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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread:>>494791857

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Cute and canon coming through
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Awful start limbabs
Posting something good instead
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I really wish they fed Rodion more
Fattest character they introduced
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Alright, don't move
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Paus is fatter
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cute and canon
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gentlemen how can we make this thread worse?
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I know how to make it worse
4 and you gay
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15 gigabytes of gay porn
I'm sensing a normal thread where nothing happens in it. I can feel it in my bones.
We talk about ruina
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pm please post a trailer for zwei ishmael tonight so we can get canto sooner
pm please send me a irl Don so I can smooch her
ty xoxo
i refuse, and you will have to wait another 2 extra weeks for your insolent greed
Wouldn't Zwei Ishmael be announced in 3 days at best?
What is your favorite MD team? Why?
if we start discussing about shipfaggotry, the thread will be unbearable by the 200th post
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Can't wait for Zwei Ishmael's kit to be revealed so I can doompost extra hard.
shi only
because fuck you
If we start discussing vore, the thread will be unbearable by the 100th post.
evade solo
because fuck me
>doomposting an ish id
its like you want to get made fun of when the id is good
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000 ish and 00 don next banner
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i don't have a favorite sinner
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Whichever one has the newest units. That or burn because it's fast.
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It be Zwei Ishmael AND Zwei Don...please.
meant teaser oops
Still 3 days
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Its confirmed to be good to broken.
all good ids with only one that is subpar
all bad ids but 2 "decent" ones
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But is that what you want?
ish ids being good is one of the safest stocks you can invest in
Trying to short the market with her is asking to lose everything
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walpurgis heath when
>liar princess and the blind prince parody
Very cute
Not for a while, since Mountain of Smiling Bodies is way too obviously going to be his.
Next walpurgis is his with big and will be bad wolf
let's discuss the best voreships
How could Zwei Ish make running her and the rest of the Zwei worthwhile though
bleed pierce team just feels good
My pure virgin wife Rodion!
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These images of them are pretty cool.
Which Sinner would be most likely to get themself killed if it weren't for Dante?
ishMALE is such a slut....
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for one of these?
I know Cinq Outis is supposed to be more of an evade tank but man this bitch does NO damage.
teaser wouldn't happen until next week retard
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for me, it's rodion raskolnikov
Zwei Gregor is really good as well, but he fails at being hong lu. Ishmael can be a better Zwei Gregor bur there's no way she competes with K Corp UNLESS she manages to boost Zwei IDs or introduce a new gimmick
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south is defense, west is offense
simple as
>Ryoshu, Don, Heathcliff
Have been adventuring for far too long without Limbus Company for it to be them

>Outis, Gregor, Ryoshu, Ishmael
Same as the above but without the incompetence

>Hong Lu
May be a shocking truth, but unlikely
So probably Yi Sang or Sinclair

Those happening in mondays are because of dead weeks usually

By now I cannot remember one time I've been called a retard by someone who wasn't being dangerously retarded
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I'll pose this question again from the last thread.
What am i doing wrong? I tried doing this with a rupture team and it would never tick over 13. Over 18 coins hit the big guy while he had a bunch of rupture count. I tried again with a bleed team and let him roll over 18 coins while he had a bunch of bleed count. For some reason mission counter is stuck at 13.
are you mentally challenged?
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Here comes the airplane
Just run full walpipi lobcorp team
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Suicide fuel
i did this
don't really know what exactly is your problem since i'm pretty sure i finished that mission first try
maybe you should put lament sang on the captain spot and put other sinking units on the team to see if you can cash in on sinking damage
solo sang
Outis now has a wasted id on that world
You rike?
Don has one too so it's fair.
Yi Sang...
Those are MY unborn children thank you very much
don't we have onscreen examples of sinners getting themselves killed unintentionally? like hong lu peeking around a corner and getting blown up?
Did you target a single part specifically? Not sure if that matters but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
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We need new content badly...
This fucking general is going to be horrible the next month and a half (AT LEAST)
>tfw no new Dante's Notes
Did you do your dailies today Danteh?
cinq don is great though
Enlighten me since you know so much more than me.
i don't even play this game
Do not impregnate the sinners. It sparks sadness in my soul.
haha sure she is bud
ryona bait
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Awful thread, limbabs.
>another ID/EGO reveal
Here's your content. Enjoy.
Yes. I specifically targeted the body part with most the hitpoints
Dante notes is probably going to be 2 weeks before the new season. How long did Dante notes last season again?
>cinq don
I'm sorry anon but you have to let it go.
How many wings can you even quit?
>R Corp
They got your clone data and just one trip to your local Shi Association office and they have you again.
leave this general, vtumor
Post your banners, noob
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Looking pretty gay, anon.
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Questionable quality thread, limbabs.
Yeah yeah go back to writing your scp fanfictions Viper.
I ha
UUUUUUAAAAARP haha woops, looks like Ishy's panties came up, hehe~
Yeah, I got nothing then. Sorry anon.
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It's a funny hehe haha picture of Don, you faggot!
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Yi Sang!
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You are the cancer killing /lcg/
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[intentional bait disguised as a retarded post]
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I know what you are...
Close the curtains.
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I am the cancer killing /lcg/
Honestly, VTumorfags are the leat of /lcg/'s issues right now...
Don't make me call Rodya on you, fishy.
Reminder that ryoshudev runs this game, with idealdev in second place.
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It's relly funnt how limbus so gay, that they need gender bender content to survive in media
Gentlemen, rape him.
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wont be saying that when sinclair gets his next 000
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Sorry i got sniped before I could finish
I have the banner that only matters. RR banners don't matter because they rely on rng reset autism and this is a gacha.
Only trannies watch vtubers, and you know who likes the worst limbus company characters
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Hey, i can do that.
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chuuba collab with limbus when?
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I prefer the female to male gender benders but I've not seen many.
rodyadev status?
you better not post crackships or else ill get really angry
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Bring a full sinking team and target the body of GoL with all your units that aren't clashing
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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is a crackship just shipping crack faust and crack heathcliff
Rodya x Ishmael
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1 month until DONTENT.
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look at her frickin go
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Traumatizing bait. Have a (You)
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I gay yumeship myself with Heathcliff.
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No. Not for 7 or N
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How are you liking the butterflies, Limbabs? Enjoying the Departed?
female heathcliff got me actin unwise
That doesn't exist. Not one bit of art.
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is she okay?
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So that was the other part of this. Cool
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Which female character do you want to be kotified and have her pits showing? It can't be Zena since she has a whole set of them already.
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When we get RR5 I'm not going to have any space left for cool looking banners...
Official baitnigger tier list
>the kings
retarded post + ishmael image

