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Blood War Veteran Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 7: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-7-now-live_121
Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>494853898
First for Gortash rape
Astarion is a rapist and he loves grannies. The only life that matters is his.
Please reply
sex with cute frog
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Larian managed to make the mindflayers an giths look cool, I trust them. I don't trust some of the writers though
space elves
with long necks...
Mass Effect is overrated.
Good evening. I love my husband Astarion.
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Here is your reply
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No. You are getting this.
Impregnated by Cazador. You beg to let Astarion live but you cannot kill Cazador. You make a deal. You bear his children in return.
do not write more
fucking BASED
I blame john
I jump off a bridge.
We're winning, xisters
>To boldly go where no man has gone before
I'll do it. For humanity's sake.
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Love is love.
Menstruating, and no sexy elf vampire to relieve me..... Is there a worse fate?
John please stick to imposing your fetishes on the Big H
you have a dog for that
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I don't have a dog.
Impregnated by Halsin. You beg to stop raping animals but you cannot kill Halsin. You make a deal. You bear his children in return so he can rape them instead.
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I want a sexy bird lady to fuck in the next game
Where is the namefag?
Very funny
I'm not joking.
John tried to put this in the game
Of course you're not.
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Yeah, gotta kill him when i romance Karlach. After he is of no more use, of course...
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I’m not picky I’ll take a boy bird
I'll settle for a bird lady with a donkey dick
Why is he obsessed with animal cocks? this is the second time he's talking about how fat an animal's cock is, oak father preserve us all.
Pls reply
The eye is a turncoat
what was the first time?
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Good morning sexy lady I can be dog
His self insert doesn't think that his bearcock will fit in Tav's ass
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do not redeem benchod, she's already mine
The bear sex scene Timmy
i thought you were talking about a tweet
and whose Timmy?
Is there any way to cast spells while being perma invisible?
Frankly any skintone darker than this is unacceptable.
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Is it worth dipping into Selune Cleric for a Shart romance? I always do Durge so it doesn't fit I think. I'm conflicted. I want to take a ride on the goth elf and wanted the best experience.
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Character for this feel?
Wowwee. Shart should have been a man. We need another pretty boy to challenge Astarion.
It's technically possible with Greater Invisibility.
Bard Durge
Imagine a grown-ass man named Shadowheart.
Origin Karlach.
I'd imagine they would have picked a different name for him.
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>Is it worth dipping into Selune Cleric for a Shart romance?
Eh, i guess it's bit of extra dialogue for what it's worth, i'm kinda the guy that leans into the camp that requires massive plot contrivance for a Selunite to date Shart (and vice versa) but if you want some extra dialogues, it's good enough.

I guess the "highlight" is the Sharran Idol because there's good bipolar shart interaction.
If you play a martial, i guess it's fine to dip once into War-Cleric.
The Clown™
I wish I was in the box irl
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Imagine a grown as man named "Stone Cold Steve Austin"
I imagine that quite a few femanons would feel tingled by a brooding emo dude that keeps his feeling close to his chest, not openly a moralfag but also not into pointless violence.
And most of all, be pretty hot.
Like what? Shadeheart? Nightheart? Duskhart? Darkheart?
They can share him with Astarion and Halsin too
>>494939192 >>494938764
Darkheart sounds good too
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Is there a lot of additional stuff? I figured I'd do a Paladin/Cleric run or the fabled Paladin/Bard run since I only did a Warlock one at launch. I think I rather do the Bard version but maybe the Selune stuff is more worth it? I just can't see Durge being a Selune Cleric... I can't make it make sense in my head.
That's just Fenris
minus homo rape
Don’t play durge. Marcilione was one wasn’t she? Or was that your tief
Tingling as we speak
>can't post on /bgg/ without being doxxed
we need fresh blood in here
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Nobody new is coming.
>perhaps we could've cured the shadow curse had we tried
It's not my fucking fault Halsin died like a bitch in the goblin camp. It's not my fault that little retard kid can't be made whole again. I would've loved to grow that one tree the camera seems to think is important.
Im not new but I can come if itll help
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Did Laezel's writer cook?
don’t care
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hello i came for you sexy lady
pls respond i sent many message
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>Is there a lot of additional stuff?
There's some extra dialogue here and there, so there is something but it does not fundamentally change the experience.

You can get an extra kiss out of Shadowheart, though.
What's the most enjoyment you've had with a druid build?
plapping enemies as an owlbear
no one plays druid
Her future is bright and littered with bearcock
So says the wise Alaundo
I love it


