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Previous: >>494561323 #

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06mu0uWaep0 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Open]

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WCl2mtL4eE [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHwVbBYvd7g [Open]

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
09/15/24(Sun)05:54:14 No.494594704
okay but really, wher
Bros I need 1.2 now, I can't believe it's still 14 days away
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Reminder Billy was raped.
she doesn't know about sex
How is CN reacting to the whole JanexSeth fiasco? Was hoyo stupid for doing this or is there something I'm unaware of and this is actually a sound strategy for the character's revenue?
How hard will she get powercreeped?
touch tail?
Well she sold pretty meh. This whole patch was filler so I think people just tuned out in general. I did notice JP art slowed down a lot though.
You need to leave your bubble
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hi, one MISS BARTENDER fan art please!!!
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Vroom vroom

...in the opposite dimension.
what do you mean
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This animal is called a Fux.
Please say it aloud.
That you sound like this schizo >>494645765
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Meet the sons of kindon!
We have
>Narcolepsy! (Piper)
>A big retard! (Caesar)
>A brainless bimbo with pyromania (Burnice)
>A spoilt brat (Lucy)
>Autism! (Lighter - he drives)
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hmmmm nyo
You can almost smell the curry. Go back to your dead thread.
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>slowed down
>more art than previous two characters
why? i just asked
Is you planning on the information given in the context be inquiring and rolling for Caesar King and or mayhaps be indicated towards obtaining her W engine answer the question swiftly and dearly
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>jane flop
You made him feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
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Only way to keep the JP interest over time was to release more JKs and lolis, but they are releasing far too many hags and the males are about to start crawling their way intoo. Idols being so far will pretty much lose them JP attention.
Hello Piper is my favorite character
she still has the highest usage rate
Grace probing Billy's ass
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Tail touch status?
I answered your question
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Hadn't noticed this cutie inside the building at the end of the alley next to the hot pot restaurant
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>some randome eceleb video pops on my feed about clearing Shiyu
>not using a single charged scissors
>literally spamming entering and exiting roaming state to get one (1) charge each time
>still wins because whale number bloat with dupes and w-engines
how do you even manage to get out of bed without accidentally dislocating your spine
Sorry meant lewds
Hopefully the SoC patch revives the horny art scene
>watch enough eceleb slops to get a recommendation
There's your problem
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Oppai Piper
characters in the second half don't have welkin and bp bonus
What is the building, an office building? It came up one of Zhu Yuan's trust events, maybe we'll get to go in at some point
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I don't know bro
You can try to argue, but this is exactly what the peak of female performance looks like
Jane is already more popular than Zhu...
So you guys just completely talk out of your ass because you dont personally like a character or because you want to doompost, is that right?
Well you see, that information is fabricated by the Mihoyo mafia. We have access to the real numbers.
>How is CN reacting to the whole JanexSeth fiasco?
She is getting a lot of coomer art from the classic pixiv/twitter artists that don't actually play the games and just follow trends, so they don't care.
Which baffles me, both her design and personality are overwhelmingly meh
yeah twitter and tiktok love her
looks like a regular office/private school from the signs outside
m2w1 whalebait piper sidegrade flop flop brick flop
i didnt realize leveling up the ultimate skill also levels up your chain attack
Petting thiren men...
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Bros she's so perfect...
She's a shark.
Kill yourself
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take a bath, stinky
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This seriously doesn't count?, didn't even realize there was a pharmacy here
i need to touch her tail
>Ellen Joe is top bux
Shark schoolgirls are all season then...
get closer
Love yourself
Chain attacks are the same animation as the ult, it's a mini-ult essentially
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Anon, that's how she sex
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Who is going to be BiS in a Burnice/Caesar team?
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I know that the next update will be Lighter and Yanagi as S rank, but I'm still hoping for a possible change and that we have Pulchra in 1.3.
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Leaked new Victoria Housekeeping character
Should've just ripped off Nazrin
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Wait, so the siblings cover some medical costs for the agents?, i imagine in lore this is the place where they buy sedatives and meds used in exploration
what went wrong with Qingyi
that isn't true since Ayaka and Klee the only popular non hags have been archons, I think that's why they made the maid body type
she looks so retarded with that mask, let alone the male one
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>all the Zhu cutscene ass jiggle webms were erased from history when Jane released
the fickle mind of the disloyal coomer...
Mostly JP art, Hoyo games are western dominated when it comes to art and you should know what this implies.
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Is Caesar a must pull?

>you didn't pull Jane or have enough pulls left in the bank
Yes, she is a must pull.
>you pulled Jane and/or are out of pulls
No, she's really bad easy skip not worth your time *huffs copium* shield is useless *huffs an entire tank* jack of all trades master of none *explodes from copium* Jane+Seth will be viable for 17+ years *disintegrates and sheds his mortal form from all the huffing*
She is the new A-rank in 1.3, phys support
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I asked someone if Zzz was good.
They said no and I agreed with them.
Fuck wuwa I hope you nigga die sad and suffering
Qingyi said this.
90% of the art on booru's is from asia most western art doesn't get added compared to e621 or r34
>rolled Jane for a Seth copy (for the collection)
>got first S11 at 10 pity
>built pity with guarantee for Anby dupes
>maxed Anby with the naked namecard at 50 pity
>can now get guaranteed Caesar and dodge her dogshit A ranks
Lucy or Paipuh, probably Paipuh
does physical damage bonus work on lucys porks ? would it actually do something
Shame, I told the same thing to your mom last night about her blowjob
jane+seth is her best team with caesar in the 3rd slot
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Hi same
Im sorry but I'm addicted to cumming to FAT RAT ASS
With big breasts like hers, I think it's difficult for her to be an A rank.
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Zhu still has the superior ass.
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They should make a character that wears diapers, and she should be a big breasted hag who is dressed like an adult baby. I'm the only one not being catered to while I play this game
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still a nyo
I look and act like the bwo on the right
My account has zero (0) pipers
I understand why it would outline her ass, but the cameltoe?
fat virgin pussy
Are you guys excited for the PIGGEDwife from the PIGGEDnation that will soon be available for you PAYPIGGIES to pull for and play with?
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Yes I am. I'm a pig
I need that furry beauty.
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ben bigger is my zzzigger
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I feel like this game is going to be another concord.
I like parrying attacks with his big pillar
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>little nephew is playing the game
>adds me as a friend
>check his teams
>Ellen/Neko/Lucy and Zhu/Jane/Soukaku
>ask him who he's planning to pull
>"bro Burnice and Ellen are gonna have major rizz together!!"

