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Previous thread: >>494963882

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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get back in the bed dante and spread em
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Rodya LOVE!
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Paus featuring Dante
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Ryoshu raped me...
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My cute traffic light wife...
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She's so cute
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Our wife
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hongers saving my ass again
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>wake up
>remember limbus is all pm will do
Time to shitpost.
Limbus HATE
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>wake up
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>wake up
>butter eyes
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Limbus HATE!
I could have fixed her.
>Erlking's kill with mounted skill 3 NEEDS to be with the second coin to regain sanity
That's fucking GAY
PM can't even do limbus anymore
Its so over...
Why does nobody talk about Dongbaek when talking about hags?
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Limbus hate.
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Because she isn't a hag she just looks like shit
She's dead, we huglovers, not necrophils
The same way age doesnt matter for lolis age doesnt matter for hags
She looks like a grandma so she's a hag
Same reason no one calls Yi Sang a geezer.
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I forgor to do hard missions.
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limbis LOVE
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Limbus hatred.
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Didn't get the sword but got the robe at least this week.
Limbus hate tread
Not a fan of specific coin conditionals either
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Why are they in the Tohno mansion.
Arcueid barely shows up there.
Should've been the park.
Meursault SEX
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Contempt for limpbus jobbers.
Dante could never
Sinclair would be Shiki
Hmmm nyo. Loli is a body type and hag is a vibe + age
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4 and heathtent soon
Heathfags and Ishfags really deserve each other you greedy shits. 4 and Heath doesn't get content for 4 months minimum.
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I wish limbus had never come to be.
Who up for scarecrow duty, post a proof of your low prudence
5 more heathcliff ids next season boys
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Mild limbus cumpany hate.
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27 days without heathtent
im starving out here
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It's been nearly 4 months for Sinclair and you don't see his fans complaining
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>>>>10 years of nothing but shitbus, mirrorverse slop, blue man vagueposting, one note sinner quips, and clapbait retreads
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I don't have strong opinions about Limbus Company
thoughts on sinclair getting the zwei 00?
Best ID in the game.
the one he already has??
Sex with Dieci Trannyclair
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Limbus company hate.
Fedding SISSYclair HRT and then bullying him into joining the 41%.
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Hong company love
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Total. Clerk. Death.
Why did they get the GET
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Rat love
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not even worth replying to
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>Manager, can you please explain to me what you ordered these 3000 pagers from the Shi Association for?
more like linton company
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Rat wife-wife, love-love!!!
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Limbus love
RR5 when?
After we're finished with Don's Canto, or perhaps before this Season ends.
Tranny. Reddit. Nigger.
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Limbus hate
It's only been like 2 months since 4 bwo
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Limbus hate
Faggot. Tranny. Brown
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.. but enough about you
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mating press
They take too long. I want another one now.
That or let me replay the older ones. I would like to use my new teams on the older bosses and the like. Using the better status teams with the status buffs from RR2 would be a lot of fun. I would take an endless wave mode too.
They gotta release the Canto fully so they can throw in enemies and bosses from it to reuse assets. Also you fight all the old bosses in MD now too.
I don't see you buying lunacy then. You think monzo works for free? You are very greedy for a free2poor retard
>inb4 muh bp
It doesn't count, poorfag
I'm poor
speaking of lunacy i hope nobody bought those stupid full moon packs
I don't care you stupid faggot nigger
i always buy everything from the lunacy shop, if you don't you aren't a real pm fan. stop posting and never come here again
Esgoo buy
that thing doesnt count because idiots will literally give it money to buy things
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I care, you beautiful intelligent aryan chad
I can't believe I'll be sharding this motherfucker today, after the MD reset.
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paus' abused butthole...
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Paus would tank that with ease.
bottomless hole
Would you still love your sinner waifu if she had a fat futa cock between her legs and asked you to suck it?
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Wild Hunt mode would be fun, that much i agree with
Ofc, duh, it's called love
Mon amour
Hong ru rabu
i just came back from lifting and i sprained my neck so bad i can barely move it

sinners for this feel
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Total limbus death
What are the conditions to get Coffins for Wild Hunt?
>using skill 3
>getting a kill with skill 3
Is that it? I was sure there was another way
Killing while on Dullahan too
makes her more beautiful
You didn't answer the question tho
the nut dies?
