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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.7 Drudging, Drifting, Dreaming Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXx4b5_9Jpg [Open]
>Theresa: Schicksal's Imperative New S-Rank Battlesuit Preview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbYrT163mGg [Open]
>Schicksal's Imperative Tutorial Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxLAVEuTT1I [Open]

>Summertime Reminiscences — Honkai Impact 3rd Concept Animation
https://youtu.be/-jdNRXk9WjY [Open]

Collab Edition

Previous: >>494469128
Threesome with Mobius and Ruan Mei. Ignore the faggot.
>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys
>slowly change it to appeal to a "wider audience"
>it's shit and your core fanbase now hates you
>he's back
I missed you bro
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after the big announcement of HSR and HI3 collab that's to be expected.
just ignore him
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I guess I am the only one who pulled for teri...
i am saving
for bita
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>mfw instead of doing the DMC crossover, they made APHO into another game instead
I missed you DMCbro
collab when
I remembered they didn't do a collab last year, they did one in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
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this thread has been nothing but a dumping ground of persistent shitposters from other Mihoyo threads for the past 2 years. Now that the thread is deader than ever with all of the oldheads leaving, it's been nothing but constant samefagging from the same shitstirring individuals. It's frustrating to see the game die like this. Mihoyo is trying to resuscitate a game based on an extremely shaky and barely thought out premise that is Part 2. Roastchicken might make a good arc out of this, but nothing changes the fact thag Part 2 is awful because it was made to appeal to people who don't indulge in otaku culture.

I'm worried that the HSR collab will embolden them to double down on the Chinese Mars thing and pull the rug out from the veteran players for the second time.

I thought the GGZ Flamechasers collab was last year
No way. Are we doing this badly?
Last year in japan that is like a year behind CN.
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Cum flavored? Cum flavored.
Part 2 was so bad, it made a significant portion of veterans to drop Honkai Impact and pick up GGZ again. No sane Chink will ever admit that they're turned off from the game because it's starting to resemble that of bad D-list Chinese MMORPGs in terms of Part 2's design direction and artistic philosophy as it's taboo and borderline illegal to criticize anything Chinese, but it is indeed a common sentiment in the CN playerbase. Ex-CN players would oftentimes state the current aesthetic direction of the game as their primary reason to why they quit. Of fucking course they won't just tell everyone they don't like how Chinky the game looks now, but that's basically what they're saying.

tldr: Not even the Chinese likes state-mandated Chinkified designs.
I am gonna be the odd one out by saying I liked the asthetics of lanqui
It'd be fine if it was just the one arc but it seems like we're going back in
Aren't we going back to the original story line and leaving the shus behind?
They showed some preview of the next area and it looks chinky to me, idk if after that we just go back but for now it doesn't seem like it's happening yet
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no. Though it seems like the next map is somewhat resembling that of a Japanese cyberpunk Kyoto type of aesthetic. The Map's named Reimu in Chinese
It looks very Wuthering waves
New Teri's style is pretty fun desu, was a bit hard without Sena but I survived this time (+/- 0)
Now that you mentioned it, I'm starting to think Part 2 was initially made as a reaction to Wuthering Waves. Roughly right around after CBT 2 was launched, I vaguely remember that Mihoyo immediately opened several hundred job applications for Honkai Impact. The botched rushed release in February, several weeks before WuWa went live, was probably done in an attempt to steal its thunder. I do hope they make Reimu more Japanese like in their teasers. Wuthering Waves is already running out of steam and it would really suck if they are planning to make the whole of Part 2 exclusively Chinese by design.
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Your teacher doesn't look like this?
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On one hand, it is sad to see her tying things up for her funeral. On the other hand, HI3, stop beating around the bush. Also I have learned just to ignore Baiji's lines since it is impossible to understand
my class monitor looks like this
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I don't know, but one can guess
Honkai 3rd has shifted from a mobile game to a PC game, even in Chinkland. We know from the revenue reports that 3rd makes at least half it's income from PC.
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Where is my zombie Sena boss?
that still roughly estimates around 2 million every month on the CN server alone, which is bad for a game like this that keeps bleeding players for the past 8 months.
Honkai earned roughly $35 Million in the first 6 months of this year.
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This is her rape face, right?
most of that revenue were from the 7.8 launch, which was around $10-15 million in all servers. It kept dropping every single month ever since. And no, I am almost sure the one you're referencing had 8 months worth of data, not 6.
I just rewatched the knee to the face, it is still beautiful.
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Do we have an edit of Sena with dog ears and fluffy tails?
The start of chapter 3 started out with light hearted interactions between characters, which most anons enjoyed. Then it got into the mumble jumble. I recall now why I hated this part of the story.
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Does it kill Mihoyo to have symmetrical clothing? Or not showing off her underwear?
I like how the pause menu uses the old UI so half assed
>Does it kill Mihoyo to have symmetrical clothing?
someone in the dev team is probably watching too many vtubers
>Or not showing off her underwear?
they should do this more often
I would pay 500€ to have this semen demon on HSR
I am surprised it is not a princess dress
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Would you?
primed for rape
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Kiana's new gun looks so good.
I can't even tell what i'm looking at
there are two naked valkyries in that picture
Mei and Bronya?
Will this game unironically be saved once it receives an injection of millions of players from the HSR collab?
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The gameplay of these original suits is some proper jank, but it's kind of nice to have simple controls
probably not if it's just sparkle but if they put like kiana and elysia in hsr maybe people will come try it
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Part 2 kind of fucked up the new player experience so I dunno that they would stick around. And aren't events locked until you hit high enough account level anyway? Even if it's easy to hit I'd imagine a fair portion would see that and bounce.
genshin collab didn't change anything, this one won't be any different.
they might have skipped the collab entirely on the JP server. I don't really see 01niang collabbing with any of the part 2 characters. I do see more ZZZ references than anything nu-Honkai related in the official GGZ promotionals. I think I saw one promotional art with Tiara holding a faceless Bangboo plush. The map of New Eridu also looks like New Nagazora. I have a suspicion that 01niang is maybe involved in ZZZ scriptwriting department.
They did do it last year, it was weird seeing ggz trending in Japan for a day.
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I pulled her. But i'm 40 pulls in weapon banner I got nothing. Since release I have never got a single early weapon. All weapons I hit were 5 or less pity.