I like it

Selune lost so hard bwos...
Rping my hunky dark skinned druid tav
Incorrect use of the photo
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I think I love my wife.
Where did the githyanki player come from?
How does a Warlock work lorewise? Can a Warlock become more powerful than their patron?
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Newfag playing for the first time here, I wanted to create a handsome male knight like the screenshot here. Is the character creator that good or do I need a mod for that? If so which mods are good for that?
Kill yourself.
cute frog
Yes and a No.
Yes overall but No through warlock patron powers.
Character creator is fine enouff theres a male human face that is 10/10 perfect for knights. Just download a hair mod if you don’t have one you like.
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>sign in required
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seriously how does anyone stand this bitch
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Gale is pretty insufferable I’ll give you that
clown companion when?
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Thats how I feel about all companions. You know, BG3 is actually pretty good when you do client hijinks to get 4 tavs.
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we already have shadowheart
Kissing Astarion’s forehead
I’m sure it’s great
Kissing Astarion's neck
what does that image have to do with the post?
Which face is that?
One of them
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this image has everything to do with that post
There's a similar haircut and a slightly similar face but vanilla beards are fucking trash.
He-AAAAAY, anons!!!! Im a FEM-anon, and I like Astarion, or Asty... maybe even Poogie if Im fellin ex-tra fer-esh! ;D
Yep, that's rite! Just a regular ol' strong, anonymous woman who likes Asty
Highest T post in this thread
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Her reaction is pretty mild by comparison.
We get it you’re in a manic phase right now.
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Another man who is clearly angry that his woman lusts after a fictional vampire more than him. SAD!
yeah lae'zel cares about the party meanwhile shart is all me me me
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I love Lae'zel
why are there only like 3 people here all of a sudden
which one am i
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I'm sure Shar isn't the only one you stand naked in front of you slut
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You took your meds
Lae'zel hates White people?
why did you recruit a character you hate
If I recruit Minthara they can recruit Shart the fart
She knows what she did
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No shit retard.
hands look so bad in this game
Fuck off.
No, retard
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>Ilmatari trying to figure out why the words from a children's story won't void Wyll's contract as Mizora is laughing in her face
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Patch 8 when?
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looks bad with half-elf ears
Once they finish animating the camp orgy scene
Clearly. When was the last time you even slept?
nibbling those ears. licking those fangs
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Uh like 13 ish hours ago?
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There is one, possibly even 2, very angry females here right now. I can sense it. No other creature types like that.
Relax, ladies. Lets talk about The Blade to calm you down.
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Are there any advantages to picking a Githyanki as your race?

Did anyone here play as a Githyanki? Can I get an ending where I usurp Vlaakith and rule the Astral Plane with my wife Lae'zel?
i would and you know what?? it'd be fucking glorious
There is one confirmed uggo femcel, the other one is a confirmed transexual. It's been verified.
Previously only Gith were able to join Lae'zel to fight Vlaakith.
Now everyone can do that.

Gith however are a pretty strong race because they can get proficiency in every speech check with Astral Knowledge:CHA.
Lae'zel killed herself again, stupid frog. Maybe I should just replace her with Minthara.
I dream about Wyll calling me his nigga
Gith jump high.
Those frogs can leap
Is Theo an actually decent voice actor outside of BG3? I haven't heard him in anything else so I don't know whether Wyll being bad is solely down to poor writing and direction or due to Theo's delivery.
I've never listened to any of his other work. I think it's just audiobooks?
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>jaluks could be here she thought
>i hate jaluks
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Teaching Silfy about grown-up things like bills and and what it feels like to kill a man for 40 bucks and as many smokes and as much beer as you can quickly carry out of the store and load into the wagon before the guards show up <3
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>Now everyone can do that.
That's kinda lame, isn't it?
Proficiency is nice and all that. I'm more interested in a lot of lore and dialogue options. I saw some graph that showed Gith have a lot of unique dialogue but it's possibly also Lae'zel unique dialogue. I read some people complaining that you basically only get dialogue in the Creche and then someone said you get overall a lot of dialogue. No idea who is right and if it's worth being ugly.

Is the jump once per long rest like their misty step?

I feel like if I go Gith I am commiting to Lae'zel during the character creation so it's a tough choice.
if she hates them so much then why did she suck me off like the grand plan was about to start tomorrow?
why is she bald?
Once per
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No need to sound so disappointed Shart
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mattis took all the hair genes
Nobody thinks Halsin is hot in Act 1. John made everyone kiss his self insert's ass when he wrote him in as a companion later
why is her hair blue?
I love my evil wizard husband.
That's a blue mop.
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They thought he was too pretty in EA as a blond
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Thats literally me
Why not just take hirelings at that point
You might be an evil wizard husband but you're not MY evil wizard husband.
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Why take those abominations when I can make my own? Im sorry Phaere, I love you <3
Actually now that I think about it... he's kinda neutral personified. His inner wizard is a turbo edgelord all picrel, but he'd usurp Palidine and become a good god if meant getting his hands on that much powah.
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For the Light, brothers.
Sex with John Baldur
Tall, dark, and handsome John Baldursgate is probably the best one.
>tfw my dumbass blew her up
Minthara chuds... I kneel
Ugly. Stop making tavs
I kept her alive in my last run, but she just felt like a buggy reminder of me doing metagame bullshit
Post ur tav
>Paladin, Oath of Might
What are its tenets?
Neutral wizards are usually more interesting in my experience. Good aligned wizards are typically too stuck up and rigid while evil guys are the basic, cheap option.
I vaguely remember some unearthed arcana article oath that was basically to act like a big damn hero. No idea if that's what that was or you're just spitballing the idea.
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Never mind, that was Oath of Heroism
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oath of devotion to elf pussy?
Which body type do you prefer?
Body type 2/4
My wives are all BT1 so that
Me on the left
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I declare u trans
Trans man or women?
whichever you would be more offended by.
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Yea... WOTC def gonna sue to get this tool taken down.

