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Previous: >>495001716

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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My girlfriend is so cute
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>plays game with skippable limited male characters
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I just think he's neat.
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Personally, I wish the limited male characters were cooler but the best we have are like Welt, Gepard, Ratio and 4 star chars
Isn't it kinda fucked
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Don't take your meds.
Never seen a bad Sparkle post
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Hotaru rabu
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Marketable plushie urine
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My hotwife is so sexy...
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>plenty of screentime with other males including Welt, Aventurine and Tiernan
>has literally held another guy's hand
>gets none of the cuck shitposting
How did Acheron get away with it?
They're not made for you retard. They're for the girls playing the game. Notice how all the examples you listed except for Ratio sre dull as shit and inoffensive as fuck.
This is genuinely disgusting. How did Amerimutts convinced the world this is hot
The guy is fucking dead
Girls don't play video games, stupid
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Damn last thread was SHIT, mutts are at work or on their commute to it which leaves Eurokeks responsible
BTFO their entire argument with one simple post. The fucking audacity of those homos to pretend anyone is mad but them.
>gets to hold hands with Acheron before he dies
Tiernan is dead bro.
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She did get cuckposted during her release by /v/GOD though.
Its only stopped after picrel happened.
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they are basically half homo
i just arrived, what was wrong with prev thread?
for me it's acheron
dull as shit is also a good descriptor for Jing Yuan, Dan and Jamaica tho
>Open thread
>Anal worm anal worm anal worm
>Just roll for males, why are you so mad
Homos having a mental breakdown over people not wanting to roll for males.
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>Cuck posting
>Homo posting
You tell me
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You people are insufferable, how do you live like this
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I would like to make a deposit of liquid assets.
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HSR for this feel?
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nice wormed general honkeks
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>i will not roll for males REEEEEEEE
>but i will still use gallagher because uh... i can!
mentally ill waifufags really should just play something else
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isnt that every thread in /here/?
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blade is ok
boothill is borderline (jojo-style homo so not really a homo)

i still won't roll them though
Unironic question: What's the appeal of the Caelus/Acheron ship?
What do you think is the best playstyle?
>/hsrg/ constantly complained about how hard the game was shilling Aventurine in the story
>no one is complaining about how hard Feixiao was shilled
I'm noticing
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Now that the dust is settled and all
Can we all agree that Worms are /hsrg/ coded just like Kiseki,Fate and Starcraft 2?
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I live for Ruan Mei.
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Anyone else start finding Feixiao a lot hotter upon learning she’s a rape baby who’s half wolf?
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People who want to have sex with Acheron but can't self-insert into a girl with a huge cock
I am, I hate her because she's a chink and I hate FuA shilling in general
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I skipped everything in China so I wouldn't know.
Skip skip skip skip
time for a bug
Because she wasn't shilled. She doesn't have more screen time in these patches than March, Yanqing, and Yunli
I like most of the male characters(except maybe Aventurine cause I didn't like his POV bullshit and how much time it wasted, he kinda feels like a Mary Sue) but I just don't want to roll for them.
Saviorfags, also Mei fags that are AdamGOD self inserters and want to fuck Raiden Mei in every form
My vote goes to Break (excluding Superbreak)
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Turns out guys are more comfortable having girls being shoved to their face.
Besides, plenty of people are already saying she's Mary Sue and she doesn't hog nearly a whole patch just for her own story
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It's like 1600 here buddy. Literally just got off work.
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I love Ruan Mei!
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>FuA the most voted
>DoT the least
having no brain is literally going sideways
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Sex with Acheron
Sex with Argenti
Sex with Arlan
Sex with Asta
Sex with Aventurine
Sex with Bailu
Sex with Black Swan
Sex with Blade
Sex with Boothill
Sex with Bronya
Sex with Clara
Sex with Dan Heng
Sex with Dr. Ratio
Sex with Feixiao
Sex with Firefly
Sex with Fu Xuan
Sex with Gallagher
Sex with Gepard
Sex with Guinaifen
Sex with Hanya
Sex with Herta
Sex with Himeko
Sex with Hook
Sex with Huohuo
Sex with Imbibitor Lunae
Sex with Jade
Sex with Jingliu
Sex with Jiaoqiu
Sex with Jing Yuan
Sex with Kafka
Sex with Lingsha
Sex with Luka
Sex with Luocha
Sex with Lynx
Sex with March 7th
Sex with Misha
Sex with Moze
Sex with Natasha
Sex with Pela
Sex with Qingque
Sex with Rappa
Sex with Robin
Sex with Ruan Mei
Sex with Sampo
Sex with Seele
Sex with Serval
Sex with Silver Wolf
Sex with Sparkle
Sex with Sushang
Sex with Tingyun
Sex with Topaz
Sex with The Trailblazer
Sex with Welt
Sex with Xueyi
Sex with Yanqing
Sex with Yukong
Sex with Yunli
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>wake up
>remember we're in peak SEA hours
>close thread after posting this
I self insert and imagine Acheron is totally into me
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Argenti, Blade and Luocha are cool but their kits are bricked. Boothill is cool and good but not worth getting him if you have Firefly
We know, Bugyun.
based omnisexual
> implying the worm shitpost originated from hsrg
This is why you’ll alway be a gig colony
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We love FUA here
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Autistic love
Nothing, they are both boke characters so their interactions would always be boring, the only thing that would make it interesting is if Caelus was a reincarnation or an alternate version of Kevin
I don't actualy know if she's a mary sue because i skipped all china slop, Loufu burned the bridge with the bottom of the barrel slop that was the Ting neck snap
Hypercarry is at the top though, and DOT is pretty brainless too.
FUA is just insanely visually satisfying to just watch all the constant attack spam.
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Arousing if true.
Aventurine shilling at least was interesting. Feixiao shilling is just more chinkwank about how Chink generals are the greatest coolest most powerful beings in the universe and Hoolay was planning to die just because of how amazing she is.
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>>wake up
>>remember we're in peak SEA hours
Boothill can 0 cycle more reliably than Firefly althoughbeit (and has much cooler animations)
far too attractive to be a shart rail character
I have just realised I have every other standard banner 5* at E2 but still don't have Gepard
yeah I looked at the poll when hypercarry was voted only once
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>only the new retarded kids of space china could actually end up killing Foolay
they had this nigga for several hundred years and couldn't do it?
Wanting to fuck everything just means you have no taste and are a brainfried consoomer
>Aventurine shilling at least was interesting.
bait or homo
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What's there to notice? I like sexy women. I don't feel attracted to men. Sounds like a (you) problem.
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so what exactly happens if you let it slip?
You won, Kaka completely creeps him
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*buys you food*
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Memes aside, how does this general feel about QQ nowadays?
Not him but I did sit throught it unlike chinkslop filler patches
>another illiterate retard
they were keeping him alive because they wanted to use him for experiments
hoolay captures all the people you talked too and kills them
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I admit, I'm a breakfag.
Savior fagging
Nothing gets waifufags harder than helping a girl
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I would prefer to have Gepard to fill out my databank than a Yanqing eidolon I will never use, actually
Then again if I could pick which standard banner 5* I got I'd have E6 Bronya
>another Nihility hag
I would love this
Chinks die
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She's small and cute and I want to manhandle her tiny body sexually.
Hoolay rounds them up ad kills them telling you it's your fault they're dead, not that i care, it's not like we have to personally tell the family members of the NPCs we got killed that their close ones passed away
>no new hag unit until 3.x
it's over
that's just cope bro
>Pretending to care about literal who NPCs
You don't even care about all the playable characters.
Probably one of the only based space chinks
oh no, not the npcs...
Jiaoqiu should've been the one dying
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/hsrg/ is a FUA general.
They die
I let them die and I knew they were going to die. Fuck chinks and fuck all chinklanders
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69 with Sunday!
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>peak SEA hours
Nah that's 7 hours ago when blackedschizo started spamming cuckposts to shit up the thread but all the pags just got aroused instead
Nobody cares about your 0 cycle bro
Hoolay is immortal because of his red moon heart, in the main story he gave it to Feixiao and die after it
why did he commit suicide?
>McDonald's McCrispy chicken sandwich and apple pie
Is there a lore friendly connection to these particular food items?
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Blade is the coolest male in all Hoyo games, literally (you), and still has probably the most fun kit of any dps in the game to this day.
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He was hyped up as the next buckbreaker... what happened?
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>that pic
It seems you're attracted to girls with cocks but remember that there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits
because he realized the borsin had become phantiliya's cuck toys and he didn't want to lead them in that state. he had hoped feixiao would become a stronger leader for them but she just ignored all his arguments with huntbabble and mary sue'd all over him
Can someone point me an actual gacha which cucks (you)
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There was plenty of bitching about her 7 PVs and her Mary Sueness though. It's like you guys' memory is worse than a fish's.
Explain how FuA is the most loved mechanic /hsrg/
Aventurine puts 2 shields up here
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Go away tourist, they could've just thrown him into a star and killed his ass, but there are fuckers who wanted to keep him alive for political reasons, like moon rage experimentation.
Because Feixiao is so cool only she can take over the world for the Borisins.
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None, the touch mechanic was removed when mihoyo started hiring females. There's no romance or pandering in HSR, either for ML, yumes, fujos, or shippers.
There was that weird quasi shipping in 1.0 with Asta/Arlan, March/Dan and Bronya/Seele, but they abandoned it immediately.
For reference pic related is what is considered actual pandering. What we have in HSR is at MOST "you are my best friend".
We have sustains better than Lingspud
Also we have yet to see MoC / DU versions
understandable desu they did seem like little bitches
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Sounds like a (you) problem
probably one of the Taimanin spin offs
Post pubes
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IPC general, chud
Brown dust 2
I can now finally enjoy FUA with Feixiao since I refuse to roll for Aventurine and skipped Topaz for being shit without Aventurine.
I like FUA, but i'm a hypercarry Oonga boonga enjoyer at heart, big stick go clang
pressing 1 button and seeing it chain into like 3-4 different attacks activates the dopamine receptors
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Leave Hoolay to me.
Current era GBF
that's really a copout reason bwo. I feel like it's extremely contrived and they could've just taken the stupid heart and done experiments that way
Genshin Impact
The two teams I invested and play with the most are DoT and FUA. I am the Yin and Yang of all metatards and Sovl Society.
We haven't had him as the MOC boss yet
Aventurine also turns him into an absolute joke because he just does a bunch of low damage AOEs really fast, which with sigga means infinite shields
Thanks for the Herta thread
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>she just ignored all his arguments with huntbabble
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If Kafka were designed today her Basic ATK would apply DoT if her FUA hadn't been procced in the previous turn.
>but they abandoned it immediately.
They're still keeping it for Bronya and Seele, but that's about it.
We barely see Asta and Arlan though, but I doubt they care enough to push this.
The latest shipbait is Yunli and Yanqing, but it's nothing much in-game, fanart's keeping it up altogether, let's see if they will scrap this too or not.
Fanart's ought to die once we hit 2.7 or even 2.6.
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I want to manhandle QQanon's 42kg body
Feixiao and Jiaoqiu bro.
When is he getting a rerun? I don't care how bricked he is I'm sick of waiting for a new dps to be fun
who am I having sex with today?
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Unironic response:
>Epic Seven - canon couples
>Fate Grand Order - canon couples
>GBF - canon couples
If she were designed today she'd have bizzare synergy with IPCkeks fueling ship faggotry with them

