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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>494924748

>Character Trailer - "Kinich: Fiery Pursuit

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Shenhe sure loves Black.
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Childe SOON
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This thread better be better
>>494933454 (You)
Great post as usual.
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I went from C0(R1 Homa) to C3 and my max hit doubled.
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I'll order in a few days.
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I love my cat.
Catalysts only having 3 hit attack strings is lame.
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sex with alhaitham
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sex with hu tao
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5.2 drip marketing will save Yuanshen after 5.1 is a certified skip patch
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Check out this webm
>no one would ever put /gig/ jokes in their profile!
yep the general is gone, it's just filled with secondaries and redditors
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No schizos allowed in this thread
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Who lost?
Chaz is a male name
So it wasn't a femcel, just a fag... like I always tell you
Diona is unironically the hottest loli, Kachina is second
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Chaz, you're based and I'd have sent you a friend request if you were in NA.
Just masturbated to a female character, but I forgot who I masturbated to. To which character did I masturbate my penis to?
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Why yes they should just release Mavuika right now.
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Why aren't we using the samefag anon's thread over here >>494916067
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Are we actually witchhunting Neuv owners now? /gig/, you are going off the deep end...
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holy shit..
Please respond.
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How did a Kinich webm suddenly involve Neuvilettte?
Kinich thread? Anyone? He's been out for a while now...
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dragon power btw
Based Chaz, one of the few posters who can prove they play the game
Only good kind of posters in my book
wtf guys muttlani shitnich sales charts sales natlan FLOPPED. sales yuritroon homofujotranny. SALES! you samefagging femcel communist, sales. japan chart ios gardenscape china market sales. now dawei crying you shipper pagoid sales. amerimutt incel femcel sales.
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i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling i want to fuck xiangling
Apparently McDonald’s and Hoyoverse “weren’t prepared” for the amount of codes that needed to be sent out to emails.
What the fuck?
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>*blows up some hilchurls

heh, nothin personnel gig
Idk I always double press e and swap
Odds I pull 15 times to trigger pity to get Mualani C2
Evens I don't.
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Homos and women. Reality is that the game is pushing out women while they're spending all day here gaslighting and crying about their lack of males.
it just repositions it
It's 4am in Indonesia
filter the webm if you want to make the thread slightly more usable
>open video
>see Bennett
>close video
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>>494933627 (You)
Should've nuked a bunch of Fatui, but Idk if there's any place for that in the map
I prefer naked Diona OPs.
Unironically based, keep posting fun gameplay webms bro
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Kinich losted
Neuv wonnered
total dragon victory
absolute BASED and KINO
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It's a fun constellation
/dbs/ has ruined this site forever.
Everyone mad at this is a literal seething churl typing through tears, there's no other explanation for it
good, women should go back to the kitchen, they all need to get shariah'd
Only reason to not cast E immediately is that you intend to reposition because the enemy died or left the circle during the first cast.
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It's over for me, I even got C1
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I kneel chaz...
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I think it's either separated by pick up and delivery or the restaurant is responsible
I got my code within the hour I ordered and arrived about when my food delivered
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>living rent free in the lolifags head
enjoying my kinich btw
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Based Chazz blowing up enemies with ARMED DRAGON
Dehya will put down a zone that increases stagger resistance and damages enemies when they are hit ever 5 or so seconds. You can place a circle and then place a new one within 5 seconds or so incase you fucked up or need to adjust. It also does damage so most people just double click it
her C2 only increases the total duration the skill can be on the field when you reposition it. it doesn't change the scalings/damage per hit. other anons comments on repositioning are correct.
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Abyss time
This. Incels who joined last year are pretending to have been here all along kek
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We love Freminet here.
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what happened to rolling for who you like?
reminder: homos flock to this post to cope
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So Im supposed to be on the same side of the schizos who go fucking nuclear when it comes to Neuvilette and that do some extreme mental gimnastics to make everything about him even though literally no one cares, not even those who actually like him?
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BASED chaz those churls don't know what hit them
fuck them churls
I am gay..........................................
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Man, Mualani's body is built for reproduction. Like, if she had sex and a man ejaculated inside of her, she would have a solid chance of becoming pregnant.
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>>494933627 (Me)
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>trying to make this a loli vs hag thing
>while gloating about a homo
No, you're just a faggot.
The incel vs femcels lolifag had a melty over a webm of Kinich acting like a terrorist god knows why. Neuv was more of collateral damage.
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Reality is you bitch and whine every on day on /gig/ of all places while you waste away in your gamer chair.
Thanks, gamers.
>>494933892 (You)
smart post like usual, paimon
wormnich flopped
fuck off shounenfag
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I wanna lick and kiss those thighs
FUARK........ I KNEEL................
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I am, that's why I'm rolling for Mavuika.
/gig/ can be funny sometimes
File deleted.
this was fact-checked by me and deemed true
Bro, your Wrio?
redpill on dehya for mualani
does her fire thingy trigger BEFORE mualani's shark bite so it's her that vapes and not dehya
or do I need xiangling to apply pyro first and build off that
Holy Based Chaz
>>494933892 (You)
Very true, great post as usual naheeder
American hours are the worst....
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>incel mindbroken by pussy havers being in this thread and not fucking him
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>Neuvilettte this Neuvilette that
You are such a fucking joke lmao imagine being so obsessed with a character you dislike, one would think you want to stop talking about something that you dispie but nope, not (You).
You obsessed fool are nothing but a loser lmao
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Hour four and I have NOT received my code. But what I did get was sitting on my toilet for nearly 30 fucking minutes BECAUSE OF THAT FUCKING SANDWICH GIVE MY CODES PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU JUST SEND ME THEM I DID EVERYTHING CORRECTLY AND I HAVE BEEN PUNISHED FOR IT. WHY???!?!?!
who tf is chaz? what did i miss?
Why would incels join during Wormeru and Wormtaine
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Incase you're wondering why there's so much samefagging nowadays
I think what really set the schizos off is the fact Chaz's pfp is Neuv and his description is "Neuvillette is my hero"
I’m rolling for kinich now
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made for tummy punching
>pussy havers being in this thread
your "vagina" isn't real sis
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Does abyssnon still compile charts
no idea, I assume some faggot is having a meltdown is blaming some specific posters because they dislike them. Possibly cuckschizo related since he used to do the same all the time while falseflagging
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I'm the one bitching and whining? What do you call c2p and the chartfag here 12 hours a day crying about "waifufloppers"?

