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Previous: >>494674552

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Right looks better
One day and another day
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So there's no way they don't change her face after they fixed Burnice's chin, right?
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she would make an excellent wife
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We love sexy teenagers here.
What's the difference?
You fuckers turned me from ironically liking mibibi's wide face to unironically liking it.
Post how she looks in-game. I need to see how it really is.
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Jane's engine sounds kinda busted but I don't have enough rolls for this shit
What do I do bros?
It's a trap.
It's like less than 10% better than lips
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Just spend money to get it.
Save up for a rerun
Wait for the rerun.
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>Building Seth when the King is coming in 7 days
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rolling for Seth side grade???
i will only pull for characters with animal ears or lolis
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counting the days when Bricksar is confirmed
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I don't even have Seth
I want to cum in between her eyes
I love every girl here, and I support every man here
This is the broest general, we're all cool as shit.
We drink beer and we fuck lolis
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Come back.
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>imagine the earjobs
i like her blue coat and her breasts
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Billy is READY for the next rotation of SHIYU DEFENSE!
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putting some builds together
can't be bothered to do the rest
but template for whoever wants it
Jane's big ass banner is saving the game
anon said TOURDEINFERNO is no longer active
Wise is for Caesar
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How do I unlock this scene?
cumming again to FAT RAT ASS
I'm Wise
What am I even looking at here.
shut up criminal
what the fuck is this bro.
holy shit this is the most unreadable pile of garbage I've ever seen
limited event, you had to finish Ch3 opening weekend
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We lost
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anon care to explain what I am seing?
based wuwabro
can someone translate
top is the character
bottom two are his build

for example
koleda + ben + s11
BUT, you could also do
koleda + lucy + s11

*the ben + piper doesn't belong i just noticed
The columns could use some work bro it looks pretty bad.
Maybe try character on the left and then list their ideal teams on the right.
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never build again nigger, worst formatting I've ever seen in my fucking life FUCK
in fact stay away from paint, photoshop, or any other software
jesus fucking christ I just get so ANGRY looking at that image FUCK
reach secret trust rank with belle/wise
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filtered by reading comprehension
not my problem
who's the most evil zzz?
Has anyone gotten 6 lives in Soul Hounds
It's ok anon try again don't listen to the haters. It's good feedback to try to improve on what you were trying.
it's... over
I can't get the timing for soldier 11............
soldier 11 has probably committed the most warcrimes
so who is this canonically anyway?
why did she fight herself
its like 30% better than lips
anyone saying its only 10% better isnt factoring in the anomaly buildup
that's all their is too it bro...
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Well clearly it is your problem, it's your dogshit build format
I can’t wait to corner Perlman at his private Outer Ring golf club
I refuse to believe people play this on their phone
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>not Anby
I wish they made a standard color version of this

the pose is pure sex
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I knew this game would be the shipchad game
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literally everyone in this thread BUT me are wrong
I do my dailies on my phone and then do HZ/NH on my phone later
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>tap tap tap pause tap
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eous is the most evil zzz
Post dumb things your favorite agent might say.
>"What do you mean the bed is too messy? Just think of all the snack bar wrappers as flower petals."
Who will be our bennett?
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ellen is dead...
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can someone post the koleda pic where someone says "omg its the president"
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Do it like this
Which operator is best for ryonamaxxing?
>anby demara waiting for her next papakatsu client
super armor on players is fine. superarmor on mobs is not. But then the games also make mobs to combos 50 hits long, track you across the moon, delay attacks that fuck up iframes if you aren't perfect 0.0005ms dodging, do 500x your damage and will 1 shot you, can grab you even if you dodge, have inifnite stamina compared to you...
yeah super armor is the worse.

> Might as well add the gate to check your atk stats and just give you 'you win prompt' and skip the entire thing altogether
Meanwhile the game requires you to have 90%crit and 500% crit damage to kill a boss with boated hp in 3 minutes or fuck you.
very cool game design.
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>Hold hands? But what if I get pregnant?
eating in bed is subhuman
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This bratty cat is just asking for correction
>Meanwhile the game requires you to have 90%crit and 500% crit damage to kill a boss with boated hp in 3 minutes or fuck you.
billy, a fucking 4*, can clear hardest content in this game in 25 seconds
20 of which are building up ultimate energy.
these comps will carry me until the idols drop
when is drip marketing for the next characters?
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it's already here bwo
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She loves flames, and I love her!
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you'll have to catch her first
Everyone in this game is such a sex demon, I swear.
don't you think wise is a dick
he's the older sibling and he's making belle live a life of crime
since we're going to be able to play in the overworld with agents, does that mean we'll get selfie mode for them too?
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>implying she doesn't find him doing whatever it takes for her sake to be incredibly hot
>billy, a fucking 4*, can clear hardest content in this game in 25 seconds
you fucking dumbass.
Billy needs fucking perfect substats maxing out crit%, crit damage and atk% to clear that fast.
How fucking stupid can you be?
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We dont know, could any day between now and the 22nd.
I'm actually eating a burger rn while I listen to this
are you guys using your batteries?
I'm kinda feeling the urge to spend them farming discs but feels kinda like a waste
elfaria sexo
Wise barely has a personality compared to Belle.
Yeah keep telling yourself that for self inserting as a girl in a video game.
If you have a future unit where you can't prefarm for now like caesar and burnice is good to save up then
i am
there's an upcoming event that's gonna double the materials you can grind
we don't know if it's gonna be capped
but you might get a x2 payout, so hold for now
If you want Caesar/Burnice then save them to farm up the new discs and talent items since you can't pre-farm them atm.
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Might be part of the reason why it's taking so long.
The perfect-perfect implementation of overworld agents would be
>walking animations
>unique prompts when interacting with objects
>unique dialogue lines
Jane is an example of all of that, sans the ability to use the camera.
Selfies will require making additional poses for all agents but it shouldn't be THAT hard and it can be reused.
Jane had unique lines and dialogues (and a single fuck-up) but that's actually A LOT of work - and the further the game goes, the more overhead will it add to literally every single addition to the game.
Running animation is reused between the combat mode and overworld mode with Jane being the example.

