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Previous: >>494957229

>Current & Upcoming Content
[Fright Night] Veigar, Zeri (+Prestige), Pyke, Shaco and Nunu & Willump

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/lolg/ OP pastebin

Racebait spam filters
Pickems today?
bring back night harvester
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Vi's tits arent this fucking big are they?
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Where are the circus skins riot games
God I wish Nasus was my boyfriend.. I wanna hold hands with him like, so bad, bros..
>4 minute queues
>someone didnt accept
>Someone didnt accept
>someone didnt accept
>now 8 minutes in
>all of a sudden
>but there was no accept prompt

Holy fuck the client is still broken
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Irelia wins!
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Ekko is cute
Please ignore the nigger spammer
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butt where is soraka
>microdick + tranny sucking it
lolgcel moment
/lolg/ is filled with troons porn addicts and pedophiles , you’re all gooner freaks who won’t ever breach high elo
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>Just won a close game due to Kog'Maw dying 17 times, never listening to team, always alone etc as Gangplank
That was fucking hard, I should have gotten more LP for that.
Shaco, Pyke, Jinx all thought they were hot shit and being cocky UNTIL I landed a single barrel. They fucking sprinted despite having Elder soul the moment I sent their health from full to 25%.
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Jokes on you, I don't even play this game.
>Hardstuck in Bronze for years
>Say "Fuck it" and decide to create a new account
>Placed into Plat immediately and have a 52% winrate after 50 games
It's that easy. I knew people saying you could climb outta bronze were bullshitting. I literally changed nothing about my game other than getting a fresh start. Bros if you are stuck in iron/bronze/silver/gold just make a new account, it's actually a lot of fun playing the game over again from scratch.
why is the dodge bug not fixed yet? what is stopping me from queueing yuumi adc with ghost cleanse and forcing half the playerbase to get a 12 hour ban for dodging once? big retard company
Yea no shit Sherlock, that's why so many people smurf. At least half the active accounts in this game have to be smurfs at this point. It's no secret that the ranking system forces 50/50 as hard as it can to prevent players from ranking up. I have 2 smurfs, one in Diamond and the other in Plat, but my main is iron and I can't even rank to bronze in it despite playing well in Plat/Dia. If rank matters that much to you just make a smurf, get placed in higer elo, and then go back to your main to fuck around with the champs/skins you want
Is it a bug or a new policy? I dodged a game last night and was shocked at the 12 hour timer, like holy fuck Riot do you want to kill the game even more. It's bad enough there's any timer at all, the amount of times I need to dodge because teammates lock in meme picks or pick champs into their own hard counters is insane. If I gotta wait 12 hours after every dodge the game is literally unplayable.
im assuming its a bug bc theres no way riot is retarded enough to actually do that. but if its a feature i swear on my mama i will rank an acc to master and just force dodges all day until riot reverts this shit
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Most fun junglers I could unlock? Rengar? Kha6? Elise?

