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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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The Wheel has turned once again.
Divine Emperor edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed) (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

Previous Pantokrator
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first for i love the melia
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Bakemono... I kneel
I am pretty much dead. I failspanded hard and I had a lot of lizards and barbs on my side.

Good map tho, I had trouble breaking knights. This or the next one might be my last turns.
Bros what shoe and misc item would you put on a golem? I know chain is good but what would you put in 2nd slot?
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I am out
>Empower a mage to F1
>Turns out I was sitting on an F2 mage site the whole time
Black heart
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>Tfw your god is a fucking retard
Whatever resist you think you might need or flying boots for escapes when you inevitably over estimate your golems combat abilities.
I'm shitposting.


Blitz moment. Took too long doing diplo as well.
Shoe on head.
Join iMAgine_the_smell
Random map, Spellcasting AI and Worthy Heroes only, no sloops.
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ok maybe i should have brought more mages
Jesus fucking Christ. How?
Did you notice the 8 black bows on target 'large monster'? I wanted to see if they could hit the god before he cast phoenix pyre (tho sloops gives recup so this is stronger in vanilla -- I think feebleminded is slow to heal regardless tho).

I'm happy to have seen a big fight even if mage commitment levels weren't equal (but it was closer to me so it isn't shocking I could bring more).
Howd only 15 bakemonos die
Ghosts die to flaming arrows. Bakemono archers are strong bows (and good swords, so them firing bows is really just more time to buff them, or so I hear).

In this case it was flaming arrows + big mages vs mostly ghosts.

I coerced Therodos into taking a big fight, otherwise those ghosts prob split up and raid me down.
yeah its a bit ridiculous
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oh look its that bug again
No Sloop's link
I refuse to use this thread
What's the bug?
I think this map has pre-placed thrones. So whenever I tell dom6 to place thrones I think its doubling them up.
Need one more to get started for an EA game
Join now!
Do a regular map and I'll join but I can't mapnuke. Too ugly.

/domg/ FOR SLOOP
Redpill me on Nidavangr
I changed it to a cartographic revision map.
What is that and what does it look like?
Its going to be dust to dust isnt it
look at the thumbnail on the game.
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ok i win because i got the double throne province.
gg thanks for game.
i really dislike this map. its like a pve map, i just did pve and won. plus the thrones are broken.
also theres so few magic sites for some reason
Damn I was hoping I'd get to fight shinu again.
Just when I got my heavenly choir...
>slop babby thread uses illfraud image in OP
cant make this shit up. they really hate illwinter and dominions, yet they play their game.
Maybe I'm retarded but I'm not seeing any such thing on my phone.
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Maybe it doesn't show on mobile. Here it is
first person perspective camera mod when? i want to see what the battlefield looks like through the eyes of one of my units.
Illwinter should sell the rights to EA so we can get some real AAA graphics.
we catch another disturbing glimpse into the mind of the slop babby
OverlOAdmin, can you sat Bandar Ai? He's not coming back.
do not suffer a sloop's hater to live

Revolt against the modern world
do not allow this newfag trash to destroy our storied general culture

Join the REAL thread
We're up to 9. How many more can we get?
>our storied general culture
bro slops is literally d*scord culture
>This post is extremely low quality.
He's not the one making duplicate generals. You should have beaten OP to it, faggot.
Should be a woman
You want a Divine Empress?
with unaging bless please
That's right
Divine Sage Empress is already a thing for TC but she's kinda rubbish because she's only dom1 instead of dom22
nice samefagging sloop's hater
also sloop's is discord culture?
we are reaching levels of newfaggery never thought possible
God damn it anon.
Everyone in this thread mentioning sloops in any way is the exact same person
It's just an autist starved for attention, ignore him.
why are you in this thread?
do you hate sloop's?
you must. or why would you be in this thread?
I'm pretty sure this dude is literally arguing with himself and trying to falseflag both sides kek, holy autism.
Let's stop arguing about this gay mod and DO YOUR TURNS so we can all play more Dominions sooner.
You might be on to something, anon. In fact you must mentioned it yourself so tell us - why are you doing it?
I don't know who is schizoing who anymore
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Absolutely based and gamepilled. Also join iMAgine_the_smell
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nifflehelm... the turn
I refuse to play Sloop's until he fixes the boulder horseshit
ponyfucker went too far with that
unfortunately, if you win using mods you did not actually become pankoman
ermm? but slop only buffs things and doesnt nerf things therefore there shouldnt be problem? (i conveniently ignore the fact that buffing things means other things are practically nerfed)
look at the seether in this thread
you faggots need to dilate that shit up your ass
slop is a balancing MASTERMIND and anyone who dares to claim that his BALANCE mod is in fact not BALANCED will be smitten down by the d*scord glownode brigade!!!! HELL YEAH
I play sloops and OP is (always) a faggot but what you're doing is 100x worse and more annoying. Imagine trying to split the general. Jesus Christ is the IRL Pantokrator and he isn't happy with you and your faggotry.
leave it to slop babbies to do things that are 100x worse and more annoying. couldnt be me.
samefag again
this is the start of the Sloop's counterinsurgency faggot
about to start griefing all vanilla games
I DON'T play goysloop and you're being an obnoxious faggot too. This general is usually pretty comfy. Let's chill.
everyone knows there is only one sloophater
uhm ok dude, you do you
Is there a maximum number of players? It would be fun to see an entire age's nation list in one game.
ok see the slop guy is definitely falseflagging both sides
Definitely untrue. This is a psyop.
he doesn't even disguise his typing pattern LMAO
i am an independent fact-checker and i have confirmed this as true
You're right, you don't. :^)
are we being raided?
we had those a few months ago, one for each age
Was it as fun as it seems? Must have been not long before I started. I've been playing heavily recently but I'm still a newfag.
Curious how Slop explicitly set out to make a mod that didn't split the playerbase
and now here we are
either that or someone is off their meds today
Go read the AARs in the archive if you want to know how the games went. (HUGE Fomoria, MAss Shinuyama, LArge Erytheia)
no I am just tired of all the Sloop hate
someone has to rise up against it
not my fault you fags are all passive pussies, explains your play
It's 100% a /gsg/ retard having a giggle, the low quality of the posts and the way it feels is the exact same
kys yourself
poor man's gsg without an actual political map lmao like HOW'S that even fun
no u
We can still make our nations groĂŸ
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Start it.
Do it now before I change my mind and drop out.
you realize that no matter how much you try to falseflag we're not going to try JBBM right
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Bros I just want to play some turns. Wat do?
have you considered joining game
Have you? >>495010237
The nation I wanted is taken
So pick another nation designed specifically to counter the nation that you wanted, and go fuck that faggot up for taking your nation.
Redpill me on the Russian Chuds. How do I into these guys?
undying regen bears kill everything
Horror Harmonica
grasping earth
Lanka's starting stack can't even expand Saturday against 50 mostly militias. I've died twice in a row to stacks like this in single player testing.
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>play Machaka
>use larger bless
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>play caelum
>use unaging bless
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How does one wield super combatants?
Noob take but am I correct in that they are tactically significant but strategically insignificant?
Tactically, they are a powerful force of destruction by themselves.
Strategically, they can't secure or at least not reliably secure strategic objectives by themselves.
Another noob take; in my experience results from using SCs differ wildly, I can't precisely gauge what they can beat and what they can't beat. Lack of experience perhaps. It's a bit of a gamble in whether they will wipe an army or be wiped. Especially so when the SC isn't mindless and might rout, then it's another gamble whether he will retreat successfully or not.
Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
Wiping enemy stacks isn't strategically significant enough for you?
thats tactical. if you put the sc to hold on to a throne its vulnurable to countermeasures because the opponent will predict that it stays there.
throwing it at armies is different.
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Anon, I...
If you kill all their armies, what do they put in their sleevies?
idk how you are delineated strategic vs tactical. SCs can be used to control space on the map, lock down enemy forts, take thrones, blowup armies, and so on. If your SC storms a fort in your army's stead and defeats your enemy, it's hard not to see that as a strategic win. Your army is free to move on to the next fort without taking losses, or spending the turn storming the fort itself.
>Noob take
anon there is a difference between being a noob and being a fucking retard
Lanka's expo is famously difficult. You can overcome it by taking a monster or take a big bless AND have good scripting. I seem to recall that its easier in sloops
reminder that theres going to be a second gigablitz on saturday, this time with better throne settings so it doesnt turn into an endless slog.
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who rushed Atlantis
blitzmin you can't download maps manually
and when trying to preview them on the maps page it redirects to cloudflare

