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Previous: >>494966254

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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I'm just saying, I'd rather have SEAfags than trannies infesting a website.
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important poll
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Top 30 HSR ships as of 08/02 (Lofterbux)
>1. Blade x Dan
>2. Ratio x Aventurine
>3. JY x Blade
>4. Aventurine x Ratio
>5. DH x Caelus
>6. DH x Blade
>7. JY x Yanqing
>8. JY x DH
>9. Blade x JY
>10. Bronya x Seele (note: their tag is merged with Hi3's)
>11. Aventurine x Topaz
>12. Argenti x Boothill
>13. DH x Stelle
>14. DH x JY
>15. DF x DH (yes, selfcest)
>16. Kafka x Stelle
>17. Yanqing x JY
>18. DF x YX
>19. Gepard x Sampo
>20. DH x M7
>21. Aventurine x Caelus
>22. Yingxing x DF
>23. Aventurine x Stelle
>24. Blade x Caelus
>25. Stelle x M7
>26. Kafka x Himeko
>27. Dan Feng x JY
>28. Fu Xuan x QQ
>29. Acheron x Black Swan
>30. Herta x Silver Wolf
kill yourself gencuck tranny
>um you're mentally ill not us sweatie
t. SEApag
For me it's the King
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When are we getting actual /m/ kino like our sister game, unlike FireFruad aka Pagfly?
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Coming inside of yunli everytime she visit the astral express.
Every Star Rail cosplayer is a man.
Fuck off, /hsrg/. Wake me up when you are out of space chinkland
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His game
His general
kill yourself analwormer
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Trails of Cold Steel collab @ 2026
Uh oh incoming Paglus melty
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cute and canon
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Why did wuwa die?
This one
Fuck /hig/
/srg/ and /gig/ are always friends.
aventurine flopped bigly
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Love yourself
shippers = kamala voters
Derivative open world gacha slop when irl people are getting crushed by late stage capitalism and don't have the time or patience for it. Anyone still playing Genshin is pure sunk cost.
the other OP is pure HSR, touristpag...
AAAIIIIIEEE im flopping... im flopping so much I can't stop flopping!!!!!
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>Genshin thread won
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Why did Natlan flop?
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I don't understand why people get made at this?
calm down and type slower
>caelus only good for taking it up the ass
Best F2P cone for Herta? My 4* gacha cones that are good on her are only S1...
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You were made fun of repeatedly for posting this before, pagbro
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>get made
by that you mean the majority, right?
I look like this
same here.
I would rather have Genshin Collab over than that dyke shitpact turd.
also Mualani expy would be awesome.
Why are people here always so angry at everything?
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genshin potatogods...
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she looks like a hebe here
the only two girls that I would allow to cuck me
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>Coping with "JP"
>JP is the biggest global market
Post more Caelus Yaoi
>no firefly
Stop the count
Genshin unironically has stronger yuri pandering than this game lmao do you even play these games or did you get linked here in some discord to raid?
I fucking love being a camera bros
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should I give this to topaz instead of the hertacone or moze instead of swordplay? Or is it just bad?
hi3 fanbase.....
Is not yaoi, they are just good friends
Is Lingsha FUA support or Break support?
It's bad, don't bother with it.
The key is to let all of the mindless anger simply wash over you and to not engage. Then, the complete spergouts turn into some decent entertainment
Fireflybros... our girl is nowhere to be seen...
cute firefly butt
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Her game
Break, her fua is more consistent break/cleanse/healing.
seriously? Not even better than swordplay?
He’s just a retard. Genshin has overall stronger pandering than HSR in every area besides waifubait since Firely edges out all of their (you)bait

They have gayer fags
They have gayer dykes
They have straighter straights
Break primary role. Can act as fuacope for pagventurine haters
some anons love to put detonators, then our shizos explode.
sort of both, although aventurine will generally be better for fua. I'm personally holding out to see if she clicks right with rappa since I didn't give a fuck about firefly honestly
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I love Nahida!
Nahida in HSR when???
>Biggest market for Gacha

China's sales eclipse Japan's sales consistently, statistically, objectively, and factually.
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higGODS have vita and rita which mog every gigger slut so I'd prefer their sluts over gig trash.
never played honkai but I know about mihoyo
this was the first game they made right? is it like a rpg?
never played a gacha
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""higGODS"" were mindbroken for years and are still mindbroken over a cute loli so you trannies can fuck off
Unless you get it to S5, no.
>check the hi3 channel
>bronya spend her birthday with (I) while both seeles watched
gotta love shaoji baby.
Lingsha shitted and farted
AvenPaz GODS
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>No FireFly

Turns out people don't like being cucked, after all.
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tomorrow will be better
This is still so funny to me. Caeluspags deserved it though.
mogged and slopped by ratiourine sisters.
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Star Rail needs more brown hags
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I can't believe they're still assmad over Theresa honestly. Literally the only canonically straight character in a dyke game and she attracted so much autistic hatred that only grows stronger with every day that passes.
The fact of the matter is nobody likes genshin potatoes except those with a weird tastes that are into gremlins.
How do self-insertfags feel about self-inserting as the writer's literal self-insert? Are they still able to believe it's (You) or does that turn it into a third party character and become NTR?
why would firefly be popular on fucking lofter
>hi3/hsr main writer is superstraight
My nigga Kongming...
nta but fujos are subhuman, being the only straight ship that high is more impressive in this current climate
Imagine having your own little sigga slave
>has one dedicated waifu and every other girl is a hot lesbian
That's just normal straightness.
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>I don't like them so nobody does!!!!
I love seeing the trannies from /hig/ shit themselves over muh potatos while characters like Nahida become more popular than their entire game

