radioman in it and be a subhuman nigger who just shells the point with HE from his AT gun and artillery shells all game.
>Immediately across the bridge
My secret strat is to take one of those motorboats and then go as far as you can down the right and build a rally somewhere there as a foothold. Makes for a much easier approach through the vegetation in the south instead of piling down the two kill zone bridges. Just to the right of the bridge works the best if your team is competent and can actually defend the rally point from defenders pushing out.
every campaign has open objectives. its easier to deal with in quarry than dominant height for example
I'll have to try that if I get that map again and a similar situation occurs.
Sometimes a rally isn't there so you can capture a point immediately, sometimes you just have to build one to get a foothold to build other rallies from. In a Gorge match I was in recently, a teammate built a rally on the very tip of the island. It wasn't super useful for taking the point, but we used it to leapfrog our way to better rally points.
It's about balancing closeness vs safety. I don't always go for aggressive rallies if I think the risk is too high. Sometimes I'll just pop a safe backup rally and let the team take it from there. I'll sometimes even get more spawns on my safe rally points that are farther back because my teammates' rallies kept getting destroyed. But if I think there is opportunity there I'll get right up the to capture point, dig a hole, and pop a rally down. That's what quickly leads to the team flooding the point and taking the decisive win.
>Enemy team has 6 players
>Turns out its 1 solo and 2 squads (2 guys in one and 3 in the other)
>They actually put/hunt down rallies
Meanwhile on my team
>One tier 3 guy who just stays in squad select for like 4 minutes straight
>Two tier 1/2 players that keep on feeding the enemies kills
What a shitty unbalanced match. But it got me 10k points so I cant complain too much.
Any of you guys have really terrible matches lately? Also saw a King Tiger in Tunisia
>Also saw a King Tiger in Tunisia
You can't just say things like this without proof
I believe this is it
You should report that. People are constantly coming up with janky work around for things. Like the time my friend discovered you could give paratroopers a second weapon by pressing tab while their primary was selected
the funniest image ive seen for this game in a while
Mergebros.... I don't feel so good
Change the name so it oozes of love for the Motherland
Yesterday's games were fucking horrible, didn't have such unpleasant experience in a long time.
An April fools event.



You can look at the custom games tab, maybe you're lucky and someone is running it.

There was also this one


Sadly I never got to enjoy them, outside of a custom match for the Mecha event
Take your hammer, and place a barbed wire. Spice up the wire with the tuna can.
You will experience true joy when someone absentmindedly deconstructs the wire, and sets off the mine.

Sponsored by shovel gang
Or however it is pronounced
Smol update


New map
I'd rather have a new pacific map or an actual urban city map for the allies
pearl harbor when?
That would be sick. USSR vs Japan in Manchuria would be choice though.
I think Manila is the one we defineley need next
Rocket artillery struggles to kill stationary APCs...
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Hey, put the 75mm M20 recoilless rifle in the game!
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Well, which one of you did it?
I puted barbed wire in yor mums vagina last nite
Tiger II looks great in desert camo
>After 4 years of BS we finally got the Bazooka having it's IRL Pen
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What current gold order weapons are worth getting?
Mondragon, Farquhar, Yazikov, Soviet Suppressed bundle, Hotchkiss M1922, Cönders
The semi autos are only worthwhile if you want to make a BR4 setup
>Put known cheaters into cheater-only lobbies and with bots
>and those that desert battle all the time
why does this bother you? i'm not spending 20 minutes playing with subhuman trash. there's not anything you can do to stop me from leaving games with retard players
They said it wasn’t a financial decision
It’s going to be Germany vs japan
its actually going to be every faction vs. the chinese (boxer rebellion campaign)
PvE campaign shitters keep asking for? Teams are 10 v 100 but the 100 are bots?
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>finally one (1) map acutally set in the Ardennes for the Ardennes campaign
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your thoughts?
It's the worst APC, I wouldn't get it until it goes on sale.
how? being able to cross rivers is valuable, no?
It's not difficult to traverse rivers with other APCs most of the time. There aren't that many places that the LVT would have an advantage in this area. And in general use the majority of the time, it's just an APC that is a way larger target and way slower.
excellent for catching explosive packs in its open top. please buy.
it's a paper gunboat the size of uranus
it depends on whether or not you really like playing the stummel as an ersatz support vehicle
Too fucken big.
Too fucken slow.
Moron team mates will spawn in it and shoot at nothing and alerting the enemy
No fucken armor.

But not that bad. An APC is an APC. It does camouflage in Pacific maps as a static amtrack. And it has the highest torque and HP/weight ratio of any apc. So you can climb hills.
It's a BR2 APC if you want to use the Studebaker and Universal Carrier at higher BRs.
it is also significantly more fragile than other APCs, so its either bugged or the way its huge fuel tanks are modeled. AI shoots the MGs though I guess
They should just add Germany vs Germany and allies vs allies so the two most annoying playerbases have to fight themselves
we've gone beyond the teutonic horsehoe...
finally, a point with no one on it at any point
i've been using the studebaker and i hate this piece of shit. it's fast, sure, but the thing has no breaks
inb4 some nigger corrects me. brakes*
Just drive into something, you generally want it behind cover anyway. The best APC (purely from a mobile spawn point standpoint) is the Universal Carrier. It is small and easy to hide, tracked, and fast. After the UC, it's the three wheeled trucks that the US, USSR, and Japs have.
why do you need brakes? sometimes breaking the enemy's spirit is superior than needing brakes because braking is you taking a break and taking a break puts brakes on team momentum
Bro your Stummel?
Even with Panzerfausts at their disposal I find the Soviets are the most boring faction by far
I said from a pure mobile spawn point position. The Stummel is still kind of slow and has less crew. Obviously it has other advantages as a support gun.
That's true. The Germans kinda have thw worst APC selection from that viewpoint.
They do. The 251 would be better if it least handled rough terrain better as a halftrack, but it feels like it almost struggles with small hills.

