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Previous: >>494850449

Caesar combat intelligence
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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You all told me she was bad...I used all my polychromes rolling for Jane mindscapes because of you faggots telling me she was bad. Now she's good?! And she works with Jane too?! I hope they nerf her before she goes live. Fuck you retarded faggots.
I LOVE BEN BIGGER I posted in the wrong thread earlier bros....
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Sharkboo is so lucky...
>rolling for eidolons
this was the shitpost you had ready to go? sheesh
She doesn't give physical damage bonus.
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I want to fuck Ching Yi. Probably more than any other person on the entire planet. I'm not even exaggerating. I would be legitimately impressed if ever there were someone hornier for Ching Yi than I am. I have masturbated to nothing but Ching Yi for the past year or so. She is the most erotic thing I've ever laid eyes upon. I fantasize about sex with her even when I'm not horny. From gentle lovemaking or rough fucking, I've run through every fantasy possible hundreds of times. I genuinely cannot stop thinking about her. I feel immense anger whenever someone on /zzz/ proposes that she has a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever, it hurts me more than anyone not in the same situation as me can possibly comprehend. The thought of someone who isn't me defiling Ching Yi is genuinely worse than the thought of my entire family getting murdered. Her robot vagina should be reserved specifically for MY penis, and her artificial womb for MY sperm! I don't want that! I don't want her to find another guy! I want her to have feelings only for me! Even after her patch has ended, I want her to hold me in her heart for a long time! I have fapped to almost every piece of erotic Ching Yi art multiple times. My obsession with her is far beyond unhealthy at this point, it's genuinely debilitating. The worst part is that I know she hates people like me and would be disgusted if she knew about me. Even worse, I get off to it. The idea of her looking at me with absolute disgust is so erotic that I'm full erect as I type this. None of you fuckers love her nearly as much as I do.
Caesar is bait before they release the first limited support, don't fall for fomo
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Yes. You rike?
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I flooded the surveys requesting this shit. You're welcome
>Not using them together
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You convinced me. You like her more than I like her.
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like clockwork
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>He pulled on Jane Doe?
>Realease the Early Access videos
I added the sound, hope (You) rike

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can't wait to unbrick my account with caesar
so far we got
>/zzz/ shilling Zhu
>incredibly basic character that does no damage outside of stun windows
>/zzz/ shilling Qingyi
>shes nothing special and game is moving away from stuns
>/zzz/ doomposting Jane
>can clear any gamemode alone EASILY
>/zzz/ is now shilling the fuck out of Caesar
I will be skipping because you faggots know NOTHING about games and got everything wrong.
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Sex with rats
cant wait to unbrick my cat
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da squad reporting in
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You guys begged for a new thread just so you can drop the shitpost?
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Thanks. You also reminded me that I should add a request about adding Bangboos to the training mode to my surveys.
you need two anomalies on disorder teams and for attackers a dedicated stunner is better
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I was always going to roll caesar and her weapon and burnice anyway, if anything I'm going C3 with burnice purely for waifu resons.
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Rat and robo butt
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I want to make t0 babies with Caesar.
>and for attackers a dedicated stunner is better
Fuck no, I'm fucking bored of my qing yi and Zhu team, I would rather have a sustained damage DPS than a burst DPS as my next team, and Caesar's shield will be great for that.
I think everyone should consider deleting Rocketboo off their account
you should spend it on therapy
may as well run an anomalybrick if you wanna hog the field 24/7
Yes, I am having fun with my Jane team, thanks for asking.
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What's wrong with Rocketboo?
>Trust me, Zhongli will fall out of the meta any day now.
For me it's
>ecelebs shill Ellen
>she's underwhelming
>ecelebs say Zhu Yuan is shit
>she's actually pretty good
>ecelebs say Qingyi is shit
>she gets buffed to high heaven
>ecelebs shill Jane
>A Piper/Billy/Corin sidegrade
>ecelebs shill Caesar
She's going to be easily powercrept isn't she? Still rolling though
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The masculine urge to clear everything with Jane solo.

I run a whole team but she makes it so easy and fun to just dodge-smack-dodge that I end up canceling out of assists just to keep playing her
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My 1000x1000= +1.000.000 Attack Neko will destroy the world
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Give Caesar many heirs
Expand the empire with her
dodging in genshin is a dps loss, not dodging in zzz is a dps loss, not the same thing chudy
>t. Bagboo
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet, bitch.
He's replaceable in literally every team he can be slotted in. Ceasar does have other qualities though
Bros, that dps Caesar vid did more damage than my Ellen...
based, thats the team Im after also
death to rats
Okay, DO NOT roll Ceasar in ANY way she's giga brick and you're gonna regret it
There, zzz has now shilled against Ceasar
Rocketboo didn't bring down the second tower as I ordered it to. Had to blow it up myself to claim insurance.
>S11 gets a legitimately perfect support unit for her
>is gonna get powercreeped next patch anyway
depend on the character janebro, Ellen S11 and Piper don't want to dodge
I legit don't even use zhongli anymore
>he's a Janeshitter/Brickomata coper
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Wow, this M1 is pretty good.
Free energy on demand. Her M6 builds directly on top of M1 because the free energy is easy EX Special on demand.

So imagine if you're playing a longgggass Rally type of missions.
Soldier 11 is an ideal character because she can always rest for 50 seconds, then truck on and have this M1 ace up her sleeve.
Anon, DPSs like Ellen have full long ass combos and Piper wants to go on her spin as much as possible.
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hi, one (You) please!!!
>Caesar still the bis support for both
Kek. Burnicetards should just accept Caesar is this games first God unit and roll their savings for her.
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>Caesar is a 59.5% dmg increase for Zhu Yuan
>Qingyi only a 53.3% increase

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I'm skipping both for Lighter
Successfuly turned her into the most braindead dps
>spam normals without timing
>refill energy
I'm not rolling for a pag tier unit who encourages bad plays
Brit here my primary school used to celebrate the harvest festival at the start of the year.
It's not an asia only thing it's a festival about giving out surplus crop.
S11 with have coordinated attack with trigger making Caesar S11 Trigger the best team in zzz
caesar is going to be a useful jack of all trades unit and an excellent f2p fallback, but considering how she's not as good a stunner as lolicop her buffs are going to certainly be worse than the first limited support
i'm pretty sure she's going to be consistently better than any 4* support and one step below 5* limited supports until version 3.x+, maybe even 4.x+
that said i don't think her shield is going to get powercrept, its the defining feature of her class after all
>falseflagging to pit Burnice and Caesarfags against each other
interesting strategy, unfortunately we all like SoC here
>wasting your finest shitpost on 750 bread
you will never max out (You)/h like this
OH NO NO NO NO Qingyi bros...our response?!
a 59.5% over Anby retard bro
learn to read
>Comparing M0W1 with M0W0
Is Lighter going to be playable? I mistook him for an NPC
It's over...
Qingyi is the only limited I've skipped so far. Looks like I made the objectively correct choice.
it's over...
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S11 chads rise us.
uh oh, this one triggered a melty on retards who cant dodge.
soldier 11k hp
Why doesnt Lucy just rape Caesar
>here is how I can still win
holy kek go to sleep ranjit
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Did they.. recycling Anton animations?
wtf qingyi is bad now?
that's a FAT soldier
Someone's been feeding her too much spicy ramen
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A Rank, Ryan Gosling is his VA

