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Welcome to the Anime Fighting Games General!
Here we play, learn, and discuss Anime Fighting Games.
If you're a fan of Arcsys, Team Arcana or Eighting, you've come to the right place!
Please keep drama, game wars, early threads, and interpersonal drama out!

Various game info, beginner friendly: https://pastebin.com/yT5CpLgr (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Additional Resources:


Previous: >>492592757
I just realized There are alot of unnecessary embeds in the OP. Yet another fix needed for next time.
Something about this OP falls kind of FLAT.
Good OP
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Streaming Gretel rough frames again.


This artist always draws them way too tall.
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My keyboard broke. What do I do? I really really really don't want to buy one of those mechanic gaymer ones since they typically don't have the numpad and I use that for playing FGs. I'm not buying a fucking mixbox.
You could just settle with a cheap one, are you using mobile to post in the thread?
It's just a keyboard, right? You can get them anywhere. If you're not looking for something special then you don't have to look very far.
>I really really really don't want to buy one of those mechanic gaymer ones since they typically don't have the numpad
Just buy one with a numpad
t. Numpad having gaymer keyboard user
I'll have to catch the vod, busy tonight sadly
Is this OC?
>Is this OC?
It's an ai edited Image. You'd have to pay me to make OC of these characters and I wouldn't be able to vouch for the quality thereof.
Is there a script of some sort and program for this? Might make for a fun evening though I've never done AI before.
You could go through the trouble of installing a local model, training it, fiddling with settings, and cherry picking generations
Or you could use a hosted online service and just type in "huge breasts, cleavage" and inpaint (highlight) the spots you want the ai to change. I used Novel AI but but there's a lot more services you can use for this. Look up the OP in /aids/ here on /vg/ if you want to be spoonfed.
...amazon dot com
is mixbox good anyway?
No idea. I've got a buddy who got one awhile back. Maybe I'll ask his opinion next time I see him.
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French SF2X

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For those who haven't bought UNIB2 yet I was able to secure a key for only CAD $21.50 after looking for a key seller on GGDeals.

Around the price it should've been for a system update
Come on, say something!
I did more frames last night, I think I'm finally getting more used to the process.
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Seriously, why did they price it so high?
4 now, it'll be resurrected as a zombie sooner or later
Wasn't that technically the death of the brand as a fighting game franchise? The next will be the undeath as a Strive-like.
The hero we need but don't deserve.
What's Mori's new studio gonna do? Is he finally going to make his RPG?
BB got 2 or 3 different mobile games, right?
It got 2, Dark War flopped while I think the other's still up but not getting any content.
I think Team Blue will just get stuck as the collab fighter guys from now on, there's no way there aren't multiple IP holders trying to get their own DBFZ-tier success story.
There was an interview like a year ago about how arcsys really wants to do more licensed games for big IPs in the future.
its genuinely fucking over...
Good. CF was a good ending story-wise, the gameplay's peak and it'll live on forever with a good PC port and rollback.
I expected a BB guest in GG before a random licensed anime character
Where's the source?!
But they used to do that all the time anyway? P4A, HnK, and SBX?

What's going to be the difference?
Something older maybe?
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I forgot he even founded that
They had a call for employees, too
Anyway, I looked it up and they did some concept art
The image is giving me Fractale vibes where the urban city is computer-generated and the actual world is the green part in the bottom of the shot.
finished the non-attack frames off stream
will do the attacks on stream later tonight
Yeah, I think they made that Sailor Moon game
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Finally working on Gretel's attack frames tonight.
Same twitch stream as before.
But new YT link.
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wake up!
There was another storm today and suddenly a huge water bug crawled across me. So I cleaned up my room for the past 30 minutes. Unfortunate, but I'll try streaming again tomorrow.