>Sloops doesn't nerf any-ACK
No one buys helotes as Phlegra anyway.
Both of those units were buffed overall
That's a buff in 95% of cases anon.
>no one buys helote xbows
another great word of advice from a /domg/ veteran
>shoot own cyclops soldiers in the back
>run away cause of shitty morale
Yeah, no thanks. The only human troops worth anything are the cataphracts and the suicide collar guys.
Holy_Divers is at 12. Start the game.
12 idiots playing a game
>holey diapers
you're going to spill your shit everywhere
>Sloops doesn't nerf any-ACKACK
>slightly less crossbow spam
Sounds based to me
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>The only human troops worth anything are the cataphracts and the suicide collar guys.
All battles are 500g of each type of unit
Expect the same thing against einheres, zweis, and the like
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Turns out grugs are kind of ass tier?
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Tortle did, but I fucked up expansion completely and am in too many games atm.
Plus map is frankly sapping away any of my will to play. Mod is cool tho, some other time, maybe.
>no sloops link
cursed thread I depart
We are live!
Have fun guys
>crossbows and nothing else against dudes with no shields and nothing else
no, tell me it ain't true
ACK-ACK-ACK holy fuck ACK
niggas be like >>495085379 IM BANNING UBAR CORRUPTION TOO STRONG but then cry about nerfs to corruption
>game looks and plays like a shitty mobile game
>also costs 50 $
Sloop's also makes shaytan cost 3cmd points each, which is actually way more of a nerf than the morale thing is.
oh I was wondering wtf that guy was talking about cause I was only able to build 1 per turn. I think gold is still the limiting factor not commander points, but that's still a big deal if they're huge
Fundamentally making shaytan is gonna be ubar's first priority, they're usually rich as fuck but even if they're down to 600 gold making another shay is almost always the best move. Going from 2 to 3 points means Ubar gets 33% fewer shaytans across the course of the game. That's huge.
I think ifrit sultans are pretty good though.
One or two are okay for your big spells but they're kind of a trap option.
>New game starts.
> 2 of my starting provinces are thrones.
Welp, I might get lucky or I might just not be able to do anything this game.
>not bringing an awake or a big bless so you can expand no matter what and cap ring thrones are simply free throne points, temple checks and gems
YWNBAP (you will never be a pankoman)
Is there any way to beat an MA ermor with BV 1v1 before turn 50?
they're super combatants
dude the bro takes his sloop hate seriously you gotta give him that
if you add sloop's, it plays like a non shitty mobile game
maggots on a regen chassis
can you not just add defense negates to the aoe effect? that would probably fix much of the issue
PLEASE tell me which mobile game plays like Dominions please please
When he isn't doing that he shills for anons to play over at SA with totally not his mod
There was an anti-sloop JBBM shill around a year ago, has to be the same guy. I don't know why he tries. JBBM is full of dumb bullshit, it even changed black servant to shadow servant years before illfraud did in typical Something Troony fashion.
isnt maggots just a single target? how does that help at all versus 100 lictors
what if, in the warhammer mod, I change it to nigger servant?
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too poor for $50 for the best strategy game of all time? sad!
zero originality or wit
call it Skulking Negro
how does that help? they still kill any unit 1v1 and the sheer amount of checks for BV if youre doing Evos mean your mages will die regardless of MR
Uncle Tom
Field Nigger

my votes
A dozen N mages each casting Maggots once will nuke 3-4 lictors per turn, every turn starting around turn 3. More if you make them cast twice
give them some basic MR buffs and/or regen if they're big bois like Enkidu
>How does trivializing the amount of BV reflects on every single unit in the fight help?
idk nigga what do you think?
BV is just to get a 1v1 and avoid nukes which it still accomplishes, doesnt seem to do much at all in my tests
>they still kill any unit 1v1
They honestly don't even win against a Guardian 1v1 without BV
yeah you know what, that definitely seems worth it even if it only kills 1 since lictors DO just rape every unit that's like saving 5 units per cast
Sounds like BV isnt the problem then
There's also ravenous, but that's N3 instead of "literally any random tribal indie" and taxes your regeneration a lot more if you spam it 4-5 times
i have access to nature and astral mages so i can get up to that easily
If you're an Astral nation then just have one guy cast Northern Star and another guy cast Antimagic and have all your S1s spam the shit out of Solar Rays, it's an AoE 1 with 100 precision that does 14 AP damage to deader so an entire square of lictors gets deleted after 3 hits
S1s are cheap as fuck
yeah im already casting northern star, you think that's better than body ethereal? lictors dont have magic weapons
BV checks magic resist. He's saying to Northern Star into Antimagic so your troops stand better odds against BV procs. Body Ethereal is fine, but generally speaking you probably want to try and kill them before they get close enough to attack your mages in melee.
yeah it's just a question to after i get MR up for BV if I want more defensive buffs to waste the enemy's time or all-in on evocations
How the fuck do I match Sceleria in the late game bros?
I can't match the undead industrial complex.
Have you tried priest spam?
I can kill longdead and souless just fine. I can't defeat the other undead that flank and murder me.
Just cast fire storm man
No decent access to fire paths. I do have earth access since I'm playing T'ien.
Then do EQs...by other undead do you mean vamp lords and shit?
Meaning more like wraith lords and ghost spam
Do you have any good sacreds?
kys yourself
you want stuff that makes skeletons kill themselves like fireshield. the skeletons suck ass without mage support, if you have astral indies just suicide bomb them into their communion to fuck them up
where the blitzers at
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Sorry been working. Do you wanna host today?
I'll fix it if you blitz today.
>He doesn't play dominions on his phone over RDP
Bugger it here's the game
just took a huge satisfying dump I am ready to blitz
>wake up
>take a dump
>get out of bed
*Flashback to game where Helheim attacked me with Fear blessed valkyries (not in a blitz).*

I think I might pass to(day)night. Alternatively, what counters elves and fear?
Arrows and earth meld counter elves (though not valkyries), as well as elemental evocations now that nobody takes omniresists anymore
nothing really counters fear in melee, so anything that can kill them before they get to you. bait squads at the back if they attack rear maybe
>nobody takes omniresists anymore
why not? was it nerfed in 6?
to be fair those bakemonos are beasts
2 points for 5 instead of 3 points for 10, and stats are 2 points for 1 instead of 3 for 2 now, and that was enough to kill the elf meta forever. Based illgods
I still see it on MA agartha because they're so overpowered they dont need anything but that
slops could never
I am pulling out of the blitz a wave of fatigue has hit me
Its owari da
The cycle is broken
I was just about to join with a nation that has no range or earth access.
weakling. i woke up feeling ill and i still join the blitz.
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how good is this
very good. but at what cost?
all my death and air gems since the start
Eating dinner and surely we'll have at least five players when I get back..
nation? and is that against bots? if so, expansion in a real game is more limited and you will have less income to spend on research.
S-tier but how are you not being rushed to death
Heh, I go eat dinner mid blitz. No one has eaten me doing it yet!
*eats u*
one of the natgen ones
not saying which for this >>495127421 reason
Still looking for more for iMAgine_the_smell
Come join, bros.
>one of the natgen ones
ah ok then. because im playing a research heavy nation most of the time and cant reach that kind of research at turn 21.
note that it still uses dom5 mage prices, thats a big part
Otasa is the threat
alright lemme cook up a meme
afk for like 30 minutes, then ill resubmit
Starting dailyblitz
can we do uhh random map gen perhaps? sick of monasteries of light
Yeah I did randommap. Even though it makes me cry. I would have liked to do that sick new map but 5 players it'll be an indie fest and I don't have much time left tonight.
blitzers assemble
they're cooking, give them time
Did mictlan die?
he is going to if he doesnt make his turns
I might just unstart and remove him. He might have gone to bed. The game's been sitting around for a while.
If he comes back I'll restart for him.
the melia enters the hall of fame with... 0 kills
Wait, I've seen this before! Something somethings knees!
My pronouns are he/him. Don't assume I'm some kind of third gender faggot you bigot.
Ah, blitzmin, he/him is back! We gonna restart?
too far in
>Missed the blitz by an hour
its over, see you tomorrow.
Run your own blitz! Watch as it gets even more players. Would be funny. I know blitzmin can play in multiple blitz games at once.
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same. i bet its because of one age
>9 daktyls
>not a single D1
one of those games, huh
>Ghost ship armada
>Or hidden in snow
yeah blitzmin cast ghost ship armada to fuck me over completely and let agartha have a free win, hes already in reach of his 4th throne.
Its too late.
It was always too late.
Ghost Ship Armada is funnier. Frozen in Snow is also cool. Can't wrong!

Heck, maybe the underground has many lakes, so it'd impact Agartha as well!
I'm taking one of agartha's forts next turn.
Nice pve game for me...
Oh fug is it habbeding
Level 3 thrones only and forever from now on! Increase indie difficulty as well!