They already got a map working this quick.
Huh? Not offended by any lol
don't think too hard about it, i was joking.
Ahh. My bad.
Put the trip back on
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Imp sex soon!!
maps worked right off the bat. constructions still don't show up in the toolkit and you have to buy a facefx license to add facial animations to new dialogue
I've read some things that apparently Larian tricked WOTC into accepting this and it's too late for them to do anything about it. This was supposedly a final fuck you for not allowing them to make expansions and BG4 the way Larian wanted and finally ending the partnership.
Might get in trouble and I know you can't answer either way, but I have a feeling you're the janitor or something.
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Which character has the most sexy times with Tav/Durge?
ehhh, Im sure I could trick enough guys if I looked like that.
I'm sure. I mean you'd look like her and not the average you know what.
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Why are you obsessed with calling me a tranny?
Yeah, thats what Im saying. Im not gonna look a 4chan gypsy cursed post ending in 13 horse in the mouth.
He will be fucking them, however
Yeah.... My head ain't here, my bad
I pray wotc lets them be
I know exactly what you're talking about.
Dw bout it
The joke is he'll be feeding them cum instead. Ha ha very funny John
Stop stalking John’s tw*tter
Wylls juicy thug shaker cheeks slapping against my hips while I show him what a real Blade stings like
Ok, I lol'd
I hate you for writing that
please censor J*hn as well next time
trans people don't understand humor, the feign ignorance and act unoffended
dw too hard about it
Arghghgh wtf
OK, bby *smooch*
but daddy im scared
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Fuck you all!!! (You)
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Downvoted and reported your account for terrorism
Cute voice though
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Night retards
Hope you all have shit dreams tonight
Starting a new run to do my evening Astarion staking
I hope you get shit rolls all morning. Night.
Astarion is just ugly. IDK if its just the pale elf effect they gave him or how they render it. If you look close hes not bad from certain angles in certain lights, but most of the time when hes talking I just wanna mercy-stake him because he is so fugly.
Hes throwing a fit…
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Everything is his https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dTh3iI0is8
Yeah I dont get it at all with his fangirls. Im not attracted to any part of him and cant even say he has a particularly notable amount of "objectively" attractive features. And nothing about his personality is really alluring either.
That being said I would also empty my bank account for the privilege of sucking Gortash's balls so I can't really judge and I realize my opinion has negative value in this field
He’s not ugly. You should kill yourself!
Gort had charisma and romance potential, Astarion will never love the protagonist. Spawn, Ascendant, doesn't matter. He's been fucked to madness by the countless slaves, beasts and even humanoids while in Cazador's employ. He has no feelings and will never have any. His Ascendant thoughts that you are trash beneath him are his real thoughts about you. There is no "I can fix him", he's broken so badly he's no longer broken.
Kill yourself too
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You fought, you lost. Now he rests.
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how does that work on a vampire
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Gith psionics. I ain't gonna explain shit.
I've been saying this. He isn't physically attractive, his hair is ridiculous, his outfit is gay in a bad way, his personality is repulsive, his romance is awful, his voice is disgusting. And hat thing he does when he giggles makes me feel sick ngl
and when I saw the VA and his nasty little fingernails I was like OOOOOOOOH it all makes sense now
He's just a typical vampire romance novel esque target for "i can fix him"/"im the exception" delusion.
The worst part is that, in my opinion, hes a pretty interesting character for the most part but then they just ruined it with the romance parts.
The way he acted as ascended was kinda cool. I understand the touchiness of him being kinda rapey as an ascended but it was genuinely interesting and I hadnt seen anything like that before in a game romance. And now theyre just straight up retconning that one ounce of interestingness too, bit by bit.
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smart frog
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If you play as Astarion, can you ascend yourself?
>and his nasty little fingernails
Dare I ask
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Cute frog and cute lach
I think Astarion is better as a self insert power fantasy than a romance but you are right, there are not many or maybe even none like him where you end up basically a slave. Minthara should've been more like that and she ended up a tradwife somehow. In the end everything is just self insert pandering to make your ideal come true. Even if it's against the lore.
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I could tap on his head like a little bongo
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Kys RN
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She pisses me off. I thought I'd like her but she's so fucking annoying. Fuck this, fuck that, fuck, fuck, fuck me so horny long time, fuck, fuck, rawr, sucky, sucky ten dolla, soldja boy. Holy shit she's cringe.
based and correct
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>Ugly female MC
>Hates Karlach
I've been saying this. He is so attractive, his hair is cute, his outfit is dramatic in a good way, his personality is compelling, his romance is touching, his voice is sexy. And that thing he does when he giggles makes me feel good ngl
and when I saw the VA and his nasty little fingernails I was like OOOOOOOOH it all makes sense now
post your in game shots of karlach now
Has anyone modded their character to be Gort for this screenshot? Surely its been done, right?
Beheaded right
>20 minutes for this mediocre response
The sisters are falling off
I was busy
*falling onto dicks
>He has no feelings and will never have any. His Ascendant thoughts that you are trash beneath him are his real thoughts about you. There is no "I can fix him", he's broken so badly he's no longer broken.
seems like someone is lacking in media literacy
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Uh oh it pulled out the twitreddit buzzwords. How can anon possibly recover
how else can you respond to such a blatantly wrong statement
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I'm a psychiatrist specializing in rape victims.
Dreads yucky
I think you have a new wife every day.
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>Bring up beta shit
Damn, thats sad
Welch my xueen
your point? its blatantly established in the in game text that the ritual changes him into a worse version of himself
have you even played the game? do you even know what character development is?
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ever since I started posting here, twitter recommends me the "Mossad" tag...
Astarion haters yes
>the ritual changes him into a worse version of himself
It's still him, those are still his thoughts, he always had those thoughts about you, when he gains power he just realizes those thoughts and you get the chance to feel what they are, you are nothing to him baby
>It's still him, those are still his thoughts
again, do you not know what character development is? have you never interacted with a human being for more than a day before?
>he always had those thoughts about you
>when he gains power he just realizes those thoughts
>you are nothing to him baby
source that tav/durge is nothing to Spawn Astarion?
It’s just a gay Astarion troll. Don’t bother!
post less twitter images of astarion and actually play the game
>actually play the game
in game text already supports that the ritual changes his character

this is the correct answer
>t. lorelet and didn't play the game
support your claim with in-game evidence and not 15 year old monster manuals
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You will never stop my love for Astarion
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I'm doing an honor mode run with some friends soon after not playing for months, what's the best build for a super retard who doesn't read
12 Fighter
Stop playing game if you don’t like to read
no thanks
Still alive, so... that's progress.
She’s non binary? Cringe
Fighter 12. Paladin 12. Cleric 12. Any subclass you fancy.
These are strong and valuable in any team comp.
It's honestly impossible to fuck up these single classes unless you purposely dump your primary stat and pick 3 (4) useless feats.
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bitch cheated on my in my previous life, now she gets what she deserves
how dare you repost my screenshot for this shitpost
Alas, he lacks decorum.
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Currently in Act 3, and I don't know what to do in the 'explosive toys' questline.