Regardless of who is flopping or who isn't, the reality is that MHY is pumping out female characters and I'm being pandered to. Everyone else is coping.
it triggered him remembering how his uncles and all 500 cousins allah akbhar'd themselves.
made for tummy rubbing
Didn't ask Peruvian Pagschltroon
Great another analwormer meltdown
some schizo looked up a UID from a webm and saw that they had neuvillette, then proceeded to melty over it
A /gig/ger posted their Kinich gameplay and the lolifag schizo dug into his Genshin profile to accuse them of being a femcel communist
good post like always, nahitroon!
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>hmm i support a fujo ship and sodomy, where should i post my faggot ship?
>reddit? no
>twitter/x? no
>tumblr? no
>the most homophobic and racist website known to man? perfect, i'm sure if i keep spamming they'l stop calling me a tranny retard eventually
What causes this mental illness?
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>>incel mindbroken by pussy havers being in this thread and not fucking him
yes. there isn't a single good poster among those freaks
the peruvian, the thaipag, the french sparkle erp tranny
all scum
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I bet there is milk inside
I know we all want to impregnate Mualani (I do too), but realistically, would she be a great mother?
I miss my nigga Djino Milojevic
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I just got here bros, what does a Kinich vid have anything to do with Neuv? Im confused
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>PeruANUS defending neuvillette cause xhe owns him double crowned
I kneel.. defending your man is something worth of praise. Bejitabro btw.
>What do you call c2p and the chartfag here 12 hours a day crying about "waifufloppers"?
beyond fucking retarded, but clearly way too far gone to save or change. i think you still have a chance at reform.
>Fat mountain king thing gets corrupted by the abyss
Couldn't the Traveler have just cured this? They can cure that kind of shit.
There's a strange lack of salesposting this time huh I wonder why
>>494934573 (You)
Great post as usual, sigwin!
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So after all the trouble going on through out the day I decided to spend some money and run some tests so the rest of you don't have to. From what I've seen a good 90% of players never received their codes. Apparently there are also people talking about only participating Mcdonalds will hand them out which is BS because the App is supposed to hand them out. However inside the Mcdonalds their kiosk shows the meal and the apple pie as it appears for this collaboration. It also says things such as "Scan for adventure" so at this point I ask the people who DID get their codes, did it arrive through email or is it printed on the packaging because at this point I have no idea what is going on and I'm convinced neither does Mcdonalds.

Point two is that none of the places I have been to have any of the official packaging which is weird because it's the biggest burger joint in the world so them not being prepared sounds off. All places I have arrived at after ordering the products have the App receipt showing it to be the Genshin version of the products yet the physical receipt shows the normal product and the packaging matches. This still shouldn't make a difference as the App gives out codes and not the physical Mcdonalds establishment.

This is going to end in poorly as all the players are raging at official accounts and this will probably end with Mihoyo giving out the codes for free to put their angry players at ease effectively assuring another American collaboration with Mcdonalds never happens again. Get ready for your free codes because they're probably coming at this point.
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>successfully baited the femcels into shilling a really boring webm for the second thread in a row

Is it really that easy?
An hour and 40 minutes until NA can save Genshin and Kinichs banner
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Snezhnaya will be physical meta so /gig/ better build their Freminet in preparation
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the french sparklefag has bullied erpers out of /gig/ though?
Chaz is so fucking cool man
It's the samefagging trannoid that it's doing it now ironically after being found out
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Why are there so many trans people in this thread?
this little slug bitch owes me sex, I'd risk having to deal with fontaine for the rest of my life for her
but seriously what did those churls do to deserve this?
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hmm i support a fujo ship and sodomy, where should i post my faggot ship?
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>digimon shit
smart paimon poster
fuck off shounenfag
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Why is a supposedly straight man playing this kusoge instead of a game catered only for self-insertfags without playable males and shipbait if he hates this so much? Is this some weird masochist kink I'm not aware of?
You would still fuck that if she offered
I see this place is as bad as usual
Obviously, just ask Kachina and her community. And she makes a lot of money with her business
They don't even hide it.
I wonder what Marko is up to
meant for>>494934450
I lost track.
Who's having the melty?
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You don't understand women.
Stop projecting, woman
There will be no reform, I'm already at the end game of understanding the sexes.

Women are at a dead end, they will never get another dime from me.
idk, what brings you here?
You are my hero.
xhe wants a monopoly
we doxxed him and he's the neuv schizo
Worse than usual, since the homos were counting on a big win, and instead got a massive loss.
Zoomers would consider these threads peak comedy.
I can't believe femcels won...........
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Post em
/hsrg/ and /zzzg/ and /fgog/ and /wuwa/ and /hi3g/ are laughing at us
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>see normal post
Yep totally not obsessed lmao
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Every character is inevitably compared to Neuvillette because he's currently by far the best damage dealer in the entire game. As of now, Neuvillette is basically superior in every single way, so pulling for Kinich is worthless.
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based peruAMYgod
Sisters where are my sales charts for kinich???????
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we love digimon here
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Yes. She probably thinks she's fighting some war against "incels" by samefagging that webm over and over again.
Are you fucking kidding me how does everyone have their name card and wings already except for me
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no we dont
Of course. Just compare her to the other females like Kujou Sara and Clorinde. She's heads-and-shoulders above them in motherhood potential.
fuk... Maybe I should roll neuv next time so /gig/ showers me with (You)'s too...
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I miss the ip counter...
trooncord is currently up in flames over kinich flopping so they're taking it out on the general
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now check this one
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>resident schizo has decided im a fat white tranny when im none of these things
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>Do Nahida's second quest
>wtf, mushroms can talk????
>quest is about looking for mushrooms
>quest leads you to the Chasm
>there is a literal psychic mushroom able to use telepathy one room away, this mushroom has never been used and feels really out of place, this is the perfect time to integrate it into the story
>but no, we were looking for a different mushroom that can talk, the other one is completely unrelated
Fat Xiao is such a hack it's unreal
Ajaw is a dragon, therefore Kinich=Neuvillette
trade offer, I get Sayu. You get your sodomizing fujo ship
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i miss one pill and the whole thread burns down wtf
Shark hits first, dehya after. If you have pyro applied before the bite, dehya can keep the aura up for mualani as long as nothing else messes it up.
Did the AI get confused by the prompt "rubber duck"?
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/gig/ is larping that they didn't roll Neuv but when the gig ownership list came out he was above 70%. The majority of you are poorfags and rolled becauase of muh meta.
This is ducking insane
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Dehya works well enough with a dendro for the burning effect, but ultimately she's cope. With that said, I had no trouble clearing the abyss with dehya, chiori and zhongli, but it's definitely suboptimal
Yes i'm sure 4chins is a holy safespace for us white hetero men and not filled with literal /soc/ trannies in /lgbt/ and homofaggotshit next to lolis and traps on virtually any other thread, surely that's how it's always been
I’m going to sue McDonald’s for psychological damage of not getting my code in 4 hours while everyone else got theirs
A schizo decided to stalk the UID of a Kinich webm because he thought anons were samefagging to give it (You)s. Then he put the UID in a broken site and started saying the account owner was a neuv who doesn't clear abyss or play on WL9 or whatever. The thing is, that site is broken and the neuvfag did clear abyss and is on wl9. The weirdest part that he said "you shouldn't harass them!" while doing all of this
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you lost
anger Celestia
we're going to cure them in 9.X don't worry
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>kokogina haver
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The funniest way to tell that all those people responding to that Kinich webm is one person, is that not a single one of them responded to this post. Likely because it's actually one person who has a 4chanx filter on multiple replies.

