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Older Marks Never Ever Edition

>Latest patch (Hotfix 2.1)


>Where to get the game:

>Lore Stuff:

>For jolly cooperation with your battle brothers (Can also post codes for jolly coop/PvP. Edit Squad -> Invite Menu):

>Fix if having issues with matchmaking (also try exiting back to main menu and re-enter your battle barge):

Previous Thread: >>494821159
which chapter is known for being the best rapists?
>every Heavy I see are Imperial Fists, Salamanders or Iron Warriors
KWAB class
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Is there a collection of dataslates transcripts yet?
>Mk. 2, 3 and 5 never ever
Marines Malevolent
I don't see any heavies.
SW singlehandedly forced the TS to make a deal with bird man to save themselves
Probably a Blood Angels successor like the Fleshtearers or Blood Drinkers.
Afaik only the ingame one.
The Emperor's Children canonically gangraped the fuck out of a group of Sororitas and it's the only known time that an SoB group turned to Chaos.
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Only primaris here.
do we have a 4chan color pattern/chapter yet?

I don't know what to paint my guy
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Average Slaaneshi interaction.
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>go to other team's spawn
>no rally point established announcement
>spawn kill them a dozen times
If you aren't Green and Purple, are you really the Imperial Hero?
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What's the best lore-friendly design for Space Wolf sniper's right pauldron?

Also, Carachodrons actually should have a shark-face helmet.
Even with this argument of primaris sm1 only had 7,6, parts of 4
Emperor's Children literally

>sow seeds of coom in a planet
>cultists turn to excesses, including cooming
>EC shows up in the planet
>starts raping the populace
>they can make Space Marines from raping females
>they have a company dedicated to cooming
>they specifically love Sororitas and other high ranking females like nobles and Inquisitors
Wouldn't surprise me if we get 6 and 7 some day but the older ones have no chance
>sm1 only had 3x better customization
oh ok then
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oh god I just realized, the show will probably be Titus on his new assignment after the events of this game and he will be back with the 2nd company for game 3
>a group of Sororitas
It was an entire convent

The gooning and moans of all the Sororitas being raped shadowed the entire planet from the Astronomican

They also gave live birth to daemons
are we gonna get shit like assault bolters, pyreblasters, boltstorm gauntlets, auto cannons, or what?
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We need this but with Genestealers.
Imagine her moaning to that thicc genestealer tongue
Is it me or is red health badly designed in this game?
The white health portion fade away super quickly and you barely get any back from attacking, either with ranged or melee
The result is a weird over-reliance on armor and a squad of 3 dudes addicted to stims, when they're not all melta-cheesing
just dont get hit
The fuck is this shit tier aislop art?
green helmet
white armour
red arms
is GW really so blatant with these things? I thought they just ignored such things and left it all to the imagination
The rape thing was back in the 90s so it may not be canon anymore

With Slaanesh they've distanced themselves from the coom part and gave them bras a decade ago
Yeah but it's hard

Me typing "space marine with question mark above his head" on bing so I can have a picture to attach to my post
mod for prologue bolters and chainsword when
i hate the new primaris bolters fucking megablox looking toy guns
>Carachodrons actually should have a shark-face helmet.
angry marines
Don't use imagebots, there's plenty of space marines artworks out there.
Right up there with the Space Wolves and their wolf shaped helmets and their wolf naming scheme for literally everything.
It's not badly designed, it just needs a little tweaking. Stuff is hard to get right. It rewards aggression, which is good.
The only shark helmet I'll condone is a toothy grin painted on a beaky helmet.
I'm a fan of a bit in an Ian Watson book where some EC threw psychedelic grenades into a building and then fucked everyone with Chaos Spawn that were attached to them at the pelvis
It's meant to encourage sticking in a fight after taking a hit rather than immediately rollspamming away like a dweeb, but unfortunately it gets completely fucking ruined by ranged mobs breaking up your melee combat flow.
>take a big hit from an orange attack, go to hit the warrior that just hit you
>a sniper nid is lining up a shot, so you have to roll
>contested health: evaporated
just don't get chipped by swarms of ranged enemies or melee fodder. focus on shutting down ranged enemies if they're firing on you and don't just swing madly into hordes of fodder if you're surrounded. use dem parries and grenades
Going from solo ruthless relic melta user to substantial master crafted default bolter.. how do i stay alive? How do i get back my health?

Those are not good either.
Need prints from these quotes, I can't imagine someone seriously writing these
honestly the basic balance is fine, the campaign gets very easy even using the "underpowered" bolters as you get the hang of the mechanics like almost any shooter where you get to refund your health by being aggressive

Operations is going to be wonky just by virtue of being a gamemode balanced around grindy progression and gearscore
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You need to work on your slop-generating skills.
Why did they have to make all the upgraded armor pieces so ultramarines centric
like fuck, make some for at least a couple of the major chapters
uhhhhhhh ur space bro appears to be burnt???
It doesn't even have to be a ranged nid
>try to fight a warrior
>second warrior joins in
>try to parry the first
>can't because the second is winding up a red attack
>meanwhile chaff swarms you
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The one I referenced is out of the book Chaos Child and was published in the mid 90's, so who knows if it's still relevant
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No, they are just black.
iron hands or space wolves?
i know nothing about warhammer
iron hands look like cool calculating emotionless cyborgs while space wolves seem to appeal more to combat hungry bros
ive always been curious as to why their accents are all so different. If they are all Ultras wouldnt they come frmo the same recruiting world?
Unless they are from Cawls original batch from just after the heresey, in which case they would have likely been from multiple worlds from the crusade, which would def explain the widely differing accents.
>Play with my friend
>Literally impossible to get a third as a random for some reason
>go for a melta spray
>game automatically makes me perform a gun strike
>get hit by three other warriors while performing the gun strike
why the fuck does it not have iframes
Ah yes. The Iron Hands Legion. led by Ferrus Manus, which is Iron Hands. Who himself had Iron Hands. Who had the capital ship the Hand of Iron.
or the Space Wolves. Which append wolf to everything. Even though there are no wolves on Fenris.
Try to change host, my friend's spirit machine is cursed as well, I have to host or we'll be stuck with a bot
ultras recruit from multiple worlds, not just one
help me out nerd i think both sound cool
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>Even though there are no wolves on Fenris.
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Whats your optinion on the AdMech? And i dont just mean the martian ones.
that's just comical fap-bait
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How do people even take this faction seriously? It's like every other object and/or rank has 'wolf' in the name, like how Batman puts Bat infront of everything.
Ultramar is known for having "500 worlds in the system", and UM recruits from a majority of them. Word Bearers invoked self defense at Calth BECAUSE it was one of the crown jewels of Ultramar
He's saying you should choose between "The flesh is weak, emotions are a blight, purge as much as possible" and "VIKINGS WOLVES VIKINGS WOLVES VIKINGS WOLVES"
It's 90's 40k and it's amazing
i dont know what that is yet but terminator 2 is a good movie
both are cool fuck
still better than canis wolfborn
I remember people saying operations weren't randomized but I've definitely been running across different enemy placements and spawns
Which chapter/clan would you self-insert as? Assume you were naturally born and raised appropriately. Which one aligns with your personality/beliefs?
Brothers what las fusil is better, the one with more damage or more ammo?
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space yiffs... what the fuck
they are random, whoever said that doesnt know what theyre talking about
the flesh is weak
>How do people even take this faction seriously?
they don't. you lean into it.
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You ain't seen the half of it nigga
Several aspects are randomized, the people claiming it wasn't were talking severe shit.

>Heldrake level with the tombs where 2 out of 4 rooms are chosen at random
>Train level where 2 out of 4 charging stations are chosen at random
>Hive City level where the warhead loading sequence can either go flawlessly or requires constant permission resets at sites A, B or C and through terminals 1, 2 or 3 at each site
>Hive Tyrant mission where the number of bombs can vary anywhere between 2 to 5 (highest I've seen is 5)

That's off the top of my head.
man I used to think space wolves were cool
I mean still kind of do, a little bit, but I won't allow myself to associate with them
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woah straight out of WoW
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remember to denounce all space wolves as the furfags they are
I mean those arent that bad with being fucked up geneseed boyos but riding fucking giant wolves? really?
alright you convinced me, I've lost the last bit of respect I had for them
The position of the reset sites during the hive city level are also randomized
thanks you guys made me decide that flesh is weakness. iron hands it is
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old wolves
>heavy metal vikings that drink bear
neo wolves
post a lobby and carry my level 1 tactical in 2s or 3s plz dont worry my chainsword is maxed out
>drink bear
almost all the legions have a quick in the geneseed. unless they went traitor, then they just have other problems. Unless its Iron Warriors, they are just bitter. Or Alpha Legion, because who the FUCK knows whats going on with them.
Well you can't just have an evil god of hedonism and excess in your setting and just pussy out of describing it's followers doing some grisly shit.
Don't Space Marines in their armour weigh a fucking shitload? How strong are these wolves?
You can make up to 4 chapter skins, so just make both and flip between the two whenever you feel like
How the level is built is constant, but sub-objectives are random in that sometimes you have a straight shot, have to do X, Y instead of X, or have X, Y, and Z, item spawns are semi random in the "armory data, chapter relics, and geneseed spawn in one of a specific set of locations", and enemy spawns are mostly random
But anon, they aren't wolves. They're implied to be Astartes and Humans who mutated into wolves because of the genetic tampering
Qrd Iron Hands, I got curious
the viking larp is even more embarrassing than the furfaggotry they are now
>It was an entire convent
No it was not.
There is only 2 convents in the whole galaxy:
Prioris (on Terra).
Sanctorum (on Ophelia VII).
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>nooo, this is too over the top and fantastical!
Go back to plebbit, tertiaries.
>old wolves
bullshit, count the number of times wolves are drawn on that image alone
the helmet >>494888225 is from old models, everything bad about wolves is already in their second edition codex, the only thing missing is the wolf riders
Oi fuck you. Vikings are top 1% coolness everywhere all the time.
thunderwolves are not mutated humans
you have to be 18 to use this site
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>rectangle base
Thats from Rogue Trader tho, when spess mehreens were just regular dudes in power armor
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Didn't you get the memo? Vikings are cringe pagans now. Only le based tradpilled christian-themed stuff is allowed now.
Fucka yooooouuuu!
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>too over the top and fantastical!
not the issue
I have no problem with over the top fantasy stuff in my 40k
the issue is that space wolves are cringeworthy shit
how dare you
are iron hands marines born normally and trained to a point where they are worthy of cybernetic replacements or do they spawn fully grown like cucumbers or some shit
thunderwolves are mutated marines, other fenrisian wolves are mutated humans
>viking astartes riding a mutant wolf bad
>hell astartes riding a mutant hellhound good
Aren't you just an obnoxious little faggot.
Space wolves 41k
>cringe, retarded, furries
Space Wolves 30k
The HH books actually made me like them, but their modern incarnation are still unashamedly trash
Regular marine process, but they have closer ties to the AdMech than any other chapter.
A Haemonculus swung by Fenris and commented that it was "crude genetic manipulation in the same ballpark of what he did" for a lot of the wolves, and considering SW constantly run the risk of turning into Wulfen, it's entirely possible some fully turn into wolves
they replace more and more of themselves with cybernetics, they got even some highly sus shit going on
What's the problem there? Looks cool as fuck.
>inb4 too much wolf motif
Should be just dozen skulls like the other chapters, retard?
PvP matches are a pain in the ass. Getting teammates with an IQ above your average banana peel is a slim chance.
Did you knew that "Ferrus Manus" literally mean "steel hand" lol lol lol
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>unironically calling things "cringe" or furries for just having an animal motif
Just a reminder that you have to be 18 and white to post on this site.
dont forget Angron. He is very angry and leads the second angriest marines in the setting.
They all start as flesh meat then indoctrinate their aspirants and recruits to be more metal than flesh even though their Primarch resents cyborgs and prefers good old flesh humanity.
>>viking astartes riding a mutant wolf bad
>>hell astartes riding a mutant hellhound good
correct, because the first is done in terrible taste, out of the blue compared to the rest of their peers, and is a flanderisation forced out of a creative dead end.
Based and redpilled

Cringe and gay
you can't stop me, fed
Wrong, dumb mutt.
>HH books
Cringe and not canon
Greyknight fag here, are they a skin?
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>he thinks the rule books are "canon"
look at this fucking dumbass
yes? I think you can cobble it together, ive seen convincingly Grey Knight people in overations. i dont think they had the GK helmets tho.
Canon is the fluff that I say is canon. Anything else is fake and gay nulore.
I imagine you can get close, but there's no Grey Knight specific pieces since they're still all firstborn
The only canon is my headcanon and the only legitimate chapter is my own homebrew, the vaunted Adeptus Homosexualistis
You’re all gay furries to me.
t.Iron Hands chad
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Not really, but think you can get close enough. Need a blue-eyed helmets, though.
Iron hands is reddit nowadays simply due to the fact that "being le quirky autist ADHD" has become mainstream so get fucked all of you fake autist attentionwhoring sluts.
>How Space Wolves dare to have wolf symbol on them
Are you complaining too about the number of "U" Ultramairnes put on them ?
>I, a friendly lamenter, join your game
>8 zoanthropes spawn in simultaneously
Seethe faggot
the super smurfs get enough shit already, do you really think they need to get even MORE shit for their toilet seat of an emblem?
Yeah. I'm thinking Iron Hands is the best and most based chapter.
What kind of cretin actually picks Ultrasmurfs as their chapter? Genuinely alien mentality to be that boring and gay
they were never just regular dudes
they just weren't 7 foot tall
be glad there arent 2 Lamenters then. A second would add a few raveners, and a lictor for good measure.
it's not a mutant hellhound, it's a machine with a daemon's spirit bound to it
And here you go, projecting once again.
the iron hands primarch was the biggest jobber. he gave head to fulgrim of all people.
space wolves fucking suck. they are vikings in space in a furry phase. i´ve read a bunch of 40k novels and have not read about a single interesting or likeable space wolves. they are just ignorant in a non fun way.
if its tabletop you pick based on the unique rules most of the time. I havent looked at 40k recently but there is always a reason someone picks the specific carmy beyond the colorscheme.
or you are new and the guy at the GW store recommended them.
Leadbelcher is a DLC colour but you don't have pauldrons with the Liber Daemonica much less blue visors

Seriously fuck these devs for not adding a Day 1 patch for changing the visor colours
>ignorant in a non fun way
this is like half of all fictional vikings. skyrim ended with me having developed a profound and strongly held dislike of nords
>>How Space Wolves dare to have wolf symbol on them
I'm simply not going to pretend slapping the word wolf, or the image of a wolf, dozens of times per marine makes for a good faction.
>iron hands main paint but with gold tertiary on shoulders, chest, backpack and shield for bulwark
It looks so good but it's a bit meh to play a non canon fake chapter?
The grind to upgrade guns is stupidly long.

