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Visual Novel General #6615

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>494612838
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This post contains intentional spoilers.
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>moege spoilers
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D-Don't look!
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my guy just woke up and said "fuck it, i will ruin noa route for EOPs"
least retarded JOPig
Where does she stay the night?
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That image really doesn't mean much without context. It's definitely not what you're thinking.
I think it's high time to tell mods to do something about J*Piggers.
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You wouldn't a male Servant
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Finally, cutie #2
VNchads, we are so back
don't moebutas usually make fun of chuunige and plotge enthusiasts? The spoilers in OP looks chuuni as hell.
Looking for the perfect fap game but for women. are there any vns for that feel?
dont care
clannad was the last good key product. never played little cuckers since they never localized the ero scenes.
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How could this happen
I need a VN like Nukitashi except MC is a zako
It's not even spoilers at this point.
It's a two years old VN.
Dies Irae
Togainu no Chi
Fxxx Me Royally!
What's the gayest straight VN that's not a chuunige?
Two years old with no translation released, jop
Nekopara or Yukikaze?
Name one (uno) more classic combination than datenshis and fat asses
>it's X old bro, why are you mad about spoiler lol xD
why are redditors like this?
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Obviously Yukikaze (dragon).
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If you weren't newfags, you know that JOP bastard already spoiled it multiples times here.
Wtf is she talking about?
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is this good or bad
I blame Mary
And that gives him permission to keep spoiling?
it's the condom lady
Who knew eating a dozen donuts would add up.
Blame NN
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>Princess Paradise
A ge where you play as an evil woman and do unspeakable things to men...
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Head Nurse is based
another ge with no translation
how do you even go about fixing a translation that has been so colonized?
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it's kaminukige too
>Dark Skin
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Do you like prostate massages?
more okinawan protags for me to self insert as doko
holy american kino
It's an otome game where you rape men.
VN where you have a competition with your bro to impregnate the most girls in a year?
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First time?
This a child...
and what a child
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holy based
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That's why you marry traps instead.
>no heart pupil
it was not consensual
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How crazy do you like your women?
seemed kinda mid when I scrolled through the gallery though
imagine having a Nozomi childhood friend and never molesting her
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Of course it wasn't. They both despise the MC, and in this particular scene they were dosed with magical ADP (ahegao double peace) gas, and therefore unable to stop themselves from masturbating and begging for his dick in the middle of the street in broad daylight. It's one of the best scenes in the whole VN.
the real magic is in the writing and scenarios, although blade's art is fantastic and pushes it over the top
>niggas rather play puzzle for gachashit instead of reading the visual novelas
>LKME is still at the top of JAST's chart
people talk shit about me since I play games that "only require 2 buttons" while they play their roblox kiddie game kek
Haven't read a VN in almost a year, lol. Nothing will ever be as good as Muramasa, so what's the point, lol?
I just do both.
The game definitely isn't afraid of the girls using toys that are bigger than MC. The futa side girl is bigger than MC too, and it's wonderful.
dunno how the MC is supposed to satisfy these loose holes, but well, eroge magic finds its way
they are all lolis, and thus tight and elastic by definition
She's my self insert
but my NTR doujins says that pussy ravaged by the bull's cock will take its format and the girl will never be able to live without it?
Sexy little girls.
Ty bwos/sissers, I will investigate these titles
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Am I a literal who jobber? I have her at 29 and I don't even recognize her from fate.
Next gilgamesh at 27, also a jobber.
She's literally me
I unironically have a degree in music theory so lol
>Sexy Oni didn't get an anime
>I like him because he's the only YASASHII male on the planet
That's some funny banter lmao
Any vn ge's for a former party animal who used to snort lines of ketamine and go on a k hole bender every other week?
The ket kinda fried my brain but iirc retarded means cute so not too worried
I think it's possible they might have been exaggerating anon
Male MCs were a mistake, yes. That's why Flowers are KINO compared to a moeSLOP.
>i will bile you out
made for emotionless sex
that can be kino in moderation, but not all the time.

