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team liquid on top of the world

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previous: >>494741353
God hates me and makes me suffer for no reason
i'm glad kpii, boxi and nisha won
don't really give a fuck about the rest
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>losing streak
>pick viper
>winning streak
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this man is fucking your aegis RIGHT NOW
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templar assassin in bondage when?
Less games played = less heroes picked

seems as expected
is it bad going glimmer cape on Treant Protector?
just had a game against a zeus as treant protector and i didnt get shard because i figured zeus would be able to just find me and i had an invoker on my team who was always going invis, so the enemy team was constantly carrying dust
my teammate went Pipe of Insight, so i just went Glimmer Cape, otherwise i would have went Pipe, because they just had a fuckton of magic damage from the Zeus and SK
I don't rush to get Shard either if I know the enemy will have tons of detection. But the Shard does also give you an additional root, it's not just the invisibility.

Luner is a pretty strong carry
also the games were lost from group stage
where draft experimentation happens
I think GG should have saved their druid strats for the grand finals, they might have won then, revealing your masterplan in the winners semis wasn't the best choice
was ld really the answer to np?
liquid was smart to leave prophet until the gf
>Even reddit is starting to shit on the powercreep
Maybe Valve can start cleasing the game from all the Campo Santo retarded stuff
inb4 Volvo makes a "dota 2 classic" with no talents, shards, neutral items, etc
powercreep keeps the game fun
Name one (1) Valve game whose older version they re-released as a "classic".

You're thinking of Blizzard, and everybody shits on Blizzard and WoW Classic. Blizzard because they introduced extra shit nobody wants, and Classic because it is missing newer shit that they got used to and would be nice to have but won't get. Not to mention the balance issues that people forgot about until they actually had to play it.

All this whining about wanting "dota classic" is just all talk, and if you actually cared you'd just Google and download the copies of older Dota working on private servers instead of complaining about it.
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How can people spurge nonstop in chat for 30 minutes straight? Just run down mid at this point and be done with it.
Valve is never going to release Dota 2 Classic
They MIIIIIIGHT (huge fucking might) do a limited-time event where you can queue for some old patch like 6.84 or something
Can you imagine the amount of effort re-creating 6.84 or earlier on source 2 would be? Even if they kept those old patches on archive, which they probably haven't, its not like you can just import that shit into source 2. At the very least there would be hundreds of new bugs they'd have to sort out

valve aint doing that for dota lmao
>bbbbbbut what about brown boot supports at min 30!!!!
lol no they won't
sex with hoodwink
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>Can you elaborate on what you mean?
Just release 6.7x no need to overthink it
when you play hoodwink
*unit speech volume: 0%*
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Im not schizophrenic i told you
Hello I'm Snith, playing my 8674th game on Chen.
ten bucks he asked to cum on it
>Play vs pos2 Skywrath, a Veno and a Sand King
>My Underlord buys Pipe
>We take literally zero damage
Glad for the quick win but what's the solution to this?
we will NEVER get another terrain item
does Holy Locket amplify the lifesteal your teammates get from Vlads?
Act 4, trust the plan
>holy locket
>neither grants health regen amplification, lifesteal amplification, nor spell lifesteal amplification.
Any leaks about Kestrel's abilities or the next hero/champion?
No, and no
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>thought act 3 pathfinder pack would have a cool icewrack terrain since the first two were global items
>lol spectre set
I can't take it anymore
The old character notes were leaked a while ago. Everybody's seen it so just google around. Probably easy to find on r*ddit or whatever.
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what did she see?
>Avian Assault
>Shadow Feather
>Plumage Parry
useless information since ringmaster had like 9 ability names in the files and none of them were used
"valkyrie" (dawnbreaker) also had like ten
Pipe to OP. Enjoy your magic cancer.
need an that does increased damage vs barriers
need an item*
I miss arcana vote
Valve did the right thing and stopped the arcana vote when they realised the people who vote for arcanas and the people who buy arcanas are not the same. The arcana vote was a popularity contest meanwhile the most purchased arcanas are those for heroes who actually fucking look good.
Don't die, then press your buttons a second time. Pipe has persistent magic resist but the damage block is very finite. Just keep blasting. If you're just dumping all your shit in an all-or-nothing dive and wiping, then you need a new plan of focused or sustained teamfight, that's all. It's a strategy game so you have to build and respond appropriately depending on the situation.

