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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>494649390

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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C&C thread
Transwomen from Discord are raiding /gig/
Someone insulted my fotm waifuslop? Bette recall them trans
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This thread will be heterosexual. Post beautiful female Genshins.
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Natlan utterly and completely flopped...
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Roll for ajaw
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sex with hu tao
Did you guys learn the word 'gyaru' recently? Why are you using it so much?
Think about this logically
>you contribute nothing to society
>you have never made friends in your life
>you’re on here 24/7 and too retarded to even have a normal conversation online
>nobody loves you in real life
>you’ll never experience happiness and will be stuck here 24/7
Whats exactly is your worth in society?
Why haven’t you ended your worthless lives?
Certainly your parents knew ever since you were age 12 that you are gonna die like a suicide victim or from obesity/health related complications
>Half of the deleted posts are Nahitroon replying to himself
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and thats a good thing!
I think it's funny they will latch onto literally anything to blame for the bullying they receive
It's the DBZ posters
It's the cuck poster
It's the discord
It's the femcels
It's the incels
It's the honkeks
It's the ZZZiggers
It's the neuv posters
It's nahida posters
It's Raiden posters
It's cheldbots
On and on and in the end it's just people fucking with clearly easily baited retards haha
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Xilonen is a dumb name. Where is Fat Xiao getting these names from?
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Somebody please explain this to me, do you need to attack twice every 6 seconds for the elemental bonus to trigger?
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Strong babies
Healthy babies
A dozen just to start!
I wish a inazuman single digits boy
from the depths of aztec pyramids
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Childe SOON
is there any objective reason to get xilonen if i have kazuha

they both have art sets and talents that increase party damage, just inversely. and they both work with the same elements

cc is also more valuable than healing outside of fontainer hp drain characters, i can see her being more useful for like, wrio or furina teams maybe since she comes with healing
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chasca my beloved
why they got childe to act as natlan
What can we learn from these deleted posts?
Kazuha has HIV (common with homosexual men) and will be removed from the game soon due to his compromised immune system.
When she kicks to buff the party it actives the sword
It's all streamlined
Even chiori's signature retroactively gets buffed by this synergy since it's also 15 seconds
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>Think about this logically
>>you contribute nothing to society
>>you have never made friends in your life
>>you’re on here 24/7 and too retarded to even have a normal conversation online
>>nobody loves you in real life
>>you’ll never experience happiness and will be stuck here 24/7
>Whats exactly is your worth in society?
>Why haven’t you ended your worthless lives?
>Certainly your parents knew ever since you were age 12 that you are gonna die like a suicide victim or from obesity/health related complications
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For me, it's Teyvat's DJs
I want to pull Kachina's shorts down from the back and give her her first rimming.
- definitely not Mualani posting this post
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
read the very end of the description
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All straight men are rolling for Xilonen
Homosexuals and femcels can seethe
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sex with alhaith
>Homosexuals and femcels can seethe
But I'm rolling?
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>Kachina looks in his general direction
>Immediately jobs to her stare and gets thrown out of the screen
>All in 3 seconds top
Having him as a husbando must be the most embarrassing thing ever. Them again the fact that they settle for a ginger means they have no confidence to begin with
>my narrative broke
>time to spam poal and rig it to add fuel
I have 5k primos on me right now. Bought my first battle pass to get a Deathmatch for my Arle and got a welkin to go with it.

I see.

If it really came down to it I could farm out the difference. I still have half of Inazuma to explore and pretty much all of Sumeru and Fontaine AQs, since I quickstarted to Natlan. Plus all the story quests and Hangouts. It probably won't be fun but I can put in the time.
It’s over
gays should love this character. hell a gay probably drew that picture you posted.
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Best team for scara weekly, I always found this one aids when the electro destruction check happens
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Aether isn't interested in women
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>accuses everyone of being 1 person
>is actually the samefag xerself
How does the nahidatroon keep embarrassing xerself like this...
i wish that gum was my balls
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I feel like you're just kidding, but Kachina could unironically defeat him
Don't risk it then unless you have a lot of areas unexplored.
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Uh? I'm not a shonenspic so I don't feel any embarrassment over his jobbing
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Unironically no, she's just a clunkier sidegrade
Why would you think that?
If you've only got 5000 primogems and really want Xilonen I'd heavily discourage you from rolling on Raiden's banner even if it's just 'a few rolls' to pick up the four stars.
Imagine if you somehow got an early five star and lost your guarantee - you'd be stuck with only a handful of gems, 0 pity and no guarantee for the banner that comes three weeks later.
Unless you're fine with potentially missing out on Xilonen whom you originally said you wanted then it's probably better to just wait for her
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Remember only takes 1 purchase of a 4chan pass to derail a thread into oblivion as shown with the Peruvian
is it worth pulling on the banners right now just for bennett if i don't have him?
i've heard he's really good but i don't know if i want to build up pity for that and the upcoming banners interest me
when will they learn?
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This triggers an intense rage in me. Why would you post lanklet worship?
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>It's okay when Alhaitham does it
But apparently incels think it's dumb and out of place for Xilonen
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I just do co-op for scara as klee because of that but nahida CA can destroy the turrets
>b hold skill
>kazuha jump plunge destroys them too
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For me, Its Fischl!
rolling for 4 stars is pretty risky, not really worth it if you don't want the 5*
Any WQ worth doing in Natlan? I'm talking Narzissenkreuz level of kino
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Fishing for 4 stars on a banner is a waste unless you are lucky.
You retards don’t know how deleted posts work
If jannies decide to IP ban 2-3 anons, all their posts will be deleted together
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this actually so embarassing lmaooo
Wait for Bennyboy to appear in that paimon shop
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>Deletion timestamp
>Starts by shitting on men
>Wraps it by shitting on women
>Praising their own posts while replying to them
Well, the usual, nahida tranny having xher dilating session but holy shit this is sad to look at
Yes. Because now you have two amazing supports. You can either split them and use one on each team or use both on a single team to funnel for a hypercarry.

