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May Post-TI shuffles begin

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Previous: >>494671238
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2025 schedule.

There are going to be 5 ESL, 3 BLAST, 3 PGL, 3-4 FISSURE, 2 ESB tournaments, Riyadh Masters and TI 2025. That's 18-19 big tournaments. The ESL, PGL and FISSURE are going to have one million prize pool each, the ESB will be around 900k, while BLAST didn't announce theirs yet. This is far more than the previous record (the 2018-2019 season), which had 10 big tournaments. It's interesting that this is the first ever cycle of BLAST tournaments for Dota; they've only done one small event several years ago.







And what's even more interesting is that the autumn 2025 - autumn 2026 season looks to be exact same, since its first half has already been announced.
I can watch endlessly on repeat so kino
Dota needs a major de-bloat. Should be icefrog's #1 priority for 7.4
the biggest hurdle dota has is all the new shit
i don't mind a bit of power creep and weird changes but i think valve didn't really think about the idea of people coming back after a few years
i'd want them to rotate shit in and out of the game instead of piling new stuff on top getting ever more complicated and weird
dota 2 classic.
what does that even mean
oh brother
Seasonal rotations are dumb, this isn't a Blizzard game. Solutions should be solid plans towards progress, not bandaids swapped around like hungry hungry hippo balls.
Yes, it did.

Shrines have been rotated out and so have multiple neutral items.
Just bring back Necrobook as a normal item.
>keep talents
>ditch innates
>keep neutrals
>keep shards
>ditch tormentor
>ditch xp rune
>return tome of knowledge
>ditch personal courier
>keep tp slot
>remove/rework a ton of items
facets are talents
icefrog here we're adding 2 regular item slots and 1 backpack slot and a boot slot
we're also going to bring back jungling
Keep one of them but not both
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I don't usually visit Dota generals, but several threads I've seen before TI and also the last one looked like they had multiple Riot employees posting propaganda.

For instance, this TI wasn't the least viewed one and was actually far above the TI of 2017 (escharts doesn't have data which goes even further back).

oh you dont know then
I need hoodwinks
Bloat is subjective. If chess gains more aspects while maintaining the old ones, it becomes chess+. On the other hand, if chess losses some aspects, it becomes checkers instead.
facts dont matter ok the game is dead huge patch new hero another new hero in game event? none of that matters the game is dead
Please just remodel the old ass heroes like CM, Morph, Ench and Mirana
Facets are fun, talents are fun, neutrals are whatever, agree with shards tormentor and xp rune forced objectives suck and dumbs down the game, personal courier is necessary when playing with animals but it should have a downtime so you can't just ship infinite regen and low cost items, tp slot is whatever I'm support so makes little difference, gleipnirs stats shouldn't be more than sum of parts and recipe should be 1k+
Aura items with activates need to be destroyed.
the problem is aurabloat everything is too tanky it’s why leshrac/necro/silencer are non heroes
That's weird, 2016-2017 is kind of seen as the golden age with peak players above 1 million for a year
I just seriously doubt those are Dota players at all.
>tank meta
>LS is useless because it's all shields
It's not weird. Dota became progressively associated with high stakes esports as the time went on and some Dota fans stopped playing, but not watching.
dk and cw were dying fine in gg vs liq
They need either worse passive or active effects, or they should feel like ass to waste. At some point I stopped thinking about the mana cost of my inventory entirely so maybe that's the issue. Are you going to pipe if it could cost you 2 burrowstrikes in the fight?
Why did this era of gaming peak at 2010-16
chink hat patch
devs learned that esports dont generate revenue
esports create community just like normal sports and people like having communities they belong to
sure, but how does that make money
A reminder that Deadlock general is the embassy of Dota 2 and that there is now a Dota TPS.
it doesn't unless it becomes more like normal sports
then why bring it up in response to
"esports dont make revenue"
Not everything has to be about earning more and more money, Shlomo.
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just remembered universal heroes are a thing in this stupid game now
your mothers love doesnt have a price attached to it
but we are talking about a AAA developed video game, if its not about money then there is nothing to develop for
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templar assassin in bondage when?
You got old. Kids these days don't care about strategy games and the nerds of old are no longer the majority in their own hobbies
because they could
Capitalism has killed passion and creativity.
what a dumb perspective
I'd actually prefer they remove talents and shards all together and expand facets into more unique playstyles like Lycan.

XP rune was a mistake and tormentor should probably die too.
mad how game our dead is
Capitalism caused DEI hiring, yes.
What if Valve made Dota in real life.
They would drop 2 teams of 5 people in a forest with 3 lanes cut out of the forest
The first team that breaks the other teams towers to reach their ancient and breaks the ancient wins.
To prevent people rushing for the ancient at the start of the game the objectives you're not supposed to have access to would be covered in electrified fence so unless you broke the 1st tower first the 2nd tower would shock you unconcious and you would be dragged back to your fountain by the staff.
The jungle camps would be stuff like chickens,pigs etc. as well as the local wild life
The players would earn bounties for killing the animals or knocking out other players(intentionally finishing off other players would be forbidden but accidents happen because its real life) they could then spend these points to buy performance enchancing drugs like steroids,meth etc. as well as better weapons,armors and vehicles.
Would that earn more money?
The amount of fan content correlates with how passionate the community is about something.
Content outside gameplay videos/streams is nonexistant for Dota.
What the fuck is a universal hero lmao
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I'd watch the fuck out of this
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>Universal heroes do not have a Primary Attribute.
yeah the prespective without the glasses of idealism, reality
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>wake up
>no patch
deadlock exists
the perspective is dumb because it isnt true
>Wasn't a player
>Honeypot TI
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A hero that receives attack from all 3 attributes instead of just strenght or agility but onl 0.7 instead of a whole 1 point
where my cumfetish bros at
does d2g still create memes like quarry or me pei
We have an entire 10k$ a month patreon scam porn game
the dota 2 gulag
the home of thirdies on the internet
Insider here
Frostytoad originally wanted agi-str, str-int & int-agi instead of universal but the devs said it was too much work to implement so they went with universal
They don't even build all stats on the OP heroes though, only the cheap bracers/nulls/wraiths. Solution could simply be raising main stat of those items and lowering secondary.
what a pasionable and originally creative project
LFMAO(not even funny)
when does grubby upload his reaction to TI
>it doesnt count!!!
you could have reached a little higher, but you have no creativity or passion despite 4chan have no monetary motivation
i got the monkey king arcana!!!! :)
He watched it all judging by his stream timings but he's still tsundere towards the community and won't say anything about it
>keep neutrals
I fucking despise neutral items. Pointless RNG that can decide a match.
you are making no sense anymore
How is xp rune worse than tome of knowledge?
yeah, im definitely thinking above your level
run away now kiddo
tome of knowledge was accelerationist slop too, no one is claiming it isn't
Cum tribs here
You do realize Dota is 21 years old, right? This isn't Final Fantasy which has installments, it's the exact same heroes with only like 14 new ones.

I don't keep up with stuff like that, but if new content doesn't appear it could just mean mountains of content already exist. Valve is very averse to advertisement too.
when will volvo finish the comic book so the baby radiant creep can go on her quest
that poster ignores shit like dota cinema
cap recently ended his podcast, but another will take its place
To be more precise: Allstars heroes were slightly different, but they too already have mountains of artwork associated with them. In case someone is interested, you can search for Dota Allstars loading screen art.
actually the amount of porn a game gets is what determines popularity
dota playercount has to be at least 30% bots
TF2 was 70%

Any game with an item economy will get botted.
Just look at Killing Floor's perfectly flat player count, it has to be at least 95% bots.
>le soi pog face
overwatch is dead
*Killing Floor 2
tradeable drops are like a 0.1% chance per week, no one is idling dota for it's item economy
the bots that do exist are just farming accounts for ranked since you need 100 hours
i think it's funny
>botting in cs/tf2 gives you tradable items you can sell for profit
>botting in dota gives literally nothing as dropped items aren't tradable
Why would anyone bot in dota? To get their custom games ranked higher?
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Lods is always right
>correlation = causation
I get accused of being a bot constantly simply because I don't communicate in any kind of way outside some pings
I love the dota two gulag!
It's funny how everyone knows icefrog is long gone but no one will really say it.
the old man cant keep track of everything on the screen
so he does what every old man does, cry to turn things back to when he did understand
that arent being serious, you do understand that right?
Business idea : three BO3s played on 3 different patches
I don't see the humor. Is that meant to be humorous.
no its meant to be an insult since you act like a bot
i report all who type in allchat
when will you organics learn
I dont like hero shooters
The fuck is a TPS
Third person shooter I would assume
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why am I following this rando
It's not a hero shooter, it's a Dota shooter. It has an economy, denying, builds and active items.