Do I just full-retard on the place or what?
>Do I just full-retard on the place or what?
Yep. There's no real conclusion to it
Oh officer~
What's the strongest Magic Melee/Gish build?
Bardadin? Sorcadin? Palock? Paleric? Lockadin? EK?
Seconding cleric
Be a life cleric, get hellrider's pride then just heal with your aoes
Use the turns you aren't healing for throwing consumables, bombs, debuffs or phalar aluve
I don’t know the strongest but the funnest for me was paladin swords bard.
You have to STOP asking these questions and START playing.
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I'm soooo very close...
It was worth it because I changed my mind 20 times already.
You have a 90% accuracy when spotting me.
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Luv me city
Luv me Eilistraee
Luv me armor
Luv me shield
Luv me mace
Luv me spells
but most of all
Luv me wife, Minthara.

Simple as.
I think that Eilistraee's name is a disservice to her church. I mean, 3 vowels in a row? Who's going to memorize that? "Shar" on the other hand is so much simpler, elegant. I'd rather worship a goddess whose name I can remember.
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Which one? I can't decide
Top and less intensity on eye makeup
Definitely bottom
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>[Oath of Devotion] *Recite the words of your Oath.*
>Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.
>Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
>Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
>Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
>Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
Theo has good delivery? Check his spell lines and in my name, etc. The writing is just meh.
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>Playing bad guy run
It's hard for me to do this shit knowing what I do about these characters but I gotta be edgy this time
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What opinions have you had pre-release do you not hold now?
>Halsin is a bro, I'm going to take him to endgame.
>Shadowheart is so cute and pure, I'm gonna romance her
>It's hard for me
It makes me hard too.
Slutty lizard
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>I don't care about Lae'zel
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I wish you didn't brainwash your romance partner in the Absolute ending or at least had the choice not to brainwash them. In their own evil endings they are cool with taking control and some evil endings are actually good endings like Lae'zels. Why must I brainwash my wife?
Fighter Champion is literally designed for retards.
>No spells
>No active features except those from base Fighter
This come at the cost of being comically linear, dull and honestly very outclassed, but it's still viable.
If you're willing to read at least a tiny bit, Fighter Battlemaster, Fighter EK, any kind of Barbarian or Monk Open Hand will all serve you better while also being more fun.
As the other said, if you want to play a caster Cleric is probably the simplest to build, but you need to read all the spells.
you don't brainwash minthara
I feel like it's so rare when maneuver checks succeed that I've actually considered having Lae'zel go champion instead. There's obviously the effects where there's nothing to fail and extra damage when doing those maneuvers, but only those compared to more crits isn't as clear cut
Killed her in my dream and it was so good. Should propably kill her in my game too. Frog is ugly bitch. Karlach rules.
astarion and minthara will want to rule with you. the others don't want to stay around. if you don't mindcontrol them, they'll run away from the city when you let them go
>This come at the cost of being comically linear, dull
>and honestly very outclassed
You just have to go all-in on crit fishing, ideally you reach over 50% chance to crit (with Advantage), so that you fully benefit from Champion and having 3 APR. Then, find a nasty effect that procs on crits. Flat damage from Sharpshooter/GWM doesn't double on crits, so the only way to justify Champion is to get utility from crits, the damage increase is negligible.
Why is Minthara so liked by trans lesbians?
Laezel should be able to turn full illithid if we have the orphic hammer.
Orpheus gets squidded because he clearly wants to NTR you if you romance Frog and when he fails in the post story party Frog reveals he's seething (but still tries to keep you both on his side). It's better to put him out of his misery and take his dragon for yourself.
The weave.
The crown.
Fighter really just isn't the class that benefits the most from crit fishing. If you're only taking a few levels before switching to paladin or rogue or something, champion is likely the best choice. Otherwise you might be able to justify it if you fish up every other possible source of extra damage dice, but that's about it
Orpheus and Voss are gay lovers
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Orpheus telling me I should have acted with nobility to let his guards kill me has prevented me from ever going squid for him. I'd hate to make a hypocrite out of him.
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Voss is cool, Orpheus must die.

I always stab him. Suffer not a rival.
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I don't kill him because I want to fuck Lae'zel. I just don't want to leave a mind flayer around
I kill him after he turns into a squid because he's creepy otherwise.
In this world of microtransactions I'm really glad companies like Larian exist.
Fuck am I looking at?
Just your regular microtransactions. Nothing too serious but a blight on the game industry.
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Where are the extensive defeat prison rape mechanic mods?
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Give loverslab enough time and they'll make it now that mod tools are unlocked
Mommy issues