>A tier
trannies larping as woman

>B tier
twitter/discord screencaps
retarded post + don image
faustfag falseflagging

>C tier
zena niggers
nsfw images
actual faggots
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A special Dogs technique for non-contact combat.
Hongdev too actually. Asian biased company wow
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go zena go!!
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theres some more femcliff by the artist
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>none of these peasants have the "CE + HC" banner
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What now, limbab?
Her hand got broken, please understand
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they just hug
So you think Faust and Dante used stargaze together?
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Looks cool. Really need to start looking up artists whenever I like a piece of fanart they made
Shes a Middle newbie so her hand tends to get broken. Please understand.
That's what they all say.
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sorry limbwo
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Your response?
bros on an etch a sketch
Post Rodyamael art then.
*Do you
*used to
I swear, I'm not an ESL
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all of these shipfag posts are ironic right?
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Do you even need to ask?
Most posts are shitposts. Most.
Gubo is for Yi Sang though
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Sorry, even the artist was just doing it cause they shared worlds and ackwoledged it was a one time thing only.
i'm like 99% sure this is an edit of an existing yaoi doujin
sinclair in particular looks very familiar
Hooker sinclair? What a weird mirror world
So true sis
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>sinclair in particular looks very familiar
and you know this why?
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I'd say so.
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they were one of the artists that left during the controversy but they came back now
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This image cured my homophobia. Based
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both of them are, they've been posted in these threads a lot
>artist who made this is a gay rapefag
ishMALEkeks, do we really want this?
according to this dcinside user who was more bold about asking what artstyle this was referencing, the search you're looking for is "sakaki hassen"
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Faust game. Faust harem.
I think this anon really likes canto VI
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I kneel, based Canto VI bro...
something tells me you like Heathcliff.
Faust's harem of Dantes
Dante's harem of Fausts
Howbwould that even work?
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That's far enough, faustniggers.
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Thanks for linking them.
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where's ur rr4 banner bub
open relationship (closed)
the hidden shadow council of outisfags is behind all of this
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Ive suspected outisfags are the biggest falseflaggers for a while now
I expected something worse and I'm so happy it wasn't
Are there even enough Outisfags to falseflag?
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Love me wife Outis!
Not even a Faustfag but I really like this image
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She would use the Pauscord to tell you everything about the known universe and you will like it.
You're fucking delusional, it's very clearly Ishmael and Faustfags that are ruining this general and running it into the ground. There's no way that Outis would do such a thing.
They're only pretending to be dead while they play us against each other. Whenever you see a shitpost, especially one with a sinner image attached, remember there's a 70% chance that an Outisfag made it.
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post on-model limbus characters

Thank you.
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proud heathfag
every heathcliff id and ego maxxed btw
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Why didnt Yuri whore herself out for money?
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>Mirror World Yuri where she's in an eroge
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The Outism will never stoop to subterfuge, never.
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Outisfags have never done anything wrong in our LIVES.
>Artist [HEADCANON]s Yuri at this point due to her dying in Canto I
I kneel...
I want another all single coin id