>have to go back to average just to relevel another primary

What a stupid boring senseless system
nords literally fit every single stereotype stormies hold about black people but they happen to be white
>We're standing right next to a partition room or elevator that would cut them off
>nah we fight lol
>We all die because we're cornered and 20 ranged Elites show up + a Ravener
They aren't "non-canon", they're /yourdudes/
Thats what cheat engine is for
no, the entire point of the setting is to homebrew your own dudes
Elaborate? Because damn it looks good.
They seriously thought they had a banger gameplay system on their hands that people would grind for countless hours to unlock some weapons
i got actually angry at a fictional character in the thousands sons novel where the space wolf shaman pretends that his psyker abilities have nothing to do with the warp because he uses rune magic akshually + riding on a high horse because of it.
and around 90% of space wolves are just le leroy jenkins xddd
i´m surprised that i forgot how much i hate these yiffers
>The grind to upgrade guns is stupidly long.
PvP is much longer

Las Fusil and Plasma Cannon at level 24 and 25
clearly they do if you're wanting to continue playing
At this point, what chapters aren't redditt or cringe? Because it seems like you faggotts have striken out all all the main ones and many of the secondaries. Its fucking pathetic how desperate some of you are for balidation.
I don't think that's it, I'd imagine they just made the grind insanely long because every game HAS to be live service and last forever or they don't let you make it.
The trick is to get carried through Ruthless by a Tactical. Too bad no one will do that for me while I continue carrying people left and right.
Making your own custom chapters is an important part of the hobby and the lore accounts for more chapters existing than being mentioned in "canon" lore to give players all the freedom to make their own dudes
Post code
They're your dudes, enjoy the custom chapter that is an unknown founding chapter of Iron Hands descent. Anyone who disagrees doesn't understand the joy of personal customization
I said it once, I'll say it again.
>Ultramarines, Blood Ravens, Space Wolves
these are the only cringe chapters, everything else is fair game
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>TTS memeniggers and blacked templar culture police autists complaining about a chapter they haven't really familiarized themselves with
Oh cool. So my dudes could just be like an Iron Hands offshoot that think cybernetics are fucking cool and they like to add some gold swag? Or should I call them something else?
Most of the players here that I've joined are literally Melta Tacticals that someone will change class in the lobby
I wasn't aware you had been selected as final arbiter
Rank the classes for PVE
Kino alert
If you were to build models for them and play them on the tabletop you should at least give them a unique name but I don't think that will be necessary for a color scheme in a videogame
Sniper = Tactical > Heavy = Vanguard > Bulwark > Rogal Dorn's feces > Assault
Alright. For now they will be the Iron Niggas until I give it a minute to think of something better.
more than any of the canon stuff GW makes, the whole of the game is about /yourdudes/. Make 'em and sya they are an Iron Hands successor. done and done and nobody can say they arent.
you wont get much joy out of posting here if you treat this board as a monolith. every anon has at least one legion they hate, so you´ll surely get negative replies if you mention one.

god i fucking hate the space wolves. fucking retard legion.
>what chapters aren't redditt or cringe?
dark angels, white scars, (to an extent) blood angels and other chapters that got founded later, like the minotaurs for example.
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Lean into it, give them flair. Dig deep into what makes them special
>dark angels aren't reddit or cringe
dark angels are /r/lgbt representation
good song, absolute shit quality
>like the minotaurs for example.
i fucking hate the minotaurs. high lord lackeys. REALLY interesting concept tho, also played a few operations with a dude that was one. Was a pretty good bulwark.
Bulwark's Banner really needs to restore armor at a faster base rate. It is so fucking comically slow.
>Iron Niggas
extremely based
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Which weapon has your favorite executions? For me it's a toss up between the hammer and fist. Grabbing a leaper out of the air and just slamming the hammer on them is so good. But also the massive punches you can give with the fist are good too
for context, my fav legion overall are the iron warriors.
minotaurs are an iron warriors successor
Rank the classes for PVP
I really like the one Chainsword has where he lifts the Warrior above him with the chainsword going full blast in the torso of the thing
and Cawl didn't use any traitor geneseed in his primaris. Nope. not at all.
Luv me some Alpha Legion, best loyalist chapter there is.
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the steppes of Chogoris are calling you brother..
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>space wolves, salamanders and lamenters
>dark angels, blood angels and loyalists from traitor geneseeds
>white scars, raven guard and iron hands
>imperial fists, crimson fists and minotaurs
>ultramarines, black templars and blood ravens
either utter newfaggotry or absolute kino, no in-between
nobody asked you, blacked templartranny
>Iron Hands
What is iron compared to the hand who wields it?
the Rubric executions are all ass and really boring. The good ones are the Tyranids and I gotta say the one I like the most is actually the combat knife.
Someone least thread said to play Assault if I wanted an increased perfect dodge window, but don't see anything like that in the perk tree.
i consistently top score and win as bulwark and im only countered by assault hammerbitches
I have the best taste, so yeah.
blood angels are the only based chapter
the iron hand is wielding the iron thoughalbeit

Assault > Vanguard > Heavy > Bulwark=Sniper >Tactical
It's a passive integrated into your main ability, hover over it in the class perks
>Hasn't tried Sniper with the SMG

Assault is also much better in PvP in the hands of someone smart. i.e. use the jump-pack to abuse absolute cancerous sightlines like the giant tree on the military base map and shoot fuckers below.
I've lost every Ruthless and Substantial mission when there's an Assault around

All the Vanguards have Meltas and they don't run carbines

Even the noob Bulwarks who can't melee and place the flag right are still tanky enough to be useful as a meatshield

Assault is just bad, they need Stormbolters or dual melee weapons
>nobody asked
one of the irrelevants, I see
Sorry but vanguard does everything assault does better
wtf they're my homebrew too
>Sniper bad in pvp
lol, lmao
>main vanguard
>often top score in either mode
>feel like im playing doom eternal
>all this praise
i made the right choice
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>my tastes
Amazing, perfection, mature.
>your tastes
Cringe diarrhea, subject to school bullying..
snipers are consistently the bottom of the score board yes
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This shit literally does not work, correct? When moving between the +1 damage las fusil and back to the ammo one, I have a noticeable difference in breakpoints. Many buffs you can get display under your healthbar when active. This one never does. This buff being active is literally critical to the +ammo las fusil getting a one tap from cloak, and it just does not fucking work. What the fuck.
Assault's problem is not enough space clearing to do its thing.

It needs something akin to Sniper's frighten perk where decloaking scares enemies for a few seconds, but for jumping into a crowd.
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Picrel is me
i think the thunderhammer is a trap for assault in PvE. Its just inferior to the chainsword until it levels up, but you cant level up the thunderhammer unless you play assault. At least the chainsword can be leveled with Tactical and Vanguard.
also Saber should add damage reduction when jumping, unless its already there as a talent.
Yes they are

The shots don't land where you aim them due to bad ping and lag

They only become effective when they reach level 8 with the bolt carbine
try flanking more, faggot
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Snipers who use sniper rifles are the bottom of the scoreboard, yes.
What chapter would the Doomguy or Doomslayer be in? Regardless of colors.
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there are over a thousand chapters in the galaxy, all of them are descended from the first founding ones, so you've got plenty of leeway to have a custom successor chapter of the iron hands that's just them with some arbitrary difference, be it big or small
I like the Tzaangor one where you grab his leg mid-air and slice him in half with your chainsword
The feeling is mutual and (at least for me) its because they're just not visceral. Tyranid ones are fun because you're ripping off their claws and stabbing them with it or cutting them in half in a rain of blood and gore, while TSons ones are just sparkle-fests save for the cultists, blue gors, and sorcerer.
I must be blind but I don't see which of Tact's bolters is the one with grenade launcher
Ultramarines literally has Doomguy
thammer is still bad at max level. Its perks and buffed stats don't really change it being a slow piece of shit that doesn't do enough damage.

I can spam the basic heavy attack and gunstrikes with chainsword on ruthless and gain life. Thammer's sprint attack is way too slow for that shit.
What use is a sniper class player in pve?
They seem to have no utility, only selfish gains, and stealth only lets you sometimes pick out one enemy slightly easier thsn normal?
Bolt Rifle, top right upgrade starting from green onward.
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taking pre registrations for the new ultima founding the beaky blinders only corvus mk 6 helmet chads allowed
Sadly, not yet
>Horde happens
>You're stuck dealing with the infinite swarms of endless gaunts with adrenal glands
>I pop my ability and shoot the actually dangerous enemies unimpeded such as ranged Nid Warriors or Zoanthropes
>Which in turn thins the horde from the hivemind blowback and you stop being gangfucked by ranged attacks
>reddit beakiefag
it's terminal, there's no hope for you
I don't get the appeal of the Bolt Rifle w/ Grenade Launcher. It seems to do fucking nothing, literally takes two grenades to kill the smallest enemies and the blast is pitiful.
>pull out my bolter
>snipe the ranged dudes
>i now did your job in 2 seconds and im 700% more effective against the other enemies
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This. Pic related.
when 25 you can main grenades
Pick up a las fusil and delete big targets
Once you get the endgame perks you can spam AOE down the chaffs because you dont lose ammo on a multi-kill
It's actually gigastrong




In general PVP is balanced too heavily in favour of shooting. Trying to melee just gets you killed any time it's not A 1v1 ambush situation. Melee should be high risk high reward, but right now it's just basically a pure handicap over shooting.

>my favourite class
Sniper with bolt carbine >:3
when you can sit next to an ammo box and spam nades forever you can clear the chaff and keep majoris enemies stunned. This leaves your teammates free to do their own thing. its not always about whats efficient for just you.
cato is mogged by caedo
Only good SW are Bjorn and Ulfar from Rogue Trader.
>pull out my bolter
>snipe the ranged dudes
>>i now did your job in 2 seconds
I guess in the fantastical world of your imagination you're killing 5+ ranged Nid Warriors on Ruthless solo without pissing away all the ammo on your Bolter, and apparently in 2 seconds. My Las Fusil with maximum damage boosts puts them into Execution state in two headshots.
>I can spam the basic heavy attack and gunstrikes with chainsword on ruthless and gain life
Setting up free finishers on bigger units for your teammates on the frontlines swinging at everything and doing a lot of boss damage.
Black Templars are the only chapter I would genuinely, truly call cringe to someone's face. Never once met a BT player who wasn't a complete fag.
>Ulfar from Rogue Trader.
Think the Ulfar from the prologue is the same guy? Given the interactions with Xenos you have in RT, it wouldnt be impossible that Ulfar was sent to the deathwatch.
Bulwark > Heavy > Tactical > Vanguard > Bolt Carbine Sniper > Assault > Bolt sniper Sniper

I've seen really good Assaults though, like 4000+ points in Capture and Control/Seize Ground and consistently going 15+ kills and no less than 5 deaths in Annihilation

Too many noobs on the Heavy side, probably just playing for cosmetics but all the top scorers are Heavies and Bulwarks
So it's you fucking retards doing this. Oh man I sure do enjoy being stagger locked relentlessly while I have my ass eaten by ranged enemies. Fuck you.
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Because the basic heavy attack with no combo sets up small enemies for gunstrikes while recovering white health at a higher rate from the weapon perks.
Unironically skill issue. Use height and ledges to your advantage, ping enemies, lob grenades from seemingly nowhere and for the love of god
>use the forward boost
>use the levitation boost
Don't just go 'up'
The voice actor said it wasn't.
This is what Slaanesh should be.
He's turned into a mere sex god when really he should be this sinister, ominous, oppressive yet subversive entity that, like a horror film, entices you to battle just to consume you in the process.