(I don't pay enough attention).
the issue is no wraparound, thats the number one issue.
dont know why blitzmin does these no wrap maps
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Damnit. I waited one turn and I shouldn't have.
Illwinter fucks the throne gen anyway but I guess.
GG. Next time I play with an obfuscate hellbless so I can have 1 SC on every throne to stop this happening.
what was dominions 1 like
>Illwinter fucks the throne gen anyway but I guess.
no man, it doesnt. the issue is with no wraparound there can be a corner on the map where theres a bunch of thrones around a player that other players have difficulty reaching.
with full wraparound there are no corners, this issue is completely nonexistent.
i know you slop fans like to hate on illwinter every chance you get for some reason but this aint it.
i was thoroughly kept in check by mister check keeper shinuyama (who couldnt even reach agartha if he wanted to because no wraparound settings)
i dub shinuyama MVP of this game
>I waited one turn
too busy casting that vitally important ghost ship armada
just bantz bro dont take it to heart ok but yeah that was the most mind-blowing strategic maneuver my eyes have ever beared witness to in my life
Its fucking admiral torgrin's wild ride
How can I not?
What's a nation that does well keeping a low profile
therodos for sure unless youre being kept in check by mr check keeper shinuyama (MVP of today's dailyblitz)
shit i completely forgot and went out for a bit, my bad. i'll retry this meme next week when im around again
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Non wrap exacerbates the issue yes, but I just genned a map with the same settings that the blitz was; 7 thrones four to win and there's a cluster of four thrones within, (looks to be), about 4 provinces at most between them.
Part of the issue is "can other players get there" but a lot of the problem is "how many thrones can you get in a small area".
I'm counting the provinces, and all of agartha's thrones look to be within four provinces from his cap. The map gen decided to stick two of them underground, and two of them right next to the cave entrances above ground.
Some immobiles cant even teleport my dude
Yeah that's what I have noticed ever since dom 6 when we were forced to use the default map gen more it always clusters all the thrones together unless the map is really big
Shinuyama here: no nation can keep a low profile. The Bakemono will come for you on the fields, the dark vision will come for you in the caves (if there is a cave entrance around), and the kappa will come for you underwater.

Tho (serious) meme aside, you want to project power so you don't look weak, but you also don't want to be too scary. Some nations are considered very dangerous, but even then, you might be able to diplo your way into only fighting one person at a time.

For example, I'm terrified of Therodos, so I had no qualms throwing myself into a (game losing) war very early. Next time I probably won't do that.

Consider MA C'tis for the dominion that gives people disease. It might make them not want to attack you. Underwater nations are also (mostly) safe from land nations.

Are you asking for a blitz? Say you want to chill and people will probably let you.
>cluster of four thrones
so? all players surround that cluster. its not in the corner somewhere and inaccessible. its literally surrounded by everyone. you might have to attack someone to reach it but you can reach it realistically in any case.
non wrap doesnt "exacerbate" the issue, it creates it. with wraparound this issue does not exist at all.
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Conveniently I actually spawned as abysia right underneath those thrones (similar-ish to the agartha case, with a cave entrance right next to my cap that pops up right next to the thrones) so I could check what it looks like by just walking around with my expansion army.

If someone wanted to, they could probably win a game with this spawn in like 10 turns flat since abysia can usually walk right through T2 thrones.
Therodos could reach the above ground thrones, C'tis (I, to be clear), could reach one of them. But no amount of wrapping would have helped with the two thrones below ground. Realistically the only person who COULDN'T reach those thrones was shinu.
bro... now show the ai spawns? or did you spawn in alone. everyone else is just as close because its full wraparound except for the underground perhaps depending on entrances.
come on man its not that deep
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Ermor did spawn quite close to the eastern edge of the cluster - roughly as close as therodos spawned to agartha's southern throne and I to his northern one. If it were full wrap I think the difference would have been shinu's situation.
That wouldn't have made a difference to agartha getting a pocket dimension with half the thrones he needed in it.

Nowrap makes it worse, but the nowrap never would have been a problem if the randomgen didn't stick two thrones in agartha's pocket dimension, with the two cave entrances right next to eachother and two more thrones right next to them. Was that because of nowrap or are you arguing that the entire problem was that shinu couldn't contest the thrones?
>are you arguing that the entire problem was that shinu couldn't contest the thrones?
yes it is a problem when one out of four players cant contest another player from winning AT ALL just because theres no wraparound. with wraparound he could have easily contested.
above posts about shinuyama being check keeper and all that, thats just bantz. what else is he supposed to do? only thing he can do is fight the righteous battle against the popkill nation, thats all he could do in this game, and why? because of no wraparound.
me? i could have actually ignored shinuyama's raiding and made a better effort challenging agartha but i didnt. bad decision from me.
shinuyama couldnt do shit, regardless of his decision making.
thats the problem. and this problem is caused by no wraparound. it is not caused by the random throne placement.
Cloud trapeze?
cloud trapezing?
in this time of your?
concentrated entirely in your game?

but seriously E/W wraparound is standard and maps require a lot of fine tuning if they aren't going to do that. Way too easy to get boxed into a corner
as a goodmin I always make sure there are good starts, no bad throne locations, and the map is wraparound. yes I would like a cookie
cloud trapeez'n to yo momma's crib
we captured the throne?
claim eet.
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Who among you retards and coomers hasn't joined iMAgine_the_smell yet? There's still time. We're up to ten. Let's get a few more.
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>Join the REAL thread
>doesn't exist because jannies nuked the duplicate (for free)
I'm thinking about it
Don't think. Just do.
joined as pyrene, but then I deleted when I remembered pbem is too boring for me
What is pbem?
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>comes to the pbem thread
>doesn't like pbem
So what ARE you here for?
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Play by email
He's clearly a blitz enjoyer
What is that reaction image supposed to convey?
least ADHD blitz enjoyer
What are some water/land hybrid nations like therodos and jomon

Xibalba (MA and LA) to a lesser extent

Agartha to a much lesser extent
Land units can't enter water, water units can't go on land, it's very, very poor at being a hybrid
In fact EA R'lyeh is more of a hybrid nation than Ur(uk)
Yeah I've played them a few times and have yet to establish myself in water successfully
I wish Uruk could consistently get into the water
The fish enkidu slap way harder than they have any right to
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>MA Caelum seraphines are H1s
>they have 20% F1
>this means they have to be 2 rec points
Seriously what the fuck is this horseshit, at least make them H2s
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I have been thinking these guys are kind of sexy lately...
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Wikipedia says this is Ereshkigal, not Ishtar or Inanna
Have we been duped? Is the Annunaki of the Underworld the real OG?
Femanon detected, post nature gems
They're the same person breg
Ereshkigal is often considered to be a reflex or aspect of Inanna, basically Inanna wearing a funny hat and mask

She's got a bunch of weird shit going on such as being married to the Bull of Heaven (the same Bull that Inanna throws a fit over to throw at Gilgamesh), sharing Inanna's husband for half the year, being Inanna's older sister, and having a name that translates to "Lady of the Earth". The main myth that Inanna and Ereshkigal both take part in is Inanna trying to go into the underworld to become the ruler of all three worlds (heaven, earth, and the underworld), and while Ereshkigal is the antagonist there she basically doesn't have a personality up until the point she kills Inanna, telling her that she needs to stop being so puffed up because she has no power here yada yada. You could substitute Ereshkigal with the laws of the underworld to the same effect. The moment Inanna dies Ereshkigal suddenly has a lot more personality, including constantly being in pain (which is weird since Inanna's the one who got stripped butt naked and stabbed to death) and being slutty.

