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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

Previous: >>494649897
first for sunsluts on sunslut sunday
femra fsunday
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My fiddie is... BLEGH! *splat*
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If you could please add this to the next OP

Twin Peaks meet up Saturday 9/21 8pm EDT
Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34
Season 2 episode 1 and 2

Come join us on Ultros, Primal for season 2 of twin peaks. Each episode comes with a special foreword from a mystery speaker!
Its been a bit but things are finally slowing down for me so I figure its time to continue the show. I'm planning on showing 4 episodes weekly like we voted on before Dawntrail launch but the first episode of season 2 is another long one so I figure episodes 1 and 2 is a good start.
For those of you that missed season 1 pre-DT i apologize. I was trying to find a good recap of just season 1 but nothing seemed good without spoilers for the rest of the show. You do have some time to watch the first season on your own if you would like to catch up!
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post you're toon but HUGE
kill yourself any time
how do you watch twin peaks on ffxiv? which plugin do you use?
Same sixe vore>Macro Micro shit
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sunnie sunday
can we get a qrd on why thread bike Artemis Everbleed went back to Lorilee's apartment, alone, a week after going there for the first time?
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Fuck it,
QUP Crystal CC, ET 6:45.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
swoosh swoosh
Is my femlala "zased"?
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I need me some moonies
Oh wow, I've been on hiatus and thought I had missed all of the twin peaks streams.
I will definitely try to be there.
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Why is SAM lb the most inconsistent piece of shit LB I have ever played against?
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Finally... i will get to watch the rest of the show, that final episode left in such a cliffhanger.
Can you hear the call for the wasted and wounded
>why does the thread bike touch the untouchable
lowest common denominator, genius.
I will queue after Dragon Ball Super finishes downloading, 80.5 GB total and 70.3% complete
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just going on the internet and telling lies, how could you?
femra womb
Anyone have that photo of that femlala with no eyebrows or the same one but with her eyebrows taped? Thanks need to save that
moonie womb
Because lots of people (including myself) whiff it all the time
Sometimes people will blow the LB for the normal damage and get some kills, or it will seemingly do absolutely nothing at all (I think maybe because enemy team has some kind of shielding buff when this happens)
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How do we stop LGBT pandering in modern gaming?
First that fucking tranny VA ruining the expansion, and now THIS
now kiss (wombs)
sunnie woobs
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>oops all DRKs
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size is for degens
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No meetups?
Who are the
moonie thread bikes
femra thread bikes
thighlander thread bikes
femroe thread bikes
fiddie thread bikes
>BRD on team
Size is fine, vore is degen
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builded for my sunnie+
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heh... I am about to unleash just one percent of my power, I hope you are ready!
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yeah it's me I'm the degen
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I put it up in cytube, usually everyone just opens it up on a 2nd monitor or pops it out and puts it over the game while chatting

its been a bit but im looking forward to continuing, i didnt wanna start up again too soon but now seems like a good lull in content to continue
Desperate Glub Syndrome (DGS) is a real phenomenon that leads wayward fishra into the arms of creepy incels
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That's a cat
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Wish I could draw or make music for a living
handsome boy
this post feels really FT coded but I can't explain why
very cute
Can't wait to stand next to my crush before bed...
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Woohoo, sunnies!
vore is based.
>tried really hard to make my fiera not look motherly because I got tired of being called mommy in random tells before
>it worked
>but now lalas don't sexpest me as much
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This party is getting started!
Do people just keep constant tabs on Lorilee? I get they're annoying but we don't have to do this every thread. That one eu femra has been schizo'd for three weeks after meeting with LT once.
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my femra acts like this
>thread bike Artemis Everbleed
literally who
the fuck kind of name is that
More like DE-based
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I'm here to rape avatarfags for Operation EBIN
Isn't that a good thing?
why do autistic males always play as male midlanders
>walk up to your bun
>grab and rub your ears
>walk away
i still prefer the fiddie but i've come to terms with this femra.
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i am going to max out this job today because i cannot fucking stand it
may we never get more levels ever again
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*covers my armpit*
What about cock vore?
you don't even play the game
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Would people be interested in a Live Letter Meetup on Crystal, Balmung or Ravana, Materia?
its based only if it is fatal.
endo CV is for cowards and cucks.
Now have him ride a skateboard during an important MSQ moment
>That one eu femra has been schizo'd for three weeks after meeting with LT once
And it's probably LT doing it
You get what you give
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title: "femboy oni"
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sunnies!! :3c
Oh that's a good idea.
Are you even tall enough to do that, little man?

Do it in Materia, so that everyone can attend.
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and thus it was called, sunday
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I guess? But the "raped" debuff has worn off by now.
I am not FT but I will share this to my fellow fidsister
thank you for learning to like her anon, i think she's really cute
fids are for respecting not raping
I've had a few QOL mods installed, but I'd like to take it a step further. Is there anywhere I can preview body replacement mods fully? Most mod pages have a few screenshots at best, but never with all the options.
what thread is this
can you post her ass
installing it and trying them yourself sadly.
>ciderspider hottub stream

