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Aris Edition
> Patch notes
Factory Expansion
Marathon Mode
Bipods and gun mounting
Smooth Zoom
Partisan Boss
Karma System
Tripwire Traps
Deagle Brand Deagle
Sound? Changes?

>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (sneed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
There is no Discord
Disregard all Discordfags
>SPT? More like... Super Pleasure Time, heh.


PREV: >>494084559
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>ecelebs finally starting to complain about the objectively dogshit spawn system
There's still hope spawns will finally get reworked...
PLEASE. So many maps are like this.
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what do you mean?

goofy tagilla kill and he had a yellow on him just to find out its only 200k labs cards are ruined
The rest of the cards are still worth a bit. It's just yellow that's ruined.
I'm going to cry trying to get this checksum error bullshit to work
I just wanted to install a new ssd
im trying to do psycho sniper vpo with ap-m ammo on factory is the way right?
>shit game is absolute shit
>dead game is absolutely dead
pathetic vatniks and they're silly little lies
ive lvl4 face shield lvl 6 front plate and this scav one taps me with a throat shot while i was doing psycho sniper i had two kills man cmon
the game is dead
BSG posted on twitter and over 90% of the posts are trash talking the devs and how the game is either dead or broken
the cheater epidemic gets worse with every single wipe
level 50 accounts one tapping the entire server
you can now duplicate items, so the economy is absolutely fucked and the fucking wipe barely began
read the room you schizoid
this isn't a general were you come to talk about the game or your adventures
it's an obituary were everyone comes to wipe their ass
fuck coonkita
and fuck the brain dead vatniks that still support this scam
80% chance you're from ukraine
AXMC on Woods, as God intended.
i cant buy axmc sadly didnt do the quest
Oh hey, it's you again. Long time no see.
are you okay? did you get bullied here?
verify files? where's the error from and what does it say specifically
I could be, but I'm not
but does that change anything that I wrote?
>only in the mind of the schizo
>game is shit
yeah buddy we know but therere people who enjoy tarkov despite that, i know its crazy
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if i die next raid ill be really sad and suicidal
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that was fast
factory, there was a guy with pistol on med tent and he was fighting scavs rushed him from gate 0 and extracted at the med tent lol couldnt get more lucky
now i need 3 more grenade kills to finish grenadier to unlock test drive, ive a few impact nades
The good ending.
>Long time no see
It's either this or an unmarked grave in ukraine, amirite?

damn these vatniks still aren't self aware
this guy scared the shit out of me, bro was bloodthirsty

I wish guys in my raids were so chill, I usually just run into level 55+ TTVs.
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how's it going huntfag?
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man what a way to finish grenadier, killing two birds with one stone

I'm sorry, but since-fucking-WHEN was this ever a PMC spawn?????
They did change Reserve spawns last wipe to prevent spawn killing lol
well done pal
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I haven't played for a while. Is the trax and trax 2 connected with the bridge still the best single slot item to put in my secure container that I can stuff with mods, a grip and a sight?
I noticed one of the pieces doesn't allow a rail to be added to it so it's one fewer items than before, but it's still good right?
You can put like 7 mods on it for a single slot.
XRSU handguard on the AKS74U gas block allows scopes like Elcan or Valday, the TRAX doesn't.
or you can just keep 1 extra slot open for a streamer item that will yield just as much money
Thanks I'll check that out.
where the FUCK do I find scavs on woods
Fucking make Factory brighter already holy shit.
>sun shining through multiple holes in the roof or windows
>inside is dark as fuck
Really annoying doing scav runs because it's hard telling a scav from a PMC
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XP caps fucking when?
He's using a fucking uzi what are you on about
Test Drive 5 retard.
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Who gives a fuck? You can't kill a guy with an uzi?
poopsockers are genuinely delusional and mentally ill.
Should I spend 1mil worth of roubles on the flea to get the mats I need to get an item case?
The shit taking up the most of my inventory rn is body armors.
The gun is not the point you retarded knuckle dragging nigger, you should not be able to rack up 50 levels and 5.5 million XP within the first 3 weeks of a wipe, the game's been wiping roughly every 6 months for YEARS, you'd think that they would get progression right by now so people can't speedrun to endgame until AT LEAST halfway through the wipe.
Okay, post some sweatlord poopsock meta slave next time you stupid fucking nigger. The guys stats are average at best and he's using a subpar task weapon. All that image did was make you look like a turbo shitter faggot bitching about anyone who kills you.
>still moving the goalpost
Slit your wrists.
if that was lvl 50 from only playing EFT maybe you'd be right
I didn't shift shit you fucking moron. Every post I made was about how you died to a guy with a micro uzi and immediately came here to cry about it.
got 1 pcm kill had 2nd one with his back to me and my shitty gun broke
>i-i-i didn't move shit
firing pin not striking hard enough to detonate the primer
which map for test drive part 1? also m1a sucks
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its kinda crazy how as a weekend playing timmy this is what my stash looks like, im level 29 also
arena is such a blessing for us non sweats
lmao crying about the hours and levels when you got fucking killed by 30 sr shitter with paca + uzi
yeah the problem is it benefits sweaty poopsockers ten times more, which is why there are so many level 50+ players already.
maybe for skills and weapon levelling, but its capped at level 30 for xp transfer and 1million roubles per day
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>its capped at level 30 for xp transfer
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Any tips on balancing pt 2? Feels like it's impossible to see other PMCs there beyond pushing spawns.
1.5M*, and the level 30 cap is the max your skills can be while playing ranked Arena.
1.5 million for paypiggies maybe
Daily tasks, for example. You absolute retard.
>new feature with little documentation
>keeps calling me a retard
kill yourself, you fucking virgin. now show me the update log, or post from BSG that backs up what youre saying, bitch ass motherfucker
for example i looked up some streamer on twitter (noiceguy_) and he has screenshots showing level 32 on arena and level 30 in EFT so can you please kill yourself?
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all right, his shit was fucked (based BSG)
you win
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got gpu on 2nd scav ran heard its good
also found 4! friendly scavs one even talked through mic but I just spammed f1 cuz I dont have it setup yet
buddy sell all that crap in your stash because you will just get killed using it
GPUs are used to mine bitcoins in your stash, its passive income, but thats late wipe for most players if they even get that far
You need 3 found in raid GPUs for a quest, hang onto it.
skills,exp,weapon leveling etc. doesnt matter much but theyve access to lvl6 plates and meta ammo thanks to the arena thats more problematic imo
from the locked crates?
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i dont know if they can get from locked crates but they can from lvl4 ref pic rel
also they can get the grumpys hideout key which can spawn lvl6 plates and armour
kinda retared they moved lvl6 plates to ref but i have done every day dailies and i am at 0.9 rep
altyns and that assault armour is fucked
>have to eat food and drink something in a raid to replenish energy and hydration meter
>energy and hydration refill in hideout even if you don't have any food or drink in your stash
Make this make sense.
>take a painkiller
>start slowly dying because my tummy hungy
make it make sense
>Vaseline has the same effect as morphine
You got dirty water from the sewage and eat rat in your hideout.
>gotta spend 20 minutes clearing out all the rogues on top of the roofs in light house if I want to get any quests done
I hate this map so much
>scavs in 2 minutes after you
>steals rogue gear from rogues you killed
>kills you
>checks high value spots uncontested
>extracts ezpz

Nothin personnel
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Rate my SKS
Looks more like an AK to me
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>taking the LBC rig into a raid
>not having it sit in your inventory for the whole wipe out of convenience and fear
Could never be me
>get into raid wanting to try out a gun build
>extract without firing a shot
always feels bad
He has 6000 hours regardless you dunce
>doing Long Road
>spend more time fighting PMC camping than plinking scav
Hate Lighthouse and hate that quest.
I'm level 38 and still haven't touched Lighthouse yet this wipe.
cultist circle worth it? would cost me about 200k to build it with missing parts off flea and i have just under 4 million rouble
You can bring a smg or an ar and rush most PMC there. They are all camping on the montain trying to kill anything on the road.
I'm trying to kill scav on the road but I need to fight PMC to get into a good positions. So tiredsome.
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Holy shit can this piece of shit game increase the raid timers?
the crazy scav nades are back...
please dont post pve stuff, no one cares
glad I'm not the only one being dabbed on by phantom scavnades

I believe pvp raid timers are longer
>"budget" TX-15 build
man who drew this picture
>i must announce that i don't care!
>I believe pvp raid timers are longer
Did they say why they made that retarded decision?
fucking lol, tarkov is so funny because of shit like this.

>USEC operatives have detained a deranged scav as he fled the health resort today
>he is suspected of plotting to assassinate Peacekeeper for meddling in local affairs
not phantom, just xray geometric physics-defying magnet nades
Insane, perhaps that nade bounced perfectly off the tiny flat surface of the metal door's edge? Even if the trajectory was legit based on geometry collision making that precise of a throw is absolutely not possible unless you're a bot lmao. That shit is like playing Worms against max difficulty AI, when they calculate wind velocity flawlessly and land the sickest shots
Probably because pve runs on their servers and they don't want long raids clogging them up
Honestly, dumbest thing about this was I was 3v1ing and trying to find the sniper on the hill after popping the w-keyer of the group. Scavs were never aggro'd onto me but were shooting at them instead and that nade was legitimately out of nowhere. Feels like that corner of the warehouse is invisible to them since I've definitely been aggrod randomly there before.
>i must announce that i outplayed 20 poorly coded AI !
Serves you right for trying to interrupt their gay orgy!
I thought they made all the servers except streets running locally. They didn't implement that yet?
>i love strawmanning!
>i love competing against C++ code!
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I have no idea, I only play pvp :)
>>i love competing against C++ code!
c# actually but lets be real here
you compete against that shit with the cheaters too haha
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Ive made a mistake
at least I know how it works now
why is pvp so mean to pve
It's actually extremely fucking dumb that you need to be standing in a specific area for it to work.
because youre playing cooperative SPT which is kinda really gay dude
you should've seen how hard SPTfags got bullied
>Weeklies Reset
>Prapor wants 12 of the Whiskey/Vodkas FIR
>Therapist wants me to do Pinewood Coop Extract 10+ times
>Jaeger wants 60+ meter PMC kills on Ground Zeroes for melee levels
bro my standing/wallet can't handle this shit
bro you aimed too high and shot the flare backwards, your character already shoots at a 45 degrees angle so if you point all the way up, you actually shoot at 135 degrees backwards
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You weren't in the signal flare area yet, and you didn't launch it in the right trajectory even if you were.
What's the single best needle to use if I need to hightail it to extract when I'm near max weight capacity?
I've only used that extract a few times, but it worked when I looked straight up.
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I am having a BLAST with this fucking thing. Only problem is it's so. Damn. HEAVY
Any pve players here?
Thinking of farming factory for dog tags to get an icase.
You think that's worth the time? I'm level 29 atm and wondering if it's worth putting tasks on hold.
problem with PVE is PMCs are (relatively) fixed static spawns that don't roam, so you're essentially forced to push into them. it's not the worst idea but you're also likely to just get fucking shot looting regardless due to (dogshit) audio where a scav can run 2 floors and open a door, get within an inch of you without making a sound.
>where a scav can run 2 floors and open a door, get within an inch of you without making a sound.
what the fuck is up with that lately?
I swear it never used to be so bad with the audio
>finally enough experience to become the bunkerchad