Since the Sd Kfz 223 was a reduced crew size recon/radio/command car, and all that would basically be in-game is an armored car with a radio for arty, and our rally points are just small radio sets, could you justify the 223 being a mobile spawn? And then the 222 could be a BR1 tank. Would it be any more ridiculous than 9 men + the four man crew packing like sardines into a universal carrier? Perhaps it could be the first APC that just spawns you outside of the vehicle.
>Perhaps it could be the first APC that just spawns you outside of the vehicle.
I would like that honestly. It'd be a good niche for it. Although it makes me wonder why their tech tree APC isn't just an Opel Blitz or something.
these things were cancer to fight against in heroes and generals
the pacific maps are genuinely making me hate this game. it's shitter paradise where no brain is required
>other thread died
What happened
I had to sleep. The Lebensraum for mein volk... all gone...
The other thread shouldn't have existed and only existed because someone got mad at bait.
id rather scout vehicles were given to rider squads
does the bar have no mobility penalties?
It does, the mobility penalty is just relatively minor at 25%. The WAR has a 20% penalty.
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I understand that in principle, but what the fuck would a scout vehicle do? Do you really want them to be an armored car with a radio operator inside that can call some arty? Are they going to be BR3 because motorcycles are still BR2?
Maybe I'm biased because I love the way the 221/2/3 looks and I just think it would be really cool to have as an APC at BR5, but I don't see how you can add the radio car variant as an effective vehicle other than a mobile rally point. The 221/2 absolutely could be BR1 tanks and I'd happily run them there.
Scout cars should be an optional vehicle for Rider Class.
Sidecar >> Kubelwagen >> 221 >> Pz 1 ausf C
Sidercar >> Jeep >> M3 Scout Car >> M20 Scout Car
Depending on whether you want more speed, more squad-mebers or more firepower you equip your Riders with the vehicle you want.
(I don't think they should be above BR III)
Frankly anything would be better than the stupid ass motorcycles.
what are my best bombers/fighters for br2-3 allies?
P-51 is a good fighter-bomber for BR III, your only real option for BR II is the Dauntless.
ps38j seems kind of ridiculous at br3
The P38G is at BR2 and is almost exactly the same
So, when is the map release ?
Not bait just fax
japanese planes are so fucking noob dude. what the fuck is that turn rate. there's literally no counter play against these fucking no skill niggers
Most Murican planes have a huge energy advantage over Jap planes, and half of them are carrier spawns. Shoot them from above, boom and zoom, that's what your planes are good at.
throw machine gun on
immediately more useful than what riders already have
i'm gonna have a stroke playing allies. this is insane
Theres nothing that makes me want to play a game more than seeing cheaters running around unpunished.
Playing a normandy airfield match and kept thinking "This match is going on for a really long time. Wait, werent they below 200 lives a minute ago? They haven't captured the point yet." The fucking enemy lives start going up. +25 every so often. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Best part I have no idea who was doing it so they cant get reported.
Good post.
Is the 25 lives gain a thing or am I going insane?
It is a thing on certain maps.
>he doesn't know about the ticket hack
nigga just report the top assist scorer for cheating
It's only a thing on Airfield in Shitmandy. Every few barrage balloons you destroy, you get some tickets back. It was a part of this brief period whre they claimed they would be adding more secondary objectives to maps, then never did.
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>someone has a spurg out at the game without paying attention to the notices at the start of the map
>rather than baiting him redditards tell him whats happening
fucking nu-4chan
I'm too old to be an epic troll. I'm nearly 30.
Browning Automatic Rifle
More like Bad Automutt Rifle
Post brought to you by MG-34 gang.
I think I prefer the BAR.
the gaybar

Suspension and radio antennae improvements
great how about fix the fucking match making. i'm so sick and tired of playing against two tiers above my weapons. literally every single fucking game i'm playing is up tiered
fuck your useless eye candy. allow my apc squad to spawn back in the apc they left on the battlefield and move it elsewhere faggots
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>wheeled and tracked vehicle models will visually improve
>This new effect will not impact the off-road capability of your vehicles
>be newfag
>Unlock the first few smgs and mg squads right over the threshold of BR2
>teeth-rattling recoil, unaimable after a half second, have to burst fire to kill effectively
>pick up enemy smgs and mgs
>firehoses of liquid bullets streaming death wherever I point
Clearly I've got more research to do, this isn't the ssdd of boltie unlocks where every gun is basically the same. Should I assume the last BR2 gun is optimal for each faction or is there a good stopping point?
>play US
>get matched vs a full human Japan team, mostly br5, regardless of your own tier
so much fun
makes want to turn join any team, this is beyond gay
ussr: the pps's
us: lanchester
germany: mp40

their MGs are okay at T2 (except the madsen) but you really gotta get used to the heavy recoil of them, especially since you'll experience much the same with many of the game's semi-autos and auto rifles
playing enlisted has actually greatly improved my recoil control in other games
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Licence issues maybe? Opel might not want their name in a WW2 game, even if they supported the objectively good guys
Guns you pick up from corpses always come fully upgraded I think. Early LMGs are... fine. They really come into their own when used by Machine Gunner IIIs that can get 30% horizontal and 20% vertical combined.
In that case I'd think they would rename it like the Grumman planes in the US tree.

on a related note it would be cool if my APC didn't have an audible spaz attack every time i park it on slightly uneven terrain
>teeth-rattling recoil, unaimable after a half second, have to burst fire to kill effectively
>their MGs are okay at T2
i have multiple unupgraded T2 MGs. they have controllable recoil and turn into a laser beam during full auto if you crouch and do not move while firing. as in the shots will go where you are aiming with your sights
the millisecond you move at all is when the rounds start leaving the barrel randomly. dumb as fuck mechanic, but it is what it is.

bracing, when it works, also turns the gun into a laser beam
More voice commands need to be added. Something like "Help" to get your bot of a team to help and stop enemy defenders from pushing us back to the grayzone.
how about
>us: lanchester
Owen has a faster TTK
>Upgrading a single (ONE) BR 3 weapon to max took 10k silver before the economy fixes
Let's be honest, Major McDonalds has completely turned Enlisted around in the short time he's been working as Community Manager
They need to add a remaining time for each task like they have remaining time for the event. It would help me keep track of by when I need to complete the task.
Where my fucking Jap Motorcycles at General Tso?
is that why the RMT silver shop was so predatory?
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welp i got them, what perks shoud i give them?
nice what default BR do they start at? 3 im guessing?
Why does that one random mortar squad from Normandy get a unique outfit with an ammo belt?
br 4 unfortunatelly, but i guess that firerate is worth it
*rages in chat*

A "Hello" voice command would be nice too to encourage friendly play :)

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they cant build HMG, in MG squad
Fucking Latvians
it was a weird thing to play in br4 (upped to br5) and the mg squad being my only br 4 thing, others being br 1
Sounds like a soulful lineup.
damn. are you able to remove the weapons to downrank them? or are they permanently BR4?
its going to be my first event squad and i havent gotten them yet so i have no idea
>A "Hello" voice command would be nice too to encourage friendly play :)
"NO" is a good compromise until they do. Gives similar results :^)
prenament unforutnatelly
if the weapon is unique to the squad you cant remove it
its sad becuse i whoud love to put the NKVD squad lower
>i got 4th place
are germans that bad
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what do you think
Remove a point from crouch/crawl speed and put one into faster position change. Maybe get a point of faster climb; It'll help you and your AI. Meanwhile higher jump will be beneficial to you if you're controlling him but not your AI.