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>suddenly Outisfags crawling out of the crevices after being called out
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Those days are over.
le fishe au chocolat
so cute. source please?
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Always been here. Observing. Aiming.
Interesting ships
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Limbus characters for this feel?
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Yuri is doing just fine, though? She's right here!
sex with C2CS
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All I do is post about how much I love my wife Outis. I'm always here.
yjk this bitch gives the most insane sloppy blowjobs
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sorry no source for this one
if its in korean its most likely the artist is gone
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she moans like a donkey when she cums i just know it
Alright, class 2 clerical staff girl it is, might take a while though
This is such a massive improvement over the Sinclair we got
Our one looks like a fucking baby
Typical weak woman broke her hand after attempting male activities like punching.
Take your time. The art gets better when it's not rushed, anyways. Thank you in advance, anon.
here's some donmael
You really like legally distinct manhwaclair?
I'm sure this is the artist but their account is private sadly. https://x.com/Snmoo_Pm
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Outis will always support /lcg/
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so tired of outis haggot tourists, i used to be one of em. then i realized how embarassing it was to associate with those people. i thought to myself if Outis would approve of this behaviour and came to the right conclusion. ive since distanced myself from that kind of behaviour and my love for Outis has been refined into something more pure and respectable
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She's not gonna fuck you anon. She's not even real. She's pixels on a screen.
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where the fuck did all these outisfags come from
>she asks you to borrow her time
>she goes down to 4 hours a day, you go up to 44 hours a day
>you slam her at 4x speed for 15 minutes (an hour for her
>she asks to flip the timescale
>she's now 4x faster than you
>she rides the soul out of you for an hour (15 minutes for her)
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Every female sinner eating each other like human sized matryoshka dolls with Rodion being the sole survivor and the most full by the end.
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She is already fucking me, thoever?
Survival of the fattest...
that's ok, thank you very much
can we PLEASE have a normal thread for ONCE
just got done having gay sex with sinclair. sinners for this feel
The fishy one
The boat billy
The sunset hair
The blind obsession
be careful anon...
she's gonna vomit in your mouth
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Ishkeks trying to give them a bad name once again
what does a normal thread consist of
>Outisfags out of nowhere
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post THAT
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vorefags need to be strapped to a chair and have holes drilled into their kneecaps
Heathcliff. Specially the Erlking ID.
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I know.
what purpose do the holes serve?
Whats next? Futafags?
*eats you*
I was a fool to think you could ever change.
onaholes for /lcg/ anons
So the true shadow council is the one with the Ryoshufags...Outisbros were innocent all along...
Everyone is this thread is rubbish.
God, I can't stop jacking off to Yi Sang!
Gregolds are the real shadow council
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Hmmm, based?
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Outis insults everyone on the bus, including (You), multiple times and she never gets shit on for it.
But Faust (truthfully) insinuates that she's a genius and everyone hates her?
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Ishfats just can't win!
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How come the PM universe has Chinese and Japanese culture but no Western stuff like cowboy association or British red coats and their signiture Penne hairstyle
I can't wait for Outis to have an Enies Lobby arc where Dante forces the sinners to mobilize to rescue his nakama.
*Gets roped and raped by the boatbilly*
directore doesnt know anything about the west
t corp is kinda old timey + steampunk
>why does KOREAN franchise have primarily EAST ASIAN INFLUENCES
It is a mystery...
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eastern game, eastern focus, but we got mariachi bands and pirates so that's nice
I'm willing to bet Don canto will have some West stuff.
Or maybe like a Corp that is Greek or Roman-themed
she'll make you her vomitfag, you're gonna eat her vomit on breakfast, diner. supper
What a fat FUCK.
Crazy that Aida didn't translate well to Sinclair at all
The Beast...
such is the fate of a launch ID
Mon amour
frankly i'd be surprised if there wasn't a district with at least some kind of roman influences.
KYS burger nigger
Wait for Outis Canto
that aesthetic is reserved for the inevitable dodeka association
Which of the Sinners smells the worst aside from Ishmael, Rodya, and Don?
heathcliff probably smells like shit
maybe because the western side has no history as such except slavery, and the constant internal struggle of criminals to make themselves richer.

oh yeah... it's literally a city...
Ryoshu seems like the type to not shower for "art"
I want to put my hands up Demian's loose shorts and knead his thighs
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How rude!
Rodya smells very good!
Outis is my favourite female Sinner.
Ryoshu. Too much blood and smoke.
Sinclair is my favourite female Sinner.
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You know, I don't think I've seen a single person anywhere mention that Yi Sang's Solemn Lament is a very clear reference to the 9th Crow's Eye View Poem. One of the lines in that poem is literally "I See the Dying Butterfly".
I'm convinced nobody in these threads has read Crows Eye View, even though it takes at most 10 minutes. You'd rather talk about vore all day
Don is my favorite male sinner.
Don's big dick.
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Sorry, I focus on the primary literary influences for Project Moons work, not the secondary window-dressing.
I'm talking of course about Fate/Stay Night.
I still hate the futaschizo for being such an annoying tick on the general
Don's little pecker.
Dante is my favorite female sinner.
don's notably large clitoris
We did however when they showed his skills. You were too busy posting vore to see
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I was here. Nobody talked about it. The only thing I saw people mention was the lack of spacing in his passive and defense skill was a reference to Poem 1
Don just because of her shoes
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>Nobody talked about it.
Including you, then?
So you're also at fault?
Good evening I hate Shitclair
I keep hoping they'll give him a haircut. It would help loads.
And make him actually attractive too.
>aside from D-
God, how I wish Rodya would meet me at home in an apron on her naked body, after a hard day's work fixing Outis from the consequences of slavery. While my adopted children Sinclair and Don do everything to please me, maintaining the level of crime so that Faust could not live in peace, she would be raped 24/7 and it would be broadcast to the entire Internet.
I had not yet read Crows Eye View
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I know people here hate mullets and mopheads but Sinclair's mushroomhead isn't any better
Ishmael and Rodya practice good hygiene, let's just put the boatbilly memes to rest, it was just one quip in Canto IV.
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that looks better than our dumb mop hair
We discussed it shortly after the kits was shown. You must have been asleep. We even had a discussion about how it was handled in different languages.
You know, it's crazy how much of my hatred for Sinclair comes from his terrible design.
It just doesn't suit someone of his stature. If he was actually a little boy character it might. But he's at an awkward height for it. It should be looser and more natural looking or shorter. I like his bits in the front and around the cheeks but the back just looks goofy to me personally.
Like a guy that's had the same haircut since he was a little kid and never changed it.
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There's nothing wrong with Sinclair's hairstyle. He doesn't need a haircut.
<I do NOT sound like that and Ishy does not sound like that.>
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>Yi Sang, Faust, Hong Lu
degrees of generally pleasant scents

