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Leyline of mutation edition

Previous: >>494697235

>News & Reminders
Preorder the Kaito, Zimone and Winter duskmourn bundles until September 24
Five new brawl decks available in the store until September 24
Duskmourn coming to arena September 24
MagicCon Las Vegas October 25-27


>Useful Links

>Free Codes

Do you plan to add any duskmourn cards to any of your decks
Thank you providing shelter to your /vg/ Brethren so they don't immigrate on to our pristine board.
Remember to take your meds.
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I hope you have fun drafting Duskmourn.
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What is your favorite spellcaster type?
Mine is warlock.
yeah, silent hallcreeper seems like it'll be fun to play with, want to see how kona does with stun counters on it, overlords will be fun in domain ramp
What was black before warlock?
The other four have been around since damn near the beginning. Warlock was only introduced in or around the D&D sets.
It feels like another aggro set, but I hope I'm wrong.
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Black's spelcaster was cleric, shaman or wizard depending on the cards flavor.
Clerics were demon cultist.
Shaman were witches.
Wizards were necromancers and liches.
Probably should run at least one of those reanimate 3 cmc spells, since you're running so many dudes at that cost. Hero of the dunes is kinda shitty for that.
>immediately after hitting mythic stop seeing mono red
God it's so nice.
I don't think it will be, there are a lot of big butts in the set.
/mtgag/ isn't active enough for /vg/, it's time to start making the threads on /vm/ or just merge with tg they don't want you
Maybe, but the cards for aggro are looking a lot stronger.
>Decide to farm a few rank pips since I've been pretty much only playing brawl
>Two lands
>Two lands
>Two lands
>Two lands
>Two lands
How do you faggots play this shit cancer format?
>queue brawl
yeah i didn't want to play anyway
I've noticed this in a bunch of the smaller generals I visit. Didn't they increase the max number of /vg/ threads a little while back? Have the gachacoomers already filled up the space?
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Huh??? Wtf? Is this some kind of bug? I've never seen this before.
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is this better than fatal push? it looks like it's better than fatal push. Why is it white?
That's because it is
Because white is supposed to have good removal
I run 1-drops
I run 2 drops
I'm gonna say no. It gives them a free body that can be pumped and a card in the yard. Especially bad in reanimator matchups
>trim down to 25 lands in my brawl deck
>STILL manage to flood out every single game
25 is above the typical amount for a 60 card deck though? Unless it's control, I guess. I have a hbrawl deck running 30 lands, if you're still flooding at that point then you can complain.
wow i sure do love being forced to play 30 counterspells because a green creature so much as touching the board means the game is instantly over! so much fun!

hehee just kidding all the overpowered bullshit green cards also have a funny 'can't be countered' like of text because fuck you so you also have to play 30 pieces of removal!

ah...but them getting removed would be really unfun so they all have hexproof too and those that don't reward you for them dying anyway :^)
>one mana kill a 4 cmc creature
>one mana kill a creature, opponent gets card selection, graveyard fuel and a body as replacement

Gee i wonder whats better
why do some cards apply their bonus to p/t in the graveyard and others don't?
Who fucking loses to green can't be countered when cavern of souls exists
Your deck must be horrendous
does mtga have pioneer under a different name?
Explorer is the closest you'll get.
Play an deck that doesn't need more than 2 lands to win, or play a deck that can get more than 2 mana easily
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Left's wording only applies when it's on the field. Right's wording uses stars, the stars mean it applies in all zones.
>cast 30 white or blue spells
don't make me hire a bunch of jeets just to keep this thread alive
Just wait and reroll it
i don't get that fucking fish mechanic
You're not supposed to fuck the fish.
Starter deck duel
i guess i have to do it
You're just bad and stupid.
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still relatively new to mtg. was there literally anything i could have done in this situation or was it just a guaranteed death in 4 turns. surrendered once i realized what was happening because it just seemed completely pointless
also, suggestions on how to make my deck better? it feels really compact already but clearly i need more removal. should i take out the ankle biters?
oops. didn't mean to spoiler that
Archdruid charm can exile the sword. It only gives protection to the creature, it doesn't have protection itself.
desu i completely forgot archdruid could destroy shit. i've just been using it to search
Modal cards are great like that, the flexibility is extremely useful especially in bo1.
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That's odd, this guy doesn't say "for the first time each turn", it's unlimited. So he just sat there passing the equipment back and forth and ramped several lands for 1 colorless mana each time. That seems like an oversight.

Or maybe I'm just a boomer from before creatures did stuff like this.
>kooba doesn't know about Nadu
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Let's cut 10 cards
I wish you could play decks in standard without running a billion cheap removal spells just to survive rdw, there's some cool cards.
the flicker theme and the aggro shell are a bit at odds with each other. You might wanna choose one and go all-in on that
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Final stats after hitting mythic with only mono blue. If you count all the versions of rdw it's almost 70% of the meta. Really hope we get something good out of the next set.
Any mtga plug-ins worth using? Seen a couple sites with draft helpers (not sure how helpful they'd be, but would be cool to know what's in my draft deck mid game), something that can tell me misc stats like >>494954638 would be interesting too, maybe that's just a website though
If you're brand new, draft helpers will probably be useful. I know there's at least one with an overlay that just straight up tells you ratings of picks in game, I see it in screenshots a lot.
folks we just have to make it to next week
I am the only human in this thread
next week is ages away
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>these threads are still going
My niggas kept the dream alive. How have the formats been, haven't played since pre-rotation.
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>these threads are still going
>he doesn't know
Standard is kind of a mess because aggro is real strong right now. Timeless and Historic both got hit with a lot of changes thanks to MH3, though the latter nerfed some cards so maybe that's not true anymore.
Standard is more janky than it was pre-rotation and will probably get even more janky with all the duskmourn leylines. UW Control is dead.
That's because they don't playtest their sets and made the mistake of putting 2+ overpowered abilities on one and two mana cost creatures.

They also made the mistake of allowing more than 8 expansions in a single standard block rather than sticking to the old tried-and-tested 2 blocks + 2 core sets at most with 3 expansions per block. In essence, the DEI hires who are now in charge of card design, marketing, etc. have destroyed standard. Also commander is at fault.
Look at that baboon! KEK. The state of MTG.
have sex
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Rating the sleeves
Play Brawl.

Draft helpers are cheating.
>frog nissa at C
Everyone cheats on Arena
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>Turn 1
>Heartfire Hero

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>Play Brawl.
Brawl was comfy until they added MH2/MH3/Alchemy slop. Now every match you're playing against fake digital only cards or stuff that takes a massive shit all over standard releases. You've also got to put up with a MASSIVE amount of landfall faggots who just can't get enough of playing the slowest, most excruciating, pile of landfall triggers on the client.
I'm not the only one who saw just a head on a monocycle-thing with a chainsaw wheel at first glance, right?
Ahhh to play Historic Brawl before the power spike of Strixhaven bonus sheets and first Alchemy sets...
You just had to be there. Coming back never ever btw kek, Mana Draining your Elenda, Dusk Rose.
I've won three historic control matchups off a single copy of Sublime Epiphany. I'm not sure if the card is good or if I'm getting weirdly lucky
Yeah, the proportions look off on this dude.
>Have 3 cards left in deck
>Use an instant to draw 3
>Immediately lose
Shouldn't I lose AFTER trying to draw from an empty deck??
Yes, you probably missed some effect.
>90% of brawl games using Nadu ends up as a mirror so all the Nadu decks are teched for the mirror
>The other10% of decks just concede
This must be what hell is like
Haven't played since caverns of Ixalan, what are the coolest cards in Standard now and how is the next set looking for draft?
Fella is regenerating, so it's not that obvious to tell what's happening.
I’m playing UB and I usually molest them. Have you tried interaction?
But I like stifling peoples fetch lands broski
Don't bother unless you love red
Looks relatively normal, nothing crazy. Rooms are manasink 2 for 1 design like adventures or flashback, so they'll probably play well.

how can this deck win against mono red aggro?
there are only 7 controll cards in this deck and you have to draw at least 4 in the first 3 rounds to counter a aggro deck.
this will never work, right?
what will happen next week?
What's wrong mt.gag, your generals are dying again? Unlucky
>MTGA not even 2000 viewers
>above 10000 viewers
it's not fair
Kill yourself.
Enjoy your dying game. Keep spamming domain and RDW you disgusting subhumans. Open up and say ahh while MaRo spoonfeeds you hit wet shits. Enjoy your turn 2 RDW losses with the new leyline btw. Don't worry turn two-three kills are healthy for standard. 3 Year rotation is hekkin saving paper magic!
>P-Pls buy some gems
Duskmourn release
If I'm level 33 and I have no quests currently, can I finish the pass? 5 days left. Just curious if there's a calculator or something out there. Most games I play just go by matches or xp, not a set number of quests per day/week to do the passes.
Pretty sure you're fucked.
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I’m gonna have to buy some gems soon I think. I got drunk as fuck last night and spent about 9k gems and almost all my gold on packs.
>tune into brand new expansion early release stream
>first opponent is mono red aggro
why is nobody watching this game bros?????
>28 land ramp deck
>Get mana screwed constantly
Really makes you think...
>stantard RDW
>plays brawl
>buys and spends gems
Imagine subhumans like this existing and living among us.
idk who you're watching but CGB's stream had 2k+ viewers
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Yeah and I also played for about two hours today so far and lost every fucking game lmao. Still not mad. Still gonna keep playing. Sorry you’re full of rage broski maybe you should do something about it.
>played for about two hours today so far and lost every fucking game
my condolences Ajanibro
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Fuck mane it hurts so much but I’m guess I’m just the bitch today it’s usually never this bad. :( I’ll try to get my wins and fuck off. I’m just waiting for the new set.
Just play standard rdw. Play queue if you need to
I tried broski. I got 750 from playing 40 lands and 1 random win from the bad guy mulliganing 6 times and scooping. I guess I’m 300 hold down today or I suffer through the grind?
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My opp just plays the best card from their deck every turn what do I do?
Play the best card from yours every turn.
I can’t I missed a land drop lmao.
the amount of filtering you have is more important than the amount of lands you run, this has always been the case
>do something about it
I uninstalled and no longer play. I only come to these board to shitpost about WOTC and (You) retards who still play this game.
Imagine how much you have to hate yourself to continue playing MTGA.
But if I hate myself and play magic arena how does that matter to you? You think you’re better than arena players? What’s a good game to play then tell me so I can laugh at you.
I can't tell you whats a good game to play that you would enjoy, I can tell you that this isn't one tho. No rational person can defend the sorry state MTGA is in. You can't even deny you have to be a self hating masochist to enjoy this game.
>Economy is shit, and gets worse every single set drop
>store continues to be filled more and more each set with the most predatory overpriced bullshit
>Art is woke garbage
>Standard is a fucking cancerous cesspool of powercrept bullshit
>3 year standard rotation faggotrry
>Historic has been ruined by Modern Horizons
>Alchemy is cancerous digital only game mode no one asked for where your cards can be butchered with no WC refunds
>Explorer is a fucking graveyard
>This general is literally a graveyard
>Twitch viewers are literally almost nonexistant and fucking HEARTHSTONE has 5 times the viewers
>RNG is complete bullshit and shit like card power weighting and other shady behind the scenes mechanics are cancerous
>Go first/Go second winrate differences seem to get more exaggerated every single set
>Board states dont matter, strategy doesn't matter, decks and invidual card strength basically make it so the decks play themselves
Tell me, in any of these statements, where I am wrong in. Now fuck off, let the disgusting subhuman general die, and stop reposting it.
nah, I don't think I will
anyone playing MTG in 2024 is a true loser.
You don't need to do anything, your general will die overnight the moment I stop posting in it lol. Lmao even.
I think you lack reference. The game has always been an insane shit show and if you do like that you don’t like it and that’s fine. I like it though.
You’re wrong and also a faggot. Because I the ajani poster will always be here to call you a deeply closeted homo. Why else would you still rage post here? I bet you’re a hearthstone shill or some other mentally well normie faggot.
Idk how long you have been playing, but the game has NEVER been as worse as it is now. And I have played through 3oko faggotry, 3feri, fires of invention, gendercleave, uro, epiphany, cat oven, clover, and literally any other "shit show" you can claim.
And yet, the game has NEVER been as braindead and fucking cancerous as it currently is. Not to mention all my other points on predatory subhuman practices which I outlined in >>495097010 which get worse set after set.
Fuck WOTC.
Fuck Maro
Fuck Jannies
Fuck Trannies and
Fuck (You)
Im done posting now, you can prepare another general to make once it dies overnight.
>calls me a faggot
>posts furry gay ajani jpegs
Yeah bro, totally.
Fucking disgusting subhuman creature.
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>schizo-kun is back
>the schizo is an Eldraine apologist
fuck off, shill
It's not like you're going to lose immediately, and you have a map token as well as interaction in hand that'll surveil. If you can drop bonny you'll stabilize fine.
Hey I just redownloaded after taking a 2 year break how's the meta looking?
>looks at thread
Heh, guess I'll just lose in explorer with my old decks
You came back at a good time for explorer, this girl just got banned.
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>FUCK Doom Foretold
>FUCK Leyline binding
So Explorer is similar to Pioneer? It's basically cards that were at one time legal in standard, but goes back longer than standard.