I BELIEVE IN DRUM MAG SUPREMACY!!! Just prior to this clip I had shot at someone else so this trio was on high alert. Yes I got out alive, no I did not do any good looting because I was scarred shitless after that.
Almost died to fucking scavs just outside of extract because of the whitebox bug
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we just don't (Nikita) know.
I can FEEL your heart rate here
well done
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You guys think this'll ever sell?
11k each? Ehhh. If they worked out to ~8.5k each I think it would have sold but you're not really saving anything buying bulk there.
are pve bots better or worse than spt?
SPT with mods, infinitely worse. Base SPT they're basically the same aren't they?
SAIN >>>>> PVE (Live) > SPT
Is it worth it to keep the blue tape key just for the ledx spawn chance?
Man it's tragic how fucking jumpy the ASH12 is. Even Bowl is too large a map for it in last hero.
It wouldn't be such a problem if 40-50 pen wasn't just worldbuilding these days
Right, it's pointless because I still have to go for headshots. So sure I one tap heads (like every other fucking rifle) but I can't sustain fire at all.
Found an Abandoned factory marked key during a scav run.
Thanks g, everyone involved in that clip has a little over 1k hours and I think it shows. Intermediate players doing some "right idea" type plays with some fumbles in execution along the way. Like my whiffed headshot at the start and that second guy's full peek grenade toss attempt kek.
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After accidentally killing Tagilla and a bunch of Scavs, I'm finally back a ground zero.
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>haven't seen reshala all wipe
>have a daily to kill him
well done anon
How much do you lose for killing a scav boss?
Those guys misplayed that hard, good job for taking advantage. Especially that second dude for that nade, he deserved that death.
a lot. guards too.
how can i git gud in this game

>play more

i just keep dying reee
Die less
best map to sink time into memorizing the loot spawns? interchange or streets?
just record your gameplay with nvidia shadowplay or something and after you die review it and ask yourself what could i have done better in this situation
You lose .05 for killing a scav boss, .03-.05 for killing an ai scav, and .01 for killing a player scav that isn't super low karma or a betrayer

You get .01 for a successful scav extract. There's other ways to gain scav karma but they can't really be farmed.
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never underestimate the power of a bush

where am i timmies? oh you cant see me?


also ignore my aim at the start i shot like 7-8 m62s to kill that scav,m1a sucks even when modded
Tap water and licking on salty rocks
Lol no idea why they sprinted out like that, like where did they expect you to have gone? Did they think you just 180'd and ran away? Guess they'll think twice next time!
>my buddy died right around this corner and (probably) had no idea where from
>i better sprint around the corner in the exact same spot
So many tarkov players are clinically retarded
theyre RPing as rogues pushing your last known location
Just start with the knowledge base of the game
>learn the maps (choke points, hotspots, shortcuts, spawns, etc.)
>what makes a gun "good" or "bad"
>learn when to sprint and when not to

The pvp stuff is kind of esoteric, sure you can just aim better but there's a lot of mind games to learn. I'd focus instead of learning how to move through the map and survive raids, not so much on pushing every fight you see.
Well they forgot to RP the rogue's aim, Arizona would have done ya head in the second he saw you
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>lean too hard into setup over the weekend
>insurance comes back
>stash is now full to the brim with ushankas and shotguns
>I still have so much more work to do
I hear there is a way to dupe in-game. Would it matter much to dupe in pve?
man i love sliding and skating on rocks, made my kill look cool though

I am not this good at hipfiring
because PVE is horrifically bad and the fact that people play that instead of SPT is truly, truly retarded.
my biggest case for PVE being horrifically bad is the piss poor PMC AI and the godawful scav ai, they somehow made both of them exponentially worse than a free to play community mod. peak russian dev retardation
>quietly stashing gold chains for chumming at sawmill
>footsteps sprinting to shack next door
>rummages around a bit, loots jackets
>comes to my shack
>dude with no helmet and m700 whips around corner and throats me instantly
>10000 hours, 30% S/R, 800+ raids already
wtf literally how
that's called luck
i dont believe in luck
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I AGSed that guy the other day on Reserve.
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>got yellow keycard from Ref's crate the other day
>only 280k
>check flea today
>barely any offers, cheapest one listed for 1.7m
>list it for 1.5m
>10 minutes later
>2 pages of offers, price down to 350k
does shooting at the BTR still make it aggro everyone?
pve was a mistake https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/wKZS1KeMuK
More like "solo streamers bitching about spawning next to groups of 5 PMCs"
ive the exact opposite of his experience, last 3 wipes i was a 2-3kd 28-30% SR player but this wipe, ive 45% SR and 6kd, this is my best wipe
>skill issue: the post
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Why is this sight so cheap? Whats wrong with it?
Nothing, same as any other EOTech. The 553 is even cheaper, only 20k roubles.
What are you comparing it to? It's on par with any other Eotech.
XPS3-0. Almost double the price for nothing then I guess
>for nothing
You're paying premium for Streamerâ„¢ approved sight. Other EOTechs don't have the Eceleb seal of approval.
i think its required for gunsmith quest so thats why people keep looting it
That should make it more expensive, not less
being able to flip shit on the flea has reduced a lot of prices because the market is so saturated. most gunsmith parts aren't much higher than trader prices.
Based demand ignorer/retard
>I hear there is a way to dupe in-game
Leaking it because it's already out in some other private circles.
You will require a friend to (((dupe))) some items.
>This works with ammo because it's something you can drop to people/won't delete itself once you die (ammo case) (hideout items).
>This will work with something you find in raid (ledx) (bitcoin) (GPU) (other peoples gear)
So, lets say you want to dupe ammo like everyone in the market 556A1, BT, 9mm AP, etc.
Fill up a rig/backpack with rigs all full of ammo.
Go into a night raid (safest) with a friend.
Wait the required time for you to not get a run through (7 minutes) or loot/kill scavs.
You will disconnect from the raid. You read that correctly, just disconnect from the raid by confirming to leave. When you get to your stash all the gear that you took in will still be there. You didn't lose a single thing. Now your friend has to extract with the ammo that you brought in. That is the risky part.

This also works to deny someone a kill but keep all the loot you found when solo. Just disconnect from the raid and all the items you found will be in your stash.
If you do the method with your friend you can't bring in the same kit over and over. You have to switch up the rig/bag or it will glitch out. Just re-buy the items and transfer the ammo over.
The fucking genetic dead-ends that populate these generals are truly some of the most disgusting, gut wrenching chromosome collectors that have ever plagued God's green earth
this 2016 beta access with pay2win features was supposed to be a STALKER clone
but Coonkita and his pet niggers knew that a PvE game would never be able to enjoy a decade long "beta access" status and that it would die the moment it got it's "release"
so what did he and his pet retards do?
they made it PvP
>proper netcode?
>anti cheat?
>fucking sound?
"it's hardcore and beta access, it's not supposed to be fun!"
You fucking idiots gobble it up and cry for more

And do you want to know why we finally got PvE?
Because the stupid vatniks needed the extra cash flow after the arena disaster where they spent millions in infrastructure and advertising only to have everyone shit on it and move on!
Coonkita and vatnik rapebabies are so desperate for arena players that you can LITERALLY, AND I MEAN TO THE FUCKING LETTER, GET TO LEVEL 15 IN THE FIRST HOURS OF THE WIPE BY JUST SPAMMING THE RANKED MODE IN ARENA!!!!
Get fucked you retards and chock on your vatnik abandonware!
What the fuck is your point? Who cares what they set out to do eight years ago, this is the game we're stuck with.
you call this decade old half assed dumpster fire a game?
you just moved the goal posts, that's it, nothing is different from what I wrote, you merely accepted it like a cuck
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>wrongful advertising
>outright lies and deception
>theft and scam
"B-b-but who cares a-about what t-t-they set-t out to do e-eight years a-ago."

Tell me you're a limp-wristed faggot without telling you're a limp-wristed faggot...
Ah the arena experience!
Packet loss? PERMANENT!
Half of your team is jittering? EVERY MATCH!
Hit registry? MISSING IN ACTION!
4 vs 5 because of constant disconnects? ALMOST EVERY GAME!
Cheaters? LEVEL 50+!

And BSG thought people would pay for this shit? FUCKING VATNIKS!
Man vaulting and bipods are jank as fuck. Imagine implementing a worse system than COD 2019 in 2024.
>spawn UN roadblock on woods
>run to the left
>shoot guy who spawned at RUAF in the first minute
At least streamers are finally bitching about how shit the spawns are. Hopefully it's not just streets that gets tweaked. Extracts should probably get some attention as well on some maps. Customs is especially bad about those with needing to run to the entire other side of the map 90% of the time.
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Name one thing that is properly implemented in this "game".
Just one!