>Kidooka, who said that in the past, Arc System Works had been very passive with regards to collaborating with other IPs, with IP holders being the ones coming to them with the offers for collaboration. Kidooka wants to change that attitude. Moving forward, Kidooka said the studio plans to be less passive in pursuing partnership opportunities
>Kidooka wants Arc System Works to create games that will resonate with western audiences
>"We need to expand fighting [game] communities through IP," Kidooka told IGN. "In the future, if we have such an opportunity, we are actively pushing to collaborate with new IP owners."
>In the long run, Kidooka's dream is to develop a new Arc System Works IP planned and developed in the US.
>"I have a plan," said Kidooka. His first priority is expanding Guilty Gear Strive, but beyond that, he is also constantly thinking about the new generation of fighting games, and BlazBlue could be part of it. He also said that the BlazBlue IP has a lot of possiblities in genres other than fighting games as well.
>develop a new Arc System Works IP planned and developed in the US.
Ah, fuck. Please don't hire anyone from a coastal state.
you already know japan only works with california
>and BlazBlue could be part of it
Sadly I think this also means Striveifying it
one day I'll play CF again and maybe then it won't crash
Now featuring 80% less features and 50% less characters from previous games~
True dood. Would be hilarious if they turned Mai back into a man.
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19 frames today. I can probably do even more tomorrow. But I completed all of her standing normals. Tomorrow, I'll do crouching and jumping normals.
Looks like things are developing very quickly
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Are your reactions good enough to punish unsafe moves? - 兄ケン / Aniken
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my reactions are middling, so I have to rely on psychic reads... with mixed results.
The fuck happened to Noel's knee?
I think it helps that Gretel's movements aren't as dramatic as someone like Winifred since she's not as "physical" in her fighting style. Well that and I'm thinking a lot more about frame saving techniques.
Mai Natsume has some nice boobs
How fast is good enough in ms?
total nine love
total nine hate
nine has sex with cats ,she's too weird for me
I've recently started messing around with DBFZ after grabbing it on sale a while back. I'm aware that the new patch has thrown the balance off-kilter again and people are still figuring it out, so resources are sparse or questionable at the moment. Is there anything I should keep in mind while playing. I don't usually play tag fighters, so it's pretty new to me, but the offense in this game feels really oppressive at time and I don't quite have a handle on it yet.
Should I
>focus primarily on one character and think of the second and third as just useful tools as assists
>actively try to learn 3 characters evenly and swap between them in-match as appropriate
I don't really know how people approach it on the whole or if both kinds of play are viable, but I don't know how capable I am of learning 3 characters while also trying to learn the rest of the roster enough to combat them. Any tips?
I recommend watching top level footage to get a better idea of how the game is played, but from what I recall about DBFZ, you put the characters together and swap pretty often. Especially with DHC combos.
her phantom body is still pure.
trust me bwo.
I'll keep that in mind. I did my usual thing of hopping into ranked almost immediately after feeling out some characters to see what "real" play looks like, and I was pretty floored by it. I'm not used to that kind of pacing or manic tag-in-tag-out. I was wondering if it's viable to have a "main" that is primarily supported by the assists, but I'll probably just go check some footage to see how people tend to play.
Which game should I play?
Pick based on either your fetishes or whatever the best-looking matches were. Most people do that
Lot of newcuties are picking up bbcf right now.
It's the best anime fighting game on the market and this is my pure unbiased opinion.
What games have you played before?
This, but BBCF sucks to get into if you want more than to just flail around until you do something else.
3rd Strike on Fightcade. I've been playing for about a year or so. I'm good enough to beat mashing retards but I don't feel like progressing further since this is a game which I think doesn't mix well with rollback at all and the game itself is kind of boring and incredibly stressful. I only kept playing because I like playing Makoto and doing her SA2 combos but besides her I hate almost every character in this game, both in terms of gameplay and visually. I'm desperately looking to move onto something else and I was looking at either +R or BBCF.
If you come from 3rd Strike, +R would be a better start for you I think. You can go on to BBCF after, but the airdasher journey will be smoother for someone like this if they start with +R
What the other anon said. +R has the old school feeling you might be looking to keep while still offering alot of variety in the character playstyles and the rollback is pretty good in it. BBCF does have a higher player count though if you're looking to have a broader variety of opponents and the tutorials in game are pretty decent.
I would legitimately just look at +R and Blazblue's character designs and decide what to play based off of that.
>the tutorials in game are pretty decent
They're kind of shit, but it does teach a few things
what makes a character "high IQ" ?
The character I play vs the character you play
I guess I'm going to go for +R since it's cheaper. I like A.B.A. because of her design and character archetype (I guess she's sort of like Makoto?). I heard she's difficult to play though. Do you think she's a good character to start with?
>Do you think she's a good character to start with?
Absolutely fucking not, but some people can use her pretty good. Online used to be flooded with ABA players in the earlier days of rollback, now it's mostly fucking Justice and Sol
ABA starts round as the worst character in the game, but as soon as you go into moroha mode, she becomes the strongest character in the game. Really I would never say that any character in either bbcf or +R are "bad" to start with, but you should only play her if you like having really volatile matches.
This is usually a shorthand for 1 of 3 things
1: >>495194284
2: The character requires complex or precise execution to do their stuff, probably even their basic stuff like bnbs
3: The character has some kind of unique system that you have to interact with that other characters don't have to worry about.
She's not really hard but you have to be weary to not get knocked down 3 times because when that happens you get stunned.