It shows how irrelevant you are and how you can't change reality no matter how many years you spend shitting yourself over muh potatos muh green toddlers. Did you know next month they're dedicating an entire version and event to Nahida's birthday by the way? Just letting you know since I won and you lost.
Most people don't like them. I don't give a fuck if you do, who asked?
nta and didn't read anything in this argument but you seem really mad
Most people like them. I don't give a fuck if you don't but I hope you keep seething about them for years and years to come.
I've been masturbating and thinking of him for 4 months straight now about how much I want to fuck him. I want to see him smile again. I want to kiss him and hug him and fuck him. I want to make out with him. I want to eat him up. I want to see him get hot and aroused. I want to sit on him and kiss him. I want to grind on him. I want him to want me. I want to take him out on cute dates and spoil him and then fuck him. I want to cry the more I think about it. Holy shit I want to fuck him so bad oh my god. Fuck.
most people don't like males in hsr but that's besides the point
Isn’t she cuckbait?
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You seem obsessed. Are all gig schizos this retarded?
when tourists will learn to stop hiding behind this garbage? There's only (you) and (you)r opinion. Trying to hide behind the masses only reveals that you are a newfag.
She's for (you) in Honkai and Genshin but /hig/ has spent years and years seething about her existence and will continue to forever
Not what I heard from genshin. They literally killed cats over because wander x nahida. Try again.
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even if sunday was real, he would not like you btw. i'd go as far as to say he wouldn't even bother looking in your direction
kill yourself analwormer
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i still dont get how this is supposed to make me mad
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If a character like Firefly or Nahida has over ten thousand pictures then it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority likes them even if trannies shit themselves and spend years and years shitting themselves in 4chan over them
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I'm working on the main quest in the Xianzhou Luofu, and there's this questline where I infiltrate the Sanctus Medicus that it wants me to do. It feels really ass and not important to the story, can I just skip it?
Bwo your 80 jades...
she was
then they literally retconned her whole backstory and motivation and she basically ghosted the main character in favor of the final boss of her patch
it's actual former main quest so yeah, it is important
BA has the most art, I guess BA is the most liked game in the world. Actual smoothebrain.
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>Character designed for (You)
>Spends most of their time with (You)
>Is canonically obsessed with you and wants to know more about (You)
>Miserable creatures are offended at seeing others be happy and desperately try to ruin the character for others
What a sad existence
>Gentroon thread
/hig/ raid
>pagly seething
you love to see it
>>494985776 (You)
Firefly sucks, I would rather hang out with Silver Wolf
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Nahida continues to get more art, love and relevance in Genshin while Firefly continues to gain more art, love and relevance in Honkai so it's safe to say straight men won
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Kafka x Trailblazer is canon btw
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I just posted Sparkle
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>hsrg has the most votes for males between gig, wuwa, and zzz
What does this tell us?
Why are giggers here instead of playing their game
>responding to the nahitroon
That I never vote in your stupid polls.
I wasn't there for the poll so it doesn't count
>we have the most pags
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I ran out of resin.
game will die soon enough just like genshit
homos ruin everything
That we have good taste
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I take back what I said, please go back to spamming kaka urine
>It feels really ass and not important to the story
It used to be, but the start does feel kinda ass. Probably why they removed it from the main quest. But it does give some more lore on the current main bad guys. And it introduces a really interesting npc which they then do nothing with so you only end up mad.
that trannies shit up this general and seethe all day at cute girls?
all me
I don't mind our homofriends and yumesisters getting the opportunity to have some fun too. It's not as if there aren't any cute girls in the game
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How do you know it was me?
Uhhh, Honkai: Star Rail?
>won in lore
>won in gameplay
>won in this thread
How does he always does it?
kill yourself analwormer
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this nigga zesty as hell
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She would've sold 1000% more without Numby.
>lost his sister
>lost his people
>lost his cornerstone
>lost to ACK
you win some, you lose some.
Love yourself
>KAKA URINE talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
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zzz won (again)
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How this general manages to be worse than generals of dead games and shit like dead by daylight is astonishing to me.
there has never been a good post attached to this image. Not one.
I want to get dominated by little girls..
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Penacony is the best storyline and Aventurine is the best written character in Honkai: Star Rail if not all of Hoyoverse.
I and many other anons never vote in these polls because everytime they're used by shitposting niggers like you. In fact, I'm 100% sure at least half of these votes are done so knowing that fact so they can skew the results.
Aventurine wouldn't abuse Stelle
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Amazing, thank you support
good post
bad post
If Acheron didnt show up he was going to rape her.
skill issue
Nothing personal, Stellaron Hunter
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Bailu saves that
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Firefly love!
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theres nothing to cope about
this offends absolutely no one
>absolutely no one
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He was gonna rape her into submission, Aventurine is still a man in the end of the day afterall.
He would never do something like that
the current state of genshin is really grim. they started celebrating just because their homo managed to make it to the top 4 in JP with +1G
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Just finished the Luka quest. So noble and magnanimous of the great Xianzhou Luofu to offer its support to Space Russia, no?
do you see anyone other than me, who is only answering out of pity, upset over this?
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Aventurine honestly gives up rapey vibes so it's definitely possible. Reminder that he literally values nothing in his life so it's easy for him to do risky things
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>He rolled Analpagwormhomoturine
it's old news retard, anyone who seethed already fucked off
nobody seethed back then either
youre pathetic
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That's right. We love Aventurine here
okay and nobody killed cats over wanderer x nahida in genshin

Yeah, Jing Yuan's keikaku is something else
>strengthen his position as Divine foresight
>deal with Hoolay, that dumb foxian Feixiao and the new alchemy commission head
>make everyone grateful to him
>deal with the vidyadara elders
>foster friendship with the AE by having his retainer train march
>deal with his regrets from 700 years ago by sending an invite and reaping the benefits centuries later
>appear benevolent to the country bumpkins all the way over there
>make Fu Xuan look dumb
He's good.
I cared and I seethed
rolled e1s1 fu xuan and e1s1 huohuo on their release
skipping all other sustains and still getting max clears
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Aventurine will try to rape again. Who? Anyone who gets in his way. You can't fix him.
how is that even relevant, retard
Kinich paid the price....
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The Divination Commission has foreseen my feet in your mouth on this fortuitous day
>zzz gets cute lolis and bib bimbo blondes while we get kaka urine who talks for 5 hours about wanting to neck himself
not a good look on hsrg
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good morning bros I love Xueyi
>wanderer x nahida
i still cant understand where did chinks found cuckoldry there. it was literally opposite. Nahida completely buckbroke and mindrape your arch enemy and forced him to serve (you)r interests like a bitch he is. Nahida is such a hardcore 101% (you) pandering character, HSR cant even dream about something like that. And she's a cunny on top of that.
Why Sushang so cute in this event? She usually doesn't act like this.
Mentally unwell Chinese man wanted an excuse to kill a cat.
Because it could not keep the hype going.
There is no content and the events are mostly pretty boring. The only times I enjoyed the game were around launch and the patch with the island, but right now I am only playing because I still want pic related. I still hope they get their shit together over at Kuro.
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Does anyone got that art of Firefly activating the orgasm function inside SAM?
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Nice thread, honkeks. XE WON.
>Firefly still making troons seethe daily
who the fuck is that ugly looking sack of shit next to cutefly?
>Ratio in RAT team is basically just as effective as Feixiao on the stages that are supposed to be for her
Uh... Powercreep bros?
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>9 days missed
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>gig faster than hsrg
When are we gonna get our McDonald's collab bwos?
/ourguy/ Ratio has always been good.
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>Main problem with abundance is not being able to save your party out of turn without their ults or saving from big/ strong attacks that can one shot
>Easy way to remedy that is by having them ressurect people and mitigating the damage the party receives, making it harder for them to be killed before you ult
>No unit since Bailu has those things
What the FUCK are they thinking?
Your homoworm will never good
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Self-insertcels go crazy over the slightest nothingburger, more news at 7.
>they get coomershit while we get kino
yeah im thinkin based
Well, Huo DOES have it, it's just that it's on a fucking eidolon, and no one would pull for those on a sustain
easier would be to add overheal
we need a new difficulty for moc/pf/as with an additional 320 jades, the current ones are too easy
commer kino > wordslop kino
Hi3 is a yurigame tho
>one shot
never an issue outside of simuslop (where blessings are all that matters anyway)
Feels crazy that someone gets so invested in pixels that they go to such lengths. I know gachas will never get banned because governments get a cut, just like gambling, but I wonder how it would look in a different timeline where governments care more about the citizens' well-being.
lil gui mindbroke her
We need to get the MOC/PF/AS jade in the mail every reset. And a new difficulty for all three people who care. It gives nothing but there's a leaderboard.
fofo would be cracked
Thoughts on above average penises?
but that was awesome and completely justified tho? i wish they actually stabbed that faggot
honestly not a fan of the zzz models, it just looks off
There is a self insert part to the game.
it's like all devs are scared of overheal. used to play hearthstone and warriors could gain enough armor (similar to shields) to go up to 3x effective hp, but healing past max HP? too strong
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how does one build this nigga?
Who are the equivalents of Genshin's Archons in the "good investments to pick up, would be smart to save around them to collect the set"
that is mostly non canon gagshit
also, the character you are talking about was never very involved in that sidestory
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Doesn't matter, it still invited self-insertcels to the game, and caused that chimpout.
Emanators, but they're much less well-defined than Archons are in Genshin.
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Any of these any good at E0? Still at the Luofu and my only 5* right now is Bailu.
I would say Emanators, but Brick Yuan was a joke on release, and an even bigger joke now.
At least Luocha and Sampo has the excuse of holding back.
uh diver/duran generic dps build he has a good amount of crit damage on his traces and E2 gives 40% crit damage against targets marked by his skill so pump that crit rate. He's just a Ratio/Feixiao support tho
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Sex with coworkers
who are the available emanators so far aside from Acheron?
>it's completely justified to kill a person over a game
you're mentally ill
Any Emanantor who is also a Honaki expy
>Acheron (Raiden Mei)
>Marshal Hua (Fu Hua)
Note the complete lack of a soul behind the eyes
Emanators, but here they aren't as gamewarping as archons.
Acheron isn't the absolute best and we have real Herta in 3.0 but
Someone post firefly NTR, I need to cum
I'd say invest in the ones who are good later down the line. Pela, Gallagher and Tingyun are very useful characters. Guinaifen is fine but outshined by various limited characters, Hanya is a bit niche, Hook and Misha are meh.
How? Adam was meant to be a self insert in that game, but he got backlash instead.
The only one comfirmed is Herta, who isn't actually playable since we only have the doll.
Anyone else is guesswork at best.
Luochud is probably carrying something strange, Sampo is definitely a joke, the generals are not comfirmed to be emanators, the stonehearts are just affiliated to one.
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nah, it was because china did not get the event due to CCP that made them chimp out
since that character was basically the chinese rep of the cast and foreingers got her in a bunny suit while chinks didnt, it triggered the inherent chink insecurity, it had nothing to do with self inserting
its also why we need to endure endless chink glazing while they get zero pandering to avoid more melties like that
sheer inherent insecurity
youre whole argument is dumb cause its allways was a china problem and not a self inserter problem
they should add a third node (optional) in 3.0, we got so many characters to use now
>my only 5* right now is Bailu
wat. How? Roll nigga
>third node (optional) in 3.0
would be nice, just a single floor that gives 100 jades or something
>Kokotroon in the background
This sparkle is a man btw
>Still at the Luofu and my only 5* right now is Bailu
just buy starter account with character you like from those russian seller anon
Busted harmony supports
lol no, they seethed because their version of the event was wedding dresses, while global got slutty bunny suits, which they perceived as literal cuckoldry
it was about sending the message
I want Firefly to laugh at my tiny penis and compare it another man's hard large cock
overheals invalidate shields so yes it would be bad to put them in unless you want to powercreep preservation
youre being pedantic anon
the baseline of it being triggered chinese insecurity is still the main point
That's the thing, we don't really know. Some people say that the Xianzhou generals like Feixiao and Jing Yuan are Emanators, but it's not been explicitly stated yet. Next definitive Emanator is Herta coming in a few months. She'll probably be very strong.
The only 100% REAL named emanators are Acheron and Herta.
There are those who are very likely to be emanators but havent showed up yet (Diamond, Marshall Hua)
Everyone else is speculative / pseudo emanators (Jing Yuan / Fei Xiao / Robin / Sunday / Black Swan / Stonehearts)
Yes, chinese self-inserters are extra insecure, like the fags who killed cats over wanderer x nahida. You didn't see non-self-inserters killing cats now did you?
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Where is our Rean Schwarzer and Van Arkride?
Isn't Feixiao a confirmed emanator? The Lux arrow is like the signature move of the Hunt, you can't use it if you don't have the aeon's permission
I'm pretty sure Diamond was explicitly confirmed to be an emanator.
I'd be more than happy if Bean never made his way into this game, thanks
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In a better game, I'd be able to ring, marry and fuck her in a special CG cutscene. But she had to be stuck in this shitty one.
>it's fine for preservation to be strictly better in nearly every situation
>but making abundance a little more competitive is too much
just say you're addicted to having aventurine's cock up your ass
reminder you've been kicked out of the Lads community, troons. You never had a place to begin with
>Xianzhou generals like Feixiao and Jing Yuan are Emanators
BS explicitly calls Jing Yuan an emanator.
Though his case is a little weird since most of his power lies in lightning lord and not his own power.
no, she's just one of the chink champions. A very strong leader/individual.
JY being a hunt emanator while on the erudition path makes no sense
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you didnt see non chinese killing cats did you
chinese are mentally ill, trying to make me feel bad over something crazy people do
Fofo can revive too. Maybe that's why she's T0 along with Kakaurine.
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I wish we can use Firefly's technique to farm traces, it'll be over so fast
...a better game that wouldn't even be able to break top 20
Bro there is porn of that, send some good stuff need to cum
But that just further supports my point.
>chinese self inserters = killed cats
>chinese non self inserters = didn't kill cats
>every other non chinese = didn't kill cats
So chinese self inserters are the crazy group, hence trying to kill dawei over bunny suits.
Acheron isn't an Emanator. She's a self-annihilator. Herta is the only confirmed Emanator.
I rolled E0S0 fu xuan and skipped all other sustains and still get max clears.

