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Soon to be /omg/ - Ody's Multiplayer Graveyard


>Launch Trailer
https://youtu.be/Rely2ajQV7g [Embed] [Embed]
>Official full OST

>Regarding Final Omega Strikers Updates

>Steam page

>Check rank & stats by username here:

>Check ranked match history by username here:

>Mega dump of emotes, models, etc.

>Latest Balance Patch

>/omg/ Cup tournament archives

>/omg/ Custom Games Sheet

>/omg/ Aggie archive

>Previous thread
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new game suck old game rock
>Omega Strikers General
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>nobody had to yell at him to turn his camera on
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>Garbage players that lost us the game are on the opposite team.
>Absolutely smoke them.
No better feeling.
Why are my teammates in Normals light-years better than my teammates in Comp?
cause its all challenger/omega players who dont want to risk their rank in comp
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This is surprisingly accurate. I regularly find myself in games where both goalies are omega+ and every forward, myself included are barely plat.
Those games are unbelievably cursed.
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Do picrel next time you're (or anyone else reading this) doing a new thread instead of copying directly from the output text
I get this really often and it takes literally all I can possibly do to burn through the goalie's cooldowns
And then the ball gets intercepted and I have to start the cycle all over again before I can even think about trying to score
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What's nao's tinder account like
Redirects to her linkedin.
who could pull her?
grope julie
Like an oblivious H-game protagonist who's unknowingly getting groomed by her boss.
Did Byte Breakers' publicity cause OS to get more players?
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Maybe? There's also probably people going from OS to BB.
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>We here at Ody realized Byte Breakers is too much work to get right and that our next prototype is pretty much stillborn so we're refocusing our efforts on Omega Strikers starting yesterday! go Strike!

And the I woke up from my dream.
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>when the ultra-early-access-prototype doesn't get 25,000 daily peak concurrent players they can it and go back to OS for a while
>every couple of months ody cancels omega strikers and tries to make a new game only for the whole thing to repeat
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Does anyone have that one nude belt aimi mod by iloveaimi?
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I wonder what Challengers/Omegas opinion of Juno are. I can't foresee her ever being considered a "weak" pick in my OS career.
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she's not that strong but she's still a pretty common pick, not exactly weak either
from what I remember last couple seasons she is pretty outclassed by Aimi, Estelle, and Vyce, unless she gets a couple awakenings for core speed and maybe a dash item
I've barely played this season but I don't imagine it has changed much
ive got the belted version dont know where my nude copy went
also have another guys tomboy challenge aimi and ni.ga https://mega.nz/file/AS4nUCQD#T09FhoO9LA1a-4HumCXMYXeX9uQN3guoZDzRcq9eDpg
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wuh? Does it get deleted after someone downloads it through that website?
I hope you got it.
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Here's all of them.


