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Previous: >>494907738

Caesar combat intelligence
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a pastebin in about 10 days.
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I have 323 rolls saved up.

Outside of discs I have Caesar and Burnice completely prefarmed.

I have 77 batteries stored and 8.3 million dennies in the bank.
I just realized it's cheaper to just buy an account with the character I want than buy currency. What are the ways this WILL backfire on me?
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you literally cannot have them completely prefarmed since their core materials aren't available yet THOUGH
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Belle riding Eous while flipping Anby's Skirt!
Except you can't prefarm their core materials. Neither the weekly nor HIA boss.
What's the point of a friend system?
Who is this handsome fella
I hope lighter ends up being a shit 4* and we get another waifu patch, the troon melties get funnier each time
Your account will be forcefully recovered and resold to some other retard.
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anyways as we were saying i literally want to marry officer zhu yuan's ass
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>He prefarmed TWO characters
Enjoy losing both 50/50/s and going to hard pity every cycle
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She's cumming...
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I barely have 25 rolls and not even have guaranteed the 50/50
If I fail to get Caesar will go for Burnice.

Tired of planning ahead and saving, Ill just roll what I have at whatever is on rateup
But the website says this will for sure not happen?? You're saying they'd just lie to me?
I will always laugh when this is posted
>still offers half her burger
Anby is a real one for that
How did this go so far with Ellen/Zhu/Qingyi/Jane?
It's only 40 per 5, 30/5=6x40=240 that's only a single day to get all of the requirements each.
Multiplayer in the future.
Holy based, nicholeschizo thread btfo
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Brickyibros...we already got powercrept...
No chance if securely bought. I bought mine without security because I have experience with it, but otherwise trade guardian on epicnpc or official sites like setsuna are pretty much foolproof.
How would multiplayer even work in this kind of game?
the new A rank
Bwo, people lie on the internet all the time. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
You can only get 3 weeklies per week. + whatever additional they let you use batteries for. Expect that to be capped though.
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This mission is ridiculously difficult to beat with Jane and Seth.
I thought she was invincible, but I still have to be incredibly careful with er dodges.
Got Ellen, and Jane,

Although, truth to be told have not squeezed all the films the game has to offer, there is like an entire pity in there in secondary missions and medals I have not done yet
Co-op bosses most likely, everyone plays one character
Some form of co-op rally missions
I love Ben Bigger!!!
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>people lie on the internet all the time
i fucking hate jane she completely ruined other main dps characters for me nothing feels as cool and snappy like her i couldn't play my elen kek it felt sluggish
He's me. I look like this.
Haha that's epic dude sure sounds fun having all those characters! My Billy Anby Nicole team is for sure getting the job done too!
This is why I gave her M2. To ensure I can use her a very long time without fear of powercreep. She can literally do a 1 million solo with it.
I rolled this because of the substats but now that I did I don't actually know where it should go.
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why do this now? theres no multiplayer content coming soon. no point in wasting your time now
I look like this
Realistically, how would a S Rank Ether Support powercreep her? She offers easy grouping, the best possible debuff (def shred) and crit rate at M6.
Her defense shred is very low and her grouping has a very small range. It wouldn't be hard to powercreep her
rolling for more power in an already powered character will never make sense to me.
specially when the future is so uncertain.
i would get it if your character is extremely underpowered that it can't complete content but so far there are only a few characters that fill that description.
The warmth of Belle's butts cooks the burger
are you girls (female)?
Is Archie an elf? Is Lycaon's past buddy an elf?
So she can survive a year of the devs trying to powercreep her.
40% shred is “very low”?
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[NSFW INSIDE] steaming hot shower action with Jane!
Buff duration is a big one. Her "black hole time plus 2-3.5 seconds" paradigm limits her appeal somewhat. Especially outside of a burst oriented DPS like Zhu.
Making the same things, but better
S rank ether support looks like a OL molf version of Nicole whose even more stacked.
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She is hot
Now compare stun times.
I'm a man.
Debuff doesn't last long enough, grouping not that useful when QY or Ceasar can easily group enemies, suggesting that this niche will most likely be filled by other characters instead. They will have an easy time powercreeping her.
That's a 95% perfect piece for Lucy.
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I need a bangboo edit of this
If you're trying to shred a single target, yes. 40% single target is low.
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bwo your right click???
that's an assumption though.
what if she's fine at c0 for years to come?
what if a support character heavily buffs her?
wouldn't it be better to roll in the rerun when you are most certain?
please use rentry instead
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I'm lvl 47 with no more side quest is there a faster way to level up?
Interesting take but ok
does this mean I should renew today or tomorrow?
Qingyi is a separate multiplier. Stack both Caesar's buffs and hers and do even crazier damage.
>don't have Seth ball
It's over... but the banner is still up.... do I dare..
they stack so you can renew whenever.
Just do it today. It'll auto kick in once the first expires.
You can buy levels?
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you don't need it though.
just go AM/Phys/AP
Freedom blue 4p + 2p flex
>is there a faster way to level up?
No, from now on is daily login simulator.
Just renew today
The subs stack up to 180 days, and purchasing the membership is absolute best IRL cash to polychrome value in the store. Its only limited to aforementioned 180 days in that you don't wanna renew again until you're down to 150 or you waste free polychrome days
I'm collecting UIDs for different reasons but anons had previously asked for a public list.

sure boss
have you done all the agent quests? all the side quests? all the hollow zero first time stuff? burned all your batteries?
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dennies status?
I absolutely refuse to roll for seth's ball
If I spend 10 reels and get fucking anbys ball I'd be pissed
Bro your batteries? Your events? Your weekly quests? Your weekly hollow zero and shiyu defense (do they give xp?)
Caesar already does. The buffs Caesar provides aren't any less and apply to the on field char as well, and on top of that don't require you to waste several seconds of the stun phase, so you can up the debuff of her's again.

Quite frankly, she isn't good. But Soukaku is even worse, so Nico will remain in ether for the foreseeable time.
I miss timed the dodges and get wrecked.
Is Soldier 11 expected to be T0 when Burnice releases?
>become a Legendary Proxy
>can't actually upgrade anyone
>use all my daily stamina just to promote Corin
Sounds good to me. Though, what is her actual build? I find myself untrusting of Youtube guides for her. I assume if you're willing to suggest crit, this is using her on teams where her core passive is active.
>5529Is Soldier 11 expected to be T0 when Burnice
why are people thinking they will work together?
Burnice is an anomaly character meant to play in anomaly teams.
her damage is gimped in S11 teams
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>What's the point of a friend system?
So anons can stalk your profile and dox if they ever catch you shitposting.
HIA Club
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I believe I have around 9000k
I think that she won't be powercrept in ZhuYuan team. But we might get another anomaly unit that want more field time than ZY
s11 owner here. no. the 4 piece inferno set is only a little stronger than woodpecker or whatever.
Why Burnice and not Caesar? 1000 ATK + Anti-Interrupt is basically custom made for her.
you can buy energy and then spend it on the HIA club for +1000 exp, which is a retarded way of spending your money but whatever.
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I dont know tons about Burnice's skills other than she's an off field fire anomaly agent, but isnt the logic:
>S11's unique skill is speeding up Burning application
>Burnice makes this even stronger
>Can throw in an anomaly of another attribute (Piper to trigger core skills?) to trigger disorder and get more value from burn
>In turn Assault causes Flinch which gives you more daze which gives S11 more time to go ham on a stunned target
No but S11 Lucy Caesar and Piper Lucy Caesar will be good enough that they'll beat Ellen team when facing Phys/Fire Weakness.
3 x ATK% if you want her to be universally compatible.
2x ATK% and 1 Crit rate if you want her at her strongest.
She’s basically custom made for ZYs kit. You dont powercreep her there unless you make a “Nicole but with bigger numbers” unit.
Anomaly procs snapshot the stats of the character that build up the anomaly bar.
Meaning that if your S11 fills 80% of the bar, 80% of the anomaly damage will be calculated with S11 stats at the moment that it was filled and the rest 20% will be calculated from Burnice's stats.
Burnice is meant to be used on anomaly/disorder teams where she's the only one building up fire anomaly
Looks like I need Caesar.
I suck ass at this game, it's so easy to dodge with Jane, but I always fail at it.
So with eight (or seven, idk need to login) days left in Jane banner. I just realized how fucked the currency drip rate is in this game. What is the expected way to get poly as a f2p? Or did Hoyo decide this is the game they are gonna be evil in?
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nicole owns my wallet so 0
Just pay them 5 bucks a month and have some patience.
Skip these early girls, in 6 month time there will be even more awesome bait waiting for your dick
have you completed all the story and all the quests? have you done all of hollow zero? have you completed shiyu defense? if the answer to all of those is yes, and you've already done ~200 rolls on the limited banner, then you have to swipe
Is it not the same as genshin and star rail? 60 for dailies plus 90 if your on monthly
Zzz is more generous than genshin
and theres a free 10pull in 1.2
this game ruined my life
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This game saved my life
generosity doesn't mean shit if you skip character that you want
in genshin i can save all the time
here? is either you skip or pay up.
is the season ticket thingie worth it?
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how so
>in genshin I can save all the time
What do you mean by this
Movie night with Jane
lots of men to skip I assume
The battle pass?
quickly turns into a jav
Thus far I'm not impressed by ZZZ. It's alright, not great, not bad. I have very low expectations of the Outer Ring. I don't care about the upcoming characters. I never thought of any character as content. I know that some do. Well, hopefully I'm wrong about this patch, otherwise maybe they'll do something good with 1.3? I just want the main story to continue, not this side filler... although I do appreciate more open world areas.

