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Previous: >>494877739

>Character Trailer - "Kinich: Fiery Pursuit

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
>still trying to shill this ship
how do I order the maccas meal
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Childe SOON
why is zhong handing out gold bars
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cute and canon
>good and evil Furinas
>Cheld in the center
Damn, early Fontaine speculation was something, huh?
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3 hours EUsisters
it is cute though
mora also comes in bars now
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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hopefags lost BIGLY
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Mualanigods... I... kneel
it had so much potential but then the neuvworms attacked
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20 more minutes before breakfast is over and I can go pick up my McDonalds
do not post her this thread
there are only a few hours when that poster isn’t present so this is the best chance in a given day to pull off the dream
I can’t waaaaaaait
Xilonen will revive the game.
it's okay kekaposter...
Kill yourself faggot, no one cares about your NaSHITda that you keep asking people to post
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why is he releasing on a tuesday
not complaning tho
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For me, it's Iansan.
I need to rape him till he's a sobbing mess
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>even lyney had to have his outfit altered before release
they didnt alter it enough
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If only Kinich was female...
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>Cheld appears in Fontaine
>Gives you his vision
>HOLY shit he's ba-
>Jobs again
>His supposed master calls him a weakling and disposes him to talk to Neuvilette
People dont seem to realize how unfair he was treated in Fontaine
what could have been...
its always tuesday
dont mention her or else
We can agree she shouldn’t be posted
shut up enjou
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Use your common sense, Mihoyo only needs around $20 million per month to keep 3 games alive and running, and two of them aren’t even open world
Monthly it is estimated that Mihoyo earns easily around 100 -120 mil from three games so they clearly make a profit. Back then it costed 200 mil a YEAR to keep Genshin running, they probably make more than that in a month
The Mihoyo strategy is
>release games to keep their loyal playerbase in so that they don’t quit
>prevent their devs from being overworked since they can cycle between low effort patches now
>have the possibility of attracting new players too through other games
It’s a good business strategy and makes sense in the long run, most live service games ESPECIALLY in todays climate have a short shelf life before fading into obscurity
What happened to Valorant? Fortnite too isn’t that hot anymore.
no one cares about your cheld
how new?
updates are always on tuesdays.
Training tongue "fitness" by licking Iansan's feet...
>pagden flopped once again
we really got the "fontaine but shit" version huh
I now understand Gold a little more...
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We are the ones suffering. Stuzha will be better... I hope
I pulled the trigger because he jobbed
Thank fucking god they didn’t ruin his outfit to this. Love my Lyney thighs
it felt like a set up for the future but did you really need to do him so dirty?
Genshin for this feel?
This picture makes me nostalgic for literally any other region and their story and characters. God I hope Natlan gets better soon, it really feels like a throwaway filler region.

It reminds me of when you enter a filler arc in an anime that you know will suck but you keep watching anyway just in case something cool happens or gets revealed. But it ends up being a waste of time.
>Fortnite too isn’t that hot anymore.

fortnite is still the #1 earner on consoles and likely makes a ton on pc too
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He's just very cute and rapeable
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Nahida is very sexy
>americans wake up
>doomposting/flopping ensues
are you guys gaslighting me or am i going crazy
i swear it's Wednesdays
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Dehya won.
Chelde shouldn't have even been in Fontaine
everybody already has at least c3r1 raiden xister, you can't count on her to save your flops now
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Leave Kinich sales to ME
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I do not care about sales. Why is /gig/ so obsessed with how thick Dawei's wallet is? It has nothing to do with gameplay.
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Kinich is a boring character just like every Floplanian. But at last he's cute unlike femoids. Will roll him for exploring.
Wait aren’t you asleep at this time
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What should I order?
>cheldfags coping session
reminder that your comic relief jobber is not relevant to shit in teyvat
*drags him down*
Which would you risk in the pursuit of chevy c0, c0 worm or c1 shogun? worm I guess?
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#8 in JP
#12 in CN

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Nice new unit you got there /gig/, mind if I?
Yes I work for Mihoyo and know EVERYTHING about their revenue
You should care about it too
natlan plopped
First gacha general?
why wasnt shenhe in the mcdonalds art? she is the waggie
UGLY and wanderer's toy
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oh no!
*sigh* guess I'll save to save natlan
how dragon dicks does she take?
>anti cheld schizo is here
reminder he is more important than your genshin
flopden paggun killed this game
We already told you the latter half of sumeru and the entirety of fontained scared players away
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chasca my beloved
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okay but what if he doesn't job and actually pulls through at a critical moment in the future? it'll be so kino
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>live in shithole neighborhood
>none of the McDonalds near me are participating
>have to drive 20 minutes away to the good area to get to the nearest participating one
Actually not that bad for Floplan standards. Mualani had a BP buff. I thought it will be worse.
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Then why does he keep appearing?
Even Raiden can’t carry the game anymore
It’s over
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nice anniversary patch
Gamers don't like games for what they are anymore, they can only play something if its the best and biggest. If what you like isn't #1 in sales that means it lost and so did you by playing it. We all know Madden was the best game of the PS2 era because more sales = better than.
she is for the exclusive use of human cock
meant for>>494886536
meant for>>494886186
Can’t wait for 5.1 when both Nahida and Hu Tao flop
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No way her majesty the narukami ogosho god of thunder will outsell Kinich on her fourth rerun, right?
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[GOOD NEWS] Kinich banner saved Genshin!
>sales on IOS
Did genshin die on android? why is it always appstore chart?
to shill the next big character he only appeared in fontaine to wank neuv by getting 1 tapped by him
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Whaaaaat so femoid pandering doesn't actually sell? I'm shocked.
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When people say "double swirl" they mean swirling two different elements?
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i can't kill cojico before shield
Hutao looks different...
Kinich and Mualani performed worse than ZZZ’s Qingyi and Jane (console game btw) and Yunli, the pink fox, and Feixiao
Both in JP and CN
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And Mihomo still thinks they are a big player.
how did genshin team managed to lose interest of players this much this quickly? even clorinde didn't flop this hard.
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It all returns to nothing...
Is this supposed to be bad? I don’t follow salefaggotry but this looks okay
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It's the other way around
did i miss something?
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Nah, we got new lore in fontaine
Salesposting shoukd be bannable imo. It adds nothing to discussion and is used exclusively for trolling, shitposting, and baits. Usually by people who have no interest in discussing the game.
China doesn't have Google Play and Japs are pure Appleniggers
they cant generate hype anymore
You're dragging him down even harder.
Next collab
Dawei don't look...
henshin touhou release????
qingyi and yunli sold worse than.......emilie
>sumeru and first half of fontaine maleworms scared away whale waifucolector coomers and they went to other games that give them what they want aka fanservice and sexy women
>Hoyo is now trying to fix their shit by flooding Genshin with female character
too late for that Dawei, you fucked up, never ever pander to westeroid gays, gamer "girls" and yaoitards
not to mention not making anymore summer/swimsuit costumes during summer events where other games are doing it constantly just scared lots of rich coomers away
zzz and wuwa came out
Genshin is so predictable I'm pretty sure he will either save us or be one of the final bosses
If big sales = better game then why aren't we all playing FIFA right now?
>people unironically top up on appstore
bros your vpn? your third party top up site?
Muttlani bros…
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Raiden < Kachina
browns for the openly racist chinks is not a good marketing decision
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>male flops
>suddenly salesposting bad
I'm noticing.
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Shitposters act like spiritual shareholders to get easy (You)s. We've already talked about how hoyo games cannibalize each other and how every gacha reduces their revenue throughout the years until it stabilizes within the old playerbase. Only the Animal Crossing knockoff and the Honkai MMO seem truly interested in new audiences. I say this because I've heard my normalfag friends saying they don't want to play hoyo stuff anymore without a better multiplayer aspect to it.
Qingyi has 925 mil in JP and Yunli has around that too so you’re wrong
Emilie only has 728 mil
No one plays Wuwa.
usually genshin banners hit number 1 in jp and number 2-4 in CN
by salesfagging schizophrenia this is thw worst performing banner in the game by a wide margin
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me neither and i refused to drop the world level so i just did the furina cheese where you stand out of aggro range hopping in and out of a saurian while the minions kill it
reminder he's one of the only recurrent characters and they keep adding to his lore, you are delusional if you think he doesn't matter for endgame
thats pretty good considering the diminished interest in the game overall, no?
and yet both sold worse than genshin on the monthly chart
That's better than expected, he needs to be worse or I need proof Raiden is doing the heavy lifting, or I won't be satisfied.
cope, better game than gencuck impact
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Did yours, /gig/?
If you know how to contact the mods then tell them that. People here have been reporting spammers for ages but apart from occasional bans nothing helps.
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let's see yours, sisters!
This is actually good considering it Floplan kek
koreans do
>EsotericSunset now fully committed to avatarfagging as Chiori
Is Engulfing Lightning still worth rolling for today? At least I can pass The Catch to Xiangling while Raiden gets her signature.
only this much despite extreme constellation powercreeps in natlan, huh. grim
All he did was job in Fontaine
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When will Ittodev return to finish the job and give him a skin that fixes his model?
salesposting is always bad dainsleif
>usually genshin banners hit number 1 in jp