no belts

waist only

no top

no bottom
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I was wondering why it wasn't on gamebanana.
thanks, but what does this have to do with challenger juno?
juno bop
Pink cat is a loli after all...
This is why they gave her boobs in Byte Breakers...
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naked juno skin when
soft squishy body
too naive to say no
She'll just collapse into a puddle.
do you have nude juno mod too? I wanted to download it but it was deleted too soon
>Pink cat is a loli after all...
Says who? She's just petite.
>Says who?
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Thanks you two.
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Of course some janny tranny sees children everywhere.
it's a game on EOS, in a unpopulated server anyways play our NEW GAME BYTE BREAKERS COMING SOON
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More like Omega Strikers are coming to Brap Byters' funeral soon.
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Nope, sorry. I didn't even know there was one.
>lost media
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4/6 EU
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Never been to this general before, wanted to try omega strikers but just never did, but I want to try the playtest for byte breakers.... uhh... how do I do that? It says it should be up but it looks like I need a lobby, or something. New to this whole playtest thing.
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5/6 EU
Atlas may be the most infuriating goalie to go against net to Kazan
*next to Kazan
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Play Omega strikers, nigga. It's an amazing game, infinitely better than some prealpha smash royale.
If BB testing is still up you can try and request access on it's steam page. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2503080/Byte_Breakers/
I think they are sending out invites in waves. They said this testing would be pretty small-scale.
I got the invite I just couldn't hit play to actually play the game lol, apart from the practice room
yeah I saw that omega strikers is still being played I'll finally give that a shot later then, cus it seems like today was the last playtest and it already ended
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>I just couldn't hit play to actually play the game lol, apart from the practice room
I think the playtest servers are only up at certain times. Then they take the servers down while they make changes.
NaD are you alive in there?
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Omega Strikers might genuinely be the best game ever made, don't miss out on it just because it's not getting major updates anymore.
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So true, nothing quite compares.
>customs still going
sweet free dopamine.
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GGs EU Kangz and honorary Evropeans.
Thanks you Namesrdum for helping to kickstart the custies.
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That's the ticket there.
They really did include the secretary before the actual fighter. Huh. Dev's showing incompetence even here.
I didn't get too much time to check the playtest, but I'm legitimately curious to see if they will pull it off. .
still not giving them any shekels if the game ever comes out though
Because you have the worst design in the cast
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Sorry to remind you, but Kazan exists.
Kai and X are much worse
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Should I queue for something other than normal?
fishnets era for sex
If I make a fangame using the omega strikers characters and release it for free, can ody sue me?
Yes but whether they will or not is up to them, better to just ask them
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They can't sue you if you release it anonymously
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How come porn can get away with it but not fan games.
Maybe I should make all characters naked and say it's a porn game.
Stupid sexy cat
Retarded Shartendo lawyers go after porn.
Technically kikes can take down any kind of fanart because the whole system is fucked.
Once you enter the same market the original IP holders are more likely to act. Even if it's free it still might be seen as damaging their brand or creating confusion.
I don't think a dev as westapozzed as Ody is going to be very generous with fan works. However, they are obsesser with creating the good guys image so who knows.
Porn is mostly ignored because companies have no plans to ever going for that market, it's too far removed from the original work and interacting with it in any official capacity isn't good for the optics either. If Blizzard started selling Overwatch pinup calendars kikes would declare a fucking crusade against all porn fanart the next day because they'd immediately feel entitled to all those patreonbux coomer artists make.
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Would the average IQ of the playerbase be higher if Juno wasn't in the game?
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no, we're all monkeys, non-juno players just delude themselves into thinking they're better than slime slingers. moments before they strike into a slime.
also that's a cute nao
the game would be dead because juno's cuteness is what drew us all in
I'm gonna sling some white slime into your mouth, junogger.
Is this game dead? Is it worth to start it?
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Not dead just sleepy! Go strike!!
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sex with Sonii...
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While off the clock, octavia enjoys wearing traditional oni garbs and having rough sex with human men
Morning breath kissing with Vyce!
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No. Yes.
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4/6 EU
putting NA to shame
it’s that damn discord server. bet they’re playing other games. betrayers
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First time Aesop's microfunny made me zozzle
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>demon dais
>demon dais match canceled
>demon dais again
absolutely organic map distribution yep nothin to see here
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Asher in the office.
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Go strike, strikers!!
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Need Asher
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Kino. Saved.
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My lady is so adorable
So much sex
>julipunch (real)
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erm vyce is actually really balanced you guys
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Outskilled, Wormbag
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im reminded of clash of clones
this was 3 seconds into every vyce match
check the timer
There should be an /omg/ tournament where every team is made up of one character three times. Random player assignments again.
we definitely would have to preban vyce and kazan if we were going to do that though
especially vyce
Balance it by putting the euros on that team.
I, Aryan God, refuse to play Kazan or with Kazan.
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Here's you punishment for erping on discord instead of bumping or striking the core.
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its not my fault I had stuff to do
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a european team won clash of comrades (it was an NA tournament) (the tourney concept youre thinking of) by playing luna. would probably still ban it
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we did it bros
im not worm i just found it while scrolling through old files :3
i agree with the message tho
I'm Wormboy.
d-daddy? uwu
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>lost media
if only I could download it.......
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2/6 EU
find who made it in the modding discord them beg them for it
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https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1uFMWG2Jyk4iVQPS9tsCMoayxZEuNCZ Where's the porn?
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There isn't any. You have to go make some oc.
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>at least 2 /omg/ers on the list
i dont see any, unless youre counting the guy who only posted here while he was discord banned
>get on today
>demon dais again
i have no doubt in my mind they tweaked the map rates so demon dais is played more. This favoritism is fucking ridiculous. fuck you ody
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>he hasn't memorized everyone
