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Male midlanders, rise!

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

Previous: >>494619537
Sex with catgirls
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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I don't find Miqo'tes sexy. They're basically like.
same but thighlanders
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no they're not
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What is next for this genius?
Will I be safe if I only drink femra piss?
So you're homosexual?
they smell like pee
8.0 and 9.0
Which body mod do I use to play as a BBW?
Where are the rapeable goonmeat characters?
Dan's posts are hot as fuck. You're just jaded.
The firing squad hopefully
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Anastasiya Medvedeva my bottom heavy analwife
Make one good post I dare you.
that's my frothgal actually
I'm looking at one right now. Hello kitten, how about you open that cute little mouth of yours and puff for your malera daddy.
She needs more nudes or her femra
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so fucking true. every time i see her tweets they always hit the nail on the head. louder for the f*cking people in the back yall.
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Middiewaffen! Roll out!
They're pretty hot but they all just kind of blur together into the same bubbly sorority girl for me I really struggle telling them apart unless they have a blatant gimmick
that's my fault, sorry
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To that anon who wanted more bloonies in the last thread, I am one but I will not post my character here
There's a good amount on twitter, but agreed
Post one good rapebeast I dare you
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stop posting twitter faggots
qrd on kot
What's the best pregnant body mod?
Thanks friends,got my cosplay set up
Honestly? Raen just look stupid.
I feel bad for the guy. He obviously got forced into the role with a skeleton crew. Still kinda hate him for Wuk tho.
Rue+ with customize
Riderthicc bodies
yes, femras purify anything liquid they drink
agreed but Xaela look even worse
stupidly breedable yeah

>the one ranged DD player who has to stand as far away as possible
Just know that I hate you
It's so wild how they're trying to divert the matter so hard
Kate deflection squad hard at work I see.
I don't think about you at all.
You've identified their appeal successfully.
Female Raen are my favorite. Or Xaela. I'm not sure.
If you don’t like the current state of FFXIV, you’re a pedophile. Stop complaining about the game. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe. No one wants to hear your “discourse” (read: whining). The rest of us are fine with the game as-is.
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Yep, I'm thinking Pixies are based.
no, it needs to be applied topically
after much autistic handdrawing i have finally given my frothgal hair highlights
that is all
please post femlalas
arthars and xenos? i agree sis
Thread bike status?
No you'll skinwalk her
It's almost like they have shit to hide.
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ZAMN, Akemi looks like that?!
the stranger part is people actually liking sfia enough to bother trying to go down this content goblin route
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mine is like this
Raen femra are superior to Xaela. But Xaela malera are superior to Raen.
Thinking about heading over to balmung to start gassing up a shy lalaboy for a plap
Doing Aglaia for the first time and will be wiping everyone due to my incompetence on reaper
Too far for AoE heals? Too far for spot healing :)
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i wish i had a meatpuppet to abuse like Valens did
Decommissioned due to lack of use
whats RWF
I won't, I just like seeing cute femlalas...
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idk which colour to go with though
why the fucking steaming
why do they always have that too
rape smog
No way xaela are just dumb Mongolian brutes
if you manage to wipe everyone in an alliance raid as a DPS, I will worship the ground you walk on.
yeah desolance was right all along but all you parasocial retards denounced him so fast
erotic musk
so wrong it hurts. maleraen are cuter than little suns and femxaela are better than cumscales.
Rival Wings Fridays in the PvPcords.
there is no way you'll be wiping the entire raid
cute lala though would headpat
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stop being a stupid fucking nigger retard
there is a team of writers at CBU3
they all failed together
uh oh hiroi melty
I wish I actually enjoyed playing female characters, but I always default back to male eventually
the chest andshoulder fur having highlights makes it look goofy...I'm sorry
Deep down thats what women and pretend women want. They want big black and brown unga bunga bulls to carry them over their shoulder.
Lolorito sends his regards
do people actually like this or is this a mare-shitpost? I can't tell
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yeah, we slopping out here
>unironic hiroi supporters
this general really does have it all
havent done any alliance raids other than crystal tower due to moving a few years ago, unsure what to expect
If I made ugly troon-coded toons like that I'd stick with Juan Fantasia too sis.
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my moonie steals my fcs subs and looks like this
>cute biohole likes me
>but her character is a modbeast that somehow looks worse than vanilla
What do I do bros
If they don't press buttons and you see scales, it's easy to wipe everyone there
stop being nuanced, we don't do that here

that's part of vanilla textures, which i can disable with ease if i go for a bright colour like that
bros I have a very important decision to make
Chocolate cake(double chocolate) or strawberry trifle??
I do miss this femlala at times but I enjoy being tall too much...
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Mabinogi is better
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>somehow looks worse than vanilla
that's the majority of modbeasts
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i love cats so much it's unreal bros
Dawntrail is bad and the fault lies with Naoki Yoshida
if your first thought when a woman shows interest in you is "but your video game character is ugly :(" you're fucking doomed.
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The best MMO.
The most amount of content.
The finest plaps.
It lets you play other games.

Yep, it’s official: if you dislike anything about Final Fantasy XIV, you’re a schizophrenic, a pedophile, or you’re from the Philippines. You agree with this.
Why aren't you tagging people as Scholar? Literally easiest way to score kills on frontlines.
I will not fall for this appalcord psyop
And yet you can't leave this place.
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
everything got obsolete and powercrept to hell when gunner released
why be a tank when you have 2 dodges with no cooldown
why be an archer when the gunner does more damage without having to wait 2 seconds a shot
why be a monk or other dps when the gunner does more damage
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flat cats are almost as cute as flatra
I agree honestly, bosses who refuse to take responsibility for their projects are worse than garbage. Still should shunt Hiroi off msq, have him do some low stakes bullshit like beast tribes.
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I'll see if I can purchase any spare parts.
fuck that anon, what really matters is are you interested in her. who gives a shit what your characters look like its if you enjoy spending time with her. Just forgo the 'tism this once
nobody likes male miqo'te
literally the most boring way to play frontline
give me
How flat are we talking and am I in there?
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I met my eb a few months ago and I'm already sick of him
>supply increases
>price drops
ad expected of a moonie. wildwoods are right in exterminating your kind
strawberry if F, double chocolate if M/F+
Every single FFXIV player likes this

