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We're so back Edition

Previous retardation:>>494674028

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, and Abiotic Factor.

>Latest News/Updates:

Crafting rework info


Earth Defense Force 6

Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.100


Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
congrats shitters, you made the game easier and cheated yourself out of an enjoyable experience
>bolt pistol with Surgical 4 available for Melkies
This thing gonna be not shit with the buff? It looks like it's getting some nice changes, but I'm honestly not sure they'll save it.
So game is fun now?
But its harder now
>This thing gonna be not shit with the buff?
they said they were gonna rare the minimum score for the weapons/curios so they have higher modifiers
>can now hold the line with a good team instead of constantly running and kiting
>even reasonable to run zero support weapon builds
My only (1) complaint with the game currently is there's no fucking saved loadouts. There's too much I want to use.
raise** ffs
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Post your last game's scoreboard.

I like how much of a sniper I feel like with the Helbore. I still want to try the MKIII more, but I used the bayonet so much this game on Ragers and Mutants. It's hard to live without the stab and I had a hard enough time with it.
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so since we're allowed to talk about games other than darktide now, when is the next /copeg/ BG3 session? we only got to the first part of act 2 before the group fell apart... can it be reborn?
I'd be down to join if you can get some others, I don't wanna play a duo session
The helbore ironsights make me want to hurt myself just so I'm in control of when the pain stops.
>do one melee attack
>get hit 10 times
>get hit 20 times
>armor is fucking useless
>health regain on hit does nothing

why is my reject stronger than my spess marine
weapon customization really helps with helbore and the other snipers. they all suck so hard
This is dark tide general sar, no other games for bloody sake!
reject is named and blessed by the god emperor, spess marine is generic and condemned by his most holy inquisition
cause players have been overbufed to shit and are about to get another round of all around buffs
the emperor's grungiest hobos fight His toughest battles and need the most help
Is helldivers back?
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Reposting the last /coopg/ squad's scoreboard from a few threads ago
>spoiler, everyone sucks
Yep, and darksissies are seething, look at >>494952947
They unironically fixed everything.
>Powersword gets deserved nerf
>community outcry, they insist everything else should be on the old powerswords level instead, "nerfs arent fun in a pve game"
>Fatshark notes this
>next patch will buff the plasma, psykers, dueling swords and nerf zealots and ogryns
>this is /copeg/'s strongest rejects
GRIM... but still stronger than SM2 marines kek
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I'll join this weekend if you let me run around and do my own thing when I want

I hate fags who force the group to stick on eachother's ass the entire playthrough
is this AI slop revenge for me making fun of the animu posting days ago?
That mod made me crash every 2 games so I gave up on it.
so Space Marine 2 has been fun, but there's really just not enough content. I enjoyed Vermintide, is Darktide worth the pickup? Is there more content than SM2 has?
Wait until the 26th
Psyker-chan, you're cute and all... but uh... we need to feed you to the emperor.
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I could prob get a friend to join that'll gets us to 3. I'd prefer to play with people from this gen, cuz the BG general is packed with control freaks and weirdos
Do what you want but at least help us with the bigger battles and what not. All the smaller side quests and build editing you can do at your own leizure, we can figure out if we wanna do "good" or "bad" choices ingame, idc what path we do
check back this weekend, if you're still down and have a lobby going I'll join o7
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It's vermintide in space (rusted corridors) so if you like one you'll like the other. Wait until the 26th though.
>No pointed hoods for zealot
is bane supposed to be the plague orgyn?
What are you talking about? I didn't see any zealot nerfs besides Swift Certainty getting a slap.
ogryn is literal braindead nigger tier easy, any nerf it gets won't make it any worse lmao
I read this as
>spess marine are a generic condom used by his most holy inquisition
The Bruiser nerf is like "why did you even bother" tier t b h
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It seems like coopdivers truly fucking won. I kneel.

>*POV of you sucking my cock*
they made the scythe actually sound like a laser gun
darktide lost
I kind of have that same problem too. I do a lot of guess shooting lol.
12 revives, very nice. /coopg/ players willing to play with each other are cute!
>play zealot for the first time in months
>go super fast
> get ahead because my sense of distance is messed up
>slide right into a trapper
And then I go back to vet where everything is just slower and I feel more in control. Zealot feels like an ADHD machine.
any rat clickers or pox clickers in the house tonight? I wanna play with copers
NA btw
most cohp-gee users are EU and are pretty much all asleep, don't hold your breath
>shit tide is leaving gamepass
well, the endless tormenting people for a dollar a month was good, but all good things come to an end
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Retard. nigger and retard.
FUCK yes, the ruthless barrel shooting in aurics WILL continue
only if you join my aurics
Hey I heard Helldivers is fun now let's reinst-
>80 Go
Crafting update when?
right now
just a week away!
Trying to get into this Payday 3 shite because shooting cops and robbing banks sounds fun and its on sale. But what the fuck is with the DLCs? is this a paradox interactives game? Is there some way to just get them for free like dragging files into a folder or something?
8/9 days, depending on your timezone
The chapter DLCs are bundles. The list is bloated since they made it so you can buy each component of a chapter individually.
Only the weapon packs and the heists are worth anything but honestly the heists in 3 are total dogshit. You should just buy Payday 2 and use creamapi for the dlc.
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love me voidstike
Thanks, my buddies all want to get into 3, so I'll give this a go and see if I like it enough to get into 2 later, since I heard from everyone that it's an older but way better game.
Though, if I were to get any of the DLCs in 3, which of them are recommended?
Just go with the base game to start. They've added a handful of free heists since launch. It should be enough to let you decide if the DLC heists are worth it for you. They aren't anything groundbreaking, just more of the base game. None of the DLC weapons are meta defining so you can just get the ones that look fun.
Well done sibling. Voidstrike is so fun. What blessings do you like? I can't tell if I like Warp Nexus plus Surge or if I want the one that decreases peril on headshot.
Well done sibling, thats the way!
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>it's the class's fault I can't pace myself
Look at this fucking nerd who doesn't wanna go fast.
Am I schizo or did someone say there's a new build planner for Darktide
I'm not a schizo
Real schizo hours in /coopg/
Why am I talking to myself in MY /coopg/ thread
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A humble OC peddler here. Sometimes if I'm feeling really autistic I'll do this gag over voicechat in the game when playing as an Ogryn.
I have two personalities: schizo and average /coopg/ anon
I should stay out of my aurics...
Warp nexus and flurry all day every day
The problem with surge is that if you're going to critical hit, anything outside of an ogryn is already dead. That second shot is a complete waste on the vast majority of the enemy roster.
>almost a week until battle psyker

finna fuck this game up
anyone want to play darktide?
I wanna play darktide
I just got done playing for the day. I'll probably play a little tomorrow or on Thursday.
im only lvl 17, can i invite you?
I can't I'm creating my character for our new D&D campain, true strike is my favorite cantrip now
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oh no, more than one weapon is viable, the humanity!
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Ogryns like this look way cooler than the mildly-handsome-normal-human-with-beard ogryn faces we got
Yeah I'm not sure why the ogryns we have are so wholesomechungusified
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needs more ugly ass ogre options in darktide
Yeah, you should send them a picture of YOUR FACE lmao gottem etc
I miss the old outcast engi
Bombs are fucking gay.
I love the changes outside the bombs
so when will /tfwg/ be a thing?
you saw that joke on /v/eddit? you should go back
>I'm too morally superior to go to other boards
no you're not
How does a laser gun sound like IRL though?
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taking a small break before crafting or i would
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Surely next week when the crafting update comes this thread will move faster than /hdg/
What changed? VT2 actually got updated?
Upgrade your computer third worlder. 1TB SSDs and 4GB HDDs are dirt cheap now.
Didn't know they still make them today.
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it's because I have so many better games installed
My guess is "The Forever Winter general" but that doesn't make sense since most people said the game was turboCACA after trying it on early access
That feel when girlfriend. He's telling us he finally duped some poor girl into his clutches. Everyone congratulate anon!
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was meant for
the game looks like total jank and it should have never transitioned from artbook to videogame
I'm playing vermintide and I kinda like it. I see that there is dlc with maps and weapons. Which ones should I get? Or should I get them at all?
I did some reasearch and people tell to get
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Back to Ubersreik
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Shadows Over Bögenhafen
but are confliced on
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Winds of Magic
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Forgotten Relics
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>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Winds of Magic
New sidemod no one sane plays
Highest difficulty but doesn't spare you from retards sometimes
Each class gets a new interesting weapon
Recently the cool weave (the sidemod) skins got unlocked for normal games

>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Forgotten Relics
New weapons, most are OP.
Saltz and Kruber's new weapons are the most interesting of the bunch
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Forgotten Relics
>New weapons, most are OP.

isn't this. ummm, pay2win?
not that much if you don't know how to dodge. It's just an easier weapon to learn like the torpedo hammer being a big delete button
I recently found out that the mace and sword exists. I've been playing this game on and off for a few years and now I realize that I never did engines of war with Kruber so the weapon never appeared.

Wait for a sale and get everything except the careers you don't want.
You can play for hundreds of hours and not finish learning the careers and weapons in the base game, so buying more of them when you aren't in 200 hours in doesn't make sense.
Buying the maps does, map variety is always good.
Winds of magic is a bit odd in that it only unlocks one map, but even then eh. Buy it on a sale.
Also I hope you didn't pay for the base game, they hand it our for free every now and then.
>I recently found out that the mace and sword exists

it never managed to click with me yet I see a ton of GK with it
For the DLCs honestly just wait for a sale. They happen every few months and everything goes 80% off.
It's not worth getting most of the DLCs because if it's a map DLC all that matters is that the host has the DLC. You don't need to have the DLC to quickplay into a lobby with the DLC map.

I don't recommend Winds of Magic because constantly playing on Cataclysm difficulty is only for the people who've been playing for a very long time, and most of the other stuff you get with Winds of Magic is kinda ass.