>Outis, Sinclair
both smell like sweat for different reasons

gives off no odor at all

despite being raised in a wealthy household he still gives off the smell of cheap alcohol and dirty clothes

probably like a bug and mold infested house

like a tuna boat

cigarettes and blood

absolutely unwashed and vile
Let's go bold
Shut up, Kromer. Your hairstyle is even dumber.
Sault would smell like his aftershave and pomade most likely.
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meursault probably smells like sand
They'd use cologne, Heath might stop after Canto VI though.
Like a chainsmoking uncle.
All of these are wrong and you forgot Rodya.
You forgot Rodion.
Also I don't think Gregor would smell "like a bug". Bugs don't really have a specific smell. He probably just smells like any other dude, hell, maybe even slightly better given he's got one less sweaty arm. Plus, more than anything, he probably smells like cigarettes
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wow that really looks like a manwha character I saw before
It might be the kind of hairstyle you'd only put on a fictional character. Good thing these are fictional characters.
Maybe he'll get a plot relevant haircut some day.
>No Rodion
So does she just not have a scent or...?
>Bugs don't really have a specific smell.
You've never walked into a cockroach or bedbug infested apartment in your life.
of course I forgot. You think she'd be the type to wear cheap perfume
Issue is they'd need to change his base ID art too, which... Well I suppose nobody paid for that so maybe it's not a big deal. Current IDs don't need to be changed since they are obviously in other mirror worlds.
Though I sorta don't see it happening. And if it does, not till we switch over to Purgatorio
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>Yi Sang
Either smells pleasant or smells like stale bread. No in between.
Smells pleasant, maybe too pleasant
I believe Don takes baths but her shoes still stink
Blood and cigarettes.
Either no strong scent or just soap smell
>Hong Lu
Quite flowery
Sweat, but took baths before the events of canto VI. After that canto, smells like sweat again.
smells like salt
A mixture of food and perfume
Dante smells like Dante.
Sweat, with a hint of wood
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Imagine him with Demian's side part if we ever get a Demian Sinclair ID
Don is too autistic to bathe on her own. Faust will reprimand you if you do not bathe your Dons regularly, managers
Gotta love how neither Yi Sang, Meursault or Sinclair have much of a significant appearance shift.
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I didn't realize that all of the Sinner would be male if they stuck with the genders they had in the book.
shitclair is too close to my wife, remove him please
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I 100% expect him to get a red scarf
Odysseus and Don are killing me
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Worse? Okey dokey.
i want black swan belly content. stuffing, vore, brother, sister, whatever, just give me it.
They should have adapted Alice as a sinner and made her a femboy.
Weird, huh?
I wanna bang your wife.
Gregor being a literal bug always cracks me up
from bitchboy to bitchMAN
needs to be a bit more spiky
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And that Heathcliff is basically just Erlking
Who's meant to be who?
Almost looks like Lucas from Mother 3, get part of his hair sticking up and it's literally Lucas.
This thread...
He's somehow far more homosexual looking than normal Sinclair.
Somehow looks even gayer.
man his baby face doesn't help
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Another. These are fun.
Yeah, his baby face becomes much more apparent when you remove hair. And how big his eyes are.
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Heathcliff is just older lol
That's better but still gay-looking Yesod-like mf
Sinclair needs a full beard to not look like a faggot.
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<My butthole is NOT like this.>
This. Give him a Hitler mustache or goat and he'll be manly as Heathcliff.
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Hey, Limbabs. KJH whispered the battlepass EGOs into my ear. Here's the sinners who get them.
Don and Sinclair (WAWs)
Faust and Hong Lu (HEs)
Rodya (TETH)
Ishmael (ZAYIN)

You're welcome.
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I've seen a few takes to make him look closer to what he'd probably appear in the book, but the ones that give him any kind of beard have been woke artists so they make him shockingly ugly and creepy.
He looks too clean...
I remember someone posting fanmade Carmilla/rose corrosions for Don and Sinclair that looked cool as fuck. I wish I saved them.
Alright, explain to me why Faust's butthole isn't in the pure white category? She's the palest person on the bus.
And why is her asshole so loose
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we can go deeper.
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This is the first time I've seen a man who looks like a lesbian.
cut kinda reminds me of lowell
Huffing Rodya's cheap perfume scented pits after she's all tired and sweaty and dirty from a mirror dungeon run
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Sinclair is BUSSIN' yo, NO CAP
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His face is really round and soft.
Yeah, too tidy.
I think if they just gave him thicker brows even it'd help some.
The next Walpurgisnacht...
Oh yeah I can see that.