how this make you feel white boy
I blame all the idiots who keep playing this game
>brag and tell everyone about your secret money maker
i like them
I like male miqo my EB is one we are both moonies
my eb's insecurity pushed me away
want to contribute to the smell of another catgirl?
Hey that "hand of mercy" ain't grinding itself.
Hang out with her, praise her as she slowly de-modbeasts. Women (and Jews) have defective aesthetic senses, they can’t help themselves.
Man, I'd never buy that shit mount unless voucher prices crash down to like 1k a pop
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cis women act like this
how many do you need to get the flying squirrel
if you have a dick like that you wouldnt be modelling one in a videogame tiny cock
you guys wouldnt actually rape a male moonies... right?
sch is horrible for hand of mercy
4m damage for a 1/0/70 stat line
reminder that the term sunning rock is actually a derogatory term for the fremra that moved the bench and caused us to have this tumbleweed mickey mouse shit were people are broken into small fiefdoms of clique kingdoms instead of a large overpowering group of people.
if you ever get mad at the hiarchy and how people will crashout and tard out on who and what you hang with for certain people, you have the sunning rock femra group to think. at the bench it was a meeting gound where people had to get along with eachother from all walks of life as we were one banner. (you) all are fragmented and will crashout if Sally talks to Molley about Veronica's girlfriend Sakura.
>"youre separating yourself from us, loser so youre part of the problem"
I never left uldah, im still there.
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
bisexual gems are not a secret money maker
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nice post pajeet
talk about her bob and vagene next
Permanently afflicting anons with mini and keeping them as pets!
I have a flatra and flat fiddie folder too
Not too flat there is boobie there and yes you probably are in there
They are the second funniest posters in the thread. But they do have trouble standing out to my femlala like malera or lalaboys do… just kind of all have the same dark brown skin, open black shirt look.
Where can I find ultimate pf pastebins?
I just stepped out of a game for like 10/3/50. Scholar is NOT bad for hand of mercy grind.
Nobody unironically likes face 4 moonies
Finally, a solution to the groomer menace
That's a weird way to spell characters
i will crawl into your anus, cast esuna and tear your body apart growing bigger
>They are the second funniest posters in the thread.
yeah catboy hands wrote this post
>no description of whats in the EXTERNAL LINK
>people here unironically link lolishit

no thanks, i wont click that.
pld whm ast sge brd pct are boringer tbhdesuwa
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This is the content patrol! Post what you're doing now or I'm going to take you down!
It's not and I'm not falling for this tactic.
depends on the catgirl...
what do you think, man?
it's a black futa about to take a shit on a "dog" girl
Whats the ratio of sunnies to moonies in this?
>being canadian/australian
my condolences
And nobody should, they're probably the worst male race with the worst players
try the lakeland hood of fending, the mask looks more appropriate and it will let you use a long hairstyle for the back
I'm jorking it to someone at the lb14 bench
That's part of the appeal. Stupid, autistic idiots you can just pick up from the street and use to your heart's content.
10 kills isn't a lot compared to what you can get on jobs like drg nin or mch
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so have i but thats the exception, not the rule, the job is designed to have no burst
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wife material
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It's a shame, cause I think this femlala is nice looking. But I understand, I too miss having longer legs at times.
Trying to wake up after a bad night's sleep except now its almost 1830 so thinking about grabbing something to eat...
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I pet you hard.
Your response?
that's not flat retard
please don't post this shitskin spic

