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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Playful Land rerun: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
Jamil Birthday Campaign (1 Normal 10-key): 09/12
Jamil Birthday Missions (2 Bday 10-keys): 09/11 16:00 JST - 09/17 14:59
Ace Birthday Campaign: 09/23
>Current Gacha
[Event] SSR Fellow Honest & Gidel: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
[Event] Playful Land SSR Ace, Ortho, Kalim & SR Leona, Cater, Vil: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
Ortho & Cater Rate-up: 09/17 16:00 JST - 09/24 14:59 JST
Kalim & Vil Rate-up: 09/24 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
[Campaign] SSR Loungewear & Platinum Jacket Jamil feat. Past Bdays banner: 09/11 16:00 JST - 09/17 14:59
>Upcoming Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Loungewear & Platinum Jacket Jamil feat. Past Bdays banner: Late Sept.

>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>493087210
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Jamil should always be happy...
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Place your bets: Tapis on EN by the end of the year?
I find it funny that playful land's furniture is better for kalim and ortho than for ace
ferro picks favorites
They are shota enough like Gidel to be taken care of.
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is idia better as an alpha or an omega
but ace can be cute too...
Cute like small by child-like cute? Cause that's what Kalim and Ortho got.
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did every ferrosis get their boy?
no am cry
Either that or book 7 spam
If you guys want resales of TWST Nendoroids or request for more for the other characters like Rollo, Fellow, and Gidel, you can do it now here:
152 pulls
I'm on it
I did a random 10 pull and got him, now I feel bad for actual ferro sisters.
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Of course!
Got his cute card in the first 4 minutes, wish I could have recorded the moment.
He's currently lv 104, cutest support card someone could ever ask for!
I just need to upgrade my guest room to make it better for him so I can only have excellent invites!
yeah and uncapped him four times. there's a line for guest room invites so he's gonna have to wait.
Ngl my biggest fear is that they'll do something in future main chapters with the boy you first picked as your SR bc I genuinely don't want to do shit with Azul
btw has anyone seen ferro's room fight lines?
I forgot who the fuck I chose
If the timeloop thing is true I wonder if they're gonna be the one who will appear at the end of the story, reaching out their hand to you to drag you back in.
can any ferrosis post how he looks in the room? does he sit with gidel?
Completely forgot that EN hasn't had tsum3 yet
that'd before before or after tapis?
JP had Tapis rouge to Rice Chef to Tsum3 but who knows what JP is gonna do.
>who knows what JP is gonna do.
EN* is gonna do, my bad.
People talk like EN is gonna catch up to JP for simultaneous releases one day but I think EN devs are way too slow for that.
It took them forever just to get General Lilia's voice lines right, they had him in there with his school-day-Lilia voice lines for weeks. Real great quality control guys.
to be honest I don't think they'll ever be 100% caught up because they'd need to get the script ahead of time if they want to do simultaneous releases, so I think the place they're at now is the most advantageous for them
if they were just 1 month behind people would know exactly what to expect each month, with the delay they can throw curveballs like the tamashina blueballing
Licking Jamie's neck n collarbones
People throw out the "but scripts are translated ahead of time to get approval from Disney, they're already in English before they're even implemented on JP!" argument for why they think that we're gonna get simultaneous releases, but I don't buy it.
I mean I'm know it's translated for approval and all that, but the format/phrasing/etc. that they're sending in for the mouse's OK is not the same, exact, final-approval-received localization that ends up in EN. There's no way, it would be a huge waste of time, money and resources to jump through all the hoops of proper localization for something that might get heavily edited or denied outright.
It's probably some barebones translation to put the general feeling across, then given back to JP with notes. Changes are made to the original script as dictated, then implemented on JP, THEN the final product is tossed to the localizers they've contracted with from fiverr or wherever for a foundation translation.
Then that team's work goes back to Aniplex USA for some Xgen project manager to say "Not bad, but let's change it to Ernesto," then it's updated, then sent in to the devs to implement.
Is my guess of the pipeline, anyway.
Fucking autocorrect
>Picked Riddle since first impression was Red Ciel
I don't mind, I still have a soft spot for him. His dorm card carries me hard and fully uncapped early. It's pretty funny thinking back about my initial impressions before the playthrough. Thought Ace would be a lame joker sidekick because of his gay pose. Juice would be happy to know I really thought of him as honor student right off the bat. He cleaned up nicely.
I love hearing about people's first impressions cause I don't know shit about typical anime tropes. Saw someone say that they thought Sebek was going to be the "strong and silent type" kek
which one of the boys would you prioritize your luck to get on the bday freebies?
We can't expect something for this aniplex thing in the next few hours but until next sunday right
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I decided fuck it we ball and I got him on the NINTH pull
I have never been this lucky before, cat-dad wanted to come home apparently.

No Giddy. He talks to him like he's there, though.
>No Giddy. He talks to him like he's there, though.
That's kinda sad lmao
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His tail is so fluffy...
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I wonder if RSA has dorms and what is their names... I bet they're either elegant or silly names
I'm assuming they only have one dorm since they love friends and team work and all that
The school takes inspiration from King Aurthur, so probably themed after his Knights. Though I imagine instead of the historical knights it’s actually the heroes that defeated NRC’s Great Seven to keep up with the theme that RSA wipes NRC in everything
I guess the head of the Aurora house would be related to Silver, then.
You mean Prince Phillip?
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I made my own dorms that are counterparts to NRCs but not 1-to-1, just one less dorm compared to NRC because I didn't know what else to add...
>White Queen dorm (Alice in Wonderland)
Weird dorm
>The Beast dorm (Beauty and the Beast)
Beast-man dorm
>Tiana dorm (Princess and the Frog)
Water-man dorm
>Seven Dwarfs dorm (Snow White)
Oldest dorm
>Mulan dorm (Mulan)
Tech dorm
>Ella dorm (Cinderella)
Fairy dorm
>Mickey dorm (Fantasia)
Abandoned dorm
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Do you have more of these, anon?
I'm so sad I can't retweet her art anymore
Did anyone post Neige's?
Maybe it's an homage to the less important characters in the story (plot twist it's actually the protagonists) while NRC got the more important characters (villains)
>[Alice dorm] inspired by the spirit of curiosity of the young lass
>[Simba dorm] inspired by the spirit of bravure of the carefree prince
>[Ariel dorm] inspired by the spirit of innocence of the mermaid princess
>[Alladin dorm] inspired by the humorous spirit of the keen thief
>[Snow white dorm] inspired by the kind spirit of the fair maiden
>[Hercules dorm] inspired by the spirit of responsability of the gifted hero
>[Aurora dorm] inspired by the spirit of love of the dreamy princess
I've seen some people think that maybe vil and neige can reconciliate and it made me realize the next diasomnia updates are going to hit EN like trucks
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Will we ever see his whole face again
>an arthur and a lancelot
rsa ntr...no...
There's a note in there about how he has to always have either his mouth or his eyes covered. Prolly cause both being visible is shorthand for dead-ortho.
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i hate this hot bratty eel. made of pure lewd!!
Anybody have a link to a Jamil bloom vignette official english upload? Wanted to see how they handled him talking about his parents working as servants.
does jade envy azul for being in the same class as the boy he likes
Jade gives cuck fetish vibes
he'll let azul have first mover advantage but if the relationship with jamil wavers he'll step in
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I have like 10 stickers for Kalim, slowly but surely we'll be friends
>I gave you magic please respond
but he has a human-like soul...
is he also a cuck for floyd
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Wait what is today’s update for again, did I miss something
changing ace's banner for ortho's
poor idia, he's a weeb yet doesn't like seafood, I wonder if it's only raw seafood or cooked as well, does stuff like miso paste/broth count? what about katsuobushi? does he have to order ramen without the swirly fish cakes?
leak anon did you find anything new after the sneaky QoL update? no need to share pics after the youtube dumbass
jamil is a reliable big sister
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>no one talking about the xitter account's NBC post
It's over
Nope. They moved the assets into new folder and some fix for Mer Floyd i think.
Also, what happened on Youtube? Is it something related to the leak?
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They posted a PV but it's region locked. For those without the power of a VPN it's nothing, literally just shows pic related and then the twst logo then ends.
>Boogie trending on JP twitter
No, it must be Jack you fags, he's the real villain of the movie
It's mid autumn festival tonight anon probably a chunk of people are with their families
>It's mid autumn festival tonight
Are you trying to tell me /twst/ is predominantly Chinese
What is this data migration on JP?
I'm juice brain and somehow thought anon meant on twt, that one's on me. Chinese aren't the only ones celebrating it though, jp does too. Jp Disney twt made a post about NBC for Tsukimi, I wonder if it's all timed together.
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Imagine if after all this hype on JP there's no new tumblr sexyman implemented in this event.
Probably cause we all already knew.
The PV is reminiscent of the scary monsters era, but with less budget.
They probably want Twink Boogie, not realizing the twink will be Dr. Finkelstein.
Hello TranslateAnon and TurtleAnon, went to pre-order this month's Gfan and it looks like there's no manga this month, just the 4koma?
I took the day off work anyway. If anyone has any ideas for what I can say when a coworkers makes the connection that I have been calling in on the 18th of every month, I'd be much obliged.
I think i'm the only person in the world that hasnt seen that movie
Probably. It's really good. Also really quick, 70-something minutes with credits?
I mean people already find normal jack sexy
I haven't seen it either. I think the sack guy has a pair of dice or something, that's all I know.
Who do you think it's getting the SSRs? There's no much options if you count the other halloween events right?
Leona and Sebek had the most elaborate outfits out of the guys who were leaked
So based on previous Halloweens what should be the timeline of when the new twstified boy's silhouette gets posted/the animated teaser/etc? I want to see JP draw fanart of mafia Leona already
There’s that livestream on Sunday. Probably then.
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I love it when people make stuff like this
Leona and Sebek are already set, I wonder if there’s a third.
People keep saying Jack but poor Leona stuck with two children.
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>the other half of the event has boys in Christmas outfits
If anything getting Jack is lucky. There's Floyd, Deuce or Epel as options
I hope Vil is the sr or r freebie
Give Riddle a Sally SR.
Well it's time for you to watch it
It's basically a data optimization thing. Should supposedly make the game run faster.
...At least, that is what they sold it as, but (datamine autism ahead) from what I'm seeing is that they just moved the game assets from the UnityCache folder to the asset-bundle folder. Shouldn't impact datamining though.
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newbwo here, where are the females?
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We have two, Vil and Epel. Everyone is a man with a penis
what material does playful leona drop?
Every playable character in this game has a cock n balls
Twst Sally will be a cute girl
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I think if he's in this batch he'd be an R
so if 2025 will be 2024's counterpart...hook finally? or something else?
what the FUCK
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heya TypesetAnon! yeah, it's just 4koma this month. i thought it'd have savanaclaw too though, but guess i was mistaken. i think next month's got octa either way. or we're getting the tripple threat! anyway, i've translated it already, so here you go! https://pastebin.com/CiPNfJ9a