Futa and homo franchise desu, everyone else should leave
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>while on Dullahan
Aaaah, so that was what gets it done
No wonder his skill 2 lets him ramp up so fast in focused encounters with waves, like the Walpurgisnacht event
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you can have this thing, it has at least 2 holes
Yeah he's really handy in the railway for that reason.
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oh no, now you fuck'd up
So is Walpiss Ryoshu actually performing Insight work instead of Instinct on Spider Bud
It seems were in Sinclairfag hours,huh
There are quite a few things off about Ryoshu, and I feel this is the best explanation for all of these oddities. I'll post them out here:

Ryoshu is directly connected with the Ring Finger, which has already been shown to have successfully overlayed identities onto other people. So she would have had access to the technology.

Ryoshu keeps her sword sheathed in all but 2 instances so far, and in both of those instances she changed forms and speech patterns into a long haired version that doesn't speak in acronyms. This insinuates that the sword being sheathed maintains her normal form.

In the Uptime story for Red Eyes Ryoshu, she berates Spider Bud for not protecting the spiderlings when she threatens to squish them. The exact reasoning she gives and the anger she expressed wouldn't quite fit as a parent who killed her daughter, but it would fit better with a daughter who was hurt by her parent.

In conclusion, my theory is that Ryoshu accidentally killed her daughter in the pursuit of art, just like in the book Hell Screen, and as atonement used the Mirror World to overlay an identity of her daughter over herself, using the sword to maintain it. I think PM going out of their way to change Ryoshu's form when unsheathing the sword is a very deliberate plot thread, and this is my best explanation for it.
Who asked
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>Cool! Yuri is getting more art, I always liked that dork!
>Check out artist
>it's all yuri art from blue archive
Holy shit why?
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24/7, every mouth, every year it's sinclair hours
Cool. I asked btw.
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>Ryoshu is the mother and Ryoshu is the daughter posters both get btfo'd
I'll kneel if it ends up being true. But nice catch with the difference between her long and short hair behavior. I wonder if the pattern will keep up in future releases.
what a pity that this is just a theory, and we won't see anything from Hell Screen, not even a hint, and this change of personality will be played out as ordinary schizophrenia
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Remind me again which two skins she unstealths Ill go look them up on youtube cause I'm on phone right now
this reads like a reddit post
She only has 2 instances of long hair which are Red Eyes Open and Contempt, Awe
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kuk kuh kuh..
Wait until it's revealed that Ryoshu is actually the monkey
But jokes aside, I do think that is a nice way to tie in the fact that the Ring has been doing shady stuff with mirror tech
It's only the two EGOs, Contempt and Spider bud. So far all there were no long hair IDs.
This feels awful close to what Don has going on though
It odd how Don is the blood sucker and not the one who all about death and blood
The id stuff is overcomplicating it, and it would also mean her mirror world versions which she is already wearing would also be doing that which doesn't make any sense. id on top of id on top of id kind of stuff. A much simpler explanation is just she had long hair before and she went through a nisio character development.
It'd be pretty pointless of a twist if regular Don was also obsessed with blood though
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>ID on top of ID on top of ID
Are you forgetting about HIM limbab?
I've started writing an urban fantasy romance novel (more fan fiction really) with my self insert as the MC. That's how lonely I am. I am literally becoming a Limbus Company character.
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Erlking only ever occupied doughs prepared for him, and wild hunt never had those shenanigans if that's what you're talking about.
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Your required Leviathan reading?
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>Wait until it's revealed that Ryoshu is actually the monkey
Damn you Monkey D. Ryoshu!
His tits are bigger than Rodion's.
isnt this just him channeling multiple versions of himself? not really the same as every instance of ryoshu being overwritten by her daughter but also being other ids too
Do you remember what happens here? He dies instantly after Rolands sorrow takes over him and he loses his grip.
They're not TITS, they're PECTORALS.
What did it mean by this?
only part of the entirety of pm that was just fucking outright embarrassing
Honestly I did forget about him yeah, but his case still isn't similar to what's being described since the ids he's wearing don't wear ids themselves.
Ryoshu distorting into the monkey would be hilarious.
>They're not TITS, they're PECTORALS.
The difference is superficial when it comes to buff femboys.
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Sir, its called an ambush
I really like how Lulu is here too. Funniest shit.