i hope someone adds a corruption meter. shart just keeps losing to these heckin slimes.
Do you have any extra lines if you debrainwash shart as shar worshipper yourself?
>shar worshipper yourself
Play the game
that was in ea but it got cut. you can mod it back in though. there are still quite a few lines in there that go all the way into act 3
Shex with Shart
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Why isn't black hair actually black?
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>you should eat the bugs
what did astarion mean by that
Patch 8 waiting room
He means that his 13 WIS score was a mistake, and that you should dump it to 3 with a mod.
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A recurring theme of Asty and Minthy is that if you wave some power in front of them, they lose their wisdom and want it. But they realize their mistake. Astarion can eventually decide agaisnt tadpoles and declines them if you remind him where they come from and what they do to you, and when you're given the astral tadpole he has a few interesting lines about it that I thought were well done.
Blud thinks that his favorite miniboss has a story
Manthara has no theme you fucking idiot, shes just a hireling with less character than Wyll.
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>lae'zel offers the most wise counsel despite her young age
i have not finished my shitty tome goolock pt yet that i started on release because life so im just scouting options for when i finish it somewhere this week
>wyllGODS don't exi-ACK!
sex with gnomes, dwarves and halflings (female)
Minthara is literally wisest character in the game.
She's not. She's actually very dumb. Halsin and Jaheira are mechanically wiser
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but she's old
But Mintharafag said she is, so its true.
Lazy is loyal and good. When did Lazy ever do a bad thing?
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Being an ugly frog is more than enough for me to kill that disgusting bitch. Karlach is the real mommy.
Shadowheart is also cute and lo-PFFT HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA
Stopped reading there.
How can a question burn in your belly? Did Lae'zel eat the question?
Astarion was designed to appeal to women not gay men, you guys got gale and selfinsert
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Nani the fuck?
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Seethe lol
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Lazy is consistently correct in her advice on who to kill. She wants to kill people who offer you compromising deals, because she believes in relying upon your own strength. She recommends killing Ethel, Raphael, Cazzador, and Gut for these reasons, and she is correct to make these recommendations. I actually really like Lazy's advice throughout the game, at least after she stops saying to go to the creche to get purified lol. But that wasn't her fault, she was raised in boot camp to think that was correct. Besides that, Lazy is very wise and is a good judge of character.

Minthara is very wise regarding people and their motivations. You can ask her about each of the companions in camp and she always says something insightful. She has a low Int and low Wis score, but the character sheet doesn't always tell the whole story, and she obviously gets people even if she's not very wise or smart in the general sense. She's been around a long time and has a backstory that involved constant lies and danger and assassination attempts, so it does stand to reason she had to develop a read on people around her.

Astarion "gets" people in a similar way, because it's been his job for hundreds of years to manipulate people and seduce them. This will give you a similar skillset regarding reading people, but for a different reason as Minthy. But when he uses those skills on you, it comes across as a bit obvious, which I think is the first sign that he's practiced it, but under conditions that were favorable to him. For example, his skillset includes determining people and then targeting people who are susceptible. When he's thrown into a situation where he can't choose his victim, and he's going after Tav due to the circumstance, it's kind of obvious.

There's actually a ton of the character's backstories in how they act, and you can see it show up in their behavior all the time, even subtle ones like the Asty example. It's very good writing.
Astarion is like a stereotypical dandy with his not-gay affect and mannerisms. I'm not sure which gender that's supposed to attract, because we're not English people living in the late 18th. Honestly, it feels more like they took a gamble, and it paid off.
What gamble? You couldn't make a safer female-bait
If your job were to write safe "female-bait," you'd land on Astarion? All of him? You wouldn't make him darker and more broody? Less pathetic? Less prone to *stomp* childish *stomp* tantrums *stomp*?
when does astarion throw "childish tantrums"?
Minthara is a fucking moron and you don't have to be a genius to know that 99% of the party is insecure.
It's hilarious
Ascended Astarion is supposed to be a loser. That's why kicking him in the balls or stabbing him is so funny. That's the whole point of that character path. He's dark and broody enough as it is
he literally was in great pain and mortal danger. how is that throwing a tantrum?
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Yes, I would.
Minthara has 5 lines of dialogues I don't know how you can feel bad about her
Tav is a genius.
Mintharafag is talking
Listen and learn.
Some retards are trying to make this hireling some really complex character which she clearly isnt.
Surely you haven't been the real Mintharafag all this time, since 2023? I feel betrayed
Most of their favorite things about her are probably headcanons or cut content lol
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Good post, Mintharascholar. Most people here are deeply afraid of acknowledging good character writing. In doing so, they might have to consciously admit the game is not so bad.
How many were actually here in 2023? There were at least 20 a day, I think
Anyone tried Artificer? How does it compare to a ranged Bard?
what mods do you recommend for a 3rd playthrough? specifically a 3rd playthrough
I am them, sometimes. Heavy is the head that wears the crown of the best poster of /bgg/
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>one too many speed potions
I'm literally in love with Lae'zel.
Fair enough lol. I do wonder if you were any/all of the infamous posters too, but I won't pry.
Literally Love Lae'zel.
Well, before playing the game i didn't know that Minthara is trans, so yeah it really did for me.
Minthara's Vincke is bigger than Wyll's
That was also unexpected.
Why can't any character choose a God? It's not enough for me to just pretend it's a part of my background. Saying that, I always play a durge, so maybe it doesn't matter.
Speaking of subverted expectations, I kinda hate it how fucking obvious they made astarions vampirism. Imagine if it was revealed by the time you reach Baldur's gate, since it's easy pickings for him to feed off.
>no companion cleric of a good god
>no companion paladin of devotion
>no sorc/bard/monk companion
Minthara is barely a Paladin ffs
it's okay because she's hot
Swen Vincke:"Yeah, Minthara is actually trans, but we kinda forgot to give her dick. John told me that he will correct that in the next patch. Also I can assure you that there will be much bigger conflict between Minthara and Halsin. John is the writer of that and I think it will make people really happy."
Come to think of it, I cannot help but wonder why default companion builds are so unoptimized. I mean they're made by the developers who worked with playtesters for a long time. How on earth did 4 example Shart's stats slip through the beta?
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You have no idea how annoying Lawful Autist Paladins can get. Why the fuck would you want a holier-than-thou Paladin to lecture you about right and wrong?
John is Larian's GRRM we're so lucky to have him
it doesn't make sense for minthara to be trans, drow society is very transphobic and her fate would have been very different if she was born a man.
Sounds like you got some expectations subverted :^)
Enjoy yourtrickery cleric.
Okay I'm off to my 3rd or 4th honor run, wish me luck. Haven't even left act 1 yet. Any class recommendations?
There's nothing unusual about a cleric of an evil deity, and paladins take an oath instead of being religious these days and Minthara is an oath of vengeance paladin. Her motivation is vengeance against Orin, so it checks out.