as for your days off, made me chuckle. if you're a woman, someone might get the idea that you get periods heavy enough that you just have to take a day off each month, kek
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made me instantly think of them too, pic related. potential floyd as the third ssr? i still hope it's jack though, but the idea of leona being paired with two very annoying children is so amusing. especially floyd, he seems to get on his nerves pretty badly.

>captcha DYAK
that's it, jack confirmed for third ssr
Thank u anon as always
Please treasure planet steampunk next year
Only if they feel like being blatantly desperate, the eels just had story SSRs and get their birthday in November anyways. I'm also hoping for Jack but I think Epel is the most likely so Leona ends up having to babysit Vil and Malleus's juniors the whole time.
It's not like it's unusual for them to put popular boys in the same row, GloMas had 3 extremely popular boys in of both servers WW.
Leona and Floyd in the same SSR is enough bc they'll make lots and lots of money since Sebek probably won't sell well (if he's just a mid card like Ortho's and Azul's halloween SSRs)
Morning TranslateAnon, thank you so much for your work! I'm on it!
>we're getting the tripple threat!
Already requested 10/18 off, we are ready to rock.
my bet is on Jamil SSR, twst never loses a chance to bully him over his bug fear
I would believe you if that happened 3 years ago but now twst is no longer in the position to rely on a popular boy, they just throw whoever is due to get an SSR.
Serious poll on who you think the new pretty boy will be
>Bone Daddy
>twst is dead and no new pretty boy
Oogie's existence is a sin.
all my chips are on mad scientist wheelchair boy
another crazy ghost girl that tries to kidnap idia
Wonderful work as always TranslateAnon, really appreciate it. I still have brainmelt from doing the 4koma myself last month, you are amazing.

Heyo TurtleAnon, hope I caught you before bed! Here is the download
I see many Idias and Azuls in Tim Burton style on my timeline today. Ah, they do not know...
>Extremely tall (2m tall) ferro 2.0 jack skellington
>shota oogie boogie
>wheelchair boy
The options are wild
Since all the leaked outfits had Jack faces on them and Jack's dog appears in Sebek's sprite I am rather inclined to believe Jack will be the sexyman instead of Boogie
I dunno man, Frollo was the sexyman in Glomas but nobody was really dressed like him.
Ever since Yana mentioned her hiatus everyone has been talking for months about how she's in England and she posted yesterday that she just got on the plane. She's been in JP this whole time.
What do you mean, everyone dressed like fags with dumb hats and poofy outfits
That's fair.
Dunno why they'd give the main character a makeover, though, when the whole game is about the guys who are always coming in second place.
Jack comes in second place to Santa Clause and is forever stuck with only the 2nd best holiday
With Christmas being canon because TNBC event being there, it means JESUS does exist in Twisted Wonderland.
Yeah I can see the option for it being Jack just cause he's not really a "hero" in the traditional Disney sense. He shows up, fucks things up for everybody and has a whole song about how he regrets nothing.
Oh my god, twink santa clause.
Hold up preacher, we dunno how they're gonna handle that yet. They might skip the Christmas shit altogether and just keep it Halloweeny. Or maybe Nightmare Before Obon or something, cause Japan.
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Jack meeting Jack!
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yana's favorite character...
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>people on twitter saying Jack has more chances of being the NBC SSR than leona
It still hurts ngl
Screwed over from Jack Sparrow costume and now Jack Skellington, why is it so hard being a fan for this wolf beastman?
If he's the R card I am going to die laughing, he's got more than anybody
He's gonna dress up like Zero lol. Can't wait for him to duo Sebek.
this time he'll defeat the reindeer
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jacksis...there's still a small hope...
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Idia should have been an Oogie Boogie...
Someone from the main cast being the main baddie in an event is a pretty neat take
Didn't they kinda do that with Malleus was in Endless Halloween already?
I just think it'd be fun if we got more events where the boys are divided in two groups and then duke it out
>team "make christmas goth" vs team "promote bugs and gambling"
We need Beanfest again but with less lopsided teams
God please no
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That's a fair point.