Out of all the DLCs I would only recommend the Forgotten Relics one because it actually gives you new stuff you otherwise cannot access.
>It's not worth getting most of the DLCs because if it's a map DLC all that matters is that the host has the DLC. You don't need to have the DLC to quickplay into a lobby with the DLC map.
but dont you also get new weapons?
the most interesting weapons are usually the ones from the Career DLCs anyway besides Wind's billhook
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>SM2 players have a feedback forum where they can vote for requests
>Saber says they even get fucking ADJUSTABLE HELMET LENSES
>didnt even take a month
not even us ratchads are this spoiled what the fuck?
If this shit was votable ogryns would have space marine armor and power axes and bolters and dragon shouts
I unironically trust fartshart more than the average retard
>I unironically trust fartshart
you deserve to get raped by smite psykers (male) till the end of times
>I unironically trust fartshart more than the average retard
This is where you fucked up son
the average retard screeched and whined when the power sword was nerfed
go ahead, tell me how the power sword killing every enemy in the game with just light spam without having to dodge or block or even just position or aim for heads was actually good for the game. The best part? m1 spam wasnt even its strongest attack pattern
people unironically want the entire game to be like this
Dueling sword zealot with dodge refresh? Yup, I'm FUCKING INVINCIBLE!
Just the sounds of internal machinery and nothing else. The US navy has a handful of them, you can go check on youtube.
Reality is often disappointing.
Yup, that blessing will kinda break the game.
swedish game studio PLEASE understand
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Steel Legion cosmetics on next rotation with the crafting update, TRUST THE PLAN.
>post about the nazi regiment with a brit post
>congrats gamers, you made the game fun and gave yourself an enjoyable experience
I don't care how the game is for you 300+ hour idiots, I'm not that pathetic. I just want to have fun progressing and blast bots and bugs to pieces.
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Really? How original. Youre just going to come on the internet and leave something like that out in the open for children to see? What if the fish got hurt on the hook? people like you are why bans exist
In retrospect yeah the guy who keeps acting like video games should be designed around 500 hour spergs is baiting
Which coop game do you like the most?
Is this thread dead?
Is everyone hanging out in the discord?
Is that you John Wayne?
Is this me?
more like poopg
I didn't touch HD2 because of the price. All the news I heard about things getting nerfed to hell and back to the point where the game was dying because and was no longer fun to play didn't help. I don't mind grinding for things but if none of the weapons available to play with are fun to use except "these very specific weapons only because muh meta" that kind of kills the fun.

I will probably try it out if it goes on sale during the Halloween or Christmas sale.
Fatshark should have made the krieg mask look more like this, wtf were they thinking
The chinamen who made it don't know anything about warhammer so there's zero quality control
>I didn't play this game but the frenzied mob chanting death to alexus over 3 nerfs told me it was the worst game ever
This is like talking yourself out of ever playing aurics because of the stories in these threads.
>le heckin chud scowl
This but with Darktide. When I saw the powersword nerfs I decided not to buy it
fatshark was thinking "I hate chuds" so they purposefully made the krieg skins ugly to "own the chuds"
this is obviously faggot lefist thinking, purposefully angering your target audience is a bad way to make sales, but they operate under the belief that people have to buy it anyways (due to communism brain rot)
give it 4 years, we'll get there
this is real, I came up with the idea (I own fatshark)
good, he should stay out of my aurics
and people did in fact buy it at a price up
your mistake is thinking people can tell it looks bad
Everyone really left for /hdg/
stop talking to yourself and bumping the thread for no reason then
yes, the people retarded enough to still be playing Darktide are also incapable of seeing how bad the skins are, but that's not very many people is it?
>4,000 players
I am playing with myself.
The crafting update will bring darktide to a new high.
I do that too a lot
>steady numbers every day for a year straight
>functional matchmaking
>gameplay is fun
could be worse
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Yeah, play with myself too
I've gotten Auric Examplar with a friend. Storm Survivor I'd want to have a 4 man team where everyone was firing on all cylinders.
Power sword still cleaves through shit well enough with the right blessings.
Could be Payday 3.
>played sm2 to death
>played helldivers to death
hop in the VC so we can play
>ritual poster is in tantan's server
so you were the one who killed helldivers
Joke on you, Darktide is already dead, and what it dead may never die.
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Sure bro. Post your FC so we can play. I will join your game
>steady numbers for a year
that is clearly a decline
I bet most of you are obeses.
>more content
Yes in terms of amount.
Yes in terms of being more properly tailored to repeat play unlike SM2 ops.
What do skins have to do with how good Darktide is? This sounds like a seething SM2fag
i'm a little too lean actually
How am I meant to reliably farm resources? Damnation is like retard roulette where the mission fails half the time, I haven't got any good gear either
I forgot whether Heresy or Damnation was the most efficient. I can't play without falling asleep unless I'm in Auric though.
the highest you can do successfully. regular damnation should be pretty easy
most petty retards are
Its a dishonest pic to begin with, its a 1y graph which is right when a patch peaked it. Do an all-time graph and you can see the game had two distinct peaks and otherwise just always has a steady ~4k chugging along
the point went over your head it seems
a shopclick tranny like yourself was arguing that people bought the krieg skins despite how shit they are
I showed the player numbers to make it clear that his statement is true under the context that few people are playing the game at all, meaning most people do see the skins, and the game entirely, as shit
despite laying this all out for you though, you’re going to make another retarded cope in defense of shopclick, and I will probably laugh at that cope post as well
thats so crazy what "most people" think but whats the relevance? why are you laying out popular opinion like anyone asked
I do not at all understand what the player count should have to do with seeing players using Krieg skins.
>showing an entire year of player decline is dishonest
how are shopclick players all so mentally ill?
so why show exactly 1 year instead of the whlle graph?
Because the whole graph would show that the game hasn't had a decline in playerbase since end of january 2023 which goes against his narrative
Incredible sunk cost fallacy, and/or gambling addictions
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This guy >>495054262
specifically asked what was fatshark thinking
cope and seethe ensued from shop click trannies

to say “people bought the skin” implies it made money or had some inherent value despite people’s groaning about the product being bad
the same can be said about the game Concord
people bought Concord
clearly, not enough people bought Concord, and the game is the biggest failure in gaming history now
so back to shopclick
only the small amount of people mentally stunted enough to still play shopclick would look at the krieg skins and think that’s worth their money
the overwhelming majority of gamers interested in the genre have moved on from shopclick to better games like HD2 and SM2, meaning most people agree the skins, and the game itself, are bad
to argue “people bought the krieg skins” is disingenuous in its suggestion that the skins are not dogshit
>specifically asked what was fatshark thinking
I'm not getting the leap in logic here, how does that to relate to what "most people" want out of a video game and why do I care about that?
>I don’t care that most people don’t like this shit, I happen to like shit
ok, cool
games that appeal to more people are better, enough said!
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Waow dude, you're so cool and hip!
>>I don’t care that most people don’t like this shit, I happen to like shit
I really, really don't care how many people like something I like, and I think you are mentally ill for caring
good for you bro
I have no problem with you liking trash
just stop trying to tell me its not
instead of being a weird little faggot about playercounts why don't you stop out a coward and post arguments for why you think Darktide is trash and I'm wrong to like playing it?
Games made by studios that are not incredibly incompetent are better. Unfortunately it seems most "big name" co-op games lately have been made by studios like that.
factually untrue statement
again, why are shopclick trannies so mentally ill?
Genuinely though, doing that event was nightmarish because it wasn't in Auric.
Wait so you unironically believe that a game is bad if it has less than an arbitrary amount of players on steamcharts? Damn
because I don't think you're wrong for playing it, I think the game is trash and statistics agree with me
I think a game is bad if it has drastically less players than its direct competitors and is steadily losing players over time, yes
Congrats, you zoomed into the graph when I couldn't be fucked to. So it's been the same since february 2023 then and the launch peak was still falling off in january. Great argument, pedantic retarded nigger.

Also leave it to this neet to not know january has 31 days
It must hurt them that darktide is such an easy target to shit on. If only fatshark wasn't, you know, fatshark, this could have been avoided.

Oh well, maybe VT3 or DT2 will be better probably not
why are you incapable of telling the truth?
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>is steadily losing players over time,
It's always been around 3k save for the two peaks (launch and talent rework). It's even comparatively high right now compared to previous dips to 2500 players that happen intermittently.

I know you don't care and will just make up some weird cope that contradicts reality, but these are the numbers and nothing you say will change them

I'll save you the effort of cherrypicking and just post all the numbers
do you really think tide games and hd2 are competing? but isn't hd2 also steadily losing players? so it really just comes down to more players=better
I don't need to cope
the numbers prove I'm right
You didn't post numbers, I did, and they prove you wrong. There is no "steady decline". You are delusional
Look just because the numbers get lower and lower doesn't mean the playerbase is declining
they aren't steadily going up I can tell you that much

See >>495071607
The numbers don't get "lower and lower", you made it up.
>they aren't steadily going up I can tell you that much
Here comes the backpedaling
>actually I didnt mean the numbers are dropping, I meant they dont go up
lol ok dude. little bitch trying to take back what you said. pathetic
What's wrong with a game having 4k players? It's pretty normal for a game to have 3k players. I mean really, how many games can you name that have 2k players? Yeah that's what I though.
I clearly didn't, as you can see in October of 23, they had an average peak of 33k
now they have 6k
that's a loss in players
cope and seethe
they are dropping, I was being snarky because I can't believe I am witnessing these delusional takes about how smaller numbers than before is somehow not a loss in players
It's crazy how you can show these people a literal conclusive graph of average player numbers that show it's been around the same for one and a half years and they'll still insist Darktide is dying. Why are they so obsessed?

I think it could stand to be higher to give them more incentive to put more money into development and stop doing the gay console port shit. I'm just amazed that people think it's dying despite the numbers showing it has a steady ~3k playerbase that remains even without updates. The game is literally well and alive and it has an update coming in so it's not like it's abandoned either.
what games do you guy play that don't go down in player numbers over time
4k players for a niche pve game with infrequent updates is fantastic. It speaks to how good the game is.
God I wish I had that screencap of those SWTOR forum posts that were like "everything is fine nothing is wrong" (which I'm very certain were shitposts) so I could make a better referential joke.
probably because the graphs don't show the numbers have been the same, the numbers show two big peaks with two massive drop offs
cope and seethe
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>You can see in this month a huge update came out it peaked
...are you retarded dude? This happens to literally every game. Launch and big updates peak it, and then it stabilizes at some point after.

Like, using your logic SM2 is trash because it dropped half the playerbase already.
Apparently darktide, it alone has buckbroken normal playerbase trends
HD2 is currently going up
Fortnite, Overwatch, League of Legends, CoD, muh favorites.
So let me get this straight: Your argument is that it hasn't had a stable 3k, it also peaked at 100k on launch and at 33k on a big update?
What are you trying to argue again?
overall no it's still going down
SM2 is doing fine currently because while it is true that over half of its playerbase has fallen off, its direct competitors (HD2, Darktide, LFD2) have lower counts, putting itself in a healthy spot on top of the genre
For monetization in Darktide, they need to do big packs that can go on discount during seasonal sales. As a PC player I'm still salty that xboners got a shit load of free credits for the cosmetic shop and PC players were essentially told
>suck it.
We got some cosmetics for each operative but I would have much rather have gotten the 14k aquillas. In the foreseeable future, I don't plan on patronizing their store at all. If a new operative is released I'll consider them but I probably won't buy that until it's on sale.
>I'm just going to pretend I no longer understand the argument now that I've been proven wrong over and over
typical tranny behavior
Yeah no the darktide team's never gonna do anything generous with its monetization scheme
Wrong side of the equation. I'm a DYEL lanklet
Most live service games tend to stabilize at a certain playercount for years as long as they get actively updated. They get some peaks but it bottoms out at a stable number.
You can check VT2 which worked that way too over the past 6 years. Had 2500 players avg in august 2018, had 2500 players avg in june 2024. Sometimes it drops below 2k, sometimes it goes to like 4k.