Remove the point into stamina increase and put it into the concussion one.

Dunno about your rightside perks because I don't know what weapon you're using or what type of troop it is.
its for the new mg squad
but thanks
I think I would personally go the health golem path and trade 2x vert for 2x sweep, 2x melee, 1x grenade and the jumping and one crawling for 2x medkit speed
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how about now
well its a machine gunner so the recoil is nasty
how valid is giving max healthkit speed and max chance for being knocked down + carrying 4 medkits
seems funny
StG-45(M) only good thing is the fact that the squad can get that and 3 pips of health gained from medpaks.
You will get shot point blank by a bolt action and then revive at full health before he can cycle to bolt.
>tfw i cant make my ruskies look cool becuse meta demands that they have a ugly as shit chestplate
>machine gunner
You might want to think about removing one of the reload speed points and maxing out vertical. I would put the remaining point into the turnspeed perk if you do decide to do that.

Looks good otherwise. If you do experience too much issues with stamina you might have to undo the concussion one and put that point back into stamina or look into roaming around with your melee out and only bringing out the MG right before you engage. A flask would also help.
named my german soldier Vergewaltiger :D
By how much does the reload perk decrease the time?
What the freak? They're not supposed to come available before tomorrow.
My groid. I think you missed a stage.
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>By how much does the reload perk decrease the time?
6% per point so 12% maxed which is nothing to sneeze at. Extremely noticeable without. It's a significant advantage for CQB and allows you better fire output uptime in general, especially for machine gunners.
However my logic for forgoing a point into reload is that getting shots on target through more controllable recoil is more important - the single point in turn-rate spread decrease also accommodates my playstyle because I'm always on the move and usually surrounded. Usually if I'm caught without a full mag I'm either dead and the extra speed won't help me or I have the presence of mind to simply swap to my pistol/alternate primary/melee.

All in all, it's really playstyle preference. You're really weighing 30% vert with 12% reload speed vs 40% vert w/ -12.5% spread after turning.
Both have its upsides and downsides and at this point it's all just minmax sweatfaggotry bullshit.

Best to grab a guy that doesn't have points into any--reload and vert--and have guys ready with both configurations and see which one you like better.
Now that the economy isn't dogshit I find myself having multiple geared up squads ready to go for when I want to change up my line ups.
Opel Blitz should stay as a transport vehicles on the map. We've seen it in dozens of games already
There are dozens that have never seen the light of day in any sort of media
Same now instead of 4 fully kitted German sniper squads I have 7
Almost every match I had today has been full lethargic retards, who seem to just evaporate as soon as an enemy looks at them
is the "wearing chestplates" thing needed? is it eternal meta? can i preform well if i dont use them becuse i dont want my soldiers to look like trashcans? same goes for using rifle grenades as secondary weapon, do i have to? can i have a backpack instead?
it's "meta" for sweats
I'm just going to magdump in someone until they die unregardless
It really doesn’t matter that much 99% of players play sub optimally and there’s no sbmm so you can get away with pretty much anything and still do well
It makes a big difference but it's not that important in the grand scheme of things because it only makes that bug difference in extremely narrow bands. Like within 10 meters against MP 40s, for instance, then again at like 80 meters, it lets you survive an extra bullet to the chest. When you run into someone using the body armour with Vitality, you really feel it, but it's not a game changer since TTK in this game is so fast anyway. It also HAS to be combined with Vitality or it does nothing of value.
>very minor update happens yesterday
>framerate is permafucked regardless of settings
what did they do
>others being br 1
Ouch. How did that go?
When does the current stage end?
Yes that's what I forgot. Voice commands for "Yes" and "No"
Then some soulful voice command taunt
costs 5 gold per use
>metafaggotry in a casual f2p shooter
revalidate your install maybe
*unsheathes 1911*
die, you god damn rat!
*unsheathes auto 5*
That guy talking about secondary GLs at top tier was a retard, you want an autorifle and ammo bags generally
yeah I got excited for a second thinking motorcycles would no longer have comically bad handling, but I guess I will continue to suffer
You can take these guys into battle without any headgear whatsoever.
i went graverobbing
bolt actions can still kill, no suprise here, after i kill someone i take his gun and run with it, then i take the next guy gun, and so on
not sure if bait or sucking your own dick
Major doesn't come here, that's just para
MM being hired was part of a big sweeping attempt by Gaijin as a whole to open themselves up instead of being so secretive and insular. As a community manager, he's inoffensive, but also too tangled up with the community. There's no professional distance between him and his Discord friends and he has streamed with people who were later banned for cheating, which is not the best image to have.
>he has streamed with people who were later banned for cheating
I'm a newfag to the game so I can't tell if he's been a net positive or a net negative. From a surface glance community reception towards him has been so far positive; and he's been active which cannot be said for other games with other community managers darktidelmao.
That being said, streaming with cheaters is highly embarrassing and now puts into question his professional integrity, It wouldn't be the first time a person with a modicum of power abuses it for personal gain and the fact that we even have to question will forever taint his image in a negative light. It isn't super srs, but give an inch to these fucking cheaters...

