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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Clash of the Olympians, Sep 20th - Sep 22nd
/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>494515979
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>Almost had an AP general
Does anybody have any interest in playing some +R? I haven't played it regularly in 2 years and was hoping to get back into it.
I'm interested
Okay, give me a second and I'll make a lobby. I'm in Europe, I should mention.
>upcoming tournaments
>clash of olympians
nigga this IS an AP general. retard doesn't know how to make the fucking thread
whats that
we don't play that crap here
I noticed, so I closed the lobby.
remember when this game had character weights and leo was heavy as pot, nago, and gl for no reason
Leo should've gotten WWA
I-No learner here: I've now entered the "this character fucking sucks" stage I've been warned about. Looking forward to the "I work twice as hard as everyone for half the results" stage and finally "fuck this I'm switching to May"
Have you tried doing good mix
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Posting Ragna being crucified to remind you that he should've been announced for strive instead of Lucy
he's a big guy
>Clash of the Olympians, Sep 20th - Sep 22nd

This belongs in UPCOMING EVENTS because it is an event and not a /ggg/ tourney. Why do you even have the useless twitter account on there either?
He's not that much bigger than Anji or Sol, but I'll accept that his coat is weighing him down
For Ram
niggas will let a thread sit on page 10 for half an hour and then complain about the OP in the next one instead of doing it themselves huh
Rather than changing Leo's hurtboxes while he's being comboed, the entire mechanic must be changed, as is the norm for the top tiers. Whether they're good or bad changes, I can't say.
>Sol f.S and GL BT caused FD to be changed.
>Sol f.S pressure caused 5f minimum abare to be standardized across the cast
>Happy Chaos caused Burst to be changed, and for a negative penalty to be applied for retreating moves.
>Ramlethal/Chipp rekkas caused RISC to be changed to give meter to the defender rather than juice offense (Which had the byproduct of making Happy Chaos stronger since he builds RISC faster than avg). These same rekka characters also shortened the time you're in positive bonus since it was so easy to have 20 seconds of uninterrupted pressure for chip kills.
>Leo and Sol changed DPs twice. Once so H DPs no longer had invuln, and the second so they aren't RCable.
There's probably more I forgot.
If rekka gain got nerfed how comes that fat bitch Elphelt rewards herself with half a bar of tension brand chocolate every time she lands one of her braindead chains
I wasn't there also this is an extremely easy thing to not fuck up
all i'm saying is that if you're gonna be autistically invested in the information in the OP you could make it yourself
i just checked and between the last thread hitting 750 and this one getting made there was an hour long gap
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breadly sin
Yes. Rekkas still give extreme meter gain. The mechanics that made them give even more were nerfed. Asuka clears in terms of meter gain now though because he can do so many more specials with less gaps.
finna ragequit
I’m na east but could play some if you’re still around
It's the honorary thing to do and should be normalized.
the greatest mod of all time... and nobody here told me?
that's nothing. check it. https://gamebanana.com/mods/529751
let's see paul allen's mod.
Oh, by the way, ArcSys has a slot at the Tokyo Game Show so we might see some Dizzy news.
Lobby is back up.
Thank you gaben, very cool.
god I wish I were in Tokyo right now
Do you still want to play?
Yeah, I can play for a bit.
Tokyo is the greatest city on earth
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A.B.A - cool toon
Lobby's closed, thanks for playing.
GGs, really fun games. You're a good order sol. I gotta sleep.
Yeah, thanks for playing. Haven't played in ages so it was nice to go back to it.
is it possible to lose a game vs. anji and not feel like you got cheesed
Anji has to make reads/get lucky, I think that's just how he's meant to make you feel
Leo on the other hand, should get his guardpoints gutted
>bedman runs away constantly back jumping and doing jS
>i manage to adapt to it by preemptively jumping
>he starts doing 6p in neutral and winning the game off the HKD
strive bedman is jump back j.s
xrd bedman is jump back ball.
Character identity: preserved.
Hey alright
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Are you well?
Do you have brain damage?
today i discovered i can react to 10 frames. Am i super human?
Though it's sorta back this version, wall slumps got nerfed to the extremely most like also because of Happy Chaos
Throw PRC was also nerfed I think actually mostly because of Nago
All I did today was fight faggots who have their elo hidden
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I'm gonna post gameplay.
at least you didn't lose 20 elo to people who you are expected to beat more than 66% of the time (never lose to once in a 3 game set, even if it's a knowledge check and you completely dominate them in the other 2)
Her hair length is wrong.
Boobs too big
couldn't you combo after the throw
don't know honestly. in an older patch maybe. but got guard crushed
wait jack-o's minions guard crush her?
the explosion do yeah
Oh no, that happened too. Bad day for gainz
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huh, crazy
jack-o is hot maybe I should play her...
fair warning all jacko players have some form and degree of mental illness
nitro won evo with her and he looks normal
He looks like a homosexual. Jumping up and down like Chun Li's win pose and then jumping into a man's arms.
nitro tactically supplements his jacko play with giovana to deliberately water down his insanity
You could have TOD there
to3 camera distance freaks me out
Strive would be such a better game if it was always this zoomed out
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>Gio on a modern day phone
coomer "fan" artists always give themselves away with this
Do people really think girls do this at their sleepovers?
Fuck boys? Yes.
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It's 13f so it's ok
13f is fast
it's faster than faust's 2h which is considered a fast long reaching low
also it high profiles on frame 5 so it might as well be 5 frames startup when trying to counterpoke lows
I know, I'm memeing, it's faster than sin's 2h iirc and I find that very funny
Could also be a cup.
What other moves are 13f startup?
Slater's 2h is going to make arcsys overhaul air movement instead of nerfing 2h directly, be thankful
EXTREMELY funny how Faust 2H is one frame slower but with otherwise the exact same frame data except it is "An extremely long range low poke with very fast speed given its range" and Slayer's is "A slow poke that hits a considerable distance away."

Dustloop niggers have zero clue what they're talking about
Lobby's down.
Sleep a good sleep.
the difference is one is a good move on a good character and the other is a good move on a bad character. the description writer is (subconciously or not) talking about the move's strength relative to the rest of the character's kit. for a faust player 14f and -12 on block is pretty fast startup and workable recovery, but for slayer players 13f startup and -12 on block is painfully slow and punishable compared to what they're used to getting when they press other buttons.
>Fighting zoner as a slow character
>Finally get in
>They backdash across the entire fucking map in half a second
>Not even a Danger warning
Everyone on this entire fucking website has some form of mental illness what kind of stupid warning is that
I am mentally stable and I play Jack-O' Valentine pretty well.
Shotos have to work so hard against gimmick characters... it's time to 1v9
show me on the doll where the third-party elo website touched you
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I don't think May is THAT strong but for some reason I feel like May players don't have to work as hard as I do.
Your boobs are too big.
imagine...IMAGINE... imagine complaining about flashkickRCless Leo...
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I play her because shes hot
why indeed
meant 4 >>494986829
>>Leo and Sol changed DPs twice. Once so H DPs no longer had invuln, and the second so they aren't RCable.
Three times. They used to be 7 frames
why does arcsys choose to change the whole system when so often it's individual characters that are the problem? Is it like a coding thing or are they just dumb?
Probably to not kill the character's playerbase with a major rework.
Burst safe disjoint routes were gay anyway.
meant for >>494991674
What the FUCK were they thinking with slayer. this shit it just a mario party minigame now
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>well MY character is honest because.... uhh...
if you have a disjointed combo starter you're carried
Oh yeah. So fucked up.
A good bit.
DL generally considers 13 frame moves to be slow for Strive (or doesn't mention speed but does mention that you should use it when your opponent is being predictable) but 13f (or slower) moves can be considered fast in some cases. Like Bedman? 5H. It's important to remember that frame data's "speed" isn't just related to the game you're playing but also character and range of moves.
Because the entire post is about how top tiers end up changing the game systems altogether, Elphelt is literally bottom 2
>fighting aba as a normal character
>finally get them at low HP without a lot of rage meter
>they start spamming 236K so i'm forced to backdash a bunch
>get negative penalty in 3 seconds
arc sys hates us
I love that Pot 5H now gives HKD on airborne hit so I can punish backdash faggots hard
May is just Sol but without a DP and better neutral
sol definitely has better pressure and even without a dp his defense is a tier of it's own
>its le fair TK FRC is hard muh recovery gapped mfc plus when -15 tho
Too bad the series is dead and there is no more Guilty Gear. Now, there's just some generic anime fighter called STRIVE.
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consvlt the graph
soooo true
I legitimately think Leo should've kept flashkick rc with how much more vital it was to his playstyle
Nigga he lost 1 frametrap
Anyone want to play +R
we don't play that crap here
I will.
Code is HHHHHH
Thanks for the games.
GGs again.
Just bought Accent Core from the sale. Where should I start to learn? Haven't really played 2D before
Pick who you like, go to dustloop, learn some combos
Prepare to get your anus gaped
Dustloop and the Guilty Bits series on YouTube are great. Guilty Bits is a bunch of short tutorials for each character and they also have a video on frcs.
I wanna play Johnny, is that a good idea? I heard he's tricky
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He’s a fine choice, every character has a lot of depth so I wouldn’t worry too much about who’s hard or not. This chart is decent for showing how much time they’d take to learn at the basics.
I kinda like when it's slightly cold because it feels like I can feel the limits of my own skin and body. When it's warm or hot it's kinda like I blend with the exterior and I don't like it.
Thanks for reminding me that its on sale. Snagged a copy
you'll just drop it after a week at most just like every soiver who tries +r or xrd
you’ll drop every game other than it after a week like everyone who tries +r
Don’t care, you negative nancies. I’m gonna play the funny ghost man and have a grand ol’ time.
I play sin, while they took out your dprc they also took out mine AND dp Kara super for some reason, which is insane
Eat buffs will be reworked next month. Trust the vision
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I'm gonna kms
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Annoying regardless of who plays them:
Annoying when the player knows what they're doing:

