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Previous: >>494957771

Caesar combat intelligence
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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You now remember Baddieboo.
At least photoshop her face over it.
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 9 days. Also please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio!
kino OP
I somehow didn't notice him when doing jane's story
am I blind
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>look up how often on average people pull S-ranks
>it's 1/60
>look at my Stable stats
>254 pulls
>3 S-ranks
>the first one was the guaranteed 50-pulls pity
A-at least I got the good S-ranks . . .
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Give me ideas. Who could be who in this painting? The closest one to Caesar I'd say is Lucy.
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For me, it's the Blue Devil.
Big of true.
Does anyone remember who are the agents in monthly shop in July and August?
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>four fucking generals
Yup, it's SEAPAG time
Wouldn't Caesar be Caesar? Or am I just stupid?
God I need to brutally fuck Lucy in an alleyway
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Also, I managed to perfectly align my current hard pity with the 300-pulls Selectable Agents™ which spooked me into thinking that I'm about to get cucked out of my extra S-rank unless I pull a natural S-rank before 300 pulls total.
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>When I was 15, the thought of an apocalypse never troubled me. The only thing I could give up, even in the face of the world's end, was the sunset on that beach. Watching the sun gently slide into the waters embrace, with fireworks dancing on the canvas of the night sky, even tomorrow or better, it wouldn't be worse than I thought. When you're reading this letter, I imagine much has changed, whether it’s yourself… or the world.

really makes you think
I mean the other people in the painting.
Thank you for your service, InverseLuckGOD.
>Et tu, Lucy?
Or whoever is the traitor
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Still saving for Miyabi.
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And I thought I was a casino survivor with my bottom 3%.
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>install g****** again after years just to get my free Mona
>do some 10 pulls because why not
>C1 Raiden
So that's how they get you...
Et tu, Big Daddy has a nice ring to it
what if i stun the boss but i dont have my corruption proc yet
do i just lose out on a chunk of my zhu damage
so the game is call ZEE ZEE ZEE or ZED ZED ZED?
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For me it's Publius Scipio Africanus
If Caesar isn't doomposted, it means she's a brick.
bros what happened to my luck in zzz...
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>everyone involved is killed for treason or commits suicide
Who is going to be Caesars adopted heir who has the traitors of Calydon killed?
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meow meow meow
You should have stayed on your weighted hsr account bro
Disorder is a meme but I think burnice is still the better pick for lucy+piper comp. I will get caesar on her rerun. Hopefully no sexy loli by the time mihoyo will rerun her banner.
Was it fucking necessary to bring him to her room? not even anby or nicole got that privilege (as far as I am on the trust events). What were they thinking
>1k attack
>25% damage received debuff
>high daze
>teamwide 18% dmg and 12% daze up on her ball
>universal passive that can be activated on ALL teams
Isn't Caesar basically futureproof? Some 'horizontal investmet' retards will pull 8 different M0W0 supports/stunners for their 4 DPS while I'll just use M2W1 Caesar on all of my teams and perform way better than them with half the investment.
brick seeded account
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I started recently and I didn't even realize you were supposed to get anything outside of the pity
>Triple 77
That's where your went to bro
Most of this metafagging is stupid because
>there are reruns
>you only need to clear under 5 minutes
>50/50 means you're mostly going to play what you have instead of whaling to guarantee the latest and gayest agent
Lucy is such a tsundere towards Caesar
Would Neko die if I scanned that barcode?
>playing only 1 (one) character in a tembuilding game
Enjoy your waifu, I guess.
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no but it would cost you a few dollars
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>have to use EX on COUNTER to work
even Klee is not that clunk
Seth is unironically more comfy to use.
It would be extremely expensive
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I'm excited to level this one up!
You'll want two busted buffers, one for both teams, but yeah Caesar should remain MVP for a long time.
Anon caesar is literally for piper to actually be able to swing shadier latter game enemies.
>shadow furry animations are out
>nobody cares
no because caesar looks like a man
Her shield lasts for 90 seconds so you'll only need to use it once or twice per fight anyway. And She can use her EX for free by spending an Assist point if you really fuck up and need to use it more than that.
Just know that I am mad for you bwo
Do you have a link without some chink eyed CC's face on screen?
You can counter without EX
Lets settle this on male vs female vote
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I will roll for Caesar to buff my kot
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So the Idol lolis are not coming any time soon right? Lighter, Miyabi and the two NPC looking characters from her faction will all come before them right?
I can safely roll for Jane, Caesar and Burnice right?
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I can't get a normal crit ratio bros
No, the idols are being replaced by the STARLIGHT KNIGHTS!
Bro your Obol glowie?
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how many days does it take to max out one trust level?
We need males that dress like females but since this is a chinese game that is not allowed
Caesar biggest weakness is not having "futureproof" buffs. that being said she's the best unit in her role
>1000 ATK + 25% + 15% if shield disk
Supports like Soukaku and Lucy can give equals amount of atk or more, in the case of soukaku its the same amount of dmg % but only for ice teams. can be diluted by other atk sources but it still pretty huge 20%-30% damage increase in most cases.
>anti interruption on shield
huge for teams that don't like their attacks being interrupted, like Ellen's BA3, for other teams it may reduce damage loss every now and then
>CC/Grouping on demand at the cost of an assist point
I think there are only two other units with Grouping/CC, nicole has stronger CC buts its less on demand and Qingyi its more on demand but is weaker, Caesar seem like a middle ground, its even better CC than Qingyi's but cost assist points.
>On-field or Off-field stunner
self explanatory, if a unit wants a on-field stunner she will be good, she's probably better for off-field stunner teams though.
>She's Phys, so she's good for anomaly/disorder teams
This is one i haven't heard people talk about that much. For Jane teams she can use 4p freedom blues for more assaults, as for disorder teams, assault is good on them, so even if she doesn't proc them as fast it will still be good
you could even go hybrid stunner anomaly or full anomaly depending if the team need stun or disorder more.

She's the closest to a must pull, even more than Qingyi since she works on the same teams and more, if you have both you will use one in each team, hell, there may be some teams that will be very good with both.
I doubt they will make you immortal for 90s forever. Enemies damage is going to ramp up. So no, she is not future proof.

Fundamentally, she's extremely uncomfy to play. With Seth you can just switch to him at the right moment, gain the buff and back to your DPS. With her, there is NO good time to switch. Because you have to counter with EX
3-5 days, less than a week for sure.
Genshin Impact maybe be game for you
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The Nun will CUM when zzz will be loosing players too much.
The Nun WILL be uncensored to boost sales.
Trust the plan.
at the very least her 3d model, so mods could fix her
less than 2
Next 19 weeks are already spoken for.
>1 week of Jane
>3 weeks Caesar
>3 weeks Burnice
>3 weeks Lighter
>3 weeks Harumasa
>3 weeks Miyabi
>3 weeks Yanagi
Earliest we could see the idols would be in February, but it will probably be Obol squad after that.
That's a big price tag
Should I study for my exam or try to get 6 lives in soul hounds
>parry once
>get shield
>dodge as usual and keep buffs up
>get out of jail card if you fuck up and get hit
>swap and parry again
It has some really twink ones but does it have any cute boys with twintails wearing skirts?
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Bros.. my luck is so bad..
hello, content?
how big is the setback if you say something wrong. can you go into negatives?
>90 seconds
it lasts for 60s, check the chink version
Its really not that hard bro. Ben has the same mechanic
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For you
Parry, switch?
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she really is much better without the pit vipers
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Double the drop, double the disappointment.
>Enemies damage is going to ramp up.
Bro, just get your shield buff up and then dodge. It'll last for 90 seconds. After that, just parry with her once every 30 to keep up her damage debuff and you're good.
kinda sex
it makes you immortal forever if you have hands and 2 brain cells. in the early access video i have seen her shield was tanking a lot of attacks.
its not only easy to refresh, it can sustain an additional attack beyond the HP from the shield, so the shield has more hp than it seem.
Seth copper...
damn it really does look like a 40 year old kid
very realistic cosplay
I already got a decent disk from today's double drops. I assume this must be a skill issue.
The wig is kind of shitty quality, but I suppose I would bang her.
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>actually looks like an hag
Piper is stinky.

