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TI13 is over

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Previous: >>494639738
Deadlock is the purest form of DotA ever made. People forget that DotA was initially made in Warcraft 3. Icefrog had to make design concessions because of engine and scripting limitations. No such limitations exist in Deadlock and players aren't forced to play in an RTS perspective.
>aren't forced to play in an RTS perspective.
Yeah don't care then
Except the fact Source is a dogshit engine.
don't care
still gonna play dota
It sounds like bait, but it's true
The verticality alone makes it a better Dota than Dota
>DotA was initially made in Warcraft 3. Icefrog had to make design concessions because of engine and scripting limitations
that's why dota became popular
actually solo carrying from pos 1 is a pretty miserable experience these days desu
whens the compendium end
wanna make sure I use my boosters in time
Just pick np.
now that this dogshit ti is over when is act 4
Tell that to my braindead carries with 15 kills and 100 last hits. They are absolutely braindead.
3 hours
this rtz stream is actually good
EG should have won TI4
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any CISbros with new Dasha pics/webms? im starving for more lina content
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
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eg were insanely close to winning it too. shame that they lost the first game vs. newbee that they were winning and also severely misread vg's strategy
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So would something have changed if Doom's skill didn't bug out in game 3?
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>Watched 0 games of TI
>looked at the results
>had more fun than everyone on /d2g/
Life is good
I just had to to stop and try remember who just won the TI for a few seconds, that's how memorable it was.
Unironically no. Their fate was sealed when they got mega'd against underlord.
dota 2 player should be dominating deadlock but you guys aren't for some reason seems like most of you guys are just overthinking the game
>make Nisha watch BLACKEDRAW
>win TI
Why didn't poopey think of this?
I don't remember anything about TI10-12 except for Wraith Pact and even that I don't remember which TI it was
You don't remember TI10 Magnus? Lycan wolfbite meme comps? Quinn jazz hands?
aiming is a really important part of the game, at the end of the day hitting skills only gets you so far. Dotards have awful aim
Didn't until you mentioned them
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aiming isnt as important as you think it is i have shitty aim 45% here playing high mmr your macro can carry you
I'm glad they murdered Magnus after this.
how do you know your mmr? Thought deadlock stopped allowing trackers
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Unfortunate side-effect of losing True Sight is the kino animations
>aiming is important
lol? you havent even played the game.
The most important part is what hero you pick and how you build it, aim is secondary, unless you are playing vindicta, the only character with some remote semblance of skill requirement. (and she is the worst one currently)
yeah idk about that Syndicate of Souls game
it's in Alpha so i'll give it some time but i just think Dota 2 is the best one and nothing even comes close
>ti is over
>custom games are still dead
aiming is important, especially when you're chasing some 200 hp hero and you need like 3 shots to kill him and you have 5 left before you're stuck reloading (this happens every game)
Spectators being on the featured page and first few pages of the watch now and if u party with someone in lower mmr you will see red warning
The shard was dishonest in TI10 but the hero is more than Horn Toss into Skewer.
if you party with someone who is guardian when you're ancient you'll also get an mmr warning doesn't make ancient high mmr
No one cares about having an honest discussion here, especially about whether game is dead or not anon.
What players do you think actually deserved to have won TI but haven't? For me it's Zai, Ame, fy, and Ramzes.
Zai doesn't deserve a TI, dude is an omega choker on games that matter, this much he admitted himself on his last TI exit interview
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>Undying knocking the small zombies out of the way as he rushes to rip Spectre's head off
I miss these.
fair but point is if you play with people on the featured page you are high mmr since the highest mmr players are on that page and on the first few pages of the watch now list just average a 55% plus win rate and you are on your way there
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I should probably remake some of these, they could use a boost in quality but what's these weird rockets he's using?
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Noooo Spectre
>bro I love asian women, they are so tight and submissive!
Post the Puck coil on Furion into Skewer from the trees.
Asians have a slanted pussy :)
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i love aigera
need me some kazakhussy
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man I watched the vod this afternoon, that GG versus Tundra was insanely close. I dont understand why they risked the sand king he was the only probably every time.

So glad russian fag lost lol. I can't believe pauses like that tactical one they did are allowed still, it's so bad sportsmanship I wonder why there is still no punishment... ANY pause should add a -15s draft penalty so it's not free to do.
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>had to sleep halfway through Game #2 of Grand Finals
>wake up
>Liquid wins 3-0
Why did I have to wake up to bad news?
because you weren't there to root for them
>russia lost
>quinn the autist lost
best of both worlds
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>had to sleep
your fault bro, they were counting on you
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we were robbed of quinn truesight kino 2 years in a row
heat seeking missiles, his old ability
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>ditch puppey
>win TI
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I know, was just a joke now he doesn't have them
liquid spends months theorycrafting how to beat their demon GG

GG just assumes playing liquid is a free win cause it's been a free win for the past 2 years

you hate to see it
quinn lost
mason won
How do you fix GG? Quinn is about as good a mid as you can get, the support duo is great but maybe not the best, Ace never loses a lane, is kicking Dyrachyo the only way? Maybe they need to get more coaches
literally just learn any strat other than deathbrool
KEK Quinn just fucks off right at that point
A better draft and more synergy between the players/heroes
But I do commend quinn riki pick
It's pretty awesome, thanks. Magnus is a very cinematic hero for these kinds of animations.
quinn is probably anger incarnate at this point, if you came across him on a street at night you'd probably end up like that hobo in american psycho
When meepo is great again.
the real question is quinn even going to be still on GG pretty sure his contract is coming to a end a team will throw him a bag but let say he does stay with GG the only move is to upgrade at the carry position
lmao what's that stick arm gonna do?

You retards insist in talking about Icefrog as if he was the original creator of the mod, and not the most important guy that came along.
mason bacc?
he's channeling the anger from losing 2 TI finals in a row 0-3, what can't he do with that kind of power?
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i dont even know what hero to pick anymore to reliably win, game is hard
start by assembling a team of people that actually like each other
their drafting sucks
quinn threw g1 versus tundra btw his mental is kind of bad he clearly seethed about the centaur gank
>go to d2pt
>pick a 55% wr hero
It's not that hard.
There is no one better than dyrachyo available.
There's me.
welcome to capitalism
it's always np ld brood
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What a cope Mr. Presidente
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>go to d2pt
>pick a 55% wr hero
Tried that and didnt work.
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We love Puppey here
Pic not related?
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>herald 2
zai left secret after singlehandedly losing them TI10
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Specifically its is 28 mmr.
That storm is a smurf 100%.
>smurfing at herald
Do people enjoy picking on the disabled?
Nah the people on my team just had brain damage.
Anyone could have gotten 17/0 when that is your opponent.
i dont do enough as np
maybe im playing ld wrong
brood also seems difficult
my strong heroes are probably really just not in the meta, or im just overall not very good

anyway whatever
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you and your gay boyfriend?
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My dotards and I.
My friend has like 4 accounts just to play with herald girls from discord, not counting borrowed accounts.
>i dont do enough as np
Then do more.
>herald girls
I like my women a little more intelligent than downies.
At 9.5k now, don't even have a signature hero any more, pool and position is changing every few weeks.
It's like an ancient smurfing down
they make juggernaut but bird?
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That's gayer
If you are a support you should rise up in MMR fast with Ringmaster or Warlock
>55% winrate hero
Literal dogshit unless paired with specific heroes, none of which are on your team
Nah his problem is that he was a pos 4 Io which is only 50% winrate. Pos 5 Io is 58% on d2pt.
Be grubby and play carry.
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You are also my dotard.
Do coaches and other helpers get to have their names engraved too or is it just the 5 players on the team? What about subs (if any)?
this ti was fucking awful
not ti4 bad but still awful
I didn't play TI4 why was it bad
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what the fuck
I don't think it even matters what hero he picks, he's in fucking herald
you could probably pick disruptor and farm a MoM + maelstrom, blink bkb and 1v5 the enemy team
I bet that blitz is gonna throw a fit when his name is not in the aegis.
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One of us.
I don't know how those 4 can tolerate Quinn.
>exactly five names
Damn, guess not even subs get to go on (if any).