It was posted on the discord so there's no porn in that collection.
>going 2nd on aimis app
>good rasmus equipment
>good juli equipment
>can’t ban both
>enemy gets first choice
>cant diff the enemy on the same character anymore
>forced to suffer an immediate disadvantage as soon as the map starts
>only counterplay is to hope all fucking three on the enemies can’t play juli AND rasmus (fat chance)
wow i love auto-losing based on this shitty fucking snake draft bullcrap nobody asked for as if character mirrors were the reason why high rank matches sucked and not individual striker balance
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I've only been getting Test Chamber. I'd take Demon Dai's any day.
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You can play on any map you want in customs.
P sure it's this guy, unless there's more than 1 person making OS mods with YOU WON'T LAST FIVE MINUTES avatar.
NA customs filled with faggots who unironically put the map selection on random because they’re too fucking lazy to selectively pick the good maps
and EU is laggy
Is asher in charge of odys finances?
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Random organic SRS
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uh oh
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>Glasses-less Luna
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Imagine seeing all of this up close in Ody's first person game.
character development
Ody should've made her boobs bigger to indicate character development.
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Wouldn't make sense since playing Core-Striking got her more athletic.
More athletic = more boob muscles. Look how fat Asher's tits are
She needs to eat more to keep up with corestrike energy demands so her boobs get bigger.
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Character development is an important part of every story and shouldn't be ignored.
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gee i wonder if these are smurfs
god i cant even get out of silver right now i used to be plat
its a fucking shitfest out there i tried to save these poor rookies but it wasnt enough
i just want to play the fucking game
its like 99% of the userbase are smurfs or discord trios
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I prefer this kind of character development.
Give me Punished Juliette.
how powerful is asher's leglock?
Good question, let me conduct some tests.
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I need to finish 20 more sets + take a shower
>captcha: TR8OR
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I demand gay sex. Seems we could come up with a mutually beneficial trade, no?
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He asked for EU customs, not NA customs.
EU bros quit being homophobic its current year
Based exerciser. I'm about to hop on my exercise bike for an hour.
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Sometimes I forget just how large your strike range can get when playing size
if there isn't already an edit of x doing the last of us 2 meme punch, there needs to be one. fuck this shit looks funny.
I still remember Hanebado for how good the anime was overall and then the final episode / match sucked, and in the same season there was Harukana Receive which was mostly mediocre but the final episode / match was great instead.
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EU custies tomorrow. Or else...
Page Omega.
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It is the weekend, maybe. As a treat.
euro bros what’s your excuse for no customs this time?
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I was playing other game with frend
kys traitor
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I lift and clean my apartment on Friday evenings. I think we potentially could've been 6/6 if I started earlier or finished faster. I killed customs and ate the corpse for my gainz.
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What if Asher had a hat?
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She'd be Hatsher!
i drank a litre of whisky
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>video game has secrets behind a waterfall
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>We will never get a Winter VN event or skins
No Santa dubu ;_;
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this was made probably at full release
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Oni milf spotted
Snip the thread.
>Santa dubu
>Santa Julie
>Krampus kazan
>reindeer nao
>elf x
>pajama luna
>pajama asher
>Christmas present juno
>scrooge rasmus
Kazan already has 2 skins more than he deserves.
Need more Luna ryona. Not because it's arousing, but because it makes me smile.
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I want to breed Nao nao
Nao doesn't have time for breeding, she's working overtime pegging Rasmus.
She should make some time to peg me then.
anyone watching the 100€ TTT tourney?
I only watch /omg/ tourneys.
if nao was a troon with a little tiny estrogenized pp that would be pretty good i think
speaking of... doko?
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After EU Custies.
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speaking of... 2/6 EU!
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3-4/6 EU
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5/6 EU
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i dopnt remember having this many tokens what
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Last known sonii spotting
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oni milfs birth oni milfs which in turn birth more oni milfs.
the cycle of life itself is about creating mature women to oggle
where's the male OS porn. I need rasmus or X to breed ME. imagine the bdsm rasmus could do with his rope...
i knew it. rasmus players are all gay
hi honk
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ggs wormgod
>they're deleting byte breakers channels in the discord
no... no it's gone... it's never coming back is it...
well there’s nothing to talk about anymore
Wait the playtests aren't weekly?
I didn't even get to play it dammit
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Good riddance.
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Euros are the only ones that care about this game anymore. NAggers are all off playing other games while eubros sleep
hate to say it as an NA player but it’s true
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the devs dont care about the game so why should I
the devs care very deeply, actually
triple digit player count and they’re adding little goodies to the battlepass and tiny updates that bring zero money out of the love they have
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everything they're adding has been in the game files for months, even prior to EOS maybe with the exception of community-made emotes being added (or just unused ones finally being available)
the only have 1 or 2 people making small changes who can't ever touch actual code because they're not real developers so we'll never see any meaningful patches ever again
$200 and 700+ hrs later and I have very little desire to come back at this point
Timezones are the real villains.
Real, we should corral everyone into one vertical strip timezone and then lay waste to everything east/west of it. Live in the canon timezone or live in The Wasteland(tm).
fake fan
i think if you think NA is dead then you're probably in like silver
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Nightmare Era > Dream Era.
It's not even close, Nightmare Era is pure sex.
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I wonder what's next for Ody.
They're going to cut all loses and make an H-game with the Omega cast.
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>gets banned from steam
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Be better than odyggers!
Go strike!!
go drink
Too early. I don't want to pass out right before customs.
i’m talking about /omg/ers specifically
probably the lack of real players in queue is what drives euros to custom so much now that i think about it
Customs are the superior game mode since you don't have to suffer Ody's matchmaking, kazaniggers (doesn't apply to NA I guess) and shitty map rotation with its 24/7 Oni Village.
byte breakers will kill off mvs
Nao will kill off my testicles
Why is there even a map rotation anymore? just replace the stupid snake draft shit with a map veto system
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>Play solo ranked
>I'm bronze being paired with Gold
>Gold players are nothing compared to Customs
>No seriously, it's like I'm watching the match play in slow motion
>Sweep this, the next 3 games and hit Silver