jp charts are pure shitposting because iOS has higher prices and people stopped spending on there years ago
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waifuflop schizo status?
that faggot still posts?
Is PUBG mobile really that popular in china?
Looks like mualani saved genshin impact from the kiniFLOP
>live in decent neighborhood
>have to drive 20min for a mcdonalds at all
I still can't be bothered to install some mcd app or whatever.
while gaining new lore and his whale/surtalogi connection
no i have a penis
show cock esotericsunset
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Flopmillie flopped
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Why are Sumerujeets like this? Reminds me of the scholar who got Jeht's father killed after badgering him for days and didn't even credit his name in the paper. Fucking soulless people.
Fuck off you enormous faggot. I have always said this. I hope you get hit by a fucking bus.
>always number 1
yeah before the 30% cut from applenigger
I have no idea who you're talking about when I got that webm from /gig/ a few days ago.
Jane is canonically for Seth
Yunli is canonically for Yanqing
Pink fox is canonically for Feixiao
Meanwhile Kinich and Mualani barely interact
He doesn't have any ties to Surtalogi, Skirk does but it wasn't even implied that Chelde ever met him
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/gig/bros wtf... we are getting anally-raped this month, aren't we?

the entire r/gachagaming gonna laugh at us again
this is actually way better than I was expecting...
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Thoughts on this Mexican Sucrose cosplayer?
look at these sales
He spam that shit here because in /zzz/ everyone ignores him kek
Only the chinese still play pubg...
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>Raidenfags already coping with "a-at least she sold more than Kinich!"
A flop is a flop. Doing better than a flop while the entire thing flopped means you flopped, too. That's like being proud of your shit smelling not as foul as someone else's shit, but at the end of the day it's still shit.
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they wanted to make Scara their Archon
I want to gag on these sales
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>400 million
>9.8 million
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Who the fuck thought this was a good outfit for itto
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Anyone have a webm of Shogunbot walked down on the air before the cleavage sword?
>talking about flops while posting one of the biggest flops in the game
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I've long debated if Sumeru NPC quests or Fontaine NPC quests are worse.
I think this one solidified my answer.

also, btw, I'm pretty sure Mualani's village elders probably has gotten a bunch of people killed in this lava deathtrap over the years.
Why nobody rolls Raiden
Wasn't someone claiming HSR was dying last thread? You still here neuvposting faggot?
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nice cock
>homos acting as if this is a win even though they'd be shitposting hard if a female did those same numbers
So shameless.
>all the seapag shit in HRT
checks out alright
off-model, too feminine coomer slop
why does GI have 30% tax when HSR and ZZZ do not?
>surtalogi's whale has a fixation with childe
>his constellation was broken
>childe has his power move
>doesn't have any ties
as i said, delusional
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I have C2R1 Clorinde
I really doubt that. She looks like a dragon slut
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Poor FLOPmilie
If only she wasn’t ugly
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It was me, I did
>brings up how vulcanite gets swallowed up by lava before you can even farm it after nearly getting 3 people (paimon isn't a person) killed
this nigga deserved to get slapped
headcanon the post
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>every chiorifag is EsotericSunset
>when Chiori has even had a higher usage than Navia in the current abyss among giggers
I cant wait to go home and roll for Khevreuse...
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Me when I roll for Mexican Xilonen C0R1
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The way 4chan usually handles topics that overcrowd boards is by creating new boards for those specific topics. Like how they split vidya discussion years ago. Maybe Hiroyuki could create a /vbiz/ board for those that want to talk nothing but sales, and ban the topic from other boards.
>kinich flopped
>homo started spamming cock
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i love my husband
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it is howeverbeit
>All things that happened
uh oh homo melty
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Because HSR and ZZZ released after the tax