Ngl, kind of based. I kept my mouth shut, he seemed to enioy the game. For all the meta circle-jerking we do here, he represents the other 90% blessed playerbase who have no clue what the fuck they're doing and just randomly throw their waifus together without even checking synergy. He leveled up every character to 50 instead of at least grinding mainstat discs. Every poly he got he instantly threw at the gacha. One day if he's a bit older I might explain to him how pity works but that day wasn't today, he seemed to have fun so I'm not gonna ruin it with excel spreadsheeting his poor galpha-rotted brain.
Lucy will save this game
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she was in the shop last month
but dont worry shell be home with caesar
It's already lasted like a zenzillion times longer than Concord.
preaching to the choir
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Go play Dustborn
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>"bro Burnice and Ellen are gonna have major rizz together!!"
This is like watching boomers trying to talk hip to fit in with the younger generation.

No one fucking says this you fucking cringelord with your shit made up reddit tier greentext.
I regret investing into her.
Wait, Yanagi has already been confirmed? So is Miyabi in 1.4 real?

they made this character just for (us), bwos
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Maybe Resonaboo meets Numby and Numby helps Resonaboo to come back to the ZZZ world to meet all the piggies here.
my 16yo cousin speaks like this regularly
Except this game is the most downloaded one on the PS5 and Concord was delisted not even a week after release stupid bitch.

Useless hag until you get 95% PEN, trust me bro, she's BUSTED bro TRUST ME BRO, BRO JUST INVEST IN HER BRO
I want to build pity but I've gone to 81 on both of my S ranks so I'm afraid I'm due a spook...
>Qingyi but outside of stun
yes for anomaly
She's probably far off.
hu tao when
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Hot and meta. I believed in her since the start btw
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Well, I wanted her to become playable this year, but apparently it won't be until next year.
I hope people enjoy the glasses update lol.
Hopefully never
I want her to unbrick my Ellen team from soukaku without needing knot
and also to run rat-QY
I wonder what fluffy tatas feel like?
Yanagi will insta replace her as the S Electric Support.

The electric part on the new anomaly set is there for Grace.
She's 1.6 at best, if we even get to that before 2.0.
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best wallpaper in the game, I want to pull her just for it
>big tits
>variety of things to look at, paintings, candles etc
>big tits

man a lot of wallpaper backgrounds sucks ass in this game
>grey police office
>grey car/wall
>blank sky

for a game with 'style' they sure are sovlless
I need kitty titty in my mouth
Will Yanagi be an anomaly or support agent?
watching fireworks with joe...
I just lost my dog...
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like bags of sand
go find it lol
Early CN leaks think she's gonna be a support. Else we'd be getting almost three anomaly agents in a row, it's too many.
Huh, I realise my cousin never said 'rizz' or similar stuffs verbally, even when talking to me without anybody around. It's different when on the Internet though
wait, leveling up characters doesn't cost any dennies...?
She already has a moveset and there will already be a shadow version, I doubt it would take all that time to launch her as playable.
And there was a related pic too.
A health drain character in 1.4 so Caesarlets will seethe
None of my cousins or nephews say that so you're right. That nigga making shit up.
No, promoting them does
How do you build Lucy for Jane and Seth team?
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*Harakiri's herself and turns into Bloodyabi, Queen of Edge*
I have a feeling the character drip marketing in a week will be shocking to leakfag slurpers.
I wonder if she hasn't gone through changes like Lighter who was an A rank and now appears to be an S rank.
>She already has a moveset
That's not true, having some enemy animations and an actual moveset is a huge jump in work.
so what characters do you guys think are virgins
sex? with a shark?
Does you really want to be a fuzzy animals woman in Zenless zone zero because that’s odd in my opinion when you can fuck and rape shark girl pussy why bother with animal with fur when perfectly good shark exists in the universe already
Owari and Asuna have way more likes, she's no Mona

but here take this
what does furry pussy feel like
Okay. I'm listening.

Who's gonna be in 1.3.according to you anon.

So far I'd expect them to finish the SoC and S6 since both were all featured in the trailer. 1.3 Lighter/S6 1 and 1.4 S6 2 and 3.
All of them except jane and semen demon belle
she's just asking to have those feet worshipped
content is back on the menu in 2 days bros (Shyiu resets)
More likely than you might think!
If it's OBOL and I end up not being able to save up for Trigger I might kms
Are you leveling your support/stunner to 60?
Reddit regularly makes shit up for updoots, they do it here too
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I don't have a sub-25 second Shiyu clear.

C-can I still post in the general?
>Spread misinfo a few weeks ago that Yanagi might be a support instead of anomaly
>People are starting to believe it
Jane will always make me hony
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ZZZ, Genshin, and Star Rail take up 3 of PS5 top 10 downloaded games at all timed. Genshin has not moved from that list since launch, Star Rail has not moved from that list since launch, ZZZ has not moved from that list since launch.
I know the thing about saying a thing will die is that you can never be wrong even if you say it day after day year after year for the next 10 year because all things most eventually come to an end but it's just foolishness to spend your time saying it because it's a waste your precious time. You too will die and do you really want to think back on your life and remember all the time you spent saying a popular dumb mobile game will die to rile up a bunch of random anonymous assholes on a decaying imageboard?
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are you still in high school or just mentally challenged?