Remember when you could choose which side of the map you wanted to spawn in?
Or are you a new here?
i didnt know NA servers were easy mode man, why was i playing on eu all this time? got only 1 kill for test drive part 1 on eu servers because my raids wasnt full, couldnt get the items needed for intel 3 and solar power for days(at least 20 labs raids) switched to NA servers today because it said average matchmaking time is 15 seconds:

>finished test drive in 2 raids
>got both labs only items needed for hideout in 4 raids

unbelievable,i feel like im playing a completely different game
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i dont know if this guy eats m62s in breakfast everyday or is he the neo himself or if i have a very bad aim but what the fuck was that how is he alive?

did my first quest in woods to unlock new trader and it was so fucking awful, trying to see any landmark to figure out where am I
took me like 6 pcm runs getting overrun by scavs or getting sniped by edge of the map
If you slow it down you hit him maybe twice
>help friends with choreline tasks
>kill random pmc
>5 minutes go by
>teammate dies to trip wire grenade
>placed by guy i killed 5 minutes ago
Woods can be pretty miserable. Especially in this "season" where all the foliage is grown up. It makes it even harder to see landmarks. Though it also makes you harder to spot between the trees so that's nice.
You barely hit him on the first volley
He's already extracted when he hit the ground
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yeah i slowed it down, bro dodged every bullet, but is it me or bullets travel really slowly in tarkov? distance in the clip was like 100-130m
Blessed be the blindbro who opens reserve marked room just to leave an sgc in the middle of the circle
>stash cleaning time
fucking kill me
I've just installed Arena Breakout
About to click launch for the first time
Wish me luck bros
do you retards not know you can craft whiskey/vodka/beer?
the real answer is that these are on just about every rogue gun on lighthouse. i sell a ton of these from doing scav runs there.
I just end up keeping most of mine and using them. It's a good sight and since they're so cheap anyway it's barely worth selling them.
I fought the goon squad earlier and killed Big Pipe and Birdeye. And I got shot at by Knight. But after killing the first two, Knight basically disappeared. I waited around for about 5 minutes before looting the ones I killed and ever encountered Knight again.
Is this typical behavior where he'll run away or did something probably glitch?
maybe someone else killed him?
I've only played since 2023, was the original idea of tarkov to not have any multiplayer at all? Like you load into a map and there's only bots or an open world type thing similar to stalker?
I'm not sure how accurately the bullet travel time is to irl, but I think tracers have a mind-game effect to them that tricks you into thinking they're slower than they really are. When you fire a tracer you immediately see the round actually travel through the air so you inadvertently assume the bullet should be hitting its target the second you see it, ignoring the travel time. With non-tracer rounds the only time you "see" the round is once it's actually struck its target. For me at least, I think I fool myself this way.
>try out a scav run on PVE
>3 scavs around me
>see what's very clearly a PMC but he's not shooting or being shot at
>he sees me and voicelines
>open fire on him, scavs meanwhile non-caring
>eventually a buddy of his comes up on me (still not being engaged by the scavs) and guns me down
when are they gonna hire an AI guy?
Didn't they make it so some PMCs are just not hostile to scavs or something, could have been that.
This works in PVP btw
yea lemme craft 1.6?m of alcohol to get... 320k rubles and some other garbage from Prapor.
>gluhar guard follows me from the heli down into the bunker
>follows me all the way to the other side of the bunker
>ignores other players and just keeps truckin'
gotta respect the hustle but damn
is sound and movement good yet? i haven't played in a few wipes since momentum got shit
We both know regardless of the answer you're not gonna play anyway
>play pve scav on factory
>it's dark as fuck
>see npc
>are you a scav?
>NO! OPACHKI! Shot in the face.
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>play pve scav on factory
How do red flares work?
I just shoot then in the air and an airdrop will come?
Any idea if the loot in the drops are worth it or am I just ringing the dinner bell and putting my ass up on the menu?
Aaaaaaaah horrible day for setup, these people either spawn right on top of me or instantly know where I am while I camp like a bastard
If you're remotely geared as a pmc it's not worth it. If you spawn with a red flare as a scav or one randomly drops then go for it.
HAHA I AM REDEEMED! Ran into a timmy duo and blasted them both fair and square. 1 more setup kill to go!
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how much more life does this plate have
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>AI scavs aren't affected by the claymores on streets
plenty. steel has great reparability
but its down like 20%, isnt this like a class 5 plate now?
Spalling simulation when?
don't stress about what an armor "effectively" is, especially if it's class 6. now if it only had like 10 dura left, that's a different story.
quick, how do you swiftly identify a scav or pmc during a scav run

he is right there i need to know
>go to kill Kaban
>kill all the snipers and 3 of his Guards
>back up to reload and reposition
>foot brushes the sidewalk
>die to a landmine
gayest shit in the world tbqh
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what the fuck ur saying this thing will stop a 50 pen bullet with 30 durability left
it's not guaranteed and it also depends on the armor dmg of the round, but your chances of stopping that would be good enough to not worry about it.
how colorful are his feathers and does he speak in foreign tongues?
it's 0.1 for a player scav
Just shoot regardless you pniggers always do anyway
just killed a sweaty t6 poopsock streamer
>went to his stream
>hes screeching about people camping
>i heard his fatass from a mile away and simple stood still till he walked into my flechette
hard to say, it's kinda dark. dark brown... could go either way... he is about 20 meters from me, hasn't detected me yet. is it worth doing an audio mumble?

