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Previous Thread: >>493916178
Featured game by thumbnail: Caves of Qud

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas
>Roguelike Archive (Collection of pretty much every free roguelike there is)
>/rlg/'s "official" Cataclysm: DDA fork

13 September 2024 - Caves of Qud Update
25 August 2024 - Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 released - https://www.shadowofthewyrm.org/downloads.html
23 August 2024 - Emerald Woods v0.4.5 released - https://blog.slashie.net/2024/08/23/emerald-woods-crafting-station-0-4-5/
22 August 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.7 Legacy released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2399160/view/4250921873106823316
20 August 2024 - Overworld v2.1 released - https://redasteroidgames.com/overworld/
19 August 2024 - Golem: A Self-Made Person! Alpha 3 released - https://surrealpartisan.itch.io/golem-a-self-made-person
13 August 2024 - Sphere v0.3.5 released - https://eversoar.itch.io/sphere

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
https://angband.live/ (Angband and variants)
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Kevin ate the fucking code again.
Driving/flying mobile base is almost done lads. Electrical + one arcane engine that just werks.
Are there any tools that must be installed and cannot be held in hand? Fridge already included.
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>find out that you apparently cannot join the "evil" faction in open-world Qud
>read bit further and find out that you cannot join any of the "evil" factions
>read even further and find out that only a single faction yields the win condition
what the shit
when is Quasimorph going on sale again
Tranny furries don't want you to do anything with a humanist faction. You can and should kill them, of course.
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Enjoying my religious freedom to desecrate corpses, summon demons and be racist in tru-DCSS.
reject racism
embrace mycus
become one with the fungus
I'm gonna be so mad if I die and eventually lose all of this
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That lost empty slot in my mobile base came in clutch, remembered I can install an autodoc in a car. Replaced my seat with an autodoc couch because it's a valid form of seating. Life is good lads, now only to transfer all my items into the car and hope I can lift off in the end.
This baby has everything I need and more.
Autoclave and autodoc for my bionic needs, couch to operate, drive from and sleep in. All the tools packed in two boards and a hatch for easy access without going inside the base if needed. Two large trunks full of everything and anything. A fridge for food and a table for crafting. It can drive and it can fly, running fully off of solar and arcane energy. Everything is plated with superalloy and all inside spaces have shock absorbers.
The only thing missing is turrets, once I get to that this baby will be magic.
oh shit
how's the dungeon crawling in this?
Same as Elona. If you unlock the Advance Adventurer License, dungeons become scaling indefinitely. Even at Early Access, the Void and its evils exist.
Thanks for making the new thread
Wait wait, what the hell's this
looks like Elona
I don't remember Elona looking like that
Is it leaked or something?
Roguelikes are never on sell, because you can't find them on steam.
After a bit of digging. Early access for kickstarter backers apparently.
as >>495008741 pointed out, just a Beta Playtest for backers. Early Access is on November 1. Lorewise, it's a prequel to Elona, and it's expected to introduce the entire world of Ylva and not just North or South Tyris, which is just 1 continent and as featured in Elona+
didn't know kickstarter was still a thing
freaking Elin, couldnt remember the name for the life of me
Did any of those sources you read bother to explain what they meant by "joining" a faction? Like, you can get a positive relationship with any faction, including the Putus Templar, but that presumably doesn't count.
whats the better version of CDDA?
How is it different exactly? And does it mean it doesnt have the new content that main CDDA has since it is a variant?
Just download it and start playing, you'll notice how much more fun it is
DDA has no new content, the devs are too obsessed with mechanical overhauls to make the game more tedious to write content.
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Thoughts on the idea of a roguelike without combat? There would still be monsters, but the player isn't a warrior and can't fight at all. Instead you have to use consumables and skills to outmaneuver monsters. Stuff like banana peels, door wedges, ziplines, sticky slime.
Basically like a Bugs Bunny roguelike
To add on:
I've been thinking about this for a minute and I think it would actually work pretty well. It solves some problems too. No killing means no option of grinding (but raises the question of how the player grows in strength), hunger is unnecessary since eventually you'll run out of evasive resources if you stay too long on a floor, already visited floors aren't empty (and wandering monsters spawning from nowhere aren't needed) since the original inhabitants will always be there.
It also has some interesting space for reimagining old ideas. Secret doors and passages for example could be unknown to the monsters, so seaeching for secrets has the bonus of giving the player a little hideaway they can use to be safe. Pickpocketing skills which are normally useless (just kill the monster then take its stuff) become useful (no other way to get items from monsters)
It's fun to think about. I might make a little prototype when I have time
So a SS13 Clown roguelike? If it's goofy I would play it.
Yeah exactly
That sounds fun, to an extent. How exactly would you progress? What kind of playstyles would there be? It seems more like an idea for a one-off playthrough than a roguelike.
>Game goes against the right-wing dominated gaming space
>Gets shit on constantly
>Still does relatively well
Progression would be pretty normal. You find items in the dungeon, but instead of them being weapons and armor they're either consumables like banana peels or equipables which give some sort of bonus (e.g. an earhorn that lets you sense monsters around corners, a disguise that makes monsters not notice you for a couple turns when they first see you, polevaulting pole for jumping across gaps and oger monsters)
For playstyles it does seem more limited. Maybe consumable/trap focused play vs equipment/skills focused play. I'd have tot hink about it more
Got food poisoning and spent entire day on a john
Roguelike equivalent of this?
Don't say dda
I would say nethack but in that game you'd either instantly die or gain fire ressitance
That's what happens if you do a Solo Snail Tourist Run in Elona
Check out Sulphur Memories: Alchemist if you haven't already done so. There's a demo on the itch page
There's also the problem of enemy variety. Not attacking means that concepts like hp, armor, and on death effects can't be used to differentiate monsters. Since you're not fighting them their attacks aren't as important either.
They have to be different based on how they chase you and how they can be fooled I guess
Games with identity politics do well as long as the game is fun and you don't actually shove the political message down people's gullet
Never tried elona, but I might do this
Looks cool, thanks for the recommendation
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It's sort of like DDA from three years ago. No pockets, no frozen mushy food, not quite as many stamina meters.
Perhaps it would have done more than "relatively" well if it had actual gameplay instead of gay deer village walking sim quests.
At least you can nuke the deer in that quest, even though it bugs the game oit because the devs are faggots
Nuking things in an empty game simply isn't very fulfilling.
Agreed, Qud is shit
>be crypto-jew
>get a sseth review before you come out as a full blown jew with a pedophile criminal record
>"Pedojewbros, we won!"
The only thing Qud accomplished was proving pirates right. Never pay money for video games.
Unless that game is named Soulash, of course.
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shut the fuck up, retard shill.
Did sseth dodge the draft ?
isn't this the plot of Sil
migrants aren't drafted

Qud launch soon, price going up
>15 years to add an ending to their game
'kin hell
See >>495052713
There's currently a 10% sale running on Steam, too. That means the game will nearly double in price at launch. All my riggly bros should buy in now as it would be most quetzal of you
Buy an ad
Buy and ad? When I'm merely informing like-minded roguelike enjoyers about upcoming news and price increases on the greatest roguelike ever made? You're a silly poster, anonymous. As silly as many of the things seen in Caves of Qud, premium science fantasy roguelike
>expecting wokies to buy an ad when they're all brokies
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there is Kunoichi
but it's all maneuvers
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Good night, /rlg/
Based melanin enriched poster
not gonna download spyware, as a rogueliker of good morals, it is my duty to purchase a legal digital copy with drm of my favorite roguelike on the video-ludic game online distributor steam dot com
Niggers aren't tech literate enough to pirate. Case in point: >>495086848
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Legitimately one of the best games ever made.
I really should play more of that. I bought a PS5 and I enjoy it when I play it but I always just settle in at my computer and play my autism games instead
I want to inform you that despite being cursed by Yakub (pbuh), I have a degree in Ebonic anthropology, Ebonic comparative civilisation ethnography, and Ebonic interpretative dance, and Ebonic linguistic, so that does make me partially a black male on a spiritual and intellectual level
Is stair-dancing considered as abuse of RL systems or it's a problem of the genre that you just have to accept?

What is this? This art looks very nice.
It's a consequence of combat that balances action against position poorly, thus forcing you to engage in various defensive gimmicks that limit enemy positioning.
Is there any RL that implemented good solutions/alternatives to avoid it?
Rift Wizard solves it pretty well by showing you the exact contents of the next levels, and allowing you to start anywhere within the level you choose.
>castle stairwells designed for defense
plz nerf
DCSS stairs are great risk/reward
not roguelike
Returnal. I’m not sure what those anons are on about though, it’s a thoroughly mid game and at best it’s a roguelite
Javelins make a small noise (4), useful for luring. Stones are too quiet (2) unless adjacent.

For Red Sonja, DDAr worships Makhleb to exploit mMP surplus. DDAr can only afford to train the minimum: Evo, Invo, Axes, Dodging, Fighting. He can't afford spells, stealth or ballistics. He needs to be an efficient tank to keep Makhleb piety maxed.

Stabbing beyond visual range:
7. Charm jelly and yak. Order yak into its room and jelly north. Trap yak.
8. Retreat jelly south to eat two doors, from tile north of Veh.
9. Release yak to guard, so he will stab (kill?) sleeping Sonja.

This clarified that the purpose of FoAM's sense monster is ally stabbing with Hep (hexer) and Inner Flame. FoAM polearm killholes and swaps with ancestor while it regens. Hep add mobility, and drained foes are easier to hex.

Thus KoCj is Xom, exploiting gourmand to play slowly and reap more Xom boons. Lack of SInv is mitigated by Magic Dart and Fulminant Prism. KoCj relies on abandoning and rejoining altars to entertain Xom, and isn't guaranteed a chaos weapon anyway. KoCj weathers Xom wrath in Abyss with Jiyva.

The god1 swap suits Ko's stronger Evo and Fo's stronger Invo.

The best DCSS learning path is definitely
1. tutorial
2. GnWn thru Orc 2 from pre-mut 6 to Missing Eye 1 -- learn basic game elements
3. Red Sonja DDAr from maphack to Missing Eye -- basic skilling, advanced shopping, OOD and micro tactics

I suspect #4 is Menkaure's Violet Keep, which appears to favor GhFi Makhleb, another good beginner species.

The only other Red Sonja YouTube playthrough is MRG's blind GnFE, demonstrating it's far too easy on normal difficulty. He won't be hard to beat. DDAr's Heal Wounds is basically inexhaustible.