If anything, I expect all agents to have walking animations, I think selfies are totally doable, but unique overworld dialogues similar to what Jane had are extremely unlikely. Maybe we'll get something like Belle/Wise/generic-agent dialogues - that'd be good enough for me.
It's 100% going to be capped bwo
The fucking double events we have already are capped.
Alright bros. Who do I bring with Caesar and Qingyi(DPS)? Corin? Seth? Or say fuck it with QY's team bonus and run Soukaku for that extra 400 attack?
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How do you get from lvl 40 to 50? No quest and only 3k exp a day with batteries
I used up all my batteries to get to IK50, now I'm saving them up to farm discs for Caesar and Burnice
cute photo
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says who
With this stupid ahh team? Just go fuck it and use lucy.
Maybe a dumb question, but do gachas/ZZZ have any sort of hidden system to increase/decrease luck on pulls based on money spent? Enjoying this game and have the income to throw some cash at it but also dont want to actually brick an account if they do something like lower odds of successfully pulling so you spend more money.
i don't know how star rail handles it but genshin stopped doing uncapped event grinds like that 3 years ago
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That's the best part; you don't.
I have every commission done and every HIA coin and medal and I just barely made it to level 43
nah, mihoyo isn't nexon
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Th cutie is 100% for (You) btw
>confirmed that m6 lucy is a brick with burnice
Bros who do i run with burnice and piper now?
Disregard my other comment, I thought I was being a dick.
Play who you want, we are siblings after all and i love you
jstern25 is our king here
I think that's unlikely for Hoyo, since if it was leaked/discovered it would be catastrophic
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In theory no, as that would be illegal at least in Japan and Korea. There have been a few games like Dragon Ball that had account seeds to encourage players to spend more money but they were forced to revert that when it came to light. People have been playing Hoyo games for a long time though and been comparing pull rates and so far nobody has found them engaging in any sort of fuckery like that. The odds seem pretty legit.
Nah you are right. Fuck Wise.
C6 Lucy is still GOAT with Piper.
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Hope this is a decent alternative to the "EL GATO" post I made
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>Doesnt know about Jane Seth Caesar
Some people suspect it but I doubt it's actually a thing because any company getting caught pulling this shit would get in trouble
In the end, it just comes down to luck, before pity was a thing in gacha you had F2P players getting what they wanted in only a few pulls and others that burned thousand of dollars not getting what they want
Sorry bro Lucy is going to be with Burnice Piper on the other team.
Also what's stupid about this team? Caesar QY is already a billion impact and 150% damage boost from stun I just want someone who can complement the two
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Genderbent Max Verstappen
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Ave, true to Caesar
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To my understanding, not even data miners are able to see the actual pull rates. All we know is that it can't be lower than .066% and that it goes up when you get to around 74 pulls (soft pity).
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Ave, true to Caesar
Even though m6 lucy can greatly weaken the damage of the burn/disorders in that comp?
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Lucy still works with Piper
What happened is that running Lucy Burnice Jane is bricked, but Lucy Burnice Piper is still fire
its goon time
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>banter with Zhu
>trust increased
Finally, an adult!
They serve completely different purposes tho....
Our wife Zhu
How do you survive withering garden boss. She flies up a bit and starts zapping the ground and it kills the active unit. I see nothing to hide behind.
Yes, because the bonus damage from her multiple piggy drops on Piper's EX more than makes up for it. The bigger problem comp would be Jane/Lucy/Burnice in which case Lucy would be a brick.
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Lucy's C6 is purpose-built for Piper.
Also, doesn't Burnice's EX last quite a while? I'd imagine it trigger Lucy's C6 a few times, am I wrong?
Would you guys be satisfied with updates like this?
1.3: Lighter and Pulchra Ranks S and the other furries would be Ranks A, continuation of the Outer Ring but kind of filler.
1.4 Yanagi and Miyabi Rank S and introducing Sector 6 into the story and having Miyabi's Hype.
1.5 Harumasa and Introduction to the OBOL Squad, ending the Sector 6 arc.
1.6 Complete the Rest of the Obol Squad and the first version of the game.
Oh, that’s interesting. How does the janky lucy m6 interaction affect jane more than piper? Does piper’s ex hitting so many times just outdamage the lost dps from the weaker burns/disorders or something?
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I'm using them together???
>this scene exist
>most of her lewd art will still be with Seth
How do we break this curse of hoyoshippers?
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Yes, that's it exactly. Each pig drop does a lot of damage and increases the duration of her Cheer On buff. You're getting like 7 pig drops during Piper's EX which more than makes up for the lower Burn Anomaly/Disorder. You only get one big with Jane so it's much worse on a Jane comp.
as soon as you see her flying up you can run away during the zapping
you can also dodge + counter it several times while it's zapping
I don't give a FUCK about WuWa until they make Cammy playable
they 100% do
its a multi billion dollar business, only idiots would believe that mihoyo runs a random rng roll to see if you hit 0.6% chance
every time you roll, multiple algorithms fire off to determine if giving you a thing now will mean more spending or not. its too stupidly easy to frame this as 0.6% chance
What makes this more of a coomer game than GI or HSR? I've never played either.
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I hope I'll win the 50/50 on her and her sig so I can get Burnice too
Give up, they don't actually play the game so they will never know about any of this
I hope you are looking forward to coop /zzz/ because this is the guy who's going to be in your lobbies!
anal with this rat
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Piper's EX drops 6 pigs / 8 if you have C6
The team just has a way higher uptime on pig drops which is really good when it makes Lucy's buff infinite and also does pretty good DPS, you get approximately an entire Lucy ultimate every single Piper EX
Jane can only drop a single pig with her EX
Burnice's EX still triggers pig drops yeah, but it no long does EX skill hits while she's off-field because of the nerf. So the uptime is gonna be a lot worse
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>what do you consider maxed out? 11/12?
>it makes no sense to do so on all skills for most agents
I'm going to do it anyways.
>hope you are not wasting your resources on bangboos
I am.
Just ignore that shit and enjoy yourself.
Honestly are there any more ecelebs to watch for ZZZ anymore? Sweetily rarely makes videos on ZZZ now, and I can't remember the channel name of that nip guy who does disorder videos.
filtered by co-op
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ZZZero content creators left
As someone that works for a sports book and has worked with casinos and slots, I don’t think hoyo utilizes this tech. It’s pretty clear their monetization is more breakpoint oriented than customer profiling (which is what you’re describing and what slots do). I think it would be dumb for them to adopt this technology too, since the reason it works with gambling is you can fluidly change payouts. IE you can profile a player as being likely to spend more if given incremental payouts. Doesn’t really work with gacha. For it to work a dupe or A rank would need to refund like 10x what it does in hoyo gacha
show me your progress anbygods
Probably yes, would much rather have Mors or Bellum be S because I give 0 shits about Pulchra and i'd rather shitmasa be before Miyabi so I could save more rolls for her
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CUTE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Imagine a world with no ZZZ CC's
jstern25 is all I need
Cuckshit game
All we need is our lord, Jstern
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even though im already guaranteed
I actually don’t think so. You are right gacha is a huge industry but so are ranked games and gambling, where everyone knows for a fact that shit is rigged.
Truly the BAkiller. Comiket dominance soon.
Only bought BP and I'm doing fine. Got rat and her Sig and plan to roll on burnice since I lost my 5050 to knot
Yeah that guy fucks, he's really handsome and smart
I say we need even more character shipping to further minbreak pags like >>494706824
Actually it's because that they're a multi-billion company that they won't do that shit because that's how you get industry regulators on you when you don't really have to do shit to get people spending money.
qingyi would suffer without her crowd control
do you like jstern25?
Good, they're cancer for games.
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>finished Jane's story quest
>impulse roll on her banner
>six green Anbys and an orange Anby
Do you get extra shop currency or something from dupes of cinema-maxed characters?
he's mi idolo
I got another copy of Jane Doe, I choose to believe this means its not rigged.
i have c6 piper with 5* weapon
maybe i should start building her
I prefer we jump straight to Section 6 so we get every characters from the launch trailer, get filler patches to round up the existing factions, end the first version on OBOL Squad and the conclusion of Perlman's arc so we get back to comfy SoL at the start of 2.0 to introduce the idol faction.
>Do you get extra shop currency or something from dupes of cinema-maxed characters?
enough for 1 pull
where is the nicole thread at
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>comiket dominance soon
>the only zzz content in this summer's comiket was a fucking picture on two pillars in 1 exhibition hall
>the official hoyoverse booth had ZERO (0) mention of zzz
>they featured mc from some random homo game instead as the hoyo trio alongside genshin and star rail
Corin knows about sex
People who say "pag" are themselves SEAmonkeys
Corin knows about rape
My Anby looks a little different, she won't stop talking about hot water
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lucky bastard
mind you I'm a white Brazilian
Is section 6 like division 4 in chainsaw man
what is she doin
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pic related were the hoyo headliners
dont even know who the fuck the homo in the middle is but clearly had more priority than zzz
I want to fuck March
corpos dont get much space iirc
it's up to the nip fans to create stuff for zzz but BA/Uma/Fate/vtubers swallowed up a lot of circles
i took my daily quetiapine
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I did it, better not leave it for last day again
>just rolled koleda
>do a lot of perfect dodge attacks which links into the 3rd and 4th hit basic attack
>enemies keep hitting me the moment the invuln from the 4-hit combo finisher ends and before i can ex-invuln
any tips on how you play her? it might just be those enemies having weird attack timings (the human mini-bosses with the double guns, astronaut helmets and stunsticks)
LMAOOOOOOOO imagine wasting an entire week rerolling only to be cucked
it’s like sector seven from the live action transformers
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So what's the lore behind our staff member we see for the first time working at Richard's Teamilk?
Bwo you're doing something wrong, Zhu should not take 3 minutes on that side.
I have never seen this "staff member",
Removing Lucy from Caesars banner removed 50% of the people rolling
You want to hit her EX special on the second or fourth hit of her BA string for big dick daze application. They teach you to do this in her tutorial. Best way to play her is as a parry stunner. Parry, followup then hit EX on the 2nd hit
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Koleda's enhanced basic attack thing is kind of a bait
You dont really want to use it that often against enemies that move a lot because of how slow it is yeah.
She works best as an off-field stunner in that scenario, you come in to parry, drop an EX that does 10 million daze and then you parry back out to an on-field DPS instead of trying for a basic string. This also works really well with Piper becuase of her heavy parry.

