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Previous: >>494957229

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[Fright Night] Veigar, Zeri (+Prestige), Pyke, Shaco and Nunu & Willump

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/lolg/ OP pastebin

Racebait spam filters
Pickems today?
bring back night harvester
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Vi's tits arent this fucking big are they?
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Where are the circus skins riot games
God I wish Nasus was my boyfriend.. I wanna hold hands with him like, so bad, bros..
>4 minute queues
>someone didnt accept
>Someone didnt accept
>someone didnt accept
>now 8 minutes in
>all of a sudden
>but there was no accept prompt

Holy fuck the client is still broken
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Irelia wins!
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Ekko is cute
Please ignore the nigger spammer
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butt where is soraka
>microdick + tranny sucking it
lolgcel moment
/lolg/ is filled with troons porn addicts and pedophiles , you’re all gooner freaks who won’t ever breach high elo
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>Just won a close game due to Kog'Maw dying 17 times, never listening to team, always alone etc as Gangplank
That was fucking hard, I should have gotten more LP for that.
Shaco, Pyke, Jinx all thought they were hot shit and being cocky UNTIL I landed a single barrel. They fucking sprinted despite having Elder soul the moment I sent their health from full to 25%.
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Jokes on you, I don't even play this game.
>Hardstuck in Bronze for years
>Say "Fuck it" and decide to create a new account
>Placed into Plat immediately and have a 52% winrate after 50 games
It's that easy. I knew people saying you could climb outta bronze were bullshitting. I literally changed nothing about my game other than getting a fresh start. Bros if you are stuck in iron/bronze/silver/gold just make a new account, it's actually a lot of fun playing the game over again from scratch.
why is the dodge bug not fixed yet? what is stopping me from queueing yuumi adc with ghost cleanse and forcing half the playerbase to get a 12 hour ban for dodging once? big retard company
Yea no shit Sherlock, that's why so many people smurf. At least half the active accounts in this game have to be smurfs at this point. It's no secret that the ranking system forces 50/50 as hard as it can to prevent players from ranking up. I have 2 smurfs, one in Diamond and the other in Plat, but my main is iron and I can't even rank to bronze in it despite playing well in Plat/Dia. If rank matters that much to you just make a smurf, get placed in higer elo, and then go back to your main to fuck around with the champs/skins you want
Is it a bug or a new policy? I dodged a game last night and was shocked at the 12 hour timer, like holy fuck Riot do you want to kill the game even more. It's bad enough there's any timer at all, the amount of times I need to dodge because teammates lock in meme picks or pick champs into their own hard counters is insane. If I gotta wait 12 hours after every dodge the game is literally unplayable.
im assuming its a bug bc theres no way riot is retarded enough to actually do that. but if its a feature i swear on my mama i will rank an acc to master and just force dodges all day until riot reverts this shit
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Most fun junglers I could unlock? Rengar? Kha6? Elise?