I think everyone's classes fit fine.

Although there's no bard. It's nice to have a bard. Maybe Alfira could have joined us, in an alternate timeline. Volo is a wizard but he's also basically a bard, that would have been cool.
It doesn’t make sense to keep running this meme into the ground, especially since it was never funny to begin with but hey, a post is a post.
Sounds like what your expectations for drows and drow society have been subverted. Its just good writing.
Try modded classes.
Never played it, but bard seems like a good choice for Tav. They're a charismatic jack of all trades afterall.
Holy gets. Minthara is still a terrible character
>played Tav after Durge
This was a mistake.
I don't mod my games anymore.
At that point guess it makes more sense to pick an origin character.
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greetings from /hsrg/, does your game have any loli?
I think that Mintharafag is trans. It makes so much sense.
Kill yourself
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- from /lolg/.
I think theyre a dumfuk jannie trannie
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So, can someone help me here? Do I delete the third party BG3 Mod Manager now since we have the native version?
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I will fix my mods... soon...
wasted on a redditspacer namefag. oi vey.
We do but they look like gremlins
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No. The waifus are aged 22-222+.
No the native one doesn't support most of the important ones and it will definitely not support mods used with the jailbreaked modtools
Was Minthara's mother raped by goblins?
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Sure, fully legal tho.
but be prepared, Mol needs to be corrected a lot
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nice numbers bwo
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>[Cleric of Lathander] *Recite the tenets of Lathander.*
>Watch each sunrise. Each day is a gift.
>Always aid. Strive always to aid, cultivate, inspire, and support all living things.
>Bring hope. Wherever you go, plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a brighter future in the minds of all.
>Nurture life. It is your sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture living things, and beget rebirth and renewal. Revere the cycle of life and death.
>Perfect oneself. Promote the betterment of yourself and those around you. Encourage creativity, artistry, and innovation.
>Illuminate darkness. Shine bright and true on those who dwell in darkness, and bring those who are lost back to the light.
>Abhor evil. Be intolerant of evil; beware inaction that causes evil to prosper. Destroy undeath wherever it is found, for it is the antithesis of growth.
>Rules are secondary. Place more importance in actions that help others than in strict adherence to rules, rituals, and the dictates of your seniors.
where are you getting these from? u writing them urself?
you again, begone
How come Mintharafag gets sextets but I can't even get a dub?
Because you have to sacrifice your virginity
complaining bout spacing is kind of reddit
OoD one is from roll20. That one is from dmacademy reddit
You know
8 tenets? I prefer my oath. It's more concise.
>paladins take an oath instead of being religious
So retarded
Of all the people to get digits on /vg/...
Of all the people in /bgg/...
Of all the waifufags...
i wish there was one for every oath and deity. they're fun to read
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Be a good person
Envy is a deadly sin.
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She's more Oath of the Crown but her liege is OoDpilled so it evens out.
Good morning. I love my husband Astarion.
big words too scary for paladin
Devotion is just a great moral code and the pinnacle of a perfect man. Shame there's no cool winged helmet in the game
He's mine.
What are these "important mods"?
5E is the tranny edition.
What is PF2E?
Wouldnt you like to know?
I've already claimed him. We are married.
I mean yeah I'm trying out mods for the first time I'd like an onboarding recommendation if you don't mind
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Really Shadowheart. 11524. Our relic.
Appearance Edit Enhanced
Transmog Appearance
Female voice conversions for the males so you can romance them
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I wanna fuck this elf twink so bad bros
Not for long.
I want to kill every gith. I hate them.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Is that a threat?
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I love this vampire.
I want to fuck every gith. I love them.
>cast sleep on shafowheart
>she starts having funny dreams
OK, frogfucker.
Damn right it is.
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Bulette food as all the spawns.
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I love this human.
That's quite sad. We're in love, why spoil that? He's very happy with me. If you really loved him you'd let him go.
He's durge's bitch. Deal with it.
Fine. Have him then. Enjoy.
Technically, I could be Astarion's brother in law.
Is going for Auntie Ethel at level 4 a good idea? I don't remember.
So where's the Sex With Arabella mod?
Oak father preserve us all.
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Sex with this gnome in particular
How does anyone beat this game when you're guaranteed to die in Act 1? Is savescumming really supposed to the standard?
Even if I wanted to build a crit fisher, I wouldn't run a full Fighter, just a 3 or 4 dip to get the increased range, then Barbarian 8 or 9 or maybe stop at Barbarian 5 and grab some Thief for BA abuse. Even GOOlock might be fun for the fear on crit. But honestly BM gives so much more than just an increased crit range that I'd never pick Champion.
It's what I'm saying. I've gone to the Mountain Pass, Underdark, both ends with me being wiped out because I can't roll righter than 5 but they never roll lower than 17.
>evil run
>let shart decide what to do with aylin instead of pressuring her into murder
>she let's her live (I knew this would happen)
I'll never get to experience Sharshart....
At least she'll look better in act 3
Wiped by what? Sounds like a skill issue anyway
Honor mode? I'd wait for level 5 for bonus attacks on martials
Other modes? Sure, she's a pushover, just make sure you have some way to clear out the illusions quickly (high accuracy ranged attacks, or even better magic missile - careful with the latter in honor mode)
That shouldn't be happening. Are you multiclassing every level or some retarded shit?
Yeah I'm on honor mode. Guess I'll try cheesing her somehow.
Did it yesterday (custom mode playing with Honor rules but no permadeath), it was tense but doable, had no downed characters. If you're in proper Honor I'd wait for 5.
Bardy bard bard
Nice gets
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This game made my AGP so much worse
Enemy mobs. Drow, Spectator, Gnolls, Goblins, etc.