This would be like asking if there's any reason to get a second Furina clone. Of course there is.
Roll the kazuha banner, you'll be wanting Bennett if you want any new characters coming out this year because of pryo and to also build up a good base for when you can start doing IT
I use Yoi or burnmelt Ganyu.
Doesn't the pass get revoked at a ban though? Seems like shitposting can become a pretty expensive hobby that way.
goreposterbro fuck off
I'm kind of an explorelet, sadly
>all Inazuma islands except for first one sub40% completion
>Chasm 70%
>Chenyu regions avg like 30%
>all Sumeru sub 20%
>some Fontaine hit 40-55%, others still sub 20%
>Natlan regions all around 25-30%
Xilonen is the Poochie of Genshin Impact

>Is better at buffing than everyone else
>Is a DJ
>Has Rollerblades
>Dresses like a prostitute
>Apparently is also is a blacksmith and chews bubblegum idk
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This is one(1) person btw, and they make no effort to hide that fact despite it being incredibly easy to do so
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my fucking sides
getting an actual ban with a pass is exceedingly rare and you really have to fuck up to get banned with one. they are extremely lenient with passholders.
We're playing a gacha, money and mental illness come easy
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One person can play multiple different identities
This is so fucking sad nahidabros
Dehyafags are so deranged they're still seething and doompost to this day because she wasn't ultra top tier
Xilonenkeks already learned
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Havent played Hu tao in a whle because I quit this game for months, and I cant dash cancel reliably anymore, she feels like trash without that. Will Mavuika or w/e her name is be a pyro dps? Or am I cooked for not rolling Dykecchino?
those are multiple posters, most of the off-topic chain got nuked
why is the kachinatroon melting
Well if you get spooked by Raiden you'll have to get your gems from there to guarantee Xilonen. It's up to you to decide if the risk is worth it.
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People just don't like childe, is all
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ive learned that shounenspics are obnoxious
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I thought that Clunklani 100% threw her match against Kachina, but after its been revealed that she can't hit a stationary target half of the time it's safe to assume that she's just an even bigger jobber than Kachina.
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Because I was born to worship him
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mods exposed his samefagging last thread
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chevy exists
>buddypoke archon quest
>flops HUGELY
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No shit, people thinking that there's any agenda other than shitposting are stupid
Every reply that isn't directed at me is a samefag replying to himself. No matter the content of the post and the reply.
Great, now the troon will have a melty again
airplane mode anon
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kill the baby
do it
I thought we can skip Floor 9-10?
>huh? Multiple devices? Never heard about that btw way
Lol gig is so retard, it's almost funny!
melties breed melties
Sina Gets Plapped
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I don't want to use metashit again.
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>he is unaware
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What am I supposed to see here?
I used this fat bitch this cycle and hopefully I can force her next cycle
Devs never said you can skip floors
Huh, is that still not in? I could've sworn I had read something about it being enabled at some point so I kind of just assumed it'd be this cycle since the previous one still was active before Natlan came out
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the waifuflop spam unironically killed all their games. should've just made a new low budget png simulator if they wanted to shit out femorrhoids
why increase it? it was challenging enough already
Do I want genshin to eventually have 1 new 5* and 2 old 5* banners? we are starting to have so many characters
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Because you losers are crying all the time that the game is too easy
That's not going to take effect until the next reset.
not challenging enough to force people to roll for cons and weapons
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>It's a nahidafag and an alhaitroon
I always knew lmao, must also be the one that botted the poal in favor of sumeru
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>have them all marked
I fucked up really bad.
but I just said it was hard enough
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How come all those shitposters get banned but Koult and his clearly offtopic bullshit stays
Is Koult the secret janny of these threads?
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>exactly 1 minute apart
Chinese guy here let me translate this image. Its talking about how many anal worms each character got
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i'm rolling xilonen because she's hot, not because she's strong, get your facts straight
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Most of the WQs seem like they're either standalone quests or just the first part of the quest series that will span across the 5.X patches but unfortunately I wouldn't call them anything to write home about
As for other types of quests, in case you care about these things there's a short unmarked quest around the circled area that spans across several daily resets
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>pagrina is the wormiest
Funny cause its true
holy moly
alhaitham won MASSIVELY
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the queen and king of sex
holy fuuck mualani hits like a truck when she doesn't miss
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is Koult in the room with us right now?
Gig thinks that people care enough about spamming from 10 different devices in a secret room with 10 different routers
Nobody does that shit, I’m 100% sure the shonenfag, femcel, alhaithamtroon, and nahitroon are all banned together
The fact that their new games with even more waifuflops being failures too is what makes this so funny
I'll do that one thanks
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Phew, I don't regret rolling Wrio anymore
>Gig thinks that people care enough about spamming from 10 different devices in a secret room with 10 different routers
I mean...
>I cant dash cancel reliably anymore
It's not hard to learn again. Just play the game.
fuck off shounenfag
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has anyone been able to top up in UAH since that update? I've tried like four different credit cards and not a single one of them go through with the usual method
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Koult is on-topic and discusses the game, more than 90% of the anons here
The homofaggotranny is clearly a gay man (mentally ill (sign of autism)) because he is here all day (sign of autism) and posts the same shit constantly (sign of autism). Women can't be autistic.
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Genshin Impact is a game about autism and incest.
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New player here and loving the game and characters so far especially La Signora!
I generally like strong women troupes in anime and games. I also love the Archons and willing to pull for them, hopefully I get Raiden Shogun - who I ironically main as Acheron in HSR - and hyped so far.