both values are being compared to Anby as a baseline retard bro.
It really is over for us Qingyixisters....
Looks nothing alike.
>Zenless Version 6.0
>It seems the true origin of hollows is something called a... stellaron
would you clap
>caesar gets all the love from the dev team while burnice is left to rot
why are they like this
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Should I build her with ATK% scaling on disc 5?
Or the usual Fire Damage %?
Only if we get Firefly as a playable character (forma de robot)
>he rolled for fucking mid joe but considers godgyi a brick
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Hello anons. In a few days I will start collecting UIDs from images for a period of one week. This is your reminder to censor your posts if you don't want to be on a list. Alternatively if you want to receive more friend requests, you can volunteer your UID with a screenshot and request to be added to the public list.

Added to the censored list, thanks.
I don't know what that is.
His ultimate animation..
Wasn’t he using the shitty original transmorpher on this test as well?
Its not looking good for Brickyi rollers..
its actually crazy how hoyo is just powecreeping S characters that aren't even 2 months old at this point. this game will be way worse than HSR. Even Nikke is more balanced. Give them a couple patches to double HP bars, make anomaly immune bosses and we can talk EOS
How is Qingyi Rabi gif poster taking this?
I'd be very smug
Ok, now tell me how fast Ceasar stuns
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>Xe's unironically skipping Zhongli, Bennett, Kazuha in one character that can actually do damage
caesar is a mid unit for shitters that will never be better than dedicated stunners or supports
>HSR cast lands on zzzearth
>with the help of the luofu the hollow issue is resolved
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Yeah, it's pretty comfy.
No, and I use him regularly.
>All of these comparisons
Reminder there is yet not a single CC that has been able to compare piper with jane
>Added to the censored list, thanks.
uh neither one of us spoilered our tags, you fucking retard
>And it seems that... This "stellaron" in running on an energy source called... Honkai...
probably fire damage when played with Lucy+Caesar. While you get like 100% from your core most only apply to your basics and EX/Burst/Chain is a huge part of your dps.
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Can I have any hope for her to become playable in 1.3?
Or has it already been confirmed that it will be Yanagi and Lighter?
Your mom and sister share the same animation every time I'm with them tho...
she's second half, she will get Jane levels of shilling
Shut the fuck up already.
When is the next drip marketing?
She's the king baby, it's only natural she gets everything for herself.
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Delicious Shiyu Defense dopamine...I live for you.
Yeah the guy running it seems like kind of a sperg.

1000270989 anyone just feel free to add me, forget some weird autism listing.
the reason Kazuha and Zhonli have such high usage is because of the fourth slot, they would have a lot less usage if that didn't exist
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I hope we spend 3 patch cycles in the outer ring
Including (Me)?
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The difference is I want to fuck Qingyi to high heaven and Ceasar is like a one night stand at best.
we can always h(c)ope
>That's what the notes of the two blonde travelers that visited the old civilization a long time ago seems to suggest, at least.
with her current kit she definitly needs it, an off field dps that doesn't give any buff doesn't sound that good right after a kit as versatile as Caesar.
1.3 banner we have to sell me on her but at that point why not just wait for Miyabi?
She was not in the opening trailer meaning she will not be released this year if ever.
Furries lost.
Yiff in hell.
I ain't got resources to waste on any banner or character for that matter I am full to the wall only using billy/anby/nicole team for the first year at best.
Qingyi was also an easy skip for me, because I was planning to roll for Jane and they put Anby on her banner. I think Anby is cuter.
Waifus > meta
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release the nicole theme song
I am no longer asking
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This one's killer.
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>Lighter betrays Cesar
>Pulchra and Bellum are A-ranks on his banner
we do need more a-ranks bigly
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I got you covered

Thanks anon
Lighter would never betray us.
You can fully clear endgame content with lv50 support units larping as a DPS or just going solo with lv60 characters. The game is easy for casuals. People will be shitposting endlesly about Qinqi and Caesar while other will be just clearing with Anby. If the game was hard and you would need the 5% to even beat SD7, then I would agree it's astronomical powercreep. But you can roll for who you like and ignore all the meta +10% in cocksucking.
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To the anon who helped me on the achievement last thread. Thanks if you're still here.
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oh man that's kinda hot
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That... isn't a good track.
Why all this aggression towards Furry? If the game already came with two at launch, I think it's natural to expect new ones.
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Grats bwo
His last name is Brutus.
How many times have you rewatched it?
I'm not a furry but I'd have sex with her tits
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>Check gameplay of Caesar
>She stuns lvl 70 enemies faster than my fucking cinema 2 Koleda with her signaturew engine
This is blatant powercrept man wtf
>If HSR already came with two lolis at launch I think it's natural to expect new ones
>2 years later
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Am I the only one missing 1 commission in chapter 3? Can't find anything online
It says both in the post and in the image that I'd like you to post a screenshot and specify that you want your UID to be public. You both did neither of those. Consent is important and I don't want to fill up the list with people that didn't actually want friend requests.

>I will leave your UID uncensored if you specifically request it.

>If you'd like for your UID to be public, please reply again and confirm with a screenshot containing your UID.

>image states the same information for the 3rd time
That's the biggest argument for her not coming this year, but it's strange how we're only going to stay in the Outer Ring for just one update.
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Brickyichuds have been real quiet since this Caesar numbers dropped.
You're not alone anon, no one knows anything about it
buddypokes are awful and I say this as a lolicon, they should keep releasing perfect sex goddesses like Clara, Yunli and Silver Wolf instead
They're saving it for loli planet.
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HSR devs really fucked up by making the Everflame Mansion characters a joke
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I refuse to believe Koleda is outdated.
Fuck this noise about Ceasar.
>these absolute bangers that show up once and never again
sold me on the game but I never hear it

probably a hollow zero lost item quest they never enabled then.
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have a (You)!
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It reminded me of Arknights that to this day Waai Fu is the only female furry playable in the game.
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There are two types of Qingyi rollers. The ones who roll for "meta" and the pedos. The pedos have always been happy with what they got.
She needs it. If she didn't have it and perform 5 other different roles at the highest proficiency then nobody would roll for a defence brick.
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>this is all outdated info on caeser
>90s buff when it's now 60sec
>no shield gating
This dude is the power effort CC of them all
>90s buff when it's now 60sec
that's actually got changed now... cc server is up-to-date.
>Xe doesn't know.
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S11 is so underrated, she and Zhu Yuan are the most f2p and casual friendly S rank dps right now. They're not the best, dps wise but damn are they easy to build.
She benefits the most from bosses that attack constantly. Against more passive bosses regular stunners will fare significantly better than her in terms of building daze.
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Your Koleda is still there and she will still works just fine
You fkers told me shitSAAR was a brick so I rolled C2 Jane and her wengine and now I don't have any poly left. Now suddenly she's "broken" and "OP"??