Team Make Christmas Goth
Cater, Ace, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Team Promote Bugs and Gambling
Trey, Deuce, Ruggie, Floyd, Kalim, Epel, Ortho, Lilia
Team What the Fuck is this School
Riddle, Leona, Jack, Azul, Sebek, Silver
Anyone here have more deets on last year's twst fes? I vaguely remember reading about them splitting into 2 groups to settle something, one with Leona leading and the other with Malleus. Kinda bummed the story wasn't an in-game event, or at least we got more like it.
It was written about in a B's Log magazine article (the one with puppet Ace on the cover) and there's a write-up in English out there by someone who managed to get in.
From what I can tell the only part that wasn't livestreamed was what you just said, with the cast split in half and each reciting a scene live, in character. That must have been surreal to see.
Wait no I forgot, the 3D concert wasn't livestreamed, either. There's pictures in the article. Performances of both the glomas song and of Absolutely Beautiful.
We haven't seen any Jamil content despite the bug theme and I'm wondering if maybe he'll be an R cause he's gonna just drop out right from the beginning like "yeah I am not doing this, ya'll have fun."
Does jamil lack as well
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I was thinking about something.
It's kinda boring when your favorite boy doesn't have anything going on so it doesn't matter if your yume has crazy lore or anything elaborate if the character you like lacks development or interesting lore. Anything romantic that could come out in cool moments just gets immediately downgraded by existence of the boy himself.
>Oh no yuu overbloted bc trauma bc crowley bc plot twist and the only one that could bring the light into her life is...
This is just an example, ofc, but there's some characters that were made for good plots with the player that also can have good romantic and cool content overall.
>OBers, Adeuce, entire Igni and Dia
>Maybe Kalim and Rook for light boy points
The rest is just the rest and it's kinda sad
I'm kinda high so I hope all of this makes sense, good night everyone
>so it doesn't matter if your yume has crazy lore
Your yume having any type of lore doesn't matter full stop
>Oh no yuu overbloted
Can't happen
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That's not the point anon! Think harder! You can do it!
Man I wish I could talk like that on main sometimes.
I'll see someone post about how malleus is super strong or Vil is super tall or whatever and some weirdo will come in with "He's not as strong as Pricillia StunningFace III" or "Well my OC Yuuinelia (the forgotten princess) actually wears even taller heels" and it's like oh my god, we are not talking about the voices in your head right now.
You're joking right. There's no way randos just butt into discussions of canon characters with their own OCs, especially if it they're not mutual friends on the same page or something. Please tell me this doesn't happen
Ooh it's real. I used to think they were joking by name-dropping an imaginary friend like the're someone we all know, but I keep seeing it.
The one I remember specifically was a thread about Floyd's name for the prefect and someone came in from the side to educate us on how it was inaccurate for her Yuu because her Yuu is a seven-foot tall dragon princess and Floyd had best watch himself.
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No makeup.
Different clothes.
That look.
I don't know what new assistant-kun they hired to cover for Yana but they are knocking it out of the park.
Nice and cozy. I was worried they'd all have bland outfits like Jamil'd but this is pretty cute.
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Sorry for the delay, I'm currently not at home. I'll try to upload as soon as possible!
He's so cozy and cute.
Non zero chance he has given the MC a hoodie just like that!
gosh what a cutie
He is thin enough for another person to cuddle with him.
'Trappola' and 'No Suit's trending in JP. As expected from the jp fandoms riako machine......
Can't wait to meet the faceless adeuce roomates, they are my real self insert
He's told the MC this twice already, he's tired of dropping hints.
Again, sorry for the wait. Here's the new chapter for your viewing pleasure: https://mangadex.org/chapter/c91d428e-f95d-459f-8b90-4be5a07a7c02
Enjoy and good work!
Thank you so much for this!
I need some help.
Can't update the game. It redirects me to the appstore and, when I try to update, it says "failed to download".
Does anyone know what could I do?
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those updates that redirect to the app store can be udpated through qooapp
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>got a Basic sticker
>about to feed it to dorm epel
>accidentally fed it to broom epel
they look so naked without their makeup...
Bullying ace is the best activity
That is 2nd, kissing him is the number 1 best activity
Are they a couple too
Now that it seems to be unique, SOMEONE will have an ugly ass pajama.
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Twst is too catholic for naked leona
oh damn. they're all gonna have a different vibe, that's great.

i still can't get over the fact we get to see our boy lie in bed, looking at us. i am fully erect. thank you twst devs.
How awful his fit will be
You're the best TurtleAnon, thank you!
don't sweat it, TurtleAnon! great job this month as always you two, thank you so much for the flawless teamwork.

since octavinelle manga vol 2 is out with bonus illustrations, could we include them next month with the new octa chapter?
TypesetAnon here, you got it boss, will add them in the next Octachapter
But why can't they lie on the comfy space in the room
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you're right about that
>AU where Yuu accepted Ace's proposal to sleep with him
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I love Ace so much, and happy to see so many here do too. Has he gotten more fans since last year? He's so handsome without makeup.
As a fellow Acesis I never really understood the western fandoms dislike for him. He's a sweetheart and he's well loved in Japan, maybe people just started realizing it here?
I think it's the fact Westerners hate the childhood friend or boy next door kind of guy.
West sisters don't want attention from the basketball boy, they want it from the dragon prince because that means they're not like the other girls.
Shit taste, but that would explain it. And also maybe the popularity of Malleus in the west compared to JP?
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I'm an Acefag since the start of this general but I never really connected with other Ace fags around because they always try to make his whole character orbit around MC and that's pretty cringe.
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>Episode Level Up: You must have it rough, always surrounded by those magically gifted little brats every day. When you get tired of it, you should come to the school I plan to open. We'd welcome you with open arms. Fwahahahahahahaha!
In a heartbeat, yeah.
The fact that the boys have personalities outside of the prefect is baffling to some people. It's why I can't read fics with the prefect in them.
They're not even in 90% of the game content, it's all the boys having their own lives--that's why it's so good.
I thought he had huge boobs before I opened the pic
Some of them are extra funny ngl, I love cringe content
>school shooter Yuu
let them cook
I would say Ace is one of the few exceptions to that, that doesn't mean his whole life revolves around Yuu but to say he isn't a decent part of it when talking about twst's story is kinda dishonest
Well I am one that does yume Ace, so I guess I am part of that problem. But I am glad he is not a charcter that is hyperfixated on the mc and has other important relationships. I hope we get some more Adeuce for the NBC event.
It's okay if you don't like the Prefect, fan content featuring the Prefect, or people who focus on them like they are a dating sim MC, but it's a bit disingenuous to imply they have no impact on (at least some of) the boys or the game. Fan content is whatever you want it to be, but when it comes to canon either extreme is cringe.
>so I guess I am part of that problem
You're not, yume isn't the problem. It's when people flatten him to a one-dimensional trait
Welcome you where? The alleyway? That's their only home
Or prison.
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To a place where you never went before.
Fanart of Riddle cosplaying as Jack Skellington is nice. But I still can't help but think that he's too short to be him.
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You will rike it
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I need him so bad... Please Yana... Please...
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Jack sisters...
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Bringing a gun to a magic fight is ALWAYS an option for the magicless
>supposedly the leaks are on tiktok
how dumb are people
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Is it really that bad?
I don't see how this is bad, iirc hoyo games has leaks all the time and it works so people become desperate when their favorites are coming so they spend more money.
If it's because of the "noooo normies bad" I don't really care
The plot of the event will be Skeleton Jack is the headmaster of a school and he thinks that NRC is better so he kidnaps Crowley
The devs don’t like leaks partially because of the money thing. There was a furrysis in this very thread saying she would’ve rolled for Ferro if she hadn’t known that Halloween Leona was coming.
They stagger information for a reason, and that reason is more money.
I'm mostly on Jp fandoms and leaks are normally treated like black market material, keep it on the down low. Courtesy and respect for the IP you like is part of it, leaking so openly like hoyo fans do all the time is not the norm. I hate what hoyo leakers have done to the general landscape of treating leaks desu. But I know most en don't care about that though so there's also part of twst's enjoyment is the surprise because they love to change things up here and there, don't wanna ruin that for people. Don't forget, it's Disney so legal repercussions might be a bigger consideration here too. That and Japan reacts quite seriously to this kind of thing so they might limit international access to merch, info etc stuff even more if they are petty enough.
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They know damn well what they are doing.
anyone else in this set?
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Disney realizing they don’t have any sexy villains and trying to make do with what they’ve got
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>this is the selection of characters that get plushies
Ha, also I think Frollo's is a rerun
i remember reading that line for the first time back then and being pleasantly surprised. kinda suggestive. just like floyd's horny level up line or what was it, the 'feels good gimme more' one. or leona sniffing (You). there were a couple of ...moments in the initial chapters or lines in the first batches of cards, but it just kinda stopped happening. or am i crazy? at least we got boys in beds now!

i get this. i never even saw the prefect as their own character and just treated it as (You), kek. but that's on me coming form moid-oriented gacha games where all the grills are for (You) and you're kinda supposed to self-insert.