you clearly never played the game in any serious capacity
I am roleplaying a wholesome Fu/F morning blowjob scene!
Do you use this folder for nefarious things? I hope I'm in it
Can you really get arrested just for clicking an unassuming link though? Pretty sure in the US if it's posted in a public place you only get the v& if you're downloading/uploading it. Or else nearly everyone who has browsed 4chan at some point would have been arrested for catching a stray pizza
I think malera are the funniest posters tho?
But I really like my f3mraen...............................
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oh Valens is going to have fun with her later
lucky man
I don't like loli wither but you're being a bitch. Unless you live in a cuck country, then get the fuck off 4chan retard.
ayo NICE clipping blank
*swipes my finger across ur underboob*
I plap you hard.
You don't get to respond.
Whenever I'm close to Urianger I get a little moist.
You aren't making it in past my plug, that strategy won't work! Now calm down and let's go have a tea party with my wind-up minions!
>not too flat, there is boobie there
>anon posts A cup, the smallest cup
>"that's not flat"
uhmmmm sweaty?
Thanks! Maybe my old main will fanta to her again sometime.
flat means flat, retard. not small boob
Nice B-
i played back when they demoed the gunner class in a event like 10 fucking years ago now you filthy fucking zoomer
i remember every class hating the release of that dual pistol class it was so fucked
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Thirdies were a mistake.
Why is this image giving me Vietnam flashbacks
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If we’re counting hrothgar as human, they easily win in both categories
>reaper starter gear literally means "guy" in russian
in America you can catch a stray if its on top of another crime (you are torrenting or watching licensed content from an unauthorized streaming site and a loli ad is on the site)
Her sweater is protruding because of her tits. That is not flat, retard
Clicking on the link could count as receiving it but there isn’t an FBI agent sitting around waiting for you to open a catbox link on /vg/. That would be extremely inefficient.
Forevially tabletop decor
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>sora chan in the qs
>trying to erp and finding no one
no response, this lalafell has already melted into a pile of girlmush
Go back to your pedo site with the rest of your ilk.
>You cast Star Prism.
>Critical direct hit! Bahamut Prime takes 766936 damage.
If the fbi wants to pump their numbers after doing nothing but fuck around on their phones for 9 months, they can arrest you for whatever, and you can have fun explaining it all to a jury or a judge.
small =/= flat
>Do you use this folder for nefarious things? I hope I'm in it
gooning? yeah
If you find underage 2D characters attractive that is a problem and you are not well. This isn’t a hard concept to understand anons
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except gunner wasn't meta even on release, elemental reforge lance charge was the best way to play the game and all gunner did was give you more str to play lance better or int to play mage better
you are nothing to me
My femlala becomes unresponsive due to shock and can only be saved by you flashing an EB ring.
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Beast tribes and starting my island sanctuary.
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It is the time of day to do content.
good morning xivg i hope you’re all having a nice day so far
Moonies are some of the best and most reliable Wood Wailers and Adders though.
Your flat fiera folder?
Spotted the anons that don’t go to other boards.
what content
I want that job
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I like them
>gunner apologist
>I don't like loli either but you're being a bitch
>go back to your pedo site
Lmao retard
Will look forward to that day when it does.
Sis, you're being racist again...
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I look on market boards
Buy burgers
Go to parties
Pretend to be staff
Sell burgers at 400% market price
Lots of profit
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flat must be flat
and this isnt even the flattest
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Sounds like your asking me to post Ryne again, nonny.
>retard saying stupid shit about other retards
Yeah ok. *Level 3 Mist Finers you in the corner*
bro cracked the code
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what was the point of this whole graphical update with high quality gear materials if they still become cheap plastic when you dye them
the dye system is still a disaster and won't ever get better
bitch needs to drink some damn milk theres nothing there
>anon learns what a business is
It's lacking. They are mostly big boob havers
The rerunnable content.
Roulettes while waiting for my EB to log in, then continuing an RP we've been doing for a few months.
me as the catboy
so I looked these up but a ton of stuff comes up
which ones should I download?
sorry I'm new to XIV modding this is my first time looking through the mod site
not really, I think the game was ruined far before gunner, the whole combat overhaul with fighter/g16 is what sucked the life out of the game which was years and years prior, personally I was autistic and only played alchemist
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Yeah it'd just be me and one that other person who rarely posts, I guess...
use metallic dyes, dipshit.
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it's enough >:(
>ARR gear still looks like shit because it's not upgraded yet
>is going to continue to look like shit afterwards too
NO i will NOT be built for your MELF
young man you shouldn't be wearing girls clothes
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It's an honest business too.
I'm stealing RPer money
I hate that child
yep that's a wife
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damn why didn't i think of that
cheap chrome paint looks so good in this game
we call them mooncoons
there's a few mods that added the new shaders to old AF sets and they look so much better just with that simple change
I'm not even logged in
Hello ma'am, may I plap?
uooohh LT <3
I got 3 lines 3 times so far, I love her
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>Game is at its weakest for retention
>anons trying to wisk people away to shittier MMOs
filter by mod type when searching, always helps (body mods in this case)
the other stuff you see are usually outfits modelled around that body
customize+ is an ingame plugin to manually change your body proportions
Happy to see someone treating you nicely!
stop saying flat when you mean small
NTA, I'm at somewhere around 7-8 over the years, I lost track.
Like I'd believe a bunch of tards on 4chan when it comes to the law, where at least 1 of you is a yuropoor that just wants to shit on America for nothing. Lmao
Stay OBESED yuropoors
Just had to heal a lala DRK through a DT dungeon and where they never used TBN I want to fucking kill myself.
Buy an ad, tranny.
bro stop spamming
grab it quick, will be mass reported and taken down
you WILL listen to a man faking a woman's voice faking a hispanic accent and you WILL BE HAPPY
Cool it with antisemitic remarks, anon.
I think the “lowlander” posters groomed themselves into liking that garbage and only keep at it for the taboo aspect. The mods themselves look like complete dogshit.
>ryona cat is a coal burner
well theres my mistake for liking her
Have children
because you picked plastic grey color as your dye idiot
>Buy an ad
What does this mean
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Mommmmm nonny is mad about fictional characters again
do bri ish people really?
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wanting to die
This is okay gil but most gil making methods in this game is akin to grinding for 50 cents an hour. Just buy gil if you need a lot of it.
disgusting, and i retract my prior interest in messaging you for something fun
I genuinely hope more people leave
preferably a lot of people who started ShB or later
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shan't be saving this because you are schizoing me ITT for the last few weeks
Small is flat you tard. The only actual flat "women" in real life either had a mastectomy, literal prepubescent children, or men. A cup is flat, it's been used colloquially as flat since the beginning of the term flat.
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I admitted to killing trash with EROGROS, everything else was a fabrication made up by fags like you.
dropped faster than me picking up a hot potato in 2007
We aren't talking about real women dickshit. We're talking about fictional characters who can be truly flat.
We know Kyoppi
this blacked cringe shit always pops up during prime euro hours
How much dps do the cards actually contribute to an AST's overall damage? Im sure theres charts for this.
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nice work, keep it up.
i am a meena
who just woke up
with morning wood
it sucks so much because i think that basic "shirt" model that has like 20 variants could look really nice with just a new texture but you know they won't ever touch it because that requires WORK
you are either baiting or just retarded, why does metal turn into plastic instead of staying metallic?
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I enjoy knowing you care tho…
>I only posted the stuff it's okay to admit to :)
Sure thing. Your story is so believable.
I fucking hate square for doing Shared Fates. Regret not doing this shit in Shb. Even with almost fully loaded BLU this shit is annoying.
>fetish that is known for degradation and abuse goes for the number one aspect of abuse and degradation aspect of it.
anon learns a lesson today, remember next time anon, if shes down for getting abused shes ALWAYS down for raceplay.
small is small
flat is flat
i don't care what you "colloquially" misuse, they are different things entirely
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Post Lalafells
I am not kyoppi
do you ever tire of defending yourself day after day of accusations and identity posts from up to 10 years ago
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my moonie drives in this
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Not my fault you are attracted to men, children, and cancer patients anon.
dyes themselves are materials
when you dye something, you REPLACE itself MATERIAL SURFACE with another
Did you want a healer or tank que?
they call him the coupe
We know Abe
>admitted to killing trash
And for that reason ill have a little bit less respect for you, thats where I found the good shit and a couple of nice anons
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>Yes I love this cat
>Lemme lewd, lemme sniff
>Poses with (uno) (1) golem with a cock with darker skin
>I don't like them anymore.