Well, at least the guy gets to hug the aegis with photographic proof.
>wake up
What the fuck....give me the qrd
GG had one strategy that worked most of the time, but the better teams have figured them out. Both Quinn and dyrachyo are mega sharters when the game goes late.
When's he going to leak the Dove sextape on it though?
>tfw late game agi hypercarries are dead
How am I supposed to have fun now bros, I used to just pick AM and farm for 30 minutes with my volume off and music up before winning. How am I supposed to have fun in this current meta.
quinn pango
gg already tired from a rough series and boxi nishart an 33 beasting in grand finals
CCNSHIT got too cocky
Quinn is the new RTZ
My how the tables have turned
You pick TB and try to cheese a 20 min win with manta butterfly and fail and then farm and cope and get outscaled
Just be the 45% of skilled players who win on AM.
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rtz never got this far
idk how to explain it other than Liquid simply played way better than GG in all 3 matches
Liquid just kept winning like all the team fights and ganks and everything in all 3 games
maybe Nature's Prophet is just an underrated carry hero or something, idk
>wake up
>at 1:30 in the morning
Anon, what the fuck is your sleep schedule.
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anyone know?
I want more of these
New and improved
Some time in October. Just look in-game they tell you, dumbass.
I guess I could do that and if it fails just build armlet+dagon+shadowblade and just fail at doing epic 1 shots for the rest of the game. Good idea anon, thank you.
im pretty sure its actually impossible to win ti after losing it in the final. The first moment something goes wrong "its happening again" thoughts creep in and you're done
i miss xboct
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quinn was probably trying his best to not tear his hair off
>TI has never been won through losers bracket

coincidence? Or is playing less games of dota that big of an advantage?

>hurr no team wins through losers because if they were the better team they wouldn't be in losers in the first place

losers bracket upsets happen all the time in all other esports thougbeitever
OG won both their TIs through winners
You mean like the whole way through or what? There have been several wins from teams who were in the lower bracket at some point
do you understand what a lower bracket is? If you're on the lower bracket "at some point" it means you're never making it to winners again
>Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)01:50:21 No.4946
Liquid swept entire lower bracket at TI 7 and 9
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Not in the way you understand it apparently, TI2, 5, 7 and 10 had the winning team come from the losers bracket but presumably you meant something else as it's easy enough to check
team spirit? team liquid at ti 7?
my bad, guess I just believed some random post here which said that
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>wake up
>no patch
Dyrachyo unironically played better than Quinn in finals.
>TI finished like 4 hours ago
>radio silence from valve, no indication of when act IV will come out or when bird samurai will release
We're getting the new hero by April of next year at the earliest.
it's sunday valve is sleeping
next year
Quinn played well and certainly better than dyrachyo, nisha just powergapped him.
>boring 3-0 with the most boring teams final
was that the worst TI of all time bros?
this game is over dotards IS DEAD
>don't ban furion
Team Spirit would've won this TI if not for the script.
>worst TI of all time
As a whole, yes
dyrachyo choked hard game 3, trying to Shackle a Puck even when he was on highground anyways? Considering they showed some signs of life later on they could have really done not losing that early team fight
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>the worst TI of all time
>shartquinn doesn't get carried by his supports
>most boring teams
>actually top 2 teams
alright buddy
this really wasn't nearly as bad as reddit makes it out to be.
the interesting thing about ti4 is that so many teams misread the meta which let vg get to grand finals in the first place
>15min chink games
How things have changed
i'm done with this dogshit game i'm moving to deadlock
t. quinn
The chinks were originally about deathball before they became about riceball
did he really say that?
imagine the amount of pitypussy GG are getting
I watched this one but I can't remember anything about it, of the ones I do remember I think TI11 was the worst, it was so obvious that Secret couldn't win
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>lycan's howl used to give every friendly unit on the map a flat attack bonus increase, including each and every spiderling
Why weren't there more Lycan + Broodmother games in past tournaments? This seems like a horrendously broken synergy.

Bans genius
Describe this TI's meta
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Yep, furion was the problem. But so does everyone else anyway.
>can farm 24/7, don't have to spend time on smoke gangs, don't have to think about your team at all
>when it's time to broool just teleport wherever you want
>since you farmed 24/7 instead of sniffing every corner smoked like you opponent, you wreck everything and win the fight
>mere 20-30 seconds while the enemy is respawning is enough to destroy the tower or barracks because the tree summon is strong as fuck
Pos 2/3 furion is shit. But pos 1 is almost broken.
strength aura shields
Glad to see Blitz dabbing on that one faggot who always posts the blacked webm in this general.
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I don't even know how to explain it, heroes are tanky but shit out damage to the point saves are needed, I guess it's better than when high ground was unbreakable but games either end quick or last too long where the teams are just farming
>aura damage mitigation brool is back
>33 wins again
like slowly drinking an ice cold glass of liquid poop
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>mfw puppey releases me from his basement
just rewatched Gaimin-Tundra game 3
actual peak TI dota, holy fucking shit what a game
shame the finals couldn't deliver
>Quinn the homeschooled nazi lost

And all was right in the world
Quinn would have just donated his winnings to kamala
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yeah I think that was the best game
Slark was fucking nuts and it was such a crazy pick and it almost worked

Not totems everywhere as much as before but still as insufferable.

I'd call it nu-insufferable.
literally 30+ minutes of knife's edge kino dota
actually insane
what if the grand finals were best of 7
it's only another 2 hours in a week long event
watching a 4-0 would be more embarrassing
fell asleep during the final
can't believe shitquid won
Team liquid win TI7 through lower bracket
Miracle literally say "upper bracket for bitches" on true sight
he's using his money to buy all the ellie goulding vinyls and cornering the market
Blitz will use his money to fund his own BLACKED franchise
why do you think about interracial sex so much
where the fuck is act4
I have 100+ unused tokens in act3
because it's so fucking hot
since when the fuck did dp tp along with her spirits? i thought she loses taht shit if she moves too far away what the fuck?
Do you think the coaches get any money
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Pretty sure always, in fact I think that's how it worked in Warcraft 3 with the Crypt Lord which the spell is basically copied from
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is BLACKED any good?
i hate their oversaturated lighting
Regular blacked? No. Blackedraw? The sex is hot and sweaty and pretty top tier. I recommend the Riley Reid videos. Angel Emily's video is pretty hot too if rimming is your thing.
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limit bracer/Null/Wraith to 1 per hero
Add a universal type equivalent
Everyone picks one to start with

game fixed
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Beat me again, literally about to post, Ench was on GG tho
>posted 10mins ago
are you stalking him or something?
Centaur's ult should stun instead of slowing for 1.5 sec

>posts nothing for a year
>dumps a bunch of shit during TI
What causes this kind of autism
>TI13 is over
Well... now what??
>revert cent back to release state
yeah why not
>aiushtha's face is all fucked up
what went wrong?
hoodwink doesnt have beans tho
What's wrong with it, looks fine to me, Hoodwink appears to be bottomless however
There's official art where she does
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>People forget that DotA was initially made in Warcraft 3.

Don't put words in my mouth, newfag. I was literally there when a hacked version of WC3 was created, unlocking the game months before release. I was there when the Final Fantasy 7 mod for WC3 came out, months before Dota came out. I was there when Guinsoo and Icefrog released Dota Allstars. And I was there when Moot left SomethingAwful to make an imageboard for autistic manchildren with "special interests."

Y'all need to know your place.
so is Ench
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deleted next patch
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Her skirt is just for show, maybe Hoodwink's pants are too

Didn't work too well did it, well I guess Tinker mostly died
her head seems to have no volume, head feels like it's rotated but face doesn't
god damn mk is built
Spirits have always been attached to dp you can't move away from them
>Secret Midone
I 'member.
SK is also getting thrown down into the shitbucket for another year, straight after his rework lmao
Luna is probably going to bite the dust, that bitch can fucking farm WAY too fast for what she can do in mid and late game

Those 3 are pretty much guaranteed post-TI nerfs
luna is so OP nobody picked her for gg/tundra or gg/liquid
Naga and Ench are about to get destroyed.
based broolgawd
sand king just needs the smaller sandstorm back there's pretty much no downside to 24/7 darude
WR and Mirana are gonna get nerfed too, I wouldn't be surprised if they just nerf the top picks as usual
I just happened to hop on twitter
I can see Naga getting buffed carry-wise and something done with Deluge and Ensnare to make her less supporty, not sure what they'll do to Ench, she always seems to be completely different in pro and pub play
Where's my post TI depression
you're not allowed to say that about the president of dotastonia
replaced with TI depression
Literally meaningless changes.
you need to feel something first in order to be depressed
Hi dotards

just nerf stats for all starting items by 1. Easy fix. The "only 1" bs is a slippery slide that LoL suffers from.
this lol. i'm relieved it's over so act 4 can finally begin
dota already has "only 1" via non-stacking item effects
>Branch removed from the game

The starting item trio, you bumbling retard.