I know we're on 4chan so the bar is low, but a "," goes a long way
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Kot wallpaper is also great. I don't even use her because even my Anton is doing more damage, but the wallpaper is cute
sex with robots
I graduated high school and am a freshman in college I’m smarter than you idiot
Shyiu resets in 8 hours.
Are they really like that on the inside?
/zzz/ smells like Nicole's feet and pussy
If 1.3 were a filler update like 1.1, I would find it very strange that they already included sector 6, as they seem to be saving them for the grand finale of version 1.
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uh, why is there fusilli in her vagina?
I came atleast 3 times a day since her banner to FAT RAT ASS
So... like semen?
1.1 was filler story-wise so I believe 1.3 will be a continuation of the outer ring/SoC story but kinda filler : so my bet is on at least one furry + Lighter. It will deal with the aftermath of the whole Pompey thing and maybe with what's left of the furry team.
I just cannot believe we're going section 6, with 1.3 immediately after Outer Ring.
They can't seem to be able to do one huge story patch every 6 weeks so they need a breather.
Simulate worms
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>here's your trigger bro
horsegirl when
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Bigdaddybwos.... no.....
We are talking about in places that actually matter which is america
Anon got banned for this
>doesn't look like Anby and S11
Do not want.
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kinda heavy for an ona, no? that'll be a bit problematic for my handy to control
Soon us Wisechads will have Belle and you Belletrannies will have no excuses anymore
Jane helped me do 11/11 withering garden
she also helped me cum
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is the photo event the most boring event that we have had so far?
Pooper could never
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>here's your Trigger bro
What’s the deal with Piper I get Lucy is a rebelling rich girl and Caesar is a retard and Burnice is a barely functioning alcoholic and Lighter is pretends to be a chad but fumbles but what’s the deal with Lucy a 40 year old loli who sleeps and drives a pick em up truck seems kinda out there when you grasp the other characters are all a gang of jobbers putting on a tough face
How the FUCK do I skip time I just want to collect the fucking coins
enjoy the shitty boopons for your trouble
Jane's slow ass banner is actually killing the game
I dont got banned just typed high school instead of college
i just got the chromes, im not running around like an imbecile for fucking pooppons.
>only plugboo left
My collection is almost complete...
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She kinda seems like the mom of the group watching over them despite putting on a sleepy face
Kinda like Hoshi
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Ch 2 interlude mission "testing with your life on the line". Takes 10s
I agree with you guys, it would be very strange to leave the Outer Ring and have the story go to what is the most hyped faction so far.
everyone else will and will then applaud Hoyo for their generosity
wait for next patch when you're able to select the time of the day whenever you want.
I want a character that has a transformation.
What will you do when your collection is complete? save or go for dupes?
It gave me more Lycaon so, I'm happy just for that
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>gacha players when you give them a girl with a hime cut and a katana
There are like 10 events coming in 1.2.
I choose to believe I will get Caesar and Burnice M0W1 without even touching my stash.
>hime cut and a katana
Peak character design
about average for the larger ones
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How can anyone compete with Miyabi and her superior Nippon + Kitsune hybrid genes folded 1000 times?
If you complain about bangbro rolls do you have the following
1) multiple bangbros for all your teams
2) max stars for your favorite bangbro
3) 80 bangbro rolls in the bank for the biker bangbro next week
4) saved bangbro star thingy in the shop to max out future bangbros that come out
Btw, putting Lighter and Pulchra in 1.3 would already reduce the annoyance of people on Twitter and Reddit who want more husbands and furries.
Probably save at least 1 pity then go for dupe, depending on how much hoyo hands out the 'pons
I just love the little niggas but they're too huge of a timesink from HZ and dennies to level up more than a handful
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Yes, but it needs to be a cool character.
corin slander on this board is contemptible
You know they could just give out master tapes every so often instead
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>max stars for your favorite bangbro
>saved bangbro star thingy in the shop to max out future bangbros that come out
waste of resources for zero gain
baboons contribute <1% dps. you are unironically bricked if you use that currency for anything but dennies
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I have never ever seen my bangboo attack even once.
This shit is the most WORTHLESS fucking thing in existence.

Holy shit this game is so fucking garbage in so many levels.
The animations are reused.
The bangboos are worthless.
The video store is half baked, they don't even show the NPC you put in the store.

Everything, EVERYTHING in this game is half finished and poorly put together.
It's disrespectful to the character if you don't.
She's made for it.Imagine being in a toxic relationship where you put her down then make her trauma bond with your abuse, topped with sprinkles of wholesome affection to keep her on edge and wanting but never satisfied
Piper is the cynical truck driver boomer (forma de loli whore)
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This doesn't seem doable
File deleted.
Events give like 160-300 polies max anon
Why should I get Caesar if I dont suck at the game?
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>He wasted his Bangboo rolls on day one Bangboos
>He's not saving rolls to max out the OBOL Bangboo
>He's not saving rolls to max out the Marcel Group/Sunbringer Bangboo
Not sexy
If this isn't 11/11 then just one cycle that bitch
if it is... Well you shoulđn't even have tried
Bwo they don’t do that star rail and zzz you get 10 a patch and 5 a month. You’re still getting 100+ rolls a month the bangbro rolls aren’t taking anything from you. If they didn’t exist they would be like physical mats or anomaly w engine tapes as the rewards. You only notice bangbros because they’re associated with the gacha when they’re really not.
Ive done HZ 9 nin with 1 HP on all agents. Its doable
Boopons are fine for repeatable content. But for limited time events, give us some master tapes. You get a whopping 2 from a monthly reset shop
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shiyu rotation is almost up
tick tock sidegrade 5* characters, you only got a few hours to prove your worth
I've done HZ 11/11 final boss no hits (all my agents had 1 hp)
Do it
I got all the elemental S boos, I need nothing more.
no, cool. not bland and ugly slop like you posted
>1.1 was filler
It ends with Zhu passing off the sacrifice to Section 6, and then they stuff in a new mission just for you to see Harumasa and Yanagi's skills in action. I wouldn't expect Miyabi so soon, but they could easily add some NPC's to Scott's outpost for 1.3 and set up the main conflict of the story.
Calculated trades, +1000 atk, 25% separate damage multiplier
She's also cute tomboy retard, and apparently for (you_
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I still remember the start of this game
And now no one even talks about them, no one lvls them up, no one does jack shit with them after everyone realized how fucking SHIT they are.
This but unironically. I don't care she's barely wearing clothes, she's just a cute frieren grandma
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>casually ban evading
where is janny?
Whore? Pull
Virgin? Skip
I for one like maxing out Amillion and enjoy using him. Two more duplicates and he’s fully powered up.
it made sense in the beginning because bangboo damage doesnt really scale and early levels were competitive with the damage you were doing
now you wait 20 seconds for the fucker to do damage equivalent of 1 basic attack
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I spent GOOD money on this game (15 dollars), I'm sure Da Wei is feeling extra generous and will pay my favors back ten-fold.
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How long more to wait for her?
How did you survive the heat-seeking projectile spam phase ? This shit is so cancer.
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Idols for half-anni
Mibeebi for anni
Just kill her within one stun phase.
Based kot user
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Chinese New Year (Year of the Snail)
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I'm pretty sure I can get a 52 second clear maybe even a 50 second one
but it's a little too tight, I got 3-4 55 seconds in a row and decided it wasnt worth
Imagine slowly caressing her tail while she moans in your ear as she rubs your cock between those feet
What’s Caesar’s cope engine I don’t know if I want to risk getting it when I want Burnice and Lighter too. Three characters in two patches is already pushing it.
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I'm bad at this game (no sub 17 second Shiyu clears) and I got hit today doing the daily bosses so I'm pulling for Sheeshzar.
Yeah if you go all in on damage you can very much nuke her before she starts the touhou phase.
If you HAVE to deal with it, though, you can try to abuse long I-frames, with perfect dodges into dodge counters, into EX and maybe even ult if you're desperate. Stunning the bees also give you Iframe with chain attacks. I particularly like Nicole since she can Iframe her entire charge, just has some vulnerable startup time
This patch is boring as fuck
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>official video content of grace trying to proposition billy for dissection/sex
>fanartists already drawing more and more gracexbilly art
>grace is pretty middling in strength and will probably be abandoned gameplay wise
>the only grace content I can see on the horizon is shipshit
I guess one of the girls had to be the sacrificial lamb. It's a shame that it had to be my favorite girl though.
Are there any other Gracebros still holding the line? I'm feeling like this is a losing battle...
Original Transmorpher or any S stunner ball.