The current zones are very limited and feel quite stuffy, especially the Belobog construction yard. That place is a mess. It should've been larger, maybe connecting into the city, perhaps with areas that are part of the Hollow and have combat enabled when traversing them. Well, whatever...

Anyway, was anything more revealed about the bike races? Will we be able to mow down enemies or drop bombs, Mario style? Will there be at least some cool NFS-like music? I hope so, cause just plain old racing will get boring real fast.

All in all unless it picks up, I think I'll ditch it for one of the 3 similar upcoming gachas. Either Mugen, Promilia, or Everness. Not sure yet which is gonna be the most interesting. But regardless, thanks for reading or skipping my blog. That is all.
I pulled 2 characters, lost one 50/50 and I still have 170 pulls left + 26 from pull currency as f2p.
Its 18.75 pulls for $5. By far the cheapest way to buy chromes
i have panic attacks
for some reason I still haven't unlocked seth's hangouts. Do I have to do something?
have you gone to enjoy some high quality ramen from chop jr at lumina square recently?
You have him? Finished the story?
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why do I need fire damage bonus for Koleda if she is a stunner?
>go from 25 million previous high score to 93 million in inferno reap which includes 4 mil assaults
>rewards: 5 poly
Yes, you need to meet him overworld first.
I'm going to start playing because of her.
One day and another day
save rolls so i don't have to skip characters i want.
there are characters that fill different needs and people and there are patches with only 1 character so even if i get characters i want back to back i still have time to save rolls.
ZZZ in comparison has released 6 characters that are well liked by everyone and are good in terms of gameplay/meta.
this game
So, I Tried Playing ZZZ
How Zenless Zone Zero BREAKS you
The Untold TRAGEDY of Anon and ZZZ
I Played ZZZ For a Month, Here’s What Happened
This situation is crazy
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Based if true
>releasing good characters back to back is bad
What kind of person unironically believes this?
Yes. He and Phaethon technically don't know each other. So after the prank text you need to talk to him twice before he you become friends and exchange numbers. First he'll stop by your shop, and the second time you need to find him at the Lumina Square noddle shop in the evening. There should be a quest for it in your log although it won't refer to Seth by name.
i hope i get caesar on both of my accounts. i havbe 90ish pulls so far.. i got jane on both and caesar seems like another unit i need her on both acounts. skipping burnice.. she was hot until her arms.. they are uncanny and twitglike. and caesar has bouncy ass tits holy fuck is she massive
You forgot the best one
>Zenless Zone Zero is NOT what you think.....
And then they tell you shit you already know
i look exactly like this
I accidentally called Caesar "Big Sis" when we were having sex
I assume just 4pc Swing + any relevant damage 2pc. I rolled this just now too so I guess from here it's just disk 4/5 hell again. Thanks for the assist anon, I don't really have a team for her yet but this is as good a reason as any to start angling one.
Piper and Lucy and kot tempt me strongly, but she and Caesar are the tipping point.
caesar also has twig arms
every girl does actually
Kind of what I am feeling too. My first gacha though. It feels really empty content wise - there are huge areas that feel like a good place to explore, but they are inaccessible at the moment like Lumenia. Also, I don't really care for the lore and the dumb puzzles. Want to really like this game because the character designs are really good imo.
da battle pass
Can You Beat Zenless Zone Zero WITHOUT Ultimates?
how many times can you collect 150 z merits in a week anyways?
Did it four times so far.
You need to find him at the noodle place on Lumina to initiate his trust events.
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Is there any reason I shouldn't be rolling on the stable channel whenever I can?
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it ruined my life
>This situation is crazy
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Sorry I can't wait six months or whatever, I'm buying an account with Zhu in it
Would Grace be a good third wheel in a Caesar/Burnice team?
wait theres only 5 days left in the season
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i need to lick the sweat off her milk bags
how much an account with ellen, zhu and jane would go for?
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Just do it
I used Hormone punk 2 piece because I like ATK% on Lucy.
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towards the end of the movie she started giving me a tailjob and right as I was about to cum she constricted her tail and before I could realize what happened she shove the tip of her tail in and massaged my prostate
she couldn't stop giggling because of the sounds I made
you arent wrong but her right arm in the sleave looks fine. and the other arm is missing half her arm so i can see it as muscle atrophy. but burnice is wearing a leather jacket and it's skin tight but should add SOME thickness.. but her arm is insanely thing because of it.. and most other chracters their clothing hides how thin their arms are.
It seems as expected of mihoyo as far as I can tell from playing Genshit for over 2 years.
Once the content dries up then your poly income's gonna be purely from daily login, limited events and Shiyu defense, usually you'll get enough for a couple of 10-pulls each banner if you aren't skipping banners to save for a guarantee, you also have the x5 pulls from the store every month.
Being f2p incurs the need for heavy concessions, like skipping weapon banner entirely and yeah, having to skip entire banners to build up chrome, I guess your problem then becomes having no de-facto skip banner since every banner so far's been very SEXO unlike Genshin which has a bunch of easy skips. You just have to accept this as a f2p or become a dolphin.
In genshit you can save all the time because nothing is worth rolling for
The characters are ugly and they're all unfun
ZZZ: Corin: A character anaylsis [11 hours]
SANS in ZZZ?! (ZZZ easter eggs)
Do NOT DM ELLEN AT 3AM!! (creepypasta)
How ZZZ cured my depression
Why ZZZ is a subversive masterpiece
>releasing good characters back to back is bad
Bad for them, because they're poor.
What else would you out in that slot?>>494938245
The only reason I can think of is if you want Seth but didnt pull jane banner, Seth is getting added to stable after the banner ends. Thats about it iirc
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Add me to the glowie list. NA 1001239785
never use your polys on the standard banner. otherwise there's no reason to hoard the free standard pulls you get
I feel ill reading this titles
New A-ranks will eventually be added to it.
you now notice how thin her arms are
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So I should focus raising Seth right? I wanted a Jane dupe but instead I have C6 Seth.
Zhu. Grace, Nicole was my go-to team until I got the Rrat and replaced Grace. Shiyu clears are lacking because I'm just splitting those 4 between teams with a Neko or Anby to fill space.
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People parrot this meme but it really doesnt matter
Burnice has way more buildup than S11, it doesn't matter if S11 fills 10% of the bar as long as you disorder it.
Yes Burnice S11 is a meh team but mainly because burn is bad.
Caesar + Piper will do fine even though caesar might fill the bar a smidge
I want to hug her...
With the free pulls granted to you by the game? Absolutely, unless you like holding on for a juicy 10x pull because its more entertaining but the same end result.
But DONT be spending polychrome on stable channel reels. Polychrome is only for Time Limited banner reels
Stable channel aint going nowhere, limited banner is
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>that wink
Asian girls are like this in general. You can tell on Bell as well.
This has been my biggest issue so far, I wanted both Zhu/Qingqi + SoC so my saving strategy has basically been fucked by constant back to back banners since launch without being able to hoard pulls.
At least once Burnice is out I can hopefully begin to get a stash built up.
Added but I would appreciate a screenshot if you could. Thanks.
The answer is that you don't really, the only disk you really have to force is Impact on 6. There rest is well, technically BiS even if it's low priority.
Is Piper + Burnice + Caesar a good team?
the chemo did a number on her physique, be gentle...
all limited agents are gonna be rerun eventually, no need to panic.
hoyo will do mass ban wave of traded accounts
very low.. until they feel like it
Literally like noodles if they dont actively try to weight train and up their protein intake.
Source - Am gaijin
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CalydonGODS add me
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>survived Jane's butt and tail animations just fine
>see Burnice's wink
RIP Caesar funds
The UNTOLD STORY of Zenless Zone Zero
ZZZ - a flawed masterpiece
Zenless Zone Zero cured my asthma
ZZZ - A quick guide
ZZZ - A retrospective
The HIDDEN LORE the devs don't want you to know! [ZZZ]
If you're max out, it's a good way to grab tapes poly chromes and materials before caesar comes and it's relatively cheap.
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Yeah it'll be fantastic.
Disorder spam with good buffs and daze coming out of piper and caesar = max sex
i have a very good source of protein for Burnice..
My cock. Still won't roll for her unfortunately. her ass and rack are insane however.
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it's okay son, there's just some stupid furries and maybe the ugly wide eyed fox after this you'll have plenty of time to save after 1.2
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>one day
Added to the list. Nice Piper.
waterkuma BANKRUPTED you and me
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if burnice does LESS damage it does matter, that's the whole point
even for S11 is not good, she would prefer a stunner or another buffer.
yea I maxed out, but now that I'm looking at it, If I buy it now I would be getting like 1600 polys and a few tapes, that's like 15 rolls?
plus, the cheapest ticket is $50 in my currency, idk if I want to spend that much
1.3 drip marketing on Friday or Monday?
From hype to flop: Why ZZZ FAILED!
Zenless Zone Zero: The Promises It Couldn't Keep
ZZZ - A furry's perspective
Why does ZZZ's playerbase keep shrinking?!
Zenless Zone Zero: An Incel dream
The hidden antisemitism of Zenless Zone Zero
But it barely matters when you also get faster procs out of it too.
Lucy Piper Burnice disorder will be fine even if Lucy makes Burnice do "less" damage shes still helping you proc more
REAL PROXIES react to Hollow Zero vids
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the battlepass is really only worth it if you want the materials it gives, not rolls. those are just a bonus
if you want to be a light spender, the $5 monthly pass is the only thing you should be buying for rolls
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>even for S11 is not good, she would prefer a stunner or another buffer..
>another buffer
>when Burny basically guarantees uptime on 4pc Fire Set
>the most broken set in the game granting permanent +28% crit
5$ monthly feels mandatory to get any fucking pulls in this game
which agent is the most antisemitic?
Burnice and it isn't even close
burnice looks like a jew they put in the furnice. look at her thin arms
semites don't exist in new eridu
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muh fucking heart
honestly.. lucy. she is blonde aryan and she beats on jewish pigs.
what a mindbroken cuck you are. how the fuck is normal sized arms a tranny shit. kill yourself along with the trannies you obsess over faggot
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Burnice White.