And Timeless is essentially Legacy, even though nothing older than like war of the spark or so is on Arena.

So what is the format for every card on Arena, minus the digital only alchemy cards? The vast majority of those, at least at the rare/mythic rarity level, seem like cancer. I hate the "this card will win on it's own if you don't immediately destroy it, so every game becomes a binary flowchart of these cards vs how many removal spells the other player has to answer them" card design. Standard is bad enough with a bit of that, but the digital only alchemy cards are the worst.

The people complaining about the state of the game, even though they're doing it in a schizophrenic manner, do have some truth to what they're saying. I've been playing this game for about 18 years and I would definitely say there's been a trend towards binary flowchart games where just a couple cards just overpower the game on their own if not immediately removed, which is lame. MTG is at its best when combat math matters, vanilla creatures matter, boardwipes only did one thing, and artifacts/enchantments/planeswalkers were very small value generators or augmentations not game winners. Too many games these days are pre-determined by shoving you power cards onto the table.

In other words, the game is better with a longer average game length (turns) where more decisions have to be made by both players, and resources are leveraged in small increments. Binary flowcharts are bad, but flowcharts with several avenues are good. That is not what happens these days.

Every time this conversation happens, someone always says "yeah, but they make more money every single year, so you must be wrong" but I think there's a logical disconnect happening. More money can be explained by more people, not necessarily game quality.
What was the combo with her anyways, keep seeing her in standard last few days
You get her and walker and then gain life from a land or lunarch veteran or something like that. Amalia triggers and explores, then walker triggers and gains life, then Amalia triggers and explores, repeat until she hits 20 power and wipes the entire board and can swing in for lethal.
Huge ygo player here (And HS from release), wanting to get into mtg, where should I even start - is just going right into the mtg arena is fine like w/MasterDuel?
Yeah, Arena is good for newbies. Just do the starter quests, get all the decks, and stick with the starter deck queue until you get a sense of the game.
Okay, thankies
based, black should be the new blue
they killed my wife Teysa
> Don't bother unless you love red
I don't mind playing with or against red decks but I hate red mirrors.

> Looks relatively normal, nothing crazy. Rooms are manasink 2 for 1 design like adventures or flashback, so they'll probably play well.
I've only read some of the cards but it felt like nonrares were kind of low powered and maybe too close among themselves, and I usually don't enjoy those kind of sets too much. But I've also misevaluated sets heavily before.
I love red on red, the opponents misplaced the match up 90% of games and lose with better hands. I'd play any other meta deck if I could afford the rare lands tho
Rare lands should always have mythic versions of them.
Fuck that making any useful land at least rare is cancer design
In what fucking world?
>Every time this conversation happens, someone always says "yeah, but they make more money every single year, so you must be wrong" but I think there's a logical disconnect happening. More money can be explained by more people, not necessarily game quality
what a lot of people who make the money argument ignore is that most of that money comes from commander players, who have essentially overtaken 1v1 constructed players as the main consumer base. the reality is that magic cards are now developed for drafters and commander players. standard is an afterthought.
she got better
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This card is strong as fuck
That’s my turn 5. My opp can now draw extra cards and make angel tokens every turn and if I bounce they draw another card. Game over.
That’s a great idea so now there’s 4 more copies of the same land at a different rarity to open and collect. I think the should do that with every rare in the game, retard!
I have a lot of trouble evaluating how this one plays in limited and when are you supposed to play it, attached to what, targeting what. The ward 2 is annoying but if your opponent really wants its thing back it's probably not going to save you. So at that point maybe waiting until your opponent plays the big thing may not be worth it and you're better served playing it more to temporarily remove a blocker. Then you get on the issue on what of your creatures to enchant. On a random 2 drop you're kind of removing it from combat, there are some nonembarrassing ways to make 1/1s in the format but you're not always going to draw them in the right order and then you have this weird bone splinters until your opponent feels like he's had enough. On a flier or a fatty you may get some good use of that lifelink but you're painting an even bigger target on what are probably some of your most relevant creatures and when they kill them you get 2 for 1'd unless you removed a token. There's also the nightmare scenario of in response I kill your thing.

If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I think I'm taking it about where I used to take Heliod's punishment, decks that weren't interested in long games and even then not a priority but the less hard removal you have the better it looks. And the risk you're taking in the possible 2 for 1s may be acceptable for the scenarios when the lifelink bails you out. In grindy decks I feel it's going to be dangerous very often.
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I mainly meant for constructed play, it’s fine for draft it’s remove target permanent and that’s pretty good.
It’s going in the light paws deck for me.
You have a blocker against steed, so to make angels they'd have to sacrifice it. Plus your blocker has reach and is bigger than the angel tokens. The main threat is Wylin drawing an extra card every turn, plus trailblazer drawing a card on their big creatures. You're supposed to bounce the trailblazer, or steed if you're blocking it and they try to use a combat trick. If you drop Bonny next turn you easily stabilize.
The idea is that you can either use rare or mythic wildcards you down syndrom inbred sub room temperature mongoloid born from cockroach and pig

Look at thought-seize
Yes retard I understand but you will also be able to open both versions from packs just like thotsies. That’s stupid and bad you’re bad.
FUCK I didn’t notice my own mana dork just got mad at the lands and quit oh well I was fucking trashed last night lmao.
Yeah, you were at a disadvantage but definitely not an unbeatable one. Between the map token and fording, you had pretty good odds of finding a land. After that it's mostly a matter of seeing if they can deal with Bonny + cow or if you can deal with trailblazer + wylin.
Remove two mono red creatures. Ropes me on turn 3.
What's wrong faggot, did your solitaire simulator not go as planned? Can't help but notice you don't have sleeves or land art little subhuman faggot.
Fucking disgusting little brainlet scum of the earth low IQ fucking roulette playing piece of trash barely functioning as a human maggot RDW player. Kill yourself and you entire family you fucking disgusting faggot. Braindead little Nu-hearthstone playing cringelord manlet
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This is gonna be the sickest brawl deck ever made I hope you are ready it’s gonna be disgusting.
You brawlfags are worse than b01 RDW andies. Shut the fk up
Blocked and ignored. Anyone here wanna be nice? What else should I play?
What do you do if they kill gyruda?
>B-Blocked and I-Ignorred!!!
Shut the fk up redditor scum
Is the Urzafag still around these days? He's 95% the reason I took a break from these threads and the game. And the Yugi schizo?
Nah, we have new schizos now.
It’s already done the thing if it comes into play or I just play dimir midrange. It’s a variant of my other Atris deck I’ve wanted to try forever.
Also I can’t see your post I’m ignoring you lalalalalalalalalala
Reinstalling. Time to get destroyed in this furryland thing for not knowing what any card does.
New set is next week fyi also your gay lmao
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My retard opponent knew I had a subtlety and they played Jodah into it unprotected…. I didn’t get to do the thing :(.
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instant one mana removal of ANY creature, no questions asked, seems really strong(although it's not unheard of, pic related). I get that the downside is bad, but still. It's definitely worse than swords to plowshare but that doesn't seem like a good criterion
What are the contents of a play booster? I assume that's what's being used for draft. I tried to google it but it's talking about "the list" and I don't think that applies to arena.
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> Zimone's theory was that the fractalization of atmospheric aether would increase kinetic energy. Tyvar's theory was that if you hit cultists in the face really hard, they would fall down. They were both right.
Dunno, a 3/3 monkey you know it's a just 3/3 the face-down creature could be something bigger.
that they can turn face-up later on.
I'm actually more worried about putting an extra card in their graveyard than it being flipped.
Jesus Christ Gyruda is fucking terrible this was the worst idea I’ve had in a while holy fuck.
not saying that the card is better, or worse, for that matter, than the other one. Just that 1 mana instant removal is hard to come by to begin with and usually there's some type of condition/limitation you need to meet prior to the removal. Fatal push has one, cut down has one. Unwanted remake takes it off the board, whatever it is, then asks questions later. It kills 5+cmc creatures as well, which fatal push and cut down don't. Whether or not the downside makes up for it, I guess we'll see
False, wizards should have never gotten away with making lands higher than uncommon
Cut down can kill a creature of any cmc so therefore your entire argument is invalid and you are retarded.
>cut down your mulldrifter
>nothing personnel, kiddo
I told you, anon.
I feel like this card is going to get two for one'ed pretty often. If you attack while something is exiled, the opponent can kill the creature holding the aura and the exiled creature immediately drops in and blocks.
It's a 2/2 face down creature, but yeah.
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It's high risk high reward. Extremely efficient if your creature doesn't get dealt with, but if it does then you likely lose tempo and card advantage and maybe the game.
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I saw this ad just now is this something for magic, if I buy this will it help me play?
Next week's weekly XP bonuses will become available before the mastery pass expires, right? I'm at 57 with 100/1000 and one quest and don't want to grind out a bunch of 25 xp games unless I have to.
>domain will dominate the new standard because some fucking genius thought EVERYWHERE would be a fair card
Fuck the lead designer.
It ends on the 24th, right? The weeklies reset on Sunday.
That's a token, you can't just jam four in your deck. I think the only way to get it is Overlord of the Hauntwoods and when the game reaches that point it's OK for that effect to happen.
If the blocker kills a card and survives combat which isn't that insane that's a 3 for 1. So you probably need to take that possibility into consideration in combat, if your opponent passes the turn with 4 mana up you have to be shitting your pants. But if you play too cautious you give your opponent time to draw into their removal. And despite all that I don't feel it's completely unplayable.

I agree with high risk, not sure it's that great of a reward being at sorcery speed. I just don't know how often the creature you enchant is going to be involved in combat for the rest of the game.
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Ossification sees play at sorcery speed and the same cost. It's a matter of being friendlier to multicolor decks vs being safer from removal.
I appreciate that Changelings work exactly how they should, that they are every type of creature no matter where they are. I had to test it to be completely sure of that. In YuGiOh, similar things aren't like that unless they're in your hand or on the field.
I don't know why they changed the wording, but in older cards the rules text specifically says it works at all times.
Me on the play

>opponent turn 2: casts dread whisper adventure on mosswood knight, draw a card, lose 1 life, tapped out
>my turn 3: founding the third path ticks up and mills 4 cards, cast squirming emergence, reanimate rakdos joins up, reanimate gishath sun's avatar, attack for 9, cheat an etali into play, etali triggers gets opponents sheoldred and my hulking metamorph, copy etali, sacrifice real etali, deals 7 damage to opponent, etali get opponents go the throat and my rakdos joins up, reanimate etali, sac real etali, get 2 more triggers and 7 more damage and still have another 9 damage from go the throat lined up on top of those 2 free spells

Hope you fucking enjoy that draw a card lose 1 life lmao
So they missed their land drop?
>added timeless format
>it still has alchemy cards
bruuuhhhhh lmao
I ain't ever coming back
>opponent plays sheoldred
Guess we're bringing this bad boy out again.
Also, to everyone else, you're welcome.
Are these standard metagame tournaments worth entering? Most people I've fought climbing ive thought were pretty braindead until hitting diamond recently (and even then a lot of them just missplay). Does this take into consideration ranks? Do noobs join these?
The other day was the only time I roped someone and it was because he played really slow to begin with.
Ranks don't matter for those. Those events are usually high variance, high risk/reward. If you're not familiar with grinding the regular standard events, you shouldn't be doing it.
If you don’t rope for 9 turns you can rope them for almost three minutes straight and tan out to goon real quick or whatever. I’m a pro roper. You can even slow play them until the rope almost appears for those 9 turns also.
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I like how these two feed each other.
Probably better to use something that comes back for free.
Order these for me in Standard please, it's the decks I have the most pieces of after coming back.