it honestly kinda sucks that I have a fully built C1 Jane because I think Piper is CUTE and yet I will never play her again
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She is.
That's why I didn't pull for Jane, so I have an excuse to keep using Piper.
nothing stops you from going double anomaly on Shiyu though.
That would be Brick Effect.
i feel like pen% is a scam
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Yes but anime girls are allowed to be stinky

what are the leaks saying about Lighter now? I heard for about a week he was going to be S rank fire assault and immediately stopped leveling Soldier 11

now I hear he's S rank fire STUN which is completely fucking useless, I already have a C1 koleda I never use and qingyi can be slotted into almost any team in existence. nobody will pull for that dude if he's stun
I realised the only DPS I have invested in is M0 Nekomata and M6 Corin
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Anomaly would be the top meta pick in the upcoming multiplayer mode.
How do I get more assist resonia?
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Big boss...
People saying he's stun are full of shit. His engine hasn't been changed and it's still an Attack engine.
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>Has combat, leadership skills and ether resistance.
>is also a lawyer
How is she actually poor
I don't even know what the fuck Burnice does
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1) she falls for scams
2) she spends a lot of money keep up appearances
3) she gives her money away to orphans

it's just not very good tbqh (unless you pulled Rina and you put pen ratio on all 3 of your characters)
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I feel you, I vastly prefer Piper's gameplay and character over Jane so skipping her banner was a no-brainer and I didn't want to end up in a Anby situation where building her became pointless.
>Spending Energy on her EX gives her a new pool of points
>when off field, she spends those points to add fire damage when your on-field agent attacks
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>Trigger is the first dps Agent to scale off Pen
>no good f2p options
You rike?

she hasn't heard of dubai


good to know, if I pull for caesar I'll probably end up dusting off Lucy too. it would make Lighter a good pick.
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i did it because rina is sex
Dumb question about QY: You want to start the chain attack with QY's max bar charged BA for her dmg buff right?

Just used to either starting it with either Nicole or ZY from my OG Anby/Nicole/ZY team to maximize DPS
tldr; she enters field, EX specials, and fucks off.
This game's balancing is a whack.
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doubt anyone here is using AMD adrenaline with a GPD G1 but the latest amd drivers kept timing out then stopped working entirely. going back to 23.10.2(the most stable at the time) got me back up and running. ill probably see better performance again too
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my dick really wanted jane but neko and piper are my favorite agents so it wouldn't make sense for me to roll a replacement for them

see this was my thought process at first but jane has rat tits
Only if your Qingyi is M1.
What's stopping you bro.
>she spends a lot of money keep up appearances
Is dressing like a whore really that expensive
I love Ben Bigger.
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I've just got the lvl 30 and can now do disc drive sets and stuff
The only team I play is Piper Lucy Koleda, what disc sets should I be using for Piper? All the 'guides' online are different and split between mixtures of freedom blues and fanged metal and other 2pieces, and I'm too new and retarded to theorycraft the answer myself
Some people are saying it like Caesar's shield will turn you into a braindead retard that can't press dodge or parry anymore, what the fuck lol. The shield is literally just there for future characters that need 10 seconds to do their combo uninterrupted, it's also good for shitty characters like Anby who needs to do her garbage 3 hit basic attacks uninterrupted first before she can do attack that matters.
In your comp specifically? Freedom blues 4 fanged metal 2.
don't bother with discs until lvl 45
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That's why new Shiyu Defense levels that requires 3 teams should be a thing, but this place is not ready to have this discussion.
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I buy all my clothes from kmart and none of it costs more than $10 a piece but I'm pretty sure 'good' fashionable clothing costs a fortune
And this game mentions fashion a lot in the side dialogue and stuff cause it's being written by women so I'm certain that it would
are there any non-cucked ZZZ discords?

I got banned from the unofficial discord for saying "C10 jane replaces her artwork with an animated gif of her getting fucked raw"

I had a chance to apologize but instead I just asked the mod "do you do this for free?" which didn't end well for me but I regret absolutely nothing
I figured that putting some random discs on purely for the set effects would be better than not having any, i had to do a run of one anyway for going through the story
not gunna actually farm them and get good substats though if thats what you mean
I genuinely don't understand why people think jane and piper don't work together.
Oh one the quotes was a mistake >>494984393
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I finally did Disrupted 8. I fucking hate the last boss with every fiber of my being.
>defiantly admits to thinking in nothing but memes
what an L
>piper sidegrade
>right before t0 must roll support caesar
>going to get powercrept by lucia within two patchs
>flopped bigly
this whole post is like a cringe schoolchild that nobody likes bragging about being an arsehole that nobody likes and the reddit spacing really adds to it well done
On Piper, Either 4 Fanged Metal/2 Freedom Blues or 4 Freedom Blues/2 Fanged Metal. I prefer Fanged Metal myself. Level up the 2nd disk (the attack one). The extra attack will make a big difference.
the only people saying that are the genshitards
they can't fathom things being different in zzz and must relate it to their shield homo
You have to be over 18 to post on 4chan.
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Could this be the one?
Since your Piper is onfielder here this >>494984828 but in reverse. You can go 4 fanged, 2 freedom.
I mean you're kinda free to do discs from IK 35-40 since it's more efficient battery wise due to the guaranteed gold disc drop.
Here's a toot!
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Understandable, Jane was initially part of my pulling plan but then Caesar was announced as the following banner
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what is it they bring as a combo that Jane alone cannot achieve?

Isnt Jane a fieldhog? Or do you use Piper as a spinbot and switch out while her animation is ongoing?
You have to be over 18 to post on 4channel kid
>Defense brick

did this guy test qingyi? I run my jane with seth mainly, then I just swap to qingyi to get one easy stun on the boss and pop my ult with jane. 90% field time is jane, maybe 6% is seth, 4% qingyi. having a third party member doesn't even feel necessary. I actually cleared the newest shiyu with just jane / seth


yeah tossing some B rank disks on for set bonuses is helpful, just don't spend resources until level 45. fanged metal / anomaly blues is her best setup, I think it's 4pc fanged and 2pc anomaly like jane but I could be wrong
The new arcade game actually looks pretty fun...
Based. I wouldnt have apologized for that either, only a spineless cuck would have
After I get Caesar, am I going to regret saving the rest of my pulls for Burnice instead of getting Caesar's engine?
>posting lvl 0 relics here
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I'm gonna look forward to playing it with your bwos. Sorry that I know I'm gonna suck at it.
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lucy sex
Is mountain lion leader there to just chill Jane?
RIP in Peace.
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asians will just turn any historic figure into some cute anime girl these days
getting new characters, no matter how you put it, is better than making one character more powerful.
Just look at them as damage increase while getting new characters you get the new gameplay and teams, the dates, the avatar, etc.
>60 rolls per s rank
>rate up percentage is 1/3 if you factor in 1 coinflip lose
>120 for coinflip fail and 60 for coinflip win
this averages out to 90 per limited unit right
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Lucia is dead to me if they completely butchered her design like they did with Caesar.
I'm not talking about censorship.
Sorry titslet, you have to be D cup or above to be qualified as Emperor
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We all thought Qingyi would be universally compatible.
Turns out Caesar is even more universally compatible.

It feels more like Jane was designed to easily counter the rampant brute boss typess.
>when the game has better jiggle physics than porn
weird times
It's actually closer to 80 rolls per S rank on average so your math is off.
Pretty simple
>Jane and piper both have buffs that benefit both
>their combined anomaly build up allows you to not need to run energy regen or anomaly mastery
>Jane covers for Piper's non-EX downtime in that case
>Piper wuthering 4pc freedom provides the resistance shred
>so it's just constant assaults that are buffed by both kits
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but my mom says it's okay
>We all thought Qingyi would be universally compatible.
maybe if you were clueless yes.
Qingyi main problem was always being an on-field stunner, core skill isn't even necessary for what she does.
I-I still have overwhip over this brown chinese neko!
Brown cat hot
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I always click on gifs with chibi agents, haven't missed a single one
Can't believe she threw that can in a shredder just for some shitty TikTok.
Poor cat.
Now dead.
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Based, ignore the fags.
Everyone knew Qingyi is universally compatible with attackers that don't need a lot of field team. For attackers that hog field time, you need to run them with Koleda instead.
>talks like a zoomfag
>reddit spacing
Ever been cyberbullied before? Kill yourself
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>finally bothered to finish the last HZ stage
>it unlocks 2 whole new game modes
i think my fursona should be a rat
Fuck that noise, we need moar cool goys alongside our hot girls

just save this for when they announce the ice anomaly character that doesn't use any crit rate because jane's crit relies on AP
A third mode too that's coming
Is just still use Qingyi, she is just easier to play with.
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post disk gore
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My wife and my girlfriend
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this is the worst one I've ever seen jesus christ dude
does 2 swing jazz work for 4 freedom? Or is 2 fanged always better
I have Jane on 4 fanged 2 freedom if that means anything
Aside form the hair her new design is kinda better
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>ZZZ has the least amount of votes for males between gig, hsrg, and wuwa.
What does this signify for zzz?
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Swing jazz ONLY if you have her weapon.
how so? global average on all nu hoyo games are around 61 per pop innit?
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this one still makes me mad
if you post like you post in 4chan then you're gonna get banned from most sites, you need to hide your powerlevel when out in the wild.
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I posted it a few times already.
I was a big upgrade
I'm still using it
Shitter looking for friends
>open Hoyolab page to look at my builds
>fans ramp up
>CPU at 70C
huh? what is this nonsense hoyo? Is this just me
>w1 weapon
welp I guess I know what to make when feeding the fanged/punk scraps to the music bot
Hot zhangette. Saw this way before it was posted here
That's fucked, bro
>it's equiped
What in the god's name are you doing?!
this hair is so much better
I hate the rat tail thing they put on everyone
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When will women realize that they can't compete with fiction?
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I found a pretty good rule of thumb for Partition 4's
Crit Rate vs Crit Damage
-If Agent's total combined Crit rate lands above 50%, use Crit Damage on partition 4.
-If Agent's total combined Crit rate lands below 50%, use Crit Rate on partition 4.