Custom GODS, thank you for all the ass whoopings...
Can confirm, the ass beatings work.
the beatings will continue until your elo improves
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There's a reason we bully.
EU custies again tonite?
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I remember seeing the Twitter post of them animating this manually...Also
>Nao in Estelle's armor and Ai-Mi's clothes
Diamonds. Need.
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2/6 EU
2 (+4 niggas erping in cytube chat instead of playing)/6 EU
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i’ll custom again if need be
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3/6 EU
But it's dinner time...
maybe next time
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Slackers will pay for their transgressions tomorrow.
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>sonii when she sees a dick
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*my dick you mean?
Bros, I Go Strike'd today and fell in love with this game again.
How come Ody don't want us, man?
gimme a hug man
No more hugs /omg/
my duo owes me fucking ranked games but he keeps playing other games
>my carry owes me elo but he doesn't wanna pay
i’m a higher rank and also fuck you
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Won all night, didn’t get a single game of demon dais, and got mvp almost every time
good vibes all night :3
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Proud of this sequence. The reaction, the precision, its flawless. Love to see it
How many loans did ody take out to keep os from tanking?
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Sure was nice of Ody to kill their playtest once it reached 5k players since it didn't meet expectations. Reminds me of another game of their's.
if they simply let us xbox bros take part it would have been a rousing success
is it gone forever?
Sonii selling her body for one night funds an entire season.
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What a dumb name
any other /omg/ in there?
also whats the cord lookin like these days? i’ve been banned for months
Dream map rotation is taiko temple, night market, atlas lab, and test chamber.
fuck everything else, especially oni village. with the other bad maps i can at least see the thought process but this one is just beyond me. where is the fun? its not even an interesting gimmick the speed boosters just make it HARDER to keep core control and score since the core flies away from you now
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Evropean gamers, it's time to make up for yesterday's slacking.
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2/6 EU
pathetic stuff
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4.5/6 EU
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5/6 EU
tomorrow for sure...
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Retarded fucking goalies selling my rank...Reee.....God, it's ALWAYS when I'm about to promote do I get paired with the BIGGEST braindead fucktards in the WORLD.
Look at this cat
git gud
Begging to get plaupéed.
When did you find it?
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sorry bros, honk and I had some stroking to do
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all good its the current year after all
My heart yearns for another, pussy
i regret typing this it was really gay
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faggot <3
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>four hours
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>four hours
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good day /omg/
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>monster girls
Do you think finii ever got bullied by people calling her one?
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Bullies call her a trap for being so flat.
Unbeknownst the them, they are correct.
As usual, Finii is 10 steps ahead.
Explains why she brools so well. Just like julis hidden 10 inch futacock.
finii is NOT A TROON
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I'm sick of this SHIT. I'm putting together an elite team. I'm Mid-Plat Plat, but Diamond incarnate. NA-Based. East Coast.