My Teri is staying hidden in the basement until a rerun.
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I literally bricked my account and there's no way to fix it. I've been filtered by agony I's first node for a month now. what do I even do at this point? this team is what I've been facerolling dailies with since thier release and it doesn't work anymore.
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have you tried using a team that doesn't do 30% less damage in QUA weather?
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Roastchicken's old pseudonym avatar is cute.
fuck stealth
I don't know anything about team comps because what I used for a full year before those 3 was PE (featuring various buffers) and the year before that it was all ice rita. I don't even know how to use most of the suits I rolled stigs and weapons for. I've got nothing.
Good news I guess? Kiana gets a new weapon next patch. Roll that and you can keep using her. Roll bita too if you can.
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So does Elysia have any official nudes like Firefly?
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Is it time to post nude Elysia or Kiana groping Mei?
her in-game model has a hidden cameltoe. I don't have the jaypeg at hand though
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From her animated short.
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>frogposting twitter immigrant from November 2022 /hig/
I thought they were petty schizoramblings at first but wow, you guys weren't lying. G*nsh*nFAGGOTS ruined any Mihoyo-related discussion on this website, and probably everywhere else too.
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Nude Elysia please. I already have Kiana bathtime shenanigans with Mei
She has to finger them to shoot
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And Buronya onee-chan!
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This evil woman will mess up Senadina
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I think Seele SUCKS
that all seems like an overreaction but i guess thats what react content is for
it's kinda funny that most started out with Genshin lmao.
She didn't deserve this...
that smug face makes me feel things.
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its over, my triple seele team didnt make it... and i forgot to login closer to the closing time to get a better score
I keep getting the feeling that she's a herrscher of corruption
But I don't know why Vita is trying to get rid of her
calm down sena
isn't mars supposed to be stuck in dormancy? In that there is something on Mars that was hindering the samsara to restart?
In that "interlude" chapter in 7.2 Cocoon of Unwoven already said that the Mars bubble universes started moving again after "the embrace was completed"/Kiana became hofi
And if anything, whatever is going on in the Mars simulation should be very contained in itself, basically like ER
so this is basically Vita playing Simulated Universe? How exactly will these simulation runs be the key to Mars being revitalized if whatever happens inside of it is self-contained?
Well I said it's self-contained, but for Mei and the others the goal by fucking around with the Mars terminal is trying to get Kiana to wake up, because they have the hunch that might be it.
So I'm thinking that maybe Cocoon of Unwoven is also "stuck in the dream"/the simulation and waking Kiana up would simultaneously wake CoU up, which would make sense considering CoU contacted Kiana right when they both ended up being in the same dream.
Maybe some bullshit like
>evil dreamseeker (>>494715451) put CoU/Sena in a forced dream to protect her
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I still have no idea how they'd link this with APHO. Maybe they could bullshit the timeline of events since time in the quantum space doesn't correspond with reality or something within those lines. Maybe they'd do the same thing with what Durandal did and anchor all Mars bubble worlds. I doubt they've thought this through at all. Things are getting so convuluted we might see rewrites again
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>Seeri best girl
>seeri best girl
>hsr seele hi3 sex chapters
collab story confirmed