Defense copeballs are DOGSHIT. Watch CN riot and we get another event ball just for her.
EX for some agents has invincibility frames so dodge until you run out and then do EX. Running on the most extreme edge of the map gives you the best chance to evade the touhou spam. That and a touch of luck. If you run near a tentacle you can dodge counter it and that helps add some invincible time
Zhu is bad in HZ despite having the avoid trap buff
i only care about zhu
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caesar should make neko less cope, I look forward to it
Play Ben and just tank that phase
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Fuck the police
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yeah, the only good thing of this patch was jane.
why is she commando
Caesar status for waifufags?
is your neko m0w0?
I use Nicole's fully charged EX skill for 3-6 seconds of I-frames
what mindscape/weapon unbricks Kot?
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>didn't reroll Ellen
He didn't get his free Ellen.
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based NTRchads
why does your kot look like that
nah lol, c1 with kot ball sig
got to cum again to more FAT RAT ASS
that is a terrible Neko
whats this
What is that neko icon
>photographs every bike
LOL you're an UNPLAYER.
Holy fucking shit I realized it’s called seven layer dip because it has seven layers I thought it was named after someone because most of it is pinto beans
Pajeet behavior
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it's a mod I forgot I had https://gamebanana.com/mods/530214
the first one
She better be on 1.3, this game cannot afford dead patches before 2.x.
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And God do I love being showered in bangboo rolls so I can do fuckall with them because of how fucking WORTHLESS they are.

We get no standard rolls but get a million of these fucking shitty worthless rolls that serve no damn purpose.
Why do Abby and Nicole share last names I thought they fucked or are they married or incest
Amillion is a member of our families
I dont claim to be a good player, just glad to have s-ranked it in time
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Oh fuck NO
Guess I'll have to fuck some sense into her...
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Leakers says she will appear in v1.2's story so I'm hoping for v1.3.
Another Unplayer! Damn you guys are a plague.
no u
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Nicole took Anby in after she was homeless, Anby took her last name because she likes Nicole so much
There are teenagers who work part-time menial labor at my place of work and they unironically refer to each other as "chat" and say shit like "I'm cooked" all the time
>We get no standard rolls
i have more standard rolls in 2 months of zzz than in 12 months of shart rail
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Piper sex need
they also fuck
I want Rina NOW but my standard rolls are only 200/300...
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Pick better girls next time
MHY makes it pretty obvious which girls are safe to waifu
Chat should I rizz up Caesar I’m down bad and don’t want her to send me to Ohio but touching grass scares me after taking so many L’s in Fortnite
sex? with a pyromaniac?
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Any Anby enjoyers itt?
Grace is so fucking annoying
serpico pls
She looks like a bland-ass yamato nadeshiko, i hate those
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big enjoyer here, i play her as DPS
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piper sex sneed
I was praying yanagi would be dps so I could roll her without replacing grace
now I wouldnt mind if she was anomaly
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Man, this took a while
Had to do some autistic optimization to make sure the stun would kill her
Fun to do though
I'd use that. How do I even use mods? I want to start using some but I don't know what are the precautions to not get banned.
How long until maintenance?
Yeah, me.
>15 away from pity so I could get burnice or caesar easily to go with Jane
>want Trigger
>want Yanagi too
>no idea if Yanagi will work like burnice or she's a quick-assist nuker
>loving the amount of field time I get with Jane so I'm reluctant to get anyone else that competes with that field time
I think i'll just save until trigger comes, i only got like 30 pulls rn.
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who should i get from standard banner pity if i have koleda, grace, rina, and qingyi
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>Toys collection
No way, a gunpla collectioner?
I hope they do the March 7 thing and give her a dps alt version.
>gentie House
What does this even mean
I feel like Yanagi would be a stunner if anything, But who knows. She could just as well be a support or defender. If she's Anomaly/ Attacker I will eat my shoe.
my ass
Haha, you can think that.
I also wanna get Lucia but she's so deep into the timeline that its a non-issue to save for her.
Huge big mecha android guy when? What i really want is a character like the big guy with the two girls that raped and killed millions of ethereals.
If you think they would make her a limited electric stunner so soon after QY then you are tarded. Shes electric support, harumasa is electric DPS so people can bench their Antons
The official name of Nicole's organization is "Gentle House." But it also reads as "Cunning Hares" when written in Chinese.
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Any sister havers itt? How it's like to have a sister?
She's Electric?
she's a bitch
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>Section Sex
>How it's like to have a sister?
dumb cunt, i hope she gets an abusive bf and he beats the shit out of her everyday.
did you notice nicole has that kind of nose that points upwards
I call those cock sniffing noses
2nd mom
Yes you can see her electric attacks during the lead up to Nineveh in the story dumbass-kun
theres a mission where she spawns and does an assist attack
the effects of that attack are very visibly electric
harumasa also does an arrow rain that is electric
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I've gone back to playing Anby over Qingyi her gameplay just feels better
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Alright I'll hold that. I wasn't paying attention to her or Haramusa during that mission.
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For the 4pc swing jazz activation effect, does the wearer have to trigger the chain attack? Or just be involved in one
do you know what a chain attack is
Its nice for those of us who arent blessed by Rina
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Ride (2011) directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, starring Ryan Gosling as Lighter

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Rate my lunch ZZZ
She was cute when she was younger but ever since she turned 12 and started watching tiktok she kinda became a thot
OK but eel thiren when?
I think? Its when you alternate between characters during a stun window
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its the attack that you use
if you use it you get the buff
>go to complete the last immersive tactical drill event stages as I forgot about it
>event page takes me to lyla
>no event stage options
>7 hours left
what the fuck? did it close early or something?
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I like Lucy's bike
if damage is what breaks the big robot legs then stunners are cringe
Why is Grace so fucking bad jesus christ
ez skip
Looks okay but a bit on the frugal side. 6.5/10
I want new content bros..
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anyone got the miyabi bnbs
I see thanks anon
Lighter's last name is Lorenz judging by his W-engine.
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the wording is retarded, its fine as long as they are involved
this game would be better off without the furfaggotry
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds them boring?
It's just that compared to the rest of the factions, they look more like they could be in other gacha and seem more generic.
can anyone test if they an access it on their end so I can rule out that it's just me?
only good post itt
Normie, whore, lazy + fat and ugly. So like 90% of women in the west right now. At least she isn't that much of a braindead leftist prog anymore and it's getting better in many other areas. Will remain fat and ugly till death tho.
i can still play. NA server
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They're all good, but I do like Lucy's the most.
They're a boring government faction but unlike coppers they don't have fat asses and skin tight clothing.
Mibibi and Soukaku are fine, Harumasa and Yanagi are uninteresting.
Out of all the characters i see in this picture, the bangboo is the best looking one.
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This game is better for having furries.
But then it's just HSR or WuWa
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They're designed similar to Shinsengumi
You're not the target audience, it's basedfacing japs who they're trying to appeal to with this faction
Miss Jane, permission to sniff please
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This game's aesthetics is quite something else.
It feels weird that I can just play it for free.
I'm on EU
you just go to lyla and she has the option? don't know what the fuck is wrong with my game then
you got 7 hours left as well?
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>It feels weird that I can just play it for free.
yeah we all say that in the beginning.
If they make them as boring as our cops then easiest skip of my life. I'm already expecting their patch to just be a Miyabi or Yanagi POV filler.
The shinsengumi were a bunch of passionate misfits that were supposed to keep ronin in check, outside of Miyabi the rest of Section 6 are too lazy and treat it like a 9-5.
I look and dress like this
12 hours and change. I have all the options and i played through the event. Seems like your game is bricked. Make sure to send a ticket to Hoyo so they can reimburse your fellow anons with poly
My sister likes video games and we like the same kind of things so we have a good relationship
You can play apex legends for free doesn’t mean it’s good
take a shower
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youre playing her wrong
Yanagi should have had pantyhose with her thigh meats spilling out.I don't see the appeal of a woman's bare legs but pantyhose, thighhighs and fishnets are super sexy.
She is basically their mom