Against a slow guy like the robots then you can go for enhanced basics.
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Is coco a virgin?
I did let Anby die...
the TRVE LVCY enjoyers already maxed her sweetie
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doujin circles are located in a different area, corporate booths get their own hall
this was hoyoverse organized booth and took up the largest chunk of real estate in the hall
comiket was 1 month post zzz release so plenty of time to squeeze it in. they could have easily prearranged to have zzz showcased there but chose not to
she was, but me and her have been in a respectful healthy relationship for a while, and we each wanted to go a little further
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Well that's not actually strictly true
Doing an EX after 2nd or 4th hit just speeds up the animation, it doesnt do extra daze unless you have her C1.
If the enemy is spazzing at you you can just rip a raw EX for the I-frames and it'll do plenty of daze
piper is too slow
>Qingyi Zhu Nicole
>fun, snappy, responsive gameplay
>Anby Zhu Nicole
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No (because of me)
uh wisefags??? I thought she was for (You)?
Belle wins again.
She's more used with damage dealers who want a lot of field time since unlike the other stunners you don't really use Koleda on field for long. Swap her in with a Parry assist (her parry has the highest daze of any of the tanks), throw out a 2 hit combo into EX, maybe dodge/counter an attack and then swap her back off field. If you're planning to use her on field, then focus more on her Dodge counter, as that has a pretty high Daze%.
the 4th-hit kept frame trapping me in shiyu so i just use her ex and parry to build daze
This nigga plays Koleda
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she's so cool...
>Why is rank S electric stunner better than rank A electric stunner?
>we got J*ne instead of Coco as a playable agent
Youre right. I have her C1. I have that style ingrained in my brain and forgot that was a C1 feature. Still, everything else I said was accurate. She works best as an off field parry stunner with an EX that still hits hard
She has to act tsundere because she's actually interested in Wise, while she just sees Belle as one of her galpals
This is tsunderes 101 here
Coco is going to be an idol.
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and hot!
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>he's self-replying because no one took his shark bait
Why did Hoyo make Anby the face of the game instead of Billy?
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At least it's a refund but it won't be enough to get me the last 20 or so rolls to get her.
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I'm still rolling because I'm 100% skipping Burnice and probably every other banner until Miyabi.
I'd be too bored not having any new characters at all so may as well make my concessions now.
Nice cope.
Wise has the worst conversation differences so far between the siblings.
Everyone knows Ben is the actual face of the game
She's inevitably gonna get an S rank version during the obol story.
Burnices banner is really good. Piper and Lucy are excellent
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Version 2.0
>girl gets the ick when a guy acts girly
Looks like tokyo game show
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Any based individuals here play Ben and Koleda on the same team?
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shark waif
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>another 7 whole days of this redditfaggot banner
Wait, I'll be able to walk around as Belle after the free roam patch? so theres literally no more disadvantages for picking Wise?
Your account is going to be unbricked soon. Congrats.
Just got to her appearance in the story and she's pretty charming. This game is really good at making teams of characters who play off each other well.
>so theres literally no more disadvantages for picking Wise
you still have to watch him cuck you during hangouts
I’ve never been slapped by a bangboo before!
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It aint much but its honest work
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Now what.
>Ether and Ice resistant enemies starting to pop up on Shiyu
oh no no no
Don't spend money. Zenless will see that you're a whale and decrease your luck so you spend more money. I got double 5 star on zhu yuan banner but when I spend money I went to pity on Qingyi
rest easy, gamer
how long is the golden week event if i start it today
Ain't no way breh. Lighter and Pulchra can't carry a patch.The game can't afford another filler patch this early.
Sorry but we gotta move along with features and story some more before low relevance furries can be added.
AC and PF having only realistically 2 battles you have to finish is so fucking worthless.
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Won't be a problem until both sides of s17 resist one of the two.
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I was thinking about this too since I needed 250 rolls to get Qingyi+wengine but then I got rat+wengine in 30 pulls.
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Start by not coming here ever again.
>Pulchra can't carry
according to who? Lycaon's trailer is by far the most viewed video on the ZZZ channel
Anon they already made back their investment 100x over. They don't care about maximising profits, it's not the point of zzz.
If you just want safe shit guaranteed to pull in normalfags just put it in hsr what's the fucking point of having another series to experiment on?
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nice man. Hoping i can shave some time off after leveling my team
I like playing as a Persona protag, but not having access to Belle selfies was really cringe
Retard, if you think like that even Belle is bad
hmm htrgxister... this is not your average janexseth pick....
Who else is getting Xilonen?
wait till they start adding double resistant enemies
Might as well. Will probably go for her pyro archon and capitano since I have 160 pulls since I went all out on arlecchino banner
Best of luck. Team isnt meta at all but its very fun and works with enough effort.
>pulling xilonen over kinich
I roll
>cock and balls
I skip
Shrimple as
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I need advice on Seth build for Discs and Mainstats in partition 4,5,6.
There are a few youtubers which give weird advice, like first they tell me to not use Thunder Metal, but then they go ahead and recommend Electric Damage% on partition 5.
Fucking hell.
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here's this week's defense
very easy, except i have no ether for the last one
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My ZY/QY/Nicole deletes anything in half the time but is so boring to play. I always come back to these guys
Yet you rolled for Furina.
>floor with black bomber guy and black mech