Not listed = honest or just dogshit/nobody plays them
All of those characters at the bottom belong in the top row too.
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There was never a doubt in my mind...
ram belongs in the annoying no matter what tier
put Bridget in “always annoying” and ABA in “know what they are doing”
this is what a base game 14f starter looks like
Put A.B.A anywhere on that list, too. Kill all A.B.A players with a hammer. Drive A.B.A players out to a parking lot and beat them with a hose
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how do you beat someone with a hose??
her titty ads big as her head... :)
Good analysis but Slayer players do not read or understand frame data
And yet you mashed on my perfectly spaced K mappa thoughever
sorry anon, all you get is another brisket figure :3
if you lose neutral to NM aba you deserve to lose the entire set tbqhwydesu
why do people complain about slayer when he is just sol leo ram sin etc. but easier to play? just pick him lol it's all the same shit and you're acting like the game has been ruined bro it has been exactly this same trash since day 1 with retard masher characters running the show
kek true
the only thing i really, truly hate about slayer is how braindead mappa is
everything else i could mostly deal with but his RPS afterwards is even better than sol doing random bandit revolvers
simply click the x to counter slayer
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Me on the left
Yall just hate Mappa because your fraud buttons can get whiff punished by it. Admit it
What the fuck is Mappa Hunch even supposed to mean
what character do you play? if you have a button faster than 5f the aba matchup is completely different for you.
>can't use lows in neutral because I'll just get blown up by hop
>aba uses random hop anyway which I block
>she is now -1
>however aba has a 4 frame button and my fastest button is 5 frames so I can't take my turn and just trade jabs
>after the trade aba is actually at advantage because if I mash my 5f again it gets blown up by aba mashing 4f
>did nothing wrong, blocked her minus advancing special move and still lost neutral
What genre would you say strive is?
It's a fighting game, duh
Smash Brosvania
it means naked punch
it's a punch so fast it leaves slayer's clothes behind
that was the concept in the original gg
Mach punch but said really fast is what the translator is implying
this >>495032291
and it's a word play with "mach punch"
The first and last Fighting Game of the "Golden Age"
You ever notice how quickly people stopped saying that shit after SF6 and Tekken 8 dropped?
memes aside sf6 and tk8 are really fucking terrible. Not even their players like them
they should made some bullshit reason to merge the bb and gg universe, some backyard azure mumbo jumbo, and call it a day.
The games are basically the same anyway for anyone who is not an autist sperg
Blazblue can stay dead
i want to play sf6 but the characters i want to play aren't in the game
Based Rufus gawd
Incredibly based Guy picker
Es in a more popular fg means more Es porn so I'm all for it
Basado El Fuerte DIOS
It's "Mach Punch" but with the accent marker shifted over one character. It makes more sense if you read the Katakana between the words
I don't know why they did it though.
I can’t in good faith call strive a fighting game.
Why not?
Didn't notice until you mentioned it, but that expression just stopped being used one day...
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Explain and if it makes even a lick of sense I'll have to agree
Round start distance is breathing down your neck despite the reward being too high
How does that make it not a fighting game?
unfathomably chad Q main detected
forced RPS is not fighting games. A constant series of high risk coin flipping ain’t it
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marvel roundstart lets you move around and you end up LITERALLY next to each other, +r roundstart is not THAT different, some f.s and 5h still reach, xrd is even closer still, what the fuck is this argument
Strive's roundstart distance isn't far from the norm though
UNI2 has arguably even more annoying roundstart RPS
Let’s Rock
Ky’s CH 2D into wallbreak
bottom text
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The extremely sore reaction in response to that anon only reinforces his point, you know.
my scene if full of lgbtbbq zoomers. How do i subtly show them how much do i despise them without getting banned? Should i use more 4chan lingo? I wanna make clear i'm not one of them, i'm better
>reinforces his point
????? there's plenty fighting games with similar if not more RPS heavy roundstarts
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you win or lose by flipping a coin at round start. there is exactly one interaction before the round is decided. that is the current state of guilty gear strive.
Pot doesn't even lose in that webm dough
you've asked this already
is 6p even a good roundstart as pot? it's a high risk read since it won't reach at roundstart and it relies on beating long reach non disjointed non low hitting pokes
I hate slayer 2H as much as the next guy but come on...
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>can't call it a fighting game in good faith
>calls it not a fighting game in bad faith
Strive would be a much better game with post wall break distance as the standard. (Remove Bridget’s 5H though)
I guess he's calling out roundstart f.S or Mappa but yeah its pretty bad for reasons shown
shut up
Pot’s 2P probably loses against 5K iirc and Megafist can get called out too
Yeah pot's roundstart isn't great
It'll catch his mids and he'll be able to get some oki.
It's at least the 6th round start though, and no Grappler will swallow their pride for a more respectful option. Ironically Potemkin could have gone for his most disrespectful option (Kara Potbuster) here. All in all, I bet this Slayer was mostly doing 5K/f.S on round start because of the Pot's 6P, this round excepted.
it's not possible to come back in that situation. hard knockdown wallbreak slayer has positive bonus and pot has a 60% health defecit. the round is over at this point 99 times out of 100. remember these are top players who aren't going to punt.
I honestly think his roundstart RPS is decent. 2P and micro walk back 2D beat a surprising amount of options
>playing the slow 1000000 hp grappler
>not believing in comebacks
What're you doing m8
walking back round start against slayer just loses to 2h
2H is a button out of hell. Micro walk back 2D used to be amazing against Nago before they nerfed DP’s hurtbox
>Get to floor 10
>It's only Celestial Players
What's the deal?
works on my machine
>TY is on Slayer
get me out of this cringe ass timeline
1: They got lucky with the celestial challenge by dodging bad MUs/high level/elo or beating other challengers
2: took a long break and are washed up
3 farm third party glicko points
4 can’t be arsed to take it seriously
5 logged in for the first time this month
>get to celestial
>it's only floor 10 slayers
What's the deal?
Nigga, he and Slayer go way back before Gio was even conceptualized. He was in the Arcrevo 2020 top 8 with him iirc
That gyatt is beautiful, I think I might be mesmerized by it
the fuck do you mean 2020, Slayer didn't come out until a couple months back
I think you're thinking of a different tourney unless TY just has a weird steam name
Oh you meant for Xrd. Who cares
This game makes me so mad. How do you not get mad?
I probably get the least mad at Strive out of any fighting game I've ever played. Other anime fighting games have so much more bullshit in them that going from them to Strive feels hard to get mad about. The only thing I think I ever get angry at in Strive is the tower and the issues that come with it.
The reply chain is about his OG GG main. What did you think it was about
i just don't care about anything
No? Ty is the Giovana guy
Alternative Play
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I just found out I have a local scene near me which interests me because I've never had one near me before and I would like to attend, but when I reached out for details I got a reply from a tranny which I find disconcerting.
It’s the worst with strive somehow for me. I think you could say where strive has less whacky stuff to throw out for both you and your opponent, it gets harder to brush it off. But it’s a problem with every fighting game I play. It usually starts off fine but the longer I play the angrier I can get if something annoying happens.
Just go and beat them all straight
I play goofy low tiers like Pot. The bullshit: goofy ratio is mostly balanced. The only shit that can make my rage is Bridget
captcha: HOYMAY
I'm going to go anyway, but usually my interactions with trannies are online only or a very brief encounter in real life the few times I've come across them, but now I realize that a Guilty Gear Strive local must be a viper's den of trannies and I'll be walking right into it.
Genuinely it all depends on the local environment
My old locals before I moved had some flaming faggots for sure but the overall scene was still mostly fine. At the end of the day it's an anime game and you kinda have to take what you can get
I’ve never seen one in real life before, I also don’t have any scenes or locals near me. Perhaps this is connected.
Frustation is unmet expectations so stop blaming the beasts and step up your game
I understand how hard this will be to believe based on everyone's previous online interactions but a lot of trannies irl are just basically normal people, just stay away from the loud ones that smell bad
switch to a top tier
losing your low tier OS is the fast track to getting mad at this game desu
my scene is full of mid twenties fgheads who talk about touhou inbetween sets. there's one tranny but I win against him so I don't really mind. some scenes are better than others.
That just turns it into self-hatred unless it’s a bullshit blazing champ like Nago. Look at Ram players
Zato players as well, before and after they cut his legs off at the knees.
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I think it's actually the opposite for me. I get tilted the most at strive. Probably because I feel like I can't do anything due to the lack of defensive play aside from blocking and praying.
Deflect shield? Does it even work when the enemy can just run up close in a fraction of a second immediately after it works. Burst is ok, I guess. Instant block? Lol
It feels even worse in my bad matchups which makes me tilt even more. And faultless defence uses the same meter you use for supers because lol I guess
Also consider the simpler gatlings which turns most combos into S>HS>Special, and absurd damage you get overall.
Like, sure, the game can be fun sometimes, but I mostly had a boring or just bad time with it, when for example, in +R, Xrd, BBCF it was the exact opposite. I dunno, mate, I just want Potemkin's judge gauntlet back
I used to think that, at its worst, Strive was the most boring, but I was trying to get back into CF recently and I actually think CF at around an intermediate level of play is really boring, which is a shame because I thought it was a lot of fun when I was getting into it. Characters in CF have really distinct and interesting movesets so when you're learning to play around with your character's moveset, that's really fun, but once you get to the point where you can reliably apply your offense the game gets kind of boring because it's so much easier to apply your offense and your own character's gimmick than it is to defend against others, and the same will be true for your opponent, so matches around that level of play can often feel like whoever gets the ball rolling first just runs away with it.