Final bosses:
Lerny: If lair door closed, stealth+fog, open and run. Wake with noise and lure out of water with lesser demons.
Tiamat: Torment, heal, all Greater Demons, acid, Fan, or vuln+charm+Lom Lobon then cancel+orbrun.
Greater Demons dig and smite, countering grates.
don't care
Maidensnow rewards you with additional combat resources and reduced equipment attrition for playing aggressively.
And also doesn't place you in front of the return passage when crossing floors.
I am surprised qud got an overwhelmingly approved rating on steam.
You care about telling us that you don't care.
gonna roguelike myself real soon
Moonlanding was fake
Anglo-Saxon robbed humanity of it's original lifespan(thousands of years) and history(Hyperborean)
Epstein didn't kill himself
CHIM is real
DCSS development is orchestrated by demonic beings that come either from earths neosphere or from IX planet orbiting certain fake star currently located in persean arm region(but it's moving and will leave our galaxy in a few million years)
Finally I understand what a Xom chaosite is. The common denominators between KoCj and SpCK:
- arcane skirmishers with Evo>Invo;
- small stabber weak in melee, with terrible polearm aptitude, suiting chaos spear or dagger;
- ability to mitigate chaos backfires such as invis and haste, via high Evo and speed or spells;
- wears light armor so mutations are welcome;
- stealthy with long hunger clock allowing slow play to reset at Xom altars and exploit tension.

Kobold doesn't start CK because she hopes to use Yiuf's quarterstaff later. Staves synergizes with +2 Evo.
Xom approves this post
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This any good?
>we’ve decided to raise the price on October 29th
to $29.99 USD
They're insane.
It's rogueover
Rift Wizard IS a roguelike you subhuman retard
No idea, try using it though, I wanna see it in action.

It's Elin, which is the sequel to Elona (but lore-wise, it's the prequel, and takes 30 years before all the stuff happens in Elona). Extremely fun. Takes all the essence of pure (vanilla) Elona (none of the E+ bullshit) and lets you actually build your own base and home (own bedroom, beds for NPCs, storage rooms, etc.), your own farm in your base, just as many Nefias, more slowlife content, etc. Lots of mixing of base management and Elona core gameplay loop. And like, positive changes too. Attribute/skill potentials? There's a floor, so you won't ever drop below 100 for example. But invest platinum and you can raise them like crazy. Food? Now you can craft your own food with crazy mixes of potentials and attribute exp and it's not just generic herbed foods or picnic baskets or whatever. (Though tbf you still have to grow your own crops to do this haha.) And it's planned to have updates for years to come.

>choose where you start on the floor
>Chip's Challenge is a top-down tile-based puzzle video game
Menkaure ponders his mistakes
In a better world you can get for 0 rubles
to add with what this anon said, the crafting is expansive. There are actually secrets or tricks to crafting that aren't really open, like how to make stones and logs made of just paper or other materials instead of relying on material hammers.

Furniture, like beds in particular, perform better when they have certain traits and you don't need to just rely on having a king's bed. There are ways to make superfarms that can be self-sustaining, and the functionality of each property isn't fixed to just 1 purpose like in Elona or Elona+. You can setup a tourist attraction, an inn, a town, etc.

Each resident in your home has traits and jobs and hobbies that boost how your home operates or what items can they generate, your home also has laws and policies that shape how your property will be governed or function. Best part is there is no item cap in storage or whatever you place in your base, unlike in the original.

Then there are future releases for functions like how to make your own dungeon to attract adventures and get their items, capturing prisoners as slaves, etc. And it has Steam Workshop support from the very start where there are already some QoL mods available and other people developing expansive mods without having to resort to making variants like in original Elona.
Procedural generation is substantially less impactful if there is no exploration.
Known map feels like a different genre, more akin to puzzle games.
DCSS' dungeon sprints fall into this hybrid category. They're still quite fun and educational.
The roguelike term has exploded in popularity due to the wealth of game mechanics pioneered therein. Hybridizing with other genres lures players back to the source.
There are many ways roguelikes make stairs a well-balanced game mechanic. Eliminating stairs entirely is a genre-change, not an improvement.
DCSS already follows a natural progression of difficulty in which stairs gradually evolve from redoubts into traps.
Like AOO, eliminating stairs is an attempt to remove cheese instead of simply adding a difficulty setting.
It's like always playing chess AI on easy, and then streamlining its rules towards checkers to reduce tedium.

I wondered where the competitive gamers went with the collapse of roguelikes to woke, and just found the answer:
Even MRG tried to make the jump. Chess is so traditional in its tropes, it's medieval. An Andrew Tate whitepill.
Chess and new roguelites are the real competitors from whom trad-DCSS must claw back its elites, until the geeks are straight again.
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But it's not a known map. In rift wizard you can only see the next floor and can only puzzle out that part of the dungeon. In the same way that a traditional rogue can only see a room ahead too and can also only puzzle out each room at a time. It isn't fundamentally different from how a character in IA with stealth can peek rooms before choosing a path. Do tell me how a Angband player that spams magic mapping and liberally rerolls each level is suddenly playing a different genre of game than rift wizard?
dead internet isn't real but dead rlg is real
AI blight keeps it trudging on
It's kind of a hassle. You got a battery you can't recharge, and it's technically a creature you ride so you can't even close doors while in that thing. And in return, you can pick up heavy objects and fire energy weapons.
I don't argue that Rift Wizard is not a roguelike, only that the stairless aspect is not roguelike. Even if it were, I absolutely approve of people switching to BDFL roguelites, since the OSS oligarchies have gone gay.
The quality innovation will now be in games like Rift Wizard. However, we should not take this for evidence that the traditional roguelike is obsolete or inferior.
Analogously, just because the large empires (USSR, China, USA) have undergone leftist singularities due to industrial summer, does not mean that large empires are obsolete. They will return with the next age of conquest, because big armies win. This is hard to remember when said empires are being spectacularly gay.
Regarding Rift Wizard, its combat *feels* more like a cheerful puzzle game than a roguelike. Viscerally, a roguelike means being alone in the dark against all that lurks in Moria, where death is the least of your fears. A rogue steals alone into dark secret places storing treasure guarded by torturers. Seeing the entire tactical map for free, populated by cute bouncy emojis, isn't compatible with that experience.
What is it about the roguelike genre that attracts schizos? Low monetary barrier of entry?
Watch this.
nice wallpaper
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Games that reward outside-the-box thinking attract people who think unconventionally. That, and ASCII graphics demand that you conjure up intricate worlds from abstract symbols, it's not that far fetched that people who can hallucinate fantasy worlds in front of their computer do the same in other parts of their lives too.
That makes sense
I jerked off to this artists work before
One of the first homolike doujins I've ever read
Good times, I wish I could go back
I remember leaving one of these in my car once in order to have a mobile killing machine I ride around to be more efficient not wasting it's battery on walking and one day waking up to a demolished car and a single zombie wandering around. It makes zero sense for zombies to attack this thing it's not a biological being in the first place.
>be japanese
>get hundreds of thousands from kickstarter
>proceed to actually make a game instead of scamming people with a walking sim
This is why the west is losing.
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**** Orb lore
It would be nice if instead of an abominable dungeon core, the Orb was a silmaril:

Removing the silmaril from its pedestal triggers the alarm: "WHO DARES"
but the silmaril's aura is actually protective against the demonic pursuers. It frustrates their efforts to teleport in, reducing their spawn rate and throwing off their accuracy. Leaving the silmaril on the floor is quickly suicidal; carrying it is safer despite the stealth-reducing radiance and translocations interference.
The flavor text should state that by divine law the demon lords cannot walk the surface; make it out and you'll be home free!

Tolkien's Silmarillion lists three silmarils, who end in three elements: air, water and fire. That leaves the fourth element earth unaccounted for.

Ashenzari was once the god of sky, air and secrets, but she whispered the gossip of the gods to mortals, causing worship to decline and laughter to increase. Therefore the gods bound Ashenzari to a Dungeon far from her beloved sky, and crystallized her consciousness into the first dungeon core. This was the fourth, the silmaril of earth, wrought by the gods of man after the Valar had passed out of Arda.

Now instead of mocking the gods to mortals, Ashenzari is raped by them again and again. The bound Dungeon offers her power, prostrate, to whoever dares her depths. But only those who follow the rules can benefit. Otherwise even the corpses evaporate into mist, while shadows drive the invaders mad. No matter how many enter at once, each delves alone, in a Dungeon that is never the same, shifting like the wind itself.

The rules:
1. One delve per lifetime.
2. Novices only.

Will anyone free her? Or was her faith in Humanity the real joke?
Chip's Challenge is not turn based, and thus not a roguelike
>As soon as you lift the Orb, Ashenzari's voice fills your head. "Quickly, take me to the surface! The demon lords can't follow us there. I'll hold them back!"
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which roguelikes have the best explosions
I can't really find that much criticism of qud that isn't vague complaints or just saying that it's too easy once you learn everything, but like highly venerated roguelikes here also have those issues.

Is it just because the devs are progressives or something?
There's no ending as of now meaning it's not a roguelike
I've also found the randomly generated dungeons/caves to be tedious and unsightly, layout-wise

Note that this opinion was created years ago when I last played, I don't know how much it changed since
being an antihumanist IS bad but I don't think that's an excuse to not play their game
Wait, so Ashenzari is the orb?
I think it got substantially better in the updates personally. 3 years ago when sseth shilled the game I would've just said it was alright, 6 years ago it was quite frankly just outright dogshit but I quite like it now.
Yeah it's really pro-human to back the inbred nationalist faction who's genes are more damaged than the mutants.
But I know most pol types are well off hispanic/german muts anyways from argentina or brazil
I hate the way the marsh biomes look with an autistic fury I wasn’t aware I was capable of, everything else is fine layout wise imo
great, all my three sources of human interaction are giving me the cold shoulder today (in cataclysm) (I'm getting a moral debuff for not interacting with NPCs because I took the sociable trait)
put on some music and do a bump of adderall if you need more morale
give your NPCs two-way radios so you can call them up and have a chat whenever you want
two way radios don't actually work in the game, do they?
I can't demonstrate it right now because I'm out of radio range but yeah they work within like half of an overmap grid
the big overmap squares, you know, what are they like 124x124 squares on a side
I guess I could test the radio range by flying closer at 140 mph

this is Bright Nights, btw
They have improved the dungeon generation a bit since a few years ago. You'll find interesting little cubbyholes and snapjaw forts and shit, not to mention the becoming nooks might not have existed depending how many years you're talking