Interestingly other than the steam giveaway update that peaked it to 26k, it never peaked as hard as darktide update peaks darktide. The DT talent rework peaked Darktide by like +600%, the big VT2 updates made it to like +60-80%. It kinda shows that there's retained interest in the game and people come back to check it out on big patches

here's the VT2 charts if you're curious
lol so you didn't even realize it but you argued yourself into a corner. Your argument changed from
>the numbers decline steadily
>Well it had peaks and it declined from the peaks

little bitch backpedaling
Darktide's cosmetics would've been far more profitable for FS if:
>A. the characters weren't lumpy, malformed products of 17 generations of incest between siblings
>B. the cosmetics didn't also look like shit 80% of the time
But the characters are ugly, and the skins suck while still costing like $20 or whatever. Very retarded.
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Biggest issue with the cosmetics is that silhouettes are all wrong
I'll keep posting this because it shows the issue so clearly.
>Darktide: weak little bobblehead s0i humans, no v taper, manage to look simultaneously lanky, skinnyfat and like midgets with big heads
>SM2, a game with good armor design: looks like the figurines translated into a realistic artstyle as closely as possible

That's it, that's literally the issue (along some clipping, deformation and generally bad design choices). Anyone who says it has anything to do with Darktides steamcharts (????) is a retard or trolling

And yes I know these are secret traitors you dumb faggot who brought it up last time, I just can't be fucked to get a screenshot of non traitor cadians, they wear the same shit anyway
>B. the cosmetics didn't also look like shit 80% of the time
If the cancerous paid-only premium currency and rotating fomo bullshit didn't filter my interest in that game's cosmetics when I played it, then them overwhelmingly looking bad and/or boring would've done it.
in a way the rotating fomo store covers up the latter issue. People (I use the term loosely) no longer actually think about wether it's actually something they actually like, they just know they like cadians/krieg/whatever and they instead think
>it'll be gone if I don't
and that's most of their thought process
I didn't back pedal at all
I am correct in both statements
from launch, the numbers have declined
in the claim that "numbers show a steady player count" this is untrue, because there are two peaks and from those peaks we see steady declines
cope and seethe shopclick tranny
Well there's that and the fact that a lot of the designs are just ugly looking. I've seen like two Zealot cosmetics that sort of looked alright on a good day when I've been drinking.

Yeah the rotating fomo shit was gay as fuck.
>but enough about you
>from launch, the numbers have declined
This is true for literally every game except for gay shit like LoL

>in the claim that "numbers show a steady player count" this is untrue, because there are two peaks and from those peaks we see steady declines
I want you to really strain your hypothetical capacitors in your brain now: What would it be if it peaked but never went back down? Would it still be a peak?
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This looks JUST like the commissars in the art!!!
now you're just taking what I said out of the context of the entire argument
go ahead and cope about how you won after being disproven over and over cause I'm done wasting time playing chess with a pigeon
post psyker build trees I'm bad
>Darktide's cosmetics would've been far more profitable for FS if:
>it had a functional game supporting them at launch instead of going through the Fatshark cycle for 2 years
>it was possible to earn aquilas in game like they stated before the truth changed, similar to HD2 and SC
>the cosmetics weren't on a FOMO rotation
That's it. Pigs already pay for them even if you and I think they're shit. There are plenty of games that don't feature sexy superheroes that get away with selling cosmetics. Hell I'd argue VT was one of them. You just have to make a good game where cosmetics are an option and not the feature.
Most people here strike me as scrawny boys or beanpole lanklet boys. Not me though. I've big old floppy saggers that knock over things on my desk when I stand up and lean over to grab something.
post tits
I am not, you're just retarded and don't understand the relation.
Here, two hypotheticals:

>Darktide as it is now, hovering around 3k players consistently with 100k peak at launch and 30k peak at talent tree update
Your argument: "This is bad because the player numbers decline since the peaks"

>Darktide WITHOUT those peaks, hypothetically, where it was always around 3k players and never peaked
Your argument: "This would be better because the numbers never declined"

This is what you said and it should be clear to anyone who isn't a fucking retard like you why this is a beyond retarded thing to cope with. You are trying to argue that because of the technicality that the game had player peaks, the stabilization, non-peak amounts are "declining" when they've been the same since 2 months after launch.
...Tanner Lindberg? is that...you???
that's literally me
>when they've been the same since 2 months after launch
man, I don't even have to bust out the charts to disprove this one, its right here >>495071441

the player count was never steadily 3k
you could claim it was over 3k for the majority of its lifespan, which would be true, but you aren't claiming that because you know it wouldn't disprove the argument that its players are declining, which they have
its low points are around 3k, but both peak show a clear decline from 10-100x 3k players and steadily falls down to 3k after those peaks
cope and seethe
I'm not disagreeing with the main point here (more people = more sales) but I just want to say it's not a DIRECT increase.
Like, those select few whale-out paypigs who buy literally every cosmetic set or even just every other cycle exist and are their main source of income. I think that those people would play the game and buy these cosmetics regardless of the 3 points you made.
My point is basically just that aslong as you have the whales, you already have 80% of your income secured. Darktide has the whales for sure. Wether they want the remaining 20% from stray customer purchases and maybe the small amount of whales they missed is the real question. It might not actually be worth the effort, as retarded as it sounds.

I know I'm projecting actual agency onto a bunch of mostly mindless swedes but I think their money guys are pretty good at what they're doing, the company is steadily growing
why can't i find anybody for games in SM2 like yesterday? i don;t want to turn on crossplay
Dead game, everyone moving on to Forever Winter.
The chart you linked is player PEAKS. You're comparing them to player averages. You're either not very bright or doing it intentionally. The actual 1:1 comparison between each month is here: >>495071607
Where you can see that the games average players is around 3.5k average or something if you ignore the distinct peaks of launch and the itemization update and their comedown. Feel free to add it up, I did it and rounded.

>cope and seethe
I love how you keep bringing this one as you further prove you're retarded and/or dishonest
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>the player count was never steadily 3k
>you could claim it was over 3k for the majority of its lifespan
those average player counts in that chart still show exactly what I am saying

>I love how you keep bringing this one as you further prove you're retarded and/or dishonest
I see you are going with the typical leftist tactic of "accuse your opponent of doing exactly what you are doing"
cope and seethe tranny
learn the difference between 'greater than' and 'equal to'

it'll help you not be retarded in the future
>those average player counts in that chart still show exactly what I am saying
No, they don't. You can see the game, after the peaks of launch and the big update, always had around 3k players. Cope and seethe, dumb faggot. There is no "steady decline", there is only "pointed decline directly after peaks" which is fucking normal and obvious you dumb shit otherwise they wouldn't be peaks.
God you're such a retarded subhuman for real.
I don't mind characters being "ugly". It kinda fits with them all being "rejects". The idea being all these characters either rolled a nat 1 on charisma or luck and ended up in the shitbox. It's okay for them not to be attractive.

I'm not poor but I don't have the kinda cash to throw around at overpriced cosmetics. If they were to do a bundle where you could buy sets for all the operatives at a discount, I MIGHT consider that but paying $14 just to deck out one operative is a little silly to me. What's more, they aren't even trying to do predatory shit where they offer a discount on your first Aquilas purchase to get your foot in the door. If it were up to me, I'd do seasonal sales of Aquilas. The bundle for $29.99? Drop that down to $9.99. For the 13.49 bundle? Drop that down to $3.99. Limit one discounted purchase per account to keep people from double dipping on the discounts. I'd buy at that kinda price.
I'm pretty skinny but I've been eating more lately. I'm starting to get a gut so I've started exercising to counteract it. I don't want to end up looking like some Nurgle worshiper.
Why don't more people know that coop games are better than competitive ones?
>always had around 3k players

Dec 22: 31k
Jan 23: 9k
Feb 23: 4.3k
Mar 23: 4.9k
April 23: 4.3k
May 23: 3.9k
Jun 23: 3.4k
Jul 23: 2.7k
Aug 23: 2.3k

not true, this is a decline, you are retarded
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> It's okay for them not to be attractive.
Eh I don't think anyone wants them to actually be attractive. But how about rugged-ugly stuff? Why doesn't Darktide have this (outside of Ogryn faces)?
When you look at Wh40k art characters are either depicted as
>especially handsome
>totally average but on the handsome side
>totally fucking ugly but rugged and masculine

Darktide has really only just
>totally average but on the handsome side
>weird seattle office drone

Like I'm fine with there not being especially handsome faces given the setting but why not represent a range of warhammer faces? Where is stuff like pic related? Totally fucked up looking rugged guys? That's the epitome of wh40k to me
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because you're on difficulty 1
Wow, weird how you stopped at Aug 2023. Is that todays date? Do you know what the "steady" part of "steady decline" implies? If what you were saying is true and the game has been on a steady decline, then logically the numbers now would have to be lower than Aug 23 today, right?
Well, anon? Are they?
close, auric damnation
basically the same for a pro like you B)
>I'm going to forget the context of the entire argument again
this "steady 3k player" count isn't true
cope and seethe
was that you? stop putting medkits down preemptively in doorways when everyone has full hp
So did you or did you not say there was a steady decline?
If there was a steady decline, then how come the game in the past 12 months had more players than in august 2023 every month? And still does right now?
there is a steady decline from both peaks, yes
keep being retarded
>there is a steady decline from both peaks, yes
So overall there has been no steady decline then?
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I don't post them without getting paid anymore.
Weightlet Lindberg? Tiny baby boy Lindberg? Never.
It's not the end of the world as long as you do something with those calories. Chubby buff is one of the hottest looks.
yes, steady decline
That looks to me like a steady ~3k with two distinct peaks.
>muh 3k
we've been over this
it's not real
you made it up in your head
there was never a solid 3k playerbase
>there was never a solid 3k playerbase
if you zoom in on those numbers you would see, like here >>495078180
that is not a steady 3k player count, but a declining one
the graph zoomed out like that makes it hard to see, which is why I typed out the numbers for you earlier
it seems you are too retarded to understand the meaning of those numbers though, sad
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>4 Vets in Malestrom
>Helbore, SSG, Plasma, IAG
>4 Krak
>4 Voice of Command
>Mutants and Dogs spam
>Frequently get 300+ yellow toughness
>Steamroll the map
Honestly they should probably prevent VoC from stacking lol
Is decline posting a psyop to keep us from page 11-ing?
>that is not a steady 3k player count, but a declining one
You stopped at august 2023. In august 2024 the game had an average of 3950 players.
Can you tell me how going from 2.3k to 3.95k is a decline? I'm really interested in hearing this. It probably sounds a lot like when trannies try to explain why they're actually women despite having a Y chromosome.
hum sweetie, Tanner is actually a hamplanet
SM2 feels so unreplayable compared to darktide, what went wrong. Ruthless feels way too easy if you aren't a shitter.
in your cherry picked timeline that would not be a decline, but just like you have been taking what I have said out of context this entire time in order to try to distort reality, taking a graph out of context won't change the fact that shopclick has a declining playerbase
funny of you to yet again accuse me of doing exactly what you are doing when trannies are typically the ones who partake in distorting reality and living in delusion
>could be worse
I could be down there with you!
>cherry picked timeline
YOU stopped at august 2023, not me. I just went with your stats and august is the latest month thats on there with full data.
I rest my case, nigger. You've been btfo'd from every angle despite arguing like a dishonest little leftie faggot trying to explain why 32% isn't actually 32%.
I stopped because I thought you would get the point, I seem to have been wrong