Because taking multiple turns in a row and spamming attacks is fun. Feixiao+Jade is so satisfying to watch.
FUA is fine but I only picked it entirely because Yunli's counters is pretty fun.
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They removed it after the Global release (in SEA server it's still there but only for early year characters)
ack in cumeron
Now that Jingqing is literally Jing Liu but better will they buff him?
Same here. I also put Acheron into the DoT team for the full hag lineup.
>purchased the 600k moral pack
I'm bricked aren't I
Action Taimanin has it but people playing that trash really like it.
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The fearless know not fear
I quit another 4 nigga game for HSR and it did come off as a surprise seeing a game not pander at all to anyone and just baiting everyone wtih crumbs
But this is my first Hoyo game so idk what's it like in GI and ZZZ
NGL the guy loses and regens so much HP that I believe is still a potential mechanic that is ripe for new meta utilization. I'll only lose HoPe when they introduce the HP Meta but exclude Me(Blade) from it.
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The characters is sexo tho
I love her hair
I'm still seething over Feixiao
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The trio has a good dynamic together but not when it's just the two of them (JQ/Moze and Feixiao).
It's not a really good shipbait, unlike Yunli and Yanqing, you can just look at the fanart.
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People die when they're killed
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why tf did you save my post
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Yeah, I love huge ponytails.
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We love heterosexuality here.
No, she's Kubrick
Same, I use her with fofo, march and robin. I'll switch fofo with lingsha when she releases.
I like March more than Firefly. Anyone else feel the same?
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November is approaching
Shippers latched onto it regardless
that's a man
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This but Fu
Me at the back
Imagine the smell
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Is hoolay the good guy?
He wants revenge for his people's poor treatment
But they talked to each other that means sex and love
genshin should have this event
New DoT units fucking when? If the leaks are true we aren't getting shit until at least 3.2, but at that time they are going to be full on shilling summon meta.
No shit, you can ship any pair you want, but it's still far less prominent than Yuni and Yanqing.

That logic only really works for Fujos.
I do too, not that Firefly is a bad character, she's alright but I just don't really care about her
Yes but we're forced to do the alliance's bidding when they're also abundance abominations
How do you guys manage SP? I run out immediately.
Yeah uh slight problem retard, even if they knew that his heart was the key to immortality, the heart fucking beams red light everywhere and mindbreaks average Foxians, why the fuck would the foxians ever take it out???
Hoolay wants to kill.
He wants his people to kill.
He wants a culture of killing.
It doesn't matter what they kill.
And they have to plan for what to do when they've already killed everything.