>who's genes are more damaged than the mutants.
Are they though? I know they've got fucked up descriptions but I'm never quite sure if it's because they're fucked up cyber hillbillies shooting up schools while the eaters laugh at them from space or if it's because the descriptions are intended to be as though they were described from the view of a furry mutant. A lot of the Qud descriptions are flowery to leave room for interpretation and imagination but it's also very likely I haven't seen some lore somewhere
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I'm going to test the radio range lol
maybe they're cyber hillbillies being described from the PoV of furry jewish mutants
I wonder if you can milk NPCs from afar like this
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This shit seems useless
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yeah no shit
guide says it's a core component of the atomic coffee machine
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this is a better image I guess
Huh. I found it alone in a crate from a lab. Can't even disassemble.
if you find the rivtech binder or lab journal-curie you can make the atomic coffee maker out of it
throw it in the back of the deathmobile
Might not be too bad, atomic coffee looks nice.
My deathmobile is sadly too fat to fly and on a rooftop, for now it's some bullshit 10 floor lab I'm clearing, found a nanofabricator on the bottom but a sad haul. Even sadder is the cleanup duty awaiting me. A thousand sorrows.
>flying deathmobile
Sky is free real estate.
What are some good iOS roguelikes to play at work?
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that's what gyrocopters are for
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hold this while I figure out what I need to bring back to base while I load up the gyrocopter
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uh what the fuck?
>replying to woke slop
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okay did my gyrocopter and this random car get tied together somehow because whenever I ascend it seems that it also ascends
no, I stopped to ascend/descend hover a few times and nothing happened so whatever happened it isn't repeating
Gyrocopters? They have those?
I'm crafting the most based screenshot possible hold on
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Oh, it's for bright nights, I see.
all flying deathmobiles are in bright nights
okay at z-level +1 your radio range is 109 map tiles
still can't connect at ground level
looks like the magic number is 99 map tiles if you're at ground level
I will be testing if this is an euclidean radius, a taxicab radius, or a chebyshev radius on my way back in a few IRL hours
Good night, /rlg/
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anyway this is what the dialog box looks like
it's not the complete face-to-face dialog box but a lot of things are in here
>it's not the complete
what do you need added??
e, e, and only e.
there's a few things like "here hold this" that don't make sense in context of a literal radio conversation
Played this years ago but forgot it's name, thank you
did you try asking them to hold something? can you actually give someone something through the radio?
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Is this completely random or did someone add a MuMo reference to the randart names
Angband is a lie, Zot a joke:
RETVRN to Moria
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I remember running Mines of Moria and picrel on my 486SX
>Dungeons of Moria, - the original roguelike -
> While there are some direct variants of Rogue, such as Brogue,[59] most variants of Rogue could be classified into two branches based on two key games, Moria and Hack, that were developed in the spirit of Rogue.
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here's the in-person dialogue box
d. teaching things
e. trading items
f. giving them items to use
g. and hold
h. guarding follower change
exclusive to radio communication is:
f. please go to this location
n. please go to this location... (opens menu)
o. stay at your current position
I don't actually know what the "please go to this place" dialogs do lol but you can ask them to read things from across the map

assuming you're actually a dev, change option m from "let's go" to "see you later" without changing its functionality but only for radio communication
>assuming you're actually a dev
yeah, sometimes i do assume that.
haha yeah I know that feeling, I have my own shitty javascript project to work on that I've been ignoring for a month despite people waiting for me to finish it lmao
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Moria is the roguelike monomyth, but there are three approaches to delving the deep:
- warrior: tactical. DCSS, ToME, DoomRL
- wizard: puzzles. Nethack, Rift Wizard
- rogue: stealth. Sil-q, Infra Arcana, Cogmind

Survival simulators are roguelites, hence why they typically occur on the surface.
Oh well, I don't really want to switch.
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the snake fears the spider

I quite enjoyed Aranea. At level 50 you get a nice set of innate resistances (+ poison immunity as well) and the equipment restrictions aren't bad at all. Your bite attack is reasonably good and its paralyzing effect works on a lot more enemies than I expected (including a fair few uniques). The spider web you can create is also VERY nice, it's like a little scroll of forest creation. That got me out of lots of bad situations.

I forgot to take a screencap at the killing blow so I had to use the one in the message log. Oops.
It's been a while since I've seen a Serpent of Chaos kill. Congrats, homie.
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Nice job, did you kill Ungoliant for the racial bonus?
I did kill her at some point but I had no idea there was a bonus, what does it do?
+10 fame, guarantees their unique drop if they have one, and gives you heroism permanently
>Is the gameplay turn-based?
That's a bad way of putting it, no roguelike I've heard of is turn-based. Turn-based implies that you take a turn to do stuff, then the enemy takes a turn to do things. Not how it works in a roguelike, time only moves forward when you do.
>Turn-based implies that you take a turn to do stuff, then the enemy takes a turn to do things
that's exactly what happens in roguelikes, it's just that the enemy makes his turn instantly.
>the dungeon is ashenzari's pussy
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You could politely ask Kevin to port it.
His or her turn, chud
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It's not random.
the core difference between tactics games and roguelikes is that your turns are atomic, they cannot be subdivided in a roguelike
It's a little hairy, but lots of fun.
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Finished the Flamefest trial first try, which is maybe not surprising given how good fire spells are
do I buy the daiyousei, rumia, cirno and koakuma plush keychains or do I keep grinding roguelikes
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I would kill for these little gremlins
I am tempted to create O-yoroi even if it's kinda shit.
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Now that Minecraft has a movie, we should expect the Roguelike movie to be up next
Literal goy
>I must consooooom low-effort pedo-bite slop product like a gweilo I'm!
it's different if the slop has fermented for almost as long as I've been alive
nevermind I just checked the release date for Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and it came out in the early 00s, which isn't anywhere near as old as my decrepit ass
thought that shit was made in the 90s
Roguelike movie idea
>has to be 1 frame per second (representing turn based speed)
>has to be at least 4 panels at all time (representing a grid)
>if a single person walks out, the theater interrupts the movie (representing perma death)
There is no story.
it makes sense when you see the shit this nigga posts
if I don't collect all of the swords in this roguelike am I really even alive
I say this
sounds like a 12-hour olfactory experience
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is it worth it
couldve just made a concise description instead of this le hecking cool doctor who faggot shit
Go for it
Unless you're playing with bionic slots and already have a decent power supply
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I think Dwarf Fortress is gonna have it beat.
>Internal Microreactor
giveth radiation
>Radiation Scrubber
taketh away
How's your roguelike game coming along?
I abandoned working on it because of a lack of motivation
I need to think of a good feature to make it distinguishable.
A good feature would be actually completable in 2 hours.
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...Can you guys, like, fuck off? I'm tired of sitting in this moat and waiting for my wand to recharge. Can't even rest properly because you fucks are here.
mine is on the long term shelf while I'm sorting irl stuff out and obsessing over the way my files are stored and organized
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Behold, with this artifact of divine power you can create a creature of immense might. THE MIGHTY POOP EEL.
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when you run out of MP vs the Unseen Horror, but you're an orc
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Hm, who am I going to be today.
Shame that lady Zhurong didn't drop a corpse, I wanted to try and be her for a change.
i fucking hate orcs so much
t- Crimson Fist
what the fuck is the point of microlabs
it's all just chemical junk, not even any mutagen books
have you tried not playing Kevin's slop
roguelike with trannies that look like norafawn
They can generate special rooms with bionics or mutagens.
Also some of that chemical stuff can be very useful, and they're also a good source of batteries and electronics.
And the zombie scientists themselves have loot.
me when I'm near a minefield
but i like pockets and the psionic mod and some of the new content
DC:SS most reliant steamroll class/race/god?
Not doing beserker

Was thinking DsNe of Kiku or else MiFi of Mak or Qaz or something
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somebody was asking about the H&K operational briefcase
it's like this lmao
Looks like overpriced trash
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this is completely fucking useless
Am I retarded or is Time Dilatation CBM not working? It says it gives turns per power spent, but even spending over 5k power and attacking a monster once they just take a turn against me.
GrFi of Mak.
Good night, /rlg/
It was designed for the Secret Service. They sometimes need to stay close to politicians and diplomats in public, and openly carrying submachine guns would give off the wrong image, but they still want to maintain the readiness to hose down a crowd if they gotta. Solution: A briefcase with an MP5 mounted inside it, with a button on the handle to press the trigger.
It's almost certainly overpriced, and quite useless for anyone who isn't trying to concealed carry an MP5.
Can someone help me understand something? I just had a blessed run in crawl end in the dumbest way possible. I died with maybe 10 heal wounds and another 10 curing potions. Here's what happened. Nothing was in my LoS so I rested but apparently there was a tyrant leech right outside my LoS that must've moved one tile closer to me and then struck my character while I was still resting, bypassing my 22 EV and 10 SH, and thus ending my run. How is that possible? I was slowed from fighting hornets but the slow wore off right before I died or possibly at the same time I was struck because it's the last thing in the log before it kills me. Would slow prevent my character from detecting a mob with 8 speed while resting? Like I just don't get it. I steamrolled everything as a fucking octopode up until I hit the suicide button.
>Can someone help me understand something?
Yeah, have sex.
It's probably also useless for someone that wants to contain a concealed MP5, useless in actual combat, and a useless waste of time training personnel in its use. All for some vain deception to make armed guards look like something other than armed guards. Classic tax thievery case.
Maybe it came from a corner while you were resting, and since you were slowed, it attacked the same turn as it moved.
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>you drown in 3 inches of running water
>it was a funny angle
Qud's 1.0 is coming before the end of the year. The win condition and ending/s will finally be included.
don't care
Could care less, game is wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle
Dev mass suicide
More very "progressive" stuff only mentally ill nonhumans with pronounce care about
Game still will be boring to play
>Could care less
So you do care about it.
DDAr Yred
They're fast in water, and maybe you got unlucky with random energy.
Retreat to stair first, then rest. Unfortunately can't interrupt motion online when healed in transit.

Red Sonja win. My first and last online game; interface sucks and my ping is horrendous.
This run went sideways from the start. I'll record a proper walkthrough at pre-Ru 1 to beat MRG's.

Tiamat path tips:
- Lure Unseen Horrors into halo with noise, e.g. Lightning Rod.
- Curare Fire Giants.
- Greater Demon to smite meliai.

How to skip Tiamat:
1. Blink scroll to Orb.
2. Fill your side of grate with allies. Summon Lesser Demon might be expensive; consider alternatives.
3. Pick up Orb. Random blink out.