My question is, when will La Signora release as a playable character as I was skimming through past banners and couldn’t find her at all?
will bennett be good if i want xilonen and/or casca?
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Hmmm nahh
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Is that the Alhaitham yume that is always seething at the Sayufujo?
janny is about to have a melty
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>hoyo still tries to push this shitty fontranny unit down my throat
I've skipped this homo region for a reason, feels bad man...
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chevy big love
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>You cant rape women for acting like whores even doe they are literally asking for it
>the on topic discussion
>Women can't be autistic
Stop ban evading nahidatroon
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finally a good /gig/ post
trying to hard to be different
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omg lynette hi!!
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the prettiest mommy
light is literally me
fuck off shounenfag
You have HIV
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kys fontranny
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i ate mcdonalds again
just do 2 normals and you get elemental bonus to entire team for 15 seconds, you need to do 2 normals anyway on xilonen after pressing E in order to get the res shred for the team
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Finish Inazuma and you'll find out
Why is this one guy spamming Kachina?
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No he doesn’t and deserves to be perma banned
nobody believes your falseflag to push your personal boogieman
Kinich is so lucky
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I finally 100%'d all the mainland fontaine regions so I can get to this.
What am I in for?
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it will probably drop below 200 in a few months. yikes
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cute lesbians!
What does she smell like?
Wrio fucks this
If everything is right with the world, Signora is going to resurrect in Natlan.
Who is getting pregnant here?
Samefag autistic tranny that will rope before 30
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fried food, gunpowder, and sweat
fuck off shounenfag
penis in xer underwear
That is still more gameplays discussion than what gig is getting currently
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started playing bit less than a month ago
picked tighnari, aimed for mualani, lost 50/50 to jean, got mualani and cummed on her, saw that kazoo is a must-have support, finally got him today (each at soft pity)
was rushing to collect pulls so i recently finished all the archon quests in the game while ignoring most world/side quests
next must-have will be xilonen right?
how did they get away with the natlan cast
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cute bunny!
/gig/'s pov
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>Abyss reset and weekly bosses
Yep, tomeowrow is going to be good
fuck off fontroon
He’s calling the game trash so he is on topic (and I agree, fuck Genshin!)
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why are you projecting tranny lole
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the favela cat will be one of the best supports in the game and a great buddy for preglani
ticktock faggot your 30th birthday (end of your life) is approaching and you're wasting your 20s on /gig/ all day
Someone give me a story time
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Genshin peaked with Furina
they're not gonna like this one...
if you want to use Mualani the pyro archon will be a must have
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the ccp finally took hoyos balls out of the vice grip
shame they still cant go back and uncensor ayaka/rosaria/dehya/etc. but it is what it is
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/gig/ what did you name your saurian pet. Picrel is mine.
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Signora will be playable in 5.5.
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No amount of tranny seething here will convince anyone of your shitty agenda
You will die and join the 41% for bein an obnoxious transexual
Hate to say it /gig/ but on paper maulani's max potential is already known
There will be no saving that character
... for self-inserting femcels
>last character with over 60 tiktak hours
Surprised that didn't get blocked considering how some completely random names get caught in a filter
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Also ley line event starts tomorrow so that's nice
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Average waifupag
>Genshin peaked with another man's wife
ok sure cuck
Genshin is unironically done as a game
new region flopped
revenue crashing down
powercreep even harder than Fontaine
character with exploration gimmick that only work fully in one region
Natlan characters designed to be paired with Natlan characters and no one else