It's not a sustainable lifestyle.
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That is my cute poopwife
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His people are naturaly violent niggers, they are the natural enemies of any and all Civilizations that aren't hell bent on permanet war suicide
I haven't really had issues with just March being a battery for her. Though that may be cause my Feixiao's SPD is too bad.
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And I mean this with the most sincere appreciation of the Art
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>What we have in HSR is at MOST "you are my best friend"
>being this dense
Anon I think you might have missed some flags in highschool.
there are people other than foxians in space china
By the way, this was just a log in event. The idea was that if you DIDN'T log in a guy would fuck your girl, but mechanically it was just a log in reward. This is a different game from action taimanin also, that one doesn't has NTR and is pandering.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Acheron is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Acheron has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Acheron is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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>That pfp
NTA but there's no problem on my end.
March only use skill at the start of the battle so she's SP positive.
Robin usually only need 1 BA/Skill to reuse her ult.
FX only use skill once per 3 turns so she's slightly SP Positive.
pink haired heroine>>>>>>>>>>>greyish-greenish heroine sluts
don't act like the main games dont have ntr
E1 Robin or save for Sunday and/or Tingyun?
Anybody else find it weird how wolf people are part of the abundance and they kill and are violent?
She definitely has a more vibrant and defined personality. As the designated (You) character I feel FF is too safe and I wish they would play more into her supposed autism and battletardness.
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How do you get the thing up there?
>"she just ignored all his arguments with huntbabble and mary sue'd all over him"
>Ignoring her flashback with JQ
>Ignoring how Lan intervened
Dykeron, please
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Based on Turks too, i wonder what Mihoyo meant by it
Wait this is actually from her artist? Holy cuck
the bird
with the bird
March only uses 1 SP in her first turn. Huohuo is SP neutral.
First turn you use robin skill, march skill, attack with huo2, skill with feixiao. From then onwards you skill with feixiao every turn, huo2 uses her skill every 2 turns, and march just attacks.
What's you roster like?
Get 2 DPS and Sustains each before going for supports.
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If you didn't burn your eyes with contrast you'd notice a cycrane you can control to get to the chest, same with the prison area
He literal doesn't. He tells Feixiao that they don't deserve salvation due them being Betakeks that long to be commanded and controlled. He seethed that Phantylia managed to manipulate the Borisin in his absence so he cares not about them no more.
He unironically likes Feixiao more than his own kind because Feixiao is strong and self-driven.
Ah thanks.
Show me with proof then. What happens in the game that goes beyond that? Is there an actual love confession? A kiss? At most we get a hug and a "you are a valuable person to me".
Mihoyo really did break this faggot's mind so hard that he thinks that is actually romantic. This fag would die if he watched an early 2000 romantic comedy harem anime.
lose wait fatty
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Borisin knotslave
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All limited are E0
If i tried to yoink the origami bird would she vore me by accident?
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love this post
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I'm still thinking about Samantha(the borisin from Luka's event).
Some of them do, some of them don't. The action mobage is set on the universe of the non rape, non NTR ones.
It's past the event horizon
Anon, his people are literally Batarians from Mass Effect.
>we want to kill, rape, enslave, mutilate and destroy all we want
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I did not care for Elysia
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me rn
I haven't even played HI3 I'm here for the train
Yeah it's more about the very beginning
>Start 3 SP
>Robin - 1 SP
>March -1 SP
>Feixiao -1 SP
>Fu can't use skill due to no SP
Sure you can use a basic attack for Feixiao but that feels really bad. I suppose you can use technique on Fu every single encounter but that also feels bad.
Yeah but the Foxians are the ones with the differing Political interests in keeping Hoolay alive, for making him suffer as revenge or the experimentation. Why the fuck should normal xianzhou dudes or Vidyahara give a shit about Hoolay's body? They dont even suffer Moonrage and are already immortal to varying degrees.
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It has been 206 days since this post was first made.

In that time Acheron's two bodies have created 1,153.6 liters of milk. This is sufficient for a standard 6 person Jacuzzi.
I guess this depends on your perspective on eidolons in general, but Robin's E1 is the single best eidolon in the game.
Borisin can integrate into society just fine
Just look at hanunu and the implied descendants he has in the bloodhound family
Every single ship of this game is headcanon.
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You would rape Foxians too if your culture condoned it
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Hot. Can our devs do this with Firefly?
It's just their culture so it's ok. You aren't a bigot right?
Do you think Feixiao is into weird shit due to trauma from her youth?
would do it even if the culture didn't condone it
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Why does this new event feature the Traveller? Is this Lumine?
Least ethnic pagfly stan
Is she going to be as bland as every character in HSR? There has been zero character development for every single character, except for Sunday. Every character behaves exactly the same before and after their "moment". Supposedly firefly found a reason for living or whatever, but she is the same, her development was in the animated trailer. Same for Dan. Robin got zero character, she could at least had been on the side of her brother initially and get convinced by us or something. himeko and welt have done nothing in the story so far, you could cut them and every event would play the same. feixiao didn't change at all, she wasn't even tempted or anything, perfect from start to finish. Same with kafka, she always has everything planned from the start, even when things go wrong it was part of the plan.
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The law would punish you for your crimes
>all those fua votes
>when people shat on topaz and said fua would never be a thing
I was always a believer
*detonates mass relay*
Shut the fuck up we're not that old don't remind me
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I'm not sure I could keep up with demand...
>you could make all the borsin kill themselves if you became their warhead
>this would end the war instantly!
>no i will not do this
>fuck you, now die
>lan gaze for some reason

it was a dogshit scene, cope
>Acheron's two bodies
Holy retarded Headcanon, where was this even stated?
Or those dudes in the temple where the monk came from. Borisin are alright, it's just that most of them are jackasses like Hoolay or Mok Tok.
When is the leaked 4pc DPS set coming out?
I'm pretty sure it's BiS for my Sushang, so I don't want to waste energy farming the physical domain
>Why the fuck should normal xianzhou dudes or Vidyahara give a shit about Hoolay's body? They dont even suffer Moonrage and are already immortal to varying degrees.
Maybe they have a functioning society where they care about eachother, this is fiction after all