how that affects malimiddie stocks?
Front shot?
My plapwife
theres nothing to do in this game
I love autistic males who play midlanders
ERP and modding bro??
You ever wish you could spare that NPC maleroe or malezen, have them put a leash around your neck and treat you like the filthy savage you are while on my knees?
I hate femboys with wide hips and tiny shoulders, man hips don't get that wide without your shoulders also being similar
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hot, absolutely would this giant moonie
you can do me
I don't see him streaming right now
>respectfully rapes
doesnt he play a lala
you're killing me here
Why not play VRchat instead?
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Hm, I was afraid that might be the answer. I know it's autistic as fuck, but I hate the idea of taking my character and just morphing her body 100 times. Feels wrong.
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for fun of course
joined the proximity chat and heard my thread crush talk. He sounds like a fat spic. I think I'm going to throw up
play cc, play frontlines, talk to others, join raids, join ultimates, mod and treat this like Second Life, aggressively control the market boards, call someone names and get banned, seethe, mald, cope
There is so much to do in this game, you just have to DO it.
>while on my knees?
bro you're showing
Hurray for sunnies!
No, why would I wish for that?
>walks up to your female character that is under 5 foot 5
>grab them behind the head and and force them to my double thick caked up cocaravacheeks
>let out the wetest, rankest ass clappiest, cheek chappiest fart right in your face
>burry your nose right into my bunhole as your lungs slowly get saturated with the gas of what I ate last night
>laugh as you get really dizzy and your fighting stuggles get weaker
>take advantage now and put all my weight on you causing you to fall with your face now burried in my burrow, grinding my scent into your pores as you now reek of me my rava scent reprograming your mind to take in my musk as your own little doese of heroin
>leave you with my card and number calling you a disgusting simp now that youve been tamed
i am
a sunnies
Why else do you think I made CC my personality??? There really isn't
Well Penumbra does it on the fly so shouldnt be too bad, back in the day it was all about using textools, install a mod, launch game, see if something broke and if it did, start all over again to find out what did
anyone want to start investigating paranormal locations
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he's on twitch
I still don't understand the point of white paint on PCT
Here is this skill that you will only use when you:
>don't have hammer
>don't have smudge to quickly reposition
>the aoe is large enough or multihitting so you can't just do steps in between normal cast GCDs
I get all 5 orbs and then just fucking sit on it for forever and use it like twice a fight maybe. Was this really better than having a rotational ability so their kit wouldn't be so boring?
Didn't you die to the first boss of Thelaia?
Proximity chat is going to make xivg interactions 300% more cringe.
I didn't recognize those CCers..
There's proximity chat now?
The tier is done and I don't ERP. Casual CC and frontlines are coinflip game modes and anyone who treats them as seriously as the thread does is ill. I have plenty of gil.
how come diamondback works for a12s but not seat of sacrifice
you build it and use during burst and turn it into black paint
otherwise you spend it at a small dps loss when you need to move but don't ahve hammer
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
But I also have a secondary, slightly smaller yet still crippling weakness to chocolate fiera
proximity chat is a must if you want to be part of the /xivg/ fc
yeah https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ricimon/FFXIV-ProximityVoiceChat/refs/heads/master/repo.json
my moonie would join in though she is somewhat paranormal herself
Like, haunted houses?
A12S is a flat damage number, Seat of Sacrifice is a trigger check.
Veena stocks skyrocketing rn, embarrassing display from the ravas
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bros I don't feel so good
Need to be sleeved by your fiddieeeeee
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Proximity chat isn't that fun if you can't murder people.
Can we like *not* make in-game voice chat a normalized thing? Kind of defeats one of the biggest draws of this game.
>make fiddie in chargen
>everything I do is just a copy of a xivgger fiddie
Should I self-terminate?
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Itty bitty kitty titties or Big fat cat bags?
Thats the one! Thank you!
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QUP Crystal CC again, ET 1:11
You get used to it
bro it doesn't even function properly, do you really think a bunch of retarded apes that can't be bothered to install ivcs will really use it? not to mention the amount of voice shy bottoms
Would you be friends with....a malera?
Is there one for male viera?
*farts directly in my microphone in prox chat*
My moonie is flat but wishes she had big boobies
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giant elezen
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My sunnie looks and acts just like this.
one day this thread and this game will die and moonies will cease to exist
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>proximity chat
>with /xivg/
Greek God
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>he called me cute
time to perish
What is the point in this?
Pulling this Sunnie's hair as she eagerly thrusts her ass back against me, twisting her head for a sloppy makeout that she melts into
wheres the femra version?
my femra is exactly like this
just gives spirits to latch on to easier

yeah or like spooky castles
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>letting other people sync voices with you
Lalas-Only proximity chat??
Level everything to 100 including their anime weapons. Do deep dungeons.
spit swapping makeout match with this sunslut
>remove all malera
>tfw groomers are fine because they are all miera now
to watch a bunch of tards join it and then get too shy to talk while 8 other people crash trying to connect
Here is the front! Do you challenge me to soul combat?!
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I want to be on the other side of this giant moonie and lick her big butthol without her being able to stop me
how does this shit have almost 20k views
I had a dream a nice femra let me rest my head in her lap but I could feel her bulge and she felt insecure about it
People that take cute faces and then put them on disgusting cartoon porn bodies need to be dragged through the streets.
Shitter detected
Honey B. Lovely made the grade mistake of charming my femra. You see, my femra is from the Steppe. And in the Steppe, they dont simp. They RAPE.
Every single FFXIV player likes this
Should I make a hung femraen+ to bury her meat inside shy bottomy faggots
Should I ask him out today?
>they rape
There is a lot of people in the world
tfw no fiddie eb that lets me piss on her
Trusting them for what? What are they gonna do make fun of my voice? I dont care.
only if it's me
femras are rapists
Machinations just started playing in my head... what does it mean?
because xitter metrics are retarded and just having it loaded on your feed without even scrolling past it counts as a "view"
Depends which face you're choosin
I don't
I'll be the shy bottom faggot to volunteer to test her out
Yes, be the GAM wife you were always destined to be.
Wow aren't you a comedian
This is me but unironically when the other DPS doesn't adjust correctly for Final Fusedown. They take my spot, I take their, it all works out.
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Made a mistake and said 30th instead of the 29th

September 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII
This wasnt a joke. My femra is banned from the Arcadion.
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yes and?
13 is prime
also even the normiest of normies are mostly hooked on schoolgirl outfits in porn
lalafells have a curve pronounced belly, the sign of youth, a slightly chubby back, a sign of youth, chubby cheeks, a sign of youth, large heads and smaller hands, a sign of youth, flat budding growing chests, a sign of youth.
if you think lalafells are some sort of safe race and not a loli race youre as naive and insufferable as the anime tourists and the hoyoverse boycotters
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game sucks. dawntrail sucks. the people who like dawntrail sucks. fuck you
Nice, show me your butt
No, I like Lalas sometimes. I just don't like being called mommy and the ageplay thing.
funny, I actually can participate in this one
...I don't have a good explanation
You will come crawling back for 8.0 like everyone else
leather man
>the tier is done
carry shitters so they can join reclears, cause chaos
>I don't ERP
skill issue
>Casual CC and frontlines are coinflips
skill issue
>I have plenty of gil
That's not the point of controlling the marketboards, it's about making sure others can't get gil
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>go to lb14
>everyone has their clique, e-date, etc already and doing their own thing
>feel like im intruding if I try to join a conversation that has nothing to do with me or /tell someone if they are already busy talking
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Listen, folks. This “we like this” posting has got to stop. It’s a condescending, backhanded insult to who we are and what we love. Yes, we mod. Yes, we plap. And you know what? If you don’t like it, just don’t look. We don’t need your snarky “humor” making our community toxic.
Damn, I don't have a good ass shot on hand but you picked my favorite face and now I definitely have to...
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>Join 6/8 PF
>See this
What do?
play pvp
Will I be able to fit in with people at the lavender beds if I'm not a modbeast or in the syncshell?
Oh great, the whole joke went full circle now
They will all parse gold
I'm laying dead in the water, you are welcome to join me
Just talk to people who aren't busy talking. There's plenty of them. It's not hard to say hi.
performance anxiety
Tanned? Black? Charcoal? Pale? Green? Blue?
I need to know more
so how much longer til ffxi dies?
sex with the slut with the black lipstick
queue cc even if you suck, it connects people together in one way or another
and don't feel bad about joining in a conversation, sometimes it works out and it's great, and sometimes it doesn't and you just gotta go oh well and move on
bro I am just straight lurking here, join me, interact, have fun
I don't even know these fucks outside of their name
It's not that hard
>he doesnt know
you come from the peaceful era and it shows so hard.
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I'll talk to you anon!
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>no hime femra
turn 360 degrees and walk away
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still won
total DRK kill
glubbing rn
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Yes, I get searched every 10 minutes or something. There at least one guy who is really obsessed with me and has been stalking me for 9 months straight like that. Probably the same guy, or friend of, who does all that false flagging of me.
I know for sure that it's not someone on my friend's list. But I do know he's on the friends list of some friends which has narrowed down who it is by a lot.