Please, Tusk is just too overtuned with this skill. I hope gleipnir bites the dust in the next patch as well.
How do you become a pro player
get paid to play
You start winning tournament until you hopefully get noticed by some low tier teams and then win with those teams until a big team notices you.
140 gold for 2 specific stats? Waste of money, they just need to nerf the items and remove the double bonus, there's enough gold on the map now that it's not needed
Tusk is so easy to play right now with this. I don't have to worry about snowball target to save people anymore.
you need connection
or grinding top 100 until someone ask you to
wtf does Topson say there
Glory to the Glyph Gods
sperg fingol with awful english
man, dk feels like shit now that you have to choose between splash, dot, and slow/healing reduction
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Double pleonasm
We like (some) Finns here
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look at them peepers
>that canthal tilt
You add "POSX LFT" after your name.
Last year it was 20 days after TI when we got the next patch, I wonder if it'll be quicker this time with the new hero
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Are you hyped for the shuffle? I didn't really care about any of the teams this time around
This and Heavenly Jump are the two abilities that best represent what makes current Dota so shit. Two abilities that just completely remove any thought about positioning on two heroes that once needed to be constantly aware of where they were on the map. Now you just hit a button.
20 days from now Crownfall is ending supposedly
Even if they release a patch tuesday/thursday pretty obvious they're extending the event again, probably until christmas or some shit
tusk could just be snowball and drinking buddies and he'll still be S tier what poggers champ design campo santo
hopefully valve reconsiders giving every hero 4 active abilities
moon shield was such a silly addition
Now they have Innates I can't see it happening, any passives they come up with will just end up there
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yeah man luna is so good
what does riki do
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templar assassin in bondage when?
was there a deadlock announcement this TI?
Is Kuroky even alive anymore
lost track of it but which player got the TI-winning streak this year? or won TI more than once?
ok dotards, confess, which one of you is the "X" guy post finals?
why was ringmaster forgotten so quickly
Bird Samurai has a Bakeet Icon because when someone on your team is dead they can fly in as Bakeet and assist only nearby to bird samurai for a few seconds.
>pick slark cuz matchups are good
>want to just farm up and get 6
>braindead enemies wanna BROOOL at bounties
>have 8 stacks by 5 minutes

Farming heroes is genuinely less fun than hitting creeps. I fucking hate my bracket.
I'm about to hit u with so many photos of TA in bondage you will think I'm pushing my patreon
I bet the last TI is when the aegis is full
how much room is there left anyways?
nigga the original aegis filled up long ago
I will win TI next year (if there's one)
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Why the Blacked™ Asian American acts like he's the one who won the tournament?
Pretty sure all he does is just pass drinking water for the players, and maybe some motivational "speeches" he stole from "How to motivate your workforce 101" he bought from a clearance sale.
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Deadlock is nuDota on steroids unfortunately
You couldn't be any more wrong.
t. deadlock player
I would agree. There's a feeling of focus while you're farming and non-stop brool is the opposite of that it appeals to attention deficit disordered zoomies who must click on something every .5 seconds.
no you wont
Coaches are the brains behind the teams, retard.
>Phys heroes
>Here's your 200+ dmg, 500+ health, 40+ STR and 20% crit item
>Caster heroes
>Here's your 5% spell amp bro
Why is this allowed?
no it didn't it's still the original aegis
tab back in Blitz
I like deadlock but this is extremely spot on.
Their heroes have INSANE ultimates that are extremely powerful and game changing when used correctly but all base skills are very simple to the point of tedium, Icefrog's DNA is so fucking evident with the BROOLING and completely absurd level of complexity of the game's mechanics i really don't think it'll be as popular as dota because the barrier to entry is so high
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Ok retard
they added another ring to the outside layer
Is it true what they say about dotard dick?
Caster heroes still win
This is reverse psychology
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after 10 years of dota 2 ive just now realized that Quas Wex Exort responds to their keyboard hotkeys Q W E.
I unironically found that out 4 days ago. (Beta tester btw)
yes it isn't
Casters in ye olden days are supposed to only scale from levels and starts out very strong then they get outpaced by phys damage heroes that can scale from items.

nu-dota at least is still making caster scaling not as steep as phys heroes so there is a difference between the two instead of just being two identical lanes of power progression.
You guys are precious. Please never change, it's cute
What are you talking about
Talents, Aghs, Shards
Tons of power multipliers
psg hater status

this is important
I don't care for efaggotry, any baiter / tripfag / attentionautist can get the rope
psg here


i was directly insulting your intelligence though if that took you 10 years to figure out, but you probably assumed that much

I love you anyway (like the other guy said it is cute)

have you ever had a really sweet but dumb girl? oh man.
>people want luna nerfed in STR Brool meta
Can't make this shit up
what is brooling
so what do we do now dotards
we play the game
its like gooning but with constant teamfights
footjob sex cum goddess queens.
ixmike and several guys who look like him all in a circle jerking off in a hot room
Damn thats a flattering pic for such a weird looking mongol whore
she looks foot lickable and butthole sniffable in that picture
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honestly im finding it hard to like dota anymore as someone with nearly two decades of dota 2 + hon + league + dota 1 + mnc + smnc experience now that I've played deadlock, especially now that they've removed fomo from dota cosmetics going forward with no more battle pass
ill probably brute force the rest of act 3 then do act 4 later, but ehh. I might start selling my hats before deadlock starts releasing their hats
I had to miss out on all of TI due to work. What matches should I go back and watch?
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Probably been raised a billion times in these threads, but god damn:
>Tusk has a spell that keeps himself and allies untouchable for 4+ seconds
>hey let's give him geomagnetic grip too which also provides attack speed and damage lmao

Seriously what the fuck was Icefrog thinking?
nothing; he doesn't work on dota anymore
Fairly uninteresting TI overall.

Tundra Vs. Gaimin lower bracket final game 3 is bretty gud, so is game 1 of the grand final.
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3 grown ass men in a taylor swift concert
he was working on deadlock
imagine not wanting to pick up poonani in a place where there are literally zero lesbians
lol bro youre not picking up girls at a taylor swift concert
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shoo shoo!! get away drawer!! scram!!!
so that's how aghanim's blessing fits in the inventory...
i didnt draw it someone in here did and i just saved it. have no idea who it was desu
what the fuck is this?
holy shit don't scare me like this you fucking niggers, i thought i got vac banned
Another new hero to seethe about next month.
Lower bracket finals and the finals
Kez will have a Q that shoots a mini invoker tornado
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What if Kestrel is just a reskin for Juggernaut
>blitz has forever stained the aegis with BLACKEDRAW
Lmaoooooo think about it for a second
>blitz blacked raw winning also means asuna queen of spades also won
Holy shit sexooooo
Kez passive leaked:
he receives double crit chance from items but his crits deal x amount less damage.
Kez Passive: Yellow Piss
Kez's Piss is more yellow than it should be based on his current hydration level.
>mirana is the most popular hero at this TI with almost 61% WR
>these are my last matches with mirana in my team
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Jokes aside what do you guys prefer for jugg persona. Bird samurai or female Yurnero?
its not a persona
Terrorbros... Rate my fix
>Dark unity effect changed, changed from damage bonus/penalty to "Terrorblade and all nearby illusions gain 10% base damage bonus for each illusion under his control and 5% base damage bonus for each reflection illusion that is active, bonus also applies to reflection illusion base damage"
>Damage penalty removed
>Condemned facet now allows sunder to pierce status immunity
>Soul fragment hp cost reduced to 5%
>Soul fragment now also applies to illusions created by mirror image abilities
>Soul fragment turns all illusions that terrorblade creates into strong illusions
>Demon zeal is now learned alongside sunder
>Demon zeal bonuses rescaled from 20hp/s and 100 ms+as to 10/20/30 hp/s and 40/70/100 ms+as
>Aghnanim shard now allows demon zeal to persist in metamorphosis
how many turbo games do I need to play to do all the event acts? I want to unlock the arcana styles and buy them but I haven't played in 4 years, wonder if I can still do it
Female Yurnero so he does not need to be the only one left of his kind :3
Fem Yurnero, no shot
It seems like a new hero but why even put the act iv at the end? I doubt these lazy fucks will give us a new hero this soon.
nisha gotta be one of the ugliest pro players of all time
relax quinn
How ugly you are corresponds to how good you are at the game.
Its something to be admired, the man forsake every form of self care and grooming for the sake of perfecting the art of dota 2
Tundra vs GG game one is worth watching for the high level plays on Tusk and Enchantress. Saksa played out of his mind. The rest of the games were boring.
Valve will bring back battlepasses next TI and the pro scene will be revitalized IF Kamala Harris wins the election, if Trump wins the game will die because Valve doesn't want to deal with stupid geopolitics preventing players to get visas
Kez's character sheet was leaked a couple months ago. He's a new hero.
who the hell photshopped fear in that image?
>top left you can see the shadows of the WTC being destroyed
what does valve mean by this?
>have meta where tanky brool str heroes are a problem
>make bracers give 100hp
what did campo santo mean by this?
I bought 5
anon it takes like 1 month to make a hero
We've now had 3 TIs in a row where the finals where 3-0. Pretty boring if you ask me.
>didn't ban tusk
>didn't ban puck
>didn't ban furion
well deserved 0-3 for GG
the best TI is still TI7 went kuroky's Liquid won against LGD.fy in the lower brackets and then against LGD in the finals 3-2
the lower bracket final was the best BO3 this game has ever had
I'm not an OG hater, OG's first TI win was also brilliant, but winning the second one playing in the exact same way was very detrimental to the game, every TI after the 8th was bad and it keeps getting worse and worse.
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>wake up
>see score
>see what Quinn play
>RTZ guild
>suck dick and lose

wow what a coincidence
Why does this happen. is this due to how they handle the invites and group stage?
>lowest viewership in TI history
>smallest prizepool since TI3
:) dead game dotards
valve chose this, if they decide to sell battlepasses again we'll be getting 100 million USD TIs every year, chud
go back to league of lesbians
Quin, that one fat chinese player, and chrystalis are nowhere near nishit
Bro that was where they 3-0'd newbee in grand finals. Beginning of the end desu
Puppey will take RTZ back and win TI, trust the plan
>the best TI is still TI7 went kuroky's Liquid won against LGD.fy in the lower brackets and then against LGD in the finals 3-2