>blast magic damage
>blocked by pipe
>farm up so you can blast harder, or pivot

Now that I think about it, I wonder if dispels would purge shields. Probably not I'm guessing.
>people who vote for arcanas and the people who buy arcanas are not the same
>higher paypig level gives you more votes
>do a remodel vote
>faceless void wins
didn't veil do that for a while and no one cared or noticed
>do a remodel vote
So limit the pool of heroes people can vote from
veil did 200 flat damage to barriers upon activation
need something with more teeth than that
the reason i rank up is because i put all the shitters on my avoid list
let me clarify
it did damage to "all damage barriers" which are like aphotic shield, but did no damage to magic or physical barriers like pipe or pavise active
give us an item that damages all three even if its % based
>sing streaming deadonarrivallock to 300 people
It doesn't balance out the fact people voted for heroes they play rather than heroes with good visual design, which then resulted in some ugly ass arcanas like Ogre Magi because nobody wants to actually look at Ogre Magi. The obvious selling choices for remaining heroes would be arcanas for heroes like Luna, Invoker, Vengeful Spirit (got one after the arcana vote), Spirit heroes, Templar Assassin. But those heroes would have waited over a decade in the arcana vote for the plebs to vote dumb shit they wouldn't buy anyway like Sniper, Lion, Hoodwink, Shadow Shaman, Riki for memes, Sand King etc. just because they are most popular
>it doesn't make sense to get arcanas for heroes that people play
>when they realised the people who vote for arcanas and the people who buy arcanas are not the same
Do you have a citation for this or are you just making shit up?
your sisters cunt
my sister is not a hot furry
she doesn't even exist
now give me the source so i can masturbate to more pictures from the artists, thank you in advance
You now remember qpad red pandas
They literally ended the arcana vote because people voted for Ogre Magi and then NOBODY bought the arcana. People like to play Ogre Magi because it's easy and essentially lets supports grief but not get punished, nobody likes to fucking look at Ogre Magi and customize him
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Drawfriend in here made it
it's oc from a dotard dumb tourist there is no source
Hey guys this is sunsfan with an introduction to Kez
That's because the arcana fucking SUCKED. There's a big fucking difference.
I would have loved for there to be a decent ogre arcana since he has bad item sets

the problem is the arcana looks worse than the base model. the concept is garbage
The arcana was great and I don't even play ogre. You're probably one of the retards that wanted a SUPER BADASS THIRD HEAD
Ogre arcana is easily the worst one (the old ones are just outdated). Meanwhile Rubick arcana was amazing.
i remember when people were expecting a third head arcana or a fused heads arcana
this is not a real arcana
don't forget how it also makes his voice have a filter on it because everybody loves that
duality of dotards
meant to quote >>494879958
Viper arcana when?
oldheads be like: yeah this was balanced good dota
>4.3k viewers
Fountain not having stairs was the biggest oversight in the game by far.
The oversights of dota allstars all came forth immediately after the game was ported to source and people started being limited by their skill and not the game itself trying to hold itself together.
>normal hawk
broolmaster just isnt the same...
The point of an arcana is to have something cool or nice looking that a normal cosmetic made by any other artist or third-party wouldn't be able to provide because they don't have special Valve powers. I don't care about a third head but a third head is a good example of Valve powers. But if it looks stupid I will still be here complaining that it sucks. What matters is that (a) it is special, and (b) it looks good.