I wanna rip my opponent apart and learn the playstyle where you invade
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ah shibal
If you wanna have fun and also invade a lot your choices are: Khazix, Reksai, and Briar
>Kha: Fun and very strong invader but fragile and falls off hard late game if you aren't fed
>Rek: Very fun and very easy to play with good late game team fighting but does poor in a lot of common matchups (Udyr, Zac, Shyv)
>Briar: waifu, really good in a lot of matchups, good invade, but hard to learn and can be very boring
I should be able to make a kogmaw build that lets me oneshot enemies with my passive
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How's Nidalee? I got this from a reroll years ago and forgot I had the champ unlocked
I want to hold hands, fingers interlocked, with Nasus from League of Legends. I want to bury my face in his fluffy chest while he reads me his favourite book and fall asleep in his arms. It's as simple as that, really.
>>Kha: Fun and very strong invader but fragile and falls off hard late game if you aren't fed
literally the opposite is true what the hell are you smoking
>>Rek: Very fun and very easy to play with good late game
again, completely wrong
>>Briar: waifu, really good in a lot of matchups, good invade, but hard to learn and can be very boring
this one is true
dude I FUCKING LOVE league of LEGENDS man I LOVE booting the FUCK UP my game and QUEUEING up for a match of RANKED SOLO/DUO
If they removed forced 50/50 matchmaking, no one would have a problem. It would just depend on skill based matchmaking.
I wish I could queue up right now
whats stopping you
Is there a postgame stat for CC inflicted?
I'm the reason you're in loser queue, I only care about chests and my real rank is about 1-2 pips higher but I play offrole, offmain in ranked
on the damage row there's a left right button that lets you view other stats you can view CC score there
sorry to hear that burgaflippa-sama! I highly anticipate your return so we can duo asaps doko doko!!!
every aram inter I've ever met was a pisslow morgana main
what causes this?
no hate towards anyone but are morgana players the lowest iq people amongst league players on average?
all morgana players are ovulating egirls
wouldnt surprise me
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There is literally a Masters Seraphine APC player that gaps vg's regularly
As someone who has played a lot of MOBA and multiplayer team based games in general, the forced 50/50 in League is beyond egregious and the fact that people deny it exists always baffles me. It's obvious that the algorithm for matchmaking pairs together people on win streaks with people who are losing streaks which is why the whole "you only control the outcome of 1 out of every 3 games" comes from, no other games do that.
Nasus doesn't have hands though. And his chest isn't fluffy at all if you look at his splash arts.
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everyone i duo with has some sort of fucked up illness. like my friend just found he has a brain tumour unironically. am i the problem bros?
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it is time
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>In my promo game to Iron 1
>Jinx feeds Samira
>Aatrox feeds Poppy
What are some 1v9 champions I can play and drag my retarded team mates to victory?
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Why does Doublelift use an iPhone?
Because Samsung Galaxy killed him
no, league of legends is the problem.
>my friend just found he has a brain tumour unironically
average draven player unironically
Samira and Poppy apparently
The people who deny it's existence are all Riot shills. They don't wanna say anything in fear they don't get goodies from Riot anymore.
Look at Skill Cap, they say all these things to get good but it's a scam.
I was much less gay before I started posting on lolg
who the fuck is doublelift gramps
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why are people like this
be my gf?
euw "comms" be like
I will never skip on this guy's gifs, his style is so sick.
how come you never say that stuff about my gifs?
why is he so obsessed
I like Nidalee because the beat-to-beat mechanics are fun, but also because there's a lot of spacing and movement mind-games in many match-ups when you're invading/harassing/contesting/etc. Definitely a hard champ without the CC though.
>Skill Cap
Don't remind me, I was once stupid enough to signup for it and it was some of the worst most generic advice "farm more CS, try laning better, try roaming, secure objectives" I was lucky enough to get a refund but I know that a ton of people didn't. I have no idea how they are still around and making money since it seems universally accepted that they are a scam even by Riot shills.
But iPhone has majority market share?
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No worries bro, just dodge and then try again in 12 hours!
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He fell for the franchise gym personal trainer package when signing up
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I need this emote
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>Meta chaser does Garen mid
>Gets his ass kicked by Gangplank
How come I don't see GP in ranked yet? Only saw him twice and it was the same person.
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>wake up
>ready to play some epic league of legends gaming
>suddenly remember turks, frenchoids, spaniggers, slav(e)s, gayreeks, angl*s, shitalians, portumongos, mudslimes, and gypsies are all playing on the same server as me
>day ruined
would you give your duo a wedgie if you lose
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its already in the client
you know the answer
Not only does he have a really unique/specific playstyle, but it's pretty difficult to get the hang of. That means not only do you have to enjoy it, but you have to be willing to suffer through the growing pains of learning it, and not a lot of people will fit both criteria.
>How come I don't see GP in ranked yet?
because he's actually extremely easy to counterplay, doesn't really have a combo and even if you can't fuck up his barrel timers (which is EASY to do) all you gotta do is all in on him right afterwards anyways because the barrel poke is basically all he has until he manages to snowball
out of all the high elo u picked the worst player to single out
seethings will be daily
Briar? Am I being memed? Only low elo fags play Briar
Which vg vs vg players have the lowest and highest IQs?
>Can ult himself for damage over time
>Q does a fuck ton of damage thanks to Sheen
>Sword applies ignite
>Can W himself if anything disables him
I don't see how he can lose a 1v1.
>Can ult himself for damage over time
you realize that "DoT AoE ult!!!" is extremely fucking weak in comparison to whatever you'd be doing in reaction to it for damage, specfically because riot doesn't want gangplank to be able to send global ranged nukes to wherever he wants on the map