they're desperate and Mihoyo will try to milk the remaining players insanely hard to make up for the dwindling playerbase

Time to jump ship
sorry but we got to settle this kissing for one hour
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This is the perfect woman. The perfect design. A work of art without blemish. Genshin and Hoyoverse will CURSE the day they ATTEMPTED to DESTROY their most valuable creation, their highest achievement, Teyvat's crème de la crème. Shitnazuma will be NUKED(and that is too kind a fate), and the remaining nations will be spared ONLY if they kneel in worship when HER IMMINENT RETVRN comes.

Rosalyne, Rosalyne, Rosalyne, Rosalyne
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furina feet
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Big toot pls yes Mualani ate my stash
>boy in shorts #2314
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cute brown island girl
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I’m uninstalling
Good luck!
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It's time to quit mihoyo as a whole
ZZZ just confirmed your character is a cuck
HSR is going back to the HI3 trannyuri roots
It's time to play wuwa and snowbreak brothers
what's the tattoo on her calf?
pick one
Hold your fates for now. Standard banner is being updated soon.
Good luck
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Why is /gig/ melting down this time? When was the last time this general was usable?
>snowBROKE shilling
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She sexmogged my wife...
neat, my tighrani's in desperate need for good support so i'll get her to impreg him
that's the plan, xilonen and mavuika are the near must-haves i saw so far so they're the only next ones i'm aiming for atm
get fucked
someone make a webm like that /zzz/ one
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Done with this trash
Never gonna play Genshin again
I pick cute.
HSR is unironically done as a game
new corridor flopped
revenue crashing down
powercreep even harder than HI3
character with exploration gimmick that only work fully in one corridor
corridor A characters designed to be paired with corridor A characters and no one else

they're desperate and Mihoyo will try to milk the remaining players insanely hard to make up for the dwindling playerbase

Time to jump ship
holy projection, try fixing the screws loose in your brain please, faggot
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The game also peaked with raiden who is miko's wife
You want her to inflate your balls and pop them?
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Based and true
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I am such a happy cuck
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Yep it's over time to move on and play real games like OSRS and RDR2
Shadows of the Mountain and Between Pledge and Forgettance are the best but they are different from Narzissenkreuz.
Cute and sexy hags!
Hoping Childe qualifies for this one, I need to get his weapon
Congrats on your extra real roll.
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memes aside, this is just true
I'm worried about the future but at the same time I don't mind going back to play regular games
Fuuck give me heizou if you dont want him
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If HSR is done then what the fuck is genshit
If Im out of both, do I farm mora or EXP book ley lines? Leaning towards the latter since I feel like you passively get more mora from other sources, but I would like to hear some second opinions
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Runescape is simply the better game and does everything better
Genshin is trash
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Cute! SIKE! He isn't...
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Clitlali status?
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I usually do 2 exp and 1 mora if I need both.
>Pretending to be Koult
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It's time to play rean's franchise
Come, and be saved /gig/
Actually, as much as I hate Shilde, I wouldn't mand that at all. I could either give him his weapon (he has none since I took his Skyward Harp) or get Clorinde's
Sucking off Kinich
Koult yet again showing us just how well-adjusted he is
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yup im going back to Concord fuck this dei game fuck natlan
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chevreuse status?
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xp books for me abyss resets tomorrow so I'll at least have SOME mora and might as well level up some characters for IT
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Sounds like a nice balance, I think I'll do that as well
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/gig/ is healing
>deflecting legit criticism with irony
Wuwa does everything better
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The best theory points to it being "fire" in hebrew. There's some real esoteric shit behind Signora's names and symbolism, the number 8 doesn't even begin to describe it and I'm not that knowledgeable.
The Thing That Called Itself Enjou and Formerly Known As Enjou Soon
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What is she looking at
Genshin shouldn't have abandoned the yumes...
Yep time to uninstall until my PS5Pro arrives
No need to play the inferior product
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>yfw Candace is part of the current most meta team in team in the game