I'm never listening to you lyinh pieces of SHIT ever again kys I hate you all I hate this game I hate this community I HATE THIS FKING FAGGOTY GENERAL KYS KYS KYS
>rolling Caesar when the next s rank defender will be stronger than her
she's a brick unless you're literally unable to press right click
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oh, when I saw that on xitter yesterday I didn't notice the hair
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In that video Anby did 52% in her 4 second combo (8:07-8:11)
I love my koleda but I don't see her performing better than Caesar in any team thats not S11/Koleda/Lucy
And even then I think Caesar migth be better just for the buff alone
post chinkys
esl post
hmmmmmmmm nyot true
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Just pull whoever you like
I remember people saying Qingyi was worse than fucking Anby. These number monkeys never test the characters under actual conditions (e.g. enemy constantly swinging at you and running around), nor do they consider QoL stuff (e.g. Qingyi sucking enemies in).
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I hate disc farming so much.
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Shut the FUCK up stupid bitch
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Koleda is a Rally character who can camp it out and get extra EX while you're fetching a drink from the fridge. She is the same as Soldier 11. So they are a really good match.
Now I’m on the fence on rolling for 1.2 characters until I know who exactly is on 1.3
they need to release the full OST already
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based kotposter
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I will definitely roll her, but she will only come next year, they want to sell Sector 6 before, so she and the gang will only come in version 1.5 onwards.
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I'm heavily considering of ditching my crit Disk 4 for Anomoly Prof. I have Rina on freedom blues. Since Qinqyi takes up the most field time, it might be pretty decent. I guess I'll have to farm for some decent anomaly prof substats too now.
flopcop cope
stay bricked, brother
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Physical lacks support stun and shield, Caesar does all three
how do you do this?
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Don't listen to this retard. Only roll for banners that wouldn't lower your account value.
1.3 is a skip homo patch with Lighter and Harumasa, 1.4 will be a bait patch to scam people off their savings and then finally 1.5 will be when the next meta defining unit drops
Even if Fire DMG% is better now, eventually ATK% will be better. She has too much DMG% steroid built into her kit.
you mean version 5.x onwards
sorry brev, sector 6, idols, obol, more MAIDS are all higher priority
Waiting for Guoba's numbers
Every other calculation is objectively wrong
Bwo your Seth?
Caesar does negative dmg
>The only "criticism" I've seen of Caesar is that her shield buff doesn't display on the ui on the top left with other buffs
Imagine skipping out on the objective best unit in the game.
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>eventually ATK% will be better.
I'm curious which mechanics you are referring to when you say this.