Done messing around with him for now.
>hair like a birds' nest
K... kino...
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Are you excited for HER ID in two weeks, lim . . ?
My husband does NOT look that
excited to see her in rodya's belly...
sadly not, i like ishy but this might be her first midling 000 ID
completely forgot that guy existed
If she's all slash and not reliant on shitty defense up or whatever then yes. If she is reliant on that I hope she saves the other Zwei like Kimsault at least.
You both are trying way too hard kek
>We would never get to see the TGS Teaser arts on the game

Your opinion Limbuds?
No I'm serious Pilot doesn't have that hairstyle, it's a mophead not the zoomer haircut
I'm disappointed it's Ishmael admittedly.
I know she will look pretty and cute though, so I'll survive.
I feel like I've seen a weird rise in people being anal about slash/pierce/blunt recently. It was the same with Bud Ryoshu and I don't get why.
>vellshitter the runaway
>Sinclair's head is egg-shaped
The side part suits him. Wouldn't be mad if they gave him this sort of haircut
Ryoshu didn't have a good blunt ID and I want a better slash ID for Ish than one that is only good after getting a beating.
ah, angry boy cute... I hope we'll see his little shit arc soon, feels like it's coming up with the chances to get snippy he's had.
Yeah anon, everyone knows that.
Yeah the side part makes him look a bit more dandy and cute/handsome. It'd be nice.
I'm ready for him to take his next step.
i completely genuinely forgot that pilot was a character
he wasn't exactly on the level of a linton-core side character
Why would Ishmael smell like salt. I get she used to be a sailor but we are now like, hundreds of miles away from the great lake. She wouldn't smell like that anymore.
>he wasn't here for the last thread
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I only woke up a few hours ago
Maybe he was and he's trying to get a rise out of someone
Her hair absorbs all the salt in the air
It was just a melty, you didn't miss anything
Lobotomy E.G.O Tough Sinclair.
I think simplifying his hairstyle makes him look too generic
oh there's an actual instrumental of sarajinae
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Egocrates status?
Waow! I'm so strong!
I have this hair and I remember a high-school classmate constantly telling me I had "lesbian hair". To be honest, it kinda made me a little self conscious as a man...
so was the redhead supposed to be vellmori's version of cathy? literally no one introduced in canto 6 was a redhead
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Kind of disappointed since the scene doesn't really fit anywhere with what we have now. We also don't see a person with that specific kind of red hair so maybe it's some kind of proto-Cathy; which then begs the question on how much is altered before the actual canto and how much is already written for each.
It makes me want to see some more concept art. That was one of the neat parts of the livestream where Wild Hunt's sketches were revealed.
But this does open the door for possibly other CGs seen in the promo not having any connection with the game going forward.
It's empty...
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how dare you cunt
>when he's clearly at her funeral
scarecrow duty NOW
Linton looked way gayer with that medium haircut
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Some schizo was seething about the pilotfag last thread, there was also futatalk I think
New interview?
Guess so
Why'd you delete little nigga
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already hedged a huge surplus of egoshards into my favorite sinners, enough to survive the season change and net me any 000 ids I want
Are you retarded? Why would you do that?
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Director and Lee Yumi (Google mtl) "head of system planning team and a founding member"

Pay your respects bwos
The main guess I remember people having was that redhead was Isabelle and Nelly was the girl to the left, or that it was the other way around and redhead Nelly was standing next to Joseph. We'll never know as never mind the fact we never see a redhead, nothing similar to this scene comes up.
one shit rodion ID gets previewed and the entire general starts posting vore
it's her fault for not being special...
Neat. The easy job.
But what's your take on who the mysterious redhead was supposed to be originally? Can't say it would be Nelly. Josephine also feels odd. And the eye leads to them a bit too much to consider them just some rando
isabella, retard
Damn he looks... off.
Like that little guy from Hangout.
I want to save The Crates to shard Blade Lineage Faust on next season...
i want to pinch his cheeks
What just got deleted?
Director. . .
yjk she get's paid with el director's special
Anon's lil pecker
Oh please we were doing that before the reveal
sinclair unquestionably confirmed as the main character of limbus company
shitclair poster WRITHING in agony
"So...about this Monzo guy..."
"No comment."
No wonder there's so much fujo and yume bait, they've got an insider.
>This is the first time I’m saying this publicly, but…I was mentally and physically abused by my mother as a young child.
>So for me in such a situation, fiction was also a way of escaping my harsh reality to another world. At the same time, I think I also learned through stories about human emotions and how families are. As I said earlier, I tended to be drawn to scenes of everyday conversation, and I think this is the source for that.

El director's life was saved by homoerotic german boys
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because half of all egoshards and boxes are turned into thread at season change and I need around 500 egoshards to instashard a 000 or EGO
because I am not spending lunacy rolling on IDs as my lunacy situation is pretty fucked since having to pity greg lament in walpipi
because I have a moral obligation to ut4 every Don ID and EGO
Where's FGO director
So this is why women are the source of all evil in PM media, it all makes sense.
You are unironically bricked. Enjoy.
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>Dommy Mommy Arbiters are real and canon
You lied to me. That was a fucking vorefic I did not want to see
Install 4chanx
>That was a fucking vorefic
Now this I gotta see
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I knew that.
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>Director unironically has mommy issues
Explains binah.
One of the tentacles is going under Dante's minute hand and bending it up a little
That's too lewd
morositatis bros... not like this...
Chat is this real?
>...physically abused by my mother as a young child
Like mother like son
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>lucky star
>>>>familiar of zero
holy fuck director
>not played
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Check it for yourself (you gotta machine translate but here's a screenshot)
It's just because you had a baby face then. As an adult you won't look like that. Or, I hope you don't anymore.
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>I don't want to spoil any future content, but suffice to say Ishmael is my least favourite of the cast *laughs*
>I can't elaborate any further, my apologies.