Golgari Midrange. Not combo, just Mosswood Knight, Glissa, some planeswalkers, removal...
Domain Atraxa. was wondering why people were playing Heaping Harvest but I guess Topiary Stomper has rotated at some point. In any case it looks simple enough to play
Dimir Aggro Looks like it has a bunch of faeries I like to play with.
Azorious Control. I was in love when I read Deduce but I usually hate when control is playing Temporal Lockdown maindeck.

Also, have any Bloomburrow tribal deck made it? The only thing I've seen is some lizards and it looked awful.
Domain, then midrange, maybe control next, never seen a faerie deck in standard.
>I’m a pro roper. You can even slow play them until the rope almost appears for those 9 turns also.
You aren't even close to pro. Full control, activate free abilities over and over if possible, never advance phases until the rope appears.
Kill yourselves disgusting fucking meta slaves
The existence of cards like mana drain already guaranteed it would be a shit format, alchemy is just the final nail.
That wastes my time too though. This way I lul them into a false since of security and then bam I’m gone and they have to wait three minutes to start a new game while I shitpost here or jack off to baby pictures of my dead mother.
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That’s pretty sexy.
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Can anyone gimme a quick rundown on arena..
My mate wants to play magic but he lives across the world. I only played paper before.
So.. the brawl mode, is that actual commander or is it different?
I'd obviously wanna play my decks. Is it possible to freely build these? https://archidekt.com/decks/8488125/aids
How much would it cost me?
Does it have all cards, especially secret lairs and UB?
Any weird ass things to know?
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>deck gets 20 new views
>no replies
stop lurking u gays
I can give you a quick rundown.
brawl is commander with half the cards and a bunch of gay fake cards put in for good measure. To get exactly your decks (or the cards that are in arena anyway) by just opening packs you'd be paying thousands of dollars
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Hold the phone.. half the cards? You guys play commander with 50 instead of 100?
Maybe I'm a tard here but I thought arena had a market to buy singles.. or was that magic online?
sounds good
oh no let me clear the confusion here: you are most definitely a tard
I'm still confused
He means not all cards in the game are available. You can buy cards on Magic Online, Arena has a different kind of economy and if you don't like drafting it's going to be really expensive.
Ah, alright.. my decks cost around 300 bucks each and I have 3. Remaking those 3 in arena would probably bankrupt me, wouldn't it. If it's all gacha...
It's so fucked up that they don't have all cards and probably even rules, right. Like, official ban lists and shit.
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You can "craft" cards using a wild card of the appropriate rarity, you get those mostly by opening packs, or you can buy a 4 wild Cards Bundle (only for rares and mythics) but the prices...
Need quick rundown on the story of the new set. I see a bunch of Jason and Children of the Corn stuff but then I see the maths Zendaya girl from Strixhaven and the Wanderer and Kaito and I'm not sure how they ended there.
Forgot that you can buy packs with free currency.
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Nigga what..
That's 4 cards for 21 bucks.
I mean.. sure, Mondrak in foil cost me 35.. Elesh norn in phyrexian and foil was 15, the roaming throne in foil 30, the other elesh norn like 8..
But that's virtual cards.
It’s cheaper than spending gems on packs lmao. It’s a mobile game it isn’t going to be cheap unless you wanna grind for a long time, spend money, or draft. You should probably be doing all three though if you wanna play long term.
That's the thing, I didn't plan on actually playing it regularly.. just fun matches with my mate. I'd boot it maybe twice a month.
I play commander with mates irl twice a week. It's only for the one fren who's living in murica.
If you LOVE magic it’s an ok game especially for a mobile game. I don’t have a lgs or friends near me so it’s pretty good to me. I’ve been playing since the beta and I regularly run out of wild cards but I like to play all the formats.
Thanks. I kind of hate them, actually liked the twist with Winter but it looks like it immediately was for nothing. Thanks to the fateshards nobody was in danger and the stakes were kind of fake. Except Tamiyo, who's been taken out in like 3 different sets so I can't manage to feel that impacted any longer.
>the game keeps starting in windowed mode
How hard is it to have it remember that I want it in fullscreen?
Hm.. I just have this uhh.. I feel weird paying hundreds for virtual cards, u know. I think everyone does. My real cards are real, they'll always be real and always sellable for actual money.
I dunno. I guess I could download it and just fuck around a little..
Say, does it come with free commander decks? Like a few precons to play for free?
Are you choosing it in options or pressing alt+enter? I don't know, I've never had that problem, it always remembers for me.
I'm checking the box in the graphics options.
You can try this it’s like a card table you download the card databases and everything is free. The one problem is there are no rule mechanics in the program so you gotta track priority and rule texts yourself, just like paper.
The only free shit you get is starter decks and they aren’t good. But there is a play Que for starter deck duel it’s only starters.
Interesting... that thing looks jank af but maybe it's fun. At least I'd get to play my decks.
Yeah, that's aids..
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Well, I fucked around with it. It's kinda good.. but man, I'm old.. I can't read ANYTHING in here. Shit's way too small.
I've been three wins away from standard mythic for a week

not gonna bitch or moan about anything in particular but I feel like going second hurts way more than it used to. 2 mana instant speed interaction isn't enough to keep up.
It’s about as old a mtgo lmao it’s old old.
Maybe play around in settings maybe you can adjust the aspect ratio or some shit idk I haven’t used it in a decade and now I’m drunk. It’s the best free option you’re gonna get or maybe you two tards can setup cameras and FaceTime a game or some shit.
Arena is a terrible deal monetarily if you're playing it once or twice a month, but it's actually a pretty decent deal if you're playing regularly. Then if you're also good at drafting, you pay $0 to play all the new draft formats, plus standard.
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Squirrel lili is hilarious looking and fucking busted.
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Uh oh stinky
I thought she was already on Arena, apparently not. M14 was so long ago, damn.
Was it even good then? I’m playing brawl and just fetching a swamp is as good as drawing a card shits nuts I’ve cast it like a dozen times and never used anything but the swamp fetch.
I don't remember desu, I think she saw some play but not a ton. Anyway, if you just want a land every turn there's a bunch of cards that can do that.
Honestly wouldn't have expected that many for a dead thread.
Common dogfucker L lmao
Lalaalalalala I’m still ignoring you I can’t hear you llalalalalalalala
Here's another really interesting observation I've made with Magic vs YuGiOh.

In Magic:
>Opponent steals your creature
>Creature has a "when it dies, do thing" effect
>Creature they stole ends up dying and they get the effect (the effect resolves on the field before returning to your graveyard)

In YuGiOh:
>Opponent steals your monster
>Monster has a "when it is destroyed, do thing" effect
>Resolves in the graveyard, so YOU get the effect instead of your thieving opponent!
I don’t play red in brawl you stupid retard that’s stupid and bad I’m talking about Liliana not a retardo gay guy like you, you stupid nigger.
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Yeah there's a whole bunch of quirks that different games will have. One in particular that I sometimes still forget is that if you steal a creature but then flicker it, it'll return to the battlefield back under the opponent's control.
Is it even worth it to run Arena through Steam or should I just install it natty?
That's up to you I guess, I don't think there's any real benefit to Steam. Updates might have different timing, I remember some anons getting mad people had the gold bug but they didn't.
>wording says your control
>still goes back to the owner
I hate WotC so much it's unreal
It’s a phone game if you play it any other way you’re retarded.
That observation was tldr. You talk like a fag and your shit sounds all retarded.
That’s the only ruling I think they fuck up in arena desu. I’ve memory lapsed a heisted spell from my deck onto my opponents library but I think it should have gone to my top? I dunno mane they fucked up the definition of owner I think? Niggerfaggots.
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I fucked up, cloudshift is actually the one where you CAN steal an opponent's creature and flicker it. Most of the alternatives specifiy owner's control.
Pretty sure the game just insta-concedes for you if you let 3 ropes burn down without doing anything at all. I've seen people trying to do that with me and they just explode. Obviously doesn't happen if you have a lot of triggers and are doing a bunch of shit and just need those ropes to do your big ass combo.
Yea they explode because they already roped you once. I assure you I’ve read the rules for roping and if you don’t rope them for 9 turns you get 3 ropes before you lose all priority and 1 additional rope before you lose a turn and or the game. You stupid nigger shut your fucking dirty mouth before I find you and fist you in the ass with both hands.
Good to know that roping retards like you are mad as fuck and stupid as shit. Keep seething, faggot.
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I’m not even mad your just stupid and gay acting like you know how the mechanics work but your wrong and being a faggot keep it up I don’t care you’re gay and I’m posting ajani FUCK YOU.
Who asked? Kill yourself
U mad
Fine I’m just gonna let die you fucking pussy retardo you jump it then faggot I’ll fucking kill you
I love how I can just disconnect from a game and leave the bad guy waiting and probably mad. Too bad gay retard! I’m shitposting on 4chan or jacking off to my dead mom’s baby pics or watching YouTube! Nigger!?
My wife is coming back.
Your wife is literally a slut and has been everywhere
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That looks just like my dead mom
That’s the last thing my mom said before she died from tumescence.
She fucking died man and no one could do anything or help it was super fucked up MY MOM FUCKING DIED DUDE
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And after checking the FAQ, asking customer support, uninstalling-reinstalling the game, I solved it by changing the systems resolution to the recommended one, for this one game.
>I see you have creature removal in your deck, I will match you exclusively with decks it's not useful against :*)
>I see you have a slow deck, I will match you exclusively with aggro decks :*)
he (emperor) cute
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Some stuff happens once in a while but I think Arena has been insanely good at handling the rules.
i'm excited for Bogles in standard, either UW or WG. but it's likely to be too slow.
U know.. I just got up, the tab of this thread auto loaded and I was like
>dead u say, eh, can't be that bad
Then I tried scrolling down to the newest messages and quickly realized there are none..
This thread is deader than the paper EDH threads I terrorize daily, kek
is this a vip account?
Nah, playing since Eldraine.
Rate my idea for standard deck

>4x Rottenmouth Viper
>4x Leyline of Hope
>4x Leyline of Mutation
>4x Leyline of Resonance
>4x Leyline of the Guildpact
>4x Leyline of the Void
>4x Leyline of Transformation
>4x Lavaspur Boots
>4x Not Dead After All

what else can I add to improve? I don't expect to need more than 2 lands per game so I can add another ~6 cards, any big leyline payoffs? maybe 4x loran's escape and BW lands,
Just play draft
EDH threads should be the most alive though, it's the biggest format today
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Uh oh stinky sorry you couldn’t just play creatures and win broski
I don't know what us boomers are supposed to be doing in Standard, I'm not a monstruous rage kind of person and counters don't seem great. So I'm guessing it's domain. Those Slickshots are going to own me but I've seen a bunch of do nothing decks (tokens control, Orzhov/Golgari removal) that I think will get buried in card advantage if they're forced into a long game.
I can’t even get my creature kill quest done these faggots keep scooping before my spells resolve >:(
They should remove that one.
>go first
>have relatively bad hand
>play mountain and either heartfire hero or monastery swiftspear
>opponent concedes
>happens 3 games in a row
How come no one told me mythic was so easy
monoR burn seems to works for me in explorer with that quest. Tend to get a lot of R mirror matches so getting their creatures early doesn't always been an insta scoop
I massacre wurmd a token deck and they didn’t scoop lmao.
Standard is easier to rank up and grind in I think. Then you can use those resources to draft or build decks for other formats. Play brawl!
>"hey here's those removal spells you wanted last game fyi your opponent this game will play zero creatures have fun"
Those are some solid archetypes. Looking forward to drafting Delirium piles with 13th pick chaff to up my card type count.
2/2 lifelink for 2 is fine, even without delirium and artifact typing
I was more referring to the payoff on that card which seems backbreaking against creatures lategame.
A 2 cost 2/2 lifeline hasn't been playable in a decade anon, wish cards weren't so powerful too anon...
I have a fuckload of resources, it's just that I haven't played since LCI and I was feeling a bit lost in Standard which is the only constructed format where things click for me. In any case I've enjoyed rampy today. My favorite mode is draft but I've only done one of BLB and I don't feel like messing much with it when there's a new set arriving next week.
In the couple of streams I caught I was very impressed with green, probably not the greatest level of play and the decks not that polished, but at least seeing the cards together I realized I was not as high on manifest as I should have been. The one red card that I saw overperforming constantly was the 2/4 that gives something +1/+0 and first strike.
Is this set the worst art we've ever had? As bad as anything else has been, I can't think of anything worse.
>no lifelink