Can i fuck you or your sister?
Weird. Didnt know that
>Missing 1 (one) HIA Commemorative Coin in Sixth Street
>Cannot fucking find it for the life of me
I may be retarded
what are bangboos?
The Golden Week event may have caused that. Wait for it to end.
How worth is it to pull Piper beyond M2? Kind of want to take the plunge on Caesar's banner for her
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I found all 6th Street coins WITHOUT a guide
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keep at it anon, you'll get 10 chromes for your troubles.
C4 is the second best after C1
the rest are whatever
Check the crate near Bardic Needle. I got all other ones without any major trouble but this one I've been looking for ages
M6 Piper speen is 2 seconds longer
Guess I'll just go for C4 then
Leave the area and come back. If its supposed to be in the same time of day it only loads one at a time
If it was supposed to be based on that, they were still dull. Like zzz managed to make the police interesting and even cool.

I think the reason they end up being boring is because the other factions have analogues in real life that are much more interesting than the monster-hunting government agency they might have in any other gacha.
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C4 is pretty great I think
C6 is mostly QoL but it does make it so you'll never ever drop stacks but you can do that already if you're good.
And C3-C5 are nearly worthless
Overall not really worth, once you have C1 Piper is basically complete.
I'd have gone for C6 Piper even if it were Jane's banner though I love her that much
This game made me drop star rail
when's the double drop event?
3 weeks ago
You can't be more wrong, Gintama proved Shinsengumi can be both interesting and have a target audience.
Aside from Mibibi and Shokaku the other two are boring as hell, both in looks and personality, that might get a pass in Genshin but not here or HSR.
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I need Lycaon's smegma
but are they organic or?
can I kill them?
just follow a guide like the one below its pretty simple
>not get banned
just dont post pics of mods with your uid visible as a precaution
there is another one for Caesar
oh neat
I still don't understand what makes Section 6 but not NEPS boring/generic. Maybe I'm just a consoomer lol.
They are inorganic. They have memories and can develop individual personalities, so they can be "killed" in a sense, if they are damaged enough.
Piper is 40 years old
Her eggs status?
out of 10!
all you need is the wep and c1 rly
NEPS has far better visual variety (although they cheat with the zodiac theme)
S6 has only one semi interesting character to look at (Soukaku), rest is a generic roster of pretty boys / girls this includes Miyabi btw
I have 90 pressure and 4 stars
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I do find Neps pretty generic personally
The only character that really stands out is Qingyi.
Zhu, Jane and Seth are fairly standard hoyo fare, only pulled Zhu because of my oyakodon fetish.
But they all have pretty cool modular weapons and gear that gives them something
Section 6 only has generic nippon wank that's a dime a dozen.
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Miyabi alone already mogs most designs in this game. Rest of sect6 cant follow up however.
Neps design is just mid except for Jane.
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Ass > Tits
Do I need Burnice for my Jane Doe disorder team
I dont think Section 6 boring/Generic at all. I think its all a bunch of whiners that dont appreciate nuance.