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What's being added?
why do gooks love this esoterica gnostic shit so much? first genshin now blue archive
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>I hate Childe
>Has him
Why? Don't tell me, diona?
shart rail is dying faster than genshin
>acheron - 80 hours
>pagfly - 50 hours
>feixiao quadruple banner - 3 hours
the fake hype is losing its magic
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People who think pic related is the best design in the game will tell you Xilonen is ugly
>have to finish both my genshin weeklies and LDS weeklies/abyssal chaos grind in the next 5 hours
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You tell me
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Wanderer deserved to be defended
He's the pinnacle or this game and a hero among heroes
His redemption story reflects that of my own
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xilonen wishes she had 1% of his looks tbqh
t. straight male
He's cute and my favorite element, what's so hard to understand?
new abyss lineup or is it the same
The fuck is Candace even doing on that team?
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Now that's an interesting conversation to have, pulling for a weapon on a Chronicled Wish vs modern Weapon Banner, now that both banners are guarantee at 2 pities. Albeit, chode's weapon might never come back to the weapon banner.
>Chronicled Wish
50% chance of getting designated 5*
If you fail, you have a high chance of getting complete unusable garbage
Hard pity at 90.
>Limited Weapon Baner
37.5% chance of getting designated 5*
If the other weapon is decent, 37.5% chance of still getting something good if you miss, 25% chance of getting standard garbage
Hard pity at 80.
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Post first Furina image you have saved
She buffs normal attacks and gives hydro resonance, I guess?
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Then you don't hate him...
her Q gives like 34% bonus normal attack damage
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Kino underwater castle, the quest is pretty good too.
Buffs normal attacks
what that ET finger do
different since the last abyss started during the last update
Are people finally realizing Hoyo is Chinese Blizzard that makes the blandest(albeit high quality) content in the gacha market?
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She's with me
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its not that simple
No, I do. I hate liars and cheaters
>1 mil
>immediately drops to 300k
yea she won't be surviving the next abyss HP hike
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I think xilonen is pretty. I would fuck him over xilo though.
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Genshin for this feel?
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This is the oldest image in my Furina folder
Loom stop posting
if you are a straight man attracted to women you are homosexual. Not sorry.
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Did they end up winning? manlets are now all fully clothed.
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>HSR made the exact same
yeah, those numbers are totally 100% real....
Only if you are attracted tofontaine """women"""
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>free 80% NA dmg bonus
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>eating soups in cosplay
Thats awfully brave.
The hike starts when abyss blessing is +defense% muttardi
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When are we getting the pink haired one to add to my boys in shorts harem
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Teucer... Let it go
Limited is better if you have a lot of invested characters but if you're a characterfag that only wants the signature weapon for that one character, then chronicled is the way
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The video game being discussed in this general is bad
(You)s please
Yeah you keep telling yourself that he's a good guy you dumb bitch
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I automatically believe any post text that accompanies an archive link. I'm glad you did your homework but I'm not going to do it too.
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>Good guy
Never said that, he's a morally grey guy
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another babby abyss
fontaine hydro thing on 2nd half
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she's ovulating
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Unironically Evangelion, in hoyo's case.
Anyway, it is a little interesting that Signora, Rosa(lyne) Kruz(chka)'s life does to a degree match the founder of the Rosa-Kruz (order which I wasn't at all familiar with before reading this schizo theory).
>from Germany (Mondstadt)
>journeyed to Arabia (Sumeru
>where he/she found a secret art (liquid fire)
Cool, thanks. $350 or whatever for the set isn't too awful, since the perfume alone is probably worth $150, the rest is worth maybe $50, and getting perfume into the US is a bitch unless you're an importer by trade. Wine has the same problem. Free market my ass
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There isn't anything morally grey about Childe, he's literally just a bad guy who loves you and his family
Aww my bf is cute af
I look forward to yshelper posting tomorrow
You already know her usage is going to be shitty lol
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That's just regular vatnik church though.
none of that shit is meaningfully tackled in game
why is the lore even relevant to some people when 49 quests out of 50 are about mundane shit
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Just finished exploring Natlan, it was pretty nice, doubt I would've had much fun without Mualani.
this bitch is perma-ovulating
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That's right he loves me
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>loves his family
>lies to them
isn't yshelper always 2 days late
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genshin for this feel?
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that's gross
He only lies to Teucer because he's a kid, his family knows
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Lets pretend its 2023 and we are having fun in Fontaine!
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True, but the game is heavy with this kind of subtle symbolism so the creators do in fact factor it. Case in point, this image was made before Dottore perfectly matched the number 2. It's all real, I'M NOT CRAZY.
holy powercreep
just delete all manlet instead fucking waste of space.
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Natlan has by far the coolest "secret" areas out of any nation, maybe only matched by Mary-Ann's garden and the top of Deshret's pyramid. World quests really are the best part of this game.
For me its rubbing Tighnari's fluffy huge ears until he gets aroused
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Genshin really needs something akin to phone chat in hsr, it fleshed out characters more developing and showing off their personalities.
Every respectful gacha has this system
They tried to do that with hangouts, but they clearly gave up on them.
While something like chatting doesnt take a lot of resources it's literaly just a couple of lines for each character.
And no, teapot lines doesnt count because:
1. You can only place 8 characters plus there's limit and its all very cumbersome
2. You have to teleport into teapot specifically to get a chance to talk to them, while chatting usually is a menu you open, plus they unlock gradually you don't get all texts right away.
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Man I can't imagine caring this much about Genshin's nonsense lore
I wish this place was part of a world quest. Doesn't need to be long, but kinda lame that you just go in there, murder some fuckers, grab the chests and leave.
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nahida a shit
I skipped fontaine.
Too bad this place is only relevant for 2 seconds and then you just fuck off its really cool
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I guess guaranteed xilonen it is...
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Grats on the Tighnari, C0 or...?
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game needs people like you to shut the fuck up
I have this nigga at c5, I have no idea what to do with him
Post Geo
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Wait what is this from? How do i get there?
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>basically overcapped on crit rate with 4 pieces
Obsidian set rolls are a bit too good.... Though I fucked up on this image and had the wrong goblet equipped lol
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New abyss
Post it
Phone chat in hsr is cringe and I hate it. Hope this garbage never makes it to genshin and I wish hsr had a flight mode.
2 more weeks, for sure