Your main draw is to enter her install state which can be done at the end of a combo into a command grab or with enough distance the blood drink special input. You get some health back when you leave the install state too IIRC.

I guess you can say she sucks outside of the install state but it's not too bad to get into it and she can go full unga in it.
>le execution
carl is literally braindead
>le unique mechanic
carl is LITERALLY braindead

The only thing that makes a character high iq is how much they're forced to interact with the other human behind the sticks.
Lot's of interaction = high IQ
Low interaction = retard mode
Carl is hard because if I get hit I have to play BlazBlue.
Carl and Izanami are basically the only characters that can just run a flowchart setup in their head without even thinking about interacting with the other player and then win most of their games as long as their execution is good enough, and that happens naturally with practice.
>The only thing that makes a character high iq is how much they're forced to interact with the other human behind the sticks
By this logic all characters are low IQ once you tap your opponent once and they either get hit or are forced to block.
I would play the top tiers if I had good execution
Just play a game where the top tiers are braindead
what games have that?
based shotochad
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
pretty okay, 7/10
Who's the most popular BBCF character online? Is it Ragna?
in my experience: kagura, terumi, and mai
I believe it
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New stream, almost on the specials now
Thanks as always for the cool streams. Looking forward to seeing it all come together in the future
but who is the most underappreciated blazblue girl?
Elise von Klagen or Shiori Kirihito.
Mori removed Tsubakis lesbian status during development despite Mako Komao wanting a yuri character, so now the only two lesbians are spin-offs only
In gameplay? Probably Tsubaki or Litchi.
love pixels
why so?
Haven't seen this guy's channel in forever. Looks like he's back.

Remember Samurai Shodown?
>Remember Samurai Shodown?
Looking forward to TGS
im ready to be disappointed
No problem! I have things down to a certain formula now, so I can probably get Gretel ready in 2dfm relatively quickly. Then it just becomes a matter of polishing up the demo, changing up damage values, fixing timings, etc. But I'm not sure how much time that will take, as I could just keep tweaking small things forever after a certain point.
Carl's sister....
I'm crossing my fingers for crossplay though a new season would be nice even if unlikely
Noel. I don't care if she's Mori's waifu and gets all the attention, that's still not enough.
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*Nine cast projectiles invul*
I like how she just shoots laser beams out of her crotch.
That was painful
hands moist can't play sad but true
Dry them on your shirt or something
No paper towels?
was them
What's the most efficient and comfortable way to do a dash input?
What are some free netplay games that aren't MBAACC that have an active community?
Super Turbo
Just push forward twice lmao
Whichever ones you have friends for, Granblue Rising, or whatever ones have more than 80 people on Fightcade.
On pad? I push the analog stick forward twice with my thumb and index finger.
On stick? I push the lever forward twice with my thumb,middle, and index finger.
On hitbox? I just tap forward twice with only my index finger.
On keyboard? I just tap forward twice with my middle finger.

What input device are you using?
Well in addition to what I said, I know some people that tap the stick with their whole palm, but that means they have to let go of their grip to do it. May want to try it and see if that's comfortable for you.
BBCF is on sale again for $10 for the weekend.
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Going forward, I will be much more conscious of animation efficiency. Looking over some of my old frames, I noticed that my style was full of superfluous frames even though I thought I was doing a very cost effective style. After studying the look and feel of Akatsuki Blitzkampf more closely, I see that I can get away with even more for less than I'm already doing.