So basically in these JP charts, Genshin is 30% more expensive than on playstation and pc
Double swirl is mostly meme these days. Only Cheld international and tazer teams use it and for the former a lot of people just use a simplified rotation and only swirl pyro for XL.
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>another gigaflop
Muttlani flopped harder btw way
>it adds nothing to discussion
There is nothing to discuss in the game currently, ESL
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that would be fucking retarded, but also a little bit funny. Raiden is actually a smart choice to run on the first natlan patch, she's one of those characters newbabs with passing knowledge of the game would roll for "just because".
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Guys how are ZZZ and HSR mogging us so bad
HSR mogs us on mobile
ZZZ mogs our new banners on mobile AND consoles in both US and Japan
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Only Xbalanque can save the game now.
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waifuflops undeniably killed their games. let it be a lesson that no one plays their games for the femorrhoid flops
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that doesnt even make sense
why wouldnt they raise the price for HSR and ZZZ when they already did with GI? apple is greedy as fuck
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For me, Its Fischl!
because there's no pc and psn chart duh. There's no chinese android charts too so we use what we have
Truth nuke
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i dont care about males or females doing better i just want the game to be successful
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Is it time?
I have seen this pic weeks ago
The banner didn't even out outside of Asia yet
>n-n-n-noooooo le tortilla will be le important!!!!11111!!!! Just wait 163838263774 more versions and you'll see it!!!!
Why are yumes like this?!
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Where were you when Neuv and 4.2 killed the game?
cheld is the one with a weird fixation with the whale the whale doesnt give a fuck about cheld
pure headcanon garbage nowhere does it say shit about his constellation breaking
he modeled his power move after the whale this is like saying fischl has ties to the thunderbird because she has oz
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dont cry
I just did a Natlan in the toilet...
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>HSR mogs us on mobile
Genshin is a pc/ps5 game
>ZZZ mogs our new banners on mobil
August sales chart says otherwise
>AND consoles
New game buff
>"kimchi is super popular(on twitter) and he has the sasuke and naruto VA, he will surely be first in JP!!!!"
>*shitposts females 24/7*
>"...8 is okay... it's not a flop I swear!!!"
wormflopper, wormflopper, don't cry
kinich looks like THAT?
I was playing HSR.
Well ZZZ is a shitty game that uses pedophilia and gay rape to advertise its characters so it clearly doesn't reflect anything important
Too much copium bro
Will you be there in 6.0 when Neuv's banner will have had more Tiktok hours than the entirety of Natlan?
i hope she doesn't rerun too soon, i want to get xilonen and mavuika before getting her cons
I don't understand why I am supposed to care about how much of a billionaire Dawei is every month
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Remember to report spammers such as this.
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The vast vast majority of the playerbase and even people here agree it's just a handful of incredibly loud retards posting about sex/sexuality/trannies all day every day literally on the post cooldown because they've been mindbroken by American politics
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Until those newbabs realized that it would take a lot of archon quests and world quests to be completed to make Raiden usable.
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Laugh at this poster
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I really like it when the female vocals kick in during the Natlan combat music.
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kinich flopped
Neuv's rerun got zero tiktok hours despite being the most broken character in the game by far.
>everyone cares more about pointing fingers than the game itself
this game is so fucked
Neuvillette killed the game, no wonder the devs hate him and didn’t include him in the farewell photo
now post pc sales
Your worm flopped btw
the whale was literally calling him
his constellation broke during the fight
foul legacy comes from surtalogi
play the game
this, we only care about sale when wuwa is attacking us
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>clunklani flopped
>clunknuch flopped
what now
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Another successful maleflop
Husbandopags/Shiptroons are poor SEAmonkeys LOL
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7 and a half hours left until I can Roll
Okay. But will you be there in 6.0 when Neuv's banner will have had more Tiktok hours than the entirety of Natlan?
kys gooner incel
Holy FUARKING ARCHONS of floppas
They don't want you to care, they want you to feel bad for playing genshin and to drop it for whichever gacha they're shilling.
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Waifuflopper, Waifuflopper, don't cry...
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Kneel to your HonkaiGODS
this, all the Inazuma characters (and ESPECIALLY Shenhe and Yae, their boss is buried in Enkoiymiya) are horrible rolls for new players, they won't be able to level shit on them for a good while.
You can picture the total femcel melty btw
>Tiffany: "How is he flopping AGAIN!!! I told them to make him so overpowered all retards had to do was leave their finger the screen! I FUCKING HATE MEN THIS IS ALL THEIR FAULT SOMEHOW!"

Highest package for example costs 15k yen for genshin while it costs 12k like normal for HSR.
If you have a gameplay discussion you are willing to start im sure a few.of us will participate
This is why they don't give us a skip button
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Get out, FRAUD.
>Neuv kills the game
What kind of logic is this? Are you happy he killed the game?
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>husbandotroons can't afford to keep their worms sales up
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>the whale was literally calling him
>his constellation broke during the fight
>foul legacy comes from surtalogi
>play the game
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Are you rolling for this Mexica Genshin?
wormflopper wormflopper don't cry...
It's a stupid achievement because you're hardcapped at I think 40 hits before he activates it so you either giga whale, lower WL or use the furina cheese
And i'm annoyed i have to wait 2 and a half hours.
I should be more grateful
But enough about yourself. He'll have a small cameo in Snez but won't be featured as a main character
that's you schizo?
paimon is kiana
>nothing to roll for 12 months
>wtf why are husbandofags not whaling!!1
>neuv is the reason I'm a destitute seapag who won't spend for muttlani and eunuch
They're going to make her a garbage 4-star, aren't they? :(
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Mavuika and Capitano will sell well and that's it. Madame Ping too but she isn't from Natlan anyway. Xbalanque could sell well depending on how the game shills him, though I don't know if he's even playable. My issue with Genshin is how many characters are pushed aside to shill NPCs. Idk about ZZZ, but HSR's mainstory quests don't have stuff like 500 NPC lines.
husbandopags are poor (confirmed)
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she really thinks she's tagging along when I find aether
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So the banner has been live for only a few hours right? Wouldn't it take longer to get a better picture or do most people pull in the first few hours of a banner?
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Nice dead game you have there retards KEKAROOO
the game is slowly dying, Lyney's sales in the same shot against Itto's rerun paint a better picture of what happened.
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Who is having a melty right now?
of course kinich flopped we have had an entire fucking year to save
How long until threads go back to normal? Bored of schizos samefagging already
>6 euros
lmao even
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>tl note: touhou means "eastern"
breakfast is over go order your chicken sandwich before they run out of codes
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The quest was pretty dogshit
...am I supposed to spend enough money to make up for all the men who left for other games?
and you say this because? more points to him being relevant than the opposite
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Kinich's flop was predictable because he's just another clunk dps without a personality and sisters saved for a year.
I'm looking forward to Xilonen's flop for more Dawei's tears.
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>wormflopper posted the same image 100+ times, being protected by janny tranny, for this?
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>hmmmm how can i blame this on Neuvilette
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I can't have a melty they're forcing me to buy an apple pie
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flop flop
Furina did well despite that lmao
we had an entire year to save for Furina, and she didn't flop her 1st banner
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What revived the hype?
i hate apple pie so much
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that doesnt explain why HSR didnt get hit by the tax (Apple isnt doing charity here)
and then we have people confirmed price didnt change for them
Anal sex with March 7th
Feet sex with Sparkle
What excuses? Not spending isn't some crime that I need an alibi for.
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Sorry had to go somewhere after posting the apple pie Mcd thing. Pretty sure my Mcd doesn't have the special packaging though, which sucks.

Pic related.

From how the email was structured, I think you can get both if you order both banners in one meal. I had to trick the app by switching it to the lunch menu to see the banners and select the apple pie one then switch back to the breakfast menu, which worked because they have apple pies all day. Obviously have to wait until later for the glider sandwich thing.