It does set up for a nice subsequent aphrodisiac scene though where she gets overwhelmed by the pleasure and surrenders to her animal instincts and oinking like a pig.
Game with a green haired slut female who loves sex and fucks literally everyone on the island? Preferrably as the protagonist
Why didn't ut cross the T? It's basic structure and form.
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Seems to be a personal style where she only halfway crosses the t.
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Misaki on Exercise Ball HOT
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This map is total fucking bullshit. Yes, obviously I finished it like the pro gamer I am, but wtf is up with all those chokepoints? I guess it really made me feel like I'm running away from bullshit monsters, bravo Sakurai.
gameplay. not even once
Is there a heroine that accidentally sends her nudes to MC, whom she isn't dating at that point?
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sou desu
Is receiving nudes from a heroine on accident NTR? It implies the pre-existence of nudes that were not meant for MC but someone different
If you like her you're gay.
kinda looks like she's riding a slime monster after getting isekai'd
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i need my women one step away from psychosis
maybe they were intended for her girl friends
Okay even I know they don't do that
They totally do that.
Are you sure? Like, 100% sure? Would you bet your life on that? Swear on your mom?
Heroines with maxed out Def stat?
Have you never sent dick pics to your bro for him to check it? Or showed him your abs and muscles after a workout session?
Maybe if there's something weird going on with their bodies, like when I send my mom pictures of a cyst on my dick and ask it's worth seeing a doctor. But full-on nudes? Those are going to a dude to fap to, not her friends.
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I live the pathetic life of a neet.
I read that as "Osaka-ben" and got excited for a sec
ge where the heroine's ex-boyfriend texts you their homemade sex tapes
Who said friends can't fap to each other? Just ask your friend for a dick pic, he will be delighted to share.
Fucking Karenschizo brought in the Fatefags I wish he’d die already
She is the worst part of Reflection Blue. Sadly the worst part of the original SP(mugi) was not removed
off topic women obsessed faggots
Fate general
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Assuming he's not fat, we can only hope for an an hero, but he's proven resilient
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If you're a homosexualist who loves cocks and traps then sure.
Kill your fucking self Karenschizo
Who is the most persecuted and unfairly treated poster in /vn/?
>great heroine who'd likely be best girl in other ge but gets overshadowed in her own
name em
>inb4 someone says Mondblut, Karenschizo, AsaSchizo, or Detcuck don't deserve it
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
She didn't say this...
All Karenschizo btw
maybe you weren't fuckable
Impossible, I am literally sex incarnate
You are a little girl?
One day I will be christened with a schizo moniker
Only if you break the covenant.
sex with a heroine who doesn't know what sex is
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>not even a gag side-route
I hate Qruppo so much it's unreal
I want a retarded conspiracy theorist schizo heroine route
VNs where the heroine wields a greatsword taller than she is?
At least we got an hscene
>readinf Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer ©™
>sudden Futa™ appears
Im going to rape with a dildo whoever shilled me this garbage
it's not practical to give every girl that breathes a route
Princess Waltz
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I can't read this.
I don't think I've ever recommended it but it's a great read, it's on my 'to reread' list. I don't even remember the futa but anything sexual in that read is not for sexual interest, it'd only be a vehicle for the story.
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You're looking a bit skinny, king. You need to eat more.
I really don't want to call you a nigger.
God that's hot
I like Nitro+, especially their older and jankier titles. They're one of the very very few devs/circles with not-shit, or even good soundtracks. Most VN I eventually mute the BGM as it's hollow and generic.
woman moment
>Most VN I eventually mute the BGM as it's hollow and generic.
i bet you don't listen to the voices play out either, trash
Why do you sign your posts?
>xer VNs have voiceacting
>kino OST
why does it have to be this way...
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If you are naughty, I shall bite you. And the dentist tells me I have one of the strongest bites he knows. So beware.
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absolutely disgusting
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So far I would say: Tomoyo > Yukine >>> Misae
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Things are heating up with the evil woman making an appearance!
Why is my imouto pouting?
>anyone can be an imouto
fuck off
Yes, even your otouto can
Stop being imoutocist
Ouka Sabaki was ok but I didn't like it as much as Ace Attorney or Danganronpa
I think between these series I've exhausted this kind of "round table debate" kind of ge in the translated realm unless anyone knows any others
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Hamil is so bloodthirsty and it's great. He just wants his revenge and it doesn't matter how many bodies he needs to add to the pile to get it done.
I hope they fuck
Any heroines like Shirou Emiya?