right? you're not fucking braindead right anon?
is there any na player higher than diamond except si17?
na specific so they all fall in the same iq bracket which is 75-85 iq
link me majins list/ a list with all the names and ill grab the names i know and give you a range
si17 got boosted
Yeah let's just forget his passive also applies ignite, his Q is burst, and that you're just stacking damage.
that guy plays like hes emerald at best
raquan playing support but he's on a learning ADC arc this split
claim my fame
gourdon was last split but I don't think he's played ranked since the new one started
why winrate shit then
the only "proof" ive seen of this is the fact that si17 was duoq with a 49% wr lux player which is in fact not a boost but more like a derank
>wooow biceps
any drooling retard can do curls its the easiest muscle to grow
post fizeek
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Briar won
he plays like gold
what the fuck is that spreadsheet
Majins math
he was bot three (3) times in the first ten minutes and achieved literally nothing. both he and bot lane bitched about it the whole time too. never saw him top until I had already taken the tower. we won but damn.
Anyone got good pickems from reliable lol nerds?
just fucking learn a champion you fucking retard
i look like sam sulek and i dont even go to gym. just 3l of cola, weed and 4 bags of lays a day.
Smolder or Corki for most picked/banned right?
>doesn't post it
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why do these emotes make her look so ugly...
I have no idea, haven't followed pro scene since last pick em
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You're not a DOUBTER, right anon?
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Brother, rejoice we got more gremlin emotes
They look fine
not sure if this kind of autism is concerning or impressive
Me when I just woke up from a coma. Corki got giganerfed.
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I've watched a bit of LCK here and there this past month. Smolder and Corki ruled it with a iron fist and basically all the ADC except Jhin were useless because its just a waveclear meta at bot but they both got hit with the new patch so....i dunno anymore if the pros are gonna adapt or stick to it.

K'sante got that entire rework too so... I GUESS we are going back to Renekton? are people still scared of Aurora teamfight after the massive nerf to her R duration?

I unno mate.
That's a different one, that's more of an excited look while the new one is angry
do niggas really still watch esharts in 2k24.....?
Looks the same to me
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Sure hope there aren't any DOUBTERS in this thread.
Somebody convince this artist to draw more zoe god I love her
they need to release one of her in frenzy mode so you can spam it as you run them down after ult
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So much black weiner in this thread holy moly. Play thresh toplane he's fun