best yuu is cameraman yuu, for that reason. watch the boys interact like the voayeur loser you are, and pine after them because you are ultimately unimportant. they are here for your viewing pleasure, whether you ship them together or want to fuck them.
If leaks get bad enough then devs will implement even stricter measures to block those leaks, and once that happens fun's over for everyone.
Reminder that this is the reason why they started time-locking freebie SR groovy arts after the Ghost Marriage event. Before that you used to be able to datamine them ahead of time, but retards spammed the leaks everywhere to the point that even JP users were seeing them so the devs had to take action.
Literally don't be retarded. Half of the reason that leaks even happen in the first place is that this game is braindead easy to datamine, half of the "dataminers" are just script kiddies using AssetStudio. If they make it even slightly harder than what it is now then you can easily expect all datamining to disappear.
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I'm the total opposite, I rarely if ever see the self-insert character as supposedly being me, every time I just see them as another character in the story, usually more bland than the others but still a character
Which is why I specifically ship Aceyuu, I think the dynamic and relationship that Ace has with Yuu is unique in this game and is very appealing to me, not his relationship Deuce, or Riddle, or anyone else, but with Yuu specifically
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How come there's so much Jacks
Think they should have a competition to see who the best Jack is. A Jack off
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I would agree with canon Yuu being the observer, it fits with them having the ghost camera. But fan Yuus have a place to exist, the ones that work well bring to the table a concept/personality that allows the other characters to be fleshed out in a way they can't otherwise or expand on the world in a way that's interesting enough to someone. Granted I can't say too much because one of my Yuus is Maleanor expy which inevitably is part of the problem
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Jamil's new Halloween SSR
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I agree with fan Yuus having a place but I don't think people's problems are with Yuus/OCs in general but in how some people force their Yuu/OC onto canon conversation, even make the canon character and everything they do revolve around them. I personally don't mind Yuus at all as a personal outlet for creativity but stuff like hating on the canon story because it doesn't work with their oc is off-putting. I'm a Malleusfag, I am constantly in pain. I've seen him enough as the love interest trope of a booktok romance that art like>>495005043 makes me happy to see just because Malleus is depicted different ly for once.
Why the long face Ace?
There’s an option for the prefect in book 5 to comment on how long Vil’s legs are that got taken out of EN. Was talking about it the other day and got responded to by someone saying they were glad it was taken out because their Yuu is taller than Vil so it would have been inaccurate.
I’m the same stance on OCs/Yuu’s, people can and should do whatever gets them off, but I’d appreciate it if they would keep their peanut butter out of my chocolate.
It takes a special breed of self-obsessed tween to constantly make everything about themselves, but every fandom’s got them I guess, and that’s who the prefect role is catering to.
also doesn't vil mention his height point blank later in book 5, when ace was whining about sleeping early
He does, yeah.
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Jack or Jamil....or a third lamer option...
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Couldja keep the thread above page 10 while I'm playing online games? thx
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Maximizing profit...
Had a dream that JP accidentaly refered to Yuu with female pronouns.
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Jamil's power was impressive
Vilsis do you like this theme for your boy or would you prefer next year
No, how jolly. How jolly his fit will be!
Nerdy and lame!
Floyd is hot
I want him for this year...
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Not without hooker boots. It's not Villoween without hooker boots.
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would vil enjoy sushi? and is he a purist about it?
As long as it's not fried, it should be fine.
will we get 40 missions for jeiflo?
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My ass is NOT doing all of that, I will just spend it on the better twin
They should make both bday jade and floyd mission can be completed at the same time, except for the room invite thing i guess
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What if they become donkey
need more viru outfits...
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they'd be cute donkeys
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he was made to be impregnated
also I don't think he'd like any of the cream cheese bombs
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I know the conversation about this is over but despite agreeing that yumes that only reduce the character to "he likes the player" sucks a lot, I would also want to add the yumes that think they own the character, now THIS is something out of this world.
It's unbelievable to me, really.
I can't believe I have to wait 4 days to roll meta man, why couldn't they move ortho's gacha to the end
I think nonsharing yumes are fine as long as they don't make too much fuss about it, don't pick fights just block in silence
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My problem is with the very vocal ones...
I think the ones I dislike the most are the ones that crave fandom clout
thankfully no twst fan will ever be able to have the same power as a johnlock loon
Nonsharing yumes genuinely scare me, worse yet ars the ones who forbid an artist they commissioned before to draw any other pair for their boy, and if they do they demand a refund That is real mental illness
On the topic of those kinds of fans, is swag superiority a thing in a lot of fandoms?
I block EN Twst accounts on sight but I still managed to see this one woman in an argument about how she is a true fan because of how much merch she’s bought.
I had never seen a “fans with the most merch are the ones who love Twst the most” argument and it was bizarre. But maybe that’s how fandoms are?
People who argue that the amount of money spent is the best way to demonstrate love for a fandom can't draw, write, or contribute to fandom in any meaningful way aside from buying shit
That explains a lot, actually. She was melting down over someone calling her out for pretending to be a translator. Her account is all plushies.
I guess that kind of person gets jealous that they can't become a content creator and decide to become a number-one consumer, instead.
Saw a JP sis saying she always thought OC was EN people talking about their Oshis kek
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Been there more or less.
Someone tried to commission me 2 years ago but said she didn't wanted to open my carrd more than once since I had a Malleus yume art in there and she had crazy anxiety in even LOOKING at other yumes with her boy. She just asked me to copypaste the T.O.S.
idk bitch close your eyes?
I saw someone posted in on youtube as well. Quite surprised the leaks got spreaded everywhere.
Sometimes I feel like I want to make an account somewhere to post fan stuff but stories like these put me off in the end. Is there really any point when you generally dislike EN fandom? Posting JP spaces doesn't feel appropriate either.
JP's got its own brand of weirdos like the Yuukensis that keeps harassing Yana.
Fandoms attract that type. Heck, fandoms ARE that type.
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Anon I'm going to be honest (HA! JOKE!)
That girl was weird? Yes. But she paid me and she was pretty sweet the entire process of the drawing. She just had a very specific and crazy anxiety.
I do think you should try to do your own thing, really. Yes, you can find some weird yume telling you to ACK yourself bc of something you did (even though you didn't deserved it lol), but at the same time you can find nice people to interact with.
There's all kinds of people everywhere, it sounds cliche, I know, but it's true lol.
Just have fun, yk?
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Intern-kun did an oopsie again.... It has nothing to do with halloween this time tho.
Post the groovie please