they still have sunday and tingyun and fate and whatever on the next anniversary. what do you have for the 12 months? xilonen? granny ping? chasca? hagvuika? twinkpitano? shenhe rerun? lol
bros, help, I haven't touched the tribal rep missions, how many primos do they give all together? I need 18 rolls to guarantee till the end of the banner
I wish I could text or regularly interact with my husband instead of hoping for an appearance in an event with 4 lines
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Yep C0, at least he's new so I still have someone to build if I get bored
I've read he's by far the best standard at C6
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I hope it's not me
sub dps spread
he's the best character on standard
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I truly believe genshin is not the passion project cuz wtf is this
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Just means kinich has a chance to slide in since he's a day or two after
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you would benefit great from more HP
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You need to do 3 specific world quests, you can see their names at the obsidian totems of each tribe. Each quests rewards you with a small shattered obsidian rock, get 3 which will automatically combine them into one and then go here.
Not enough for even a single roll.
idk, like one roll at best
theres no way
If nothing else, worth building for the free fates
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>retards are getting baited by IT buff + blessings buff while both banners will be up
Da Wei you sly dog, this is his final gambit to get normies to pull
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Schrodinger's Signora. The coffin will be opened, eventually.
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Do your abyss idk. It's 800 gems for 36*.
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It's furina trannies
luv kachina
luv mualani's fat belly
simple as
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When do we get the 1600 login gemmies
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already done
its fucking over, I can't afford to paypig rn
I just need a crit dmg circlet with full HP, or even a HP goblet with big crit dmg would be fine.
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buy BP for 8 rolls
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seno not saino
The 28th
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toot me bros
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already bought, its lvl 36
Your teapot
Your achievements
Your world quests
Your TCG
Your exploration in enka and remuria
>a HP goblet
circlet I mean
Kinnich, Xiao, Wanderer,
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claim your genshin waifu/husbando before someone else does
*farts* all on flat def
Who do we ship him with now? Tigh or Seethos?
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just skip Mualani, until she gets a good pyro off-fielder she will be pure pain to play
I want alhaitham to destroy him.
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Kachina pee
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Is 20K primos in a month realistic?
The only character who can beat Count Neuvillette in the meta is a Belmont
Who tf are you so desperate to roll for? You could easily skip both banners rn
>cant post cyno without the fujowhale replying to me