I do warn people before hanging out with them that they're going to get stalked and schizoed for hanging out with me, but no one has ever cared because no one believes the anonymous things posted in the thread.
Sigh and just avoid interacting with any of them
>no sound
you need to hear the bonks
Second from the left owes me sex (her topping)
>those shorts and that top
Wait is that my glub!?
I miss when Falke was cute and white. I hate Mexitard Falke
I was there when the laws of /vg/ were written. I have played since 1.0. But yes, I have been avoiding /xivg/ ingame most of the time outside of big important meetups. You vastly overestimate what people here can actually do.
congrats on the fiddie wife btw
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any other cool guys itt this thread rn or is it just me
Thought about going pale, however tanned and black don't sound bad at all. The problem is, white scales don't get along with those colors
LB14 is so super duper sweet and friendly, it’s so easy to get a quick plap. I love plapping with all the “goonies”, they even give OOC jerkbait (especially Effy). If you’re not plapping with the classics, why do you even play FFXIV?
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type 'holy moly' then proceed to play the game to the best of my ability
even if it's not LT doing it, who cares? thread bike meets thread untouchable. they get what they deserve. imagine having so little selfrespect that's where you go. you could've jerked off with a page from the bible and you'd have come out looking better on the other side. instead now this is what everybody knows you for. the most desperate cunt on the block
I miss the good old days
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>Just talk to people
>"ewwwww anon is a sex pest groomer"
that rob chidori guy was so evil for making this happen
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Try tanned that leans into bronze. Looks amazing on femraens. Usually works with natural hair colours like black and blonde. Just give it a shot, it's really hot.
Saw a cute and quite possibly lewd lala.
May I just say, you deserve everything you get and more
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logout, smash my computer, and go off the grid in that order
Aether cat are you logged onto 4chan? I finished the trib
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did someone say twin peaks?
>making erp alts
bro just do the shit on your main, no one likes ERPing on an alt that has no character growth.
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Modbeast wife?
val got one? nice ebin privilege
I'm out here trying to get a fiddie wife for months...
>If you’re not plapping with the classics, why do you even play FFXIV?
I'm effectively raidlogging right how, haven't posed with anyone in close to 9 months
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thats hydras glubberoni before they got yoinked by dutyfinder
i cant believe she took the kids the house AND my rat too!
best post itt
Does anyone on Balmung/Crystal want to do the level 61 dungeon? I'm farming some glam there as well as getting exp.
heh, classic moonie
hello my wife
no faggot I will not engage with your fetish
>they are schizoing me!!!!!
>admits to going on a little detective adventure, trying to track down a random anon through the friends list of his thread bikes
The lack of self awareness is reaching historically high levels. No sane person does this, LT. No sane person does anything like this.
sand bag the entire time and pretend that I dont know english. if i get kicked i go to the GMs for harassment.
I hate femra.
Here you can take this one
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you're a psycho
>add someone on mare
>their character doesn't change
>"I mostly prefer vanilla."
>remove them
You people sicken me
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me but the exact opposite
I might believe that if you weren't schizoing me within the first month of me ever showing up at xivg, before I could have possibly done anything wrong. That you've been shitposting me out of jealousy non stop for 9 months makes these attacks especially hollow.
It's also really funny how you accuse everyone of being me and samefagging, when you do that. It's always a projection.
>thats hydras glubberoni before they got yoinked by dutyfinder
Oh. NVM then.
>Trying to find out who is harassing you for a year is crazy
you niggas are so lucky i CBA to go to the beds, i would hit the fattest, ear-shattering YERRRR in VC
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my bad
Hero mode post
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shitposting aside I thought you two looked cute
>giant val looking down at me
thanks i try
You should wear those shorts more often
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>asks for mare
>"sorry I don't have mare"
>interest in me drops to zero
God I love CI
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Get a job and quit whining, nigger
me sending someone a random string of numbers and letters when they ask for my mare code (i dont mod)
What color oonie do I make?
I wish Val would let me throat their moonie alt's woober.
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>admits to going on a little detective adventure, trying to track down a random anon through the friends list of his thread bikes
This isn't the own that you think it is. You're literally admitting that you're a schizo who got found out and that LT was right.
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I am
a femlala
who feels old when I see all these new zoomer words
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Good night /xivg/
On the blue-er side of blue-gray
You really shouldn't.
>"I mostly prefer vanilla."
Based, they're too good for you.
I should bring back the shorts look honestly.
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>people stalk me
>"no youre just a schizo and are having delusions"
>get and provide evidence of people stalking me
>"woooooooooow look at you that some fucking schizo work doing all that effort you deserve everything bad that comes to you"
I don't feel like posting my femlala
Any femlala looking for a spot of rape from a handsome catboy?
how do I change the scaling of my mounts with customize or penumbra?
If I asked xivg to comment on my fiddie golem would you be mean just to make me feel bad or would you be honest
Hmm I wonder why.
Those people sound like schizo stalkers
>V threads get deleted instantly
>VG threads are mainly for coomers
I just want a place to hang out and chat, my whole fc is silent even on discord.
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Farming glams on alts is annoying as hell, I wish level cap dungeons guaranteed a drop for your job like leveling dungeons do.
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oh hey that's me again
It's a very powerful one, one of my favorites
Give me a reason not to
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my anal wife
Where's the handsome cat?
Why would I want a whole bunch of mods when three does me good?
The best part is, you're only gonna see one of them. The two lewd mods are for my eyes only.
>my whole fc is silent even on discord
because they have a CWLS specifically without you. hope that helps
If I can be asked to even comment on it I'd be honest
>>V threads get deleted instantly
no they don't
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>magness and LT are duking it out again
not a single good thread today
>contributes nothing to the thread
okay nigger post about the game
can you post your character without the face / eye mod
>oiled up
>character is wearing cloth
It's like I can already feel the disgusting textures and see all the little cloth fibers getting stuck to the oily skin. How do you autists not feel the same way and turn it off? Oiled up should only ever be on when nude or wearing a bikini or latex.
Schizoing the schizos technically makes someone a schizo
On weekends my femra sings in the garage band Lorilee's Threadbikes.
>full circle
It's still just Macchi replying to himself.
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holy shit this nigga looks badass
v threads havent been deleted in a year or 2 now i think the worlo janny overdosed on hotpockets and was replaced
am i in the room with you now, anon?>>494667776
assuming that it's one singular person is the crazy part, anon. keep up. there's been a slew of shitposts aimed at this idiot for the past year. each differ in tone, content and style. he is a fucking schizo, because he thinks it's one person. one person stalking a sorry piece of shit like him for a year. he's not that important. none of us fucking are. it's a video game. get a fucking grip