Incorrect sir I love all moonies of all flavours.
are you a moonie perchance?
Palmraping my goonstick to femlalas
lalaboy for kissing, holding hands, picking him up and spinning him round to see a smile on his happy face, gay stuff
Surprised this hasnt been taken down. I'll have to inform the staff so they can remove this hateful chud mod.
The attention-hungry will go for anyone, this has been proven multiple times in the past week. If someone is desperately trying to get people to plap them then they won't have high standards (or any standards)
I am
a femra on crystal
that can't tell whether she can call herself a flatra or not
thank you anon
I'll post back once I get it all set up
sure what world/dc
lmao get fucked
yfw i picked a nigger on purpose to piss off the chuds
god dammit
nah im unironically racist just thought it was funny
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post chest
I, a card carrying member of the IBTC, will be the judge.
One exists in reality, the other doesn't, so yes small is flat. Get fucked retard
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You know the guy who owns xma is from here right?
oh brother not this freak
>anon is a "flat is justice kind of sperg"
>he will actually go off on an autistic sunsearing meltie if a cuntboy had intrests in him and call it gay.
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Macchi I know its you making the we like this posts and the thread celebrity ones. Remake this with them and you and I will forgive everything you've ever done.
are you
>Keep getting namedropped ITT when I'm offline
>Name went from like 10 results to like 100+ in a few days
I love the attention so much even if it's negative...Negative publicity is still publicity uwu
Well this character is ruined
not me, I don't want people to leave I like this game being alive and growing, I want new players to stop being faggots normalizing cheating and acting like xiv/xivg is twitter
This nigga spent time of his life to """own""" the chuds. We know you got your dick hard creating it lol lmao
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Yeah but I just woke up from a nap.
I hugged my wife and that guy sent me a tell asking me why I was touching people.
>*pokes your lalafel crush with an extension cord, which electrocutes her with great white flashes that illuminate her skeleton until she is charred black and smoking*
>bringing up reality when discussing fiction
you will never be flat, smalltard
No I wouldn't. I would just magickally transition the cuntboy into a flat girl :)
There is no actual magic. It's just gaslighting and making him use female pronouns and a girlier voice
we know you think this way, zolzayaa
Who actually likes cuntboys tho? Gay dudes all too familiar with the messy reality of anal sex?
no I just like them You didn't say no so you must be a moonies
here's what you need for customize+ in case you're not familiar with custom plugin repos
have fun anon
I didn't know that my friend (this rabbit) had a wife
wait until you find out im gay and have no sexual interest in catgirls uh oh
for me it was getting namedropped like 5 times in a week long window because i was busy for a few days and didn't log on
naizuri from this 'zen
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what are you stopping me for?
Nevermind Jhazda I found someone who lies worse than you >>494642826
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I wanted to make and post a new one but game is being a fuck right now and I'm trying to fix it so you must accept a repost
Crystal/ Brynhildr
You will keep a civil tongue in your head when discussing hardworking and loyal Gridanian citizens. I don't even use that appellation for Couerlclaws, because the only thing I have to say to poachers is "perish" and the only thing I have to say about poachers is "I caused them to perish."
Look, I just want to see this cat happy and loved. I don't care what colour the skin of her lover is, it's not going to be me either way.
That's even more pathetic. Why not spend some time with your friends or family.
Asking again.
Is Diadem worth doing or should I just stick to grinding leves for crafting/gathering jobs?
smooching this moonie before hand holding for the next 5 hours
moonie stocks have crashed and plummeted
>I want new players to stop being faggots normalizing cheating
man it's getting really bad now in TOP PFs
and making a no-AM party is impossible because of how accepted it is
Based wholesome anon
okay nigga turn the computer off and do the same
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Man, fray is pretty based. I wish I could be as based him and say that. Fuck NPCs.
just got a tell from a gm and wiped my pf because it startled me bros
NEET/WFH/office hours suck
my bad gang
We don't claim race tourists.
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Zolzaaya Noykin or however the fuck your gay name is spelled, you're not getting unblacklisted. Go back to seething and posing with golems, futranny.
they are actually a hard extreme for people who like the male form but hate dick.
pretty much the opposite of futanari.
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Thanks. None of them have married me yet but I have many prospective wives.
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alright bwo
>I wish I could be as based him and say that.
I'm spending time with my husband right now. I'm phoneposting while he pops us popcorn and then we're going to watch Bojack Horseman
I fulfill their requests and they let me call them what I please.
i really wish people would stop posting as me or posting about me or making me look stupid by replying to posts about me as if they were me
t. suncat
I will continue to /pet you then.
Wahoo'day, cunt
and yet sunnie stocks will never crash despite having the absolute worst people in that race
Hmmm, I think I will use the 2b bottoms in my glamour.
I simply don't pf because I can't stand it, back in stormblood your ass would've gotten clowned so hard for the shit people have normalized nowadays it's ridiculous
i misread moonie stocks as moonie socks and now im jerking off
Melten Nogud
I'll bee your one and only cham-pee-on
>says all this shit
>looks at your gettup and job
no self respecting Gridanian would even touch "red" magic
youre a Ishgardian larping as one of our own, go and impregnate a lowborn back at the brume and leave us to our business.
Yeah he felt like one of the only realistic character in this game when everyone else is sunshine and friendship
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Hmmm I think I will jizz my pants when I see you
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what's it being replaced with, though
are the lines better?
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Once you go black, we don't want you back.
>make fights harder
>people cheat to clear harder content
>SE doesn’t actually do anything to punish people
>cheaters are rampant in high end content
Hmmm almost like pussy stances like “prease no use prugins” doesn’t actually work. If only there was an anti cheat in this game to help fix the problem
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Forgot the picture.
That's impossible, nobody likes femroes.
Anon she literally is (you) and all the things you are railroaded out of saying and doing
You really going to post this image and not follow up with more ryne in heels?
hey girl i bet your big stupid nose looks great covered in cum
The other language versions. So instead of English you can pick Japanese/French/German
nta but i love femroes
Sometimes they have a very cute and feminine manly face and I like that
it's actually insane that he still manages to get the occasional plap despite horrible reviews from almost everyone who's ever interacted with him
You know they arent checking mods being uploaded manually 24/7 right?
I forgot what the heels mod was called i need to reinstall it
Glubmorning sexchen plapgud
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Now I understand this place really is cooked
No, it isn't. The idea that bad attention is still attention hasn't been smart marketing for decades, why the fuck do you think every product that tries it flops harder than a moonie onto a cock?
I literally know the owner, fuck off lol
catching this moonie and petting nonstop
you guys keep saying this but they look fine to me
Im sure the anon obsessed with high heels will pop out of nowhere and link them, i wonder if that guy sleeps
you have poemc@ and the femezen plus nearly any miera here why are you not satisfied?
I think I'll pose my Femlala sucking black cock today
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mental illness kino
single-handedly funding your video game
Like your addled brain, Unloved Negro?
That's a sun cat.
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what plugin is this
I'd like to PF to help people clear but can't stomach it when they go this hard on cheating
and yeah SB this would've been a laughing stock, even though back then it was already sorta starting with Nael and Titan triggers
Cheats don't tell you have to resolve in Savage.
Thanks for the update
i am
a gay hrothgar
Didn’t a bunch of homos/Jews give a lot of negative hype to wukong?
my sunnie is a thirsty little flower
Guy who likes feminine flatties doesn't like test-drinking mutant uggos? Shocker.
i think i will pose my sunnie- sucking shota cock today
don't shatter my illusion anon
May I plap?
this rabbit's wife is free use
*tastes ur pre*
mmm yes exquisite, deep and complex flavors, heady aroma, quite a fine vintage
Would you actually like to talk to me like a human instead of trying to fish for my attention
Please tell me that spans several years
i found it nvm. he actually linked it to me before and made me post my character wearing heels
this is literally me
You aren't capable of conversing, we've established that. I can only remind you that you're mentally ill until it finally gets through and you get help.
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>bragging you know the owner of a site
>telling people that the owner of a site browses here
>when the site is always on the attack and trannies try to find any excuse to uproot it to force the glamour dresser (they collect your data when you register and your IP and you cannot log in there anon) as the new hub of the site
this isnt the flex you want it to be, shut up the site doesnt need more heat.
The agency sends its regards
Oh yeah anon? Care to share how many steam names you've had?
Splendid, 47.
i was going to accuse you of being the one with mental illness until i saw how many name changes that is.
Desperation is a hell of a drug, anon. Nevermind the people who will ignore the warnings of everyone around them because "they don't judge"
I refused to use triggers on titan so my group made me main tank and I ended up being the only person in my ucob group that didn't use triggers for nael quotes, I've always been against it and I will think less of anyone for it
*gives her a glass of water*