>sena finally yandere
7.8 main story big reveal
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They really should have made APHO non-canon/AU. It doesn't really add much value, and in fact railroads the plot as we know and are forced to stick a vague end goal.
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Today I will remind them
>they unironically didn't think ahead and removed any idea of a summer beach event for this year
>we will never get any valentines, beach, and Christmas/Winter events ever again

Part 2 is made with the HSR/G*nsh*n normalfags in mind. Never forget that. I am now more than adamant to drop this game after the Vita banner. Not even Roastchicken can save this trashpile if they are this determined to ignore any in-game holiday events from now on.
>>we will never get any valentines, beach, and Christmas/Winter events ever again
When was the last time we got each of those events?
literally last year before the Fu Hua arc.
"each of those", anon
Remind me
>Everyone jobbed again and need a rewind
That Sera is really cute during Soul Healing section
mating press sera
she can overlay the simulated universe to reality
We didn't have any proper event like that for many years now, nothing new.

>b-but Slopchasers summer event
AU shit with dead characters and reruns don't count so it was two years ago.
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The Susannah event is vaguely within those lines considering how much she gushes over her superiors
both Luna Kindred events
Captainverse ending
yeah, no wonder the game is dying. Even the average bog standard Chinese not-yurige have Valentines day events. Why should this game be treated like HSR and G*nsh*n? It will only continue to bleed players if they keep doing this.
>official captions translate dawei to david
Isn't it supposed to be the David Jiang?
how should I know
it is, david is the head producer for the honkai games after all
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is chapter 4 out now?
Oh how the turntables
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bear love
>"Local Bully not so tough after being molested!"
so is this gonna be like HoV arc of part 2 I haven't caught up
Any better resolution?
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>Tags:Instant Loss
60 hard pity for anon. I only got up to 59 for Songque's.
Skipping bita, skipping sparkle (lie) , saving for me (forma la anti entropy)
uhhh i think so, but unironically i think the open world will make it way lamer because shit can't happen the way it could with stages
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Seele going on another adventure!
What can I buy for 5 dollars?
A parfait
Seele is a Virgin.
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Then how do you explain THIS
They should stop fighting.
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>apparently that sparkle-like silhouette in part 2 chapter 4 was real and not just an edit
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Depending on how you answer, the person appearing here changes, so you might not see her
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Wait that's real?
Thought the guy who posted it said it's an edit.
I forgot to do realms of battle...
>Ch4: Press X to SENA
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it's dangerous to go alone
I need a mating partner.
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Get in line
How many of them will bring a metal bat with them during their respective face-to-face chat?
I don't know but Seele will surely bring cakes!
I can't believe Seele is fatter than Elysia!
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In all the right places!
Captain impregnated her!
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Why are you people still willingly get abused like this? Mihoyo even has the greatest intent to replace all of you with newfag secondaries from HSR. We are never leaving Mars. They have in full intent to celebrate nothing but Chinese New Years every single year. You will never have anything good again.

The character interactions will be half-baked and safe enough for normalfags to tolerate. Yeah sure, Vita will be an exception, but none of the Martians will be like her. Why are you still willing to play this game? I'm not being faceitous here like the other schizos, I am sincerely asking. I just want someone to convince me why I shouldn't quit the game yet.

I'm so sick at being treated as the end of the stick. Why do I have to accomodate newfags? Why do the opinions of hypothetical players matter more than actual players? I am so fucking frustrated.
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>Why are you still willing to play this game?
I'm a newfag desu
Give me your einstein toruses before uninstalling, I need them
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not spunkle...
Spacing suggests a reddit post copy paste, any and all opinions disregarded
I wish I could give you some of mine, I'm sitting on a little under 600 and could part ways with a few
fair, I love Seele too but I am really really really really really really almost at my limit. Seeing how stark the difference ggz players (ex-captains) are being treated by their devs versus what we are getting is absolutely mindboggingly frustrating.

not planning on quitting yet. I still have to grind for Bita. I'm just miffed out by their insistance in pushing this new direction at the expense of older players. A fuckton of shit that needed to be fixed are just either deleted or plastered with downgrades like the valkyrie selection UI and the co-op modes.