There are two banners and two codes you can get. Total cost for both banners is like $12, $2 for the apple pie on it's own and $10 for the chicken sandwich combo, at least where I am.
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>androgynous niggas flop
>women flop
>men flop
uh oh last time you were telling us how you already have your husbando and will not roll for Kinich now you say you saved up for him instead?
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>already coping
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Snezhnaya? Literally for him
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>kinichi banner is in like 6 hours
What? I thought it only be tomorrow
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>homofloppers crawling out of their wormholes to suddenly claim sales don't matter now
we fuarking lost eunuch bros... natlan xisters...
>hes spamming the fake arlecchino summons again
A discord raid and some fag replying to himself over multiple proxies. They do this for hours every day.
zhongtao in the OP
/hsrg/ and /hig/
What saved Fontaine?
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I like Cheld
He's a fun clown.
I'll roll for him once his banner comes.
I always knew husbandopags are poorkeks lmeow
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Gonna have to drive up north to a cleaner McDonalds. I don't trust black people making my food. Only Mexicans serve food well
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if they do that then hopefully she will be a good support/subdps, but id really prefer if she was a 5 star dps who actually got field time
>Neuv comes out and is extremely overtuned and meta
>all completely shilled in the story at every turn
>all the banners afterwards start falling off a cliff
>becomes the first banner since launch along with Furina later to completely omegaflop despite being relevant meta characters
>record breaking lows after record breakings lows following 4.2

Yeah it's pretty obvious what happened. The game was already on decline since they fucked up Dehya but Neuv and Fontaine story was the nail in the coffin for a lot of men. Nothing gets hype anymore and the threads are 50% homofujos, that's not normal.
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So if worms and waifus don't sell, what does?
Getting slapped by a qt like Karya is hardly a punishment.
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lose some wait
Reminder that he didn't even do anything against the whale. Why would he do anything other than introduce Tabibito to his siblings in Snez
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SEAmonkey discord raid has been spamming on cooldown
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im just here to laugh at the maleflopper. that tard shits up multiple generals lol
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>now they're pretending that Furina wasn't a colossal embarrassment
Compared to Raiden and Nahida, Furina did pathetically. She was shilled as the archon AND had a ton of people rolling her C6, but she didn't breach 100 hours. And then she flopped during her rerun.
Kinich is a literal who AND a manlet that isn't meta, of course he wouldn't fare too well. Seems you retards forgot that fact.
dunno what your babbling about post foots
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>Most anticipated region
>First 2 banners already sold like shit
>Next patch is filler
Hilichurl banner, trust the plan
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There's nothing wrong with Kinich, he seems cool and fun. But all the fujoyumes have moved to HSR after Penacony gave them fan service an shipbait. It'll take a while for them to return to Genshin.
Mualani flopped still
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Arlecchino is a cute womanlet hebe.
Apple tax is only applicable in certain countries including Japan (and not us)

I don't know why it doesn't affect HSR but it doesn't. Best I could find is that it was because HSR released after apple introduced the tax.
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>GODvillette out OF NOWHERE
It's ok, but worse than getting c2 or c3. I got it before any cons because I couldn't stand to have Raiden using that weird-ass Catch.

億 means 100 million
maybe they should've made Natlan good with art direction that fits the rest of the game then
he'll fight the whale again, he'll meet skirk again, he is part of project stuzha, he has to introduce his family
if you thik he won't be heavily featured you are just coping
>Most anticipated region
Kekaroooo there never any hype for the african shithole region
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Other regional contracts are involved, it's not just a tax matter. Genshin being more well known or having a bigger size may play into it.
True, thats why the pink fox in HSR mogged Mualani in sales
more hagflops lmao
She did better than Nahida on her debut banner despite getting dragged down by Baizhu
The whale arc isn't over though?
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Sumeru flopped.
Kinich is cute design wise, but he has the same problem as Natlan femoids: no basic chemistry with any other character.
Holy hell what a dumpster fire of a thread. Who's responsible this time?
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>Genshin getting less and less revenue and players from China
What is next? Imagine your own country hating your company so hard. The only new players are spics and poor ppl from SEA
>She did better than Nahida on her debut banner
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here made it for you bro, i believe this is the part you are asking for?
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>McDonalds collab on Raiden rerun
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Xilonen is literally our last chance to save face genshinbwos.... There is no way Mavuika pulls Furina, let alone Raiden/Nahida numbers...
homo LOST
waifufag LOST
so who won?????
>appears in 80% of the archon quest
>amplifying reactions
>her c6 powercreeps neuvillette and arle c6s, this is objective
>almost naked
>top up reset + BP + new region + anni hype
>not meta
>appears in 10% of the archon quest
>dendro DPS
>his C6 is barely even navia level
>fully clothed
>2nd half and before meta support
>1 year of no males
>clunkier than Mualani (who is also clunky)

It's honestly embarrassing that they're on the same level of sales currently
I’m surprised Kinich failed in JP too
Randoms like Qingyi, Jane, and Feixiao reached #1 meanwhile Kinich has seiyuu buff too
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Fat Raiden meme magic'd so hard...
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cute hebe larping as a hag
fuck off shounenfag
/gig/'s bukakke queen is so cute
discord raid spamming off cooldown
>/hsrg/ that low
i'm noticing...
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>Holy hell what a dumpster fire of a thread. Who's responsible this time?
It's amazing how no matter what question you ask, it always turns out to be...
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>J-just so you know, waifuflops don't sell because le incels le poor!
>sells husbandoshit with popular jp VA
>flops horribly
the mint potion sells
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The Natlan arc only has 2 parts so far. I think it's too early to judge him.
Look it up on Paimon.moe. She had over 40k more pulls than Nahida in 3.2 lmao
>inb4 doesn't count
Then neither does Tiktok hours
Bro you can literally see the Narwhal constellation in the fight
>$10 for the chicken sandwich combo
They're charging $21 for it here
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Nice flop giggers
LMAO you homofujos are dishonest fucking troons. Weeks calling her clunky garbage but when Kinich sells like shit suddenly she's "meta".
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This is kinda worrying bwos
Genshin already bleeding players because Da Wei is a FUCKING RETARD and now Natlan banners keep flopping?
What the fuck happened to Genshin?????
I feel like Hoyo only care about HSR and ZZZ now
lick lick lick lick slurp slurp slurp alalalelelelllololololalalalaa
>need 3 reruns to sell after jiaqiu and sparkle flopped
bud why xddd??
sparkleposter mating press
Genshin players are generally poor regardless of gender and other variables
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McDonalds' revenue for the duration of the collab, should count towards Raiden's sales.
Mualani being pure coom and still flopping is what made me lose complete faith in the current Genshin audience. There was ZERO reason for her to flop that hard.
Pretty good, thanks.
Still the best scene in the game btw.
fat raiden i kneel...
Built for cock worship with lipstick
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Are these charts only looking at mobile?
The future of Genshin isn’t bright bros
I’m downloading HSR and ZZZ now since it seems like Mihoyo cares about those games more
Congrats to Furina for having a 5 day boost over Nahida.
fatass americans
Japs don't buy from Appstore
See >>494887840
I don't get it. Is that red up arrow good or bad? What site is this?
PIGlani flopped
EUNICH flopped
dawei literally back stabbed his own otaku fans when they supported him the most
his crocodile tear might fool westerners but absolutely not his fellow countrymen
Her C6 is the current speedrun record
>no basic chemistry with any other character.
that is like every character outside of mondstadt and sumeru
Your McDonald's order?
botw had one
So is kinichi good or is he clunky?
no one cares, we are just laughing at the annoying chartposter that shat up /gig/ for the past three weeks
looks like Kinich is going to need the ode of resurrection again
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>>>le just roll c6
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>literal background NPC character with reddit pixelshit sells better than mualani