It's shit.
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There's some stuff I like but a lot of the inspiration comes from slasher B movies so trashy reattached horrors and monsters make sense.
It costs 0 mana tho
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Hello saars. I don't really play arena anymore because of work so here are codes I have leftover. Feel free to redeem, whoever gets it.
Tried four and they're gone, I assume they all are. But thank you sir.
This card actually seems kinda sick in standard. Getting rid of all abilities makes it way better than other variants of this effect.
I don't think witness protection saw play when it was in, though given the format is a lot faster now maybe things will be different.
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Seen a couple of lists run this and I've played a little against it,the card looked very unimpressive. I know Wandering Emperor spoiled me but I have trouble believing this is what UW control decks are doing on 4.
these kind of cards are very good in brawl
It's a good 2 drop that's going to be relevant late but there are a lot of hoops for it to trigger. I assume getting delirium isn't that hard but if it's happening on like turn 10 there are ways to maneuver discarding or sacrificing some room that's already done its effect if the game is really about that. I'm not saying it's bad but probably more inconsistent than it looks. Also just realized there are situations where it may help your opponent hit delirium

In limited they're usually ok, they were great in KHM, medium in STX and bad in MOM. What usually helps them is equipment or ways to get counters and I don't think black gets a lot of that them.
The tokens and life are basically guaranteed against aggro, which already makes it solid.
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>hard limit of 250 tokens in arena
What's the point if I can't go infinite with scute swarm?
For a brief time it was possible. Scute was the reason they created a cap in the first place. It was making so many tokens that it caused issues in OTHER matches, that's how bad it got.
member when they printed a 3 mana plague wind?
It's not really a lot of hoops, there's 14 artifact creatures at common and uncommon in DSK as well as 18 enchantment creatures, trading with one of those is easy. Manifest dread puts stuff in the graveyard and even gives you selection, and sorceries/instants are obviously trivial to get into the graveyard.
Did they just rebalance the brawl matchmaking? I've been about 70% winrate for a while now and went 4-7 tonight with a lot of games against mostly commanders I don't see that often or ever.
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>Opponent drops Rhystic studies
>Drop Smothering tithe
>My deck is built around low cost creatures & playing them from the top of my deck
>Bontu is out
>Opponent tapped out
>drop a whole army that is fed by their own Rhystic
Nalia is so fun when the stars align
I report all screenshotters here to the wotc secret police and you get “adjusted” games.
Could be people returning in anticipation of Duskmourn
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Is this guy a bot, or the rare off-chance that he never played against mono red?

I feel bad for him (almost)
>Play defense of the heart
>Opponent loses
every time
i hate this game
i loose every game
maybe he is doing just the quest without thinking?
just play for the spells and fuck everything else?
at least this is what i am doing
haven't played in like 3 years, what was the (good) limited draft simulator site?
Huh? How come one of CGB's opponent managed to crash the game the other day?
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>you play against mono red
>he has scamp on the field and slickshot plotted
>he has 5 cards in hand and 3 mana available
>you decide to completly tap out
Dude, at least pretend you have removal in hand, its like not running from guy in a dark alley that runs towards you with a knife in his hand and his dick in the other
>"maybe he just wants to chat"
I got to the last page but not to the end of the FOMO track, oh well, time to take a break
>literally can't switch decks
a new bug every day. amazing.
ever since i added the sell sword to my mono red list i can't seem to win any games
fuck it im removing sell sword from my list
garbage card
I'm not watching that shit, but you can often still crash the game if you get enough triggers. Scute in particular was fucking up the servers so badly that even people in matches without scute were crashing.
>he fell for the fling meme
I'm starting to think that MtG isn't very fun
i tried it but the ai seems to pass really good cards too often + it has basic lands which doesn't translate well to mtga, i guess for getting familiar with the set if there's nothing better it gets the job done tho
Haven't played magic for a long while
what non-rotating constructed format is the most played?which is more fun? all these formats are fucking confusing.
I just want to make sure that whatever format i pick, is the one where people are actually playing, and I can come back in some months and not have to change my deck too much.
They all rotate at different times when new sets are added to the game. They just recently added fucking modern horizons to the game so anything could happen. Also alchemy and rebalanced cards are in some formats but not others it’s a mess. I play brawl and explorer and draft.
aight cool.
tried a few explorer games with a deck inspired by my pioneer homebrew. it's not 100% shit, so that's great.

Hows brawl? Is it still standard only?
There’s standard brawl that’s 60 card standard sets, and I think it’s just called brawl that’s 100 card and every card on arena. I don’t like standard at all so I play 100 card. You get to play ops spells like mana drain and dark ritual n shit.
I like explorer because it’s supposedly one day going to be the same as pioneer. Same ban list for both they are just slowly adding pioneer cards to arena for explorer.
I want Explorer Brawl
Not like the Arena bots are that smart either.
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jesus christ what happened
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domain tards get too greedy sometimes
Brawl is fun, but its matchmaking system is kind of retarded since it's not ranked. The big data leak is a bit dated at this point, but do some research if you're struggling to win.
Standard is so boring, like sure there's technically a lot more than just mono red, but somehow it feels so gay that half the decks are essentially just the 10 archetypes from Bloomburrow. I guess that's what timmies love though is just braindead 4 copies of Caverns and all the rares that match their favorite creature type.

Historic and Timeless feel way more fun, I run into some weird cooked rancid jank over there more often. Additionally it's possible for a newer account to compete there just by buying MH3 packs whereas to get started in Explorer you need a billion rares each from a different set.

My favorite decks have been Historic Ninjas, Timeless Dimir Tempo, Explorer Yorion, and Standard Artifact Animator. Problem is that Yorion decks just do not feel anywhere near as strong as their standard counterparts.
>Historic Ninjas
Is that a real deck? I played ninjas in NEO standard and it felt barely good enough for that format.
Half the ninja got alchemy buffs which transfer to Historic, so it's much easier to draw cards or clone your creatures. historic ninjas can combo off and hit them for 30 damage on turn 3 or 4. However all the removal and interaction is one mana, so if they get of our range of Spell Pierce or Fatal Push you're not going to be able to do much.

It's fun but obviously not as good as let's say Boros Energy (even though that one got some nerfs)
I do like tribal decks, thanks for asking.
What is this schizo shit what is the meaning of this?
Old magic cards soulful, new magic cards woke and tropey
no sexy
no artsy
no fantasy

modern slop shoved down your throat
ripped from whatever is popular in theaters
>old thing good, new thing bad
It's boomerbait, you could make a similar list of terrible cards from Innistrad.
Show me the soulful cards of duskmourn, the striking art, the celebration of the female form
I'll wait
I think most of the art outside of the survivors is pretty good. The mechanics are questionable, but we'll see once the set actually drops.
That card is an example of everything that has gone wrong

>has to be a strong black woman drawn heroically
>she cannot show ANY SKIN
>must be de-sexed to the point of a fucking burqa
>oh the rest of the frame is basically CGI effects
>perspective is shit, subject has to be centered and frame balance is shit
>needless tilt

Bitch looks like she wandered off the set of nu-Dr Who
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If you looked at actual people from that time and not porn parodies, you'd see she looks like she wandered out of the period she's supposed to be from. She's also neither black nor heroic, lol.
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Creepy doll would've been a better comparison for Arabella since they're basically the same concept.
You're focusing on the art being bad but the card itself is shit.

>Rainbow identity just for Cummander players
>Everything needs an ETB triggers since every creature is actually a sorcery on a stick
>Tab ability with sets mechanic, despite mechanic probably not even strong enough for Standard
>Worthless in limited and probably will be a 13 cent bulk rare
Creepy Doll isn't really a homage to a specific movie or book like Delver of Secrets. Its a whole horror trope, shared across Chucky, The Conjuring, Toy Story and like 50 B movies
delver = the fly
arabella = annabelle

really lame how on the nose it is and how little effort went into fleshing it out for the duskmourn universe, they even make it look like annabelle with a minor tweak
imagine if insectile aberration was named "Human Fly" and looked like Jeff Goldblum vomiting
I don't care about anything you said because I'm going to discard her and use her ability on my tokens thanks to Agatha's Soul Cauldron
Based jank
Who gives a shit about the art you fucking retards? You know who really cared about art, fucking Hitler that’s who and we all know how that turned out he practically wiped an entire people off the face of the earth! I’d ask if you’re genuinely autistic or just fucking stupid but it really doesn’t matter. People play the game for mechanics and gameplay primarily and anyone that thinks anything else is more important should be disregarded for being retarded.
If that woman's black then I'm jamican
>has to be a strong black woman drawn heroically
You are a parody of yourself, she's glaringly Med.
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This card is fucking good in midrange. I think this is my favorite numagic card.
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This one or this one VG? I can only play one.
if i could play modern on mtga id drop 2,000 in an instant
ELD was one of the first sets to drop after I got into arena, I got a soft spot for a lot of the cards FIRE design and all.
depends on the list, doesn't it
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my opponent didn't appreciate my infinite land combo
>blurred out Chandra's eyes
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it's not nice to share people's personal info online
Are she and Kaito fucking or do heterosexual couples that aren't mixed raced forbidden?
the emperor is a transman obviously
Holy shit I know that fish! He’s gonna be pissed you posted him online.
damn my bad
Uhh all Asians aren’t the same you fucking retard what is wong with you? Hehe get it? Wong? Asians?
Yeah dude that’s fuckin Jeremy how are you gonna make this right?
Was this... necessary? If red doesn't get it in the first hand, it's a dead card, but if he does and starts first on top of it, there just won't be a way to defeat them.
>but if he does and starts first on top of it, there just won't be a way to defeat them.
they also need to draw creatures, pump spells and 2 lands
>>has to be a strong black woman drawn heroically
Obsessed, rent free, etc. the woman depicted is clearly Hispanic or Mediterranean. I'm surprised you didn't accuse her of having a penis too
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What are the best qualifier events for a scrub like me for gemmaxxing?
I have some draft experience, but I am platin at best. So I'd think the best would be sealed: Just run the lottery and hope for a good set of cards and win 2-3 matches against people who rolled worse, thoughts?

I imagine there are only permanently online tryhards... or do paypiggys buy their way in those events as well? Anybody got decent experience on those?
I'm just waiting for someone to make a compilation of Leyline players scooping to turn one removal.
I think I'm just going to splash this in any deck since it's free so long as it's in your opening hand.
And what about when it's one of the other 53 cards?
Yeah, if you want to gamble then sealed is the way to go.
It's a super RNG card, yeah sometimes it'll be a turn 2 win but mostly it'll just be a dead card because you didn't draw all the other pieces, or the opponent had removal.
does it work with Fight spells? They do only target one creature you control.... it does target an opponent's creature too, but it doesn't say anything against that.
>it does target an opponent's creature too, but it doesn't say anything against that
I'm pretty sure the wording is saying it can only target a single creature AND you have to be controlling it. A fight spell is targeting more than just "a single creature you control"
No, the other anon is correct. Think of it as
>spell that targets only [a single creature you control]
Nadu should have said spells you control. I didn’t realize this little bastard triggers on my spells do gaaaay.
It should've been triggers twice per turn total or once per creature.
I recently sold my mana crypt. Feel pretty good about that. Prices will plummet. lol
Commander is gay but banning the most powerful rocks and nadu is funny.
Not Arena, not even Magic. EDH players can rule 0 shit anyway, not like it being official matters to anyone other than collectors.
Fine bans. Logical.