You can't make this shit up.
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>record funny webm to post for your /gig/ threads
>schizos stalk your profile, conjure hallucinations about their boogeymen and have a nuclear meltdown
/gig/ should be half as fast at all times to be usable
Is Kinich weapon useful on anyone else? Dehya maybe ?
If I wanna play melt Ganyu do I also have to use Xiangling+Dehya
anons calling out kinich flop riles them up since they were counting on him
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
its so obvious too
But, him flopping was the predicted outcome... i dont get it
this guy >>494935302 summed it up well
i've been laughing so hard
no I rolled day 1 (when he was considered "meh" by every theorycrafter in existence) because I found his water beam to be cool
Why is nobody talking about Wormnich
I forgot you in my list of mentally ill neuv owners
how it's going esoteric found some pussy yet or still need to shill their homos some more
>no UID
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What team did you use against the triple fatui?
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lmao that actually makes a lot of sense
>But, him flopping was the predicted outcome
lmao no it wasn't, the homotards said his jap va would carry
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get in line
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>almost 3 weeks into natlan
>/gig/ is still MindWARPED by GODVILLETTE
anon, anything related to Nahida was an asspull
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For me, Its Fischl!
Yeah, Dehya+dendro or BXL.
Wait so /gig/ is having a melty because of Neuvillette again?
Mualani already powercrept him (and Arle) in speedruns why does he still live rent-free in your head lmao
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Kinich sales where? By now we should know how badly he's doing. Or is this an info the homos don't want me to know about?
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I used the power of love
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Incredible! Bravo!
If you own wormvillette, you will be hunted.
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My grandfather actually died today
Missed doing Mualani's quest on time too
Xiangling is enough
I'm raping gig femanons inside my head
>not flopping
come on guys surely no one thought that a claymore would succeed
I unironically think schizos will be mindbroken by Neuv until EoS
Dehya alone is enough, Emilie or Nahida can keep the burning up.
Jean might be a decent healer for it with her burst and vv.
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femcels and trooncels aren't exactly known for holding beliefs that are grounded in reality
Who's the tightest?
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Holy fuck why are you people so BASSEEEEEED.
Neuvillette (Main DPS, Shield Breaking)
Zhongli (Survivability)
Arlecchino (Shield Breaking, backup DPS)
Charlotte (Shield Breaking)
They're not spamming the thread about his success so I think you know how "well" he's doing.
Sad to hear that, anon.
LMMAAAOOOO you've been caught >>494933627
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She's so perfect bros. It hurts to see her banner perform so underwhelmingly sometimes.
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why so active?
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Hello fischlbro
My Fuarking Hero
we'll be cured once a female hydro DPS outdoes him through powercreep.

Which, given the trends set by characters like Bennett and Kazuha, will basically be never.
the first two are the same person and he's been at it all this thread and last thread too
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ai won
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I'll just take it from her then
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You are consumed
Sorry anon
Sorry for your loss bwo
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>chaz sounds like chad
>this triggered the incel's PTSD flashbacks of getting bullied
>people didn't respond to bait because... they're all one person and have the post filtered
lmao do you hear yourself
That small minority of homotards do not really make a majority of predictions.
Everyone knows manlets always flop.
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'Chaz' is a male name by the way, so his shizophrenic conspiracy theory isn't even close to correct
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>go to the previous thread to check it out
>its real
i always get slightly annoyed at the resident "OHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO NEUV BROKE YOU" poster for repeating the same shit but god damn it really is true, neuv really just absolutely mindbroke some anons here
Actually the JP charts haven't updated since /gig/ laughed over his sales 7 hours ago. It's still the same. It should update in a few minutes since it's morning now. Not sure why it's delayed.
have meds
Chaz saved /gig/
I did all 3 in co-op. I used Arle+Ganyu, friend used Zhong and Kokomi.
Are you the guy from yesterday? Sorry for your loss.
Not because of something good, that's for sure.
This general is turning into a namefag thread
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hello to you as well, fischlbro
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I added chaz
hope this based chad accepts me
Notice how each post has 2 minutes between them. He only started accusing samefag after he got exposed him kek >>494921045
i normally dont like black people but i gotta say the irl version is much more attractive
Yes there used to be a loli board and /lgbt/ didn't exist. The world used to be a better place but you wouldn't know this.
stop asking about his sales you stupid fucking incel it ruins my narrative
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sex with fischl
Same here, I thought that was obnoxious but this melty is just so pathetic.
I'm too autistic for this are you guys joking around or actually schizophrenic?
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shoot, i hope you passed a good time with him anon, sorry to hear that
yup you sure figured me out
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femcel melty due to wormnich flopping
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did they run out of codes
did I eat mcdonalds for lunch for no reason
Wormcord got triggered
>it's neuvillette tards calling anyone a schizo
looks like they "forgot" they made hundreds of variations of the same neuvlaugh pic to avoid filters
fuck off shounenfag
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Chaz Sama forgive me...
homoflopper homoflopper...
at least the cuckschizo isn't here
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We love Chaz here
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I'll have a BigTasty Bacon, a large Pommes Fries, a Double Cheeseburger, a large Coke, and a Caramel Frappe.
Yeah, and a 6 piece Chicken Nuggets.
And one Apple Pie, please. Thanks.

My son would like a regular Hamburger. With no pickles, please.
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I ordered my shit about 7 hours ago, still nothing. I'm going through the Hell of eating two sets of these because I'm trying to get my friend a set of codes because they live in another country. Needless to say I'm not buying another set until the first set of codes arrives because I'm saving those ones for my friend.
Chaz saved gig with his webm
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Women exist to be bred. If they aren't being bred then they're useless eaters because 90% of the time they're taking advantage of some man to get wealth that only exists because they or another man worked for it. Even most of the jobs they take are subservient to, ultimately, a man digging resources out of the ground.

AI robots and artificial wombs can't come soon enough.
Chaz BROKE you
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What did you learn today, /gig/?
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...what is this supposed to prove? That you are the samefagging anon, but you don't have the post filtered?