TPS = third person shooter.
Holy based
He’s right tho individual skill is farm timings now
that just means the matchups in lane are so evenly skilled that the idea you can just outplay your opponent is gone
>has heroes
>is a shooter
if you over simply something then everything can be the same
>double down
>turns out my team was a bunch of russian
>mmr gone
Why are russians still allowed to play on human servers?
He always is. Even when reddit got mad at him for issuing a formal complaint against a caster. He wears his heart on his sleeve and some can't deal with that
being emotional about something doesnt make you correct
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>has units with different skills
>involves strategy
>not a moba
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>2 years since Grubby started dota
>7.06 once again
Post Ti shuffle predictions:
Ramsez kicked for Sabershart, reversed after two months
9class for Saksa
GG stays together no carries on the market. Would be hilarious if they replace him with Artour though.
No one will have major reshuffles for 100k each.
>having passive move speed is "different skills"
>/d2g/ has been saying this forever
>no people here will pretend it's wrong because based loda said so
neutrals are too much rng
make them a fixed list of items that always drops from X tier token or remove them
people getting an extra item slot while i get some meme bullshit is not fair
there are skills in chess, retard
castling, pawn promotion and en passant
I think it could be more fun if team could pick from the same pool of items without repeats. It could bring a little grief but at least it might be fair.
no one had a problem with it after ti3
>play caster/support
>don't get any of the 100+ cast range neutrals
>play viper
>don't get grove bow
is there a worse feeling? These are items that can make or break a team fight
can somebody explain to me how to lane with ember spirit? I find that I struggle mid against ranged heroes that just click me. I rarely get bottle before 2 minutes.

Yes I know I'm shit but I like the hero and it's really hard to have any type of game when I'm like 5k net worth at 16 minutes. It's like every other mid hero has something that I don't
Wow you can move one extra space once per game or move diagonally like a normal capture. Whooo such special skills that aren't just extra movement. So deep.
Watch high rank pubs play mid Ember. Either live or just look up replays.

Unless your issue is basic fundamentals (aka. git gud), the answer you don't want to hear is generally going to be "don't feed, and ask for a support to gank mid". That's basically it. Sucks for you. Just keep practicing and maybe you'll figure out something that works for you.
why do you watch his stuff? his videos have clickbait thumbnails and he intentionally speaks slowly and word salads to make the videos longer. very similar to bellular nigger in his weird word salad manner of speaking.
it's basically melee mid fundamentals, manipulate the creep equilibrium any way you can to prevent a ranged hero stalling the lane in a bad spot, use spells to get early ranged creeps, look for ganks or stack whenever the lane is untenable
Blitzed Raw won ... the symbol of America ...
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I'm the cancer playing ranged mids against people like you. I rarely get bottle before 2 mins too, mainly because I spent all my money on stats. I'll finish bottle by 3-4 mins though. Your ability to last hit and deny matters just as much as regen and that comes from stats giving you damage. My only goal in life is to right-click the shit out of you so you're run off like a pussy and that starts with having creeps in my range while you hang way far in the back because you don't want to deal with my shit. My second goal is to make sure you never get to last hit a ranged creep. The thing that'll get me to care less about you is if you're on high ground and I can't see you because my ward is broken, and also just because you're hard to range in general while I'm trying to last hit.

Since you're playing Ember, you might want an early wand or Wraith Band over Bottle since you're AGI instead of Universal or another stat (in which case you might want 4xBracers instead). d2pt early game mid builds also agree with me where they go QB early wand and lots of branches and faerie fires. This is standard mid melee laning start.
Just play safe, don't get hit by nukes (because if I hit a nuke and you're under like 300 HP I'm tower diving you to kill you), manage creep equilibrium so that it's always on your side of high ground. Learn timings to push waves for runes and shit. Ask for wards and ganks. Making it inconvenient for me to kill or attack you is what will keep you alive and safe. A lot of this is going to be about positioning for you and learning when to W to dodge my attacks or just not being in range in the first place.
So what kind of hero will Kez be? I expect him to be a melee agi carry hero ; but as far as his abilities go we don't have much to speculate on.
pangolier yurnero
More tournements = bloat
Less is more, where is the heart
Melee universal hero with a global aura buff and a save ability that can also be used aggressively and has a low cooldown mobility.
>farm item that builds into utility + survival + damage
icefrog is dead and did not design gleipnir
d2g set maker way back when. Made that Leoric set.
>gg beat liquid in every tournament for 2 years
>liquid then rape them 5-0 at TI

>manipulate creep equilibrium
that is to say that the wave stays just at the top of my highground but out of my tower range right?
When the enemy mid is gone or running to another lane then do I push the wave under their tower?

also is there a better way to aggro creeps besides hitting the enemy hero? and is there any merit to maxxing flame guard or is chains just better even if i can't target the creeps I want to get low?
>also is there a better way to aggro creeps besides hitting the enemy hero?
You don't have to hit them, only issue an attack command (e.g. right-click) to any enemy hero. This means you can also do this by clicking an enemy hero in a sidelane and then moving the camera back to yourself.

Otherwise, no there isn't.
I'm glad nisha and boxi but mikek and insania got carried by them and 33
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Playing Dota 2 for fun is fine.
It's a great big endeavor to become better at this game, and that, sometimes, is not something worth investing when weighed against other facets (heh) of your life. It's okay to be bad, it's also okay to take a break from time to time, and even stop playing completely, maybe you'll just come around during TI, we'll be here. Be grateful for the times we had, don't sweat it so much.
Can be said about any team, even TI winners. Kuro got carried, Skitter/Sneyking got carried, Mira/Larl/Toronto got carried, whole Alliance got carried by Bulldog, etc.
>they actually released a bird samurai
hope that one autist is happy
Riyadh masters is bigger and GG won that. Quinn won
is that good or bad
more money but no aegis
PPD got carried
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>Solar Crest
>14+4 armour
No need. Already defending itself.
another flex pick pos 4
casual 4k hp support
Not only Liquid got a bit more money from Riyadh 2nd place + TI 1st place combined ($1,955,414 vs $1,859,467), they also got their names immortalized on aegis, and they won the last TI by Volvo, something no one can win anymore. Meanwhile Quinn only got his name immortalized in some tourists-bait shithole in the middle of god knows where made by oil shitskins.
maybe try banning it since it's already a good hero with a block, 2 stuns and saves and it's one of boxi's best heroes
I don't get it. How does it add up to that much HP?
If tundra beat gg would they have won TI? I doubt it, but I think they might've scraped 1 game
Yasuo from league of legends
It would have been a lot closer. Pure can actually carry games
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I don't give a shit. Quinn is an utterly shattered and defeated husk of a human being after losing 2 TI's in a row, as far as im concerned that's all the magic i need
The hosts VERY pointedly mentioned that there are 7 more slots on the expanded surface of the aegis.
oh yeah i heard about this. Idk if BSJ discovered it or popularized it or if he's just taking credit.
So if there's a melee creep next to me attacking my own melee melee creep, i can right click (don't even have to hit him) on the enemy mid and said melee creep will aggro me? is it 2 or 3 seconds of aggro?
Normally I would stand in the river getting hit while I waited for creeps to get low so i can click them.
that’s been known for a while. i was doing that to farm lane creeps on axe since forever
>big ecelebs play dota but only behind the scenes so they can shill riot games
>grubby had agents kill his mmr grind and the caster cabal pronounce fatwa
>forsen was about to become a dota streamer but pvc had to beat him in minecraft
this game is cursed..
Correct, but it still won't be Vovlo TI. It will be PGL TI or ESL TI or some fucking BetBoom Dacha TI.
One more TI?
>he cares this much about another dude who doesn't even know of his existence
i have a confession to make
i play right click invoker because i'm not good at combos...
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Well now he knows how it is to always be 2nd place. Not like it would evoke anything in him.
Valve or not, whoever handles the tournament will still be the custodian of the aegis and it will be the exact same aegis. PGL is actually the usual pick for handling TIs.