Looks like I won.
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It wouldn't matter. I'd be actually fulfilled.
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You can safely assume anyone with a Hunt Susanoo is an Emnantor of the Hunt
That power is bequeathed directly by Lan and passed down to the subsequent Aribiter General when the previous one dies or retires.
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Look what I found bros
the Lightning Lord is provided by Lan, you literally can't use it if Lan doesn't favor you. this pretty much confirms he's an emanator
Feixiao is kind of weird in the sense that I don't believe it was said to be a Lux arrow but on the other hand Lan does appear to glance her way during the story. I'd err on the side of caution and propose it's mostly a moon rage thing, doubly so since it ostensibly takes a lot out of her. Something that I think is coherent with the notion that she suffers from it more than most but also reaps some benefits.
She also shoots it before the mind fight against Hoolay so it very well can just be the wolf she carries plus her own power.
we went over how it wasnt a self isert thing already, since it wasnt a self insert game or character
do keep up
>Robin / Sunday / Black Swan / Stonehearts
Call me crazy, but I think Robin and Sunday are simply pathstriders. Stonehearts are minions of an emanator. And then Black Swan is just a memokeeper, but perhaps memokeepers are the emanators of the Remembrance and they're just on average a lot less powerful than some other emanators we've seen.
It's stated that emanators vary a lot in power and that some aeons share willingly and intentionally, while with others it just sort of happens. There are so many memokeepers that it makes sense that they're weaker individually.
Enjoy 4x def
Its debatable.
Aventurine’s Henshin powers are stated to come from his cornerstone / Qlipoth, but he’s not really regarded as an emanator (a person who directly caught an aeons gaze), more like he was loaned that power by diamond.
Dominicus (sundays boss form) is also an emanator of the harmony (Robin also has a similar potential form iirc), but neither sunday or robin are generally regarded as emanators themselves.
I kinda just see it as Marshall Hua being the true emanator of the hunt, and the xianzhou generals are just granted some powers of the hunt, but aren’t outright emanators
No she can't. Not without e2
>2 flat stats
It's over bwo
By that logic Fu is a emanator too, but she isnt. Some people are getting powers just as a gift
>BS explicitly calls Jing Yuan an emanator.
I don't think so. It can be interpreted that way, but it's not explicit. Don't have the exact quote on hand though.
You are retarded. She's the emanator of nihility, which are called self annihilators.
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I don't know what to expect honestly
The stonehearts carry a cornerstone given to them by the emanator of preservation but aren't themselves emanators.
Xianzhou general get their summon from being a general, it comes with the position and is transmitted.
I would conclude the same principle applies between stonehearts and generals, they are not emanaors but channel the power of one. In this case, presumable the Marshal.
Yeah, I think people believe emanators are like demigods or some shit, when all it takes to be an emanator if being noticed by an aeon. It's quite simple really, if you ever interact with one of the aeons you become its emanator, most people never interact with one so they are not emanators.

MC is special
If it's not a self insert thing then why did only self inserters kill cats?
Gameplay paths are for their mechanics and have nothing to do with their official path. Black Swan is Remembrance in lore but Nihility in gameplay. Same with many others.
The in-game paths are not representative of the lore path the character follows. Jade is erudition in-game but she follows the preservation in the lore for example.
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>Rating Gun consistently can't rate Emanators (Feixiao + Jing Yuan)
>Black Swan says they're equal to Lord Ravagers
>PomPom's Emanantor info brief mentions the Arbiter Generals
How many times do we need to do this same old song and dance ffs
The definition of an Emanator is anyone an Aeon gives permission to use their powers. Acheron, Feixaio, Jing Yuan, Diamond (and the Stonehearts by Proxy), Herta, and TB are all Emanators.