You didn't really think that through, did you?
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>ACKjaw and !akinich
>makes anti neuvschizo seethe in boiling rage at his very presence
>SO RETRO references
>ajaw reactions get used repeatedly
Is Kinich the most /gig/core character in the entire game?
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Not to defend Neuvfags but it's so easy to change the hash when you're using a mobile 4chan extension.
Kek its like there's a Neuvillette parasite living in their brains
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Now that the seams have been stitched, what does /gig/ think of Chiori, the founder and CEO of Chioriya Boutique?
its literally one retard shitting up the thread
african women tend to look better than their american counterparts
imagine the amount of friends he's getting because of that schizo
You and me both. I feel like I’m the only person who didn’t get the code
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It was also a stupid webm. I'd have expected that kind of melty with a meme screenshot damage webm or something.
ywn defeat jaden
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>me? a schizo? the guy who goes on a rampage just because of a Kinich webm and calling him a Neuvfag literally out of nowhere?
>nah you are the schizo lol
The audacity of this "people"
>Majority of traffic not Latin America and SEA
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>you like to have a laugh on /gig/ that means I get to gangstalk you
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>/gig/ complains about why no one discusses gameplay in the genshin impact general
>guy posts gameplay
>immediate witch hunting and falseflagging followed by nuclear melty over neuv of all things
you fags deserve to be in the salesposting samsara for all of eternity
Let it go man.
I didn't say it's hard, just that they go out of their way to be annoying
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>bunch of anons self-typing (you) to their posts en masse
uh...that today was a bad time to come to /gig/.
I'll try again in a week or so.
nahitroons have melty daily
Lying bitch make that your regular 20 piece nuggets
link it pls kleetoris bro
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If I'm going to post a webm of my Raiden blasting some hillchurls, will you care to reply as well??
/gig/ will never be good ever again.
how long have you been here to not come to this conclusion first
>/soc/ trannies and /lgbt/ homos
those have always been deemed as parasites, and they do shitup every board or thread they are in, see /xivg/
>lolis in almost every other thread
Unironically more board culture, since at least BBS forums
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>0 fujobait
How the fuck did he mindbreak this general so bad? I get Kaveh and Wanderer because they look like faggots but this character is cartoonishly inoffensive
smart post like usual, paimon
Fischltroon melty
that janny isn't very good, but I knew that already
So is Kinich really doing that badly that homos here would rather bitch about some schizo instead of talking about him?
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Is that period blood?
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He is, quite simply, a God.
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Keep schizoposting
The only good kind of posting
Embrace your inner schizo
Reject meds
Mentall illness are a superpower
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outside of ajaw telling people to kill themselves kinich is fucking lame as shit
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I don't get why /gig/ hates Neuvillette so much. He's very cute with Furina.
>>0 fujobait
most of them dont speak english and would be barrier'd by 99% of the site
no, idc about raidentroons
>>494936339 (You)
Reminder that being female IS consent because if they did not want to be fucked and impregnated they wouldn't have been born female.
I don't think these shitposters play the game desu which is why they dont care about discussion
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Is it cool or funny though? A lot of people just didn't know Kinich could throw that pyro fruit like the dendro saurians can. Just the same old slash is boring.
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it's such a mundane webm too
what the hell, how does a fictional character posses you this badly
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What is your cat's name?
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How did the guy who cries and keeps talking about water brake people, it's not even a if they did that person is legitimately having an episode
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>Poorfag f2p bro
I'm starting to think Chaz is based and the shcizo needs to be put down.
>while putting on the effort of evading filters
Thats retarded, you just post picrel whether its filtered or not
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Take a you because this is the only time in ages someone is actually funny using that
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We cannot escape what is destined for us
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>makes a post about how it's suspicious that there are no replies
>suddenly gets a bunch of replies

Neuv sister, you really do have to work on your samefagging game >>494936205
>pagschltroon now trying to make this shitshow all about himself
Every time
>Some anon got mad at a webm of Kinich blowing up hilichurls
this is a new level even by /gig/ standards
Women exist to be beaten, for me to feel the pleasure of my fists on their tender flesh. To hear the lamentation of their screams and aches from their mouth before I sink my teethe into their flesh and devour their souls. Genshin Impact.
Noticed that >>494936328 faggot got banned last time for a nahida nsfw. It was all me btw.
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What's the verdict?
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This Chaz guy broke you I fear...
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I think that giving Kinich arcade videogame VFX and SFX because traditional Andean art uses multicolor patchworks that look like pixels was a creative and fun idea.
They don't care about each other though, just like Arlecchino and Furina
What I find surprising that there is no art with Clorinde/Furina. She was her personal bodyguard for quite some time no
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Thank you Chaz
I will defend you from these FRAUDS
We all love Chaz here
Except that 1 guy who is scared of Neuv
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As you can see they'd rather use wormvillette to deflect from him as of the moment than to actually discuss him.
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I haven't even been warned today which is a new accomplishment.
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>analwormer flops as predicted
>analwormers have a cataclysmic meltdown
why are they like that? this didn't happen when mualani flopped
>rank 53 navia
Chaz won btw
+the grapple is cool in overworld
-the grapple in combat is aids
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Broken because it doesn't work.
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>doesn't even have C6 Xinqiu
>still a better account that 99% of the thread
I would vote for him as guildamster of the /gig/ guild
Your mentally ill delusions will never be real sayufujo.
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Thanks Neuv sister. Sorry that I wasted so much of your time samefagging to try to and beat me.
that sumeru killed the game so badly twinks are also flopping
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Based, women should be treated as baby factories and stripped of all human rights.
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Stop expecting a real sane conversation with literal seething mindbroken schizos
Cute I wish I had a dragon bf
So chaz is one of the guys from the trooncord that constantly raids this thread, good to know.
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that's the terrone and he genuinely belongs in an asylum
he was spamming about neuvillette getting "everything handed to him" in all caps the other day, that man needs help
You owe me sex
i mean, it does seem weird such a mundane webm got so many replies, almost as it was being pushed by a certain group...
they reply to a random webm dozens of time to force kinich into being relevant
obviously the same schizo or discord that forced the neuv "memes" in similar ways
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Terminal lolicon
Her belly begins to swell
This is how I know things are going well
Beautiful teen pregnancy
This is how I start my own colony
The SEAchurl is protective of his people.

Incel melty
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I don't like this line of thought because it leads to public usage and public use is a disgusting fetish
I would advocate for individual sex slavery instead
I'm glad it lasts 2 weeks because the Shitdonalds near me sold out of the meals before noon. I didn't think there were that many Genshin players in my county
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if you get both the pie and the meal in the same order then it's a coinflip on which code you'll get, if you get one at all
Will Citlali save cryo?
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kinick is clunkier than mualani, im glad i lost the 50/50 trying to roll for him without doing the trial first
Usually only appears in response to whip aetherpag away.
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I liked when my hero Enjou appeared again.
>>494937102 (You)
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Who'd win among gig anons?
>neuv poorfag who makes silly webm
>BBC enjoyer who's funding Genshin in NA?
yeah an anon doxxed him last thread and they've been having a melty and damage controlling ever since
calm down Kinich
Rich fatfag here.
Dropping McDonald's glider codes in a few minutes. First 13 replies get them.
Neuv has genuinely done irreversible damage to this schizo's brain. A fucking 2d character.
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Their entire narrative hope was that Kinich would prove that homos sell and that everything is the fault of female characters.

That narrative flop. They have no narrative left. Now it means there is no chance of them getting more homoflops in the future at the same rate they used to when they destroyed the game.

Good. Fuck faggots. Fuck women. Fuck troons. Fuck these LGBTurds who shut up every single nerd community with their mental illness. Absolute blight that not only does this online but takes it into the real world.
>top 0.05% navia
What’s up with the nahipedotroon spiraling into school shooter babble? ask your mother for a hug if you’re that upset it’s not good for you brother
>replies abruptly stop again
Kek poor homotranny I hadn't seen it this mindbroken before
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Xilonen will be the biggest flop in the game, since she's meta. Then Mavuika.
I'm giving you one more (You), just to fit in
hit me bwo
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Here's a protip if you want to continue samefagging: don't make so many replies to one post, that just makes normal /gig/ers suspicious and immediately ignore the post.