Her grandfather did unspeakable things in the Great War... It's him who gave her the flamethrower. Now she is on a mission. A mission to genocide any and all filthy un-pure Thiren in the Outer Rimjob.
those are her children though
no they aren't, they are slave jewish children she uses as a work force
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I wanna poke her tummy
of course it's the agent who uses der flammenwerfer
burn is a dot, proc don't matter.
the team you are suggesting is even a S11 team which is what these posts are about
>what is opportunity cost
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i want to poke her womb. with my cock.. for the sole purpose of sexual gratification and child procreation as a side bonus.
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well yes that's where poking her tummy would ideally lead me
People mistaking DPS (damage per screenshot) for DPS (damage per second).
>Xer just wants normal sized arms
How about a normal sized black cock in your mouth too huh? lil fag.
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Top zozzle
So what other action games can zzz rip off?
We've got multiple monhun rip-offs already.
We've got vergil with miyabi.
Probably some other stuff I'm blanking on currently.
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if pulchra or miyabi release right after burnice it's fucking over for my wallet...
interesting projection
>don't have Grace
>don't have Rina
bros I just want some TITS
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dante's bike sword weapon thingies
>save for months get new S rank agent
>have grind for materials for a couple of weeks to max them out since you’re out of batteries
>unless you buy the battle pass, and even that has a level limit

Nice game, lol
no one's doing anything with Darksiders
gimme some edgelord with a scythe or something
>>save for months get new S rank agent
>>have grind for materials for a couple of weeks to max them out since you’re out of batteries
welcome to gachas
Anon, miyabi was cancelled.
They needed to make room for... THE STARLIGHT KNIGHTS!
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>brappachino expy
>except she's allowed to be sexy
it's funny because it incentivizes you to not bother with new characters since they'll only be usable when the next shiny new character comes out
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>open webm
>close webm
nicole no. 1
Excuse you, my goat uses a greatsword
>see jpg
>say it's a webm
Should I upgrade Caesar's W-Engine (Original Transmorpher) considering I probably won't even use her for damage? Or is just focusing on getting it to R5 enough?
>gimme some edgelord with a scythe
wuwa calls to you
It's an old joke.
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I am fortunate enough to be extremely picky about what characters I like. If one of their
doesn't appeal to me I simply don't pull. So far I only pulled Zhu and I'm still iffy on her design. Caesar is the only confirmed next one, Burnice will hinge on her gameplay and voice.

I hated Ellen's design, gameplay and the fact she was ductaped to a BDSM furfaggot. Qingyi's CLICK CLIKC CLICK gameplay would've ruined my thumb. Jane's gameplay is more static than Piper and she's duct taped to another furfaggot.

It's not like you have to give a shit about the meta in this game when solo Billies, Piper's and Lucy's are clearing below fucking 1:30 per stage in this game.
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The original Transmorpher is a new craftable w-engine? based
Levelling effects main stat too.
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Your Arknights?
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DM3 Nevan
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If you're saving for months to get a new S-rank, you'll also be saving materials to level them. You only run into problems if your dick tells you to get all the S-ranks
idols or we riot
The main stat is HP.
>am I dying?
>I'm dying...
>i'm dead
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fucking bootiful
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Please stop spreading lies about my autistic wife
>mumei image macro
>abhorrent post
every time
Will 1.2 make it so I can actually play the game for more than 30 mins once a week
nope. just uninstall and fuck off
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I managed to do it in the end, not with Jane, but with Ellen.

It's difficult for me to explain why, but I think I understand myself a little bit better now.
-I absolutely suck at using Jane even though she is the strongest and have the fastest clear time.
-I have more muscle memory and reflexes with the Ellen team, something just clicks just right fir me, I'm able to asses the situation and anticipate how to react with Ellen before the situation happens.
-It's probably because I have much slower reaction time, and Ellen is just more my pace.
-Qingyi just feels really easy to use, I get her combos going and just hold down the attack button, and she does the monkey staff magic automatically.
-Soukaku has a VERY complementary skillset for when opponent catch my Ellen off guard I just go E E E E E with Soukaku and before I know it, the big bad opponent is frozen solid, and Soukaku was impossible to interrupt in the meantime. She is so complementary to Ellen, it's not even funny, and by the time Ellen gets in trouble, Soukaku usually has maxed her Energy bar.
-Ellen's damage is actually amazing when opponent is frozen solid. Her Basics, her EX, amazing damage that melts the HP bar.