I know some people might say that's just every anime fighting game, and it is something anime fighting games are prone to, but I think it's especially noticeable in BB. When I went back to it after a break I was hesitant because I thought that I'd be getting my ass handed to me by these guys who never took a break from the game, and then everybody in the lobby I went into was pink making me think that even more, but then when I actually played them, even though they were pink players with like 2000 matches more than me, I was winning way more than I expected just because clearly it was hard for even them to defend despite all their experience in the game. I'm sure it gets fun again when you and your opponent are at a level where you both grasp the matchup well, but the level of skill in the game between where you're learning your own character and getting to that point is pretty dull.
joke's on you, this gives trannies a boner
Disagree besides for the tower system. After playing for 3 years I can definitively say why this game pisses me off so much
>combos are insanely easy, so if a low level player mashes cS or gets a counter hit there's almost no chance you won't take massive damage
>everything, and I mean everything is a hard knockdown. some are just absurdly advantageous, you can easily lose the whole round by eating a single 6P counterhit, back throw or WWA from a big body if you don't have burst.
>a lot of characters have great moves to dominate you far outside of jab range like johnny, jack-o, anji, leo, and nago so sometimes it feels like they get to decide whether you can even move or not, and even if you hit them at said ranges you get very low reward without meter
that's at least some of it, but it's balanced out by the fact ACTUALLY GETTING TO DO UP CLOSE PRESSURE AND LAND COMBOS feels so good
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thanks I work hard for them
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>it's so much easier to apply your offense and your own character's gimmick than it is to defend against others, and the same will be true for your opponent
Yeah, defending against some characters is just that daunting in BlazBlue cough-cough, Valkenhayn, Rachel, Izanami, Litchi, cough-Arakune. That's why I just pop overdrive for free invul frames whenever I don't know what's about to happen, and it usually works. But hey, at least BlazBlue doesn't punish you for blocking with R.I.S.C.
I just want to gitgud and go past the intermediate level desu
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>My hobby for maladjusted social rejects is full of maladjusted social rejects
>How could this happen??
I'm a volcel gigachad thoughbeit
If my opponent is flowcharting I will find someone else after the set. Sometimes they're actually not flowcharting and you gotta give props. Temper your ego so you don't have unreasonable expectations for yourself, or your opponents. If you can compliment your opponent, job well done.
I usually won't play consecutive chars (Sol, Sol/ Johnny, Johnny). Sorry bro, some retard played your character before you and I need a palette cleanser.
No cure for tower fuckery or the post-battle screen taking forever because something's being uploaded to R-Codes.
this but unironically
i look like slayer irl
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you are a creepy incel with a pornography habit !!!
That's so weird because I also look like Slayer IRL.
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why is he so mean to her sisters...
Time to hop Guilty Gear -STRIVE- for some fun games! :3
this but ironically
hopping is a kof thing tho... (just messing with you bestie just a lil fgc joke for my snksistahs out there! <3 <3 <3)
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He's just based
simple as
chipp is king-president of south africa and bridget is racist, he's just protecting his people from evil white colonizers
I may not play KOF (more of a UNI player myself) but I get it!
why are his teeth sharp
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the berenstain chipp gets kicked in the DICK
>mfw, despite seeming like a good idea at the time, they blocked jump in air betablade.
johnny beats leo's ass so hard it's not even funny
It's kinda funny
yeah you're right
Leo loses to every zoner and half the top tiers but he's still top 3 guys I promise he's fucking busted as shit
i hate learning new characters, it stresses me so much. But in this game you can't do shit without matchup knowledge.
finna 2h
who is the hawk tuah of strive?
T. Hawk
that's kof
bodega, rekka on that thang
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you CANNOT tell me with a straight face that leo wins against testament. axl? bedman. HC and Johnny i can see since they have privileged as fuck buttons, but lets be HONEST itt
ummmm testament is low tier...
>leo is bad against zoners
>was THE counterpick for HC forever because he was the only character that functions against him
gas all leo players
>"Unlike other characters', Leo’s 5K is a middling poke due to its stubby hitbox,"
Oh really? Is that a fact?
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pressing slayer 2H... LIKE A BOSS!!
I gotta stop doing this shit to myself...
I love bullying Millias with my nonfunctional character.
>advancing normal
I gotta stop shitting myself...
LK recommends kombucha for a healthy gut biome
Do you think Faust clung to his declining hairline insisting it's not that bad for a while before he decided to just go bald?
I think all his hair exploded off him like a cartoon when they told him he killed that girl and he lost his mind
You drink kombucha because it's healthy
I drink it because I like bubbly drinks
We are not the same
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Just testing something
I drink kombucha because it's slightly alcoholic :P
when im up against a zoner at fullscreen with slayer and just say f*ck it and send my super mappa hunch...
I understood that reference
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when my opponent has teh health lead and it seems like their game but I pull out a clutch last horizon... and it lands...
it really do be like that lol
Haven't won a game in 3 days
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me dandysta
lands last horizon
doesnt kill
slayer has an awful backdash, poor movement, poor neutral and hand of doom is useless yet hes called one of the best and easiest characters in the game

but thats none of my business
the fact that it's still very true really tells you something about Strive as a game huh
The only point in that post that is completely true is that he has a bad backdash
The other 3 points are either irrelevant (hand of doom being bad) or straight up wrong
"Hand of Doom is bad so this character sucks" is the Slayer version of "HMC is bad so this character sucks"
i lose elo on weekdays and gain elo on weekends
loses once with slayer