I did bring him up just to shitpost but if I wanted to bring it forward as a serious idea I'd say that every instance of Ryoshu being overwritten isn't strange. After all every instance of Heathcliff we knew split from Cathy and was miserable because of it. So these guaranteed events are possible across mirror worlds we see. And I guess the ring could've gotten better with mirror tech to allow the double layered IDs, or maybe Director didn't learn and Ryoshu is simply twice as built different as Garnet.
I know but I didn't feel like gatekeeping.
I want Sinclair to rape me.
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This nigga zesty
it is impossible to go one thread without Dubidubidu Don..
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its literally the i have two sides memes done unironically, fucking black silence and lulu
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Imagine Ryoshu morphing into a sexually aggressive, brutally strong monkey girl...
I concede. Can a Sinclair fag translate this for me?
I was thinking a large burning monkey that gets the japs up in arms.
Wait i thought that was a edit?
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Jellyfish are the coolest animals to ever exist on this planet
It is tragically real. And like another Anon said Garnet couldn't handle the depression of the Roland ID and still got his ass kicked.
Mili song leak for Ryoshu's canto: https://youtu.be/cy6CFTMnYa4
How do giraffes exist? How the fuck does their body support their long neck?
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Mili already composed the songs for Ryoshu's canto and its the entirety of ender lilies
When are we gonna get the Walla Walla and Bing Bang IDs?
That's not very funny...
>I hate every ape I see
>from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z
Peak kino
That some good shit right there.
Is she working on Magnolia too? I haven't gotten it yet since its early access.
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They are yes, the game recently got a confirmed release date and I'm pretty excited for it.
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post heasuklippu... OR ELSE... I'll cry...
Is Ender Lilies worth a playthrough? I checked it for an hour or so way back but never finished it. It seemed like an interesting setting but I didn't go far enough for the combat to get too challenging.
Sweet. I'll have to keep an eye out for it then.
I really enjoyed it and 100% in like 11 hours so its not that long
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Don't cry for me...
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The game itself isn't too challenging but you can still find some fun in it, but it is worth playing it just for the atmosphere it creates through the music and world itself.
good morning /lcg/ I hate shitclair
Yeah 11 hours isn't that long, might make it the next game I play. I also heard that Magnolia is going to be significantly longer than that.
my perfect dynamic
But I do...
I buy lunacy and I buy the premium battle pass banners.
>11 hours to 100%
>took me 31+ to get the ending C and find all plaques
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do any of you actually buy anything besides the battle pass?
I personally buy the weekly 10 pulls every once in a while just so that I have enough pulls for next walpipi
I bought deca tickets to hit pity for the Hod announcer
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Nothing beats it honestly
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It's sleeping time...
I'm the type who when I really like something I no life it. Doesn't happen as often as it used to but still. Also I really like Metroidvanias
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post the *cough* *cough* ACK!! ... t-the vocaroo...

you, uh... you know the one...
The average girl people call a hag is a 30 year old woman, no it isn't.
dongbaek is in her 20s
Charon has arrived.
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behead all lintonposters
If she is not 49-70 and beyond she is not a hag. Now shut the fuck up.
If she's not a rotting peach
If she's not fugly like a bridge troll
If she's not over the age of 10 on /a/
Then she's a hag, period
She's a G(MILF)
limbus didn't leave top 100 on steam for two weeks, now its back up to rank 69
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New ID for my fat wife tonight lads. I'm very excited.
ishmael ego is going to be too good and get all the attention sadly
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>If she's not over the age of 10 on /a/
>Then she's a hag
lolifags in SHAMBLES
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I'm hoping she's stupid strong to make up for her shitty gimmick but who knows when it comes to PM. I'm excited for both of them either way.
He feels as blueballed as we do if they die on the first coin
Ruskie babs translation?
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The ideal.
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>Maidshu S3 killing on the first coin
>WShu S3 killing on the third coin
what is my ideal turn count supposed to be in each of the 4 sections?
I fucked myself up."
Thank you!!
>WShu S3 killing on the third coin
I never fucking see that charge barrier effect, there is almost always never a sweet spot when it comes to that. Either enemies die to the third hit or they tank the entire thing.
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>W Sang S3 killing on the 2nd coin
>Liu Ish S3 killing/staggering on the 3rd coin
Can we go back to this?