Are you referring to some future agent who will bring something new to the table?
Or patch revisions?
Thats cinema 2 of an S rank character bro
so wait is this official or fanimation
Would a hypothetical ice anomaly be the biggest brick in the game?
You'll know who is in 1.3 before 1.2 even drops
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Anons on previous thread helped me.
Having the superslomo resonia helps a lot as well as the instant kill blessings. Pretty much use long range support to snipe tentacles which is like a free teleport. Tons of damage to cycle through the Ninnevah also helps.
Only if there's no core passive that increases ice anomaly's proc by 10 times
Eventually you will lose enough 50/50s that you can probably get S11 M1 and Koleda M2.
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>Ignore all CCs
>Roll for who I like
>Clear all content on reset
>CCs piss, shit and cry that I give them no money
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I have 20 pulls left can I get ceasar?
I'm referring to you maxing out her passive and eventually getting her C2.
yeah bro just swipe
They can always just make a character kit that makes anomaly scale off crit, but until them yeah it's antisynergy
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That's a rude thing to say about Miyabi.
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Are people really this uncreative??? Look at Jane's passive.
What stops them from giving an Ice Anomaly another unique passive that breaks or completely changes Freeze
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It's over
Reminder that you brick your account if you roll any damage dealer other than Billy
kek, good stuff anon
Based Wisebro, I'll try this later
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Squatting at only level 55 because I was swamped with bunch of other stuff to work with.
What do you expect the story of 1.3 to be like so it starts to involve Sector 6?
I imagined that 1.3 would be a filler update focused on Pompey's aftermatch, but apparently not, Sector 6 will already be involved if Yanagi's leak is correct.
Make sure to redeem Caesar's ball.
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Are we getting 1.3 drip market tomorrow?
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you can get her with only 1 pull as long as you're not a lucklet
too obese
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Just because I think something is powercreeped does not mean something else stops being good
I will still field my koleda a lot but since im rolling Caesar I know she will be better than her and thats fine
They can always have another Sacrifice appear (maybe Pompey or Egotistical Youth will transform into it) and have Section 6 be involved that way.
Nicole is the original one, but Burnice is the strongest contender for the throne so far.
based and same, only rolled ellen and qingyi so far and I'm having a blast
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What non-gacha games are you playing outside of ZZZ?
>gays will skip this
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You took a great picture.
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I think ZZZ might actually have a lesser chance in having skins then any other mihoyo game considering the sheer work and volume that goes into the very very detailed and non physic driven (except jiggly flesh bits) animations
>League of Leg
Seth is a noticer.
Now post her next to Grace.
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Caesar Doomposters it's over.
Bend over to receive dick
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Special episode about Yanagi going to the Other ring to get breast reduction surgery. It doesn't help, they're still unfathomably massive, but Lighter gives her emotional support
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bros I love tits.
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I'm somewhat a professional creepshoter myself
Yeah, Brick Yuan it is.
Currently Civ6 and AoM retold.
why would anyone play non gacha garbage
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>take a nap
>wake up
>open thread
>see another pathetic attempt at pitching QingGODS and CaesarGODS against each other
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How do i refund?
Caesar.... mogged......
Jesus Christ you're such a massive faggot, why is it only the most autistic losers feel the need to organize this shit? Maybe if you didn't have such a shitty personality you could make friends organically and not need to spam a list here
They buffed her since this picture
imagine calling these smelly retards gods lmao
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>Physical damage bonus +40%
Does this mean you won't make the fullest use out of Caesar unless you have Nekomata, Corin, Billy, etc?
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Man, I hope they add the ability to pin up the photos we take to the memory board. I want to decorate it with all the loli pictures I've taken.
>buffing tits
get his spamming bitch ass
You can tell it's the same fucking anti-loli faggot spamming on cooldown too. Just ignore
I dropped BA to focus on ZZZ more
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Funny when the CC that told ppl to skip Qingyi for Jane are now telling them to skip Caesar :)
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The ONLY thing I don't like about Caesar is her spats.
Zhu yuan: hot cop with good tits and a fat ass
Caesar: ugly dyke with big tits, no ass, and a shitty outfit
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Piggybacking off this, does anyone have a decent Tower Defence game? I've got an itch lately
Kingdom Rush & Kunitsu-Gami
>rolling for an unironic brick because content creators also said she's a brick
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>make friends organically
I don't think he's setting up a list to make friends. I think it's to have like a zzz usage rate chart or zzz soul hound leader board.
>does every role in the game at once
>can work with every type of team in the game, perfect omnisupport
>future proof, will make every single team she's in better for years
>extremely aesthetic mix of emperor and biker
>completely for (You), young girl in need of romance
>10ft long futa cock
How did they make such a perfect character?
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Really the best place to find info as a f2p
I will only roll for characters who pubesmog.
Caesar is an apology from mihoyo for all Eualfags
theyll buff male limiteds to be 2x stronger than females and you metakeks will lap it up like the cucks you are
>not a single person voted "No" to Burnice being a blonde bimbo
Jack of all trades, master of none. A tale as old as time. She will be a dead character by the next patch
grace got some hangers
>plays a loli game
>exclusively rolls on the hags
It's the one thing I like from /gig/ honestly, I hope we get an anon autistic enough to compile Shiyu clears and present them as percentages. Would be funny seeing the Billy and Piper clears in perspective.
What poll? I'm doing other things instead of endlessly doomscrolling this thread.
Despite how sexy Burnice's body and booba is, she doesn't feel like a sexy character. It's weird
I only roll for female character who is 150cm tall or shorter.
Name 37 loli characters planned for future patches.
bro? they're saying she's an absolutely broken must pull
>futa cock
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It's probably a good idea to double check if you have truly complete all objectives in the Camelia event.
>skipping [F2P-friendly stunner] for [whalebait that needs M1W1 to even function]
LMAO at these (((content creators)))
Seems pretty good. You can clear Shiyu 17 in both sides in less than a minute without that brick.
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What did Caesar changed?!
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how do I get this? it says not yet available
>Caesar and Burnice cannot take selfies
expected but still sad
She's the classic american dumb blonde with a heart of gold.
In high school movies she'll be the cheerlead team lead and somehow teach the bullies to stop bullying the protagonist.
you need to progess in the story
but enough about caesar
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>She will be a dead character by the next patch
The only way to kill her is mihoyo deleting her from the game
Go to HIA and talk to Lyla.
bros, I thought we always did the opposite of what the content creators told us???
he's missing out on the grouping and interupt resistance btw
Hmmmm... Janekeks?
The second receptionist at HIA have a different set of VR stages that drop items for core skills.
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I wonder what else Abyss anon can do with all that data now. Also I think /hsrg/ is finally starting to have one too. Too bad I didn't submit any of my Hook clears or UID to him.
I don't care about Caesar and that rat tail hair kills her design for me. At least Jane is on the theme. Also, a genki airhead is not what I had in mind for the leader of the Sons of Calydon.
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bwo we gotta skip caesar, content creator chads are shilling our king
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>that 2nd one
>listening to content "creators" who dont have sub 30 second shiyu clears
Last month
>kek caesar was mega nerfed
>she broken
>a must pull
>she does everything
Fucking bitches all of you.
/zzz/ only listen to Jstern25
What if Qingyi + Caesar + Billy? That dude who clears Shiyu in 25s with Qingyi + Billy + Nicole might clear it even faster
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Average cc "argue both side" trash
these fools always forget who's the real king is
You might want to sit down for this but Seth is actually electric
>people have....different opinions
I wanna play the vampire survivors clone so fucking bad. T-T is there some private server hack thing
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>muh meta
I literally played like shit on phone with non optimal teams, half upgraded characters and shitty discs but I can still clear fast enough with some time to spare. I don't give a fuck about how broken Caesar is, I'll skip her and save for Yanagi because I think she's hotter, and if she's really lightning anomaly then I can use Rina, another hot hag who I want to use, with her and they'll be a perfect match.
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this is the rolling plan winners have followed so far
>ellen joe, zhu yuan, jane doe
and we're now at the last stage, saving for the one and only hoshimi miyabi
after that, we'll have to wait and see for trigger
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I play the game for myself, not for (You), not for CC, so I will roll for who I like.
The issue is that it's not damage which is the bottleneck for sub 25 shiyu clears. It's how fast you can stun and whether you can generate enough decibels in time to pop ult.
wtf you guys told me to skip brick doe because content creators were always wrong and that caesar and burnice would be way better but now content creators are saying they're great, but you told me they're always wrong. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE
can't even do basic maths, though Jane M2 was a 100% damage increase bc 50% crit damage to 100% is a *2
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The only thing that matters is what CN thinks. CN says she's a 5/10 in most situations.
freeze pauses the stun window timer so it would actually be broken
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>got qinqin
>too lazy to build her
maybe one day and another day
the green and red arrow one is literally the same guy thoughever
Ok, this isn't even about meta nor CCs, this is about shit tastes now.
YANNAGI over CAESAR????????
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Zhubros... it might be over...
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If you don't care about meta at all and you're dickrolling, why do you care about others shitposting or CC's telling you who to roll??