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>don't cheat
>cleared all content
>had fun with TOP and Savage Criterion
Who cares, shitters who cheat will just pay for carries/pilots if they got cucked out of slogging through it themselves.
>Made you post your character wearing heels
How and lets see it
XMA is based because the owner deleted a trans sweater before which made them mad
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nta I just want to flex
tfw a cube comes up to me and gets its dick out
Knowing anyone or being known by anyone here is a major red flag full stop point blank period.
no way

you can spot if someone cheated their TOP clears at least, if you see like 8 markers appearing at once it's pretty blatant
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Best mod i've seen a while
hope someday there's a version that removes all male characters
submissive healer...
it's in the last 6 months
2 in the last 15 years
Anon there's a difference between changing usernames on steam for free and paying to change a single characters name
oh shit new race!
you can delete your alias history now this doesn't mean anything
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And yet you will never be a woman. We all like the current situation. We love talking to our frens from X while playing other games. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to leave.
What the fuck happened between 2022-2023
>the effy clone is a coalburning gay twink
gee, sounds familiar.
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Then why did you ask
your senses seem to have dulled, companion...
Is it time for Macska damage control already?
There's a third party website that keeps track of all the names and profile images you had over the years
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>knock, knock, knoc- SLAM
>your bedroom door is kicked open before you can even register the knocking
>you spin in your chair, startled, and see my femlala standing in the doorway
>well, you can barely see her because she's so short, and from your desk which is far away from your door and has lots of furniture and things in the way, you can really only see the top of her head
>she disappears as she waddles into your room, carefully stepping over furniture, until she reappears in front of you
>her familiar round face beams up at you as she presents you with a red tray that fills you with nostalgia
Well...? Eat it...
nta but my steam name changes were mostly to shitpost as 5stacks with friends in counterstrike or dota
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lizards get the shovel
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Does anyone have the proximity chat plaugin?
Shut the fuck up macchi.
I didn't ask I forced myself into the discussion just now
is she a lunch lady?
>Uhhh you aren't allowed to study at other guilds and schools of magic because...
It's gonna blow your mind when you do actual content with Eorzean troops and see Adders in tank jobs. Besides, it says right here in the Big Book of Things I'm Right About that the themes of environmental preservation, responsible magic use, and a heroic regard for others are thoroughly Gridanian. And I'll impregnate lowborns wherever I want, thank you very much, not just in that snowy alley full of futa and masochists.
where's the mustard
Turns out Tikaasi used to be a brony lol, he tries his best to hide it
Link it then
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oh same
Gonna go to the store and get a drink
I love you.
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this looks like prison food
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the fuck are you on about, the sunning rock is just a literal fucking boulder where lizards bask under the sun together.
checks out
Need a femlala wife bringing me a lunch like this so badly
>No proof
You're lying
Fucking loser
Kill yourself
Buy an ad you tranny spammer. We like Wuk. If you hate Wuk, you’re a bad person. This is OUR opinion and you WILL comply.
you're probably not a femra anyway.....
>tfw not associated with the sunning rock
I am a pure femra
Get hit by a bus
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>Also went over 100 mentions on the archive because of some virulent shitposter