which one am I supposed to go after first bros
Depends on what you want.
Want more support? Energy Regen.
What him to daze faster? Impact.
Want to use him as an attacker for whatever stupid reason? Still impact.
Rest is very simple. Using him for anomaly? AP 4th set. Otherwise, atk %
5th set is always atk%.
I say fuck the bomber guy, he's gonna constantly pepper you with ranged attacks, and they're gonna catch you off-guard eventually.
Furina = Focalors physically
and Focalors is peak sexo
it's not gay if the penis is feminine
>furina = furina
Ellen? for Wise
Zhu? for Wise
Jane? for Wise
I always go for the ranged cucks, either the bomber guy, gun thug, or flamethrower robot. The other one will not leave you alone and get hit anyways
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They fixed Burnice in a week. They'll totally fix Miyabi by the time she gets released...right?
He wants Attack most because it scales his shield. Otherwise he can be a decent sub stunner, or if you have at least M2 Seth you can put anomaly on him and he'll generally be able to apply shocks with two of his multi hit combos which you can then disorder off of
Is there really any doubt?
What's there to fix?
She's perfect.
No doubt about it at this point. There are a lot of memes about Miyabi and they have a lot of time until she drops
Wise? for Belle
I joined a white supremacy gang
>ether weak
Yeah Im thinking its sub 30 second ZY clear time
>they actually fix characters in ZZZ
Oh no... I'm playing the wrong game...
>ears with no tail
Bricked on a genetic level
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Wemember, no mattew how hawd fings get, you must nevah give up! Ebery step you take, no mattew how smol, is a step towawds youw dweams.

When you feew wike giving up, wemember why you stawted. You awe stwong, bwave, and capabew of amazing fings!

Ebery wainy day will bwing a wainbow, and ebery stwuggwe will make you stwonger. So keep going, keep twying, and keep bewieving in youwself!

You awe a wittle staw, and youw wight can shine bwight no mattew what!

Keep shining, widdle staw!
same but all with belle (wise included)
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Best team. I didn't want Baldnice anyways.
I love BWC
(Belle, Wise, Corin)
shut up wuwajeets, gigkeks and hsrtroons
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Alarmingly based teams, I kneel antongod
Zhu Yuan ruined my bedsheets.
>if you think like that even Belle is bad
girls cant cuck men
We also fix characters in Genshin though? The online community has expressed their disdain over Rosaria's unrealistic breasts, just like you did with Burnice, and we fixed it. Are you not entertained?
Honestly I'm hoping they give the other 2 from her faction new outfits instead
Did you fix it?
I am not interested in any ship except Wise x Belle unprotected sex + handholding + creampie while Fairy watches
When will they fix mualani to be more tanned?
Belle x Wise x Eous
I thought Wise and Belle were a married couple
>Finished Abyss reset
>Finished Shiyu reset
>Finished Apocalyptic Shadow reset
>Completed my TCG ladder
Now what.
They have too much sex for a married couple.
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first thought was master duel hmm
weekly reset soon
play concord
Incestpags are boring we know
Why is the thought of cucking Ellen so appealing...
True, Belle x Wise x Jane is better
Clear all the wordslop quests
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>SD reset was less than an hour ago
>Already S cleared every stages
Damn they really need to crank up the difficulty in 1.2
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the perfect woman
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Do you agree?
no they don't
you can't meaningfully improve number treadmills with difficulty
what they need is more of the maximum-KOs type, but level scaled
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id take Belle x Wise x Jane x Seth then maybe occasional bi shit
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Damn. Looks like he can be build into all sorts of directions.
I'm going to have to think about this. a little bit.

By the way, his shield calculation, is it simply
3000 / 0,8 = 3750 ??
It would be crazy if true, because it's super difficult to scale ATK to 3700...

But the thought of providing his team with 3000 free HP is actually insanely alluring. That would make them almost invincible.
1.2 will switch from timegating to deathgating so it's going to be even easier.
Posting Asmongold should be bannable
You're a faggot for posting CC shit
But yes the west has fallen because they don't know how to make fun games, regardless of their stupid woke shit
Jstern25 is better
its a gacha go play meme souls
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>the west has fallen
>A reaction to a reaction
The west has fallen but it's not videogames that's the problem.
Whatchu farming?
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The siblings share everything
fellow zzz gods...
>hsrg bitching that endgame is too easy
>zzzg bitching that endgame is too easy
>gig complaing that imaginarium theatre is too hard
Guess we know which game attracts the real gamers.
>Want more support? Energy Regen.
I'm probably going to dodge the 4 piece of swing Jazz, since sometimes it can be fun to Have Lucy in the group, and then a double 4 piece Swing Jazz would conflict with each other.

>What him to daze faster? Impact.
Are you recommending 4 disc or 2 disc of Shockstar?
I'm gonna need more disc platings for all the discs I'm gonna farm next patch for Ceaser.
Might farm a few more Shockstar Discos, though, can't have enough daze.
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great timing, i'm trying to get better fanged discs for neko and piper then plating agents for the new sets for caesar and burnice
2 disks for hybrid switchout buffer, 4 disk if you're using him as a frontline stunner.
those retards unironically defended nerfing grass damage
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Is this game actually okay on phone?

I started on PC and am lvl 45 so far. This does NOT seem like a phone game. Way too good to waste on a phone.