That includes crit buffs from characters like Lucy, Nicole and Ben.
Crit Damage on partition 4 ends up being a massive 48%, so it's actually quite powerful if you already have strong Crit Rate.
>Keep posting about hating SEAchads
>Lusts over brown chinks which is basically the same thing
whats the fastest hollow zero stage for the weekly?
my rule of thumb is to just put on if it says crit
I dont have the luxury to choose
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Where was this poll gimme more sweaty unkempt males in zzz gimme pork daddy
>rule of thumb
everybody knows and does 1:2 ratio already
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it's the best one I have
Crit Rate and Crit Damage stats are balanced about being equal at 50% rate 100% damage.
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post Corins
their thirst for attention knows no bounds, they will happily demean and humiliate themselves for scraps of it.
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Fat shark butt
i dont even bother leveling up a disc unless it has 3 good substats
Is there a reason why we havent gotten the 1.3 drip marketing? By this time in 1.0 we already had confirmation for Caesar and Burnice
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Do NOT waste your rolls on ShitSAR, she an EASY skip, do NOT waste ur time, you CANNOT afford to waste rolls on the first limited T3 character, MIYABI is COMING do NOT waste ur time
youre either a whale or you have 0 usable discs rn
>pork daddy
I hope he is a npc cause that is the ugliest character I have ever seen
corn check
can anyone tell me why my ZY sucks ass

slot 4 is crit damage, slot 5 is ether atk %, slot 6 is atk %
Who is which?

Also, collab faction idea time:

In the campaigns, you are also called an Agent! And pair that with that fact that aquatic-based thirens like Ellen exist...we are gonna cook!

Now, for the squad:

Captain 3 aka S1 cover girl: Ice/Stun(Charger)
Agent 4 aka S2 cover boy: Fire/Attack(Dualies)
Agent 8 aka Octo Expansion default: Ether/Attack(Octoshot)
Nu3 aka S3 cover girl: Phys/Support (Tri-Stringer)
I don't like to follow this to the letter, It's better to land on 50~70%, and then you have some 30%-40% headroom in case you get some super buffing agent in the future who can +40% your crit rate.
Do you have Brimstone on her? Did you give her a M6 Nicole?
I understand having a 6th slot so awful it's heart attack inducing. It's fucking rigged to almost never give atk% in the first place. But 4th? Hit the mines or craft until +1 CD, ffs.
your reasoning makes no sense
How much did you pay them already
What site is that?
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my bad, it didn't take my image

can anyone tell me why this ZY sucks
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>cool males who is a total bro & keep my little sister safe
>slutty males who played with their own nipples on public

Simple as.
uhhh i have ellen though
Exceeding 100% crit rate is a waste, right?
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I kid you not, his justification was:
>I don't have enough resources
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Genshin's always been kind to me.
HSR has fucked me raw like a dog.
But you know what? ZZZ's been treating me pretty alright.
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How do you play Jane's third member like Lucy for example? it feels weird to me with Seth assist switching back to Jane. I'm a retard and I'm trying to learn
>slutty males who played with their own nipples on public

Thanks for the kek lol
The fuck is this ball? The bp one? No wonder your ZY sucks. Equip starlight and it will fix her.
+15 all your def and hp discs cause there might be an agent that converts those into a billion dmg% in 5 years
looks fine
is cannon rotor that shit? use saarlight then
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i dont give a fuck about wideyabi
>slutty males who played with their own nipples on public
hybrid assault stunner will probably be caesar's best niche because of flinch increasing daze taken
ATK is a little on the low side but I mean, no? Not without seeing your suports. I cleared my first shiyu 7 with a Zhu that was worse than that at the time
at least that was reasonable.
there was some podcast that was comparing her to zhong li and she was not needed.
ignoring the fact that caesar does a lot more shit.
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So Lighter is a S or a A agent?

Brimstone is on my Ellen, but I used to have Brimstone on ZY. no matter what I do to swap around her equipment, she still clears shit about a minute slower than my ellen and my ZY has way more investment. same with inferno reap, my ellen team just fucking demolishes every score I get with ZY.

full stats are here:


if I switch back to brimstone I usually swap my crit damage disk for a crit rate disk because her crit rate drops to like 27% without cannon rotor
Nah, those are easy enough to roll when the time comes.
Meanwhile it's not like you will be brocked by having 55% rate on super high crit damage.
skill issue, my Zhu has around the same stats and I've been clearing shiyu 17 since she first came out
>Lucy or Rina
Use thier specials for thier buffs
>QY or Anby
Proc stun quicker for big assault amg
>Grace and etc.
Disorder is a meme
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I'm planning to skip everything until Miyabi but I gotta admit Caesar seems like a really good character. I'd roll for her if not because I was planning to save for a guarantee for both Miyabi & her ball.
God i love Tom and Jerry
you simply do less damage than using a crit rate disc
theres no reason not to level good crit rate discs and no reason not to use them if you have them

yeah I'm thinking cannon rotor might just work better on ellen. I can get insanely fast clears with cannon rotor, but not on ZY. something doesn't math right

my supports are C0 qingyi and C6 nicole, both are insanely well invested in terms of disk drives. I might just fuck around with starlight engine for a while and see if that helps. my crit rate drops substantially when I use starlight engine / brimstone though. I don't know what a good target crit rate to crit damage ratio is for her.
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Burnice in da Dirlwanger brigade????
different for me
>genshin fucks my ass and I dont even like the game
>hsr bends over backwards to suck my dick
>zzz been nice so far
A agent
Piperbwos, status?
How we doin?
>rolled ZY ball
How bricked am I?
Post your team comp
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So I have Seth and Jane now.
I should be aiming for their W-Engines right?
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>"Her kit makes her the universal support of this game, she is impossible to powercreep"
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Don't tell me office lade is off-field
>you simply do less damage than using a crit rate disc
I don't think so.
The rate is lower, but the damage over time average out to be the same, because the lower rate is beefed up by +48% crit damage

Plus the additional bonus you can get from some random support agent in the future.
You're the one with the cricked disc set if your rate exceed 100%
never rolled balls
i put cannon on kot
sarrlight on zhu
camelia ball on ellen
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I got unforged twice before getting mistsplitter, my rolling experience in Genshin was never the same after that colossal bricking.
>Ellen is so outdated now that she's considered a F2P option.
kek, I remember when Star Rail content creators were saying the same shit about Luocha

I can clear shiyu 17 fine, my time is just comparatively bad and my inferno reap scores are pretty meager

my ellen / jane can clear shiyu 17 in sub 3 minutes. ellen / ZY clears it in like 4:50 (right up against the time limit for S rank)

my inferno reap high score for ZY is about 30M. inferno reap high score for ellen is about 55M. my ZY team has MORE investment than my ellen team

I think it might honestly be a skill issue though, like there's something I'm missing. I wish I could proc corruption faster. maybe I should pull for the S rank Ether bangboo? running out of ideas lmao
That's not our guy retard
Only if you don't plan on getting any new characters soon and want to invest it Rato and Cato. Thier F2P engines are fine enough
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Nah, I'd rape
>Put Qingyi on team A
>Put Caesar on team B
>even better, put them on the same team since Caesar is a bnkners support and synergizes with nearly every comp
All of these points mindbreaks the schizo
>Skipping a universal support for flavor of the month DPS that will be powercrept in a few months
lmao even
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Comfy. Waiting for Caesar to drop.
>CCs call qingyi meh
>Single most valuable character in the game
>CCs call Jane a must pull
>She’s meh and an easy skip
>CCs call Caesar an easy skip (You are here)
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>a limited character
>>F2P option
You have a short window to unleash your burst damage as ZY, you really want all your shots to crit
It's for Grace, Yanagi is an Electric Support.
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Post your favorite ZZZ fanart
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>my supports are C0 qingyi and C6 nicole, both are insanely well invested in terms of disk drives.
same. All I can say is use starlight. You get effective +45 Crit rate between ZY's and C6 Nicole's passive anyways its not worth worrying too much about
Is 68% crit rate enough for M1 Ellen with sig?
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all these metafaggots make me laugh, imagine playing a fucking phone game as if it were elden ring.
would be cool to see desu
core skill: ballistic ether rounds
converts flat pen and pen ratio into atk and ether dmg % respectively
Still M0. Can't wait to get more copies of Caesar's banner.
>Female Zhongli is the universal support
This can't be real
Level 47 with her now, slightly regretting not trying her before I built my max teams, but I’ll get her there.
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>Sub 3 minutes
Did I do well bros?
As an elden ring PvP autist Zzz genuinely has more depth than elden ring.
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team comp is just the standard shit for both teams.