He's not a transvestite dominatrix ay. That's dumb.
It's beyond mere indulgence in sexual ecstacy or indulgence in general. It's more like a disease that infects those that indulge. A curse.

It's more like Silent Hill, entices to merely devour and will make you inflict painful torment to yourself in the process and make you believe that it's what you deserve.
He's the subversive conditioner and manipulator.
ok then dont use it and fuck off turbo nigger
Literally the opposite. Slaanesh was the sex god, now he's the god of ugly hermaphrodite anti-sex monsters.
>This is what Slaanesh should be
nobody asked, fuck off
Hey retard, it's not me staggering myself with grenades from the fucking Bolt Rifle. There might not be friendly fire, but explosives from allies stagger you and make you unable to move, roll or parry. Again, fuck you, you fucking retard. Stop spamming them at me or anybody else, you are not helping.
Salamanders are the best but all chapters are good in their own way. It's about preference.
We all hate knife ears after all, does that not make us brothers?
Oh. The hammer seems to do the same for me every time I do the running attack. I just never looked at the chainsword because starting another weapon from white sounds terrible.
>explosives stagger you
no they don't, you're just dogshit at this game and looking for somebody to blame lmao
It does. Running/dodge attacks and heavy attacks will set up small enemies for gunstrikes. The hammer is just super fucking slow at doing it.
Yes they do you fucking faggot.
So after Dark Angels who are we getting? Blood Angels?
uh oh somebody's getting mad that he doesn't have an excuse for being terrible at the game~
>whines about a god of excess not being his headcanon
>posts official canon major champion of the said god and says that this is what the god should be
Are you unironically retarded?

Nah. I can do well with the class, but it's still shit. An Space Marine 1 I mained this class all day erry day.

Problem is in SM2 it's all or nothing. If you get the jump on an enemy you can kill them easily, sure, but if they have even half a second to start shooting first, you're dead.
Caedo, more like GAYdo
Yesterday I was playing heavy with a sniper and a bulwark with abysmal ping (guy would teleport lol) from here.
Sniper clutched hard so fucking a good two or three times often. Even busting out the multimelta for the second half of Inferno he outperformed in range damage. Amazing lad.
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>Slaanesh was the sex god,
Bullshit he was, that's a new thing, clearly.
He's even got trans colours now, which is fucking stupid.

He should be more primal than mere sex. More like dream twister where they tap into deep seated fears in order to break you.
they don't, day 1 my buddies and I tested if there was friendly fire or any sort of effect from weapons and nades and nothing happens even if you stand directly on a friendly nade
you're coping lmao
>Slaanesh "god of excess"
>doesn't engage in gooning to jailbait
Nurgle it is
Nah. None of Ulfar's endings mention the Deathwatch and he HATED the Inquisition, especially by the end of the game. He likely lived through the months of shame as well, way he talks about it if you can get the dialogue.
so it comes down to sniper and heavy being the overall top choices
who wins?
The one you enjoy playing
That's why I came to a general, kek.

>complaining about head canon
>in a franchise that is literally built upon head canon time and time again until it becomes real canon

The fun part of warhammer is working out how things should be in warhammer. Using your imagination to understand the universe of it.
Because it's forever in a spiral of communication breakdown.
ah so maybe just an easter egg with the name i guess.
nope, warhammer isn't about you trying to insist your incorrect interpretation of something is canon
it's about you inventing stories and characters that exist within the defined setting
Is the Power Fist good at anything the other two don't do?
Yes they do, I've played with enough shitters to know I get staggered by allied explosives excluding shocks.
you're getting staggered by enemy melee because you're shit at the game
sorry babe
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>that's a new thing, clearly.
The fem boob and man breast assymetrical design is literally from the very first art depicting her, stinky tertiary.
Everybody who argues about canon in 40k then immediately goes on to cite stuff from Black Library novels as their sources. It's hilarious irony, because those books are nothing more than fanfiction.

If you want to argue about 40k having concrete canon, then you must concede only the rulebooks/codexes are valid sources of information.
daemonettes used to have tits, and thighs, and asses

now they are men with one boob

I am correct, fuck you
nurgle's icon is literally a penis in this, must be unofficial art
yes, I only consider codices to be canon
>all nid missions
pure fun
>all chaos missions
pure cbt
>Enemies exploding around you in a puff of smoke and a loud bang and you get staggered during? Actually you're getting meleed
Shut the fuck up
Based, carry on then guardsman
What is the Khorne equivalent to Imperials?
>Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!
feels a lot like SM1, fighting the orks was fun, fighting chaos wasnt as fun.
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-Imperial Administratum has granted access to records of all Astartes CODENAME: ADEPTUS RETARDES operating in Decidious System.
Operations across all planets continue to take place in order to quell invasions.

>All Astartes present in Decidious System accounted for.
>All First Founder Chapters accounted for.
>Total Heretic Astartes presence has been reduced from 7.5% to 6.5%.
>Purge of unidentified Bioform above vessel has been successful
>Previous attempt to scrub data stores of intrusive virus failed. Newest scrub successful, all logs of FILE CORRUPTED removed.

-Priority Command from Watch Master Astoren Korr stands: All Deathwatch members ordered to bring Heraldry and Armor trim up to Imperial Standard.

((To add a Dude, take a picture from the Preview menu with your Dude front facing and state his Chapter. Try to only post your main Dude. Your Dude's level of bling is irrelevant. If you want to update your Dude, make it clear which one is being updated.))

Glory to the Imperium.
Yeah nearly everything in the chaos roster is total ass to fight against
If they add more missions I hope they lean more into nids than chaos
whats the best bolter for tactical in your opinion
There's no reason to play any PvP mode except Annihilation, is there?
i will make a chapter of jesters where every piece of armor is a random paint and theyre all happy funny dudes that crack jokes and bantz all the time
whichever one you like, aside from the SMG one. With bolters you REALLY need to land those headshots tho.
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Is this cap?
Capture and Hold is the best PvP mode in my opinion
Haellraiser elves do it pretty well. Better than the actual daemons honestly.
We have such sights to show you.
You earn more points in Seize Ground and Capture & Control

Annihilation is only good if you don't experience horrendous lag
>and women
>still using lag as an excuse
skill issue
you squished multiple dudes, distorting their proportions

I have lost all faith in you, dude wall poster
Stealth allowes easy revives and objectives.
Las fusil is the strongest single target weapon in the game and an absolute godsend against Rubrics.
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Stalker, Carbine Marksman Variant, Bolt Rifle Grenade Launcher Variant are all very good.
Heavy is meh, and Auto is trash.
It's a solid speech but I really wish Cadians would fuck off.
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No before that even. It was just like this presence of evil.
Though back then people didn't know shit about it and that was just the impression I got.

I never saw sexy daemonettes like they are now on tabletops.
Then again, maybe I was just young.
I just feel like the mere ecstacy aspect is limiting and makes it cheesy. Warhammer should be more horrifying. BDSM femboy god is cheesy. Subversive eldritch horror that steals your soul the moment you see it and enter it's domain is not, that's more like a curse.

Look it's just an opinion. Just ignore it if you don't like it.
But I think that's where it should aim now because they look really stupid. They don't terrify me, they just amuse me with their appearance atm.
TDM is for braindead 13 year olds only
nobody asked, unfortunately.
If they want people to stop using the Melta or Multi-Melta, then every other gun needs to become way better at elite killing.

The Melta should be a fantastic horde decimating weapon, but ass at killing elites. So now there's incentive to have a balanced loadout. Someone should be plapping warrior skulls while Tard McVanguard gets to rack up his ADHD numbers.
Other way around. The Melta is a tank killer. It should be killing elites and shit at everything else
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Yeah ok, but I still got that impression because mere sex god is kinda lame and people just assume "there's more to it".

And I'll bet there is.
People just haven't realised it.
Slaanesh should be about enticement to self torment as a way he manipulates beings.
Melta is never going to be lore accurate because you're not fighting tanks in this game.
Not in this game, it's a shotgun.
Which ones are squashed? Some might look strange from the overview but if you zoom in on the pic there's only one standout to me that's a little messed up.

As mentioned previously, when people take pictures with their dudes standing at odd angles it makes it extremely difficult to size them accurately, especially considering Heavy and Bulwark in particular are already different sizes than the other characters.
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>>Purge of unidentified Bioform above vessel has been successful
Ĭ̶̜͓̒́̈́̆̂̐̈́̾͐̾̈́̿̃̚͠͠'̸̧̧̛͕̙̹̥̣͉̰̬͍̞̩̜̃̓̐̋̿͋͗̎m̸̡̥̣̼̘͇͕͖̝͙̊̍̓͂̋̊͆̇͑̓͘̕͠ ̶̨̡̘͑̊̓̄̊ͅģ̴̟̳͍͈͕̣̥̤̒̎̋̈͒̓͊͑͂̾̿͘ͅͅo̴̬̪͉͎̦̤͍̍͊͋̄̏͐ͅi̴̢̭̯̘̠̭̜̭̟̩̹̋n̵̢̛̜̹͔̙̦̟̺̖̘̞̬͉̈́̈̓̇͒͂̚ģ̶̯̯͓̝̭͕̻̻̹͎̓̽́̈́̎̊̓̉͂̌̓͑̿͠ͅ ̵̧̠̱̳͓̩̞͔̳̰͎͍̺̩͈͒͐͐́͘̕ͅt̷̨̡̤͇͔͙̺̼͙̠̤̞͖́̄̀̊̀̇̄̆͗̀̑͋̿͝ő̴̧̼̳̟͙̘̹̞̖͓̜̞̺̠͚̌̏̎͌̏̒͆̏̇͒̏́͠͠ ̴̨̧̨͉͈̦͈̙̙̰̘͈̿͜s̴̡̡̡̠̥̠̰̭͕̼͇̦̞̮͎̥͑͐̓̍͑̊́̆̉̉̌͋̓̚͝͝͝ͅẹ̴̮̩̺̖͇̤̘̭̗̖̐̉̀͑̑͆̔́̾̚͜ṉ̵̡̧̭̰̠̣̜̰͓̂͆̈̐d̶̨̟͚͓͖͚̰͉̫͔͇̬̱͖͖͔̒͐̎͊̎̔̀̓̓̈́̈́̋̓̕̚͝ ̵̛̥̝̫͙̞̞̳͈̠̩̙͑́̂͛̊̏̌́̕͜l̴̨̙̮̝͔̬̩̱̥͉͂͗͛̄̓̓͆͗̒̎͊̓̀͠͝i̵̮̬̮͒̂͂͌̑̿̋̋̈́̕͘c̸̳̙̦̺̣͇̦͉͇͍͓͈̼̙̥͍͚͊̈́̐̾͋̆̂͐̓̚̚͝t̸̡̻̤̫̫̙̥̪̘̙͚̍̂̈́̏̈́̓̾̓̒̑̂̐͠͠͠ͅò̶̙̫̫̼̥̳͉̜͑̍͒̋̈́͛͛̐̈̌̈́͋̕͜͝ͅr̴͇̰̒̽̄̈́̈s̵̜̟̠̰̣̘̰͚̭͂̋̊̈ͅ ̶̼͈̙̈̊͒̓̔̏͗̋̀͛̈́̋̕ţ̶̗̓͗̃̾͐̍̈́̈̆́̽͝o̵͖̍͒̓̔̐ ̶̡̟̫̰̟͙̠̥͕̼̗͉͑̎̋̈́͛̂̋͝͝ÿ̸̢̜͈̫̼͚͙͓͙̺̹̠́̾́̏̂͝ỡ̷͓̪̞̺̝̰̏̽̾͒u̴͈̜͍̦̰̜̬͕͍̔̀͊́̉̓̋̈́̈̀̀́ͅṙ̸̮̯̳̖̹̬̪̣͇̝̺̹̯̼̪͔̓̐̎̆ ̷̢̛͐̿̇͒̑͗͗̒͌͛̏͠͝͝b̴̧͕͚̬̺̤͚̳̪̘͙̼̭̻͔̿̋̊̈̏͆̍̾͌͗́͜͠͠͝ä̴̛̱͚̠̦́͂̈́͐̍̈́̏͐̍͗̚͠t̶͖͈͕̘̖̪̩̼̞̼͎̬͙̬̮̿͆͋̄̌̇̆͂̂̏͛̑̐̚͝͝ͅt̴̢̨̝̞̜͎͔̙̙̰͒́̔͛̀͐͛̀̂̇̈́͑͆̎̓͜͠l̷̛̠͔̣̝̯̖̼̃̽͋ͅe̵̡̖͕̟̮̦̤͇̱͓̹̫̟̺̋͋̆͑̈́̈́́̔̽̄̈̂̈̇̿̈͜͠ ̸̪͍͙͕̝͔̖̮̝̙̎̀b̷̫̮̤͙͓͈̼̫͖̱͇̘̠̉͗͜͜á̴̧̟̼̰̥̩̳̱̯̍̽̌̌̄̋̂͐̂̀͘͝͝͝r̸̩̤̫̹͇̗̼͚̹͂̉g̴̢͚̟͕̞͉͉̯͒̓͑́͒̿͌ͅͅe̴̡̛͚̦͚͉̯͚̼̺̝͚̣̣̔̌̋͒͂̏̆̋̂͂̑̏̃̕̚