I wouldn't even put it past Valve if they inflate the prize pool a bit next year. Got that idea from a passionate Gaben speech at the opening ceremony.
There's no sign whatsoever that there won't be TIs every year for the foreseeable future.
The prestige of winning Volvo TI and not-Volvo TI just can't be compared.
Even Gaben's speech at the opening ceremony probably won't be there.
I hate playing pos 1. Too hard.
kek I don't dislike CnCC, I just find it hilarious whenever he tilts after 1 death and starts flaming the devil outta his chat and team.

he banned "cabezon" from his chat cause people from his peruvian opponents' streams would come in and type it
If Valve allows PGL to create and monetize skins for TI prize pool - it will be even more prestigious. The main complaint about this one was the low prize pool and too few main stage days.

With Valve's permission, PGL would be able to expand TI through client purchases and Valve wouldn't have to manage anything at all.

Watch some guides on mid laning. Even if they're years old, the basic mechanics haven't changed. Only things that would be different are stuff about mid lane camp stacking.
But of course it would fit Dota much more if Valve itself was doing this. It would calm the elements in the community that fear abandonment the most.
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most forgettable hero ever
>If Valve allows PGL to create and monetize skins for TI prize pool
This system already existed and then the Dota team killed it when they couldn't be bothered to maintain it.
They're extremely unlikely to resurrect it, even if it's a guaranteed money maker to do so.
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What's the point of riki anymore?
>team has hoodwink
how fix
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She was in meta at the TI of 2023. Sort by picks and bans.

Own scrubs in 2k mmr bracket
Same goes for Grimstroke, but even more so
Oh, I thought you said "forgotten". Nevermind then.
That's not shadow shaman.
He got five minutes in the sun when facets released and went back to the oubliettes.
still muerta
What should I draw /d2g/?
Buff Hoodwink
if facets were removed what sector of dotard society would suffer
Try drawing Mirana having trouble putting on a headset with her tiara on.
>play Dota
>enemy team is a tiny bit ahead
>they now brool
>impossible to kill them because they have so much HP and are so tanky
What heroes are good against sk? Help me dotards.
Yeah, you can't really play from behind with such a faggot bitchmade mentality
Sucks to be you
Ring of ban.
How the fuck do I purchase a Crownfall bundle when the transaction just bugs out and when I try to re-initiate it, it cancels the previous one stuck on pending. I used to be able to get around this by restarting Steam but that no longer works.
Dispersion should be Spectre's innate and she should get a new spell.
idk ask steam support, dumb nigga
>name not engraved on aegis
he didn't win shit
Hard carries are not allowed anymore.
Newfag here. How's Crownfall? Am I too late to play the campaign?
We don't know when act 4 is coming, just progress by playing the game as you would anyway
Right click invoker is better so don't worry
Public relations
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Tusk lvl 10 gives him 325 health and his 23+3.9str at lvl 18 gives 91str. Basically 2.5k hp without items at that point. Each bracer gives 100+10x22=320 so that's +960, solar gives 200+4x22=288, wand is 3x22=66, havoc is 14x22=308, adding up to 1622.
In conclusion >>494757049
Remember when weaver had a 1.5 st gain?
Ench had 1 and that was back when it only gave 19 health, I'm surprised AM still has 1.6
thin gaben looks like James may
When bracer gets nerfed to the ground where am I, a poor support bereft of hp, going to find sanctuary from the roaming gangs of burst heroes that have migrated into my jungle?
>even TB gain more.
That's hilarious. Shame they're both trash now.
Literally don't be within 1500 units of an enemy hero haha how is mobility creep even real like just ward their jungle
Need qt russian dota gf.
just use your 10 saves and dispels and heals and slows
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Fem orc hero when?
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bloat is what tobi wanted
no one gives a shit about prizepool but poors
aegis > all
this ti was a pgl ti dummy
peak gameplay design by campo sharto
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yes, pgl ti
give act 4
pgl and valve ti
from now on it only pgl (or whoever) ti, no valve
this was the first ti like that, valve is never stepping away entirely
pos 4 isnt even 4 it's 3-2
allchat: report my whole team (they are peruvian)
No, you can play all 3 unlocked acts and act 4 + a new hero are coming very soon.

Crownfall has skins, a storyline, comics, several mini games and a small chance to get expensive items from the candy store.
>small chance
ive got 2 arcanas
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What is his cope that his team is shit?
He's going full seamonkey next season, you heard it here first
1. 23savage
2. Mikoto
3. Ws
4. DJ
5. Puppey
Team sux mid or feed
How did he go from the 2021 team to now?


Might just return Crystallis at this point, still would be much better.
Q is better.
i compared some stat gains some time ago and many heroes has like +1 on each stat on average
some heroes has gained even more than +1.
tusk for example used to have 2.3 str gain from his creation until 7.06. then he kept gaining over time and now he has 3.9.
>lowest viewership ever
>lowest prize ever (even lower than t1 when you take inflation into account)
how over is it for our game?
its not over at all, but why didnt you contribute more?
1 strength used to give 25 hp
I think I remember non-valve tournaments having compendiums. But how did that work and when was it removed?
It gave 19 from 2004 to 2016 retard.
i have 06/10 weekly re-rolls earned, if i buy the caravan thing with the coins it won't eat up my weekly limit right? i'll still be able to earn the other 4, r-right?
23savage is a retard but highly skilled retard. He needs white man's guidance
no it did not
why would you lie about something like this?
are you genuinely retarded?
go ahead get mad
>nerf health from strength
>increase strength gain and stat amounts on items
>According to Dota2ProTracker admin:
>Spirit – Mira and Collapse out, Yatoro takes a break
>Aurora – now EU team with TA2000 and Kaori;
>Cloud9 – No[o]ne, Watson, Kataomi, Fishman out;
>Liquid – 33 out, Saberlight in;
>Gladiators – Dyrachyo out;
>OG – 23 Savage in;
>Shopify Rebellion – Timado, Yopaj, Mangekyou, Hellscream, Skem.
>Nouns – Gunnar out, going to WEU;
>BetBoom Team – Pure, Gpk, Collapse, 9Class/Kataomi/Dukalis;
>Tundra – Nightfall, No[o]ne, 33, Saksa, Whitemon;
>Gladiators – Watson in.
no meaningful players
game is dead
>Yopaj, Mangekyou, Hellscream, Skem.
What team is RTZ on?
and why would 33 leave liquid for tundra? bullshit
there being teams called "shopify" and "betboom" and "gayman gladiators" was the end of dota 2 in itself. they turned something indie into something dominated by corporate gambling sponsors. yuck.
yeah how dare pros try and find sponsorship!
Spell lifesteal needs to go. This shit is aid.
Who else gonna sponsor a team? No individual is going to drop a fuckton of cash for children videogames pseudo e-sport.
you like casual dota
casual dota is not dead
why the cry?
>betting/gambling sponsorships are okay

you are such a little cocksucker bro you just dont get it. about anything. i think you are probably the least experienced person in this general when it comes to actual life

you cocksuck literally anything established as if it's your god. you are a fucking cargo cultist


it's MORALLY WRONG and it fucking matters
shopify isnt even a gambling company
stay mad
How about Falcons replace shitter and shitking with proper players?
casual dota is completely and totally dead lol nobody plays this shit anymore