Section 6 have a uniform being that they're a government agency.
That uniform is
White shirt, black tie, black slacks, green H.S.O.0.6. jacket
Whtie shirt, black tie, black skirt, green H.S.O.0.6. jacket
Their theme is japanese FBI
Whats wrong with that
They look like office workers. Easiest skips of my life
Nah she is bland and shit
I thought the background said "wide" for a second
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>decently fleshed out
>4 vastly different characters that we get introduced to properly
>Section 6
>Soukaku a retarded gluttonous blue oni
that's it, we know fuck all from everyone else, the most we get aside from Soukaku who doesn't have her trust events, is Miyabi
>overly serious vergil style character
>talks literal gibberish half the time that makes it hard to get attached to unless you just love the Vergil combat/cutscene aesthetic
Their designs don't really help either with the typical button up shirt and skirts.
I'm not dumb enough to think that they won't get redeemed when we get their chapter but as of now they're the most boring group by default
I''m gonna come out and say it
Blue police gear looks cool.
I hate the popo as much as most countries (Am bong, our police force is corrupt as shit) but the blue uniforms are cool looking
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OBOL is the only somewhat interesting faction this game has. The Overlord Gang being a close second.
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why does she hang out with a gang of teenagers
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I don't need your disgusting rat
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Mouse "Mouse" 1/7
you need a job however
What's your Neko like? Mine takes like 3m30s but is using 1* Starlight Engine and without mindscapes.
mmm armpits
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>sons of calydon
>mostly women
why not daughters?
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>can't just be happy with the character they like without shitflinging
And here I was, thinking that Piperbros were based
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leave the office ladies to me.
After the SoC update is over i will probably make a little break from the game cause the S6 gang looks generic and bland af tbqh so i couldn't give less than a shit about them
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Nice Pipes
Activate windows tho bro
Kys brazilspic
Why would you ever think a child character has a good fanbase? First gacha?
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Act 3 spoilers
So is Koleda's dad dead? Was he the sacrifice?
>child character
Excuse me she's 35
what zodiac is ZY supposed to be? don't tell me tiger
A janefag started it earlier in the thread when he called Piper "Pooper"
ctrl+F it up and educate yourself
The cops end up being more unique and having real sex appeal for all types of tastes and fetishes, in addition to appealing to more exaggerated things like Tacticool of clothes and weapons with Zhu and Seth, it features loli androids like Qying and there is Jane showing the investigative side of the police and being a Femme Fatale.
Sector 6 end up looking more basic and as strange as it may seem, they look more like generic anime characters, we have the secretary with glasses, the yaoi bait, the mascot and Miyabi being the autistic samurai that animes and gachas love, they end up being things which are all over the place compared to how unique the rest of the game is.
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Qingyi carreis zhu there's a reason why they pair them together. Zhu is boring as shit but carried by her interactions with Qingyi and balances out their dynamic/goals. Jane is a whore and flirtly so she isn't boring. Seth is also a major retard which makes him a fun character. HAND is just boring and their leader is basic samurai katana cringe shit.
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What do I do with this? I already got the engine
He seems like an ultrabased autist. I hope he's good.
Seth is Tiger. Zhu is Rooster.
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yes, the "sacrifice" was the monster who killed him
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I like soukaku's mask but that's it
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>hit maxx pity on the standard banner
>get this shit
idk who even uses this
Oh its that easy. Cool, thanks.
>Likes a child
>acts like a child
Like clockwork
Oh, so you're both singular fags
Trust the plan bro, we will be looting from them in 1.2
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>idk who even uses this
The Rooster
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>Her existence makes "people" seethe
Based rat woman
Me want that badly
>can't just be happy with the character they like without shitflinging
And here I was, thinking that Janebros were based
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>captcha: S0YY8
But then the sacrifice is dead, we killed him right? Why are they still talking about it?
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>actually admitting to being mindbroken over such a low effort joke
m1 + her engine
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I regret skiping Cadehara Chinkyi
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for who?
they're going to fix wideyabi like the fixed burnices chin right
This piperfag has been shitting up threads for two weeks with his bullshit. Piperfags also act like annoying metafaggots in general. Worst fanbase in the entire game
wtf where are the feet pics
>Why are they still talking about it
We still don't know who made them or who was behind it.
>jane"bros" instantly lose their mind over one single post disparaging their rat
roflmao even
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Of course a brazilian is the one that acts like a monkey and chimps out
I think Janebwos and piperfellas should stop fighting.
We don't actually know what The Sacrfice is yet, only that it pertains to Koleda's father and the Boss from the end of Chapter 2, the Corruption Complex. Koleda's dad may have been sacrificed for something, Koleda's dad may have tried to stop a sacrifice, we don't know yet the particular details only that Lycaon (An perhaps Rina as his 2nd in command) is working for an external agent and knows more than we do
But they said the P word... pooper
Mogs fucking how? She's generic katana user #389472 with furry ears. She mogs nobody.
>Janefags make post insulting Piper
>2 hours pass with no issue
>Piperfags make post insulting Jane
>instant meltdown
I'm Noooooticing.....
They want to know what a Sacrifice actually *is* because the monster was some never seen before ethereal that was possibly manmade
people didn't really roll M0 jane with a cope engine right?
i mean how retarded do you have to be to do that
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Pooper has a fine pooper tho ngl
>neps are bland actually
uhh bros I must have missed the other cop factions in gacha games with robots and transforming weapons
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I will take any opportunity to insult a brazilian no matter the context
They are still boring with all that
None of the factions are bland visually
I blame zoomers who feel like everything has to be covered in RGB lights and particle effects otherwise it appears boring to their dopamine fried brains
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y-you guys a-are p-poopers, hehe..
>she's just a cute frieren grandma
I can't even refute this. wtf
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Huh? speak up Corin I didn't hear that.
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Both are being sensitive faggots. Now take a whiff of some Lucy ass to calm you retards down a bit.
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You're going to need to stop noticing.
The agenda can't take it
im actually so fucking disappointed i didn't get another 5star from the standard banner but atleast it wasn't the fucking wolf or the cat
I'll rape you
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So where's the rape and ryona art of Corin?
why didnt you add the stream codes retard
literally built for cock
and what is Qingyi supposed to be?
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Give me a hug, man
She is annoying, i don't understand why people are obsessed fucking their own sisters my cousin on the other hand
>expecting the nicole shitposter to do anything right
have you SEEN the state of the OP?
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In which update will we have this faction? Would they become playable before sector 6 and Obol?
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one of the worst offender is kids raised on ipads who can only detect personality when a character raises their voice.
This one is more obvious in her stickers but that's why her weapon is the Wukong staff
damn im skipping all of them, i'll have enough rolls to m2 both ellen and zhu on their reruns.
The monkey
I would be surprised if S6 isn't in 1.3, after that who knows
playable muscular old man never ever
>In which update will we have this faction?
Never? Nobody wants this garbage, they're fucking hideous.
>be presented with proof of who definitively started the shitflinging
>immediately start coping
like clockwork, the truth is only what you decide to care about hmm
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> t.
roll roll skip roll skip
Settle down pooper
hmm i see it now
Pompey dies.
The twink on the far right dies after becoming the twist villain.
Rest becomes available as A ranks in Lighter's update.
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Why are Pooperfags having a melty now?
They are all going to die in v1.2.
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Whatever you say pooper
My dad works at Mihoyo. Dawei told him himself they will be playable
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Nice ass
>anons think the target audience who spend money in gachas will roll these characters.
only the female furry and the dude of the right have a chance.
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rat doe broke you
I think her asshole would smell like shit
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you can't say that
>grace got kekbaited
>no one gave a fuck, not even a forced melty or shipping posting
the biggest flop I saw among mihoyo gachas, truly worst girl.
>Pooper needs this level of resources dumped into her to match up to a half built rat
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Hehe Pooper hjehe
Bwos I want to play as an orangutan
They wont die (At least, not the three anthros)
If they were meant to die in cutscenes/story, we we wouldn't have enemy NPCs versions of them coming with their own movesets, which we do.

If they were meant to just be enemies they wouldn't make Shadow versions of them to fight as enemy NPCs, we'd just fight the actual them, like fighting against Jane in the Special Epsiode as Seth/ZY/Qingyi
The fact that they're shadows instead of the actual character all but implies they'll be using them as playable agents.
Making Jane a happy woman
Teams for Burnice that don't include Lucy or Caesar?
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What are some of /zzz/'s other trigger words?
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this was my first time getting double 5 star in any hoyo game even though i play genshin and star rail

my favourite character so far is the Bloodborne pizza death wheel maid and I got her to C1 on previous roll so my luck is pretty good here
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One esl tried for 5 posts last night and got 0 (You)s. Then everyone agreed grace was too autistic to want to date, but that also made her endearing. ZZZ fans are funny
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Hollow zero is too hard...its meover....
Any combo of Jane/Ben/Grace/S11 ought to work if you have no bikers
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Once I get Burnice I will play the Piper/Lucy/Burnice team until EoS
Total Piper Love
just level your dps to 60 and then they can solo it
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It ain't easy being cheesy
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I love him...
Jane+Burnice + any support aside from Soukaku. Going off the other anon, Ben might be an interesting choice if you don't want a 3rd support, Seth is always solid too despite only buffing one of them
What actually ARE W-Engines lore wise? Are they meant to be like, portable batteries? Power sources? Thats the only thing I've managed to think of is that the agents plug them into their weapons
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
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I'm gonna switch some of the team in and out
Want to run Piper Caesar Lucy, Piper Burnice Lucy and Piper Koleda Lucy all
Weapon processing for effects
It's a quantum computer for combat. S rank ones are military grade
I've never been able to tell this clearly that something has been drawn by a woman, look at that artstyle, the forced dreamy filter throughout the page
Did I just awaken my 3rd eye
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I hope we get furries in 1.3 and leak keks get btfo like Ayaka in Genshin
We know Vlad, stfu and take your furry away.
if its art I dont like, its shit, if its art I like, its good, yours is not good so its shit
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>Mihomo went out of its way to fix Burnice's Doritos chin
She's the must-pull character, confirmed.
They're definitely expecting some semblance of success from her banner, otherwise they wouldn't have done this.
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My headcanon is them being some weird fancy music player, hence why it's surrounded by music "Disks" and them opening up.
What about the lips you ask? Well that's for my di
Jane's ass jiggle has me hypnotized
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they tell you during the Wenginer tutorial bro
They need to buff her more then, because if not, yikes.
Why wouldn't they fix a face that was somehow way worse than Wideyabi?
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Maybe... I don't think I've ever really speculated on an artist's gender...