Juli's all woman. Shut the fuck up.

Finii is all girl. Hush.
>plz carry meeee
lol no
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I do the carrying, loser. My whole bloodline is nothing but carrying MORONS only to get dragged down by some fucking IDIOTS. I'm assembling the avengers and if you don't want to be apart of of it, THEN ROT!
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Sorry but NA isn't based anymore. You guys can't even get customs going now.
White people failed to get customs going yesterday too.
It's not uncommon for ahtenian women to have a massive cock.
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Go... strike?
even wormboy hit diamond
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If you need me to carry you again babe just let me know. I peaked mid diamond last season
you know who i am
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Fake news.

Well, Wormy is better than me so duh.

Don't call me that....And I saw...
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I just want to say that Juno is a no skill, brain dead character and Ody are a bunch of pants on head retard for continuing to buff such an easy and broken piece of shit.
Yeah i know...idk if you remember but I apologize for the thing I posted with that mid diamond screenshot.
I wish you luck with your team if I can’t be a part of it. I believe you have what it takes, Honk was in a similar elo hell
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I will keep playing Juno
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Striking my dick rn
Right now?!
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>asks for customs
>refuses to elaborate further
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>honk mentioneddoes he wear the finii cosplay during sex
tight thigh highs barely containing his thigh thighs dripping with femboy sweat
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Yes he does, pic related is honk
Jesus christ.
Just let it die.
nope, habin too much fun
Anybody got a link to a working stat tracker?
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Holy zased wtf
5/6 EU
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I've transitioned.
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MIXED RACE (mostly white) INTERRACIAL KUSTOMZ begging to get KOLONIZED by pure ARYAN gamers
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That is not me bro.
are you sure? looks pretty similar if you ask me
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Yes I’m sure, you’ve never seen what I look like you nice friend
How can you be sure of that, neighbor?
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Let him have one (1) sip as a treat
Okay just this once
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Gay nigs
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not a nice thing to say about your fren
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I saw. And I caught your message over Battlenet. You're always welcomed in my team, Wormy. apology accepted. And thank you.
thank you, kapitan...that means a lot to me.
i’ll make up for the way i’ve treated you by getting you the rank you deserve.
add me on discord pretty please so we can game tomorrow
Go sleep!
How to get a juli gf?
wait for ai to get better
Become a professional athlete
We shall remain as a testament to Odys sins.
Don't flirt with my boyfriend. He's quite taken.
holy shit i hate faggots
fuck off
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nao ntr?
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Every time you engage in gay erp, kazan player wins a match.
I'll pay the price
what about straight erp?
girls don't play omega strikers
your mom does
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But I need a corestriker tomboy wife to continue my bloodline... It's so over...
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>european customs
>look inside
>2 AM
we are getting ready for the next tournament
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not my nekomata
that was NA customs too for a bit til they died. a sure sign of customs death is only starting them in the beyond late hours
the transformers thing?
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4/6 EU
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Just like good old days
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Why watch customs when you could Watch OdysseyInteractive with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/odysseyinteractive?sr=a
Customs have better emotes
>open link
>some neckbeards clapping
>close tab
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always remember the blobbo that scored never the one that cucked you
thats whatg you get for pressing finii smug instead of striking
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Acaz you never added me on discord bwo
I wanna be a part of your teamm
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acaz you need to correct his bratty ways
bully him gently
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cute :3 https://x.com/PlayOmega/status/1839043445400416314
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Any of you guys know the source of this Octavia picture
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Hi aesop :3
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Spoiler warning!
>nigger sex
To be fair, Sloptavia is the most likely striker to burn coal, even before her husband died.
go drink
Stop doing this shit
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What happened to you leaving the thread forever or whatever the fuck. I remember you making a whole deal about that but you're still here publically gay RPing
I tried but this game is too good and i’m too gay
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Poor bunny..
>hiding names
We go over this every time young-in. This board is anonymous!

You should laugh at the content of the image! Not the names contained within!!
We gotta figure out which Ody niggers responsible for Kazan so I can personally harass them.
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yo... im not aesoup.. :aimicry:
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Is it really (self insert childhood friend MC)?

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