immediately downplays him with lipton tea kermit
Did you mean to say loses?
yeah leo hc is so leo favored that's why everybody was specifically counterpicking hc with leo. every player had a pocket leo just to deal with hc. these disingenuous leo players... we need to gas all four of them!
jaggo is but this obese bitch you posted isn't
finally get a chance to land my first pilebunker loop

panic and just pilebunker into the wall instead
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Must... resist.... the urge to... -Strive-™....
Don't... repeat the cycle...
Ignore the... Devil....
Don't... restore... the game....
Play... Rev2....!
You should resist the urge to post in this general instead.
We don't play that crap here.
Slayer having crazy good neutral is one of the most egregious strive port choices made by arcsys
fukyo is the enemy
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fukyo into brc overhead
yeah i'm sick like that
constructed in a different manner
I dp'd
>ohh man i have such bad neutral
slayer says as he counterhits you from half the screen away with a long range low that also crushes lows
brc overhead is a safejump
I blocked
brc overhead is around +20
You're making shit up
try it
I continue to block
i do another brc overhead but with a slow move that doesn't come out in time, gets ground cancelled and i do a low
But anon, the strike/throw? The bite?
Fuck you
and that's all folks
learn this fucking busted tech
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I can't do it anymore! Everything is so annoying and unfun! The controls SUCK! My inputs keep dropping! I NEED a dash macro! I'm tired of my fireball being read as a dp! Mash to tech isn't fun! The game is too fast! Everyone makes fun of me for playing Stylish mode, while they have 2000+ hours on their account! I don't know what's punishable! Everything is disjointed! I'm tired of fighting Sol who can 6p tod me. I tired of fighting Slayer, who can true combo me from a counter hit into a homing dust into wall stick into an instant kill! I don't want to fight Jam, Johnny, Sin, Answer, Bedman, Leo or I-no anymore! I DON'T want to do homework and practice drills in this PRIMATIVE training mode, just to play! I miss playing as my Strive characters! I want to alternative playyyyy!
It's usually the bite so I just mash 5p and if I get smoked that's fine because I main Chipp and I'd die off of one interaction anyway,
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another soivah bites the dust
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why would you mash 5p when you can backdash. you get a way better punish if you're right and it's bite, and they get a worse punish if you're wrong since they don't counterhit you
Play sin you can just tardmash
You should blame yourself for being a shitter instead of the game
>iad has greatly reduced startup
how would this change the game?
lol nice spell check soiver. i'll keep striving while your egotistical melt downs pile up.
retards who do nothing but iad forward jS as ramlethal would start winning
habit, I guess. Ty anon, should be easy to start doing this because I compulsively backdash like a retard anyways
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just occurred to me and... yknow i had to make a meme about it
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Hey, I was wondering. Why are Guilty Gear fans the absolute worst fighting game fans? I've never heard so much hypocrisy from a fanbase in my life. Like I'll search up the names of people who post about Guilty Gear and find the most degenerate porn you've ever seen, yet they'll be talking about how everyone else is addicted to porn. What's up with that? Why are they like this? Is it projection?
that's a pretty good one memebro.
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anime fags are gonna be weird
it's the most popular anime or anime-adjacent fighting game. most airdashers have this problem, but Strive blew up so it's much worse than it was before.
What do you mean anon? Why would airdashers have this problem? Don't almost all fighting games have beautiful girls in them? Why would airdasher fans pretend they're not into it?
I honestly don't understand anon. Do these people not know what anime is?
I looked like this when I was young
anime fags have always been this way. it's a base truth of the world, a bedrock fact. you know this, anon. Stop asking questions you already have the answer to.
But I'm genuinely curious. Is it fear that makes them act this way? I don't know anon, because I've never acted this way.
We miss you Billy.
No, they hate anime, but their favorite RPG is persona 5.
Me on the left.
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p5a when?
Isn't Strive just an anime fighting game?
I would cut open my stomach in front of the arcsys offices if they make another persona arena, absolute dog shit game
Anon maybe I'm retarded, but I don't get it.
I would cut open my stomach in front of the ArcSys offices in exchange for them making them another Persona arena.
Strive is anime, but it's not ANIME anime. It doesn't have the weird stuff like sexualized minors and trans/homophobia.
What? Bridget is clearly designed to look like a minor. Are they just fine with it because he's trans?
We know lk
You're not supposed to point out the inconsistencies in the narrative.
>Are they just fine with it because he's trans?
strive isn't anime because it doesn't have loli yuri feet worship
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see this is why we need a disgaea fighting game
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We've been over this.
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So basically, denial makes for really annoying people. Okay, I guess that makes sense. I like Bridget, I just wish they kept him a cute boy instead of a "girl" but whatever. I'll just try to avoid anime fighting game fans unless they have a degenerate loli avatar or something. It's like the only people I can stand are full blown degenerates and outright non-degenerates. Everyone in-between or in denial is just a lying tool.
wtf bridget is a tranny? why aren't more people talking about this??
Do you not think someone can like anime fighters and otherwise be normal?
I like anime fighters and I'm a gigachad volcel (I look like Slayer btw)
They'd fall into the outright non-degenerate categories. Of course they can.
I haven't. I only showed up here because I was curious about the people I was playing with, and why nothing they say matches what they do.
how much hairspray do i need to attain slayer haircut?
None, it should be natural, if you don't have it already you're not meant to
I am unironically
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You're just posting this because sin is doing the ToT
that sajam guy never sounds interested when he commentates strive matches.
Strive is a 3 year old game he has seen it all
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Ggs, swagbedman
me in the bottom right
I don't know if I have it in me to keep playing this game often enough to get past floor 8 and keep improving; I never seem to have the energy I need to play well.
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>umisho back on sol
Yeah dude may is top 1
that's just troons being troons
Getting knocked out of TNS by a Pot was a wakeup call I'm sure
I understand doing this with El makes sense for the husband part but she's extremely explicitly not into girls.
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>steam support
>remove game from account
>deletes game
>steam support
>i can't find the game in my library
>restores deleted game from account
why give me a choice?
it hides the game on your profile
I want to hide it from myself. But I guess it's useful for people who have porn games or something they don't want someone to see. But then again, anyone who is friends with someone that has porn games public probably also likes porn games.
he actually was kinda hot no homo
I like Hand of Doom being niche.
this but unironically
Which character has the most freeform combos? I want someone versatile that can make me feel like I'm playing Devil May Cry.
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Johnny unironically has the sauciest combos in the game but nobody is ready to admit that. Some of his confirms are +R tier
Strive combos are pretty short without resources. Rifle through which meter dump tickles your fancy
You shouldn't play Strive lol, play any other anime game
like rev2!
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this but unironically
>6K loops
AP stocks are at an all time low bros...
Be honest. Do you think moving to the Rev2 building was a mistake? I mean, AP Inc. has been losing market share, and stocks have taken a hit. It’s probably because of the costs of the move and staff being unable to adjust to Rev2 over Strive. Moral is at an all-time low. Almost all of our subsidiary branches have been dissolved. Do you think we should’ve just stayed in the Strive building to keep things stable?
>AP ERP sesh
Kill yourself
Don't deviate from the script. Play your role. I want this narrative to have a happy ending.
So Bridget being trans was added by the localizers and not the actual text. Fascinating.
Totally organic bait to keep the thread alive.
I saw a post detailing the changes in localization. Pixiv said the original text didn’t have that. It’s serious.
And yet the faggot has a new symbol on his head and a female vocalist. Arcade mode backpedalling is pure cope. Piss off.
Bridget always had a voice actress because that’s how they do characters like that in Japan. Same reason for the vocalist.
just realized zato1 is a zatoichi reference
OMG just like N’doul
Sol’s new move will be called Flick of the Wrist
The 2003 flim is kino
>Pixiv said
Big Dick Hugo player
With a lot of strikes.
Just realized Slayer is a Slayer reference
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>Satan Laughs As You Eternally Rot
why does drunkard shade lose to testaments projectiles
Drunkard Shade and Faust’s 5D only reflect projectiles that aren’t integral to a characters gameplan.
>but Zato can’t IAD
Use meter ;^)
That’s honestly so lame…
Zato doesn't deserve anything nice
Play Potemkin, APsis
If you put a gun to my head and told me to play a grappler I’d say shoot me
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Your loss
>He plays Faust unironically
Actually kinda sad.
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What's sad about that?
you were in a hyper aware state brought on by excitement. people can do things like react to tk youzansens in this state. is fun. now try to find out how to get there at will
*whiff Slayer ‘s 2D*
*mash close slash*
works everytime
sexy 30 year old child...
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Saw an old sin replay and was reminded that you could get Kara RTL off of dp, sure was nice
why does everyone on +r sandbag, i want to learn the fucking game
What do you mean by sandbag?
I only know one combo, but my neutral and defense are gawdlike
constantly switching characters, just fucking around full screen whiffing moves and doing random bullshit. and they only try when i swap to a character i actually know how to play. it makes it impossible to learn someone new it's so fucking aggravating, it's like they don't even want to play the game.
Shut up slut it's not fun to instantly kill you when you don't know what you're doing
I haven't seen anything to that degree, but I will usually switch characters to a different one I'm learning if it's too onesided with my main. Not out of disrespect but because it's a chance to learn a different character against someone else who's doing that.
sorry that youre insecure
Elo made people so retarded and SO afraid to rematch. Put your ego to the side and turn your brain on. Is that too much to ask?
elo makes me seethe but it is nice to see the gradual climb. even if i lose or gain 30+ elo in a day
Asuka's cubes should get 1 hit of armor when he has the slow staff out.
Asuka should get hit when his cubes get hit
You're using the staff wrong. You're supposed to use it mid-projectile to immediately change velocity.
Asuka should start the round with no mana
Asuka should be able to decharge his mana to gain health
He should have less than full to start. Also having his mana broken shouldn't give him full mana, at most half.
He should also get mana back from his throw.
>kashmir reference for an indian champ
I feel stupid for only getting it now
>indian champ
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This joke has been beaten more to death than Brisket
>d*scord screenshot of a person with a moeshitter pfp
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DUDE gender neutral XD
Slayer in +R is so gay he makes me wish I was fighting Slayer in Strive.
Remember that a lot of the shit he does is pretty committal so you can get a counter hit and fuck him up from there if you get lucky and otherwise can zone him out decently effectively depending on your character's tools. He has weaknesses, it just doesn't feel like it unless you know what you're doing already. And once he gets meter then he can really get going and you're gonna die unless you're good at baiting and changing up what you're doing. Just don't be braindead about it.
I'd guess Pot, maybe Sol if we're going the Freddy route.
Burly Heart
The word "Potemkin" is Russian.
NTA but yeah, but Potemkin is from Zepp which split off from India and HPB has hindu shit in it
since i dared to criticize a sacred tr00n i got the silent treatment when i ask for matches on discord. But i don't care, i will keep asking and annoy them. They can't ban me for that
That’s just his slave name. Ffs he literally brings you to hindu heaven in Strive
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That's not what happens on my machine
"That helmet blocks odors, too? That's great."
this is the conclusion to three games' worth of victory quotes
>Shows you eternal paradise only to snatch it away in an instant
Cruelest super in game
"what" what?
Mid as fuck
Alexa, play Stolz
I mean what did you say and why would you want to annoy people? It seems like a waste of your time
>rushia still there
Old ass mod
…but his eyes did not shine…
What traits define a high tier in Strive?
What traits define a low tier in Strive?
me? a high tier striver (look like slayer btw)
you? low tier striver
who wrote this?
Not cool dude...
>Chipp and May top 3
>Gio top 5
The Evolution Japan 2024 champ
A drunk denied his bussy
high tier. can win without abusing system mechanics, using systems only makes their existing tools stronger. sol