I should had read Jamil's personal first, it feels so schizophrenic when they talk to the roommates and they don't talk back (because they won't give them voices)
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The urge to ask you if there's a Jack SSR between the savanaclaw lore SSR and Halloween is huge but at the same time I don't want any new leaks since they'll get out of this general.
The groovies are way better this time.
It's birthday Jack.
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Oh god...
The temptation is way, WAY too big...................
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Does he look good? Is it base art or groovy? Or both?
It's chibi one unfortunately. I think he wears headband that similar to stitch one.
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Ooooh, I see. Nice anyway.
I was hoping for a small ponytail but whatever.
So... is he showing any skin? He can't handle the heat so I'm just wondering hahahaha...
He wears shirt and long-sleeved cardigan(?). And of course long pants.
>I don't want any new leaks since they'll get out of this general.
Easy ways around that. Just stick em in a place that requires a modicum of intelligence to access, they do that on /tg/ all the time. Will keep out anyone dumb enough to spread the leaks around like butter.
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I can picture him with a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows.
What do you suggest? Specific questions about the game?
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>Awful bed hair
So cute!
Haha uploading to poipiku with a privacy lock of "who is the cutest character in twisted wonderland" or something.
Anyone who has been on the board long enough knows exactly who that has to be.
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Just stick em in a folder online, then post the link with parts removed (see left). Anyone with critical thinking skills should easily be able to access it, and anyone with critical thinking skills won't be the type to spread it around.
Good news (?)
Unlike the entirety of Scarabia, Cater flirting with Vil and Jamil talking about Vil being pretty, EN didn't censored Lilia's bisexuality
For once they did a good job
I was too busy skipping all the dialogue and trying to power my way through the shitty treks to notice tbqh
Thanks fucking god.
I want to think they're getting better but they also replaced all of Kalim saying "pretty" in Leona's hometown with him saying "shiny" instead, cause boys aren't allowed to like pretty things.
Maybe they replaced the main story translation team or something.
That kind of hairstyle actually looks pretty good on him.
The bar is so low that we get excited when the localization does what it's supposed to be doing in the first place, yikes.
Gonna be a rough birthday year on EN, everyone stuck on a celebration for an anniversary from a year ago while JP gets customized pajamas and boys in beds.
Just makes it easier to save, the platinum bday cards look meh
Once again proving that the more disney influence there is the worse the game gets
I will never get over getting Ace with no make up. I would have fought with all the ferocity of a small yappy dog if someone had tried to tell me that this day would come.
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>Mamoru miyano trending again for voicing el padre in OnK
Guys...will it happen?
No Clovers because fuck Clovers
actually yeah no clovers at all, the rest of hearts has a room for themselves
There isnt a single individual with penis on this general
I'm a guy, probably like one of the 2 or 3 that exist in this general
There's already enough dicks in the game itself.
It's all men here, anon. Everyone just thinks everyone else is a girl.
Women aren't real, bwo. There are no females on 4channel.
There's girls on Internet? I just assumed everyone is gay.
We should do a poll about this later, also account for lurkers vs posters
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heartsis, do you like your washroom?
this dorm looks like a wacky themed boutique hotel
What about the Jackhomo
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This feels like you go to pee outside
I am genuinely struggling to make sense of this as a washroom. Are the jars with flowers sinks, toilets or urinals? what are those circles on the walls, are they also toilets?
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how many of your gems did this fox steal?
I wanna see the birthday jack leak...these are already my favorites since union
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>Beat the silver nightmare trek
>2 story missions later there's another one
If the trek isn't the shittiest mechanic ever introduced to this game, it's certainly in the running for it
5 keys, literal cheap slut
I don't like it in main story but I really love the staff events
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I don't see toilets, does pooping exist in twst?
Merfolk swim in their own pee while beastmen do it anywhere in the wild.
I don't mind the maps but the darkness shit makes them a slog
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Speak for yourself.
Have ya'll never been to a hot spring? That's the place you go after you get out of the water. There's no toilets cause Japan keeps toilets separate from other places. You go there to put on your makeup and do your hair and stuff.
It's kinda like the locker room at public pools but no lockers. Net cafes have them too.
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>Have ya'll never been to a hot spring?
No and quite frankly I wasn't aware there was more than one in the entire country until I checked 3 minutes ago. Turns out there are very few and almost all of them are in derbyshire
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sorry anon but seeing is believing, I've seen no toilets in twst, therefore pooping does not exist
TIL vilsis is british
Explains a lot
A powder room?
Posting the poll:
>/twst/ anons, are you a girl or a guy? Mostly a lurker or a poster?
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>thinking yumedanshi exist in a 97% female audience game
jadehomo... katehomo... we are the 3%...
I voted girl even though I'm a guy, fun poll
Congrats in coming out queen
Anon I...
See, told you everyone here is a man
did anyone get an SSR in the first free roll?
finally proof that everyone is either a guy or a guy pretending to be a girl
In Jamil yeah.
Didn't get the Ace rolls yet but I did get his new one in a ten roll too. My luck has been so good lately it's scary.
Ace took all my keys
Every time I update this app it fucks my phone up more and more
something I found weird is that during the phone migration thing, the iphone they used for the comparison (regarding time needed for the update) was only one model behind the newest one, but for the android comparison, they used the A model instead of the S one
are A models more popular in Japan?
I looked it up and it seems the A models are cheaper and more targeted at the general public while the S series is for people who buy the newest of whatever a thing is as soon as it comes out.
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this should be the 6th bday series
>Perfectly half-half
That is... unexpected, honestly
What if some of them are troons?
New half (and half)
How come we have never seen this
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One guy already claimed to vote as a grill for fun, so technically it is skewed a little, ha. More concerning is that we only have 14 votes, like half of the participants compared to the last poll. How do we manage to stay afloat?
Honestly that is more people than I thought. Some days I swear it's just me, vilsis and ferrosis.
Also I haven't voted cause I don't like links to other places, there are probably other lazy asses like me in here too.
>yea we are guys here
Then prove it, post your cock bulges
Looks like the dev are aware about Halloween leaks. There's new download for the five leaked chibis sprite except there are nothing now.
They can't make last minute change, can they? Meaning other characters get the ssrs or srs
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I assume they didn't put the names, right?
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The art must be ready at this stage and the SSR one differs too much quality wise with the SR one
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The thread is full of filthy lurkers, how grim...
>pajama is hoody and sweatpants
That seems uncomfortable as heck to sleep in if it isn't always cool.
The dorms have climate regulation so it's likely that Heartslabyul keeps a cool temperature consistently
I love how fans get so hung up on the details like that. We are all ready to accept someone's hair being fire and someone else being a literal dragon but sleeping in a hoodie? Now that's just impossible.
My suspension of disbelief is shattered and my day is ruined.
Did I miss something with Jamil in chapter 7? Cause I loved him in it and especially in Azul's dream, and just saw someone say they think he should be less popular after 7.
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Attention all lurkers: please give posting a try. Thank you for your consideration.
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But I dont know what to post about!
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You can post about anything, Anon! As long as you write the words "twisted wonderland"!
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Anything off pixiv will work
We should lock the leaks next time with an integral as the password
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I always come back when there's content of my boys
I only post when Leona gets new content and or if he's the current topic.
Should we track how many boys canonically wear makeup on a daily basis, cause that seems to be what the new bday events be telling us.
We’re 2 for 2 so far, Ace talks about filling in his eyebrows.
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you got me to make a new picmix.
bro who cares. I'm a tranny and it changes nothing.
didn't we know about ace and jamil thanks to vil's halloween 1.0 vignette?
I guess. I always assumed Ace was talking about the heart mark tho, never thought that he legit has a makeup kit and longs to wear glittery shades but riddle won’t let him.
I'm only a lurker because this place is full of newfags and it sucks, and it's not like anyone responds to discussion anyways
but I respect your work sis
playful land granted their wishes of sexy smokey eye
By the end it might be easier to list those who don't wear makeup, if there's any at all.
>Should we track how many boys canonically wear makeup on a daily basis,
They all do, it's part of the uniform. There's a bunch of lines on the Ceremony Robes cards that say that the black eyeliner/eyeshadow is mandatory.
>it might be easier to list those who don't wear makeup
It's easier to list guys that are not very familiar with makeup but do it anyway because it's the uniform. Silver is one of them if I remember correctly.
The only thing that prevents Leona from killing himself is his pat mcgrath collection
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Is tomorrow supposed to be the day of the stream where they tease more shit about Halloween or something
Kinda odd that it made its first appearance in a personal, but that means there's hope we'll see the other washrooms.
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Yes or nah?
>looking through the archive for some stuff
>see Styx uniform Idia art being posted in August 2021
What the fuck that can't possibly be true. This game launched in March 2020. Don't tell me we've really been stuck in worst boy's dream hell for over 50% of the game's lifespan.
Well, book 6 came out late august 2021, and book 7 came out December 2022. So, not yet. Give it 3 more months.
And they said "twst has good pacing, you are just being a hater" lol, lmao even
Didn't you see the title drop? Everything leading up to Book 7 was prologue. At least the story is going at a faster pace now that we're out of Lilia's lengthy dream.
You now remember the anime announcement
>everything leading to book 7 was prologue
His final fantasy look
Finally, people are realizing Coach Vargas for the true Gigachad that he is.
His card's gonna be so good. Damage and attack self-buff on both M1 and M3. Quadruple buffs.
No one does it like Ashton.
I think his gimmick will be uber healing, the egg healing, 8k per turn
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At the end of book 7 it is revealed that Malleus never Overblotted, and he simply dreamed that he did and the events of the book never took place in reality. Lilia has gone and Malleus has missed the bus, but his dreams have taught him a valuable lesson about things not lasting forever. He accepts that Lilia has gone away, and instead tries to make friends with the other boys on their level. Then he smooches Vil
>Riddle that low
Why the fuck dod they forget about him... I wanna cry
People are getting tired of shotas. They want real men.
Is this an EN poll? Vil seems really high up compared to previous JP polls I've seen
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>Kalim at 8
oh nononononono anti-Kalimsis your response?
No every riddlesis just left after having no content for 2 years
>all the faculties placed except Trein
It's over
If you think they're gonna talk about the anime for this stream, forget it
It's from ITmedia from JP
Why are people taking these polls seriously? everyone knows they're not reliable at all. The only sample that voted are some segments of the fandom and not the fandom as a whole. Plus everyone cheats.
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Here is a comparison from 2022 on the same ITmedia.
More anti-kalim threads...no...
>There's a bunch of lines on the Ceremony Robes cards that say that the black eyeliner/eyeshadow is mandatory.
I know. That's why I said, "on a daily basis." Not just for ceremonies.
Looks like people took it more seriously in this one and they were fucking around for this year's. Or a troll got in? I bet Trey is another joke vote.
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Since it remains consistent in colors and style, it's safe to assume makeup is also part of the dorm uniforms, which is daily wear as far as we know.
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> it remains consistent in colors and style
No it doesn't. You literally just made that up right now.
> it's safe to assume makeup is also part of the dorm uniforms
Assuming means making stuff up in your head and trying to pass it off as canon.
>No it doesn't. You literally just made that up right now.
I didn't? I think you misunderstood me. When I said it remained consistent I referred to the dorm uniforms. For example if you check all four Diasomnia guys when they wear their dorm uniform you can see they use the same shade of green that matches their clothes. Same with Octavinelle, etc. As such, the eyeshadow palette may be part of their dorm uniform.
>Assuming means making stuff up in your head and trying to pass it off as canon.
I mean, sure? I'm speculating because we haven't had canon discussion of this, just some clues here and there.
Oh I thought you were saying that the ceremonial makeup was consistent with the dorm uniforms and I was like wut.
Also, as long as we're assuming, then I'll join: for example if you check all three Savanaclaw guys when they wear their dorm uniform you can see that they use no make up to match their clothes.
As such, it is possible that some guy do not have makeup as part of their dorm uniform.
Which is why I said, maybe we should follow up on who talks about wearing makeup on a daily basis. Cause by your own train of thought, there are guys who probably don't.
With the game's different points of visual novel/battles/rhythmics I wonder if there are any users who got into it for the rhythmic stuff and are super unhappy that they haven't had anything to work with except rehashing of the Book 5 dance-off and the oasis parade remix.
If you got into this game for the rhythm element you'd have probably quit to go play some idolshit or something, considering rhythm games are the single most oversaturated type of game in joseimuke. Personally, I'm hoping for a renaissance of in-depth tactical combat games in joseimuke. I want to see a scantily clad anime boy blow a bunch of dudes to pieces with an artillery cannon. Actually, you can cut out everything in that sentence after dudes if you want.
>you can cut out everything in that sentence after dudes if you want.
Way ahead of you.
I'm guessing that's never been a thing before? Is there a stereotype of "rhythmics are for women, battle is for boys" or something?
I've never played a tactical combat game before but if they released one by Toboso Yana I'd learn, for sure. I can already imagine the angst and sexy. And sexy angst.
I mean, A fair amount of joseimuke do have combat-based gameplay and maybe story elements- Love and deepspace, WHB, Senjuushi, and of course Tourabu (10th anniversary soon!). Main problem is the gameplay is always hideously simplistic cause they think girls aren't smart enough for video games. Hopefully LaDS' immense success shows the industry that there's a quite large market for more complex gameplay in joseimuke, Lord knows people aren't coming for it's bland as hell character designs.
That makes sense. I can see "girls don't play games" being a self-fulfilling prophecy. "We only make hard games for boys. Strangely, girls do not play these games that we make for boys. Ergo, we should not make hard games for girls. Someone bring me more cocaine." etc.
>have to invite Ace and I want to make it count
>put Riddle's room, toss away a few Stylish things and replace them with Unique things
>it works and it gets an Excellent
Acerid canon
Yes, I wish they got their own designs. Lock would totally be a guy, though.
100% of redraws I've seen have made Ace Shock, Grim Barrel and Deuce Lock, and I love it.
Yeah, but I feel like we missed out on the opportunity to get a whole "non-NRC house," which would have been cool because so far halloween boys have just been single or double chars that kind of get rolled into Ramshackle in the fanart.
When's the stream?
Starts in three hours
Wtf that soon
>my mans Kalim and Vargas that high
I'd be impressed if a company is willing to create something like Star rail but a husbando collector. I love turn-based games and right now that's the only quality one on the market, shame there aren't that many guys to collect.
>Vargas at the top
>Riddle at the bottom
Mmm looks like aniplex is not accepting any vpn, any recommendations?
This stream better be good 'cause I got a push notification about it from the game
is it now or in an hour?
one hour, 15 minutes to go
yana is nrc supremacist
Get ready for a nothing livestream
Quiz time. Players will receive 10 gems for each question they answer correctly for a max 50 gems.
Does the audience even play this game? They're screwing us out of gems.
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Not what I expected but I'm intrigued
those are some chapped lips
This is just Gojo
They're releasing a dvd for last year's twst fes, out March next year
He needs some lip balm asap
>gojo stays dead and revives in twst
are you happy gojosis
Stream on the 29th
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>Post Jakku
>Not my Jakku
fuck this shit, I'm out
ugly design btw, hated it, we went from ferro to white hair ren amamiya
so unless dev-kun fails in epic proportions there's no way we're getting the other cards before next week
one week to post final predictions then
Reminds me more of Stein than Gojo, but that might be the halloween vibe
Easy skip when the event reruns. I can't roll for characters with bad teeth.
I think that's not bad teeth, that looks like black liquid coming out from his mouth
>One week until Sebek SSR reveal
Can't wait
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Cool it with the anti-skeleton remarks bro
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Why Deuce nui angy
That facial structure reminds me of the other twst short guys, I hope they're not turning Jack into a manlet instead of the 7' tall abomination he should be
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I was gonna post something like oooh haha ferro won another year haha but jesus wtf is this hair, YANA designed this? Nah, definitely not
the design is so not my cup of tea, specially since he's supposed to be jack skellington... Are we playing twisted wonderland or an aidoru game? He's way too much of a pretty boy to look like he belongs to twisted wonderland
>Yana saw gojo and decided she wanted her own version in twst
Well, the memes are going to be interesting this Halloween.
Same. I hope Yana doesn't make him average height either since Jack would be funnier as a freaky gangly giant.
I like Gojo Skellington, you guys are just mean.
Let's act surprised when the seiyuu is Nakamura
Woof Jack looks awful. Wonder what the story is going to be about.
that's not any better
I'll like him as long as he isn't a manlet or average height.
I don't mind him but he really does look like a vtuber lol
His voice actor will be Hirakawa Daisuke
Please be other seiyuus so the gojo le funny joke is killed
>ren amamiya
As someone who doesn't know who the fuck these people are supposed to be I'm stoked, go team skeletwink, I can't believe they let her redesign such a major iconic disney character
Jack is tall as fuck, but then I remember Rollo is short as Rook when Frollo was tall too. So wait for another year to get his profile.
>major iconic disney character
That's literally half the cast in twst though?
Also do you just not watch any anime?
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I think the chapped lips and the black goo leaking from his mouth are cool touches
don't jinx it anon, it's just skelly gojo so i can hear it too easily. i hope they actually got mamo this time or someone who can deliver a good performance to balance out a boring design for twst standards.