Is it tolerable? Is it good? Is it legit af?
the only hard part about it is rolling and leveling characters you don't like to meet the visionary entry requirement
the actual gameplay is easier than abyss because the new buffs are absurd
I actually think it plays pretty well on phone. Like as well as an action game can anyway. Way less clunky than genshin for example.
I would not want to play it with touch controls but it might be alright if you had one of those fancy controllers.
Proccing assaults is so fucking annoying. Why isn't it popping on my last hit or heavy attacks, or better yet why are they constantly surviving at zero health refusing to die despite hitting them on the next starting basic attack. Fuck this inconsistent class i regret building anomaly.
We fucking LOST
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It's outstanding how fucking awful Genshin character designs have gotten. Not that they were anything amazing early on, but... Christ.
It's the hidden law that no corpos get the big space, xaar. Ever been outside of India before?
I did play it on phone for a while, and it really only gets tiring if you play in an awkward pose, like lying down.
I also have trouble switching and dodging because of the layout, but this is likely due to my huge sausage fingers, and I've never really played action games on my phone. Touchscreen really does suck though, and I'm tempted to get one of those controller extensions for phone sometime.
The quality and framerates seem alright? Fights are in small instanced areas anyway.
I still don't understand why he has a digimon.
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>He wants Attack most because it scales his shield. Otherwise he can be a decent sub stunner, or if you have at least M2 Seth you can put anomaly on him
Are you recommending a mix of all 3 directions like this?
Or should one of them be a 4 disc set?
it has a 3 second icd
you cant proc any anomalies faster than 1 every 3 seconds at most
>genshin gets Sasuke and Naruto on one character
>zzz can't go a week without one of their twitter VAs having a melty and getting fired
It's not fair...
Nah, this is is only if you want stats but not effects, just choose one path and go for it.
THe attack set is mostly worthless outside of being a statstick tho.
When are double disc drop happening?
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>twitter VAs
therein lies the problem
stop hiring these hoes
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I have giant hands so even with new big screen phones my hands are fucky after 10 minutes of actually trying gameplay.

Gorilla mobile when?? (I know there's like 10 of us at best)
>zzz can't go a week without one of their twitter VAs having a melty and getting fired
When did that happen?
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Yeah I don't need Caesar.
Do I get the bp ball for ceasar if I don't wanna roll her sig?
We're getting one in two/three days for this patch >>494712789
We don't know when the one for the next patch will happen yet.
If you already buy it sure, If your buying it just for that, just use a stun one. None of the defense engines have particularly good effects so just the impact % on stun is probably best outside of hers.
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I'm giving you a night call

idk how to feel about this... the trailer presentation was pretty good, the voice actors are kino. Just feels out of place to me cause i'm not a minecraft zoomer on galaxy gas.
but that va was also a genshin va
I can either get the asswipe support ball for lucy to graduate her from the 3 star or get it for a ceasar I'm not even guaranteed for kek
Grats on your four rolls for whoever you are rolling for
>the only cool hoyo male released in recent history
How does he do it?
Wuwa won
Why he says COCA?
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>lucy not good in jane+burnice team
What? Who the hell are we supposed to use then?
>>lucy not good in jane+burnice team
wait why is she not good again?
>1 hour
What happened?
Don't feed the xaar
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Construction robots are gigashit as enemies. They are almost literally are damage sponges with built in reaction speed check. They are just there for you to soak your damage in.
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I regret skipping qingyi
They really are boring enemies with laughably inflated HP pools. Maybe they'll go away as patches add more boss type enemies.
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Okay so...

I want Caeser #1 and Burnice #2.

Does this mean I need a shitton of chroms here or what?
Wait, this nigga is speaking Japanese on the English channel? They never do this what the fuck happened?
Better them than that time wasting nigger thanatos
>stuns with Anby in two rotations
>deletes with Zhu
Is ZY > Ellen as a dps?
Skipping qingyi is the biggest brick of all time

Lyacon was considered broken with his 35% stun damage multiplier boost at launch. Qingyi has a whopping E I G H T Y percent. She's absurdly broken and any stunner that doesn't have at least that much of a multiplier from this point on is automatically obsolete.
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She's an electric vibrator in my pocket.

I know it's not meta but I run Zhu and Qingyi in my team all day err-day. Can't stop this story drip from continuing!
ZY isn't > Ellen.
She's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ellen. Not kidding
In ideal circumstances, yes.
Ellen is more versatile though.
What's Seth's best disc 6?
english va strike
>Eng VAs strike
>all Eng voiceover dropped permanently, nip or disgusting chink noises only
the good ending
Wuwa really is dead in Japan huh?
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Zhu is so much better don't you dare say the lesser whore's name in the same sentence.
At least I can have some engagement out of him and he's easy to stun on top of that. Construction robots just stand there with their ginormous stun bars and... that's it. They just stand there.
Entitled niggers, what are they complaining about? Let this be a lesson not to hire ((union)) workers
unless you're a luckGOD then yeah
this game doesn't hand out a lot of freebies
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>tfw I always protec her
>tfw she always protec me
that must be fake
>genshin and star rail fags coming here to talk about their game despite having their own generals
>this is also going to happen to my main general when its other game comes out
end me now
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i have no idea what im doing

But why wouldn't Lucy work though?
that shiyu 5 first half
Can't rape the willing
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>Pompey is probably the coolest man mihomo ever designed
>turn him into etheral boss the same fucking patch
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I can't help it. I needed to gamble for his ball. At least it only took 10 rolls (and even got another Anby ball)
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just mash buttons until they die
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how did we go from picrel to this
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Think this is the best I can do with this account. Neither my Seth or Lucy are m6 or close and I don't have rina and her ball. Luckyboo is 50. I also don't have the BP defence ball for Seth. If I had more than 420 ap on Jane I might be able to push a faster run.
No, its Ellen >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zhu to the point where its not even funny
I have 11 Anby balls now, it's madness.
>resonaboo in mono ice
Yes, the game heavily favors burst dps
The black hole is good CC. Resonaboo is one of the strongest bangboo for general usage.
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I just press the parry button when I see yellow flash.
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I look and act like this
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My condolences... I find excess dupe A-rank balls depressing because all they're good for is either giving it to another agent that benefits less from it, or you dismantle them for parts, which only crafts cope balls.
At least excess dupe A-rank agent dupes turn into a free 1-roll.
Gay sex with Koleda
is wuwa not bitching over ToA being stupid without 70/250+ crit?
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That was actually doable for me. I guess the Ceasar shilling Shiyu defense will be the rotation red one after the update.
this is a good soundpost
Bro she's a girl
tits or gtfo
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then perhaps the poster is a grill too...? ZZZisters?
>trying to group trash enemies
>resonaboo starts sucking one off in the corner
I hate that lil nigga sometimes
Who's the blonde dude?
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>bare femdroid back
my cocka, UH
Onslaught/Dodge/Shield got me through 11/11 on Jane/QY/Nicole
The Assault procs were huge too, ya love to see it
>blonde dude
she has massive cat tits are you blind
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this shit sucks
I hope these animals are not future playable characters. that black monkey one is not going to sell well
bro you get nicole for free
just switch to level 30 and clear it in ~45 seconds.
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Are you fully dodge countering with Qingyi?