>You've been btfo'd from every angle despite arguing like a dishonest little leftie faggot trying to explain why 32% isn't actually 32%.
a good summary for what you have been doing
>n-no u
lmao, out of steam much? I'm not surprised, you spent hours struggling trying to bend reality
>I stopped because I thought you would get the point,
You stopped because the number went up again after that. You are so transparent
no, there just isn't really any point in debating with someone who is obfuscating the truth, denying reality, and arguing in bad faith
it's why trannies and leftists like yourself always do it, you can't beat a pigeon in chess, it's just going to kick the pieces over and shit on the board
I bet Tanner's tits don't even accidentally hit space bar when focusing too hard. Absolute weightlet.
>log in in summer 2023
>game has like 2.5k players
>find a match just fine
>play and enjoy my time

>log in in summer 2024
>game has like 4k players
>find a match just fine
>play and enjoy just fine

I guess it's been a decline though and I'm a tranny
no retard
you can see the greentext right there in the post
you trannies insist the player count was a steady 3k
the numbers clearly show that claim to be false
cope and seethe
>the numbers clearly show that claim to be false
Yeah it was a steady 2.5k and it's a steady 4k now
you seem to not understand what the word "steady" implies
It takes forever to actually play the game due to slow matchmaking and unforgivably bad load times, their combat system is gimmicky, based around parrying so it's just not that fun
You seem to not understand the game has more players now than it did a year ago lol
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>player count autism
Can you fags just DM each other and ERP in private so we don't have to listen to this retarded shit?
the takeaway is that darktrannies think just because numbers go up it's not a decline
don't get me wrong its awesome during the campaign and up to level 25 the first time. Don't really feel like it has the replayability after that though, Darktide feels the opposite to me. Most fun after you unlock shit and can starting going for god roll gear.
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Is the game dead? If not, I can't be bothered to give a shit.
>the game has more players now than it did a year ago
not true
I am asking yet again, why are shopclick trannies incapable of telling the truth?
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Obsessing over steam charts like this is retard behavior, as long as you can find a match within a reasonable time for your timezone it's fine.
Never played 40K: Darktide btw not touching W*rh*mmer with a ten foot pole.
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The 18th isn't over yet you fucking retarded monkey lol
here's the 17th, a day with complete data
>shopclick trannies have their retarded claims refuted over and over
>charts are for retards
and yet shopclick players cannot understand them, sad
Going to rub one out in honor of the crafting overhaul
>the 18th isn't over
oh yeah, we're going to break 4k today sisters, I can feel it!
>w-what about yesterday?
I didn't claim anything about yesterday
cope and seethe tranny
cope nigger you got absolutely btfo'd with hard facts
all you had was an incomplete data point
do you truly believe that darktide will peak over 4k players today?
>asking a question pretending to forget the context of the conversation
no, you’re the one arguing in bad faith because we both know that shopclick will not peak over 4k today which means that your claim that it has more players NOW is not true due to the fact that a year ago today the game had more players
cope and seethe tranny
>pretending to forget the context of the conversation AGAIN
You guys care too much about things that dont matter....
I just play the game
you can't do that. post a steamchart right NOW
I forgot to call you a nigger, true
Here you go!
>ad hominem
concession accepted
Same sister. I just like clicking heads and popping them with my mind.
conceding what exactly?
psyker stocks are UP baby
eheh, boing
It's a brick
what is difference?
>masculine, strong sharp edges, structurally sound, reasonably found in a darktide level

>round, feminine, for fun, totally silly, best friend rock, randumb, why would there even be a rock anywhere in a hive city thats built with cement and bricks

An actual ogryn would choose brick, a wholesome chungus redditor would pick rock
if Darktide ever gets Versus i wonder how ogryn stones will be perceived for it
so finding rock is finding unicorn?
The same way they handled it with VT2. People who couldn't picture an apple in their minds eye kept saying
>but da ubersreik 5 can oneshot da specials it wont be fair!
well guess what, in versus they can just do custom balance
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I figured it was stray rubble, which may include bricks but could also contain assorted stones in a variety of shapes from various kinds of rockrete rubble. I would not be opposed to a random pull of rock varieties based on the stage you were in. Some rocks would shatter on impact and create a shrapnel-like effect. Others would be more sturdy and have a penetrative effect, allowing you to bowl over multiple smaller foes. Other odd varieties may burst into crystalline dust upon impact that temporarily blinds and disorients those affected (also the dust would be highly flammable/combustive.)

You'd at least have to glance at the rock before you toss it to figure out the best way to utilize it. The Meta fags would hate it, but that kind of random flavor is the shit I love.
I'm gonna post another chart if no one else does soon
I can't be happy unless charts are being discussed
Nobody said they couldn't balance both. They said Fatshark would be too lazy to have 2 separate balance considerations. What they miscalculated was VT2 being Fatshark's favorite child they'd do anything for while Darktide rots.
let's all enjoy a game of chartclick
>VT2 versus announced
>they just tune down the damage

>DT versus is discussed
>ummm yes but they wouldnt tune down the damage for DARKTIDE okay???
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When are we getting felinids?
My krieger isn't complete till we do.
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What if the freak is a danger to us?!
>Make 4-man premade
>All Smite Psykers
>We take turns stun locking everyone
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>playing nonstop since patch
>go outside yo buy groceries
>brain assumes I've just dropped into another mission
>oh boy I better call in my support weapon
>tap the code on my phone
>toss it at the asphalt
Fucking tetris effect
this but 2 backstab chorus zealots recharging chorus off the other ones chorus, giving everyone infinite over toughness and stunlocking everything
>up to 4 "sanctioned" psykers on their own in a match when there's supposed to be at least 3 guardsmen (minimum) watching 1 pysker in the field per The Imperial Infantryman's Handbook
Heretical shit going on down in Atoma.
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Muties like you are the reason we have to virus-bomb planets so often.
Are you scared, Vet-kun?
Where's a commissar when you need one...
Please faggot T10 was easy as shit when it first came out and has been easy forever. I hope they go up to T15 just so I can have some pain, but buffing weapons so they fucking work is the solution. I've been playing since day one and they've made it less fun for my buddies with every update.
>If you see them without a full guard compliment it is your duty to shoot them down
What's the shopclick sisters' collective opinion on the Forever Winter footage? Looks pretty underwhelming to me honestly.
About what I expected. Janky and niche, but it's a cool concept so I'll probably end up buying it and hoping for the best.
what's a good surge staff i have crit chance and maniacs on mine, warp flurry and warp nexus
Is the crusher good? I feel like im just sweeping everything around
yes, it is not great against CRUSHERS and maulers but will be next week. do more heavy attacks
no matter what happens I get to post a graph here
that's all that I care about
>all the enemy players are gunners at the rear
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Yeah It's rubble and building supply, if you hold the rock out and inspect it, you can see bits of steel rebar sticking out through the holes in it, It's more like a cement slab that the ogryn might've grabbed than it is anything close to a rock.
>numbers are good
uh-oh shopclick sisters, it's not looking good for us
>numbers are bad
another game crushed by the mighty Helldivers!

it's that easy
I don't really get it. You walk around slowly and collect stuff, but the stealth looks really barebones, and if you do engage it becomes extreme jank
It's good, but its primary role isn't damage. Its damage is fine, but it really excels at CC.
Exactly. It's not like the munitorum is issuing rocks to Ogryns before deployment. They just pick them up off the ground. In 40k we've moved beyond Concrete/cement to rockrete which is supposed to be stronger than standard concrete. As I understand its base on a mixture of the local rocks and sand they pull from the respective planet and mixed with something else to create the substance. Depending on the kind of structure and the environment it's built in, you could conceivably have various kinds of rockrete on the same planet.

Hence my idea for random rock pulls.
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Super Helldive, Bugs
Yewel (PBUH) in His infinite wisdom, has blessed us.

/copeg/divers, wya bros
shit's already boring again
I'm waiting for world brothers 2
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the forever winter is dropping on the 24th
ill host games if possible
I'll play it purely because I'm nostalgic of stalker.
Did they change it? I could have sworn it used to be more rock-like. Is there any variance to the model?
Yeah, there's a big group of random rocks you pull from. a lot of them are more oval shaped, some more round and the rebar is very hard to see (its covered by the hand and wont be shown unless you fully inspect it at a 180 angle.)
I had to throw like four of them to get that specific one
I pick a random teammates and say gg [name] at the end of the match to brighten their day
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>1 bar no corruption vet takes last medicade
>I am 2hp full corruption
this is why darktide needs friendly fire
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I'm touching you, you're damned now~
>look at ranged weakspot rate for my last mission as Headhunter VII vet
Jesus. I need to aim head more.
It's a head hunter autogun, not a head hitter. You're always trying to find the head, not necessarily finding it.
Nah, there are times where I'm shooting torso when I have the breathing room to adjust for head.
Although I have given up going for headshots on moving enemies since that STILL AFTER TWO FUCKING YEARS FATSHARK often gives the headshot sound hit confirmation with no fucking hitmarker and no damage done. That shit's one of the reasons I barely play my Vet.
Post Hours
You really gonna buy that shit day one
Nigga I don't care about a cinematic trailer post gameplay
You will experience the vibes and you will be happy.
Do I need to remind you what happened on November 17th 2022?
there was friendly fire during the beta
but the meme class was getting in everyone fov and kept getting hit
It do be like that, siblings
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>one week bros
I don't remember psyker getting friendly fired that much
>there was friendly fire and it actually mattered
noooo remove it :(
My femvet is so fucking annoying with that sometimes. Yet another reason to continue playing the qt psycho Scot instead.
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>Going wild with the Voidstrike
>See fellow Psyker going wild with the Surge staff
>Check the scoreboard and see we're basically even
>He comments on how he forgot how strong the Voidstrike is
>Moments before I was just thinking how strong the Surge seems
I like to think I inspired him to try the Voidstrike again and he definitely inspired me to try the Surge. What was he doing to put up these numbers? Is there a trick to it?