Time will tell, I suppose.
I don’t know if there was a specific person that he played with regularity that was a cheater so I could be wrong. But the few times I looked at his stream he was open to playing with viewers so it’s possible it could have just been incidental
post a screenshot or its just the hood menu bug the MG45 squad used to get
>tfw my radioman squad for japan is full of krauts
>tfw no heavy tank no5 or stg44s
fucked up
Can't right now.
Select any campaign where they wear the winter hoodie, choose any other torso, the head slot will have nothing equipped by default.
MG squads should be able to build both MG emplacements
why would you want to build the lesser one?
Doesn't overheat as much
already gave up doing the gay points shit, dont really care about the gay knives or swords tbhhh
i want trench coats
I want my game to not frame drop nonstop
>which is nothing to sneeze at
its 0.492 seconds shaved off
MG-39 with 3/4 vert recoil is absolutely god tier
I love this thing
in any other game i would be a melee chad but this game has such shit combat i really couldnt care less
if they arent bald in game thats just the aforementioned menu bug
bro it's just 2 games per day
probably so he can be a cocksucker and put two in the same building
it might be the only german MG that feels better with vert rather than horiz compensation. I have no idea why you think shaving half a second off the reload is worth forgoing 10% or recoil compensation
Camp_Liberator was pretty prolific in the "upper" community that MM, EVA and U45N players inhabit. Major is way too involved with these people to be a trustworthy community manager but it doesn't matter.
>2 games per day
more like 3-4
and im just not that bothered but i will continue playing the game, just not for some event points quota
running into a room with your bolt action and getting into cqc bayonet fights while you pop off rounds between stabs is the most kino shit though
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>community manager
>more like 3-4
More like 6-8 at lower BRs
Most games now are one-sided stomp fests. Either we roll the enemy within 10 minutes with no one getting over 50 kills or the inverse. Not too many games come down to the wire anymore where you can get 100+ kills and 5-7 thousand score within 25-40 minutes. General rule of thumb is if you're getting around 2000 xp per 10 minutes then you're doing well.
Legit doable with the right setup. With a sword plus sprint/run/stam/melee perks. You can out zoom their aim and charge instakill them. Then hack and slash through their bot squadmates.
Queue any ad force wins you should get atleast 4-5k
Join any army has been filling me into shitter teams.
>Play Allies invasion against Germans
>Shitter team gets pushed back to spawn by group queued auto spammers
>Damn Allies suck I guess
>Next game Axis invasion defense vs Soviets
>Team gets its shit kicked in Monastery all the way to the back wall
>Damn Axis suck I guess
>Play Japs vs Allies
>Apparently now the Allies have the competent players and the team gets roflstomped back to the lobby
>Play Soviets
>Win like always because Soviets have the most competent players now
>Don't get too many points because everyone did well
Yeah, it's been rough. I've got to switch up BRs
Br 2 with everyone except allies atm which is br 3 and queue all has been giving me mostly winnable Germany and Japan games. I’m sure the new event squad will shift things around in the coming days
>forget to change para weapons
>uptier myself for no reason
fucking gay
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I think I had it on 4/4 when I made that post lmao
I'm tired
am i able to equip allies paratroopers with whichever weapons i want like the soviets?
there is an art to picking BR lineups across factions so queue all doesnt dump you into dogshit teams every time
noobs are already infecting germ top tier
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>another shitty squad that only servers to put bolties into my matches
The resource isn't updated, does the MG-39 have movement penalty?
why wouldn't it
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>MG-39 have movement penalty?
No. It actually offers a sprint boost like the knife does.
Because the MG-45 doesn't
*less, sorry. It still has a penalty just less.
Which ones?
tell me the secret to winning on br1 allies because it's impossible, it's impossible on br2 also. my teammates are the biggest subhumans to ever walk the planet. i haven't seen a teammate build a rally point in 20 straight games. the first point is gone by the time i finished building my rally. i go to push the enemies back in the beginning, freeing up time and no one takes the time to place a rally. this is mental torture. i have to be getting trolled. it's to the point where i can predict the game going to shit and leave within the first minute, go look at replays and see that it was 10 minute stomp
Reminder that engineers aren’t a default squad and your teammates in low br might not have had a chance to even unlock them yet (and the game doesn’t emphasize their importance)
all mgs have a penalty now
doesnt matter
the secret is that you ARE the team
have fun tovarisch)))
learn how to spot obvious loss games and dip out. desertion is a skill of itself and there is zero punishment.
looking through the event squads(and vehicles) I have unlocked, I guess the best I can do is a BR2 setup for the US/britain faction since that's where most of them are

the hard part was finding a good tank becuase my options are the daimler, M2A4, and M5A1 rhino
i swear they take one or two experienced players and fill the rest with AI and retards. the only outliers so far are when people queue in a group
Grant is mighty
I forgot how much the charleston and austen suck
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>rate my BR V lineup
>using the new mg squad
>jealous muttlet detected
Let soviets fight the fucking japs or i riot
Better off using the truck at top tier as your APC.
soviets destroy japs every time in tech aside from auto rifles, japs are only barely playable right now because mutts are awful
Just keep believing in yourself Misha.
I'm sure your god awful MGs and Bolt Actions will really put the fear of Stalin in the most well rounded faction in the game.
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Well i want a punching bag, hitlers anime pals
>most well rounded faction in the game
>no BR3 fighter or BR5 attacker
Crazy to me that people still don't understand what Gigachad is.
planes should take off from airfields, not spawn in the sky
Yeh and troops should spawn a few miles back
Tanks should have to come straight from the factory, be transported by the players themselves on railways while the enemy team has to disrupt supply lines
Just play foxhole
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this is what it takes to win on allies i guess, just sweating my ass off with a bolt action and some reisings and i barely won
What's the A6M3 you stupid ass slavgroid?
And your IL2++ is not a real BR 5 attacker.
You had more than 2 half decent teammates so it doesnt count
no it doesn't. these retards didn't put any rallies down until the last two points of the game. that other guy's engineer score is from building shit
planes should get whatever their loadout is, and then have to fly to a safe zone to despawn to avoid losing tickets without any midair rearming nonsense
>78 engineer score
the fuck were you building?
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did you get hair
Charlton felt really nice when I picked one up
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I use the truck for I-III. Got a few surprise tank kills in IV-V with it so it's staying put.
The guy sitting looks like the 3rd Doctor
rallies, and i did something epin in the beginning. my shit head team couldn't take the point and there was this field the enemy had to cross to get to the point. on the way there was bushes and a small incline they had to go down. i took my engineer, commando crawled behind the point and massed a bunch of barbwire in the bushes along the entire way so the enemy going to the point got stuck running there. thankfully my team was able to mow some of them down
Jesus Christ. That's 70s movie level of terrible hair styles for a WW2 Setting.
Reminder that if you at any given time jerk off in a heavily armored tank while spamming HE ammunition towards enemy infantry you didn't win the game.
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2 had the shaved look of top left the others all had the style of far right
If I ever get to jerk off in a heavily armored tank, I'm going to take it as a win so fuck you.
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half of my squad is feeling MOTIVATED
>win game for BR1 krauts solely because I kept spawning in the semovente
>at no point did I ever come under enemy cannon fire so I was free to lob my arguably effective APCBC