We will beat up Vlad...
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I dont like but i fap to zzz ai porn
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I recently added "furry" to my filters because there is quite literally zero posts containing that word that are worth reading.
>b-but ZZZ is f-
Don't care. Fuck off. I never asked for this.
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You DID roll for Jane, right? You aren't skipping her for Bricks of Calydon, are you?
In CN they're actually called "Music Boxes", translators fucked up.

Your agents hold off getting insane from the hollow by listening to the music discs you provide them with. Anby even has a headset.
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so then meeyabee will be expected to change when her patch is nearly upon us?
In a few languages they're called "amplifiers" and in chinese they're literally just "sound equipment"
Who knows how fancy CD players are supposed to actually boost your combat capabilities though
Is I should be building THE LUCY for Caesar team with nekomata does that viable?
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I can tell you're not having fun with this game.
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How do I fix her?
I only have Starlight Engine.
so thats why ZZZ ost is fucking insane, literal lore reasons. holy mihomo I kneel.
are you smokin that ibm quantum computer
rarely looks good
So HSO06 is
>Ice Support (Soukaku)
>Ice Anomaly (Miyabi)
>Electric Attacker (Harumasa)
>Electric Support (Yanagi)
Although I kinda struggle to see how an agent using a Naginata is meant to be a support, at the same time all the supports in game use weapons just as suited for combat as the non supports.
Isn't the code expired already?
Mibibi is already perfect as she is tho?
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You surely didn't make THIS mistake and ruin your account forever, right?
It was the easiest skip in the world
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>skipped Qingyi because I already have Koleda & Lycaon + c4 Anby
>have Piper but still zero investment because my other teams are S-ing Hollow and Shiyu just fine
>try pulling for Jane but lose 50/50 to Kot
>fuck it, I guess I'll invest in Piper
>level 60, sig at 60 too, all skills at 10
>try a random 10pull thinking of Seth
>given that I've already wasted resources I may as well try to get Seth now too
>40 pulls and I'm only getting weapons + Corin/Anton dupes
>he finally comes at 50
Despite winning I feel extremely bricked, I wanted Burnice but I don't even know if my guarantee got reset at this point, I only have 120 pulls in stash
Lesson learned - never pull for A-ranks
Caesar is so cute
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Get Lycaon you stupid bitch.
the end game content is almost zero, the dailies last for 5 minutes and that's it.
I played this game 13 years ago and never even thought twice about the butter my popper line but everybody else remembered it.
That is some cool lore
Grace can't use the 1.2 set it's obviously for Yanagi
That's awesome
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All the CCs agree. Caesar is a easy skip.
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universally cringe, ZZZ is getting so much good real art that only a tasteless retard would enjoy sloppa
Ears and tails are fine. Full on anthropomorphic animals is weird and you're never convincing me otherwise, sorry.
For the last fucking time, Miyabi is a Fire Defender.
I hope its yanagi attack and harumasa support. Makes more sense to me since harumasa uses a bow.
That makes sense, I read the description of a few of them and it mentions music/sound amps.
That and the fact that Ulimtate's are charged up generating "Decibels" another music term - Maybe the implication is that the Hollows are deathly silent and music brings a sort of, human element into it to stave off the effects of Ether Corruption? Doubly checks out with there being Hollows in the darkness of space/on the moon.
The devs confirmed Anby is listening to the game's OST on her headphones, IIRC one of her idle animations is humming/bopping along to the music.
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>all you have to do is say CN and everyone instantly believes your shit
I have Lycaon you stupid bitch.
How come when a new character approaches the narrative changes from WOW IM SO EXCITED THIS CHARACTER LOOKS GREAT to THIS CHARACTER SUCKS when nothing has changed about said character
make a poll.
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her core skill gives her 100% extra crit damage when you get all 6
here's your (You)
>only ice dps worth building around
>b-but her usage rate!!
ok, by this logic Zhu Yuan is the best character ever because she is the only Ether character you can build around and thus her usage rate is almost maxxed out with Ether Weakness missions
I can definitely see this but I'd love to get another ranged attacker. Ranged units really give you another fun way to play, maxing out Billy and taking him into the end game stages really gives you a different experience to playing the S Rank Melee agents