A yellow Angry-Birds themed skin with chicken poops was NOT it.
>normal cosmetic made by any other artist or third-party wouldn't be able to provide because they don't have special Valve powers
for example a mount
the mount makes the entire thing worse though, that's the point
how did players even see what was happening on the screen with all that ui blocking everything
moving away from the blizz rts layout did not come soon enough
>goofy mount that's comically undersized for the fat fuck ogre
you misunderstood who ogre is and you hate the arcana because you're some weird furry-adjacent gay barafag that wants to be penetrated by ogre's dual cock
I quit this fucking game no other reason than the behavior score. Not being able to ping on ally abilities and items actually made me quit this dogshit game. Well played valve.
good riddance, system working as intended
I'm betwixt myself
>getting filtered by behavior score
system definitely working as intended
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Valve clearly got their feelings hurt and didn't want to risk another flop and that's the real reason they stopped. All this talk about how the people who voted with their dollars aren't the ones who would buy arcanas is wrong and delusional. The number one rule of cosmetics is that they look good. Ogre arcana did not look good and years later, nobody says it looks good except the kids who thinks the Dreamworks Ice Age art style looks good.
valve doesnt give out figures on arcana sales, trying to estimate how popular x arcana is a fool's errand
the real issue is that arcana votes make for deadlines
and valve hates those
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imagine being worse than terrorblade lmao, not like terrorblade was even good since he lost every single game lmao
>working as intended
A social credit score that lets you ping on ally items/abilities is not a working system. It's insulting and I don't need the game playing granny over me and acting like pinging items is a privilege of some kind if you behave well. It's retarded always been.
tfw they """"""buffed""""""" PL and then nerfed him to compensate
The only faggots pinging skills and items are the retarded feeders pinging while dead so they have something to blame for a lost fight. It's insulting and I don't need some pub shitter playing granny over me and acting like they're a genius who thinks pressing buttons off cooldown is skill. It's retarded always been.
Try to come up with a real argument instead of copying my post. It's obvious you have no argument. Someone pinging an abtility has never been a problem in this game. So what someone pings oracle's ulti after whole team dies, he's clearly failed to cast the ulti. You're a pussy and granny valve is already wiping your ass with baby wipes.
still posting this dishonest image?
Has Necro been picked in any TI? It feels like the devs really hate him for some reason
>being able to mock and ridicule my team mates is a feature not a privilege
based daddy gaben smacking some sense into this noobs
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Honestly I'm shocked a couple of these went unpicked this year.

OD for example would've been great in the draft IMO for some of the games some teams lost. Like they needed a solid mid with right-click and magic damage, and most of the other carries and ranged mids were banned so I'm thinking they should pick OD and then they pick shit like afk farming pos 1 Batrider and I'm like "Topson you need to meme less here". Maybe there's something cripplingly bad about OD I missed but I thought OD was a fine pick several times but teams kept skipping over him.

Then there's like, Lich and Rhasta who I thought would've been solid support picks but they never picked them even if it meant losing. They'd pick no cc and then get like support Dark Willow and then lose and I'm just like "you could've just used a Lion or Rhasta or something the entire game and it'd be an improvement".