Same if you DO care about meta, why care about shitposts and shitty CC's? Just wait until speedrunners do their thing on Shiyu and you decide whether they're worth or not
can you reupload bwo?
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He's another shitter
Caesar makes my cock harder than Jane simple as
Yanagi has always been the patrician's choice.
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>Most situations is short attack chains + low aggro environments
What fucking game are you playing?
It's not his opinion, it's a translated chinese opinion, of players better than you shitter-kun.
I honestly feel pretty good about skipping everything after ellen to save for Caesar just because I saw her in the release trailer and she looked really cool
Usually when I like a character I a game like this they don't turn out to be really good
I hope yanagi turns out to be a freaky dom. her tits are good but she's kinda bland
have a (you) lemeow
skipping caesar
boobs too big
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Yanagi will powercreep Grace & Burnice.
Lighter will powercreep S11.
Harumasa will powercreep Rina.
Miyabi will powercreep Ellen.
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I was always going to roll every SoC character disregarding meta becasue I just think they're fucking cool.
Even Lighter.
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Oh I get it now
>green arrow pointing at face = wife
>red arrow pointing at tits = mistress
I care about the characters I like being good because Im rolling for them regardless but it's more rewarding that way
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>waifutroons are fighting each other already
Based faction enjoyer
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jokes on you. I will own both.
Smaller than Grace and Rina thoubeitly >>494874349
Based, I will only roll for male characters
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I love him...
Based impregnator of sons.
his translation in your image directly contradicts your point so either one of you are fucking retarded, and in this case i'm thinking its you
>Are you seriously rolling for that ditz's banner and not for mine?! Explain yourself!
How do you respond?
As f2p I feel the same but skipping burnice if big daddy is actually playable
>gives disorder damage bonus
>powercreeps other anomaly
bro Anomaly units will be riding her dick until EoS
God I wanna fuck anime women. I love anime.
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Why are you here?
Holy ESL retard. Don't respond to me until you have elementary level reading comprehension first.
When do I use Lucy in Rat-Seth-Lucy team? I can only easily switch between the first two, do I need to manually swap her? Feels like a waste.
Am like one copy away from c6 from random As...
What do you have to do to get Big Daddy to accept you into SoC?
she will be a jack of all trades character who will be powercrept in her buffs by supports and stuns in her daze, she will be good for new limiteds until the rest of their faction releases and they have BiS
I try to end all fights with in the game with Qingyi just for the chance to have her butt shoved in my face on the wipeout screen.
Are there other people who do this?
just swap into her whenever her EX is available
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There is someone on my friendlist who have been KOTTED more than me... ;_;
He has a Cat namecard. That means he has been KOTTED minimum 4 times, maybe up to 6 times even.
And I have only been KOTTED 3 times.

That means I can't be king of kats anymore ;_;
Respond to me you fucking coward.
shut the fuck up imbecile
anyone playing the game knows outside of the first 2 hours you're getting attacked literally nonstop
the qualifier in his image for a 5/10 doesn't exist anywhere except during boss phase transitions
>46999 chromies
please tell me theres a way to get 1 chrome
>Shiyu start
>switch to Lucy and hold EX
>quickly switch to Jane and get the buff before the timer even starts
After that
>Switch to Lucy during Jane's EX, last hit of Salchow, final BA or dodge attack
>hold EX and instantly swap back
You're not actually losing out on anything if done properly
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>we will be stuck with Anton as the electric DPS until 2.1
What do I need friends for? There's no content. I'm just gathering data bro. The public list shit is something that anons requested before so I do that for them.

Do a mission, get to the final battle and quit.
For me it's
>OL larping as strict and no-nonsense but actually a slob off-the-clock, and craves praise for "trying her hardest every day"
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>build pity on Jane (Anby dupes)
>get Caesar
>build pity on Burnice (Lucy/Nicole dupes)
All according to plan.
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Caesar DPS can't be real right?
Yes, you better treat your bro well.
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Is there any situation where using the tap version instead of the charged version of Lucy's skill is worth it?
sex with Lucy
I use the tap version to break boxes in those gimmick "break everything" missions.
When you need it real quick.
they're so fucking small....
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Based fellow pitybuilderGOD
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How many people here rolling Caesar are rolling her engine? I've never even considered the weapons banner before this point but all the available options for her are shit
I'd say its probably not viable but seeing her enhanced normal that drags enemies in like nicole makes me think she'll be pretty good. Her shields seem like overkill, it might be worth skipping an impact disc 6 and going attack %.
>smaller than standard tits
Literally unplayable.
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[confession] my dream last night was of me rolling big sis and her engine
I'm rolling her engine for the particle effects
Don't even know what it does
Caesar will be more useful that that fucking BRICK.
For what purpose do people do this? I'm guessing for M6 Seth? Getting spooked by rat would suck
Yeah I'm getting it because the F2P versions are all shit but at least it's one that you can use on other defenders easily.
I'm gonna try for her but I only have enough for a coinflip, so no engine
if I do get her she'll probably replace anby, so she'll get the bdsm engine I'm currently using on her for the impact
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I feel like ZZZ by far gives out the most standard rolls of any Mihoyo game which is annoying since it's also the game where the standard characters are the most useless. Where are these rolls when I'm playing HSR to get E6 Clara?
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Ellen wife
Happy life
are we playing the same game
If I win the 50/50 I'll grab both, if not I'll have to think about it. I want to get all of the SoC
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1 roll per week is generous?
touch tail?
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Stop drinking soda now!
I've got enough to guarantee both her and Burnice and they're all I care about coming up so if I win my coin flip I might try get her engine.
>I feel like ZZZ by far gives out the most standard rolls
It's the same as Genshin.
I'm drinking water right now
but a couple hours ago I did have a rum and sprite. it's really nice
hot water doesn't have any flavor. I like cold water more
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Nah, I'm F2P and this game is a fucking desert when it comes to rolls. I don't even have a usable main DPS and I've played since release.
This tells you how shit the others are.
I'm drinking hot coffee
It's more or less the same, only difference from HSR is your discount banner pity counts towards the selector so the number ramps up quicker
can i have a warm leaf lover?
Boopons are not standard rolls bro
Zzz gives as many rolls as Genshin does, it's only not as miserable because there's far less content in this game than Genshin.
Corin anal destruction
I drink coffee.
Website for checking how much material to level up agents?
can't remember the last time i consumed carbonated drinks
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I like that she's 16 years old.
Anal rape corin
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Are we ever going to get a real cunny that's not just a petite adult?
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thanks anon
>3 months in and I still don't have the desire to max out any character
I might just use my hamster cages on Rina at this rate...
>banner 1: want A-Ranks, don't care much about the S-Rank
>banner 2: want S-Rank, don't care much about the A-Ranks
There is nothing wrong with building pity as long you know your limits and you just need a bit of math to figure it out.
I dunno man all I'm seeing is that I'm already 200/300 rolls into getting the guarantee in ZZZ when I started a month late and yet after playing between half a year to a year in HSR I still haven't got it yet.
Too old
Nobody likes potatoes + Waterkuma doesn't make them, Lucy is the correct size.
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>nobody likes mesugakis
speak for yourself
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Someone needs to be corrected.
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got enough to guarantee both her and her engine, hoping it doesn't come down to hard pity because I also want Burnice and Lighter
still mad the leaks were wrong and Section 6 didn't come first
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PUBSEX Officer Zhlut Gyaru, reporting for blowjob duty!
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I don't like it when people talk in porn
just shut the fuck up
moans are ok but only from girls
Lucy is basically mesugaki sized though
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which one?
whatever happened to the waterkuma got fired shitposts
depends on what characters you have, dumdum
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Can Koleda be a dps? I don't want to roll on characters and only want to use her and Ben forever.