The only real proof of that is other races let Hoolay stay alive because of the foxian's protests for research
Limbus ruined that image for me
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>(Including counter and summon)
He had to do it to stop the Reapers
Cumming to Firefly NTR is what makes my day.
Let me guess it’s futanari or NTR
Wrong thread, seeletranny.
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I know, that was my original point. There is no romance in the HSR universe. I suppose that that is for the better, considering the shit the writers get up to in genshin.
nigger it's not even good
this is a parody of Dubai BB but Choco never drew Guda/ko maybe he didn't like their design, so he used Percival instead
So where's on screen kiss in >>495020865 ? At best you got flavor text which doesn't mean anything and won't even see any handholding action
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Take it up with the ritual post, it was literally state right there.
Imagine fucking QQ's tits while she chokes on a large, brown, SEA cock jeeezus
I only condoned FUA once we had some female options. Back then it was homos or nothing.
wrong thread fgoanon
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>It was all according to Mid Yuan again
When will they stop sucking his dicks for fucks sake. I fucking hate this Xianzhou slop for real and they're going to milk this slop for another year or two if they keep this pace up. The only redeeming part is Midliu and Luochud plot but then again it was just slightly mentioned.
>large, brown, SEA
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>Kafka is FuA since she has a FuA in her kit
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How will they be able to show that he's cool and not a miserable fuckup that lets shit get out of hand if they don't constantly remind you that it was ALL part of his plan
>It was all according to Kakaurine's gamble again
When will they stop sucking his dicks for fucks sake. I fucking hate this slopstones for real and they're going to milk this slop for another year or two if they keep this pace up. The only redeeming part is Obsidian and Diamond's plot but then again it was just slightly mentioned.
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STOP the count! Every post you make another Borisin dies!
2.6 maybe?
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that pink whore is going to corrupt our firefly...
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Firefly won
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God, Mobius is too fucking sexy. I hate it. My dick can't handle it whenever I see her.
I'm amused at how she didn't participate in the tournament, just like Yunli. I'm convinced 2 different people wrote each part of the story, if you pay attention the new characters (hunt march and yunli) didn't even appear in 2.5, and the story was boring as shit. I'm sure 2.5 was written alongside the original chinkslop patches, and at the time neither march nor yunli were in the story, and they wank the king too much. In 2.4 they try to control themselves a little.
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>fuck you, now die
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Where's my sex snek, mihoyo!
S-sure, yeah, it was to slow down the reapers...
Sigga has a sort of interesting angle on that, in that his plans always work out but it's because of literal space magic that also keeps fucking him over in ways unrelated to those plans
Juan is just perfect because he is from Space China
sword stance procs are not skill damage btw (it's additional damage, not buffed by anything specific)
still likely to be best in slot
>The only real proof of that is other races let Hoolay stay alive because of the foxian's protests for research
Not for lack of trying though.
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Firefly is already plenty horny on her own
>The Aventurine killer will enable triple DPS through their buff
rate my rrat
>Why is it... so small?
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Firefly's enormous Thorax...
>It was all according to Jade again
>It was all according to the IPC again
>It was all according to Elio again
>No FUA main DPS of any kind other than Dr. Ratio
Well, you could use that E1 Robin to buff your Jing Yuan. There's that summoner meta that might come during 3.0 that leakers have been talking about. And you can use your E1 Robin as a generic support, since she's so powerful now. Jingliu and Blade can utilize her. Clara and Himeko can be a cope FUA option in the meantime.
We don't know much about Sunday and Fugue, other than that Sunday is a Hypercarry support, and Fugue is some sort of HP% scaling Superbreak. Sunday can go on your Seele, Jingliu and Blade teams, while your Fugue in Firefly or Boothill teams.

Do note that most of this subject to change. You could wait until the end of Robin's banner, as to see if there are any more leaks.
Your account is already set, so just pick out the one that you most like, or would support the ones that you like the most.
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My wife who's totally into me frfr
just use fu's technique
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>Talking shit about el generalisimo
>Defending Aventurine
Are we getting raided by discord or Redditors?
Bro what functioning society? the Vidyahara are going extinct and splintering into like 3 different political camps trying to fix their no breeding flaw, you think they feel like helping the Foxians first? They help keep Hoolay in. confinement cuz the Marshal fucking told them to, they would've been fine even if the Marshal told them to throw him into a star. Fu Xuan also foresaw the rough outcome of the breakout as well and told JingYuan, so don't pretend the Seat of divine foresight gives a shit if he lives either.
You just lack the cultural and historical knowledge of Ancient China, to appreciat the Genious of El Generalisimo de la Loufu, maybe if you cared enough to get an education on China you'd change your mind
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person, Hertaschizo.
>sword stance procs are not skill damage btw
Didn't think about that, that's a shame
I also think it's still BiS though, at least for me, since I play her with Robin, so she gets plenty of attack% there
>No, I just want to save people
>Fuck you
Its that fucking simple, how can you people not get such a simple plot
Our General is only likeable when he is portrayed as a lazy, jovial comic relief character
When he suddenly becomes a strategic genius and outwits everyone offscreen it's just lame
more like seat of divine jobbing
Stoneslops LMAO
Aventurine was always 4chan approved and nobody cared about mid yuan.
+100 Social Credits to everyone on this thread
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Aventurine is my sigga
Juan is chinese gary stu, not my sigga
Sorry, I am racist.
She hates Borisin more than Lan arrows, even though She doesn't like it when Lan shoots his arrows, She still keeps praying that Lan will destroy the Abominations like Borisin and walk in Hunt path
>Why the fuck should normal xianzhou dudes or Vidyahara give a shit about Hoolay's body?
The shitty dragons WANTED Hoolay to escape and rampage. Their idea was to clean up the mess, re-imprison Hoolay and take over the Xianzhou. JY outright says they had hoped Hoolay would weaken society enough for them to take over.
Fuck additional damage, the most cucked damage type, because they refuse to make any sets or characters to specifically buff it.
Lelouch from code geass does similar asspulls, but that won't stop you from screaming holy fucking kino when he does it
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Did Zhongli get this keikaku treatment as the literal god of china? The Jing Yuan glazing is insane when he's just one of the many generals
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Leave him alone already, what the fuck does he have to do with chinkslop
Literally nothing fucking happens in Liyue
Holy Fucking KINO
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Would it kill them to at least focus more on Feixaio? I'm convinced now she flopped partly because this was just another Jing Yuan patch on disguise. Will he be the keikaku doori mastermind on every chink ship plot??
This actually wasn't a bad plan
They already got sidelined into irrelevance in Xianzhou society because of Daniel fucking up once, so if they can bait El Generalissimo into fucking up on a similar scale twice in a row (the big tree and Hoolay) they would have reasonable grounds to argue their way back into relevance
Wonder what pathylia was thinking while forced to live tingyuns wagie life
Women and homos
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Obsidian is the only one that won't flop.
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Lelouch is Chunnikino so people like him
That's not giving a shit about Hoolay's special body for experimentation, that's just wanting a distraction. There are plenty of nasty prisoners that could also weaken society, Hoolay was just the easiest to break out by far because of the visit by the Yaoqing ambassadors.
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Stop the count
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She got to have some fun with Bailu's cheeks so it wasn't all bad.
Didn't Daniel Feng only do that because they were literally going extinct, and the elders didn't care because who cares about the future when they themselves can no longer rule?
>Chinks actually find this trope entertaining
lmao even
when flyfer rerun??
I will e6s5 her on the spot
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i got spooked by Clara so i likely won't be able to get Robin, who do you guys reckon i should slot in sparkle's place?
i'm torn between March and Moze, i was thinking of running Moze since he fills Feixiao's ult so fast but i only managed to get him into E1 so i'm kinda worried i might miss out on dmg lol.
They're all E0S1 btw.
If bleed = pull
If FuA = skip
>missing out on damage
just play who you like more bro this game is easy
there's some cycranes that do the loud crow and small bird meme on the balcony of the wardance arena
Imagine they rerun her with Acheron
if bleed = skip
if FuA = pull
Moze if you have E2 March otherwise is the universal rule. Though I still play March anyway cause it's comfier and makes your team less strict.
>i got spooked by Clara so i likely won't be able to get Robin,
Bro, that's a 30% damage decrease.
Build pity on her banner just in case you get her early.
You can use Asta or Hanya in the meantime. Or just use Sparkle again.
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Skills polished, ready to shine.
Skott was innocent and literally set up by Phantylia pulling the strings. He did nothing wrong and was treated unfairly by the port authorities under Lingsha.
>Multiple choice
Try to get 1 more copy of Moze or otherwise stick with E6M7
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What if she's both?
Wow, Chinky March is really good.
I just love that she copies the Shifu's element so you can literally slap her in anywhere and she'll work.
Pomegranate lady will be a brick.
Such is the life of a real lone wolf, not some fag like Hoolay who needed a magical heart made from a thousand sacrifices and an Aeon's power.
Skott is 100% ALL NATURAL Skott, no Yaoshi power and magical blood.
They were going extinct extremely slowly, since most of the time if they 'die' they just respawn, but their population can never do better than remaining stable
Daniel only did that with Baiheng because he lusted for Foxian pussy, it was entirely self-serving
The guy in the latest patch wanted to use the same method to increase their population, and he's only even considered a villain because Space China considers granting more people immortality to be bad, otherwise there would really be no harm in letting randos show up and get turned into an egg voluntarily
Thanks bwo. I shall wait until the end of the banner to decide. Her E1 fomo is quite strong desu
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>the first and last limited 5* sub-dps
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Obsidian should have self heal/life steal methinks