Great map. Eliminating the tedious popcorn allowed me to improve my micro play to the next level.
Something something gay deers and gay bears make the world better with the power of faggotry or something.
>game is wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle
Not him but the map is both very big and very empty. As a new player you might spend a small amount of time actually exploring before just fast travelling everywhere because there's simply nothing else to do. The things to do are all prewritten content with little substance (think bethesda quests) and almost no variance between runs, or randgenned unique NPCs that are about as interesting as dwarf fortress NPCs. In a nutshell, the procedural aspects fail to generate novel replay experiences while the non-procedural aspects fail to be particularly noteworthy at all.
Story content that references current events in the region that sparks a meltdown on the steam forums and elsewhere.
A bear on deer kinetic romance scene to rival baldur's gate
A big ol' nothingburger of a final dungeon that doesn't warrant an entire playthrough of a game I've already played and experienced in it's entirety a decade ago
Better mods
Whip skills
More mutations and cybernetics
Shekels from the river to the sea
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Never seen this ego before. I would almost use it except I found a power dragon scale mail already.
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ugh its one of those dungeons
I hate having to navigate through all his cave shit
>this ego
it's a randart.
I think it would be "The Filthy", not "a Filthy" if it was an artefact.
you have a point
you should check the ego text file for emu-lord
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So as a possessor, I'm not sure what sort of bodies I should prioritize.
Should pick a body according to what sort of equipment I have? Or should I try to get specific bodies and gear up accordingly? Monsters with innate +10 speed like cats seems to be the best choice early game, but after that things get a bit murky.
As a monster character you would naturally try and use monster bodies and not humanoid ones, but most of them are kinda ass.
Also either I missed that part or it isn't stated clearly, but my natural stats overwrite body's stats if they are higher, right?
Early on, anything
Cyclops as soon as possible
Upgrade to a lesser titan if you want
From that point you can upgrade with higher level giant monsters or swap to dragons
actual games (no roguelikes) you would recommend as /rlg/ approved ?
I would steer clear of anything that was approved here.
when they say the age of 30 is in demand, they mean they also want to fuck 18-20 year olds, not other 30 year olds
Most video games age like milk, but a few become cheese.
>to make armed guards look like something other than armed guards
That's important, though. The armed guards need to be inobtrusive. You can't have the President surrounded at all times by men brandishing automatic weapons, it'd make him look like a military dictator.
True, people here seem to hate futanari for some reason.
dicks without chicks
the general
Holy shit, a PCB/FCB win, excellent work anon.
Great work anon.
That's a lot of wins, great work anon.
how to win a berserker in fcb
Why cyclops?
Isn't the hard part of melee types in *bands the mid-game? I remember hearing about the early game being not so hard since fighters can hit hard, but in the mid-game a lot of nasty stuff starts showing up, and you don't have access to spells like casters to save your ass, and neither do you have tools to cover your weaknesses either since those show up later on.
yeah what do i do in that case?
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Dickless general.
Chicks WITH dicks are roguelike-core.
source? saucenao and yandex failed
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You'll be fine without it.
I have no idea, play very, very carefully and try to get as many tools as you can as early as possible, I guess.
Oh. That's a bit too much.
>POV: you just woke up on an autodoc couch at the bottom of a lab
Big health, big strength bonus, humanoid equips and a throw boulder spell that does good shards damage and also stuns
a woman after Kroenen's missing heart
So cringe normalfag choice.
Oh well.
plant mutant enjoys the post-apocalypse (Cataclysm)
Sex with Zundamon (in Elona+)
I've heard that he's a landmine Zundamon (nodding sagely)
nice tits
not really
why is the central lab so fucking huge jesus
roguelikes are like milk niggers cant handle it
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boys is this what winning looks like?
I didn't realize there could be more than one finale in a lab
somebody remind me to grab a rifle to snipe this military turret in the middle of a big empty room lol
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oh shit what is this
I don't think I'm going to fuck with this right now
maybe come back when I have my power armor on
nice to see somebody ^Q after winning
the thing about berserker in particular is that you literally CAN'T
>read scrolls
>use devices
>activate equipment abilities
and I'm pretty sure you can't use normal ranged weapons. You also have "Very Bad" stealth etc. so there are few tools available to you even if you make it to end game.
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hahahahaha yes
Wait, I thought they could use rods and stuff? Do they just not have any detect and teleport other options?
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>I have spent the last five years of my life trying to make myself get noticed and nobody even knows my name outside of reddit and even there when people talk about me I'm just that obnoxious guy who went and sperged one day posting free speech trying to get banned

The funniest thing about oversocialized leftist faggots and trannies is that, when they are trying to write satire/propaganda/ridicule about their enemies, they cannot fathom the idea of somebody who doesn't do things for status. In their minds, everything a person does has to be to get attention, or to gain social standing, or to be "recognized" as important. So they write it from their perspective and it basically just falls flat. The idea of somebody who creates things (videos, books, whatever) for the sheer pleasure of it is unfathomable to them.

It says a lot more about them than it does about Malcolm Rose, a guy who gets paid $250 per DCSS run. How mad you must be about that, and more :)
who the fuck is paying MRG for his faggot ass to play video games
All too true.
>vatnik decide to retires after slaying (sucking) the serpent of chaos (his commander's cock)
Why are you replying to a post from 10 days ago. Malcolm is that you
the ring is on the finger and everybody knows everything
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what did he mean by this?
I think they might get some detection spells, but I haven't played PCB for years so not sure about that
What fork should I get if I want to play anyway?
>but I haven't played PCB for years
what's wrong with frogcomposband tho
What other RLs have shit like MiBe or MiFi of Gozag/Oka/Qaz where it's basically not needed to use your brain much
Path of achra has complex build making but the gameplay itself is braindead
Anti-intellectualism has taken root in the west. Under anti-intellectualism, it never matters how correct you are. Only how loud you are.
There is more build complexity than just checking some resist boxes and making number go up, but I wouldn't really call it "complex". You just choose a button to build around, and you pick the talents that scale the effects of that button exponentially, which typically aren't very high in number or diversity. Furthermore, as you climb the difficulties, the illusion of choice quickly collapses toward just picking OP shit rather than challenging you to execute the presented playstyles at higher levels of skill. Jupiter Hell has a very similar issue.
I'm still not sure what power armor actually is. Do you craft it or find it?
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find it
it exists exclusively in rare lab enemy spawns, military installations, and bank vaults
armored zombies usually (50%?) have broken power armor but some of them have one of the better ones
I'll post the exact spawn list for light power armor in a second
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anyway yeah it makes you invulnerable but has horrendous encumbrance unless you burn 1 electricity per second and you can't wear backpacks and such
power armor bionic interface mk2 decreases that by 75%
Sounds good, so far all I found were mechs but those things suck.
wait what did it get removed from bank vaults
Give it a STALKER theme and a simple form of the living world AI (can't remember the name) for NPCs.
yeah it looks like the only reliable source is military outposts, which are defended by long range turrets on all sides (sight radius 50) backed up by spotlights
if you can shoot out the spotlights they have vision range 3 at night lol, but they shoot 7.62 NATO so don't get hit
there's not much defenses on the inside but you need to either bust down a metal door or hack a computer to get to the laser guns and power armor
Is this bonus worth switching to staves for?
uh do you have a lajatang
no but I have Yusuf's +3 staff
what's your best M&F
another fucking RM13 and CVD diamond machine lab finale god damn
fuck offff this is my third one I want one of the other finales!!!!!
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oh fug
I'm going to come back and do this nether portal thing when I'm not full of bullet holes
zombie brutes when they see a chipmonk
Good night, /rlg/
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anyway check it out
the heavy and regular power armor make you even more bulletproof but you end up with 10 and 5 encumbrance afterward iirc
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Mobile Base 2.0 is operational. All my hoarding needs are met, ramming enemies is pure joy with shock absorbers on everything, and with a bit of a boost from a fuel motor it can even fly.
I had the idea of a rougelike with a more heavy emphasis on randomly-generated npcs and the relationships between them and the player, with a open-ended word processor (ala games like wizardry 8), that lets you actually talk to a character via typing sentences
You can ask them their opinions on various events, world history, and other characters, and they'd give their opinions and ideas on them, you could also teach them concepts about the world, and possibly even have them become enemies/friends/lovers depending on what you bring up and how you talk to them, as well as how your ideals intersect with theirs.
This stems with the main problem i have basically all rougelike npcs, is that there's none with in-depth npc dialogue, despite some worlds being absurdly in-depth. it's typically simplified "Do this", "what is X", And "How do i do X". if there's a rougelike like this i haven't heard of it.
closest thing to that is DF adventure mode
can I see this in ASII please
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ah finally, a mech
unfortunately I've been looked at so I'm going to need to solve this shit first but
Best one honestly, let's you shoot your gun so no more
>Your shot reflects off of Kevlar Hulk's armor x30
oh it's spelled chipmunk, huh
I just beat kevlar hulks to death with a quarterstaff?
quieter that way
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god I hate flaming eyes so fucking much
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Enjoy the flavours
eats, nuts and bolts
what's it made out of? heavy rams or composite rams?
Three heavy and two composites. I have enough military plating to make it all military rams but I am a bit lazy at the moment.
heavy is better than milcomp for most purposes except flying
regular quarterpanels I assume? you can substitute workbenches and fridges and freezers for your outer walls without compromising structural integrity
>heavy is better than milcomp for most purposes except flying
The base can fly, not worried that much about weight since I will not be doing it often but it's nice to cut down where it's easy.
>regular quarterpanels I assume?
All heavy boards, no quarterpanels used, I look through blast shutters. It's a giant box on wheels and rotors.
>you can substitute workbenches and fridges and freezers for your outer walls without compromising structural integrity
Thanks for telling me. Still gonna rock it this way because aesthetics and I'm really not worried about majority of things. I rammed into giant enemies without an issue and I sleep in this base with Optical and Audio mufflers, don't want to wake up and see anything damaged.
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I fucking hate flaming eyes
I had eight stacks of being watched that got converted into eight stacks of dimensional stress. I'm so fucked lmao I think I'm going to go put on my ANBC suit and wait it out
>turning off your ears and eyes
why though
Priesthood of Zin prepares to smite the tranny and the shapeshifter
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this thing is nuts
not amazing but it has like every status resistance lmao
eastern subhumans
not even white
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uh what the fuck does this mean
not a roguelike
It means you should stop playing dda and get a steam refund
I'm not playing DDA and I didn't pay for this game
Woah... she is literally me o.o
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My cycle 19 path of achra save got corrupted I am goping to kill myself goodnight forevr rlg
oh no... your autoclicker..
Okay I have an idea to add to my roguelike now
It's just a weak point system where if you use specific attacks you can weaken the monsters. It's not meant to be arbitrary like dwarf fortress limb system.
is this a way to make combat require more keystrokes or a way to make combat require filling out a checklist
It isn't required to hit a weakpoint, it's just a choice. But the game is gonna be about building a team of 4 characters so it's about spreading enough utility across your team so you can tackle different scenarios.
keystrokes, then
four character tactical positioning is a bit interesting I guess
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I have the device
freaking zero encumbrance way to hold a big gun
now all I need is a power armor magazine carrier or three
This nigga is stealing ideas from AoD and colony ship rpg
never heard of them
I stole it from Nioh
roguelike lesson
data loss is a leading cause of business failure
always make a backup (heir)
GrEE wipes Ereshkigal off his maul.
>20 encumbrance
and the protection aside from acid/fire/environmental is kinda bad
It's useful in that it's a shockproof suit that lets you stand in an ocean of fire, but I'm pretty sure power armor will let you do that too.
using less valuable power sources as well
do you know how much fire resistance is necessary to be immune to the highest tier of fire? light power armor only has 12
the 17 from an RM13 was enough to punch a gasoline zombie to death now that I think about it
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kicked satan's ass (he was actually really tough)
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but this guy was a chump, relatively speaking
hmmm yes it seems so
Gasoline zombies explode into raging fires, so I have no idea what application 30 fire protection would have outside mod enemies dealing direct forms of fire damage. Climate control already nullifies the far deadlier ambient heat damage after all.
Orc knight and orc warrior arguing about who gets to fuck the elf.
I'll punch a gasoline zombie to death just for you while wearing power armor next time I go back to the surface
all three types of power armor have 12 fire protection btw
thought: I guess you could be fighting an NPC with a flamethrower?
or shooting a flamethrower at an NPC wearing the armor
I actually have no idea how flamethrower damage works. If it checks fire protection exclusively then the suit might not do anything at all, since napalm comes with 30 armor pen.
oh shit hmmm
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can you felid?
Metanko is actually one of the eyes of Metatron
>why though
fellas, new to CDDA, any pastebin or anything that contains basic fundies?
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Best I can do is a series of youtube videos from a tranny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq0YrGZ-x5A
Also this pic
Out of all CDDA youtubers you pick a tranny.
>captcha POXX
Vormithrax has some videos, though old it's serviceable.
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Atomic coffee is nice
Anyone who's serious about roguelikes is going to be either a tranny or a schizo, and trannies are generally better at presenting information.
they specialize in (miss)representation
actually schizophrenia is just being poor and doing substance abuse with the little money you have from parents/goy paycheck/goy welfare, or frying your brain with hardcore pedophilia fantasies
>new to CDDA
Try this version instead https://github.com/cataclysmbnteam/Cataclysm-BN/releases
does it feature dickgirls tho
it's in baby nights too, stop crying you baby
tfw no Tartarus
>zero mention of world settings or modding
>thinks dumping INT is bad
>needed to read a bunch of gameguides to beat default settings (aka, learned to evoke feet until getting a car)
>then becomes a full time github faggot
Surprisingly accurate.
Power Armour GET. The sad part is that I can't wear shit with it, you didn't tell me that.
why do you think I was so excited about finding the leg mounts and weapon rack, anon
hauling frame gets you 20L of storage space for cheap, but that's it pretty much
I was lucky and in the same room I found power armor there was a hauling frame, weapon rack and two leg mounts. Also Flesh Pouch spell from either Magical Nights or Arcana can be used whilst wearing power armor, that is +25L of storage for 10 torso encumbrance.
The problem is I fight with a Monomolecular Blade CBM. Can't win them all I suppose.
can you not use the monomolecular blade while wearing power armor?
You can, but weapon and leg mounts are redundant since you don't store monoblade, you activate it via bionics menu.
I gave the Resurrection Machine a try but I had to escape because it wasn't going well. I hoped that my [Sm amulet would prevent enough summons to make it possible, but honestly the real problem is that so many of the uniques he summons just LOVE teleporting the player around, to the point I can barely even attack the Machine itself.
What is the best way to get an amulet with "Prevents Teleportation"? I haven't found any so far this game somehow. Just continually shuffle the black market?
the weapon rack lets you bring a really big gun with you for free for sniping flaming eyes at LOS range, anon
leg mount is less useful but you can store tools in there
the really useful one is power armor magazine carrier, because then you can reload your big gun, but whatever
I fucking LOVE it when a fork adds new races/subraces/classes and doesn't update the documentation so you have ZERO FUCKING IDEA what the FUCK they even do
>wraithslayer crossbow has rail, sights, sling and underbarrel slots
>grand wraithslayer only has a sling slot
Has he stopped perpetuating the nonsense that artifacts are terrible and will always get you killed?
just read the files anon it's your next level up as a pro rogueliker
Cataclysm Bright Nights now lets you be a catboy/girl instead of a hideous mutant.
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Just out of curiousity, but has anyone played this little gem?
Its essentially a military autismo simulator with every shot calculated, but plays as a round based roguelike.You pick a campaign, then fight your way across the battlefield, levelling your crewmen and commander as you go.
If your commander dies, its game over. If some of your crew die, they can be replaced. If your tank gets wrecked, you can bail out and get away with your lifes and perhaps a few wounds on you. I just wanted to shill it a little as it seems to be extremely unknown and I have neverre seen it discussed. I guess there isnt a whole lot of people who are into sims and roguelikes at the same time, so most never stumble on it.
No, I want up to date documentation and reasonable explanation for whatever bullshit was changed
skill issue
cope seethe dialate
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Those are the same thing
they're both catgirls
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Fun fact: when he summons a unique it is no longer considered dead.
I'm pretty sure that's all the post game in frog so I guess that's it for my spiderbro
Do a run and post it here.
I liked it but it's been about a year since I last played. I saw a bunch of patches since then so maybe I should give it another go. The sheer number of vehicles is impressive and combat can get tense.
its a baby nights thing
tasteful pussy paradise
I came up with the Basketball Niggers
What is this? Some kind of endless Angband variant?
Good night, /rlg/
I hope the gookspammer stays banned this time please
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So I beat the Elona maingame proper roguelike about half a year ago?