There's a decent chance that Ereshkigal was just one of Inanna's titles until later authors split them up. Basically Annunaki of Love & War, Annunaki of the Morning Star, and Annunaki of the Underworld are all the same god and her real base paths should be more like A2 E2 S2 N3 D3.
I'm not sure if Sun Wukong is, but if he isn't he's an obvious A/E/G dom2
probably has like 20 prot and 3 attacks per round but a mediocre 30ish HP
What are some gods or mythological figures that aren't tendies but should be, and what paths and abilities would you give them?
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Brilliant AI, shillfraud
for vajrayana buddhist inspired nations, late age tien chi in particular, or buddhist inspired nations in general.
not sure about paths and abilities, multiple arms for sure.
Nothing really counters fear
I don't think Mars/Area is in the game
he'd effectively be an extra tanky giga-elf who has a better stat and ability line than any titan, but would have low HP and cause unrest
too bad there's no mechanic that could represent his headband weakness
The headband thing is a tacked on weakness anyway, it's just a cursed item and not something that's inherent to Goku
Can you imagine her as a trinity?>>495175517
And immortality
Since he's hyper immortal
It's an artistic statement about the nature of slaves and masters
it's cool I figured a work around
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are you a domg veteran? explain what happened here without looking at the replay
skelespam floods the battlefield until turn timer
skele spam plus the battle enchantment that summons wolves?
combined with bugspam/howl because there's more nature than death mages I guess
yeah skeleton and bugs spam, no battlefield wide combat spell though

it was very close to fatiguing out, unlucky for nidder. Another weird thing is that the wyrm only cast fire shield after like 80 combat rounds
oh and the wyrm also had fear 5 innate + fear 5 bless so it got rid of the good units pretty fast, might have been different without the extra fear
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Rate my gem management this game. Genuinely no clue how to use these things
huge waste.
i only play nations with forging bonuses nowadays so i can spend all my gems easily on useful stuff and i always run short.
so not sure how a non-forging-focus nation would do it best but i suppose even if your nation doesnt have forging bonuses you will want to forge something.
crazy thing is i've actually been making summons i just dont have enough mage turns to sit around doing it. It's hard man. I could cast globals but I wouldnt need the gems from them it would just prevent others from casting theirs maybe?
There should be an obsidian colossus in line with the wooden and bronze colossi, along with the colossal head, colossal fetish, and elephant idol. Forced dormant+, dom4, E1D2 (same paths as Obsidian Eye hero for Agartha), all the tags. I would make it available to R'lyeh (it reminds me of a Mask of Nyarlathotep) as well as Mictlan/Xibalba, Machaka, and maybe Agarth.
t. colossus enjoyer
This was mine from a blitz where I didn't spend a single gem until I went AI.
craft free gem items
give your mages gems
craft items
craft quills and skulls for RP
use them for diplo and trading, make items to gift to other nations for good boy nap points
empower niggas
cast gem generation rituals
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Chat is this real?
Forgot to mention this guy had a fucking skull mentor on his god here lol
>he doesn't know about the skull mentor trick
If you could embed 2h and trn files into images you could play-by-domg
That'd be cool
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>tfw there's legitimately no counterargument for this

wtf bros
the counterargument is that blitzes are invariably small and have fast research and there's no time for anything but mashing stacks together
t. blitz enjoyer for this very reason
blood magic and communions are too hard to use in blitzes
No they're not
>open army tab
>set one mage to cast communion master
>set one mage to cast communion slave
>go through the rest of your mages randomly assigning slave or master
now get the perfect amount of blood slaves and blood hunting in general
Whingey bastard ain't ya
>blitzes don't have the two most annoying magic paths

Is this supposed to be a bad thing...?
>invariably small
They don't have to be.
>astral is somehow badwrong
Pythium is unironically one of the most honest nations in the entire game
Giant bros... it's over...
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>Wish to kill Ragha's God
>Gets hit by a spear
>Get hit by several arrows
>Gets Super Soul Slayed
>Get this message
Wishing to kill a god seems like a dumb play ngl, it can't be worth it
If they're carrying some stacked global it's often more economical than trying for a dispel.
yeah cause i play them
t. god of Ragha
Astral is the lol I kill you and you can't do anything about it school dude, at least own up to it.
Oh, very true, I didn't think of that
>Astral is the lol I kill you and you can't do anything about it school
Are you complaining about Soul Slay or what
You may as well complain about Pillar of Fire or Frozen Heart if Soul Slay makes you this platinum mad
Bro was fucking sniping my leaders with magic arrows. This was just for revenge, and I thought it'd be funny. I don't really care about winning, I failspanded like 4 times, and am puny while the last remaining humans seem to be in a forever war. I don't think this game will end any time soon....
>comparing fixed damage spells (minus elemental resists) to literal save-or-die instakills

Holy fucking dishonest.
>fixed damage spells
Pillar of Fire does 35 fucking AP damage for 20 fatigue, and any F1 can cast it the whole combat with a single fire gem for Phoenix Power. You could have 15 FR and 20 prot and it'll still kill the entire square if it has human HP.

>save or die
Yeah...emphasis on the save. Most good troops already have pretty good MR and adding antimagic means even communion bonuses for penetration won't break through very often. It's also much worse against human size targets.
Astral is dishonest because all its spells are 100 range and aoe: 1 unit so no accuracy check.
Positioning your mages at the back of the square instead of up front is extremely dishonest.
>Pillar of Fire does 35 fucking AP damage for 20 fatigue, and any F1 can cast it the whole combat with a single fire gem for Phoenix Power. You could have 15 FR and 20 prot and it'll still kill the entire square if it has human HP.

That's cool man. Master Enslave hits literally every enemy at once and even crummy little S2s can cast it with a big enough communion. And it's even better than an instant kill since you get the unit afterwards.
Who the fuck puts their falling fires/shadow blast/iron blizzard/maws of the earth casters up front
unless you're talking about SCs, in which case I guess??
If you ask me the main dishonesty of astral is that you can empower any random caster to S1 and instantly get full combat access to the entire path even if a random F1 adventurer from an event is the only F you have

Master Enslave is MRN Easy so it also isn't going to enslave shit worth enslaving through Antimagic unless you bring like 100 slaves, at which point you have 20k gold and probably hundreds of gems worth of resists to stop yourself from getting nuked out of existence by murdering winter on the field, and you're still not likely to hit dudes with 18 base MR. Have you ever actually played Pythium into someone who knows what they're doing?
>Who the fuck puts their falling fires/shadow blast/iron blizzard/maws of the earth casters up front
if you don't, they will only ever selfbuff all battle
>Who the fuck puts their falling fires/shadow blast/iron blizzard/maws of the earth casters up front
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Kirkfors has Wraith Lord in 2nd year.
your f3s self buff? with what
I've never had that problem with abysia/mari
That can't be right, you'd need like 1k average research per turn. Gotta be a deepfake.
furious warriors + whatever other path they have
which is exactly what an air+death nation like kirkfors bragged about having >>495126715
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>He didn't take the death 3 luck 3 pill
Nah no way, even if you had 698 research starting from turn 0 it'd still take you 13 turns to hit conj8. The idea of casually going into const first and then making research boosters and then going into conj is impossible in that timeframe.
and yet it i find it easier to believe than somebody unironically getting death 3 on their cap
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>ubar wall defenders
Absolute joke of a DM nation
But it's turn 22
If it ramped up linearly, so that the first and 21st, 2nd and 20th, turns' research all add up to 700, then that's roughly the same amount
You'd still need like 450 research/turn on average if we're assuming the wraith lord was cast last turn. That's just an impossible ask. Outside of mayyybe great archon shenanigans.
It was an event.
Not me.
Once you get the hang of using the hotkeys it is achievable. I used them in Gigablitz for most of the game, and won.
ez blood for blitz:
1. pick 1-3 places to harvest blood slaves, send appropriate army to patrol there along with blood hunters.
2. every turn send 1-2 commanders or scouts to the blood harvesting sites from a lab, every turn send 1-2 commanders or scouts from the harvesting location to a lab, dump or pick up blood slaves as appropriate.

Might cost you a minute or two to do that and also distribute the blood slaves to armies. It takes time, but you can make it easy to manage. Also, there is some hotkey to give all blood slaves to one commander, and another to dump all the gems that a commander has, but I never used either because I couldnt be arsed to look it up in the middle of a blitz
yeah im a hotkey master, still would like more time to get a good communion out with perfect fatigue but w/e
It really is a time taxing chore, no way around that
Hello, my name is batlogar Wingarenson and I love Xibalba (noone say batlogay)
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>opps smash into each other on some tom and jerry shit because they both desperately wanna eat my corpse

Good, good...
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Suiciding my sages for a magic duel barrage because I dont want to deal with abysia heat aura fatigue death on them. Based clever usage or retarded?
That's basetarded
>He lost 22 sacreds, I lost 13 naked chakram throwing elephants
probably actually perfectly balanced by gold cost
Wtf nations are these?
From the new DLC breh
4th age expansion adds several new nations not in the previous nations. it sucks and only discord trannies play with it.
i think it's from natgen a mod where all nations are randomized somehow

seems like an impressive technological feat but i dont feel like playing it
It's not just random, it's also nations with races that nothing in vanilla has. Like hoburg nations or aesir or crabs.
>so new he doesn't recognize a frequently played mod, makes an incorrect assumption and starts talking about troons
domg veteran moment
Blitzmin next blitz better have 2 minute timers for the first 12 turns OR ELSE
>falling for an obvious joke as if it was bait
how nigga how
your joke sucked so much it is more believable that it was a sincere comment
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How many people are we waiting for in iMAgine_the_smell?
it wasnt me but i found it funny because of all the slop posting
I'm gonna set Luland AI in the natgen game because they did a triple stale. I feel a bit bad since they've been staling a lot but doing turn sporadically, but yeah if you can't find time to do one turn every few days at a minimum that won't really work.
They're cooking! Trying to look nonthreatening by staling often.