besides big M
Fine I'll take Childe just to make bitches mad
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He's not OP but he's a pretty solid DPS, throw him in whatever aggravate team you want and let him shoot stuff.
All crit
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you can't always get what you want
kachina kicked my dog
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Fuck you. Doesn't count
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you are literally posting a fujo’s artwork
Am I the only one who thought Kaveh had the manlet model for the longest time. Its so weird to see him drawn tall in official art
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Bejita bro btw
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Hes the best standard at C0
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hsr just got 3 reruns at once
i hope we get that soon
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Back off bitch you lost the boy is mine
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still usable
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Honestly would take it as cope
wait there are two ganqing schizos???
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>waste 10 minutes doing his web event
>where tf is the button to claim the rewards
>"breed 3 saurians and share to claim rewards"
>share button is broken on mobile and won't load
Fuck it it's late and I'm not turning my pc on for 20 primos
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No you fuck off, you can't love him like I can
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always have been they erp here every day
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it's on set so i'll cope
It's the two homos who used to ERP a few months ago
based dick roller
>check profile
>only solo male art and some female hoyo characters
You wish fujofatty
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I don't love him at all, quite the contrary. I chose him to make his life hell
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Skirk, this is really unhealthy
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Reminder that if you aren't here you don't matter.
You get the rewards from the 1st saurian iirc, all you need to do is 1 share
>three schizos who don't contribute at all save for posting images off cooldown
>two of them are posting ganqing
Okay but answer my question? Who's Cyno's boyfriend nowadays?
oh yeah i almost forgot about that
still cant believe that one guy manged to bully them into dropping the erp by stealing their ritual posts what a hero
I wish Neuvillette was real so I could make him oatmeal mixed with my vaginal discharge every day.
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stealing ritual posts has to be one the best powermoves on this site
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since /hsrg/ is completely useless, who should i pic for the kinoest experience?
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How do you build Kaeya?
An ER sword, 4NO/EoSF with ER/Cryo/Crit?
bwo your crappy Chronicled wish in 5.3?
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transgenderism and autism are very highly correlated after all
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I play Stelle. If I want to play as a man I'd play p5.
They've been here since day 1 sadly.
Cool but it won't let me share any of them, it just gets stuck on loading the link
Male, the female one is totally disproportionate and looks weird, it's a hebe model stretched to hag height.
the trailblazer is a retard who jumps into trash cans headfirst and makes zany comments and pop culture references all the time
ask yourself if this brand of retardation fits a man or a woman better
Post the hilichurls
how's the new abyss?
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whichever one you like they both have the same everything
if you're a self inserter caelus
if you are thinking about hrt stelle
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maybe Genshin is not so bad. Somehow it is still the most waifufags friendly Hoyo game
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Why are you here instead of playing the game?
If you find any mechanical parts, could I have them pleeease~?
are you a tranny? pick the girl
are you brown? pick the boy
>caelus looks like a normal dude
>wise looks like a normal dude
>aether looks like a faggot
fucking why
she literally ships yanqing x jing yuan you seething tranny
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>still can't skip floor 9/10
>who should i pic for the kinoest experience?
uninstalling the game will give you that
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Play in Japanese and pick Stelle if you want to hear Clorinde / Violet Evergarden / Mikasa's voice.

Pick Caelus in Japanese if you want to hear Jujutsu Kaisen's main character Yuji Itadori.
She has been a robotfucker since 1.0, nothing new here
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I use atk sands on him but I have c6. Blizzard/atk and amenoma. Nobless is ok too.
we just had great sales on the new banner tho
neuvillette outlawed having fun
That's just a guide for how to treat girls in general but yeah it works for Melusines too and should absolutely be done to them.
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Now that I legally own Childe, what should I do with him?
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>not a single yanqing or jy fanart on her media tab
You are getting so desperate that its sad fujocuck
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Waifufag? pick Stelle
Want to slef-insert as a cuck? pick Caelus
Want the canon experience pick Stelle
The girls in that game are not for (you) every single one has a love interest
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now check her retweets and who she follows:*
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Uninstall the game, trust me, it's not good
i only care about Firefly and maybe Ack'eron though
Leakers lied lol
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click the save image one
or give me your account details and i'll do it for you
white man hunter
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Bake him some cookies
Give him a back massage
Make him some hot cocoa
Suck his dick off
Cover him in blankets
Cuddle him while sleeping
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They're both bland as fuck as far as how character design goes but Stelle looks like she's on Xanax 24/7
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Not really. I think even 10k is kind of pushing it. You'd need a significant backlog of areas and quests to explore and clear.

I think back when I marathoned all of Sumeru's desert - playing daily for several hours for about a month all of that and the dailies together was only worth like 10k gems.