Left is Voidstrike, right is Surge.
Anyone figure out how to get the new freezer in Abiotic Factor?
Stack as much peril resistance as you can, the surge staff gets hot fast.
I run the Brainburst chance with the surge for random head pops. Pair that with the passive of warp siphon + warp rider + a good surge staff and you're looking at an extra 50% damage easy. I tried to remember off-hand what melee I used but that's not too important since you'll be using the Surge staff most of the time. It's one of the force swords.

I use kinetic deflection and soul stealer for added survivability. Between the warp instakills you get with the extra damage, the toughness you regenerate per kill, and your kinetic deflection + deflector you should be invincible for the most part. One with the warp usually ensures you have extra toughness as well because you'll always be cooking with peril.

I could eke out more damage with a different ability but I like being able to do support actions as well as cooking dudes just by looking at them.

You can blind fire with the Surge so if there's gas or if it's really dark, you don't have to worry, you'll always hit something and you kill shit fast as fuck. 2 to 3 charged attacks can take out several elites depending on what your team is running for passives, perks you have on your gear, and other background shit. You may not always get the kill, but you'll turn the elites into 1 shots with your constant zapping.
Your skill tree should look something like this. It also works for other staves if you want to focus on warp damage.
Can do
Thanks for the huge write up sibling. I’ll give it a try
Perfectly fine build, except for the weird choice to take a +5% speed node intead of mettle, which gives you 15% speed. Other than that, the obscurus moveset is atrocious and I hate it.
Just booted up PD3 for the first time in months, what the fuck happened to all the challenges? Did they remove all of them but the infamy ones? There used to be a ton of weapon grinding challenges
You don't have to follow it to a "T". You could swap it out for -5% peril
generation (10% total if you're following the top part of the tree). The more important ones I highlighted. I didn't even realize but Solidarity (+30% quell speed) is part of the warp siphon line which is COOL AS HELL for cooling off which you'll need if you're spamming surge staff attacks. Assuming you take both peril generations that's 10% less peril + 30% quell speed. Ice cold killer for sure.
>obscurus moveset is atrocious and I hate it.
I don't know if that's the one I use. I know whichever one I do use is good for clearing pox walkers and weaker troops. Whatever Melee you use, it also benefits from warp rider so if you need time to "cool off" you'll be doing upwards of 15% extra damage with whatever melee you're using.

Either of the passives wouldn't be bad either for extra damage, but I like having my skill available more often.
Try not to pop your top.
Desu assuming you really want to shit out dps, I've been finding bubble to be a bit more of a waste over shriek, which I've found to be a much more valuable panic button over bubble in aurics because of the stagger and the peril resistance + instant cooldown really helps keep you shitting out surges, although in this case it really is up purely to preference because of >surging gunners in the distance
I also prefer the charge rate node over the chance of instant BB on attack node, both because the cooldown is very long for what it does compounded with the fact that it very rarely ever hits anything meaningful. Instances where you're brain bursting to begin with is very rare, but having that charge time does help somewhat if you're ever forced to use it for long distance specials/elites. I feel like It's very hard to justify giving up that rare utility for something thats almost always going to be triggered on a trash mob
interesting build I'll try that thanks
That's part of the fun with that skill. Sometimes it pops who you want, other times not. If you're using the Surge Staff you gotta be okay with not every attack hitting what you intend to hit anyway.
> Charge rate over random head pop
My only issue with the charge rate bonus is you need to activate your ability to do it so it's only going to proc when you do that. It may be something you do in the background while doing counter-sniping or some such but all the enemies you'd be counter-sniping (snipers and gunners) that you can kill with it die in one hit from a BB. Normally there's only one or two of those outside of special level conditions so I don't see much sense for that one. Part of the way to play this build is to hold onto your warp charges with your keystone if you can. You don't want to be using your ability if you can help it. Granted, you get charges back pretty quickly in higher-difficulty games but that doesn't mean I want to burn my warp charges willy nilly in either case.
>Shriek vs bubble
Shriek is a good panic button in terms of getting dudes off you and it vents all your peril which is very nice. I like the utility of putting down a toughness-regenerating shield though. I feel like the DPS I have normally is more than enough. You should use whatever you feel benefits you most of course.
Take care sibling.
and to ruin two other peoples day*
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We fucking showed that sniveler, pals
>helldivers 2 releases a big patch
>coopg dies
>try playing pd3 again
>bunch of level 100+ people
>I'm the only one with armor bags
what the fuck is wrong with console players
>bunch of level 100+ people
bro played with the entire pd3 playerbase
How bad are the numbers now? The launch was such a disaster I still don't have the courage to reinstall over a year later. I only reached the nightclub mission.
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It's not good, but I'm getting consistent QPs at 4 am so I can't really complain.
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>helldivers has better chud armor than darktide
why can't kreigers look like this?
Oh wow, they added a chat soo you can plan out if you want to go stealth or go loud before the mission starts.
>not even bait works anymore
it is time... for /cope/... to die...
Its 6am on a thursday morning, what do you want
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I'm going as Sweden for Halloween. I'll have my costume ready after winter break.
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I wanted to gloat about how cool I was so I really focused on zapping everything that moved but damage was pretty evenly spread with this team I played with. I was surprised I did as much boss damage as I did. Apparently, I was crit-hitting all the time. I can thank Warp Nexus on my Staff for that. I think I may need to put one point into perfect timing which would be an extra 15% warp damage on top of the 45% or so from other sources. If I switch my passive from Kinetic presence to prescience that's an additional 5% crit chance.

I'll try playing around with it some more.
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>get around 10-20 stalker kills a game if lucky
>dude just kill 3600 (THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED) stalkers as Commando to reach level 6
yeah fuck you Tripwire im cheesing this shit on custom maps

any other anons been playing Killing Floor again since KF3 started swirling around the newscycle?
Not that anyone /here/ other than myself cares about Remnant 2 but did you know that by using the build shown in pic related you have zero downtime on Way of Kaeula, Sandstorm, Nano Swarm and most importantly, you have 100% uptime on Havoc Form.
If you drop both Sandstorm, Nano Swarm and Way of Kaeula followed by activating Havoc Form and holding LMB you can melt every single boss in the game from 100-0 in seconds, if anybody needs a build to speedrun content then this is the way, it is completely autopilot, Havoc Form means that nothing outside of bosses can threaten you but even without that, Sandstorm alone makes you near-immortal and I would not be surprised if they patch this build out somehow when the new DLC drops on Tuesday, if anyone needs to get an Apocalypse run done for Starkiller and World's Edge, this build cuts out the fighting and makes the game a walking sim.
they have a lot of twinks
i like the sandstorm mace, you can walk through most levels, if throw stormcaller or whatever its called, and equip your infinite stamina and if anything gets close you them with the infinite shock
>finally add lobby chat
>it's closed by default
>have to push the button to open it and be able to write and READ messages
>most people either don't bother or don't even know it works
>nobody sees your messages
It's like Nu Starbreeze is 90% non human. No actual living person would design a basic lobby chat feature like that.
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I tried the huntsman with the headshot talent. Once you finally get a boss to stop moving for a second so you can stick arrows into his face, he just mcfucking dies.
The shield rat removal service is also excellent, would suggest to anyone.
Too bad my aim is shit.
someone suggested the exec sword with it. You're right on this being torture for us aimlets
I use the spear because the movement speed from holding leftclick supposedly stacks with the movespeed talent and then 5% from the item.
For the keks.
Oh also I forgot to mention, the bow doubles as the final solution to the plague monk question, which I consider the most common game ender.
which trait for the bow
7 days...
Headshot ammunition. I don't know how I'm supposed to play with anything else.
I like hunter
Slaanesh update when?
I don't really understand that one. If you're shooting a boss or a patrol, you get a quarter more damage after you crit? But most non-boss enemies die in an arrow or two anyway.
And it doesn't matter if the crit comes from melee or ranged?
That just sounds like it will proc too rarely. And you have to be careful with your ammo, you can't just ult and farm arrows on the next horde to show up. And you have to build crit chance on your gear instead of stacking power so you can oneshot specials more easily.
I guess it's because I feel like headshot ammo is redundant, I know it isn't that optimized
I guess no-ammo classes are very common now, so since you get all of the map pickups to yourself it's not that big of a deal, but once I start spamming at monks or a stabber shows up and I waste 5 arrows before I finally hit him, the arrows could easily run out. And there are events like that dwarf map where you're throwing barrels where the ammo pickups are out of the way and you need like 80 shots to deal with all the waves.
I would not dare rely on any other trait in case quickplay sends me into one of those.
oh I know it's bad I just like the idea of bigger numbers
ill play with you.
do you have any contact info, like discord, steam friend code or something?
Wait, I might be retarded. The huntsman already has an ammo on headshot as a passive. So I didn't even notice, I get 2 instead of one. As opposed to one instead of zero like I though. Or do they not even stack and taking the headshot ammo trait does literally nothing?
But none of the other traits are particularly good. I guess I'd use the one one that gives you power for consecutive shots, but even that's basically just for bosses and chaos warriors.
I can see why you'd take hunter when it's not like anything else is good.
Or maybe I'll just keep the trait as is so I can spam with less care.
you can get two per headshots
Yeah, I'll keep it as is then. The other traits are too situational.
speaking of trait, shield and flail with opportunist is god tier holy shit
I cheatengined the kill requirements in KF1 and don't feel an ounce of shame for it.
>Ammo refund on ult
Yup, it's elf time. Try to keep up, lumberfoots.
is it as long and soul crushing as 2 ?
I haven't actually unlocked that item yet, I haven't played much of Forgotten Kingdom's tileset, I was too busy getting everything from Losomn and being a Ne'rud hater, i'll do a run to get it later tonight and try it out, thanks for the suggestion anon.
Is diving actually back or is the game still now worth sticking on my hard drive?
why did you not like it in the first place?
yeah mirage is really nice, it stun smaller enemies, you can swap the kinetic ring for bisected, its slow going, but nerud and losom have so many tight areas that you can easily hit a bunch of people for shocker, its probably not good on bosses but shit that summons a bunch of adds like the corpse feeder or whatever on nerud would be great, theres probably a build in here but this is a really nice and compact package to deal with garbage
id swap for profane heart too, the constant overload from flail swings is really good damage
Playercount dwindled so much you barely had anything going on on the non-order planets, stratagem loadouts felt stale while the weapons you dropped with felt lame, and the new warbonds have looked like shit.
Everyone did.

Buddy if you think KF2 was long and soul crushing you literally have no idea what those words mean.
I do that with the foot knight and a greathammer.
The staggerlord himself.
>the game is not le popular so i dont play it
no comment, i will just call you a retard npc sheep for letting other people control your mind to like or not like things

the stale loadouts and weapons being lame have been fully addressed. you can drop with anything and do well.
the new gas warbond looks like shit though
What if we created games without any silly ammo-gained-on-so-cool-action mechanics huh? What then? Maybe things can be more readily balanced?
>just be happy that the planet you want to go to has 200 people on it
I will rip your fucking entrails out and sell them as condoms to Italians.
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it's over-finished...