>m-muh player counts
yeah /d2g/ sure is active, those player counts though, there's a lot of natural enthusiasm about the game right now clearly

damn i guess there will just have to be less pro dota teams so they arent advertising cancerous life ruining shit to people they know are suckers for the same type of engagement
>Shrines brought back to the game
there I just fixed the game, you're welcome
gambling has been a man's entertainment since ancient times
no wonder this bitch is baseding out about it
upgrade for OG
downgrade for liquid
shopify is dogshit
betboom looks like a upgrade so did they kick torontotokyo or is he still on the team
pure/tokyo/gpk/collapse/9class looks pretty nice on paper but bb team always look good on paper
about time with nouns they were always a EU team
watson on GG might be a nice upgrade over dyrachyo on paper
>gambling is... LE IMMORAL
What's next, prostitution is immoral too? Go fuck yourself you antihuman retard.
turbofaggot manchildrens are 1 step away for gambling. They have the money and their mental capacity and dopamine fried receptors are the best target for gambling sites. What else do you want.
That's how it works in every sport.
yeah idk my country has local tourneys hosted basically every month
Noo spirit stay together ffs
your country also doesnt have air conditioning, an economy, or personal space or vehicles
weird way to think of europe but okay
accurate way to think of europe. sardine people with no money. you have dota though! :D its only completely dead, go have fun at the lans with ur aura patches and 4k hp tusk with 3 bracers
why would 33 leave Liquid? is this another EG PPD situation
>money over community
>having community

you don't even talk to each other, just like us
how can we host tourneys if we don't talk
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if that's true then Secret.Dyrachyo is 100% happening, he's goodCrystallis and his playstyle is made for Puppey
also Puppey loves weak feminine bitches as his carries
>Spirit – Mira and Collapse out, Yatoro takes a break
Satanic to replace Yatoro for the time being.
you have
to type
its over
All wrong
My insider sources say everyone is switching to deadlock
i'm not
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>zero auras
>full blown carry damage build
>in the end dealt as much damage as enemy support
Single-handedly lost the game.
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>Avoid someone
>Three days later, he's my teammate, on a smurf
I have 82% winrate with pugna as position 4.
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>Try to play and enjoy Dota
>I can't
It's just not fun anymore, there's no more individual plays, everyone is so tanky and has so much HP and so much saves.
>the game was only fun when i could solo gank
dota is and always has been 5v5
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Since when can't you watch streams if you get banned in chat?
If you're picking tusk right now go fuck yourself and die
Depends on the streamer whether you can still watch while banned also just log out lmao
I've been banned from so many streams but never had this happening to me, I guess RTZ really is a basedboy
Why would spirit effectively disband that's retarded
Does /d2g/ play together at all or something
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I miss it bros...
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Are we getting 2 heroes this year? Puppetmaster and Kez?
I haven't played Dota since June 2017, is the pro meta still mid hits level 6 and everyone starts the brool while bugmen casters basedface and shout for 30 minutes
Now the casters just talk about irrelevant shit
Holy shit, are we going back to getting 2 heroes a year again? When was the last time we got 2 new heroes in 1 year?
Pango and Willow?
When did they come out? 2019?
Anyone else notice that sometimes Dota 2 doesn't register your inputs? I swear I press a spell or item button but nothing happens and it keeps happening a lot of times.
Just checked, it was 2021 where we last had 2 heroes come out:
What a forgettable hero, Marci is only relevant because of obnoxious waifufags
If you mean within the same year, then Dawnbreaker and Marci were both released in 2021
Within a 12 month period, then the above is extended to include Hoodwink as all three were released within that time frame.
And then the last dual hero release was Snapfire and Void Spirit in 2019.
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Its over guys.
he sold out to the masses ages ago
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What's the rarest hero to see someone play? I would assume Leshrac?
Whenever Act 4 of Crownfall is released, they are going to release Kez
I think it was Sheever that said that before the Grand Final of TI
So yeah, probably sometime this year. I'm betting it'll be released in like 6 weeks or so, but realistically i have no clue and for all i know it could be in December or some shit
nice try fag i know you didnt press bkb before jumping
>Pudge wasn't picked ONCE during TI
>he is not even weak, he's a strong hero currently
Single most soulless TI
I rarely ever saw her in matches, what did she do? Damage over Time burn effect on ground, a knock up, and essentially Galio's ult from LoL?
It never fails to bring a smile to my face when my core keeps seething and malding, then starts cursing in a language other than english for 20 minutes straight.
Why didn't the TI get pinned like it usually does in /vg/?
rtz stream is fun when he interacts with his chat
when he doesn't it's the most boring shit
why play just to play like garbage and waste your time?
d2g: ugh fuck this shitty meta same carries every game
*tundra picks slark for pure*
he lost so it was wrong
So if you are facing a Morph with a team without any burst it's GG since the start right? It's literally impossible to kill Morph without burst
artour tate be like: what color is your baby roshan
It's on him though.
Counter the infinite healing brool meta by instalocking AA
so in the later part of TI, when like they were picking Lone Druid and Nature's Prophet carry a bunch, were those like secret meta picks? because i dont remember seeing those heroes banned or picked that much until near the end of the tournament
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I am kinda sad now that the TI has ended. It was something to look forward to
god, his head is so fuckin big
LD was a sleeper pub strat but not NP
ah i see, thanks
anyone explain why no gorgc vod?
i want to watch his finals vod, where is it?
he’s cooked
he's watching live from arena so he didnt stream
really? i thought he was gonna stream and only go to the arena for the meetup
well w/e, have to find someone else now. thanks anyway
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who's your favourite dota 2 exclusive hero?

for me, its mireska (my beloved)
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Today I will remind them
Muerta is the most chill
outside of vector targeting on one spell she feels the most original dota-like
Dawnbreaker or primal
Quinn status?
yeah dw is my favorite, too. i also like db and snapfire.
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My fluffy wife Hoodwink
hoodwink. for sex.
>watch blinkin slammin int anti-mage
>cry because it's not 2012 anymore
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Act 4 crownfall where dotards
birdkek where dotards
MK and Mars
licking vindicta's feet from the bottom of her heel to the top of her big toe
>this is the last winner of your TI
if act 4 isn't live by tomorrow i'll nerf hoodwink again
>im the juggernaut, bitch!
>we are electric
>5 reasons to pick puck
>atlas plug - truth be known
this nigga cannot be serious, he trolled so good oracle didnt even damage the enemy
why do they keep grouping mireska and hoodwink? is there lore that theyre friends?
>we are electric
why was it this song in particular
retarded, the only one i believe is 23 to OG
God hates me so much
Where are the beans?!?!??
Delete this lore-inaccurate picture
idk, ask the chinese at wodota. maybe it sounds cool for them
Fuck santo campo
Fuck Reddit
Fuck nu-dota
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>We have a spirit breaker
>All enemy cores get linkens
>I can't do shit to them unless it's on cooldown
>SB abandons
>I start using his charge on cooldown then win
fucking kill yourself cuck redditor. If gambling advertising is good enough for football its good enough for dota, especially when dota needs the money. People are free to do what they want with their own money fucking communist i would kill you irl if i had the chance unironically
funny how besides bulldog, some of the most sovlfvl ti winners were the chinese
liquid this weekend could barely crack a smile
Unironically meepo
>liquid this weekend could barely crack a smile
to be fair it was a rather unexciting 3-0
they knew they won like third of a way through the last game
I miss just starting out Dota in 2012, not knowing anything about anything but slowly getting accustomed to it, and certain rarely picked heroes would feel almost esoteric to look at
halfway to Ancient 5
Cute and funny
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i should slit my throat and set myself on fire
Don't do it psg
Don't forget to say "FREE PALESTINE!".
"he's gonna kill himself, Gaben... put the Yatoro smurf on his team next match"
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>pick jakiro
>team picks normal, sensible shit
>pick anything but jakiro
>start getting treants mid, offlane snipers and with doctor cores
Gambling is good it keeps the retards poor.
i love this image so much, my brother gifted me a shirt with this on my birthday lol
based, yeah I like it too, cool shirt idea
Question for the people who move map with m3, is your scroll wheel dying? If not what mouse are you using
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Act 4 today?
Teaguvnor being a nigger on reddit
i hope so
nothing happens in my shitty nigger life i need video game content
I use m3 and I use just a regular Razer Deathadder mouse
I've been playing several matches a day, almost every day for several years now with it and it hasnt broken yet
although just recently the right click button has been double clicking after a single button press and I think that's a common issue the mice have after awhile
>Agi Core
>shitty chink bird furry design
Awful, absolutely awful
maybe they will buff all agi core heroes when they release the new hero
I don't think he's dropping with a patch
He wasn't doing anything for Act 3 or Ringmaster was he? Hope he's been left out of the loop so he can't milk it for viewers
my m3 was dying before comign back to dota. i use viper mini i think. it is ok, i like the shape, but m3 too heavy, m4 a bit heavy and m5 very hard to reach. also, kinda noisy. now that i think about it, m1 and 2 a bit heavy too
so yeah, you have to look specifically for good mouses for mobas, cuz we generally need lighter mouse buttons, including m3.
they're sluts under the same pimp
Yes I had a zowie EC1A wheel die after about 3 years of playing dota almost every day
Bought another and switched to mouse 4
Hopefully not, agi cores are the most dishonest heroes in the game, kill all agi core players and delete BKB
Act 3 wasn't big enough I reckon
And now he is out and about from TI prob so gg leech
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what the actual fuck are these keybinds rtz
best update date leaks are some chinese guy leaking that perfect world or whoever the fuck does dota in china has an event prepared for x day of y month to coincide with update release
TREW is just reversed and moved one right I guess?
But why?
I have two of my items on mouse4 and 5
Don't use legacy keys tho
Those are the legacy bindings, I assume he means the items
Q also for gleipnir but where does he then put 5th and 6th abilities wtf
the bottom row is X C V
afaik arteezy plays legacy keys.
unless he is trying something new, cuz i cant remember what potm's legacy keys actually are
Atleast it's not matus keybinds
>5th and 6th abilities
as he plays legacy keys, depends on the hero and for each hero it is completely different
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i used to be a dota player guys
i was gonna make millions
>for each hero it is completely different
wc3 players willingly playing on hardmode if you've a hero pool bigger than 5
Keybinds dont matter
Reminder edge panners won several TIs, and I'm not talking TI1-4
yeah, honestly they should have used some of the post-ti period to re-train their muscle memory for qwer hotkeys, but they lazy
>edge panners
That's the default tho no one uses arrow keys anymore
Camera grip feels awful to use
I always middle click dragged my camera, and when the middle click in my mouse got broken I had to adjust to edge panning and I learned it almost instantly.
But then I got a new mouse and tried to get back to middle dragging and couldn't
Which offlaner should I pick when I have a weak laner support?
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>middle click dragged my camera
yeah and?
camera grip is better for some things, edge panning is good specifically for chasing/look where to blink etc, since your mouse is gonna be near the location anyways.
i use both
nothing wrong with it?
depends on the matchup, but you can't go wrong with a hero that's able to stack, leech a few levels and catch up that way
I used to think Meepo was actually a good hero, and the only reason why he was considered shit back then was because everyone sucked at micro and didn't want to deal with it
I have my camera grip on thumb button, feels pretty decent that way. If you spectate someone with really good camera control they probably use edge, grip and minimap combined as needed
>arteezy is now lower rank than gorgc
Moving camera with wasd gives you the best camera positioning possible and frees up a lot of mouse movement. I did it before switching to m3 since I don't have the finger dexterity to forego those keys for skills and items.
minimum to make the next patch decent:
>remove pipe
>remove crimson
>remove mana boots
>remove gleipinir
>remove universal heroes
>str gives 2 less hp per point
>rebalance all facets to be near the less good ones
>rebalance all neutral items to be near the less good ones