oh god is that a friend, he's not alone
Landmines are legit one of the worst additions to the game.
There is no counter-play to them other than knowing where they are and avoiding the location.
Would be nice if you could at least crawl through landmine areas like in metal gear
if ur sitting at dome rn ur gay
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>hear a noise
>a scav does a neutral voiceline shortly after
>it was a pmc ratting with a scav further behind him
>white name guy with pretty garbo stats does an epic peek instant head tap
Every dog has his day
>spawn at dome
>hope on the AGS
>let that bitch rip
>a single tracer comes from the area i'm saturating with 30mm HE and goes through my brain
>it's a TTV
>we traded
I've been picking up probably 2000 rounds of 5.45 bp this wipe but I've been thoroughly disappointed by the performance of most if not all of these platforms, recommend me a gun
Would've counted for shooter born in heaven if it was not bolt actions only
i played 1 scav raid, all my meetings were reset, mouse sense at default, brightness etc, I alt fed
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>streets with friend
>ive only played it a few times so don't know what the fuck is where
>guy busts in to the little store we're in and blasts friend in the face
>i trade and kill him
>see the kappa armband and feel righteous in his death
>check his profile after i extract
I really want to know what kind of person is behind these stats. How the fuck do you play this much already? This shit is absolutely unhinged. Even streamers haven't played this much.
Oldboys account probably got sold to some 15y/o with his moms debit
bro you get to lvl 30 day 1 of the wipe with eft arena
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>daily to extract through emercom
>spawn at emercom 3 times in a row
>kill glukhar 3 times
What's spawn rate like now anyway, 5%?
Last time i was killing that guy for lightkeeper it took me like 10 days and around 10 mil in sj6 to kill him once
i've seen him one in like 20 raids this wipe
ive been to streets 30 times and ive only seen the pkp guy once
Why is having a slightly bad opinion about arena such a controversial one?
You have to actually be mentally ill to not see the problem of moving everything good to ref and then also making arenachuds having 5k xp from 10 minutes of chop shop plus 300 gp coins per day plus boxes not even count for the supposed money transfer cap
Are you retarded?
sir thats not very pc friendly
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oh shit I can instantly search corpses with stims now lets goooooooo
It's only a chance so it never procs
I tried using my auto clicker to cancel and search and it works lol
You get xp for searching without completing?
yeah you get double exp, you just cancel and search again until the insta search procs
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>it's another episode of 'somebody tells me this game wasn't meant to be a milsim and I should go play Squad/ARMA/Insurgency if I want realistic ballistics/plate hitboxes/movement'
I wish this game never saw the Twitch drops spike. Amazes me how many people clearly never read into advertising for the game and bought into it because they saw some streamerfag play it
I'm so tired of streamerniggers ruining everything they touch.
Are the VSK/9A91 worth using now?
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this is one weird lookin m700
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I too love having to find boss specific items that don't have a guaranteed spawn chance.
maybe you can get it from the cultist circle idk
maybe if I sacrifice 5 m60s...
The worst part is BSG actually caving in to these cunts.
whats happening in interchange? everyone seems to be playing extremely slow but nothing is looted? electronic stores, pc offices and scavs untouched, so what gives?
>mentally ill killa farmers swarm interchange
>killa doesn't spawn because the spawn rate is like 10%
>mentally ill killa farmers reset instantly and queue for interchange for the 78th time that day
That's why you have dead raids.
i am not even hearing flashbangs, rarely very late ones
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wow this key cost 300k for 2 uses, but you always make your money back
>Waiting 17 minutes for Skybridge with no luck, no other maps highlighted
Are we not Skybridge pilled bros?
Is the rarified air up on high not sweet to the senses?
Certain things, like being able to hip fire intuitively, do actually come from
>playing more
I only played a tiny amount of FPS before Tarkov, its taken me 1400 hours to start doing it properly
I bought a small 2nd monitor that was very cheap just so I could look at maps on Tarkov
i bought a 4090ti because playing streets lower than 90fps was affecting my recoil
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finally.... my beloved...
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It's what bothers me the most. They're literally catering to streamers because they know if they have another hissyfit over some minor drama, don't feel like they're '''heard''' (don't have every single aspect of the game tweaked to make it easier for them to generate mindless content) and walk away they'll lose free advertising.
>put the M60 variants on the flea
>PKM/P are still only available from Kaban (and now the PKM is available from a multi million barter after handing over a PKP to Mechanic WOAHHHHHHHHH)
God fucking dammit BSG. It's not even a GOOD gun. Yeah you can lay down firepower with it but it's a pain to get your hands on enough decent 54r to feed it but you can't suppress it, optics mounting is shit, it's heavy and you need the bipod deployed for decent recoil control. It's so situational that even if it was available from the FM most people wouldn't use it, let alone being boss locked. It should at least be obtainable from Reserve weapon racks and a couple more barters worth around 400-500k, at least then it's attainable enough that people might run it more.
game was never realistic and will never be realistic , you guys are lost,your ideas dont make money to BSG, you guys make the game less fun,more complicated for the sake of realism, less interesting for new players, now play what you have or SHUT THE FUCK UP
Yup, I don't get why BSG has such a hate boner for fun in this game and just locks all the perceived "overpowered" shit from the game just because players have concerns. I unironically want grenade launchers, LMGs, and even the Mjolnir and AXMC to be way less grindy to unlock.
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>less fun
You know, I'm sure some literal garbage CoD clone would be more fun to the masses and make more money, but if the game turned into that I'd quit.
The grind just means we're shooting 9x19pst at lvl 5 armor and getting ripped through by M62 from a wannabe streamer.
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so this place in ground zero always seems to have an invisible tripwire
is this just a trap for new players or can you actually open that safe?
Why don't you go in there and find out?
the claymore isn't invisible
i already went in twice kek
first time i was clueless and the second time i was like "surely there won't be a trap set up here this time"
so i just toss a grenade in there ?
No, you shut the fuck up. Realism was what the game originally advertised itself with. Also it's not fun putting 10+ bullets into a guy and him surviving because he has halo armor.
yeah i kinda like the m60 better...
Is there a way to make it blow up without killing me? Can I shoot it or toss a nade in there and get rid of it?
no one cares nerd
>Also its not fun...
go play something else than, man these squad/arma fags ruining the thread
how the tables are turned now, we used tell these casuals to go play something else now they tell us to go play something else
COD players will always win
dead game
dead general
I fucking hate how easy the last hero arena tasks are and how they basically force you to play chopshop. Yes I will get 5th place and 12 kills for free but it's such a shitty map, I swear to god it's just cheaters running around with how people just whip their hipaim to headshot everyone they see. I just watched a guy kill one guy then instantly whip 180 and blast me within half a second of eachother. Other aspects of arena are actually more fun but they're too tedious to play because I'm really only here to complete tasks asap and would rather play eft.
I like playing arena to get my pvp fix so I'm not monkey brain chasing every shot I hear and actually get my tasks done.
pvp in eft is just so much more rewarding though, the story of the raid that happens up until your kill(s) is super memorable. Arena is just like killing people in CoD of battlefield, sure it's kinda fun but it's more about how the entire match went rather than memorable individual kills.
If you want to get better at pvp, spam factory or arena if you have it and do what >>494876101 says
I hope the second guy saw what you did, that's hilarious
Sure, but you constantly have to be careful not to overextend yourself in PvP with 20-round mags
what a psycho
maybe stop playing and supporting the game you hate and let it die so no more arena and eft integration
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enough about arena
bipods in this game finally made sniping fun, thanks nikita!
If your playstyle is sitting in a bush with a sr-25 for 30m holding a spot. Fuck. You. Kill yourself.
I sit in a bush 300+ meters away for the entire raid with a bolt action sniper does this apply to me
i do the same with a m60, does this apply to me
Yet you can buy every single fucking gun part in existence and then some and viable ammo for most guns on flea
Shit you can buy pbp, .45 ap, ss190
553 is cheaper. 24k per slot is good loot
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>we need gun parts for the new content update
We'll get some more quality late Cold War-GWOT era gear soon, right bros?
Yeah lol it's really silly. I can buy level 4 pen ammo and armor, completing negating any point in leveling up traders and obliterating early wipe. But the line is only drawn on very specific weapons?
test drive questline requires 115 pmc kills with very specific weapon builds on specific maps and its required for kappa kill me already
You should kill yourself RIGHT NOW
there are two claymores in there iirc. grenades won't work, you need to have 2 other unwitting volunteers clear the mines out for you.
Part 5 is any target, but I agree it's retarded.
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i like the current plate system.
hang yourself
oh i didnt know it was any target but still its a lot especially the rpdn one is really stupid
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I wish. I,m a bit tired of asall that tacticool shit. The Uzi was a breath of fressh air.
They should all be 5-10 kills max if they want to keep them as Kappa quests.
Unironically worse in every way than it's previous iteration and original armor
>553 is cheaper
No it isn't. They're about 30k right now. The tan exps3 is around 22k.
nah the OG armor was dogshit. the plate system that came after was good for realism but bad for balance because you could just cheese center of mass kills with the shittiest ammo. it made armor even more irrelevant than it already was. this is a good in between.
In all seriousness though, it's not as if people haven't suggested a more elegant solution dozens of times while BSG takes the easiest way out with massive plate hitboxes.
>right now
They were cheaper when I made that post 24 hours ago, dumbass.
Does killing player scavs not show their names on the kill list anymore?
Who gives a fuck it was probably marginal anyway you autistic mongoloid
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Just killed some RMT nigger in woods right next to ZB-14 LMFAO. Before that I killed a duo with FLIR DMR's. This wipe fucking sucks
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Behold, the profile of a nigger who buys gear with real money
It was more likely someone doing the duping glitch. Woods is the popular map for it right now.
I wasn't aware there's a duping glitch. In that case why did he have a single pair of T-7's and why didn't he do it near the extract? (I don't know how the glitch works)
you literally answered your own question
care to think twice before wasting your own time and energy in frivolous bullshit?
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This wipe really is the worst
The duping glitch does require you to extract like you said, so people are probably only bringing in one or two FLIRs at a time to reduce risk if they do get intercepted like you did to them.
generally they run for cheaper, I haven't played in awhile though due to this wipe being probably the worst I've played
i thought the dupe shit was only happening in PvE
nah, it's PVP too, doesn't require a program or anything
Basically guy brings in items, disconnects in a certain way, drops all his gear in the raid, but keeps all the items in in his stash AS WELL
Buddy gets the gear he dropped when he disconnects and extracts
BOOM you duplicated the items, now go back and forth and 1 T-7 becomes 32
This goes for anything that can be dropped in raid so ammo, equipment like scopes and helmets, red Led-x, but not barter items like moonshine or regular led-x can't because they can't be discarded and are instead destroyed upon disconnecting
>adding a firing range to arena
Thank fuck
welp shit's fucked
it never did. you could only ever tell by the pouch slot.
Anyone have any suggestions for PostFX settings. I'm getting tired of being killed by enemies who blend in with the background or not visible because of the darkness.
>killed by enemy PMC's using a suppressed AR
>in his profile he is wielding only a pistol
Why does this happen?
It shows what he started the raid with. He either got the AR from another PMC he killed or from a teammate.
Here's a better video
You see he keeps whatever he picked up in raid
Also note the bottom left - this is in PvP
Probably because they added a version with pay to win that's $205 more expensive than the base game and spent an indiscriminate amount of time developing "single player" and arena instead of allowing people to mod the game
i wanted to get kappa but yeah i wont bother with test drive quests, after playing a few raids of streets i got 4 kills but i dont even want to play the game anymore
GOOD. T-7's shouldn't be 17 mil and should be what they're going for on the flea. (3 mil). T-7s aren't OP at all since you can't have a sight with them + GPNVG's and a thermal sight is naturally a better combination instead.
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>when you trade with a duo and they give your gun back as spitefully as possible
>aren't OP at all since you can't have a sight with them
there are plenty of guns you can use with a forward iron only and for those that you can't, they're perfectly serviceable with a set of magpul irons. you're fucking retarded trying to argue ANY thermal should be cheaper in tarkov
>You brought in a long range scope with you in raid?
>Let me turn on rain and dense fog for you bro
>Oh you aggro'd the goons?
>Let me instantly turn on heavy rain so you cant hear where they are pushing from
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perhaps some things weren't meant to be done
usually I like leaving the supressor on and dumping all their ammo to rape their gun as much as possible as an extra gift
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yeah but mine is a functional gun
It's not meant to be done because 7.62x39 velocity is sooo slow
it's only a difference of 50ms on a distance of 200 meters, at least it's not fucking ash-12 or any of the 9x39 bolt actions
>quad nod barter is 100k
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>hit the threshold for task items from the cultist circle
>rig for drip out
I'm just not gonna accept drip out next wipe...
that's incredibly funny, I didn't even think of that
>hit the threshold for task items from the cultist circle
the what now
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scav going fucking nuts on the fortress mg tasted my wrath all the way from big red office.
I like doing this to people to make sure that player scavs dont loot it and fuck me in the ass with it
Nothing personal pmc bro
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Did Niggita really fuck me out of a drop?
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Come the fuck on niggita
scav and check it again
I did still empty
you have disappointed the cult with your offering
You can dupe any item you want if you DC in woods
im just gonna play pve mode desu
they dupe t-7s on pve too
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PVE unironically has more players. PvPfags are crying.
pve was such a blunder, timmies who where afraid to play the game do NOT deserve to escape to pve.