Check their turn and you'll see! Lots of repeat actions (forging, spells, and recruitment) + very high research (maybe highest in game!).
Staling intentionally...The most elite veteran move
warhammerfag here
thinking tzeentch units should have a slight weakness to poison
thematically, from an animus towards nurgle

nature is the only path they lack so it provides a difficult to evade attack vector
and I have only tested with them a bit, but they seem really strong.

I am thinking like poison res -1 on the marauders, poison res -2 on chaos warriors, sombre gave the demons poison res, but I think it makes more sense as shock resist.

Nurgle and tzeentch fighting would be a slaughter if all of the tzeentch demons have 10+ poison res lol. Very lore unfriendly
Okay but anytime you nerf something you have to increase one of the Kislev bear stats by 1.

(Poison resist -1 across any number of units is one nerf, posion resist -2 across any number of units is another nerf, etc).

These are my demands.
I will look more closely at stats on the next go round
I already removed the reclimit from the bearknights. That should tide you over lol
Do your multi-player turns!
Playing as Nazca is suffering
At first I thought they had forgotten to set a password but no they have one and I can confirm they're not cooking anything and their research is bad. They're also getting vultured by at least one dude and I'm activating their AI neurons to give them a fighting chance with their 19k saved gold. Sorry to Luland's player if they pop back in at any point. Well if they pop back in before the turn rolls they can un-AI themselves.
I'm so sorry Hinnom, if only I had attacked two turns earlier this would have been preventable. In truth I didn't think it's going so badly for Aby.
For shame too, it was about the only game that has been going well for me.
I dunno this is probably good. I'll start soon.
Everyone playing iMAgine_the_smell, if you need to change your tendies or anything, please do it within the next few hours. It's currently 2:23pm where I am, and I'll start this evening.
Shit I thought we had 14 but it's 12. I can't count. Join up niggas, the more the merrier!
there's an ermor in the game that will be going blood vengeance

id rather KRILL myself than deal with an ermor hell bless
>KRILL myself
So you're R'lyeh?
I once had the biggest edgelord ermor ever write some paragraph of an in-game message because I dared attack him (I didnt want to play after spawning near him)
I feel like I've played like 3 dozens games of 6 already and I still haven't won a single one, I don't think I've even gotten to be serious contender for victory.
I don't like MA Ermor either, but making rules about certain nations not being allowed seems faggy.
I have won, and I'm a newfag who does dumb shit all the time. Chin up, bro. You'll get one eventually.
in domg games it is indeed faggy to ban, but in discord games I prefer the popkills being banned (as well as fear bless, fuck that)
So you think faggy rules are appropriate for faggy games? I can't fault your logic. Seems legit.
Well, why haven't you? Examine where you fall short and work backwards from there. Often times players especially newer ones get stuck in the rut of thinking having a solid amount of provs and not at war = good, when in practice that's just a recipe for stagnation. It really can't be emphasized enough that if you're sitting pretty on a good number of provs but not currently warring with anyone, you're just getting weaker and weaker as the game goes on. Allowances can be made for waiting to hit key spells and stuff, but generally you want action. If you get a kill or two by the midgame and a decent number of thrones, it's a lot easier to doomstack someone alongside a throne rush to get over the finish line.
yes, domg games it's fine to be as gay as possible because you can go AI at any point you stop having fun

in discord games you are locked into a game if someone decides to be a huge fag cause chronic leavers wont find people to play with
joining in 15
Maybe but I probably have to do something else, sorry. I hope you get a big 8 man blitz to make up for it!

Join the blitz and tell people you're new. They should be nice and let you scale. (Be sure to not stagnate tho).
>MA blitz
did you forget to select one age? in any case im fine with ma
Yes I did. Fixed.Also turned on SCBM
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GG thanks for game.
my first win in a /domg/ game. im going to write about the game from my perspective and some of my decisions later today.
>Also turned on SCBM
You should turn it off desu.
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iMAgine_the_smell has 12 players and will start soon, so finalize your tendies if they're not already.
I'd love to see a few more if anybody wants to make the game more groĂŸ.
blitz dead?
It seems to be, yes.
Want to 1v1?
ok, i prefer without slops but ill play either way
Give me a bit to look through the inspector and see if there's anything niche in vanilla I can play with.
also no need for oneage when we both play ea
Yeah I'll turn it off.
Alright, starting.
gonna try out a few new tactics
>two players
1v1 pro league
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caught you lol you even pd dumped
Illwinter really, unironically, needs to give us an Australian aboriginal nation. I'm not the only person here who thinks that would be pure kino, am I?
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Nothen personnel kid
Close fight. Horde of skeletons on the pretender save the day. I was shitting bricks when he decided to cast rigor mortis off script
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cool fight
my insect spam couldnt beat your skele spam
>Close fight.
yep. also my telkhine god-king wasnt ready yet. now he is.
your horror mark hit him. was it because i put him in the front, making it more likely for it to hit?
Yeah. Targeting is some weird function of expected effect + closeness.
then why do archers constantly target my backline???
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That's spells I mean, I think fire without target is random.
Did you at least cop an affliction, therodos?
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Oh by the way
>That's spells I mean, I think fire without target is random.
yes fire without target is random. i think attack without target is also random.
>Did you at least cop an affliction, therodos?
you will find out soon enough
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Well whatever you plan on doing with him you better do it fast
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where is my nation of cute asian sluts
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>routs after dying once
Tea and Cheese, or Sauro
Tien Chi's only female unit is an overpriced spy and it's not even a seducer
>imperial consort
>he forgets the huli jing
chinese women don't look like this
That's a fox bro
Surely chinese mythology would be the OG to tanukis
idk if the chinks have a tanuki equivalent desu
they do canonically have a nation of all women who drink from a pregnancy river to get knocked up
the river also works on men in case you want to be MPreg
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...do you even know what a tanuki is?
the important thing is to believe new nations are coming
I typed tanuki when I wanted to type kitsune
Oh shit I forgot dom6 made it so immortals drop their globals when they die.
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ughhh should have just told him to cast personal flight and attack rear. simplest solution is always the best instead of mental gymnastics. oh well.
i give up. i dont see how i can win this because first of all i dont have any gold income, second of all, my gem income is pathetic as well. i cant even play for thrones because it would take ages to get a fort up anywhere.
gg thanks for game
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jee jee then therodos
>i cant even play for thrones because it would take ages to get a fort up anywhere.
Yeah this map was BUILT big torgrin cock. There was like four provinces on the map that weren't connected to a UW province.
Sorry for taking so long to close it out. I stuck my pretender at home safe after the first time I accidentally blew him up and took down my global, and it was taking forever to waddle my H3s over.
Is Torgrin actually good now? I thought he was a meme
I came for the meme but stayed for the surprisingly effective raiding. There's a lot of things that I can think would contribute to him being better in dom6 in general, and a lot of things that may contribute to him being better just in blitzes specifically. But all in all I'm actually very happy with him.

His province targeting SEEMS a lot better at least, in dom4 the extra armadas were pointless because they all tended to attack the same province anyway.
>the river also works on men in case you want to be MPreg
So that's where the weird asian omegaverse thing came from.
idk what the asian omegaverse is
it originally shows up in Journey to the West where iirc the pig and the monk drink the water, get pregnant, and that chapter is basically "Wukong has to get the magic abortion water from the evil taoist monopolizing it, before he dies of laughter from the whole affair"
He also needs to keep the women away from the monk so the monk doesn't lose his holy powers from getting pussy
how would it be substantially different from ea machaka? unironically
not him but DomEnhanced had EA Alcherda and it was pretty wild, they had magic power human sacreds for one
damn i knew i should have started sooner
I don't know enough about abos to plan the nation but I know by Swedish nigga would figure it out and do a good job.
>Swedish nigga would figure it out and do a good job
>meanwhile Persia (Caelum) and China (Tien Chi):
if it's not in Europe they're not going to do a good job
iMAgine_the smell badmin here. We have 13. Should I start it or do we want more?
start whenever you want
That's exactly what I intend to do my friend. I'm trying to determine when I want.
a goodmin starts when he starts and doesnt listen to the sheeple. a goodmin rules with an iron fist. a goodmin selects the map and mods for his game that he wants. a goodmin does not hand out extensions like candy.
but youre already self-proclaimed badmin so its kinda over for you
I think I've decided the answer to that question is now. Just need to decide on throne settings and I'll fire it up.
>but youre already self-proclaimed badmin
Nigga I'm an absolute madmin.
Does a goodmin ban nations he doesn't like?
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iMAgine_the_smell is STARTED.
Does a goodmin restart if he gets a start location he doesn't like? Because that happened.
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Bravo Holy Diver admin. I have this in my cap circle. I also have a throne in my cap lmao.
did holy diver admin restart the game because he didnt have a good start? LMAO
I don't know bro, I'm just being retarded over here. Don't mind me.
I've been wondering for months now and I'm finally going to ask - what the fuck is the little eye icon next to players' names on the blitzserver status page?
The eye of providence bro
It's for the admin only, he gets to see your game key and IP for moderating purposes.
you can click it to track that player's turns on the server list page. usually your own turns. if you have made your turn the game will appear as blue, if you havent made your turn it will appear as red. so you can see your turns at a glance on the server list.
>strong half giants with some innate elemental resistances/or good MR
>national summons like the bunyip and shit (australian mythology goes kinda hard)
>primitive forts but earth gems from temples