i would also consider removing talents, there is rarely a situation where you actually have a choice, almost always one of the sides is much better, so why bother? almost 10 years after talents and they are still not balanced or fun.
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It took a lot of time but i woned.
Rikimaru assassin kitty at your service meow~
>Guys, the way to fix dota is to revert it back to pre 7.0
>I am very smart
Is Ephey a Muslim or Christian?
The way to fix dota is to actually make it run at stable 300 fps.
Is there any other reason to ever turn off Radiance except when trying to hide from enemies
Can't roam as level 1 venge 0/10 unplayable garbage
Shadow Demon or Grimstoke making copies although I think you can disassemble during Disruption and remake afterwards if you get caught with it on
Damn that's some nerd shit
Whats the point.
Screens can only display up to 60 or 144 fps
Key focus on STABLE.
they're making 480 fps screens nowadays
So what was ppd's problem
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what about him?
Void spirit. But I think it's actually Mars, Snapfire and Pangolier who have been spectacular additions to the game due to adding interesting mechanics. I like Void spirit simply because a hyper mobile mid is my favorite Dota archetype.
remove tp slot and neutrals. both contribute significantly to stat bloat
His name is on the Aegis. He doesn't have a problem.
I'm sick and tired of playing against sk mid. Even if you crush his lane, this coackroach will manage to crawl back into the game somehow.
how the fuck did we get a lower prize pool than last year's? what the fuck?
? are you under the impression this game is growing? this abandoned game where they CAN'T fix gamebreaking bugs?
I do not like a single one of them. None of them feel like old dota heroes

I guess I like Ringmaster the most because he feels extremely flexible
The "battle pass" didn't contribute to TI.
i fucking love having to ban troll warlord so my own fucking team can't play him because holy fucking jesus every fucking time i've had this cunt picked on my team he's a fucking useless retard
Void spirit is a second Puck. Not sure how you can criticize him without criticizing the latter too.

(>>494801818) anon
Game is on maintenance mode, genius.
Valve isn't using it as a money making platform anymore.

Just let me get farm. I need to get MKB and skull basher before I start really owning on him, I know my performance is subpar beforehand but it's worth it
Fuck off PSG.
Game is dying just like you.
Valve really dragged their feet with Crownfall. They should scrap this shit and release whole battlepasses in the future.
we did not need a second puck we had puck
>so excited to type PSG that you can't understand that the post you responded to is advocating a contradictory viewpoint to the one you assign to PSG

PSG in your walls kiddo. PSGPSGPSG.

ever gone for a walk? Like, ever?
you know, it's just becoming synonymous with any type of schizoposting here
sort of like jesus in another context
>get easily singled out
>start crying
"It's just becoming"

it's been synonymous for "post I don't like" for 6 or 7 years anon

probably 15% of the posts attributed to PSG are me, just so you know
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>lost custom game because i forgot my isp was doing maintenance tonight
Wow someone mentions PSG out of nowhere and he appears instantly, what a coincidence

yes I am in fact here like a few hours out of the day meaning more or less 100% chance I will be here when one of you bedraggled masses mentions my name
How the fuck does gravekeeper's cloak work?
like raindrops, but with total magic res instead of flat block
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I losed
dam what happened
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I finish the day at 46 mmr
Slightly highter than the 28 mmr i started at so im climbing.
Enemy knew how to place wards so i got countered by the wards.
It's okie. I also lost 120mmr today.
oh sorry Y capitalized
fucking weebs
Lessened interest in dota
Valve devs prioritizing Deadlock
Contentbloat makes the game just suck now compared to older dota2

All the furrybait heroes in the world can't save dota anymore
Remember hitting a big ravage..or even a big call

We found out how to counter a stove...make the whole counter out of stoves.
reddit memeing valve to not release any hats for the battlepass and making TI more about the pros than the game.
They said they were extending Crownfall to the end of October, so it'll probably be in the next couple weeks.
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Why do they keep falling for the honeypot LAN wins?
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>see tundra vs GG game 3, go to bed hyped and happy
>wake up, grand final is a 3-0 sweep like always
>nobody on liquid even cares
Blitz dragged everybody to watch the escorts he hired get blacked. Safe to say nobody was in mood for celebrations after that.
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They didn't this year, that was Falcons
Get on it you lazy admins
>drag my team through hell and win a 2 hour long game we didn't seem like we had a chance to win
>take a smoke break
>queue again
>matchmaking throws me into unwinnable game after unwinnable game with afk teammates and shit
Gaben pls, why are you punishing me like this. Was I really supposed to lose that first game today? Did I anger you for not losing like you wanted me to the first time? Please give me normal teammates again...
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>saudi tourney is twice the prize pool of TI
GG next, see you at Deadcock dotards
>Gaben pls