t. seething silver adc's who cannot understand the concept of macro or teamfighting
only t1's casting
ty for Postal 3
going vs a shitter thresh toplaner got me out of bronze
Somebody convince this thread to post more Zoe god I love her
You are welcome
Go against me and i'll slap you to death with my ring hand
>come back
>new cute vex skin
>ring hand
what is that a bdsm term?
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G2 is stinky
why ashe banned the most?
why Ahri highest winrrate? you seriously think people are gonna be picking her when Leblunc is purdy good too?
It means I will not remove my rings before hitting you
Anybody not putting Smolder in most banned is literally losing that for free
ok enjoy breaking ur fingies gramps uwu
3 more wins to escape pisslow and get in scholarlow bros
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Game is MOSTLY inhabited by troons, fags, gorillas, foids and physically defective abominations. Anyone sane or functional for the most part left for either Dota or left the MOBA genre entirely. I'm only still here cause my boy Sniper is fucking pick-banned every fucking game again cause Valve won't fuck off with buffing Shrapnel, trying to get esport faggots to pick him cause they're all too stupid to make him work as a right clicker like Drow. So now I'm just here spamming Senna ADC in Norm Drafts and being a menace and somehow ended up in THREE different 5 stacks.
That is nunu.
Oh noo.......my mistake.
Ahri is a bit of a shot in the dark but both Faker and knight love her and she just got buffed. I think there's a decent chance she'll be played 5-10 times with 80% winrate.
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I don't know shit about Esport teams, so I'm just going with this off of the results from last year's Pickem stuff and some recent champ stats from Oracle's Elixer.

Seems like Corki is huge right now? He had a really high pick rate the last few patches among the pro-play stuff. I guess that AD shift really worked out for him.
Rell's interesting on the Most Deaths front. Leona actually beats her in the recent pro-play, but Leona also has double her ban-rate, so it makes sense that Rell is the one that would have the most deaths at Worlds.
Also interesting how Infernal has an advantage it seems despite the dragons being random. Makes more sense when you consider it probably has more value to take ASAP compared to other dragons.
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You know what I meant by that anon, I will not clarify.
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No. God I WISH the "gorillas" we have had half as much IQ as he supposedly does.
that's just mean now :(
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thoughts on this dude?
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Ashe's perma slows, vision, and cc with ult give a lot of utility on top of good damage. I think the players at the highest levels are able to milk the most utility out of her.
I know that feeling
Better to be mean and tell the truth than to be a two faced uwu-headass liar.
>enemy support is Pyke
>my support is a fucking clock
gee gee
We love love Zoe here
how am I a two faced uwu-headass liar
>i press shield button and spam ping objectives this means im good
okay SIR
I meant in general, dipshit.
ok how am I a dipshit now
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God shut the fuck up already.
if you knew how to use spells defensively and ping objectives when they are not contestable by the enemy, you would be at least diamond retard
i hecking love league of legends and anime and im about to be 30 soon!!1
why are you guys so mean to me
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are you me?
I had that same experience yesterday
Just find a stack or at least a duo to play with.
>play Quickplay as Yorick jg
>start wolves so I can start the game with 3 ghouls
>run into the enemy Kha having just taken my blue
>beat him to death because I have ghouls so I'm not isolated
>he then respawns and runs directly to my raptors and tries to kill me again but I outsmited him so I hit level 3 and beat him to death again
>he ends the game with 21 kills
gg Kha you had a warriors heart I respect you
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cya dipshits *-* might put on the turbo lil 'kali army later tonight we will see

if i use ^-^ he will get mad for sure!
Cause he takes more effort to play than the main champs people are playing and can't just brain dead unga bunga himself out of bad situations he no doubt put himself into cause he has zero fucking gamesense.
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zoe if she had waveclear
Californian tranny company. That's literally all there is behind it.
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When was the last time you had a date, /lolg/?

Surely you don't just spend all your time with shitposting or jacking off to League girls, right?
>i press shield button and spam ping objectives when the enemy won't contest them in a customs and this means i am good
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reminder that Nami is cute
>mayo on a burger
i think i can reach iron 4 0 lp this split
i'm so bad at midlane it's unreal
well, it is an unhappy meal
Shit, you right.
have fun at the unemployment office or your jewish doctors or whatever else people like you do with their time
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Any end of seasons pushers? Quit for funning Briar and actually play a good champ
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~7 hours. no overtime was available today I see. Everyone got pretty upset at the whole exploding devices shtick I guess