There's a lot of potential desu
There's already a bunch of caveman/tribal themed nations we really dont need another, abos are lame as fuck anyway.
>abos are lame as fuck anyway.
I fascinated by them and want to meet some.
>but earth gems from temples
fuck off retard
>and want to meet some
You can only say this because you've never seen their literal monkey brain asses
They sound like fun. I want to get wasted with them and drunkenly creampie their daughters.
why wouldn't an abbo temple (petrol station) produced earth gems ((petrol) earth blood)?
? illwinter literally made a special gems from temples mod attribute just for this
Rainbow Serpent tendy is a must.
Also their version of the demilich should be housed in a VB tinny.
Bros.....please.......a blitz...my throne for a blitz...
You realize anybody can start a game, even you?
up for a blitz-to-long game? blitz until turn 30 and then its 24 hour turns?
I'm shitposting from bed
I'm bedposting from shit
there are two aztec nations, two indian nations, two greek nations, three celtic nations, half a dozen norse nations and they are still fairly unique
surely two black nations can coexist
I don't know how chief
Sounds good
Then I guess anyone can start a game except you.
And yet most of them have the level of detail you'd expect out of Jared Diamond
no idea who tf that is but mekone and arcoscephale, fomoria and marverni, niefelheim and helheim definitely feel distinct
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I promised myself I won't play this shit game because waiting for turns makes me anxious.

But now I want to play again after abstaining for 5 months.
Captain obvious
embrace bushido and you'll never suffer turn anxiety again.
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Random gen is goo-
Do blitzses
They have been really popular lately

Also you have to look at each turn as gambling. Enjoy the highs, despair in the lows
>6 gem, 40,000 population province in your cap circle
Great start
95% of the time this is because the admin set way too few provs per player and the capital algorithm is forced to squeeze them together.
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every champion was once a contender...
No money, no gems, 400 crabs inexplicably outrunning me around my capital. Oh yeah, I'm thinking another amazing Natgen turn.
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Is this kirkfors? The crabs are getting a little big for their britches...
Yes, somehow he hasn't realized that I would have probably died to his initial attack if he actually decided to fight. I sort of have a few tricks saved up now but unless there's some outside interference I'm invariably dead soon.
It's funny, I'm pretty sure we all assumed you were kicking his ass from that one battle screenshot with a wraith lord. Those crab troops are pretty bullshit strong.
Yeah it was strange, that wasn't even a portion of his army. That was everything in my entire arsenal. I assumed I'd have my final fight that turn and go AI but he's just been running away. I suppose he thinks my research must be good because of my random ass wraithlord.
>think about joining natgen game
>start looking at the nations
>there's a crab/elephant nation
>stop thinking about joining natgen game
it's that easy
The crabs are actually fine desu, they're just the race equivalent of MA Ulm. Insanely efficient regular guys, hyper expensive mages all saddled with inept researcher. The cheapest mage the crabs have this game costs 120 gold for glamour 1 and supplies only 4 RP/turn.
It makes sense that the crabs are rushing me. He has death power and I have a death domain. But that was the risk I was taking in order to have my invisible giants be able to play pranks on people. His mages blow fat ass in comparison to mine, and he's hitting me before mine can do anything. All's fair. He's just going about it in the most exhausting way possible.
>I have a death domain
why would you do that to yourself? with expensive giants too
Because skulls are cool.
i kneel
>they're just the race equivalent of MA Ulm. Insanely efficient regular guys
Wrong, Ulm has to ramp up its resources to manifest that efficiency whereas the crabs have it turn 0 with insane natprot that has no associated cost. They also have high HP that makes up for many counters to Ulm's infantry.
>The cheapest mage the crabs have this game costs 120 gold for glamour 1 and supplies only 4 RP/turn.
That's just one seed. There's nothing that makes crab mages generally worse than other mages, in fact they're much better because they're harder to kill than other nations' blockers.
But it's this seed. That makes crab mages worse this game
for the same price, other nations are getting 11-13rp
>That's just one seed. There's nothing that makes crab mages generally worse than other mages

I'm pretty sure they innately get slapped with inept researcher, I remember the other crab nations getting it in previous natgen games.
they are also overcosted generally
which is kinda strange that it's crabs specifically and not the caveman types
don't crabs also have really high MR and void sanity
i mean void sanity only matters for la rlyeh which is not here
They have really LOW MR. 8 base which is worse than ulmites.
Speaking of void sanity
what does it even DO
Void sanity X means the chance to act randomly because of insanity is divided by 1+X. It also means when you fight in the void you aren't disoriented.
kinda based
>dreams of ryleh
>but you don't get your stats halved so you just snibbedy the squid
what's a rlyeh, we only have non-insane squids here
wouldn't that just make their troops better soul slay catchers to protect the mages?
I guess in theory, but summoned animals do the same thing and also if you're up against soul slay it's just a matter of time until master enslave comes out in which case you're super cooked.
its a matter of a very long time though, if master enslave comes out and you still rely on doomstacks of normal troops you are cooked anyway
i guess winds of death would be the other relevant mr targeting spell but im not sure what the crabs max age is
doesn't it make you immune to mind slime?
And I think some spells can be marked to not affect void sane stuff p sure
I'll play in about 45 min
Alright, with you will have three.
I really wanna play that new map but we need like at least 6 players for it. Probably more like 8.
ill join soon
I wonder what region do most domg posters come from, feels like its mostly EU and oceanic.
We got 4 players reportin!
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well, aren't you lucky
I gotta cut down a tree. Hopefully I wont be too long.
Who needs luck when you have fear?
>anons busy making an axe of hate
When start blitz
It was bait, there's no blitz.
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Sorry almost done with the yard work. SOON:tm:
Start once the tree is chopped, I imagine.

Otherwise it'll start when my food arrives so that I stale the most important early turns.
That is the only reason I asked, I always miss the first turn and everyone is yelling at me
>won't get enough sleep before gigablitz if I join
Join to give the Gigablitz players a chance. Would also be funny if we end up with more players than during Gigablitz.
Alright finally starting, sorry anons. I'll give a while for the first turn.
Oh yeah blind expanding into barbarians before immediately going AI, it's blitz time.
>Waiting 3 hours for the game to start so you can go ai turn 1
Now that's dedication
Why do people blind expand it is so greedy and dumb
Every game's a gamble, brother. Might as roll the dice right away.
The payoff is pretty good.

For my part I won the first gamble of not spawning on desert island (where I expect Na Ba to be, along with Xibalba).
No, might as well not. Second turn your scout gets information on a neighboring province, you have a prophet, and you have more troops
Ok I'm here, time to do this turn real quick.
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This is my prediction on spawns btw.
I didn't get the cool island spawn this time :(
Damn, in that case Lemuria stole it (maybe).
I may not have stolen the island, but I did successfully avoid the turn 1 barbarians.
Don't put me next to NaBa pls

t. Xibalboi
Turn 3 event killed my mage. It's fucked.
Misfortune are 'free' scales
Misfortune are free scales
I love this map so much
It's actually pretty cool I like it.
very wrong
I noticed. :(
horro marking site in cap
*casts summon lammashta in ur direction*
Fortunelet sisters...
*bootstrapping into blood to cast Astral Corruption*
THEY're T3L3M3
>Barbarian event on a province completing a fortress and lab this turn
I also lost a fort to indie attack. Truly we are playing the same game.
There's this new thing now man. It's called province defense...
I don't think it's typical to dump enough gold into PD to defeat 80 barbarians at this point in the game.
Illwinter sets province defense to 1 automatically, I shan't veer from their vision.