He's not listening anymore friend.
Better question is why they didn't learn any other strat besides run at the other team's safelane as 5 starting at 7 minutes and don't stop until they give up.
valve will go public when gaben dies
How would that benefit them?
gaben's kid will take over
So never
Investors and shareholders can help maximize profit and minimize losses
Most suits are trained to think only as far as the next quarter, rather than any kind of long-term thinking.
that means more work for them you retard
tired of right wing gamers treating dei and sbi as some kind of conspiracy to ruin games when all they're doing is making game developers more conscious of people who are not like them.
How do I defeat the force 50 agent on my team? My pos2 disconnected right off the bat then came back in the last minute just to disconnect again.
Are there any good 1v1 rts games in the arcade? Took a break from this game, played one match and remembered that the issue is the other players and not the game itself.
Mute option should be removed. Snowflakes don't belong in dota 2.
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>more conscious of people who are not like them
and that is a BAD thing
Only constant. The enemy team has 5 potential players that can disconnect, while your team only has 4 (excluding you). Most of the time, the disconnected player will be on the enemy team then.
Dream League is starting up in like two weeks and then the tier one tournaments will be pretty consistent up until next ti. This year's ti had like three huge tournaments right up until teams flew to Denmark. There's going to possibly be too much dota for the remained of this year and throughout the next.
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How hard is this piece of shit item getting nerfed in the upcoming patch?
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So nouns - spirit. Whatever happened there?
they will probably revert from hp to str and nerf universal heroes (again)
Based wholesome anon. I'll be here with you too next TI, thanks broski
>pick Pango
you didnt contribute enough, others itt are guilty of this as well
Is this the TI with the least variety in hero picks ever?
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It's also the TI with the most heroes in the roster
dang and this doesn't exactly show the amount of picks as well. It's considered picked if it was picked once.

I want to see the quantity of picks as well to see the whole skew
Grimstroke painting a self-portrait
+1 hero per year isn't really much but I get your point
Compare it to 2012. How many new heroes did we get from there on?
I'd say TI2 is a bit worse as there's been 30+ heroes since then but it is definitely the worst in awhile and winning against something 12 years ago probably isn't worth much
Why would anyone buy this dogshit battlepass with no new Arcanas?
Just for the teleport effects?
What was the deal with TI2 anyway?
chink TI
>tank meta
>ls unpicked
How do we fix him?
nice riki post
>Tanky aura meta
>Tide unpicked
Shows how shit he must be to go unpicked here. 33 won a TI spamming Tide with Wraith Pact before.
There's so many heroes that were top-tier picks just this year when facets first released, Axe, Jugg, LC, LS, SS, Tide, VS, Warlock and WD
Undo the global stun nerfs
They'll have to fix BKB first.
Make black hole 100 units bigger.
80% of the hero pool being picked is pretty good in my eyes.

Look at worlds this year for League, nearly half the champion pool wasn't picked.
Back then those heroes were considered complete jokes that were only picked in pubs.
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Forgot to add image.
It is better but it can be better still imo. There's quite a lot of heroes that were picked once and never again across the whole event including the group stages.
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Need to bring the GOATs back.
Considering how weak nouns turned out, my guess is spirit just got too cocky. It cost them TI, so they probably learned their lesson.
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who was this
moon mierda
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Team Zero was basically nuWings before DPC was canceled. They had iceice pos4 and blink was the coach. Don't know why iceice and cty were replaced. That team was fun to watch.
i happen to have the same mouse5 bind since 2013 - my "most urgent" item goes there, whatever that happens to be for the build
Where is the HD variant???
Man we need tobiwan and 2GD back in the scene. Like what the fuck are we even doing here
yames was at TI
i want rosh back in the river
rosh fights felt better back then
make it symmetrical if valve really thinks thats what's needed and just have him tp scroll between each pit
or make him walk between them and fuck over the midlaners at the 5 and 10 minute mark which would be funny
Saw him at TI11 but not this TI. Where was he this time?
just in the audience
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here i fixed your image
not the same. We need him properly running the show.

The teams don't seem to care as much about a $2 mil tournament vs a $40 mil tournament.

2GDs streams where he invited everyone for the qualifiers. :(

Tobi kicked because a girl let him pound her then regretted it afterwards.

What went wrong
They really hate Necrophos huh.
Give him the buyback disable again, that was so fucking based.
8 of them?
ti5 had 12 heroes picked once
cat under the sofa
ti2 had 11 heroes picked once
ti13 looking better and better for hero diversity when you have more context then "these heroes werent picked"
>The teams don't seem to care as much about a $2 mil tournament vs a $40 mil tournament.
why didnt you contribute more to the prize pool then?
>still unbeaten
how do leaguetards cope????
>Dotards havent gotten any new songs in 18 years and must keep clutching onto this one song forever
>Heh leaguetards owned!
This isn't the own you think it is.
>kicking dyracho for watson
i mean it's an upgrade but not a huge one?
successful teams disband pretty regularly
when you have the best there is no reason to improve
so why the fuck did valve buff bracers again? weren't they broken for ages?
they thought they were nerfing it by removing the additional damage and making it hp
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Cute hoof raise and ear wag
How the fuck did Valve never hire him for TI? Would have been so hype.
it would be hype no matter which dota lan it was
why isnt esl or arabs getting him
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he almost certainly would've been for swede TI but that got cancelled
>more unpicked heroes than when there were 34 less
honestly feels weird to see standard TI picks like OD, tide, venge etc as well
also lifestealer has been dogshit for years fuck you valve
>more unpicked heroes than when there were 34 less
that is a good thing for ti13
because 35 more heroes were picked in less games played
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Why aren't you a member of ZSNES, the most powerful guild in /d2g/? 8 spots remaining. Guild is free to join, so you can just look up ZSNES in the guild finder and join today!
why isnt she real yet
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now with % of heroes picked!
ok right
i thought herald was just a meme
i didn't realize people were actually in it
>40 fewer games than ti5
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>stuck sitting between a dirty jew and a tranny

Slacks is a big guy
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4 U
yeah and he needs to stop grinding down his front teeth

time for a night guard slacksy
isn't that more a groups thing? even if every game was 2-1 that only adds like 10 more total
yeah ti13 had extremely short group stage, which is also when there is more room for meme picks
most of Aurora players will play for og next season
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No one said life was going to be fair
which Deadlock character is this
I remember downloading this on a 56k connection to take it to the lan party.

This is already 10 years old now. Fuck I am getting old
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i don't know how people manage to have sub 10k behavior score. i grief a lot and the lowest i've ever gotten was 10.5k
I think Deadlock's success (or failure) will ultimately decide the fate of DotA 2. If it's successful, Valve will naturally allocate more resources to it and DotA gets the TF2 treatment. If it fails, DotA 2 will still be the premier game and Valve will have to churn out updates.
use the word faggot in all chat and its -3k comms
>tf2 treatment
you mean servers that are still active, consistent patches and minor content?
sounds great
Thats literally what dota's current state is????
crownfall is major content
>Valve will have to

games are irrelevant to valve's bottom line
>crownfall is major content

No it's not. There's barely any content in it whatsoever, wtf. VN bullshit isn't content, things that aren't dota 2 aren't dota 2 content

fucking raggedy ass minigames, my word, thank god we gave up the 3 yearly immortal treasures for this! if you're lucky you can roll for lina arcana!

>Look, it's those characters you know, except they're all written like Joss Whedon! Ha Ha! Lich is very concerned with maintaining the perception that his pool is bottomless even though it isn't! Ha HA HA! *slaps knee*
not it isnt.
literally what part of it is major content?
because the only "new" part is the lore and the cavern crawl. rest is workshop hats.
if anything its optional content that doesnt add to the real game in any way, unless you really like that fighting mini game that everybody forgot about.
>it doesnt count
>rest is workshop hats.

the hats are actually real valve hats which is pretty rare these days, they're basically immortals, except none of them are for heroes i fucking want
new hero is also major content
we got rm and setting up for another addition
Which ones?
Who the fuck cares about a fighting mini game that people will only play once?
i have to assume this one guy that has a retardedly positive perspective on things is actually a woman, it seems womanbrained to think crownfall is a big patch