I wish it got HEAT or HE
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>spam 88 HE into the point
>enemy team tries to ragebomb me
>spam more 88 HE into the next point full of bots
reeee why can i only get a radio/engineer/at combo on one rifle squad
>What's the A6M3
a premium you retard. totally invalidates japan as the "most well rounded faction" when there are gaps like that in the tech tree
and the IL10 is one of the best bombers in the game what are you smoking
lucky, the wavy hair is the only one that doesnt look like shit
>since that's where most of them are
Event squads don't give bonus xp like premium squads do and you can't level up other squads playing them.
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*revives you just before she gets shredded into pieces right infront of you by an MG squad*
>Enemy team calls in two bombing raids in one match
Aha, yes.
There's literally no point in sweating for a shitty team.
Ya know, the Wz. 35 and Shokholov might be gigantic, useless pieces of shit, but man the total lack of accuracy penalty while moving with them is funny as fuck. Using them as obese bolt-action rifles is hilarious.
The real heroes of Enlisted trying to help players grind the event.
This right here. I always stop playing when I see that my teammates cannot build a single spawn point or even get to the objective. Most of them just run towards enemy mg fire anyway. Winning in this game only gives you slightly more squad and research exp. There is literally no reason to start playing like its a fucking tournament.
>Single drop
>4 widdle rockets
Reverse D-Day is better than regular D-Day but wow it's still a fucking nightmare.
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>this set up fucks
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but you sweat just from walking from your chair to the toilet
Is Vert over reload speed a good idea when your ROF is between MG42 and MG45?
reload time on the 39 is pretty fast already and i'd rather have a steady gun
That is the IL-2M
this game has the dumbest player base i've ever seen
6% reload speed is fucking nothing. Reload speed is only worthwhile when it's stacked +24% on Ass IV or if you are using AT weapons and launchers. On the MG 39, you only lose .250 and .5 seconds if you take 6 and 12% respectively. 100% not worth it.
can you lag switch in this game?
it's literally not nothing, fucking melee damage, speed and chance to get downed is worthless
Melee speed stacks with construction speed for Engineers.
the emblem and hair on the mg squad are cool but the gun is so boring
If I were you I'd move those two vitality perks to either +stam or the concussion resistance, whichever you prefer. I actually like the +stam despite the flasks just for longer bursts or charge time.
No, it just makes you swing the hammer faster, it doesn't actually help build time. But it does improve mine laying speed for some reason
Placebo at work I guess. I know it does help with digging though.
>But it does improve mine laying speed for some reason
Does that include the placed TNT charges? Actually kinda helpful if it does.
Lmao retard
Why do you have undermanned squads
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>fucking melee damage, speed is worthless

Where's your motivation?
Some of them are in this thread right now
It looks cool
>Four squads

>APC has four members

>The rest have five

Either commit, or you're gay
I do not see the point of having extra retards that wonder about or start climbing over me when i am trying to build rallys
Alright, drop to 4 then if you don't want soldiers.
I said I don't need more retards meaning 5 is enough retards to suit my purposes.
>APC has four members
also the APC can only have 4 members, you retard.
I can't tell if you are trolling or not. You know you are burning the exact same number of tickets, right? There is a reason that 9 man squads are meta.
If you want to give the enemy a bigger score by giving them more kills then more power to you. I am happy with 5 and do fine. Besides I never run riflemen squads anyway.
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It's apparently leaked that German Axis are getting female squads too.

They're Berlin map only and they don't come with weapons.
>shit bait: the post
go back redditspacer
all me btw

thanks for the (you)s, you all fell for it
>>shit bait: the post
still made a post
ah, the eternally juvenile mind of a /vg/ poster
>hey guys i was being retarded thanks for replying
baited for that exact response

get on my level, or maybe best not to post because you always play right into my hands
what about extra retards that help you capture or hold points? or having extra lives to avoid running back nonstop? if they run around you need to learn how to press X better
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>extra retards that help you capture or hold points
Except they don't. They just just mill about or stand in the way of you covering an entry point or just generlaly let the enemy know where you are. As I said, if you want more that's great, but I am happy with 5.
Do you think they'll ever add revive mechanics?
>oh you've been shot in the head with a AT round
>here let me just wrap this bandage around the gaping hole in the back of your head
>there you go, now get back into the fight soldier!
yeah nah
I just wanted to see if I can make a full event squad loadout
UC, M1A1 paras, welgun paras, austen, and charleston or whatever with an event M2A4

it was horrible, the austen and charleston are god-awful
too much of a code rewrite id imagine, and the criteria to find a revivable teammate would be annoying
>team is so fucking awful we run out of time on sabotage offense with 350 tickets left
felt like a mercy killing. pretty sure one guy was cheating also
Chance to get downed is way better than reload. Weapon swap speed is also super useful on machine gunners since you should be running around with your axe out until you reach combat, then quickly swap to your MG.
i mistyped i meant to say melee damage speed altogether. i wouldn't ever not take weapon swap speed, especially now that everyone should have a pistol equipped. the small amount of reload speed matters, if it doesn't to you then you haven't been playing high speed enough yet
A quarter of a second on a gun that takes 4 seconds to reload barely matters and is basically within a margin of error. Dunno, man, I'd rather have a higher chance to survive being downed on these guys since they can get Vit and 200% restored by medkits.
>rather have a higher chance to survive being downed on these guys since they can get Vit and 200% restored by medkits
this. if you think reload speed is more important than staying alive you are fucking retarded
when will they add gun jamming?
after the trench foot update
I'm tempted to go for the golem route but I can't not try sprint speed at least for a while.
>after the trench foot update
but before the trannime squads
enjoy running like you have sandbags strapped to your calves
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I kinda like this.
I tried out playing them as medkit Golems, but I really felt the lack of ammo.
I am also a pretty bad shot, but the MG feels really good to shoot.