why don't waifutroons have money?
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Why are you here instead of playing your 8 hour worm-centric Xianzhou slop event?
Dendro mualani.
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Where are all the boomerfags who were gonna roll him after the le epic game references in his trailer?
Just started doing the event and they keep talking about the Spark Knight. Potential new future playable Mondstadt? When was the last time we got a new 5* from Mondstadt anyway?
lmao keep funding our game HSRkeks
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>Want Chevy for Pork
>It's Pagden(again) and Kinich
I will never forgive Mihoyo for gatekeeping 4 stars
makes sense, on my server theres always russians in coop.
Sparkleposters fell off...
Nobody even responds to your shitty spam anymore. It's just sad to watch.
What's the point of doing this?
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so what fucking game do I play now?
hsr is dogshit turn based slop
zzz and wuwa is dogshit
tof is 6 feet under
wukong is already forgotten
no one remembers elden ring
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CR too
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>no basic chemistry with any other character.
>that is like every character outside of mondstadt and sumeru
Live Lynette Reaction

It's funny how this nothing character is one of the best in her region.
Just build pity bwyo
She is great at C0R0 and speedrun queen at C2+. Now what? Kinich is green physical. Both are clunky though but at least Mualani has good numbers
ios only don't know about android
Actually, Hoyoverse cares, considering how much they marketed Mualani in all aspects lmao. They expected her to be a top seller.
Kinich's trailer was more extra though
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they don't care about us either, bwo. we got sent straight back for round 2 of filler space china shilling while they promote genshin and zzz
ngl getting laughed at by the sparkleposters is making me kinda hard...
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can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
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Told you Kinich’s kit was garbage
I’m not surprised nobody rolled for him just like Mualani
Genshin devs are incompetent and morons
HSR is flopping even with 3 reruns and a new character
they can't even fund their own game
Kinich C6 also powercreeps Neuv/Arle C6
I wonder if that troon has enough self-respect to feel shame over xis spam or if xe is already thinking about a new narrative
no other update had as much global hype as inazuma, it was for a reason lol
Incels live off goverment free gibs in their mom's basement, what makes you think they have money to whale?
So homosexuals, your fag boy is going to outsell Mualani, right?
Drop the stupid salesposting and make love to me, genkeks
god that march training arc was so boring, HSR writing makes genshin writing look good in comparison
can i join the discord
Lots of coom flops. Coom gets people to play the game but people roll mostly for meta, the ones that sell the most are the ones that have both. We had 1.5 years of nothing but limited homos and covered up androgynous dykes in Fontaine. Game was RIP at that point. Even Fontaine launch didn't get that much hype compared to previous regions.
Dishonest for purely single target
Also retardedly dishonest when comparing Mualani at any constellation compared to Neuv except for single target which are still close anyways at low constellations.

Again, you faggots and women are so incredibly dishonest to spend weeks shitting all over her and calling her clunky but now that your homo flops you need to do a 180 and completely change up your tune.

Dishonest fucking wretches, a big reason why the game died is your presence in the community btw.
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Mcdonald's and all fast food restaurants suck
Stop eating such disgusting good
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Play the better game
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reminder if you're straight to play Wuwa instead of hoyo sloppa
>muh sales
dont care, disregard NTRge
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>>494878267 (Cross-thread)
>>494878520 (Cross-thread)
>>494878687 (Cross-thread)
>>494878906 (Cross-thread)
Good shit bro. Keep up the good work
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Wait for azur promilia
seeth and cope ZZZ fags and Honkai keks Genshin is the true passion project
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AFK Journey new season in 3 days
You faggots about to get murdered
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chevy exists for real now
did you get her bwos?
Are we being raided?
>talking about meta while posting the worst harmony unit in the game
Space Marine 2
already do
it's not better, HSR gameplay feels like paying taxes
sorry shills i won't play your games
>complain about neuvillette being a gary stu and shit up every thread
>not a single word about mary suika
yes maam
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First time I agree with the fischlposter, my family eats mcd a lot so i'd eat too by proxy, after trying actual borgars out i can't eat that shit, overpriced as fuck stuff taht isnt even taht good
Will any character trailer match the KINO that was Furina's?
>thinking the last 4 days of a banner matter
>thinking she was going to get over 40k pulls in those 4 days
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Come back Signora. We miss you. WE need you.
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>we are jobbing to people who arent even present
>We had 1.5 years of nothing but limited homos and covered up androgynous dykes in Fontaine.
Sigewinne flopped
Clorinde flopped
Emilie flopped
Chiori flopped
Navia flopped