Yeah but in Annihilation you can kill 2 people and die and progress towards victory. In either of those, which is far easier than trying to wrangle your team
A lot of people just see Slaanesh as the surface level "Drugs, Sex, and Rock n roll" and not the "These guys are so burnt out on dopamine and serotonin that they rival Dark Eldar in terms of debauchery in order to get even the remotest of emotions and use sonic weaponry because turning people into mist and inhaling it feels good". Granted, 3rd edition Daemonettes had both titties out, but I will concede that 2nd edition Daemonettes looked like female Nosferatu
Blood for the Blood God
I will die for the Heavy Bolt Rifle, but I understand the usefulness of the Bolter with a grenade launcher after using the one in the purple tier even if I don't personally enjoy how it feels. Headshots are almost required though because damage output is terrible in Operations
Outside of Space Marine 1/2, Meltas are firing beams and not working as a shotgun. They're almost exclusively used for punching through thick armor
play assault and win seize ground for free entirely on your own
Do Primaris use the houndskull/bird head helmets?
its not some tribalistic hate against melta, its not about making people stop using it. we just want it balanced. currently its good/exceptional vs everything while offering the best survivability. its just flat out busted.
Here to give you your daily Medicae.
praying that if sm2 has any community longevity that it doesn't end up like helldivers. worst community I've ever seen in my life. below abysmal
Only Alpha legion should be able to friendly fire.
Yes. Raven Guard has a huge hard on for the beaky helmet.
My thanks, Brother Apothecary.
SM2 will be dead in a week or two. The game is fun but there's nothing to grind for.
My gratitude, brother apothecary
What’s the Chapter with the most retarded colour scheme? It has to be Legion of the Damned right? They look like one of those flame shirts kids would wear in the late 90s/early 2000s lol
>doomposter so BTFO by the patch they gotta go in a different general to talk trash without prompting
>A lot of people just see Slaanesh as the surface level "Drugs, Sex, and Rock n roll" and not the "These guys are so burnt out on dopamine and serotonin that they rival Dark Eldar in terms of debauchery in order to get even the remotest of emotions and use sonic weaponry because turning people into mist and inhaling it feels good".
They shouldn't even be that though.
Seduction is just one aspect. Horror is another to reinforce the cycle of abuse. That's why Slaanesh should be more fear and horror orientated, but with a fair amount of evil seduction and the exploitation of ecstasy to reinforce the target's spiral of self torment. Then the self torment you be vectored towards Slaanesh's enemies and an outlet or an escape from the torment (only to torment the being more). It's about establishing stockholm syndrome in the most grotesque fashion and making people crave their own self destruction and crave being at the mercy of their fears and torments, while convincing them, through twisted logic and warped delusion, that it's the correct thing to do.

Because it epitomises cults that have become so programmed by their cult regime that they cause nothing but destruction to others around them while also trying to press and indoctrinate those around them.
That's what I think it should be.
Zoomoids will be the end of gaming. Gameplay doesn't matter, it's all about unlocks and "muh grind"
Is that one batshit insane knife that has speed 6 and 14+ damage worth only being able to block.
Old school Death Eagles.
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in lore? sometimes
not in this game so far, but the devs have noticed the high demand for it
they'll probably sell it through a raven guard cosmetics DLC
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>cosmetics and actual character upgrades / power share the same resource
the old scheme of the minotaurs was terrible. turned from worst boys to best boys.
>Try to save Cadian squads
>90% of the time they die anyway
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>Literally all Tyranids need to do to win every time
They respawn endlessly which kind of kills the vibe.
>tfw no tyranid milkers to suck on
legion of the damned are a super special thing on par with grey knights, not really meant for an entire army

the chapters with the worst colours are imperial fists, iron hands and white scars
By the way, someone have a better chapter name than the "Dose Marines"?
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tl;dr: casuals
>developers want to make a weird hardcore co-op shooter with milsim elements, so individual players are weak, you need to strategize together to succeed, etc
>successful beyond their wildest dreams
>community now instead of the niche playerbase they were targeting is full of extremely loud casuals that complain about how hard max difficulty is and how they need to buff everything
>literally never shuts up about how nerfs are ruining the game even if a single nerf to a frontrunner weapon is paired with like 15 buffs to everything else
>even as the power level of the average player is FIRMLY higher than it was on launch people repeat that the game used to be so much fun before it was ruined by nerfs
>throw up their hands and cartoonishly buff every single weapon in the game to the point that max difficulty is pretty much a gimme if you know what you're doing
an analogue would be if they listened to the people bitching here and made it so every bolter in the game kills majoris in 2-3 headshots
white scars look great though
white and red is a winning combo in everything
Giga shit taster
>defending them nerfing everything a week before the next pass to incentivize sales of the next pass with un-nerfed weapons
The way I view Slaanesh is that going to further and further extremes in the type of "Everyone is special, but I'm more special and the old extreme is now not even a blip in terms of what you need to accept culturally" style delusions along with the typical "I've consumed, sold, and supported the use of so many drugs that I'm missing a significant amount of myself and those around me" type of degradation and escapism, along with the bog standard "I've consumed so much music/video games/books/movies that I'm unable to enjoy any of them because of how similar everything ends up feeling" type of hyperfixations. Genuinely think what you're able to enjoy is too nuanced for the average 40k writer or fan
the monetization of that game is dogshit in general but I don't see people complaining about that, nobody complains that they have to grind or cough up real money to get new guns in a 40$ game, just OOO MY RAILGUN OOOO
Is co-op still bricked when you are queuing with a single friend, or have they fixed that.
>giga shit taster
no that would be the imperial fists (canon)
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>every bolter in the game kills majoris in 2-3 headshots
They should do that. But then make every weapon have as much ammo as believably would fit in their magazines and reloading everything takes about 5 seconds, and you have to beat a QTE minigame sequence, if you fumble it, it takes even longer.
My appreciations, Brother Apothecary.
I don't disagree that casuals were exaggerating a lot of the balance decisions they made, especially early on with things like the railgun. But they really did just nerf everything until it wasn't very fun to play. The rest of the game wasn't balanced around relying on teammates with flawless coordination for every single fight. There wasn't enough ammo, and there wasn't enough viable weapons. The least annoying way to play the game became just avoiding everything and running between objectives to do them as quick as possible.
If you can't see how much of a degenerate playstyle that is then I'm sorry to say but you haven't touched a single milsim in your life, and don't know what you're talking about.
Alexus shut the fuck up and get back in your holding pen, I know Pilestedt hasn't let you out yet.
>bro vanguard can't have melta in PvP, that'd be insane!
>meanwhile, melta on tactical and heavy in PvP:
>lmao cool fire shower, now hold still while I plug you in the head while you do 0 damage to me, meltanerd
To be fair having entire warbonds where the weapons are just dogshit was retarded
>bro vanguard can't have melta in PvP, that'd be insane!
The people who say this haven't played PvP.
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I said lictor, not neurolictor, you're getting the manly kind of sexy bug.
These are not fun times for you, they're dark times.
pvp vanguard with melta would grapple into a whole team and screen wipe everything. this is why. the devs would be utterly retarded to put that back in
That would be true if red was predominant, unfortunately for white scars, it's not because they got cucked out of red by the blood angels.
blaming all of your woes on one guy is faggy in every game community people do it in
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>The least annoying way to play the game became just avoiding everything and running between objectives to do them as quick as possible.
Yes, and this was the actual problem. This is STILL true on higher difficulties, picking fights is a waste of time, it's just easier to fight them. they didn't fix the game's core issues, they put a band-aid over them at the behest of a bunch of screaming casuals.

Whenever I picked up the game again (as I don't really think it has a lot of longevity in general, it's a "once in awhile" game and always has been) I always wound up discovering that almost every weapon I toyed with has gotten some kind of buff. The community was genuinely mentally ill and obsessed with the concept that the game used to be fun and that nerfs ruined it when it felt like nearly the exact same game and player power had only gotten higher
nope, white with red minority is best, it's also why sanguinary priests look so good
sorry tastelet
Being an astropath seems fucking terrible.
nigger, please unlock the melta in PvP and try using it before sharing an opinion, it's trash
just do homebrew, all the chapter colors kinda suck
Holy kino
It's allowed when the one guy is a verified game assassin and had to be muzzled on social media because he can't stop telling everyone how they're wrong about disliking his endless nerfs.
being any sort of psyker is fucking terrible
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Finally have my guy in a state where I'm happy to show him off
ship navigator has it worse
>hey there, we're going to permanently blind you, and then also you have to literally plunge your whole mind and body into the warp
>you know, that place where daemons can detect you, and want to rape your soul?
>we need you to go there, repeatedly, to move our ship around, lmao
it's not, you can lock down anything with a doorway or other narrow passage. now imagine being able to grapple where other classes cant go and then using that advantage to grapple into an entire enemy group. screen wipe
Nigger, how does Vanguard get kills? Oh yeah, being in your face.

It's already worse because it's full of redditors and dad gamers who want everything to be piss easy because their wife only lets them play for 1 hour per week.

Don't get me wrong I think the game needs a few changes, it's not perfect, but I have never seen a community THIS retarded and whiny right from the word go. Helldivers was actually a very good community to start with, AH just threw the goodwill away by acting retarded.
I'm pretty sure everyone on the dev team except pilestadt or whatever (who has the literal job of being a dicksucking shill who agrees with everything the angry customers want) agreed with him because they wanted to make that game

nerfs to the strongest gear with absurdly high pickrate surrounded by gradual buffs to literally everything else btw
Bots are pure rape now. The game isn't easier, it's different.
They still look retarded with their gay flame decals on black armour
>Don't get me wrong I think the game needs a few changes,

Melee should be way stronger, at least on assault and vanguard. We need more missions. We need more variance in the missions. I would also like to know more about my team mates from the hud. Like is one of them carrying the gene seed for instance.

You would get 1 kill (if that) and die when the rest of the team shoot you all at once. It would be fine.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
post codes.
>You earn more points in Seize Ground and Capture & Control

Not you don't. I top the leaderboard most of the time and get as much XP, with the matches being twice as short
lol, try easing up on the trigger and you'll realize your guns can shoot a lot further than you realize
Vanguard feels like pure shit man
>gay flame decals
They're literally on fire, they're not like the salamanders.
>defending Hellsharters 2 dev decision making

Please kill yourself
If I were going to play a mid-range class I'd play fucking Tactical. You play Vanguard for close-range instant deletion and to hard-counter Bulwark and Heavy.
This game uses Easy Anti Cheat though?
Is there a single half&half chapter that looks good?
Holy newfag
'canon' chapters are like named characters and are for dweeb retards, they're YOURE DUDES for fuck sake
>I would also like to know more about my team mates from the hud. Like is one of them carrying the gene seed for instance.
The only way you can track that is if you are constantly hitting tab since it'll track Stims, Relic/Geneseed, Armory Data, and whatever mission specific item they're carrying. Absolutely retarded that they would obfuscate the first two, but whatever
Novamarines are nice.
a meltanigger would pretend this would be the case lol
nice touch implying teammates don't exist and that you would never have a favorable approach, especially since i highlighted that it could easily be untelegraphed from a location nobody ever checks
Astral Claws, Mantis Warriors
Bros to the end
The Emperor provides, my thanks brother apothecary
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Help me out niggas
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But that's so dull.
Why are we making Slaanesh so dull and superficial?
He should terrify people.
Instead we kinda "eww" and also "but..." and that's it.
We should instead go "I hope I never face one of these creatures and their cult" like it's a curse you can't escape from. Like a "black spot" entity. Something that dooms the followers.