>Inner Gate Elbow Strike
This thing is cursed.
what fucks me up is that her 4th coin doesn't consider the additional stagger bars for her coin power up.
I am almost never able to actually proc it
This is the other one, it NEVER EVER fucking activates.
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Why does this guy's event give a charge gift but the ID based on his EGO suit is Sinking
We've been over this limbab, aberrations are not the same thing as the original abnos.
That's not Funeral, it's an aberration of him.
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I assume you've never read wonderlab
can't blame you
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I guess I can see WHY it doesn't activate on stagger+ or something but it's ridiculous that it's 4th coin only to begin with anyway. It raises the skill from a 15 to a 19 which isn't a crazy huge jump really. TT Hong Shank is a fuckin 18
oh I'll post heathcliff alright
what is heathcliff doing to sinclair
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How did this stagger even happen
Breaking through the shield on turn 1 usually staggers both the head and body... so I have no clue what's going on here desu
Downpour EGO gift?
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Downpour was the floor reward for beating it. Looks like it was the fusion gift.
Sinners for this feel?
gn /lcg/
Cute. I want more Sault Don interactions.
Go back to what? Rolling a 12 on skill 3s?
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Coda is such a good singer
He doesn't have fans
Sweet dreams limbab
Only the nurse and W janny fits her
I hate those losers!
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>it was the chinese fans that brought back pm from bankruptcy
Will /lcg/ ever recover?
Conditionals on the skill, not the coin
um it was jacksepticeye actually
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>there is a universe where they instead went with the western cartoonslop style
They were this close to not even existing at all.
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praying that the new ish ego doesn't have a gluttony cost. I don't want to use dieci meursault
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Have you even seen the artstyle used in the beta?
I definitely wouldn't call it slop
Ultimately I think they made the better decision to not use that style, because things can get too goofy, but I think the style has its charm
Can't wait until Dante finally gets his head back and morphs from Shuckaroonies redditor to twisted fucking psychopath with a wicked sense of humor.
shucks' is 4chan
you say that anon but shit like fnaf and roblox are really popular so for all we know they'd have been way more successful. especially since scp and backrooms shit was on the rise too
Then don't use Dieci
Instead, you can use G corp Outis
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sleep well me
He's referring to the recent KJH interview where he said they almost went with an Adventure Time artstyle.
there's only one gloom ego with a gluttony requirement if that makes u feel better
Ishmael will be the traitor and Ahab will replace her.
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I want to mating press Charon
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And by that I thought he meant something like pic related
While it is westernized... I guess I wouldn't call it Adventure Time
My bad
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Not sure why but I didn't even think you could get multiple pocket watches.
ish... gluttony... does this mean THAT
maidmael has gluttony
You need to roll the floor in such a manner that none of the questions marks have either of 2 events, with the pocketwatch shells and the needles
Which is surprisingly rare
I got lucky that I got 3 of the components from the shop and a 30% chance thing or something.
Now have fun using them against a boss that shits all over tremor teams by having multiple phases.
He died in 2 turns anyway so it didn't matter much
Limbus needs some kind of ex-hard MD with 10 floors.
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angela SEX
Speaking of, was that teaser confirmed for Ender Magnolia or Limbus?
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Unless they could make it interesting I wouldn't be much of a fan. Either having to resort to spamming Egos or just clearing 5 extra floors with glimpse of flames or something doesn't sound too fun. I suppose it also depends on the reward though.
100 boxes 100 thread
We are pretty deep into a gluttony recession huh
This but only because I could probably force lunar to appear from exhausting gifts, still regretting not doing it at the start of md4.
gluttony certainly has the least but the main issue is like 70% of it is on rupture and the rest is spread out for random shitter ids
I mean assuming her echos application is more than like... One, you can just cut Butler Outis for Dieci Mersault right? He's not that bad, plus he'd allow you to use SunShower again. He's not really any worse than Outis and hell, he is more count positive than her anyway
and it fucking sucks on rupture too since gloom + AEDD means you dont fucking delete your count as fast
Ishy's looking mighty edible right now...
Are you ready for Meursault to play a pan flute AND sing (not at once)?
Meursault will FUCK Don in canto 7.
I really do think the new Ish EGO will have gluttony. A lot of healing EGO use some gluttony
Meursault will join in on the Outis coup and EVERYONE (except Faust and Dante) will trap and betray us because of Don!