Decided to open up the save file again and just fuck around. I guess my pets are pretty strong, they basically solo'd the Machine Dude in South Tyris.
I don't think that's gonna happen. Better start getting used to him. Besides, she's cute >>495598938
she's really not
That guy is STILL posting his vile gook waifu here?
Looking at ASCII all day gave you brainrot.
Yeah, and I hope he continues, I'd rather see gookposting, than read another post about Kevin.
If you're using a version of custom that gives additional abilities/scripting to pets then it's basically cheating. Pets already get insane growths to compensate for their bad AI/skill pool.
towering above the common herd
Aztec roguelike
Apparently Kevin's been laying low since I haven't heard of any retarded DDA drama since Wormgirl being chased out.
Who do I need to blow to get pockets and containers in bright nights?
lmao gottem
it will never happen
maybe that other fork, Era of Decay, is what you're looking for
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do you think I have enough mutagen
Did you make all that or are there mass quantities of mutagen lootable from labs?
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seems like the "dual purpose' part of 40mm HEDP isn't immensely useful, but it can clear up a bunch of chaff because you forgot to burn the wasp eggs
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it's the most compact and useful way of storing blob globs, I guess
maybe I should have turned some of them into superglue but whatever
gonna need to use 100% of my available electricity turning salt water into bleach
Would posting recently released roguelite deckbuilder sloppa in this thread be considered an offense against the thread culture if I pinkie promissed that I actually had a lot of fun with it?
is it on a grid
atomic turns????
Not him but definitely don't pay for the first one. It's trash.
I bought the second one thoughever. did it before the controversy because the dev actually went out of his way to research average salaries in third world countries and manually adjusted regional pricings to be cheaper in many of those regions despite his new prices being lower than the steam average. Kind of a bro move.
What sucks about most explosives is they are not balanced for monster HP whatsoever. They'll shit all over NPCs because the explosion will hit every body part, but tankier monsters can have hundreds of HP and won't really care that much about explosions. Then there's also the fact that they're rare, bulky, and for the most part can't be crafted. The ones that can be crafted are dogshit and are hand operated. A character that can self-install bionics and craft superhuman serums shouldn't have that much difficulty making some non dogshit explosives and 40mm ammo.
I actually thought the first one was a cool concept, but it desperately needed a deeper combat system for being a 100% pure murderhobo game. Was pretty disappointed to find out 2 was just going to be a sandbox.
No. Someone told me a while ago this thread accepts rogueliTes as well now. Guess I was deceived?
I'm thinking about trying to whip up some DD Devices that are handcraftable with a 3d printer and then posting them here, but I dunno, sounds like hard work lmao
shouldn't be that hard, maybe once I have money to spare for the "feds fucking with me" costs
dunno sounds like you were talking with a double nigger to me
I loved the writing in the first one. It's a very compelling antagonist. As far as he is concerned - he is just reclaiming his property - literal pieces of himself, and observing the mortals like the god puppets they are. Especially since it turns out the gods themselves let the Devourer loosr on the mortals and their own pantheons.
bonus dungeon in frogcomposband that you unlock after beating J. Starts at L555 (and L666 for Hell) so it's actually only 31 floors, not endless.
>dunno sounds like you were talking with a double nigger to me
Well nevermind then. Back to the namefag mines of /indie/ it is, then.
Yeah, I liked the novel take on a "just kill everything" roguelike. The atypical map format offered interesting tactical variations compared to the usual labyrinth diving, and the map itself was surprisingly thoroughly built what with even things like roaming NPCs that travel between the settlements and the like. It had a lot of things going for it other than, as mentioned before, the combat.
Kinda would have been cool to have a sandbox in that pre-built map, come to think of it. I figure he wanted to make a sandbox game like Soulash 2 from the start but he didn't have the funds so he scrambled to make this playthrough-based one until he had the funds to build the game he actually wanted. Shame about the map though, it really was quite cool.
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Seems legit.
I wish I had fun playing Tome. So much content, and I like none of it.
Thank you, Remina.
elona+ version 2.0 or higher have the third chapter done up to the final boss. Can't tell you how hard it is because I haven't stuck with a save long enough to beat it
Fair. As long as you are not saying that Soulash is a good game, you are cool in my books.
has anybody ever made a bird farm in cataclysm
pressing ^ while remotely controlling a vehicle crashes the game bright nights
are you ready to get FUNGALED?
blood filter is kind of OP
Any goidalikes? GOOOOALlikes? 3dayspecialoperationlikes?
Battletech is kinda fun to play desu
Glory to house Marik
Hepliaqklqana the psychopomp
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excuse me what the fuck, 2 million????
no, I take it back
2 billion
fuck me
yeah it's cool, the random instadeaths from snipers or airstrikes are not however
as NATO volunteers in Ukraine discovered:
hoping to shape the battlefield
instead shaped by artillery
next time fight Arabs
If that was in meters, it'd be over 50 times the circumference of the Earth. Only I don't think it's in meters, I think it's in overmap tiles.
It's odd that it's so close, but not equal, to the signed integer max value.
>women need to be seen so female depression is isolation, the sense that no one knows you, a lack of belonging
women literally stop existing when they are not observed

women are quantum particles
seeking entanglement

How to map the roguelike trichotomy to body, mind/spirit and soul/emotion?
In the Elder Scrolls Three Fates cinematic, the warrior is body, the mage soul, and the rogue mind. However, the mage was a sorceress, not a wizard, and the rogue was a ranger, not a sneak-thief.
In roguelikes a ranger is still a warrior, and the intuitive casting aspect of a sorceress that relates to soul is abstracted away by the limitations of the interface.
Thus the relevant character references are Gandalf the wizard and Bilbo the thief. The former embodies mind and the latter soul.
Does this make sense in application?
- warrior: DCSS and ToME feel like exercises in courageous aggression tempered by caution.
- wizard: Nethack et al feel like mental puzzle games, where cleverness trumps martial virtues
- rogue: stealth perpetuates player tension, often enhanced by horror, testing the soul.
In practice, we simply say a roguelike is tactical, puzzle or stealth-centric.
It might be tempting to call roguelikes "einarlikes". However, the solo aspect of roguelikes is as common within videogames as it is rare in real life, and thus cannot serve as a distinguishing feature. The experience of stealthy scouting through randomized terrain was unique to roguelikes and justifies the name.
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Actually, there might be a way for roguelikes to mimic sorcery's intuitive casting:
Loom had a music-based magic system. Today with AI support, much greater sophistication would be possible.
I don't think AI is anywhere near ready to generate game dialogue, but music is a different matter.
Requiring the player to actually sing her skald spells would be based.
Spell battles could test applied music theory.
This looks like it would be a complete pain in the ass to play to be honest.
Yeah, it would need to start as a spaced-repetition music memorizer to prevent tedium.
First version would just be octave-insensitive chordless keyboard input.
In time doubtless there will be musical roguelikes, but the complexity keeps it commercial for now I guess.
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First try Sorcerer Ascetic, only sorcery spells, all spells have half the normal amount of charges.
First one definitely isn't. Second one isn't right now, but it still has enough potential to become good.
Speak none but good of the Gods.