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>You're literally admitting that [you are the] schizo
having the empty being the FF8 overworld music threw me right out
i thought this was a gun in the thumbnail
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It's awful. I've been there... trying to farm Darklight armor from the early ARR 50 dungeons is a NIGHTMARE
>friend starts to hardcore raid
>does well, gets taken in by a very good group
>slowly stops hanging out with me
is this common? do raiders from this place also do this?
Never trust a "normal" person in a madhouse website
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A chance to see Primal's Femroes
"What game is this" is my limit, I only like mods that adds thing that feel like that belong to this universe, so I mostly get upscales or edits of existing outfits.
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i love giant women so much
get a friend to make it faster
Too bad, I love mostly vanilla catgirls
sure why not
But my Primal femroe rarely makes any meetup appearances.
this is super cool
may i sexpest you
This is how I do it too. I have one mod that changes the freckles, then the other mods are lewd and hidden underneath layers of armor
Yup, that's a wife.
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My femra acts like this when she sees a brown person
what do you mean by "let"?
im partial to the pale yellowy color, like the moon. i havent seen one with the pale blueish color and blonde hair though and that might look cute
have you tried out lavabod legs?
i think its based on the players size, you might be able to spawn the mount separately and then move your character onto it, if you actually summon the mount and pan the camera too close, the whole model will disappear
what if theyre a different character altogether? i think its fine as long as you dont leave them as a level 2 character and live in uldah lol
I might need to try those shorts on my cat
Bullshit, they are constantly autosaged or deleted, its basically worthless trying to talk about the game over there
I like it a lot
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henlo friend, hope you're having a good one!
which season?
reading you a bedtime story from my bookhands.
Sometimes raiding leaves you exhausted. Also as for me, doing hardcore raiding absolutely fucking ruined normal mode content for me, or roulettes, it's just so goddamn boring.
I'm skipping all cutscenes and dialogue but it's still taking forever to beat DT. I hate this game.
I have harassed people on here and I make a note to change my typing style each time on purpose so that they never catch on and assume its just multiple haters. You sound like a rookie.
Need more fags like this and Val who just want to help the boys bust a nut.
gun-looking kot
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Speed is not an issue. It's the fact that the dungeons that drop it have an extremely large pool of drops that includes accessories and other gear sets. I went over 100 runs before seeing Darklight heavy gauntlets.
PMP, EK, and RC are looking for sexpests however.
IIRC they're Sparking or something by YAB as an upscale of a bibo mod.
I have.
Being a collective of schizos doesn't make you any less of a schizo
By "let" I mean make you know that I'm down for anything.
What is this expression trying to convey?
Does this moonie give prostate massages? Asking for a friend.
>i think its fine as long as you dont leave them as a level 2 character and live in uldah lol
Phew, level 3 here, safe.
season 2, i showed season 1 pre DT. hopefully we get through the rest including the movie and season 3
NTA but what's the point of trying to start a conversation between waves of PLAP,MOONIE,FIDDIE posts
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i'll call and play for a lil
crystal casual cc @ 10:40 et
>hes a bad guy because the thread said so!!!
>now dont mind me as I hang around with verjamal
consider brownies
Fuck now I can't unsee it.
Wait just a minute, that's MY moonie being posted!
Here's the real deal!
>noooooooo dont try and find out who has been harassing you just let me have my fun
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>no one wants to wife me
>no one wants to plap me
>no one wants to be friends with me
>no one wants to simp for me and get me setup with nice things as soon as I hit 100
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May the Navigator lead all the LB14 anons to fortunate CC tidings.
If that's what they are, they might be nuked from xma. aaaaaaaaaa
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You could finally be the femroe to catch me
If your conversation is of value people will talk about it.
thank youuuuu <3
Love when schizos think we can hear the voices too
no, because they will always just disappear and it feels like a wasted investment
t. friendslist purger because of having to deal with a ton of alts in the past.
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It's over.
>nooooo you guys HAVE to read my green text schizo battle
shut the fuck up
I'll be friends, but im not gonna do all that for a sprout or new person thats just weird. Professional malera have standards after all.
adding to the pile
>still contributes nothing
navigator's dead
>All these people whoring themselves out for the one Anon with a giantess fetish
Barely above vore
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this shithole always had schizos. they didn't magically appear just to spite that retard. he is a schizo. schizos existing doesn't make him less of one. him assuming that they are all colluding to target him, or it being a singular schizo stalking him for a year, makes him a schizo. how fucking difficult is this to understand?
builded for
Forgive me Kikuriposter...
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Are you sure they aren't the Sparkling Shorts? There's a few called that (they wouldn't get picked up by sparking). Probably by Tsar or the ones based off of the Isle Farmhand shorts.
have fun being led on by someone who will give you just enough attention to keep you interested but never actually do anything with you
I might get sick
the piercing through the head really pullls the whole thing together
give anon a break, giantess content on twitter and discords are atrocious
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3rd Nier raid anyone?
0/0/4 atm
I think it's that one.
fuck me with your moonie please
Raiding is time-consuming, especially with groups with no set schedules.
Relatable. I fall asleep in non-DT dungeon/trials when I'm doing roulettes.
Welcome.... To the Nation
Femra Nation...
Welcome.... To Femra Nation
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I've had many wins today where I was top 2 dps, thank you for your blessings
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>Darklight armor
Sweet baby Hydaelyn, that is the best healing armor I've ever laid eyes upon. I'm a sucker for armored casters.
I want to /pet this cute moonie
Are you cute?
>he thinks people use the same typing style
Anon, this thread and general is known for keeping black books. this is my little Machiavellian general, nigga.
If you dont know what a black book is it is a book that you have or a tst file that you write peoples names in and you tell them a small but slightly vulnerable but believable lie something juicy enough to let it slip in inner circles and then you wait to see if it slips in groups to find the leaker.
did this q pop
I feel your pain, it took me forever to get the chest piece I wanted
It'll be okay, PD. Some of us love Christmas cake.
who has the urianger pic.
i need it
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I bet electrope isn't even that good. It probably doesn't even have that many uses.
I miss my schizo...
Where did you go...
This thread sucks now...
Some patch ARR dungeons have really underrated glam.
put the fries in the bag unc
I know a few people here who are completely 100% innocent with no dirt on them and still get shitposted. Do you really think people are above coordinated harassment or that it doesnt exist?
It's an upscale of a Tsar mod that he's since nuked not only from xma but also his fucking google drive.
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Thought this was a modbeast at first but its just that dogshit from Eureka
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it's okay bro...