I'm just so much more comfortable with this team even though their clear time might suck, but there is a reliable factor to them I can't quite explain right.
When she stops being the most boring and least interesting upcoming agent, sure.
Until then, I'll keep using my psychic powers to manifest the idea to replace her with... THE STARLIGHT KNIGHTS in the mind of whoever controls that.
no? in fact, it should reduce the time you play further
I probably get my afkj dailies done slower than this game aside from its weeklies lol
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piper is clearly a christian
but then again there's a whole nun coming up
To anyone who still hasn't answered the survey, please ask them to add a reverse switch for mobile. My gameplay is getting gimped...please...
Caesar is a big DUMMY
bitch can't even put on her jacket right!
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Who’s the EEEQEEE of our game
how are people playing this on mobile
I'm sorry youre brown
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important new poll
cucking the squirrel
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ok I might roll Burnice since using Quingyi with Jane feels literally like shit because both want the onfield time, but I really want to get Ellen on her rerun, and I don't want to overwhale for her. Do we know anything about reruns?
>"I smell cheese"
>grabs your dick
Soukaku lole
No one.
if you nitpick, ellen but that would be on stun window with enough energy.
S11 is the closest thing to UNMATCHED but ehhhh it's just not the same
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The distance between Hoshimi Miyabi's eyes is greater than the distance between her ears.
Fuck I forgot to do that
I need this too
do not bully mibibi
that's too many buttons. We instead have
>swap in
>click and hold
>empty your mag
>swap out
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3 more days until the reveal...
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average mhy character proportions
one thing thats neat about zzz is that there are agents in this game with non standard weapons. I wanna see some circus performers and see what mihomo cooks up.
S11 requires a brain to play. Diluc is the poster boy for unga bunga gameplay.
I would never dream of bullying my future wife.
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*greater than the distance between earth and the sun
From past hoyo games they're usually about 6 months after the initial banner.
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We need our own ZZZ version of sexy Food wars bitch
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Average WuWa character proportions
touch tail?
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>S11 requires a brain to play
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Paleontologists with Dinoboo, make it happen mihomo
If we ever get some prime Clussy the porn would be INSANE
yeah zhu gameplay is braindead
>ex or ult
>ex if available
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is there like a folder or something with all these animations
does anybody have a real pic of this gook?
there was a mega file about 14 thread back. I did not save the link.
I'm sorry /pol/ destroyed your brain
I don't care, getting Quick Reload in HZ feels like sex
>He dosen't have the mega link
Using ex skill and ulty doesn't count as brain usage in this game.
Surely you don't think timing the attacks outside of those buffed windows is brain usage instead of subpar rotation, right?
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>We've been found out!
>get clown faction
>it's ICP
So around january then? ok I'm perfectly fine rolling her then
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c4 soldier + c2 caesar + lucy is the hardest team in the game to play (i am delusional)
thank you friend
I feel so enlightened and knowledgeable after looking at these, like every time I see one I gain an extra third of an IQ point, thanks for posting the link
Qingyi and Ellen with Soukaku is an amazing team with very versatile skillsets.

But I bet Ellen with Caesar and Qingyi is even more amazing.
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I'm sorry you eat cow poop
>instead of subpar rotation
Oh, yes, because you are going to spend that time doing something more important like...?
I'd kneel.
How + is that backkick on hit?
when are they releasing
would roll
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Is it worth?
i bounced off game when i tried it first time but i picked it up back yesterday and it's really fun

i wish enemies were more aggressive or harder to stun because dodging/swapping is the most fun part
what the hell else are you gonna spend that resource on?
They're unlimited just buy them when you need
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+2 on block, fatal counter starter and it crushes lows
What the fuck eos you can't just say that word in public
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I only have money/tapes for one, Burnice or Caesar and I find Burnice sexier plus I don't know if I want to kick Sexkaku out.
early game is a snoozefest because enemies are retarded easy but endgame enemies are nice
Name a character that is more "challenging" to use. Not that she demands much, this is a mobile game, after all, but she at least demands something.
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Bros... my kot needs this one to be good
u'll get to dodge all u want in shiyuu. early game same thing pissed me off cuz I kept staggering enemies and I can't look cool if they don't attack
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filters me
>flat HP and def
not even worth levelling
I think this makes her cuter.
Kot bros at the very least deserve something good in their lives, gl
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>dashes in
>want to ask some GI questions
>go to gig
>the whole place is unfiltered schizophrenia
... can I ask my questions here?
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Make sure to to slap it on a support for a greater chance to roll into crit
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We need an agent like this
no thoughts going on inside that head
hollow. zero activity.
Qingyi feels so good to play man,
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acceptable as a cope piece
Oh hey, an actual human among the bots! Yeah, I'd also like to see more proper character development, but considering that it's a gacha that probably won't be happening, cause they need to make money and the main attractions are the FOMO banners. As more time passes and more characters are released, the less content each will have overall, as happens with every gacha. We'll probably still see the various more relevant characters pop up here and there, but many are going to be forgotten - or almost. Well, that can be fine too as long as they continue Phaethon's story...

That aside, I'm also not a fan of the minigame spam. Wish they just introduced more to the combat itself or added extra stuff to the overworld that isn't a minigame, especially not a temporary one at that, but alas... this is their bread and butter...
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S11 gameplay is counterintuitive for most players.
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equal weighting btw
You will waste your luck there
Go ahead.
>I wanted everyone
Gacha might not be in your wallet's best interest
Switching to another character to regen energy for ex skill and decibels for ulty?
Ideally building the stun meter in mono element or opposite anomaly in disorder team.
Once you start doing higher level content (IK50+) the enemies get more aggro and dodge/parry windows seem to tighten up a bit. Fights like double mech and Nineveh can get a bit hectic. I asked for more in the survey
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No one here plays genshin
The quoted anon is certainly one of the filtered ones and is just coping.
Is it just me or is building 2 teams in GI a fucking pain in the ass?
>be a shizo asking off topic questions
>complain about shizos
It fits very well, bunnies are extremely weak so the non-combatant MC should be one of those instead of a wolf or cat
you both should just quit now because if this game develops anything like hoyo's other 2 big games, you're never getting sick combat additions, super developed areas or deep character development. these games are simple time wasters you play a few minutes a day, and then you enjoy your content patch once every few weeks, but otherwise they will never have enough content to satisfy the itch of a "real game". they're made for normalfags first and foremost which means they need to be as easy and low investment as possible. if you aren't okay with that then you might as well just jump ship
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Anons who are good at using Jane, I have a question.
Do you guys always spam spam spam the Attack button as fast as you can?
Or do you click....click.......more carefully and anticipate when to dodge?
I think the reason why I'm so bad at Jane is because I spam the ATK button and then I panic when it's time to dodge because my brain is focused on click spamming.
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unironically how long until we get a muscle mommy
hopefully never
Punished Dehya
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Would it be better than this phys dmg one though? Seems like neko would want atk% because her kit already has so much dmg% but the substats are worse compared to this
my penis smells like fish
which one has the stinkiest farts? Mulani or Kachina?
sadly never
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stop fucking the fish then?
I hadn't played Gen since Eula's original release and went back to pull on Mualani (cause cute). Gave up again because dailies/resin.
ZZZ basically has double drops for double cost, cutting daily time in half. Genshin doesn't respect anyone's time, energy, or money.
you'll get one but she'll be full furry
Dodge kinda supercedes your attacks unless you're on like BA5 or whatever the end of the chain is in which you get iframes so it doesn't really matter.
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me after sex with Ellen
Uh, you are aware that you can do this just by using her, right? In this case, in addition to recharging energy and decibels for the team, you will also be dealing damage (and focusing on increasing her own energy, which is usually the most demanding one in her party). The ideal S11 rotation is to stay with her as long as possible and only switch to parries and teammates' skills.
Spam as fast as I can so assault can procc asap.
I play her with Rina, so usually I do her entire BA and when she lands in the ground with the last hit I press "C" to Rina, use her EX, assist back to Jane to procc assault that's almost built with the Rina buffs.
If you panic just use defensive assist with Seth then. Most of the time I do that, dodging is just for her S1 (I play with weeping gemini).
That's a solid 5, not great but can fill for now
>Sex with Ellen and then clean-up with Nekomata
Energy is such a weird thing in ZZZ, I just can't understand it unlike the other Hoyo games, is it gained over time without doing anything? Do you have to kill enemies? Or is it just by damaging them with moves? It's so weird man
can we get kino like this please
The thing is the elemental system is such a pain. I just got one team finally built with good elemental synergy with furina to jean to tighnari to raiden and have no idea what to do with the second one.
I don't spam but I don't tap on attack animation either. I just tap on a rhythm that tend to align with her first hits.
I think it's easier and less expensive than setting up two teams in ZZZ.
at the beginning? yeah
after that you just pre-farm everything.
this applies to almost mihoyo game.
It didn't took me long to start farming for the standard rolls from character ascensions in any of them.
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minority report - sci fi
a detective living in the not so distant future is responsible for preventing violent crime with the aid of a psychic trio, until one day when they name him as a future murderer.