For the record I liked picrel in >>494993787 way more
He doesn't look that bad with those nice little touches but he's just bland looking for whom he's based on. If he takes off the shades and has no eyes, then that'll redeem his walmart Gojo design for me.
Would be cool feature if you remove his glasses, I see that he got either red or gold eyes
>half the cast in twst though
I guess. Something just hits different about Jack though as opposed to like...Frollo.
>do you just not watch any anime?
Nope. There are like, one or two I've been able to enjoy but 98% of anime has too much obnoxious anime shit that I don't have any tolerance for.
No big deal, I'm just not in that target audience. And that means I get to enjoy Steingojoren Amamiya in his purest form.
Having no eyes would be better.
No it will mamo for real
Who will be his Sally?
>doesn't like watching most anime
>plays an anime gacha game with anime troupes
You are a rare and strange creature, anon....
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I refuse to believe I lost twice in the same month
First Leona and now this ugly vtuber design
Just delete him from the game already, the devs clearly don't even care about him anyway, it's way better than begging for a new card and only getting 1 R card per year.
Agreed. But if you zoom in on >>495507147 you can see he has what look like red eyes.
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Sorry Jacksis, the real Jack is here
Oh it gets weirder. I don't like Disney, either.
I am here for one thing and one thing only and that is Toboso Yana.
>has human eyes
This is a skip for me now...
I think it kind of looks like fae eyes, and in the trailer he uses the old-fashioned wagahai pronoun. Could be a fae king of some sort of Halloween realm
kill yourself
Please no more fae autism...I rather him be some kind of zombie or ghoul
What's with the silly hair accessory?
I hope so too, but in twst fae is just an umbrella term for all sorts of magical beings that are pretty different from one another. A variant of night fae being zombie-like or ghoulish wouldn't be weird.
The crown is identical to some other character's but I can't remember the name at all
I just see short haired undertaker...
Oberon FGO maybe?
This is the most reassuring take i've seen all night. If he had different hair I think it'd be fine.
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>Yeah I agree this Gojo wannabe's design totally sucks, he looks like a vtuber!
Jamil would kill himself if he saw Boogie.
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Art coming in
>and in the trailer he uses the old-fashioned wagahai pronoun
Am I blind, where is it
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Anon there are only two lines in the whole PV.
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Not trying to be a hater but do we know if yana is designing NEW stuff for twst? Bc he looks like a genshin character.
Assistant-chan is not bad but... idk
He's too pretty, but he's not ferro/vil/leona type of pretty that is just unique to the yana brand, jack is just boring pretty, yk?
Take it easy on me I was looking for 吾輩 because that's how google told me it was spelled
If he gets hooker high heeled boots then it's 100% Yanas work
Yana's designed pretty much all the characters or has had a hand in designing them, right? Because there are times when her design are kind of a miss or just bland like in Kuroshit. Rollo wasn't that interesting looking either but him being based on Frollo caught a lot of attention.
Guess what his dumbass twistified name will be
JP: Jacques Telling
NA: Jay Skull
This truly was our disney kaisen...
Johan Skentelbery
>black goo
Legit thought they were tooth gaps
The lineart is done differently here but I don't know if it's stylistic choice inspired by NBC or it means someone else is drawing
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Respectfully this wasn't a very subtle detail but its fun
For this fandom, that is basically 4D chess.
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You'll all change your tune when vtuber Jack is voiced by Akira Ishida
Johnny Skelebones
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Try as I might I just can't see this guy as a twst character. Maybe it's the way he's been drawn.
Now you guys have confused me and I really can't tell if he should go to a dentist or if that's just supposed to be spooky bodily fluids.
Oh no. I like this one. Very much.
>Jack has orange eyes because pumpkins
If he's this weird and creepy in the event I'll take back 70% of what I've said about him.
I like him. You guys are fags.
I just looked at twt for the first time tonight and my feed is 90% this dude.
I like him too, he is zesty and I am here for it.
Granted I'm not an artist but if I was tasked with coming up with a humanized version of a skeleton in a suit whose distinguishing features are a huge round white head and empty black eyes I would've gone with basically this design too. Only thing I would've thought to do differently would be to make his face look longer like Ferro's so he appears to be older as opposed to a baby like Riddle.
I don't like him. You're a fag.
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Shut up Boogie
I can't look at anyone skeleton themed anymore without getting PTSD from having seen Sans humanizations back when Undertale was popular...This guy just triggered my fight or flight response.
The only problem is the hair.
Idk I think if it was longer it would take away from how Jack's head is a giant egg. Maybe the bangs could be less generic.
We can save the fraud allegations if gets turned into a kitkat by Oogie Boogie.
Wasn't sure about him at first but he's growing on me. I like his design more than Rollo or Ernesto, at least.
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New grim cards?
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Those are trading card merch. At the cafes and stuff.
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So y’all know how sometimes Yana will combine inspirations, like Jamil having jasmine vibes, Idia/megara, ortho Baymax etc etc
Are the people saying that Finklestein was Yana's favorite character memeing or is that real
The appearance of Gojo with the personality of Undertaker. That's what TWST Jack will be like.
I keep forgetting what Undertaker's personality even was since it's been years since I watched or read Kuroshit. I dropped the manga after the school arc and only know vague things about the twin reveal.
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How will we get him be part of the Ramshackle Dorm?
just tell him there's no monsters under our bed and he'll live there
That’s real. It’s from the game guide interview where she names her four favorite Disney movies.
I think they were NBC (Finkelstein), Beauty and the Beast (Mrs. Pots), Treasure Planet (Jim) and Lilo and Stitch (Stitch).
>look up some Undertaker Kuroshit videos on YT
>first one I click turns out to be EN dub
Jesus Christ. What is that
Would be the first "member" that fits the theme of death and the undead
...When everyone was talking about NBC I thought they were referring to Rollo's school and not nightmare before christmas
The EN VA is John Swasey, who did Van Hohenheim in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Dodoria in DBZ Kai, and Crocodile in One Piece.
Maybe Gojo Skellington uses "wagahai" because in the JP dub of NBC everyone refers to Jack as "oooohhhh Jakku, oretachi no shihaisha da!!" which is slightly more reverent and less whimsical than the Pumpkin King title
>who did Van Hohenheim in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood,
Sorry, I only accept Scott McNeil.
>EN dub
i am so sorry you had to hear that...
Don't worry Boogie, you'll be Geto
He even has the stitches already
I hope the twst anime's EN voice cast consists entirely of Scott Mcneil and Steve Blum
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>Not knowing Stein
Take the time this halloween season to watch Soul Eater
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Jannu Granblue?
I feel like there's not much they could really do. Bowl cut maybe, but that's Rook and Rollo already
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Holy shit the art he's getting
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>scrolling through TL
>Pirate majima
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This is the most tumblr sexyman design we've had yet
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Ace please, your Bday is literally the next day. Didn't know Rollo gives Bday greetings, that was a nice surprise.