Some of the others are unsurprising though. When shit like Tusk and Ench were mandatory support picks, and pros were obsessed about picking Doom and pos 4 Sniper every game for a 40% winrate, other common offlaners and pos 4s like Axe and Ogre and BH would never get picked.
You now remember Reaper's Scythe killing you for 150 seconds and disabling buyback
two... vagenes?
>ping item ping ability
>Granny meanies are mocking me
Stay retarded
if you were using it correctly, you would still have access to that privilege :)
They need to bring it back, the impenetrable highground defense with buybacks are killing the game and need a counter
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where's the 4x multicast gif with them
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>pick abaddon
>pick cd facet
>get blamed for not casting shit when they die
things are... rarely as they seem
Incorrect. I got hard stuck at 8k-9k behavior score for a long time even when I said not a word. You lose game people report you. You get put in a 4 stack as a solo quer they report you. Report system itself is non functional, don't remember when it functioned it was always useless and bad, 90% of the time there's no justification for reports from my experience. Putting something as basic as pinging items behind an already useless system is a complete fuck up on valve's behalf. I'm done with it though.
i don't think even dotards are that desperate to like fat girls
I copied your post to highlight how stupid you look because of your hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness at how everything you said also applies to you. The only retards who ping items and skills are the ones who died first doing stupid shit and then check my cooldowns 10 seconds later to bitch me out for not using them when they were on cooldown because they were too clueless or stupid to check BEFORE feeding. Pinging my shit while the enemy is out of range, or getting mad that I'm not running in 1v5 after them. There is zero value from giving a shit about pings from clueless people like that. Nothing of value is lost and if you think it's so important to spaz out about them to the point that you'll quit for not being able to do it, that's your fault for being a whiny snowflake.
but spell off cd?? y u no use???
wrong thread bro
good, fatfags are disgusting
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>is dota 2 better than le-
>yes it is
Saved you dotards 5 minutes
blacked i mean blacked i mean blacked i mean blacked i mean blacked i mean blacked i mean...
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This year's TI seems to have ended abruptly or am I tripping? I thought there was a after party thing usually.
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Epic reference from Valve
>/ourguy/ is making a video of League
>meanwhile nobody cares about Dota
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>this meme saw the future
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I wish I was good at Dota
I never had any doubts of how shit I am, but for some reason, playing after watching this TI made the difference splendidly clear
I don't understand anything at all about this game
why was he looking at bbc?
samefag schizo
>Waaa granny they pinged my ult after I failed to cast it. Waa why are they such snowflakes.
How the fuck are you getting off calling anyone a snowflake here? You're literally under the wing of granny valve wiping your ass and defending a worthless mechanic made as a lip service for "concerned" redditors about increased toxicity. What universe am I in? You're like the biggest pussy to be found in this game.
New arcana slut when?
>post TI queue where my mid picks TI picks while they get shitstomped by Brood/LD/Arc
glad to see it's never changed
psg here, who is Eric? this guy must have bootyblasted /v/ into fucking oblivion somehow

I need to study his methods, his power grows with each passing day
Some autistic sperg that spams retarded bullshit or something, like psg
>sex with old hag
didn't hear the news?
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Unfortunately bird samurai is male
See you next week when you come crawling back, princess.
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>try to spend time in a discord
>it's full of schizos
this tbqh with all of you
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at least you have Drow arcana, imagine there're people in this thread who don't
doesn't matter
Stupid tummy slut WHOORE
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Have WR and QoP too

Spectre isn't waifu (to me, I'm not into monster fucking) but I wish I had her arcana, it looks really dope
Squirrel squissy > Bird bussy
>Missed Drow and WR Arcanas
>Will never be able to get them
Please Gaben...
I wish I had an anime hag gf who's rich from her important corporate job and she buys me gaming PCs and Dota battle passes in exchange for keeping the house clean and having to fuck her every night when she comes home tired
>over 6 thousand hours into the game
>haven't played micro heroes not even one single time
>haven't played invoker once
uhh what's the point of these heroes if they don't have really good winrates? Honestly, over half of the time I've had an invoker on my team he sucked and didn't do anything major. And whenever I go mid as pudge in 2024 and face an invoker, I consider my lane to have been won even before I step onto it.
I didn't get the drow arcana but i got the spectre arcana and played her like 3 times since then

the qop is the best one
They reran WK arcana, there is a precedent

honestly I was under the impression they would rerun the non-exclusive arcanas in future battle passes but at higher levels (like level 800 for rerun of WR etc)
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>sold my small shitcoin bag to get it
no fucks given
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What does she sing
>load the game
>it now takes like 2 minutes for things to load in in the menus