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90% of shit in your post is pure speculation.

We are finally getting back on track now that we know what the hell is even going on. You can shit on first three chapters of Part 2 however you like, but they needed them to establish the whole plot.
Introductions in fiction are always the most boring and worst shit you have to go through. Same thing happened with Part 1 so I don't know why you doomfags are suddenly having a meltdown over it.
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the good ol luring shus in a candy space ship trick
So what do we think of 蕾耶拉(Leylah)?
I bet little Sera doesn't know that wearing a blindfold while sucking on a lollipop enhances its flavor.
I just want to get it out of my system. I'm still upset that we have to go through those 8 months of pure hell of uncertainty.
I wanna fuck Sera so bad
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Only with Thelema-Samas permission
HSRfags don't even want to touch HI3 because it's an ancient zombie game and mihoyo even stopped showing HI3 on gamescom.
This collab will be pure fanservice for us and Mihoyo knows this. They tried to push some new direction with Part 2, but they failed spectacularly and now they even "deleted" the male MC from the game. The game is healing.
So yeah, from my point of view it doesn't look like older players will be flooded by newfags any time soon. Just like no one cared about Genshin collab.
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Thelema-sama is the one who should be asking for our permission
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>Visible ass crack
Our sister could NEVER
We really have been robbed of her pants
Skirt is better
She is perfect. Designed in a lab to appeal to the Homura enjoyer and they even synced this up to come out on the same day as the new Madoka trailer.
>that thong peek
that's too powerful
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Time for some half pants half skirt.
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Sera's shitty isekai... and Bita lore
Isn't that the Teri event? Night God is her username?
it's sera's pen name
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Are those...?
how were they planning on doing the evil dreamseeker plotline with the man version
Did you fall for the "they deleted male mc and are going back to their roots!" narrative or something
They write the story like 1 year in advance. They never planned on making a "male evil dreamseeker", because the female one was always the "real" one, while the male one was simulation-only
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Who knows
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thanks dawei...
Instead of edge over a stolen can of deenz, Maleseeker's edge will come from rage over Mars' shitty hardware and improper memory safety practices
I mean... I'm really short on cubes right now...
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if you want them, you need to become them
Who will die to stop mars HoV?
The game.
Helia hopefully
>hi3 in 2024
>playable character dying
LMEOW it's gonna be Baiji
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Male DS is tied to Ajita's plotline so I expect it to be relevant later on when she shows up again after she finishes downloading more ram.
they probably made a fuckton of major rewrites along the way after they saw the backlash from February. Judging from the things they did with other game, they've rewritten Penacony at least three times, with the earliest concept being completely thrown away. They also scrapped what could have been Penacony at launch but some fucking niggerfaggot leaked the entirety of the script back in August last year. Part 2 was only in development for 6 months.
>when she shows up again
Mars was destroyed 1 billion years ago. I really doubt her real self is ever gonna show up
Bruh, we have multiple people from 50k years ago, Vita and Marah from even before that (with Sa from god knows how longer and only got taken over by Sa recently), and you think 1 billion years ago is going to be an issue (even though it's not billion years but much shorter)?
>they probably made a fuckton of major rewrites along the way
What do you think they changed?
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>Killing of Helia who is a non-character only ever used in Comedy relief
Baby tier shit, you're not even trying, kill the Dog, she's the only member of the Trio that has any semblance of character so her death will at least have SOME effect on the player
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>and you think 1 billion years ago is going to be an issue
If Ajita really fucked off from the Mars bubble worlds then she woudn't have been affected by time stagnating there, i.e. she would have aged normally since she's a normal human, unlike Vita/Sa/Marah who are not biological humans.
You can make the argument that she could have split up her consciousness into objects and survived that way but then the question of whether that could still be considered ajita would pop up
Should I do the tower defense event before reading Chapter 4?
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>trailer released 10 hours ago
>that many views
Vita and Dreamseeker are about to save the game
There are no spoilers for the main story in the event, you're safe
who knows. I did notice the pacing being all over the place in chapter 2, so they might have started rushing the whole Seven Shus thing with all of the negative feedback they got from the launch.
If you like bita
but now we have TEN shus
Everyone in the bubble world had agreed that Ajita is probably the one person that can survive without her physical body. The fact that she can arbitrary go to Mercury to make more ram shows she is not normal at all.
That's just bots pumping up the numbers. Part 2 still sucks, no one cares about hags, EoS soon.
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Era of Seele!
Where the FUCK were the bots for the other trailers then? Clearly the people yearn for more Evil woman content