I'm sure you'll do better next time :)
>myfuarkingheroposting is a discord psyop now
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Stop replying to the mentally ill pedophile.
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>naviaGOD mindbreaks /gig/
annoying personality and character, I feel like her kit is wasted on her
I'm from EU tho...
>reddit spacing
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>Talking stick navia
SOVL account
>53 Navia
>gig wants me to believe this is the bad guy
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>Top 53 Navia

This chaz guy definitely likes blasting things up
>appears in 80% of the archon quest
>amplifying reactions
>her c6 powercreeps neuvillette and arle c6s, this is objective
>almost naked
>top up reset + BP + new region + anni hype
>not meta
>appears in 10% of the archon quest
>dendro DPS
>his C6 is barely even navia level
>fully clothed
>2nd half and before meta support
>1 year of no males
>clunkier than Mualani (who is also clunky)

It's honestly embarrassing that they're on the same level of sales currently
>You are le mentally ill because...you want to fuck sexy little girls!
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but everyone can see the code?
I'm imagining a 35+ something Italian still living with his parents and crying about Neuvillette all day. GRIM.
If it works on EU then memememememe
They don't work in EU, right?
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give me the meal too
>"everything handed to him"
which is objectively correct
you're denying reality in front of everyone and wants to convince anyone that someone else is insane? why are you so devoted to neuvillette anyway?
I dunno, I hope she's usefull at least as either a utility support, superconduct support, or a sustain.
Freeze should remain dead and since we still won't get any good looking off field pyro's I don't want to bother with melt.
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Miss Chiori is still the second best geo character
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Man, it looks like all the trooncord schizos decided to come out at once today.
I have C0R1 Hu Tao, hit me.
the codes work everywhere
>I want even warned today
are you implying that you are the one that posted NSFW
goes here btw>>494937513
me please I need it for my chevy
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>accusing other people of samefagging while blatantly samefagging his school shooter thoughts
Where the fuck is the janny?
This guy probably plays the game unlike 90% of gig
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Is this game possible to start right now without being giggabehind?
Fujo delusions aren't canon, like for Zhongchi.
People used to at least try and disguise their samefagging. It's just not the same anymore...
With the amount of shilling Mualani got she honestly should have skyrocketed past him
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>school shooter babble
Leave it up to homotroons to project their willingness to resort to violence and public displays of degeneracy. Hence why the party that opposes "threats to democracy" are the ones going out trying to murder their democratic opponents.

I understand why women were chained inside for thousands of years and why homos and troons were hung from trees now.
even if you were right, absolutely nothing excuses your unhinged behaviour
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You're supposed to post your UIDs in response to this you absolute morons.
My heroes...
easy baby game is easy and quick to get caught up
You're obsessed and mentally ill
>Shit gameplay
>Shark doesn't last
>Doa and mogged by neuv
>Clean spiderman aestetic
>Fun exploration
>Spiderman swings doen't exhaust a lot of the bar
>fills a new niche with burn
You went to McDonald's and put... how much sugar in that coffee?
Chaz at least plays the game. Same with Matt.
Meanwhile the schizos after them spend hours here shitting up the thread daily.
why not? this place has a fuck ton of schizos. at the beginnin no one thought cum2play was real
Lord Kazuha parried this
>he was spamming about neuvillette getting "everything handed to him"
So he was stating a fact? Why does that enrage you?
male with yumefujo design good kit and stole the story spotlight, it doesn’t really take that much to make them mad why do you think chinks have been doxxing and threatening developers at the thought of playable males in new gachas now
Bros it's been an hour and I haven't gotten my code yet....I even ate both apple pies like a true American patriot...60NCIRM
(60 nigger cocks in Ronald McDonald)
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nice quest genkeks
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notice how everyone wants to be friends with chaz because he talks about the game and isn't a schizo
Where do I input the codes on mobile?
>Eating McDonalds
you killed billions of palestinian children
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This is a resume of what happened in the last thread.
You still think that its the supposed Neuvfags who ruin this thread and not the supposed anti male schizos who goes on a complete melty falseflag whenever things dont go around his way?
Nope, you will always be behind by years. I started in Fontaine and still feel very far behind despite getting 2 characters to top 1% rankings. That being said it’s a single player game and has been fun for me
>clunkier than Mualani (who is also clunky)
Which part of Kinich is clunky? With Mualani you have to swooce through monsters three times in order to shark attack, and it can miss, and also her ultimate can miss. With Kinich you just E and then LMB LMB LMB E again, LMB LMB LMB E again and that's all.
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I learnt that my go-to local tech repair guy is the only decent guy in the entire local industry
his show was closed I went spent 2 and a half hours going from place to place looking to get some quick minor repairs, buy some shit, and fix a laptop keycap, and every single store in this part of town (there's a fuckton, 20~30) tried to fleece me
I swear the only tech guys you can ever trust are bearded fat guys who are the owner and sole employee of the dingiest shop in a 2 mile radius
>public use
nta but am pretty sure thats already the case on campus, its disgusting but it happens
off model
Neuvillette is a literal DEI hire. He gets everything just because of his race
it's not about the content of his posts
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Anon, the Janny can literally see who is samefagging or not. Perhaps YOU'RE the schizo here?
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i want to fuck yanfei aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Kazubros, our era is over. Kinich+Xilonen completely replaces him in the exploration meta.

It's OVER .... or maybe not

I was going to edit this picture to make Kazuha sad but lama cleaner(ai image eraser program) literally couldn't get rid of his grin lmao

his power ... it's too much!!
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Nahida is really sexy.
Cute baby factory.
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I want to believe
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Is my Navia good enough?
>even if you were right
i am right and even now you're using hypotheticals because admitting it hurts you. you tried to pretend a true observation is insane simply because you don't like it. here's another, you're going out of your mind with anger. careful or you might start spamming in all caps too
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Why is it a bad thing that anon was looking forward to Natlan, planned out his roles and wanted to share with his /gig/ bros?
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i'm gonna lick her pits!
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Is that-
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That's not how the word "resume' is used
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both kinich and mualani are performing like shit in meta and in sales
The real male vs female fight will be Capitano's banner vs Mauvika's
>complains about homos while posting a gif of the gayest character in star rail
Nothing I didn't already know.
Enjou saved the life of a dumbass Saurian I guess, so i have a reason to hate him now.
>live in Italy surrounded by beaches and beautiful women
>spend your time doing this
Holy fuark...
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Next thread will be better
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Maybe gacha players are all schizophrenics with a screw loose, regardless of gender?
eh, sure
uid 678450015
I getting worried about not having enough Natlan units to properly use nightsoul but isn't Kinich heavily locked to burning and burgeon teams? I don't even think I have a good one of either team since I've never built Touma.
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>complains about homos
>posts fagturine
Capitano isn't playable
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Hey I'm a solo, non-samefagging shitposter don't lump me in with anyone else
>he's a gameplayGOD too
is this guy the perfect poster or something? wtfuark
>he posted his UID
Sakiru, what have you done, they'll hunt you too now...
If she's cryo Yelan, that wouldn't necessarily save cryo but would be a massive pyro buff
That's a brown man living in North Italy, probably from North Africa
Still would
>i havent gotten banned so im not samefagging (even though its obvious)
Mhm okay. Keep seething about le foids. Rent free.
Why are our characters so unpopular
>AI got her sexy scales
I'm impressed for once
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/gig/ in a nutshell
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retards that's the cheldpedo trying to harvest UIDs
and mauvika isnt the archon
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There is a startling lack of sales charts for Kinich.
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I played Kinich for 3 hours and he's not clunky at all. Used Mualani in IT and she was a GIGA clunk. Probably more clunky than Hu Tao.
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UIDs really dont fucking matter at all, stop acting so surprised as if they do.
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Ah, fuck it. Why not?
>posts public toilet lolibitch
come now
sure why not, 601488080
Aventurine is a pussy slaying chad, don't let fujos WARP your mind.
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I bet Chaz is hot and cool irl, it's no coincidence it rhymes with Chad
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He works fine on my Nilou bloom team
You are not going to be winning speedrunning competitions, but you can clear everything in the game pretty soon anyway.
So you're gonna add anons and whisper the codes once they accepted the friend req? Sure, I'm already on the cheld list anyway. UID:601588148
New cutie! *smooches*
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>Chaz is a mentally sound individual who rolls who he wants and shares fun webms in /gig/ whilst takes his artifact farming very seriously
>/gig/ schizos believe he's some femcel that wants to ruin Genshin
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Kinich matching the sales of someone who got top-up resets + waifu boost is unironically good
Nightsoul is kind of a useless gimmick anyway, at least ousia has a ( one, singular ) boss where it instantly deletes its shield so you don't need to bring pyrokeks.
Nightsoul doesn't have anything useful like that yet.
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I cannot post my UID in fear of getting on the wrong side of the thread and being exposed for my neutral shitposting
thanks for the qrd I was confused
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>Be Eu
>The pajeets and seapags that plauge this thread will steal the glider codes with bots to resell
How do I get the glider without being an American?
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So fujos were expecting regular sasuke and instead they got boruto sasuke? is that why they're having a melty?
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Leave Aven out of this
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There's at least 2-3 of us and people have gotten banned, probably you if anything. The people who got deleted were the ones screaming for jannies and having a meltdown over """politics""" that are actually very relevant for discussion here for understanding why this game is flopping.