Otherwise they come off as just "woodstock with crab people".
i'd rather be a stupid dev than a member of literally the dumbest community in the games industry
howling griffons
>speed is not even 1 its just +
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This anon is right I love playing with orbital precision strike, eagle airstrike and autocannon every single game.
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On Alpha
Yup. That's the purple fencing hammer. For some retarded reason the green fencing hammer is 5+ speed while the relic is 3+.
that's a painting reference not a canon depiction retard
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That's literally what they are, anon, it's not just a uniform.
hasn't changed btw everyone still runs them
Absolutely fucking retarded nigger, friendly grenades do not cause damage but most certainly DO stagger you
Imagine if night lords armor had actual lightning coming off of it instead of just being a stupid looking decal that those schizos think makes them look scary
There should be 5 times more Guardsmen so we can actually see most of them getting killed.
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so why did he give titus 8 men, once we count the 6 classes-guys and galadriel and chair?
Shut the fuck up, I dropped the game because it wouldn't stop crashing on me
>Game never patches correctly
>Will crash
>Will happen to console and PC players
>Is contagious, if someone's game crashes for this reason you now need to verify files
Also the little things like pelican 1's tail being so low you can't walk up the ramp
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ah cool, i guess i won't play today
Just fix the fucking healing bug so retards can't use that as a crutch
Melta will still be broken but the spastics who stand in a horde healing won't be able to play the game
>black with gold details
Perfection. 10/10 taste.
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This is a 4min match
You play tactical for the same reason you play vanguard and SMG sniper, to flank around the back and instantly delete people with midrange headshots or hipfire body dumping. They all have their own gimmick for how to get there and how to merk people once you've got the drop on them. Tactical is strictly better so long as you play like an absolute legend the whole time. Sniper is way more slippery and prone to defeating even very tilted tryhards because of silent footsteps. Vanguard can win the 1v1 straight up by just cheating.
Honestly, the gold adornments makes me think they're hyper religious zealots, or are actually some of Fulgrim's less retarded decendants who hooked up with the iron hands and repainted their armor during the horus heresy. Shit like that happened before, and there are a lot of canon chapters who are 100% derived from traitor legion geneseed
Are there any weapons you wish they could add in the future, either fully implemented or at least as a weapon skin?

>chain glaive and chain fists would make cool skins for the thunder hammer and power fist respectively
>a slow firing, automatic autocannon with a bit of aplsh would make a cool weapon for the heavy
>chaincannons/minigun for a weaker but even faster firing alternative to the heavy bolter
>power mace/maul/axe, it would even work as a power sword skin
>lightning claw for bulwark and twin lightning claws for assault (you lose your pistol), not sure what their niche would be exatly YET
>I also wish we could mix and match or melee weapons, like giving up a pistol on the assault to take a power fist and a chainsword
>imply I'm ignoring teammates
>selectively ignore the existence of your own teammates because it helps your argument

How retarded are you dude? Vanguard is mid-low tier at best, it doesn't get kills as easily in a fair fight but harasses the enemy and counters heavies. If you think it's OP you must be a complete turbo-shitter.

I main sniper fwiw
Such is the fate of guardsmen
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that pic is gay
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You're looking at what I'm thinking of from the perspective of what we have today. Imagine the alcohol that Space Wolves are making with just enough of the anti-toxins to not kill a person being dumped in the various water supplies of a hive city for an extended period to sow chaos which allows them to move in as "saviors", a cult that is making videos/music that has a ton of subliminal messaging type things to further the goals of the cult and broadcasting it on as many channels as possible through hijacking radio/tv stations if they aren't able to actually control the production of audio/video media entirely, or is a group that controls the entire medical industry and are implanting/removing organs in every surgery or are able to edit infant's genome at birth in order to further whatever goal is needed
>Get melta
>Blow minoris away
>Duel packs of majoris enemies comfortably
>Occasionally bail a teammate out by slamming into extremis enemies
Shame it doesn't work on floating enemies
Why the fuck is the second heavy attack on thammer so inconsistent? This fucking thing only works when I'm not hitting enemies for some reason.
Lads I'm getting close to starting Siege of Terra with the White Scars, there isn't really much more after that is there?

There's like a handful of short stories, but I'm gonna miss my laughing killers.
It's pretty insane how many people don't realise that you have a shield breaking attack
Forsooth brother, I'd rather pin down a virile young Nostroman buck and force him kneel and to repent his wickedness face to face with my pyroclast flame projector
Dilate tranny that’s how they would look on any actual mode. Fucking dumb nigger
And you fat faggot
Lightning claws for assault, Two-handed power sword for bulwark and just for shits and giggles give decimus a second chainsword
I'll concede that point to you anon. It really depends on player skill (not us, but our teammates and enemies) with a lot of the classes for how well they'll work. I'm seriously curious how a "pro" team would fare in pvp, I think a lot of anons here will be shut up.
>who wins
The frens we make along the way :))
I used to buy black armour (g) in runeacape back in the day because it looks amazing
No, the big issue is it literally only works on light+heavy heavy
Literally nothing else even though all the other heavy attacks look virtually identical
It's so stupid
Siege is the end of HH regardless.
As long as you read Scars and PtH then yeah there's nothing else. White Scars forever forgotten
not useful psyker have it worse
I literally just tried light light heavy heavy and it worked. It's just super fucking bad about recognizing you input a second heavy. Not like it fucking matters. The only source of damage assault has is chainsword and gunstrikes
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Sex with Tyranids.
>doesn't even realise we were talking about PVP

That explains it
Go on....
ur mom is gay
Fags like you really act as if this shit didn't happen this year and try to spin a narrative
The faggot devs didn't just nerf shit. They were smug cunts about it, on top of dreadful lack of new content + PSN debacle and other stupid behavior. It wasn't the fucking nerfs
Now fuck of revisionist fag.
EUW servers shat themselves again?
When is assault getting buffed
That's too superficial and human. I know what you mean and while that can be a peripheral effect of slaanesh, slaanesh should be more and it should be inhuman or immortal (not in an age sense but more in a "not of this world" sense).
Otherwise it's just satan and that's been done... a lot. Too much.

We need to be more creative. Think more like "presence" or like "silent hill" or like "determinism". It should be irrepressible, not something you want to randomly meet and repress with effort. It should be something that cannot be repressed without total avoidance and purging through proxy and a buffer. The mere presence of slaanesh should fuck you.

I think people see that last part and merely assume sex. It's not sex, it's rape. And it's more like a date rape drug or a curse.
The acts you said are somewhat wilful and knowing. That's not all of it. Most of it is primal and merely in the air around you. Like a suffocating presence.

Instead it's a mere reflection of modern subversive media, sex, drugs, etc.
It should be more "in the blood". Like a virus. Predetermined and programmed beyond just mere media and superficial elements. It should be in your DNA like programmed cellular death. Complete slavery to it's torment.
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They've always reminded me of xenomorphs a bit ay.
I'm not surprised they're being sexualised more and more.
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>the american thinks the assault marine looks white
Nuts. I know Jag shows up in a couple books in SoT. But after that White Scars just don't really seem to get any love. There's The Last Hunt, but I haven't heard much good about it.
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They essentially have a subfaction that is based entirely on interspecies breeding.
it's a slav
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Hol up.....
You think you could capture one of the smaller tyranids and rape it?
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graviton pistol
frag cannon
hand of defiance
desolators' missile launchers (yes, unironically)
their organic chemistry would melt your cock
The smaller ones being bigger than a 5'10 man?
You'd probably get a genestealer infection from sticking your dick into one.
>no tail
>Join lobby in progress, lvl 4 diff
>Class taken, use lower level heavy
>Spawn into absolute Tyranid chaos
>Wipe them all, save the day
>get kicked
faggots. their accounts look like reddit too, so that explains. Wish I could hurt people over the internet.
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The Cog Wheel Axes of the Iron Hands. What's the point of drip if we can't use faction specific weaponry?
Down for w/e difficulty brothers.
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do not!
whats going on in that image? are the admech just fighting iron hands for no reason?
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Thunder Hammer, Ophelian Liberation Alpha.
Opehlian Lib Beta pistol.

Only went down because a Carnifex was bugged out on terrain and insta-swung on me for all my armor+90% of my hp.
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>playing Bulwark
>barely any HP or shield left
>left to face the entire hoard myself
>Eye of Medusa cover art
Haven't read but heretic Adeptus Mechanicus.
Imagine if we had noise marines in pvp and them shooting at you would sound like your volume increased five fold
Holy shit this pic is great.

What's the original again? Some girl going absolutely apeshit at a show?
It is, makes me sad knowing we might never see noise marines in this game, maybe the third installment who knows
I unironically can't believe someone asked for those. Now if you said a missile launcher with two types of ammo then I would give you a high five.
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What if this is your kink?
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Least retarded commissar.
4 types of ammos:
krak missiles
frag missiles
self-homing small missiles
manually guided big missile

for the heavy class only
For some reason my Bulwark (with fencing power sword) isn't proccing gun shots on Warriors from perfect parties
A hero
You running the perk that deals damage in an area around you when you perfect parry? IIRC that disables perfect parry gunstrikes
I think the perk that damages enemies when you parry them gets rid of the gun shot follow up. At least I know I started having the same issue you are after taking that perk.
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It's from perfect dodges not parries dummy.
Well not like it's any different then pve
>Hook in with their team to shoot you and you die
>Hook in while your team is shooting and they die
It's genji-esque as a kill confirm
I'll double check but thanks
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Can someone give me a qrd on how souls work in 40k? From what I understand when you die your soul goes to the warp (and is usually eaten by daemons making the chaos gods stronger). Are new souls created from nothing when people are born? Or are they souls that somehow found their way 'back' to mortal form? Regardless of which I feel like this is a perpetual machine that just makes chaos stronger no matter what happens in the setting.
>Friend hypes the game up
>Goes back to dbd after a week
I love my bro but...
humans go to the emperor, only heretics go to chaos, and filthy elves go to slaanesh
Post nuclear codes
Man, you really just can't go wrong with that Ultramarine blue, looks so good
Blue orcs and blue muhrines
Holy fuck assault is so garbage. You could play any other class and be just as good at melee if not better while also getting a better ranged option.
>Regardless of which I feel like this is a perpetual machine that just makes chaos stronger no matter what happens in the setting.
Well entropy is like this in reality too, anon.
That's why people think, given math, that the big crunch follows the big bang.
It's most likely perpetual.

And that kinda makes things... dull. Honestly. It's better when there are consequences.
But hey, reality isn't a fairy tail. It's reality.
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there's rippers
he might be terminally retarded
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I mean it looks aight but it's still so lame that your only 3 heraldry options are all black.
why are primary and secondary colors an entirely separate set of colors
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>armor and weapon textures are low res until I zoom in on them
everything has got a soul, even some planets have a soul, even swords can grow souls if they spill enough blood
souls spawn ex novo from the infinite sea of formless energy that's most of the warp
when a person dies their soul loses its anchor to a mortal vessel and is left to the currents and vortexes of the warp
usually they get preyed upon by random demons, or claimed by entities which have some kind of ownership over them, be they chaos gods that have acquired the soul in a pact or a god of an underworld with a duty to protect said soul
in most instances however the souls are not strong enough to retain their individuality and lose coherency, their stuff breaking apart and rejoining the nothingness they come from
the process might be gradual enough in some cases that the souls linger in the warp with only their most basic and strongest emotions, thoughts, memories and wills intact, automatically joining the currents and vortexes formed by like-minded entities
in some occasions the soul of an individual is strong enough that it retains its consciousness, awareness, individuality, personality and other features; in an ideal state of the warp, these souls would have gotten the occasion to reincarnate, as it was the case with all eldar once, and a number of psychically gifted humans, but with the tumults of the warp and the depredations of demons these souls don't go that far (which is why eldar prefer having their souls put into a safe spirit stone or fished out of the warp by a haemunculus before a demon or god has their way with their terrifically conscious selves)
perhaps reincarnations still happen on very rare and isolated occasions, demons are not omnipresent and infallible after all
in one case it was also said that particularly strong souls can split and reincarnate as separate entities, which is more likely a thing that happens relatively often in the tumultuous state of the warp
how retarded are you trying to give the most annoying class the best close range gun in the game? you're the turboshitter trying to make that happen lmao
Which chainsword is the best at relic, the fencing or balance? Balance has the best damage but I don't know if losing fencing and the speed is worth it.
Dreadbro woke up and was like "fuck primarchs."
You need to read Scars, his prinarch book, path of heaven, sot Warhawk

For 40k I think my favorite white scar books are the hunt for voldorius, and master of the hunt
>ai doesn't reload it's weapons
The speed is very noticeable. It feels sluggish using Choler's Teeth. However, it does feel like it drops Majoris enemies pretty handily on Ruthless, because of the huge damage number.
So short answer is idk. I can only imagine the giant damage number is better because they put that one on the Balanced version.
I have 6 hours played and all I've done is the bit of campaign up to the point you get the first operation mission and all I've done is play that first mission over and over so far. Game is really fun, parrying was the perfect thing to add. Already have had some BIG fights in just the first difficulty so I'm wondering how crazy things get in the higher ones
Veteran difficulty bullies you hard if you are singleplayer, would not recommend. As soon as I started playing it with buddies I had a great time, but with the shitty AI team mates it kinda blew.
I see, thanks lore anon
I've just been joining randoms
That works.
>press parry or grenade button
>nothing happens
>stand there getting hit without flinching, health just continues to drop and character doesn't react to button presses
Like, every third game. If I flinched, or whiffed the parry animation, whatever, skill issue. Absolutely NOTHING happening tells me it's a lag problem eating my inputs.
>Sniper AI proceeds to never use his ability or do anything after the first fight
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>God of pleasure
>there is some people who don't automatically think about sex
low test and low sex-drive
Titus Pullo?
if majoris could be put into execute mode in 2 break attacks or one after weakened, the system could work, but the devs don't know what they're doing.
>more health and unstaggerable/interuptable enemies means difficult
Slaaneesh is the tranny faction. And I don't mean in the buzzword way.
>pleasure and sex
>they are all ugly as fuck and look like horrifying drag queens
GW also pussies out.
or a blood SHOWA
Melee works against minoris enemies where you can keep them in check and setup gunstrikes to regenerate armor. But melee offense is practically a complete waste of time against majoris targets. It's so stupid that you can kill them with ~2 parries but going on offense would take 10+ melee strikes. The name of the game is just parry and dodge majoris enemies until they're dead. Trying to identify weak links in the enemy formation to burst down is just punished by opening you up to attack for no real reward.
>Sniper AI is basically a civilian
>Heavy AI is death itself
>sniper ai misses a dozen las fusil shots in the first encounter
>proceeds to just use bolt pistol the rest of the mission
Do ai teammates not have infinite ammo?
but why does it take so long to load shit in this game?
>game lags like fuck
>can still parry but it's not triggering gun strikes

very ebin
>2 man squad
>2 man squad
>2 man squad
>stuck on joining server
>boot up
>2 man squad

getting Helldivers 2 PTSD from these server issues
>on the rare chance I get to do a gunstrike, get knocked out of it by some minority running at me
No i-frames? Or weird lag glitch?
gun strikes have no i-frames m'brother
It is not a good game. It's got like four times the loading screens it needs to.
Okay, good. Weird design choice, but glad to know I'm not getting fucked by internet trickery.
I'd settle for two types (frag and krak) with other types being unlocked as upgrades (for example an inferno and plasma) since switching between four ammo types would be a pain in combat.
If you've recently unlocked the "parries inflict AOE damage" perk, then that replaces gunstrikes on parry.