that shouldn't be happening if you pull off a lot of Qingyi dodge counters.
where is your nicole
drop Chinky, slot Anby, drop Soukaku, Slot Nicole serius just slot nicole lol
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S11 is cuter than people give her credit for.
Bro....your nicole?
Koleda's budding breasts.
>>turn him into etheral boss the same fucking patch
A member of the triumvirate... to die in this sordid way
her neck says 00 is she aware?
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Grace (male)....
too bad she's the most punchable person ever when having a conversation with
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Soulless but it is what it is. Does late game content in hoyo games get harder than this? I've never tried the other 2 before
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when was the last rat based female character in a vidya?
What's the name of that song?
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arknights has plenty of rats
>hidden system to increase/decrease luck on pulls based on money spent
A couple games were caught back in the day for doing lowering rates once you passed certain spending thresholds. I don't remember anyone doing the opposite, and why would they? Whales aren't going to spend more money because you gave them what they wanted sooner, they're already pouring in too much money to care. But that was the early days of gacha with lots more scummy shit like needing to roll multiple units off rate up to unlock the super rate up unit. Or undisclosed rates that changed depending on a character's popularity. Japan cracked down on it well before gacha went international.
stop posting chinpochillas
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Jane Doe heheh
Chaos Beta
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nicole doesnt feel fun to play
too fat and slow
Ty friend.
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Her face is fine
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Nigga you just use her EX special for the debuff, it's like 3 seconds of playtime, thats it
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In HSR if you keep rolling the newest units not really, if you stick to the old characters than it becomes the most impossible content in the world.
Anby is cuter than Chinky, so I will use Anby.
As opposed to soukaku seriously?
Is lumi for ants?
I still will make DPS Nicole work I just need some more pieces of the puzzle
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>nicole is “slow”
>replace her with clunkaku
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Aw yeah I can't wait to spend a full day's worth of energy to get absolutely unusable garbage.
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>running Lucy Burnice Jane is bricked
What happened?
HSR > Genshin > ZZZ as of right now

ZZZ is too early to say which way it's gonna go in terms of difficulty
Yes but not by much. We are the 5%. The average player thinks this shit is hard, doesn't read or do builds, and doesn't engage with mechanics. One of my friends rolled jane before reading her kit or doing her trial. I don't think I've ever seen him do her spin
bro... the piece you're missing is a piece of your brain if you think Nicole can ever work as an on-field DPS
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>only 8 days left on Jane's banner
Holy shit that went by fast.
Got 35 rolls this banner with BP and monthlies, can probably push that up to 40 by next week. Averaging around 80 rolls a patch seems okayish for 20 bucks.
Not really, no.
How do I ask a girl for a bike ride?
burnices face looked fine in this screen too
but head on it looks off in the same way
Saar this is a gacha game
When Seth applies shield, how does this work?
-Does it only apply to 1 person?
-Does it apply to himself + 1 additional person?
-Does it apply to the whole squad?
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>calling petite woman """hebes"""
Just flash her a few hundred bucks and if she starts leading you to a private room you're in
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is it just me or does it look like Piper is letting out a nasty ethereal fart here?
>Roll every new meta unit
>Noooooooooo it's too easy
>Averaging around 80 rolls a patch seems okayish for 20 bucks
yeah just roll every new character
it applies to himself + 1 additional person
I want to fuck Lucy because she looks HEBEMAXX
I dont play genshin but star rail is easy firefly destroy the game
>I just need some more pieces of the puzzle
Yeah and those pieces are called 'pray the devs make a 5* Nicole that's DPS'
You end the chain attack on Nicole, press EX then swap to Zhu Yuan. That's it, thats her job. 90% of field time should be on Qingyi.

I get around 3 minutes on all the Notorious Hunts this way, maybe 2.5 depending on how retarded I'm being.
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Augment your S11 11x fold with one simple trick!
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removing the goggles would go a long way
Ah, that explain why Anons recommend Anomaly proficiency for Seth.

His shield gives him a pretty decent base for AP.
Freedom Blues gives him another chunk.
And his substats the rest.
genshin endgame is 10x harder than shiyu but still easy. There is no equivalent to 30 second solo billy clears in genshin
why did they even nerf her
>wake up exactly at reset
>do everything (HZ/Weeklies/Energy/Shiyu/Event)
>nothing to do for 10 fucking days until 1.2 comes
>Complaining about rolling for characters
>In a gacha game.
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I need more low quality kot images. They always make me chuckle.
theres no 30 second solo billy clears in zzz either
>there are people who married this brown creatura
Your apocalyptic shadow clear?
You called?
>using a character he doesn't care about otherwise because he can't clear the game with it
You can clear everything with 4 stars
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I don't know for how much longer I can keep playing this terrible game.
Jiaoqiu and Aventurine carried their patches thougheverbeit?
The club's service is awesome. They even serve breakfast!
It's just an easy girl collector Anon. don't burn yourself out and it will be more enjoyable in the long run.
What does she say on those dodge counters, it's like ばいがいしよ or something
Hyperbole but you know what I meant. No one is doing 36 star solo amber clears in genshin
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I love coffe
Nobody cares, post AS.
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The pantyhose + pants is sexier, desu. They just need to shorten her skirt so that we can appreciate it in game. She doesn't flip or toss her dress around like Anby and Rina do.
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why do zoomies keep playing and talking about games they don't like? Is it all the estrogen in the drinking water bricking their brains?
sheesh when are they adding an S rank male so I can save
>retards not recognizing animeposter
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Cutekaku is Strongkaku!
Nicole is infinitely better for Zhu, though
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yeah all gacha veterans should be used to and praise powercreep!
Nicole is so strong, actually I can already make it work I guess
Nekomata feels indian despite the jap name
>anby, sokaku, ellen
>Caesar, Lucy, s11
Is that good for my 2 teams?
>you shouldn't drink too much coffee
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Same reason as these two; because we can't have anything nice.
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This you?
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Given that Soukaku used to be of Wind element, there's a possibility that mibibi will also change her element.
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I love him...
stop ban evading bro
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>We are the 5%
here's to all the 5 percenter bros out there
I ran some tests and, for those who care, the Original Transmorpher is a decent cope engine for Caesar.
The buff is combat Impact, meaning it buffs based on total Impact rather than base like the raw stat would.
I think that Genshin Impact would be the game for you
removing an element in cbt is completely different from adding an element months after release
Given that many agents do physical damage as well as their main damage type, there's no reason that we can't have a mixed elemental character.
>Fire/Ether Miyabi
yup, you got it
Lucy is 100% concentrated sex.
I really hope they don't blunder the Calydon patch, can't wait to see her in action.
why is nicole so god damn rapeable?
>replies to animu poster
I know is him, but Genshin Impact is literally the game for him
>Why is nicole so god damn dateable?
Nicole is a CHILD you SICKO
First thing I'll do is the trust events. I hope Lucy and Piper get good dynamic wallpapers.
Anon he fucking complains about GI in gig
And wuwa in wuwag
It's his fucking gimmick.
Right so are Piper and Qingyi.
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She's getting lots of art for a NPC. Do modern otaku men crave fur that much?
She'll fuck your brains out for Dennies.
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Look at this fucking face. She's tailor-made for instant loss.
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Is there a more complete database over this somewhere on the internet?