I can only imagine if you're also mass reporting or going into their IRC, things I've never done before. The jannies can see who is the actual schizo in this case.
Pay $25 on eBay.
Russian and Korean codes
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i got drunk and it seemed like a funny idea at the time
I was literally laughing irl as I typed that, I think you're too eager to push a certain narrative. almost desperate.
She's so goddamn HOT
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I've been on his list and on /gig/ sheet for years, idc
Its so funny how he thought dropping his profile would expose something and he turned out to be a normal guy kek
>same level
>Aventurine is a pussy slaying chad
Why couldn't Furina do this?
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Accept my friend request Chaz
>this is beauty according to women
we are so fucked
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he's getting married soon!!!!!
Can you stop avatarfagging with Nahida? We don't want to be associated with you.
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sometimes I leave my UIDussy out for someone to prod but nobody does anything
if it weren't for Neuvillette and Kinich triggering that schizo, nobody would've cared since Sayu anon is always posting his shit.
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surely she has self defense measures after all those years in a prison
yeah celestia will rape the tsaritsa so hard that the whole cryo element will be removed and every cryo character will enter the same limbo as aloy
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Uhh, fuck it why not.
I guess 13 people haven't given their UID yet
why the fuck not, harvest my organs if you want
women are so fucking ugly.....
I like both Mualani and Kinich
literally just 2-3 arle NA's or one mualani nuke LOL
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Chaz? More like Chadz
does anyone else just not have the toggle switch for enabling marketing emails showing up for them in the McDonald's app, I've got an android phone and it's not showing up there (the page loads but it's blank other than the "Keep me in the know" header and the back button at the top of the page) but it is showing up on my ipad
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Man natlan archon quest so far is pretty boring
it started off well enough with kachina, but then she fucks off out of the story and the archon is boring as fuck
so far archons were pretty interesting, we had the drunk faggy bard whose shady as all fuck, we had the retarded cool guy geo archon, inazuma with the cold bitch, nachida who was really nice and friendly and finally furina that makes an impression from the first scene fallowed by nuivilete whose also great

then we have the pyro archon whose defining feature is ... how badass she is...
they are so desperate to sell her they even had her fight capitano? which makes no sense, as hes supposed to be strong, instead he jobs the first time we see him

no idea why they made Natlan into the anime filler summer episode
i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao i want to fuck hu tao
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>All these FOOLS falling for this and posting their UIDs
Wormich flopped lol
Wormvillette flopped lol
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Kek, so the femcel anon is also an ESL.
There is no 'being behind'. There isn't any PvP in this game. And content is typically extremely easy.

There's only one part of the game which is a 'challenge mode' which wants your characters to be strong, and it takes several months to get your account able to complete the mode fully, but the rewards you get from this are relatively minimal.