For example, I gave Winifred two unique Dragon Punch animations. but she only needs one. Or how I made a unique super startup for her when I could have just reused 214X and merely had a unique ender.
Or I gave Gwendolyn two separate throw startups. But they both involve the same thing with a unique ender, so it's not like I need to actually have more than one startup. That and I gave her 3 unique sprites only used in her super when, again, she only would really need one.
I was more aware of this kind of thing when I worked on Gretel, but even then, I did things like giving her two separate frames of crouching when you only need one. I could have put that effort towards just drawing the single turning frame for when a character jumps behind another.

I know I won't be able to go as long as ABK with how some characters have only 160 frames since I have 4 buttons rather than 4. But I can shoot for 200 frames instead of 300 like I first estimated.

The key is to have strong keyposes.
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>since I have 4 buttons rather than 4
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Meant to say "rather than 3"
Akatsuki Blizkampf is a 3 button game.
Which is another reason it can save on frames.
Elektro Soldat only has 153 sprites and Adler has 204. Most characters have somewhere within that range and they save on frames and animation because of it.

One of the reasons that games like SF3 and Skullgirls have so many frames, aside from just aiming for more fluid animation, is because they have 6 buttons and have to make unique attacks for all 6 buttons.
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Getting the sprite sheets ready. I'll stream after that since this part is entirely uninteresting and just me loading frames onto a website.
Good luck man
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Next stream starting soon. Time to finally load up the frames into 2d fighter maker.
Thank you!
What is Taokaka's IQ?
Very high for a beast person compared to the likes of Makoto
If you gave Tao the task of lacing a shoe, she would fail the assignment. Instead choosing to do intricate cats cradles.
Basically this.
Also, for me it's refraining from bursting in favor of doing shitty Almost Becoming Two combos
i want to have sex with a twink
I played KOF in an arcade once, but it used the old neogeo layout an I couldn't do anything right with the bat top controllers
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I'm at 300ms....

>I'm at 300ms....
its over....
pray its just a shitty monitor
What is the anime fighting game equivalent of leaving the chun-li nude mod on during a tournament livestream
Like, I can block things like TK bad moon or whatever the fuck it is that Relius players keep doing pretty easily, but I get embarrassingly high times on this stupid benchmark thing so I don't really give it much thought
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0eilF7yj_8 [Embed]
Glitch patched in?

Oh shi-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oJTSOYdjp0 [Embed]
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Drink more purified water.
That helped my reactions.
I never got this meme, is it supposed to be a warm hole?
Ended up making another change to save on animation. Instead of Suzette equipping a mask for her Jester Mod, her clothes turn golden.
On that note, installs will be palletized, so it's going to be a different color for her alts. So like silver or ruby, sapphire, etc for the other slots.

This is specifically because I remember how in UMVC3, if two Phoenix players activated her level 5, it becomes hard to tell who is doing what. And it's even worse if both activate X-Factor.
>On hitbox? I just tap forward twice with only my index finger.
>On keyboard? I just tap forward twice with my middle finger.
Why are you using the middle finger to dash on keyboard, instead of the index finger? Why do it differently on keyboard if your fingers are presumably positioned the same on both controllers?
That was a mistake. I mixed up my own fingers somehow. But you're right. I use my index finger on keyboard, too.
I was thinking about typing specifically where I have my fingers positioned in the standard way for typing, which puts the middle finger on D, rather than the position used for WASD in games.
Sorry about the confusion.
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I imagine there was some strive tournament where they used mods, but I only ever see those in ggg tournaments, so not sure
I wonder what Mori's inspiration was for designing Rachel? Rozen Maiden?
Sure seems like it, but the "Goth Loli" archetype is somewhat common, so he may have mixed together many things.
me when i don't play fighting games
I remember his exact words in an old BBCT interview being something like "The obligatory gothic lolita", so it's probably that.
Is there a lot of info on the early development history of BlazBlue? I only know that it started as a different genre.
There's a bit of information, a good chunk of which I've forgotten. Unsurprisingly, Mori's original plans for the game was as an RPG, which changed for reasons I keep forgetting. I'm pretty sure you can piece together a good amount of information just by looking at the commentary in the various games' art galleries, particularly the earlier games.
Damn i would play a blazblue rpg
Didn't GG have an RPG on wonderswan or something?
Platform fighter I think but not RPG
remember isuka?
That bitch who squared up with the Spade Pirates? Yeah, barely.
I meant Guitly Gear Isuka...
Have any of you ever played Daemon Bride? Pretty neat Arcana-like (same devs)
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All the frames are in, so I'm doing more 2dfm work on Gretel tonight.