I do find it funny that he makes a case for banning sol ring, and then just weakly says it's a sacred cow exception so they're not banning it. Oh well, at least sol ring costs 1 to play, and at least it's practically free to buy so no player is at a disadvantage deckbuilding wise.
Gold bug tomorrow
Do the times work out?
Nobody here works out lmao
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*stifles your return from exile trigger*
Heh nuthin personnel bud, it’s just brawl business.
1 Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths (THB) 209

1 Fblthp, the Lost (WAR) 50
1 Phyrexian Arena (8ED) 152
1 Essence Scatter (DMU) 49
1 Ashiok, Nightmare Muse (THB) 208
1 Stifle (SCG) 52
1 Memory Lapse (STA) 16
1 Memory Deluge (MID) 62
1 Tale's End (M20) 77
1 Wash Away (VOW) 87
1 Counterspell (STA) 15
1 Three Steps Ahead (OTJ) 75
1 Massacre Wurm (M21) 114
1 Lochmere Serpent (ELD) 195
1 Dismember (SPG) 41
1 Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR) 94
1 Grief (SPG) 46
1 The Irencrag (WOE) 248
1 Subtlety (SPG) 45
1 Toxic Deluge (MH3) 277
1 Forsworn Paladin (AFR) 104
1 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107
1 Annul (KHM) 42
1 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
1 Dark Ritual (STA) 26
1 Brainstorm (STA) 13
1 Reanimate (OTP) 18
1 Negate (DMU) 58
1 Jet Medallion (MH3) 292
1 Sapphire Medallion (MH3) 296
1 Virtue of Persistence (WOE) 115
1 Mana Drain (OTP) 11
1 Flare of Denial (MH3) 62
1 Pact of Negation (AKR) 73
1 Languish (JMP) 246
1 Clackbridge Troll (ELD) 84
1 Arcane Signet (ANB) 117
1 Kaervek, the Spiteful (M21) 106
1 Coldsteel Heart (CSP) 136
1 Crippling Fear (KHM) 82
1 Breach the Multiverse (MOM) 94
1 Witness Protection (SNC) 66
1 Lolth, Spider Queen (AFR) 112
1 Thryx, the Sudden Storm (THB) 76
1 Liliana of the Dark Realms (BLC) 78
1 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
1 Black Market Connections (HBG) 145
1 Grave Titan (M11) 97
1 Disallow (KLR) 46
1 Solar Transformer (MH3) 211
1 Mind Stone (WTH) 153
1 Feed the Swarm (ZNR) 102
1 Bitter Triumph (LCI) 91
1 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
1 Infernal Grasp (MID) 107
1 Treasure Cruise (KTK) 59
1 Fading Hope (MID) 51
1 Unsummon (ANB) 36
1 Fell (BLB) 95
1 Blacklance Paragon (ELD) 79
never happening again
sars have done the needful
I work out quite a lot.
I'm not good at MtG though lol.
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Just hit mythic and it shows me as a numbered rating in the victory screen and on untapped but in game it shows as 99%? What's happening I want my opponent to see how good I am.
If you're below a certain amount it doesn't show up, if I remember right. Plus the numbers change all the time because of decay and other people.
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Started showing up around 1400. Also moments before disaster for mister red deck and made a funny rank.
>black spellcasters were just subversive and sinister versions of other casters.
Actually quite flavorful
>Get a 2/2 body and graveyard fuel.
This is pretty standard white removal where the controller gets a bonus.
>16 lands in top 20
they aren't even trying to hide it anymore
>playing Land: The Flooding in year of the Lord 2024
>The one problem is there are no rule mechanics in the program so you gotta track priority and rule texts yourself, just like paper.
Unplayable. I have zero patience to rule argue with retards who don't understand mechanics and that's literally everyone I've ever played MTG with. Only reason MTG is playable now is because the computer takes care of the boring rulekeeping and trigger handling part. Sorry cardboard sniffers.
Why is the art for this set in particular so fucking bad? It's normal to have a few bad cards, but at least 33% of the cards look terrible.
Instead of making a god tier spooky horror set they couldn't contain themselves and made it cringe ass 80's B movie shit.
With this, Aven interruptor and Werefox bodyguard all serving as flash creatures + temporary creature removal for tempo, and Stoic Sphinx serving as the threat, shouldn't Azorius aggro be pretty good? You have access to no more lies and get lost, too.
Too retarded to handle your own triggers. Got it.
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Hard to do flash tempo without cheap counterspells.
Yeah and when I use excel it's because I'm too retarded to write my own spreadsheets on pen and paper. Find your grave, boomer faggot
good memories
I used to play using this thing, back in 2011.
Hover over cards, they will show all their text and image in card info
What do you do against control?
just one more sleepy, bros
can't wait to hard lose my sealed games
Absolute nightmare scenario for investors and EDH players. Less bad for 60-card format players, but still bad. Expect the entire magic market, both singles and sealed across the board, to take a hit they did with magic 30 (not sure if it will be more or less intense) due to investors losing confidence and pulling out.

As for the gameplay side of things, I get the other three, but dockside extortionist, really? Seems like an odd choice to pick on.
It's a cEDH infinite mana combo thing.
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imagine drawing all this removal and still losing
Imagine 'investing' in Funko pops the cardboard

I play MTGA because it's virtually free. Years ago when I spent on cardboard I wasted hundreds of dollars which I regret, in comparison I've spent about 20$ a year on Arena.
Not much from the next set is jumping out at me for constructed. I guess the Enduring enchantment creature cycle are all pretty good. Not much for other formats either.
Good riddance. Collectors and finance niggers deserve the rope.
You should still be in a better position against control than most creature decks, since you play creatures at flash speed, so you can rebuild and attack immediately after a sweeper instead of wasting a turn on summoning sickness. You can also run no more lies just for sweepers, or you can aven interruptor the sweeper just to buy yourself one last turn where you go for lethal.
Still, the deck might not be aggressive enough to win the matchup before control stabilizes, and I don't know about the draw engine. Malcolm? Combat research?
when is the update?
Probably around 5 hours.
gold bug status?
online that's why we are so busy not posting
Bro you are not /heist/ ing???? Ive made 25000 gold already, get in there
fixed forever
please do the needful saar and redeem gems in store
I'm sorry, anon
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I think the game is trying to tell me something.
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I play this game too much.
I just crossed the 1M gold threshold, and I've never even used any bugs for gold.
it's jover
When does Mastery Pass drop?
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I don't think any of the transformers cards are coming to arena, unfortunately.
next year for sure
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I just really hope people like these are secretly trolls or maybe actual clinical retards

Imagine sharing the earth with these mouth-breathing inbred dumb motherfuckers, that ask on the fucking reddit page if the exploit for gold from a company that cares about leeching as much money from you as possible by buying their in-game coins instead of spending the free currency. God damn the longer I write the madder I get.
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But wait, there's more:
Los mods han serrado la partida
Oh cool did a new schizo wander in? Is this the beginning of the Reddit schizo arc? Bitchin.
Uhh wasn’t the last gold bug literally years ago?
WOE, so a year ago.
it was last year, see >>495717264
>Funko pops the cardboard
MTG cards have actual utility in tourney play
You’re right magic is more like a gacha game.
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there it is boys, make sure to spam "good game" before executing the combo
you can play pretend with your funko pops too anon
upvoting this epicness
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...aaaaand servers down, cant these fuckers not fix their spaghetti code?
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>Have one mana to spend before the game ends
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>play standard brawl
>opponent pops off with Urabrask and turns it into an enchantment
>He totally forgot i had Nissa on the field and just ticked her down to destroy it and just leaves afterwards
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just build decks with one mana removal and mulligan every time if you dont have it in opening hand

skill issue if you dont
great job wotc, first the game fails to validate, then the game can't connect, now it's downloading 9.7gb of stuff?
not sure why i expected the release to be smoother
At least they printed an unconditional instant creature removal in white for 1 mana
Look how hard they had to push mono red to make it kind of good sometimes lmfao the absolute state of the meta.
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>imagine tapping out
also might of the meek turns into a one mana draw 2 lmao
What happens if I reach mythic 1 (Historic Bo3) with my own deck?
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Please tell me Sayuri Mattar comes to my very room and sucks my dick
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Heist cards have this really weird hidden effect. It makes the opponent take an additional 30 seconds to complete their turn whenever they play one.
Heist might be the worst mechanic they’ve ever made. Morph was literally better design.
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>game gets decided by a flip of the coin
yep, standard is in a good place now
What I find funny about morph is that it was created (in part) to solve rules issues with camouflage but they errataed that card later so it doesn't turn the creatures face down anymore.
any advice on duskmourn draft?
Can’t wait for them to ban the one drops from mono red lmao.
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>They printed an agro leyline and a better combat trick for RDW
"Turn three was a mistake" Richard Garfield
is the game this aids in bo3? i dont play bo1 since its a cuck format, and skipped the last set.
It also has the effect of not giving card advantage at all, trully a thing of marble
Seems like blue is better than usual and red is worse than usual. Green is very strong. Sorceries are good for delirium, so are enchantment or artifact creatures. Don't go for cards that care about rooms unless you have several good ones.
Bo3 is what the game is ostensibly balanced around.
Things like >>495824934 are useless in Bo3 because of sideboarding and turn order priority.
That's it I'm doing nothing other than jump-in for the next 12 months
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I said I'd blogpost about my DSK draft runs, so here I am. A good start to the set, I can't complain about a 3-0. I was able to hit delirium almost every game, manifest dread and a pair of broodspinners helped a lot with that. I had a lot of fixing and probably could've splashed in red but didn't feel like it was worth it. I was mainly green with black mostly there for removal, deck felt good. First impression is that the set is slower than the past few, two of my opponents were on RW and the only game I lost there was when they dropped a bunch of high end creatures in a row, one being the red overlord.
Dont forget no handsmoothing also which favours aggro
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Why do you niggas still play draft I cannot fathom why
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GW this time, heavy on survivor synergy. Green continues to feel strong, both playing as it and against it. Between a pair of house cartographers and three spineseeker centipedes, I was running 16 lands despite a higher curve. Spineseeker has been passed to me pretty liberally twice now, which is weird because it's a great common. Savior of the small is great survival payoff, since you can get back enablers like orphans of the wheat or hardened escort. Survivors actually don't have great instant speed enablers, which felt weird. Looking through the set, it's basically just jump scare and horrid vigor for combat tricks. Then there's unwanted remake which is shit, and seized from slumber which is pricey against blockers. I guess you can hit one with manifest and then trick your opponent that way, but it doesn't seem relevant that often.

It's fun.
This little fella has been the MVP of my drafts so far. Evasive 2/2 for 2 that gives you card selection most turns it's up is so sweet
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Seems like you're really incentivized to use the self tapping effects then. This card seems great if you also have the Manifest Dread Survivor to cheat it into play.
>jump-in duel
>copy fell with Gadwick's first duel, removing two creatures
>bring fell back with aquatic alchemist and use it again
>sacrifice aquatic alchemist to opponent's effect
>return Aquatic alchemist to hand + remove another creature with Consumed by greed
>bring fell back again with aquatic alchemist
Seeing the same spell removing four creatures over the course of the game must have been frustrating for the opponent.
I also had the chance to bounce a creature with Horn-Loch whale and then force a discard.
>queue up a say it's name deck
>Play against main deck leyline of the void
Nice matchmaking
wait this is actually kinda good in draft
is it actually good like gates, or just jank?
That's a 3 mana sorcery speed kill spell a lot of the time in DSK with the upside of removing Rooms or that Ghost Vacuum turning off your Delirium.
It's instant speed if you've already got it on the board, and it's not like people are throwing removal at this thing.
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why cant I ever get a busted sealed pool?
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im thinkin r/w will be weaker solely because its so reliant on uncommons. I got 3 of this in the first pack (then somehow got cut in pack three from both colors). I never saw a single gremlin.
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Just finished dinner and then my last game of this run, sadly it was my first loss of the set. This deck started out focused on white, flip flopping between G and U until a Rip showed up. My single loss was against another GW deck as well, which reinforces my opinion of how strong it is this set. I also fucked up a game because I forgot Toby's token can't attack/block alone. Ghost vacuum is just a silly card. Patched plaything can do dumb stuff if you follow it up with friendly ghost on curve and then jump scare the turn after.