>wow an arcana from 4 years ago with inferior effects
>wow another arcana that doesn't match any artstyle in the game and is a 0/10 from a design perspective!! YAY!!
>cavern crawl and a few hats
>and ikaruga

gen alpha vagina possessors can't fucking imagine getting 3 heroes in a patch
id rather have the mini game and the rest of the content crownfall offers than not having it
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how young do you have to be for little bullshit minigames to be anything other than an insult to you as a waste of fucking development time

you actually havent played shit like ikaruga have you

one thing ive noticed with new age "gamers" is that youve played like 2 games in your entire life, i bet a bunch of you would jump into all the holes in mario
you bitch and whine exactly like a woman
>nothing valve does is ever good enough for my high standards
>if valve expects to get be
I Consider major content to be stuff that directly affects the game
improvements, QoL, and holy shit the performance
fix the fucking performance of this game, fucking optimize it
Give me DLSS, or update the fucking Vulkan API.
This shit runs like fucking ass even on high end rigs, source is so fucking bad.
valve doesn't make vulkan lilbro
still attacking my character?
when your only argument is nuh uh its understandable
facets were also part of Crownfall and was a huge amount of content, even if you dont like them

yall just being mad for the sake of it
go beat ikaruga

i dont care how many continues it takes you, nobody in the real world was ever into "1ccing" games, dont let anyone tell you that shit. korean/jap thinking patterns
the doomshitter are an extremely vocal minority and they hate anyone who opposes their viewpoint
naw, ill just stay here and continue to make you extremely mad with my positive vibes
bro what fantasy world are you living in? the proof is in the pudding, all it will take is 1 or 2 posters to leave /d2g/ and it will fall off the catalogue every other day
the minigames really do suck tho
their FSR and Vulkan are outdated builds.
shit like diretide and aghs labyrinth is fucking gay, literally go play another game or custom game if you want that as content
then fuck off and let the gulag die
meanwhile we have 6+ threads in the catalog on sunday
recommend similar games then
as opposed to miniclip content
remember the minigames and valve made hats that tf2 got this summer?
oh wait...
how would i know idiot, i only waste my time losing unranked dota games
no, you'll go beat these games
Cool Spot (NES)
Landstalker (Genesis)
EVO: The Search for Eden (SNES)
Magician Lord or Magical Drop 2(Neo Geo)
Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)
Road Rash (3dO)
Final Fantasy Tactics (Playstation)
R-Type Final (Playstation 2)

Only then will you be worthy of the crown of PSG.

hurry up, this thing is heavy. someone take it so I can leave.

TI used to have 2 or 3 threads at a *time*.
wait cool spot was on SNES

has it really been so long...that I've forgotten?

*psg turns to dust and blows away in front of you*


Metal Storm (NES)
A shitter with shitty opinions. Who would've thunk it.

oh its just the main menu updated
anybody know what happened to Henry? Did dotacapitalist get his account personally baned again so he quit?
of all the snes emulators, you chose the absolute garbage one. gj
*looks back at you with snow blowing dramatically in the distance*
*FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* japanese flute sound
*psg jumps off the cliff and disappears into the night*

every time he made a new account and streamed it would get banned even on new hardware, so he is "DNA banned" which is a unique type of ban
also he sent communications to valve specifically asking if he, as a person, was banned, since bans normally do not follow that nature (it's your account that gets banned) and he did not receive a satisfactory response to my knowledge
Can you like go away, you're not funny
do you also go to a butchers shop and ask for something that isnt meat?

you want content that isnt playing dota
fuck off to reddit
Can you beat final fight on 9 continues
and continues with shitty analogies.
I would've kill myself If I were you.
Esl detected
Aren't you a little old to only have videogames as an accomplisment
it's over isn't it?
I don't count video games as accomplishments except the mods I took part in making etc.

What are some of your accomplishments? One time I found a cool bug, and I have also made milkshakes at home in the blender
TI? yeah ended 2 days ago
is dota pagpag now?
Etcetera what, you just said one thing
isnt 6 players on deadlock a bit much?
why wouldnt they make it 5 or even 4? surely they learned some lessons from slow queue times?
Trying too hard to be pedantic my man ask yourself what there is to gain

It's 6 because overwatch is 6.
>It's 6 because overwatch is 6.
yeah i get that, but deadlock isnt overwatch
we get that next week if lucky. post ti shit generally takes a while
it's a deadlock tie-in, wait for full release
What is pedantic about it? Etc. doesn't mean anything on it's own, you used it, what mods have you even worked on
august 2025
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Best joke of the year
Bro do people usually tell you how thrilled they are to argue with you about colloquial internet use of 'etc'

Ask yourself, also, what I would gain discussing this with you. You didn't get the hint the first time.

I made some doom and quake mods and was generally part of those communities on their irc, as well as contributing to after the fall, action quake 2 and counter-strike (in a roundabout way). I made a quake 3 map called bounce that I can't find a copy of, but it enjoyed some minimal server play, so at least a few thousand man-hours were spent in its narrow halls.

Glad you expressed such keen interest, young anon. People yearn for earlier days of Dota but they don't even know what *real* emergent online communities were like. The first ones.
what is most fun easiest high damage heroes that make me feel happy that the enemy team hates their lives? primal beast, phantom lancer, viper, and spirit breaker are my favorites so far. please
Witch doctor, warlock
Dota should have jumping
That would actually be sick if it had jumping. Bind it to space bar. Platforming skills could be interesting so we'll have underground locations and higher levels too. Could be neat unironically
Even an idiot knows not to use etc with one example, what does that make you. And what mods exactly, anyone can claim anything, put some fucking proof forward for once
>retard carry doesn't know how to parkour to the stacked skycamp and the enemy takes it for free and gets a gorillion gold+exp
>retard support doesn't know how to jumpward and lets the enemy have free uncontested vision and we automatically lose
yeah definitely
huh? I literally told you exact mods. Anyway, I'm done with the interrogation mindset you display, young man. You haven't earned the right to talk to anyone like that

>i-i wasn't being pedantic

I'll continue using "etc" wrong the rest of my life like everyone else. Written language isn't static in that way. It's my language, I'll modify it. Don't you people talk in some kind of squiggly lines? :)
Damn, after saying that, I'm now 100% certain I'll make my ATOD genre game have jumping. I guess that also means characters must be WASD-controllable, which I was undecided on.

Jumping means that there can be a new mechanic that I just invented, where you jump and last hit something at the same time, and it gives some kind of bonus like damage on your next attack or something.

The basic idea I always had was that winning your lane at 12 minutes or something causes the map to change elevation, so the jumping would play into that really well.
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>reddit spacing
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You literally didn't, "some" mods doesn't count and some map you convenientially can't find isn't proof of anything, I already know you're full of shit but I enjoy letting you embarrass yourself further. And you can keep using words wrong and being an idiot if you want, I don't think I could stop you anyways
nothing can stop me now, cause I don't care
Why do you have that saved on your PC? Your own post?
Can't even win an argument in your supposed stomping grounds, sad
see >>494844602
these are the sharting grounds son.
you're down in it
*ah ah*
kinda like a cloud i was u-
why do his skin and eyes look so fucked up? does he have jaundice?
He is bald :(
fuck off, the last agi hero was hoodwink, and before that it was monkey, aka 2 in 8 fucking years
the real problem is that valve have such a hard on for strength heroes
i haven't played dota this year, what actually IS this tangibly? just cavern crawl? or is there some kind of actual game mode?
cavern crawl with shitty mini games and joss whedon writing on all the dota characters

ha ha crystal maiden is crazy! ha ha ha
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I just want more female heroes.
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they released 4 female heroes in a row
isn't snapfire also a girl
that's 5
Missing Dark willow that came with Pangolier.
true, i don't know why it's missing that
so inc ring and birdnigga it's 5 of the last 11 heroes
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Imagine if Blitz.[BlackedRAW] was in this.
I maintain that OG winning 2 years in a row was one of the worst things for this game
The 1st win was fine but the 2nd was just them reforming just before the tournament started then easily raping everyone
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>"h-hey yo, can you write down some prescriptions for the whole team? just some stuff for my depression and stuff haha"
why am i the only one getting mid io in 2024
if there is one insufferable quality about modern dota is people complaining about picks
last week every single of you motherfucker would be complaining that ld is a trash hero and "why am i getting ld carry in my games?" when that thing is actually broken
stop being a metafaggot and play around ur mid io
I would play around him if he wasn't getting reamed every single time
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ok this has to be like the funniest archon game I could've experienced after TI and not playing for weeks