Design alone isn't enough to sell me on Jack. Would have to see him in action in the event.
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Jack is the first "extra boy" that I find genuinely pretty, hope he is fun
Do you want modern gen fans to know about Soul Eater? But hey, if you're fine with people headcanoning Stein as a trans man and blackwash edits for all the cast memebrs, be my guest.
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How much do new gen babs even know about early 2000s anime these days? I never see anyone talk about Hitman Reborn, D.Grayman or Hetalia and I have no idea how popular old Kuroshit is with new babs because it's just post about how "shota is le bad".
Or maybe I'm just in the wrong side of the internet because most newbies these days don't seem to care about old anime unless it's something that was really mainstream like Naruto, Code Geass or Sailor moon.
What if this character IS actually finkelstein and not jack?
i'll laugh and actually roll for him if that's the cause
Jack Finkelstein the Pretender
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I hope this fucker is the biggest weirdo we've had in a while
is the game crashing for anyone else?
>/twst/ hates it
>JP went crazy making fanart
What did the fandom mean by this?
As if jp doesn't do fanart of literally anything
I'd say hate is a strong word, I like the design but I'll still call him gojo
I need to know how tall he is before I form a proper opinion. He better not be a manlet on stilts.
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/twst/ is full of plebs who don't understand character design
Don't lump me with the other 3 people that dont like him, I like him
If Jack was a girl who had chapped lips and missing teeth, would you still fuck her?
id fuck anything that says its female or was born female
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Roommates love
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Is JackJack gonna be a ship
I'd be surprise if it's not.
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Very sketchbook-esque lines compared to other twst art
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come on guys, gojo didn't make you forget about your best friend, right?
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The fucked up teeth are a very nice design touch I can't help but worry it'll look dumb on the live2D though
>says this when literally every new boy in twst causes a fanart explosion
Remember when Rollo came out? Or foxman? This happens literally every time because twst getting a new boy is a big deal and treated like an event.
You cannot compare a groovy art with a character reveal art
/twst/ is all guys, the design is meant to appeal to the female gaze
I still think the first Halloween event was the best one honestly
I liked the second the best then the first.
I just like when all the characters are there.
I liked it too but my memory of it soured a lot because of all the complications happening with the game at the time, all the delays with new mainstory chapters, the event going on for too long because they were stretching out content, content droughts in general...the first year was nuts with how twst both blew up so fast and kinda bogged down after how bad the first anni was.
How are you gonna stop me
I chuckle when I remember after everyone's complaints about Scary Monsters being too long, they reran it and then on the very last day of October started Endless Halloween. They knew what they were doing
But what emoji will skeleton Jack be distinguished with on Japanese fanart xitter since Idia already owns the skull?
A pumpkin, Obviously, he's the pumpkin king
I will never stop loving him, but Jack is coming live in my dorm whether either of them like it or not
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If you upside-down one of the fan art, you can see Jack's face, now this is clever, probably the artist was not aware of it
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Of course not.
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The first year of twst was probably a real interesting thing for Yana and her crew because of how unprepared they were for twst becoming popular. Must have been a quite the learning experience they'd never forget.
Happy birthday, anon!
What would happen if we lock Rollo, Fellow and this man in the Ramshackle?
I got his Birthday Jacket SSR with the free pulls, I'm happy.
I wonder if they will implement anything or reference part of Oogie's Revenge.
There are Japanese people seething on twitter that Jack doesn't use the right pronoun
Wait..what's wrong with the pronoun he's using?
Strange, that's usually westerners doing that.
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In the JP dub of the movie Jack uses boku but this nuJack used wagahai
That's a lot of likes
So that's it. Well, the twst boys are never a one-to-one of the character they're based on so it's safe to assume Skelly Gojo will be different from Jack.
New boy + Nightmare before Christmas is ridiculously popular in Japan. Like, I don't think you understand how popular it is there.
Even if we don't get a Twink Oogie, the fact that Lock, Shock, and Barrel are there, still means they have a connection with him being around if they are active in the event.
I watched NBC for the first time in my life a few days ago. None of the songs stuck with me at all
That's fair anon, it's almost the same for me. My only weak spot is Sally's Song because I like how odd and imperfect it is.
I should watch it so I understand the references. I will do that now
I think the last time I watched NBC was 2 years ago...mainly because I remembered the opening was cool when I was a kid, now I feel it was a pretty fun but not really that interesting in a story sense kinda movie. It's good to watch if your bored but it's not really deep or thought provoking, I only liked the opening song and "What's this?" song.
I hear you call my name and it feels like...home...
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Just finished watching the movie. It was alright but I don't think I'd go out of my way to watch it again, honestly, only if it was already on or something. But I think this event will be better than glomas and playful land, because it's less disney, if you catch my cold. In any case, I will continue to hold out hope for an Alien event because disney owns that so it's fair game.
sorry anon get to the back of the line, my wish of steampunk treasure planet event should be next
Don't you mean a Peter Pan event with Captain Hook since he's part of the Disney Villain lineup? And the other two options are a TWST Mother Gothel and TWST Yzma.
Yeah, I felt the same about the movie. It's a decent popcorn flick but not really something I'd pick to watch over other options. I hope the event will be good.