And when the Monkey guy releases him and (insert loli here)
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im all about zhu going undercover in a gyaru outfit and honey trapping ugly fat old men but your shitty edit looks horrible
lips > game ball >>>>>>>>>>>> rest
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No thoughts, just do it~
Don't care for the gyaru aesthetic but the shorts are a massive improvement over the original.
alright sorry I'm retarded
I use Jane/Seth/Lucy as main team,
Second team is Billy/Nicole/Anby/Rina depending on what I need, I also want mibibi when she's out and want to build my second team around her
do not tempt me with the lips..
Unless you plan to buy 5 BPs it doesn't matter since maxed out craftable A rank alternatives are better.
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She filtered millions...
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You know what's best for you~
Maybe on her rerun but I need to focus on getting her + Burnice first.
But that's exactly what I'm planning to do?
>Is autistically obsessed with "consent" when it's not even about adding them meaning it has no impact on the people even if there was some retarded reason someone would false flag as them

Actually 100x worse, get some help retard
Bro I would kill for a single S11 but so far I only got 3 wengines, 2 Rinas and a fucking BDSM mask furfaggot from standard...
he became firekuma
Why is it so...
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>QY with Anton
>Ceasar with Corin
Everything is falling into place
it's up
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Reddit is NOT happy
dpsbros, we've been replaced...
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Based corinbwo, I'm planning the same
Depends if I play the game long enough to buy 5 BPs, might as well try?
no point in pulling for her engine when her kit is already busted.
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Why yes I am a Janesexual, how did you know?
There seems to be multiple things going on aside from power creep.
Those people don't like to hear the person they are skipping is super strong.
And especially don't like to hear they are stronger than their first waifus.
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>complaining about powercreep when we're so early on that we don't even have a limited character for each roll yet
Reddit is retarded. It wasn't until like 2.0 that the powercreep complaints held any weight in HSR. It's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fucking early to be bitching about powercreep.
uh oh shipper melty
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Where can I find out Caesar mats to max?
This will be Wise and Caesar in a week.
Teams will soon all be a mix of support and defenders...
Shes phys defender. So phys chips and Defender mats.
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You left out an important part bro
People don’t give a shit
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It's rude to give out people's info without their permission. Do parents not teach these things anymore?
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Billy chads, what disks are best for him? I want him to actually feel like he's doing damage.
>the average M0W0 jane roller
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Doesn't matter how high a character's ceiling is as long as the endgame floors are trailing at a snail's pace. I can still use Hook as a 4star DPS on one side of the team and still get all the rewards in Star Rail, a hoyogame notorious for "power creeping".
It feels really good to use her once you get the right timing for attacks. I see myself using my S11 team more than Ellen's and Zhu's.
I need Ceaser to come fast, I just want to replace the Soukaku in my Lycaon - Ellen team she sucks to play as
oh no no no no husbandomains we're being exposed...
so cute
I honestly don't even know which engine is his signature engine, becauee there is like 3 that are from the same theme that he likes.
can caesar actually maintain 100% ex parry uptime without running out of energy? i dont really watch CCs so i dunno if they parry well or not
poor ellen rollers are the bottom feeders in this whole mess
you mean Belle
She literally gets a free energy Ex Counter after any parry bwo...
>uses same model as nicole, shortstack with big tits
>drawn with far smaller tits than what she has in-game, in fanart
What went wrong?
I mean disks!! I got a 3-Star Starlight engine and not much else for him at the moment
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I like Soukaku. She is the only one who can reliably deal with that teleporting Ethereal.
Jane is so horny for Seth
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Level your Anby.
People seriously act like Ellen's core skill doesn't give her 100% crit damage for free. Every limited 5 star in this game is equally broken as of right now
Her tits are well covered. I myself only noticed that she had a nice rack when I paid attention to her poses during the profile/skill screens.
All of them until Burnice that is...
Lel, she is permastuck at level 40 at my place, because I have too many stunners now, and not enough resources for all of them.
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>some random male char gets all the screentime and romantic tension instead of the mc
How it's HSRhusbandomains but not GIhusbandomains?
Didn't GI come first?
>hot woman
>anti interrupt
>attack buff
she has everything
I thought she used Anby's model?
Janecucks... I don't feel so good...
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You didn't skip the girl that literally put her life on the line for (Eous), did you?
xhe's an ellen roller thoughever
QY is a straight upgrade
Koleda is better for swap in/out
Ceasar is now QY physical edition
I don't see the point of this character. Anby is having a rough life with these limited character releases...
little late - you just go read 1 tutorial
2.x at the earliest
Why's everyone from Victoria Housekeeping so cool?
No she skipped me
Stop tempting me with cute Kaiser images, I need to save for Burnice's fat tits!
>all these shitty youtube thumbnails
Holy shit thread
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>r1 bait
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Nah, I have 265 rolls saved up and I'll spend 40 for Piper constellations. If she comes, she comes. I'm gonna make sure I have Burnice and a sizable safetynet for the Idol lolis.
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They are based on Europeans.
old kaiser hair, crown, shield, weapon, model with new kaiser outfit.
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My main complain is that she looks boring to play
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bro? your sodastream?
is game ball even good? you need to proc the elem WITH the support right
who you saving for
probably midyawnbi
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Cops flopped.
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don't have one
why is ellen forgotten?
Burnice and Miyabi
Ellen posters are so gay lol
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Sorry Miyabi bros, but I think I'm a furry now, she seems really cute.
Carried by Kaiser.
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so fkin wet rn
what the fuck are you saving for
its probably just the 1 yuricuck
Yeah, its good, but nobody in game really needs crit rate support yet.
Miss Jane, my balls need a break...
Seth is a lucky guy
jane it's only been 10 mins, go to bed...
I'm enjoying her simple "it just works" gameplay style quite a lot.
the canceled idol group
They're like Human Male Ret Paladins in WoW, the single most insecure playerbase on the planet kek

You rolled a brick, it's okay, just embrace it like Brickomata and Brickyi posters do, at least that has its charm...
*breaks your balls*
>how is that, dear?
Am I the only one seeing Jeanne alter from FAte when looking at Caesar?
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yeah, you're the only one
>reddit spacing
>this is just like my WoW
some real regarded take there, the only brick is jane because piper exists
you're 6 weeks late
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>just embrace it like Brickomata and Brickyi posters
It's cause they're pedos
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Your order, sire.
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I can taste the end, bros.
please continue posting but if you give me a pepper latte again, so help me god I will end you.
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Any Burnice buffs? :3
cute and canon couple
She got her hair back.
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I'm curious what her trust events will be like when she becomes playable.
chinese fans are rioting because the american bimbo characters are stronger than the chinese police characters. mihoyo just announced the game will reach end of service at the end of the month. it's so over
So what to farm for Caesar's 2pc since the 4pc isn't out yet, shockstar disco 6 with impact? Also what kind of substat?
I'm not a furry but...
where is this from
there's something lewd about girls in school uniforms
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Oh.....hey guys.
Caesar actually doesn't make Anby, Qingyi, Koeda obsolete.
She is handing them a shield that has uninterruptable-mechanics and lets them facetank opponents while working on the dazebar.