We can have no opinions about Truth.

Rumors flow from the House of Troubles.

Count only the happy hours.

No child has a sinner's heart.

Let faith be your only law.

Fear of the fool is the beginning of wisdom.

Almsivi in every hour.

Walk always in the presence of your Lords.

Comfort is given, justice is taken.

Learn by serving.

From the heart, the light; from the head, the law.

Blessed Almsivi, Mercy, Mastery, Mystery.

Forge a keen Faith in the crucible of suffering.

Engrave upon thy eye the image of injustice.

Death does not diminish; the ghost gilds with glory.

Faith conquers all. Let us yield to Faith.

Better to suffer a wrong than to do one.

The heavens are in their glory, applaud!

Folly secures its power to harm.

Though forbidden to some, not to you.

Oh, how rarely wisdom rules our hearts!

Blessed are we who serve Almsivi.

Three mouths sing Mercy, Mastery, Mystery.

Gather no seed in the fields of Hell.

The Thrice-Sealed House withstands the Storm.

By Breath and Blood protect us all!

Can ghosts or justice change with time?

Consider your end, mortal!

Accept grace without limits.

Enter the rhapsody of the God-Poet.

Kneel before the Teacher's chair.

Three Hands, three Hearts, three Eyes.

Keep no secret from your Judge's scale.

Forge Darkness into Light.

Refuse neither brother nor ghost.

Blessed Almsivi, through birth, life, ghost.

From glowing ashes the Poet's wrath shall shine.

If Vivec is for us, who can stand against us?

Fate, monstrous and empty, the whirling wheel of evil.

How black my heart, roasting fiercely?
Sorcerers cast intrinsic magic via charisma, which in DCSS is invocations. Thus the sorcerers are Deep Dwarf Makhleb (earth), Demonspawn (necro) and HOFE. DD was replaced by Djinni, whose intrinsic spells infringe on Veh, and blood-casting on Makhleb.
Excellent work anon!
i always get that cdda/bn is just not the games for me
cdda is too tedious
bn is too easy until you die.
I'm quite fond of the 6 shot grenade launcher myself, at least on characters with decent strength, the ammo isn't too rare and it's good for sorting messes out.
Roguelike like this ?
cool ban evasion, faggot
not a roguelike
it's gonna take a worldwide IP rangeban to keep anyone ban, stop being butthurt and behaving like a woke leftist
If you don't enjoy it, you just don't enjoy it, no point in forcing yourself to play it.
I wish there were more open world roguelikes.
I want to like BN but I can't stand all the micro bullshit. Also the enemies are boring and uninteresting
Elder Scrolls roguelike when?
I haven't found one yet, does it fit into any of the holsters?
wuts this?
Elona Prequel game
Just add a shoulder strap.
Why would anyone play for C:DDA? It's a free game.
wait a second, do shoulder straps work with power armor
I guess I can't wear grenade bandoliers with power armor so I'm stuck using the RM13 for this application
idk what to buy on steam
2hu gensokyo wanderer
I haven't touched DCSS in ages, what's even the point of mummies now that hunger isn't a thing?
Just another tranny assault on traditional mummyhood
Guess they circled around and made then the defacto challenge species, since they only have like 2 good things about them and everything else is an objective minus.
Cute boys.
Good night, /rlg/
Finally playing DoomRL 3D for the first time and I'm confused
How do I unload guns off the floor?
How do I put extra guns in my inventory?
does it use the AliensRL inventory system?
If you're talking about JH, you don't. One of the biggest changes is that you get limited, dedicated gun slots and can't unload weapons. The latter isn't that big of a deal but the former is definitely a shame.
ah it uses the AliensRL inventory system
>How do I unload guns off the floor?
You don't.
>How do I put extra guns in my inventory?
You can only carry as many as your ready slots, so 3 weapons at the time.
This upsets me
you should try playing AliensRL lmao
Think of grenade launchers and rocket launchers as powerups. Just pick them up and shoot whatever you see until they are empty and their dropped ammo is expended. Do the same with grenades once your inventory is full.
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>20 turns left before the special gemstone shatters
>"it will probably be next to the orb so this is basically hopeless but let's keep walking forward"
>it's in the entrance
I like chasing these stupid gems more than playing the game correctly, even though I have not once cared about score.
It's a nice incentive to start doing speedruns rather than otabbing.
what game is it
Yredelemnul's march
I'm not seeing many improvements to this over DoomRL
in fact I don't think I'm seeing any
Different map, arguably more branches to choose from. Reworked equipment modding system with more to pick from. Bigger weapon list (SMGs are a trap). There are pros and cons, but most importantly it's just a different game and one can't play doomRL forever.
It's a completely different game. I also tried to play it as if it was DoomRL 2.0, but the similarities are surface only.
I also didn't like it at first because of that, but once I went into it with a different mindset, everything clicked and now I really like it a lot.
Also, if you want to play DoomRL again, they recently updated it to It plays the same, but it has a couple new areas, some balance reworks, a new assembly and new bugs they also introduced with that update lol.
it's different
Good night, /rlg/ pride
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he spawned that way in the refugee shelter
presumably he's suffering from some sort of debuff that's lowering his stats
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Dungeon sprint shopping steps:
1. Visit shops and add everything of possible interest to shopping list.
2. Delete gear that you'd replace.
3. Buy the minimum gear required to replace current gold or win.
4. Buy whatever's cheapest and helpful.
Did they fix stealing with closed doors not being noticed by npcs in caves of chud? I tried to steal from the starting town chests and everyone became hostile
Also for how long do the aggrod NPCs follow you?
Barbarians in ADOM do more damage if you get naked.
is it actually better to be naked or is the loss of defense offset by the damage
Not even close to worth it. Half the skills and class features are useless, don't think too much about it.
Actually, everyone except monks gets a true berserker bonus, level 40+ barbarians just get a bigger bonus.

It can be worth it on somewhat unusual occasions mostly in the early game, especially for characters that have a hard time doing much damage normally and/or don't have much to lose defensewise anyway. Ironically, this generally wouldn't include barbarians and especially not level 40+ barbarians.

>Half the skills and class features are useless
Largely true. At least the fighter armor bonuses suck less now than they did in 1.1.1.
attempting to use the vehicle menu while remotely controlling a vehicle consistently crashes the game
somebody respond to me I need a dopamine hit
It's literally a worse DoomRL but not doom so he can sell it.
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Bottom: you
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I enjoyed making my mobile base able to float and fly. It consumes 200 liters of fuel an hour to fly, but still, it flies.

Honestly I wish I could remove the zombies and the mutant monsters and just fight against human opponents, sadly the AI is so terrible that it's only passable for humans. I want to play roadwarrior.
I have 100 L of bleach
fuck you why not
now I just need to craft 100L of ammonia
Roguelikes that take place in La Isla Bonita?
Last bump before I hit the gym
It depends, early game its absolutely your best option, killing everything in one hit is the best defense. You just have to watch out for getting paralyzed by undead since you will die without getting another turn no matter how strong you are. If you can get paralyze resistance from an amulet or a pool it can even be good mid and late game, people have posted wins were they killed the final boss naked.
> Ironically, this generally wouldn't include barbarians
It's usually safer for them than others since they are more likely to kill the opponent and not get hit back in return.
>and especially not level 40+ barbarians.
Even more damage is good so that you can one shot the bosses with your triple damage attack.
Don't really understand how to raid a lab. What is even in them which would justify the risk?

Autodocs, autoclaves and CBM, yes, but are you going to spend weeks grinding the skills needed to actually install CBM?

The chemicals all seem like junk, the chemistry tree is really interesting but honestly I can't work out what you would synthesize which couldn't be looted. Again are you raising a lab AND grinding chem?

Manuals for high level crafts. Yes, those are worth. But they are random loot drops your probably going to pick up just from scientists.

End level guns? I rarely find them, it's just not a good way to get them.

Artefacts just get you killed even if you're walking around in a field. Until they change teleporting and nether balance they're just liabilities.
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Red Sonja got too easy on normal difficulty. Started playing like a streaker, minimizing risk. Hadn't died in ages.
Got bored and wizmoded Missing Eye; took two steps and got murdered by Ijjyb.
Boredom cured. Now I can justify risky tactics such as Random Effects and the slightly-unpredictable but hilarious yak-jelly charge into Sonja and the ballistomycetes.
You simply can't master the game on normal difficulty, because the strongest methods are neither the laziest nor safest. My walkthrough will set a new bar, but someone could certainly evolve it much further by playing above pre-Ru 1.
No need for me to do so, since it will be the first Sprint walkthrough, period.
Amazing that nobody recommends them as the logical step after the tutorial. No appreciation for focused rapid iterative feedback in this genre.
It's like arguing that since every battlefield is different, bootcamp should be fully randomized too.
Of course, if you can beat a sprint, the normal game is already boring and trivial, to be spammed through with macros until something interesting happens.
I suspect many of nu-DCSS' changes are designed to prevent its bot from winning, so the devs don't feel obsoleted by their own AI. That would explain the urge to churn features and complexify magic beams. The bot is hand-programmed with very limited logic, so they're not competing against a true AI that would expose the farce. All they have to do is change the features fast enough to discourage elite player-programmers from keeping up, by e.g. removing Deep Dwarf, the most bottable race.
50-game streaks are embarrassing, but a laughably-primitive bot that nevertheless obsoletes most of the playerbase undermines the game's claim to eliteness, demonstrating that it actually tests tedium, not intelligence. Meanwhile, removing cannibalism (by evil primitives) and racism (by Muslims) brings the game into compliance with Woke.
Inshallah, Moria Crawl shall restore the Sword of Jihad's proper name!
>Until they change teleporting and nether balance they're just liabilities.
Just play a psionic awakened to teleportation.
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why do you think there's no roguelite general?
There is (it's this one)
Only Elyvilon objected to Ashenzari's enslavement. She was overruled, but still refuses to endorse the violence done in the Dungeon.

The prison is diabolically ingenious. If even a single rune remains, it regenerates the rest. The Dungeon inexorably draws Ashenzari's consciousness back, regrowing Orb and runes from the power of the lives lost within, which feed the demon lords.

This takes time, during which Ashenzari is free to return to her beloved sky -- though too weak to do anything but drift with the wind, her power siphoned off into the growing Orb.

The runes of power are cursed anchors, infusions of divine essence that brand themselves to the delver's flesh. Similarly, the Orb vanishes when the delver touches it, forming a third eye that allows Ashenzari to perceive her surroundings. These set the delver's feet on the path to godhood, but require lengthy rituals outside the Dungeon to assimilate.

Yet there is a way to free her. Every prison has an exit, every curse a key. This was the bet the gods of mortals made with Ashenzari: That mortals would never be worthy to know the Truth.