What are you talking about, Liquid 3-0'd Newbee in the grand final of TI7.
>consistently places top 2 at tournament
huh this isn't adding up
yeah, if you lose 0-2 doing normal draft and similar heroes, you just HAVE to ban those heroes and make the draft chaotic with a bunch of broken stuff available. it is clear they would lose again to the same heroes
Valve wants to kill the game. Less support each year and each patch shittier than ever
yeah yeah yeah, I swear it was LGD in the finals but it was newbee, who later on got banned from dota forever and their pos 1 uuu9 got caught matchfixing
the memorable part of that TI then was Liquid beating LGD.fy in the upper bracket and doing a full lower bracket run
the chinese teams were all very strong that year, they dominated the upper bracket, after that their scene kinda died and only LGD was strong
I kinda miss the days when the chinese were good at the game and TI always felt like this clash of two different worlds
>valve doesnt raise money for ti
>valve doesnt pay for sticky
>valve pays reddit to remove bug threads post-ti
based campo santo
To me TI6 was the best because Wings won by picking random shit which kept things entertaining, truly the most skilled team ever at the game who didn't consistently ride the cock of the 'meta'
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>Deadlock already has regular 155k peaks
>Dota still doesn't drop below the usual 430k, which has been the average since 2018

Seems like a Dota TPS managed to establish itself without significantly affecting Dota itself. Maybe it had something to do with the post-April surge in players.

Valve succeeded in attracting the shooter and LoL crowd and have Dota players a second forming their game.
half of the fault of this shit ti was the good players winning ti once/twice and then retiring. in no other sport this shit happens
ofc after that you are left with a bunch of shit teams
No good player will ever play for Puppey again. Its like if kuroky made a new team nobody would want to join some age old relic with shitty attitude and skills
more than half of dota players are playing chinese custom games and many of them are botting them.
Kek, what an autocorrect

>Gave Dota players a second form of their game.
There are about 50-60 nodes per act, and Acts 2 and 3 have a scrap system that let you get extra tokens so overall it took me like a month of playing a couple normal games a day and basically maining my favourites so I had to trade/convert the tokens constantly instead of just doing the cavern crawl. So it won't take you that long. You'll probably be able to finish within the extension whenever it drops.
Valve ditching their main cash cow for new one and Deadlock still only have that many players?
I used to rate TI6 as the best ever too but honestly the tournament wasn't good, wings just had a supremacy over the game that was completely unmatched to this day and they wiped the floor with every other team they played against
I saw that their midlaner, blink was coaching a chinese team this TI, don't remember who

when are we going to get a real balance patch?
you can see how icefrog is giga autistic at blancing in a good way.

nowadays its just + 2 str - 4
sex with hoodwink
>main cash cow
>a game

This never happened.
deadlock is not even open beta yeah, I for instance don't have a key, probably because my pc sucks
but I don't intend to play it, I don't play fps games
Their main cash cow is Counter-Strike and Steam itself.
>AGI heroes carrying
>INT heroes carrying
>UNI heroes carrying
>STR heroes carrying

There's no pleasing heralds
>nowadays its just + 2 str - 4
you are a newfag. icefrog was infamous for "+1 armor" changes, stfu
It's literally a Dota third person shooter. This is an old pic from May, but it mostly still checks out. 2/3 of its items are either ported directly or in a slightly modified form.

I think it's an excellent port and feel genuinely surprised at how much I'm enjoying it.
its really easy to pretend as icefrog these days
>Moved Dire bottom Tier 2 Tower back very slightly
>Bottom Lane Dire creeps now arrive slightly closer to the Dire Tier 1 Tower
shit like this was very minimal but impactful nonetheless
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TI 2024 is the least viewed TI in history (1.43M peak 470k avg, below TI12's 1.44M peak 540k avg)

This is despite the fact Valve put the stream on when you opened the game to autoplay
The Deadlock general is also a Dota 2 embassy, btw.
dota is played by people that played warcraft and starcraft for years, I can't give up all those years of mechanical skill and start aiming with the mouse and pressing fewer buttons
Does this count the views from youtube? I watched from youtube
no kaci
no cosplay contest
no all star game
have you considered that people are simply aging out of the game adn are no longer interested?
Ok dude.

Riot seems to pay its employed to post here. This isn't the least viewed TI.

Escharts doesn't have data before 2017, but 2017 viewership was far lower.

>Blitzedraw name won't be engraved on the aegis
we won
Why aren't coaches included? The effect of coaches who think of the draft for the team and general game plan is insane as shown by Aui, Blitz and Bulba (derogative)

only the players do the actual work
>The effect of coaches who think of the draft for the team
they just give insights for the team
if a player doesnt feel comfy picking it aint happenin they losin
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It actually feels like the game is dying for real now, it took them 2 weeks to fix a simple gamebreaking bug
Riot Employee is to /d2g/ as Jews are to /pol/
except all the drafting was done by 33 and blitzedraw is only their mascot
Riot's history began by attempting to destroy Dota Allstars by paying the Dota Allstars forums owner.
why don’t they do a battle pass anymore?
it will be hilarious when deadlock launches, CS2 loses half of their player base and dota doesn't lose anyone
that's what is going to happen
>TI ends
>thread INSTANTLY dies
There's a big event, but it doesn't contribute to TI.
>that's what is going to happen
Yea, people who play dota on a regular basis usually don't play anything else. I've played deadflop for an hour and uninstalled.
why would cs lose anyone game isn't even remotely similar
Why stop at coaches? Why not team owners? Why not the corporate manager? Why not the communal call girl? What about assistant coaches? What about stat nerds? Why can't they all get included? Why do you leave those people out, Anon? Those people are all important to the team too!!
Dota already "lost" a fairly large number of players (since they play both games now), it's just not really visible due to the post-April surge.
people who play FPS games hop around all the time, they play cs, valorant, a bit of overwatch, etc
deadlock is going to get them pretty bad, wait and see
yeah, a lot of people quit dota, but those people don't quit for another esport, they quit to move on with their lives and become casual gamers
Deadlock - popular FPS
>two short brown immigrants living in Sweden
>genocidal jew with gypsy golddigging gf
>chang blacked enjoyer
>successful white man with beautiful white gf
Shitquid can have their aegis. Quinn is the true winner.
How do we fix Gleipnir? Can it remain in the game and can it be nerferd in such a way that it doesn't ruin atos?
You can visit the Deadlock general and see it for yourself. Everyone constantly makes comparisons to Dota items, mechanics and heroes.
Deadlock is a game for /co/faggots who say shit like "4chan used to be leftists, actually, before chuds took over" and have twitter accounts with lgbt flags in bio
>Aussie with small tits who is already hitting the wall
>people who play FPS games hop around all the time, they play cs, valorant, a bit of overwatch, etc

No they don't. Cs is not the same crowed as valorant overwatch and deadlock is not same as that

Deadlock is not a shooter and offers nothing to shooter players. You can't out skill people with shooting.
change its ingredients
You make it so that its unit targeted only and cant be just yoloed as an aoe into the fog
>offers nothing to shooter players

The vast majority of Deadlock streamers are shooter streamers. Dota and LoL streamers are like 1/4.
>The vast majority of Deadlock streamers are shooter streamers
They are paid shills
>deadlock sisters we'll take over counter strike too!
That's how you know these retards are absolutely clueless about games. Their assessment of whether or not Deadlock will be popular is worthless.
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>Rewatching true sights on RTZ stream last night
We had it so good.
>Argument by streamers

Zoomer dumbass.
remove it, it's dumb design, it's a farming item and a fighting item that gives HP, mana and damage

because it does a bit of everything it's either good in all situations or bad in all situations, rather than being situational like bigger dota items should be
How important are the dota elements compared to the shooty tooty parts? Like would you end up with a team of zoomers directed by a dotard captain or will faster fingers win every time?
>No they don't. Cs is not the same crowed as valorant
Valorant was made by former CS players made to replace CS. There is definitely a lot of CS people in Valorant.
Dota elements C O M P L E T E L Y dominate this game. It's only a shooter at the very surface.
Game breaking lockdown and support effects should never be together with scaling stats.