tampopo - comedy
a collection of short stories revolving around the humanity behind food and shared experiences. famous for sexualizing the act of eating a raw egg. guaranteed to make you hungry.

viridiana - drama
director luis bunuel says "fuck you" to the 1960's spanish government and roman catholic church with this absurdist and blasphemous depiction of spain under their rule. a scathing critique and wild ride of a film.
what do these movies have to do with ZZZ
Caesar’s supposed to be a big strong badass and her arms are twigs
so never
sis please learn to read, I'll give you a hint, look for Energy Regen and Energy Generation in your stats
I will roll for Beidou/Zhong Li
Stunning an enemy with a stunner and then dpsing with an attacker suring the stun multiplier window is the current meta.
Please stop trying to convince your subpar rotation is good let alone the way to play.
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>game has furries, advanced mechs and AI
I want to play as a robot animal.

That one has better main stat and rolls. I'd use that and save the dmg% for another agent.
I asked for a movie about Bangboos banging, so fuck you and I'll come back tomorrow and ask for the same thing
>they had ami koshimizu voice miyabi rather than caesar
what the fuck were they thinking
I pretty much have 2 teams built out now where zhu yuan just needs a stunner and jane just needs 2 buffers.
How long have you been playing? If you're a new player or you're trying to get everyone up to speed for IT, it's a royal pain to build two solid teams because you're limited by resin and character selection. In time you'll have a bunch of options. ZZZ is worse because there currently aren't enough options to give you flexibility in character selection, so if you want to run an ice team and didn't roll Ellen and get knotted, you're fucked
>all my bros are rolling for Caesar
They were thinking they needed to save Sawashiro Miyuki for Yanagi. You rike?
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Every agent has passive energy regen in the stats. Then they get mote energy from hits or special skills and effects. Don't forget disks.
a part of ZZZ is recommending movies at the store. so i am doing that here now and would like other people's movie recs and descriptions
watch pluto bro.
its from an arc of astro boy, created by monster author
is basically blade runner with a murder mystery.
one of the best anime/manga i have seen.
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I've been an snschad from the start
I did
then I found out she’s a lame off-field support and lost interest
Miyabi will save the latebros
Came back in 4.3 but I'm still running through sumeru.
Does no one play the snake pvp anymore?
Oh thanks man, I'm IK53 and already finished all of my disks, I just always wondered but never bothered to check what energy regen does
Nigger, if you're spending your time with stunners on the field instead of just bringing them in for parries and skills, have fun, but don't try to use it as a cope because you don't have the minimum skill required for a mobile game.
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Can we talk about Burnice's massive tits?
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thank you. i will add that to my list.
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ffs it's the itto treatment all over again, no one who's swinging around a fat metal shield like that all day should have twig ass arms
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no you don't
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All these movies are on the Criterion Collection, you have failed as an arbiter of taste and let a third party influence you. 1500 days, isocube.
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>can beat SD17 now even if the elements don't favor me
so I beat the game huh...
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How many boos would a bangboo bang if bangboo could bang boos?
Yeah you beat the game that caters to mobile using casuals...
Yeah, I think I'll do that once one of the other 3 upcoming most hyped but not necessarily good games, drops. I already ditched HSR cause I couldn't stomach the current plot. Might return and binge someday, or just watch cinematic compilations, that's fine. I was just wondering what others thought about the current state of the game. I've played a few gachas before and Limbus Company aside, I didn't get bored of one this quickly before. Not sure why that is, especially considering how easy and fast the daily grind is. Well, they're still in the process of adding additional QoL features, similar to what they already added to HSR, alongside being able to use other characters in the overworld. Not sure if they'll have any story impact or if they'll be purely cosmetic though.
She can hold my key, if you know what I mean
>got to C6 Anby from C0
>got no Seths on the way there
What do
>bunnies are extremely weak so the non-combatant MC should be one of those instead of a wolf or cat
I guess if you're like the gay furry that drew that furry wise.
>using S11 like Zhu Yuan
holy dumbass, she can't even fit all her free fire slashes in one stun window if you use both skill and ult. What makes people think like this?
They're robot thingamajigs, right? I bet you could just cover one in robot dildos like a Hedgehog and see how many femBangboos would fit on it, I think the max in that scenario is 12, more or less
Ask North.
ara proxy-san
Miyabi will be ether stunner.
please do the honors i'm all ears
imagine the mixed smells of body musk, sweat, leather, gasoline, and titmilk mixing together and overloading your senses while your face is barreled between them and you just get smothered
>just noticed the bara tiger/polar bear ad on the start screen is for Nitro Fuel
>the drink Burnice makes
np bro.
i watched the manga and anime back to back.
the manga is quick has 65 chapters but the anime is so well adapted that i would recommend you rather watch that. its 8 ep, 8 hours total.
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For me, it's BILLY KID!
so if criterion streams a movie, it is bad? pointless elitism on your part. recommend a movie instead
How do you link a new hoyverse account to PS5? When I log in to the game it just automatically starts up and won't let me link a new account instead
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>piper's truck is also a bar
neato burrito
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it's just a reference bro
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>What's that? Someone rolling for a 5*? Where?
i think this game's story has some potential as it stands right now, certainly more than HSR after it tanked itself with xianzhou slop, so i'd personally give it a chance. if you're used to something more lore focused like limbus then this game might feel a bit too casual for you, which is probably where your hangup is occuring. personally, hoyo games are so low effort that i don't even see the point of dropping them. HSR requires zero effort to maintain an account in and this game is only slightly harder, so even if it's not scratching every itch for you right now, you might as well keep playing. it just depends on how much that 5 minutes a day means to you, but don't hold your breath on this game ever being more than that
I will tribute her tits.
lolibabrat sexo
do you really "read" the "stories"
I bet you had a blowjob from a vacuum cleaner.
My dick has pierced the fucking heavens, this is absurd man, how is this chink cop so sexy??
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ZZZ for this feel? I am Ryan Gosling btw
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>the nun is coming up
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I got kotted this morning on standard banner which was pretty nice.
is it a good idea to roll for janes weapon if i plan on skipping ceaser and burnice
I guess this is AI sloppa? I can't find the source
Record it and post it please
I'm glad you're coping instead of contemplating suicide.
>random kit leak with no source
>people just reposting the same pre-release leaks of her model
we literally have no real information about that character still, they could completely redesign her, change her kit, or scrap her outright. she wasn't in the pre-release trailer drip so if she is still real, don't expect her before 1.5 at the earliest honestly
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When something that is this much smaller than you is one of your predators(that hunts solo mind you) you officially enter the made to be bullied tier
>is it a good idea to roll for [...] weapon
can i see burnice anywhere on the map?
Fuck bro, I wish it was, AI aint that good yet, found it on r34 by sala3d
weapons/copies are never worth it.
you can never know the future, what if two characters you want release?
what if you lose two 50/50 in a row?
just save
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No way fag
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i've been telling you lot piper's constantly drunk
impossible, it's way too detailed to be sloppa
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i need to a build a second team with these dorks
what should I go with? cunning hares?
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if you're on MP+BP you won't brick yourself too badly if you decide to roll for it. if you're actually full F2P, no
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NYO! I won't fall for your lies a THIRD time.
piper's bum
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We need a sovlful reference to him in a new male 5star agent
fuck israel
i hope get nuked
>piper is clearly a christian
Only if you promise to lick the screen.
I know that they're easy, but I just don't want to be involved with them once I don't like them anymore. It's a simple matter of principle. I was already experiencing Penacony fatigue when the Grand Theater map dropped, but I did enjoy the overall story, the music, the atmosphere, all was great but the finale. The finale was ass, and I'm not talking about the Sunday boss fight. That was spectacular. The patch after it, the whole airship thing. What a horrible way to end a patch... Anyhow, yeah, fully in agreement that Space China ain't it.