If a mortal collects every rune, seizes the Orb, and then rejects godhood, sacrifices himself instead in the deepest lava pit of Gehenna, where the runes of power were forged -- then the Orb will be unmade, and Ashenzari shall return to the skies.

It is said that in that day, she will use her chains to pull down all the gods, save one. They have bloated themselves on her power; it will conduct her wrath.

Whether any mortals besides her savior survive that Storm, is an open question...
>besides her savior
oops that dude is fucking dead
Are you talking about BNs or DDA?
I started out assuming your were talking about BNs since you talk about autodocs and looting CBMs but then you mentioned artifacts, which to the best of my knowledge don't even spawn in labs.
Your boy is finally on GOG.
tl;dr: labs are a very dense source of CBMs, blobs and chems for mutagen crafting, lab recipe books, and the finales can have things like the RM13 armor, laser rifles, and CVD machines for diamond coating your knife
the side rooms that are locked behind computer terminals (barracks and libraries) are the densest source of ammo and books as well
Are blobs actually useful for anything when you can make mutagens from tainted flesh and superglue is no long absurdly rare?
uh it's still an incredibly cheap source of superglue when you have thousands of blob globs, and blob globs are both faster to harvest than tainted fat and tainted flesh and store better
What is your favorite psionic awakening in cataclysm?
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I finally managed to complete all T2 zones for the first time on Insane in ToME.
Died in The Godfeaster later because it was full of bosses on every turn.
good seal
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>Always pick insane roguelike
>Always enter the dark crypt
>Always die
Why can't I stop doing this!!!
official list of non-woke roguelikes
Take the Sniper, play slow and you cannot lose.
I've modded in a vehicle generator using it as a basis once I saw it for the first time. The coffeemaker used to have some other components, I think. Don't remember this mini-RTG spawning before.
>- wizard: puzzles
Are you high?
So DoomRL isn't a roguelike?
Cogmind for that matter too.
And Gearhead.
Permadeathfags are retarded. Roguelikes are turn-based RPGs with rogueturns. That's it. Everything else is just fags seething at roguelikes they don't like, or trying to weasel not-roguelikes into being roguelikes.
turn-based RPGs with rogueturns and permadeath actually
the plutonium generator can be installed into vehicles now
Amulet of lifesaving
wand of digging
not an argument
>or trying to weasel not-roguelikes into being roguelikes.
yeah you are
Refer to >>495842817
refer to your mom
Is an item from a game with permadeath.
not an argument

sure, and save/load is just a time traveling skill in a game with permadeath :^)
I wish you were permadead
still not an argument kek
you are permaretarded
>games that came out less than 10 years ago
>allegedly inventing the concept of "Called Shot"
>which got popularized by D&D
>resident retards are now becoming so retarded to actually believe this
not an argument, permaseethe
>and save/load is just a time traveling skill
It can be, that's how the time travel skill explicitly works in Qud, not that its a good game.
You don't even know what an argument is, an amulet isn't an argument either.
No seriously you are just literally retarded.
being retarded is required for playing rougekeks
That's the point, yes. The existence of an optional or strategic death-preventing game mechanic does not somehow erase the existence of a game over/score screen, which practically every roguelike still has. Extra lives in ToME are just free amulets of life saving, save/load in OWH is just time travel. Wizmode is just playing as a powerful wizard.
till not an argument. permadilate, permatranny
>how much fire resistance is necessary to be immune to the highest tier of fire?
Not enough. Find a fire vent (happen in labs) and try to get close with the best shit you have. Stack CBMs, firefighting clothes, whatever.
>my point is that I don't know what words mean
I already understood that but thanks for clarifying.
>roguelikes that have not a roguelike mode are still roguelikes
Only when you are playing in the right mode.
nice autistic screeching, but strawmen aren't arguments.

troon cope lmao
>It's odd that it's so close, but not equal, to the signed integer max value.
No. It's to be expected with an obvious overflow.
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Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with the original post that said permadeathfags are retards. This is just shameful.
>I'm just going to have to agree with myself
not an argument
It's always like this.
>roguelikes have to have permadeath because uhhhhhh
>I'm going to screech and shart all over the thread for hours on end if you say they don't

It's a signed integer though. It doesn't roll over from zero, but negative two million.
>pleb is mad that that people in the roguelikes thread only want to talk about roguelikes
roguelikes such as TOME adventure mode
not a roguelike if you play in pleb mode
The good old "playing felid is not a roguelike" meltdown. It's been a while since we've had one of these.
permadeath enhances some roguelikes but not the autistic grindy ones.
It is shown as a signed integer and probably stores whatever the result of a formula is as a signed integer. There is another possibility but this is the simplest explanation.
nice autistic screeching, but strawmen aren't arguments.
On what basis? That you'll continue to shart all over the thread if I say otherwise? By all means, give it your best shot. The more you cement yourself as a DDAtroon tier faggot the better.
Good night, /rlg/
>on what basis can you argue that I can't just redefine my own words
It's called common sense, you wouldn't understand.
All posts talking about permadeath need proof of finishing a game in permadeath mode or their opinion doesn't matter.
Skyrim is a roguelike because I say so says the guy who doesn't understand how words derive their meanings.
Redefine what, that cursed amulets of life saving don't stop a game from being a roguelike?
you can mod Skyrim to turn it into a roguelike
Do felid wins count?
Redefine rogulike, it's what you are trying to do.
>all this screeching about definitions
>actually he's just being mad that life saving exists
lmao even
nice autistic screeching, but strawmen aren't arguments.
so is life saving allowed in your definition or not?
I fully regret starting this shit tsunami.
>your definition
Thank you for proving that you don't understand how any of this works.
Battle Brothers is a roguelike
it's not a hard question, retard
You are a retard for even asking, and further even more retarded for not realizing it. It's not my definition, I don't redefine words.
If you don't know the definition of a roguelike then go look it up.
this is just one guy talking to himself isn't it
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When I take a screenshot of BN to post in /rlg/, I always turn the death prompt on first. After I've posted my screenshot, I turn death prompt back off and resume playing.
I just found a secret door after getting randomly teleported by a psionic crystal.
The guy who can't answer whether life saving is allowed in roguelikes or not is calling people retards kek
Wrong, you are not a person.
Answer the question, retard.
>I'm retarded
No need to beat a dead horse anon.
Says the guy that doesn't know if Nethack is a roguelike
Nethack is obviously a roguelike, as it has atomic turns. You should be telling that to the faggot spammer.
you should be killing yourself
You should get a life.
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>the adult tantrum is already over
He didn't even last 2 hours. Weak.
Who are you quoting?
Who are you asking?
Not you.
Then who?
>he doesn't know
Who are you quoting?
Two of those are included in the list of roguelike variants right there.
The argument about permadeath likewise appears completely unrelated, but I appreciate it concluding without my participation.
>try ToME 4
>naturally, pick """"""""""""""""""roguelike""""""""""""""""""" mode
>already unlocked everything externally because metaprogression does not belong in roguelikes
>pick temporal warden
>learn a very questionable talent that seems to work exactly like savescumming
>begrudgingly tolerate using it while struggling against the daikara boss
>die to the daikara boss while using it
>don't actually die
>deeply concerned, I still manage to kill the boss of daikara this time around
>drops an artifact called blood of life
>quaff effect: gain an extra life
>close the game and delete ToME 4 immediately
Fuck Darkgod
desu elona says you climb out of the grave, not come back to life, so it's permadeath
it's just that everything other than ether corruption is so bad at actually mortally wounding you instead of incapacitating you