Hearing Mersault sing in his Pass On will be so strange. Though Im most looking forward to Faust Pass On
I can't wait. I'm excited to see what they'll do with his song. And I'm sure Faust will sound beautiful.
He's definitely worse than Outis. She does 30% more damage to targets with Manor + 20% more if they have less than 0 SP. She inflicts 7 Sinking 5 Count + 3 Manor + even more damage if they already have Manor on them. She also has better numbers and passives.

Meursault offers gluttony but most of his application is based on insight and his S3 is literally random for application too. Not to mention he doesn't bring any Sinking Egos to compensate either.

Realistically though Sinking is fucking DROWNING in options so a good ID will be left on the table no matter what.
I actually think the VA will be a pretty good singer, he just has that vibe.
It's hard for him to be worse than Sinclair and Yi Sang though. In their defense those voices are hard to sing in. I'm mostly curious to see how Faust will stack up to Rodion, who has a very beautiful Pass on.
God, I'm really looking forward to Canto 12, I want to see Faust actually show genuine emotion.
wow there are actual negroes playing this game...
I'm not looking forward to Faust's Pass On if her voice is gonna be as bad as MultiCrack's honestly. I've heard her VA sing in that cookie game but man I don't have faith in that pitch if it stays that way.
Yes, I'm just curious what genre the song will be. I hope they make use of the depth of his voice.
I'm looking forward to Faust's as well. I hope for a sweet uplifting song filled with hope looking towards the future as our little droplet embarks on a life of her own. For her own sake.
Hate Crack Paust. Sounds generic and moe.
Two of them in this very thread, and that's not even a joke.
that's the PaSwG artsyle
Okay but is any other sinner capable of beating Gregor for the #1 Pass On spot?
Admittedly I'm not fond of MC Faust either. It's just too much to the point of being jarring. I think LCorp Remanent is a much better middle ground. I'm putting my faith in Director to hopefully sort it out over time.
underaged newfag
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Outis is sinking negative on all her skills (-2, -1, -1). She also only deals bonus damage to enemies with sinking when you have 3+ gloom res, which considering almost all your gloom is on skills 2 and 3 is hardly consistent. Also resonance passives don't trigger off things like Wild Hunt Counter which becomes gloom on combat start. Mersault is neutral on skill 1 and (usually) positive on skill 3. He's also got semi reliable sloth generation in addition to gluttony, which makes him very useful on sinking for sin generation as sloth is pretty slow currently
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
chat is this a self report
Has David ever shown another sign of life?
Even still I can't see a reason to take him over every other sinner's Sinking IDs. He's simply too weak and doesn't apply enough to compensate for his lack of damage for me.
why can't zoomies use milf and gilf? Why do they have to use words that already exist and ruin their original definitions?
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Presented without comment
It's really just "do you want Gluttony or no". I personally do, as I don't run Rodion anymore, which means my options for Healing EGO are nearly non-existent without Gluttony or Mersault. I run WH Heathcliff, Butterfly Yi Sang, Linton Gregor, Butler Outis, and Dieci Hong Lu. However, I am considering getting rid of Outis if the Ishmael EGO is good. I don't want to run Faust as even without Rime Shank I use a lot of gloom and won't be able to use fluid sack much, and she's probably unnecessary for echos after the Ishmael EGO. Mersault would grant me access to healing (pursuance) and also let me use SunShower Yi Sang again.
What context are you using these teams in? I don't see a reason to need healing Egos because you shouldn't even be getting hit. Do you just spam Egos at all times because I feel like I never use them unless they offer a very specific purpose.
this nigga over 30 lmao
I personally intend to run
>Molar Ishmael
>WH Heathcliff
>Lament Sang
>Heir Gregor
>Butler Outis
>Butler Faust
for an echoesmaxxing play style. though if Bygone Days Ish requires gluttony, I'll just pivot to ol' reliable rime shank instead of butler Faust
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This art is so cool, i call it: "Don after rape."