i got into a really fast stompfest so crystal casual cc @ 2:30 et
I do this on accident and am not learning to just tell people no now.
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Darklight gear is absolute kino. I use the healing and casting gloves on a ton of my glams because I love the armored finger guards. The boots are great too.

I wish you good luck on any future glam grinds
honestly one of the funniest posts i've seen here in a long time
twin peaks...
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why the fuck not
I'm Captain Ranger, and this is my favorite femra on the Source.
Naming my lala alt Ike Thespike if you ever reach S3. I'll try to make it there since I need an excuse to rewatch TP.
>alphascape was 5 years ago
>just got into a match
NTA but fuck that asshole, so many good mods and he's just
>yeah, I'm deleting them all
being a random who raids is rarely a source of popularity, either you're blowing this out of proportion in your head or this person can easily delude themselves into thinking they're a hot shot for being the equivelant of the 50% of players who actually get the first achievement in the game, in which case they're not worth your friendship or respect

I can't help but feel like raiders are in a pissing contest with how much content they can call too boring for them, raiding never "ruined" any content for me
it's definitely turned into brain off dumb fun content but thats a different thing
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I hate ravas+ so much it's unreal.
I feel like ranger would be a much better title than captain. You should go with ranger -name-
try schizoing yourself if you're so bored
I'll be sure to join this one....
mid afternoon femlalas?
you're so stupid
Hell I didnt even have to do that. I told someone here I trusted something I was self conscious about that nobody else knew, and within a month saw a post mocking me about it. Sad thing is its someone here that everyone likes and nobody would believe me.
Vore, feet, and shrink suck total ass
becasue you just fucking cant... OKAY?!
Finally some good fucking food
I see posts like this in reply to a catbox and worry that anons are all replying to one of my poses
I filtered you and I haven't seen your posts in months.
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Get the Burn Down The House plugin, it will let you
Would anyone like to spam run dungeons with me to lvl something in the 80s range?
It makes me so mad how they make dungeon gear that have hoods but its just for decoration. Like either make it a hooded robe like ARR or dont fucking do it.
was hanging out with seto worth it after all those years?
I want to eat ur moonie's giant butt hol
I remember when I came out to someone about my past relationship troubles and not even a full few weeks later they were trying to use it to anonymously shitpost about me. It's crazy how stupid people are in thinking just because they say it anonymously that other people can't connect the dots.
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Love this moonie I want to pet and cuddle her
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how do i solve this wave
keep dying every time i get here because i cant keep the south pillar alive
These threads are insanely gay
You do know I do not need to be your friend to see where you are at every hour of the day?
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thats a great name, you could always use the arm also. im sure we'll get to 3 eventually but last time i opened voting everyone opted for no skipping the lesser quality eps of season 2 so it will be a bit
It’s astounding that people would rather ERP this over male characters
*runs out of tp*
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I think the first thing I ever grinded in this game was the darklight striking chestpiece
had to ask a friend to help me because I was like level 53 at the time and still a dumb sprout
good memories
I know they'll never be interested, I play male
Ranger is a better title than Captain, and my name already is Ranger Admaz, but Ranger as a literal first name kinda stuck with me after reading it aloud in some MSQ text boxes.
HB is locked the FUCK in
How do I get RAVA'D without anyone finding out?
I would kill to sit between a Rava's legs all day rimming and ball licking, but not if it meant getting ridiculed by everyone else in the general and all my friends...
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sherrie willaims is a bich ass motherfucker who invites u to frontlines but queues you into brapfloxs gasstop who HURT YOU
Happy wife appreciation day to my femra thread wife and my femra thread wife only.
Has anyone here found out that someone commed hentai of your character without permission?
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Bloonies are the best post more of her please so I can /pet post at her
But LT is already doing that
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>I'll never clear a raid tier week 1
>I'll never clear an ultimate ever
>Will probably never clear an ex
>sitting in a solo FC on that i had to beg people from here to make alts for because i dont have any friends in game
>log in to afk in a yard
>Decorate despite no one visiting
>Friends list 10/200 (all of them have quit the game)
>feel like they ruined my favorite job (monk)
Why do I even play
is it me
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unfortunately i have regained m*ntor status
Can LT go one fucking day without having a novel induced meltdown? Holy fuck shut the fuck UP!
Pulling on a certain ebin's pigtails while she deepthroats my woober.
If you're not on Balmung people don't give a shit.
what's the cutscene this is from?
my moonie is flat but my sunnie is fat and this is the way it should be
I'd believe you.
I ent through this myself. Told someone something personal and within a week or two my schizo was harassing me about it. Knew who it was instantly too, though no one would ever believe me.
Some of you retards have big skeletons in your closets
god EU hours are so much better than NA hours this is some pure steaming horse shit
Happy wife appreciation to my catwife. She's having fun playing games on an emulator and she's the cutest.
were you here for EU hours? its literally the same posters shitposting right now
We get it Gabe, you fucked Miki
The eu bros have always been cool
No he's gotta pretend he's important and interesting
i got pinned against a wall by a hroth man yesterday
You posted this today already
Seein a lot of accusations and not a lot of names
It's genuinely because women are just hotter. Even the vast majority of straight women won't rate anything but the handsomest of men as actually attractive, let alone hot. Simply put, women are hotter than men in almost all cases, unless you're a raging faggot.
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>EUroids thinking NA hours is bad
>Constantly talking about horsecocking people
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Those curtains are immaculate. You even got the zigzag floor tiles!
I want answers.
Well ya it's a bunch of guys ERPing together
My schizo got better and apologized to me after months of breaking contact, there's no reason to drag their name around.
god you're pathetic
you didn't reply to the answers you got the last few times you've copy pasted that
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>still no femra, catgirl, middie or malera to use this with
why .. whats the purpose of this mod then?
Thats because you EU faggots like to come in here in NA hours and dump your EU schizo posts.
fuck off to /tv/
*is a femra*
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Picrel. Only the Matron can bless an anon with such fortune.
I'll take NA schizos arguing with themselves over multi-paragraph EU essays about who got horsed today
>last few
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my femlala on the left...
I wish the hroth hero would pin me against a wall and punish me for the sinful villain I am
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>Don't care about raiding
>Do everything with my EB
>Log in to queue anything, even mentor roulette for fun
>Have undecorated personal and FC large
>Friend list 73/100 (I remember maybe 15 people I added)
>Picked up MNK and having fun with it for the first time
I love playing this videogame.
One of my schizos melted and disappeared from xivg entirely and the other is kong, there's nothing new to expose here
same to be honest
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The closest I have to that is a few cases of being asked to have one of my characters appear in art with someone else's character, and after agreeing they proceed to get it without following up to confirm full context of what will be in the picture and it ended up being something I wasn't super keen on.
wawo wawo
Femlala posts
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actual self awareness: 0%
What is the crafting addon that lets you spam facial emotes?
what you want bro
dog in wig
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I'll fuck you on the tv anon.
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>Has anyone here found out that someone commed hentai of your character without permission?
>Look at a gay commission
>Catgirl that looks EXACTLY like mine except eyecolor is different
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so lets say two people you are involved with like you are friends and everything are fighting like they are really going at it, they were in a relationship and one of them, the abuser is getting good PR and is slandering the hell out of the abuse victim making them an exile. this is going on in your day to day life, the abuser has tons of resources and if you side with them then you know the abused one will commit suicide after spiraling. If you side with the person that was abused you will be also exiled and have the ire of the abuser and their friends that have a lot of pull around the area make your life hell. if you try to stay neutral and be a fence sitter you will be hated by both and you will get both bad outcomes.
what side do you take
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My eb did this to my fiddie
Zero chance of that happening because of the race I play
>only care about raiding
>and my eb
>except i dont have an eb anymore
yeah.... it hurts xisters...
Big cutie
I volunteer as tribute, but you have to pump me full every day! Give me a big litter <3 Offer available only to Rava
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Trick question, everyone outside the situation is going to call you a gigantic worthless asshole no matter what you do.
Just throat the 12 gauge already, LT
Slow ghost everyone involved
Sometimes you just gotta save yourself
side with the victim of course. the only people who would hate you are people you shouldn't want to associate with anyways.
Not a comm, but a friend drew hentai of our characters without asking. Is that weird?
is uldah just reddit and twitter now?
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>Forgot I was in prox chat
>Say "ooohhh rapeable."
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova.
>wiping somewhat easy trial
>why isnt my cohealer helping me?
>target them
i knew it
Nobody here can physically do anything to you. Their range of harassment is literally anonymous shitposting. They cant even say anything ingame without being banned. I would support the person with evidence, so lets say thats the abusee. Nothing would really happen if I did because I don't take 99% of /xivg/ seriously, and it would be a bonus to root out people stupid enough to believe rumors without proof.
I'll crush you! Rimming & anal gross me out...
I haven't been taking many new giant screenshots, but I can offer you an extremely small & extra blue bloonie picture in exchange for a /pet!
So are you going to rape me or what?
>thinking anyone is spending money to get your character drawn secretly in this inflated economy with artists charging a cool 250 minimum for a 2 character color comm of quality.
this isnt 2016, the price of art has easily tripled since back then and xiv is honestly a major part to blame.
Qrd on LT drama and why I should give a fuck?
I gain nothing by getting involved
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INSANELY long overtime
crystal casual cc @ 8:00 et
ill think about it
The only thing left to do is to host a comedy night meetup with new proximity chat
minus the suicide part this sounds just like my eb who went nuclear and gaslit everyone into thinking im the bad guy after he cheated on me
You guys keep posting this shtick about how "If someone believed a lie about me without proof then they arent a good friend anyway fuck em" but you have no idea how persuasive and annoying it can get to defend someone who is wrongfully being targeted for months or years. Eventually even the strongest friends just avoid you so they can stop catching flak.
Adorable bloonie, /pet /pet /pet I'm not too fussed about the size stuff I just like seeing bloonies
I love koohi so much
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>I'll crush you
that's ok too
None of you are funny though
Some of you should really jerk it before coming here to post
god i wish i had an eb that liked bullying me just to see my reactions... everyone always says they bully me because my reactions are fun but i'm still single...? what gives...
I think I had a stroke trying to read this
this entire game is reddit and twitter
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>Mt Gulg can be seen floating with no connection to the ground even from Eulmore after janny fucks off
>"let's quadruple check if we can climb up it."
>an entire trip that could've been done aflight
>but sure, fix The Ladder, useful for the future yadeyade
>"let's triple check again."
>Exarch wastes useful flying turrets to check if flight is an option
>Flight against a giant army of adept fliers skilled in aerial combat and where one slice anywhere on your flesh dooms you for good
If an anon doodling my WoL getting raped counts, yes.
dare to smooch me on the field