Look at refresher how it only gives regeneration.
The stats of sheepstick is also very tiny.
Anyone who has played any shooter is a former cs player. Valorant is a hero shooter. Different crowd. Cs players more likely to also play cod

Deadlock is not a shooter and cannot take shooter players from their games in any relevant number.
The best I ever was at Overwatch was when I hadn't played for months and played CS instead. Suddenly I could actually aim
>the slavic construction workers who autistically play as realistic terrorists on dust2 and mirage for the last 20 years with no change to the gameplay whatsoever will love this zany hero shooter with lgbtq+ positive characters
Are you actually fucking retarded
>Game breaking lockdown and support effects should never

Exist as items
We've had sheepstick since inception though
Deadlock is already a hit in Russia.

>lgbtq+ positive characters

Deadlock doesn't have a single LGBT character.
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Deadlock is won't I won't touch it no matter what, haha if you work with Sweet Baby Inc you won't get my sweet money sorry haha
Deadlock isn't going to flop
What it's going to do though is get a dedicated playerbase of like 100-200k people who act like the game is the second coming of Christ Himself
they'll be bothering dota players (look it's basically dota! it's super-dota!!), tf2 players (look it has wacky characters!! look at the redditor writing!) to play it incessantly.
In a lot of ways it'll be worse than it just being a hit.
Not game breaking
no i won't play concord, valve
stop asking
>What it's going to do though is get a dedicated playerbase of like 100-200k people

That's already a success, albeit it's probably the minimum Valve is aiming for.

>they'll be bothering dota players

Kek. Many Deadlock players ARE Dota players with 4000+ hours. People new to dotalikes sometimes complain about being matched against them in the general and post screenshots.
Who was the weak link in Tundra?
What's funny is that your game will
>never reach the cultural relevance of TF2
>never reach the epic heights of Dota esports
It will just sort of exist, be mediocre, until Valve gets bored of it 4-6 years into it's lifespan and puts it in TF2 mode
I mean, it's true. No need to be in denial about it just because it doesn't fit your brainrot
Deadlock isn't "my game", it's a secondary thing I enjoy when I want to take a break from Dota.

>never reach the epic heights of Dota esports

Probably not, but having only a handful of games with larger esports scenes is still a success.
deadlock will be overwatch but good and that's all, it doesn't have 5% of dota's depth, dota players will just get bored
meanwhile ooga booga subhuman shooter players will be amazed with a game that lets they aim and shooty shooty people but also pick skills and levels and itens and shit
Yeah I know it's true that these people think that. And they play Deadlock, too
to no one's surprise. general was almost getting page 10'd before ti
4chan supported Obama in 2008 and 2012, chud, I was there, if only became incel-city and the 2014's disastrous event
who know you can make a case tundra didnt get to the finals because of not banning lone in the second game and a bug happening with doom in the third game
libertarianism is a schrodinger's box-like tool for the leftypol tranny, in which the libertarian is either a right-wing nazi or one of us noble principled cause warriors, depending on whichever's convenient at the moment
most players aren't that rigidly autistic, that's just you.
Most of them jump from game to game, especially when we're talking about the shooter crowd which tends to attract a higher amount of casuals just like how CS and CoD always did.
if you watched the slark game you know 100% pure will never be a TI winner
dotatrannies lost
miHoYo should make a Genshin MOBA, not as a Dota competitor, but to siphon League's braindead players away from their game, and from migrating over to Dota
it would also serve as a cute sidegrade to Dota when you're bored of the patch, or feel like playing as Raiden Shogun because she's hot and the most perfect woman ever conceived

ps. I don't play Genshin
The draft
Valve’s main cashcow is the store mate
I don't know about leftist but it wasn't overrun by sub 90 IQ redditors and other right wing refugees from defunct sites. You'll notice how every board that actually gatekeeps and retains board culture doesn't act like the lowest common denominator boards like /pol/, /v/, and /tv/. When was the last time you saw someone post "lurk for 2 years"?
I need mihoyo autochess. Still can't believe they fumbled underlords so badly. Why would you name a spinoff after one of the heroes from the base game???
>When was the last time you saw someone post "lurk for 2 years"?
on /a/ 2 days ago
dota is lacking good rivalries in the pro scene, we used to have players that would shit talk in interviews, now we only have autists spamming voicelines in games, we used to have ppd, EE, rotk, Loda, Dendi, now we have a bunch of shy zoomers that can't banter, they can only be quiet or rude
we need a strong NA team again, a Russia team, a Chink team and an Euro team and we need players with personality again
Knowing valve underlords was coded in 2 days on a lunchbreak for the memes and was left to rot
/a/ is a shitpost spamflood trash board though

>oh look only 11 one piece threads at once today, glad to know south america is eating good
You sound like a sub 80 IQ zoomer watching Asmongold.
>nooo it doesn't count because it just doesn't!!!
you know the thing you use to download dota?
yeah that's the cash cow, you fucking retard
Ammar talks shit all the time and tries to annoy with voicelines but he cant back the shit talk up
banter is not drama you socially inept baboon, it's being cheeky, funny, witty
/a/ does retain decent board culture. The shounen threads might eventually destroy it but there's still light left
I like Ammar, he's one of the few new guys that are cool, but he's the exception that confirms the rule
look at all the soulless zoomers in gaimin gladiators
I agree. Tundra's mid Batrider draft and his build is unironically the strangest thing I've seen in tier 1 Dota since 2017.

And that's a lower bracket semi final of TI to boot. Not sure what they were going for there at all.
I've never seen it at 6k but looking at protracker it's not completely new. Napalm tower facet and poke with hurricane pike. Problem was he didn't get to finish the pike or ever really hit towers
I think Batrider without a blink is borderline inexplicable, even when coming from mid.

MAYBE it could work without a squishy position 1, but they had a squishy mid AND a squishy position 1 at the same time. I was 95% sure they would lose immediately upon seeing the draft.
>TI flopped
>shit brool meta
>bugs taking months to fix (even affected TI games)
>playerbase consistently shrinking
>people switching to Deadlock
Yep. This shit game is dead.
Team Secret.Arteezy
Team Secret.Sumail
Team Secret.iceiceice
Team Secret.Puppey
Team Secret.ppd
is already formed.
>I think Batrider without a blink is borderline inexplicable
>he doesn't remember bone7's travels first, drums, euls, mask of madness batrider
you weren't here when this game had SOUL
nah.. sumail and topson were always very popular even though they are both austistic charisma black holes.
dota is lacking good players. a bunch of them won ti one or two times and then just retired. imagine how much less interesting tennis would be if federer retired after winning two or even 10 opens. imagine how boring football wouldve been in the past 15 years if ronaldo and messi had retired after 2 years.
well, thats what happened to dota, most good players just retired. doest matter if shitter number 234 trash talked shitter number 453 live in a tournament. amar, pure a few others trash talk all the time, and yet, none of them is as iconic, fun, or charismatic as kuro, fy, jerax, matumba, mushi, bulldog, etc.
Team /d2g/.Anonymous
Team /d2g/.Anonymous
Team /d2g/.Anonymous
Team /d2g/.Anonymous (You)
Team /d2g/.Anonymous (Me)

We'll win the next TI even if Aui doesn't think anybody over age 35 can play.
>>people switching to Deadlock
Name 10 dotards who swapped
Back when bat was OP it was common to skip early blink and go movespeed items like drums and travels
>replace blink with 4 move speed items that Topson didn't have
Wow, you sure proved him wrong.
>yeah the scene is just a clique with the same players playing
Also Dotards
>back when