Those help, yeah. On that note though, I think they're subpar to things that simply enable you to attack. Friendly ghost in particular is a card I've liked, being able to help push through more damage is good. At the end of the day, you still want to avoid playing subpar cards just to enable a synergy.
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I just want to try colors other than green, why would you do this to me, wotc?
didnt even know the set dropped already. i thought it was this friday. did 2 drafts, got 7 and 6 wins. rooms are strong.
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People who play sealed and draft are subhuman
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me on the right, a drafter
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nice removal bro
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Cynical Loner, The Emperor, and Gremlin Tamer are all cute girls.
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Back on the 3-0 grind. Tyvar is too good to pass up even if I'm trying to experiment, absolutely no survivor synergy needed. Forced red this time around and it worked out, though I didn't get a GW opponent this run to really test things. Shout out to dissection tools, a poor man's batterskull is still a batterskull. Underwhelmed by most of the red creature chaff, though most valuable slayer over performed. First strike on attack is a significant buff and he's enough to wall off all the small manifest bodies as well as most of the aggro suite. Betrayer's bargain also put in work, I suspect it'd be OP in a sac deck. Under the skin is great as a 3 mana gravedigger that helps put stuff into the yard. Moldering gym is almost beanstalk giant as a common, and is even better at synergizing with the archetypes in the set. Wary watchdog is a lot better than expected, being a reprint of wary thespian, who was meh. Overall, green is still king in my eyes. I've only seen one UG deck so far but even that looked good, which is a rarity.
Is interrupter even worth it when you don't have anything that can flicker it to counter things?
Is there even a rare in that pile?
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I just got killed from 18 life turn 4 on draft
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You may kiss the bride
OK. sunfall. gg
>new set sucks so bad that queues are already dead not even 24 hours in
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Sunfall sucks, but you could try fitting this bad boy, despite being a bit overkill
salvation swan was such a trap, whiffs hard and has a limit to his flickering. soul partitions are great. they are a 2 mana hit everything removal, combo with aven's tax and is also a self bounce for triggering dour port. worth upping your archorage too. they are amazing.
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Finally got a nongreen run in. Deck felt like a solid 7/10, despite only being 2-1. My one loss was to a guy who pulled valgavoth and was able to reanimate him like five times across all three games, so I don't feel too bad about it. I thought shroudstomper had flying for absolutely no reason at all, but regardless it's still basically a titan at uncommon. Live or die is great solely for being an instant speed reanimate, the destroy option might as well not exist. Enduring innocence was a hell of a card advantage engine even though I didn't feel like I had that many <2 power creatures, I might've just gotten lucky there. Fear of abduction is great, sometimes you don't even want to reanimate it because you want to rebuy an ETB creature. This was the first deck today where I almost decked out, I sometimes go 40+ cards for that reason and I probably should've for this run.

DSK impressions so far:
Green good. Hard to say what else, probably white. Didn't get a chance to play blue yet but it doesn't seem especially weak, a few opponents had a good showing with it.
Delirium: need to work for it, but solid payoffs. There's a few key cards that make it easy, or you can pick up manifest.
Manifest dread: good synergy with a bunch of stuff, and potentially a mana sink, though not a reliable one. Can help with "cheating" creatures that have additional casting costs.
Rooms: much more reliable mana sink, idk about building around them though. Only saw one opponent try it and it was not impressive.
Survivors: quite good, though a side effect of the archetype is that falling behind sucks ass. You don't want to trade, you don't want to block, and your effects that tap your stuff don't let you block.
Eerie: the UW payoffs feel a lot better since they play to the board. Cult healer and bloodsucker both felt like underperformers.
<2 power tribal: was not impressed with the aggro stuff.

That's all from me for tonight. Net total for the day: +2k gems, +31 packs, +6 play in points.
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Day 1 of my fifteen win a day challenge.
Which queue? It's probably just glitched, restart the client.
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turns out the schizos were right all along

That's not schizo talk, tiered commanders have been an explicit thing for a while. The "hell queue" isn't a meme, it was specifically advertised by WotC as a way to help balance weaker commanders in Brawl.
i feel embarrassed for you, putting that much energy into a rigged draft simulator.
I draft each set multiple times, but with friends at home because i'm not a loser
They weren't schizo, matchmaking based on commander has been a known fact for a long time.
>dont say it's rigged anon, you're a schizo!
>it's not rigged anon, it's just "smoothing" & algorithm!
>there's no proof anon, "we can use the matchmaking" ist just hell queue and the like!
will become
>it's rigged but that's good for the game!
will become
>I love rigged games! Take my money!

Only one of us gives money to WotC. You can shill elsewhere.
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>I need to grind out 4 rare WCs for leyline to keep my rdw deck current
leyline is a meme, don't fall for it
then how do u explain >>495824934
It's a coinflip, but rdw without leyline performs better than a coinflip.
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hows the new wipe?
I find it very bizarre that your creatures get summoning sickness again when brought back to the field when you destroy one of their "exile your opponent's creature until this is destroyed"-effects. As far as I'm concerned, it was already summoned and this shouldn't be treated as another summon. It should be ready to tap even without Haste.
did they change something about the mastery pass in bloomburrow? i got my 4 daily wins every day but i can't remember if i actually maxed out the mastery or not. i know i got all the cosmetics and cardstyles but i can't remember if i hit level 80 or 90 or whatever to get all the little rewards after that
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New Magic player... went through the tutorials a couple days ago.
Anything I should know?
The last unique reward was just a booster, so if you're sure you got all the card styles it doesn't really matter. IIRC Fireglass Mentor was the last one.
You’re fucked this game is FUCKED bro.
Not sure what they do for newbies nowadays, do the quests to get all the starter decks if you haven't already. Then just mess around with those for a while until you find a style that's both strong and enjoyable, and save up to craft an actual deck.
Whoever fucked up modern by designing Nadu for commander just to have it banned there too should get a pay cut.
Dont know how that anon is so confident about it. Played a lot of red previous and 10 games after and it performed about the same for me. I think you should include the new pumpspell because it gives some card selection and a body but the new leyline isnt a must. Turn3 kills are good enough, but it sidnt feel like a trap for me either. I think might of the meek is a auto include with the leyline though and the equipment has to go obviously.

One thing it does though is rewarding mulligans. Where in the past you had a borderline bad hand, now if it also doesnt have leyline you can at least mulligan once without feeling bad i gueas
If you wanna freeload you have to play everyday. Learning to draft is harder but generally gives you the most ressources if you get to 50%+ winrate. Can be frusttrating to just throw away your gold/gems for 0/1 wins so try to use simulators first and watch few videos first to learn how to draft and what the set is all about.
After DROOOOFTING for 12 hours straight I can confidently say blue/white/green enchantment shit is way too fucking easy to get and way too strong for how easy you can get it.
Aggro usually has haste and taps everything, so shouldn't it be really good in control decks? You could also cause blowouts with Eddymurk crab.
Aggro could also use it after attacking to get rid of surviving blockers.
Temporary lookdown exista and is usually a better answer against aggro. You want this for more orbless onesided boardwipes
Okay, thanks.

>stop drafting before the release of OTJ because i'm tired of the rigged shuffler absolutely fucking me sideways
>decide to play some limited because new set looks cool
>get absolutely fucked by the shuffler again
>also forget how much i hate the early days of formats because of how much the drafts are affected my "influencers" who tell the audience what they think the good colours are
i fucking hate this game
That's a good point.
Lockdown is probably going to be even more important now that there are so many new cheap enchantments and so much token creation, but there is also more enchantment destruction now, and lockdown can die to that at inconvenient times. I still think it's a good card, though.
Why the fuck does this game make my phone run so hot? It's a card game and playing league is easier on my phone.
the sad truth is that while modern phones are really powerful, modern flagship phones are way better than the Nintendo Switch, they weren't built with gaming in mind. They're all passively cooled, no fans, so of course they're going to get hot if you do anything more the lightest of webbrowsing and video watching.
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>Trash for Treasure is apparently banned in Brawl
>there's no indicator for this other than my deck being invalid
Thanks, WOTC
At least that one is an uncommon.
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>Red player puts out a leyline
>Spend my mana at the end of his turn to scry 2
>He says GG and pumps his scamp up to 10 and gives it haste but since its the end of the turn it cant attack and he leaves
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Yeah, I'm not as upset about that as I am that it literally doesn't show up in search and doesn't have the tag about legality.
Is there an easier way to filter cards by what's banned?
Those cats are so dumb
>one sealed and four drafts later
>Went 7-0 once and 0-3 five times
what the fuck is happening
I still have 40k gold, I have no clue if I should keep drafting or not with this winrate
Haven't played since Dominaria United two years ago, feel like coming back. I had a big collection back then and a couple dozen rare + mythic wildcards now.

Is Explorer or Standard currently less shit? Not interested in any format polluted with alchemy or crossover shit so Historic and Brawl and etc. are out of the question for me. I like tempo and midrange decks that aren't just brainless value piles, if that helps.
Do you understand why you lost five times or are you just flailing?
I hate Limited.
>Not interested in any format polluted with alchemy
Ready for the punchline?
You'll want to play Alchemy, then.
Explorer is fucked, Standard is pure cancer, and Historic/Timeless are what they've always been (unplayable).
Meanwhile no Alchemy cards are particularly good in Alchemy because shit like Crucias or Rosko rotated. So Alchemy right now is just a better version of Standard without any of the clownshit and a proper rotation.
Wait why the fuck don't I have more wildcards, actually? I just realized a bunch of my cards have been banned in formats the last two years so I should have gotten compensation for them, right? But I could swear I had 31 rares and 23 mythics sitting around before quitting which is my total right now.
somehow i amn't surprised to learn wotc's format strategy still fucking sucks.
>0-3 five times
Man, is this the only viable way for a young nigga to get gems without paying? Ain't nobody got time for that.
Sorry dude you only get them if you login around the ban day. Oops!
Why is ugin banned on brawl that’s so weird.
How the fuck do you go 0-3? I've gone 0-2 before and clawed it back with 4 wins straight but once you're 0-2 you get matched up against actual dogshit players.
If you 0-3 five times, that's not a luck issue, that's unironically a skill issue.
>new standard
>braindead subhuman pieces of garbage still spamming RDW
Fuck off and die. Ima keep making you all ragequit turn 2 with boros token deck.
Red is the very heart and soul of MtG
Because MtG is not an enjoyable game
Looking at the set preview, draft guides, and other peoples drafts and also this jump in midweek I think drafting the new set is going to be hard. Seems complicated with all the graveyard matters and card types.
Have fun facing domain and RDW for the 3rd year in a row faggots.
Eh, I just went WR small dick matters and it worked just fine without being exactly complex for my one draft of set I got the 2200 gems and I don't like limited in general if you're wondering
No YOU have fun playing standard you cuck retard but thanks for the free bumps.
I can literally smell your estrogen filled brain from here
I should be holding off opening these packs, right? If I'm not trying to get wildcards, would it be best if I wait a few weeks and several drafts later to take advantage of the dupe protection?
>blew all my gems on 0-3 and 1-3 runs
fuck I knew I should only use gold for a few months until I'm at 20k+ but I can't help myself
Unless you're drafting a lot or you have a lot of packs, there's not much point in saving packs.
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im so fucking bad at this
I fucked up and got reanimator with small creatures as my second pack and still one you can do it!
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if ur going to draft, then yes. i usually get to about 100 packs before opening. its not a huge deal, but worth it if youre going to draft anyway.

predictions are open
I worked how to use survival with orphans of the wheat and managed to make two people concede
Third fucking five color draft deck I see with endless board wipes and removal meanwhile I can barely get a two fucking color working.
I think I've done about 10 drafts total since yesterday and I only got that good black cost uncommon once.
So where can I find/see duskmourn decks?
Just make a life gain deck, then you face mono Black or bw flicker all day long. And if you play rdw, they always go first with a nut draw, countering your deck made to play them
It's hilarious to me how you dumb wotc shills keep repeating this same shit all over the internet every time aggro is OP. All I play in Arena is BO3, and I play MTGO more than I do arena. The best standard BO3 deck is aggro, the best Pioneer BO3 deck is aggro. Both of them are using 95% the exact same cards. The faggot mouse and bird are OP because every card is made for commander now and 0 thought or play testing is done for anything else and "draw 3 removal in your top 10" isn't a viable counter when half the creatures you use removal on still kills you
Yeah lifegain is surely the answer when these faggots kill you on turn two when you have played one entire land all game.
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How come I still see the Kaldheim board but I haven't seen the Ixalan or Amonkhet board in years?
Why are these patches taking 10gbs now? I will be memoried out of being able to play this game
jim davis or mtggoldfish videos on yt
Love how the two decks that traditionally beat RDW is unviable now.
The garfield guy?
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ok I'm out of juice I can't DROOOOFT anymore
now what
No it’s his son
Unless you have a big boner for standard like the schizo does it really doesn’t matter. Not too many of these cards are going into other formats. The most important cards are on the bonus sheet anyway.
Play brawl
I fucking knew it! That explains a lot about you retard bro.
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New day, new runs. Pro tip for anyone else trying a manifest deck, run more than 40 cards. Between manifest, oblivious bookworms, and threats around every corner, you burn through your deck so damn quickly. The one loss was to a UR rooms list, I got out tempo'd both games which isn't too surprising. My personal preference still isn't too keen on UG, but it does feel better than usual for the pair. I underrated underwater tunnel, the 1 mana surveil helped me keep some dubious hands, and the manifest hill giant isn't amazing but it's good with synergy. I'm not a huge fan of the cards that only help you flip over manifests, since it still seems unreliable to even hit a creature, much less one worth flipping. I didn't pull any of the payoffs for flipping though, so maybe I'm wrong on that. House cartographer is slowly but surely climbing up in my esteem, I think it's the best survivor in the set.
>Leyline of Mutation
It looks cute seeing the five different color symbols on there, but that's basically a fancy way of saying "You can make cards cost 5 in decks where you're going to cheat a bunch 'Any Color' mana from non-land sources"