low tier. can't function without system abuse. baiken.
S2 dolphin, wolf kick HKD and rekka counterhit levels were still a thing, you carried bum
dragon install should have 0 recovery frames.
S2 Chipp was probably the best he's ever been (save for the arfra brade mix abuse in early S1), but come the fuck on lol. Top 1? Really, nigga? Zero meaningful tournament results outside of like Bean in Evo Top 8 but that's it.
TY mindbroke him.
oh yeah gio 214K giving hkd, that definitely let her compete with s2 hc, mago, and sol lol
should have an invincible startup too.
But she did?
only TY can mash the dash macro
>bridget is the worst character in the game
did transphobes get the last laugh?
On what patch are you on?
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was making Giofags believe that they have fundies
Good tricks are supposed to be convincing though.
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>Fight my ass off, probably 13-2
>Stay at rank 7
>Lose 3 matches
>Demoted to 6F
Okay, how the fuck does the rank system work in this shitty game
What's stopping me as Sin from doing 236K on a blocking opponent, then following up with Gazelle Step into throw?
If you win 5 in a row you go up, if you lose 5 in a row you go down.
The opponent mashing on the Gazelle Step.
iirc your win/loss streams have modifiers based on floor as well
so if your 13-2 streak was against a floor 5 guy it wouldn't give you the promo series for example
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Bullshit. I just won 3 in a row and got placed back.

I was in 7 the entire time.
*Was fighting Floor 7's the entire time
If it's bullshit and you consistently won more than you lost then you'd be the highest rank. Learn to block, sissy.
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disregard everyone here, nobody knows how it works. its a shit system that likely will be removed by 2025 : v)
It used to be win 5 go up, lose 5 go down, but they changed it a bit ago so now nobody knows how it works. Tower will be abandoned once ranked comes out
I can't really consider sub floor 10 people as human
there's really no ill will behind it I just think they're a lower life-form and we could never understand each other
This but unironically
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ive tried talking to one
they have such an ego and it baffles me.
Reminds me of the Ram player in here who insisted throwing swords in neutral was good even after I adopted him (10-0) on my main and was beating him 3-0 in the mirror before he ran away
I think confidence and skill have a parabolic relationship where if you have little skill you're super confident but the more you know the more it dips down until you start getting actually good again.
QRD on ArcSys abandoning the tower? Doesn't particularly matter to me since I've been celestial every month for a long ass time now, but I haven't heard shit about them introducing a traditional ranking system.
The 3v3 beta had a "real" LoL-style ranked mode so it's a pretty easy bet that s4 might come with one for 1v1 as well.
Surveys have had "introduce a ranked system separate from the tower" for pretty much as long as we've had surveys, and team of 3 mode had a traditional ranked system. I doubt they made it specifically for the beta or even specifically for team of 3
That was a wild thread, lmfao. Dude would NOT budge even after being personally BTFO and given several matches of the highest level Rams in the world *not* doing that shit.
I really didn't get it, I haven't seen him since so maybe he took the beating to heart anyway
rank has no place in online games. go to tournaments if you want to test your skills.
>tranny habbo hotel figurine
ohhhhhhh brother not another one
The biggest redpill of gg is that xrd is dogshit and failed for a reason.
Yeah, I'm sure if APtranny played +R that would solve all his woes.
well that's when he gets to gg's biggest blackpill, that strive is the best game in the series
They really focus on the wrong things when trying to improve too. They learn techniques instead of just neutral
Yeah… This isn’t Guilty Gear.
There’s always been a boogeyman in Guilty Gear, especially Strive. The character that people love to hate. Even for people who don’t even really play the game at a casual level, there’s the boogeyman. In XRD, there’s Elphelt Valentine with her broken normals, unblockables, grenade, combos, and vicious wallsticks. Then, in Strive. It started with Sol Badguy. 6S, insane damage on DP, broken f.S, you name it, he had it. Then, Happy Chaos – don’t need to say anything there. What a mess that was. Happy Chaos has been the golden standard for (maybe not so, I guess) arbitrary hate for the whole community, until now – in the tail end of Season 3, y’all know they released Slayer. And now, Slayer has taken over as the so called boogeyman. Why?

Well, it’s because Slayer is perceived to be easy to use. If you can handle pressing a few buttons in a combo and doing pilebunker, you can do 50% of someone’s lifebar in a jiffy. Let’s not even get into risc, or counterhits. It’s certainly true that he’s great as a pickup and play character, a simple brute with well situated tools for the game’s engine, with drawbacks in weak defense that are offset by his high lifebar and higher comeback potential. Not to mention that Slayer being a legendary OG character. All of this together means Slayer’s got a very high playrate at all levels of play.