anybody have that art of clorinde kissing a lizard
she is not purely single target lmao, what are you smoking?
>Natlan is just botw tears of kingdom
>down with the 6 sages
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I'm done with gayshit faggotpact as well!
Sumeru's cast doesn't have more chemistry than Fontaine's, unless you mean that you'd rather watch Alhaitham and Kaveh bicker endlessly over Furina, Navia and Clorinde playing D&D, Chiori and Chevreuse's funny cop–informant dynamic, and the cute sibling relationship between Lyney, Lynette and Freminet.
Nah, my dick gets huge for sparkle
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Mualani scoping out her next "Victim" to have mixed babies
big mac with extra mushrooms
That was what he said, illiterate bro
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I am waiting for NA genshin players to post their meals
you are replying to a fudanshi
Kinich is cute, but he doesn't really pander to women like Aven does. Even the pink fox, which I don't like much, had more of a prominent role in the current Luofu slop. HSR devs are better at shilling characters, which isn't saying much because Genshin usually does a terrible job. If you want players to roll more characters, you need to at least try shilling them more properly.
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>proceeds to list off a bunch of covered up dykes
>Constantly release useless characters after useless characters
>If a region has 10 new limited characters around only 2 are actually good
>People have seen how MHY operates and they now don't care about new characters regardless of how they play.
MHY did this to themselves.
>thread suddenly slows down
Did the samefag get banned?
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>Receive coop invite
>Play for a bit
>Have fun
>Start chatting about random stuff
>Really hit it off
>Coop buddy tells me she's a girl
>Keep chatting and having fun
>Play for about 4 hours
>"Hey I really like you" she tells me
>"Yeah me too, let's add each other in social media"
>She sends me her insta
>Something doesn't look right
>Ask for her age
>"Oh yeah, I'm 13"
>Stopped playing and ghosted her
Why the fuck the only girls that I can get along with are underage, I fucking hate this game
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Homoflops DON'T sell and they are making hoyo go BANKRUPT because husbandokeks are POORKEKS
Fucking end yourself sayufujo.
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>zzz and wuwa is dogshit
just how bad at combat are you
>single target
?????????? she literally needs a group of enemies to maximize her shark bite
How good are Kinich's and Xilonen's C6s? I'm assuming the latter's is pretty good considering that she's a support
OMG! these graphics are so much better than genshart play doh baby crap
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It just keeps happening... why do I not ever have enough mora sisters...
Why aren’t you playing the BETTER game?
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It's not too late to join the winning side btw, we're Hoyo new passion project
>tranny roleplaying as sparkle in /vg/
What other board gets these types of specimen?
>There's nothing wrong with Kinich
outside of being utterly bland
Building characters for IT bankrupted me too
turn on your anti-aliasing bruh
Whats wrong with Emilie? She sold more than Muttlani. If coom sells, then why was Emilie more successful than someone who released with top up resets?
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Post those meels
I'm already playing
you just have to wait for 5 years anon
>needs a group of enemies to maximize her shark bite
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i need rat pussy
I couldn't stand the chinaslop of that game, at least in hoyo games the chinaslop is only for a period of the year
wormwa combat is worse than zzz and zzz is boring because it's just 30 seconds of hallway combat
ZZZ jobs to HSR filler patch
What the fuck is wrong with sparkletards
Emilie is ugly as fuck you retarded homofujo faggot
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I always get perfect dish if I'm not fucking around
No thanks, AA is for non-breeders
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Keep tryin bwo. One of the girls I hung out with while at Uni played Genshin, and she was (thankfully) of age, even if she was terminally online.
>get fucked over by a company's game
>TWO if you're a Hi3 player due to part 2
>still hop over to any of their other offerings and act like a doomposter/shill
What sort of derangement is this?
Live sayufujo and smtGOD
>My issue with Genshin is how many characters are pushed aside to shill NPCs.
This is such a glaring issue that remains an issue and yet at the same time with how many characters Genshin has now they refuse to use most of them. If it's not an NPC-based sidequest it's the 50th Itto event. I love when the fanbase makes excuse for why some characters basically never appear too. "Well you see Yelan is a spy so it makes sense that you never see her doing anything. But since Klee is a kid that likes to play it makes sense that you see her a lot!"
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Not buying it, I thought it was going to be like the BTS collab. And I don't like apple pie
>sparkle vs sparkle fight
Cris is losing his fucking mind.
Please stop using zzz for your shitposting zzzoos don't even post here often
I wanted to like ZZZ but the combat is so bad. Button mash bullshit but without the exploration.
>Why the fuck the only girls that I can get along with are underage
Same boat, maybe because we arent as mature as adult women? Except adult women can be just immature as children so I have no fucking clue.
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Raiden flopped?!
>he says while posting another flop that flopped despite being meta and having an entire patch dedicated to him
femcels and homos don't have a lot of money evidently
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You know you want it
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You /gig/gers are such pathetic losers. You should be happy that I'm allowing you to fuck me, because no one else would.
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>he doesn't know
Neuvillette is poison but Genshin died in Sumeru with 3.6 being the death knell
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I'm saving for yabi
Another day another wormflop...
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We are GODS
I'm trans btw
Your psyop didn't work, femcel. Emilie is sex. Abyss clears proved that anons did roll Emilie and she even carried your homo so you'll have to roll for her rerun kek. You will never blend in because you always let your seething rage slip through your falseflag.
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No wonder Dawei cried during the last livestream. Real numbers must be much worse
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It finally happened... I should quit now... seeyanara...
wtf bwos their ayaka look way better....
yeah just cummed to sparkle
Post the sexier hag sparkle that is Lingsha instead
What did RUNESCAPE do so right?
>PEAKED in 2006-2009
>SURVIVED for 24 years
>DIED in 2013 but REVIVED itself in the same year
>saw GROWTH in 2020-2022
Meanwhile GENFLOP
>PEAKED in 2021-2022
>DIED 4 years in
>will NEVER revive itself
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you are valid xis
We only love Fofo here.
Going by how love and deep space does on the sales charts only yumes have the money
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OK homo
Sparkle is canonically a friendless loser, no wonder you LARP as her
man genshin will never have a decent boss fight
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>trying to ERP as sparkle because sparkleGODS are shitting on your homoflop
New low, but homos always find a way to dig a deeper hole to drag themselves to. if only they were as dedicated so that their maleflops sell..
But alas, husbandokeks has tiny wallets~ AHAHAHA~
Post Firefly
Post more of Sparkle's thighs.
>Abyss clears proved that anons did roll Emilie
Anons even rolled for Neuv if you take 4.x abyss data from here seriously.
They also level up B despite every thread being full of people trashing him and calling him a crutch
i'm sorry for having sex..
sparkle can just kill someone and replace them to get as many friends as she wants bro
This is my C2 Mualani https://streamable.com/7hglql
Only retards call her garbage. At C1+ she is faster than C1+ Arle or Neuv on speedruns.

Her being clunk doesn't make her numbers
My game stood the test of time. Never flopped. If it did who cares, budget required must be like 1000$
cheld boss fight is kino thoughever
And yet Mualani still flopped harder than Emilie. Kill yourself femcel, stop using her to falseflag.
making me do fucking Mysterious Island quest seems like he actively wants to get me to dislike Genshin, so I really question what the fuck his angle is

honestly so many of their decisions feel like self-sabotage that if it isn't and this is them actually trying, I'm even more confused.
at least they arent as bad as wuwa's
dumb ESL
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>play our 10 hour space china slop-
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>t-they don't matter!
Paimon.moe is even more of a cope metric btw
azdaha co op
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>#8 in JP
>#12 in CN
and this is with fucking Raiden rerun banner. Imagine how bad it would have been if not for her
>You should be happy that I'm allowing you to fuck me, because no one else would.
True but you'd let anyone fuck you so I don't feel very special.
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Sorry those are too sexy to be shown without mild censorship
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shut the fuck up dumb whore
could add sige and wrio to that list too, and even neuvillette and furina were pretty funny together in the AQ
people often give cyno and tighnari as an example of a good dynamic in sumeru, but they just keep raving on about family which feels forced
and then there's the girls whose dynamic can be summarized as going shopping together
there isn't a more overrated region in this regard
>Kinnick flopped with Naruto and sasuke glued to him
>With fucking Naruto and sasuke glued to him
So Nahida is sexier than almost all the females in the game since she sold more than them, right? What is your logic here? That sales=sex? Because you're wrong when Shenhe's first banner sold like shit along with girls like Yoimiya.