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I did for a bit, but it kept crashing my game so i had to disable it, i do wanna use it so badly tho... it sounds pretty funny.
What the fuck did my wife do
Some people legit get off on lowering themselves to being fucked by the worst possible source of plap. It's not about finding the abomination attractive, it's about demeaning themselves.
your prisons must have some nice fucking meals, cause it ain't that good here
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My femra on the left
Is Sage an honest job in CC
i hate schizo hours
when do horny hours start back up
your wife CHEATED on you
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Made this stuff based on this stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz8HDNAx8Y4&t=456s which is based on more stuff.
it's not them, his list is only half as long but that's because he uses alts
LMAO, Tikaasi used to be a brony, this is too funny
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Time to Q down.
>name has only been mentioned 4 times in the archive because of some schizo posting a CWLS member list that i'd already left

yeah until they LB
there's nothing wrong with that actually, it was good for the first 3 seasons

can you show me my history then

ty ily2 babe
I watch my dogs maul the home invader, then sigh and start digging a hole in my garden to put her remains into.
>C9 is up
>Red Sands is next
See you in 82 minutes
cant wait till this comes and he isnt dancing like that
>he hates Wuk
>he has other criticisms of Dawntrail
>he doesn’t like plapping and gooning
>he isn’t cool and popular
You can stop raping kids at any time. Yep, figured. We won and you lost. The rest of us are on the right side of history. We support Dawntrail and Sena Bryer. We like idling while gooning. We like sizebeasts. We like blaming everything on Filipinos. Deal with it.
>someone asks someone else a thing
>Kyoppi immediately makes it about himself
Incredible consistency if nothing else.
Is it worse to find out if your friend is a brony or a steven universe enjoyer
Is there literally anything at all more damning than getting a vouch from Kyoppi?
No I am deathly socially anxious
when will the next c9 be after this help
Should I play MCH?
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It doesn't really seem that fun
She is a lady giving you lunch.
We're out.. I ate it..
You look like prison food.
Eat all of it...
*uses repose on your dogs*
*force feeds you the corn dog*
Your femra in my bed
Effy is my wife.
Brony is probably weirder but I wouldn’t think less of them
Fuck off, Menhera.
>it's about demeaning themselves
there are much better fetishes for that than raceplay
thank you for calling out the wfh posters as the scumbags that they are
One is a show about magical ponies, the other one is a show about magical space lesbians. Which do you think.
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No, I'm a bit peckish
My brother in Christ it is a Sunday.
enough about you though
To be fair you can delete them on steam
t. serial name changer who also has "no known aliases" because i deleted them all
Effy is my wife
Are moonies the current FOTM race?
Has no one made a shared blacklist plugin? I need to stay in compliance with /xivg/ by blacklisting all the ebins that we hate, like Kyoppi, Jizzda, Lorilee, Kanchelle, Macchi, Kong, and so many others. I just want to comply so I can become popular on 4chan.
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then die.
Fuck it, I'll give it one game and then take an afternoon nap.
If popezen was a prison food, I'd want a throatful.
the job fantasy and rotation is a lot of fun but you will deal 0 damage. also people will silently seethe at you in PF for not joining on DNC/BRD which is based
Yeah and they got the negative attention, not Wukong, because games journos are the most hated people on the planet.
Not after today. Stocks have collapsed. Sell now.
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I should always be the center of attention and anytime not spent giving me attention and praising me is a crime