no fair..
>Turned off messages because I do not want people in this game to touch me.
>Turned on 'do not disturb' because I do not want to interact with people who like bad music.
>Game is literally impossible to make friends in
has been since at least shb
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The fuck is a bloonie? Speak English faggot.
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Anyone on Crystal mind posting their house/apartment address so I may look at them?
You shouldn't care at all. Most of it is made up and vague because LT feeds off attention so he's been spamming the thread so people will think he's important and mention him
Guys, remember the Covid April Fools joke where everyone just ERPed with each other in 4chan just to get infect?
you guys have no idea how badly i want to uselessly plow a giant woman's vagina as hard as i possibly can (she can barely tell anything is happening)>>494671797
i play a male character, im not miera, or male xaela, so chances are slim to none
>stuck n' fuck
A Classic
I want that femra to milk my cowra...
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is there a mod that puts this thing, whatever it is on my wol's back as an accessory?
People who use do not disturb in games and social media are the actual psychos
I can only give you unhinged advice, because I found that's the best way to get rid of someone you don't like from /vg/. I singlehandedly got rid of the biggest Ebin from /wowg/ with my methods. Now the guy is afraid to ever post about himself even though he plays this game now, because he knows I'm around and will ruin his reputation yet again.
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Zalera, 5th Ward, 4th Plot, Empyreum. Have fun!
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Its going to a good day when this waste of space offs himself for being a tranny
im familiar with this
File deleted.
same lol
in the hypothetical situation posed, the choice is between being complicit in somebody's suicide or not. it's a simple choice.
what did you do?
Most of the people you losers claim to have "scared away" just stopped playing because the game has turned to shit
post it
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yea i think i'm bored again
Is this a post asking for advice or are you quoting something someone did
This problem is entirely self-made
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nigga made a todo list I hope you enjoyed playing the game
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Which one?
p29w25 lavender beds there is an fc room here as well
room 30 w27 shirogane
This is true, but what most do is repeat the same thing that others schizos started. The real schizos are the personal ones, who are doing it due to their own personal mental illness and a grudge and not just EUs being funny repeating NA drama. The real ones have gotten so warped in their jealousy that they imagine things that are happening and that what they imagine must be true. Even if one of them gave away something personal that gives away who it is, the repeaters are actually anonymous. And actually anonymous schizos doing it for the lulz really like the side with the person who is wrong for the lulz.
I don't care about those as it's the ones who started it who are responsible. The ones who repeat the gossip and rumors mostly aren't even NA. I care about the former because those sort of schizos are trying to manipulate and control people, and it does affect them, as much as people say that they never believe anything anonymously posted here.
With the victim.
A lot of people here are vulnerable and lonely and want attention. A lot of people here will side with someone they're 99% sure is an abuser because that abuser gives them attention. That 1% of doubt is good enough for them to say their hands are clean and it's fine to associate with.
I've had people tell me that they're pretty sure they know who is the main driver behind the schizoing of me, tyrone, lynessa, esthein (this is one of the funniest ones because he was basically no one until he crossed the schizo's path), and so on. But that they don't really care because they don't see how it directly affects them.
It does directly affect them, though, because it means they get shitposted too if they hang out with anyone who gets in the schizo's crosshairs.
I came to the conclusion that there is no benefit from posting pictures of my character here
I will continue to make this general a worse place tho
May I plap?
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tbqh I just assume anyone who stopped coming here is better off than when they were frequenting this place
I wish I could stop coming here too
I put this mark on my CC crushies when I’m in a solo party
I take the side of learning english and sentence structures, LT.
i'm only raidlogging otherwise
need to get my moneys worth somehow
All of them still play. They just stopped posting their character because the schizos became a lot more dedicated in discouraging people from posting their character.
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crystal casual cc @ 11 et
i know lots of people who dont post anymore but still play though
It's been posted a dozen times already and isn't even good-looking.
i reclear this fight in pf every week and i've never seen 3+1
It's not a woman if there's a dick anon
another victim of sunk cost
Its a big "who gives a fuck"
Just a bunch of world first raidnigger autists being autistic.
The entire thing can be summed up as such: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv9fupU3cIQ
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niggas really cockwatching holy fuck
Some of these ARR sightseeing log riddles are quite hard to crack
bottom looks safer and more consistent to me
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>see your horrible performance in CC
>Put this over your head
How do you respond without sound mad?
>Being driven out of this shithole is supposed to be a bad thing
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of course. you wouldnt be begging in a forum if you werent
many such...
Not for me, I use a plugin for it
PF standard is top. So that if you intend to ever reclear there
There is a drama?
Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor?
You're brown so of course you do
It shows a lack of constitution and will. If you let anyone drive you out of anywhere, no matter how good or bad that place may be, you're a bitchmade cuck.
I imagine seeing the same shit from this place over and over and over again and again is gonna drive someone insane eventually
wait for them to die and then spam /consider on top of their corpse
Being mad isnt a bad thing. Anger gives you drive. I'd start throwing every time I was in a match on their team.
Why would I waste my time cracking ARR autism?
I need to stop making characters in the creator. The fanta urge is hitting me
only true if you're on NA
for EU the PF standard is bottom
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If I don't watch the cock how will I know if it won the fight, stupid?
I would respond sounding sad :(
Shut up shitskin
some faggots still try to force hector strats in M4S
Nah if anything it takes an extreme event to convince someone that staying here is not in their best interest. They weren't driven out so much as they became enlightened.
p49 w28 ishgard balmung
wing 2 room 3 ward 28 ishgard
id also post my fc room but im not done yet...
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What... what does it mean...?
You're a cunt, you went too far.
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Put Nazuna down!
The Queen of fat and musky black horse cock. Nothing gets me harder than seeing her get gaped by a spear of meat that would kill a lesser cumsock.
huffing moonie feet
Illegal cockfighting lizard...
It means theyre going to tie (You) up
I don't know why people put any value in being liked here to be honest. there's nothing special this community in particular brings.
my moonies looks and acts like this
that's why you don't join hector PFs if you're on EU
if there's only hector PFs up you make your own OQ5/QGo
I bet you're one of those retards who refuse to listen to leaked Soken music
Besides? I'm white and from Beirut.
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I fucking kneel holy fuck
I didn't either until I went to Light and saw this raidplan all over their PF listings.
Nah that avatar fag fired first. Anon just went full USS Wisconsin with his payback.
>LT samefagging and spamming the shit out of the thread for attention
>now writing deranged walls of text