But it’s not just playrate. It’s winrate too. Slayer is a noob killer. High damage, powerful tools, and ease of use combines to high efficacy at lower levels of play. But, even at higher levels, Slayer does actually have a higher winrate than other characters. I would say it’s his power level combined with his popularity drawing people to main or subbing him that causes this. I don’t think many people switch to Slayer because they feel like they can’t cut it with their own main or anything, that’s silly.
But, getting into the nitty gritty of it, is Slayer actually broken? Here’s where I’ll drop my own opinion. Feel free to react and discuss in the comments.

So, sometimes the truth is harsh. Floor 10 players, this is for you. Let’s make this personal.

I always see so much complaining about Slayer being volatile as hell, or one shotting you, or having fucked risk reward. Slayer does this, Slayer does that, it’s so easy, 5.99 to win! But that’s half of the cast, and the core design of Strive. We’ve had to beg the developers to reduce the damage and power of the game constantly since it was released, since the whole game was/is Slayers. What is the difference between Sol doing a 2 hit combo into HVV and taking half your life, and slayer doing c.S f.S 6H Super Mappa Hunch? There’s no difference to me, but everyone’s always talking about “it takes less work to do it with Slayer!” Who cares? Seriously. Who cares.

Yeah, Slayer’s Master’s Hammer or K mappa is hard to deal with. If you don’t know how to deal with it, you’re gonna die. But, that’s the same with every almost every good tool in the game. Bandit Revolver 1. Jack-O 2K 2D into Minion Pool. Blocking Potemkin’s Garuda Impact. Dealing with Testament’s Grave Digger. The implications of Nagoriyuki’s Blood Meter and specials. Foudre Arc. Bedman 2H, Steady aim zoning, I mean it goes on and on and on. The game is full of scrub busters. It’s confusing that Slayer is the bad guy here. That’s the whole game.
Imagine doing zangief’s spd on Bridget
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There have been numerous undisputable masterpieces in fighting game neutral, such as the strikingly realistic Shotokan style of Ryu or his faster paced anime counterpart Hyde. Ky's neutral will not join their ranks; its surface is too generic, its presentation too provocative and its messages too obscure. Its take on the abysmal is an illumination in one person’s despair, but a paroxysm of another’s perversion. It will remain underground, treasured by the most avant-garde among fighting game players for its edifying if horrifying insight into the fundaments of human yomi. Gorillas and self-proclaimed professionals alike will shun Ky's gameplay, but you can’t fault them for that. It takes wisdom to appreciate its subtleties, and courage to side with the unpopular opinion.

Superficially, Ky's neutral appears to be a playstyle which caters to the most proletarian among men; aloof critics dismiss it as such often without a second thought. As complacent as these self-proclaimed "masters of rushdown" are, they fail to realize that honest neutral is a cult classic, a chef d'oeuvrea buried under false preconceptions and unfounded criticism. This gem is hidden because it does not shine; it is buried because its tone is that of abyssal black. The game plan of Ky pries into the darkest corners of our subconscious, the most visceral of our cognition, the most carnal of our urges, and the most primal of our instincts.

As brilliantly put by Cattalus, "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo"; to describe the artistic qualia of Ky's neutral game would be to describe music to the deaf, color to the blind or beauty to the philistine. His gameplay speaks for itself, and it is up to the player to fully absorb its depth. Its honesty will ever be debated yet always remain objectively irrefutable; the fundamental insight it provides into human and perhaps animalistic nature may shape the basis of Fighting Game neutral for centuries to come.
That’s the ego talking, there. That the Slayer player is winning because their character is easy or more strong. Honestly, you could do the same thing, with any character. All Slayer is doing is getting in, doing simple offense, utilizing offensive tools to further the game state in his favor if allowed, and executing combos to cash out damage and advantage. Every character is capable of doing this, but somehow whenever I watch match footage of the typical Floor 9 or Floor 10 player, they’re not doing real offense, or blocking on wakeup, or dropping every confirm. Just ego. And weakness.

Seriously, observe your own play, and tell me: are you doing meaties? Are you blocking on wakeup? Are you using your resources? Are you running structured offense? Are you finishing your combos? If you’re doing all of that, you should be in celestial. Sure, you’re still going to lose, but not as much as if you didn’t have those key components. Slayer doesn’t suddenly enable you to do things that are impossible within the engine with other characters, but he is easier to pick up and play.

I think the reason people complain so much because they’re finally seeing what it’s like to play against someone who does high damage on their combos, forces wallbreaks, and runs efficient offense. Not even necessarily because of Slayer. If there were 50 Hotashi or Supernoon bridgets on smurfs in Celestial, the bitching about her would be insane, because we’re actually good with the character. TL:DR, Skill Issue.
who are you quoting
So, is Slayer broken. No. He is very strong. His damage is too high. He doesn’t have enough proration through his combos for how he lands certain hits or outplays, leading to insane damage on combos. K Mappa is a little goofy with how he goes in and mashes 2P on block, that could stand to change. 2H or 2D also don’t need to be as insane as an unscaled starter, but I think you could afford to leave 2H as a low at least. He’s not a broken character, just overtuned. This has happened before, multiple times, where DLC characters are either bad as hell (Testament, Baiken, Johnny, Sin), or broken a as a motherfucker (Asuka, Happy Chaos). He’ll be changed.

However, I don’t think that’s going to save you if you’re losing to him now. Even if he does less damage, or K Mappa is still negative, you’re still going to be a weak player. It’s time to get stronger. On my stream, I am doing free match reviews for people who want to get stronger, at any level, at any playtime, on any character. If you give me footage, I will watch it, and give you tips. I’ll even do it offstream, privately, if you feel like you’ll be embarrassed. But I want to help as many people as possible.

I don’t mean to have some savior complex, but if I can critique footage and give information on how to overcome struggles in fighting games, then we can all learn together. No metafy, no appointments, no nothing like that.

Also, I want to go back to making videos like when Elphelt came out. People are still reposting that video I made on how to deal with Elphelt’s Rekka. What if I made a simpler video on how to deal with Master’s Hammer? Or how to stop Garuda Impact oki? Or how to deal with reversal DPs post wallbreak? Bridget’s roll mixup? Let me know. I gotta build back momentum on this youtube.

Sorry for all the opinions as well, I’m not saying that’s the truth, but that’s just the way I’ve perceived it in the last couple months.
oh it's hotashi
Slayer would be better if Sharon was replaced with Bridget. Remember to strivemax.
P.S Sure, Slayer’s a boogeyman, but he doesn’t come close to how broken Sol Badguy was. Or Happy Chaos. Or even Nagoriyuki. Or Goldlewis last version. What the hell was that? One year of that garbage. This game’s balance has come a long way. Slayer is a bruise compared to the wounds of the past. He’ll be nerfed, don’t worry. Later.