ahhh ffs this is gonna be wack
>Honeyyyyy it's time for your daily chop slop punishment!
Yes dear....
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food is unironically the best shit to loot, why even go to labs wtf
PVEfags are gonna go to Forever Winter anyway
I bought some cheapish ~$50 IEMs (in ear monitors, fancy earbuds) and while I don't think they're the revolution legal cheat that some might say, it's become immediately apparent that whoever's doing the sound (((design))) at BSG exclusively uses something almost exactly like these because it turns out having any bass at all in your response curve puts you at a significant audio disadvantage.
I don't like how these sound but they sure as hell make it so nothing gets buried under other sounds and they don't have the same problem of excessive dynamic range that my normal headphones do.
Fucking disaster. Imagine only testing audio on one fucking setup.
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I think this is the last time I'm rerolling arena tasks for chop slop, sure it's fast but holy fuck it's the most unfun shit ever. I don't mald at all at how people play in eft and call them cheaters, but last hero really makes me question some shit with some of the stuff that goes down
it's because you can make sugar with those
tarkov is literally notorious for it's cheater problem
maybe you should mald more
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they will do anything to stop you from getting the pkp
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Ok nevermind I'm retarded the problem was I was using ammo with less than 40 pen, switched to an AR with high pen ammo and immediately got first fucking place because my shots were actually killing
when the patch first dropped i got the threshold for task items and got 5x cultist knifes for Night Sweep. pve fag of course
>Go to Kaban
>get landmine meme'd
>he's up again
>RPDN or whatever
>he's up again later
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Wtf is wrong with redditors?
>i sure do love even more reasons sort and clean up my virtual bedroom!
fucking kys.
i can't just buy armor anymore nope, gotta buy it on flea (no plates) decide which plates i want on all 4 sides and buy and equip them all. SOOOO FUN BRO!
>he doesn't just buy OTVs from ref for 8gp coins
Works for me
Yeah seriously. I list things for less than half of trader prices :)
are comtac VI's worth the price?
>feel bad for killing a low level timmy duo
>next raid a 50kd nigga head eyes me from nowhere
it's all so tiresome
wtf is wrong with you?
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interesting barter
That's probably the worst one in the entire game.
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the plate armor system is pretty cool, im running below weight everytime with these
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ummm where is my pkp
>cheater tells me my profile name and that he will let me live as long as i leave the area (zero to hero marathon)
>he has an entire fucking 5 man
People are literally paying for marathon carries, while i do this shit from starting naked.
what a kind cheater
Happens a lot, they would rather let you go than burn the account.
i finished my marathon as a joke when i was doing peacekeeping mission, shitty m4 and blueberry. i nearly died to a fucking sweat in factory, fuck that extract
starting that right now. I've been hesistant, but that sounds fun as fuck and more DayZ like. Any pointers?
damn bro maybe you should do factory first
marathon starts from ground zero and i can only go to the linked maps. its in the middle of the run, after customs and before woods
I'd say do an offline first and learn ALL of the static body spawns as they are your key to actually doing this shit. You have two minutes to check boxes and corpses before scavs pop in. Mounted machine gun is usually fairly useless, AGS is possible to splash close targets with some work. Most boxes are dynamic, so even though it will show lootable as one round it may not be the next, try to learn which ones are always available.
Learn all the grenade box spawns as an impact is a guaranteed kit. Same with med spawns as you are going to fucking need them.
If you enjoy dayz zero to hero will fucking hook you hard, it's so fucking good.
i always fight them when they call me out by name. better to die and report them than live without reporting.
just did first round at night. got a block up with knived a scav then killed three..a broken bone did me in. fuck yes. this is gonna be awesome
>60 rounder
>short barrel
It's pretty good for Gunsmith 22.
Have you taken all the ammo out? I don't think you can sacrifice ammo.
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Machine gun room has possible gun spawns, along with the upper level of the bar directly across from it. I believe those are the only two spots for possible loose guns on the map.

For the run itself? Fuck that's up to you.
>the blunt damage section in the Arena patch notes
I KNEW armour was fucked in Arena.
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>finish a fucking vietnam level run of ground zero to hero
>transit to streets
>otherside of the fucking map from the transit
>park myself in some fuck all part of the map to go take a piss
>come back just as some pmc pops me in the head
Big sad
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>no mention of spawns
>no addition of new weapons that's already in the base game (i just wanna deag man)
Pretty sure it's still using the old fucking audio system as well.
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>drop a vog on a unheard account and his buttbuddy attempting marathon
Thanks for the kit.
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>after every streets raid
holy shit that was fucking great. I made it to factory and died to a 5000hr pooper. Will definitely do it again. I cant tell you that EKO doesn't do well against good armor. Thanks again for the zero-to-hero inspiration
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We need G00K_HUNTER back.
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stop ignoring the PCs, it's costing you
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Another GZ tip, if you spawn at the bank, immediately go outside and loot the grenade boxes right outside the bank on the street for the car extract. There's also a couple weapon boxes and a dead scav. Get your ass up into the machine gun room and search for a weapon, even without ears, you can hear people coming up the staircase and it is 100% possible to throw down to any level you know people are on.

You can either wait for scavs to stack at the spot you see here to get a kit if you got really unlucky, or catch someone rushing up here.
Factory can be rough as fuck, there's only two entrances to the outside, you can vault the window on the bottom floor of office or go out the hole in the locker room. i usually rush in there and jump my ass outside or wait depending on my spawn.
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do I keep or sell these things
1 parrot for Ragman, 1 for Kappa
Figurines are money
ogey thx
its the old patch :D 100% sure its the reason for eft arena desyncs :D
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>wandering around outside interchange at night with no nvg's
>don't hear a single fucking shot
>don't see a single fucking scav as i walk from rail extract to the transit
This shit weirds me the fuck out.
>see btr
>know that it will always head to a extract
streets is so compfy
>T-7s going for 1m
>I see people with dozens of them on the flea
WTF is going on?
Been seeing a lot of quiet raids like that at night.
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>he missed out on the greatest deals ever
dead game kek
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ummmmmmmm wheres my pkp
I wish the dupers would dupe keycards and GPUs.
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why the fuck are these so cheap when they give can boost you to 51 searching s
insurance should be disabled in pve desu
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For funsies i did some browsing through the dogtags i still have on hand.

1/4th of them have single digit raids for this wipe, level 25-35. It really do be the shitters are just playing arena and pve, then i drop nades on them when they decide they want to try marathon on the actual game.

Most of the tags i checked don't have another raid played since i killed them.
should be disabled in pvp aswell
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I like the check13 glitch :)
It's up
He was back earlier today.
nyooooooo the t-7 market was back to 2mil
how do I set up a radar for streaming?
two computers
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PvE is the intended tarkov experience.
based career ender, looks like one of your kills still browses /eftg/ tho (>>495144878)
PVE players are even worse than Scav mains.
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>tfw scav main on PvE because of gear fear even with guaranteed insurance while sitting on a 100 million rubels
Is there any way of actually casually enjoying the game?
In raids I die to cheaters or level 50 fuckers in meta gear within like 10 minutes and in Arena I get one shot by meta weapons in LH while my gun needs 3 bullets to kill anything so I get last place an no money and in the ranked modes its the same but I lose money somehow.

Whats the secret behind the loudouts in Arena? I see people in cosmetics and no armor tanking shots somehow while using some overly decked out SPEAR.
Just learn the maps/spawns and the flow of how people move around them. This lets you loot/complete tasks safely because it's much harder for people to get the jump on you. Learn how to move so you hear people first, don't sprint everywhere. Pvp gunfights are an esoteric mix of luck and mind games that takes thousands of hours to get good at. But just surviving and completing most questlines is actually 100% doable on a casual level. I know it because I've done it. If you're getting killed within 10 minutes of raid start you're not understanding the spawns and the map flow. That early in the raid it's 100% possible to understand what direction threats are coming from and to prepare from them, it's purely a knowledge check and not a skill check at all, that's why some people seem to have radar and know exactly where you are. It's because they understand where you're likely to come from and where you're likely to want to go, that's all.

Even without spending a dime you can make an assault loadout that uses high pen ammo on an assault rifle. Arena is about clicking heads, simple as.
Learn to click heads and stop blaming every death on cheats or sweats.
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>heh... I'll use magnum buck... They'll never see it coming...
>every motherfucker's a goddamn Enforcer with that damn mask
Fuck you
Aight something's fucked with footsteps again. Literally can't hear anybody coming around corners anymore. Can't count the times I've died cuz someone's right next to me around a wall but I can't hear them moving. Same thing with scavs opening doors completely silently. Can't we have a single wipe where sound just works?
I had some trouble with this recently but I blame it on Gssh's while doing setup, people were somehow moving through the entirety of fortress without making a sound. But for sure the grenade noise is bugged this wipe, I've had more silent scav nades in one wipe than all previous wipes combined. I've also had weird glitches where player nades have been super muffled. Yesterday I threw a nade around a corner in the reserve bunker and the explosion was so muffled I could barely hear it, it was as if I was topside and 100m away hearing that low rumble but I was really just on the other side of the office door. That sort of thing has happened a couple times this wipe so far.
>arena patch
>reduced points cost for AK system weapons
YES maybe now I can bring more than 2 extra fucking mags
>not magnum fucking their legs
MP-133 nigga, all or nothing
also headshots own Arena, you're putting yourself at an almost irrecoverable disadvantage trying to leg meta out there
You can still meme on legs but you need to play like a total bitch so you can get the first shot off every time. Otherwise you're just going to have some scout nigger beaming you with AP rounds.
I know the quests can be done casually. Its not about being able to do them. Its about enjoying the game. My raids go one of two ways. Either I survive past 10 minutes and see nobody just to then be oneshot from somewhere I couldn't see or I don't and get sprayed by a guy with M80 and an MDR while my AKM with SP ammo bounces off his helmet and face shield combo within the first few minutes of the raid. Neither is fun. Having a chance to get out of the raid without much luck needed and having a fair chance in raid overall is. At some point they have to make some changes to this otherwise people just won't stick around and all the sweats will just move to the next game to sweat since they will have a fair game for once which isn't fun for them. Raids need to be similar in KD, playtime, gear quality/price, character stats and quest progress. And they need to be so at all times.

>Even without spending a dime you can make an assault loadout that uses high pen ammo on an assault rifle. Arena is about clicking heads, simple as.
I wish it was that easy. I had several instances where my M4 with M855A1 just ricochets of off facemasks.