>blue lipstick
muh dick
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I'm sure he skullfucks her with a sword.
There's definitely a lot of sexual tension there.
Yukine my beloved!
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stop getting excited over evil women.
Have you played raging poop already?
I think https://vndb.org/v19843 is also like that, but i haven't played it.
That's how tyre men flirt
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What if you're a woman who loves cocks and traps?
thought i saw her panties for a second there
Oh yeah, I did read Raging Loop too. And Sekimeiya while I'm at it.
Fatal Twelve looks nice, I'll 'log it
Then you are a straight woman...
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So what's the point? At least the first game had sex.
Dumb normie
Tomoyo sucks
All-ages can be kino
It's true.
Alicesoft has finally reached MILF age
It can, but why do japs keep adding super hot characters and have they say and do super suggestive things all the time? It doesn't seem like "oh the story is just about other things", no it seems like "there definitely was supposed to be an H-scene somewhere and characters are flirting with each other on screen". That kind of all-ages is blueballsages.
tears to tiara got the all age treatment before uta. they remade the first game and it was all ages on the ps3, the sequel just followed along on the ps3 as well. none of the h scenes were good in ttt1 or uta 1 either so i don't really care too much honestly. and what kind of individual would honestly get sexually aroused by nekone's little puppy like body anyway?
Gotta agree, but Japs just can't play games if there are no sexy underage girls in em
Uta1 H-scenes were kino. Still not reading garbage censored sequels.
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>all agesge
>offscreen sex
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>all age
Does seeing a pregnant woman count as off screen fucking? Because she did have sex.
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>pregnant side character
>offscreen sex only
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who's this what vn
I put my faith in kengo
looks all ages
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that faggot is always advertising /vn/ (4chan) to his friends on leddit and shitter
my vn
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I'm still mad.
Hate royal whites...
they were talking to each other. stop thinking with your dick
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Kyokou no marriage final route end spoilers
had me thinking for a sec that this route would have a happy end, turns out i was wrong, it was probably the happiest end in the vn tho.

kamige, its the best vn of the year for me(the only vn from this year i have read), im not getting over it soon, i was emotionally obliterated

i can actually see NN picking this one up
kill yourself jopoid
live yourself jopKING
I look like this
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>i can actually see NN picking this one up
give me boke MCs
Talking with their lips touching?
can someone post the moege copypasta
Everything you read is a moege. Reminder that Majikoi and Grisaia are moege. Tsukihime, Fate, DI, KKK, Senshinkan are also moege. Baldr series, Muv Luv, Muramasa are moege. Rance, Evenicle, Venus Blood, Ikusa Megami are moege. And so are Djibril or Beat series and Triangle Blue. YU-NO is the father of all moege. SubaHibi and Sakuuta are heralds of moege. These are all moege and reading them doesn't automatically make you a moebuta.

Moebuta is a pathetic creature that secludes himself in some made up definitions and rules about what should be in a moege and chimps out when something is out of his comfort zone consisting of boring literally nothing happening in highschool setting. He is no better than a plotcuck who chimps out at every instance of SOL, comedy, romance or cute girls and only wants heavy and dark no fun allowed plot, preferably without ero content because he is a prude with limp dick.
how do I play tears to tiara
now that im done with the ensemblege i need a moege to heal, which one do i read