I mean, because does anybody honestly run all five Basic Lands in any deck?
Have you drafted reanimator with manifest cards? My jump in was like that and it seemed pretty strong with the land cycling fatties and the double striking toy?
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On one hand I should've conceded right there, on the other the game was fast anyway.
"just have one mana removal or lose on the spot"
The absolute state of standard right now.
Strategy game btw. Big thinking mans, high IQ, planning game btw. Decks totally need a smart pilot and totally don't play themselves btw.
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returning player
I have not played since even before the Lord of the Rings pack.
Please think of me as a new player since I don't know anything but wanna build a deck. The picture shows how much I haveto buld a deck and the other one is what I used in a game that seems fun but wanna know what you guys think.

also should I do the jump in. it was alchemy but I never played historic or alchemy

advice please
Remember when beefy green boys and lifegain used to be a counter to RDW?
I remember. Fuck this disgusting braindead subhuman meta and game. Fuck WOTC. Fuck trannies. Fuck Jannies. Fuck your disgusting general. And fuck (You) for still playing it. Let these fucking subhumans actually lose money. Hope hasbro axes another 20% of their staff fucking DEI scum.
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oof picture is too small sorry
The one BW run I had was a mix of renanimator and the <2 power stuff, I didn't have much manifest in that one. I would imagine it works well though, a bunch of the good reanimate targets are also good for flipping after your manifest them. I don't think the land cyclers are required, there's more than enough ways to get creatures into the graveyard in the set.
>playing cancer coinflip simulator
>is mad cause he got cancer coinfliped himself
KYS faggot.
bo1 shitter outs himself again. many such cases.
That seems like a fine jump in deck. A new set came out so t maybe hold off on crafting anything. If you want to play a different deck starter deck duel has like 10 of them and you only play against other starter decks it’s pretty fun.

What formats do you want to play? How much gold and gems do you have? Do you want to play every day? Are you willing to spend $20-$100 to get an easier start?
Turn 2 wins are healthy for the meta and are the way that MtG is meant to be played.
Thought this set was crap, but I gotta say there are a lot of new cards/decks that dab on black niggies. I don't even care that red can win on turn 2, as long as blackies are gone from my sight
I play RDW and even I have to admit, turn 2 wins and consistent turn 3 wins through interaction is pretty insane. I'm not even sure what they would need to change to make it fair other than reprinting both swords to plowshares and path to exile into standard.
I'm standard player and never played historic or alchemy. i have 2900 gold and only 70 gems. i wish to start playing more often yes. maybe max 0 to 60 but I wanna stick to f2p unless its something amazing
Go look up the best decks right now in B03. Go on. Ill wait.
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Sad times. Both losses were to UR tempo decks, one who cheated out oculus on turn 4 both times due to manifest, the other who had hallcreeper on turn 2 both times. I of course did not draw my removal. While my GB list had a great long game, it struggled with those fast ones. Unable to scream and the room that unsummons are particularly backbreaking. On the flip side, defiled crypt is better than I gave it credit for. It's no chalk outline, but it was firing pretty reliably (though again, slowly).
You wanna get 3400 gems for the mastery pass asap it’s good value.

Take a look at the bundles in the store and find the one time purchase bundles for gems. I forget exactly what they offer. Some of them are a bit expensive and may include things you don’t want so be careful and google if you are on the mobile store.

If you wanna spend the smallest amount possible you can buy the gems from the store at the regular price of $20 for 3400 for the mastery pass.

Once you got the pass you can start hoarding gold for draft if you want too. You can turn gold into gems with drafts and I think it’s the only way to do so.

If you hate draft and don’t care about the pass just use your gold to buy whatever packs from the store that will give you a golden pack after buying ten of them.
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GB is looking weak in the initial 17lands stats with the exception of Ms. Spawning Spider here.
I only just started, but holy fuck are those cosmetics price gouging. Need two and a half months of max grind to empty the shop, not counting the daily shit.
I suppose I'll give up a draft and get the full art lands and dip.
1 1/2 drafts. dont do it if ur f2p. its a scam. i think ive theyve put full arts on sale before.
Is it better to wait for quick drafts since they're half the price of premier?
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Sad times continue. I tend to avoid blue out of personal preference, but the signals were good. Most valuable slayer still good, basically lets you get in at least one free attack per turn. The days of when piranha fly would be a good creature are sadly over, it's not trash but there were a lot of times when I wished it was something else. Cursed windbreaker, on the other hand, was another card I think I underestimated. Much better than the black one that gives menace, anyway. Still don't like blue in draft.

I try not to rely on 17lands too much, especially on the first day. Googly eye spider is indeed phenomenal though. A lot of the signposts are, this set.
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Woo hoo I got 7 wins!
Has someone the latest mono blue list? I have most of the cards anyway, but might miss eluge, is it still played in that list?
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I'm liking oculus in mentor reanimator
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Recovering momentum now. I think it could've actually gone 3-0 if it wasn't for screw and then flood against my first opponent, even despite that they were close games. BR looks like an aggro deck that has good reach. Clockwork percussionist is an all star, triggering <2 power synergies, getting in early as a hasty 1 drop, being sac fodder that doesn't cost card advantage, and even being an artifact creature to make delirium easier. I had 3 and would've been happy to run more. Trial of agony is extremely good if you're on the offense, 1 mana to get rid of two blockers is nuts. Still not sure how I feel about vicious clown, some games it's a 3 mana 2/3 and some games it wins almost singlehandedly. Glimmerlight felt oddly good, not sure if it was just because my sac deck liked having fodder or if it's just straight up a good card in the set. Overall happy with this one, BR was the archetype I wanted to play the most this set.
saw caleb durwald playing it on his stream yesterday. could check his twitch vod.
>No reason to draft in bloomburrow anymore
>Stay in gold rank for duskmourne
>Going against niggas with 10/10 perfect decks and insane combos
what the fuck
what do you do if they side in graveyard hate?
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UW did alright, but I didn't have much removal and I really felt it. UW eerie synergy cards are great, entity tracker + gremlin tamer + optimistic scavenger are all A+. Erratic apparition is kind meh though. Floodpits drowner is a beast, especially if you have other sources of stun counters. Fear of isolation is practically a 2 mana 2/3 flier with upside in this set, so many ETBs and rooms that you can bounce for value. I think this is the first time I've had friendly ghost outside of a GW list, it did not feel as good. Shardmage's rescue was great though, I'm guessing it wouldn't be as powerful outside of an enchantment focused deck. The losses here were due to a bad keep and my opponent dropping two insidious fungus.
Quick question but why do i see so many full playsets of the fastlands in pioneer decklists? Aren't they a liability if you're relying on them for a land drop past the 3rd?
Games tend to go pretty fast nowadays, the reliability of fastlands outweighs the odds you'll be topdecking one on a crucial turn.
If you're not confident in your skill, then yeah. Quick draft is lowest risk/reward of the bunch.
Not sure what Duskmore is but thank you for this card. Its a cat and that remains and gives you card advantage. This is a well designed card
I hate that none of the ones in this cycle are tribes from BLB. It had to have been on purpose, but fucking why?
something I don't get either. From the lore pov its a cluster fuck. I expected at least more fur fag tribes, I mean, no cats in the opening set, okay, but then just ending the furplane for this I don't know. weird
Don't worry im sure ull get to 4 mana in this meta.
Commander destroyed MTG
enchantment hate and counterspells
added the cat into a glyph deck with hall creeper. if the game goes to turn 4 or 5 the cat can make you draw at times 6 cards - the top deck needed in this phase in this meta
>win game 1
>lose game 2
>mulltigan twice game three cause game wants to give me 1lander hands two times in a row
>did you have fun? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
>big skill thinking man high IQ "strategy game" btw.
Draft and cumander are the answer. Everything else is big gay.
>just go twice in arow and not have to mulltigan 3 times lmao!!!!
Well did you have fun or not?
>RNG totally doesn't determine who wins literally every single match played lmao!
>this is a big thinking mans high IQ strategy game
too expensive or too random. I started with standard I stay with standard
>Just go draw a 1 lander hand two hands in a row forcing you to mulltigan in a 26 lands deck lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"outplayed" btw
>just go first twice lmao!
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>try out reanimator for fun in bo1
>2/3 of my opponents have maindeck graveyard hate

I have yet to face a graveyard deck. What the fuck is this for?
kill yourself atraxa fag
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What's wrong bro, only drew two lands and can't cheat out your IWIN cards ontop of ppl playing maindeck graveyard hate? Unlucky. KYS.
Enjoy losing turn 2 to leyline RDW faggot. Nice 91%. Don't worry ull hit that roulette eventually fucking braindead RNG casino simulating playing faggot.
>hey bro what if next game you go second twice again and on your third game you flood like crazy because you decided to keep a 3 lander
>strategy game lol
>big skeeloo thinkin mans game!
>hey what if your opponent gets to draw and curve out like a human the way his deck is designed to do and get to go first twice while you struggle with your landbase LOL!!!!!!
>hey bro what if your opponent goes first two/3 5 games in a row lol!
>whats wrong bro just play better!
stop malding nigger get better at constructing your deck
Shut the fuck little subhuman maggot WOTC apologist. You get RNG fucked you automatically lose on the spot. Opponent gets RNG fucked he automatically loses on the spot. Fucking braindead shill acting like decks don't fucking pilot themselves and win or losses come down to who gets fucked by land and draw RNG. Go spam leyline RDW and domain faggot.
>get better at running a 26 land deck and not having to mulltigan a 1lander draw 2 hands in a row
Fucking kys ugly bitch.
wow you sure are angry :) you should take your meds and/or consult a psychologist
All of you faggots know im right. You just can't admit it to yourself because the cognitive dissonance would fucking destroy your little tranny brain.
So what if your opponent has gone first twice 6 games in a row now, just work on your deck building bro!
LMAO kill yourselves you fucking ugly WOTC shill maggots.
>I went second and opponent didn't draw more than two lands in 4 draws
>wow I sure showed him my superior strategy, decision making, and deck building prowess!
What a fucking miserable roulette simulator faggot retard game
Hows dusk looking I think wb has serious potential the synergy is just too good and all the removal it has is a problem that makes the game longer to where you dont even need to reanimate plus beaters like Fear of surveillance and bandage amalgam have alot of value for their cost.