It's the illusion of fomo.
>mutts giving their UIDs when they have access to the collab
Are you just poor?
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in the risk of someone saying samefag cause i'm using paimon, why do you guys think mualani took all of the top-up resets? what if someone waited until kinich banner was up and decided to top up there? that would count for kinich and not mualani, if anything, i never get why top-up is such a deal when it only resets every year, nothing is forcing whales to top-up instantly, but as a mere welkin shrimp i may be missing something
is 30ish % crit chance enough for Mualani ? considering that im using her set.
eh why not i guess uid 802639246
it's a bit, dum dum
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I thinks its very obvious anti male schizos are the ones ruining /gig/ but most anons probably just find it funny to watch them chimp out
Why are these troons defending their discord buttbuddy so much?
>1 image
Stupid newfag
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Yes he is
I honestly don't care much about the element itself, I use Charlotte, Layla and Rosaria regulary I guess.
Citlali is Natlans only good design so I hope she's useful, I don't even care if she's a 4* or 5*.
er uh um post uid and get free stuff
(You)s please
that's not bejita xis
playing on america does not mean you are a mutt
uid: 702928091
This retard was probably thinking of the Spanish word "resumen" lol
At or above 75%
Her damage is very frontloaded, similar to Navia missing the crit hurts, though you can just reset lol
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Can we agree to rape and kill all namefags in gig
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anything under 50 can get frustrating, no reason not to aim for 100% chance
NA accounts are more than just the US, bwo... It's for the entire contintent...
>defending herself
she lost, she is my favorite kind of target
That's not how you use the word "resume" retard but nice try.
I have C2 Chevreuse so I'm skipping this banner because I don't want Kinich or C1 Raiden.
Americans are a minority in /gig/
Of course everybody are ESL here, you stupid fat mutt
I had a crush on this guy as a kid...And Jaden for reasons not even I can understand
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>people are selling the actual cartboard box on eBay
why do you guys cherrypick shit from fat autistic women and apply it to the entire gender? most women want to play as sexy females.
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aaaaaaaaa i thought i had until reset i can't do this in one hour
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So what went wrong with Natlan
So uhhhh what happened to Arlecchino glitching out in her idle
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The next thread will be even worse than this one. Are you prepared?
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I want to roll for the favela cat already...
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In this thread, I give flowers for Princess Fischl!
Neuv killed the game.
The things he "got handed to him" were his in the first place, and he's been in the lore since Enkanomiya.
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>Americans are a minority in /gig/
this is some ugly eslpag from the philippines btw
That nahida/sigewinne tranny is the worst poster in these threads
exclusive themed cardboard
kek you can't make this stuff up
She's so goddamn ugly
I remember when every new genshin banner used to get top 1 for a few hours
I raped her to death
How can it be worse without gorefag around?
Can somebody post the giant ESL mistake greentext that is usually accompanied by a frog
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Chilebros... How are you celebrating tomorrow?
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Her and Mavuika is literally all I want to roll for now.
uh oh homofag/neuvfag/samefag melty lmao
Why lie when you can see the post yourself? There is not a single comment saying they like kinich or his gamepley, they are all 'my fuarking hero' style. Also, you can see a curious lack of the 'waifuflop' spammer with his misleading charts
if its act 3 you can probably speedrun it if youre at act 1 then no
fuck thank you man
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>schizo thread
Alright /gig/, I'll go play a real game now
Pick one.
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my family is dying and I am poor, have every disease and my bones break everyday, god bless! 661537602
I run her with 39%, it's not ideal but it's good enough if your weapon/artifacts give you good EM/HP/CD
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sex with fischl
Everyone is saving for C2 Xilonen
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And they like each other
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>And economist would laugh at your naïvety
>Mihoyo can and absolute can spam husbandos
>day before updated
>I was so exited to hit level 60
>you deserve it for people a shitty game
>Dehya will become good later like Kuki
>stop making the ridicule
>how do I blame for those hours?
>I should have readed
>China is a C0 F2P tournament
>skull issue
>everyone is obsseded
>Lumine's beauty deserves some braise.
>I want everyone genshin girl
>server mental disorders
>For all intensive purposes
>saids the pedo poster
>people shitted on
>what a waist
>permanent brian damage
>Does loompags really thing that aetherpag is a single person?
>I learned english by myself after I readed several JRPG games
>he is board of being
>the amature animations
>call it a mail
>Time have never felt so heavy
>her line about him adds some spicy
>We kindly ask that you don't just during her burst phase
>according to sales forecast dehya will sell more than wanderer
>Trannycrafters also say Dehya is shit, when in reality, she's brokeb
>you're not save anymore
>Oh know
>put her in a comma
>btw way
>Who made "him" made?
>this palce like a school forum
>stay may
>figure scater
>how do is brown a sex
>disparate to doomposts
>cannot come with a comeback to they
>Dango Milk Enthousiast
>It’d people like you
>cant argument back
>character value gets alleviate
>Why are alhaithamfags so I'll?
>Aren't you all dream
>put her proper shoes!
>you makes me aware
>be graceful you're are not in the list
>getting ignored of
>kissing Eula on the limps
>do you trannies every sleep?
>the trach record
>I always knew I was a God
>I must be a looser
>if aetherpag known to hates or hated
>Why are talking
>is this faggot be playable?
>my hate is cute
>fatigue harbingers
>your mon
>also I my country owns you
>>>>>te adjective
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Boring characters and a boring plot about a bunch of girlbosses
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>playing as emilie
>summon the lamp
>think of cheld
>giggle like an idiot
you fuckers did this to me
BUILT for Slimes
I think Chaz deserves a code.
Go back to discord you fucking loser
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How can we save /gig/?
Neuv killed the game
go bebop in honor of neuvillette's total victory today
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*shoves Kachina up your ass*
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the nigga in red he looks like a cunt to play against
Sumeru killed the game, its like that "leak" faggot said, waifuchads with money quit, covid females quit the game, and now they can't do shit right, they got too greedy
I think he meant ESLs outnumber native speakers, which is true.
I've played him for the past hour and I like his gameplay, it's like the spin to Neuvillette but fun instead of retarded
And not having to use a pokemon to use the hooks is a win
navia is ugly btw
people still playing concord?
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no GODvillette to see us off
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pick the gargoyle, i forgot her name
>were his in the first place
I disagree but even then what does that change exactly? he still got hànded everything. his life as "neuvillette" is still laughably easy from start to finish.
>been in the lore since Enkanomiya.
the authority plot ruining bullshit wasn't
Not in my country/10
We've been saying it for a year but homofujos keep denying reality.

Neuv killed the game. https://suno.com/song/ec713f52-88c6-4bc5-8662-27fc9df88cc9
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You should have noticed by now that the gender of a character has never been an important factor in their sales performance. In China sales have always been driven by meta value, constellation bait, offfield vs onfield , and generalist bis weapon. The problem is that after 1.0 devs stopped creating male supports. The last sub-DPS male character was Albedo, nearly four years ago (imagine). Before Baizhu, the last male support character was heckin Kazuha. Instead they continued to shill powerful female consbait and overpowered weapon, whether as DPS, sub-DPS, or support.

The first on-field male character Inazuma quest was Itto (shit), followed by Ayato (never good), then Tighnari (standard char), Cyno (the king of bricks), and Scaramouche (who was also underwhelming, though he has decent constellations). It wasn't until Alhaitham that we finally had a male DPS who was genuinely good, as reflected in his sales. Even then his constellations were lackluster and his bis weapon was only ok. Then Neuv came who is the only meta defining male dps in the game yet some people love to pretend he flopped when it wasn't like that (sure his rerun did but every rerun since this year has flopped even the archon's)

Why did Ganyu, despite COOM (genshin with the most porn) and Broken Beyond Belief DPS (back then) sell well but never broke any record? because her weapon isa standard brick and her cons were weak. Similarly why did Kazuha first banner flop hard but his second banner succeed? People realized that he was a meta pull. Why did Yelan break records despite being rated as unattractive in China and not widely discussed beyond her meta value? She had broken constellations, the first damage dealer 100% Hp scaling broken bis weapon and the most broken C6 back then.

Do you see the pattern? For some reason you love to pretend that gender of a character is what drives sales rather than their meta value. No, not even gender + meta, I already explained why.
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>That wrist band
I'd give them the benefit of the doubt but they complained about SFW loli in modding websites 10 years ago, now deal with it
>waifuchads with money quit,
That's what happens when you release only males for a year
>covid females quit the game
That's what happens when you release only females for a year

tl;dr mihoyo is retarded
Wormvillette flopped.
Realistically will they have any more codes near the end of the McDonald’s collab? I kinda want to wait and see if they just give them to everyone seeing how poorly it’s currently going
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I only really have two (2) IRL friends and one doesn't like to party while the other lives in a different city, so I'll just spend it with my family
what about you, bwo?
Love McDonalds. Could care less if I ever end up getting the code. Haven't had it in a while so this is a nice treat.

wtf I love it even more now.
>Sayufujo is mindbroken
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how much was yours?
i did that yesterday
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Now I'm just imagining some fat SEA femcel who spent the last several hours samefagging in order to defend her husbando Kinich's honor on /gig/.
it's act 1
it's not a big deal since i didn't realize this existed until after i farmed her boss mats, so it's really only the 60 primos i lose, but it still feels bad
great way to unmask schizos bwo
mcdonalds is hilariously incompetent
all of the mcd's in town were "sold out" of the meal except 1, went to that one, haven't gotten my code in 2 hours. Yes I have all the app stuff turned on.
This is objectively true but /gig/ will ignore it
>Neuvillette as the highest rated male
>Chiori 0 votes
>Tighnari 0 votes
>Amber 1 vote
>Aether 33% more votes than Lumine, also more votes than fan favorites like Kaveh, Kirara, Albedo, Noelle, Xiao, Venti, Xiangling, Baizhu, Chevreuse, Bennett, etc.
Vindicta or you're a homosexual
$20 cause i got it delivered
Stop replying to this it's a trap there is no code and all of your profiles will be exposed soon
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I'm the best poster in this thread
Wait why is there a whole hour for the banner still????
To this day I can't understand why they didn't just alternate
>Male characters for a year straight didn't work! What do we do!?
>Let's do the same thing but reversed!
Come @ me fatbro 600012059
It was a cool gameplay webm it's not that deep man why are people so worked up over a 3 second clip of Genshin looking fun to play
the usual, family, beach, lolis, etc
bad post kys
Kelvin is still really OP.
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Can I order this shit and not pick it up? I don't wanna drive to the city.
Smart post as always, alpedo
When are they adding new characters to standard? They said they'd do it sometime.
>fan favorites like Kaveh
haul your disgusting gay ass back to twitter
>archons could be here
As a neutral observer I think Chaz the wormvillette schizo lost
I thought concord shut down
It's not something to agree or disagree about, it's simply the lore.