Does Disney even acknowledge Treasure Planet's existence now? They sabotaged that amazing movie by trying to bury it like Atlantis.
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Is there some obscure Disney trivia book released only in Japan or something? I've seen at least 2 pieces of fanart that say Jack (actual Jack, not just the new boy) is 172cm which seems impossibly short
Ain't no fucking way that gangly ass bag of bones is below 6ft
>ferro appears for the first time
>literally everyone wants to have passionate sex with this man
>jacques squellette appears
>no one is remotely talking about this
What does it mean?
>both ENsis and JPsis are schizoing out about Finkelstein Vortigern
it 99.999% won't happen but it'd be really funny if the twst devs start consuming the same crack as the fgo ones
no animal magnetism
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Heartwarming, the EN tradition of talking out of your ass and passing it off as real has made it to JP. We love cultural exchange here in /twst/!
Ferro is for unhinged sexo while Jack(forma de ikemen) is for marriage and handholding. Simple as.
There was always of furries here, not enough Gojo fuckers.
We aren't necrophiliacs.
Jacques has a wife
With 4 or 5 kids that made a xylophone band.
Mark my words it's gonna be Riddle and Jack for the new years SSR
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jaques is for hallmark christmas movie
We've already seen the leaks anon. Are you ok?
For the new years??
Oh my bad I've been skeleton pilled.
Riddle and Jack are a great combo, would love to see more of them together.
Please for the love of god let Riddle have an actual normal event SSR for himself.
are we going to have to powerscale skeleton gojo against the other boys
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Not a riddlefag but I always thought it was weird that Riddle is the only ryocho without the spotlight even though he's popular
most ryochos by now have two or more event SSRs and he only got one. I expect another card of him soon
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please tell me trey is in this event
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Riddle is weird because despite being one of the most popular and recognizable boys in the game, he actually doesn't feel like he gets shilled much as other dorm leaders.
yana is territorial and doesn't want to share her boy
There were complaints at the beginning that there was too much Heartslabyul and we kept seeing Riddle, feels like they've corrected too much at this point. I feel like it's less shill though and more them finding a footing for what they wanna do with twst so now the early dorms feel lacking in comparison. Perhaps we will have the Queendom of Roses hometown event soon so they can use the bg for main story, they're coming up very soon.
Hopefully that happens. If we do get a hometown event for Riddle and Trey then we'll get to spend more time with them personally, Deuce's hometown was pretty fun and the bunny outfits were cute. I wonder who will be the boy they'll pick from another dorm that'll join us.
Yeah what a lot of EN players don't get is that Riddle was the posterboy on JP. Malleus wasn't even in the damn game at launch, you couldn't take his hand or any of Diasomnia and everything was all hush hush. But Riddle? Guy was everywhere, all of the time.
I always thought it was because he was red-Ciel and a way to trap the Kuroshi crowd. Worked on me that way.
Place a bet. Who's gonna get second event SSR first? Him or Malleus?
Leona, Jamil, Sebek and Jade will be in the stream
It made sense at the time considering Hearts was the first dorm, the tutorial and the barrier of entry for story itself. I remember how Hearts used to have the most fanart in the first year with Riddle being everywhere before Octa blew up and then people loved Malleus when he got introduced. Remember all the "Kate is cinderella" theories? Those were the days.
So Jade ssr? Thoughts?
its over
He already had a halloween SSR specifically so I'm guessing he's there to be a 4th relevant cast member for this event. I'd be shocked if he isnt just sr
Jack could get an SR at least...
Yeah, I got my eels mixed up lol
Eh not really feeling Jamil.
He cannot escape from Oogie boogie
Can't wait to watch Jamil have 50 nervous breakdowns once he sees Oogie Boogie for 5 seconds.
Jamil is obviously only there as filler because Idia's VA still refuses to ever attend events
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>everyone gets cards with cute suits but Jamil is just wearing a shitty sack
Idia won't be getting another ssr
>Vil has 3 event SSR
>Leona will have 3 event SSR
>Jamil possibly will have 3 event SSR
>Meanwhile Riddle is still stuck with 1 event SSR
Stay strong Riddlesis...
The complains were about Riddle AND Jamil, how come Jamil keeps getting shilled
I don't think that I was just making a joke that all guests are the leaked sprites but then randomly Jamil instead of Idia. Jade sprite looks plain like an SR to me.
There is probably a Jamilfag that's shilling him to ensure he will get new SSRs while Riddle gets thrown into the corner because he's a manlet.
>Snake Whisper, keep giving me SSRs
I can't believe they got Umehara. Poor guy, he always looks like he'd rather be literally anywhere else when he has to do promotions.
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New boy's design has been improved.
Today is Ace's birthday. Say something nice to him.
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Someone found the source of the "Jack is 172cm" trivia.
It says that, while he appears tall when compared with the other inhabitants of Halloweentown, he is actually only 172cm tall.
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I looked it up. No straight answer, of course, but Jack seemingly anywhere from 6"1 to 11 foot tall,, that last estimate based off comparison to Santa who is 5"7 according to NORAD.
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Excuse me? He's a pure maiden, just because of his cute looks and cute personality it doesn't mean he's built for sex.
Haven't you heard his girly whimpers when he takes damage? He can't even take damage properly, how could he possibly handle SEX? No no no no no no, it's way too nasty for him, he's fine with the handholding for now.
The skeleton however, way too many holes, fuckboy looks, gross!
Shut up, Ferro. Everyone knows you're a whore.
>touken ranbu
This take me back....
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10th Anniversary soon...
>legally blind Jack
Was Gidel not enough?
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Now we need a deaf person
Sebek doesn't count
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Will Azul show up in this event?
This game needs new SRs and Rs on the pool, free pulls don't even excite me because it's just gonna be perfumes I don't use.
Please tell me you've burned your perfumes, please tell me you don't have a huge perfume hoard you haven't burned
Oh my god why
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You're like a little baby. Watch this
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I say both of these thing when you guys let the thread hit page 10. Don't you have a skeleboner to discuss?
Ewwwww, no. why would I talk about him? I'm not a whore
Then what about Ace since it's his birthday?
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>according to a comic jack and boogie used to be friends
Gojo skellington...
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>make boy based on protag of my childhood favorite movie
okay im back to this game hi
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I have a topic
>first boy to impregnate a girl
>first boy to get impregnated

Both Lilia. He has 700 years of a head start
If Boogie doesn't end up looking like Getou then Yana is a fraud.
I can't hold the ssr ones for much. I NEED to use them
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do you like
I do, but why do you live in the mirror dimension?
at what hour is the abema stream?
i'm dying
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