how are you so bad at midlane? pretty rare for me to encounter someone this honest about them playing mid.
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mommy rell
i've been on a total of two dates in my entire life. the first one was with a "bi" (straight but mad at ex) who said she wanted to do stuff afterwards but got cold feet and the second one i accidentally told her that i draw and post my art on tumblr and gave her the url and it seems she didn't like what she saw because there wasn't a second date.
league of legends delete seraphine from the game
three months ago
ywnbaw in league of legends
do you mean the thing where he spammed the same post over and over? Yes that was a new trick, he called it the "turbo lil 'kali army" which is really cringe. Imagine having pet names for your spam scripts lmao they're his only friends.
i'm a bad retard player that tries to learn a mechanically demanding champ for fun, and i can't do much with her
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>5 years ago
It doesn't feel like it was that long ago...
around last thanksgiving
>Surely you don't just spend all your time with shitposting or jacking off to League girls, right?
but no that isn't the case either
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>accidentally told her that i draw and post my art on tumblr
you know it wasn't an accident and you know it was a test but you refuse to accept that you put her up for pass/fail and she failed.

buff seraphine
i'm not a seraphine player
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now post the one where you flash into enemy tower
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I took this one girl to see some fish like 4ish years ago but nothing came of it and I don’t think she even thought of it as a date
that is me 'learning' leblanc in mid as a bottom lane guy so you are in good company

not that anon but if you really wanted, I could probably find and post a webm of my scrub ass doing something like that
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pompom 5k lp soon
>13k gold diff
nice clip!
how do you play against qiyana, her kit is bullshit
this is the army
don't try to fight her below 50% hp or you'll take execute damage
you hope that shes stupid enough to lose all her hp at level 1/2 and then after that its over she outscales every mid laner in the game by the level 3 mark
alternatively just pick a top laner and beat her to death
Outercourse with Zoe!
>join lobby to try to get Emerald at least season end
>player: im gatekeeping you dogs. dodge or suffer.
File deleted.
Every weekend, I suppose.
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Every year until it's correct.
Life is suffering.
i lock in my champ and play
not gonna play chicken with some 12 year olds
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he is a cute monster under the bed
mute, report, and ignore.

simple and effective.
i wish zoe had waveclear its not fair..
the scale is 50-90 is actually so retarded they are constantly detrimental to others around them and will make the game shit, 90-105(minimum required to have empathy and self awareness) are so close to being human its aggravating because they just arent, 105-120 is normal people that actually see and play league for what it actually is on their screen, capable of good dialogue, 120+ usually doesnt speak, very good player, good addition to vgs
60-70 iq, multiple years played, 0 improvement
105-120, as human as you can get for an enchanter player, lost 5-10 iq points falling into the discord groomer rabbit hole and was a lot better in prime
85-95, wild card animal, usually doesnt make the game more fun by existing
90-100 iq, one of the few sub 100 iq players that has a small capacity to improve after thousands of games of repetition
70-80 iq, trans is -20 iq a majority of the time
60-65 iq, also trans
130-135 at peak, fell down the groomed on discord rabbit hole, sits at around 110-120 now
115-125, very solid, unfortunate favoritism to cancer champs
>euw agp
115-120, decent
85-90 iq, was close to the 105 line but got minus 15'd by groomed on discord rabbit hole, is a retard but is also a predator against other retards
105-115 iq, another player better in their prime by 5-10 points
>mudkip futa
50 iq, this person is as much of an unironic retard as you can get, playing with this person is like sitting in a cardboard box with an open can of paint thinner inside and no airholes.
90-100, very typical iq range of career gold players, this one has a waifu instead of mashing the random button
80-90 iq, black irl is a very detrimental tag as it iq caps them at 90, even being a diamond initiate support player you are still a nigga
100-110, very middling player, some times a little more than human, some times a little less
part 2 next post
yeah i know he has a new toy