Also Firefly may or may not be an Emanator of Abundance depending on how her Complete Combustion works.
>nigga thinks paths in gameplay=lore
You fucking dimwit
that country is already weird enough without the self insert bullshit, some people eat cats and dogs as part of their culture.
Steve Correll bro.... you skipped Acheron!?
>Pela and Fu have an AOE ult because they're actually Erudition
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Never give up
maybe you should stop messing with self inserters or they will kill you too?
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>Genshin OP
what's this, a new schizo?
Your Wifecheron?
I think it's the gaze, not the permission. If you use something created by an aeon at some point, it's just because they passed it down to you for some reason. If the aeon ever gazes upon you, you become an emanator. I don't know if you always become an emanator as long as you get gazed upon, but if it was not related then aeons would be gazing at normal people and it wouldn't be a big deal
Jade is a follower of the Preservation as a stoneheart, doesn't mean she has to be on the path of preservation herself.
Sampo is not an emanator yet he can't be rated. Luochud isn't either.
Nowhere does it explicitly say they are emanators.
Her Complete Combustion is her overclocking the SAM suit using her own will to live, I don't think it has anything to do with abundance, since when she got access to it Yaoshi didn't even exist yet, unless they literally JUST materialized right for Firefly
Only Archeron. The generals are kinda sus of they are or not..more leaning towards not. Herta is one technically but the 4* isn't the real herta it's a doll of her, so not the emanator.

Future ones confirmed are.
Marshal Hua, Diamond from the investment department, and Herta (real body)

Others highly possible: 5* Sampo, March 7th.
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How big is your folder bwo?
trace materials, nigga, as in the ones where you spend your fuel or whatever, you can't use on hit techniques there
Firefly was made for NTR.
>Sampo is not an emanator yet he can't be rated. Luochud isn't either
Damn... it's almost like they're hiding their power level like Acheron was...
No you dimwit, if that's the case then any gigolo glanced by an Aeon would Emanator and we know they're not
Like, not everyone in the genius society are Emanators and they've all been glanced by Nous
Your erudition units?
>Her Complete Combustion is her overclocking the SAM suit using her own will to live
See that's not confirmed and could be headcanon for all we know. None of the other Sams on-screen or in lore were ever able to do that and it's not listed as a part of the suit function either. The weird wing sprouts and energy swords seem completely different than the jetpacks and fire based weaponry SAM suits normally use.

Also I'm pretty Yaoshi was already around during the Glamoth war otherwise it makes no sense how Firefly drifted through space for thousands of years without dying.
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What makes you think only selfinserters kill cats?
During COVID they killed cats over the rumors they could carry COVID
On a side note, I read up your whole story, and apparently it was only one guy who did it
Kinda wack to base your whole argument over something one person did
Which is still not a confirmation of anything.
Qlipoth gazed on the Trailblazer in Belbog and we didn't become a Preservation Emanator thoughbeit
how do we know someone is an emanator, if they're choosing to hide it then you can't ever tell unless they use their powers
Did you ever have any sense of accomplishment in this game? You quite literally only need to play long enough to get everything you need and that is it. So its just a waiting game.
You missed part of the lore about emanators retard. Most of them hide their powers, it's not like they go out announcing to everyone, Hey I'm an emanator lol. In fact on the luocha bit in the early quests jingyuan said only someone like an emanator would be able to go unnoticed, referring to luocha.
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i got lazy and stopped adding new ff pics
It's about as subtle as a brick
>Black Swan: Though the strike from the General was timely, its destruction was also immense. When "Emanators" collide, ordinary people inevitably suffer.
The wiki errs on the side of caution and admits that it can be read as if LL is the emanator, but I feel that that is a semantic issue since only Jing Yuan can command LL since only Jing Yuan can command LL and thereby wield that power.
>doesn't mean she has to be on the path of preservation herself
Sure, but her in-game class being erudition certainly doesn't mean that she has to be on that path canonically. Same with JY.
Better example: Bailu is definitely not a follower of the Abundance
unlocking Nick of Time legit sure felt like an accomplishment
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Lingsha and Sparkle raw NTR sex.
And Luocha was fucking lying through his teeth as confirmed by Yaoguang, it was Phantylia who smuggled the stellaron
imagine the smell
We need more cool males in this game
>Also I'm pretty Yaoshi was already around during the Glamoth war
NTA but isn't it explicitly stated in Swarm Disaster that The Hunt and The Abundance were not around yet?
Is Sunday an emanator? Is Robin an emanator? Sounds sort of like this. Neither Robin nor Sunday are emanators, but they can call forth emanators to take control of their body.
I have fun playing wacky teams sometimes.
If someone can hide their power from the gun (a gun which can also be hacked, see Silver Wolf and I don't see anyone calling her an emanator) then all it means is that the gun is imperfect and cannot confirm anyone's status.
We know for a fact Acheron is an emanator. We know for a fact Herta, the real being, is an emanator. We know of two in the IPC, one of which is Diamond. The rest is conjecture.
Take the stonehearts who definitely carry a piece of an emanator's power but aren't rated strangely. Is it because they aren't actually actively using it, by contrast with Arbiter Generals who carry their summon and badge of office with them everywhere and channel it's power as a matter of course?
I felt accomplished beating Phantylia for the first time
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I don't know about accomplishment but returning after six months of downtime and managing to 12/12 every mode after some effort was certainly a dopamine injection
I don't play games to get a sense of accomplishment. They are toys meant to entertain, nothing more.
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nice aeon you got there destructionkeks lol
Uh oh Ahapag melty
>In this empty stellar vastness, a small number of favored mortals can also draw upon the power of the Paths with the permission of the Aeons, creating huge waves that erode the coast.
>Different Aeons have different attitudes towards their Emanators, so the degree of the power they share also varies.
Isn’t this contradictory? We’re lead to believe Emanators are immensely powerful, yet also that not all Emanators are created equal so in an Aeon’s eyes you could technically be an Emanator and still not be all that strong.