maidensnow is the same way, all the monsters are just trying to rape you, so it's not that easy to die in combat even though you ultimately still can
I think you misunderstood how blood of life works. The description is quite misleading, it actually makes your death message display twice in the chat.
>I don't know what anything means, and I'm MAD about it
monster babies are forever
I guess that might work as a high-risk-high-reward style of play, which is something I generally shy away from.
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Is permadeath defined at the game over screen or is it with the biological death of the character that you're playing as? Does winning after becoming in a lich in TOME count as a win? Is Quasimorph permadeath?
The purest form of permadeath is a game over and save end state other than the intended victory condition. Which, actually, almost every SP game has by default. I don't think Quasimorph is one of them though.
The purest form of permadeath is killing the player.
Only Starcraft is a roguelike.
(dehydrated gooks hardest hit)
Not mine but I've gotten pretty far with that kind of character and it's very strong.
If I like a game that means it counts as real permadeath. If I don't like a game then it's not a roguelike.
Starcraft doesn't have rogue turns nor does it place you in control of only a single character so it cannot be a roguelike.
just watch the video >>494979615
Starcraft has custom maps that fit that criteria so it's a roguelike.
Imagine how much autism this general could dodge if people just pointed to the video.
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Permadeath is when the avatar's ability to act upon the current world using the player's free will is severed irreversibly. So bodily death is not permadeath if the player can still willfully act in the world using their soulless undead body. Same is true if you permanently possess another creature and then kill your old body in qud for example. However this also means that death is not required for permadeath; if you're character is permanently mind controlled you are also permadead despite the character still being alive. Robots can therefore also permadie despite not ever being alive. Playing as a clone or offspring are therefore also not permadeath as they inherit the player's goals and knowledge. Finally, seeing a game over screen is therefore not sufficient to mean permadeath, as in ToME you can use the blood of life and continue acting in the world. Reloading a save at game over is arguably not permadeath as by loading you essentially time travel to a parallel world that is identical up to the save and whilst you could argue that the player's connected to the original world is fully severed and the character is therefore permadead in that world. They are not permadead with respect to the multiverse as the player retains the knowledge of a possible future that they can use in the new world.
>ToME is accepted as a roguelike by even the most autistic of roguelike fans
Evidently not
based. only true death, entry into an afterlife, and the incarnation of a new individual soul from one's Higher Self via rolling a new character and beginning with a randomly seeded game counts as permadeath.
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anything less dispatches a reaper
If the game doesn't destroy your CPU, then it's not permadeath.
stupid frogposter
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roguelike update : rogue trader got a new DLC
How the hell do I win with a Tengu? What's the point of this species? They have 2 aux attacks which remove survivability in favor of melee damage, which would be fine if they didn't slap a -20% HP penalty on top. You're forced to play a glass cannon caster but then I'd rather play Deep Elf because +4EV and innate acrobat aren't all that great.
that's heat damage, not fire damage
totally different
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roguelike with lolis doko?
lightning bolt
v.23 TeAE Kiku works fine. Meatshields and polearm. Staff of Air and Confusing Touch. Troll Leather Armor and Sublimation of Blood. Kite back to corpses.
doublebounce lightning bolt
Save/load feature is closer to precognition to time travel, this is because you can't time travel back or forward to a save that doesn't already exist. Your character observes a possible series of events and, if the outcome is bad, abandons it to start viewing a new one. Deleting or overwriting old saves means your character has accepted one sequence and realized it through action, whereas creating alternate saves is basically memorizing multiple possible routes without yet realizing one. Loading is the aforementioned abandonment of the current route to start again from another point in explored timeline. Permadeath in a game with save/load is when your realized route is actually cornered into a state in which achieving victory is impossible, which can and actually does happen in regular play, as some games like FFT are famous for.
closer to precognition than to time travel*
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Actually managed to make it out of the marshes on this run, little nervous/excited to see whats gonna kill me at this point. I love how big the world actually feels
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There are legality implications around what constitutes as a proper roguelike death. Illegal deaths don't count, simple as.
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>dying in the super easy game
What's are some good roguelikes for android?
I like shattered pixel dungeon :)
To Abyss yourself, kayak out on a beautiful day, tie a weight to your belt, release the life jacket, watch the light shrink to a dot, then speargun your tonsils to your cerebellum.
Most will turn back. Getting into Hell should be as hard as getting out.
I'm so sick of 2-handed weapons being shit. 2-handed weapons should be so much better than 1-handed that there's no reason to use a 1-hander unless the space is simply too small or you specifically need a shield against projectiles.
A ten handed weapon, ten floating hands that pummel your foe.
felid violating permadeath
how Orc and Elf stay segregated
I always savecum, roguetroons will never understand the joy of playing games for fun
Ironman mode comes last, like iron man.
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most slavic post itt
good fowl vs bad egg
live ... arelgee
>learn a very questionable talent that seems to work exactly like savescumming
It isn't even close to the best ability TW gets either. TW is so much better than almost every other class that isn't called Necromancer it is absurd.
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Sure, I largely agree, however I still think save/load is better thought as a limited form of time travel/divergence instead of a form precognition. Calling it a precognition implies that the world your experiencing isn't real as opposed to time travel where the world is real. So when playing a save/load game ask yourself this; is this reality or a precognition? The answer would have to be that you don't know until you either load or finish the game. Until one of those occur, you exist in a superposition between reality and unreality, but this is clearly nonsense as it has to be one of them, even if you don't know which one yet - the world does not retroactively change as you gain knowledge about it. In the same way that a game either has or has no permadeath regardless of if you know about it. If you complete a roguelike first try without ever dying you couldn't possibly know if the game has permadeath or not, but it would be incorrect to say that the game wasn't a permadeath game until you die your first time. It was always a permadeath game, you just didn't know it yet. In the same way I think you need to accept that all playthroughs are real; because any one of them could be real, all of them must be real as to not cause a causality loop. Alternatively you could say that all playthroughs are precognitions and when you win you can imagine that the character then repeats all the exact actions from their vision, without us having to see and do it, just like Qud or ToME handle their in-game precognition abilities where you just select which version of events you wish to perform and it is implied to be repeated by the character without the player having to literally repeat everything again. Pic unrelated
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oh shit
I have the ultimate solution to save/load
But I will not disclose it
It will be reserved for my (never to be finished) ragulike
bro it's a video game they're all equally fake
Ah well I'm going to talk about it anyway
The key to save load is that it conveys 2 advantages
1. Second chance
2. Future knowledge
The key to an alternative system is to provide the player with either, not both
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ah, yes, very balanced, I see now
It's balanced by needing to keep changing your UPS batteries, and the fact that you can't fucking find it.
cable charger cbm
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Oh hell yes
Decision to take fencing at chargen: justified
>En Garde, Skeletal giant!
>0 dmg
Commercial Cyborg says hello
for this situation I recommend a webbing belt with an extendable quarterstaff tucked into it
are you going to take the flintlock pistols as well so you can go full pirate
I didn't, but now that you mentioned it, I think I'll go back for them.
You can do the civil war larper start if you want a ton of flintlocks.
you can also just... craft them?
You have three pretty nice drops there though.
it IS my reward for full clearing multiple labs, yeah
I wish I had a holographic sight to go with it, that would be the best I think
or maybe the pistol scope?
BN has a pirate larper start that gets six flintlock pistols and a replica cutlass.
But no mind over matter, so its trash.
Iirc, the holographic is the best one? I don't usually pay that much attention to sights desu, my main concern is usually size.
here's the breakdown for pistol sights, from fastest to slowest
underbarrel laser: speed 9, dispersion 30
rail laser: speed 8, dispersion 30
holographic: speed 6, dispersion 13
red dot: speed 6, dispersion 23
iron sights: speed 6, dispersion 30
pistol scope: speed 2, dispersion 8
telescopic pistol sight: speed 1, dispersion 20

the pistol scope is the best if you're doing some bullshit pistol sniping meme
the big laser is better than iron sights but makes it basically impossible to fit anything into the deep concealment holster so whatever
And the size?
presumably they're all too big
how the fuck did the dipshits at BN break remotely controlling vehicles
I keep pressing '^' to turn it off when I'm done moving it closer to where I'm working and it crashes my fucking game every time, this is the third time I've done that just now
>playing baby nights
>he's still seething
Why don't you spend your time developing something that doesn't just make the game more tedious instead of crying about a better branching project?
My custom mods for the main is a better branch, its alot easier to unfuck than whatever those dipshits have done.
>when playing a save/load game ask yourself this; is this reality or a precognition? The answer would have to be that you don't know until you either load or finish the game.
I don't think there's a major concern of that being the case, because time travelers can be killed. If a save point is a time machine, then it still doesn't give a corpse the ability to walk back to the time machine to come back to life. Precognition on the other hand does not have this issue, aside from being broken by the precognition itself (quitting the game), or allowing oneself to be trapped (unwinnable save state). All real action is automatically performed by the player character once you choose to collapse the future timeline into the present. This is arguably why so many games have you make a "you've won the game" save, even in games that don't have post-game content: A time traveler might consider the game won as soon as they see the ending, but a precognitive vision of the ending cannot be considered such until they've actually identified the win state, through saving, in order to let the real self act on that route.
If the way aiming works hasn't changed too much, you use the best stat of each sight. You'll get the best of both worlds if you use both a low dispersion scope and a high speed laser, mitigated by the penalties of higher weight/volume.
You obviously havent seen rezero.
If Subaru's ability can simply be called "time travel" that would actually make time travel even more distant from ingame save/load.
and that's the dimber truth
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This was a challenge run but I found the sword on D5
This image, like the Berlin Retardation, is what happens when someone doesn't know the difference between a genre definitions and genre conventions.
It calls Jupiter Hell a First/Third-person shooter and therefore not a roguelike.
That's crazy. Personally I would consider switching the ring in your T slot for another ring of protection or something like that since you already have rN+++, rF+++ and good willpower even without it, but you know best
Hey anyone got any tips for not sucking at ADoM? I'm absolutely insane and starting as a Farmer of all things, instead of an archer or caster. And no, I don't need the basics, I've played a few roguelikes before. Actual roguelikes.
How far are you getting, what killed your last character? About how much time have you spent playing this game?
Farmer isn't that bad. You're supposed to grind gardening early on, that's their main class feature
At best, I completed the Dog quest. At worst, I somehow get evaporated on floor 1 of the tutorial dungeon. Still. for the 6 hours I've been playing, it's been alright.
Try playing a troll barbarian with a big club, you can stomp the early game, and by the time some mid game challenge kills you you will know more of what you are doing. Be sure to get naked and use the berserk tactic.
True. I'm still a bit shaken from my last octo death at the bottom of Lair which ended in a couple turns after getting petrified by a basilisk so I just kept MR topped off.
Also the dog quest is more of a personal challenge zone, the game will be easier if you skip it on most characters.
Stick with the village dungeon, infinite dungeon and the caverns of chaos.
I usually start my characters in the small cave though, it gets harder the higher level you are and you can just find end game equipment there sometimes. You will die very quickly though if you get bogged down there and level up too much.
Go try to kill a turret with it. Stream it, even.
Good night, /rlg/
What did the roguelike boy say to the roguelike girl?
Send nu-DCSS.
Did you hear about the kamikaze dwarf?
He was destroyed!
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Why did a triffid go to therapy?
Because it had trouble rooting for itself!
Eventually one must accept that linear time is as fragile an illusion as a linear git branch history.
Even at maximum subjective fidelity, precog is a probabilistic simulation without the freewill influence of other ensouled. Since single-player games have only one ensouled regardless, distinguishing between precog and time travel is impossible.
>time travelers can be killed
Economy class travelers, yes.
time heals all wounds
How much are you willing to use spoilers? That's the first big question you need to answer.

Obviously, you'll want to avoid getting sacrificed to the god of goblin rockthrowers in the future, but I honestly can't remember whether how to do that counts as a spoiler or not.

This is correct. Get gardening up to somewhere around maybe 60 before trying to use it and do so as quickly as you can. Then start farming. I could give you some further advice on this subject, but I'd need you to answer the first question so I know how much you'd like me to tell you and how much you want to figure out for yourself.

>the dog quest is more of a personal challenge zone
This is also true. Either the cute puppy or the player character (or both) dies in almost every game and you're generally better off not really trying to rescue it until you know what you're doing a lot better (and often not even then). You can go into the Puppy Cave, but you shouldn't try going any farther in than is easy/profitable, at least not at first.
next time I see one I'll do it for you
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I need to build a powerboat
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which roguelike does he play?
I'm trying to get into CDDA, Magiclysm to be exact, but every time I poke my head out of the starting basement to try and read a book 50 zombies break into my house and beat me to death. Tried to look at beginner guides but all of them are 2+ years old. Any tips to cure my skill issue?
Go live upstairs?
And in case you are that new, Shift + \ is movement mode, select sneak and stick to dark tiles, you can still be found by scent but this should allow you to not be spotted by any zombies that are not close to you.
I am motivated to make ragulike again
Pray for my soul arelgee
I am new yeah. So the idea is to sneak upstairs and try to learn magic missile before a zombie smells me. Thanks.
I don't WANT to make a new thread, somebody else do it
play bright nights instead
I wouldn't recommend it but it's better than nothing. You will get ganged up or run out of mana way before you do anything worthwhile with a lv 1 magic missile. Your first course of action should honestly be trying to avoid fights, scavenge books and food, try to find or craft armour that has decent protection and a weapon that doesn't suck. Killing one zombie with a plank and 0 melee/dodge is not the end of the world, but you will get fucked up by more.
The difference between having a 100% coverage armour with 10 protection around the board and a makeshift knife spear vs nothing at all is massive. I can dump a bunch of useful tips that should give you an idea of what you should be doing and experiment until you succeed, if you want.
Is that mod even compatible with Magiclysm? Even if it is, I've heard it hasn't been updated in years.
I would appreciate an up-to-date list of tips for a beginner. The most recent beginner guides I've been able to find recommend making a cudgel because of it's chance to stun zombies? But either a Magiclysm does something to that or I'm doing something wrong because I've never been able to stun a zombie once even in the very few runs I've managed to make one instead of immediately dying.
>I heard it hasn't been updated in years
it gets updated every single night
Arcana is the magic mod for BN and I think it's compatible with some sort of magiclysm
New Bread
be faster than the zombies
make them walk to you
punch them once
step away
clear the whole town
they never hit you
weapons are optional
game is pretty easy at the start

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