it's good really I swear it is trust me
this post has lorilee’s grammar and prose
Flavor of the moonie!
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I'm married to Effy in irl life and in game.
>the job fantasy and rotation is a lot of fun but you will deal 0 damage
Oh, so MCH is the Insect Glaive of XIV
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No thanks, I'll have my homemade ramen made by my beautiful Elezen wife instead
stop talking about what my moonie tastes like
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So both Tikaasi and Kyoppi are into my little pony?
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Leave the malezens alone!
Yes, Effy is still the world’s #1 ebin and we all like her (him).
Can't wait for Effy to toss you when he's bored with you, Menhera.
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
thanks you're too
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Alright, time to do Mt Gulag and hope the healer I get can keep up with a W2W DRK!
Wouldn't know, heard incredibly mixed responses to JJK so I'm not really going to spend time on it Y E T.
Moonies will always be FOTM (flavour of the moon)
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People said EX1 is easier than EX2 but if thats true then why is EX2 so much easier to understand
>into MLP
>afk at the horse cock idle spot
Makes cents to me.
except he'd never support that because he knows he'd be addition #1
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>french people
>making eastern cuisine.
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I'm Mr. Bigshot and I'm Effy's wife.
Stop giving me attention I am going to cum
this puts it way too fucking well
You're right, I made it myself. I'm so alone
EX1 is easy
If youre in a phase that matches your debuff, you have to do the same thing you did before but this time MORE
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the french love japan, believe it or not.
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What is the point of having a fisher retainer?
>can't farm non-water shards/crystals
>rare minions are purchasable in the market place
>need to level cap FSH (lv72 rn)
I'm so close to swap its job to miner...
ex2 is literally just "stand here" the fight but it's annoying with snapshots
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Does that mean they expect a duty complete or..
Japan is more than anime....
I watched it over 10 years ago when I was still in highschool, I'd hardly say I'm into it
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I'm Effy's real wifers. Die!
moonies are a constant
I’m so confused. Who do we hate? Of course I hate Tikassa and Kyoppi, but where do the others stand? Do we hate Lorilee more or less than Macska? And do we still hate Fiblitt? What about Izumi?
do people really have their retainers for anything other than for the marketboard and the extra inventory space? sending them out is pretty worthless past fishing for coffers
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Eat shit, I've been Effy's wife for years. You're just some tramp she's said hello to a few times and now you're obsessed because you're a touched starved loser.
it's only fair for what japan has done to western cuisine
it's the example I used because the french are the biggest exporters of japanese goods including anime and manga, tard.
>Popezen is now a forest elf
Inquisitor's girlhole is safe, funny Red Mage melf's boyhole isn't.
You died to the first boss in Thaleia.
i talked with this french guy i met in xiv about them recently trying to make some southeast asian food and they sent me pictures of it and i really liked them and i miss him so much
we never hated Fibblit
I hate every one who's a brony, so Tikaasi and Kyoppi fits the bill.
it is a mount farm
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having them fetch materials while you do other shit is really nice
The French export Japanese goods?
Based ESL retard.
>we never hated Fibblit
he doesn't know chat
There’s no such thing as snapshots. That’s just called gameplay. Get good. If you have a problem with that, you’re a child rapist and a Filipino.
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Anyone who hates Fitbit is my enemy.
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leave this shit in your cliquecord.
Let us know when you get to the next instance, bro
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What hairstyle is this?
>want enaretos weapon
>have to dump 90 aetherpool for it
fuuuuuuck this shit sucks so much to grind man
>Menhera's split personalities arguing with each other.
you should learn to not be so negative and look towards forgiveness or at the very least indifference towards others you don't agree with, you'll be happier
i don't think you should have this webm saved on your computer
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You got dumped. It's time to move on.
my fiddie fakes a british accent when she job changes to reaper
A word to the wise: do not succumb to greed by overcrowding your sheet pan with too many cookies. Play it safe and do 6 at a time until you can gauge a safe amount, lest you end up with a homogeneous blob.
See >>494647084
>tiktoksi is a brony
a new reason to focus him in CC
Does anyone come close to being as good as Effy's moonie?
Counterpoint: Singular baking sheet sized cookie
what's the best femra fang mod but that doesn't look like retarded shark teeth?
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Are we in the room with you right now?
I'm eating Pistachio Tiramisu right now. AMA.
Can you absolutely worthless subhuman drains on society take it to your tranny safespace discord? Thanks.
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You are a dump. If I ever see you anywhere near MY wife Effy again I'll cut you.
I saw it on /v/ and my retarded ass thought she was taking medicine. I should kms.
Effy won. Appal lost. Macchi lost. Trump lost. Understand, chuds?
I think the mlp community are creative people and also a hold out of internet culture from a decade ago
I've been seeing a lot more lalas with those ARR gear. Is ARR glamour style coming back!?
Are we having another age regression day bro
I for one enjoy reading the posts of the two going back and forth. 4channers hate when people socialize it seems
You never wanna do rouls with me fucking nigger
Let's just forget about it anon.
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it might be medicine or sour candy, it's just a weird webm of a little kid
Fix her, retard
can someone link me some slutty high heels mod/mods please and ty
The way he constantly talks about you is a double edged sword, Effy. Mnehera's schizo era is gonna be great.
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Bring it.
rumia mentioned!
blind forgiveness is only advocated by the foolish and those who wish to exploit the meek.
peace is earned by the sword and maintained when wickedness has been purged and allowed to never take root.
It’s just been declared that haters of Tikassa, Jhazda, Kyoppi, and Fibblit died at the first boss of Thaleia. Be careful what you say or you’ll be outed!
To be fair, she looks like she tasted something extremely bitter.
I am a menhara femra
one of the worst
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Look at this fake deep faggot
wots all dis den
that's still a real child, pedophile. why even download it to begin with?
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Tikaasa and Jhazda are the same person.
Maleroe or malera?
>Bitches about cliquecords
>Posts a picture of a boner
why is this a thing someone would want in game
These are the most pathetic posts in the entire general.
I think horsefuckers are cringe no matter what and the global ban on ponyposting will persist until the end of time.
Tikaasa is the white snake on the right
prettiest british teeth
New Declaration: WE LIKE MENHERA. Any shitposter of this particular ebin is Macchi, Kong, or Kanchelle. Please refrain from shitposting this ebin or you’ll be canceled and your posts discredited.
You're doing a great job, keep exposing them.
B-But...the visual appeal of a sheet pan cookie is nowhere near that of a circular and crispy cookie!
Perhaps so, personally I was just a fan of how poofy that chest piece looks.
what's the most phallic shaped gunblade
Fuck off, Menhera.
Maleroe don't get enough love, Malera will find you a bit ostracized and they can be difficult to glam.
Either way a lot of people I know have played both at some point and fanta'd off them shortly after, but that's just my worthless anecdote.
hello hater of abe
Delicious. I love corndogs.
use superbolide for me real quick
100% guarantee it's made by a woman with crooked teeth. women love 'representation'
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I don't hate this guy, he is a really funny clown.
I'll show Tikassi my white snake if you know what i mean
Because he died at the first boss of Thaleia.