What really muddies this is there’s no baseline for us to draw from.
Maybe. I don't read all the SU slop so you'd have to link me. That said even if it were true it leaves a plot hole with how Firefly survived unless her power is completely unrelated to any of the aeons.
I wish Topaz would give me a lap pillow :(
since when did nanook jobbed?
Will we ever see her face?
Can i get Robin if i start to play right now without resorting to rerolling?
Yes this is known. Archeron is a tier above them all.
Maybe but you'll probably burn out from all the grinding you have to do
Nanook lost to some guy with a rapier, when hasn't he jobbed?
yes, tons of jades from just playing/exploring
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*buys you food*
Thanks. While BS isn't necessarily a 100% reliable narrator, it would seem strange for them to write her saying falsehoods.
It's still weird how they dance around it so much.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Luocha fought him 1 on 1 and survived. Lol
>Nanook lost
Headcanon, he probably lost interest
Yeah but then you'd have to go full zoom zoom through all the permanent content, and even then it's only barely enough for one guarantee.
*licks your armpits*
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She's a good whore
Wasn't that Void Archives
Is it though? You can't go around calling anyone and their mother an emanator, the status has got to be special. If they start having a ton of them running around it makes it cheap. And since Aeons are vague it still keeps some of the mystery up as well.
By contrast with the original question, genshin, which from the start had 7 archons, no more no less.
Aha gave all of his power to a fucking worm for shit and giggles which was utterly pointless to it since it got no brain to use said power
>got stabbed a bunch of times
>wounds never healed
Does he even use rapiers, I don't fuckin remember.
Void Archives stayed behind to cuck Welt with Tesla
It might've been
*impregnates her while devouring her feet*
Which one is the archon of sex
It was a blonde guy with a rapier IIRC. Could be anyone, assuming you can even take it at face value.
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>Not all Emanators are created equal
Nothing contradictory about that, we already saw the difference firsthand
Yes, it's confusing. The way I read it is that all Emanators are quite powerful compared to Pathstriders, but there's also a differences between them.
So for example any professional boxer will probably be better at fistfighting than the vast majority of non-professionals, but there's still a wide gulf of difference between the top professional boxer in the world and the lowest-ranking one.
Find me a text calling Firefly an Emanator
No, it was neither Void Archives or Luocha, because the chink dude straight up says he made the story up
Only if she gives me a footjob while Firefly cheats on me with Arlan.
Indeed, an emanator shakes a star system. A bug may or may not have damaged a planet.
No one would know she's an emanator except Elio and Kafka anyways.
is there a nsfw version?
Mavuika at the moment, she isn't useful as anything besides coom sadly, no turboautism of any kind unlike the rest of the shitters
Don't listen to the others. Yes you can. There's tons of currency in the permanent modes. You might have to rush a bit depending on how much you normally play, but her banner is still going for a while and you'll have more than enough to guarantee her.
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Miss Sparkle is not a whore
VA would typically use judgement of smash so gun or it's great sword form just like Otto would.
And the gun
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You absolute buffoons. You dumb fucks
Listen everyone on this list is an emanator
>But...but the generals
Confirmed emanators
>But...the coffin is the real emanator
He holds it and gets its powers
>Not....NOT confirmed
Shut the fuck up
> no turboautism of any kind
Glad I dropped that game
So which 5* characters objectively flopped? I'm talking popularity and profits.
YWNBAW. fuck off with your headcanons
You don't really think Acheron was being serious with that slash do you? Emanators are all planet busters at minimum.
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What is March the emanator of?
>Confirmed emanators
Where? Nowhere is where.
>3 anal worms
Dr. Ratio? But I guess his marketing scheme worked out in the end because it got people hyped for Penacony and got people invested into building FuA
Jade and boothill
Arguably yunli and Joachim
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>power level faggotry
Don't you all have a dbz thread to be posting in somewhere else?
March is obviously Fuli.
She's Fuli's daughter (real)
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Trying to clear up Gold and Gears, stuck on difficulty IV
Is there like a specific path that's idiot proof?
I usually go destro, but it hasn't been cutting it for me, especially if it turns out that the final boss doesn't have phys weakness
Only have Clara, Huohuo, Sparkle, Robin
Also have Black Swan, but no Kafka yet (just need 7 more rolls for guaranteed pity)
Also what's the point of taking equilibrium universe at the start?
Giving yourself a negative curio just seems dumb.
If everyone's an emanator
No one is
My Built Acheron beats Goku negative diff btw
Like it or not, Ratio brought a lot of new people into the game. It's impossible to tell whether it was worth it or not for Hoyo, but you can't really say he "flopped" when they gave him out for free.
>poor profits
>one of the most hated female characters comparatively in the west
>is not held up by a super popular ship like Ratio, who was also a flop only liked by fujos
But does she beat Wukong
If I rolled Jade am i sovl
>Fei almost shits herself after shooting an arrow that only blew up a city block
Not all emanators are equal
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Excuse me, she's my wife, not just a whore!
Cute and sex (yes, she's a double emanator)
I am the emanator of bricks.
>popularity and profits.
Popularity is actually measurable, so probably whoever has the least fanart. I don't actually have any numbers though so who can say. I'd bet Boothill off hand?
Profits we have no hard data so no comment.
Unironically yes
Once I get her E2 ezpz
Now THAT'S headcanon
Sampo (forma de emanador) when
Must be awesome when she comes back home and you start to licking her cheating body all over while she tells you about her unfaithful adventures
Jokes aside, we know the remembrance tempered with her memories. We just don't know what it means.
Safest path is preservation if you have Gepard or Aventurine.
I used Nihility for most of it though. (Team was Kafka, BS, M7, Fu Xuan.)
You can just leave it for later though, the rewards aren't going anywhere. I'd probably wait for Kafka, she makes Nihility path extremely powerful in SU.
I know a femcel who's calling herself a lore expert who can't accept that the generals aren't Emanators just because she don't like Jing Yuan
You underneath. What a lucky guy you are
all our males are cool, without exception
you cannot prove me wrong
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I got Jade and I don't regret it one bit. In fact I'm going for E1 next time.
Emanator of Cans clears the weak generals.
Also used plural, so are Dan or Sunday emanators? Strange that nobody is arguing that, yet somehow it is being used for JY.
Sucking on loli yunli's painted fingers!
Silver wolf...
emanate this dick how about that
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Not really
Garden of recollection actively references her and makes sure she remains amnesiac
She's obsessed with memories and keeping them too
BS also has a very keen interest on her specifically
BS also references a very old and powerful memekeeper who liked to save memories as photos and regularly erased her own memories to experience everything fresh
All it's missing is they coming out and saying it
They're called colored contacts.
Dan used to be.
Dan is in a weird place
His actual vidyadhara high elder powers are split into two different people, and even if he were to have both halves his ACTUAL Aeon (Long) is dead, and you can't be an emanator without an Aeon
Maybe one of his previous incarnations was an emanator at one point, but not anymore
Don't know about Sunday
more like the emanators of whores in gas station bathrooms
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How am I supposed to reply no when the positive option is so much funnier?
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Miss Jade!
Sunday was piloting Dominicus which is the actual Emanator
Dan isn't
Sunday specifically hijacked the power of one of the emanators of harmony, why do you think he transforms into that?
My last run was preservation, and it was going pretty good (but very very slow,) until I wound up getting a final boss without phys weakness
Wonder if I should abort a run if I don't get a boss bonus that guarantees phys weakness for the end.
And yeah, I know GnG's not going anywhere, but Kafka is, and since I just wrapped up the story, I don't know how much jade I get daily, and if I'll be able to get those last 7~ rolls needed to hit pity.
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It's that time of the week again
>Your favorite Honkai Star Railer
>How much money do you spend on HSR
>Your zodiac
Ok minority....
I don't think it's possible for Dan to be an emanator since Long is dead and emanators are by definition, given powers from their Aeon.
Sunday namedrops Dominicus as the source of his power during the fight which is said to be one of the four Harmonic Strings which are claimed to be emanators.
I want to suck another man's semen out of Sparkle's pussy...
Future Aeon of life Ruan Mei would take a shit on them.
I'll say everyone involved in this fakeout ending was channelling the power of aeons. But none of them are emanators.
Imbibitor Lunae is closest to a dead Aeon, Juan is holding the power of the hunt as part of being an Arbiter General (Lan didn't glance at him or offer him the position), and Sunday was attempting to revive an Aeon.
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March 7th, Emanator of Memes
But would she fart aswell
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>>Your favorite Honkai Star Railer
>>How much money do you spend on HSR
>>Your zodiac
That's just you wanting to propagate through March, doesn't count.
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Wtf Sparkle is based?
Mr Nokia was never a limited character tho
>5$ a month
7 rolls is nothing, you can get that from just doing some quests you haven't completed yet. Don't even worry about it.
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I want to use another man's cum as lube to fuck Sparkle while she tells me I'm the only she really loves. And impregnate her over and over again, enjoying every inch of her cheating whore body.
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5€ pass every month
Cause she wants to be between them
>This post was sponsored by Silver Brick
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The only standard 5* cones I've got are Yanking's and Bailu's and I'm mad about it.
being a cuck is not based
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I regularly buy the BP
but she's so dirty and smelly. Bet she doesn't shave.
>favorite Star Railer
>how much money
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May I provide the cum?
Sunday got emanator powers from using the Choir, which was blessed by Xipe. So why can't the emanator power of JY come from LL? Yet somehow people are saying what BS said must mean JY is one, ignoring how it can be LL instead. I do agree JY has emanator-like powers, but the fact that the writers have been very careful not stating he is one must mean something.
>Maybe one of his previous incarnations was an emanator at one point, but not anymore
Can Emanator status even transfer if they are reborn? Is it technically still the same soul? Plus the high elder ritual also transfers the memories, so you could argue that they are the same person. The body itself changed, but Herta deaged herself, so her body changed to a pre-emanator status but is still an emanator.
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>660 yen
I got Welt's cone. It sucks.
Only good standard cones are Bronya and arguably Himeko.
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I am imagining the smell and it's getting me harder
I like Clara's on Clara herself since Herta cone is stuck on Firefly
I want to lick and clean another man's cum from Firefly's pussy
Only Arlan can, sorry.
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She's so cool
wow she's just like us
Why, it's way hotter to push it deeper into her womb with your own dick while making out with her
Totally forgot about Clara's cone. That's also good and Bailu's is usable.
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I stopped counting at $3500+++
>Bailu's is usable
yeah, usable as lc exp
Friendless loser who sometimes is a boy and sametimes a girl? Nice fanbase
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Imagine firefly being bored and barely even feeling it when caelus cums inside her, then caelus sees her moaning and arching her back when other men fucks her causing caelus to cum in his pants.
I think the generals are still emanators of the hunt. The problem is that the emanator's authority differs from Aeon to another as well as from emanator to other. Otherwise why would danfag and JY struggle against a Phantylia that doesn't want to kill him. Or why would an average foxian hoe 'kill' an emanator of abundance simply by going kamikaze.
It serves to show that an emanator is special but not really.
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how many souls is this worth
>shaojiposting turned pags into willing cucks
it's over
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it's fine, surely this anon will let me provide the cum instead >>494994535
HER game
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>SEA hours
>Everyone joins in on the cuckposting
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Netorase chads roaming /hsrg/, how wonderful. Remember, it's only hot when Firefly stays in love with Caelus, no matter how many sea chads cum inside of her
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Don't worry caelusbros, I will provide the cum needed to satisfy your wife firefly.
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You guys need better hobbies than seething at fictional characters being popular
>I dont know the total but I mostly buy the battlepass
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$100 so far
Why are South East Asians so entused with being cuckolded? What about their culture, social standing, religion or whatever propells them to propogate cuckoldry?
I want to her to call me while she's having sex with another man
I want her to moan out loud and tell how much better his cock is compared to mine
I want her to describe in details how he's fucking her
I would get so hard and cum without even touching my cock
King Yuan, the emanator of Hunt will get an alt soon
What's special about these 3 characters that attract so much schizos?
They've been constantly colonized by foreign powers over the course of history. They didn't even win their own freedom, the US simply granted it to them after WW2.
Thank you KING. Be careful, though. Dan is very big and it will hurt you unless you use lube.
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Profound mental illness
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B-bro I can almost see it...
W-wait... Is that a...?
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Dolphin level ig
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I want to fuck Firefly while a bigger, manlier cock is already inside of her (double vaginal). That way I can really feel her cheating on me while seeing her gentle face transform into that of a whore up close while cuddling and making out with her.
How can you say you love your wife if you are afraid to share her?
I'm so ashamed at my tiny dick but I can't deny that only a real man's cock can satisfy Firefly
I have no choice but to ask other men to fuck my wife
I'm happy as long as my wife is happy.
I know she will always love me no matter what happens
Back to back to BACK
>cuck hours
Burgers should go to sleep already
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Is anyone else getting increasingly worried?
/gig/ is laughing at us again...
>mods instantly delete extra threads
>but cuckshit and gore is allowed to stay up for hours
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>this dogshit hat