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brick THIS
Dollar store bob
Nice Xueyi piece.
>This is sufficient for a standard 6 person Jacuzzi.
How much in cakes? Each half a killo.
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Effecto de ladrillo FuA soon TM
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Why couldnt she be crit/break bros...
Your Jade?
Wasn't there some tragedy that destroyed a ton of eggs, which is why Daniel Feng panicked and went through with things?
all characters are bricks
bwo, your credits...
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YOOO tingyun
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Do Vidyadhara rebirth if they get killed? It seemed implied with whatshisface saying they could end the abundance war forever.
We love our bricks, isn't that right Sparkle?
>narrowly escaped death

>More not-china politik
I FUCKING HATE spess China!
I sleep
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I love all bricks
>Marshal Hua mentioned
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>50/50 chance for desired stats across 3 different relics
>Fail every one of them
Nice game railkeks
>Tingyun mind and body raped by Phantylia
>Tingyun impregnated with lingering Destruction power
just like every mihomo game...
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Cinema. Absolute cinema.
my pain is greater than yours but im too lazy to make screenshots
Haha stupid Sparkle, I was just joking, you SUCK.
At least it's better than genshin is the cope
In lore they normally just go and do the rebirth when they get old, but it can be triggered early to recover from injuries. If they get killed they don't do it, which would be why their population is slowly declining
They can also get the space dragon equivalent of cancer where the process mutates and they end up aging really slowly or really quickly, there's NPCs who both turn into an egg every dozen years and spend 150 years in the egg every time it happens
>It's going to be more chink wank instead of just her story
Sigh, and I had expectations too....
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guys where do i get these??
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e1 rm and e2 hanabi say good bye to superbrick since that team is not as strong as xueyi hypercarry
I just leveled up Hanabi, JQ and Hook and Im in the process of leveling up Feixiao
i got them all to max talents and level
it's a lot of work
I see you are just as retarded as the writers who thought that scene made feixiao look cool
i still can't believe Phantylia spent three DECADES working at the sky faring comm out of her own volution
>Fission Cuck
my C6S5 sparkle doesn't suck
i honestly don't feel too bad about getting rng'd like this
one sub roll is worth ~1-2% damage anyway so the difference between good relics and god relics isn't very significant
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>Most Yanqing NSFW fanarts have him with a pussy and sometimes boobs
>Hoyoverse knows how the fandom behaves
>Yanqing is very similar to Jingliu in both appearance and talent
>Is canonically shorter than people of his age