As for ZZZ, I can only hope that they're still busy with the world building as one of my friends said, and that they'll eventually do some cool reveals as the story gets more serious. But for that I'll have to hang around if I want the full experience. None of the other games are releasing anytime soon, I think, so I'll keep on tolerating it for now. Maybe I'll even get to like it after the Outer Rim drops, who can say?
Most of the anons here don't want to be your friend anyways.
fuck attACKers
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Profondo Rosso, classic of giallo horror and not unknown to the layman cineaste.
i promise, please post it
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How do I stop eating a tub of icrecream a day
you can add me
if anything i would argue is worse because you are buying rolls and use them on weapons instead of characters.
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if they drip lucia this week, i will genuflect, kyaruLORD
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unfortunately any potential the story has will be curbstomped by it being gacha live service.
Genshin's main plot started out interesting and full of potential too but here we are 4 years later without anything to really show for it, hell, only just a couple of months back did the siblings actually have a conversation and the devs immediately pulled a "They won't remember this when they wake up" bs trope.
ZZZ will be the same, with months of no actual story followed by dripfed story content that barely achieves anything so ZZZ can keep existing with a ghost of a story for another 3 months while they give you inconsequential side stories for the purpose of selling characters, rinse and repeat.
Just don't eat it you fat fuck
Eat when you get hungry
Prepare a small portion and drink lots of water

After a couple days of bursting through the bad habit the temptation of a big snack will set off alarm bells in your head of ruining your progress and you'll learn to keep sweets as a treat, not an every day meal
Hungry bitch. I will do it, but can't post here.
When is 1.2?
you get ~120 rolls a patch with MP+BP, you are not going to brick your savings if you try for 75/25 on a weapon. it's probably inadvisable to go for full guarantee if you lose the coinflip though
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Eat these instead, chud
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>the clidonian logo is 3 crosses
>piper has a lamb over her heart
>both piper and lucy have 3 holes on their shirts
>Xs on her butt and soles
>+s on the back of her thighs
>nun is from the same faction and also physical
>pigs are unclean in judaism and islam but not christianity
lucy also wears a cross btw, pic related
i wouldn't be surprised if nitro fuel is the closest thing in the game we get to alcohol
Hell even deer decide to snack on them sometimes
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I'm not fat just extremely depressed. I'll take your advice though. Have a shark
is there no nicole? she'd be amazing as a chibi
after Jane
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dis good?
aprox next monday
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You're just coping with it
holy shit schizo, take your meds.
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thanks. the only film by argento ive seen is suspiria. ill add this to the list.
That's literally impossible if you're actually eating a tub a day. Ice cream is one of the easiest methods of becoming a fat cunt there is.
>1.3 reveals are Lucia/Yanagi
your response?
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>nun is from the same faction and also physical
lucia isn't a calydon character, the fuck are you talking about?
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It's amazing that MUH ROBOT is considered to be good science fiction for most japs.

There is good anime science fiction out there but Pluto is not it.
NTA. Considering how much money they earn, how many IPs they have now, and their overall maturity + their very talented teams, they could do better and maybe even conclude some stories only to start new ones. Maybe in sequel games or different ones. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for them to start a new IP right now. Their 3(4) main games are already cannibalizing each other. They've capped the player saturation and more won't be better. As a private company they have the freedom to do whatever they want.
>he can't eat a tub of ice cream a day and stay skinny
ngmi anon
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Based. They'll make amazing tradwives for (me)
>no furry girl
the problem is that you are choosing a character over a weapon, so yes, you are bricking yourself out of a character.
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I've only been at it for 3 weeks. I'm still underweight last time I checked
The best anime scifi is GitS I'd say.
for me, it's
>>494948558 (me)
choosing a weapon over a character*
what the fuck are you talking about schizo
Favorite ice cream flabors? I'm kind of into Mint Chocolate lately
you don't need every single character. i am perfectly fine with skipping 1 character to try for a weapon on a character i actually like, but this is up to your own values and your own account
I love this so much man... Please tell me it's not going away...
Mecha is a genre for men, women and children wouldn't understand.
Wait, deer can eat meat? I thought herbivores couldn't eat meat at all
Very good
sixth street... home
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I finally got it...
nah, i consider pluto even better than Gint.
its blade runner but better.
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I've been on the turkey hill vanilla/chocolate mix. Its always on sale and only has like 4 ingredients. Its "healthy" and why I cope eating it all the time
Lol, lmao
Here, have some fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xDPrvhLNuU&pp=ygUWaGVyYml2b3JlcyBlYXRpbmcgbWVhdA%3D%3D
This. Sorry if you don't get it. Time to take HRT.
Tutorial doesn't work but you can do one of the low level ones. You only need to take a few steps. Note that Billy needs to be your team leader.
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It's good but I prefer the old sixth street soundtrack..
Is it really monday?
False. Belle and Wise have a strictly WHOLESOME(!!!) relationship.
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Sorry for asking something kind of silly and I know you'll probably make fun of me, but is this character already in the game or will she be playable?

I saw her on Twitter, I don't play the game, but I follow the art and porn, but I was tempted to play for her. Does the game have other playable anthro characters or are they just NPCs/enemies?
Furry Xilonen
You don't need every single character but you also don't need every single weapon even for the characters you like and at the same time you CANNOT roll for every single character unless you pay up, so why would you brick yourself by not saving for future characters?
This game is all about the characters, so not getting them is objectively the wrong choice if you choose one over the other.
if there were other modes that required weapons and would agree with you but there no such thing.
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I can see it
This is not something that I'm looking forward to.
belle tits are bigger
She is presumed to be playable, possibly in patch 1.3. Two months from now.
Is this just for the Golden Week event or will it stay? I lost count of how many times I started screaming like a happy autistic when 1:03 drops.
>Wise being a brownie is canon
Keep coping pag.
why not? i prefer furries over tourists
degens understands degens
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She's a named enemy of the next patch, part of a rival gang
She will *potentially* be playable but no one really knows when, and it's not gonna be anytime soon
There are already 2 furries in-game but they're males
>Wise being a brownie
Do you not know how shadows work?
Melty in progress...
>but is this character already in the game
>will she be playable?
>Does the game have other playable anthro characters or are they just NPCs/enemies?
two males, a wolf and a bear
you don't even blob
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No. You have to go to an actual hollow with Billy as the Leader for it to count.
It's weird how Billy seems like the the neediest character with his trust events. Asking you for mats one time, or wanting you to play a game of Snake with him at the arcade, or actually having to take him into the hollow.
Every other character just needs you to pick the correct dialogue option. Was Billy the first character the devs started developing trust mechanics for before streamlining it and that's why only Billy pulls this shit since it's leftover from earlier in development?
wise has sex with jane while seth watches
wait lmao i was like "what do you mean the old one" and I had to look it up
i genuinely never noticed they changed the bgm, somehow I thought the old one was still in the game
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Whats the best disc set for Seth? I'm guessing 4x of the upcoming Proto Punk and 2x Hormone Punk?
not yet bro...
we need shortstacks
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cheesed to meet you
ok now spam shipshit please
Shit aesthetics.
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Wow. You're really working hard, Billy...
me on the left
Billy is the true main character
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Stop replying to yourself.
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>they could do better and maybe even conclude some stories only to start new ones
Considering how Honkai Part Deuce is working out i'm gonna say that's a very bad idea.
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I'm trying my hardest bring the Cunning Hares more Dennies, Anby!
>no more sethxjane cuckspam
>no more marchfag
>no more wuwa
>no more belletroon
are we finally healing?
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It still is in the game. Its used in the Train Stations for some reason and some character stories have it. I just want my old comfy morning theme back.
how good is stacking pen% on jane?
i have
>rina + wengine
>jane + graces wengine
>pen% disc5
what does lucy scream at me when I need to think about who I should switch to? give me a second please.
check the threads from this morning
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shes special
Don't worry xis, I have Lighter, Big Daddy, Bellum, and Pompey to work with next patch. You'll never get enough of me.
I'm going to surprise her by putting pepper on my dick when she sucks me. I'm going to call it Crimson Blowjob.
I'm waiting for her real name reveal and it's something like Abny.
Ok but how's the sex
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heh you could say I'm pretty darn popular
more like she has special needs
Threesome with S11 and Anby
Terrible. Impossible to get in the mood since she calls you a stupid nickname everytime you go into position.
Now I feel dumb, always thought herbivores couldn't eat meat just like how when dogs eat grass they throw up
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Sounds like a skill issue.
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Luv Caesar
what do you guys think about this?
What is she doing in the police precinct?
I wasn't sold on Monke but he actually looks pretty cool here.
Renewing the crew's licenses
public indecency
mogging everyone inside
India is awakening. Any funny pedophile meltdowns recently?
Interesting, the look of her gang is really cool, I was interested because the designs in this game all seem very stylish, and I liked the variety, like the Deadpool robot, the biker gang and the cops look really cool and it's also very rare to see anthro designs like this well done, normally when the aesthetic is anime at most there are only ears or tails, never being full anthro, so I was surprised when I saw these designs.
Thanks for the answers, maybe when it's close to being released I'll play and by then maybe there will be other designs that I might want to play too.
Good morning saars
Obol Squad is
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>imagine thinking this is not a christian
now compare to how many crosses the calydonians have on them