Thoughts and also what do you like or thinks good
The reanimate is honestly secondary, the removal is why you're in WB, as always.
why are magic players so low iq sometimes
playing historic to farm wins
guy is with a blue counter deck
he is lost to rakdos and start to rope
dude you play mono blue kill yourself
low iq is a requirement to playing blue
There is zero skill in this game.
Zero strategy.
Zero decision making.
Decks pilots themselves. Both side hand vomits their overstatted overtuned cards and the winner is determined by land RNG and topdeck RNG.
Your all miserable masochist for choosing to continue to play this cesspool abomination roulette simulator. The company gets greedier by the set. The art gets more woke. The economy shittier. Sets are vomited out at breakneck speeds with apparently zero fucking playtesting and commander in mind.
Fucking disgusting
man i started playing mtga a week ago and this is fun
Man i love trying out these new cards in the bo1 play queue. The whole fucking meta is nothing but mono red, what are these losers doing in play queue?
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Back to GW, this time with a weird list that didn't focus on survivors. I think the lack of synergy hurt a lot, despite having cards that are good on paper. Flesh burrower in particular is one I've liked less and less, it doesn't fit great with any archetype. One opponent in particular had a very strong list, back to back midnight mayhem is brutal. My opinion of RW has gone up a lot over the past few runs, I was seemingly lucky to avoid the strong ones on day 1.
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Howdy fellow faggot!
Slick suck show off and the mouse are getting banned you can keep playing caca poope scamp tho
nigger what other avatar should i use all the others look like faggots or women and i wont pay for a good one
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>all the japanese showcase arts this time around are just Duel Masters artists asked to draw the cards in Duel Masters style
This is the first neat thing they've done.
Not paying 10k gold for it though.
Isn't Ajani the default avatar anyway? WotC furries confirmed.
>none of the ones in this cycle
There's like 5 cards in the entire set that are from the BMB tribes, they somehow managed to design an horror set with no bats and only two rats (one of them being Nashi)
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Probably one of the strongest decks I've drafted this set, despite only going 2-1. I really like the archetype and there are bombs aplenty. Dissection tools + waltz of rage is a plague wind that gains you life, it's even more OP than valgavoth's onslaught which I beat twice at X=3. Definitely warming up to red, I think there's some duds but the good commons are very good, and there's not a lot of unplayable uncommons. It's hard to understate how fucking good clockwork percussionist is for a 1 drop, he really does it all. Scorching dragonfire is another top performer, but that's expected. Disturbing mirth is still fantastic, though it can be a bit awkward if you've got no fodder in the early turns.
>Die to mono red on the play 5 times in a row.
>Add anti mono red cards.
>Run into Domain piles.
there is no reason to ever play standard on arena again as long as leyline of resonance is legal. every queue is now going to be filled with mindless netdeckers who spam this shit so they can either win turn 2 without thinking or quit.
you will not get your daily quests done.
you will not get your daily wins.
it's so fucking over
But I just hit 15 wins with esper superfriends. What's your sideboard look like?
My first game of this set was some chinese fag opening 2 of those and a show off. How is it even a game?
>every queue is now going to be filled with mindless netdeckers who spam this shit so they can either win turn 2 without thinking or quit.
I'll be one of them when ranks reset because the mice deck I want to play will get buttfucked by both the red pump and dump deck and the ones that want to have a chance at beating it.
You haven't seen the cheese I've done with 6 gremlins, an Arabella and a Norin to make sure she's always safe during combat.
Its time for your scheduled loss anon
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We're so back, bros. It only took a total of 8 hasty creatures, as well as enduring courage to give everyone else haste as well. Razorkin hordecaller is actually nuts, I didn't realize it doesn't even need to attack itself to trigger. I was surprised that I was consistently hitting delirium with this deck, despite having few cards that put stuff in the graveyard. The high number of artifact/enchantment creatures seems to have helped a lot, hitting one with a manifest pretty much got me there already. Under the skin is even better than I first thought, even with an empty yard you can bring back the card manifest milled, assuming it's a permanent. Very handy and good odds to avoid whiffing, helped me hit a land drop or two that way. Clockwork percussionist continues to be great, even outside of a sac deck.

Day 2 impressions:
I underestimated red a lot, I feel like that's the main reason for the poor showing today. More than a few games were lost due to me being greedy and then getting punished for it. I still like a lot of the green cards, mainly due to personal preference, but it's not quite as good as what it looked like on day 1. I think the only pairs I haven't played at this point are UB and RW. RW has humbled me today and kicked my ass multiple times. I don't think you even need the signposts to do well, though those are obviously quite good. The red side seems better than the white for aggro, but there's a few like splitskin doll and unsettling twins that are still great. UB honestly looks trash, I don't think I've lost to it a single time and none of the games against them were even close. Neither of the signposts performed well, I assume you'd need to rely on removal to get results with it.

Net total for the day: -4.75k gems, +15 packs, +2 play in points.
Net total for the set is -2.75k gems, +46 packs, +8 play in points, and 49 rares drafted.
Good luck in your drafts, anons.
Yeah, that sounds nasty. I did see one who had a Norin + Toby, that was not fun. The stars haven't aligned for me to be able to try RW out myself yet, I'm not sure if that's just luck or if people are already fighting over the archetype. 17lands seems to put it at the top 2 or top 3 right now, and I know a lot of people use drafting aids, which I assume pull from similar lists.
>Playing against Feather, with Jasper Flint
>Opponent is at 9, swing in with 6/5 first strike Jasper
>One of my opponent's combat tricks is exiled, gives +2/+2 and trample
>Opponent chumps with a 0/4, but then bounces the blocker and takes the full 8
>Kill him with Longhorn Sharpshooter trigger
Read your own card, idiot.
Why would I play standard ever?
Got three games of sealed in today, 2-1 so far. Tyvar is really pulling his weight. Just being able to take out big creatures by double blocking and having it still be one for one is better than I expected, especially when it gets another card in my graveyard for delirium. Both games he came down he turned it around from a massive disadvantage.
it's the only "real" format on arena
>drafts are fake, paired against out of pod opponents
>historic is alchemy-lite that nobody plays
>timeless is a cheap knockoff of modern and pioneer
>brawl is a sad imitation of commander
>lol, alchemy
Enjoy matchmaking actively fucking with you. At least draft is somewhat skill based.
>draft a deck i think looks good
>draft a deck i think is dogshit
never trust your own intuition
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>here's the enemy turn 1 bro
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Peak Magic and the way the game was meant to be played.
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how's everyone's month going? really glad they printed pyroclasm, it was really frustrating losing to a board full of 2 toughness with brotherhood's end stuck in hand. i feel like things have slowed significantly as well, the ultra aggro-decks have had to make compromises to not lose to sweeps or land destructions, which has made them less consistent. i don't play standard, i hear things are bad but what do you expect? it will be terrible until atraxa leaves at the very least.
Just exile the Scamp?
if he were playing torch the tower he'd be up against an atraxa deck, idiot.
Enchantment deck with Eriette as your wincon? Nice, I bet there's a lower to the ground Orzhov bogles version now too with this nonsense card.
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Wait, that thing she's holding...
I prefer Blue over Green for this deck. Combat Research instead of Audacity gives Eriette protection, you get counterspells like No More Lies, and Kitnap is a very neat aura.
Not Dead After All feels stronger than Fungal Fortitude.
No Spiteful Hexmage?
Have you tried Grievous Wound?
It's in the flavor text: void rod.
Perhaps it's your evaluation skills that are dogshit.
As in a rod that goes in the void?
>oh boy time to play a game of magic the gathering
>leyline of resonance flops out of opponent's hand
>alt + tab
What format is being overrun with 2 toughness creatures?
The eternal dilemma of drafting now or saving to get the battle pass, what should I do anons?
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>Duskmourn will rotate out in September 2027.
>September 2022 was just as far away
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>playing Standard
lmao every time a new set rolls around there's some bullshit that players are cheesing with.
Unless you like playing ranked MTG, I see 0 point in playing Standard anytime soon.
Apparently being a Lich is now blue?
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idk why i always make the mistake of clicking sealed every time a new set releases
god awful pools every single time
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me, personally, i just stay winning
you stupid? i said sealed, you're posting a premier draft win
which is why i don't play sealed
Pass is better unless you have enough resources/skill to draft a lot.
What is the best target for copy spam in standard? Abhorrent oculus?
There is a massive amount of spells that create copies of creatures, there must be some way to exploit this.
you didn't, but sure ok.
Based retard
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What would you cut here?
I went down the 2 and 3 mana counters (except the flash creature) and one Vanish from Sight. 4 more to go.
>Just wasted gold I had because I didn't know there were two versions of booster packs you can open, 1 with a mythic or some shit
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Both Three steps ahead and Season are creature or artifact. There is a world where Simulacrum synthesizer and Worldwalker helm make a playable deck. You'd copy the Synthesizer so that you can get a copy token, and then keep cloning it every turn with the Worldwalker helm. And then you would lose your entire board to Brotherhood's end and scoop.
love it when you lose to drafties who don't sideboard
5 cards left in my deck meanwhile opponent has 25
and of course my last remaining cards are my trample creatures and removal spells
Second game in a row where a cacophony scamp hits me for 11 and gets sacrificed for 11 on turn 2.
anthropede sucks, fear of imposters too
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Don’t forget about farewell also.
:( learned from experience. Don’t forget your metallic rebukes broski.
didn't cut any creatures, makes manifest dread worse. deck sucked tho, went 1-3
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Well i guess Bogles kinda work, especially if your mono red opponent starts roping. probably a better build forit somewhere.
I'm only doing bot matches. Will I just get thrown to the wolves and fight meta deck on my first pvp duel?
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opponent had a bold keep of 1 land 1 leyline
not today red
Been gone for a long time and got excited for the LOTR set. Can anyone explain why Aragorn is black without resorting to racism?

I've read the Silmarillion and the tribology and it doesn't feel faithful to the source material.
You shouldn't, but there are a lot of people who try to tank their mmr because they have rank anxiety.
to stir up drama.
>person A says aragorn isn't black
>person B calls person A racist
>"person" C writes article about how the new MtG set (buy a box today!) is making racists mad
well that's fucking sad, wish they would respect tolkien's vision.
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Back on the grind. Got to try out RW, it was quite good. The loss was a bad matchup against a dude with four winter's intervention, and the games were still close. Didn't even have either of the signposts. This run mostly reinforced the conclusion I came to yesterday. Hordecaller has great value and synergy, slayer is great at getting damage through, and the cheap red aggro stuff is very efficient this set. Percussionist backed up by a turn inside out takes out a x/4 while keeping a 2/2 on the board and getting impulse draw. For 2 mana. Plus that's 3/4 types needed for delirium, potentially all 4 if you hit the right card with manifest. The white side was less strong, but gave good reach. Splitskin doll, surgical suite, and all the non damage based removal. Patched plaything can also get a lot of burst if you've still got combat tricks in hand.
>new set
>standard still sucks
as expected
leyline leyline land scamp go
land go
ur ded
that wasn't very fun and interactive
What's the decklist?
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Are the new dual lands just better checklands?
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I found a budget bunnies i really like to buy. Picture shows the deck and I'm only spending 21 uncommon and 10 rare. I'm returning and I used to main the enchant grass build with jukai.

what do you guys think and what should I add when I build it.

gonna wait a 10 min before I buy to see what you guys say but I'm hyped cause rabbits cute
It's not a good deck, at all.
>what do you guys think and what should I add
4-8 removal pieces. Another finneas. Also 4x cavern of souls since it's a tribal deck. Cut the tap lands. Won't make it great but will at least take it from t3 to t2
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Accidentally claimed rewards before getting a screenshot of this one, it was a 2-1. Also the first time this set I splashed for a third color (UW with green for valgavoth's onslaught), which is somewhat surprising. Didn't have great eerie payoffs, which was unfortunate, but I did have plenty of the classic UW plan to kill them with fliers while defending with fatties on the ground. Having a flier with sheltered by ghosts being backed up by shardmage's rescue is pretty strong, even without synergy you've gotten a solid life swing and potentially wasted an opponent's turn. My one loss was to a BR deck that was filthy, sawblade ripper with a bunch of fear of lost teeth is a nightmare to play against when most of your creatures are 1 or 2 toughness, and BR has enough removal to cover the bigger guys.
Thank you.
do you think i should just get 4 finneas. i can spend more rares. i like the deck but I understand budget are not all good. do you have a better budget rabbit like this
Nah, verges don't get a second color until you get that basic type. Checks will come in tapped but can tap for either color no matter what.
No, 4 is too many for a legendary permanent. I don't have any bloomburrow tribal decks bc they're all shit and lose to the meta decks
oh. what do you recommend?
I was complaining about this before, legit dead on turn 2, all I played was a tapland.
WotC seems to be under the dellusion that if they print enough cards with black people in them, then actual blacks will play this game. meanwhile, in yu-gi-oh there's no cards with blacks in them and that's the negro's TCG of choice.
How much of a downside is that really? Especially if you're only using a splash of a secondary color you can pretty reliably get your secondary color with no downside at all, and even if you're playing multicolor some combo of basics and shocks along with the verges should pretty much always get you all of your colors.
do you have link to deck?
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why do I still play when this game fills me with regret over the wasted time every time I play?

also Sunfall should never have been printed like it was
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This time another GW deck, funnily enough also a second splash in a row, this time for Zimone. Very strong survivor enablers this time, with a hovership and two enduring vitality. The weakness of survivors has become pretty apparent, you're not good at defending and you absolutely cannot afford to stumble. The loss this time was to UR, both games due to falling behind on tempo. I think the best performing survivors will end up being the cheaper ones, once things settle down. Even if stuff like Rip and rootwise survivor have powerful payoff, it's a lot harder to get that payoff because that's more time for the opponent to get removal and blockers and mana. And if you're not getting that survival trigger, they're just shitty vanilla creatures. Plus the expensive ones are more opportunity cost if you're tapping them down yourself, even with enablers it's not great to be spending 4 or 5 mana just for the trigger.
Why do you regret games that were very close? Do you require curbstomping on opponents every game to feel good?

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