Yeah getting sniped from some bush or being sprayed down by M80 ammo while peaking or getting peaked without even having seen the other guys body is clearly a skill issue and I could have totally clicked their heads.
Yeah, but even then you're putting yourself at a disadvantage in other ways, like ammo economy, passiveness not pressing any team advantage (if in a team mode), being basically rendered useless if they have lower body cover or a good corner lean, etc. And obviously getting the first shot off is always good, even better with a headshot, and rarely something you can meaningfully control. I'm a leg meta enjoyer in the main game, but in Arena I've tried and failed to make it work too many times to bother again.
Found your problem
Yes and if you kept reading you would have noticed that I wrote that it happens wether I peak or get peaked by someone. I am usually dead before I even see the other player pop up.
The word is peek, moron.
Sorry, I am ESL. Either way I die wether I peek them or wait for them to peek me.
>AKM with SP ammo
It's actually pretty criminal that you can't buy PS at level 2 prapor or something. x39 rifles are bad enough as it is with their dogshit recoil and PS isn't good enough to upset any kind of balance. Honestly though I would run 5.45 over 7.62x39 early on. Decent ammo for it is found more easily in raid before you can just buy some off the flea and they're cheaper. They also have much lower recoil so you're more likely to actually kill those sweaties by shooting them in the face.
probably an insufferable bastard irl
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This is a nice little QoL for arena.
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They fixed the Mutant requiring 2 full points of rep with Ref, too. As people guessed it was a typo and meant to be loyalty level 2.
35 pen is pretty high for a lvl 2 trader. what's dumb is the fact it's locked behind punisher.
Its already one of the cheapest things. I don't have the money or the time to get many things just to lose them in 10 minutes in a raid. Only thing cheaper would be an AKS-74U with FMJ.
>clearly a skill issue
It unironically is.
>waaaah i'm playing a hardcore shooter casually and i'm getting outgeared and outleveled by others!! the game should be more catered to me! waaah!!
Why are so many people like this?
I forgive you, my child. Go with God.
because they hate losing and cant get good enough with cheap gear or be able to afford good gear
>plays in squads
I'm so
>stuffs an entire hospital up his arse
>powerlevels traders and skills to shit on timmies who can't even damage him
for playing this
>cries on twitter when he occasionally gets killed by the throat hitbox

Tarkov used to be hardcore when any hit to a blacked limb killed you. Now it's just a rat race to get to the best gear.
I think it's offset fairly well with the high recoil on x39 rifles.
Well yea but that's what I'm saying. You can snag some decent 5.45 ammo pretty easily on a scav run. SP is just so fucking bad that it's just asking to get shit on.
For me its about player retention. If you don't adjust your game to an average where majority of the casual playerbase can have fun then you will eventually run out of people that play your game. Online games need people to be playable. If that doesn't happen then Tarkov will not survive. Nikita is already begging for money with new editions and other shit so not getting new players and losing players because cheaters and sweaty meta fuckers make casuals leave is not going to bode well for the games survival.
I am fine with losing when I had a fair chance against someone and my actual skill let me down. All the game has to do is put people of equal skill and gear in the same raids. Let all those overgeared chads with 5+ KD play against eachother.
Most of those guys just want to brag about how cool and skilled they are for getting Kappa in Tarkov.
None of my Scavs spawn with 545 AKs yet and if I find any I usually die. I should run more but I lack the time for more then maybe 3 or 4 runs.
Otv is the shittiest armor in the game perhaps even worse than paca
Is it that bad? Why?
>Woods with Birdeye's m700, the only addition I made being a laser light combo on the rail
>Get surprised at close range by someone
>Take cover and flip on the laser sight
>kill them with a hip fire headshot as they try to push me using it
>Message after game "Wow nice job dude really cool who the fuck uses a laser sight on a bolt action I bet you need tennis rackets on your fat feet to sprint properly too oh who am I kidding we both know you toggled anyway enjoy your ban"
>this thing that's literally twice as good is actually twice as bad
what are you smoking, my guy
I usually respond with something along the lines of
>GGs man, good fight
it makes them rage even more
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Last night I dreamed that Kaban had spawned at my university's parking lot in the morning, so I held off on going to my exam and attacked him with my AK-74 instead to try and complete The Huntsman Path - Big Game. He tanked two 30-rounds mags of 5.45 PS rounds with his head, and I ran out of ammo. I then whipped out my melee weapon, which was a metal burger flipping spatula, and dealt ineffectual chip damage to him as he walked slowly away with his back turned to me, until the raid timer in the top right ran out, at which point I had failed both to kill Kaban and to attend my exam. It was a really sad dream.
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Solo queue for PvP fucking WHEN?! I'm so fucking fed up with getting swarmed by a group. No matter how well I perform, there's always that one last guy holding an angle ready to head, eyes you after depleting all my resources fighting his friends.
and the game would be insanely boring with skill based matchmaking, thank god you are not in charge
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>playing last night
>spawn zb1011 on customs
>see a scav's red hat about 50 yards away over the top of a bush
>shoot it and see a big puff of blood come out
>he instantly whips around and bursts me through my level 5 plates and instantly kills me
>it was partisan
Why does this cocksucker get 80 head hp? There's no reason for it.
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>Working my ass off, being on call and doing nothing else but work and sleep
>Finally back home
>Fire up EFT, time to relax and enjoy my freedom
>Die a bunch of times to instant head, eyes, my raids lasting 5 minutes tops
Yep, it's gaming time.
>Why does this cocksucker get 80 head hp?
The same reason he doesn't have footstep sounds and doesn't trigger tripwires. Hardcore realism.
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Where is it, Niggita?
>All my victims in PvP today, except for a single one, have been oblivious to my presence
>All my lives today have ended in me getting headshot while being 100 % oblivious to my killer's position or presence
The idea of playing this game is always better than actually playing it.
shift w much?
And could you explain why? Because the only reason would be that it would force all those sweaty players to actaully play the game and have less fun flexing on "timmies".
There are only positives with SBMM in Tarkov. Players get a natural plateau to improve at the game, raids will last longer and be more engaging, sweats will have hardcore sweaty and competetive raids, with this many vectors used in the SBMM any person attempting to manipulate the ranking to get easier raids is easy to detect and can be permanently banned and the game becomes more approchable to beginners.
You get the point, anon. Think about it, especially if you are a solo player, what percentage of your encounters are more than "He had no idea about me being there when I killed him" or vice versa?
Genuine cheaters don't get banned what kind of copium are you huffing that you think anyone who's minmaxing a matchmaking system would get banned?
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>muh SBMM!
the absolute STATE of newfags in vidya, holy fucking shit. you fucking shitters absolutely REFUSE to get better at the game, you always beg for the game to cater to you like you fucking deserve a free handout. all those "sweaty poopsockers" you faggots bitch about actually invested their time in learning the game so they can stomp noobs like you, fucking git gud or fuck off to pve or something holy fuck.
game becomes way too predictable. the reason this game is fun because you never know what you are up against, is it solo, 5man, timmy or squad of timmies or sweaties and the combination of that makes it fun. this is the game, you never know whats out there. are you saying its not fun as timmy to whack some insanely geared player or drop some squad of wannabes? also nice idea of punishing people of stat manipulation when literally every fucking cheater tanks their kda and people intentionally plays unranked in arena for easier tasks
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Why is this handguard selling for so much?
Isn't it a gunsmith part?
Reminds me of that cuck cartoonist who said that it's ok his bike was stolen because some urban youth is "enjoying it"
FiR only + decent stats
Also you're not playing the real game so the places are inflated.
Is it the white one specifically that's needed for gunsmith? Cuz the black one is only $20k and exact same stats
Thats because there isn't even an anti-cheat in the game. The more vectors are used to generate an SBMM rating the easier it is to find statistical outliers which are either cheaters or people manipulating the system.
That system is only fun if you are the timmy or the sweat. The average player doesn't have fun in this system. Manipulators are cheaters. Thats why they need to be banned. Tarkov has no anti-cheat to speak off thats why nobody gets banned. If they used all the statistics and numbers they have to their advantage then most cheaters would be banned within 4 games.
>Manipulators are cheaters
SBMM is literally designed to manipulate your game experience.
Holy shit, it's LITERALLY impossible to survive a SINGLE FUCKING Customs RAID FUCK! I've killed over 3 PMCS EVERY SINGLE RAID without being able to extract with the chemical part 1 item FUCK!
only fun if you are the timmy or the sweat, lmao what the fuck are you even saying? post stats right now
You're a fucking idiot.
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>scav into factory
>headshot a chad with a broken ak-74
>get free kit
yeah nice altyn set lmao
Was he running around with the mask up?
Nah, he had it down. I put it up because there was a nice bullet hole in it.
Unlucky him then
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>mfw how fucking fast shit sprints in pve
Been trying PVE just to see what it's like, shits mostly brain dead but then you occasionally hear shit move at like mach 2. Scavs spawn in and full sprint all over the fucking place.

Running into the goons on fucking woods is terrifying, you CANNOT outrun them.
It used to be way worse when goons were in 90% of the raids. Felt like I was playing a horror game running away from them.
Add a hardcore mode in PVE where insurance and the flea market are disable.

Also add SCP monsters
and anime girls
and cats
and anime cat girls
>Girls frontline but Tarkov
Someone hire us
Barrikada still shoots high and to the left, in case anyone was wondering.
you weren't
FMJ SX has too much pen and probably deals too much damage as well.
Signed, an MP7 abuser.
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>not PVE
didn't read
LOL I love how that's the argument you are going for. Forward iron sights. Yup try hitting shit with that beyond 100 metres. ur a dumb nigger. T7s are not OP
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wtf 150k is expensive???????
>scavving lighthouse
>hear a PMC voiceline and bullets explode a window next to me
>hunker down in the pool with a corpse
>sudden grenade explosion next to the doorway to my spot
>peep up, see guy sprinting from that exact heading
>toss some rounds into him
>see two dead corpses
>AI scav starts shooting at me
>turns out the PMC killed himself with the grenade and then an AI scav behind him decided to beeline it at me
what the hell
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>Try it with a friend with trash ammo
>I didn't keep anything upon disconnecting
What did he mean by this?
does lighthouse spawn 338 ap
Found some and M855A1 here the other day
This sounds like a certified night gamer
what the fuck is wrong with ground zero, 60% are obvious, 30% sus deaths
i'm sorry anon, you're just wrong.
it's probably already fixed
press the fucking N button nigger
>find 2 LCBRs in raid
>gotta ditch mine since you can't own 3 at once
I fucking hate woods.
you gotta earn it, champ
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Bush wookies, 2 different bosses with no footsteps. THREE bosses total. One that roams the fucking map with no noise.