I wanna rip my opponent apart and learn the playstyle where you invade
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ah shibal
If you wanna have fun and also invade a lot your choices are: Khazix, Reksai, and Briar
>Kha: Fun and very strong invader but fragile and falls off hard late game if you aren't fed
>Rek: Very fun and very easy to play with good late game team fighting but does poor in a lot of common matchups (Udyr, Zac, Shyv)
>Briar: waifu, really good in a lot of matchups, good invade, but hard to learn and can be very boring
I should be able to make a kogmaw build that lets me oneshot enemies with my passive
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How's Nidalee? I got this from a reroll years ago and forgot I had the champ unlocked
I want to hold hands, fingers interlocked, with Nasus from League of Legends. I want to bury my face in his fluffy chest while he reads me his favourite book and fall asleep in his arms. It's as simple as that, really.
>>Kha: Fun and very strong invader but fragile and falls off hard late game if you aren't fed
literally the opposite is true what the hell are you smoking
>>Rek: Very fun and very easy to play with good late game
again, completely wrong
>>Briar: waifu, really good in a lot of matchups, good invade, but hard to learn and can be very boring
this one is true
dude I FUCKING LOVE league of LEGENDS man I LOVE booting the FUCK UP my game and QUEUEING up for a match of RANKED SOLO/DUO
If they removed forced 50/50 matchmaking, no one would have a problem. It would just depend on skill based matchmaking.
I wish I could queue up right now
whats stopping you
Is there a postgame stat for CC inflicted?
I'm the reason you're in loser queue, I only care about chests and my real rank is about 1-2 pips higher but I play offrole, offmain in ranked
on the damage row there's a left right button that lets you view other stats you can view CC score there
sorry to hear that burgaflippa-sama! I highly anticipate your return so we can duo asaps doko doko!!!
every aram inter I've ever met was a pisslow morgana main
what causes this?
no hate towards anyone but are morgana players the lowest iq people amongst league players on average?
all morgana players are ovulating egirls
wouldnt surprise me
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There is literally a Masters Seraphine APC player that gaps vg's regularly
As someone who has played a lot of MOBA and multiplayer team based games in general, the forced 50/50 in League is beyond egregious and the fact that people deny it exists always baffles me. It's obvious that the algorithm for matchmaking pairs together people on win streaks with people who are losing streaks which is why the whole "you only control the outcome of 1 out of every 3 games" comes from, no other games do that.
Nasus doesn't have hands though. And his chest isn't fluffy at all if you look at his splash arts.
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everyone i duo with has some sort of fucked up illness. like my friend just found he has a brain tumour unironically. am i the problem bros?
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it is time
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>In my promo game to Iron 1
>Jinx feeds Samira
>Aatrox feeds Poppy
What are some 1v9 champions I can play and drag my retarded team mates to victory?
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Why does Doublelift use an iPhone?
Because Samsung Galaxy killed him
no, league of legends is the problem.
>my friend just found he has a brain tumour unironically
average draven player unironically
Samira and Poppy apparently
The people who deny it's existence are all Riot shills. They don't wanna say anything in fear they don't get goodies from Riot anymore.
Look at Skill Cap, they say all these things to get good but it's a scam.
I was much less gay before I started posting on lolg
who the fuck is doublelift gramps
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why are people like this
be my gf?
euw "comms" be like
I will never skip on this guy's gifs, his style is so sick.
how come you never say that stuff about my gifs?
why is he so obsessed
I like Nidalee because the beat-to-beat mechanics are fun, but also because there's a lot of spacing and movement mind-games in many match-ups when you're invading/harassing/contesting/etc. Definitely a hard champ without the CC though.
>Skill Cap
Don't remind me, I was once stupid enough to signup for it and it was some of the worst most generic advice "farm more CS, try laning better, try roaming, secure objectives" I was lucky enough to get a refund but I know that a ton of people didn't. I have no idea how they are still around and making money since it seems universally accepted that they are a scam even by Riot shills.
But iPhone has majority market share?
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No worries bro, just dodge and then try again in 12 hours!
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He fell for the franchise gym personal trainer package when signing up
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I need this emote
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>Meta chaser does Garen mid
>Gets his ass kicked by Gangplank
How come I don't see GP in ranked yet? Only saw him twice and it was the same person.
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>wake up
>ready to play some epic league of legends gaming
>suddenly remember turks, frenchoids, spaniggers, slav(e)s, gayreeks, angl*s, shitalians, portumongos, mudslimes, and gypsies are all playing on the same server as me
>day ruined
would you give your duo a wedgie if you lose
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its already in the client
you know the answer
Not only does he have a really unique/specific playstyle, but it's pretty difficult to get the hang of. That means not only do you have to enjoy it, but you have to be willing to suffer through the growing pains of learning it, and not a lot of people will fit both criteria.
>How come I don't see GP in ranked yet?
because he's actually extremely easy to counterplay, doesn't really have a combo and even if you can't fuck up his barrel timers (which is EASY to do) all you gotta do is all in on him right afterwards anyways because the barrel poke is basically all he has until he manages to snowball
This is no white area we dont want you in this general

This general is for high testosterone browns and blacks who find racism funny

okay! bye now!
out of all the high elo u picked the worst player to single out

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