I ran them with the reload speed perks, and was surprised at how fast it reloaded
>I really felt the lack of ammo
you have an engineer who can build you unlimited ammo
When does the event reset again? Today or tomorrow?
That’s not really feasible outside the engineer assaulters who can all do it and still have rifles with four mags by default.
Depends on if by tomorrow you mean in half an hour or 24.5 hours
sounds like you have a skill issue
cool i like people who are into handicapping themselves by not spending all their stat points
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If paradivsion/quadro do lurk here, prove it by mentioning on your next video that the new APC mechanics are broken. ie squad spawns without APC even though the box is ticked, and you can't spawn in your own APC with a APC squad and drive it.
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Fuck you dickflow, you did it again... >:|
We had gun jamming
It was a cool little thing and wasn't obstructive at all
But tryhards cried that it made their bolt reload longer by .01 seconds and that it needed gone
>But it does improve mine laying speed for some reason
Mine bros.. we are so back
>I do not see the point of having extra retards
More retards=more mines and grenades

Would you rather have 9 mines to place around the cap/rally point or 5. Would you rather have 9 nades/mollys/smokes (up to 27 with full nade pouches) to throw around or only 5?
>Tanker squads of BR I in battles I-III and BR III in battles III-V, who find themselves in a fight against the most formidable opponents in terms of BR, will be able to spawn in a "replacement" tank supplied by command when clicking on the additional spawn point located next to the standard one!

>mining rallys
>nade pouches
I don't waste my time with that faggot shit, but you do you. If you need 9 ppl to get done what I can do with 5 then it sounds like you have a skill issue.
Holy fuck. That has to be one of the gayest pandering to retards moves I have seen by any game developer.
New voice command: Need Medkits box
Damn, low tier Allies aren't doing so hot
There are hotkeys to Vote Yes and Vote No. I'm not sure if votes were part of the game before but Votes should be added. Ability to vote kick hackers and trolls, and vote to surrender the match if it's a clear stomp. Maybe add votes to change maps or sides.
It 100% literally does not matter. I am serious, it simply does not matter, that 1 point that gives 5% attack speed does not matter.
Votes for timeouts or to pause the match temporarily if a player has to go afk for a second.
This isn't Dota.
So when will they give Germs actually matching camo options?
Hopefully never, Soviets should get leather jackets for everyone thoughever.
>that 1 point that gives 5% attack speed does not matter.
>Quicker mine placement
>Quicker shovel speed
>Helps your AI insta down enemies up close
Nah the melee perk is underrated
Look I know you're just trying to defend the indefensible because you forgot to allocate the point, but doubling down on your retardedness is not the way out. Many people have pointed out it has other advantages.
>5% quicker mine placement or shovel speed matters
>At all
Deranged. That extra damage also doesn't do anything for AI because a non-bayonet melee strike with a gun only deals 3.5 damage. Adding 25% to that will not make any difference as it only brings it up to 4.4 (rounded up). With bayonets, it... also doesn't do anything as bayonets deal 25 damage, which guarantees a one shot kill in all situations, even against ++Vit. It 100% does not matter, unless you think putting a mine down 5% faster is such a tremendous advantage.
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Way to triple down on your retardedness by using math to try and win an argument about a video game.
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I almost gave a serious response to this.
>That extra damage also doesn't do anything for AI because a non-bayonet melee strike with a gun only deals 3.5 damage
Except that's false. The damage given on both the community resource and the game is wrong. From personal experience bash damage with the perk is enough to one hit down even vit targets.
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i feel like there is a MAJOR gap in customization between germany+allies and russians, japanese are in between but still lame
russians get to change few collours and thats it
japanese get atleast few uniforms
and germans with allies get everything, helmets hats uniforms legwear, its all here and its cool

same goes for pouches medkits and backpacks, they can even customize that wtf man
who am i kidding, japs get shit stuff too
I actually decided to test whacking people with the butt of my gun, and reached two conclusions:
1) It is basically guaranteed to down somebody.
2) Having 25-50% extra melee damage didn't make it kill people more often, it still just downed them.
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I almost care
Japs don't have anything worth buying except for 2 helmets, while Soviets get nice coats and body armor.
I never bothered to check the stats but it felt like non-melee damage perk'd soldier deals like 10-12 damage, which is not enough to down a vitality soldier.
I feel like it deals 10 but I really cannot be sure. If that's the case then you need at least two levels of the perk to make it worthwhile. I bashed a LOT of guys with my Beretta pistols on my San Marco squad as well as a lot of guys from other squads that don't have the melee perk.
Japs just have a lot of shit unavailable for regular guys.
No trench coats. No SNLF customs outside of the Ryukuu, Helmets that don't give helmet bonus, no trouser split.
>22k XP per level on AT II
>15 levels left to max out my German AT II squad
>Each one takes 1k XP more than the last so by the end it will be taking 35k or more XP
I know I have been bitching about this for at least a week but Jesus fuck. I gain a level maybe every 2-3 matches if I am lucky, and that's with the +20% from the hero soldier. With my luck they will add AT III next patch and it will take 2k XP per level. It's not that it's hard or anything, it's basically just a ghetto rifleman squad that can be used to build AT guns occasionally, it's just an absurd grind.