You're a schizo flaming faggot or falseflagging woman.
Natlan has already made its budget back.
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A thousand faces in a thousand places... can you find the answer?
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Braindead retard
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So now that Natlan first 2 banners flopped BIGLY
What's our next cope?
Surely not this ugly piece of shit right?
>dead pngslop that's relevant for two weeks out of the year
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Post more Sparkle porn NOW please
I’m on the kitchen floor with a cock in my hand
damn, they really covered up caesar
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homobros...not like this....
Her being clunk means you're a retard for investing, enjoy resetting when your burst decides to spaz out and miss retard
I'd show her my dingaling
Reminder that Sparkle is canonically very strong, she can beat (you) up if you don't give her what she wants!
i love yuanshen
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This game has been flopping since COVID.
It’s just neuvi sunk cost seething
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>Building pity right before I need to c2r1 xilonen
Bro I'm not made of money, I can't afford a wasted pity.
homoschizo in full melty mode
Thank you SHITstain!
Thank you Wormvillette!
It'd have done better with characters like Arle, Shenhe or CR. Almost nobody wants Raiden in the year of 2024.
Ah the slut nerd relationship.
She's the most OP support since Furina, I can definitely see her being second best selling Natlan character. Or maybe third, if we get Capitano or Columbina.
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Chainsaw Man is crazy good this week
Chasca next banner is going to make Mualani and Kinich's numbers look AMAZING
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this is now a sparkle thread
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you know what I'm gonna post belle instead
loom is still sexier tho
>Center stage
>Stars in plenty of events
>Tragic backstory that we help deal with
>loli body type
>but 500 years old
>can read your mind
>can alter your dreams
>thinks this isn't perfect wife material
Anon, while that might be a faggot or woman, Nahider is pure sex
does Xilonen even work with Clorinde?
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If Furina was the real Archon the game wouldn’t have been the way it is today
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Funny how Tencent always at Top 1 but Genshitters think they give a shit about Hoyo
She flopped last time, stop coping.
What are we going to do if Xilonen flops too?
Actually do people even care about her in China?
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I don't care about sales
most genshin revenue is from pc, retard
Any abyssanon around? Had shit to do until late last night
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>redditsaw man
>natlan designs are shit and the characters are boring with the region being a shitty pokemon knockoff
>heres why its fontaines fault for the characters flopping
Kill yourself homopedo
our HEROES and fraudcchino
notice how sparkle posters camp in other generals because she gets made fun of in her own game's general for being a shitty unit
Meanwhile Hu Tao had zero appearances before her banner and a shitty ass story quest with barely any event relevance and continuously sold well.

Almost like none of that matters. Meta is the only thing that really matters for sales. Meta females are the ones that sell the most regardless of body type.
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flopvillette, the most shilled character in history, wormed & slopped
Yes, why wouldn't she?
>36% res shred
>40% dmg
>fat heals that become BoL and thus you do lv3 lunge more times
She's amazing with Clorinde
>waifu flopped
>twink flopped
Sumeru and its consequences have been a disaster
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>tranny impact is dead
Mavuika. Though Xilonen's sword will bait the fuck out of leviathans imo. I'm not expecting her to do better than Mualani, but we'll see.
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pagbin flopped
Chinks don't care about her at all, she will definitely flop
>>36% res shred
With her signature sword right?
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>shitty unit
all went to shit when they decided to sideline furina for homo dragon shilling
>go to female only gacha with the most lolis
>no homos present, not even yuritroons are tolerated
Stop projecting, homopedo.
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>play my game genshincucks! *sparkle png*
Simulanka scared all the waifufren spenders
Yumes jumped ship to sneed and memespace.
Dawei cried one week before Natlan's launch and called Fontaine the "non OG routes" (mistake region)
If they wanted their Natlan to sell they should’ve made Kinich and Mualani powercreep Neuvillette to the point that they make him obsolete
Every DPS will be a flop now
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>Neuvillette out of nowhere
Motherfucker has been part of the main plot in 2 different countries, outside of Wanderer, he's the antagonist with the most screen time, without being an evil guy to be redeemable for the stomestacies.
>Jam her into everything
>even though she should have no reason to show up
She was astroturfed anon. A hebe chestlet is the worst of ALL worlds. The only appeal is to closet fags
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Yes, I'm rolling for tanned phat leopard GYAAATT, how could you tell?
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Haha yes the famed hoyo polish!
Unironically a quality control slippage that makes you ponder if they're still doing as well as before.
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pagpagbin flopped
Chinks are pure metaslaves so I expect she’ll sell well there purely based on that as Sv0lless as it is.
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As a Ruan Mei and Robin haver I can laugh at sparkletards who chose poorly. No wonder they're so insufferable.
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If you're not ashamed of being a little bitch, then why do you not want to lower the world level?
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>called Fontaine the "non OG routes" (mistake region)
he never did
Mualani flopped despite being meta
damn this thread is gay
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maybe if he gave his body to Ajaw he wouldnt've flopped
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Nobody ever wanted Shenhe or CR with how awfult their kits are. Shame because they could have been top-tier in sales otherwise.
>Unironically a quality control slippage that makes you ponder if they're still doing as well as before.

they have bugs literally every patch, do you even play the game?
...what the fuck are you talking about retard? Hu Tao had literally ZERO appearances before her banner and didn't show up in any events until her rerun which sold even more than her initial run.
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Holy shit /gig/ !
Runescape is /gig/core and we’re all moving there when this game EOS’s by December 2024
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goddamn friendless loser
I was really surprised when I learned space sextao is a brick in hsr. I was assuming she's really good like our Hu tao or Furina.
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>clunkmaster EX
Damn maybe the EoS schizo was right……
>continuously sold well.
homa sold well
hutao doesnt even have ownership rate as high as ayaka
Yes but look at the number of fucking typos in that single line and tell me a retard didn't purposely smash his head onto the keyboard.
Why doesnt the janitor delete all the off topic spam and blatant trolling?
homoflopper, homoflopper don't cry...
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Sorry, need that money for 10 more nuclear power plants and ZZZ animations
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These days will never happen again.
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I haven't bought McDonalds in years because I don't like their food. I am getting the meal and a cup of water. Probably won't even finish it
Shenhe's second rerun and CR sold a lot bro. CR had one of the best banners in 4.X...
if she's so friendless and a loser why is she being cummed inside constantly?
Naruto Va is cope and you know it, why bother with chink bootleg when you can just buy Naruto games with a fraction of the pricetag for primos
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let this thread be a grim reminder, malefloppas don't sell because husbandokeks have tiny little wallets that can only afford dildos~ BWAHAHAHAHAHA!~
please save our dying game, cutefly...
norderline useless you mean
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>he's so poor he needs to choose which hot woman to roll