Ellen C0 (level 60, stats are below)
Lycaon C0 (level 50)
Sukaku C6 (level 50)

ZY C0 (level 60)
Qingyi C0 (level 50)
Nicole C6 with maxed out Signature weapon and incredibly well invested disk drives (level 50)

I don't know what it is about this ellen but it can clear anything in sub 2 minutes and my ZY just lags behind. if I swap brimstone onto ZY I get almost identical results, like brimstone does nothing to my times lmao
yeah, sig gives 20% first dupe gives 12
Don't post here unless you can solo each side under 0:17 kid
She's the female Bennett
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Wait until you find out most people who played this game don't even understand how the gameplay actually worked. That's why they need all the crutches they can get.
>you really want all your shots to crit
If a fewer of them crit, but with higher crit damage, it average out to be the same.
That's the claim being made.
She gives most of it away to orphans and according to Anby in one of her Trust dialogues, she and the other Cunning Hares are paid surprisingly well by Nicole
Watching youtube sexpests for gacha games is incredibly cringe, tripley so for a game so easy you can clear all content solo with the “lowest tier” character

that is literally 2 minutes under my time lmfao

it's the fucking bangboo man... if only I had more boopons... then I could be PURE (not really I'm just gonna swap to starlight)
reddit is that way -->
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As an elden ring PvP autist Genshin genuinely has more depth than zzz.
What are you using on the Partition 4/5/6?
>even a shitty mobile gacha DMC clone has more depth than Fromslop
Um... Fromkeks...? Not a good look
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>have just two invested teams
>Ellen and Zhu
>Zhu does bad/mediocre damage against mountain faggot for some reason
>the same faggot resists ice
I see. Bye, 120 polys, I would not rush my S11 team for you.
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Is she the true brick or is it just not her time yet?
zhong li is just a shield/buff both.
you would thing that's a good thing but it isn't.
he doesn't bring anything else to the team compared to alternatives.
Elemental application? geo lol
Damage? dps loss on burst
caesar is already better by just being a stunner, which many team require.
Level your S11 Lawrence.
>Fighting Thanatos in Wuthering Garden
>god the slow motion vision from one of my resonias
>get punished every time I perfect dodge with it off cooldown because I can't hit this dogshit boss until the end of his teleport animation and I constantly lose dmg uptime
Whoever designed this garbage needs to have their skin peeled off using a nailclipper and then boiled alive in burning oil.
hoyo cock goes in deep in genshin that's for sure
I think Zhu is just a shit character. Just think about it, well built Rat can solo the whole shiyu by herself but well built Zhu Yuan can't because she doesn't fucking do anything. If you want to clear fast with Zhu you need another good on field character, use that character to hit the boss 80% of the fight until they're stunned then swap to Zhu but at that point the star of the team is actually that character instead of her so you can just kick Zhu out and use good support like Caesar or Lucy instead.
>investing in the Ice/Ether meme
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>CCs call Jane a must pull
>She’s meh and an easy skip
Jane+Seth will be meta defining for years to come, she's the premier elite Physical Animily Character in game and with Seth she can easily do +300k, assaults and oneshot everything she is NEVER going to be bad. You sound like you R poor and couldn't afford her and Wengine and M6 Seth you poor SEApaggy kekekekek

>Qingyi is the most valuable character in the game
Lol she useless, literal Anby sidegrade
>Zhong Li
Don't know em
This is a HSR colony, Giggers can fuck right off.
I ran ellen 1 and zhu 2
Tell me what is Rina for?
And I mean gameplay, I already know she’s for sex.
Would she work for an anomaly team?
>falling for phys fomo
nice try kotfag, nothing will be brickier than the kot
all standards kinda ass compared to limiteds
Bangboo's unironically do help a bunch. Don't forget about those guys either. I think going from 50 to 60 knocked a full 12 seconds off my times
CD on 4, ether on 5, ATK on 6
>Zhu does bad/mediocre damage against mountain faggot for some reason
Isn't he pretty much a hard counter to ranged characters?
He can close your distance with the blink of an eye, even if he is on the other side of the map.

This is the reason why sniper characters can never work well.
Uh oh, anti-loli Janefag meltdown

honestly she's fucking useless. I literally removed her from my shiyu defense 17 team because jane / seth was better than jane / seth / grace

I say this as someone who wants her to be broken and meta because I like her personality and her fat tits
Worst S Rank with Anton being the worst A rank, come on Belobog
This cope gets funnier by the day
Hope you add more to it as the game goes on and more dumb spams get made up.
How much attack = anomaly damage?
Could the frequent disorders of a Piper, and Burnice combo outweigh the pure damage buff of Piper and Lucy? I don't know if I want Burnice or Ceasar or both
so just to make sure, defense units = stun and anomaly units = attack?

so if Anby is still my only stun unit I can technically use Ben for a 2nd team? his Impact number seems super low but I keep hearing him and seth can be used to stun
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Told you
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She's already 60
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loving this rotation
>you can just kick Zhu out and use good support like Caesar
Caesar would literally buff my Zhu so she ends up with 4400 ATK and 209% crit chance.
File deleted.
I can't post the whole thing though
Shield in genshin is just as good as Caesar's exclusive shield. They both provide interruption resistance to your active DPS, enabling them deal more damage without getting interrupted especially more if they need long ass attacks to deal the most damage.
Who the fuck could possibly know at this point nigger.
Chud doesn't do anything other than heal though, meanwhile Caesar does EVERYTHING all in one character. I think she's more like Robin, Robin can literally do anything depending on what characters you put in your team.
skill issue >>494988621
No, she's more like aventurine. Survival, Damage and debuffs all in one package.
AM on 6, PEN on 5, whatever the fuck you want on 4.

Level her Chain Attack and Ex to 11/12

Her Chain Attack has 2054% Multiplier, roughly 700-900% more than most characters. She's build for Disorder shenanigans, 10->13 seconds of shock is a straight up 30% damage increase. She, Burny and another Electric Anomaly agent should be exceedingly good.
Yes and no, defense units all kind of do unique things. Look at their core skills and EX moves to get a good idea. Ben's ex is a counter, with his sig you can get some good damage and stun but basically just with that. With seth his EX charges his bar, you do an enhanced normal when its at 75% or more and he buffs anomaly proficiency for himself and whoever you swap in.
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Clearly carried by the Piper
>Caesar does EVERYTHING all in one character.
Can she suck my micro penis? No? Checkmate Caesarkek
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Jane does everything by herself don't fall for the Caesar bait. The bitch can't even kill normal mobs.
Zhu's weapon is madness.
+48% crit damage, that's equivalent to a Mainstat on disc 4.
+15% crit rate
+35% Ether damage

And this is no even the weapon's final form yet...
Thanks bro
Wonder if Her burnice and piper would work out
theres isnt a better teammate for the piper lucy core
It' a team game, you're going to bring teammates regardless so it doesn't matter whether someone can solo or not. It only matters in the early part of hollow zero.
A character's potential is calculated based on their teams, ZY relying more on her teammates means she has more potential to grow, meanwhile hyper Jane has already pretty much been solved.
well yeah but the damage you lose for being interrupted isn't high enough to guarantee always using him, at least on most teams.
caesar is fullfiling multiple roles, not just being a buffer and shielder.
Piper does everything by herself don't fall for the Jane bait. The bitch can't even kill normal mobs.
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I am going to attempt this again with my Ellen team even though this enemy is not weak to ice

Will report back in a couple minutes
I'm too much of a brainlett to understand how the disk system is supposed to work. I've read faq pages repeatedly and it's just not sticking
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I want a character who fights with a badass suit of sentient armor
The fact that this is 100% a man using motion capture is kinda hot
mindscape/sig status?
all of sec6 is really well designed. By far the most aesthetic faction atm...
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>spent 230+ rolls on Jane+her wealon
>realize I don't actually like her or her furfaggot
Sooo.... How do you request a refund of your polychrome??
credit chargeback and quit
you will not survive in the gacha sphere being this impulsive
Disc 1, 2, 3 all have mainstat set in stone. So you look for good substats to differentiate between them.