Guys, I'm not talking about "back when", I'm discussing the viability of Topson's build right now.
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Zoomers have no personality. I'd rather watch senior league played on patch 6.7x than this soulless brool shit.
Hahaha bros imagine if taiga hadn't ditched his hontrash bros to throw games for og hahaha
liquid banned their players from playing deadlock, same with gaiming.
falcons were all playing deadlock
saksa is addicted to deadlock, jerax said he might even coach a pro team in deadlock.
sing and his stack is deadlocking 24/7.
not quite 10 but i also dont sperg online. im sure theres more
What was Dendi's personality outside of being le funny pudge man?
Boxi was not very good at offlane but he is twice the 4 Taiga ever was.
just watch it, kid
are you kidding? did you not watch his story?
So what is it?
zoom zoom
GOD i miss xbox like you wouldn't believe
>unable to answer
taiga won that one major
now imagine being zai. truly cursed player at TI
maybe he wasn't as good as he seemed to be. i mean that's the only logical conclusion you can come to
>Zoomers have no personality
true, old school millennial dotards is where it is at, filled with amazing personalities such as
>egm, akke, lightofheaven, pld, universe, aui, akke, era, h4nni, sneyking, fata, synderen, fly, zai, any of the 100s of chinese, any of the 100s of south asians
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Fem orc hero when?
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this is why you keep your profile public
zai is a master choker, thats what people fail to say. i also believe he might not be the best team mate out there.
honestly ukraine should just give russia the territories they own now already, the people there want to be russian and not ukrainian anyway, that would ease up the tensions in the dota 2 community by a lot and maybe the scene can thrive again
why did you pick pugna against str and agile he has a point, nether ward wants big int spells
Been saying this from the start
>i also believe he might not be the best team mate out there.

you could kinda see it written on his face. looked pissed a lot
There is no resolution to that conflict that will make me hate slavs less. Eastern Europe must burn
That's probably the deal trump had brokered but we can't get it during the biden occupation
There will be nearly 20 tournaments next season. If Valve didn't intentionally remove the battle pass, true sight and reduce the number of main stage games - almost no one outside Russia and Ukraine would notice any difference and the prize pool would be 40 million.
>remove pipe
>remove crimson
>remove mana boots
>remove gleipinir
>remove universal heroes
>str gives 2 less hp per point
>rebalance all facets to be near the less good ones
>rebalance all neutral items to be near the less good ones
that would be a good start for the next patch
>put down ward
>suck the ward and all the enemies
>they now deal no damage
shrimple as
Just remove shields and barriers, it's blizzard design and it doesn't fit dota
tfw no irishman hero
>We'll win the next TI even if Aui doesn't think anybody over age 35 can play.
Aui is such an ableist loser, I can play pos 1 easily and I'm 33, my hands don't hurt and I can play 10 matches in a row
people believing this type of shit is the reason we had people like fear quit the game at his peak and then become a "talent" and make 1/10th of the money he would make as a player
>Matu, Puppey, N0tail, Ceb, Arteezy, PPD, Kuro, Ice3, Loda, Quinn, Bulldog, Singsing, Mason
now name one zoomer with personality
only Ammar and Ramzes, maybe Pure but he doesn't speak english so we can't tell
The shield mechanic was present even in Allstars.

>Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the shield is destroyed it will deal damage equal to the amount it absorbed to an area around it. Removes certain types of negative buffs on cast.
Because you can also just pick him around teammates to heal them.
Support with tower damage and op heal.
So happy that agi heroes will never be good again. Always was the femboy cuck stat.
taigabros... how much did we bet on gaimin...
ramzes is a veteran
Ramzes is from old VP era, he doesn't qualify as zoomer
Honestly, I don't get why they introduced Crimson Guard all those years ago. I remember back during the beta days when we had all the other damage block shit, Vanguard was a must-buy and everybody was buying it for every character like a retard, especially when they're losing. You'd see it on Axe, you'd see it on PA, you'd see it on Drow Ranger, etc. It's like how shitters buy Blademail when they're losing like as if you'd have less HP than them when you have a level and item advantage.

Then it got the nerf stick and it became trash overnight. Pubs still stubbornly bought it but it was trash. But then a couple years later they just randomly created Crimson Guard out of nowhere to not only encourage people to buy more Vanguards but also to make Vanguard but immensely better which just confused me on the thought process. If Vanguard back then was too good and needed nerfs, why did they need to make a way better Vanguard and have it cause issues? If they wanted to make it more relevant again, why not just nudge with a small buff instead of all this work to make it too good? And then there's the fact that they randomly made Vanguard part of the Abyssal Blade recipe which was another confusing move from left field.

If there's an item I would want to see re-done or removed, it'd be Vanguard and Crimson Guard's weird special treatment.
they need to make it so that Agi heroes get move speed per point in agility
it's the only way to fix them
Kestrel will probably be an agility position 1 and it's unlikely future patches won't cycle back to ability position 1 heroes at some point.
Ramzes does godlike arena. Wr and bat cant do shit to follow up. Wr powershot once and that was it
There are going to be 5 ESL, 3 BLAST, 3 PGL, 3-4 FISSURE, 2 ESB tournaments, Riyadh Masters and TI 2025. That's 18-19 big tournaments. The ESL, PGL and FISSURE are going to have one million prize pool each, the ESB will be around 900k, while BLAST didn't announce theirs yet. This is far more than the previous record (the 2018-2019 season), which had 10 big tournaments. It's interesting that this is the first ever cycle of BLAST tournaments for Dota; they've only done one small event several years ago.







And what's even more interesting is that the autumn 2025 - autumn 2026 season looks to be exact same, since its first half has already been announced.
next year I'll buy a new pc and I'll play dotes at 240 fps all game and will win every game
Honestly let's just put the game on maintenance mode and get it over with. We all know its coming
Maybe introduce dota classic mode to keep us boomers as well.

How much is Valve paying you?
I said this during TI, dota needs something NEW the last time we had something new was 10 years ago with reborn, it's time for a real game update again
source 3, rollback netcode, dlss, fsr4, anything that freshes up the game and brings in new blood
The highest skill guy in my friend group plays on a 13 inch laptop with no real graphics card and separate plastic keyboard. He's 6.5k mmr and carries almost every game, says he was even better on the mac he used before vulcan apparently shit the bed
The new frontiers was at least at the same level as reborn.
Just bring back Aghanim's Labyrinth as a PvE mode.
Maybe just a PvE campaign module people can play over and over again. And done, Dota will last forever even if the campaign isn't WC3 tier good.
I bought a new laptop 2 weeks ago for work I wonder if I could play dota 2 there, but I use linux on it (arch btw)
Zai has multiple majors he choked every TI though which just indicates how pecho frio he’s
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there's no need to fix agi heroes, only need to fix terrorblade
>agi gain increased to 5.0
>dark unity changed from illusion damage bonus/penalty to "terrorblade gains a stacking 10% base damage bonus for each nearby illusion and a stacking 5% base damage bonus for each reflection illusion active, works like an aura similar to metamorphosis and demon zeal so bonuses are granted to all nearby illusions"
>condemned facet now allows sunder to pierce status immunity
>soul fragment conjure images are now strong illusions
>metamorphosis base damage bonus is now applied to reflection illusions at 50% power
>demon zeal is now a secondary ultimate levelled alongside sunder
>demon zeal health regen bonus rescaled from 20 to 10/20/30
>demon zeal attack speed and move speed bonus rescaled from 100 to 40/70/100
>aghanim shard now allows demon zeal to persist through metamorphosis, granting half the bonuses
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Hear me out Dotards.

Same with how Warcraft 3 has a randomized MAP on each game.

Dota2 should have a varied amount of maps that is randomized. Not the same ol tired square map we have.
Literally make something interesting like a fucking tetris shaped map I don't care.
More maps
>new map
no, fuck off
Team Secret.EternalEnVy
Team Secret.Arteezy
Team Secret.Zai
Team Secret.Puppey
Team Secret.pieliedie
they are already bootcamping.
>agi gain increased to 5.0
Kill yourself. Didn't bother with the rest.
I am so tired of the same map man. Make it more like Warcraft 3 that is fresh to play every map there's different metas.
Current map is no longer a square though. It's already a tetris map.
ever wonder why nobody will ever take you seriously?
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Didn't he play really well TI5? I remember him getting some 1v3 double kill in the offlane.
Side note it's funny how s4 is still flamed for his qop when it solo carried the game before the disaster
not enough buffs for nudota I know
Sure that's an improvement. But I want the map can change match to match rather than just every big update in a blue moon.