le epick spam script, that he even named because he doesn't have a life outside of spamming
My wife and I don't go on specific dates often but last month we did.
I've never had a date but I once had pitysex with this incredibly hot party slut who took pity on my virginity... And because I was the first virgin she had sex with
She is a lane bully, giving her wave clear would be stupid
138 iq (after wisdom teeth removal) mensa certified, hes smarter than all the loligs
part 2
90-125, this player has over the years had the biggest range and the most fluctuations out of every other player, but has been on a harsher decline recently
>see you in hell/Majin
105-110, in his prime was around 125 iq, but gained a lot of red tags over the years like -10 discord groomer rabbit hole and another -10 to crippling alcoholism in real life
undefined. this isnt a person, this is literal AI on max difficultly playing seraphine exactly how you would an AI on max difficulty to play
>steel mental
75-85 iq, inability to learn, easily persuaded by other retard influences, very rarely in a good environment can be decent filler
95-100, reskinned qiyanamilkman basically
110-115, aggressive player usually, at least its interesting
110-125, yas 1 trick is like giving a toddler a gun, is the toddler actually deadly or just has a gun?
60-70 iq, the open tranny of this french duo
>vouires knight
75 iq, the closeted one, gains 10 iq points when queuing alone
>angel wiggums
110-120 iq, another player that fell out of their prime by around 10 iq points, constantly gets upset over perceived faults in other players, doesnt like the state of the game
80-90 iq, terrorist
110 iq, one of the rare people alive that can be above the self awareness threshold but not actually have it.
110 iq, game filler but on the decent side
80 iq, very old very typical retard
90 iq, tranny
>tazmir phd
95-105, a little all over the place some games
100 iq, easily groomable, does nothing special
105-110, more filler but usually ok
150 iq when discussing matchmaking issues, 70 iq when actually behind the screen playing the game, this player is like if a bear found a bear trap and studied it for weeks to conclude it was a bad thing yet still willingly put their foot inside
>vex briar lover
90-95 iq, another gold waifu fag retard
>>mudkip futa
>50 iq, this person is as much of an unironic retard as you can get, playing with this person is like sitting in a cardboard box with an open can of paint thinner inside and no airholes.
how is he high elo
is teemo just that busted
it was a little better with minion dematerializer but the bald freak removed it
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why did he do it bros
no she isnt.. she cant lane bully..
did u sleep well
You just suck then
>durrr this vg player be all like flddurrddbrrubb and dis player be all like gllakaoooakkaoll
fuck off
i wanna clear waves as zoe why cant i buy static shiv..
yah im not tired anymore
he has 10 years played and he coinfliped the first 2-5 years 600 ranked games a season to sit in low diamond and it is impossible to place lower with that much tenure in the current year
tiamat better + zoe suits ur personality
why do I need to unlock these stupid champions
but i wanna clear waves lategame and stuff like the super minions
can I do a striptease for that discord guy and he buys me gwen
>I will never be on a list like this
Unironically feels good man.
He has yet to buy that TFT girl that game board.
Just wait for that all girl champ mastery blogpost and a reply with a "dear" on it and ask them about it.
should I farm my top 3 masteries to be girly champs till then?
>150 iq when discussing matchmaking issues, 70 iq when actually behind the screen playing the game, this player is like if a bear found a bear trap and studied it for weeks to conclude it was a bad thing yet still willingly put their foot inside
Got a solid kek out of this.
I think his prerequisites were:
- Be a biological Female
- Have a Discord
- Have a webcam with mic to confirm
i dont know retard go ask him
I'll just have to whore my gf for it
Do not care what you do with your life, just passing the info.
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that guy has had it
ok next time i see qiyana i pick g*ren and do plap plap plap
another classic wiggums banger
Also since you've outted yourself you may have lost your case.
The client for League of Legends is immaculate and I have no complaints.
She will come to league of legends
she'd just be yuumi without the bullshit untargetable part
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do it
What even if her story? She makes portals and what about it? I think she may get the Senna treatment where he's basically exists separated from someone and then becomes reunited but I'm unsure what narrative they'd have to pull for that.

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