do we like this?
this but homestuck
>no xiv threads on /v/
I haven't been on /v/ in a bit, are XIV threads illegal on /v/?
Doesn't France have the second biggest cosplay culture in the world? Pretty sure they even beat Ameriweebs
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>six years ago
yes they are being deleted as soon as they're posted
Just namedrop him already. Who died to the first boss in Thaleia?
How come lyse hair in this pic have long bangs but it doesnt have long bangs for vanilla
Sir this meal is badly out of date
You guys are a lot more like pony faggots than you care to admit
See >>494648560
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I kind of like them...............
Probably a mod. Hair mashup mods can be really nice and look vanilla.
Yeah dude I have people stalking me (not him) from a literal decade ago. Autistic people view this thread as their life, so they keep tabs on it.
one day this thread and this game will die and moonies will cease to exist
The quest to be unique is all consuming and obsessive for people. Never mind if it turns them into some monstrosity that 99% of players dislike. They will also then whine and complain that no one wants to hook up with them, but refuse to accept its because of that.
>t. Has to routinely listen to Modbeast friends whining that other people get more hookups than them.
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their cutie marks would be cocks
There is a mod who deletes them on sight.
A janny considers them /vg/ threads, even though coming here and trying to actually discuss the game (or any game) is nearly impossible except during Euro hours/late night hamburger hours.
It's a lose-lose situation really.
Peak 90s manly anime gear from MSQ looks pretty neat
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>on MY /v/
very illegal
So who has the gock, Effy or Menhera?
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I don't even know what you're saying
cc doko? or should I stay home
i hope FFXIV truly dies so I can move on
Ay dios mio
>except during Euro hours/late night hamburger hours.
How to easily mark yourself as someone who doesn't actually post here during those house considering they are the most schizoy hours of the night.
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Go away
/v/ threads could be great for discussion but ebins go there and ruin them with their usual attention whoring and drama.
where do people go for mods for this game?
Femra with small chests also have small bladders
>guessed right
Tikaasi 100% had a pony avatar at some point
700 posts and they're all ass
I remember xiv being on /vrpg/. Maybe they'll let you crash there. Given XIV's current predicament with DT I don't think it'll last long there.
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This malera just completed his space fishing expedition and will now agonize over FFXIV fishing out of game because of all the fucking scrips shit
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I fucking hate menhera. Every single one of you faggots that posts that shit needs to die.
this nigga looks like she'll knoife me if I don't buy her overpriced bo'oh'o'wa'er
Take your pick
>euro hours
Euro hours are horrific what the fuck are you saying its the most bored retards trying to stir shit up for no reason
Even mine?
jesus christ what is this monstrosity
Yeah there's a few people who probably are the ones even making the threads to begin with.
Shut up and scroll up motherfucker.
xivmodarchive, gumroad pages for certain authors, and unfortunately, like 40 splintered discord servers that personally host mods. those and two or three telegram groups that host paid mods for free
This. Having some mods is fine, sure, but if you don't look good vanilla, you don't look good. And yes I'll post myself to stand by this post.
Kyoppi I hope you find a nice Lalaman to love you so you stop posting forever
What about mine
I made it obvious though
>euro hours
recently it's just been schizoposts either from or about the lightcord, I can't tell
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So who's hopping in proximity vc today
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You've piqued my interest on this mod site cold war. What is going on?
>claims he has to run off to /v/ to “talk about the game”
The entire reason you people bitch about others “not talking about the game” here is because your posts crying about the game don’t get attention like the big titted catgirls do, that’s all. There is literally nothing stopping you from just posting about the game on cooldown if you wanted
He'll desperately sexpest you and schizo you in the thread when you turn him down.
I've seen this, from 4 years ago. Meanwhile, you're schizoing people TODAY.
You naturally would, you disgusting fucking freak.
god i love femroes
weird how the two people who do this the most also try to make their characters as ugly as possible
>this is what schizos believe
I like what atomic has done to his character but I think that's an exception to the rule
Thank you for you input, mr melf
the same old shit with noobs holy fuck man
Jizzda is a brony freak who posts gore to annoy people
And I will continue to do so until the promise is fulfilled.
Mouse and kb are destroying my hands. Does have a recommended controller to use?
Well said, malezelf
Ran into a thread-roe. Small world.
Let's talk about tanks next thread
no more lewd posting
I am 100% safe from that
I play a male character
Chemoing me is not going to work. I already told you I get off on all of the negative attention.
>this mod exists https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/10065

Suppose its time to finish eureka areas just to get my precious...
I will tribute the first fiera to respond to my post.
need to be bit from these fucked up chompers
People accused me of posting gore when I didn't, too.
so far I have XIV launcher and dalamund
I'm reading I should apparently set up something called penumbra to auto load other players mods, is that correct?
Xbox 360 controller (if you can find one) or Xbox one elite
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Looking forward to it
Seeing my character without the modded hair has gotta be the same feeling trans women feel when they look in the mirror in the morning
this but lets talk about healers instead
Do not get a DualSense. Blacklist anyone who suggests DualSense.
May I tribute your tribute
Hey Brony
big fan of that roe's work
>ignoring the self report
are you retarded as well?
Need this bun to use a soul to reset my regulator over and over as she shoots thick ropes all over my male characters stomach.
You may.
>decide to play dps
>0 commends in 5 runs despite playing well
dps players I'm so sorry for misjudging you
You've stalked TM for 6 years and don't realize that he would be posting his avatar if he were defending himself? Retard
I love the irony of this spammed image calling Jhazda obsessive.
About time for Macska to show up
NTA, but nothing new.
XMA doesn't allow paid mods. Authors hate it, so they try to promote alternative hosts, which allow paid mods. No one wants to deal with their bullshit, so said sites perpetually languish and die/never get off the ground.
Rinse repeat.
Everything good is either going to be on xma, or unvaulted/telegram. The rest is trash so bad no one even cared to buy it once and upload it on telegram.
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but I already have a lalawife
that's why you never commend anyone and take as many as you can. you take them so bad players are deprived of them, not out of a desire to want more
Hello hi could you answer my question then please.
Oh, I wasn't aware you're a lesbian. Well, tell your wife to do a better job keeping you entertained so you stop posting so much.
penumbra works as your body/outfits/etc mod installer
the one that loads other people's mods is mare synchronos, which needs both penumbra and glamourer to function
plus you have to sync codes with people to actually see their mods but that's another story
>Jhazda posting in third-person
This is one of your drunk meltdowns
to be fair meria IS very nice and gapeable
So XMA took the Steam approach and wins by doing nothing because the competitors are retarded.
Good. Thank you Anon.
I'm not a lesbian I like boys too, she's also already perfect and doing her best I'm not going to say something so rude and inconsiderate like that to her
There are always exceptions to the rule, and always at least 1 person out there that finds every Modbeast hot. But on average the closer you look to a lightly modded Limsa catgirl, the more play you're going to find.
Melf has it right. Be builded for his melf.
It’s decent exp and much cheaper than leves
Pretty sure leves are faster if you buy them
>nearly impossible except during Euro hours
I love talking about horse dicks and who e-fucked who in discord
I can only see Meria as one of the guys even knowing she's aggressively moidal.
That doesn't narrow it down.
no eu cc today :<
I know who you are and I am going to tie your tails in a knot.
Ah ok and yeah a friend of mine is playing the trial with me so we wanted to sync up.
I don't have a tail!
>the job fantasy and rotation is a lot of fun but you will deal 0 damage
This is false. outside of parseoid parties where everyone is doing everything at maximum and shoving everything into raid buffs, MCH will do more damage.
i've used a ps4, a switch pro and a ps5 controller in the past, but now i'm using some chink vader 3 pro

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