the no seiiki feng games

or a random trapge i have in my backlog since forever
Could you answer his question without a Google search?
>6' vs 5'11"
Macedonia is around greece and persia is iran
I think
Did VV ever get BMC in the spin-offs?
Macedonia? McDonald's capital city?
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Yeah, I'm currently halfway through pic-related. It's pretty kino.
Is Lord El-Melloi II a virgin?
Yasashii na... kimi wa
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wtf just noticed YnS FD got translated
I only have vague memories about the anime adaption of the base game which followed Sora's route, how has the VN held up over the years? Boring or what?
Why did she do it?
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We have to be vigilant against prostate cancer
This. IIRC he even says something to that effect in the very next line after that pic.
ge with mc heroine dynamic like this?
>company known for turning out straight trap VNs
>decide to translate one of their only non trap VNs
why are they so dumb
Yeah, KnM is fantastic, definitely one of the year's top releases.
I think I like Unravel Trigger a bit more, and I'm not sure where I'd rank Ouju no Shima relative to it, but it's absolutely excellent and fantastic all around.
> it was probably the happiest end in the vn tho.
I mean, basically by default because slightly less than the entire cast dies, but it's still pretty tragic.
Is this real banter? What a cute woman...
Living in the 20th century must've been bliss.
I got another bad ending where rin gets caught and Riki is sad wtf is this
On the map? Modern day "North Macedonia" is north of Greece and it's anything but related to Alexander's Macedonia while Persia became Iran.
It's not.
You CAN fuck your nbr daughter.
She mostly lived in the 19th century, but close enough
Weren't servants supposed to gain basic knowledge of the era they were summoned into?
Why did he have to learn that from books?
>Living in the 20th century must've been bliss.
bro Nightingale was a pioneer of modern nursing
it would have been hell if you ever got sick or injured
They gain enough basic knowledge as to not be culture shocked by like the metal horses everyone rides in, knowing modern geopolitics isn't really vital.
Nursing handjob...
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he's wavering....
I hate Mashu so much bros
i wouldnt say its the happiest because its the route with the most survivor, since just like on the first route henrieta its probably the only survivor since clive and luciella probably die defending the already crumbling country, its the happiest because it shows the country as a whole still had a future after getting destroyed by the empire
She is the queen of NTR fanfiction, though.
Is Mashu white?
You failed lol
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nukige hours
I want a /vn/ oniichan who will make me make that face...
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I just finished reading this yesterday, I thought I would get to read some +15 lesbian rape but Urubuchi the hack he is just made her a futa instead, fair enough I guess it makes sense the character being a full-body cyborg would have a cyberpenis to cyberrape that gynoid. Personally I feel like there was a lot of wasted potential, most of the twists are good and I like how ambivalent the ending is, but it never goes all out into one think of another like Saya no Uta did so it feels watered down in comparison.
I wish that vn had more group scenes. Hopefully the second one will deliver.
But is she, in fact, not a loli?
Why does this child know this information...?
coomerbros... our response?
Hey, being a coom addict is still better than flatlining.
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Is this how you should treat evil women?
I can confirm.
it went all in into revenge, though? It should have gotten a movie adaptation.
I'm not sure what VN to read bwos
I want a VN to really lose myself in for a few weeks
I've already read Higurashi and Muvluv, I started Chaos Head but I wasn't feeling it.
Couldn't into it
Summer Pockets.
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It's true
Don't knock it before you try it.
I watched the Clannad anime and attempted to read the VN
I'm not down for 90+ hours of bad art and melodrama
does rika have a vn?
lies, senran kaguras don't masturbate.
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Been gone from the scene for a couple of years, are there any new VNs with gameplay? Was looking at playing the other translated Eushully game, but are there any newer games with maybe dating sim/stat management gameplay out?
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Literally me. I either coom or cry myself to sleep.
I downloaded a RAW ge to patch and it just has a 2 gb "iso" in the folder
help me Rikabros
I'm finally on refrain and masato just called something retarded and someone actually got hurt what is happening
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get gatekept
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>I downloaded a RAW ge to patch and it just has a 2 gb "iso" in the folder
Mount the iso and run the installer to install the vn.
Why the FUCK are they retranslating Little Busters again and still sticking with the 12+ edition? Are they stupid?