I will be thinking of this every time Ryoshu and Sinclair have an interaction from now on.
this artist drew dante being assraped by honglu while ryoshu held him in his lap this is not okay
>The chair throwing will continue until morale improves
>Demian confirmed El Director’s favorite book
Read it NOW
>"However, I ran into a problem. I was fatally bad at mathematics, which is essential for programming. "

>"In the end, I entered my fourth year without having been able to produce a game, and I began to think,
"If I can't complete a single game by the time I graduate, then surely I don't deserve to dream of becoming a game developer?"
So, I made up my mind, invited Yumi and three other members from the club, and took one final big gamble.
That's Lobotomy Corporation."
>familiar of zero
Bro there's literally an EN version in their site.
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>Gurren Lagann
>This preference doesn't change when it comes to games. Japanese games are great for that kind of dialogue. For example, the ingenious and detailed dialogue in "Tales of Destiny" still leaves a deep impression on me.
here bro
my portly cute round director...
oh dear ;;
>this is why ishmael got sloshing
Holy Based
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average korean household
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i may be retarded thanks
point stands though, it is real.
>SHITmael confirmed SHIT and TRASH by El Director
He's talking about stuff he watched when he was young, if he was in middle school around when TTGL released then that predates FGO almost a decade and the UBW FSN anime by like 7 years. FSN the VN may not have even been in Korean at that point cause it was only a year or two old.
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what the FUCK
After acquiring 1100 Don Shards, 600 Sault Shards, 600 Sang Shards, and 500 Greg Shards, (which will translate to 550 Don Shards, 300 Sault Shards, 300 Sang Shards, and 250 Greg Shards after season change - 50 boxes away from 000 if needed so I haven't lost too much if they get 00s instead), I still have 1400 boxes. You are not talking about what you're doing instead, you're just looking to try and tell someone, anyone, that they're bricked. What's wrong, anon? Are you trying to not feel alone?
Of course. What Limbus pays homage to is the books I can call my favorites. I’ve always been interested in books ever since I was a kid, starting with complete collections of children’s literature, and by the time I was a teen, I was drawn to culture and immersed myself in the classics.
If I had to list my top three literature picks, I’d choose Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, Demian by Hermann Hesse, and The Stranger by Albert Camus.

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Ishkeks in fucking SHAMBLES.
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>I read "The Stranger" as a junior high school student, and I was overwhelmed by it, but I still had a strange desire to "understand this book someday." In the process of reading books and commentaries on the subject, I encountered existentialism, which became the gateway to my interest in philosophy.
>KJH is only 32
wait what the fuck
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no wonder her canto was so shit
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That's not in it and you fucking know it.
You're blindly obsessed with hating on me.
And for what reason?
>writing all that just to cope
whatever you say, brick anon
>chair throwings real
>This is the first time I’m saying this publicly, but…I was mentally and physically abused by my mother as a young child.
So for me in such a situation, fiction was also a way of escaping my harsh reality to another world. At the same time, I think I also learned through stories about human emotions and how families are. As I said earlier, I tended to be drawn to scenes of everyday conversation, and I think this is the source for that.

>In my youth, it was my dream to quickly move out of the family house. I threw myself into creating games with the determination to never return to my parents. Several times, I failed and was overcome with despair, but deep within my heart, I had an anger-like feeling that kept me together and that would boil over, making me stand back up.
>My dark childhood memories of suffering form the basis of my creations.
fucking damn
>even the director hates ishMALE
IshMALEkeks your response?
He would've beaten her if she said anything else. Typical korean incel.
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>China bwos saved us
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Unironically good looking office space
>Director is 32
What the fuck you guys told me he was OLD...
He's five years older than me so yeah.
>I personally think that forgiveness is the correct choice. If you go on with life holding onto anger, the only thing that will remain in the world is tragedy. But if you reflect back on yourself, you’ll see a part of you that you haven’t been able to forgive. Forgiveness can be difficult and painful.

Antiforgiveness bros our response?
Aw :( poor guy.
It's really brave of him speaking up about this. It's really not common to do in KR. Hope the best to him.
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He's.. So based...
We don't deserve him..
I can't... I feel... forgiven.
KILLANGELAbros?! what the fuck?!?
>Director has bpd
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KINO success story
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Well, it's his choice. Mine's mine.
>That unreasonableness came back to bite me, eventually taking a toll on me mentally and physically. I think things changed for the worse just before the release of Limbus. When I was in the middle of telling the team how to improve things, I suddenly felt this unbearably intense pain behind my left eye.
>I ran to the hospital right away and had an MRI taken. However, they couldn’t find anything wrong. In the end, they said it was stress-related. They said I had been on the verge of having a stroke.
this honestly explains a lot
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>Almost got a stroke from the stress of it all
>hideo kojima
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>Director is a longevitychad
Holy fucking BASED
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I require the item on the left
Lee YuMi is like Project Moon’s canary in a coal mine. Her reactions to our initial story and art ideas are very instructive for us when making our works. Of course, we don’t necessarily go with only her opinion; I sometimes get my way too.First, we show her our story and art drafts, and depending on her reaction, we decide whether to use them or not. If she doesn’t approve, we start over.