(I lost the pd I put up as well).
I never dump mis unless i can easily clear knights and barbs with a small squad or light thug. And even then it's better to have luck so you don't have to backtrack and micro squads
domg vets always place 70-80 pd in their provs
I hope you remembered to put PD on your coasts anons.
how do I use blood magic offensively, they just die to gem baiting or spells and shit in fights, they're good for defending castles but impossible to use otherwise. Doubling up doesnt work at all cause they die to auras and shit so fast
I find blood all works like how you use elementals or lammashtas, you use it for clutching fights specifically; fort defense is a big part of that, yes.
Send me 3000 gold and a NAP. I don't think globals target nations you have a NAP with.
Xibalbrat.. Are you still there..?
jomon is going to be the threat in some time when they rule the waves
This is pure nabanese shaytan propaganda do not fall for it.
I set max stales to 1 so it stops waiting for xibalba when he stales but when he comes out of hibernation he can keep playing.
Jomon WILL have access to atleast 4 coastal thrones.
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Illwinter has given me an army to fight off the horrors
If it makes you feel any better I'm on my third barbarian event.
Shrimp soldiers are cool.

Ryujin thugs can stop others winning too fast by tp-ing onto thrones as well.

Overall Na Ba can make water breathing gear and go deal with them.

No threat here.
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I feel your pain, I've now been TROGGED
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>No threat
Na Ba winning in province count, income, and . . . hmm, Jomon researching a bit too much, should slow down.
Not having anyone contesting the free water provinces to spam shark soldiers and thug dragons is a big deal
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I dont feel so good..
You always photoshop out the water sites since you always cast the dude. Won't fall for this trick again!

Na Ba is the biggest, they can contest it.
they do
I don't see how they can fight UW with no water mage, even if they have 1 (One) W income. They can't build forts UW as well
I don't think you beat uw nations by building more forts for them (if you could).

Na Ba has good mobility and Jomon is also on the surface, just push them underwater.
I've gotten 0 death sites as Lemuria. God hates ghosts.
you sure they cant? i know ubar can
What if we increase magic site frequency to 100% next blitz.

Surely infinite gems wouldn't impact game balance at all, and it would be more fun.
If they get to conj8 for Marids game is already fucking over by that point
Oh shit I fucked up.
I meant to increase the magic site frequency and accidentally decreased it instead.
Should play with 0 magic site frequency. Make every gem gen (hammer) count!
55's not bad, I just got unlucky. It happens. I doubt people would have fun if I had gems to cast 10,000 globals.
But what if I never get a water site?
How will I cast ghost ship armada?
You start with gem income, you can turn it into pearls and turn that into water.

So just make sure the game lasts a long, long time.
i just use indies to make forts uw
How expand with sceleria i took dracolich and still failing too much with my shitty velites
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>Attacks my province with no prior warning
>forts up next to me
>refuses to elaborate
Why is c'tis like this
I know you're hoarding all the water gems down there you waterlogged fucker. Either send me them or I'll cast thetis blessing.
What if he's using all those Omnyo-ji to search for pearls for dispel?
Honestly the toughest thing about a blitz is playing so fast. I can't even think about what im doing, I'm just slamming spells/units
You could've just asked yeesh man, so toxic.
I actually dont have that much water income either right now.
oh my god is that 70 units im going insaaaaaaaane
Not pictured: the additional 70 water elementals
All I've been doing is scripting horde of skeletons and arrange my ghosts in a line. It's good being dead. With exception to my dragon I guess.
It was inevitable
Exploiting water maps for your sick perversion.
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Fellas.... finding all my ryujins and moving them each turn is getting a bit hectic...
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well maybe you should have pictured that instead
Shinu here, I've gotta go. Was just getting to the good part.

Password is Shinu if someone else wants to take over. Peaceful position, lots of forts.

Otherwise I can probably return in some number of hours, which would be funny.
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My brightest minds couldn't have foreseen that turn. My Lemurian scholars are hard at work.
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Woops forgot image
Lemuria u fkn wot m8
Mom said it was my turn.
did we lose shinu?
slowly but surely we are pushing back the undead menance.
I was one turn out. Alas.
I hope you bastards are doing something about the jomonese menace
>Jomonese Menace
>Meanwhile naaba has 3 enchantments up
t. Jomon
I'm going to call for myself. I'm its 4am here and i'm too tired to slug it out lemuria and scripting armies that can defeat grip + rigor. I know its lame but I'm going to sleep now.
Password is: allyourbase if someone wants to join.
The only time I cast rigor was when I lost anyways in Nifel. You gem baited the other possible time.
I don't blame you though. I've got 5 clustered fortresses full of ghosts, leprosy and pirates hitting you from behind. That can't be fun.
You can keep rigoring and add on grip, and its going to get more and more micro intensive for me to match the fatigue play + skeletons. If I don't get the right spells up you can stack wipe me.
Honestly its all my fault for playing TC. If I was taking Ulm i could live and die by casting SoG, WoS, maws and other easy to use earth spells. TC is just micro intensive and doesn't have an easy 'just do x' strategy' outside of spamming my nat summons. Either way GG, you had me on the ropes for a moment, and ultimately I'm the one quitting so I concede victory to you in our little war.
Folks i'm bored out of my mind after 6 hrs. I'm going off
Help me fight jomon damnit
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Which spell is that again
After the massacre of my siege of Nifel you pretty much beat me in combat thereafter. I think my research game being so bad didn't help but I see where you're coming from. Though, I probably would have quit if my dragon died there. Seeing your army on the throne get halved every turn from leprosy is a real Lemuria moment.

Some unfortunate timing on things for me. If my mages were one turn fast enough to get into the fort things might have gone differently. I mean I would have lost still, but it would have been a nicer looking fight.
I was also one turn away from casting transport gems to the rigor mortis mage.
100~ Fear blessed sacreds is enough to give any reasonable crab pause, i'd say
Oh it's leprosy, gotta pay attention to that in the future.
You should have just give me the water gems.
I gave you the gems and didn't even go after your cave forts and this is how I get treated....
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Dispel my global?
I'll dispel your fucking life.
Fucking kek I should NOT have had stacked them so hard
I'd almost believe you did it on purpose. That's the meatiest shadow blast artillery I've seen in my life.
>not posting the impact
never joining your tease-ass blitz now
Time flies in blitzes. It's bed time for ghosts.
I tried overcasting the last member of the cancer trifecta but got shut-out(BoT). I don't even know if it would have impacted you guys all that much anyways.
Eating dinner I might stale.
>want to use death magic
>sceleria is garbage to play and constantly rushed
>popkills feel like cheating
what do
>gigablitz is in 3 hours
I made a mistake
I'm going to have to resign because im definitely not going to make it after this one.
I dont know if you can handle doing two giga blitzes in a row blitzmin but good luck to you.
play any of the other 10+ nations with death
Fomoria Anon, Fomoria... Granted, all they really have out of cap is air magic.
Killed 10 out of 15. Not bad. I'm off.

Still claim victory with all magic researched.
GGs Honestly have no clue how I managed to hold the cap.
Im going to hop off after the next big fight im getting pretty tired.
Do you wanna fight on Dommen?
yep, coming over.
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If that was you you just killed 8/10 sauros foul air is a hell of a drug
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Fug I should have left the PD at home
Yep, had to get revenge for that cheeky leprosy earlier that doomed my 20+ ryuujins, hundreds of sharks and my water hero.

I forgot to unstack the ryuujins again kek if sauromancers were alive it would've been another shadowblast disaster.
Well thanks for playing.
Make sure to come back in a few hours for round two.
Cant do unfortunately I'm going to go hit the sack, this match was fun though learned quite a few things.
forsake your real life and bodily needs.
embrace full-time blitz completely.
I'm back! C'tis, get back in here and keep playing!

I've got 91k gold and 100s of bakemono shamans. They gotta fight someone!

I was the one who dispelled your first cast of the ship armada. Come have your revenge!
Alright took my turn. AI's been gobbling me up and I think you are on the other side of the map from me so it'll be a mopping operation for a while.
I dispelled Foul Air as well (I'm surprised no one attacked me lol).
AI keeps casting globals on the same turn I cast well of misery and I keep losing the lottery.
>Just realised I'm about to be domkilled
are you ready FOR THIS
proper throne settings this time (i hope) so it will be actually interesting
I was tempted to cast the nature and glamour domkill globals, but I was greedy and went for that instead.

If Gigablitz starts and no one has won then I'll try it.
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here we see the skeletons natural enemy, a chokepoint
Very dishonest
third slot in script, so there is counter play.