We already had our first trans character (FTM) in the game during launch and we didn’t know that…
>got feixiao
>got robin
now what... there's nothing to do until 3.0
It was all part of Phantylia's plan all along
you think she wouldn't want revenge against phantylia or something? the first and 2nd luofu arcs literally set up that the xianzhou would go attack the antimatter legion.
Lol your expectations were screwed the moment Ruan Mei took her on an express trip straight back to the Xianzhou.
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>Device IX
>Idrilla's disappearance
>Boothill's revenge against Oswald
We have so many plots we could explore but we always come back to space china...
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The tragedy that destroyed the eggs was the aftermath of Daniel's experiment, so not only did he do it solely because he wanted Foxian pussy, he killed ~20% of his species in the process
How mindbroken would hsrg get is yanqing was revealed to be a girl pretending to be a boy all along?
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when are we going to Space Japan?
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you could try to min-turn AS and MoC?
The people complain about not china are just like the people who boycott genshin kek. Nonstop complaining every single day for attention but will consume the game regardless.
Keep on complaining, I'm sure your action matches your words.
Why did mihoyo design this abomination? What the fuck were they thinking when abundance are guaranteed flops
I'm still holding out hope we go to the planet where she ascended to aeonhood. That being an option for the fake Penacony ending just to send us to space Greece instead is bullshit
Device IX? Hidden in a space china ship
Idrila? Soon to be resurrected in Space china ritual
Oswald? Lying low on a space china ship.
>literally posted 2 mins after the reddit post was made
Hertaschizo is a literal bot.
leak her damn kit already
Just like firefly
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Mindbroken? We would immediately want to fuck her.
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Go back to genshin or zenless zone, seriously
Your Robin, bro?
They were thinking lingsex sex with ling and lingsha's cheesy feet
based hypercarry xueyichad fuck superbrick
...That's it? I should've known better from chinkslop.
Who gives a shit about chinkslop story line. Just give us kit leaks or shut the fuck up
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>+100 social credit has been deposited into your account
>If bleed
You mean DoT? fucking monkey
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My favorite FUA team?
>Kafka, JingYuan, RuanMei, Lingsha
My favorite Break team?
>Himeko, HTB, Sushang, Natasha(BE Rope)
My favorite Acheron team?
>Topaz, Ratio, March7(Sustain with EHR chest)
3 more years
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its so hard to build her...
I don't know how this lady put up with Mile Luna for as long as she did.
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>use pela
>suddenly recognize the english voice actor
>mfw it's the same VA as altina
>rehashing firefly
my wife is special and cannot be replicated
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You're shitposting but I'm going to be so pissed if any of this ends up real
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Because it's slowly becoming a plot blackhole that draws everything into it
It would not be a problem if spess chinks were such boring Mary sues
Please understand that if you have zero reason to even connect with spess china, it all comes across as endlessly self fellating
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This is Feixiao
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I clapped.
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The furtive phantom beauty, so easily forgotten.
Lingsha is one of the most boring designs in the game
I think it's pretty funny that they put that choice about what planet you want to go to next in the fakeout ending and essentially every other option was more interesting than Space Greece
I wonder if they recorded metrics on which ones people picked, although it would have been too late to change the next planet by that point anyway
holy schizo theorycrafter... I genuflect...
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Simple can be nice some times, in a universe of overdesigned visual frenzy.
>Mile Luna
Skipper cope
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>Playing in EN dub
what do you mean?
space china is so rich with totally not irrelevant boring lore
and is so developed that it's like a living breathing world
why would anyone ever want to leave?
>Complains about the chinese being mary sues
>Posts Kafka, the queen of dindus
Kek. Again, you are better off droping and going to Genshin, because the Xianzhou has ALWAYS been a major plot point. Thats like the people that bitch about the IPC
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Bros just want to share how excited I am with this. Thank you for coming to my TeD Talk. I will now play with my Wind Bitches.
It would be even nicer if she didn't have those dumb looking red limbs.
>rolling for chinese bootleg sparkle with her bootleg kit
how DARE you
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This is my yard now
Do chinks even like Luofu aside from their lord and savior Jesus Yuan who can do no wrong
I don't understand people who revile major factions in this game but refuse to quit. if you can't stand the IPC or space chinx just quit now. they're not going away, they're not going to ever not be shilled. just save yourself the grief and play a game with a story you actually like
dumping Sparkle for the next best harmony and never use her again!
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Congrats bro
Kafka is very literally not a dindu
The fact she does kill people and laughs about it despite being extremely nice to TB is what makes her interesting
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Can't believe Shikanoko is fucking over now bros
>Everyone I don't like is a mary sue
>The IPC? No, they're oppressed, perfectly written and mindbrokers hsrg
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>more chinawank
Bro Aventurine is the biggest Mary Sue in the game. Even when he loses he still wins.
Whose idea was it to make a unit that is only useful in a mode where you need to speed-clear and give them the break type that does no damage and just delays enemies
>Miles Luna is a Texas State University film student doing gratis work for TSTV (a student TV channel)
>Michael "Burnie" Burns who is a Texas State Alum and former TSTV member hires him as an editor for Red Vs Blue
>Miles writes a script for a continuing series of Red Vs Blue after episode 100 and Burnie hands all of the writing for the series off to him because "he did a good job of copying my style"
>Several years later, Monty Oum invents RWBY as an anime action series but doesn't actually care who writes it so Miles is handed the lead
>Miles does a terrible job and just copies every anime he knows and hires his untrained, underaged footage editor friend as the co-writer
>Arryn Zech is his girlfriend of the time from Texas State and is pulled in for voice work with one of the eponymous characters
>Arryn Zech is the voice of Black Swan
>Roosterteeth collapses slowly over 10 years following allegations of toxic and illegal work culture.
demoted for her actions on belobog, not a mary sue
had to be saved by deus ex argenti, not a mary sue
>Kafka, the queen of dindus
retard or tranny?
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>fate collab
>sunday and tingyun right after 2.6
>5 star herta
>screwllum slowly becoming playable
>stone hearts
>HI3 collab
they set rappa up for failure
Noooooo you can't say that
You do not belong here if you dislike the Xianzhou.
IPC are evil tho
Why do you think if I hate one I like the other
What are you an American politician?
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Fire Nihility Tingyun will SAVE dots. Trust the plan
>Arle kills but is kind to the Traveler
>Kafka kills but is nice to the TB
>Um actually it makes her interesting
kill yourself trannyturine analwormer
Aventurine is a boring and badly written character.
Like? How does that affect her? She's still a stoneheart
That's why you don't write luck-based characters
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>xianzhousloppa shill is retarded/dishonest
as usual
>I hate the IPC, they are scheming, evil and only care about themselves reeeee
>The IPC is perfect and mary sue
Nigger, decide on something
That's not what a Mary Sue is. You guys are absolutely retarded when it comes to overused terms.
Aventurine is an exciting and goodly written character.
sorry xir I dont have enough nipponese reps to understand it
>>Kafka kills but is nice to the TB
That's her child, why would she be mean to them?
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my mommy milkeroonies kafkmom did nothing wrong.
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Is threesome Silver Wolf’s goal? Or is it written in the script?
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Kafka did nothing wrong
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Why does every discussion end up on going back to HIM
I have perfect social credit btw
the last one is from a new event called pineapple
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She killed millions (and that's a good thing)