I love with thebret longsword, the french batte
glad to see you have more than 80 iq
>it takes 3 people to have the peak experience
>somehow 200 isnt enough
Do we need to talk about charts again?
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fucking finally
any pox or rat clickers wanna group up???
which region
>if its not le popular its le bad!
>i dont play any games below le 1000000 players!
dear fellow 4channer
i would tip my fedora if i had one, you are so right, may i suck your dick?
games that drop 80% of their playerbase in the first month are truly the worst games ever made!!
you are so right queen, shall we queue up for another game of league?
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We've had to endure much, you and I, but within the week there will be rats...Running the world!
The clock ticks down. What have you all been playing during the wait for the update. I played Axiom Verge, Monster Hunter, and Satisfactory.
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bots 8 chilling
>joining a pedo
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>joining a pedo
Ive been planning on practicing with them on like regular damnation or something but the awful damage on bodyshots and mediocre damage on headshots makes me sad.
Soon you can get 86% peril resist from the talent tree so Im going back to surge. Trauma is still the king of staves but surge is fun, voidstrike takes too much time to use I dont like it. Surge is perfectly viable on halfcharges but voidstrike not so much and even on my near god roll one its so slow
never managed to love the trauma even with blazing spirit
I'm managing a Dedicate Valheim server.
What kind of modded experience would you guys like to play?
It melts piles of horde mobs jumping down from things, it turns elite waves into drunk children and with the brittle talent everyones doing more damage. It has none of the massed horde weaknesses the other staves have because you can just aim at your feet and kill everything if it comes to it and you wont take damage, it has minimal peril so you rarely if ever have to use shriek or vent peril during combat. Blazing spirit is an amazing damage build but the brittle one is basically smite spammers if they could kill things. That said I use surge staff because its better at targeted elite killing, but trauma is incredibly hard to lose a round with
Trauma is fun, I can go the majority if the map without my melee due to all the stagger trauma has. Also TOOONKERS are a non-issue because you don't even have to look at what you're hitting. Just send your warp nukes on the other side of the doorway blocked by your ogryn. If you're lucky there might be a burster in the crowd that blows up the TOONK.
full now
Anyone got some DRG assignement for some Haz 5 ?
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Was it retard or nigger that got you banned
"Slav retard"

EU server problems
yeah they usually are fucking stupid
Pay proper respects to Glorious Russia next time, dummy.
I am super rusty with the surge staff blew myself up three times in the first game with it guess I'm sticking to venting

I WILL be joining YOUR aurics
auric comeback tour with cooppers ?
If I recall well, it was in archivum sycorax (of course) in auric damnation one lvl 32 shitter didn't follow the skull and stood near the bridge, got killed alone.

the lvl 400+ slav zealot went alone without telling us to rescue the shitter and went down as well, started to flame us in chat because we didn't follow him. Finished the map with the ogryn.
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he was either ukrainian or a filthy polak because he said he wasn't russian
I can't my family is visiting till sunday evening
slav gamers are either super friendly based team players with nice banter or turbo autistic lonewolf alt-f4 as soon as they get the net

There is no middle ground
polaks are pretty chill, it was probably ukrainian
>fatshark streaming ratclick instead of poxclick
how do we fell about that?
Idk I don't know slavic lore
polaks are weird, just like their langauge, but ive never really heard a bad thing about them; its always russians and ukrainians who are just russia lite
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Last december Catfish (Darktide CM) promised to animate more Darktide live streams but she totally vanished around february.
wasn't she the cunt that was always showing her face alongside patchnotes like it mattered
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Don't disrespect her she's a solid 8/10 in england
It DID matter. And now she's gone forever! ;_;
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Thank god she was fucking disgusting on live stream always making mouth noises before talking like she had a mouth full of drool
It was mentioned she was away for health reasons so she might actually have had an accident, an illness or possibly stress related fake shit
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Yeah so stressful
to their defence FS's devs are fucking lazy
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I don't think the devs have much to do with a driptide contest
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>Try not to pop your top.
It's hanging in there don't worry
theyre not lazy, theyre like cats, you ever tried herding cats
You can call me Swagger....but my name is not important...
>rampage is bugged and provides a power bonus
Chat is this real

everytime it reminds me of this gem
>mediocre damage on headshots
>Headhunter VII
Are you running it on Zealot or Vet? As Vet, you one-shot headshot gunners and shotgunners, trappers, bombers, and snipers. 3 out of 4 shooter variants die in a body shot, while the other dies in a headshot or two body shots (And I'm 99% sure with a better rolled gun, I would 1-shot body all basic shooter variants since dreg shooters live with like 14 hp). And if you run the tagging keystone, you three-shot headshot Reapers.

It does take 5-6 body shots for Maulers though, and although Ragers only take a couple headshots, they can be hard to headshot, and their body shot threshhold is similar to Maulers. It's not a gun you really take for killing melee elites.

Pic related is my weapon and talents for it if you wanna mess around with it on Vet. You can take Kill Zone out for something else if you want. It's mostly there to enable 2-shot bodyshots to shotgunners and an additional 1-shot bodyshot to one of the shooter variants. Although I think it makes Dreg Ragers a 2-shot headshot instead of 3 as well.
>here's your auric damnation teammate bro
>oh no he's not running the plasma gun abloo bloo
Git gud. Anything the Headhunter doesn't do, the Overpowered sword does. Melee elites are a joke on Vet. Vet is a joke of a class.
Next week.
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here mine
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Would you want this in your >>495165242 aurics?
>whining about a vet build with iron will, survivalist, confirmed kill and shout
I don't get it, what the fuc kdo you think vets should take? Those are the fundamental OP talents that make up 90% of the impact the build has and you're whining why exactly?
>rending strike
See >>495167109 what's wrong with it? Headhunter autos arent even remotely bad, they remove basically every gunner and special on the map before you can even look at em
you're running all three tag stones instead of shout overheal
I didnt even notice he does that desu. Just drop killzone for it, killzone is shit anyway
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>Mk IX
Wasn't that thing shit? Did it get buffed? I run a Mk III with Headhunter and DA on my Zealot sometimes, and it's okay.

Here's your (you). This is how it performs with shit aim and not having played the game in over 6 months.

Yeah, I think I needed it for a breakpoint. I'd go fuck with it to make sure, but I don't wanna re-open the game. I'll do it later.

Swap out Kill Zone for it. I flip flop between the two since. The thing's only sometimes on anyway and doesn't fuck up significant breakpoints. The tag stones give consistent damage and toughness regen, and you still get a full refi;l on shout anyway.
>but first let me show you my scoreboard.
I don't see anything bad with it, vet is so fucking absurdly overpowered that you can run just about anything on it and still come out on top as long as you didnt unbind your spacebar and F key for whatever reason. It's an unremarkable but good tree, and I don't really see an issue with it unless you're one of those weirdos that cant play without relying on plasma and revolver winning the game for you
>Anon without scoreboard trashes scoreboard user
Where's your scoreboard anon?
>I flip flop between the two since both feel situationally useful*
My bad. I accidentally half a sentence
>and you still get a full refi;l on shout anyway.
overtoughness (gold bar) has certain properties that even full toughness can't achieve, like 0 spillover from ANY attack. Normally stuff like a sniper shot, poxburster burst or overheads from maulers/crushers will damage you through toughness even at 100%, amount depending on how much numerical toughness you have (this is why you shouldn't neglect max toughness as a defensive stat btw) but with gold toughness it's always 0
>Normally stuff like a sniper shot, poxburster burst or overheads from maulers/crushers will damage you through toughness even at 100%
And that's great, but you almost never get hit by any of those unless some trigger happy retard is shooting a burster in your face. You have to really fuck up to eat a Mauler/Crusher overhead, especially when you have an AOE knockdown and AOE stagger/knockdown grenades. That's why I was saying they're both situationally useful. Kill Zone is turned off for like 70% of the game, but you aren't always actually benefiting from overheal toughness either.

You're right though. The overheal IS better since Kill Zone is just off too often.
I mean I'll gladly take an extra layer of defense over 15% base damage with no enemies nearby (so basically never and not breakpoint relevant either)
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comfy 19 minute bots 10 run. gg, good team.
game easy now literal joke haha
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kek yeah, fair.
>not breakpoint relevant either
It is and it isn't. It doesn't affect significant ones, but it does make shotgunners 2-shot body shots for me and the tougher scab shooter a 1-body, but yeah I think that's it. Might make a rager variant 2-headshots instead of 3 without tagging (lmao), but I've closed the game now and can't be assed to check. Ultimately, it isn't important, you're absolutely right.
Funnily enough, I was actually running the overshield before going to fuck around with it in the Meat Grinder a while ago, but I was thinking of the last game I'd played (also the only game I'd run the gun on Vet in months, and one of the only Vet games I've played since returning), and I hadn't had a single point where I felt like the overheal was helping, but the quicker body shots would've, so I swapped it. I'll probably swap it back though now you point it out.
Just play better shitter.
yeah he doesn't seem too bad,bet he can carry your fat ass
Scrubs think off meta choices are a lack of skill when more often than not they're a consequence of skill
How are the fart weapons?
>Yes, we said quickly. One of the most significant additions to this mission is the timer as an overarching objective. We wanted to introduce this mechanic to create a stronger sense of tension and urgency throughout the mission.
Fucking dead on arrival
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i have a long list of things i dont like other players doing
if you do any of them, i will instantly kick you
if i can't, i will disband the lobby in your face
possibly at the very end as we are done and leaving
sorry but im the host and i make the rules
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Unlike our previous missions, which often feature wider environments, “Rolling Steel” has a highly linear layout
why do gamers whinge so much whenever something takes them out of their comfort zone?
there's no such thing as dead on arrival when 70% of the player base just uses quickplay
timers are bad, I saw a reddit thread about pet peeves in videogames and it was highly upvoted
A timer AND very linear. Why, this might end up being darktide's best mission yet!
Yeah this raised my eyebrows too. Their previous levels in Vermintide maybe had wider environments but most of Darktide's levels are cramped corridor simulators with very minimal path branching. If the new train mission is "highly linear" compared to that I wouldn't be surprised if the player can barely move two steps left and right all mission lol.
the last snowy mission was more open
I think what they mean is more narrow level design. The other levels aren't non linear but they do have very wide environments, depending on mission
Fartshart fucked up majorly by giving the Darktide maps such soulless names.

Against the Grain. The Screaming Bell. Righteous Stand. Tower of Treachery. Horn of Magnus. You can read any of these and the map will instantly pop into your head if you've played VT2.