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The stated intention of the current game design is long chain battles that will deal heavy damage to sinners with the intent of possibly killing them. Also not using EGOs is literally a skill issue, there's no reason not to use them. Bygone days Yi Sang can easily inflict more potency than Rime Shank with just a little res, and with echoes is very count positive. Solemn lament Gregor is piss easy to get an absolutely hilarious amount of damage from. Bygone Days Gregor, Blind Obsession Ishmael and Ya Sunyata Heathcliff all recover SP quickly, which is useful in a lot of content, especially railway. Blind Obsession, as well as SunShower, can also boost the damage of the whole team, and attack the entire screen. Binds Heathcliff can make his skill 3 do nearly triple damage, etc. And seemingly the new Ishmael EGO will inflict echoes, potentially allowing you to cut Outis. This isn't even mentioning Rime Shank, since I don't run Rodion anymore.
Not using EGO is just making things harder for yourself for no reason, and often makes things take longer
I hope that new player event doesn't just apply to limbabs. I started playing 4 months ago but never got to shard NFaust
Literally why do you need more than one echos applier?
Outis can deal a fuckton of damage against enemies with echoes, and Faust's skill 3 is like, +5 count positive if used against someone with echoes
It's not like I don't use them brother. I've done enough Railway autism to understand their use it's just the games already piss easy as it is. Until the game actually requires my sinners to die in order to win I'll consider chain battles to be a big load of nothing. You're only going to be able to spam Egos like you want to in MD or after careful cultivation of resources outside of it anyway.
Paizuri done with STEEL
unironically tits look a bit too small
angela had some real HONKERS
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They'd bomb HHPP if he'd say otherwise.
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I don't want to wait 13 more hours for Rodion.
K.Y.S. now
Current ideal Sinking team ignores the status effect entirely and solely relies on EGO and strong IDs. Hope the new Ish EGO is good so I can actually build up some count and hit enemies with gloom damage as intended.
here is Meursault's VA singing
she will SAVE rupture
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>Was only able to watch Ryoshu posting/discussions because they happened while I was at work.....again....
sinclair should have been a girl
Hey. Didn't ask
Shitclair should be dead.
This feels like a contradictory statement. If you're doing gloom damage with sinking that means the enemy has no sanity which means of course you want to stack potency and count to either deluge or just do big damage with IDs. Otherwise stacking sinking against normal enemies is just lowering their sanity.
With fights going toward the way of chain battles, bleed teams might be incidentally buffed?
You can just oneside attacks all day and build up a shitload of count and potency like nobody's business and then have it cash out as the enemy lands hits against you. If your sinners die, who cares, you got more people coming in and the enemy has a huge bleed stack.
Holy shit is that Signalis?
Watch any of the RR speedruns with the new Sinking team comp and you'll notice how bosses never have any Sinking potency on them, you won't ever see big Sinking damage numbers. Non-boss focus encounters don't matter because you just spam EGO for those, you do that with every team. Truth is that Sinking still requires Rimeshank if you want to actually play into the status effect when fighting bosses. I want that to change.
are you a gilf
Can you post the og style
Do you have any links for those? I'd be curious to watch them. I'm not sure exactly what you're wanting to change though. Sinking teams do a lot of damage as it is so are you wanting them to be able to apply even more of their status or what exactly?
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Neat. I asked.
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>Grinded out wingbeat before Wallpiss ended
>Have no 000 Ish IDs to use with it
>Still need various EGO to finish teams (Like Hong Cavernous Wail)
Sinners for this feel?
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Literal cubes>South Park>PaSwG>current
I can imagine what she's thinking.
"Why did I join an association that specializes in raping people? These people aren't villains."
>/lcg/ has sekrit club autism syndrome
>franchise only exists because of the tubers promoting it
Reminder: /lcg/ is always wrong
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Thought I wouldn't notice that did you? Get his ass Baral
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visible nipple
Remember /lcg/, ESGOO will always have much more impact on the game than (You) ever will.
Do the weekly MD bonuses reset with the daily reset or after the server maintenance? Haven't pulled Yi Sang yet but I wanna use my pity for an announcer…
That's fine. I'm glad it's getting attention from people who might not usually look in their direction and is actively being supported. Hopefully with all this support PM can release content more consistently or at least throw the West some actual merch sometime.
anyone who spends more money than just the battlepass has more of an impact on the game than I do
who cares?
What are the odds Ryoshu is a futanari and impregnated herself like how Cartman's mom impregnated herself
They reset before server maintenance.
what story purpose would this serve exactly
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Would be hilarious but chances are near zero.
The story of how my dick became hard as a diamond
They're both vibe based.
Lolibaba, I believe, is when the loli is like 80 or whatever. So hag isn't just vibe + age.