I think you can cast frostflesh army as well (W2 + boosters), but I guess that doesn't help skellies spawned later.
Well it mostly a joke, I was hoping the shadow blast would do more. I shouldn't have gotten lazy and given the rest of my sauros gems too.
Fair, I didn't undo my mage bunching, so they are weak to getting hit by enough blasts (I flinched and looked away every time, so idk where the blasts landed).
Mostly on your archers, which is what I kinda wanted, but they spread them so thin that it ended up doing half hp to most of your archers while actually killing not that many of them.
redpill me on shadow blast/bolt is it really worth the gem and 100 fatigue?
In dom5 it did a fuckload of damage with an MR check in a fairly big AOE. Dom6 reduced the damage by something like half but made it check to do half damage. Its turned from "ulmite smasher" into "mage blob smasher".
Absolutely. If you get a battery of mages to cast it you can mess up a whole lot of expensive/powerful units. If you can, give some of them an accuracy boost with spells and/or items.
to spam not really but as an alpha strike it's very good for 2-3 casts
That army is gonna die in a few turns now. Aaa.

I don't recognise the spell. I can only hope it costs a lot so by the time the next army comes you run out of gems.

(Looks at Well of Misery)
Well of misery is about a third of my death gem income right now
interesting, wouldn't it completely deplete your death gems in one battle to pay one for each? i guess it would only be used for decisive fights
do you just spam masses of anyfort d2/3s with one gem each then other spells so they dont use another to boost?
right, i was thinking it sounds very expensive compared to the likes of falling fires, but a few casts can help tilt the scale if they resist everything else
>do you just spam masses of anyfort d2/3s with one gem each then other spells so they dont use another to boost?
The aoe scales with death so you want them on big death casters, but D3s can work if you really just want to kill some things dead.
Death magic does not have many options for direct damage spells, this one is pretty much the best you'll get. It works well against expensive enemy sacreds and big fat units like heavy cavalry, that is where it truly shines. It is basically a waste to use it against low tier standard tier units
right, forgot about the scaling
yea i was thinking either this, horde of skeletons or terror for all those enarie labrats
The damage isn't as good as it used to be, its actually not that great against fat units, but definitely still good against elites.
40 minutes until the GIGA-
what's the difference between a daily blitz and a gigablitz
yes. I like using it versus hellblessed cavalry. I dont know WHY it works so well versus them but it does. LA pyrene got absolutely decimated by it
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>Stygian path onto a throne with 70 ether warriors, 70 unfrozen warriors, and 70 dust warrirors
I'm going to fucking KMS myself
I'd win
It wasnt your throne
lmao fuck that spell, it's so uncertain I don't know when you'd want to use it
This is the first time I've gotten fucked by it like that. I used it pretty often, its got huge range so you can just sling wigghts, unfrozen, etc all over the map.
gigablitz is planned weeks ahead and hopefully gets lots of players but player count right now is kinda looking grim.
maybe everyone got traumatised from the shit throne settings in last gigablitz.
dont the astral travel spells all have a chance of getting fucked by that too?
Whoa fuck it wasn't meant to start yet, its like half an hour early.
Oops I havent even submitted.
bro your lampads?
It's gotta be better than faery trod I guess
I didnt see any settings and as a bongland guy it's kinda early. Time zones are just a big reason why 24 hour timers exist. It sucks but only way to get large games
I'll join now that I don't see 3/4 players being popkill niggers
You fucking nigger I was about to lock in as anti-popkill Ur FUCK
alright whatever i have 20 minutes
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Shinu we got six minutes to finish this.
Army is stuck btw, they try to move but get pushed back so they can't even reach the throne. Will run out of gems and perish.

Truly a Lemuria moment.

I'm trying to figure out a way to have my god gateway onto another throne, but it is looking grim.
might be a tad late to the first turn, prepping a meal
if im late give me a few. gotta get some coffee so i dont die in the middle of this one
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>Failed to take lemuria's throne
Its over
Its so over
Its never been this over.
Computers win. I am submitting to the machine mastermind shinu.
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i dont remember seeing much of anything before on this one compared to the previous
and i still have the coof
t. sauro from last week
Gonna make a coffee and a smoke then I'm starting gigablitz.
Consider this final call for any late joiners.
I didn't shill this one as much, I was hoping anons would kinda just figure it out based on last one.
DO NOT FEAR I EMPOWERED IN ASTRAL -- the Celestial Sphere descends . . . as I astral travel 5 provinces at a time AAA
i just assumed that was a one time thing instead of recurring ngl
Every day there is the daily blitz
And every weekend there is the weekly giga blitz
There is no stopping it
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GG -- ai ain't gonna let me take the throne for free.

I'll try to cast the domkill spells then go afk. See if the turn timer ticking leads to a win, aha.
so what made you pick c'tis to be your favorite, blitzmin?
I sent you some e-gold
he is australian
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That's a lot of japanese goblins...
I tried them because they were necromancers, but now I just think serpent dancers are really neat.
wouldn't australians like machaka instead
fair enough
Starting gigablitz. Tel me if I fucked the settings and I'll restart. I'm getting tired after 12 hours of blitzing.
Which is actually no more giga than the blitz we just had but oh well
Cheers! Will be handy for when I knock down my gold global and go into negative income.
>wouldn't australians like machaka instead
no because ctis is lizards summoning beasts from tartaria.
australia is full of lizards and beasts.
yeah but giant spiders
Shinu is also good for aussies.
i cannot believe we are doing slops
Only one person seemed to vote against (with the tendie thing). Having a better way to poll might be good, idk.
i cant believe you are heterosexual
im not
I'm ready for you to turn off goysloop
i failspanded can we restart
I try to use every spell, unit, or tactic that I ever see called dishonest.
What's wrong with sloop, can you really name a significant issue it has compared to vanilla where over 80% of the spells are just filler?
Touch of death is by far the most dishonest.
45 damage and unresistable, how are you meant to counter that? LIterally uncounterable.
>sloopshater is a whiny faggot
Yeah, that fits
ghouls being three times as strong for no reason
>What's wrong with sloop
I'm against it on principle. I'm not going to learn two different versions of what every goddamn thing does, and it's retarded that somebody would feel the need to go making tweaks to everything.
Why do jooos hate the red men so much?
>. I'm not going to learn two different versions of what every goddamn thing does
seconding this. you cant really call slops truly balanced anyway. so if vanilla isnt balanced and if slops isnt balanced then of course ill take the original creator's unbalance instead of slops unbalance.
The only difference for 90% of the cases is vanilla is Number while Sloop is Number+
this mostly, mostly really problematic units or spells are changed so its only a couple of things you need to remember
Is pd dumping the most dishonest tactic?
theres also construction items shifted to different research levels so thats annoying to keep in mind. and then you inevitably forget that you dont have to research for some items and the slop babby who plays slop all the time has an advantage. just annoying to deal with that crap.
no because youre just wasting your gold
Literally just drag the mod file into the inspector dummy or just read the changelog if it fucks you up that badly. None of the boosters got moved iirc.
I agree with the principle but with dom6 there's just so many dumbass shit changes I can't really justify with going vanilla on the basis of "its the creator's vision". I don't know how illwinter intends players to play, but its certainly not how my games look.
water bracelet gets moved from construction 7 to construction 5, slop babby again displaying his own lack of familiarity with the slop hes playing
Cool, it still doesn't make water non shit besides a single meme spell.
It's the shittiest tactic that pays off just often enough so that bad players will continue to use it
Did you also get raided by blitzmin summoning them?

I found 21 pd rekts them pretty often, which is a good trade.
also yeah speaking of that how silly is that? water bracelet is a cheap booster you "pay" for by researching all the way to 7. in construction 5 you have the robe of the sea which is a more expensive booster. so yeah it just makes the robe of the sea pointless most of the time unless you want to boost to +2 which is uncommon
Huh, I almost always build bracelet so I can build robes. Wanting +2 doesn't seem uncommon to me, but prob depends on nation.
You can use it to cast ghost ship armada. That's pretty useful.
Rather than expecting us to host vanilla so that you can learn through multiplayer, you could play it on your own, or even host your own vanilla games. It is infantile to demand that we bend to your whims, lazy and amateur as they are.
Shinu here, dailyblitz is in purgatory (hosting failed).

I was storming C'tis with my tp-ing army for the last throne too (prob would've lost, but maybe it was chaff inside?).

Dreams of the Awakening God would've won in like 20 turns or something otherwise.

Anyhow, I'm off to sleep. Good luck with the Gigablitz!
New Pantokrator just dropped
>unless you want to boost to +2 which is uncommon
What the fuck are you talking about? Taking W2 to W4 or W3 to W5 is a really big deal.
>its another one with no sloops
the faggot strikes again
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202 KB PNG
The absolute state of "sloop haters"
>no sloops
Just shut the fuck up.
oh nononono
thats not me schizo
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111 KB JPG
It is truly pathetic that you would dedicate yourself to doing this every single day
There we go then
New Pankoman 2.0
Today the janny was based
Okay for real why did the tranny janny delete two generals? He did it FOR FREE, too.
Looks like its taking so long to host a turn that its getting killed by the hang detector.

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