>the authority plot ruining bullshit wasn't
We've known the hydro sovereign would show up since then.
We've known the Celestia stole the power of the dragons since Apep, but some people have theorised it since the 7 sovereigns getting rekt reveal.
The only new info in Fontaine about this was that the gnosis and the "throne" are separate things and the archons can't freely use the power in the throne the way the sovereign can.
trvth nvke
You are number 14! You lost!
I wish we got more male supports desu even if they were 4* cope options, but they even make the 4*s on-field DPS and its annoying
At least you have a paper bag on your head so I don't have to throw up
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Her flop will bigger since she's Kazuha 2
Can't wait for the shitposting
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Spending it with my family because those things I used to call friends disappeared, it's better that way I suppose.
Sounds nice, have fun!
This general is so fucking bad it is unreal. The only gacha general I can think of that is worse is maybe /hig/ when it is not dead
bad post
nobody cares except terminally online samefags. like you.
I haven't eaten mcDolans in years, but I'll go out of my way to eat there this week I guess.
Not that genshin collabs with them here.
Citlali will be 4* or standard
no, you only get the code (and get charged) after you pick it up or if you have it delivered

also you need your gps to let them know you're in the area to pick it up, so you need to do it yourself or spoof it if that still works, but someone will need to pick it up if you spoof it
Can't wait till 5.3 and see /gig/ post that they lost the 50/50 on mauvika and got chasca
Is Chaz a shy guy/gal?
shut up faggot
During streams. But I don't expect Xilonen to be one of them since her kit is too good for that. I'd say it's a toss up between Chasca, Ororon, Citlali and Iansan.
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Maybe you should stop getting mad over something so little? If you dislike something, most people tend to avoid it, why dont you do the same? What forces you to keep talking nonstop about something you dont like?
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It goes beyond attraction yea, it goes beyond affection whoa
Hu Tao I love you baby girl, I was 23 then
I'm 27 now, other girls come and go, get none of the traction
Whispering about ghosts, yea, you got my soul ignitin
No harems or ramadan, girl, I aint no muslim
We still gon be feastin, C6R5 until end of service
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That would be a won 50/50
do not force that abomination in my account
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Monsieur Robotvillette, of course.
Sunk cost fallacy. I hate Natlan but what choice do I have besides to continue playing it.
it was a fucking 3 second webm of hilichurls being blown up
ACK has rubbed off on some of you retards
Lmao, what language does resume mean summary? Filipino?
He sounds like a man to me, the femcels are either more low key or passive aggressive.
Mavuika is ugly I'd rather have chasca
behind in what?
there is no pvp or rankings in the game
you do the main story and exploration at your own pace
only thing you can miss is the yearly summer event, really wish we could replay them, they are great
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Your post was too long so I ignored it at first but someone replied with "trvth nvke" so I'll acknowledge it.

You're glaringly wrong or gacha games would be able to shit out male characters and succeed just as much, on a smaller scale, but they don't. Character designs are important for getting people to play but meta is important for getting whales to spend. Otherwise the general game direction is what motivates them to whale. Spin too hard into homofaggotry, shipping etc. and the men lose confidence in the future of the game and stop spending.
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Kinich trial was fun.

I will however wait to pull him until the rerun because the voices in my head tell me Maviuka will be able to regenerate phlogiston for her party members and that would make him a goated exploration character even outside Natlan.
>the only good Natlan design 4* or standard
I can see this happen, they always go for the most stupid option after all.
NeuviACKtte fans can go fuck off from this bread
Back in the day, we celebrated churl murder... We used to post different ways and ideas of making them suffer as much as we could before ending them.
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i literally can't stop thinking about her bros...
hu tao saved my life...
Can't even defend my manlet without getting called a SEAnigger or an ESL. I'm so tired sisters Imma just hang in the VC...
How meta is kinich and how does he compare to tighnari?
The characters rumored to be 4*s are the best in the region
Post the charts in the next thread
Agree with these, all the other events are cutscenes + minigames. You can watch the cutscenes on youtube and it will be literally no different, and the minigames except for a few events like Alchemical Ascension have been shit.
Useful in overworld, ass to play. Worse than Mualani.
yae is disgusting btw
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Should i post my UUID here?
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The only leaks that called Iansan a 4* said she was coming in 5.1 and they were wrong.
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It's Tatacos Tuesdays!
males never sold as much as females. But its like albedoposter said, meta was a major factor.
All in all, Sumeru hurt the game and forever, and now, nobody ever seems to sell properly, I assume Mavika will for being the archon but at this point, I assume it won't be as big as past archons. Simulanka kinda killed the mood too with the chinese meltdown, right before Natlan
>another useless Tranemo on standard
Eh, still better than getting a fagnari spook I guess.
No, White said she wasn't in 5.1, only DK2 did.
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What Chinese meltdown?
based niloustacy
Say this in public and see how it goes
>It's not something to agree or disagree about
I don't disagree with the text but philosophically. a reincarnation is not the same person. he doesn't deserve all the possessions the hydro dragon had by "right", unless you believe in some kind of noble privilege that it belongs to all dragonkind. which is extremely retarded even for neuvpags

>We've known the hydro sovereign would show up since then.
which says practically nothing
written by the time the plot was being worked on
it was an asspull. it had no foreshadowing at a time where neuv as a concept most likely didn't exist and it doesn't fit with the story we have until now because there was no focus on sovereigns and now siddenly they're archon+ level of important. I don't know why so many struggle to admit this.
>attaches nahida to your incel posts
Go kys already
Not gonna lie, "powerfuk" sounds badass in a weird way.
It's been foreshadowed for a long time though. As I said, we've known sovereigns are important af since Enkanomiya. Back then people were hoping Kok would be the sovereign.
It wasn't an asspull, it makes sense if you think of it thematically too. They wanted to make a western religion metaphor where the "holy ghost" has "a son", and "the son" dies so that "the father" absolves people of sin.
They could have kept Furina an Archon, but given her actual characterisation she would have hated that - she only ever wanted to be free of the expectations people put on her. I assume you like her for her who she is and not for the concept of "female hydro archon".
Kill yourself
according to this anon, spanish >>494939147
and i'm pretty they speak a little spanish in the philippines, i dunno
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> OMG, another homoworm, i can't take it anymore, where's my loli wife. Mihohomo is literally destroying Genshin by not releasing harem goonerslop every patch
schizocels are the true culprits of low thread quality
>he can only copy insults

So for the people who absolutely hate themselves and willingly look up this kind of content, what are some of the funniest "boycot McDonald's" posts you have seen in relation to the event?

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