No! And if I were, how would that influence rolling a 4 or less for everything attack or save?
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Sure. The discussion wasn't about optimizing crit fishing, though (in which case, 3 levels in Champion is enough). It was about trying to salvage a turn-your-brain-off Champion 12 character. It can be *decent* with the right itemization.
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sixs of truth
greetings from akg
You're playing modded? Savescum. Vanilla? Skill issue.
You're meant to roll a D20 anon not a D6
Unfortunately no one has made a nude mod for the tiefling lolis yet.
I'm playing Balanced difficulty. I don't savescum, except for when I lose all of my characters. I'm also entirely unmodded. I can't get passed Mountain Pass because the first encounter I have kills all my characters, and if I go Underdark the Spectator kills all my characters.

I am!
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Oh no...
don't go into fights underleveled. finish quests for free exp. Use Astarion since he can easily escape battles and revive at camp if thing get messy
Women were a mistake
You were
No, but...why can they vote?
Spectator is a hard fight that you should delay. Gnolls can be hard too if you're underlevelled and/or don't use your tadpole on Flind. The others should not be a problem (unless with Drow you mean Nere? In that case there is also a way to have half of the dwarves fight for you). You should also get the Warhorn from the Ogres in the Blighted Village - that can make several fights much easier.
Lastly goblins - I don't see how they can be a problem unless you start a fight while standing in the middle of 20 of them
I'd personally save chad durge.
You meet Astarion's VA in the elevator

what do you ask him?
He's not Astarion, so who cares?
ask him if he's in the next RE game
you meet Astarion in the elevator