soviet trench coats are usually either in shit collours or they feel very heavy, but yes they are the best part about soviets
its like this for all of them, too!
whats the point in using stuff like smg2/at2/infantry2
you can use better soldiers in worse squads, whats the benefit from the squad???
Well AT2 are the top tier, RM2 have a nice default perk, and ASS2 have a nice perk but probably not worth the -6 perk points compared to ASSIV or the default perk and +3 perk points ASSIII have.
You level up the squad so you can level up the better troop types. Leveling up some squads takes absurd amounts of time, e.g. Flamer 2 and AT 2.
The guy you are talking to thinks humping an ammo crate is riveting gameplay. Running an MG squad with 2 belts only is retarded
No one cares about your parasocial relationships with micro ecelebs dweeb
This is stupid and won't fix the retarded playerbase. They must be out of ideas for what to do with all the morons that play this game
seething tigercucks
Playerbase is too stupid for voting are you out of your mind? It would just be used for griefing exclusively
>feel very heavy
this nigga posting from the ostfront
Literally the opposite. Looking forward to continuing to be disappointed by the Pershing while newfags take a dominant position with their free T2H and I get to go fuck myself repeatedly
>free T2H
>if your opponent uses a BR V tank and your tank is at least 2 BR lower, you will have access to a BR IV tank
one day ill be able to play only map sets i wanna play. like tunisia
you say that like the panther isnt still hilariously strong, especially hull down
>implying you'll get a panther
more like jadgpanzer
uptier from 4 russian to fight 5 russian is hell with the tanks
stupid fucking t34 85 dissolves seing a tiger 2h
same in war thunder honestly
just flank him on the narrowest maps a combined arms game has ever seen bro
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shirtless US pacific customization when?
maybe for a sailor premium squad
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>watch major
>see this
Interesting, merc is trying to get other people support against this place.
Was he really that begrudged that he isn't allowed to aimbot anymore?
fuck off with your eceleb drama you faggot
lol merc is just a regular now along with at least three of their other members
merc they talking shit about you on /gif/ it's in the bmwf thread
Are paratroopers mandatory? What's the best paratrooper squad in the game?
>Are paratroopers mandatory?
Not since they've been nerfed
>What's the best paratrooper squad in the game?
Probably the new Jap premium ones, but all the premium ones are good.
The Soviet ones don't have unique weapons and can use whatever you give them, which is unique and allows them to be used in any BR at the moment.
allies maps are so poorly designed i just can't do it anymore
>MG39 is BR IV
sweet another event weapon i will never use
>can't change the weapons
Oh so actually it's the whole squad i will never use then.
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Well i mean yes.
Started game in May, got the 2 radio event squads, but i can change their weapons.
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i guess eva graduated from using chinese character names "because its funny" to this?
That’s pretty lame
can i join EVA even though i'm a cis male?
Despite calling me a racist chud they still wanted it clear that the tranny wasn’t affiliated with them
the youtuber tranny?
/vg/ should start its own Enlisted clan
What should we call it?
decided, fuck it
I'll make a BR4 setup
throw my VMP and breda PGs and mondragussy into the whole shebang
honestly wasn't bad
NVA - No Virgins Allowed
oh wait...
are ensharted clans only limited to 3 characters
cause if so, ASS
short for autists, spergs, and schizos
i like it
Adolfs Super Spergs
Adolf Shitler's dead zigger Storage
Is BR3 the sweet spot?
yes, you're a fag if you go above that
Event/premium weapons that don't have unique weapons is a pretty new thing. So far it is only a thing with
>Soviet Paras
>event rocket radio squads
>They paid money to do that
Tooya did help me finish my event yesterday in Stalingrad though
So I'm happy with that
>are ensharted clans only limited to 3 characters
Dang I would have voted for CHUD. I haven't figured out what is stands for yet.
Can I buy it from you?
Fucking lol he's actually mad, that tells me all I need to know. The faggot actually lurks here and cries about us because we had the nerve to catch his aimbotting. This also means all the little cocksuckers who came out of the woodwork to run defence for him were either his friends or he himself.
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if your first instinct is to laugh at this pic then you might be a chud
I think the only AI image I have laughed at is the stuff making fun of the Australia breakdancing woman at the Olympics.
Not even the indian portapotty race?
Nah, those are just unpleasant, and using AI (which pajeets worship and adore) to mock them feels antithetical for some reason. The fact that AI stuff always looks disgustingly like itself will always be a barrier for enjoyment, which is why the weird fucked up videos of the Australian breakdancer twisting around can be funny, because half the joke is that the AI has no idea what to do.
What a seething little faggot
I like that the helper said his videos were just a bug with the replay
But when PerpetualAnglo got smacked the video of him we had for evidence was just as snappy
And lukamuds, and Camp_Liberator. Kinda crazy how the common replay bug only happens in the replays of cheaters.
It was funny stacking against Anglo and Oranges, they would just leave because they would have to be too obvious with the cheating to win
I'm still laughing here and there at how much shit Anglo would talk to us when we were on his team and he'd just farm kills and otherwise be incredibly unhelpful
Nobody is cheating until after they are banned, then it was obvious all along.

I like the soldier just casually looking around whilst shredding vehicles with the .50
>American jeep
>Shoots down american plane
amazed at that realism
reminder to remove your bayonets from your rifles
i do when selling. any other reason?
causes slight horizontal sway
and lose my ability to stab people? I think not
holy fuck the at rifles can at least double kill people
no it doesnt
yes it does
I've gotten three in one a couple times. One of the most hilarious things you can do in this game is post up with the Jap AT rifle in a bush or a watchtower and just start blasting.
prove it
i would prefer not to
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>its another baby-tier troll by the threads resident autist episode
>overused reaction pics
>talks like a redditor
>thinks like a redditor
They better give the Rocket Arty strike to AT squads. That PoS is so fucking situational I will never spawn the radio squad to call it but I might already be spawned with my AT squad when I want to call it.
insta leave

>that shit game mode where you have to capture two points at the time
insta leave

>having to play any kind of defense
insta leave

>pacific map
insta leave

>any map that's just an open field
insta leave
>more than 2 console icons in team
>more than 2 bugman hieroglyphs in enemy team
>game already underway
Conquest is fun.
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I urge you to reconsider
>anyone speaks spanish
insta leave