Still better than lighthouse
Killing 3 pmcs despite dying sounds fun as fuck though, keep dabbing on them

Rest assured that even if you die as a solo as long as you take down one of those squaddies then you've forced some fag to seethe in discord for ~20 minutes while he can't play the fucking game lmao. Meanwhile you get to gear up and go right back in.
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>hits the window framing ahead of me 6 times in the exact same spot before he kills me
what does the lack of acc lifetime mean?
It just doesn't show it sometimes
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Ask nikita on twitter
I'm hearing WAY too many Ausniggers on the Asia servers. Fuck off immediately, "please".
ausfags truly have no server to call their own
give me good spots to genocide pscavs in water treatment. sick of those niggers drooling over rogue loot.
hard mode: no sniping
As if being A*stralian wasn't bad enough to begin with
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psa bring a mppv on streets
Hardmode: ash-12 with ps12a inside building 1
is that usually the main building they funnel into?
I'm thinking as if i was the player scav
As long as I'm not spawning in the train yard or shitvillage im probably hitting entrance then making my way to building 1
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Magnum buck out of the pictured MP-133 (shortest barrel, ribbed) aimed centre mass from however far away the furthest wall is in the shooting range.
They've fixed this fucking donut spread bug how many times now? Fucking CHRIST
AI be hittin' different this wipe
Interchange scavs are terrifying
>Figure I'll buy some T-7s and give them a try cause they're basically free right now
>Do worse because I can't see my fucking sights
Yeah I'll just use the FLIR if I want to thermalfag
I was shocked at how shit they turned out to be
super fucking grainy and a range limit of 300
really only semi fun if sniping from dome on reserve or running woods at night with some sort of iron sight
all thermals have that range limit
The new Arena netcode definitely feels better but man it makes high ping matches impossible. You just lose, flat out, which I guess is how it should work but wew all the same.
behead pscavs
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>Another death to a completely silent nade
>They STILL haven't fixed them
I have had nothing but shit raids today. The ONE raid where I find decent loot, manage to headtap a few PMC only to get killed by a silent nade. Jesus Christ I hate this game so fucking much.
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take off your back sights bwo, with t-7's you can see just about everything inview
>Yesterday did 8 raids as a PMC, 0 % SR
>Yesterday did 5 scav raids, 0 % SR
>Today have done 5 raids as a PMC trying to just snipe on Woods, 0 % SR
>Today have done 4 raids as a scav, just trying to recuperate all my lost funds running SoT, 0 % SR
at what point do you admit that ur just bad at the game
I mean like, I usually hover around 50-60 % SR while pursuing PvP solo. I'm pretty good at the game, but for the past two days my performance has be abysmal. Don't really know why, though.
its nyoger for you bro >>494910835
This could indeed explain a lot. Like, it feels like I don't really run into true timmies anymore and the variance in encounters has narrowed a lot this wipe. Everyone I go up against also seems to know all the ins and outs of every spot and every encounter ends in a nano second when a line of sight is established.

Or maybe it's just my aging ass not being able to poopsock the game like I used to ~5-6 years back.
It's mostly game knowledge. The entire community that's still playing knows EVERYTHING at this point.
The BTR/Marathon loot delivery service is so convenient and comfy that I'd never scav again if it was available on every map and accepted task items. I bring 300k roubles to every Streets and Woods raid now, alhamdulillah.
>"60Hz" is in the FLIR's name
>its actual in-game refresh rate is 21fps
Why this?
>Immersion and realism in all marketing material
>Still can hear someone inside an apartment complex looting a duffle bag through walls and ceilings without being able to tell direction, just that someone is somewhere inside my head looting a duffle bag
Why this?
What if real life had sound like Tarkov's? You'd walk past a skyscraper downtown and hear 200 people walking around inside?
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I'd imagine it being very similar to a severe case of schizophernia with auditory hallucinations.
>Walk around
>Suddenly something jingles
>Turn around in shock, heart racing
>"I guess it was just my own zipper."
>Sudden footsteps on metal right behind you
>Start sprinting in shock
>The sound suddenly snaps into muffled mode meaning the person is either 7 floors below or above you
>Finally enter your flat
>Can't sleep, because you can hear all the sounds made by other people in the building
has anyone ever been killed by the btr
Not me, nor have I ever even heard about such an event happening.
damn what a waste of 80k
I have, I had less than a second left on the Klimov extract too. Fucking BTR came from around Pinewood and one tapped me.
Donut of death is a real thing.
I can't find any references to that other than the Steyr AUG reticule shape
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>pop a 3-b stim (20k) for 4 minutes
>+10 strength, +20 attention
>12kg lighter and instant search speed for 4 minutes
wow stims are broken, I can literally never go back
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not to mention the +1 stamina recharge GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Drugs are for losers
there should be an addiction stat or im gonna take this drug for the rest of my life
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>battle pass
>arena updates
WTF could they even add as permanent rewards? tatical clothing? weapon skins? Hideout wallpaper? Exclusive PMC faces and voices?
And the rest would be things like in-game currency and xp boosts.
Probably. Which I would be fine with provided it's not a paid thing.
Did Nikita ever say anything about adding expendable batteries to things like NVGs and flashlights?
I hope not.
There's too much retarded faux realism shit that might be flavourful but makes no real sense when you think about it (eg. the barrels made out of pot metal that go bright red in 2 mags and jam up).
I bet it's going to be a paid thing. They're getting super desperate now that the game isn't selling as many copies.
That's why BSG tried the mtx shit, paid pve, stash upgrades, unheard, arena p2w integration, and now this battle pass. Steady income is how you cover server costs.
I was killed by the pscav of a level 62 player with 5000 hours just now
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I guess he must've mentioned it at some point.
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>when you are in the middle of a reload and hear shit full sprinting towards you from every direction
>graphics card from a Ref crate
Thanks Ref
We need to shut down the accounts of people that play more than 3 hours a day until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

And end pscav map choice.
I have not touched arena once. Do you like get money and loot to your regular eft character from there or something? I saw someone mentioning that doing arena gets you easy millions.
Yes, you can get xp, roubles and skills leveling for your main character
You can transfer roubles and GP coins from Arena to the main game, but there's a daily limit on roubles you can transfer. There are also special crates from daily quests that you can open in the main game that contain random gear, weapons or barter items.
the xp you earn in arena transfers to your eft account which is why you see so many insanely high lvls right now
i just shot 130 7n42 zubilo rounds to kill one (1) PMC
How many of them actually hit?
youtu be/gisB7XXMUNg?t=716
oops timer should be 641
Now that's fucking AIDS, ngl. Didn't BSG promise that Arena was going to be detached from EFT itself, with only like cosmetics and such transferable?
probably 10 lol
>finally have some time to play
>raid time: 00:31
oh yeah, it's gaming time.
Feel your pain, anon.