I tried it on an emulator with a friend once, but never played more than a few matches.
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What about Arcana Heart (male)?
Outer Dimension. You can airdash cancel an overhead what the FUCK
I remember seeing this a while back
did they get more done on it since like 3 years ago?
Looks cool, is it doujinsoft?
they were playing Asuka 120% earlier, but it looks like I missed it...
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We need more chuuni characters in fighting games
Isn't that most of Phantom Breaker Omnia? Also I guess Ryofu has a monster arm special in Koihime?
Is there somewhere I can see all the variations of the Melty Blood bathroom picture? I've seen the original, a Gundam version, a Vtuber version, etc. but that's probably only the tip of the iceberg.
There were variants? First I'm hearing of this.
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Here's one I saw a while back. There was a Vtuber one from the same angle and then another from a different angle but of the same scene. I think there were a few others as well.
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Why do you keep posting betaware?
It's my first time even fucking posting about it though
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“betaware” means “unfinished project.” omega/finalware is gold release. アウターディメンション isn't even close to 5% completion.
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SFZ3 A-ism tier
Sometimes WIPs are fascinating
I tried Fate Unlimited Codes once but it was too hard for me even with the easy characters.
I remember I used to play Pokken. I thought it was really enjoyable, but never got that good at it, either. No idea how different it was at higher levels.
Could a Goku Black/Goku SSJ/Goku Blue team be good for a beginner?
What makes it hard?
Anime fighting games are going extinct
All those characters are fairly easy, especially black. So you can try to make it work.
But you would probably want to put Blue first and Black Mid.
If you mean airdashers kind of though I think a new Marvel vs Capcom could potentially bring that back if they bring the likes of flying characters like Storm, Sentinel, Iron Man, etc back. The MVC collection is surprisingly holding water even after nearly 2 weeks of release. I was expecting a much larger drop-off but it's still holding steady at 1K players during peak hours
tight windows on the combos
I play on pad and I can't do most stuff...
What makes you think that? melty just came out a few years back
can they even do that with disney over them now?
I don't see why not. It seems like they're being more open to many companies releasing titles of their IPs versus that time they did the 10 years Star Wars contract and limited releases of games from that IP they owned.
>last proper airdasher was a doujin fighting game with 50 concurrent players released 3 years ago
Yeah that sure is an example of the subgenre doing well
TL isn't a doujin game
but generally yeah airdashers are dead as fuck
I don't want to point to it because the airdash sucks in it but Guilty Gear Strive is technically an airdasher.
>neutered air dashes
>neutered ground gatlings
>no air gatlings
>no jump cancels
Yeah Strive *technically* still has what people would consider "anime mechanics" but it's all nerfed to shit Their 3rd party licensed games don't get to have anything at all. ASW is clearly phasing out anime mechanics from their games.
It's funny because okizeme is as oppressive as it has ever been after 1 combo that almost always leads to a wallbreak because of HKD from a super that gives positive bonus so it's free pressure anyway.
TL sold pretty well, believe it or not.
Pic related. What is the world's true form?

I'm a big fan of Hazama (Mori Toshimichi's self-insert -- and I can prove it, see: "The person who made BlazBlue...is me!")'s plan to open the gates of the azure.

But I don't agree with usurping Amaterasu to do it. This must be why Central Fiction has two gates...one for Terumi (Doom)...one for Jin (Hope)...

Nontheless, We have to solve Continuum Shift for the Young Master (The emperor's son -- Prince Hisahito in real life)

Would you try to do it for the Emperor?
>that resolution
Also is that the 3DS version of BBCSII?
i do believe so, yes!
>"The person who made BlazBlue...is me!"
He's talking about a fucking grimoire
And also Hazama can't be Mori's self-insert. He isn't seen salivating over any flat-chested teen or younger girls.
>He's talking about a fucking grimoire

"You're not the boss of me!" from CS's true ending.

>He isn't seen salivating over any flat-chested teen or younger girls.