dude they are actually killing this shit in realtime with inadequacy as developers
How shit is your pc
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>sirs redeeming new PC is cheap you're not needful poor sir?
I was hoping at least one will be available in Crownfall.
Doesn't answer my question
I'm temporarily on an eight year old laptop and I don't have any issues so again, how shit is your pc?
Yeah anon blame the consumer for your shit coding instead of making a proper game.
how do i stop getting hoodwink in my team
Can't afford your meds either, schizo?
I'm on a laptop from 2016 that is on literal life support, the battery is busted, half of the RAM has gone dead, I have to prop it up with an eraser to let more air in otherwise it fries itself, and it definitely does not take two whole minutes to load the menu. Lmao.

I will say though, if I crash and DC I'm done for because I can load into the game normally, but reconnecting is different somehow and crashes.

>get a job
no I'm a NEET with crippling autism. I should get euthanized instead
What does success mean on dotabuff? It is different from win %

Confused :/
>I have to prop it up with an eraser to let more air in otherwise it fries itself
Get 4 and put one in each corner for maximum air flow
Go get a job
ban her
>the battery is busted
Detach it.
Mine takes 1 minute to load the menu and then another 1 to load the cosmetics in my miniprofile (well some of them), maybe it would be better if I had it on my SSD though
what will that get me? windows already doesn't recognize it
>crippling autism
applying for jobs and actually working one is probably the most difficult thing u will do in ur adult life anyway
Better airflow or some shit probably, if it's busted there's no reason to keep it attached. On my old shit laptop that kept overheating detaching the battery helped.
I didn't get the good autism that makes me good at coding I'm just a retard
wtf is crippling autism
is it like those who just wave their arms around and attempt to make noises
Based retard
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What is that singing Marci webm from anyway
i believe you and i know it would be hard as fuck to do so. i just think its possible to find work even if you don't believe you can, even if all you do is imitate other people who do successfully find work
russian coomer shit
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marci concert
I got a i5 8500 PC from facebook marketplace for $70.
8 gigs ram.
512 hdd
R7 430 gpu

Got it for Plex server but surely it will run dota. You got $100 laying around somewhere?
Yep, we have an autist work at our office. He receives calls and takes orders (printer supplies, paper, ink, etc). Fills a form and sends it to admin.

Been working there 20 years. He is underpaid as fuck. Probably gets 75% of what a normal guy would get but he's happy.
pidor viewership was substantially lower than previous years, does this mean that special banan hunt is success?
>still posting the list of randomised names
Ogre magi has excellent visual design and I hate the arcana because they changed everything charming about the hero, and tried to combine two elements that just don't work together (cool/scary + derpy)
At least we're not playing league
what about ogre is scary
This, it's funny how when corps screw something up they always blame the consumer or the medium instead of just considering that maybe they delivered poorly that time
Ogre is appealing because he's happy-go-lucky and adorably retarded, his arcana tries to make him look beastly and scary, it completely undermines the hero's design. The stupid dodo bird is out of nowhere but at least a bit 'on theme, however it directly clashes with the rest of the arcana. Make the faces scarier and more beastly, make them 'cooler' with red and gold poly effects, also add dumb derp bird that farts out eggs. These don't go together at all, they direcrtly undermine each other, so you get a design that is not funny or cute but also not particularly cool or badass either. It just seemed like a random mishmash of elements
No it wasn't. Viewership was the same as in 2023 and much higher than in 2022.


qrd on this
post the other one
Something cute for ogre would have been them being split by some one (goddess of luck, a random witch, etc) but still staying together, holding hands/following one after the other, would have been a ton of work but you could have had some very soulful animations
Wish venge's arcana wasn't shit.
PSG here
This drawfag is good. Drawing grotesque shit is hard and it generally has more immediate depth than pretty art. You're drawn to it inexplicably.