>She isnt a dindu
>Her being a mass killer is actually cool
How is that not a dindu? Her and SW are responsible for a bunch of deaths of innocent people in the Herta station and everyone just goes "AWOOOGA DOMMY MOMMY". Even RM gets more shit for her actions and she didnt even kill anyone
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It's past your bed time.
Aventurine TikTok hours?????
he unironically mikdbtoke this general, he got brought up our of nowhere AGAIN while people are seething about space china
Its always the ipcniggers that ruin everything
Kafka is ugly. There I said it. Her in-game model looks nothing like the art she gets.
All homotranny shills need to kys
>she didnt even kill anyone
>he thinks those bugs just came out of nowhere
Awormturdurine stoneflopped lol
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I don't have Acheron or the pink fox, why does he make her so much better?
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The bugs didn't kill anyone though.
They can't even eat the cake cats that live with them.
Dangerously based
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It's like you cannot comprehend people can like morally gray, or even evil, character without excusing it
Nobody says she's not evil
We just like her in spite of it
Kafka has frog eyes. And Feixiao looks goofy with her overly huge eyes.
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>mass murderer
>0 moral issues with killing
>following elio for the most self centered reason out of all the SH
>"u-um she hasn't been executed yet and is nice to her kid/friends so she dindu"
these anons are retarded
Doesn't she have some passive that lets her break do damage anyways? Img is just nice coverage, it's everywhere ever since hoyo tried too hard to sell Dan.
Aventurine is ugly.
Acheron's ult works on a point system where you get 1 point every time a debuff is applied to an enemy. Pink fox is good because he has a thing that lets him apply a debuff on enemies on every one of his turn and every enemy turn so he supercharges Acheron's ult and lets you do it way more often.
Acheron gets ult charges from debuffs being applied, Jamiroquai spams debuffs on multiple enemies at once
I'm retarded?
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Sure, Topaz. We believe you
The universe is so big it has over a hundred billion galaxies. And yet we keep bumping with this retard every patch.
Hitler can be nice to his girlfriend while being evil to minorities, bro.
Can someone explain why my Firefly team always gets the warning "team is underpowered" for quests? The rest of my teams don't get that, I have them all built as well.
I don't really care about Aventurine, but everytime people talk about him, thread quality decreases.
we know, sparkle
you're agreeing with me
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I still play superbreak, but It's just not that good with Xueyi outside of DU, hyper carry is just that much better since you can reach all of her requirements for crit rate, break and speed then just get hanabi to give her what she's missing which means she'll do more damage and theres no chance of whiffing the break with her ult for the entanglement
Yours looks pretty good, but it's bricked soley because you chose the bad first break set, who i feel is really only okay on sushang since she's like Xueyi, but the energy regen is more important for the fact she can keep jumping around
QUANTUM is her bis, probably forever since it's so good. since you;ll her mostly on quantum stages anyways, so with her 20% down, and then pela/sw/e1rm/e2 hanabi she's fucking INSANE and easily does 200k for every hit for me
They don't want to create new boss models, please understand
Making her imaginary is just a copout to not do yet another unit with an implant, and it will work for now because they went into overdrive shilling imaginary weakness, but it's a shit element for breaks and I would assume the next planet will have less imaginary spam because even casual players are noticing it and complaining by now
please understand, the billion dollar indie developer can't afford to make any new bosses
Because he's used only for shitpost
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I AM NOT MINDBROKEN! I am not mindbroken! I KNOW he's a shitty character. I knew he would never powercreep Fu Xuan. Strongest, most future-proof sustain in Honkai: Star Rail. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got those idiot prydwen trannies to cover for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That version 2.1! Are you telling me that a side character just gets to hog the main story like that? No! He orchestrated it! KAKA URINE! He analwormed my account! And I rolled for him! And I shouldn't have. I let him continue to tank MOC! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was kaka, always the same! Couldn't keep himself out of slopping and worming the story! But not our Aventurine! Couldn't be precious Aventurine! Stealing our image count! And he gets to stay a Stoneheart!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-
They lack the critical information
The bugs were in an isolated area, no one got killed
>You just dont get it
Anyone can get it. I'm not shitting on her for being grey, I'm saying she is a dindu because no character besides Himeko is antagonistic towards her despite what she did, and the community not only brushes off her actions but even go and ship her with the one person that doesnt like her, even SW suffered some consequences for fucking with Herta. Quintessential dindu
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Where my firefly bros at?
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>rolling for avenkekurine to beat hoolay when e4 lynx is more than good enough
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Redpill on Fofo bros, why is she suddenly become T0 in pagden tier list? I do have her E0S1 but I haven't used her ever since I got Aventurine and Galagher.
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Here, building mommy Kafka's set.
Holy shit, the Vidya-whatever guy's plan was literally to let Hoolay massacre as many people as he wanted, and deal with him later on and gain respect. The fuck was he planning on doing to Hoolay when he got his ass kicked by 4* "human" Dan Heng?
Who's Bronya en va?
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well, they were my only boots with brick effect i guess, and it's still nice and good for her to get her own actions after all
but yours, i fuarking KNEEL
the quantum domain has just been really dogshit for me since day 1
post your e4 lynx beating hoolay schizo. no Photoshop
Methinks it's exactly for that reason. They know Imaginary has the shittiest break and will therefore give it the most busted break traces to make up(e.g. Superbreak Enabler)
We still don't know. Typical pagwen moment seeing as to how she's bricked with the top 3 best dps out right now.
why is she throwing gang signs WTF this is terrorism
>March7(Sustain with EHR chest)
This guy's actually cooking something up.
My dick
The universe in HSR is tiny as fuck. It has been 18 months and we have been to a grand total of 3 places.
______________________________________________________________Himeko dies_____________________________________________________________________
Gotta love racist sparkle, fuck pepeshi
so she's a dindu because our crew doesnt fuck her brain with moralfagging 24/7? Also she was literally jailed in space China but escaped.
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I had a Yunli Himeko one a patch ago. That was nice.
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It would be a really good element for a superbreak sub-DPS, the problem being superbreak teams have no room for a sub-DPS unless you go sustainless
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>coping already
Enjoy some mommy kafka with me
why is she fucking SLUTTY
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my bro pudding i still spotted you, you can't hide from me
your uid is 601075563
dont be shy... you have the best xueyi ive ever seen and the fastest silver wolf..your yunli is also super insane, i KNEEL
i've been playing that march for ages. it is nothing new
Ha! Like fucking 2024 mihoyo could do something like that. They didn't even kill original sex fox, she is coming back in 2 patches. All those people that "died" in penacony? Nah, they just were sent to the janitor closet.
same reason Ratio went up to 0.5, their feelscrafting list has to atleast seem to be based on actual data
>more of the pic is a penis than the woman
yeah, that's gay
did you gen this? kek
Name the blackhole around which all hsrg discussion is centered
Don't people have Ratio? March 8th, even?
>He skipped?
Firefly, Aventurine, Acheron
Firefly and Acheron
Post yunli pussy
I suck Firefly's toes after she cheated on me
Aventurine, not even Firefly manages to infiltrate every single discussion
Lingsha’s gaping asshole
Raiden senbonsakura mei and luciérnaga
>can't go one thread without shilling him or posting avenpaz shit
>wow, he sure is posted a lot!
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>to beat hoolay
Do we even have endgame content with hoolay as one of the bosses?
having sex
Confirmed for MoC
ACK for meta purposes and firefly cuz she lives rent free everyone
I just don't understand why /hsrg/ still can't get Firefly and Aventurine out of their minds. It's been months
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I am compleeeeeeete!