There's some sort of defense going on during gun-strikes. I know that I've seen gaunts poke me to no effect during certain frames of the gunstrike. I think that the gunstrike is only "safe" during the middle part of the animation, and that safety only extends to basic auto-attacks. Blue and red attacks go right through. There's still noticeable vulnerable state at the end of the strike where anything can hit you and waste that armor.
Balance feels much too slow for me. Yes the fencing one loses a point of damage compared to the purple version but the extra speed more than makes up for it I think.

Two questions: how are my bros perking their chainswords, and how do I do that cool twirly plunge combo with the power sword?
>get into my first Ruthless game ever
>bulwark bro and ai assault
>rough inferno run but we make it
>assault comes away with highest melee damage and its not even close
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Hey, I'm on a toaster, trying to figure out if I can run SM2
>AMD ryzen 5 2600
>16gb ram
>geforce gtx 1660
This is the gist of it, I'm tech illiterate so if I need to post more info tell me and I'll see what I can do.
Obviously not expecting to run it at ultramarine™ settings but I'd like to shoot for at least a smooth game, I'm also the type that always tweak settings a lot and remove a lot of stuff like AO and what not since I think they're rarely worth it.
I appreciate the effort but the EU server is lagging like fuck right now, I had the red connectivity icon showing the whole time and it took like 3 tries to get the map going
>and how do I do that cool twirly plunge combo with the power sword?
After attacking, pause while standing still, then attack again.

> Yes the fencing one loses a point of damage
doesn't matter. Damage is garbage compared to the fist of an angry god that is parrying something.
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I cannot for the life of me understand why finding a third person for operation lobbies is so difficult for this game. First slot is always easy, but that second slot gives matchmaking an aneurism and it's annoying the shit out of me.
For the Chainsword, I suggest you take the up path for the super stomps and the more hits more damage final perk.
For the cool combo with the power sword, you stop moving and hitting for a little while and your character will enter in a stance, then you hit the melee attack button and your character will do the cool combo.
I think you're fucked, highly doubt you'll get a smooth game at any setting with that
Every day I get up and pray to Khorne. And he increases the number of skulls by exactly one. Take the cultists bowling, take them bowling
Im curous are the numbers relating to the defense styles recorded anywhere?
today is tuesday, dont forget
Fencing is 50% bigger parry window
What does fencing on a weapon do? Longer parry window?
Bulwarkbros, we live for the "I'm still standing" moments when there is a huge enemy wave and you're the last one alive on ruthless.
Blocking means no perfect parry. Balanced is normal. And Fencer means bigger perfect parry window
If you go for fencing you are shitter with no skills, sorry carried fencing trannys
As a heavy, I appreciate my bulwarkbro.
For me it's fighting back-to-back with the assault bro next to the flag.
>Last one alive
You fucked up somewhere or your team left you, no inbetween
How do I find some peeps to grind missions with to level up my classes?
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The curse of poorfaggotry strikes again, but at least I can get rid of my doubts now. Thanks for answering bro.
Fuck off and play a useful class nigger, you are almost as bad as assault troons
You try posting a lobby code here and then seethe that nobody joins because everyone wants to play the class that you're playing.
The melta nerf is coming.
I’ll fill any class but the problem is I only have two levelled up and only a handful of weapons levelled and I don’t want to sabotage lobbies
You will still be a worthless shit nigger class when they are nerfed you dumb fuck retard
They should make the infinite ammo boxes single use per player.
no thats retarded
fuck no those things are my precious lifeline
I'm told the grenade bolter is the best for tactical but the grenades only seem ok and the cost is the gun is worse than every other primary for tac. What am I missing here?
Skill issue
I honestly like using the melta as tac. I don't really give a shit about meta, I just like shotguns and it's the closest thing to a shotgun.
Nigga you shoot the grenade into swarms. That's as easy as it gets.
level up tactical and never need ammo again
You'll be my gun and I'll be you're shield, brother.
The flag must not fall, protect it at all costs! Also Assaultbros can wreck everything if properly supported.
Lictor and swarm of pissed bugs were too much for the Tac and Sniper. Then I autistically yelled : "FOR THE LION!", planted the flag and hold the line until there was none left.
You should actually play the game /v/ermin.
I shoot grenades into Zoanthropes and Neurothropes since it does more damage compared to the bolter itself.

The bolter is too weak compared in the campaign and PvP.
How do you play operations offline?
>Yelled for the Lion
>While planting an Ultramarines flag
I like the Lamenters.
>At this point, what chapters aren't redditt or cringe?
whichever one you like. Or dont be a coward and make your own.
Can you switch off online play altogether? I'm just trying to run through single player but get lumped with "joining server" loading screens that take forever anyway.
i think you have to connect at least once but you can then just cut your connection and select continue offline
average, grinding out classes
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Something is bugged in regards to spending Armoury Shards on mastering weapons - they seem to be spent automatically. I am 100% certain I lightly click to equip a weapon, yet after switching classes (if they share this weapon) I notice I suddenly gain a perk but lose one shard - as if I spent it. Multiple times I left myself with one weapon to grind mastery with, only to find out what I just described
I am Alpharius.
Seething tranny play a real class or fuck off you worthless nigger
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The Melta-scrub fears the Plasma GOD
Ruthless btw
Helldivers patch is about to kill this shit game forever. Get fucked Wartrannies
How do I git gud? I'm playing on Angel of Death and most encounters are fine but there's some where I feel like I just die. Both stages of the end of chapter 1 (spinning up the wheel things and defending the towers) took me about half a dozen tries each. Most deaths are either from getting caught in melee with a big guys + a swarm that then gets behind me while I fight him, or from some of the little ranged things spawning in a spot I didn't notice and chewing through my health before I know they're there.
Thanks for the (You)'s :^)
Is this still on?

yes, currently shitposting on other boards to wait for brothers
Now do it with a real gun (bolter) Plastroon.
There's numerous sound bugs in the game.
Pic related and perks like it will make an SFX sound 10x louder than anything else in the game whenever they activate. In the case of pic related it activates every single time you swap weapons, meaning it's raping your ears the whole match.

Furthermore, Vanguards footsteps are like twice as loud as every other classes. I can't tell if this is a vanguard bug or a "every other class" bug, but the Vanguard actually sounds like a 2ton space marine
man, i had hopes you could be a manlet marine in multiplayer since you get to play not-primaris titus in the tutorial
why would they take that option away reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Watch SM2 Twitch streams for 1 hour to get the Bolt Rifle my Blood Raven brothers.
how do you avoid taking damage? as an assault, especially
Dilate tranny nigger :^)
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Shit is fugly. Wouldn't even use it on an ultra
luckily twitch branded skins kill all possibility of fomo
its fun...
what about the perks? i haven read through them
Whiny Marines tremble in the sight of the Thunder Lord.
to keep it coherent with the primaris guns, you get 2 ammo types at once, the self-homing missiles always with relatively high reserves of ammo, and one of the other 3 types with decreasing ammo count proportional with its damage (frag > krak > guided)
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>The last thing you see before you die.
Thanks bros.
I go on 4chan and make another post crying that Phobos armor utterly murdered space marine designs
Code S4MF9
Doing whatever probably leveling lower classes.
Having to rely on other people's understanding of... anything... is horrible.
Gravis armor looks so fucking gay man. I hate it. They need to let us use older marks of armor for sure. I hate that a lot of the gravis armor cosmetics basically make it look like you robbed an imperial jewelry store. Its literal gold fucking chains and necklaces and shit.
you can go big slam with the hammer and refund cooldown of the slam. you are basically a constant frag grenade without CCing your teammates. it at least takes care of minoris enemies. with some buffs (and melta nerfs) this might find some real use.
there is also a line of percs that let you deal damage while dodging with your jetpack + refunds your jets if you perfect dodge. its cool in theory dodging constantly while burning stuff but i have 0 clue if its somewhat usefull (probably not)
>Its literal gold fucking chains and necklaces and shit.
The drip is bussin' no cap
It’s like you lack basic reading comp
ok, let me phrase it in a way you can understand then. You're a little bitch nigger who is too afraid to do anything for himself and is unable to act unless he has the approval of strangers.
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Fucking perfect lmao.
>all those top tier voice actors
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Holy shit
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not gonna lie brothers they really need to lower enemy HP. The bullet sponge shit when you play anything past difficulty 2 just isn't any fun. I don't feel like a powerful space marine at all when ranged fire chews through my armor and health like nothing while I need to whack ONE tyranid warrior 100 fucking times with my sword before I can even execute him.
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>be me, tacbro
>see two warriors rush past me in the horde towards heavybro
>break off and shoulder check them off heavybro just before they close on him
>turn around
>bulwarkbro is knee deep in xenos filth, standing proud next to his flag
>shoulder heavy bolt rifle and unleash the Emperor's fury into the crowd alongside heavybro
>heavybro focuses down majoris so bulwarkbro can regen armor
>i focus down little shits so bulwark bro doesn't die to chip damage
>mfw me and my bros kicking ass
>not gonna lie brothers they really need to lower enemy HP.
You can lower enemy HP by lowering the difficulty level.
Just don't play past level 2 if you are not having fun with higher difficulty levels.
There's gotta be some weird counter damage value for Warrior Parry attacks.
I've noticed multiple times if I get hid mid-swing I take like 90% health damage instead of the usual 30-40%
You need to play higher difficulty levels to get the mats you need to upgrade your weapons
Love the game so far. Only qualm is that rolling around for survival seems so insanely un space marine like. Like when shit is hitting the fan and I have to resort to non-stop rolling just to survive. Its embarrassing as fuck. Love the game though, just space marine fantasy wise, its a bit immersion shattering.
Dilate tranny
Just got my first relic weapon on Bulwark and it's suddenly like I'm playing a different game
Just sharted in my pants and wow it’s like bulwark is a whole new class. I’m gay and trans btw
The game fails as a power fantasy as soon as you hit the co op mode and MUH BALANCING takes over
Just came in my hand and slapped a space wold vanguard on the ass right as he grappled us over a clip and my hand is glued to his ass and now its like im playing star fox
If they nerf melta I will kill myself
>The game fails as a power fantasy
Just play on easy if you want a power wank.
Never have i had an easier time with that tyranid boss than I did with a bulwark tanking
>cleaning up ads at my leisure
>melting the boss down without getting turbo focused
How do you unlock customization options for the single player campaign? I only have the default.
Just suck my cock and balls faggot
DLC only for the campaign
for everything else just win.
Auspex is stupid strong you're easily top damage as tac
You cannot ask for people to suck your cock if you can't even manage to get it to work on hard mode, dude.
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>Saves your Dark Angels DLC
+infinite ammo from majoris kills
+instakill extremis enemies with auspex headshot
+auspex on parry
tactiGODS have no equal
Only the Crux Terminatus pauldron, ultramarine chainsword and bolt rifle can be used in Campaign. Those in addition to everything else can be used in multiplayer. You are stuck playing Ultramarines in the campaign
This, I've yet to have a sniper beat me in damage or kills
nobody wants that faggot, but dual wielding guns could be fun.
>tactiGODS have no equal
As it should be. Jack of all trades class
niggers who run off on their own are subhuman
Chaos armour soon brothers
dont even know if i´ll pick the instagib headshot. the aoe on execute seems more usefull overall. but i´m playing stalker bolter so liktors/venators and especially zoantropes die pretty fast anyway.

i have unlocked neither perc btw, so dont scream at me for being wrong
Thank god. I feel lame playing as Chaos because I can only select a new color.
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I had completely forgotten about these other looks, and considering in retrospective how close the toned down versions are to the ones currently in game then the higher tier versions are certainly being worked on if not just waiting for the right time to be added
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>Join a Tac and Vanguard vs Nids
>2 Meltas
>Random Deathwatch shit with fucked up colors and Heraldry
>First engagement is a Thrope and a bunch of Termagaunts
>Next engagement same thing
>We're getting absolutely shredded
>I'm the only person on the team focusing Ranged units with my fucking pistol while they struggle against Hordes, the one thing Melta is good at
>They're eating up Stims like candy despite their broken, bugged gun heals them for free
>Both absolutely worthless against anything that requires them to dodge or parry

I fucking hate these fucking faggots and cannot wait for them to fix and nerf Melta into the dirt and watch these god damn shitters cry and shit their pants and be exposed for the terrible fucking players that they are.
Dilate tranny
Is there a mod available that removes the nigger marine and fat brown eyed jeeta hag? Cadians are White with purple eyes. Not whatever this poo is supposed to be.
Plasma Incinerator is low key good.
you already said that, retard.
The AoE is really nice. I use it when running Plasma because hitting headshots with that thing is gay.