I don't think thread "drama" can get much worse than this
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lot of dodges in cc today

after I get out of whatever I'm getting into I gotta go for like 40 min to an hour so someone else can call if they wanna
anon i have to tell you, you're the narcissistic douchebag
This marking was relevant in ARR and HW when raids would often feature adds that you had to stun or root or heavy to keep them from feeding themselves to the boss.
post your ass, fatty
I tried a few times, the strats are easy enough
the problem is the people doing these strats, they forget to rotate on midnight, they don't even do the positioning right, sometimes they can't even count

raidplan usually has better parties on average
this happened to my mate mike
Is this real? At least in ffxiv, no one would care that you made him gay. No one would care about the parses, either.
You're the narcissist douchebag here. I'm guessing that you were really the one interested in your friend who had the BF.
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my femra acts like this
Anon, think about it. The bottom line is that the loser did the payback for pussy.
good retribution
He tried to break up a relationship so he got his relationship broken.
he will never do that shit again, some people have to learn the hard way and he was one of them.
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this might be my record on letting the tank dip as low as possible on ast
Do nyot tie me up!
But I'M the one who keeps getting marked with it...
fuck am i looking at niggaa
No they don't you fucking psycho
Fuck off with this lynching mentality
The shibari drone will see you now. Please look forward to it.
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oh fuck i didnt snip it correctly but this was the number
built for rava+
so are we the baddies or are we the good guys /xivg/?
pick up my femlala
and pump her like an onahole
I can't see shit cap'n
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i cleared like 3 weeks ago in PF with OQ5, QGo and AutoCAD and then just joined a reclear static using those strats
never been happier
Holy fucking based, nuke the faggot for that
Pale Miau Miau on a modbeast body is so jarring
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miau also modbeasts wydm
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it's all coming together (pls dont visit its a mess upstairs)
Pussy was just extra icing to a complete cake. Anon leveled the avatarfag in any way he could because the avatar fag started shit first. If they weren't a bitch they would've just been a shitter in the threads.
congratz bro
To be fair she is my favorite moonie
Zalera, Shirogane, Ward 26 Plot 16
And he's a cuck too
remember to hold onto it until the start of the next tier for an ez 30mil
Tastefully. Pale MM has obese squidward tier legs
Also it's more like 20-25minl
the wicked deserve nothing, and must be dragged to the yoke to face the same sins they tried to sow. only then will they feel empathy. they never learn unless it happens to them. in the olden days he would have received worse. the era of peace and values we have only cane from generations of smiting evil and wickedness and unifying under one cause. the dissent and brother wars we have now are born of an era of greed and uncontrolled ego and no longer snuffing that out.
that man will never try to break up a relationship again and you should thank him for taming such a subhuman scum without him having to taste the correct punishment for his sins.
good job bro I'm proud of ya
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We're not to the point of guro spam yet, it can always get worse.
Dont the mounts sell for more? I'd rather not risk using it on gear.
>Join proximity chat
>connect with 5 people on goblin and a guy on phoenix
>they all crash instantly
I love this mod
There's a surprising amount of anons into being eaten here...
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actually one more then I gotta go afk for a bit
crystal casual cc @ 3:10 et
I look forward to getting a new static that can skip Sunrise, even PF is starting to do it by now
anon you aren't saving the ancient rome by e-cucking mmo players
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I saw him in Balmung Steps of Nald yesterday
Gonna make sure this ones an EVEN longer overtime
mounts are like anywhere from 5-10mil
ornate armor is usually right around 30mil once the tier starts and then it nosedives after a day or 2
what's she saying?
My miera loves slampiggies like these
Do not listen to him, its never worth trying to sell raiders that top. You will be out of a gold certificate with the only thing to show for it is a top that no one bought.
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You're not even edging them at that point, sis..
anyone wanna watch this in it entirety with me
This is some American p*ritan shit >>494674616
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Probably one of the best HUGE pictures I've seen, fantastic composition and posing.
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>face 4 mooncat
>terrible person
Say it aint fucking so
>Dem still mad that the slaves got freed.
pulling down that leotard!
fondling a lalafells soft fllat chest!
pulling on her sensitive perky nipples!
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Do I farm a couple eureka bunny boxes or fates?
How big is his dick
Why are Face 3 femra and face 4 moonies like this?
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Yall really do jump when the group leader says jump that's crazy
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You could always find a high end raider and enter into a contract with them specifically to sell them the piece. As long as its typed out ingame, they cant go back on it without getting banned.