was Hotashi correct?
he's right in the very, very broad sense that people should always be focusing on their own play over whether or not a character is "broken"
he's wrong that slayer isn't an outlier in terms of power balance in the history of strive though. there's never been a character this strong in terms of winrate online, and given that the vast vast vast majority of this game engages with it through the tower that's dire evidence that he really is broken
Hotashi downplayed top 1 Nago by saying people where extremely bad at fighting him
He also said that Risk/reward doesn't matter when discussing matchups
Hotashi opinions are usually incorrect
This guy was bitching non stop about Goldlewis last patch who's performance or popularity is still nowhere near current Slayer
He's being contrarian because he think he's smart and because Razzo is his friend
The character has the highest winrate and the second highest playrate
EU Tower is borderline unplayable right now and it's actually killing the game
>its another episode of retards parroting the "noob crusher" shit in spite of slayer having the highest winrate in top 100
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thank you chat gpt
can jannies just nuke this general already
nigga i aint reading all that
they should keep johnny as strong as he is now but make it so you actually have to be good at the game to get there
>literally THE only character getting 2000 risc loss on every move, and having uniquely bad grav and risc scaling implemented just for her
>Damage: 9/10
who wrote this
I did
>EU Tower is borderline unplayable right now and it's actually killing the game
Is it? I haven't played in the last week but it seemed more or less the same as usual earlier this month.
In my last three sessions I think 75% of my matchups were either Slayer or Johnny
Hotashi said 2xko would be the big one
It will instantly become the third or second biggest fighting game because Riot is going to announce a tournament series with a ridiculous prize pool. It's going to get constant support for years and years because it's a Riot game. Nobody will have any fun despite grinding it for six hours a day because it's a Riot game.
It'll be the big one but only for fighting game players and, I assume, League/Valorant players who want the rewards they're presumably going to offer for playing 2XKO
I would be surprised if it could get more players than cotw by pure nature of what it is.
>Nobody will have any fun
it was the most fun i've had with a new fighting game in ages
t. played the alpha
this plus around 20% of the slayers and johhnys are blatantly lagswitching niggers that hit their router with a hammer the second i land a ch cs or 5h for a bombo starter so that i drop while being teleported around on 5-8 rollback, only for their connectivity troubles to conveniently resolve themselves once theyre not on defense anymore
cotw won't be free to play
Okay APtranny.
I remember when Granblue came out and destroyed every fighting game.
I remember when Soive came out and destroyed every fighting game.
It certainly did some damage to the genre
GBVSR is based on a property most normies have never heard of, very limited in its f2p, and is a title update and not a new game
It's also shit
League has no valuable property, people don’t actually like it for the characters. Granblue’s f2p system is very similar to 2xko’s. 2xko is a tag fighter. This may be redundant but it’s also shit.
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I actually played +R for a few hours with a couple of the anons here. It's ok. Definitely a lot easier on me mentally, since I don't need to unlearn anything like I'm doing with Rev2. Helps I was mostly playing as Justice too. Controls honestly felt more responsive too. I would play it more but i don't like playing old games(or sprite based games) unless with a buddy.
How was a 6 character tag fighter the most fun you've had with a new fighting game in ages
>i don't like playing old games(or sprite based games)
Odd, they feel way better to me.
This looks just like a bad Strive round
People who don't even like League thought Arcane was great. People like League characters, just not any of the cool ones.
Does granblue let you pay money to keep the characters you like? I'm sure 2xko will. It being a tag fighter is irrelevant because it's also 2(players)v2 which lets edaters play together, who are some of the biggest consumers of Riot games.
Hey... I'm playing really ass here I didn't expect it to get clipped lol
This is the least interesting +R clip I've seen in my life.
You can say the same for granblue then if you’re saying the original audience is irrelevant. It’s called project L for a reason.
why are frcs still a frame perfect warioware microgame where if you're wrong you just lose all your meter anyways
man why'd they do that to pots legs in strive
This is like 2 strivers playing +r for the first time
This is a literally babygame kind of embarassing to think it's too hard sis.
You have like 6 frames of leeway. The delay between when you RC and when you can cancel is small enough at 7-8 frames. That's about the time to physically input a motion input.
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I mostly grew up playing 3D games, so It's hard adjusting visually to sprite-based games. It's not that I dislike older games themselves, just playing them online since most of the players I encounter have been playing for years and know everything.
I mostly record everything, so I have all the matches we played in my archive. I watch them over sometimes.
It's good that you watch your replays, I really should too. But now I'll feel extra pressure if we fight. Speaking of, would you like to play some Xrd now?
I only have 3 hours in +r brwo
We don't play that crap here.

i can play a ft10 or something. haven't played in a while.
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sistahs just found this funny review and had to share... lol
great to see that even though its been a while since she was added, bridget is still bringing new players to this great game and this inclusive fandom <3
the frc itself is easy, keeping the maximum amount of meter possible isn't
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I don't like chocolate milk
This is what we strive for
my problem is that i'm TOO FAST
my hands look like this: *pic of me playing on snackbox*
so hers can look like this: *pic of my discord kitten holding her hrt prescription*
something like that? bit too much effort to actually make the pic rn tho...
That's why I found a way to framekill myself to get the timing of it down. Then I dropped that shit afterwards because I don't want to get caught doing it on a different char.
>He also said that Risk/reward doesn't matter when discussing matchups
No way
So do I just have to fucking guess with Anji's rekka?
Fujin's not a rekka
Gay characters
Gay mechanic
Let's Rock!
Fraud arc should give the same bounce on hit as greed sever
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it's actually crazy that the crimson chin has a better slayer take than fraudtashi
>that belly
fucking insulting, fucking faggot ass piece of shit. Gio has abs of steel, STEEL. You can see them from her dp animation
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Ahhhh, The Crimson Chin... some say Chin Satonaka... do you hear our prayers?
I don't expect a tuko player to have good gg takes tbqhwy
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3-20 gg
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15-3 (Ky)
10-1 (Ky?)
10-1 (Jack-O)
This Time:
10-0 (Ky)
10-3 (Jack-O)


It's funny how I'm getting my ass kicked against the low tier but winning against the high tier.

I like Strive Jack-O better desu. Throwing servants feels more interactive than protecting houses.
Why are you expecting interactive gameplay out of Xrd
It's literally infamous for being just knockdown into loop setplay
Sin should have access to his other follow-ups from every special and after his throw too
It does when hit in the air
Xrd is extremely interactive, Jack-O is the one (yes even counting Johnny, Millia, and El) exception to this.
Strive Jack-O is the only character who became more fun to play and fight in Strive.
ky needs GS as his S4 move
today I thought about the fact that nago still doesn't have a new move
what could you possibly give that man that he doesn't already have
He'll get a 22X that lowers his blood gauge one bar and he can do after a HKD
He'll still be able to do cS oki after it too
??? plenty. he doesnt have a crossup, a dp, a parry/guardpoint or armor
now leo on the other hand, for leo there truly is nothing else to sprinkle on
danzai nago...
Please help me sir I am fucking Indian
Leo will get his 236 to be a rekka again
He'll get to do SSS for frametraps and H at any time for a sideswap
Just give him an animation cancel special to make f.SS and other buttons plus (and also it drains his blood).
an airdash
>The Roman Cancel will spend between 36% and 48% Tension depending on how soon it is canceled.
why can't it only spend the 36%. why am i punished for getting the input correct? just make it a 25 meter option.
Boooo we already did this conversation and it sucked
I agree. Let's talk about Alternative Play.
I feel like they'll just give him siegesparade back, or a "new" move with a "new" name that's functionally the same like heat tackle on Pot
Negative Bonus
Positive Penalty
this sounds like it would benefit hc somehow
I'm a Tekken player learning AC+R
Why those two, and what would you prefer in a character? In any case +r pot is stronger and easier to get into as a beginner do I'd say pot
I like men
Johnny is canonically Super Straight so pot it is
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Pot is canonically Super Straight so johnny it is
Johnny is so flashy I love his coin tossing animation, I just heard he has a lot of beginner unfriendly quirks
Potemkin's design in this game is so different that I prefer this to Strive, but I've never even played a 2D game before so a grappler seems intimidating
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What, ArcSys couldn't shell out for Shadow the Hedgehog so they have to do Cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk is a really really strange choice. I fully expect next season to have Rick, Morty, Omniman, and Jam. And the least likely of those is Jam.
Can you name a trendy IP that would fit GG better AND bring in a new audience
>cyberpunk season 2 teased
Not that strange anymore
I would’ve uninstalled on the spot
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Hunter x Hunter. New chapters and fighting game coming out. Big series.
Unironically Shadow the Hedgehog would make more sense. He's already basically a gear, many of which are known to be quite beastly.
AI shit is not welcome here
Just had a top 10 Johnny ragequit on me the first match. I'm a 1750 ELO Chipp, wtf. Gayyee
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>mankind kn-LET’S ROCK
yep that’s enough Slayer kino for today
Now you know how he and some others got that high in the first place.
All rq'ers get is a gay little badge next to their name, and that's only if they're really egregious with it. Just start issuing increasingly longer temp bans and this problem will go away
Or do an MK quitality thing
had the top #1 elphelt rage quit on me yesterday. grilled chicken
Does the person that hosts puddle not do takedown requests?
You can opt out of puddle but that guy is dodging because he wants to be on the leaderboard
I aspire to be like this
Is Johnny good now? I haven't tried playing in a while.
Top 10 material
They straight up removed one of his weaknesses so yeah
wish i had a strive bf...
>he didnt make a strive bf in the erp lobbies
Those don't exist.
>gives you an assisted suicide