Why did he let players peek at Noel's panties in Calamity Trigger, then go on in Central Fiction Noel Act 2 to show us noel's butt? (right after beating Izanami)
>Why did he let players peek at Noel's panties in Calamity Trigger
Mori was famous for not letting you do this. She was always ambiguously may-or-may-not-be nopan.
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>Mori was famous for not letting you do this

Did we even play the same game?

There's a lot of promotional art that shows Noel's panties
..and no official in-game CGs or sprites whatsoever, which is what actually matters because that's what we actually see in the actual work. In fact, several of her poses and animations imply the potential absence of her panties
Did we even play the same game?
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Another development stream is starting soon.
Tonight, I am working on Gretel's special moves.

When's the next SilentOne tournament?
What assists and order should I run on Cell/Kid Buu/Frieza?
why even make a fighting game if you don't know how to draw?
NTA but do you think all game devs need to be artists to make a successful product? Undertale is an ugly game IMO and yet that put Toby Fox on the map and spawned a new wave of Mother clones.
I don't know what the demand for "furry girl fighting games" is, but I'm sure /fgg/ will eat it up for a while at least
You'd be surprised how marketable furry designs can be to a specific audience that will pay top dollar for it.

t. anon who sold his used Solatorobo copy for a good amount of cash.
Yeah, I was figuring that Furry Gamers General would be interested in it if it actually manages to come out.
Strange glitch at the end there. For some reason, sometimes running MPC-HC and 2DFM at the same time causes a crash. But not the entire system getting a hang like that. Had to restart my PC. I'll finish up specials tomorrow.
This is merely the "prototype" stage with the "programmer art."
I plan on hiring an artist once I have more work done on the prototype. But I want to get everything down with a workable concept to show what I have planned.
I've hired artists in the past, but haven't in a long time. Mostly saving up money since this will be a big project.
I thought you were joking, but then I suddenly recalled that the really did put BB on PSP and 3DS
and yet people were surprised by GGST on Switch for some reason....
For me, BBCT on PSP was my first brush with the series. It was a pretty great time when I was younger and more impressionable, because I could just talk about it with my friends and I had no fucking clue for the longest time what a real match with real people actually entailed.
I showed my little brother the le funny flowchart Jin meme back then and his response was horror at being seen through, abd not even a single breath of laughter. It was a great time
Strive is on the switch?
Huh, wonder if it'll have rollback and crossplay.
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Just take the throw
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Guile's Theme
Kyle Athayde
>character is called an all-rounder/well-rounded character
>has no options for long range
i dont get it
Doesn't that just mean the game favors close range rushdown in general?
ragna the blood edge?
I like him.
Honestly anything can get ported to everything as long as there's an interest in the devs even if it looks ugly. Hardware not being powerful enough is just an excuse. See Witcher 3 and Doom Eternal getting Switch ports.
I wish my character was a braindead rushdownbab i'm too low iq for her.
What character?
Konoe Mercury.
i've played with someone that went in tournaments with her, it's insane how i can't do half of what he does right, he confirms every hit from half the screen away and always tp at the perfect spot.
Can russians really see glimpses of the future like that?
Thank god i can play other characters.
rushdown is high IQ, desu
the only really high IQ character in BlazBlue is Tager because takes patience
It'll more than likely be next Saturday. I was gonna do it for this Saturday but something came up.
Nice, looking forward to it
Oh wow, apparently I did lose some data. Forest stage got corrupted and Gretel's entire command list got wiped.
Good thing I have backups, but now I need to redo all of Gretel's inputs. Thankfully, the moves are still there intact.
What makes you say that?
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Do you guys think we'll get a high quality One Piece game in the near future?

Why is this so hard for Bamco and Shueisha to do? Do they seriously not think a GOOD OP game wouldn't print money? It doesn't even have to be stellar or innovative. A fighting game with competent combat, a roster full of all the popular characters, developed by either CC2 or Arcsys would win 98% of the fanbase over
A hypothetical One Piece FighterZ would be pretty okay and I'm sure people will want it, but that would require talking to geriatrics and I can understand people not wanting to do that.
Who are the Magneto, Dante, Dr. Doom, Vergil functions of dbfz?
I would think that they have to shrink the taller characters down or make them boss-like characters like how TVC handles them. Also there does exist a One Piece Arcsys fighting game on 3DS. It also has crossplay multiplayer with Dragon Ball Extreme Butoden 3DS.