Meanwhile in Darktide: Refinery. Smelter Complex. Relay Station. Consignment Yard. Wtf is this shit? The only maps that are really memorable despite their name are the very enjoyable ones like Archivum Sycorax, or if you played the game for 800h so everything is etched into your memory anyway.
i've played the game for 800 hours and i couldn't name a third of the maps in general, never mind the specific variants
kek this. whatchua want senpai dark hallway with zig zags or dark hall way with zig zagz in reverse
It's retarded conflicting design from how nobody is calling the shots, horizontal heirarchies and all that dogshit.
Basically in a normal dev studio you'd have a guy pitch his ideas and someone gives the greenlight. In this people just kinda go "uhh whose responsibility is this? Let's just do something inoffensive that nobody will mind for now" and it's never someones problem again

In this specific case the idea is probably to have names that evoke a hive city feeling, like it's just another consignment yard etc. The problem with that is that they then also design the maps so you keep coming across the same sections in different maps so you'd want something to actually associate these places with
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it's part of the narrative, you don't know where you were or why you were there
The only ones my brain instantly visualizes when I think of the name are:
>Archivum Sycorax
>Hab Dreyko
>Carnival maps (Mercantile, Warren)
>Ascension Riser
Rest is all slop in my brain.
>Something else to sink your teeth into when you have the urge to slay heretics, but you’re more limited on time.
Yea let's appeal to phone casuals who can only do 5 minute gaming sessions because those people play games like darktide
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I hope you can push heretics off the train After you shoot them
I played 666 hours of darktide and I don't know the map names. I only know the general vibes of the regions, ie
The torrent is the green sewers
The hourglass is yellow and full of sand
Metalfab is magma red
Throneside is a blue high-end urban environment
The carnival is a green(ish? light brown?) low-end urban environment
The one snow map filters shitters immediately
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i would like to fuck swagger's face and throat with my pickaxe

shut up you mouthy little queer
Based Sycorax enjoyer, going down the stairs while mowing heretics down is always a delight
if ogryns were real, they'd speak in about 80% slurs
>Strawhat is just an AI chatbot fatshark rented out and set to internet gremlin mode.
Are you talking like drunk slur or like nigger slur?
probably both honestly
Apparently the maps were supposed to be somewhat procedural where you'd go on a different path each game through the overall region but then fatshark failed to implement it.
I don't think anything they write is AI generated, they're just scandinavians. Sounding so soulless it'd be mistaken for AI drivel is normal for them.
I checked the whole text btw and it's seemingly just that segment. The last sentence set off my chatgpt wordy drivel sensors, nobody would actually type shit like this out
wordy chatgpt drivel is just corpospeak. vague, upbeat, shifting artlessly from empty topic to empty topic.
It's just corporate cant.
Can confirm; corpo talk is just using buzzwords while being as vague as possible.
>t. corporat
not gonna argue that but these checkers are pretty accurate, It stands to reason that they'd rather have chat gpt spit out empty corpo drivel instead of coming up with it yourself
>these checkers are pretty accurate
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>reinstall darktide since playing SM2 made me want to shoot baddies and it's better than VT for that
>familiar issues but the netcode feels even more atrocious, I'm getting kills on specials I'm not even aiming at, extremely bad at interpreting melee inputs, zero communication with players, post-mission load screen took about 4 minutes
>gamepass wifi consoleshitters are never ever going away
So many things in this game feel like a step backwards from VT2, and with this news I think the game is just dead
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So with the crafting rework I'll be able to switch this piece of shit into a glorious Mk IV?
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It's so fucking funny to me that their best idea for a new mission gimmick was just
>lets put a timer on it!!!!!!
Why not a turret section where the rejects gets to use a stationary heavy weapon for a bit or something? Who the fuck thought a timer of all things would be a good idea
>don't panic
>don't panic
sorry-masen siblings i'll remember to press special attack next time
qrd? we getting a new map on the 26th?
it's on a train and you have to stop it before it esplodes
Man don't be so miserable, it'll literally be on a moving train that's about to crash into something. It's fine and the mission sounds cool, the only caveeat I have with it is that it's apparently short
I'm just like the Karnak twins it will be dead in a week, but no negativity in the dojo
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and? I loved the karnak twins
Vet-kun... we require a 4th...
If Karnak Twins was actually in the quickplay rotation without the bells and maybe slightly less cinematic people would love it
It's zealot time!
Sibling? Your assail?
works on my machine
>loading time
mods fix it
lies, last message from catfish was in april
>79% finesse
I'm sure people will love this one too anon!
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why are you like this?
Only if you show me how you use those extra fingers.
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Its so annoying when lightning doesnt hit something right in front of you
lmao darkbabs can't handle a single chaos zerker?
I mean that's what I would do if I had that job, just let ChatGPT come up with these statements and proofread them for mistakes, maybe edit in some stuff that the chatbot overlooked. There's no good reason not to.
Is it true they lowered the amount of missions for the hazard frame penance
My 1 wish with the new update is that the Surge blessing effects the secondary attack on the Surge staff and not the primary fire
>forever winter comes out on the 24th
LMAO darktide bros can't stop taking Ls
>Smigger in my lobby
Oh look! A friendly yellow barrel!
how does that relate exactly
it's going to be so bad many people will stop playing videogames forever
first appealing pitch i've heard for the game
Fellas Payday 3 is like $20, please tell me it's in a worthy enough state to purchase. I miss heist kino.
I just remembered the guy who called people retarded for not buying the GOLD version of payday 3 for 110$. It gets all the DLC for free, guys!
Darksloppers I can't wait for the update, has the autist hivemind yet agreed on a consensus of the preview patch notes? Are we back?
the only RNG involved with weapon crafting is now the stat distro, the weps are at 380 now and you can put blessings and perks deterministically on a wep and swap the mark on the fly
form your own opinion based on that
Payday 1 and 2 were pretty damn good so I can't really fault him for trusting his pattern recognition rather than his gamer wisdom.
>no preorders
>no exceptions
We are so back, we might be back a bit too much. I like buffs like everyone else but there are so many we might have to moderate difficulty ourselves.
If someone bought into their monetization model after pd2 I'd call it the opposite of pattern recognition
melee is so ass in space marine, they werent kidding. makes me miss Toughness so much.
Darktide Is About to Have Its Helldivers Moment
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You are having fun in YOUR aurics right?

Someday I'm going to hit 500k boss damage.
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i dont know why everyones shitposting this cause its the most standard shooter build ever. also vraks mk7 fucks hard. and i'll add i also like Born Leader.
In a week maybe. I'm going to play around with pysker right now. I'm going to ruin the game for other people with my surge staff.
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>more overkill than actual damage
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y'all really in for a rude awakening next week from overhyping the nth glorified crafting rework and balance patch
is the game going to stop being fun
talent and weapon updates are the only thing i give a shit about anyways. content would only excite me if we got Tyranids or something massive like that.
Only by 2k! It was almost perfectly balanced. Thunder hammer always does over kill.
Post your build, I've never been able to make the thunder hammer work for me.
It won't change things much.
Core gameplay was fun but lacked variety prepatch.
Core gameplay will still be fun and we'll get maybe 2% more variety postpatch.
Not much will change and the playercount will die down to 3.5k after a few weeks.
I think you are gay there's like 20 weps I havent tried out yet cause the crafting was too cancer
just letting me pick blessings will give me like 200 hours of gameplay
why don't the swedes just add fsr2/dlss to helldivers if they can't be bothered to optimize it? the ceo's stance on "fake graphics" doesn't mean anything when the game already has fsr1
sucks because the game can be fun but not when it runs at 50fps while darktide (a game on the same engine) runs at 90+
Fartshart made that engine so I'm not surprised they optimize a bit better with it. Seems fucking retarded to call fsr2/dlss "fake graphics" though. Like sure it's bad to rely on it but why the fuck not have it asa performance option? Ass backwards faggot trying to make lack of features a feature in itself.
From what I've gathered following their statements, I don't think Arrowhead actually have anyone on the dev team who really understands how temporal upscalers such as FSR2/DLSS work (even though from my experience it's fairly easy to implement them if a game already has TAA, which Helldivers does). FSR1 looks awful in comparison but it's a spatial upscaler and easier to implement.
Your build seems a bit unoptimal
>I run the Brainburst chance with the surge for random head pops
I really don't think that's efficient for dps at all. Maybe it would be worth it if it didn't have the 15 second cooldown, but I would recommend you drop it and the movement speed node (???why tf would you even choose that???) at the bottom right and take mettle and perfect timing instead. Both of those talents benefit crit builds far more than kinetic flayer or 5% move speed. This next one isn't quite as important, but I would also recommend that you drop either quietude or battle meditation for perilous combustion, I would personally drop battle meditation. Three soulblaze stacks doesn't sound like much, but the damage adds up quickly the more enemies there are and it provides a solid boost to your overall damage throughout a game. With the surge staff, I would recommend taking warp flurry over terrifying barrage. With the obscurus, I would recommend you take either the illisi or deimos instead depending on whether you want horde clear or single target damage.

If you don't already know about it, this steam guide is incredibly helpful for learning about the current meta and various tips and tricks to optimize your psyker builds and playstyle. It should be required reading for all psykers imo.
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Used with Flamer.
The majority of this thread is 1000 hours in and lost all perspective for what it's like to give up on a weapon because it's too much a pain in the ass to grind for. I don't think this update is going to change DT's playercount in the long run but I'm going to have fun with it.
I was tinkering with the build earlier when I noticed I was getting more crits in than I realized. I'm working with perfect timing right now. Perilous combustion feels situational to me and Soul Blaze never wowed me with its DPS. I'll test it and see if it's something I want in my build when time permits.
>movement bonus.
I'm not currently using it, but at the time the slightly faster movement speed felt like an okay choice since the other options didn't appeal to me. I'm sure I'm not fully optimized but I don't want to go full "You have to use these skills and these skills only or you should KYS".

Courtesy of the locks, that's how my staff will be until the update at least.
I got less than <250 before I got hard filtered by it t b h. Granted, a chunk of that time was in the pre-order beta, so there was no way to know how bad it would be.
We have discovered a new form of jank that may surpass even slavjank. We require brave scientists to venture forth and catalogue its features and identify it significant differences.