The Insta-Gib is really fucking nice for Chaos missions though. Dropping a Terminator spamming missiles from 10000 miles away is invaluable.
Dilate tranny
Fuck off and die shill /vpol/ faggot. Your videos are shit and you aren’t welcome here nigger
Diversity and wokeness are irl chaos cults they spread everywhere and infect everything
You keep projecting this advice, but I don't think you understand how your life's experiences don't apply to normal people out there.
Be careful when engaging with trannies. They get upset when you point out basic logic to them.
>play with guys i know from other coop games
>both run meltas, but its smooth leveling at least
>everytime they 1v1 a nid warrior i see them getting hit, roll away and start blasting into the biggest pile of meat
>they both do about 2-3x as much ranged damage as me, barely any melee damage
>i´m just there killing lone majoris and all the extremis enemies with stalker bolter

i´m not even complaining, just having 2 other guys to play with is fun. but i WILL celebrate when melta gets nerfed. its so retarded.
Cry more tranny
They have to be coming, the ones on the right are basically how they look in game but still one chaos set is kinda light
how the fuck do you beat the reactor mission on veteran or higher? i just get raped by the beam guys or let the reactor die if i try to dodge/kill the beam guys it feels literally impossible
Dilate tranny
there is no builder afaik, and i dont want to boot up the game again just to check.
is it terminus enemies only or does it also proc on majoris, because that would make it pretty unreliable.
you play with friends
>on veteran or higher?
do it in coop
You will never be white shitskin
i pirated the game so guess i just need to restart this shit and put it on normal
>Calls me vpol faggot
>Calls me nigger
I'm not giving my sheckles until I can turn the imperium into an interstellar white ethno state you kike swine.
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Terminus are bosses.
Extremis are mini-bosses.
Majoris is Warriors and Rubriks.
I wish I could huff your level of copium, but an art book is not development, and it's not even on the roadmap. I'd love to be wrong, but that concept art is all we're going to get.
You will never be white shitskin
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He said the game was good but of course he had to complain about the non-white characters in the game much that this retarded anon, even though their race and colour of their skin had nothing to do with the whole narrative of the game unlike actual woke products where it's apparent.
/v/, /pol/ and just the general culture warrior faggots are such soft skinned retards and cry at the sight of a nigger calling it woke because of that. They also can't even define what "woke" means just how leftards can't define "women". With all that said then I guess Dawn of War 2 is """woke""" because a black guy exists in it when majority of the named character blood ravens are white and mostly blonde, even though they have a desert planet where blacks exist in it which they recruit from and I'm sure ultramar has at least one explaining Charion being in the Ultramarines.
you can change the difficulty in the options no need to restart
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the japanese voice actors are really good and nobody sounds like a nigger. I recommend

also lots of engrish. Brozza Stelsu Redy
>nobody sounds like a nigger.
Even in English so what are you on about?
it doesnt let me mid mission :)
worst part is giving them african accents and angry thuggish personalities too.
It's kind of racist and annoying. You can at least make them wear helmets.
>american schools get out
>thread quality immediately plummets with multiple off topic mentions of trannys and nogs
You kids should really go join a club or a sports team.
oh i can return to the battle bridge then go back to the checkpoint, sweet
Vanguard is terrible
Based Emperor's Shadows player
/pol/tards have become a caricature of themselves desu.
it's funny that the younger generation is like two extremes it's pretty weird
>culture war faggots ruin the thread because they saw a nigger
kill yourself
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My bad, you're not a Jew, you're a thousand times worse. One of those "Aryan" Uber-Jeet drivers.
Being an imperial guardsmen sounds incredibly ass. Does your gun even do anything? Lasgun? seems like vomit and it seems like all equipment is army surplus tier dogshit.The mother fuckers had canteens and sleeping bags on them in the campaign.
You will never be white shitskin
Which weapon?
Finished Scars, and literally JUST finished Path of Heaven this afternoon, great books. Gonna blow through the two short stories before moving on to SoT, I have Lost and the Damned, Saturnine and Warhawk lined up.

I have literally nothing for 40k, so I'll check those two out. Thanks brother.
look at that fat ham hand, you should try counting your calories porky
Nice projection rajeet
Not only is this a good game by 40k standards, this is a good game in general.
Like this game has no right to be this stupidly fun.
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Hail Keeper of Dude Wall! I shall be updating the entry for my Dude, replacing the one marked red in the attached file. The new Dude shall be attached in the repost to this message.

Emperor Protects!
i was wondering whats wrong here. My fingers are twice as long
Blood Ravens also have a hiveworld where you don't know what sort of mystery meat exists from there too. As always can apply to Ultramar with their 500 worlds with at least a few planets that make America look "white"
>Ultramarines have always been white and share literal DNA with their Primarch, and Aryan demi-god
>Compares to Blood Ravens who don't know their own Primarch (kek)
>Kyras is actually cool, not some token faggot
>SM 2 goes out of it's way to show Cadians with purple eyes, whilst using eye colour of the traitor guard as a subtle foreshadow of the impeding ambush
>Have brown Indian woman with brown eyes and a Indian name as a Cadian officer
Seeth pooboy, I'm not spending $100 on a fucking videogame filled with stinky jeets in it. I see enough of them scamming people in Canada, I don't need them in my over-priced entertainment.
sort of weird but a few pieces are good
damn thats a good khorne look
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>/pol/ and /v/fags ITT resorting to race baiting
Its all so tiresome...
/pol/tard doesnt play game of thread theyre posting in. merely exist to seethe
many such cases
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Here's the new Dude, oozing with drip. Please, don't make the poor fella too wide or thin and malnourished. Many thanks!
Walking into a room full of nothing but ranged warriors spamming the green barbedwire all over the floor so you literally can not get close to them without killing yourself haha melee sure is fun!
>>Have brown Indian woman with brown eyes
Nigger if you look closely she has purple eyes. Guess your shitskin eyes are colourblind
just shoot the seed nigga
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Ahaa hell yeah playa
theres a low vram mod on nexus. you can try pirating the game to test performance but id try it.
its more cpu bound and a ryzen 2600 should be managble
I just hate that the classes in operations are all characters that you can't edit at all and the same three lines recycled over and over again between them is not a good justification for it.
Code 7VA2W
Time to clown on more nids.
>Seeth pooboy
Sounds like you're the seething nurgle cultist
The problem with the aoe execute is that you're always executing something, so the 90s cooldown is always running. Sometime you get past a short lull and then a wave comes and you execute some gaunt and devastate half the way in the process, but more often than not you end up executing a warrior or Rubric and maybe get 2-4 kills as a side bonus. Or maybe a Lictor comes at you when you're slightly isolated and your execute explosion goes off when you finish it and then it's completely wasted.

Both the Auspex stopping reinforcements and the one-tap on Extremis headshot perk are much more controllable. Being able to tag a Zoanthrope and then just rake fire in the general direction of it's head and wipe it out is unbelievably comfy.
>shoot the seed
>all of my armor is gone because I stopped spamming heavy attack > gunstrike for one second
So fun!
retard is 100% a canadian poonjab
Learn to dodge
a guardsmans survival expectancy is on average less than a day, sometimes hours, so you will be given the most massproduced equipment in the entire imperium that probably was looted from a dead guy moments prior
and while lasguns are powerful enough to take down many targets with a well placed shot, they are weak when compared to most other armaments, as they are jokingly called "flashlights"
Well for one, yes it is ass, but also the Guard's job in a Space Marine game is to job to the bad guys so the space marines can come in and save the day. What we've seen in both games so far is a guard detachment that's clearly outclassed fighting as extreme underdogs to support the Astartes who do the heavy lifting. A lot of the guard's operations aren't so lopsided, however. For one thing, they spend a lot of their time putting down rebel worlds or heretic cults (read: other humans), and when engaging xenos--assuming they actually have some kind of functional supply line--they'll have an impressive amount of artillery and support weaponry available. Just because a Space Marine can carry a rocket launcher around in one hand doesn't mean a team of guardsmen can't operate one too. The guard kicks a lot of ass and is capable of punching above its weight when they're the main characters, they don' *always* get fucked.

You still definitely do not want to be a Guardsman, though, which is why the Imperium requires conscript quotas from imperial worlds. Depending on how indoctrinated your population is you might be sent off to great fanfare, but plenty of worlds feature what you'd expect: mothers weeping as their sons are sent off to die in space.
>african accents and angry thuggish personalities too
lmao yeah that shit is too good. Even if you put a helmet on them you MUST still be reminded that these characters are from sci-fi MUDDA AF-FRI-KA.
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NTA, but stop using jonah and toth as some kind of a gotcha. It's utterly embarrassing. Older works having flaws does not excuse newer ones for repeating them. This applies everywhere and to everything, beyond vidya and to movies, books, tabletop and whatever else there is. Reminds me of an absolute retardation where disney shills tried to excuse rey with starkiller back when TFA released. As if both weren't shit.
>this is what election tourists think white looks like
They also like to do the some of their own retarded head canon regarding the geneseed without realising that stable ones dont do as they say "changing the marine to look like their primarch" as they do but its the unstable ones that do that hence we get examples like the Salamanders. You can tell these faggots parrot the same narrative from some culture warrior written script to bend 40k lore into their own narrative for their shitty arguments
Leveling up bolt rifles for that grenade one everyone says is op is not so much fun so far
All weapons are OP when they are relic tier
>I'm sure ultramar has at least one explaining Charion being in the Ultramarines.
Well Chairon is from Calth, a planet in the Ultramar Sub-Sector which orbits a blue star leading to way higher UV radiation and thus making dark skin an advantageous trait among its population Well until the WB striped the planets atmosphere but Chairon was already alive at that time.
You will never be white shitskin
You literally get it on the 2nd tier of weapons what are you even complaining about.
Also the reason it's OP is because of the ammo refund perk.
>>everytime they 1v1 a nid warrior i see them getting hit, roll away and start blasting into the biggest pile of meat
That explains why I can't get used to the Melta. I play it like the other weapons and never think of making use of the overheal, wouldn't even have thought about blasting into the horde after taking damage.
Post nipple. If it's not pink you're a shitskin.
nice try tranny
>That one Lamenter
Whoever you are, anon, you're a real one
I miss pre release threads. 4 days of nothing but funposting and gameplay discussion.
random DC got me.
ill catch you guys later.
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Sons of Medusa.
>3/4ths through Inferno diff 4
well, bedtime for me and my squad
Aw man I got DCd
Every match I get in my team scatters to the four winds and the enemy team is playing like they've known each other since kindergarten
In most games I play it's like that maybe every other match when playing with randoms but here it is every single one, I've not had one match that didn't go like that
I just got DC'd too, server ded
Also was in inferno diff 4, bulwark/tac with a bot
woah what a random d/c every single time on every single day of the week for the past twenty years
this game is actually pretty annoying, especially playing with randoms. doesn't help that i was playing assault and it's easy to sabotage
i hope this class is less shit as i progress
>people still dont know steam does maintenance on tuesdays
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>>Compares to Blood Ravens who don't know their own Primarch (kek)
15/18 Primarchs are "white" if you don't count Magnus because he's weird so most likely their primarch is white. Also definitely not Vulcan since they don't have the unstable geneseed of the Salamanders that turns them into niggers.
>inb4 Salamanders are just Aryans with soot black skin
Also the whole "geneseed changing their DNA which will make them look like their primarch" does not work for stable geneseeds clearly it's your culture warrior headcanon on the subject made up to fit your retarded culture warrior arguments.
kek, fair anon, fair. I keep forgetting on Tuesdays.
as an assault main, i just put on a fencing thunderhammer and regularly do tons of damage and barely get scratched on ruthless
So basically there is an in-universe reason as to why Chairon can be a nigger?
/vpol/fags btfo'd kek
id be surprised if they even know how to read
can you do it without the cheatcode though?
The fencing power sword. The speed and damage increase is just gross.
> I guess Dawn of War 2 is """woke"""
Yes you slow brain.
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>inb4 Salamanders are just Aryans with soot black skin
they aren't black, they're mutants
Yep, not sure how old the sources on Pre-Heresy Calth are but I think it was even back from the early 2000s
>Auspex parry into gun counter instant killing a Lictor/Ravener
They aren't mutants, they're defective.
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>Helbrute spawns
>Teammates spam rolling around it struggling to knock it down 1/4 of it's HP
>I'm sitting back plinking it waiting for a good opportunity
>Finally turns around
>Auspex, 2 Kraks, Plasma shots to the face
>Dies before Auspex even wears off
love tac.
Tacs versatility and ability to deal with any kind of threat is just *chefs kiss*, just like they should be.
Yeah sure, enjoy your brown and black friends, i'm sure they want the best for you and your family :)
Still their race doesn't change like the Canadian Nurglite in denial keeps parroting that geneseeds would do so. Plus Space Marines can change their skintone and melanin at will when required its just the Salamanders geneseed defect cant do that and keeps it at max settings forever
>calling others brown with hands like that
I know that meltas are this game's equivalent of shotguns but part of me wishes meltaguns worked like flamethrowers, while we get actual shotties.
Especially since I could pretend to be a Knights-Errant marine, complete with an autistic shotgun obssession
Any codes for average playing?
Waiting for you to post one
>inb4 Salamanders are just Aryans with soot black skin
I want bolter buffs and I want more packs of enemies
Bulwark chads, we literally won't die
then why do i keep getting into coop groups with bulwarks that do nothing but die
POST your code BROTHER
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So how much currency is that anyway? I'll just leave it muted in the background to get it, wonder if it'll but me some cosmetics.
guess i missed it
Small b Bulwarks are still learning
I think it was like 300 but I can't remember
Saaar i'm sorry saaar but i dindn't posted my hand here saaar.
uh oh schizo shitskin melty
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not dark enough
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>thread taken over by people shitting their ass over skin color in 40k
Ah, it's like we're back on /tg/.
Anyone doing any Average missions? trying to level my sniper
what is even with the indian cadian lady? is she actually not from cadia? is that why she doesn't sound cadian and her eyes aren't purple?
I just want to post iron hands art.
they are purple, you're a retard
>while we get actual shotties
What is the 40k shotgun anyway
>Does your gun even do anything? Lasgun? seems like vomit
a lasgun being considered one of the weakest weapons in 40k can blow limps off a regular human and create big holes in concrete in the lore, so yes one is weak on it's own but if you have many then a lot of work can be down especially if guardsmen use other weapons
a marine scout exclusive weapon
Just that, normal ass shotguns but upsized for Space Marines or Ogryns or other big dudes. So they're huge ass fifty-pound something hunks of metal whose "pellets" are big enough to use as slugs in any normal shotguns
play the game nigger
Literally just a shotgun. Like the guard use regular pump actions, spacemarines and deathwatch just use space marine sized shotguns. Heavy stubbers are basically just m2 brownings, why mess with perfection?
>What is the 40k shotgun anyway
Volcano Cannon
The green one still sucks
>800 posts
>page 8
Fuck yeah