It's called One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum

>Dr. Doom
SSJ4 Gogeta
Labcoat 21

Will say ahead of time that the next two tournaments are gonna be SF6 and Yugioh. Halloween tournament will be VSAV as is tradition.
There any non-DLC equivalents?
>Dr. Doom
SSJ Goku
Android 21
Have to weigh your gambles
Anyone wanna play something?
Who are the Magneto, Dante, Vergil, Doom functions of Tatsunoko vs Capcom?
Tekkaman Blade
Who is the (completely different character from different game) function of (game)?
Kung Fu Man from Mugen
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Continuing work on Gretel tonight. Have to rewrite her command list after last night's crash.
Same twitch as before.
But also YouTube, of course.
Cool stream.
Thank you!

Looks like I have an extra day of work now since it's not just the moves corrupted, but the entire character. I will always make sure to do backups now since the amount of time copying and pasting is still faster than doing the whole thing over.
Is there a Dante or Vergil function in Marvel 2?
Closest you'll get is Strider and maybe Hayato since he has an install off the top of my head.
Found it weird how they completely changed Jill's function between MVC2 and MVC3
It's because they went with RE5 Jill right? I guess they wanted to tie her moveset potential from that game and so got rid of the zombies completely and replaced her with more acrobatics due to Wesker's experiments that were run on her.
Yes, that's what they did. She became incredibly high execution because of that, too.
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3s is broken
With any luck it'll be announced to be included in their eventual 30th anniversary collection
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Are super cancels in CVS2 harder than in other contemporary games like ST and 3s?
Feels that way.
I know a guy who was looking forward for the 1.0 revival because he was a nakoruru main.
No? In st you aren't even doing super cancels. You're doing kara cancels half the time so that's way harder.
Still can't believe SNK just put KOFXIII with rollback on PS4 and Switch, but skipped the PC version.
Oh well, they've got to port it eventually, right?
Is she not good in XV?
no clue I quit before she was added but she was notoriously busted in the first patch of kof14.
the samurai shodown characters in xv are generally not good
haohmaru and darli are significantly lacking
They made her a high execution character and she has bad range on top of that, so she's much harder than in XIV.
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I don't see a monkey in that picture...
Got my teeth kicked in again.
Bullet is so shit.
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Time to go to the dark side
A fellow low stress character enjoyer, I also like just setting her crests and pressing buttons while also having tools to fight at long range with variable fireballs, overheads, dps, etc on top of huge pokes.
Time to go to the bright side
That's the gay side
Which side is Susanoo?
The side that MUST DIE
Learning a whole new top tier character is too hard for me, so I just try my best with whoever I already play
I actually do want to learn Susanoo kind of just because people say he's an easy gorilla character
never touched him before
his ability unlock mechanic filtered me last time i played, and i went back to jin like a bitch
The only obstacle is figuring out his drive and the first step is learning his easy "learn how to IB or you'll be normal blocking forever" string
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EU is trying to do a Nitroplus tournament, apparently.
When in doubt press 5B.
It's super easy you can just focus on unlocking the overhead or the low, both can be used in your midscreen bnb, if you struggle in a match upgrade the very first move and you're good.
The dp isn't that worth to unlock.
Not to bring drama into this but hopefully it's not the same guy who Baron tried help getting EU NPB scene off the ground again
Surely they won't mind if I infiltrate their tournament with both my VPN and wi-fi enabled
It's a different guy,
He apparently knows one of the Nitroplus discord moderators and got him to announce it for him. or at the very least, made an effort to contact him and have him to that.
It's funny that you say that, as I know a guy that thought about using a VPN before, but I imagine that would actually put the player at more of a disadvantage than anyone facing them since you're routing everything through an overseas server and probably won't even be able to tell what's going on.
Is Nu any good in CF? Or is she completely outclassed by Lambda and there's no reason to play her
I got the names mixed up lmao Lambda is the one most people want to go with yes
rip anime fighting games
Sorry, I was working on something.
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Late tonight, but I'm trying to finish up Gretel's specials and get to her supers. Same stream as before.
Which ones are you playing anon?
None. Recent ones suck and they are the only ones alive. It's over.
>they are the only ones alive
The Rev2 tournament was pretty healthy not that long ago though.
NTA but that's still a really small amount of people
Wasn't it 8 or so players? Seems pretty decent for a tournament on this site where few lobbies are hosted for the game.