Or is it simply not that important?
I don't have a specific team comp in mind for Caesar, but I have the polys and section 6 is boring, so I might invest in her purely as a waifu pick.
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I drink 3 cups everyday out of spite.
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Ellen's skirt is way too short, it's really inappropriate
How good is Seth's engine?
I don't want her.
Easy skip.
Piper will 100% be on the driver seat of her truck, but what are some good poses for Lucy?
>leaning over her bike
>sitting royally on her pigs (I'm Bricky btw)
>Looking up to the camera, bat over her shoulders
Any other plausible ideas?
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not really that important since the stuff you get is always the lowgrade stuff. one VR run would be worth possibly weeks of that stuff.
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It's likely the exotic nature of it, like wanting to fuck an elf or a shortstack (that's not just a human midget with tits). Monster girls, goblins, orcs, giantesses, whatever. It's all just exotic fetishes for something more.
Cat-eared girls are pretty tame compared to full furry catgirl, but that's just semantics for some people.
Miyabi's 3D model is so bad it's legit a dealbreaker for me. Not just the distance between the eyes, they also made her face longer. All of this makes her much less cute than her art promises.
You know that the OP pic isn't her real in game model, right?
She will be fixed, they fixed Burnice
Zhu is perfection.
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wide is growing on me
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Routine cleanups are a fucking meme who the hell does them? The discs are always garbage you're better off tuning your own and get the plating shit at the hia
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It's pretty good, gives him ATK% for fatter shields and allows him to build up an assload of Shock. Then again, depending of many of his Cinema you own and what engines we get down the line, you could give him something more raw-offense oriented and build him as a sub-DPS.
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Yeah it's solid, I'd suggest replacing Anby with Caesar in your first team and replace Caesar with Piper in your 2nd team
jstern looks rough here
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Of course I know that. But look at it compared to her art in the OP. Longer face, wider-apart eyes. Reduces the moe significantly comparatively.
I hope so bro.
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Why does this game have no content
>you're better off tuning your own
Where do you suppose we're getting the tuners from retard.
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real in-game image
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Games are getting better and better. Same can't be said about youtubers view count though.
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<-Seth's M6
So if I give Seth 3750 ATK, this abilities multiplies it by 5 AND lands a guaranteed crit on top of it?

Sooooo, what I should really be using in Partition 4, 5, 6 is ATK% and ATK% and ATK%?
And for subsstats I should ignore Crit Rate and instead fish after Crit Damage and ATK%?
Ah that's basically what I'm doing with the soldier team already.
Not outstanding, IMO. tldr, it essentially buffs his OWN ability to proc shock as a whole, which if you use him correctly, he'll shit out some shock procs, and help proc disorder with his team passive if you have other elements on the team. I've been using him with Ellen, and even without an Anomaly agent on the team, I've been managing some disorders for extra damage, and this was BEFORE I got his ball.
Pic does not include said disorder, but this is how I've been using him.
Really, I'm just using him for the shield buff so that I can tank some damage, but his moveset is fun and anomaly proc damage is a bonus.
I did it bros. I used the selector to get my Rina to M1. Now the hag is useful.
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>make a semen demon
>Make her a brick
What did mihoyo mean by this?
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I havent disc farmed in months.
I havent touched that shit at all, it's a waste of stamina.

It's too RNG based.
I'd rather just lvl up all my units than do that shit.
why are her eyes so far apart.
And what are you going to do when you run out of master copies?
At max challenge level it shits out a minimum of two gold discs per run, and that's worth a lot if you're addicted to perfect disc grinding. Personally I just want the best main stat gold discs, and this is a good alternative to wasting all your tuners for discs.
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. . .
What now?
Agents give elemental materials. Rank S gives more than rank A.
Dennies income is mostly about having the correct genres and what level the tapes are. You get more if you open the shop right on reset because it's income over time, though IIRC it's capped at a certain amount.
Soldier 11's attack multiplier on her last attack is 805% when maxed.588% at level 9.
He basically got an extra attack slapped on top of his charge BA.
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Ellen, my beloved wife
you'll have to make do with the daily and event chromes. you're fucked if you dont have your favs already.
>Riding her bike down a dusty highway
>Other Calydon people and NPC cars pass by occasionally
ZZZ needs more s rank males I don't have enough to get caesar and burnice,
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cry because you still have to do weekly HZ to complete HZ weekly bounties and grind Z-merits for materials
They built the game stunner centric with future plans to make anomaly uber meta later down the line.
Selfish attackers are bricks and an instant skip.
>Finished Abyss reset
>Finished Apocalyptic Shadow
>Finished Shiyu defense
Why do these fucking games have ZERO content?
Nah it makes her look even more like an Anby clone.
Good. That's how I like it.
post your 100% natlan map and zenless achievement count
>How do we break this curse of hoyoshippers?
They're the enlightened ones, hoyo is the cursed insisting that jane only should want cunt.
>I want a game that is just infinite slop content!
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Contentless sisters what are you doing in game before 1.2? I forgot about the agent stories so I'm doing those
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>gobble up several hours worth of content every patch day
>clear all weekly content every monday
>ignore all of the various achievements available that you can't be bothered to do
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Achievements for the extra polys
She's a lewd girl
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Your lost ZZZfags, guess which game is still going strong?
You guys have a lot of time, I still need to do the agent story's (only did s11 and Neko) some interlude commission and chapter 3 commissions
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Does anyone know if Soldier 11's C6 does anything against enemies vulnerable to Fire?
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Slowly, painfully, excruciatingly making my way to IK 50. Currently 48...
I play other games, even though I have commissions that need doing but those aren't going anywhere.
I usually just run Withering Garden 0/11 for combat fun.
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Worst part about Zzz is that the community is shit.
None of you are fun to talk to.
Thanks, I only use him with Jane and since I got her ball early, pulling more just for a A rank ball feels kinda bad to be honest.
>/vg/roid pedestrian discovering the monster girl subculture for the first time
Who the heck is whale enough to have S11 C6.
>act like a bitch
>call everyone a stupid bitch
I fucking hate this bitch.
Actually nothing in game the past few days.
All this Caesar talk has lead me back to Total War.
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this >>494713264
still don't know what the last 3 yellow balls are for in chapter 3
Just play a f2p mmo.
Zhu's C4 and Brickomata's C1 have the same wording.
Maybe someone checked them?

Does C1 Brickomata deal more damage hitting Physically vulnerable enemies from behind?
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I have 242 achievements done already where's the real content
playing WuWa
That lewd fanart of Belle wearing a Bangboo outfit and getting railed from behind completely ruined me. I can't read the words "Bangboo" or "Eous" without that picture appearing in my head.
>not Belle getting railed inside an Eous mascot suit in the middle of Lumina Square
what's the fucking point?
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she had a scarf and bunny ears on and was completely naked otherwise
that shit barely qualifies as bangboo related
Already prefarmed Caesar and got most of Lucy and Piper's skills to max so now I'm farming random discs until Caesar gets in.
Then I'll be farming for the new disks for Caesar + meme off field DPS Lucy.
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It's probably the same one. Such a good scenario.
Wata wata...
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My blood related bangboo... I must breed her
If you have enough quests available to earn the rolls, I believe in you, anon!
that's nice and all, but i have only seen the construction bot yellow flash once in my run and the rest were all red fucking flashes
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ass !!!
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I don't like how Abyss + Shiyu + MOC all reset on the same day