no wonder pagbin and pag mei flopped
All waifus + honorary waifu Venti
Mualani the waifuflop
Kinich the wormflop
Xilonen the metaflop
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>xe says that while a hebe chestlet often ends up the most popular girl in their respective series
Titfags have zero self-awareness
They missed a closing bracket around NICKNAME and it fucked up the rest of the line around it, so probably less typos than you think
People's experience with old parts of a game affects their view on the new parts of the game. Remember how ToF was janky? Well, whether or not it still is doesn't matter because the people who left it know it as a janky game. The same logic applies to genshin.
The damage was done in Sumeru and if MHY decides to fix the issues the players won't suddenly all come back overnight. Things like this usually happen gradually just like how genshin lost players gradually.
So far MHY isn't doing anything to make genshin better so players have no reason to care.
>why is she being cummed inside constantly?
Literally any woman could achieve that by standing naked in the street
shiptranny flopper, shiptranny flopper don't cry.
Just buy the meal and give it to some homeless person, i’m sure he’ll (probably) appreciate it.
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Meanwhile Yelan may as well not exist in the Genshin world and she is is consistently one of the best-selling characters. I can only imagine Genshin writers seethe about this constantly as they seem to hate her.
One of the few good things I've identified in ZZZ. Her, Ellen, and Miyabi. Some of the other girls are cute too I guess.
her and her ugly DJ sword dont belong in genshin, if you roll xilonen you are contributing to its decline
shut up slut, post feet
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because it was funny and any achievement which requires specific limited characters deserved to be cheesed
She is potentially the best harmony but hypercarries are just shit in this game.
Acheron needs two nihility characters unless you have E2, and your sustain will have the last spot. If your Acheron is E2 then she will want to run Sparkle because she becomes a traditional hypercarry.
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>any woman
>in vg
They only do their jobs when it comes to deleting porn or doxxing posts
Art doesn't lie, though.
You know you could just buy the meal and hand it over to someone else right?
You do some good in the world, your frozen part of the brain that processes doing good thing = good feelings gets some chemicals running through it for the first time in years, you get your stupid wing glider, and all is good with the world.
Ok I’ll give ZZZ a try
Do I need a controller to play that game? People said it’s shit on mobiles and keyboard
sumeru had the highest banner sales ever retard
to be fair not a single male presenting man cared about Mualani
don't forget /pol/ shit, yesterday they were on rapid fire here
How will C0R1 Kinich fare? His first couple constellations don't read like total bait unlike other 5*s
she is top tier in a vacuum, garbage when you look at the rest of the roster
she is basically bennett if they suddenly stopped releasing atk scalers and all the old atk scalers got powercrept, every new dps is designed to not work with her
the best dps that currently works with her is acheron and only at E2, they made sure to make E0 not work with sparkle
Shitters aren't going to roll for hard to use characters even if they are meta, look at Lyney.

Mualani is the fastest character to clear Abyss but everyone pretends she is bad because they don't wanna roll her.
why dont you test it out tranny?
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Sparklefags and hsrGODS run this general
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2 hours...
What game do i play if Genshin is dying????
I refuse to stay in a titanic
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why can't I climb this rock?
She's meta, which was my point. Meta+female=sales. Coom alone flops if the kit is bad.

Now everything flops regardless of meta, though.
Pretty sure she still doesn't want sparkle at E2.
It's way better with a controller, but if you played any mobile game with fast paced combat (Punishing Gray Raven, Hokai Impact 3rd, etc) then you're gonna be fine with phone controls.
not even better than hutroon and she's 3 years old
Runescape ofc
see >>494889784
>43 pity
>C5 Chevy
surely not right...
>8 deleted posts AND still going up
Only if you are used to controllers, here the launcher download link enjoy
im not a tranny or a woman
>literal unplayable MMO trash
kill yourself psychopath
fuck off and stop infesting Genshin, you shouldn't play Genshin and should take all of your fellow coop subhumans with you to play that evil full-loot griefer PvP trash
that cancer is everything I despise about multiplayer; scammers, PvP psychopaths, forced group content, RMT, the absolute inability to have peace and privacy from evil subhuman psychopath scum like you
I hope your entire family gets raped, mutilated, tortured and murdered in front of you before you get boiled alive, that is the only way you can ever feel even a fraction of the fear, hate and despair you've inflicted on your innocent victims
fuck multiplayer as a concept
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
I'm 15 pity on guarantee, is it worth risking 30 pulls for chevy cons/thoma?
Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
How long is the avatarfag gonna shit up the thread? When do southeast asians go to sleep?
show me your wings already
He's the strongest pyro dps after arle, its just that no one wants to use him. Hutroon is obsolete garbage
do you need c2 dehya to unbrick her?
do not switch to another gacha/live service
take the chance to escape back to traditional games with an ending.
but mcdonald's doesn't have wings anymore
It's special.
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She does.
Elden Ring
What the fuck does that even mean? Mualani is obviously hot but no one is spending money in this game on anything.
All the characters in Sumeru? Or specific characters only? Is there a trend that carried into Fontaine? hmmm.
>just like how genshin lost players gradually.
keep this in mind anon
And that's a good thing. If I wanted a controlled enviroment where I couldn't call you gaylord and faggots and troll other people, I would just go to roodit or the book of the faces, even worse, I would heart things on memegram.
you can only cycle characters on keyboard and touch screen
if you use controller you can choose which character to party
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I give Yelan a pass story wise if only because her and Itto were about to openly fight. Actual arguments between playable characters is still somewhat rare. And no, fujos, Kaveh and AlHailhitler being angry about who gets which side of the bed do not count.
It's a puzzle.
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Those games are already dead
Lyney isn't meta though, he's a spreadsheet character. A mono-element character too for the most part. Meanwhile Mualani's nukes are fairly achievable
She’s actually bad until c2 due to having to move around to apply her shark in abyss. But at c2 for the quicker application and especially C6 she’s probably the best dps in the game at speed running abyss or at least comparable with c6 Arle who is considered the best
Even better, Robin can be slotted with E2 Acheron instead and be arguably just about as good. So the only real argument is that there's only one Robin.
Yeah, being able to frontload damage makes characters meta.

Arle is better than Tao because she gets out her damage faster in a rotation, despite Tao having higher dps. Lyney works the same way.
Sparkle's game
Meta might sell if they actually fucking release meta

Neuvillette shits on all other dps by a land mile and even the 2nd best dps, Arlecchino, is worse than him im all aspects and because of that, none of the new dps AFTER neuvillette are meta since Neuv is now the meta.

Neuvillette was a mistake
It'll be both, he'll probably get some new abyssal form that we have to fight first but then later he helps us against Celestia
Childe will end up being the most important harbinger to the story and to think otherwise is just delusion
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>most genshin revenue is from pc, retard
No one play Genshin on PC
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>Wasn't someone claiming HSR was dying last thread?
in Japan yes. It peaked in 2.2
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anon, chinks hated sumeru wormslop, so much that by the end there was a huge drop, every major drama since then is largely connected to it. Yes, dragon shilling was bad but lets not get ahead of ourselves, trust was lost back in Sumeru. I don't think its ever going back, even with the whole "back to roots" bs, slurpfaggots dont know any better, its probably their first rodeo or they are in the spectrum
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really? i use her with fofo and bron to giga buff hook and it just works, as long as the enemy can get burned. only sparkle can get me enough sp to use skill almost every turn.
then again i'm not a metafag and roll for who i like.
captcha: PAJR
Hook is hot, why do loli artists barely care about mihoyo's, I don't think its because its a chinese game, they cared enough about AL's

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