lmfao relics """scorers""" are so funny
I burned out in 10 days how do you guys play this shit for years
It's called american culture.
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>caeluspag snipes OP with sappy boring caefly images for months
>Caefly becomes number 1 cuckold spam pairing
>laughing when they've had 2 of their biggest flops back to back at the start of a new major patch with top up reset to boost it
Look at this thread...
not as funny as retards who use them
>go to /gig/
>tik tok hours nonsense
>go to /hsrg/
>cuck spamming
Why are you "people" like this?
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Because netorase is the greatest fetish. Even mods love it. Nothing is hotter than sharing your wife Firefly, who you love the most, with someone else, and her becoming a whore for him. Though at the end of the day, she sleeps in your bed with your cock inside of her cheating pussy while she teases you about how someone else made her cum her brains out.
Netorase is when you do the cucking you dumb weeb
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I want to kill myself whenever I farm traces and don't get a single purple. I hate how wildly inconsistent trace farming is.
>went from blacked shit to this
Okay, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with all of you?
That's netori though. Netorase is literally wife sharing. I love my hotwife Firefly!
Pagventurine poster
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Schizobro...spamming cuckposts during paghours isn't gonna get (you) any replies...you are just arousing everyone...
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>(you)bait posting
Now THIS is my kind of thread. We won.
Chill, it's just banter.
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Why are you all like this?
i like how peabrained you all are when swinging is a complicated concept
This but with relics
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>People still shilling aventurine
The real red pill is that all sustains are dogshit and actively make your run worse. And if you actively want that, then the only sustain that stands at the top is HuoHuo.
>cuckshit is bantering
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It's one person
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Holy fuck only virgins would cry about swinging. How many cocks has Firefly sucked as a for (You) character? Unironically millions. The sooner you accept she's a loving hotwife, the better.
Please masturbate before posting.
>5$ a month
My sorry, Firefly, my dick isn't good enough for you.
I don't mind if you go find men who can satisfy you instead.
I don't mind if you fuck other men as long as you love me and don't break up with me
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I like to watch
it was me. i cuckposted. what are you going to do about it, bitch? Right, that's what i thought.
>m-muh open sex and and polyamory so progressive and complex and full of love unlike these filthy normal people
It's probably baked into their genes at this point from all the colonization.
Yes. Fofo who regularly jobs to Luocha in her "bis" teams when it comes to clear speed, AND has worse healing.
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it's 3 AM, that means....
Bronya SEX
I self-insert as the cucked, the girl and the cucker at the same time.
>luochud copers in 2024
Let it go anon… Gallagher exists too kek
She's missing her tattoo bro
/zzz/ is laughing at us again..
seele is so lucky
Flopflop is literally useless for all t0 dps lmao
Think about where she's been
ZZZ unironically has way better characters for hotwifing like Jane, Piper, Nicole etc
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I dont even get the fofo meme in DoT teams. Kafka and BS are so starved for SP that luocha ends up clearing faster
You don't need to skill with BS every turn bro
the meme is that dot is a hagkek team and luochud is a m*le character.
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It's really funny how much the credits problem just entirely disappears once you get to TB level 70. I went from it being my single biggest cock block to being a literal non issue that I can practically ignore.
There is no DoThag team because fofo and Ruan Mei are NOT hags.
You're too obvious
Gig too with Raiden, Shenhe, Cloud retainer etc.
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prostitution with nicole
Netorase chads?
Your response?
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Cutest brick ever
What characters are in second half?
Back when Fofo was actually new-ish Gallagher did not exist. Yet Fofo jobbed to him all the time, when it came to dot team performance.