Disc 4, 5, 6 have really powerful Mainstats that are difficult to roll, so you appreciate and save the ones with good mainstat.
Substat is less important here.
That's it.
>2 minutes on ether weak boss
>sub 1 on phys weak boss
Construction bots are pure cancer and should never be used as SD bosses again
Stop posting this image
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erm fujosisters? wake the fuck up
zhu should be able to clear that pretty quick, I had it down in 1m20s on my ellen team
>>realize I don't actually like her or her furfaggot
You can just learn to like them.
Once you get better at using them they are fun.
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>>realize I don't actually like her or her furfaggot
He actually feel for fomo
It gets spoken about from time to time in trust events etc. My take-away was that Nicole spends high and pays the Cunning Hares well - the best agents, with the best intel, and the best tools.
Because of this they have a great reputation and produce great results, but they barely break even (especially when you factor in Nicole's generosity)
its literally just zhu
she does no damage outside of stun and theres no ether stunner to take advantage of the type weakness daze bonus
theres no real dps for ether yet
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this one?
good morning sir
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Lighter is not for fujoshits, he's for literallymebros.
Namaste ESLjeet
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>This is a HSR colony, Giggers can fuck right off.
Is ZZZ destined to be a slave colony to these 2 super powers forever?
Don't say that out loud, they might get their panties in a twist.
Are they?
English is a first language in India thoughteverbeit.
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should i use a calibrator for an ether dmg chaotic metal???
>floor 1 Thanatos
>floor 2 Thanatos + big dude
>floor 3 elite boss Thanatos + wolf Ethereal
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>Anby is Soldier 0
>Zenless Zone Zero is a double reference to her as well as Hollow Zero
Yup. I'm thinking AnbyGODs won
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Jane is just turbo dogshit and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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>turbo dogshit
Exactly, she's way faster then whatever dogshit you're using
Jane is just turbo slut and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
skill issue
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S rank Anby when?
>Reddit meme
You need to be 18 to post here
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Jane is a Corin sidegrade
Thanks, she's for (me). I'm into turbo slut because I'm not a faggot
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>Construction bots are pure cancer and should never be used as SD bosses again
The timing of their parry animations are all fucked up, I hate them so much
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i love loving the poster girl
Was Zhu a brick?
Jane is just turbografx16 and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Cute and based Ben.
bro it doesn't matter
at this point you should be just min-maxing substats, and getting S-ranks in all Shiyu Defenses since 1.0 anyway just like everyone here unless you're very new
She a huge brick in my pants
Gimme someone not Seth
Lucy? Ceasar?
Jane is a shitty Nekomata downgrade
every S rank so far has been a brick unironically
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First gacha game?
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jane is turbo sexo and im tired of not pretending otherwise.
why not, i do have an atk% in that slot, not enough of a damage boost?
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You need to work on your zhu stun damage phase and just general qingyi daze faze.
All my S are M0R1 and A M6R5 with shit to decent disk. My Jane only has 389 AP and my zhu CRCD 44/160
Everyone is a brick, if you pulled on any banner you wasted your tapes
They're getting there. Between the 3, Genshin is unironically the closest to being a real game with how much content there is. Star rail is getting there post penacony. Zzz still feels pretty barebones compared to the two, but it's at the beginning of its journey.
Caesar in this case, but give her freedom 4pc and let piper and jane run 4pc fanged
use seth

okay so, my ellen isn't SO much stronger than ZY that it could beat this ether weak boss faster. honestly, my clears with ellen are so much easier and so much more efficient that I expected my ellen team to out-pace the ZY team. but the clear time was... identical (which is still kind of sad)


all limited agents are at C0 with a f2p weapon except for jane, I got lucky pulling for seth's signature and ended up pulling jane's sig after like 20 pulls. if I do this boss without jane's signature the time is like 1m 5s.


I fucking hate this construction boss in particular. I managed to not get hit with my ellen team but my qingyi always eats a couple hits, the gravel dump attack is fucking annoying. I think my problems with ZY are a skill issue, because I play my ellen optimally at this point
>type weakness daze bonus
What the fuck is this even? Is Anon trolling=
who runs the broken defender set then
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Zhu, Qingyi, Caesar = /zzz/ core agents
Jane, Ellen = Reddit TikTok normiefag bait
Hear me out
What about Burnice?
>Uhm my Zhu does 30 mil and my Ellen does 50 mil dmg in Inferno Reap :nerd emoji:
No one cares nerd, get swirlied
what about anby?
NTA but what's your rotation during stun for your first team?
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Caesar when not in this team.
Or let her run that and give piper 4pc freedom I guess, could be better.
try using your stunner against a favourable then unfavourable type matchup
it will be night and day
based chinky reminder poster. Keep reminding them
do i need jane's w engine to do 1.000.000+ damage?
You need a stunner
enemies are resistant to an element also receive less anomaly build up and less stun.
In what context, for inferno reap?
>passion project vs neglected cash cow funding ZZZ + 2 Honkai games
I do 1.5m with Grace's ball and Qingyi
In Hollow Zero
>has their W1
You have no excuse to have such shitty stats wtf.
overall, i guess? i saw some people getting that insane damage and I kinda wanna do it too
I've seen it go easily above 10 with the right resonia
Damn. I have just been using Qingyi against all opponents without noticing.
And double the rape for Corin!
See >>494990231
Here's a quick guide
everything I skipped
>not a brick
everything I rolled for
Zhu as much as I love her, is prime tiktok reddit character. And where tf is burnice? Facebook?
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Rate my c0 brick. How can I make her better?
you lost
I dunno, I do 14.7 mil in Inferno Reap with shitty Resonia, I don't consider it good but I don't give a shit enough to keep running the garden to change them everytime
use jane instead ffs
More crit rate, less crit damage.
More crit damage less crit rate
this but 100% genuinely unironically
all that matters is if you want to play the character you rolled for
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AAAAA so much this. I have a hard time triggering it when the opposite leg stomps. its hard to go a full fight without making at least one mistake

okay so like, typical flow is

> usually do a very brief combo with ZY to build up an extra Shotshell charge, then swap into qingyi
> lots of dodge counters and parries (defensive assists) using nicole
> make sure to pop qingyi's charged attack that applies the debuff
> stun, chain attack to ZY -> qingyi -> nicole -> quick assist back to ZY
> use up some Shotshells to make space for the Shotshells her ultimate gives
> ultimate, then some more shotshells, then EX special to gain back even more shotshells

I find that I can't reliably proc corruption before my stun window and I think that's the biggest issue. it happens naturally pretty often but when I really need it, it's not there. I considered changing out Nicole's disk drives, but freedom blues gives AP and not AM (so freedom blues won't actually help me proc corruption faster)

I also rarely see a chance to use my bangboo. when I use my ellen team, the game ALWAYS lets me use my bangboo and I often just cancel the chain attack because I don't need it lmfao
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sex with susie behind the counter of box galaxy
No, neither are welcome, they only come here to hide when there is a melty in their own dumps
Roll her again for M1
ah damn i dont have qingyi i hope it works with anby lol
thanks bro
Some of this Critrate is going to be wasted when you increase her mindscape.
But that's a pretty good super cat.
Reminder that all the free poly from HZ achievements will be gone after 1.1.

Do them now, you can easily get 110 resonium with a single Withering Garden 0/11 run.
Which one of us is lying though kek
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Is caesar running first? Here's hoping I don't lose another """coinflip"""
I always have EX, sometimes 2 for zhu, so start chain with Qingyi make sure 20 stacks of sub are on
CHAIN - Nicole - Zhu - cancel
Holding attack and make sure to be holding for forward for the normal full suppression combo
EX ZHU - quick swap to nicole - EX - quick assist Zhu in - roll sideways shoot to quickly do a full suppression combo again - one pull back shot into ultimate (this should all fit during nicole debuff) - first two shots of Zhu foward suppression into a back shot - Qingyi jumps in here for a quick headstart for next daze phase.