there's both chinese and english text ingame
for example the cops have english on their uniforms, the calydonians too, clearly left over from the old world
also notice that it's always the blonde characters that are the ones wearing crosses
i don't think so
she's perfect
Who is best girl?
You can use the word retard here without getting banned.
>you also don't need every single weapon even for the characters you like
NTA but while this is true, the original anon wasn't asking about rolling on every single weapon or whether you always need to get the signature weapon for limited characters. Just this specific weapon, and Jane's feels above average in value. I think it's fine to roll on the weapon if you like the character/it's a good upgrade vs F2P and you already know you aren't interested in rolling for a while.

It doesn't help that building characters is so ballbustingly hard also. As it stands, even if you got given every single character you would have a very hard time building even half of them.
>4P4 is 24
>there are soldier clones up to Soldier 23
Is there any difference in rewards from going S rank or A rank on a level 65 notorious hunt? I cant see any reason not to just throw myself at notorious hunt level 65 attempts until I beat it for max rewards
i have NO idea what is going on in this image
Isn't she the least popular female playable character in the game at the moment?
The Driver nods. CIA Man turns to his Special Forces Men.
I call dibs on Naby
I'm imagining its a normal girl who has to tard wrangle her 23 clones who inexplicably all turned out slightly wrong
>Is there any difference in rewards from going S rank or A rank
No. Go nuts.
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>40 rolls
>no Chevreuse
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I'm running out of content bros.
he's getting angry at the voices in his head again
I completely forgot about this HZ autism grind I have like 30 hours of content :DD
I already have Jane can we move onto the next banner now
no need to grind shit, just do a few zeros a week and you'll get there. the extra merits are free dennies
Uhh.. qingyibros this guy tested in creator server and said that "caesar debuff 25% is actually faster than qingyi multiplier plus if enemy is always attacking you like dog boss/razor boss = faster stun than qingyi too."

caesar won

You aren't gonna be able to get TV stuff in the upcoming combat only HZ variant.
who the fuck said anything about getting every single weapon? i only have one signature right now and its just because i luckmaxxed qingyi's ball in 10 pulls. the only sig i plan on getting for real is burnice, and then maybe whichever of the idols has the most appealing one.