I think 20k would require some serious no-lifing and non-stop play to hit that goal, I'd imagine you'd be seriously burnt out of the game by then.
She's dead, Jim
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lmao first the rat and now this? Is hoyo speed running EoS or did they realize pandering to waifufags is unprofitable?
>yuji is caelus
FUUCK time to stop insulting him now
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Mualani is extremely used goods, it's a complete mystery how she's still childless after having so many condomless orgies.
No, I want to BREAK his soul and spirit
>Give him a back massage
A backstab, more like it
>Suck his dick off
Okay yeaah that one I can't deny, but he'll have to suck mine too
Congrats, you're his onahole now
MIGAvillette getting shot again. TWICE???
>not on sadpanda
source me up
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I already got 12K this month so I think it's manageable.
Rubbing my clit on high-school student Alhaitham's forehead
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Why are they all look like ntrmen that are about to cuck some dude in hentai? Is this artist too scared to draw eyes?
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Surely it was an accident and she didn't mean to right?
his forehead is for kissing tho...
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when is furina coming back
Post the war torn lands of Natlan.
>yanqing x jing yuan
Uuhhh that's problematic sis
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Fight him
>i only care about Firefly
She is friends with the MC but nothing more they might ship her with someone else in the future most likely the shota, her boss
"Ack'eron" is not for (you) but for male Yae
He can't keep an eye on all of them
for me its licking all his sweat off
>still hasn't drawn a single fujoshit drawing
>would rather draw waifus
Keep moving goalposts fujotroon
>Artist likes and retweets fujoart and even draws hsrs mc with the little brown boy
Sis? why lie?

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>Suck mine
What a faggot
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>15 minutes spent pushing fatass into arena for a photo
>take break to look at a /v/ thing
>click back into genshin
i am destroyed
I would never give him the pleasure
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In new abyss Mualani gets 80% dmg bonus from moon blessing and +20% HP from IT
Don't post your clear if you use her
>Is hoyo speed running EoS or did they realize pandering to waifufags is unprofitable?
The latter
Genshin and especially HSR are full of shipbaits and both make more than ZZZ. ZZZ already fell down to 15m last month and made 5m only in China
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>the script said No
Makes sense
I am 400lbs and I ship haikaveh
What possesses a girl to dress like this, where her panties just flash people in front of her at the slightest movement or breeze?

Is she just a slut?
Well yeah I own him now and you don't so suck on that instead. I will relinquish my possession once the thread is over, don't worry
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wow ugly bloomers
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Oh so it's just a male schizo pretending LOL. My bad, 9/10 bait.
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Nonsense, Atea has been protecting her and scaring men away, she's as pure as the driven snow
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*french accent* mon cherie fremi
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Nobody rolls characters and especially their cons because they like character shipped with another character, you're completely delusional if you think otherwise.
Metafags rule this game, they dictate who sells and who's not.
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canon event
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>favela cat
my fucking sides
Xilonen will flop.
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I did manage to get this shortly before that.
If he appears in Liyue I'll try to push him down that big tomb staircase.
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Luckily I have Ajax so I can wait
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Wtf I just woke up from my slumber and I am seeing trump got shot again and gaimin gladiators losted
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My beloved
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>Kachina protecting her pregnant wife
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I don't know who to pull anymore.
3 years on this is still one of the most kino places in Teyvat
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Do he play Genshin off stream too?
>pov you are wanderer
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Why are his eyelashes so long in that pic
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pull my finger
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Now you know why she failed Akademiya
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I want him to look at (me) more
Sheikh Zubayr's property.
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>kekatroon spamming
I want to create future clientele for the funeral parlor with Director Tao...
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Just pull for anyone that works with your fav, that's what I do now
Just go on a killing spree
Literally who??
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>ugly design
>zero personality
>not a single memorable scene
I don't get how she got popular with troons
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Why did they make Barbara's ass so fat?
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just staying faithful to original material
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What's image limit again?
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Pull bad characters you like
Then pull good characters that can elevate the bad characters you pulled
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Not yet, but he's a big whale in Honkai Star Rail. His Acheron hits like a fucking truck.
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Xblanque better be as hot as this
this thread is just borderline unusable
gonna comeback until my favorite posters show up
GRRRRR a girl should WEAR whatever SHE WANTS if she feels confident!!!

doesn't matter if she dress inappropriately and look like a slut infront of the masses or get touched by men it's her CHOICE
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Xilonen when?
who are your favorite posters
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i hope you enjoyed this kachina dump 2024
>*kisses cheek*
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>unbricked desert
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>giving up so close to image limit
>ZZZ already fell down to 15m last month and made 5m only in China
Jane sold that badly? She's the third most popular in art count for some reason.
Maybe it's all western shipping shit?
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Kachina is MY responsibility! UOGHHHH
the most beautiful view in all of teyvat…and the desert ig
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oh no its still running i just decided to check back in now. i actually forgot i had it running LOL
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Honestly? based
finally, we can enjoy the rest of the thread without image spam
Sorry sis, but I think you didn't get the memo. This is a game for males.
having sex with lyney rn
So you can just spam images here 24/7??
Males are faggots
we will know next month >>494669035
I had sex with lyney and lynette at the same time sorry they're used goods
Yes we know father.
Literally me on the left.

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