Is this a good place to get started for Nakoruru combo practice?
this guy makes good videos
Gretel's framework is basically done now. 9 days is a pretty fast turnaround for me. Gwen took me 16 days. Winifred took almost 2 months of on and off again work.

But now it's time to polish things up a bit and get them working properly.
I still don't have even a placeholder UI, for example. No timer, health bars, etc.
That's really good pace. UI stream soon?
I'm still playing plus r
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5 SF shortcuts
Standing 360
Special into super cancel
Cross cut DP
Negative Edge
Tiger Knee motion

Thanks for the heads up. It really is good content
terry really can just blow you up in 2 combos
Does cross cut exist outside of SF at all? Never seen it anywhere else.
I started playing BBCF again after a long break.
I forgot a bunch of things.
Thank you. I've tried to make my process more efficient.
Since I'm reusing a lot more attacks now instead of making custom animations for everything, along with doing the sprite process digitally, I don't have to worry about scanning or making as many unique frames.

I'll probably work on the User Interface some time tonight. I'll probably make paper prototypes first since I "think better" when drawing on paper and doing sketches.
Are we really getting news on this tomorrow?
Are we? I thought they were done with this one.
I miss Ragna
what makes a setup degenerate?
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I couldn't DP out of it
I still play Jin even though I cant' do his combos
What's hard about them?
Not him, but I think hard or easy isn't the problem. My fingers just don't want to muscle-memorize any of his shit either
blazbros get in my lobby pls
I need to charge my shit but I'll join after if it's still up
btw if the link doesn't work for some reason the name is /blaz/
Very few real answers to escape
I'm guessing your lobby is either open or you had it put up on /v/ or something
Chaos Code Next soon, trust the plan.
more than one forced guess even if you know the setup, or a forced guess that deliberately misleads you visually
Fuzzy guardbreaks/fshikis are the prototypical degenerate setup
Was it public in the end?
It's over
Isn't that locked to Exa-Arcadia for the forseeable future? If only they went into the PC porting business though I get their angle.
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turned out to be public lmao, but thanks for the games lads
How long would you say it takes to learn Rachel to an acceptable level for intermediate play?
They're... "considering a home version"
Which character should I play in MBAACC if I main Sin in Strive?
F-Neco Arc, because you deserve death
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Another late stream, but tonight I'm working on the HUD.
I played GBVS for the first time in a while (not against people just dicking around in training mode) and what the fuck is going on with Versusia that bitch is huge
Does Johnny have the most stylish combos of +R?
If you have the execution for it sure.
Style is relative. Jam will keep you bouncing around and wallstuck for a while too
I would argue it's I-No or Venom but Johnny isn't a wrong answer

SNK stream
>Ken and Chun guest starring in CotW
>Ronaldo also happening
This guest character thing is getting out of hand. Why burn through the first season pass with guest characters instead of filling it out with missing Garou characters?
>This guest character thing is getting out of hand
has been for years. fucking hate guest characters, especially in a game with so many other in-universe characters to pick from
You'd think they'd wait for at least season pass 2. One can only assume they want to keep the marketing train rolling for a potential CVS3 announcement at EVO
Kind of surprised that they went with Ken over Ryu
Ryu has no sauce
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can a lorefaggot explain why undine and necro look like this now?
how many cigs should i smoke a day to increase my reflexes?
doctor recommended amount is 6
That's pretty bad for you. I would recommend coffee instead.
If there's anyone here who plays on stick and plays both fighting games and shmups, do you use the same lever for both or do you use a different lever for each genre?
Back when I played on stick, I used the same lever for both. Just a regular Sanwa. But I know some people really like Korean levers now.
KOFXV is...good?
I like it,. but haven't played in months
Did you like how it felt for shmups?
yeah, it felt fine to me
of course, I'm not a hardcore STG player, so take that with a grain of salt
Good morning!
good morning, sars
...it's morning?
Is this a good way to learn a character?

>press buttons in training mode until they become familiar
>watch match footage of your character and see what buttons come out the most
>copy combos that use those buttons as starters down and try to replicate them into muscle memory

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