Anby and Koleda are Arguably the biggest beneficiaries of this shield.
you watch too much pornography.
>Sorry fans of a furry, I'm a furry fan to another furry now.
just double crit and attack % like usual, caesar doesn't need anything specific outside of impact disc 6
Punishing bird...
I will keep that in mind for my Caesar, Anby, Koleda team anon thanks!
Caesar is like a stunner so it's a waste to use another stunner instead of a support for the carry dps.
But nice cope.
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Typical New Eridan, all Thirens rook same to you
Take it, I'm not playing.
C6 is she's playable.
but she won't because we can't have nice things.
>Caesar is like a stunner
What about stun time though... and damage multiplier?
Isn't there a new craftable engine suitable for her?
Caesar is more of a support than she is a stunner.
The seele of Zzz. It was determined long ago.
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I love him... so much...
Good night.
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okay everyone stop shitposting so we can blame it on the gay furry
>bring QY
>bring Ceasar
>onfield the loli and parry into the fatty
>enemy always stunned and Zhu deals like 2x dmg
>my C6 level 60 Piper has 150 anomaly mastery and 333 proficiency
>but only 1,758 ATK
ugggggghhhhhhhhhh I fucking HATE DISCS
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I'm the only one who gets really frustrated that Asian artists make furries or non-furry artists make better furry designs than furry artists.
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I am a furry, and I would pat her head
>800 polychromes
Holy shit thanks anon
I think karin is sex
>rat girl keeps a pet rat
fucked in the head
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how much are your assaults doing? Im doing anywhere from 90 to 125k depending on situations. My peaks are around 150.
Wise is quite buffed.
You don't have a pet human?
>he claimed charged back polys
holy banned
Post Corin's en va
Mid 90s I think. They proc fast but the damage seems kind of bad when the spin itself doesn't do much. I think I just NEED ATK substats, which is fucking AIDS.
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I never really get the appeal of pubes on face thing.
Shes fat and 37. Just pretend shes cute.
H-hot.. source?
did billy used to be affiliated with the sons of calydon judging from his jacket?
Do I have to redeem my BP weapon this pass? I'm worried that it just deletes itself after the timer hits 0 but I'm not sure which weapon to get... I have lips already
yeah it's gross
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would you
blowjob euphemism
like artwork featuring condoms although they dont need one
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Hes famous in the outer ring. He has an event where he tries to find some bikers who are in the city and starts geeking out over biking. Then there was a hollow raider who recognized the guy.
source please
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forgot pic, it has a timer at the bottom
Never thought I would say it but... unironically too fat...
some kind of kink for those who like to degrade women kills my boner honestly
He needs to give me more pepper latte for my qy and zy
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He's right you know. Save your rolls.
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me neither. If anything it indicates the guy's body hair easily comes off and he needs some medical attention
>stuns worse than stunner
>supports worse than supporter
The cope of Burnicetard that realizes that they're rolling for a brick and missing out on true power...
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I think they designed Caesar so she could be the leader of her 2 loli bikers, Piper&Lucy.
See pic related? They are missing their leader.
They are both great, but with Piper would were always meant to eventually learn how to dodge, or else you become easy 2-hit KO to the Rampant Brute for example.

But with their leader in the team, Piper can just spin all day without a single care in the world.
so Caesar was meant to be a QoL for Anons who invested heavily into Piper and Lucy.
The rest of the bonuses, such as boosting other DPS teams like Jane and Zhu are just incidental. But nice incidentals nonetheless.
Corin torturing my cock and balls
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real metaGODS aren't skipping either
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I wonder if the people that like S11 actually liked her or if its just they got her and they have to cope with their sour grapes
>rolled ellen
>plan to roll burnice
am i just an idiot for getting bricks bros?
Does "M0W0" mean 0 Mindscapes and no signature engine?
Roll with your heart cock like a man and get the cute girls
solider 11 is a fool and does no damage
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>desperately looking for outsider opinions that go against the overwhelming majority saying "OMG SHE'S BUSTED MUST PULL" to satisfy his chronic contrarianism so he doesn't feel bad for liking and pulling for the character that normalfags also love
I want to taste Burnice
This is actually why i'm considering skipping burnice, I hate that you have 4 characters than all play well together but can only field 3, if I was to pull Burnice I'd bench my Lucy so it's like I'm spending pulls for nothing.
I'm almost certain you can make any team work as long as you have at least 1 of the limited characters.
who dis and when will she be released?
S11 would be more liked if her outfit was better. Every character is well designed except for her. Its weird miss from mihomo.
not to insult you, but they do tell you
Yes, K0W0 means 0Kino no weapon
Phys Attacker?
Even if this real, this character's "kit" doesn't compete with burnice's at all. I highly doubt this character is after burnice either, with all the other leagues not even mentioning this character.
>tfw 2.6k atk/150 AM/360 AP
What weapon and 4/5/6? atk% disc 5 is better than Phys bonus btw
I honestly think she was just an alt idea for Anby design, but they were short of ideas for early cast so they just re-used one of Anby's rejected designs
I am literally picking her with the 300 guaranted agent
Turbo autists are fun
I like to cherish the first 5star or ssr character that i get in gacha,and give them the best stuff possible Helm/Aru/Mona/S11 etc.
So yes i love my dork11.
oh man... alright I will think about which one to get
We have too few now.
>literally a hammer main
If she's redesigned so she doesn't look like cheap coomershit, I'll roll.
I'm still at 190
Breaking news:
Caesar is weak to anal
Why are we calling Burnice a brick?
Anal is for bad bitches who need to be fucked back into the arms of the light. Good girls get lovety dovey missionary impregnation.
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This also means I failed hard by leveling up Disc 5 for Piper with Defence% mainstat.
My shitty disc5 on Piper will be obsolete as soon as I get Caesar, and I wasted so much resources bumping it to level 15.
>have.you understand
based seanigger making fanfiction leaks, its honestly just fun making up character kits, I did it for Chiori and Clorinde back in /gig/
calling everything and everyone a brick is funny.
We NEED new elements holy shit
why make a “public” list then censor it
itd be funnier if you just had a list of victims
oh nyo nyo nyo
because she doesn't work with lucy
She's the most fun non-anomaly DPS in the game. Can't wait to get Burnice and run mono fire with her and Lucy
I like using Nicole with Jane
This sucks.
now if it was JP dub...
Skipping all future patches until Medabot.
same. she's my third for everything but shiyu where she's tied to zhu's hip
>abyss anon
hes actually been dead for months
>chinese game
>referencing the one true capital G God
yeah that's total bull
They're two separate lists. One for me and one for (You).
What a slut
This is my humble opinion as a player, I do not understand about mechanics, but I look at the character roster and I feel we really need an electric dps.