You're finally experiencing peak.
>Little Busters! Home Run Standard Edition is a re-translation project of Little Busters with the goal of improving the Little Busters! reading experience.
I've never even heard major complaints about the existing TL
imagine the punipuni
You say 'they' but it's one guy who probably doesn't even speak Japanese and is just editing the currently existing translation.
Yes, it's not a good use of time, but why work on a vn that people might not pay attention to when you could work on a big vn people know and care about? That's why I'm pleased to announce I'm working on a new cross channel TL.
>watch the anime
>get spoiled on everything
>struggle to read the VN
No shit.
You want a really long plotge? Try Dies Irae or Muramasa or anything you see moebutas call shit, alternatively even though you couldn't get into Fate I'd recommend Tsukihime for being more to-the-point and Mahoyo for being a comfy read.
it's time to cuckchad to G-senjou
Hang this on your wall, I wanted to watch the Atri anime when I saw it on seasonal charts but I noticed it was based off a VN so I gave up on it despite having no intentions of reading the VN.
When's the next CROSS†CHANNEL retranslation? Been awhile since we've gotten one.
It's moeanon's next project.
Hopefully GHS will update his'
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In life she got ditched by the monk she fell in love with, turned into a dragon out of sheer butthurt, and burned him to death after hunting him down. Now she's fallen for (You), her new Master. You wouldn't lead her on and then consort with other Servants behind her back, RIGHT?
We need more (than zero) lolicon hag heroines.
best I can do is a loli hag
Steins gate
there you go
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>heroine has anal scene
doesn't count
untranslated vns dont exist and jops are rping
The only RP JOPs engage in is ERP.
someone just needs to refine the ams translation and port it to nekonyan version
Just watch things you don't plan on reading.
somebody should write another cross channel bible instead. i'm sure there's some autist in here that can top the last one.
I wish there was more Ledger Joker...
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it has been surpassed
Bros...I wanna blogpost the VN I'm reading...but I'm worried /vn/ will be mean to me just because "it's not translated"...
Bros...I wanna blogpost the VN I'm reading...but I'm worried /vn/ will be mean and spoil it.
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i always pick games that are hard to blog. I'm currently playing through Tears to Tiara 2 and there currently hasn't been a lot going on other than Hamil losing his shit and battles.
I'll protect you from the mean bullies anon, don't you worry.
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>openly affectionate and assertive childhood friend cum sex friend
>still destined to get cucked by a dog
>hag route
Yeah that sounds pretty boring. Might be worth reading for any extra Sora H though.
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women only want one thing
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where can you get a pink cage brat?
We don't spoil here
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I just like making lewd faces and moans for anons while helping them cum and relieve stress, it's not l-like I want to ERP or anything
Saber is King Arthur
>game has a normal human heroine
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It's a kusoge because right is a routelet, not because of that
stop lusting after children.
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you should put the ntr rape scene from Princess Britannia or the ntr rape scene from oubachi in the bottom-left slot, it undermines the point to use a vn targeted at men.
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What if I'm a dude and into getting caged and choked?
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The pink has arrived. Will this be a sign of good things to come or...?
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how did she wipe in the mountains
>the plot is ordinary high school students are living their lives when during the night for a short period of time they get teleported to another world filled with monsters trying to kill them
persona 3 has done so much for culture, so many chuunige use this exact setting
die die die kys jopoid >>>/jp/
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Pinkbros, we eating good tonight..
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Rape is not good
The pink raped me, your honor.
white women
Leaves. Have you never been camping?
why would I leave my comfy apartment to get raped by a bear?
live jopchad >>>/vg/vn
I didn't know this one was made by Urohack. That explains the writing desu
I've read the og only and never give the remake a try as I don't consider it that remarkable apart from the porn
female fantasy, women LOVE being raped by bears
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>NTR against MC bad
>NTR against heroine good
Why are moege like this?
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>mfw I remember Baldur's Gate 3
something something lock, key
because if you want mc to be ntr'd that's a different genre

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