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I also love Murakami's works.
This is a big win, I could not be more pleased. I greatly look forward to Meursault's Canto without trepidation. I'm chuffed.
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>kojimbo at it again
He truly is la creatividad....
>They said I had been on the verge of having a stroke
Dear god no...
Nice interview that barely talks about Limbus except for his dislike of Ishmael, interesting.
this is a really cool interview
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So.. The Vtuber avatar.. Is how he really is inside...
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Now is the time to throw in your schizo theories as to what's gonna happen for even El Director to hate on Ishmael
>Ishmael will lose it later on and perma kill a sinner/fan favorite
Limbabies out, PMbwos in
Imagine faking shit to try and shit on Ishmael. Not only do you weirdos falseflag as ishfans, promote alphabet ideology in your shitposting, ignore canon for it, you even write fucking vore fanfiction about her melting. Blindly obsessed, warped by Ahab
he let his inner kid out
>Korea, China, Japan, America, Russia
If your country isn't on the list, you're literal nobodies in the eyes of the Director.
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>Worse-case-scenario, your entire IP may be snatched out from under you.
Haha... that would be wild, right?
I'm a leaf, but we're basically honorary americans tbdesu
He didn't fucking talk about IshmaelI read the whole thing
honorary american? no honorary frenchie
Do you think he'd firebomb nexon's offices if they bought their IP?
I can't believe Director specifically said Ishmael was his worst character he has written.
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he's so cute and sweet i want to support him and help him and comfort him aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh
No he didn't.
Cope, you wish you had this much devotion in a woman.
kys tranny
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>one foot in the grave due to stress
>still engage in unhealthy lifestyle of binge eating sandwiches
Face it, he's gonna keel over before Limbus is done.
Did you miss the part where he talked about Limbus Company's reception and said Ishmael was a big negative against the game? No wonder her story has no continuation.
>EOS will happen only if KJH dies
please no....
i can't believe director said they're retconning ishmael out of existence and deleting canto 5 in the next patch
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>At the onset of Lobotomy, we had planned to go with an American cartoon style like you see in Adventure Time, but it didn’t seem right, so we started over.
>director watches adventure time
HOLY SHIT, STOP MAKING SHIT UP, I read the entire fucking thing and there's nothing about Ishmael. Fucking losers like you shit up threads over your seethe over Ishmael, fuck you.
Based and same. He seems much more sweet than I expected. I'm surprised he's being so vulnerable too.
hi heathcliffs of the thread
AT is based althoughever
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Well, that's old news.
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so what are our theories on why he hates ishmael?
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I wanna kiss cashy before bed...
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Rate Director nim's taste
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glory to the wild hunt
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he's goated and based
it's weird to think we'd get along so well on a level i'd not realised previously
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Instant 10/10
only 3 of these are good
Probably because she's a dumb ugly boatbilly
He doesn't, stop forcing your meme
These are now all required readings and watchings by the way.
Boys Over Flowers was my first ever drama outside of 1 Liter of Tears. And I watched it in 3 different countries adaptations I liked it so much at the time.
I want to re-watch it with him and have snacks and talk about abnos...
Nothing's being forced, he's speaking facts
Read the interview
>boys over flowers
Based. He likes the Kdramas my mom likes.
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thanks chum...
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cause theyre both english
How old do you think he was?
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Half of that i watched and it was worth it.
Cause shes ugly.
All drama she cause.
wheres this from? did he do an interview or somethin saying these were some of his top picks?
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>tfw the dog's least favorite, worst modern canto and ur flat
POST YOUR SCREENSHOT OF IT, I read the entire thing, holy shit
In his 40s...
>breasts that big
cringe and gay
Ryoshu's canto will be peak
nigger read the thread
>Limbus Company is based on his favorite books (except Moby Dick she was added because he hates her and wanted to make fun of her)
If your book is not part of the 12 sinners your book is ASS
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Yeah Yi sang completed the mission for me. It's so stupid though. It said I can use other statuses, so it should have gave it to me anyways.
Where in the interview did you find this?
Stop giving him yous
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>playing stupid
Not a good look Ishkek
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no, I can't read
thanks friend
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>some will genuinely fall for this
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Of course. What are friends for?
fake screenshot
You're sounding like that retard who was having a melty over Ishmeal a few threads back
Be better than that
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why does he hate her?...
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i made it up
I cant believe he hates her so much bros
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Isn't that obvious?
>he hates the American sinner
Ameribros... it's over...
So roland was director and angela was his mom. He chose forgiveness. Wow. I kneel
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>I’m in pursuit of beautiful songs of praise for people which shine the light of hope on dark lives.
This man
>Thread collectively shits on Ishmael because some idiot is having a meltdown over people shitting on her
You know what, /lcg/, sometimes you alright
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>BESTia nendo
>>>>>>Fucking Infinite Stratos nend of the german waifu
holy FUCK director I can't kneel any FURTHER
I should add this to the taste image
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>all of Ryoshu and Hong Lu's lines regarding family
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>Laura Bodewig Nendo
>Angela Nendo
>>>>Fatlus Toaster Nendo
>To be told by such players that we cheered them up makes me very happy and gives me a sense of reward.
He's so sweet.
>Expelled From Paradise
Not bad
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>Infinite Stratos
It's been a long time since I've heard that name.
why is that lady's name so close to ballsack
Her whole bit telling Spiderbud off, her whole bit reacting to how Hong Lu was treated.
It's going to be hear-aching I can tell.
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It was only now that I truly knew, you were my nigger
ryoshu had better be a shit mom
>Director has you forgive Angela in the game
>Because he wishes he could forgive his mother
heart breaking*
Ryoshu is the mother he always wished for...
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>Confirmed that this series its Hope kino
Never had a doubt.
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why is he doing that face
that borb pillow looks pretty comfy too
Sam Lake
He's plAnning to coom to an IS doujin after this
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Kim Payne 2 the fall of lcg
so that's why there's so much sinclair and meursault shilling
>after what he did to Yan
What the fuck is FNaF doing in my Project Moon thread? You can't just cross the autism streams like this.
Ishfag falseflagging
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Oh it can get so much worse when it comes to autism, faggot.
This was pretty obvious even without the interview desu
He is going to commission numerous BinahXSchnajang doujins after this (read: as soon as he can find an artist that won't distort)
I can see why the Director hates her guts
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Reminder that now you have to play the entirety of the Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid series in order to trvly vnderstand El Director's vision.
anon...we have homestuckfags in here...its over...
This interview is fucking juicy. The director is truly our guy.
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married to rodion <3
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What about Policenauts and Death Stranding?
>calls the other project lead his partner
maybe he's not only throwing chairs around...
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Exquisite choice
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Eh, i did that already.
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I've crossed the streams myself before, this ain't nothing new. It's just always a bit surprising to see it happen in the wild on it's own.
YuMi doesn't wear a ring though
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Well, seems like that's not the case.