A good one, Anton is cool, but he sucks
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Why /zzz/ complains about lack of content?
We got too much going on, it's too confusing
when are they gonna tease 1.3 characters?
And im at 210 but S11 is my objective
>No clue about her in main story at all
>Leaker know about her kit before Section6, even Yanagi that everyone known she is electric anomaly from chaos jazz
I mean I play this game because of her but this is too bullshit to believe that she ready to release and come from nowhere...
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next monday, right before 1.2 debut. They have to make sure as many ppl brick themselves on Jane before they reveal the nun phys attacker in 1.3
next week
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They will be worthless unless they are compatible with Caesar.
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Asking again because I didn't provide enough info last time. Who should I roll for, genki shield girl or autistic pyromaniac? I don't have a 50/50 guarantee
Caesar should have been called Achilles given the shield
Holy shit
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I was only saving for Miyabi but I guess I have to save for her too now
Miyabi when?
The idol lolils
Corin sidegrade...
hope the playable version doesn't have the shitty mask
There's only 3 events on it.
Caesar is fucking Lucy.
We already have her animations, same with Lighter. It's not hard to make fanfiction when the game is already helping you. Notice how it only says partial because they wrote that kit based on what's available and didn't even bother making up the rest of her attacks. Lazy af.
>actually only 2 events
zenless zone zero has too little events
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Isn't that in 2025
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Non 2ton mechbros it's over
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This is absolutely true. Not because there's actually too much events but because there are too many events(like this one) where it's like 90% boopon shit as rewards.
>not even 1.2 yet
>Ellen's BiS comp already benched
And people wonder why some prefer investing vertically than rolling as many M0W0's as possible. I'd rather have a select few M0W1's or M2W1's that I really enjoy and use long term than a filled roster with benched M0W0's
how many pulls did we obtain in 1.1?
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there are too many women in this game
Do you think Grace has a massive Gunpla collection at home?
Nice powercreep Zookeks.
>I suck at this game and need a little pick me up
>I have an empty brain but a hard cock
>I'm doing good enough already and would rather save my gems
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Burnice is gonna make Jane the most broken Hoyo character ever...
Just imagine Lucy Burnice and Jane...
Retard is only behind because he just decided to stop doing story. He's not even timegated because he's IK51. He got fucking lazy and is blaming it on the game rather than his own decisions.
Hmm I'm gonna need to so evidence of this.
Oh you're that guy making posts about "meme team" clears. Caesar is a fun way to reuse your Ellen btw. It also doesn't look like you're planning to play Anomaly any time soon so I recommend Caesar.
It's basically her dildo collection at this point
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December, trust.
She's the best DPS in the standard banner. I might have been miffed if I lost a 50/50 but she has been a boon as my first rank S from standard banner.
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December, trust the mystery leaks and pattern autism.
Jane performs better as a hyper carry
Lucy and Burnice don't work together
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EoS first
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da fuck where are these coming from all of a sudden?
never cause I'm skipping her lol
>Lucy and Burnice don't work together
Ironic how most faction teams are actually ass despite being coworkers.
cope more dude
the chinks on bilibili has already decided
What's this meme that's constantly flung around? Isn't it literally only the M6 that doesn't work?
I was skeptical when I just got her, but it turns out simplistic playstyle are actually quite enjoyable.
Having more control over your action because she didn't do much fancy stuff felt pretty great.
Cop faction has the most functional roster
Jane and Seth
Zhu and Qingyi
She reminds me of PSO2 Just Attacks, i like her a lot. I would also argue that she's currently high value because she's the sole standard fire DPS character.
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Bwos I drank 3 more of those oreo flavored coca colas and now I feel sick again.
You already have M6 Piper so it lessens the value of Caesar's banner and your team 1 already works fine without her.
Pull on Burnice's banner to build a disorder team with Piper and upgrade your Lucy to M6.
what the hell is that neck
>Nobody cares about lucia's kit being leaked
redpill me on hyper jane vs anomaly jane
are people casually forgetting fire anomaly is ass compared to electric? we just need the anton replacement
Who do you want for 1.3?
Be honest and tell me why?
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v1.2 beta files
Everyone is afraid of replying to a schizo shitposter in disguise
Saving hype post for the next thread.
Because we all know it's made up nigga, it doesn't matter that it came from discord instead of here
>Daze dmg at the lvl of a stunner
>1K buff attack with 100% uptime in most realistic cases when most characters have 2k atk
>3 patches into the game
Yikes, this game is worse than HSR.
>he'd rather play the same character for years and roll dupes to make the already simple mechanics straight up braindead than experiment with different playstyles
Honestly I just want Miyabi but I won't we won't get her in v1.3.
>The furries will give you an avatar after they die
It's over...
who is gonna be good with Burnice if not Jane
aren't fire, electric and ether the same crap but recolored
Seele doesn't exactly have a good track record so far with the game, they've gotten banners wrong multiple times.
but piper is just a worse Jane...
I only want Miyabi. for now.
That avatar is probably used for TV mode dialogues, no?
she is
Soldier 11
I can't say i'm interested in another physical DPS, and i prefer my nuns properly dressed.
Worse is putting it lightly Piper is garbage compared to Jane just doing random clicks
>We already have her animations, same with Lighter
where I wanna see em
>can clear anything with any character
Get better material
Hard choice tbdesu
I see, problem is if I do get Burnice, I don't know what my teams should be to get all 6 smiley faces. If I do
>Qingyi + Billy + Nicole
>Burnice + Piper + Lucy
I'd have to bench S11, and if I do
>Qingyi + S11 + Lucy
>Burnice + Piper + Billy
Billy just sits there doing jack shit and the other two gets no support buffs
Ellen and Soukaku are clunky so I benched my ice team altogether. Might pick them back up since they're not really weak or anything
im retarded and forgot what i asked
i didnt realize i wrote "if not jane"
>no wolf nigga icon
So we'll still be in outer ring in 1.3?
Piper is missing Caesar to make her complete.
With Ceaser it actually becomes more simple to play Piper than to play Jane who needs to dodge occasionally.

Burnice for Jane.
Caesar for Piper.
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I love her.

Wolf is the traitor and we already got Lycaon anyways
sounds yummy bwo
true I never care about leak kits, or kits in general. I just look up if other people say she is good or bad. way too much text for me to read bwo
Kill yourself shiptroon
I fall into categories two and three and therefore will be pulling burnice.
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It's over for you.
Just before the next thread, I want you to know I didn't overlook the faggotry you're spitting right now.
You got time to save...
I won't give a shit until they reveal her uncensored design in all it's massive exposed breast glory.
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That post was about game mechanics, retard.
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