gratz anon
...and then I woke up.
grabbing this lala by her large throbbing horsecock and spinning around really fast and throwing her into the sun
Are you taking fiddie maid applications? Asking for myself.
>face 3 femra
more like face 4 femras
they're the worst ones by far, nothing comes close
The way he phrased it sure, but this isn't exclusive to America. Many countries still do this to this day.
Japan has a phrase "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down" and guess what Japan doesn't have a bunch of uppity liberal retards ruining all of their media nor do they have an immigration problem nor do they have "peaceful protests" burning down buildings and robbing people. Wonder why that is...
Yea it's pretty pathetic
Ummm anon….?
What are some examples of psycho face 4 femra? So I can stay away from them of course.
This was LT right? Blacklisting him right now holy shit what an unhinged faggot
what is this i dont wanna click on it
Yes, apply within.
>damage down
he deserves worse
NTA, but anyone around /wowg/ during that time knows bits and pieces of that story. I can corroborate that it's most likely true and both of them need psychiatric help
What, the massive wall of text didn't give that away? Yes it was him.
what is it about dark knights and low hp
save yourself, don't do it
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We torture our tanks for a reason, bestie.
You're an idiot
A futa lala with massive tits with huge dark aeolas and a huge horse cock.
Futa horsecock femlala with breasts bigger than the rest of her body
No she looks like a grandma
it is extremely unlikely that my moonie would ever become a mainstream idol/vtuber9
holy shit I kneel
I just hate seeing co-tanks lose damage
What are some examples of psycho face 3 femra?
wtf im a f4 moonie and im nice i promise
>even lower
I don't. I like it when my tanks look helpless and pitiful, it's cute.
And i thought Donny was the most ugliest looking freak, lalas never stop to amaze me
ok but the songs are fucking hilarious
It's cute that you feel like you're above the average person here when you're sitting at lavbeds on an alt and talking in /shout because nobody talks to you
sex with catgirls
Of course it was. That's all he does is make up wild sounding shit for attention. Literally no one finds him interesting because he has the personality of a house plant
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not sure what this is about
but my static leader is a biowoman
if she told me to bark I'd bark...
me too.....
my catgirl does this
>Listening to a woman.
She isn't going to fuck you.
bro have some self respect cmon….
What a coincidence so does mine
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ty for the games, back in a bit, feel free to pick up calls

one last for you guys tho
crystal casual cc @ 7:15 et
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lmao aren't you that nigga that's still buckbroken over what happened during chen?
what did it say
Lol no, he's not a known ebin here. I know who it is, but I don't believe in name and shaming and their initials are too unique to post without them immediately being found out. Think about the wowfugees and you will see.
>I, a very definitely different anonymous person, agree with this other anonymous person who is not me
>you should uncritically believe me, I mean him, and avoid all skepticism and doubt, because not believing me is for cucks
Zackrawrr just said that he doesn't want to play FFXIV anymore because the mod community is weird and it made him feel uncomfortable
My fellow catgirl sexer of catgirls
Someone called my sunnie- a toilet and it made my pp twitch irl
Disgusting nigger
isn't that the guy who got hit mom killed?
Its obvious that you all play follow the leader, its why you arent on balmung right now.
you let people talk you out of your hub three times and think youre in charge when you are the background character.
youre not even the background character, you are the office plant that they leave behind whenever the office moves and then you whiter and die, abandoned and alone. only there to make the room look more decorated in its heyday.
you can never progress up following those that dont even know and are confident in who themselves are, you know. you will only lead yourself down their uncertain path as a bystander. and you dont have plot armor.
<3 <3 <3
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your schizo babble talking about the xivg afk spot or whatever it is sucks just as much ass as the people you are vague posting
Unnamed Neko @ Jenova post
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monitoring this thread rn
He's weird and disgusting
Nah hes making shit up. He never really liked the whole MSQ stuff, roleplay, lore, etc. He only cares about dungeons and raids in mmos. Which is fine but dont lie about it.
me when the raidlead says north is safe (north was not safe)
>porn addicts telling me I'm in the wrong
sexpesting this sunner
the meme of shadowbringers being a good expac is the worst ever foisted on this community
i don't think you'd want me as a co-healer. i tried an alliance roulette as white mage on a whim not too long ago and our groups tank died like 3 or 4 times. Our group would look helpless and pitiful because they're all 6 feet under lol.
One of the reasons I'll quit too
The cheating is just too much
^w^ Keeping them just BARELY alive is what I do best, even if you aren't pushing any buttons at all. .
I can fix you.
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
why do people go so hard in xiv? its so sad. this is the one game u dont need to dump 12 hours a day grinding in and people still do it. there are no good statics for me out there its either 12 + 7 day sHC / HC or "m3s fusefield prog" statics (how do you prog that for weeks? wtf)
It really isn't that hard anon, maybe if you weren't busy erping with cat girls with dicks you could learn how to do the fights
i love her so much
Yeah, don't wanna die to Ordained Motion. That would be very embarassing
You all need to grow the fuck up and stop taking 4chan posting so seriously

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