Cannot source this right now so take it with some salt. Devs were surprised that people were taking advantage of the friendly fire mechanic to kill their friends so they could take the good loot back themselves. They're still undecided on how to punish for this.
former friends
come on rrRAT
late, but HELL no... tranny game for trannies
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I am 1000 hours in and there's 20 weps I havent used extensively because of the dogshit crafting system.
Not everyone was actually autistic enough to put up with the gacha. Me and my friends just ignored the crafting and stuck to the couple lucky rolls/easy to roll weps we got.
3/4 please join we're gonna squish some bugs
Yeah Born Leader seemed like it would go particularly nicely with the keystone talent that gives allies toughness for spent tag stacks. Helps that suppression isn't something I want, and the 10% damage isn't likely to be impactful on breakpoints and if it is, I'm too lazy to check.
Realistically Tzeentch would be on the side of Order but unintentionally.
If it made any sense Tzeentch would actively be trying to make peace instead of a constant state of never ending war because isnt a never ending war in of itself stagnation and thats what Tzeentch abhors?
>i dont know why everyones shitposting
There's two types of players on here, one is actual 700 hour autists who run this type of stuff no problem, then there's people with like 50 hours who are still in the "wahhh if its not the revolver or plasmagun its not FUN!!" stage
unf... heheha... i'll tickle ye... cmere sniveler... heha
>new auspex event requiring communication
How exactly is that going to work for those whose lobbies are half Chinese all the time?
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Never a better game, 'twas the charter of 5 unlikely allies in a Morrslieb-lit imperial town.
I mean you're not wrong.
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Your mind games won't work on me, heretic.
Remember, whenever Chaos claims that their state is the natural being of the universe, remind them their chaos is only measurable because of the natural underlying order of the universe.
Being on 700 hours end of the dunning kruger horseshoe, I have a lot of fun doing solo maestroom runs with optimized builds.
remember, whenever chaos claims that their state is the natural being of the universe, shoot them in the head with your gun
Kinda unrelated, but I'm eagerly looking forwards to hear the new music that will come with the update. Jesper Kyd is bretty gud.

>worth 5 points
How close are you?
Do you have to complete every penance to get to the end of Hestia's blessings? I've started collecting them but I'm realizing it becomes very hard to just knock some out (holy shit the barrel one will take forever)
prolly like 3 million now

nah i have 4700+ points
the only penance I'm missing is the 3 containers at the same time on Excise Vault
oh and i still don't have the barrel one, don't really focus on it but i'm only at like 1300. Only yellow barrels count for that shit
no you pedo retard, tzeentch is entropy itself
his plans are unknowable on purpose
he serves no one but himself and his infinite scheming
they shouldn't have lowered the kill requirement... people think i'm a shitter now...
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I was at like 950k when the update lowered it
I miss when it was 1,000,000. It took me 1492 hours to do it. It was a proper mark of a fucking loser and I miss it.
So mean.
But if Tzeentch doesnt know what he wants then wouldnt this still be in the realm of possibility?
kill yourself.
I'm a Zealot main.
The highlight of my week is when all my teammates die and I get to clutch.
What's the deadline for me to sacrifice as many weapons for lower-level blessings as I can before they convert over to the new system?
Strawhat said in the announcement thread that you would be better off keeping the weapons to feed them into the grinder post-patch, generally speaking.
She also said you need all T4 blessings and roughly half of T3 blessings (or some other ratio of this that has about the same value) to max out mastery for that family.

So you can either just get as close as possible to that and then scrap the rest after the update. Or trust Strawhat and just keep all of it for after
>I love with thebret longsword, the french batte
I didn't buy the class so I can't try that. Maybe when the next sale hits.
I just got back into Darktide since earlier this year, are the servers getting really shitty lately? There's way more lag than I remember.
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Promotig my goo dumper on Haz 5,anyone wants to join?


this weapon is addictive in general
>doing event
>deal with a bunch of chaos warriors and shit, lose HP
>rats show up, time to farm it back up
>battle wizard ults and sets them all on fire
>another group
>hit them once and they burn down because of AOE staff
As of now I am doing staff checks. The wizard presents the bolt staff or gets kicked.
You are being carried, please do not resist.
>plague monk pack shows up
>wizard prancing around the stormvermin
>slaverat pack shows up
>wizard is a laser focused terminator
Nice try.
Your wizard might be a cat.
Okay I'll be my own wizard.
Do fireball, coruscation and conflagration staffs do damage to armored and bosses? Or just the bolt staff?
Shield armor rats, chaos warriors etc?
I've seen that trick where the story boss is about to jump down from his ledge so you put like 5 coruscations into his jump point but I don't know if that still works since I know something has been nerfed.
Like the burning dot bonus talent used to be 150, now it's 100 or something like that.
It's never laggy for me.
So if I have unclaimed blessings, it's good to claim then now before the rework? Does it even matter?
forever winter looks like mega jank, i don't understand the hype
I wasn't even at 500k and I was constantly mulching hordes and delaying missions just to kill stuff. I didn't feel like I deserved the frame when they lowered it.
That anon said that Strawhat explicitly said its better to use them later. We could split the difference and only claim whatever T3 blessings we are still missing and ignore the ones with T2s until after the update. I would say that regardless of the answer its most important to look at the stat bars as the priority. If it has close to ideal stat bars, don't sacrifice it for anything.
interesting concept on paper so people imagine a game that HAS to be cool. It's kinda like the Snyder cut before seeing the thing. Game will probably quickly fizzle out
I thought you'd be able to level up weapons later so you could max their stats?
There's supposed to be randomization on what those maxes are. The closer your base weapon right now is to being ideal, the more likely it is that whatever system they use to raise the ceiling should get it to pass all the important thresholds. There's also the future to consider, who knows exactly how red weapons will be implemented and interact with the current stat bars.
Neat, I have a lot of "almost perfect" weapons that have one or two stats that could use some improvement. Once I'm able to remove all the locks, I'll have a nice little armory across all 4 of my operatives. Topping off certain stats will be nice, but removing the locks and being able to swap out all the perks and blessings will make touching up a weapon a lot less painful.
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its just an extraction looter shooter
a better concept would be kingdom death: monster
>turret section
It's 2024 boomer-kun, get on with the times
A turret section would be a little silly. However, I wouldn't mind some "heavy weapons" built for more defensive play like a hotshot lasgun with a massive battery pack like you see enemy gunners toating around. Give the Zealots a melter. Give the Ogryn (good lord) any mixture of heavy bolters, chain bolters, lascanons, heavy flamers, and maybe even multilasers if you want some real heretical shit.
>what about psykers?
What kinda force powers don't they have at this point? Explodie, burnie, zappie, and the canon shot cover a wide gambit of death. Maybe a long-range beam staff with a DoT effect that stacks like the purgatus staff? The left click shoots out a little piddly beam but you can charge it with the right click to increase the size and power of the beam. The beam can penetrate multiple enemies and has a stacking stagger effect (you can give it diminishing returns past x amount of penetrations) giving it versatility at range. It'd be good at crowd control but only if you're in a tight corridor, otherwise the beam would be too narrow (even at full charge) to handle large groups effectively.
Why is sienna so unpopular? Is it because she's a Karen?
I find her annoying in VT2
Ping stuff for Ping.
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She's hag-core. No one wants to slamajamma her old witch pussy. I would, but I'm also a real degenerate.
I don't think she's all that bad, and I doubt many other do either. It's just that the eternal *lf player is that much more prevalent.
The amount of seethe on the forums over the train having a timer and being a short but intense level is funny. Lotta bitchmade niggas out there.
Because most people fuck up playing her really badly, which is in turn because everything about her classes is a double edge sword.
With the wizard, you can blow up half the map, but not the really important parts that actually endanger the team.
With the pyro, you are much like the wizard but not as good.
With unchained, you're a either a damage dealer or a tank or both, but if you make a mistake doing one or the other you explode.
Everything is always on edge and you really have to do it correctly or it goes wrong.
Basically, highest skill floor class.
I did it for real, but i mained commando back when the game was current

it was a slog
More like shag-core
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mines buff idea:

50s cooldown

immunity to fire and resistance to explosions up to number of what anti tank mine have to prevent explosion chain reaction
Someone explain to me why I seem to lose 50 IQ points when I click the elf button.
I pick a normal character, I do normal things, stick with the team, prioritize targets etc.
I pick any elf and I wonder off like a retard, rush into a pack of enemies, get stuck, die and someone else dies trying to help me out.
addicted to speed
Being fast is a curse
That's why zealots turn into retards when they pick up a knife
Surely I'll grow less retarded if I practice it a bit more.
molest your dodge key and prey my warrior priest is on your team
but there're no mines in Darktide
Being given the most broken character makes you want to limit test.
i don't think any of her classes except Unchained feel good to play
the two mage classes are just a bit too meh at dealing with elites and the staff primary attacks being these inaccurate delayed fireballs feels clunky
a lot of the staffs are kinda ass on higher difficulties, only the fire circle one is any good
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didn't realize it but I cracked 1k hours
someone shoot me
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welcome to the club
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dead, not alive
The Karnak twins throw around gas mines.
in the name of the emperor, i cast you down
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Already victim of success
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1 week left bros..
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Can't wait to have a heavy sword on my tallarn gf and behead those who direspect the Emperor
someone wants to play ratclick with me?
Post a code and I'll join
I'm a noob who recently started and got his first hero to 30. so I don't even know how to generate a "code"
Ah, you probably mean friend code? I'd rather not post it on the chans.
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Have to go now, but another time when someone says to post lobby code (either for ratclick, helldivers, or another game that works with steam lobbies) You can go to your profile page and there's a funny green button, you right click it and copy the link address and the link should look a little something like steam://joinlobby/2183900/109775243202330131/76561198048360915 for example.
Other players will put this into their browser of choice and it should launch the game into your lobby, or redirect a running game to join it. It's how anons here play with one another without posting their accounts or namedropping eachother
alright didnt know that. tahnks!
I wouldn't want to rat out my boy FartSniffa3999
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Don't worry anon, I'm on my way to 2000 hours. <3
I got like three hunnid
Time to join MY aurics and add another 700.
no one ever posts some lobby code anyway
Ok add me.
Unironically the players here are too good. It's not as fun playing with good players.
That button stopped existing for my profile about a year ago, wonder why.
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All along, you didn't want me to join your aurics not because I would drag you down, but because it'd be boring to play with a fellow good player. Anon-sama, I got you all wrong. Forgive me...
I like the timer. First good decision FS have made in years.
You have your profile shit set to super private, dont you?
It requires game visibility to be on
No. Fully public. I already tried fixing this a while ago and nothing works.
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They're both fun. I like playing with anons because its usually just a fun time playing with other retards from here.
I also like playing with retarded players because it lets me feel like I'm limit testing/limit breaking
kami sama forgive me for i must go all out, just this once...
early due to multiple updates
Bro are you retarded
fucking retard
been sent to call you a retard
Samefagged to try and bump the thread, so probably
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>earlyfag seethes he was out early'ed
I basically said the exact opposite of that
I may or may not have notified the authorities of this.
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why the fuck are there two threads
Is EDF6 worth touching as a first entry?
The price tag seems kinda steep.
just because ok?
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>first time playing in months
>dipshit runs into a bug breach and instantly dies
>for some reason he thinks I killed him and I get TK'd immediately
>wait until the end of the match and spray him and his samples all over the landing pad right before extract
>he actually explodes in chat, line after line of "****************"
that felt great
It's my first edf, pirated it for 4hrs love it so much that i paid full price without any hesitation
Super fun game especially with /v/bros

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