If Gallagher would be better there, that's even worse for Fofo, but I have no idea. Not like anyone seriously plays dots nowadays, and Fofo jobs in all other teams anyways.
>pure love extremists
why are japs like this?
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"best DPS" list I found on tiktok
>pagfly fans malding in the comments lmao
why are you calling her Lingspud
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why don't self-insertards just block and move on?
Why do you retards cuckpost firefly with random faceless goons when she canonically slept in the same barracks as the dude glamoth knights for years?
Skilling more as Black Swan means more damage and energy which means more BS ults. Ultimately Loucha and Fofo gives the same outcome
Acheron is worse than Feixiao and Firefly.
it just occurred to me, does this share etymology with hotdesking lmao
For me, it's Lingshud
>some whale with E6S1 firefly sent me a friends request
Has to have been a mistake.
Especially when you dick the dykes! The pleasures of turning the lesbians straight!
Topass and Brickshua
Only beta males are afraid of sharing their wives.
Alpha chads are confident that their wives will always love them no matter how many cocks they take daily
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She super broke you
Lingsha might unironically flop harder than Jade
Alpha chads provide for their wives while being away in business all day. Someone has to keep the Misses company.
That has nothing to do with any kind of cucking, that guy right there is a despairCHAD, cucking is the easiest way to mindbreak people, but that's just the means to make others suffer since waifufags are absolutely retarded.
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You're telling you wouldn't immediately ram your dick inside their cheating pussies and try to scrape out all that filthy cum and replace it with your own??? Holy fuck how gay is this general lmao
Why is /gig/ raiding us
we love our /gig/frens bwo
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I like to watch
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>unironically sharing Clownwen as a counter example
Oh no no noooooo
Luochuds really want to cling onto anything to prove they didn’t brick.
Optimal dot has always been with FoFo. Take the average clears and of course it’s gonna favour monkeys like Luochud and Fraudly. QQ has good numbers there because only good and dedicated players play her and so, closer to her actual ceiling than the Acheron numbers who can be absolute dogshit when piloted by retards.
That’s why Hoyo creates bait like FF who has basically little variance between low and high tier play and Luochud is just that for sustains.
Who invited Blade
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>Welt, you need to stop pounding Stelle and come back to your wife
>High tier play
>Low tier play
Bro your autoplay?
I'd rather just clean them up...
I wish Stelle was Caelus's sister like in ZZZ. That way Caelus would have another girl he could get cucked away from.
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What can I say, Luochud is good at his job
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Just look at the amount of cuck false flaggers
This is what /gig/ brings
Bros i got KING in both the standard and in Robin's banner, should i just reroll? i'm in space Russia right now
what is or isn't "the best" depends on the conditions, one that often goes unmentioned is simply player skill
ie if the player is a shitter (aka the average) odds are firefly will just be better than anything else
if the player is good and the enemy encounter isn't shilling aoe to the extreme, feixiao mogs everything
You just know Firefly fucks Blade and Elio daily.
Taking their large cocks while we have to sit through chink slop with march
That's why she couldn't appear in 2.4 and 2.5
>>494996549 me
please answer I need to sleep
That's so fucking hot. By the way, why do you guys like to gargle on another man's cum like this guy >>494997037 That's kinda gay
>SEA hours start
>cuckposting begins
Unironically yes, I'd suggest just buying a starter account with Robin for like 5-7 bucks
It's worth it
sounds like you are the one coping xis, playing acheron isn't some fucking rocket science when she basically works on auto
farming feet spd relics is fucking ASS, THE FUCK IS THE DROP RATE FOR THIS? 1%?
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>characters can drop from weapons banners in Genshin
the fuck, I want this in my game
>not a /srg/ thread
Hertaschizo, you had 1 (One!!!) job.
Pagfly ruined this game just like Pagden did with genshin
Maybe I'm just unlucky then.
characters can drop from lc banners in hsr too
>wrong numbers don’t count
>dogshit fake tier list on which you can pay the owner to tamper with doesn’t count
Yes anon, that’s literally how it works. Anything related to Clownwen is null and void and it’s actually amazing those retards still exist when they are getting shit on for their retardation on several games. Oh wait I forgot people like you are the new status quo, that explains a lot.
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This is why waifufags dropped your game gentards
kafka, forgotten...
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Is this bait
That's Sparkle pretending to be Blade to create chaos and confusion by the way.
how the fuck does a 3 month-old banner still mindbreak them?
>inb4 na hours
they’re fucking asleep; only eu and sea hours are left now
That's why you use a resin to make a shitty pair and replace that later with something else not shit.
no way, the fireflyfags will save her
Raiden was the peak of Genshin Impact, this is the factual, objective truth.
It's obvious it's a falseflagger
This list is so wrong it’s actually insane. Ratio and Yunli dumpster PooLiu and Heng. Boothill is better than Firefly. Feixiao is better than Acheron. And blade has no business being on this list. I rather have Argenti in his place
Moze or March?
>Boothill is better than Firefly
Careful now, you don't want to trigger people.
>Boothill is better than Firefly. Feixiao is better than Acheron
only if you know what you're doing
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>check my history
>my last character drop from weapon banner was 5 months ago
>gigger nigger OP
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Schizos don't have normal sleeping times anon. They're 100% dedicated to shitting up the place.
moze AND march
Bake Yunli bread.
If your fua dps is Clara or Yunli, Moze. Anybody else, just use who you like
I want Firefly to show me a video of her having sex with other men while holding used condoms in one hand and jerking my tiny dick off with the other hand.
I want her to describe how their giant dicks felt, how their dicks reach parts where my tiny dick couldn't and how much better they are at sex.
About how I'll never be able to satisfy her the way they did
I want to thank all Americans who invented cuckolding. Now I can cum every day to Firefly cheating on me with Big Arlan Cock and I love every second of it. Honkai Star Rail is da best hotwife simulator ever!
I sure as fuck don't. Getting some extra dupes on some of the rarer LCs is part of the reason to roll on the cone banner in the first place.
How do they get money to pay internet though? Hell how do they stay alive shitting anything they focus on for 16 hours straight every day for years? It's genuinely amazing to me, are these people like the down syndrome guys with their parents taking care of them 24/7 or some shit?
Why is everyone saying Feixiao is beat dps

She's #5

Worse than Firefly, Acheron, Boothil and Yunli.
>the numbers are fake because [HEADCANON]
holy shit you are actually mindbroken
Which is what matters. Retards need not apply, only peak performance for those rankings.
Now if you want to make an ease of use list, then FF ranks very high.
Fraudfly simps get enraged at anything so it doesn’t matter.
I also shitpost using my phone and my workplace's computer
Sure, but you don't need to do that to clear MOC12.
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but thanks to that I just got my C6 Chevy thanks from weapons banner
Lucky, my workplace blocks the site.
Average of retards is completely irrelevant. Only peak performance matters.
I'll be reporting that to your boss, good luck cuck.
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Good morning, sirs
sweaty hag pits love
We know gojocuck
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Feixiao suck ass in PF
How do I fix this
Use her with Herta. She's pretty good at finishing off those stronger elite enemies that Herta is going to struggle to finish off.
Why are you using her in PF?
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Use E1 Jade with her. It works on my end.
Is THIS the strength of sea GODS!? I surrender...
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Dumb bitch
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Just cleaned my desktop of 100+ unsorted reaction images I've saved from /hsrg/ and /zzz/
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E6 Moze or E6 Mach 8th as my Topaz cope for Feixiao?
Use her with Jade. With Eagle-set she's faster than even Firefly
I just bought a physical copy of a gay furry comic. Got anything else you’d like to share?
QQ doesn't have the emotional depth to be anything but lazy and happy and frankly that's for the best.
Now that I've gotten all of the tickets from the ember exchange, I'm not spending anything again until there's a Firefly rerun.