Hag can mean: "She has eye-bags and crow's feet." Or. "She has huge breasts."
Just like how anime moms aren't actually moms, but just a vibe.
People in this thread think 28 is old, like hag old.
i'm going to hedge my bets on this one and say it's unlikely
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Chuckle worthy as a joke otherwise leave
>like how Cartman's mom impregnated herself
...man, you are REALLY far behind. Were you just thawed out from the early 2000s?
Wasn't that plot retconed? I thought Cartman's dad turned out to be a ginger and the hermaphrodite thing was a cover up
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enough with the futa shitposting. move on to your next bit already
Could (You) impregnate petacculas?
Basically I want Sinking to be where it was during RR3, where your main damage came from actual Sinking potency and count. Right now, Sinking is mostly unga bunga damage. Sinking is just fucked as a status effect in general, because PM doesn't know how to balance for shit. They made weak Rupture but gave it top tier IDs. When they now add something that allows those IDs to add Sinking count, it'll just end up being better Rupture because Rupture does jack during normal fights.
I'd post some links but the westoid community is incompetent so all the good runs are on BilyBily and that dogshit website won't load for me.
do they have the biological components to be bred?
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100% because all pm women are futanari and males are only there for abuse.
/lcg/ - South Park Lore
According to that one work with gloom yes
How would Ryoshu even impregnate herself, even if she is a futanari??
Ryoshu is cutest schizo mother.
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More like
>/lcg/ - Adult Swim General
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G.N. lads
Assuming futa = functional hermaphrodite.....well....
Oh hey, that's my eidt
Rupture, as a status, is better than Sinking in every way it's just not supported as well because it'd be busted. That said it sounds like you want Sinking to be about applying the status but not doing direct damage but rather having Sinking do the damage? You're pretty much describing Rupture at that point if that's what you mean. Also you're not wrong that they can't balance for shit.
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Then BEHOLD this
Good work, anon.
the i say lets give it a shot and see what happens
iirc during early MD days, gaining Starlight was far and between. You'd be lucky to get 40~ Starlight by the end of the run. I managed to get 100 Starlight and made a shitty edit out of it to brag to this general
Sinner for this feel?
Hong Lu
For some reason, Gregor gives me Garrison's vibes.
Yo, he can sing! Nice.
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He can sing?..
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When will she start getting some actual development? A Canto or two before hers?
i’m way more excited for don’s canto now that i saw the antagonist is with purple tear’s faction. i’m sick and tired of the filler cantos where pm just follows a book and doesn’t continue their own storyline in any meaningful way. i would love to see don’s canto be a standoff against one of the fixers she loves with all the book stuff relegated to flashbacks and backstory
She already got lil hints. Its coming sooner than later
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I managed to do all the walpurgis missions earlier, can somebody tell that I did a good job?
>Assuming futa = functional hermaphrodite
That's literally what it means. The question is whether an impregnation like that would be viable. Limbus Company.
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I am...
good job squirt
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It occurs to me Halloween isn't going to be a thing this year either given October will be 3 weeks of story releases. Do Koreans hate Halloween or something?
Some say that's what it means others don't. As for viability see toad line threads on /an/
>do people like to celebrate holidays of other countries?
you tell me anon
Assuming that zwei west banner releases on 10/3 and part one of Don's canto starts 2 weeks later. The end of the dream IS the Halloween event.
FGO does it, dumb slut
What is P Crop's singularity, piss? If so, what does the Head use the piss singularity for?
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Z Corp: Zulu Corp. Wakanda esque corp with a special kind of metahuman augmentation scars
>he thinks sinners get development
lmao go back to your 4/10 legend of ruina if you want READING nerd.
They're responsible for managing rape in the city, and use rape as currency.
On a serious question its weird the people in the City doesnt celebrate the Founding of the City itself. You would think such a date would be worth celebrating due to the HUMANITY FUCK YEAH feeling.
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Z corp is for edit. Human editing.
nobody really cares about halloween other than americans because it's just an excuse to sell more shit
and genshin never did halloween event, if devs dont fell like it they just dont do it
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good job, little pal.
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>Little discussion about retarded lore speculations from outside of here in the last thread
What's the dumbest theory you guys have seen?
if you do the middle a good one without knowing they're the middle, do they return the favor?