But I could definitely see a bow wielder providing more "Support" with his abilities.
I'm about to rank up and be THE LEGENDARY PROXY
Wish me luck!
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So if I get this right, if I want to be a dolphin and get every limited character by only topping up when necessary, I'd have to spend every single day doing nothing but prefarm to try and build those characters up without having real time to optimise builds in depth?
Twitter artists having a meltdown over that one glowing Miku ai art was pretty funny.
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>replying to the aispammer
you're talking to a literal ai bot
Cancer Creators really want clicks at all costs
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SD hasn't shilled ice since 1.0
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I play in JP and from what I understood they're supposed to be regular music players that for some reason emit sound waves (thus the W-Engine name, Wave-Engine) that enhance combat capabilities.
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>Caesar is only good in hyper specific situations and mediocre otherwise
What the fuck why did they have to nerf her so much in the beta? She fucking sucks now.
this game ruined my life
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Why do people here take whatever CN says as objective fact?
because they are niggers
an electric attacker is expected because there's no S-rank one yet but electric anomaly/support would be dumb when Rina exists and is in a fairly good state.
I really, REALLY hope that they'll just make them ether instead. We can already form two completely different electric teams
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Nobody actually cares about Shiyu weaknesses that much right?? As long as you avoid the resistances anyone can clear it.
People don't actually go out their way and roll purely just for that... right?
I have come to the conclusion i am the only smart zzz player. Maybe I should make videos
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I've got her at 4/6 on her core skill. She still just feels bad compared to my Zhu who has worse stats (also Starlight Engine), though she is 6/6 for her core.
shouldn't have given them your bank details, never whale this early on in a gacha unless it's for cosmetics
Some of their descriptions specifically mention how they're used, a couple of them explicitly generate elemental energy for their users to fight with
They're weapons/computers disguised as music toys
They are confidant that people will roll with their dicks for her.
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>new characters look great
>do their trials
>realize they aren't neko
>their profiles don't even say anything about mackerel
yeah i'm skipping
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I was gonna pull when Caesar literally didnt have an atk buff
lmaoing at metasloppers theyll still have slower clear times than me
nta but zhu simply powercreep ellen
same stats and all, zhu will literally clear twice as fast compared to ellen
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>good in hyper specific situations
>works with 90% of the agents
Retarded CC will stay retarded
I pull with my cock
I hate mihoyo so much it's unreal
>CN feels
People listen to this guy?
haru and yanagi already appear as npcs who help you in some story quests for hz. they are electric. only miyabi has a chance now.
soukaku buffing ice damage isn't exactly absolute, either. rina buffs elec which no one else in victoria does.
anyway, i bet some of the idolslop will be ether since they are pink, but i understand not everyone is willing to roll for them
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I finally fucking did it bwos I'm so happy
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I have decided, my free S character will be Koleda
Welcome to the perpetual doom and shitposting the closer we get to a new limited character's release. Then they release and SURPRISE SURPRISE, they''re fine
Why do people watch YouTubers to tell them what to roll. Like I look at the character and watch their gameplay to decide. I never had a doubt in my mind about Caesar. I was always going to get her.
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Koleda is fun as hell and super sex
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*cough cough* go on without me bwos...
the CN numbers are in
they say ur gay
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I just heard from CN that you're a stupid dumb fat bitch.
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Why would anyone want this gremlin?
Sex with futa Piper
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Mochi Rushii
She's sex and has kino interactions with Ben
still waiting for Jstern's verdict
Imagine if you were attacking an enemy and then for no reason your character decided to switch to attacking a different enemy that was further away for some reason and whatever you did you couldn't stop them from attacking the new enemy instead of the one you wanted to attack and they would even go against the camera to do so, wouldn't that be crazy
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damn i capped it right as it turned fuzzy
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S11, Burnice and Koleda will be my schizo team
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My first ever kiss is a digital one
I'm not even mad
Shit Qingyi is about to pass out, she's out of battery
Becoming Piper's seat and cleaning her asshole during a long trip
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I got koldea how do I play her does she work with grace
shut up granny
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I know most people will consider them ugly and just skip them. But I really love their designs and how unconventional they are, I hope the anthros are playable, especially Pulchra, it's so rare to have female anthro designs.
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my two dps characters are done

now what
Enjoy the funniest trust event in my opinion
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>Razor in Shiyu 17
Oh fuck.
I was both dreading and looking forward to this. Didn't think it would happen so soon though
Who stinks more between Caesar and Burnice?
This information is absolutely pertinent to my pulling strategy.
CN and jstern25 link up
need it or keep it
Janebros... is this true...?
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I roll for combinations of class/elements that I don't own because I want to be a bit more flexible regarding team building. At level 60 and good discs most content isn't challenging (except for the last Disputed Node but that's not because of damage issues) but who knows, maybe one day Mihoyo will actually drop something that I'll sweat and fail in continuously and the newest banner character will be the only way to S-rank.
Pulled for Ellen and Zhu because they're the only Ice/Ether attackers. Just because the shilling strategy is to drop content of the current character's element doesn't mean that it's a bad investment, most characters seem fairly future-proof as of now. Skipped Qingyi because Anby is doing the job of an electric stunner just fine. Skipped Jane because of Piper for the exact same reason.
Defenders are trash right now and thus Caesar is not someone that I'll have in my roster but I'm looking forward to Burnice because she's the only Fire Anomaly on the horizon.
none of the SoC showers
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Time to level 60 your favourites outside of those two, treat it like a fun little side project
I will never respect face tanking. I can maybe look pass tanking damage with shields but losing hp while you steam roll with higher dps and super armor will always make gameplay lame.
Agree but Jane cock is massive
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We get a free S??
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I have an Ice Team.
An Ether Team.
A Fire Team.
A Physical Team.
An Electric Team.

Yes, I roll based on elements and Mihoyo BETTER make weaknesses something actually worth pursuing or fuck this shit fucking game.
After your 300th pull on standard, you get to pick one S character for FREE!
>no axis for cum volume
Caesar stinks of sweat and exhaust
Burnice absolutely REEKS of petrol and firelighters
there's not much to do
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>plays a Mihoyo game
>forgets/doesn't know that 4 years after Genshits release you can still clear the hardest content with 4 stars characters and 4 star weapons only
It's not like our A rank signature Engines who are perfectly tailored to specific characters either btw.
Unless you're a metafag that plays specifically for that, people really need to stop taking it so serious
Nicole + Zhu is really strong and gives Zhu essentially guaranteed crit (you effectively have 91% crit rate as you get 30% from Zhu's passive and another 15% from Nicole) as well as defence shred on par with Lycaon but for all dmg types and then an extra 25% ether damage buff (on par with Soukaku's 1k atk buff if you have 2.5k atk)
So even without Qingyi's dmg buff Zhu is really strong with just crit dmg stats
You're playing a literal kids game bwo
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issho-ni saboroze?
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i save all pagfly edits
Caesar smells like dirt and body odor burnice smells like alcohol and grease lucy smells like lavender and cherry blossoms piper smells like gasoline lighter smells like vanilla and cinnamon
I checked your agents and I feel like you spread your resources too thin. I dont recall any maxxed out agents or engines and you DPS chars are on the lowish side crate/cdmg side. I suggest throwing some time at your favorite DPS agent. what are your default team compositions?
I suggest running ether dmg bonus on disk 5 for Zhu. test you shotshells in VR mode before and after
shiyu defence
nonbiri yaro ze
What do you mean pagfly
That image is from Blue Archive
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you lucky dog
I got her with Zhu Yuan she's fun
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Ben isn't enough we need more bears
already lolifying the characters
I look like this
I play her with Ben and S11. So much fun
poopers lol
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You don't need all that.
So... is Ellen just bad now?
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that image you posted explains everything
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Thoughts on crossplay?
we censoring feet now?
how desperate is in /wuwa/?
only made a few so far
New thread
Can someone make another without a trash OP?
Not using your shit thread, kill yourself
Jane makes my pee pee rise up
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don't care looks good anon
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I will not listen to Content Creator niggers.
I will not listen to your "meta".
You and your speculative opinions can die in a Hollow.
Caesar will buff Ellen more than Zhu Yuan
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>use my last 20 rolls in weapon banner to get Anby's ball
>gives me Seth's gayass weapon twice
Really now
And Piper even more than Ellen
Hopefully never.
Lucy and Piper has the best rides.
Lighter and Burnice the worst.
How does Caesar steer?

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