That's too much content on the same day
>Unironically using Brickyi
I think I found your problem
You need to stay on the opposite side of the arm so it uses stomp attacks instead of the arm attacks.
they all have 2 week+ durations
can you not pace yourself?
I want Pulchra and Mors to come home yesterday. Please e quicker Hoyo
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>02 Koleda
>77 Ellen
>78 Ellen m1
>60 Grace
>76 Jane
When am I going to get lucky?
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Engines are never worth the investment.
The only reason to roll for a signature W-Engine is if you like the character and want them to do more damage.
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love my stretchy rat
>Engines are never worth the investment.
lol lmao
Playing Civ BE
I'll stretch her out alright
How long do I have to wait for that?
Been OOL. Did they say anything about increasing the weekly boss mats yet?
Stuck at 3 a week feels so ass
I highly doubt im going to be able to S this, shouldntve looked as an NA bro
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>rolling engines when you can't even see them on your character
>he doesnt know
weapon banners are a scam even if you can see them
Do 1-5 pulls on the W-Engine banner.
Did you get the W-Engine?
Then stop pulling.
Any more investment makes the Polychrome returns almost impossible to justify unless you're a shitter who literally cannot get a full Shiyu clear without the weapon.
Thus, the only reason to pull for someone's sig is for aesthetic and whether you like them enough.
Where can I see the LC on my HSR character?
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>rolling characters when you can't even seem them on your engine
Yeah, they said "fuck you".

Not to criticize others but I can't imagine being compelled to roll for a weapon. However, I look forward to the day I begin understanding.
Jelly belly pet rat gummi candi
I rolled for ellens engine because I love ellen.
I heard they were going to let you spend stamina on hunts in the future. did not confirm if thats in 1.2 or not, but I havent seen the release notes yet anyway
Do 1-5 pulls on Character banner.
Did you get the Character?
Then stop pulling.
Any more investment makes the Polychrome returns almost impossible to justify unless you're a shitter who literally cannot get a full Shiyu clear without the character.
Thus, the only reason to pull for character is for aesthetic and whether you like them enough.
I roll balls and never do Shiyu
The ass that will never get powercrept
bro your glowing hair?
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>roll engines
>get hair highlights
Pulchra waiting room

Got my Rrat and Seth, nothing new or interesting until Pulchra and Mors. At least I have Ellen to tide me over until then.
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Characters are different because characters offer novel gameplay.
Don't be retarded.
If your favorite character's hair doesn't shine when you use their EX skill your account is bricked.
lol stfu
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>roll lightcones
>literally nothing
Very true shorkbro
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Simply roll engines on reruns for your favorite characters that you want to make stronger. Not a hard concept.
>12 year old can't beat facts and logic
>"lol stfu"
>roll for a character
>you get their animations, voice lines, game play style, trust events, etc
>your account power increases since you now have more element and role options and team possibilities

>roll for a fucking ball with stats on it
>get a ball with stats on it
>vertical power increases, which is fucking useless since this game is piss easy
>rolling on engines for powercreeped agents
Is Jane good for Nineveth runs? I pair her with Seth and Lucy.
No they are not. You don't need to roll for any character. What the game gives you by default is more than enough. Videos of Billy and Corin clearing prove it.
Don't be retarded.
Nice work anon.
We haven't had a rerun yet but expect any characters to come back 6 months after their initial run
>roll for a character
>can see animations, voice lines, game play style, trust events, etc on youtube
>accouint power doens't matter as freebies can clear everything in game.

>roll for a fucking ball with stats on it
>get a ball with stats and unique abilties only certain characters can use.
>vertical power increeases which is how the overwhelming majority of games has ever worked.
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You roll for characters because you want the extra gameplay they give you.
It's just that simple.
Rolling for balls is a joke because it's the same gameplay, just bigger numbers.
If you can't comprehend that, I'm not sure what to tell you, retard-kun.
>caring about power creep when free A ranks can clear s17 in about 2m total without whaling
>>can see animations, voice lines, game play style, trust events, etc on youtube
what a stupid fucking argument
just stop playing this game as a whole and watch someone else play on youtube
Only retards say "17".
ONLY retards.
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yes, imagine a run with 80 optimized resonias
The dumbest part is that they have animated the character light cones so that could be cool to have....
Except the animations are only on their YouTube shorts and not in the fucking game.
You roll for balls because you want the extra abilities.
It's that simple.
Rolling or characters is a joke because you have freebies with different gameplay already.
If you can't comprehend that, I'm not sure what to tell you, retard-kun.
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>You roll for balls because you want the extra abilities.
what extra abilities? it;s all just number stat increases.
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>80 optimized resonias
How do I even acquire this?
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anyways here's burnass
I'm tempted to roll a few on Caesar's weapon (scam) banner just for Piper's wengine but I really don't have the tapes to spare
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>can see animations, voice lines, game play style, trust events, etc on youtube
Absolute cuck mentality.

>accouint power doens't matter as freebies can clear everything in game.
>vertical power increeases which is how the overwhelming majority of games has ever worked.
So you're saying to roll for vertical power, but then you say account power doesn't matter?

>extra abilities

Just post with the anime avatar and "stupid bitch" line already.
reality is you don't need the extra characters. NOt only can you already view them in game and hear most of their voices lines just from the agent menu, they put out events allowing you to play with temp 55+ geared up characters.
just kill yourself as a whole
0/11 difficulty, go for all nodes with resoniums and save the set
>NOt only can you already view them in game and hear most of their voices lines just from the agent menu,
alright what if I want to play the character outside of training mode?
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>rolling characters and balls
>instead of sniping the UIDs from this thread and then logging into their account to complete the content before they can get to it
>too stupid to read descriptions
>select the get 20% more gear coins
>Cross your fingers you get the researcher guy event that gives you permanent 50% shop discount
>buy everything every time you come across a shop
absolutely devilish, but you forgot one thing;
I'm in your account RIGHT NOW.
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I love her
WE love her.
>you don't need to play the game, you can just listen to voice lines and watch their animations on youtube!
Is this video game cuckoldry?
baker slacking off
stop waiting for a new thread to post fags
>Absolute cuck mentality.
Love morons like you who have no idea what words even mean.
>So you're saying to roll for vertical power, but then you say account power doesn't matter?
You said vertical power doesn't matter. It does. It always has and always will. A character gets stronger with their sig. Always will.
You want to agure you don't need it cause the game is easy. I point out you don't need new characters cause game is easy with what you already have for free. You want to try to argue semantics but you are a fucking dumbass that has no idea how things work in reality.
>reddit spacing
That explains why you are so dumb.
last for burnice sex
>I point out you don't need new characters cause game is easy with what you already have for free
new characters give you new gameplay
weapon just make your characters stronger which is useless since you can clear shiyu with crap, and that's the hardest content in the game

it's like going to home depot and buying an expensive chainsaw to open a letter
A new character is new gameplay.
It's just that shrimple.
Ban is done lol
When you see it
see what
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Ave, TRVE to Caesar
File: 1726456373423984.png (37 KB, 592x208)
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>your lost
hello wuwajeet we know is you again

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