Unless there's an 11/10 character between now and then, obviously.
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Is the "recommended" section on the trace level up screen accurate? What's the usual stopping point for leveling the lower priority ones? How many weekly boss mats do I need per character?
Cute hotwifey
that's my son...
Hisho sex
That's why she's immune to mara
And the oldest character in the game
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>Can clear MoC12 in 3 cycles
>Randomly gets oneshot by a fucking phase change with no counterplay other than going back in time and saving ult
I wonder how the casuals are enjoying this boss. I don't think it's too hard or anything but wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed for being capable of bullshit like this.
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I think I made your son pregnant on accident...
your shields?
Tits too big
Any casual with iq above 90 simply rolled Fu and immune to any of that crap
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yeah i feel like her being sad about igor during the event was kinda out of character
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>He picked bonz the selfinsert haremchad for his cuck fantasy.
sex with pregnant woman
Usually no and I'm afraid I can't help you with that, you'll have to read the kits and decide for yourself. Ofc you max the important traces but if some traces slightly help the kit overall I keep them at 7 or 8, while some traces do nothing at all like Kafka's BAs which I usually just forget about unless I'm feeling autistic about the unlevelled traces
from what i've seen the story one is much weaker, so the casuals can just use supports for the weekly one
>3700 HP on a healer
>probably 0 def too
>surprised he gets wiped
Skill issue.
voting is for women
men take by force
So when are you going to become president by force?
Work in progress
damn Zhong is on a roll
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I love my mom.
I'm never doing this again.
>Z E R O double crit valorous pieces
I'm not asking for perfect gear but at least give me one holy shit.
Damn, Caelus fucked them good
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You will E6S5 her new form.
Will my mom also send me a tasteful nude photo of herself if I give her $1000?
I got NTR'd... twice...
YWNBA Double Crit Valorous Owner
What retard made this thread?
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Swarm Humanoid Emanator fucking when?
>what retard
Would that mean a woman who enjoys getting bred by bugs?
Inside luochas coffin
Sparkle is still a bit of a pathetic loser.
She'll send wholesome pics of her time with me, your dad.
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buggirl who enjoys getting bred by HUMAN MEN
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Humans don't breed as hard as bugs though.
Propagation is a path anyone can tread, bug or not
Meaning it's totally possible to get super fertility powers if you resonate with the path enough
Maybe even more, like super fast pregnancy and inter species compatibility
Isn't Sampo a good friend of hers?
Congrats. Did you S5 too?
Isn't propagation a dead path now?
i've been farming the duran planar set since it launched and it still has not given me a single double crit duran atk rope for me to try my luck on.
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>Hah... if I could, I would never speak to her again...
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Path can keep going even if Aeon is dead
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Dead paths can still grant power
Also it's "dead"
On a side note what I said is supported by SU slop
Women getting BUGGED was a thing
I'm gooning to your mom
New permanent MoC fights when?
What happens to March 7th when you do the huntard quest? Is she still playable as a preservation character or that version of her disappears?
Except propagation has been absorbed by abundance.
now people will think HSR is a pedo game...
It's simple, we just need to kill yaoshi.
How do you pronounce Qingque
just unseperate like how Sunday was unseperating Order from Harmony
get back to your general mintharafag
Are you stupid? You're talking about a 4*. Just like you can get a 4* weapon when losing the 50/50 on the 4* pity when pulling on the character banner, you can get a 4* character when you lose on the weapon banner. If you're going to complain about something, at least know how stuff works.
>around 5k give or take
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silver wolf is a powerful trailblazer
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How does this make you feel?
Yes, it's heavily implied by the story of how the aeon of propagation one day magically disappeared for no reason.
Idk, I don't understand what this flashgame ui is trying to tell me.
I don't know what it means so I'm sorry for you or happy that happened.
What the fuck is a charmony
Except tazzy was smashed by qliphots hammer and had it's remains trapped in amber
>Your favorite Honkai Star Railer
>How much money do you spend on HSR
About 100 bucks a month on average
>Your zodiac
>aeon of propagation one day magically disappeared for no reason
Did you not play Swarm disaster? There was nothing magical about it, it was just Qliphoth hammering that stupid bug
I thought Qlipoth beat the shit out of them with his hammer, isn't that what they said in SU?
Xueyi thread next please
bake it yourself.
Bro your swarm disaster lore?
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The SU cone tells the tale of propagation mobs drying up and dying because their path has been extinguished. Aeons can't kill paths, paths only die if they've been absorbed by another.
Im glad its not much of a difference. I only have Moze at E1 and I dont want to burn any more pulls on this banner.
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I just saw an anon manage to get a 3700 score with Jingliu. I tried but always end up with 3500. Any hints on her rotation for Node 1? Also, is Bronya better than Sparkle for her?
>all her team is E0S1
March better at E6 vs Moze E1. Just save your pulls.
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Anon, Kafka literally tells you the different ways that Aeons can die. She even fucking uses Propagation as an example how one Aeon can be killed by a stronger Aeon. This is not even Swarm disaster lore, this is main quest shit that was in the game since 1.0
Why do I have the looming suspicion this is just retconned lore? It doesn't align with anything we know about Tayzz.
I'm talking about the path, not the aeon. The path is dead.
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How are there still remnants of the Swarm fucking around then?
Because Ruan Mei can't tell the difference between right and wrong.
You mean the jurassic park fossils RM revived?
Did Ruan Mei create those random propagation swarm bugs we saw in Argentis companion mission?
RM did nothing wrong
Theoretically, as long as one got away it would just propagate infinitely.
What about the fact Luocha's remnant of Tazzy talks to him and they even have a contractual relationship?
It isn't
Tazzy is "dead" via the collaboration of several aeons
But that death might not be permanent since it's death is more "broken into several pieces and trapped in amber" meaning, like Sunday tried to do with ena, resurrecting it might happen
It's why RM fuckin arround with emanators of propagation is so dangerous and evil
It could jumpstart it's resurrection
>AI slop
Which goes entirely against what that lorelet is claiming by saying the Propagation path is dead. That is the point of the post, showing an example that the swarm bugs can still propagate on their own which means that the path itself still exists. It is just leaderless, like the trailblazing path appears to be
Classic spreadshitter fallacy. If you've ever played with Moze you'd know that he has issues with target switching. This is all assuming a lone target dummy scenario, which isn't realistic.
RM is clearly doing science fuckery to keep them alive regardless. Her bug emanator clone disappeared after 30 seconds or some shit, and she's obviously wanting to make it permanent somehow.
The cone is from 1.0, and Kafka said in 1.0 that he was killed by being ganged up by Aeons. So doubt it is retconed lore, just that the LC description itself is pretty vague and possibly just describes something else happening.
Propagation being absorbed by abundance means breeding is governed by abundance.
>RM is clearly doing science fuckery to keep them alive regardless
She made one clone. A single clone. She is not somehow responsible for all the swarm bugs that are alive from the moment the Aeon fell and now. Even the Chadwick flashbacks had bugs, are you suggesting that RM is responsible for that too.
>She made one clone. A single clone.
Is that a fact? Sounds odd to skip past experimenting on grunts and go straight to trying to revive an emanator.
It is situational as you say, was mostly to show theoretical dmg potential of the team as Moze generates more FA stacks per cycle. Personally im using both depending on which mode im playing.
....Asian bwos how do we respond
Pela, Gallagher, Tingyun are serviceable at E0 and get much better with eidolons to the point where people still use them in endgame.
Hanya is fine as cope until you get Bronya/Sparkle but you have to use her ult on the DPS' turn until you get some Eidolons. She's as good as if not better than Bronya in Pure Fiction but it's not worth leveling any non-Herta 4* for Pure Fiction alone.
Guinaifen is a jack of all trades master of none. She gets some use at E1 if you have Dr Ratio as the best cope debuffer (3 debuffs from 1 skill with no LC) but is honestly kind of mediocre otherwise.
Misha is a very niche character. Good against single targets in fast comps who are weak to ice, but slurp SP. Gets better with Eidolons but not worth investing unless you're running a bunch of characters who can freeze together and Ice weakness + single target combos are rarer than albinos.
Hook is sadly just bad.
Are there any hints as to what characters are coming up? I mean both brand new ones and the reruns. I've heard somethig about 5Tingyun, but I dunno how long I will be waiting on that one
Miss Cow
odds games
evens fap

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