About 5-8 different maps in the roster that is randomly picked before draft phase.
idea bad, idea gone
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He doesn't feel like a dota hero
he's exactly like pango, snapfire, hoodwink, etc
>every hero has max 3 items by 40 mins, max dmg done is 20k, no bloated facets talents, shards, no 3k hp supports running around
>check beesa's dotabuff
>he played the game again a lot 2 months ago
dota is a drug, you're never completely free from it
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I think I'm gonna play dota 2 AND deadlock
The winning Storm has 4 expansive items.
dota designs died here
>"supports only had brown boots 30min into the game!"
>actually turns out supports had way more items at this point
Why is Reddit gaslighting everyone thinking support sucked back in the days?
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new map i propose

each lane is spread by 3 original dota maps, the yellow is the mega ancient (it is really strong)
What true sight?
>sand king looks like a scorpion
>tusk looks like a walrus
>mangus looks like a mammoth
>brood looks like a spider

Why would a bird be any different?
>Got 3 Treasures of the Crimson Witness
What should I do with them?
eh he looks fine. I'm more baffled about the fact that they didn't show any of his abilities in the trailer
True Sight was such a great piece of content, why does valve hate us so much to remove it?
They probably didn't think it's necessary to tease them, since everyone will see them anyway in a week.
Maintenance mode Dota idea: give items a slight stat swing that changes by week. This week Mjollnir has 5% more attack speed, drums give 5 less movement speed, claymore has more attack, etc... Thoughts?
TI11 finals were dull, TI12 finals as well, and TI13 was no exception. Maybe if they recorded comms of every game you could have some kino game compilation like Tundra v GG this year or Liquid v Secret TI11
Farming prodigy artour with the 5 creeps a minute... Some of the TI1 stats are even funnier
will kez be virgil tier?
I didn't watch a single match and looking at all these 2:0 and 3:0 I'm glad I didn't
This game is dead
>He is exactly shit like all the previous furry faggot heroes that dont fit the game
You dont say?
Valve realized that only furries play their game. Riot jews out bug gooks, Valve jews out rich white furries.
>in a week.
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Deadlock player here, never really got into MOBAs but I've been playing Deadlock because I think shooters are fun and I'm actually liking the MOBA mechanics. Is Dota 2 worth trying out?
>if you watched the slark game you know 100% pure will never be a TI winner
whats wrong with pure slark that game
-1 armour dark seer
He is too OP
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>Dota Reborn is 9 years old
>Patch meta has been brool ever since

And I thought my game was dead.
Honestly I think they are all good players individually, but just aren't a good team.
i got a feeling he's gonna have a lot of mobility
i bet one of his abilities is going to be like Void Spirit's Astral Step
Where is Kaci during TI? Isn't she a Valve employee.
>enemy team picks bristleback
>teammate picks a hero that likes to buy silver edge
>doesn't buy silver edge
>bristleback becomes unkillable
Q: Deadly Flourish. Performs a forward thrust attack. If it hits at least 1 enemy hero, gains a stack. At 2 stacks, the next Q will release a tornado that knocks enemies in to the air.
W: Feather Wall. Conjures a wall of feather that destroys any projectile that collides with it.
E: Flight. Dashes to target enemy and applies a temporary debuff preventing it from being a valid target for subsequent Es.
R: Aerial Combo. Dashes to target enemy that is being knocked up in the air and performs a deadly combo.
what is the best hero idea d2g has had?
uninstall wizard
I think they need someone to tard wrangle topson and not to put ramzes on doom. Unfortunate.
Can you stick with it for hundreds of hours? Not many new players so you probably won't have fun or be impactful for a long time. If you really want to try I'd recommend learning the absolute basics like what lane to go to and how to buy items and then just jump in matchmaking. People will call you retarded but some will help, the mute button is on the stat screen you'll need it.
Find a few heroes you think are fun and play them until they're second nature. Only once you are comfortable with your hero can you start learning everything else. Play a hero, watch someone good play it, then do it again. That is probably the fastest way to learn.
Ehh it's overrated vs BB. If you're so desperate to kill him that you buy Silver Edge, you're not going to kill him before the Silver Edge duration runs out.

The real answer to BB is proper cc and a Satanic. You have to hold him down by the neck, and show him who's boss of the locker room. Otherwise he'll always think he has a chance and keep coming back every fight.
There's nothing wrong with telling him to play a few bot games to get the hang of the game speed and doing basic shit before jumping into pubs. God, this kind of bad advice is always why people have a bad first time experience.
I was surprised at how good Ramzes was on offlane. Kinda funny how all the unfortunate stuff that happened Tundra probably helped. Get Saksa instead of 9class, Mind control throws a hissy fit and doesn't even make it to TI while Tundra gets a pretty decent replacement.
Yeah he was doing good on mars.
He can play 1000 bot matches and his first pub will still be a slaughter. People who spend tens of hours prepping themselves are only going to get matchmaking anxiety.
terrible target coordination with the rest of the team, always late to fights
Which is funny considering how many spears he missed every game.
I remember people saying Ramzes EG was a sick team that would've done great had covid not fucked them over but I wonder why and how they got icex3 instead then
Eli Goldberg
TS quinn next season what would be your reaction
Sure, just play bot matches and try out every hero
Tsunami clearly said he's coming with act iv.

If you enjoy the flexibility and depth of Deadlock, Dota will give it to you 2x, but it has clearly defined farm priority positions.

Here's a very general position guide:

1 almost exclusively auto attack damage. One of the most one dimensional positions in the game

2 mobile mages, pure mages and semi- carries

3 initiators, tanks, utility heroes and semi-carries

4 roamers, initiators, utility heroes, sometimes backup cores

5 full supports responsible for map vision games, typically mages. Along with position 1s they are the most one dimensional position in the game. Nevertheless, some of them can swing the game pretty much alone by purchasing an aghanim's scepter during the late game.
we already knew she was transsexual
There's a world of difference between having your first time slaughter be after you learn to press the buttons and handle the UI basics, and having your first time slaughter be in lane against some Sniper or some shit who murders you repeatedly while you're standing under tower trying to figure out which skill to take for lv 2. The former has you feeling like you're a newbie participating in the game, the latter has you feeling like trash and wishing you had some time to figure shit out before getting murdered. Nobody has time to type out the full fucking tutorial in-game and walk you through using the level up button or buying shit in the shop even if they wanted to.

I'm not saying he should prep for a few hundred hours. I'm saying he should do the tutorial and play a couple bot games to get a feel for things BEFORE he goes in for the slaughter. New player retention is make or break in the first few hours of trying a game and frustration and inability to play because they don't know any of the controls is a surefire way to get somebody to just give up and abandon 5 minutes in. And you should be telling people to do the fucking tutorial. There is an in-game tutorial. A couple parts are broken but it's there to teach the basics. And it includes doing a couple bot games so you can get the hang of things. This isn't Counter-Strike where you don't need to know shit to point and click.
valve needs to bring back battlepasses, I hated them when they were here because they were expensive, but having a TI with 9 digits prize money is all we have in this game to draw attention from people outside here
Yes but it has a steep learning curve, so just be prepared to put in a bit of time before you become "not terrible", let alone "ok" or "good".
no cute waifu hero with big bottoms and big boobs.
i agree, they just need to go back to the old formula they used to do things with for this game
>going from the game everyone wants to play to thr game that nobody wants to play
>going from a game where you can jump in and play by urself or with a friend even if ur new to a game where u need to spend 10k hours just to begin the 10 year process of learning to play
Yeah bro go ahead :)
Tobiwan Kenobi will be welcomed back to dota next season.
old techies 2.0
you know what we really needed back?
The Summit by BTS and GDStudio casting online tournaments
that would fix dota
>nobody wants to play
>regular 650k peaks
>one of the most watched pro scenes
>largest prize pools in esports
Quinn is just going to get booted PPD style and form a shitstack that gets nowhere
He literally did nothing wrong, witch-hunt fiasco.
Does other things at Valve and probably takes care of the baby that is like 2-3 years old
Is there any way to play ranked without having to play 100 hours first? I just want to start playing with other herald shitters already.
No, there isn't.
Buying an account
>I just want to start playing with other herald shitters already.
lol no you don't

Just learn to play the game and explore new shit.
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What a fucking joke
you really don’t want to be stuck forever in sub 1k
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Seriously what did he mean by this
Yeah and Doom was bugged too so it's only fair
he's gonna go full american in the next TI
Quinn didn't lose a single penny because of this bug. He got the absolute maximum he could.
Grant and Tobi got the weirdes metoo's. The Tobi stuff just ended when talent came forward with having seen some texts that were never made public and said they were really bad. What were we even made aware of? Was it fucking his girlfriend while she was asleep?
Grant would've been fine had he not admitted to it out of some retarded belief that people would forgive him. Everyone who was around when it happened says the girl was bullshitting and she and Grant were flirting all night.
I think the battle pass and other TI related changes are absolutely baffling.