Y'all retard, the website itself already has the English Translated version of the Interview.
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what about snatcher
angela i am going to need as many execution bullets as i can get, release nothing there
incelbros whos /ourguy/ now?
The real retard is YOU
>only limbus book is letranger
>Gurren Lagann was what really got me hooked, but I think I preferred romantic comedies and what’s referred to as the “slice of life” genre. I tend to be drawn more to conversation rooted in everyday life and exchanges of small-talk rather than exaggerated, end-of-the-earth action.
how are you so bad at the slice of life stuff, dude
What did you think anons were reading...?
Do we have to play P.T. and Zone of the Enders too?
actual autist, pls understand
no cause its not snatcher
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you dumb hoe...
based illiterate
And Damien.
fucking RETARD
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Feels good being the Director's favorite
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honestly shocked at the lack of sci-fi/cyberpunk/gritty urban setting media, you would think he would list one of them as a big inspiration
>demian too
Meh I didn't like Canto 3 though. Why did he make it dogshit?
He already lives in South Korea
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do we have any other fake id's with well made arts that make you confuse it's real or not.
Well, he *played* half-life, so... that's more than enough for sci-fi
chapter 3 covers like only the very beginning of Demian
he will get more
Anon that's his FUCKING LIFE
cantos 1-3 will get a redo in purgatorio or smth trust in the plan anon
So basically we can thank multiculturalism for bringing us PM
Say thank you to the globohomo everyone!
Stop posting, Angela.
He's rich and married. He won over the dystopia
>I was born and raised in a Korean city, so the settings [of my works] tend to be centered around the city, and my Korean mindset and way of thinking may be reflected [in my works], even if I’m not aware of it.
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
yeah it's uhh rather obvious if you played the games
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Make it a Devyat Rodya thread please!
Are you saying he's a.. CEO.. Of a wing..!?
Corrode yourself, limbab
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At this point, I can't even tell how many levels of falseflagging Ishfags/anti-Ishfags are on
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Make it El Director
why does the moom have a dick
I'm pretty sure people not from your country buying your game isn't multiculturalism.
>chose Laura over the other IS girls
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why does he simultaneously look young and old
>Total Budget: 4 Starbuck's coffees, 1 large soda, 1 burger king combo
some people are just born like that
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>Kim’s style is similar. The writers take a look at the scenarios and plots that he has written and skillfully supplement them with dialogue and situational context, expanding the story with their own imaginations.
I think because our stories are created with this multi-level process, there is also room for the players to participate in how the stories are interpreted.

I can't believe Monzo keeps sneaking in the "Blind Obsession" lines
<Rodya what is she saying?>
Rodion! Translate!
<Fatya, translate.>
La obsesion ciega...
Na, I think I'm gonna stick with just Zone of the Enders and Death Stranding. I dont think I could ever play Metal Gear cause people always spoil that stuff for me.
She's saying this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92pSi7rZJ7c&list=LL&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
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I... what?
He just accept the meursault route and becoe happy
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<No, Rodya! Stop! Wasn't Ishmael enough?>
Happy for him.
>This image cured my homophobia. Based
It made me lust for cute men (fictional) but I still hate faggots.
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hisoka don
No, total sinner devourment
Wait, i read that wrong
She read doujinshi i guess
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At least you tried
Have a snack as a reward
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Fineee, listen manager!

"Ah? The manager wants to know what is written in this magazine that I read yesterday?

Oh-ho-ho-ho!!!! Let it be known to you, if not yet, that they sometimes differ in images that are unsuitable for young bodies! Shouldn't you step aside?

As long as you like those feats that the body performs in the name of love, then you will not find any reproach for this literature!!!"
>As content consumed globally, I’m always anxious about [my games] not reflecting diverse views. However, generally speaking, I cannot depict what I have not seen. Even if I could, I wouldn’t be fully convinced of it. So it’d be the same as not being able to depict it anyway.
Very, very based.
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<Good work, Rodya. You can have seconds for lunch.>
Well i was close enough
Deserved, so all is well

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