Yes, you are fucked!
Shit out of luck!
Now I'm complete,
And my cock you will suck!

This world will be mine
And you're first in line
You brought me the pick
And now you shall both die!
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Every other character is that uninteresting.
>neuvillette broke gig
>aventurine broke hsrg
my heroes
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Her game
Her thread
Her world
It's pretty much pags vs homos when it comes to those two
They also both won the current hunger games...
Gooning to this
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Her property
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>aventurine broke hsrg
>firefly broke hsrg, twitter, and plebbit
he still has room for improvement
What do yo uguys use for the new Echo of War? She deals so much fucking dmg that firefly fucking dies on auto
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Well shit. Do I put Firefly against Hoolay or she should be on the first team? No, I don't have nor will roll for Feixiao
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most annoying fanbase
He's to weak, the 3 people pushing him as hsrcore need to see the bigger picture.
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>RM, Sigga, Clara and Robin
>Auto and come back3 minutes later because holy fuarking HP bloat
I'm gonna post my Firefly NTR commission in a few days, enjoy
eat my smegma dumb bitch
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>gojopagoid is back
Go to sleep, bro. Its bed time in indopagland
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Of the big 3, why doesn't Acheron generate much seethe? It's always daily melties over Firefly and Aventurine only.
Aventurine broke twitter too, but the discussing is so cancer you don't want to know
Lingsha broke the flop charts
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I dragged my friend group into play hsr just by posting her on the group chat, she's too powerful
would be hotter with a micro penis
Sadly the anti-raidenschizo left us
There was the /u/thing but no one really cared.
She is just there and doesnt have much to offer.
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Her what?
oh yea lol. does it really count when it's about race/shipping and not his character, though?
what is lil bro even saying?
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Firefly doing bazinga mori numbers in a shorter period more often spared Acheron from having the more annoying shitposters latch on, it's only milk poster and a couple mostly chill Meifags posting her
Acheron, Aventurine and Firefly
The last two mostly generate seethe while Acheron is generally inoffensive
Biggest she isn’t part of the big three. She’s too boring
I'm genuinely curious, were the threads any better pre 2.x? I quit way back in 1.1 after rolling for SW and reinstalled a couple hours before the free Ratio disappeared and been playing since.
Firefly somehow also broke gig
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Her large milk producing breasts make her immune from hate.
Firefly sold more than Acheron if you disconsider her anniversary buff.
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Threesome just happened naturally
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She literally stole like 3 of your songs as "Her themes"
I mean part of the Firefly seething there is about shipping/self insert too, at the end of the day the topic always come back to that.
She's a plot device, not a character.
Robin Argenti Jade Aventurine.
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Stop this glazing
Because she's just there unlike Firefly and Aventurine who were pushed to the front all the time
Firefly is the dev approved canon wife and Aventurine had an entire patch for his backstory (this could have been a companion quest, fuck you Dawei)
Acheron pandering was an optional scene
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No it was full of gay ERP posters.
1.4 was pretty comfy i think, 1.5 to 2.0 was the scourge of the ERP posting ravaging the /hsrg/ fields, but at least we got Banjomori bug Mei posting which was kino and yet to be topped by anything since
What’s there to complain about? She didn’t hog an entire patch and her ultimate (You) pandering scene wasn’t even compulsory
fair enough
Gonna need to see that
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She's the center of HSRG
I will never stop glazing Argenti.
>He skips Aventurine
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Let go
>Second season announced
Lets goooooooo
>Acheron has scenes with both Firefly and Aventurine
>both of them still didn't have one with each other
I need this to see what would happen
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>Big 3
Who's the Big 3?
I still miss our queen Sneed...
qrd on the 1.5 erping? was it the qqposters
W-what's she doing to Caelus?
>Caelus belongs to ME aventurine
That's hardly an accomplishment
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The non homo option has always been there to clear content
Only time I had fun was during the Literally Me Arc of this general. Now I just visit once a week to shitpost/doompost and dip unless there's a shit ton of leaks to talk about.
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she won
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Manifesting for 2.6
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Do I pass the vibe check /hsrg/?
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The difference in quality between Penacony and Luofusloppa is so staggering one can't help but wonder if we were even playing the same game.
>male harmony
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>energy regen and overflow
New Robin BIS teammate detected.
>No sustain
>Dan Heng
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Well, sounds more useful than Sparkle already
Sparklesisters, our response?!
>another imaginary male character
yawn I hope it's fake
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Brickle LOST
>energy overflow
What would this mean for Feixiao and Acheron?
Also rip in peace Sparkle
You mean Silver Wolf one? Is this even ntr if it end up being threesome?
>I ended it with a period. It was a statement, not a threat.
Acheron is secretly a huge dork???
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gee I wonder why the waifumaxx character has no scenes with the flirty omnifucking guy, it's almost as if they don't want to get stabbed a third time
What anime is this?
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Imagine using a quantum unit
ruan mei
sparkle (to be replaced by stingyun)
Faggots using QQ and Fofo pics to ERP with each other, it was a wild time, they got brazen enough to say that at least their ERP keeps the thread active, homo posting of all kinds was also a near constant occurence, not just text but pics too
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Lmao they’re actually evil for rerunning sparkle before him
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My team is happening (Topaz will get replaced by a summon dps I guess)
they are afraid to give mobs quant weakness
Alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian
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but i post and shitpost every thread ? even my xueyi you can see if you scroll up >?
right now i am trying moc teams
Sparklebros it was nice knowing you
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Whatever happened to mono quantum breaking the meta?
>ackshually it was 2 slashes
My cute dorky wife Acheron…
So do we know what other 3 characters are running with Rappa yet?
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eaten alive by laptop ants
Yunli already has that trait so I'm good
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>QQ and Fofo pics
ofc it was them
>doesnt work for feixiao or ack
Holy fuck thank god I decided to roll the pinkfox instead of brickle
The big 3.
Nyo, wait for the livestream
Fofosissies and Sparklekeks need to unite as a front to destroy the menace that is Mr. 7 Days a Week is for Gaming
The malding will be of biblical proportions if me and my sisters get replaced
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what are you on about?, can't Sparkle advance summons too?
>Cyкa блять
Why are there so many variations of this image?
So what do I do with my E1S1 Sparkle?
This is revenge for bullying Sunday about his dead sister btw
Ruan Mei 100%
Boothill probably
One of Acheron and Aventurine or maybe even both to boost sales
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>allow teammates' energy to overflow
i'm rolling
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She can advance the cum in my cock to come out faster
>Rolled banjo
>Skipped Sparkle
>Skipped first Robin banner for FF
>Skipped sparkle rerun
>Rolled Robin on rerun
I fucking love winning, hebe negroes in SHAMBLES
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If Sunday powercreeps Sparkle in an E2 Acheron team like Jiaoqiu did with SW I will riot
Skip. Will be able to save for Tingyun
>have access to extremely advanced space travel technology, computers and more, easy access to modern information and education
>could easily forge a great civilization if they wanted
The Borosin are hilarious. Despite having fucking sci-fi technology, they still act like cave dwellers. Slavery isn't even useful for them, they just keep the slaves to abuse, rape and use as cannon fodder.
>can't Sparkle advance summons too?
Ok so we don't know just yet. I hope we're getting Silverwolf and Acheron. I want Silverwolf and want to roll for Acheron's cone. I'm not rolling for Lingsha, Rappa or Sunday so I've got a lot of saving to do.
нe бpocaйcя зa Лингшy, инaчe я нacтyплю тeбe пo яйцaм
holy kino I forgot about that, is this what you call domination loss?
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He won against spunkle
>Seele got powercrept
>QQ was always shit
>Lynx is dogshit
>Fu got powercrept

It was always just copers shilling it.
It didn't take much for Jiaoqiu to powercreep Silver Brick thoughbeit
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i rolled pink fox, sporkle and i WILL also roll sunday along with RAPPA

having so many options is never a bad thing, my account can clear and do anything
We've been there with fox, Sunday will be the same. Nobody cares. ESPECIALLY with the second half, and what's coming afterwards.
they're so cool
A lion doesn't expect to be understood by sheep.
Sunday can be the best unit in the game but I still won't be rolling for a homo. Sorry not sorry.
>another harmony
Because fuck you
Because of this drawfag
Rolling harmony supports to hardcarry my DPCs and sustain bricks.
>homotrannies are having another melty because their favorite anal-worm just got a made-up leak
why are they like this?
Based and same. Saving for Tingyun.
> Acheron
> Feixiao
No energy
> Firefly
No Break Synergy
Sunday is a brick on the wall if you just care enough to look deeper. Enjoy bricking your accounts homoids.
Where's the melty? People are just making fun of Sparkle as always
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I don't think you understand what melty means
It's dumb fun, and happens with every unit that may or may not powercreep a previous one, you meanwhile sound upset, it's okay E2S1 sparkle is still a solid option
You don't want to forcibly reunite Robin with her brother?
holy kek saved
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New Thread
That was part of Elio's script. Start reading.
t. brickle coper
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All of Penacony was relentless imaginary-shilling. Maybe next planet will switch back to quantum.
It's going to be ice chilling
early faggot
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person, Hertaschizo.
who else do you have you could use for hoolay? cause firefly team can giga easy clear PPE to give you more cycles to 10 turn hoolay
What the fuck is this Abyssal shadow?
I am supposed to kill the dice but they take no damage unless they're weakness broken, and I can't target them all so I can't play Yomi on the first stage because her ult does nothing as everything is shielded. And I can't play Firefly because everything is weakness protected.
And on the secound stage I have ult damage bonus, and I am supposed to kill the flowers but most of them take no damage from Argenti because for some reason they need to be weakness broken, and I can't play firefly the boss is also weakness protected here.
Did Feixiao sell absolutely nothing or why are they this desperate to make AS stages that are unplayable without her?
1.0 was Seele and Jing Yuan
1.1 was Luocha and Silver Wolf
1.2 was Blade and Kafka
1.3 was Daniel and Fu Xuan

going mono quantum was pretty much a necessity back then, especially if you didn't want to roll for homos
skill issue my brother, see >>495031380
retard, use argenti against aventurine and acheron against phantilya. the mode is about breaking, you have to actually match elements
Argenti is useless against Aventurine, it takes him 6-7 rounds to kill Aventurine in MoC why would he be good against him here somehow?
oh my fucking god read the mechanics. the bosses aren't the same as the MoC or echo of war ones
Cute. You have more?

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