Third party organizers flooding the game with tournaments doesn't mean TI needs to be reduced in importance. Both can exist at the same time. If anything, teams that did well in TI might sit out some other events and make room for teams that didn't win much.
>teams that did well in TI might sit out some other events and make room for teams that didn't win much.
The fuck am I reading?
>Yeah guys uh leave some cash for the rest please
Do you think the orgs are in it for the prestige?
TI having 40 million prize did reduce the importance of any other tourney. The pros only cared about TI for the money, not the prestige.
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>tfw no live orchestra this year
last year's was pretty cool
TI shuffle predictions?
>shit tournament
>shit prize pool
>shit matches right up to the end
>first time d2g got no sticky in history
Yeah, it's fucking over, pack it up
This already started happening in 2018 and the next season will have even more events.
the battlepass should've fed the entire year of tournaments with money instead of it all going to TI, this is a discussion we've had for more than a decade at this point, valve making TI so top heavy instead of making that money flow to many more hands hurt the game a lot
Everything got called a honeypot if it wasn’t TI these giga prizepools dwarfed everything in comparison even those fat years of 2017-2020 where majors had a 4 million prizepool
The 4 major system was perfect for this the problem would be that other tourneys would become completely irrelevant and Valve would need to employ the talent directly if they’d take full control you’d end up in a sterile lol situation
Durachoke is out
Didn't you think tundra vs. GG was hype?
The team is really the 3-4-5 stack.
LB finals have been more hype than real finals for a few years now.
One team is too dominant like Liquid this year so the hype comes from teams below them. Secret vs Liquid LB finals was the hypest series in the past few years.
So what? Dota has enough good teams to make a show even if the strongest ones either sit an event out or don't play to their full potential.

And even if we step away from that system, I think a 10 million TI + a couple of 3 million majors + several one million dollar tournaments would suit Dota far better than 3 million TI + 5 million Riyadh + 15 one million dollar tournaments.
To be clear, I'm not advocating for the removal of Riyadh. Just forgot to mention it in the second example.
just give riyah major status and get other 3 majors going on
Quinn is the posterboy they can't kick him
Topson retired for 11 months and appears on a random team before TI
League of Legends
why didn't n0tail even try to play TI this year?
Busy being rich.
>win countless tournaments, including Riyadh of 2024
>second place at TI twice in a row
he's gonna run out of money with the lavish way he lives
>What were we even made aware of?
The condom removal mid sex. He said he asked mid-sex and she said yes, she said he didn't ask.
The thing is, it can just be a situation where miscommunication was the only problem. Neither of them might be lying. Maybe he did ask and she was just saying "yes" cause good sex and she didn't actually hear him ask.

He-said vs she-said, with a possibility of neither of them lying and it's just a misunderstanding. But alas, instantly canceled and career over.
zai is looking like shit, huh
he's past his prime already
He even released a book about himself. If I could read it for free I would skim it for funny stuff.
>get rich
>hire financial adviser
>never work again
He's a member of the tribe, he'll always be fine
Portugal is cheap and a pretty good tax haven so I wouldn’t call him financial stupid
I'd rather not have to endure another 80 hours of getting my arse handed to me by people clearly much better than me while I'm still trying to grasp the basics.
the one fluffy unicorn.
>The pros only cared about TI for the money, not the prestige
You don't think having their names on the Aegis was important for players like PPD or Kuro?
Maybe for some but in contrast Sumail has quite literally said TI is for the money for him
he has a chef that cooks for him, a personal trainer, probably a maid and not counting the amount he spends on whores
he's gonna run out
ranked is honeypot you can enjoy the game much better in casual
Isn't he still the owner of OG? So he gets money from that ontop of any sponsorships.
Unranked matchmaking for new accounts throw you into Herald and Guardian averages. If you expose your match history to dotabuff it'll probably show you the exact same thing. What you think are "people clearly much better than you" are just shittters with a few hundred games under their belt. And it's not going to change in ranked.

You know you're shit and new. This is the time to embrace dicking around and learning heroes without people reporting you for griefing in ranked. You shouldn't even be thinking about playing ranked until you have about 1,000-2,000 games under your belt because Dota is a huge game with a ton of interactions you wouldn't see in 100 games. Valve set the limit to 100 games for smurfs to spend their double down tokens. The 100 game minimum isn't for you. So stop thinking about it.
I think its better to have a few big tournaments and a dota "superbowl" than hundreds of smaller ones, if for no other reason than dota tournaments are so fucking long and it's impossible to find the time to watch it all.
he won a tournament knowing how important it is to have gold for buyback, pretty sure he knows not to use all of his real money until he is poor
Cause he is shit and he only was good as a pawn in a team. He has played for decade and has 0 highlights in his career
I'm glad the online secret shop didn't have fuck ass shipping costs this year.
Ordered some stuff, the food themed, DW&Hoodwink and Abaddon arts were good.
But buyback isn't real irl so he wouldn't have to save money for it.
In case you're being flamed, you can announce that you're completely new when the match begins (not during the pick phase, many aren't paying attention to chat at the time). It will show your teammates that you aren't griefing and are in fact taking the game seriously.
n0tail was brilliant as a pos 5 player in ti 8 and 9, he's one of the greats of the game
I don't miss Lumi
You could say the same of any oldfag pos5
And of Ceb
>But buyback isn't real irl
Maybe no one had enough money saved up for it yet.
>But buyback isn't real irl
you're gonna be waiting 120 seconds in hell (which is 120 years IRL) while i instantly respawn, noob
again all these jobs in portugal would be dirt cheap it’s not like he’s going yachting of the coast of monaco
notail won the 2 biggest TI's, no way he runs out of money
By far the biggest TI was in 2021.
He bought a fuckhuge mansion and started to run other game teams that drain money
>notail wins £20 million
>taxes cut 60% of that
>buys a big house, at least 500k out
>lives like a king with multiple servants doing menial jobs
>hires a writer to make a book about his life
he's gonna be out of money in 8 years
IG/XG/LGD disbanded. Ame/XinQ/Dy retired. Xxs decided to take a break from competitive play

Possible new roster of Azure Ray

Coach: Lanm
The nordics got taxed to high hell from winning TI lmao sucks to be them
yes, he definitely keeps his money in cash under his bed, not in a bank, accumulating interest
What? Source
>wasting money in a savings account
lmao retard
Just watch League getting a sticky.
he didnt mention a savings account
but youre pretty dumb if you think that is where millionaires keep their money
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>be Jerax
>set up a company beforehand and pay himself a salary to evade tax
Is he the smartest one out of OG?
Rich people don't run out of money, stupid poor dotards
What does he even do now?
this week something really good will happen and I'll finally be able to take a break from everything and play dota again for the first time in years
I will play hard and try to reach high mmr the following months after that, d2g needs a representative at high mmr after everyone is gone
Bulldog mentioned that Sweden took like 50% of Alliance's TI3 prize pool, and they also had a bad deal with Alliance giving a big cut to the organization so each player got like $120k in the end out of $1.4 Million.
Every high mmr player (actually high mmr) have ditched us for fame and attempting to become a pro
Where are the cool cinematics?

In the True Sigh- oh wait
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Enjoying sauna and deadlock.
Chilling and playing games. He played some of that riot fps with a drawing pen and currently playing deadlock. He has competitive fps background from tf2 so might see him competing there
Am i the only one that liked the dpc system? I liked being able to just turn on and watch a dota game at any time/while eating dinner everyday
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he left of his own accord
jerax went back to university as well
After Valve removed any mention of him from the game and it was clear they weren't going to work with him anymore.
I liked it too, but there are so many tournaments now that it will almost be possible to do the same thing, but with a million prize pool event instead of a regional league.
I think valve still acknowledge the 6 million dollar echo slam, so Tobi is still there
kinda funny how synderen will now forever be knows as tobi's sloppy seconds lmao
well it was sort of comfy to have that regular night 2/3 games every week but I guess it wore out pro’s
funny how tobi defenders never have evidence to back up their outlandish claims
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Kek, just LOOK at that schedule.
>wake up
>no patch
might as well move everything to europe officially now
fuck it, valve should set up a european branch that just works on dota as well
When is d2g going to make its own pro team and win TI?

There's that one Immortal SD main Anon. And obviously me when I take ranked seriously. So we need at least 3 more.
Door plays support so take him
1. PSG
2. Me
3. 33
4. Rain
5. Hobo
Is this really the end of dota bros
Is he right?
Both SEA/China and NA/SA can catch multiple European games, since the time zone opposite to Europe is in the middle of the Pacific. This wouldn't be the case if the center was elsewhere.
>hover around 5-6k in 2016
>Come back to play
>Feel like complete shit
This game has changed so much
no, i like being able to outplay a gank
Naah we’re not going anywhere
He moved to Portugal which is a common nordic taxe evasion strategy so might not have gotten all that fucked by the taxman
Yeah because
>rtz is the posterboy they can't kick him
worked so well right?
>artour was kicked
lol no
I really missed huge ults on this TI.
Don't know man, but that suggestion has better chances than Tifa being in Tekkemn 8
They removed all his voice lines

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