>enemies already taking point before i build rally
insta leave
yous the type of nigger to brag about your 90% win ratio
>need enemy coordinates
insta leave
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mod or found in files(coming to enlisted)?
presumably a war thunder mod
All chat and in-game VoIP when?
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there is something seriously going wrong with match making. every single game, literally every single game is a stomp. it's baffling. these people on my team are like bots tuned way down. how do you explain this shit? literally every single fucking game is more or less exactly like this. what the FUCK is going on with these nigger subhumans in latvia, slavic fucking garbage
>300% booster
Yeeeah these boosters are wasted in 10 minute stomps regardless of which side you're on. The enemy, team despite rolling over your team in 10 minutes, with the highest scoring player was only at 1300.
i would have left in the first minute if i didn't have the booster, i knew it was over, you can tell when the entire team went go one point and weren't able to capture it while i was fighting half the enemy team off solo at the other point. the stomp ended up being so much worse than i knew it would be
back to grinding
graverobbing is unironically fun
>he plays without sprint speed
fucking how it feels so slow
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same here when playing as uk/usa
playing as germany is way easier
its probably due to allies being unpopular - only a handful of dipshits are playing
im holding BR1 artificially, while researching all 2nd tier techs, and usually end up losing the game
try taking note of the difference in scores between the top 3, and the rest of the team
not going to say its every game, but its not unusual for allies to end up with 3 players who earn 70% of total score
the germans/japan usually have a more lean "score curve" between players
imo allies are not popular due to shit low tier weapons - smgs have shit sights, rifles' sights are even worse, mgs have a top loaded clip that makes them annoying to use because of low visibility when aiming
Do the soldiers themselves from BR 2 (or higher) squads have any inherent special bonus to them? Should I start cannibalizing my old squads for max level soldiers of the various classes to mix into my new BR 2 squads?
Allies are the only faction I’ve been completely content leaving at br3 of all places. All the other factions I stick to br 2 or swap between brs. It does help that all of the allies iconic weapons are br3 anyway
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Yes, we won this game lmao.
I lost track of the event, will it reset tomorrow, or on Monday?
it reset today
>New event and premium preorders
>Its partisan/volksturm with captured weapons
Fixed equips too from what I heard so its MP-40 for slavs and PPS for Nazis
The latvians aren't responsible for the game being populated with the dumbest people on the planet
>its probably due to allies being unpopular
It's literally the opposite. Allies are the default faction picked by console babies and other children. Every ww2 game is like this
>making shit up
Don't forget the assault engineers
AT Rifle squads were the first ones.
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I wish
>Double BR2 Volksturm Prem set up
Where did you get this from?
It would be cool if they can resupply from both friendly and enemy supply boxes. I assume thats gonna be their specialty
par for the course with this game
I've wanted partisans for a long time but recycling weapons from the enemy tech tree and charging money for it is bullshit. These should be minor/medium event rewards at best
I mean they used to charge for Owen and Johnsons in undermanned squads with no engie.
I'm calling it right now, this is the new class and their gimmick is that they can use items from a different factions item pool so newer players can main one faction and then use some of that gear while leveling a new faction.
It coincides perfectly with this seemingly random welfare tank aimed at helping people who have holes in their roster.
I doubt it. Unless it's like paratroopers and it will be purely an event/prem set up I doubt they would go full hog and let people not grind other nations for OP shit. Plus it will make balance a pain.
To me this feels just a gimmick like the Panther M10.
If not fake what can be the US / Japanese equivalent ?
I don't think the balance would be that bad. The squads will probably be 4 not-assaulters and an engineer. It wouldn't be meta at top tier to have some AS-44s on Germany or StGs on Soviets. Even if you include gold order weapons it wouldn't be worth doing over a progression squad.
Okinawan citizens and more Marine Raiders.
OSS/SAS backed Partisans
The Azat Hind/Indonesian Rebels
Those were exclusive in the campaigns they were in at least, and were added well before the pacific iirc, it's not quite the same.
Guy already said they have fixed equipment
I called it chuds.
How? People have been saying this is a logical addition for years
do you have a link to statistics, or is it what your "guts are telling you"?
i havent played as soviets, but i never had to wait a minute to join a game as germany
The German in the front has an eyepatch
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Dirlewanger Brigade when?
Get new material
Nice catch. He might be the first German event/premium hero troop.
>br2 volksturm
fuckin why, garbage decision
just give them ppd 40s and put them at 4 or something
partisan mechanics won't work in this game it's far too fast paced what can they even do? act like tf2 spy?
Spawn on enemy rallies. Now your team shittines won't matter.
that would be so annoying
Especially since I AP mine my own.
Maybe not on eNemy rallies but they may have their own "spawn point" on the flank of the map or out of the grey zone.
Can't wait to send my Volksturm in Moscow.
the best home guard is a foreign offensive
>German"partisans" Berlin / Ardennes
>German ""partisans" Moscow / Stalingrad / Rzhev / Normandy
>German ""partisans" Tunisia
Arabische Legion
takes three extra seconds to mine a rally after you build it
>yugo partisans with cute yugo girls
>french partisans with parisian girls
>japanese partisans with cute japanese girls
we're so back
it's obvious which anons have never had sex
You already can
I am nearly at Year 3 virgin swords.
that's kinda hot
mini event when
>only 1 event
>no mini event
the game is so dead vros.....
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green eyes = lawful ruler of everything
I knew Enlisted had Italians but I didn't know they added Sicilians too.
why am i in br2-5 queue, i only have br3 equipment equipped
not enough BR3 players
the thompson is actually terrible lmao. i see now, the allies are the most gimped faction
The M1, M1A1 and M21/28 are all good guns. The M1928A1 is bad.
My 4 armies are BR3 but for the Japanese and the US the game always send me to BR2-5.
i finally get it now. it all makes sense. shitter garbage players were camping low br for easy wins because shitter germans and nips get stomped by allies outside of br1
both or just the drum mag?
Both are pretty bad. The box mag has crazy DPS for its tier but its jittery horizontal recoil makes it very annoying to use, unless they changed that. The drum Thompson is also really unremarkable for such a high BR gun
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>there are people itt who lose to br2 germany
I'd prefer a Lanchester over the M1A1 Tommy
>best gun in ww2
>it's a huge piece of shit in enlisted
anti american bias obsession
betcha if they changed its firing sound it'd be a 10/10 gun
But the MG-34 is great?
it would still be shit. this game's balance is awful. why not just have soviets with the best smgs, germans with the best machine guns and allies with the best semi autos. there's no need for all this autistic parity that ends up making comical design bullshit such as the m1 garand being one of the worst rifles in the game
But the M1 Garand is the second best BR3 rifle
Nah the M2 Carbine is still great.
can you name 3 semi-auto tech tree rifles ingame better than the M1 garand
Zh-29, SVT-40
Those are both higher BR than the M1 Garand
So we are all in agreement partisan is the new class then, right?
they are mostly samey because over balance. the svt-38 out classes the m1 with higher magazine capacity, faster reload and the iron sights make precision shots far easier. i don't know what the stats are, but i cannot for the life of me hit long range precision shots with the m1 whereas the svt-38 is simple. the g41 i have no idea
frankly semi autos suck cock anyway. it's so fucking lame seeing everyone always drop to the ground, not dead and needing to finish them off. semi autos should be as powerful as bolt actions, fuck it, who cares. smgs and mgs are already overpowered spray cannons that instantly delete you
>cant even get 60 fps in the menu
>was playing on ultra before the most recent updates
menu fps doesn't matter, what is it in game
it flickers between 60 and 55 nonstop and freezes for 0.1 seconds every second the whole time
what is a drop tank, is it shit?
It's shit
Garand's extra damage over SVT-38 doesn't do shit, I still need to spend 2 bullets most of the time, because nobody fucking dies from the first.
I haven't seen any reports of the Thompson doing particularly well in battle, come to think of it

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