An actual shotgun. You get to use it in Boltgun. Mostly only used by Scouts and Arbites though, a shotgun in the 40k world isn't really an especially useful weapon.
>thirty eight fucking thousand years in the future and people are STILL using a ma deuce
John Henry Browning was an eldritch warlock whose sorcery can still be felt to this day
>Also the whole "geneseed changing their DNA which will make them look like their primarch" does not work for stable geneseeds clearly it's your culture warrior headcanon on the subject made up to fit your retarded culture warrior arguments.
>Who is "Little Horus Aximand"
Like all nu-hammer taint sniffers, you have no idea what you are talking about.
>Much culture war
Even king of the fucking nerds Henry Cavill has given up on two seperate franchises he holds deer because of the inane faggotry of show """writers"""
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so is she not from cadia or what?
>Henry Cavill
Damn keep outing yourself as a tourist
>Captcha $0Y A
So what's the secret to hammer then? Perks? Combo usage?
What’s with actual illiterate retards thinking everyone on a planet would have the same skin colour in 40k? It’s a planet not a country you fucking dumb niggers
they're purple, you're either colorblind or don't know how to calibrate your monitor lmao
>Example is a one off, specific case not even applicable to the argument from the VERY FIRST HH book
>Stupid faggot using the one image and scene where it's hard to see the eye colours as proof
I used the color picker on most of the pixels in her eye and it's definitie that they're brown
>laserpointer has recoil
>it just has okay
Still funny how the lore handles that
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you're retarded
But with some potentially very spicy ammo, like homing rounds used by Arbites or explosive and napalm rounds
Does offline stuff not translate over to online?
You're retarded
I mean that’s just how they said it was with Nocturne. This isn’t exactly realism 40 000, you’re not really meant to question if Chogoris was a planet with everyone being Asian or fenris having other animals besides wolf.
>there are no wolves in fenris,
Quiet, your big red nerd.
>I used the color picker it says I'm right
>also I can't post my proof like the other guy teehee
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She old enough to be from cadia. After it got blown up the cadian regiment started to recruit from other world.
the normal people on nocturne aren't black ash like the salamanders, they're all pale and vaguely grey
the way the radiation on the planet interacts with vulkan's geneseed is what makes salamanders be dark ashy grey-black with red eyes
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>only one iron hand
Add me
I am dissapointed in you all
You genuinely, unironically need to go back to /v/ or /pol/ or whatever containment shithole board you came from.
Afterwards I advise seeking help for your mental deficiencies.
So basically I need to never go online
Yeah that faggot and all other cw fags will always use the one image where it's hard to tell but when you see her in many other scenes you can easily tell her eyes are purple
the SP stuff will, any progress on OPS will not
>let me continue to carefully ignore the screenshots that don't have warm tones overpowering the colors of everything and try to claim these ruddy purple eyes are actually brown in the one screenshot I'll acknowledge
kill yourself shitskinned /v/kiddie
I don't understand this entire discussion. What is it about her that makes her look indian? If anything, she just looks like an older Mira to me. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually intended for her to be Mira, but decided against it, given the average life expectancy of a Guardsman

Physics bruv, every action has its equal and opposite reaction, even if it's light. Solar sails work because the light hitting them pushes them along. A laser gun that fires a strong enough laser to kill shit would definitely have some recoil.
she looks and sounds more arab/north african than pajeet
She's ruddy, her model was likely based off an actual indian woman, probably her voice actor.
>Keeps ignoring other images clearly showing purple eyes
I want to play Assault in PvE and use the power fist. However I am not so good at video games. Can someone give me advice?

She has an accent so strong it's almost like a racist doing a stereotype impression of a pajeet call centre agent lol.
That's not even purple you fucking shill liar. It's soulless black. Like all shit skin indians
Count yourself lucky they haven't invaded wherever you live yet. Once they do you'll recognize the smell before even seeing them.
use something other than the sister fister
Or the specialized ammo types the Deathwatch use for their shotguns, too
Did they make a modeling mistake and correct it later?
Immediately level it to max and just start dodging and gun striking
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so you're colorblind, thanks for confirming
it's ambient lighting making everything in the scene look reddish in the pic he's trying to insist she has brown eyes in
look at her epaulets, are those not green because they've got red overtones making them look brown too?
Damn that sucks, I can't afford online play but it's sad to know my level 25s get removed if I ever can
I got DCd again heavy/tac bros
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>That's not even purple
Get btfo'd shill
Nope it was always purple can even tell if your arent a colourblind shitskin in that one image thats also hard to tell which shills and /v/ fags keep using
you're state doesn't give free internet?
Question to my Assault bros: parry build (with a fencing weapon) or dodge build (with a blocking weapon)?
Nigger, everyone else can see what I wrote and the context. Even Cavill can see the gay shit going on, for faggots on this board to be this blind makes you all shills or abject retards.
I'm console ps5
you must be 18 years or older to post here
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holy shit anon, you may be on to something here. I think youre retarded
The epaulets look green in the kadaku picture, they look just as green elsewhere. Her eyes look bown on kadaku, they look purple elsewhere.
I can only assume it's a trick of some very specific lighting or a modelling error, but I have trouble seeing how just lighting could effect her eyes specifically but leave everything else mostly the same.
there isn't going to be a """modelling error""", they don't have different models of her for every cutscene
you're coping to try and excuse away you being wrong in every instance
>Ermagurd why don't you use an example from one of the HH books written by a padantic cock sucker that injects tranny characters and their gay little pronouns instead of the 1st trilogy that had a proper contained story

The lore tidbits that came in the 2nd edition codexes made more sense than most of the HH post-book 4. In other words fuck off.
Biggest self report ever, since the planet was destroyed they recruit people from everywhere.
I guess it is what it is but it still feels weird to me how you have the Tsons and blackstone/necron crap all over the place and somehow Cael didn’t lug that fat beer gut of his over here.

Like they’ve got Papa Smurf over but not Cael or even that fuck ass Mary Sue friend of Calgar’s, Tigeris?
My internets fucked brothers, I am sorry.
Combos, angle adjusting and Jetpack usage.

Aftershock (Neutral Heavy) and Ground Slam (Combo Heavy) are extremely strong. Weave Ground Slam between Lights when fighting Majoris enemies.
Aftershock should be used as much as possible. But only when you get an opening. Usually from a Gunstrike. Doesn't need to be fully charged, let it rip before a Major starts an attack.
Regarding Angles, don't keep swinging in the same direction. Swinging once will knock away anything near you, so swap directions and swing behind or to the sides next, wherever enemies still attacking are. Doing this will usually just keep your Contested HP topped off.
Jump Pack should never be used for engaging. Stick with your ranged guys, but be a Frontliner like Bulwark. Use Ground Pound to disengage and re-engage when you're surrounded, to target big clusters of preferrably Majors, or to peel for teammates.

Remember how in the DoW2 cinematic, the main forces are already engaged and the Blood Raven Assault marines jump in from the back lines and squash the tougher enemies? Be that guy.
The universe is bigger than the marvel Avengers
I can't believe you retards have been arguing over this for this long.
Titus has different models for multiple points in the campaign, I don't see why she wouldn't.
Do I have to bake?
>since the planet was destroyed
Not canon btw
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Is the double ground slam perk worthless? Because it feels worthless.
*kisses you*
>not understanding why the protagonist has several models and a literal who NPC who disappears after the first few missions doesn't
It is, actually.
t. CEO of GW
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I don't follow the new lore. Is that something they do?
I assumed they would just effectively be strategically fighting to the death, combining cadian regiments as they lost their numbers until every cadian regiment is eventually destroyed.
I'd pay good money to see Aqua get raped by tyranids. Or Space marines. Or guardsmen. I'm not picky.
Assault should stay back and wait to pick off the range units whilst the horde charges your shooters. You're dying because you're jumping headfirst.
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I've had a lot of success with the parry build because assault gets that perk where you get armor on non-lethal gunstrikes but that perk also works with perfect dodge and I bet if you take the perks where you do damage when you dash through enemies + 25% more damage on perfect jump pack dodge + refund the jump pack use on perfect dodge is even better. It has a high skill floor but an even higher skill ceiling.

Like the fencing build is good but I bet the perfect jump pack dodge build is nuts with enough practice
You see her at almost the very end of the game, in the last mission.
If the Tanith First can recruit from outside worlds I don't see why Cadia can't.
Down for whatever difficulty brothers.
Good luck brother. I wish I could join you
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Cawl is locked on a much more important conflict in the clusterfuck that is the nephilim sector

Tigurius is most likely acting as strategic support from orbit, if not coordinating astropathic communications while under the shadow in the warp, he was the one picking up the presence of titus in the prologue, as far as I know.
Main problem is that dodge can't cancel attacks but parry can. So you'll end up waiting around to perfect dodge an attack while not attacking.
Who are they recruiting from? Wouldn't those planets be providing recruits for their own IG regiments? Do they siphon off extra manpower from regiments that have enough men at the moment?
Does the dash dodge cancel attack animations?
Doordash guy arrived and he came with small talk so I had to fork over a tip, I fucked over my team for a few minutes
>recruit people from everywhere.
So she is not Cadian.
Based OP.
Nice job
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No, they actually colonized a new planet a bit further (Agripanaa sector iirc), called it nu-Cadia and settled all their refugees on it.
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Catachans had blacks. Tallarn had some jeets and Arabs. CADIANS WERE ALWAYS WHITE
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Why don't we see him in game btw ?
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Whoa whoa now, you're asking too many questions! Geez what are you? A culture warrior /pol/tard? Get a life nazi, you outed yourself as a tourist!
These faggots are unable to understand why the new shit is retarded, as you pointed out completely unintentionally.
nope, cope
uh oh spic melty
>Calgar shows up
>no Librarians
>no Chaplain, Leandros doesn't even fight
>no Terminators
>no Centurions
>no Land Raiders
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That's flamer, you nu-gw gimp.
>brown /v/kiddie can't even into reading comprehension
No because not every planet supports an IG regiment. At best there's the PDF.

But hey there's a blaneblade model that looks entirely too short and stubby!
Cadia got blowed up, are the current Cadian guard regiments the last ones? Where do they recruit from without an actual planet? Did they just immigrate somewhere else? Are they a space jew diaspora now?
Articulate, nigger.

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