team "I didn't watch TI" vs team "I watched TI"
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>where you jump and last hit something at the same time
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big if true
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what if... bkb was a consumable?
It's my fault. I hate OG, and God hates me, so he arranged for them to win twice.
>a midget grandma, a rat, a robot, and 1 human female
>be support
>buy 3 bracers
>+900 hp
good game design
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>Slacks went so deep with the circus theme he even had a midget with him
how come he could get away with this shit? not cool man
What are the chinese and filipinos playing these days if not dota?
mobile trash i assume
I'm a filipino and I am playing VRchat
Blitz raw won
woops meant to reply here >>494851756
I was unironically happen for him even though hes a victim of jew society destroying porn

i mean hes asian he will manage not to get laid after just making like 300k
>jew society
oh yeah, a french guy creating a bbc porn company in america is all the jew's fault
>Lansky was born on December 12, 1982, in Paris, France.[3][1] He has Algerian-Jewish heritage
hahah yeah "a french guy" anon

a french guy.
also being jewish doesn't preclude one from being french
gee, I wonder which one you are, taking such issue with the original comment.
>start winning lane all the time on pos 1
>learn to help offlane too
>suddenly matched with people who autolose mid
alright who do i pick who can possibly cover everything besides np
matu strats dont even work here
Yatoro played Mirana both games that's why they loss
What we really need is a fem orc strength hero with reverse mating press ultimate and mommy instincts innate.
Yes it does, it's amazing how you're suddenly French or German or any other European when you're born there but you aren't Native American despite being born in the US
US hasn't belonged to native americans for 200 years.
Time for agi fags to realise that uni is just better agi.
What can agi heroes buy that uni heroes can't? Butterfly? Woah!
Manta is arguably better on uni heroes because uni illusions are the strongest.

Every agi carry would be stronger as a uni hero. The same cannot be said for str heroes.
Nobody calls a black German a native German mister persecution complex.
People understand the difference between nationality and ethnicity.
He's being a retard anon. Either intentionally or unintentionally. I don't know which is worse.
Apparently not because you would say a French national or citizen rather than just French because those nations exist and are named after the natives
Those nations names exist because they're named after the natives*

No anon. People don't like adding extra words to stuff when it's unnecessary. Everyone intuitively understands that when you can a black French guy French that you're just saying he's born in France or that he's a citizen there. Nobody is implying that he's got ancestry in France.
Nobody calls a white American an American national either. Stop being a fucking retard with a persecution complex please.
almost as if uni is a retarded addition that has made the game much worse
Yes because all conversations involves knowing that the person is black or Arab or something other non ethnic French especially in the world of the internet where you don't speak to people face to face in reality it's done purposefully to blur the lines between what is a native and what is a national as you see with them calling pakis and niggers as "British"
Native American has a specific meaning, much like how Black means African diaspora living in the US. If you're born in the US you are a native American, but you aren't a Native American.
>Tiny having 0 agi
>Medusa having 0 str but having an entire innate skill replace str
>Ogre having 0 int and having an entire skill substitute int
dead game
Of course you're a Native American because America was the concept of and invention of Anglo-Saxons those who calls themselves Natives are just Amerindians and should be called as such
Can I transfer my skills to another game?
Assuming people know who you're talking about it's still just linguistically efficient to drop the specifier because it gets really fucking annoying to call someone a "X national" everytime you talk about them. You just want to convey that they're a British citizen.
Don't think I haven't noticed how you ignored my white American example. You can easily apply it here again. People aren't committing native genocide when they call white Americans American instead of American nationals.

If you won't consider it in your next reply I'll just assume you're a disingenuous faggot.
See >>494856402
Anglos are the Native Americans as I explained
chud game
i miss ti already...
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Why are HoNtrash so good at dota
i kinda wanna buy one of the team supporter club things for 20 bucks to get the permanent chat wheel voicelines, but it's 20 fucking dollars and that's expenseive as fuck
Holy fucking shit you're disingenuous as fuck.
You know exactly what people mean when they point out white people aren't native to America. It's the difference between 300 years of ancestry and 10.000 years.
You're just choosing to use a new definition of native to suit your narrative. It's the definition of subersive. You're a fucking rat. Nothing of value will be lost when you die. I hope it happens soon.

Also funny that you're such a retard that you haven't considered that people call native Pakistanis British because they want to highlight their geographical location. Calling someone Pakistani can lead to confusion because it might imply that they're physically present in Pakistan. Calling them British is much more linguistically efficient. Especially when they're a British citizen and the conversation isn't about ethnicity.
Even if ethnicity is important to the conversation it'd be much better to call them a British Pakistani than a British national of Pakistani ethnicity. Calling anyone a national is just never effecient and only ever needs to be done in the most bureaucratic of settings.
>Bulldog only got like 260 viewers on Kick
How the fuck is it worth it to stream there?
Ok but why wasn't heroes like Veng, Puck and warlock picked?
Pudge is tanky and fits this BROOOL meta a lot.
barely any of the new heroes have been sexy, some like dawn you can kinda argue were a bit sexy but the majority are completely desexualised
Presumably, Kick gives you a fat bag to do it

At least we got the arcanas...
so how do you find out which players are getting kicked from which teams and which teams are getting new players and stuff? doesn't that usually happen after TI?
Like when is GG getting rid of Dyrachyo?
wasn't it just last TI when they were introduced too soon and were way too strong and had super op retard stats than fucked over everyone else, mainly agi heroes (str still being good and int being supports)
his stream just started, lilbro.
also worth noting that bulldog said he made more money streaming on kick than he ever did streaming on twitch, even with much less 1/2 or less viewers and way less subscribers.
idk about his new contract, but if he accepted it is probably pretty good still.
btw, dont worry, he is almost done streaming, if kick hadnt renewed his contract he would stop after a year or 2 i guess
Warlock has too long of cooldowns and his only stun is on like a 2.5 minute cooldown and he is garbage at laning
before the next big tournament
idk when that is though sometimes everyone takes a break until after christmas
stop using gamepedia
>and he is garbage at laning
But that couldn't be further from the truth, he's a beast at laning.
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there's actually a few tournaments coming up too, more than usual
if you are playing against bads
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yeah fine this is better whatever
since monkey 6/13 have been female despite there only being like 15 female heroes to start with
>Calling someone Pakistani can lead to confusion because it might imply that they're physically present in Pakistan
And you're calling me disingenuous you lowly subversive scum
shartastic team fund it
Just play pos 5, chill, low pressure just making stacks, don't havebyo think about items and get to play the warding mini game.
Considering her giant hammer makes you think big damage, in reality she hits like a wet noodle and you're forced to buy tanks items since she isn't naturally tanky either. I want to play her as pos 1, but she's not even worth running at pos 2 anymore.
I feel dumb for asking this but how do you get voice lines to go to all chat? Is it every voice line that can go to all chat, or just some subset of them? I don't see a hotkey that differentiates between all chat and team chat and every voice line I try only goes to team chat so I don't know how people spam voice lines into all chat all the time.
You could say that about every hero designed to avoid team fights
>now we are getting bird
I'm sick of humanoid animals, give us some more cosmic horror shit.
most of the default voicelines are teamchat but i think the only allchat ones are "Good game", "Good game, well played", and "Good luck, have fun"
i think all of the supporters club ones you get from the compendium and all of the guild voicelines are allchat though
On another question, what triggers the "comeback comeback oioioi comeback comeback oioi!!" voice line? I hear it all the time even when I'm playing alone and I have no clue why.

>most of the default voicelines are teamchat
Damn. Yeah, while fucking around I saw that some voice lines have the "[ALL]" tag so I guess that's how I'll figure it out.

>supporters club
Oh I forgot about those voice lines. This explains why the compendium only gave like 5. Man, I don't want to pay money for 1 voice line each so I guess I'll have another wall of locked voice lines I'll never get to use.
remove blood grenade
more like brool grenade right
tried deadlocked no idea what's happening got btfod then enemies started tbagging me
I honestly thought they might wait till the finals to release Ringmaster and Act IV. Have the R fall off and reveal an L and reveal the Ringmaster has been playing Venge all along.
>comeback comeback oioioi
Okay it seems that it comes from the TI10 mega kills voice pack which I got last time I played.
>4 teams have won the last 7 TI's
why isn't someone born in france called a gaul?

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