Read you fucking moron i said I have shit disk. I've started like 6 days left into zhu banner and just got into level 50 and disk farming a couple days ago.
>neither are welcome
But...but Paimon posts are so cute!
Her vs coco who will win /zzz/
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Ben is a brick but in a good way.
I'm waiting for her limited banner
I'm pretty sure the store manager is already fucking her.
Or maybe I've just watched too much doujins.
the OP still has Scene One, Take One! as an upcoming event
Tempted to use the ben koleda core with jane hmm
I would be way more excited for Caesar if she wasn’t a physicalbrick..
The rat is absolutely huge in Japan, and I don't get how. She has a plain ass-focused design that I didn't think would appeal to Japs.
What's the technique against the teleporting enemy? Just memorize his moves and dodge?
they needed to give her some sort of downside
Anon…you have 16 meters of fence to make a rectangular dog pen for your pet. Which layout has the most area for your little guy, 4x4 or 7x1? Because what you are doing with that crit ratio is making the 7x1 pen except instead of space for your dog its your dps
Soukaku E E E E


ripped leggings

are you retarded anon? just look at her juicy child bearing hips. she was built for breeding
Does Ceasar have a way of triggering quick assists?
Yeah those 1M+ assault props are with QY. Anby can get up to 750K+
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this is the funniest reply I've seen in any of these generals

The team-up attack has a really long animation, I don't really care for it.

No but anecdotally I see a lot of quick assist triggers after getting hit. She might be able to get them by taking shield hits.
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how the fuck do i activate jane's wengine active effect? it says that it stacks after doing a dash attack but there's nothing on the buff window.
Tbf this game fucking sucks at surfacing what buffs are in effect.
A lot of shit doesn't have visible buffs on your bar. Just do your dashes and trust.
I like to keep him stunned with stunner skill + ult or any other big flinch EX
You just have assume it's there. You will always be perfect dodge countering anyways
Blinded by rage
He stuns easy compared to other elites.
>memorize his moves
This can get you some parries especially from the triple teleport attack string.
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These resonia are complete bullshit. I went through 10 shops in a row and not a single freeze resonia showed up
If it's an ATK% buff or an unconditional (i.e. not tied to any specific moves) timed elemental DMG%, you can see the effect by pausing and looking at the detailed combat stats.
For everything conditional (damage for specific skills, damage to tagged enemies, etc.), you're fucked.
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Never trust the buff bar, it's shit. Soukaku's buffs can disappear if you use her with Lucy and Quick Assist from her pig attack into Soukaku. But the buffs are still there, just not visible.
>buff bar,
Wait, we have buff indicators at all? I never noticed them.
I'm still missing all the pyro ones because I don't have any fire characters lmao
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there's a pussy on that cat
Bro, your free Ben?
She's begging for some white human cock
literally who
Who the FUCK is Miyabi?? Are you referring to Hoshimi-sama?
Is that the weird OC with the funny eyes people post here?
you mean Syd?
You get Ben for free somewhere in Chapter 2.
that sucks, i hope mihomo adds a way too see that kind of buffs eventually. be sure to mention it on the surveys.
I wish I had decided to play this on release, could have saved +200 pulls since then, shit gets dry pretty quick when you are not reaping all of those front loaded release rewards
It’s pronounced *loud snoring*
That's pretty much every second half of a Mihomo games' patch
oh you mean that weird empty space in my character list
fuck I forgot his damage type
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Which one my zzziggas
if you don't use the default paperbag you are no true anon
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What will be the best way to use Caesar?
As a stunner who enhance the main DPS?
As a buffer who enhance the main Stunner?
I use Billy pfp because he's my bro
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>drive disc event might as well farm some more drives
>all of the cleanups are still at most 50% effective use of energy for my teams
That one and the moustache guy was my favorite before 1.1
your mom should use the default paperbag
As my cocksleeve.
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Would have been really nice to know the twin dancers can revive each other, in the main story for Chapter 3 they just have the same health bar. Fucked up a Hollow Zero run because of that shit.
westerner will turn them into ugly back females so...
>mmmm this ones flavor goes on and on
>mmm the joy that this delicious composition brings
this nigger robot eating the fucking discs
The team-up has long animation and iframes for the entirety of it intentionally so you can flipkick bosses in the face while they whiff
So soukaku caesar Lucy, with caesar on fielder buff in atk into the stratosphere. Kino?
I'm just farming upgrade mats for all types, just to ascend everyone eventually for the standard rolls
my 2 teams are done, but still doing my 2 daily runs for the event
she poggin
never pulled kot, share pic
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Soukaku on-field!
I can only ever justify chaotic metal, fanged metal and freedom blues because both of the discs are used and not bricks
I wish she says the same thing while gobbling my BWC
*breaks sound barrier*