>cuts off your eyelids
Characters in +r will hit you with the most insane shit and then youll look at a tier list and theyre at the bottom
who knowledge checked ya, sis?
Does ranked game modes result in more ragequits?
Slayer is such a stupid faggot.
probably? they should auto detect whoever disconnected and give them the loss anyway
Japs can’t code that. It’s too advanced for them
sf6 finally did it
I encountered a few during service work and my only thoughts were "don't fuck up the pronouns and get mad at me" shit was like defusing a bomb.
I've read that completely wrong. Gomen.
What other characters besides Leo, Axl, Goldlewis, and Slayer are only held back (results wise) by the fact that their players are fucking stupid?
Somebody sucks at dashblocking
who among the strivers would you like to see as a Talk Tuah guest?
Asuka of course
Bridget!!! x3
a fucking space marine
they already have shit like "DUTY" stamped on their foreheads and junk
>People still claiming Leo is strong when no pros play him
Everyone plays millia and she sucks
okay you win the character that could only be defeated by sexual assault allegations is weak

we will not be buffing him however because this is an arcsys game have a nice day
i wish they would kill sol like they killed zato
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literally this >>495311278
the only reason the one leofraud isnt in top8 anymore is because hes been banned from playing. can we do this for sol? someone cancel umisho
If you count Nier as being trendy then I feel like Kaine could've fit. It would parallel granblue getting 2B and she used magic attacks while mostly using her weapons, similar to a GG char. And she could even have an install with Tyrann taking her over for a bit. Having a dick but being a woman would be popular with the Bridget players as well. It's a win-win.
Leo is strong (or was when he got a 50/50 off his massive fucking DP on YOUR offense), but why would you play him when there are legitimate answers to his pressure + he has to win neutral to start running it when the other top tiers just force you to hold their nuts from round start?
from the Walking Dead
from final Fantasy
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just make him a Raven reskin. GG used to be edge kino.
I wanna see Dizzy already. I hope she's more like Jack-O and less like HC/Asuka.
>I hope she’s like braindead blockstun spam and not like braindead blockstun spam
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>I hope (projectile zoner) is more like (not projectile zoner) than (projectile zoner)
lk is upplaying sin... we're never gonna get buffs at this rate...
>lordshite opinion
do people still care about what he says? hes horseshit. we need more content creators that arent rancid dogshit at the game abusing top tiers
I looked at the comments and there are people agreeing with him so yeah I'd say there are, bottom usage char but somehow people think he's really strong, and it's from the same guy peddling may top 1 agenda...
>arc system works co. ltd
>nerfing top tiers in a major balance patch
Leon Massey... Please.
Leon Massey would have said there's a good likelihood she will be like Jack-O because they're both rushdown characters.
Bejita bro btw
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me when im looking for kittens to erp with on discord and they all naturally gravitate to me over other erpers cause I got that dandy slayer swag
Fuck zoomer weebs. I want to see Violence Jack shank May.
Granblue player here, I boot up STRIVE randomly every month.
Why is it that every time I boot it up I play against Bridgets and almost all of them mention transgenderism in their player cards?
Usually it's like
>trans rights
>brisket uwu (or :3)
>something about HRT
They also usually have stripper names like Luna or some shit
Probably because you're bad and play at low floors. If you were good and played at higher floors you'd find trannies playing Sol and Happy Chaos instead.
don't forget gio
I play in f10
Celestial is a meme lol this game doesn't have a functional ranked system
>I play in f10
That's what I said. You are right that the game doesn't have a functional ranked system, but the more skilled trannies still play on Celestial while the rest are 10.5 at best.
hold up, is bridget a tranny?
Leo acts like an asshole because he has a complex about being born a woman
No, she's cis (raised as a girl, identifies as a girl)
he do be kinda transmasc-coded
homo leo poster
That guy was cool until he tried to downplay
I think that Choujin X would be much better as it's own fighting game. adapting the Raise system could be interesting. You could have attacks that do huge damage but Raising could work as some comeback mechanic to regain health but you could only do it a limited amount of time. Or maybe it could also work as a Burst mechanic. Also all the choujin powers would be really interesting adapted into an anime fg.
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This is actually an alternate timeline that collided with the one from the previous games to create a "new" one; specifically caused by I-no's defeat and ties to Axl. The Bridget in Strive was born female and raised as a daughter, but had the memories of the other Bridget who was born male and raised a daughter implanted into them (they have the same universal ID). Their gender dysphoria is actually about accepting the "new me" in a more literal sense while confronting the way everyone else remembers them previously. The timelines (which both exist at the same time in the backyard) merging is also why Delilah is here now, Bedman's soul still exists, and why he's able to contact our reality through Bedman?. Unika is the alternate timeline's successor / inheritor to Sol when he was defeated there; backyard fluctuations are a trip
Thanks for explaining everything so simply, Gear Project!
is this actually true or are you just making shit up
sounds retarded either way
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No problem, and remember, when I say "What's my name?" You say "Johnny Sfondi!"
What's my name?
Apparently it's supposed to be "Johnny's family" or something in Japanese. I wouldn't mind a re-translation of all the drama CDs because they're old and have a good few errors but the Night of Knives newer translation is really shitty, it was hard to get through because the translator wanted to be more of an author and kept including all of their opinions, notes, and just added extra dialogue to reference stuff like Zato's Strive theme. Or you'd hear a simple sound effect and they would overly expand on what the sound effect is and what's currently happening in the story (read: personal interpretation and spoilers) instead of just writing out the sound effect, makes it hard to simply imagine what's going on when that's the whole point of a audio drama. I don't think actual official scripts exist for any of them which sucks. But I hope Shimobabe/Vaporbabe and Renexuz never work on anything again.
I was going to shitpost about something and then i forgot...
sneed jumpscare
Is this why he's upplaying Sin? Because nobody can prove him wrong lest they be banned for Sneeding?
fuck off lordshite
I have never seen anything close to those being pulled in an actual match, tower or tournament.
Actual insanity that Cagliostro and Beelzebub from Granblue have more sauce than your average soive character
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it's over...
we're so back
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Maybe Slayer 2H isn't broken. Maybe we all should start spamming 13 frame buttons in neutral. Ever thought of that?
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just got rejected after my last interview.. might as well end it before my kid grows up enough to realize what a loser his old man is.
Your kid will think you are 100x more of a loser if you kill yourself, which is basically the gayest thing an adult man can do.
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At least you got an interview, I spent like an hour and a half on a job application today that put me through this retarded, overlong questionnaire followed by an assessment and then I got a message like 10 minutes later saying they won't be going ahead with my application. Looking for a job is the worst job of all.
>Rounds: 3
Why do some Xrd lobbies do this? It's lame
he just wants good players
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All my kit put together has less disjoint than that man's 2h
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I realized I'm wrong so I'll stay quiet
cute dog
is there something to stream boar this weekend
step 1) look at the OP
step 2) copy and paste the arcrevo link: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
step 3) scroll down to schedule list
step 4) click on the start gg page of a tournament going down this weekend
step 5) find the schedule and stream link there
>wow COTO strive pools start at 4P athens time. Let me type that into google
>wow google auto corrected it to my time zone 3PM CEST
>I’m gonna open up the Strive twitch category on 3PM and sort on most watched since the schedule doesn’t specify which of the two channels streams it. OH WAIT there is a more detailed schedule on their twitter account who would’ve thunk. It’s going to be streamed on the argin_sama twitch account
K dandy step reels in too fast
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How would you fix this?
Make cS a command normal, 4S, leave everything else untouched.
Remove 5k 2d
This seems needlessly complicated and alienating to new players, why not take a page from anime fighting games and Darkstalkers and have everything go P > K > S > H > D, but that would allow for a lot of different combos so I guess they'd also want to lower the damage on individual moves to account for that.
Whoa, that's a lot to do, would be mighty helpful if this information was presented within the OP itself!
How it's shown makes it look more complicated than it actually is. You can basically boil it down to 3 options.
S > H
K > D
P/K > 6X
>why not take a page from anime fighting games and Darkstalkers and have everything go P > K > S > H > D,
i mean, the older games did that...
make f.S and 2S gatling into 6H
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Testament buffs?
Bro, you don’t want Slayer anti-airing you with fS to lead into 6H
oh boy time for another dogshit bump limit OP
3. The clock is ticking /ggg/. What will you do?
shut the fuck up retarded furfaggot
Tick tock goes the clock.
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I present you with an ultimatum, /ggg/. in exchange for a new thread, you must surrender your loyalty to alternative play.
new thread

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