The bots? They're all me
The bots came from HSR side since they need HI3 to survive until the collab is done first.
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All me
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Or you know, there could be genuine excitement because the trailer makes it look like something interesting is going to happen.
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Why does life slumber?
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>Songque is the only one that wasn't "harmed" in the video by Leylah because she actually likes and cares about her
Don't the collab or the mech distract you from the fact that there is still no animated short for Part 2
Chapter 5 will deliver, trust
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>no animated short
>but they have money to commission this
Why are they like this?
Now remind me during which chapter HI3, GI and HSR got their first animated short.
Bro, your sense of humor?
There wasn't one for part 1.5 either we've gotten used to it.
They do it for free
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They are fucking in every single universe.
They are relatives, sex in those conditions would be immoral and wrong
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>start chapter 4
Funny how dreamseeker is saving the game by stopping being the dreamseeker and having a name.
Segs at the start of the chapter? DAMN
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What are you insuniating? Dreamseeker is just very worried about Sena since no one else remembers her
I'm saying that she is schizophrenic, what did you think I meant?
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Ah, my apologies "me", i must contemplate on the thought process, which has led to my wrong conclussion about your statement and remedy it
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The Chinese are NOT happy that we didn't get a big titty red headed Hua.
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Nobody likes hua, thats why she flopped
Did they beef up ER to keep up with Part 2 numbers? i don't remember Lantern taking so long to clear
It's nothing new. They gradually increase the HP over time.
The only reason Hua flopped was that she wasn't a support.
Her prime time in ER probably just ran out, which build are you using?
hua love
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>in this cycle the seven shus are a story songque made up
>which means she made herself thelemas bitch on purpose
what does this imply
Vill-V+Sakura+Kalpas perma low health dmg boost, admiteddly scuffed since Su does wonders for her as does Eden, but even scuffed runs prior did more damage
None of it is real to begin with. She didn't do shit, no one did shit. The entire first set of chapters are utterly pointless.
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>we've returned to tradition
I miss stages
>>we've returned to tradition
they're not replayable though because FUCK you
Replaying stages costs energy which is still fucked, i can't just play through a whole chapter or two since that will fuck my ability to sweep expeditions and "Open world" tasks, raising the energy cap to 240 won't slove shit unless they reduce expedition and open world task costs
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I've heard Sena more times in 15 minutes then i think the whole of part 2 so far
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what a faggot
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Is she supposed to sleep in the cell like that? That's just torture for the sake of it
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epic chink meme reference
How do you not have a surplus of stamina?
I do 12x5 for expeditions daily and only 4+ core tasks and still overcap on most days
And then I also have several thousand stam in the form of drinks, but that doesn’t apply to newfags
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>A fucking stealth section
Why do they insist on this shit?
4min clear time is too long? Thats how long it took me last night
>An invisible wall
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Please give us your SongQQ aka Lil-Phantylia as a collab character, hig bros!
You can have Litost instead
Take it or leave it
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Don't be mean, he came over from /hsrg/ and asked nicely
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I would be willing to roll for her agin
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>Just googled him
Holy shit that's literally HIM.
We don't need third Kevin though so please provide chinese slutties instead!
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so which homotranny demanded males? baiji?
So it really is as simple as installing more RAM
Can't be helped. We're playing the role of a yandere so expect to hear her mentally repeat Sena's name over and over again like it's her beloved senpai.
Those three short stories written by Sera were pretty good actually.
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is this actually supposed to be a sparkle easter egg
the jp VA sounds too different, sparkle doesn't have an ahoge and the personality here doesn't even come close
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Didn't that one NPC from the cafe event have a similar look? Could be her too I guess.
they're just generic silhouettes for the personality types being offered
that's me though
What will she do when she finally finds Sena again?
Place her in a guilded cage
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Shut up Sunday
Trap her in a fake world where she can never leave but will be happy and content no matter what.
so.. the mars computer
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>I'll show you who's boss of this gym
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Did anyone besides homu labs do a good summary/overview of the current p2 chapters?
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People make videos about part 2?

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