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does anyone have the raw images of the full and empty stars? thats the last thing I cant find on hoyolab's wiki. I dont want to use this shitty image and all I know how to use is ms paint
I want to have sex with this WEBM
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If I'm running Piper/Burnice, should I slot in Piper first and then Burnice after her, or in reverse?
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cock time???
Would weeping Gemini be a good f2p engine for Burnice?
sound barrier is for speed, not loudness
You're just not loud enough.
Why does Soukaku's mask say wind on it
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Don't have game open, see this pic I got off google's first page
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Plapkaku posting time?
Is it cringed or based if i luck roll into limited S dupes but still only use M0R1 until they maybe get lapped in the future.
she was gonna be a wind unit
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got pic related from battle chronicle, im good
Is coom included?
I fear this kot and her ruining my future S pulls... I havent had her ruin my Ellen and Jane banners but I feel like she's just waiting on her one opportunity to fuck me over
What discs and substats do I need for Lycaon I'm building him next
My favourite time!
something something icy winds that cut deep
Is it a brick to bring suckcocku to M6
Every once in a while you niggers post her and I get horny
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suck-kaku, ready!
>there are anons who unironically suggest that M6 Soukaku ≈ Ellen
Accept your loss, and next time play the agent test event for a while first. Try to decide if you enjoy how they play before rolling.
I hope we'll get more oni girls
more like mental illness
sorry, the horny got to me
I meant like to level 60 and shit
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Miss bartender is here to slide into your hearts!
Her C4 is Ice RES shread.
Her C6 is a huger DMG% increase for her during Frosted Banner state which makes her unironically a good on-fielder outside the stun window for the Ellen/Lycaon/Soukaku team
They will bring back Wind element.
Trust the plan.
I've beat every Shiyu7 (except the first one fuck that whale bait) with my C6 Soukaku DPS
She’s not that bad. It’s all just memes. And she’s actually kinda fun to play.
what's the build boss? 4pc 2pc main stat substat?
Caesar is a pseudo Stunner. Her base Impact at max lv is 123 and she has a 20% buff on parry.
Generally, you'd use her with a Support. However, her signature ball buffs daze, so you could go for an extra Stunner if you got there.
Only if you use her as a DPS
does this blue bitch even know what sex is?
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Wait, are you actually supposed to Play Jane in a similar way as Ellen's Dashing attacks?
I have been using Jane the wrong way all this time.
>spending 10 tapes on Caesar banner
>if I luckshit - good
>if not - hoard further
Good plan, Y/N?
Reminder that its very likely the devs have rigged the Caesar banner to favor Anton over Piper.
Teach her with food pavlov style
You mean you don't already have C6 Anton and C6 Piper?
No you're supposed to spam counter-attacks
Which is actually illegal in several countries and will kill mihomo reputation.
Only illegal if they get caught
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it's not the end of the world but I hope the devs eventually get to improving the ult system. There's rarely any reason to use ult of a non-dps. Either give ult meter to everyone or.. I dunno just do something about them eventually.
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Once I get her to lvl60 it will be even easier and faster to clear. With Ice weakness she takes around 2 minutes to clear. Without it takes 3.
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Good, my m6 anton will give me giga refunds since I need to blow it on Burnice's too
as a fellow soukaku dps-er, do you also start each basic attack combo with a dash attack? it seemed to me like a fast way to get to the more damaging late attacks in her combo
OK, I have a M6 Soukaku with her W5 ball. How am I supposed to build her?
Nice, I guess there's a reason for me to farm the ice set now
I'd play Anton more if he looked different
skins pls da wei
The bangboos should matter more in combat
Mine is ATK%, ICE DMG%, ATK%
I need support balls reee
I got so many stun and attack balls, even defense but Lucy is using a THREE star and the craftable is on soukaku
Team ults would be cool. Everyone in the teams ults at the same time.
>he doesn't have a lvl60 banboo
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>*smooches you*
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>We are removing Ults
>there are people in this thread who don't have a level 60 Rocketboo
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I wish Sokaku had gotten a rate up on Caesar's banners like the leakers initially said. She's my favorite and I really want to get her to C6.
He looks fine. Like a shonen protagonist. Waaaay better than those faggots Seth and Lighter
I want them to shamefully copy gurren lagann and just give us a mega drill version of limited anton. Not like mihoyo never copied anything before.
That’s literally what chain attacks are though
Lighter would look cooler with a dumb mask or helmet
Is it universal for both DPS Soukaku and Ellen battery Soukaku builds? Disks for DPS Soukaku are polar metal and woodpecker, as anon above demonstrated, but what are optimal disks for Ellen support Soukaku?
I don't have to respond at all. I'm a human male so of coarse she'd smooch me.
Which Disc sets should I prefarm for Caesar?
I want an Ellen swimsuit skin. She said she likes the color blue, I want to take her to the beach.
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Add my UID 1000180496.
Do you need more than one ice character to get all ice resonia
he needs better pants
That tight pair is really giving him fagpoints
No saving Seth though
What even is her fucking weapon
a flag?
an axe?
a paddle??
cute robot
>*smooch back*
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Here you go
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I don't like starting with a Dash attack, since she opts out to use the long end attack while she jumps in the air. You honestly get more basic attacks in from neutral. I only start from a Dash if I'm going to use the Ultimate or dump all my fan slaps after. This blueslut has a lot of long but sub-optimal attacks because it was intended for her to swap out of them to your DPS while she still continues spinning/attacking, so you need to tard wrangle her and skip a lot of animations to get as much basic attacks as possible.
>you're now not allowed to use the same ult more than once per each battle
get your best 2pc impact because you're gonna have to farm her new set from what I've heard
wtf my dub just changed to japanese
2 piece Shockstar. She's going to want 4 piece of the new disk set.
2pc Impact for now. She has her own set next patch.
RWBY tier nonsense. It's the same for that Section Six dude with those twin katanas and stupid sheathes.
do I even put in wood pecker on lycaon or should I put in 4x shock discs on him? and maybe punk for energy gen?
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I think both builds are the same thing.
for Support Soukaku, you would be beeting 2 ATK% discs anyway. And that's still a DPS Soukaku.
Swing Jazz 4 piece is for Support Soukaku but that still benefits a DPS soukaku... it's it's the same shit.
I wouldn't mind a RWBY crossover
I tried to hold out on rolling because I don't think I need her since Piper is already busted, but the rat is just too sexo. Well played, Mihomo.
>ellen team 2:50 on s7
>ZY team 3:10
so close... yet so far away...
it's been really fun and challenging though, scraping by and needing to optimize rotations throughout
>a flag?
looks like a high-tech imitation of a war banner kind of thing
Same with a Jeff William collab score
I use 4x shock and 2x polar just for the ice damage. Woodpecker is kinda wasted if you don't have at least 100% crit damage
It's basically an axe. The head can flip open so it's got a bladed edge on both sides.
my thinking was that the long end attack where she jumps has a crazy high multiplier (at lv13 under frosted banner, 1115% multiplier compared to 1st hit which has 167%). Even considering that the 1st and 2nd hits are faster, I dunno how the dps could not be higher going into 3d. (and then the dash attack has higher multiplier than 1st too, 263% in banner at lvl 12)
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
Reduce the effectiveness of current ults by a third. Now every 1000 decibel is a mini ult, full 3000 is a trio ult with all three of them on the field looking like Marvel vs Capcom combo super.
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Is it 100% safe to assume all Shock Stars on partition 6 that don't have Impact% are all bricked Shockstars?
does Ellen lay eggs?
soulless desu
Not against it but it's pretty ass by itself. Best used as a tool by an actual artist
wouldn't mind this honestly, could add a bit more depth to which and which order you use the ults.
And lo, Wise said to her
ks ks ks ks ks ks
>honest thoughts
AI art is slop and will be slop forever
doesn't mean it's that bad, just means it's like a maccas burger. cheap, shit but somewhat enjoyable for a quick cheap meal.
sharks give live birth you unschooled fool
Probably. Energy is the only one that could even think about being used
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Maybe it is better, I'm not a calcfag. I just try to use all her enhanced attacks as soon as possible and as fast as possible without refreshing the passive with leftovers. She gets so much energy you get all of them back instantly.
Do Builder's certificates expire? I can't decide if I want Electro Lip-Gloss to cope on Burnice or Spring Embrace to cope on Caesar if I don't roll her engine.
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Why is this bitch like this?
It's fine. People forgot about devianart and shit.
iirc there's a timer, so yes
Unless you would want to give Impact to a support for some reason.
I thought they pump out those small satchels
actually I'm under the impression that you are trying to trick me!
She's a teenager.
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Some sharks have live births. Some sharks lay eggs. Shark eggs can get really weird. Here are some examples.
real and true, especially for shiyu where you start with half energy or whatever she really gets into frosted banner instantly.

desu my real issue is I dont know what to run as a 3rd with her in the lycaon/soukaku team. atm I am running a lvl40 corin but she's basically just there as moral support and to turn on the butlerboo
I'd be training a Pulchra LoRA if I had a better GPU
It does and it tells you in the "Event Details" of the battle pass. Read that if you want proof, and it specifies it's strictly usable only for that pass.
Use it or lose it.

Controller or m+kb?
Ellen's eggs...
We aren't at the point where doing 4p 2p is a good idea yet. Getting shit with good subs and skipping a 2p is generally worth it. 2p effects are worth about 3 subs. And especially when it comes to slot 4-6 with non fixed mainstats, it's easy to see how 3 subs are NOT worth it to equip shit that has basically no subs.

Exceptions exist, like how Caesar cares about impact to the point the 2p is worth it, also because it can't be gotten via subs. But that's the only type of exception: 2p is something that isn't rolling on subs.
Imagine her serving you a platter of those
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For DPS/Support hybrid Soukaku, which setup is preferable?
[4] ATK%
[5] Ice DMG%
[6] ATK%
[4] Crit Rate
[5] ATK%
[6] ATK%
Signature weapon with maxed specifications.
my guess ellen is based of a Carcharodon carcharias (great white shark) and they do NOT lay eggs.
but she is most likely cold blooded (like all sharks) and that why she is always so sleepy.
___ _____ ____ ___ _____ ______ ___!
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Damn. We both got 1 second slower than last shiyus clears is powercreep real
I'm not a furry lover but
Ellen's shark tail is black up top.
Ellen keeps munching on my internet cable
need a killer whale mesugaki thiren to put the shark bitch in her place
Changing wifi password every few days so Nicole can't freeload on my internet!
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I think Burnice has a quick assist on her ultimate so maybe Burnice first? Idk if itll really matter
Is there an Caesar vs Soukaku comparison for Ellen yet?
Is there a Qingyi vs Caesar comparison for Zhu Yuan?
Caesar buffs Lucy's boars and the sons of Calydon lack attackers so I think Lucy is fine.
same for some great white sharks.
You for sure want enough ATK% to cap out the banner buff, after that I dunno.
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OK would. Way way better than this ugly bitch
>white shark
>is black
damn nature, u cray
they're the same person
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forgot the pic

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Damn, you're right, I guess the correct order would be Piper>Lucy>Burnice, so Lucy can quick assist into Burnice and then she can quick assist into Piper again
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Tbqh Jane doesnt even really replace Piper in any team
Jane's best team is totally different from Piper's best team, it's honestly looking likely that even Burnice teams will prefer to use Piper.
And even regadless their clear times are literal seconds apart you can easily switch between them on preference.
I still agree on principle though, skipped Jane as well but mainly because I don't really find her hot. If she looked like Caesar I'd probably have pulled.
Do fullblooded thiren share racial tension with lesser ones?
It's not white, it's not black, it's a whole ass gradient
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>no Ellen
>no Koleda
>no Kot
>do a single pull in the standard banner with my only master tape because why not
>get a Grace dupe
My account really is hag seeded...
>Caesar buffs Lucy boars
No, only the shield wearer (on field) gets the atk. Once swapped, the ATK buff disappears after 5 secs. Enough to still get the animation to end, but that's about that.
She jobs
She doesn't job, but Nico jobs. You'd replace her. Zhu only needs a fast stunner, but her condition is "need support", so Robutt is the only way to play Zhu without a support class. Notably, the ATK and possibly dmg% and daze buffs via ball REALLY benefit Robutt's own dps before breaking.
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I dont believe you
if your right i guess clothes really do make the woman
the infamous whole ass gradient shark
I find it silly that people focus on such small differences as if you could S rank harder. Game is literally "use who you like" levels of difficulty.
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>Caesar vs Soukaku for Ellen
My Soukaku is mainly on my Ellen team to provide me a safe and easy to use E E E E E super spam that is uninterruptible.
But Caesar's big gimmick is to provide Uninterruptible to the whole team. So.. I guess my Soukaku is in danger of being replaced if Ellen can be made maximum uninterruptible.
>Qingyi vs Caesar for Zhu Yuan?
Qingyi still has the Stun Multiplier over Caesar, it's probably more likely you would be using Caesar as a support buff so Qingyi gains +1000 ATK while on field, and make her even more uninterruptible than she already is.