Never goon and never be broon
I thought it looked great. Imperia is also coom
The bird is the most on-theme element, it's the poly effects, facial changes, and the voice filter that are the worst
literally a downgrade along with sky
It had zero feeling of being designed as part of the dota universe. The model could be in literally any game. Could be in God of war or whatever.

It's just not creative. Extremely bland.
The face is so ugly, I feel like it isn't ogre magi. Looks like a villain. Voice filter is totally unwanted and makes him grating when before he had some of the most enjoyable voice lines.
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There are several videos of them, all russian and all equally indecipherable in what's happening
>single naked frame at the end
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I hate anime
Why did they add a voice filter to every hero and arcana for a couple of years? It was so fucking retarded, Hoodwink had one on release they removed within a day
Im saying the visual changes were an attempt at a 'scary' aesthetic, the big fans and solid color eyes with no shine
I full agree, the two most endearing things about him were screwed up
Arcana tiers

S Tier : Drow, Windranger, One True King
A Tier : Jugg, Zeus, Qop, Pudge, Rubick, CM, PA, Terrorblade
B Tier : Razor, Void, SF, Legion, Shaker, Spectre
C Tier : Techies, MK,
F Tier : Lina, Ogre Magi, IO

Additionally these following arcanas are actually overshadowed by better normal items that they replace

Spectre, IO, Lina, Void
companion cube is still the best
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Hm the fangs are actually the same, they just feel more prominent for some reason on the arcana, the real change is the eyes/expression
Pudge's is complete garbage mate.
Drow is F tier, sexy introverted goth archer with husky voice to vtuber anime slut is a downgrade, but anime coomers will feel otherwise
High selling arcanas they could easily make bank on:

Sniper (Young Kardel- Sniper is dashing, handsome, confident and fit. Getting kills unlocks different rifle parts for visual customization. Rifle can be painted to change assassinate impact color.)
Lich (Direstone Empowered- Lich has black crystals sticking out of his head. His eyes are black pits with a hypnotic swirling particle. His upper body has become phantasmal, with shifting ghostly type effect. Voice lines are extremely cruel and evil sounding. New VA.)
Nature's Prophet (Anguish of Verodicia- Trees near NP slowly bend and sway unnaturally when he is in vision. He looks like an abomination; four insect-like armored wooden legs carry a hulking upper body. His familiar face sports a tremendously long bright blue beard with flowing hair physics. Weapon is a broken staff that he swings with nunchuck like motion. He also has huge twisting horns like an antelope with jewels and baubles hanging off them. This headpiece is replaceable with a special edition mushroom cap item.)

Go ahead guys and make those just credit me for once
Those would be personas you dumb nigger
you have no items in your inventory either and i have like 10,000
same difference, whatever. they should prob make arcanas be personas instead from now on it's more interesting
remember Huskar?
I'm suprised Valve ever released personas without even making much money from them, considering how much more effort it takes than arcanas
Its basically a new hero with all the animations and voices and everything
Cheese pick
MK would jump up two tier if you could lock it to one color
yellow > base > green > blue
blue should be better than green because you can combine it with the immortal staff
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remember marci?
they gave us the red staff for free so it fits with base and yellow ones but I agree that it'd be fun to be able to choose
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So how long is rm going to stay p/b? Will bird release before the next TI?
>Will bird release before the next TI?
They said that he'll be released with Act IV of Crownfall.
so never
Hi Dogtards
So? I have just as many as you, it makes no difference.
So first quarter of 2025 then
what normal item overshadows void's?
when are they adding back tinker?
After Techies
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>only get 1 pussy
>have to listen to 2 nagging voices
The possible plus is that they're so stupid they could probably spend the entire day arguing with each other instead of you
>drawtrannies aren't tran-
why is faceless void considered so bad right now?
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Good art mate but this is hideous. I guess that was the intent anyway, so good job.
10 gorillion stats and gleipnirs

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