what do?
Wyll is innocent.
You wouldn't think it, but I'm actually a spawnfag.
47 + 33 + 21 = ???
Rigged poll.
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How do I look fellas? Ignore the shit quality
>Use Astarion
I killed him when he tried to succ me. One of my few nat 20s.
you look like you love bombing
Why are you playing as a man?
You deserve all the 1's you roll from now on.
Wanna play DnD?
Not bad.
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Sigh which color is dark but not Muslim dark
nice cock
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Fish playthrough
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What did the game mean by this
Half elves can't fall asleep.
your beard looks like shit
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Anon post your cute Tav
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I blew the horn, they didn't show up, yet they still want to collect payment
that's anon's wife
Can't take any screenshots, not been able to play for a while sadly. Fucking sucks.
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Oh, I...I meant nothing by it! My sincerest apologies.
Based get for a based anon. Keep Minthy Love up bro.
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You know he was originally Shadowheartfag but betrayed her and after badgering finally switched his name to Mintharafag? His love changes like the breeze
No I didn't know that... I wasn't here for a long time but I remember Shadowheartfag... that sours it a little
I love Karlach
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They really need to do something about aggression logic in this game
I just finished the moonrise battle (and didn't quicksave fast enough after) and some dumb bitch slipped over in the grease I left so now all of my allies are attacking me
New to this game, who's the most reddit character so I can avoid it.
I was the one who made him change it, among others. The straw that broke the camel's back. For me? I will always love my wifeoos (my Tavs), that will never change. My little dollies are my everything.
this get goes very hard
love from /wowg/
I hate elves so much it's unreal
Returning player here, I've read they patched the high elf bonus cantrip to scale with your class spell modifier, but on character creation my high elf druid still use INT for the cantrip, have I been lied to?
Shadowheart and Halsin are the only ones that are explicitly reddit coded
Karlach is pretty reddit
We all know why he switched sides.
Nah. Mintharafag doesn't care about being cucked. It was something else
The great shadowsimp mind breakening of yesteryear
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My girls are too big for my steam...I can't launch any games...
He copy pasted his wall of cope every single thread. He definitely cared lol. Shadowheartfag was even more obnoxious than Mantharafag
>the first character to get unique modded cutscenes was fucking wyll
Sex with
Mol and Mizora
Brynna, after asking her if that's really what she wants.
>no dwarf companion
>no bard companion
>no sazza companion
>no horc companion
>no sorc companion
>no halfling companion
>no gnome companion
>2 druids and 5 knife ears tho
But reddit hecking loves halsin
It's Mass Effect all over again :,(
>Hey look at that huge galaxy with many, many cool races
>here are your 5 human companions btw
Can you leave summons at the camp? I wanna play a party built around summons but going around with an army might be bothersome
Garrus my fave, love him
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Based Karlach hater
jaheira at least shouldve been druid/ranger split with her harper work for few scores by then
Some people on this blue planet voiced and wrote halsin and think that they deserve human rights
Shoulda had john work on a halfling Volo as a companion instead of halsin
This perfect thank you I love you
So are people ever going to start porting mods into the ingame mod manager or what? I was kind of hoping people would do that with gusto but there's hardly anything in there
Is there a problem with it or something?
>with gusto
Shut up
With haste
With speed
With vigor
With vim
Not sure if this Is a known bug, a rule change from the tabletop or if I'm doing it wrong, but I'll try asking.
I'm currently level 4, 2 Warlock 2 Bard, therefore I have 2 level 1 pact magic slots and 3 regular level 1 spell slots. In the tabletop I'm free to choose wich one of those 5 spells slots to use when casting any of my spells, regardless if they're Warlock or Bard ones. However, in BG3 I can only use pact magic slots to cast Warlock spells, and normal slots to cast Bard spells. I can't seem to cast Bard spells using my Pact Magic spell slots, wich sucks because I'd want to consume those first since they recharge on short rests. Is this supposed to happen or am I doing something wrong?
Theres not an option to switch it on the skill bar after you select it? Like, click the spell you want yo use and the skill window should change amd give you other casting options and stuff for like if you want to upcast. The should be seperate spell icons on there, one with a blue spell slot square for the bard and one with a purple spell slot square for the warlock. Think it also shows what your prim atr for that action is on that selected skill window thing.
I made it work by going Paladin Durge with the mod that lets paladin choose a deity. That way my Durge can believe in Selunite teachings but gets power from their oath. Also gives them a reason to not judge SH harshly for being a Sharran since they've killed countless people with the urge.
Thats really gay
Is lvl 3 (on tactitian) too early to go get Karlach? She gets tons approval from grove stuff.
I just beeline to her, there's no reason not to.
If you want to romance her (for the cheevo) you should go for her ASAP.
if toure worried about fight you can just jump over to her from where you find scratch and not have to fight the gnolls. The fake paladins are def doable at level 3, but I think you can just get her and do that whenever you get around to it.
>slaughter the grove
>still get to choose this dialogue
Can you also not use the slots for other spells when you click on the spell slot directly?
Wise forg
Grove is full of thieving children and dr*ids so that line still makes sense.
The player character is by nature schizophrenic; they can be a perfectly moral entity, or a monster, from moment to moment.
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>With vim
At least use neovim.
Jumped to her after Zevlor opened that bloody gate. You can delay the "paladin" fight.
If you're going to play as a good guy, you'll get close to max approval towards the end of act 1 anyway, so it does not really matter in that case. But you can go get her without any fights after the initial grove fight
If I click on the warlock spell slots directly, all my level 1 spells show up, both Warlock and Bard (as they should), but whenever I cast Healing Word (Bard spell) it forces me to use a Bard slot. Once I'm completely run dry of Bard slots, it allows me to cast them using my Warlock slots, wich is basically the opposite of what I want to do.
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How would Larian have character assassinated her?
Literally who?
She would have joined bhaal and Sarevok and would turn out to be Durge's mom
NTRs protagonist by having sex with Jaheira shapeshifted into a dog
I would literally give a leg to have Imoen in and romanceable.
Can druids wild shape into an animal of the opposite sex? Asking for a friend haha
Fixated on the past, much like this game.
I haven't even played BG1 properly. I quit at the mines. I just love sisterwifes.
Total gen Z death
I genuinely believe that anyone ITT would have written halsin better than john
I would not have done a better job. Not saying his version is good, just my brain looks like swiss cheese from all the drugs I’ve done in Vietnam.
Halsin could write a better Halsin
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Draw Shadowheart with her
can you draw Cazador licking Astarion's face witha dead Tav in the background
I believe in you nonny
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Would you guys still play the mods if there was no voice acting in it?

Can’t believe it came out so fast.
would you if they had AI voices?
Halsin loves nature! :) and um...he hates cities >:(
How'd I do?
I would
AI gets all the wokies mad though.
Nah. Id rather have no dialogue than AI dialogue. Outside of hiring VAs that sound like them, im good with animal crossing pitched tones to simulate speaking.
I don't need voiceovers because I know how to read.
I already do.
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She's a special case of half-human.
I would play a Descent into Avernus mod even if every NPC including females were voiced by AI version of Donald Trump
What does she dream about when she’s sleepy?
You're so unique and special namefag
1-1-5-2-4...my real Shadowheart...my really really Shadowheart...
Why Rion has a drow armor?
Druid milkers
Now just make him stick to other basic druid tenants like not liking mindflayers and vamps and youll already be significantly better at writing than John
He will hatefuck vampires to death!
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why is my entire team chuds
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Good afternoon /bgg/
How many Waifus, Husbandos do we have today?
How much Love & Harmony we'll have tomorrow?
why didn't Astarion know that vampire spawns are slaves and let himself be bitten? Everyone else seems to know that. ls he stupid?
generic british woman voice
The thread is saved! Love & Harmony always prevail
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I'm sick of memes excluding wyll
I'm not sure if Cazador spilled the whole deal to him, as in
>I'm going to turn you into a vampire spawn to save you
but rather promised him eternal life and Astarion took it.

Then again, entirely possible that Astarion simply agreed to it because he was desperate and didn't think things through, if you lie on the ground and are bleeding out, you might not be thinking clearly.
Not thinking things through honestly fits Astarion.
No one replied...
do mods disable achievements?
Because you are retarded
Today is slower than usual, which is good. We need to go back to those comfy 40-hour threads.
I dont like it. I want my poster monkeys to entertain me at full speed 24/7
Why did the owlbear cub cross the road?
Halsin was chasing him?
Because it noticed that halsin was behind it
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Astarion became a father everyone
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What are the twins' names?
My net got DC'd, almost thought I lost you sisters...
Asta & Rion

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