I imagine you can't kill someone they hate because they need to deliver their own justice
don is a bloodfiend theory
and its all because she gets heal on bleed on her EGO lol
i didnt play that sorry
Don being a bloodfiend.
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Don being a bloodfiend but look how that one turned out.
I personally want IDs that rememble movie monsters. They should give us a traditional-looking Dracula, werewolf, mummy, and Frankenstein at least at some point.

Well Donfiend happened despite being totally retarded so I'm fully on board with Dante being Ayin now.
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>a century of limbus
It's not even bait. I never believed that shit until the train event forced me to.
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I failed to stagger my librarian the first time, and accidentally killed them the second time.
I somehow failed to engage with Oswald's mechanics.
Who cares, he ain't shit.
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>I personally want IDs that rememble movie monsters. They should give us a traditional-looking Dracula, werewolf, mummy, and Frankenstein at least at some point.
Why on earth?
It's such a cheap shitty aesthetic that captures none of the point of any of those characters
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They seem like the type to return a favor. Ricardo also seems like the type to get angry you "kill stole" someone from him, so you are in the book, kiddo.
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Don't look.
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is Oufi heathcliff core for tremor teams? i ask because he's the only tremor unit i dont have
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>Forgot to spoiler
Argalia and his smoke goons kicked my ass.
Please tell me I can use 2 floors next time I have to wade through fodder.
Who is getting it?
guys, how long will limbus last

should i invest?
10 limbillion years
until Director dies from a stroke.
i hope when they rework md again they force event packs to give you the appropriate ? node gifts. its obnoxious that i can go thru the whole floor and not get a single themed gift sometimes. even worse when 2 gifts are required for a fusion and i only get 1 piece
It's over
Yuri would never have huge tits
>force event packs to give you the appropriate ? node gifts
This is not the boon you think it will be
It strictly prohibits you from making 2 pocketwatches in the Time Killing Time pack in a single run. Also probably stops a lot of Charge gifts beings accessible
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Sounds like an issue with your mirror world
From what I've gathered with the new Devyat ID. Once you reach a certain Rupture and/or Truck amount, Rodion no longer eats count, right?
why would the themed pack forcing the event gifts first before normal ? nodes cause that
Because currently, the MD pack specific gifts are designed in that manner
If you get the event, and it's a choice between 2 EGO gifts, then you lose the choice of getting one as they can no longer be sought out. They are removed from the gift pool
If you DON'T get the event... then you have a chance of getting both of them. Either through shop refresh, gift fusion or post fight rewards
Thoughts on lithium battery?
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not really, hes good filler since he clashes well but lack of sloth hurts him
Sinners for this feel?
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I wish limbus was good.
That's fair. However I don't care about that. The instant I land on a ? node in an event pack it should load up a themed one for me. I'd much rather that than gamble and end up with nothing half the time. A event floor should always let you get at least 2 of the gifts for it.
Limbus Company is LGBT themed, I genuinely do not see how.
Those kinds of people will try to make everything about them with the flimsiest justifications.
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Hey /lcg/. I have a gift for you.
*slaps his ass*
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>131 pulls on walpipi
>still no Yi Sang
they've taken the same stance as some other "oppressed" people where they're so overtly aggressive about being potentially persecuted that you cant have a genuine discussion because you must be wrong and hate them as a people. they become impossible to reason with because they're unreasonable and this build ill will from those who werent even against them to begin with
A gift with no infinite hatred? Boring.
Sorry anon, Yi Sang only shows up to /lit/scholars who have read The Wings and Crows Eye View, AND fully appreciate poems 1 and 4
Meursault is an ex bigwig from Ncorp
He showed up to me and im legally retarded
Judging by his position in The Stranger, he was probably just some low to mid ranking feather, nothing more.
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snitches get stitches
That's why it's a silly theory.
But it's fun to peddle "Meursault is an ex director at N corp"
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Love me wife Outis!
no way
if the base ego portraits are supposed to be the sinner's rooms in mephistopheles, does that mean Ish has to deal with her room getting fucking flooded evry once in a while?
should i read the unofficial or official translation of the wings?
I wonder if this theme will make a cameo in Limbus one day.
Maybe not, maybe never. But now that I've come back to it, I really like it.
It also makes me want to replay LobCorp.
i always thought of them as portraits of their soul/past more than what their actual rooms are like myself
Probably not anymore

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