t. >>495175163
just remove all other bullets and give everyone infinite stash of M80 at this point.
I've only gotten head, eyed with AP 6.3 and M855A1.
They need to make like a briefcase that you can put armored rigs in.
Were do you guys think is the best place to find ES Bulbs?
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>Looting around, hear a scav aggro behind a wall and a bunch of cover
>No gunshots and suddenly all my bones break, all my limbs go black, get like 2 heavy bleeds
>Immediately think it's a hacker and just go prone, pop a stim and RUN
>Exfil eventually
>Got hit with 5.45 PS all around my body and it was obviously the scav behind all that cover, even my armor was beat
Streets, file cabinets. File cabinets on streets.
They gave the scavs eagle vision. I'm getting shot by scavs when there's just no fucking way they saw me. Through bushes and glass and from all kinds of stupid ass places.
flea market.
For me the scav was literally behind impenetrable concrete walls and stuff and I did not hear ANY gunshots, even though he was like 5 meters away from me on the other side of the wall. Like literal black magic crushing my bones and stuff.
>4 deaths in a row
>2 within the first minute
>finally have a decent raid and make my way to see if smugglers boat is open
>level 21 rat nigger is extract camping in that corner on top of the hill
>i miss the prefire and die
yeah whatever fuck this i'm just gonna play something else
Cultist fuckery or something man who knows with this stupid ass game
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>10 minute queue
>head, eyed under 2 minutes
>gear up and queue, 15 minutes combined
>head, eyed under 2 minutes
>gear up and queue, 15 minutes combined
>head, eyed under 2 minutes
It's seems that Interchange is trying to maximize my enjoyment today.
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>Next raid
>Trying to get in
>Suddenly get absolutely fucking demolished by SVD fire
>Survive, stim up, try to fix myself
>The dude just pushes me
>Fails to find me and walks past me
>Have M855A1 in my MDR
>Empty my mag into him
>Sparks flying around and he just doesn't fucking die
>He unloads his whole SVD mag into me point-blank when I run out of ammo
>damage dealt to body: 347, damabe absorbed by armor 538
Like this is BEYOND ridiculous. Out of 5 raids, only in ONE have I even been able to enter the fucking mall. All I need is to check out those stores for the first tasks of ragman and kill some scavs.
>Next raid, finally inside
>See a pixel move in the distance and die to a head, top of the head m993
>Raid time: 00:01:40
I'm literally speechless at this point. WHAT. My gear has devolved into nothing but scav-tier shit at this point, since there's absolutely no point in bringing anything better. I'm literally just deathspamming at this point and frustrated beyond belief.
I did that shit with delivery from the past the other week. Fucking constantly ratted, dying off spawn, or dying on the way out for like 12 hours. I was running pure trash by the halfway point because there was no point in losing kits for no reason.
When are they gonna give .308 rifles recoil you'd expect from firing a .308 rifle?
Careful, don't want to upset the streamers
they dont have much recoil IRL i used to dual wield them when i was operating in afghanistan
Thank you for your service.
I'm full autoing six FALS one handed while I type this post, all 1 inch grouping
Sometimes "something" just happens with this game and you go into the shitstreak mode. You'll run into nothing but +6000 hour turbopoopsocks and get doinked in a nanosecond by the most ridiculous AP ammo in the game. Suddenly average lifespan drops from the usual 30 minutes to like 1 minute.
semper fi!!! i cry everytime...
thank you for your cervix
did you have trouble finding matches in afghanistan?
>found a Spear
>decent ammo is locked behind lightkeeper shit
not cool
Yea you just hit those crazy unlucky streaks. Honestly at this point the only way I'm getting tasks done is by sitting my ass in a corner for 35 minutes until most of the raid is dead or done with their shit.
does it anger anyone else that unseen fags can fit two mags or salewas in their pockets?
dont really care about anything else, but those pockets are P2W.
No, I'm not giving 15 bitcoins for it.
Is the task for them seriously 15 bitcoins? That's hilarious.
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yeah or cough up $250
that's 14 million roubles worth and thats not even factoring in the aids quest line you have to chug through
Genuinely fucking funny. Glad I'm a trve believer and just paid for the upgrade.
im playing arena free weekend and i actually like it so far, but i wont pay 35$ for it
i'm on EOD right now, I'm not upgrading out of prinicpal.
got my weekly done in 30 minutes because the influx of shitters, thanks.
why would anyone play PvE?
im not a huge fan of PMCs just being reskinned rogues with broken shit.
because it's comfy
i swear therere bots in arena people play so bad this is my first time playing but i either end up first or second in last hero
if i want comfy, i'll go play Stalker.
>why would anyone play PvE?
Utter refusal of gitting gud or playing a different game.
i finished my dailies and weekly in 3 matches arena is a joke
dont get me wrong, PvP is the worst part of these games but it makes each raid feel unique.
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Stalker is old. EFT keeps getting updates.
i hate that in pve the scavs start swarming you since you're the only real player on the map.
it gets so bad, you have to bring about 4 stacks of bullets to keep up
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>playing arena
>looking for server... (AD ETERNUM)
>restart the game
>looking for server... (AD ETERNUM)
>restart the game
>open the EFT
>close EFT
>looking for server... (AD ETERNUM)
the a.i downright fucking cheats as well.
i hate it when a group of PMCs are tracking me through the fucking walls and when i flank they're ready to one tap me. such bullshit
There's actually just no reason to play pve when spt exists.
There's actually just no reason to play spt when pvp exists.
Spt niggers are just fucking stupid
>can I play spt with a cracked copy of tarko
>can I be banned because of SPT
so you niggers want me to throw my hard earned cash into the hands of greedy vatniks just because?
get fucked
Sometimes you just don't feel like dealing with poop socks. SPT can be way more comfy. It's nice having a consistent character that you can play whenever you feel like.
Show me one person who has ever been banned because of spt. You can play with a cracked copy too you fucking NIGGER
my S/R in PvE is 25% because scavs swarm you and A.I PMCs have aimbot like rogues. Just got onetapped by a pmc using fucking slugs from 200 meters.
Yea with SAIN and other ai mods you can tweak the "difficulty" to your preference. PVE ai is fucked.
>free weekend
>highest ranked players I've ever seen start pouring out of the woodwork in LAST HERO of all places
I'm nooooticing
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>spawn by that fenced construction area on shoreline
>start hearing what sounds like far shots at me immediately upon spawning
>figure it must be an audio bug
>move along the fence just in case
>bullets start striking the fence line right next to my head constantly as i move
>see someone dart behind a trailer to my left (I JUST FUCKING SPAWNED)
>get pinned and raped by the goons, knight immediately shoots me in the head the moment i see even a pixel of him round a corner
What the fuck do these faggots just roam the entire fucking map now or can you literally agro them from weather station as soon as you spawn in?
Scav into Reserve and search all the filing cabinets
See >>495174805
It's bad enough that you can spawn, walk 15 yards, and get shot at by or shoot another pmc on most of the maps but they've started spawning fucking bosses near you too.
I finish my weekly in 2 matches and my dailies in 4
>get into an Arena match
>get autokicked the moment the round starts
>still forced to take penalty for leaving despite the match not being suitable for me
real funny, nikita. guess i have to disable auto region connection
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what to sell
lol i pasted the screenshot into ms paint and didnt crop
Sell some of the tube things
>There's a comtac 5 and 6 now
4 still feels the best
I think with the 4, 5, and 6 it's down to personal preference. 2s still sound like complete shit
tacsport till I die
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>spt mention
I don't really care, because anyone serious about a raid is going to take a rig in anyways. I killed a lot of unheardcucks in the early wipe who were using some shit gun, running naked with a fullsize mag in their pockets but who cares? They were running ungeared so they died like bitches, having a bigger mag doesn't change that.
>CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K @ 3.70GHz
>GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
>RAM: 16 GB 2666mhz
how is this not enough to run the game properly without stutters? it always happens when i get shot at
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Interesting... I wonder if Tarkov properly simulates large vs small buckshot apparently spreading differently (due to stacking shape apparently?)
I donno man, I'm at 3.6Ghz with a AMD Ryzen 7 and my GPU is Nvidia RTX 3070. But I have 32gb of RAM, my game runs very well with no stutters except rarely on streets.
apparently tarkov hates AMD drivers. have you updated yours recently? anectdotally it helped when i briefly had AMD before i upgraded to a 3060 ti (really good btw)
Stay strong solochads, our day will come.
>arena weekly
>get at least 5th place in LH
>13 times
what is the point of helmets in arena if everyone just gets ammo that pens it
what's the point of an armored rig if the best plate you can get is class 4
ricochet % and dmg reduction
sometimes they DO work, and sometimes people take lowpen shit for lulz and it works wonders against them
assault and enforcer get class 5/6, they do work against people who use SMGs

You don't think that shit works until it does.
>get this
>reroll it into 13 medical items in 1 raid
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>people are buying GPUs for 1m a pop
>despite the fact that there's no FiR requirement to sell them anymore
>also despite the fact that we've probably only got another 2 and a half months before the game wipes
Do hideoutfags really?
Honestly you could definitely pull this one off by hitting weapon boxes on Interchange, pretty much the only ones people consistently loot are the back of Goshan crates
but who the fuck are these guys
everyone I'm fighting is using lapua, spear or mp7
mmm, fair enough
idk what the fuck you are going on about
I bought mine for 350k
I donno man, most of my LH matches are people using good ol' 5.56. The pen on their rounds is in the low 40s sure but the ricochet chance happens once in a blue moon. Last match even had one guy with the ks23 and another with an MP5, helmets and armor certainly help.

Basically if you min/max your points right you can get a lvl4 helmet, lvl5 front/back plates, a great gun, and 3 mags total with 40+ pen ammo. Some guns can even get 4 mags total, which you WILL use some lives. It's one of those things where not running a helmet/armor doesn't really improve your offensive capacity, so might as well do it.
>shooting suppressed in the night
>every AI scav within a quarter mile B lines to my position
fucking nikita and his meme of restricting anything fun, lmao go kill shturman twice for bolt action lapua ))) 20 for semiauto
Do scavs and "PMCs" just not fight eachother in PvE? I had to kill 40 fucking scavs in a streets raid despite hearing nonstop gunshots for the first 5 minutes after loading in
Even after the nerfs, armour is fucking cracked in Arena and if you can get a level 4 you can semi-reliably stop 40-45 pen rounds, which is half the classes. I don't know why, and it's not just ricochets.
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Let me guess, you need 'more'?
I mean yeah I would prefer a specter doctor on a riser, brown of course
>got the shitty circumcised version instead of the FSP rail that people actually use
i need a flashlight to win my fights, yes
Why does SP-6 have only +5 recoil when PAB-9 has +10 and SPP has +7?
The magnifier recoil is broken dogshit and the front sight post gets in the way. It is very aesthetic though
because these ammos got added later and nobody checked sp6
and since nobody has ever used this ammo in PVP because nobody has access, nobody complains, so nobody checks it
>head, throat
yep cock
if you use the m4 in arena you are derivative and weak willed
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>first shoreline raid where I go into resort to loot since the wipe
>immediately run into a 2 man of hatchlings
Boy I'm sure glad we catered to the retarded streamers who were mad they couldn't sell the metafag gear they just pulled off another metafag on the flea
yeah its those streamers only :D majority here wants this game to be easy mode, nikita pls let me make money with 30sr daddy pls
most of the gear you pull off of enemy PMCs is utter garbage too, so I don't even get the point.
I am so glad I can sell this LPVO that I picked up from another guy for all of 30k
Trying to do lighthouse quests on SPT where you'll have to solo all 10 rogues just to get inside the water treatment facility is insanely difficult...
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not bad for a 160k key
>cropped the raid code
PvE was a mistake
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>hes spreading misimforation
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>hes got that metaPvE ULTRA Nosler ammo becuase he knows all hes gonna fight are scavs
I get my GPUs for free from Ref 4.
why not? its super easy to make money in this game
but it takes over a month to pay off
Thanks for the FLIR, Pscav.
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Give redditors an inch and they'll take a mile
>see people bitch about not being able to find quest items
>okay, we'll be extra generous, instead of buffing loose loot and letting you find it that way, we'll let you do it from the safety of your hideout
>cheap low-level craft too, so that's no issue
>you can sacrifice pretty much any item you want and get something most of the time for it
>hell we'll let you get boss gear for free so you just have to kill them for the quest
>have rare chance of getting nothing back
If I were actually Nikita I would have stopped being kind to the playerbase long ago. Eat shit and die. Seriously it's amazing how much they'll casualise it and the lowest common denominator crowd just wants MORE. I think they actually want the game to play itself for them
same easy mode players in 4chan, also whats with this half assed fix anyways? why not just remove boss loot requirements from tasks and buff boss spawn rates? 300 raids in, only sanitar killed and got 3 times chance to kill other bosses
Is there an easier way to do Water Treatment Plant than trying to snipe the MGs at the start?
AFK somewhere until like 15 minutes left on a night raid and just do your tasks when every Rogue is dead and all the PMCs are gone.
To be fair, getting nothing from the circle is a bug.
really not enjoying the cheat weekend in arena
>scav daily to find 13 medical supplies in one raid
>assume this includes medical shit like drugs/bandages/medkits/etc
>actually means 13 medical items used for specifically crafting such as piles of meds/medtools/etc
Fence how the fuck am I supposed to do that?
You must live and breathe the streets.

(Or just play your PMC and stop being a fag)
need Fence rep for his questline, only real reason I'm scavving it up.
they have an incredibly far aggro range and they will run you down across the entire map. best bet is to hunker down behind hard cover once you see tracers start flying at your face and pop them when they have to turn a corner to get you.
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>still no tan SOPMOD stock or Nightforce ATACR 1-8x
Not quite there, but we're getting close.
>hop into factory practice run to test some gear
>kill 10 scavs
>every single last one has a shotgun
bug or feature?
EP located

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