>Caesar buffs Lucy's boars
That would be madness if true, since there are 3 of them, so it's an additional +3000 ATK on your team.
Does she buff our Bangboo with +1000 ATK as well?
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>got a CD disk 4 with CR on it
>goes into DEF 3 times and once in HP
>got another CD disk 4 with CR on it
>goes into flat ATK 3 times and PEN once
I mean it's technically better but you can go fuck yourself game. Both pieces had ATK% on it too so it literally avoided the 2 stats I actually wanted every single fucking time, twice.
>Haven't rolled above a +1 on Anomaly proficiency on a single fucking disk this week
I swear to fucking god anomaly and crit have to be the most painful fucking stats in existence to try and stack
Let me just craft a perfect disk you fucking fags I don't care if I only get one a month just let me work on it SOMEHOW besides banging my head against the wall of trying to get a 4stat disk with anomaly and no brickstats and then getting to actually +2 the anomaly stat and I have to get six FUCKING slots of this or I may as well not even touch my piper fuck this game fuck anomaly
Do defenders have the supporter thing there you can do a quick assist with the next character when they end a chain?
Kek why do they look so similar here
I will skip caesar because there is no lucy on her banner. My broton is already maxxed. Another reason not to roll.
>caring about 4 stars
>launch 4 stars even
I will roll for Caesar because sex.
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Yes, I care about my favorite cocksleeve.
What Bangyboo does Jane Doe need? I have like 50 pulls and none of them look too good.
Using the magnetic one currently.
I'll do 20 rolls on caesar banner just to get piper
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OP is a fagious maximus
How does this guy play gacha games for a living yet he doesn't get how they work?
Of course. I care. This is an action game. Not a stat stick stimulation.
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>using welfare 4 star
You poor nigger, get the fuck out of here
1.3 drip doko?
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I have a question about my Soukaku.

Sometimes she actually Freeze the opponent into solid ice.
Is this due to elemental Ice Damage?
Or is it due to Anomaly? (mastery?)
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Literally what fag would ever skip this set of whores
What time bong time does the dailies reset?
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ave true to caesar
yes, thats ice anomaly trigger
>still another fucking WEEK before the update
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The double disc drop should be made permanent desu.
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add me, i got a early uid 1000868545
Post your 50 second shiyu clear buddy not this literally who game
>that man jaw on Nick ole
white women, not even once
Big tip: if u hate ur ship open time just wait till whatever time u want it at and open. From that point on u can open the store at that time as long as u resist opening earlier. Like I open it around noon.
Is the Ice damage% completely irrelevant for this Freezing effect?
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>turn based
Don't care.
Rolling for defender sound like a brick. I need more dps and another super kaioken*3 dps. Shielder are useless.
What disks are you farming in the event and for what agent(s)?
I would imagine the damage of the "shatter" is affected by ice damage%, but I dunno for sure
cute rat
check the circle next to the enemy's health bar, it indicates anomaly type and progress
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Fine, I will roll them and grab their weapon
Disk drive event x2 coffee is live on reset
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Just sent you a friend request Amy bwo
Caesar king is actually based on king arthur
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corruption rng fucked me up
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Day 1 spent on Polar Metal for my Ellen, but the substats I got are soul-crushingly terrible, so I'll be moving to Fanged Metal for my Corin/Nekomata for the rest of this boost event.
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Even if they gave Jane out for free it wouldn't stop me from running this team until the end of time HOLY SEXO
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>disc drive event right before a new set is released
Are they retarded? It won't even be included for it
What are Caesar's cope balls?
Caesar is better. Piper Spin 2 win
just dodge perfectly bro
if it's a sausage dog you can justify a 7x1
maybe his nekoyama is a longcat
We're getting another disc event in 1.2.
its literally deliberate anon, wake up
All shit.
I'm just going to use an off-class ball with impact and forget about the extra effects. None of the defence balls make up for the main stat deficit
requesting someone draw Nicole as a bunny thiren
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Look at this rare and blurry JK Belle.
I wonder why there's a scribbled out face tho, or why the picture looks burned in the top right corner which conveniently removed someone else's face.
Will these two make some kind of appearance in the story?
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Got a good potential disk for Caesar...
HSR endgame is harder than ZZZ endgame
>farm discs
>melt them all into master copies
>roll the new set at Bardic Needle
I don't know how this is a hard concept
BP, Seth, Original Transmorpher
Corin is made for headpats and irrumatio
Cute and canon!
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>4 niggas in a row based game
>not even grid based
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>tfw I actually got friend requests
For now
HSR was piss easy up to 1.3 as well
Then 1.4 happened and suddenly Himeko and Herta were KINGS
ZZZ girls make me harder than HSR girls
damn, those delayed shockwaves always get me
activate your Windows nigga
or at least crack it for free and it takes like 2 minutes pasting shit on your cmd
Far right probably got sucked into a Hollow and will appear again as an Ethereal to tramutize the siblings.

Scribbled out girl probably did some bad shit during The Fall of the Old Capital
bro i was stuck in this fucking fight for almost 30 minutes
my ego wouldn't let me quit it
What's her outfit even supposed to evoke?
She has "ears" and a "tail"
>What's her outfit even supposed to evoke?
So who was the faggot in the top right corner?
>or at least crack it for free and it takes like 2 minutes pasting shit on your cmd
yea ur right i gotta stop being lazy and learn how to do it
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hey amy
HSR endgame was made artificially harder through clear times being reduced along with enemy stat inflation
thank you. I request more now
Don't accept them, they want to rape you.
Nicuckquean Demoneyless...
I think you should lay off the carrots FATTY
where new thread
motherfucker i still can't get a decent disc 5 for zhu
You think some sick bastard would engineer a virus that turns normal people into thiren
Nice +4 HP piece bro
I got one with only crit damage but it rolled into it 3 times so I'm happy with what I got.
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piper pits added me LETS GOOOO
>Skill issue shitters trying to say zhu is bad.
I don't know how you skill issue fucks are getting over 2 min with her
Somebody censor those pits
I mean, I wasn't exactly expecting it, either. I was going more for better ER set shit for nicole than anything else.
Best part is it's replacing a disc that had 4.8% critd and nothing else of worth.
it's not the most ideal but get rekt
I heard Anons say Zhu's best [5] is ATK%
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>Burnice WHITE
>uses a flame thrower
yep, she's definiely a neo nazi
Only with sig and ether set. And even then it's not by a lot.
Harmone Punk favors ether by a little.

Ether set is pretty bad unless you are fairly slow and always play against weakness though.
Do u guys think 10% more crit damage or 3% attack is better
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She has cute inbred eyes.
A product of incest.
Nobody said zhu is bad. Take your meds
>Caesar buffs Lucy's boars
She buffs the on-field agent with the shield, and the person with the shield gets +1000 attack. The boars won't have the shield so they won't get any attack bonus. They
Maybe because of shitty discs you fuck
Crit as long as you have 50% crit rate
The CD obviously.
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nice roll bwo
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I got an acceptable drive disc with the coffee
>have the same last name as her
I will make very cute incest babies with her seeing as we are related
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As amybro I only accept loving sex with a chance of pregnancy
It doesn't matter, two managers should just keep making incest for the greater good.
I want to lick Corin's private parts until my tastebuds can no longer taste anything.
will i need rata to use burnice? I just realised i want to roll for her but I already have a fire team. And I fear with Lucy/piper will be weak and I need to level them too.
So you think max level will stay at 60?
I hate it because I can't understand it
Especially if it makes a girl as cute as Burnice!
You don't need the rat. Burnice/Piper/Lucy will be fine.
See >>494989430
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SoC are all pretty fashy
Yes and it better stay that way
New bread
No but it will be a while before they up it.
That's still not how this works. It's about total damage multipliers. Your crit-rate is only one factor of that, the crit-damage matters just as much.

This SHOULD be logical. If you have absolutely 0 ATK bonus, 3% atk is 3% more damage, but if you have 1 fucking BILLION crit damage% already, having 50% crit-rate isn't making 4.8% crit damage better than the 3% atk.
It's effectively 0% more damage at that point, which is less than 3%.

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