you can't get every character even if you save so why not just invest more into characters you like? i am not concerned about some kind of opportunity cost when i already know which agents i want, but again, this varies for every person
sure bro my dad is Dawei i'll let him know
What the hell is this amogus language?
>caesar won
Obviously. Pompey turns into an ethereal
I don't know man, I got to 2k in the bank recently but I've only unlocked 65% of stuff
>and Jane's feels above average in value
I genuinely don't think it is. I look at value this way.
>is the character gimped without it?
>is it useful outside of said character?
And the answer is both no for Jane. Like I don't 10-15% more damage as value exactly when I'm still completing SD in 1 minute M0W0.
Caesar, on the other hand...
>be a fragile pedophile
>suffer from many mental illnesses
>lose to jane
>immediately lose again to caesar
how embarassing for them. suicide watch incoming.
>shitskin language
caesar bros?
>the original anon wasn't asking about rolling on every single weapon
the anwser is still no for every single one though, if people are asking advice, it just better to tell them the whole picture.
>and Jane's feels above average in value.
we have three dps weapons, ellen was like 30-40% damage increase, zy was like 10%, jane is like 30-40%, is basically an average weapon.
>you already know you aren't interested in rolling for a while.
that's the main problem, if people are asking advice, it should be common sense to tell them first and fore most what rolling for a weapon implies. if someone ask if a weapon is worth it they don't have the capacity to judge if its worth it or not. why would you give him bad advice because your personal preferences?
>It doesn't help that building characters is so ballbustingly hard also
Common misconception, im already at the point where im pre-farming everything. it happened in genshin it happened in hsr and is happening here too. even if i built two characters each patch i would still have resources left.
you will run out of resources at some point but that's only temporary before you build two teams.
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All I've seen from CC's/Beta testers the last 24 hours is how Caesar is broken. Since Hoyo values their opinions as shown by the last minute QY buffs, should we expect a Caesar nerf?
shame. i liked the roguelite approach.
how are they handling affinity resona?
I'm afraid anons... I've won 3 50/50s in a row.. It's going to happen to me..
>shitskin language
Qingyi bros?????????
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me too man hopefully reddit leaves to the next gacha soon so we can get it back
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But they're just going
>hurrr Caesar is stronger than Ellen REEEE
as If Zhu wasn't dominating DPS
anal with this shark
What do you guys think the best W-Engine is? I think Ellen's is pretty bonkers, 713 Atk + 44% Crit rate with a pretty easy trigger condition is crazy, and that's not even considering the extra 25% Ice damage
holy indog melty
Is this shopped?
just realized i have to line up corruption and stun together for better zhu dps
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There's probably resonia drops between waves. Idk if they'd have the character events. There's leaked items that give random resonia, so I assume they'll be dropped in that mode.
If anything they're saying that you should replace von lycaon and run caesar with ellen.
No one in China will roll for a nerfed character
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>SEA wakes up
>thread quality immediately plummets
The original post explicitly said they weren't interested in rolling on Caesar or Burnice. You can convince them otherwise if you want, but I am responding within those bounds.
No one is rolling for anything
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like clockwork
Saving your polys until EoS
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Is this a decent f2p Zhu?
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dance, dance!!
La probabilidad del retãrdo...
Si, mucho excelente.
>who the fuck said anything about getting every single weapon?
if you roll for a character, you like/want that character, where do you draw the like at "roll for weapons of character you like"?. the anwser is: you don't roll for ANY weapon because you barely can get the characters you want.
> only have one signature right now and its just because i luckmaxxed qingyi's ball in 10 pulls
you could have luckshitted a character with those pulls and saved for more future characters.
>you can't get every character even if you save so why not just invest more into characters you like?
that's the whole point, why would you get weapon if you cannot get every single character? it only takes a bad streak of luck to make you skip a character you want, rolling for a weapon makes that even worse.
>when i already know which agents i want
you don't. neither you know the luck you will have.
we can only see so far into the future.
the best advice we can give to someone is to NEVER ROLL FOR WEAPONS AND DUPES, specially to new players that do not know shit.
At best the only time i would recommend rolling for dupe/engines is when the character is on rerun and you already know you like the character you want or you are still using it and even then, it would be a question of if you still have the pull resources or not.
You don't need that much CR.
crit is best for DPS
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I just got Jane. Is my account bricked now?
I regret rolling for Qing Yi lawrence's Weapon...
Like, unironically...
moaning caesar's name while having sex with zhu
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if you don't already have a well built second team that can s-rank all of shiyu, no
if you already do but they're not fire/physical, then also no
if you do and they're fire/physical, maybe
Let it be a lesson for you to never roll for weapons or even copies.
2 character per patch is rough.
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Ohnonononononono ahahahahaha
Arcade bwos, does anyone know the achievements the new game will have? I have we don't have bullshit like the get 6 lives or reach 100m bullshit (prenerf)
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>still up
Thing is I thought at least her weapon would be universally good for stunners going forward.
But then I realized I found stun gameplay boring.
I dunno maybe there will be a stunner in the future that will interest me again and I can use the weapon on them.
Uh oh genshit impag melty
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One pag and another pag
Damn, even Jane hit 7 in China at least.
Jesus, I barely got 30m the other day. Pretty sure it's a vampire survivors clone or something like that, I imagine it'd be a lot easier once the busted builds are sorted out. Maybe they'll notice that you have to be in the top 0% to clear the current achievements and not make them insanely hard this time around.
M1 or M2 Caesar?
Vertical investment is bad investment.
it all relies on assumptions and fomo.
at some point you found stun fun but got bored out of it, if you just rolled for the character that would be the end of it but is much worse when the character has more investment.
imagine if you like a character you didn't like initially? you could have gotten that character with that investment.
what are good F2P engines for Caesar?
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is this too much crit rate
vertical investment is better in a gacha where it takes 3 weeks of grinding to build up a single character
niggas out here treating mobile games like they're building a stock portfolio
Seth's one for the atk% or the craftable that gives impact after being hit
/gig/ is starting to become fun again
See you guys when the drip marketing drops.
>3 weeks
Disk farming not included
Kinich lost ZZZ won
Just give her a stun engine with Impact main stat
it's even worse to go for more characters
nah u good
This is a PC game sir.
what's Caesar and Burnice's best 2pc disc set
>can switch between belle and wise in town but your selected sibling is the one who talks to npcs and interacts with things
>can switch to caesar and burnice in town if you get them but they can't take selfies
>rest of the agents will be added by 1.4
From what they have shown, you get a choice between three boxes after each waves, which gives you three of the same resonia type.
Seems pretty shitty, but overall the game mode seems as half assed as the throne node.
I have ZZZ on my phone
i have to wake up at 10:30 tomorrow, it's over...
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There's 52 weeks in a year, and we're all going to be here for 5+ years. Just have patience and embrace that grind.
for real.
what the fuck is "future proofing" their units?
you are just paying to win
It's a PS5 game actually.
Shockstsr for caesar
>more for me
you ain't gonna hear any complaints from me
my condolences
and I have gta san andreas on mine
your point?
I play on phone exclusively doe
she needs 80, 72 with woodpecker 2pc
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>spend all that time getting Ellen and Zhu to 60, 11/11/11/11/11
>only got this far
Well I guess I'll just forget about those 80 polys then
Do people really have problems building their units?
Like, is it that hard to pre-farm, save batteries and stock up recycler items?
I start prefarming as soon as i 7/7, isn't that normal?
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We're eating good F2P++ chads
Freedom blues
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I got a lucky streak in star rail and got like 5 new characters in the span of 2 months, guess what, after those 2 months I still haven't finished a single one. That's with 3 stam refreshes daily as well. Hoyo games are complete shit for rolling every character unless you want to spend most of your time not using over half of them. I'd much rather use the select few I like with their sigs.
Rat pussy feels good
>if you roll for a character, you like/want that character, where do you draw the like at "roll for weapons of character you like"?
i like qingyi so i tried for her ball. i like burnice so i will try for her ball. stop overthinking it you autist
I'm going with Impact for Caesar as I won't roll for her weapon
AP disc for Burnice, Fire damage is good also but could wait for some excel mains to know if that changes her disc 5 main stat
Swap the teams. I use my Ice team against him just fine. Lycaon's shred and stunning help a lot.
It's no freedom blues she gets 30 anomaly proficiency from her new set already
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I can tell from your dogshit clear that (you) don't have their balls LMAAAOO
i pooped my pants
So basically 100 limited rolls for F2P?
Not bad.
>average Piper enjoyer
he doesn't need them Zhu can easily make 2:30 with 9 in all talents
>don't think just consume!
this is all about giving advice retard.
recommending to roll for weapons is not good advice.
Some people genuinely just prefer jerking off their favorite characters rather than casting as wide a net as possible.
>getting more AP is somehow bad
What's Proxy S?
no one was "recommending" shit either you retard. all i said was that the extra rolls from MP+BP makes the setback of rolling for a weapon less brutal, so you can consider it in that case. whether or not you actually want to roll for it should be up to your own investment choices. stop acting like people are trying to shill weapons when all that was said is that spending makes it less of a setback to your savings.
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add me bwo
The monthly sub
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One pag and another pag
Mix the meat and shit on the street
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Why are Wisepags like this?
depends on how much AP she can get 10% fire or atk might be more useful
added to the list, thanks.
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I will probably roll for Caesar. If I win the 50/50 I get a nice agent and if I don't I'll stick to my current team and I can use that guarantee on OBOL
It's a man. Check the hands.
>skip Caesar
>guarantee Burnice and Lighter
feels good
but he's an A rank
>leftover from earlier in development?
most likely
lots of examples like this
>movie management moods
>team attacks (koleda ben)
>motion inputs (nicole)
>weapon damage types (blunt, slash)
>bangboo stats
all stuff left in the game that are bareboned forms of what I assume to be scraped mechanics
Brother, your Nekomata?
>team attacks (koleda ben)
>motion inputs (nicole)
Surely there will be more of these, right?
It doesn't "setback" shit you still cannot roll for every character even with BP + MP, it still as brutal if not worse since you are spending money.
>whether or not you actually want to roll for it should be up to your own investment choices
and again, if people are asking for advice, the people giving advice should try to give good advice or at least try because 99% of time people asking for advice don't know jack shit.
This game is really good at making me spend to roll every banner. play HSR and GI since day1 doesn't like this.... skip klee skip king yuan etc. but zzz drain me a lot fuck...
Who knows? Maybe not motion inputs because only controller players can use it. They're probably monitoring metrics on which controller input is preferred.
doubt it
anbys EX clearly looks like a DP but doesnt have an input
i caved in and became a paypiggy
just to lose the 50/50 on jane's engine
this game is hell
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>bangboo stats
in CBT2 the bangboo were way more involved. they had an equipment system like drive disks that could give buffs to your team. i was honestly glad seeing this got dropped in the release game since it seemed like too much minmaxing
you want to make it feel worse?
it's 75/25 on the w-engine banner
It's 75/25. Hopefully you lost it to something usable on someone you like.
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youre doing something wrong
post your gameplay
its even worse, its 75/25.
weapons are just numbers bro, don't do it again.
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a beautiful and powerful kitsune thiren without a tail
Solid brick.
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if some retard F2P pulls on a weapon he can't afford and bricks his account because of something i never even said, not my fault. people should have enough basic intelligence to be able to handle managing their own damn accounts
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>the chinese minions were originally paid gacha
>went and turned lemons into lemonade and now pass out boopons like candy in order to feign generosity
Can't scare away small brained mobile players with scary numbers and complex inputs.
On a serious note I'd have loved it but only if they made the disk grind less cancer which they wouldn't so whatever I guess.
Skill Issue
>he swiped just to brick his account
Instead of motion inputs they should include more just-frames attacs.
me personally i pull every time i get 160 polychromes
>the indian is still crying about jane's success
based pitybuilder
Based endorphine chaser
Disk grind is genuinely the least cancerous out of all 3 hoyo games.
based omnisexual
based schizo roller enjoyer
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>25 standards roll
Another patch without a SINGLE additional standard pull. Greedy fucks. But I'm sure we'll get 500 boopon trash.
>everyone should be gacha veteran knowledge!
you have autism, sorry to tell you but not everyone is born with the gacha resource management knowledge in their brain.
if people are asking for advice, chances are they have a problem, sometime that problem is that they do not have the knowledge in the topic, is social interaction 101.
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and some of us aren't ESLs like you, can't win em all
Who are you even quoting?
i would much rather be ESL, yes. thanks for the compliment tho
The voices in his hollow skull
Complete opposite for me. I'm only interested in Caesar, Qingyi, and Miyabi and I'm actually worried because I have no idea if I will ever even roll again I attain them all.
does he make nitro fuel, i thought she just used it as an ingredient. Also mixing alcohol and energy drink is crazy
>he paid money for Brickomata's Engine
They implement a feature
Buy an alcoholic drink (one per day) increases overall damage and elemental proficiency. Buff carries to SD and HZ, But lose 60 battery energy
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Asia and please censor my ass

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