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Everyone Knows Edition

>Previous Thread >>493673609

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the supernatural power. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (DE)

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

>Upcoming Merch:
Life is Strange: Heatwaves - Out now!

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874000
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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Izzie LOVE!
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>Here is your Double Exposure, bro.
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Can someone give me the TL;DR on the LiS DE leaks?
Rachel owes me a blowjob and Max dies.
Pricefield is dead, long live Ricefield
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A couple of days before the reveal livestream on June 13, some anon talked about how Chloe was going to be threated as a "maybe, maybe not" for all the marketing campaign and that was a stupid idea.
Max is asexual
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The other notable leak is the greentext one, which had some interesting details as well.
Asexuals aren't real
Then we have the two reddit leaks that have been proven accurate as of right now.

First one is from August 2022, in which some dude talked with a playtester for DE and they revealed to him the whole main premise of the game with Max jumping to the alternative timeline, that Chloe can make an appareance in Bae and that there's other people with powers as well.

The second one is a dude who took a Square survey in fall of 2022 and was revealed an early build of DE through concept art material called "Aperture", due to the fact that Max didn't have any timeline hopping ability but her rewind through the camera lenses, and was only set within the post Sacrifice Chloe ending.

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What bands/artists should i listen to in order to have the Max Caufield experience?
take notes dontnod and deck nine
Chloe really is a great character. I'd take another game about her. Max is kinda boring without her blue firecracker.
there will be some cringe youtubers/content creators interviews coming up soon
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A bit of hopium for Baechads, at least some Chloe crumbs
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This. Hence why BtS was boring as fuck. Literally sped through everything just to get it over with. They work better as a team. Think of it as Master Chief from Halo without Cortana. Or Ash without Pikachu from Pokemon.
No Matilda Mann song today maybe on the 25th, we just had a boring interview with that insipid nobody Tessa.
might be released tomorrow, don't despair yet
I'm the one who posted those pictures and screenshots, I found them in a now abandoned spaniard youtuber's discord, I'm still missing one where this guy says he had a hard time writing flirting scenes between Alex and Ryan because he didn't see Alex falling in love with men LMAO, coming from a man who disguises himself as a woman to playing being a lesbian is astronomically ironic, there goes "the best representation of bisexuality in the series" fucking gringe.
welcome to reality, everyone is a hypocrite in one way or another
Oh god, can you please go fuck yourself to /pol/ or are going to do the same shit once DE arrives with Gwen?
yes, the environment artist from DE will shit on his own game especially after being unable to hide nazi symbols
kek them troons sure are funny
that "insipid" composed entirety of DE's score
Does that automatically make her good? It's a nobody that was lucky that SE didn't have the budget for someone better, it already sounds generic, it will never be Syd Matters, even the background music of LR:B&R gameplays sounds more iconic and atmospheric than "IndieGuitarSounds.mp3" commissioned by D9 we hear in the extended DE gameplay.
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Always loved Chloe's sleeve. Planning on getting one inspired by hers done next year.
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Poor Kate, she wasn't designed for lewd thoughts. Her brain will overheat.
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if you are feeling useless, just remember that you are not those condoms
>Turn 30
>It's time to do a tattoo inspired by teenage vidya character from 10 years ago
I will dream of beanies tonight
Sounds like a good plan.
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Can't believe Victoria became a model canonically.
Whorechel would be so jealous if she was alive.
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Based Vic.
I don’t think she’s a model per say, more like she’s photographing models. I might be wrong but makes more sense than her becoming an actual model.

>it seemed she [Safi] had a somewhat tenuous relationship with her mom

Uh, this is interesting. Wasn't the greentext leak talking about how Safi was at odds with her mother/family? Here's a quote:
>Safi is described as the family's black sheep
The mafia plot is becoming more and more real. Fuck you deniers that made fun of me for believing that leak. It’s a gateway to GTA style LiS. Hitman Max for rival gangs in the future maybe?
Bay is canon ending.
Gonna be laughing so much at baytards if the post Bae and Pricefield content is even half true.
Worth also mentioning how the latest reviewers that tried the demo mentions how Max keep contact with her parents in a cold and detached way when they talk to her about Arcadia Bay. T

There's a clip of them inside a nightmare scenario who ask Max to come back home for summer and how they miss her.

Greentext anon claims that:
>Regardless of the ending you pick, Max will make the decision to leave the town she is currently living in.
>Final cutscene shows Max taking a bus so she can return to her parent's home in Seattle, if Chloe is dead.

If that greentext is fake, there's definitely a lot of effort put into it to make it sound believable.
More like baytards will be laughing if all of that is true
Happened to me at 35.
Looking at something lollipop chainsaw inspired next.
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I dunno about that, if the Max and Chloe photo in S2 alone made their asses burst into flames, imagine them actually being in a committed relationship. Better yet, Chloe still having a big presence in their ending despite being dead, having Max actively regretted saving town and keep an entire diary dedicated to Chloe. And Joyce being the only character Max still keeps contact with, which again is also relevant to Chloe, lmao.

You wish.
can someone post the greentext leak again
i just wanna check something...
It's right here at >>495039797
That's really heckin sad anon
you don't think they decide to put victoria just because she survives both endings so they don't have to do any adjustments?
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i dont remember seeing any returning voice actor outside max so far? i do believe in the ashly and rhianna bit tho
Chloe gets to see Max's butthole so lucky
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Chloe gets what?
I think at some point someone pointed out that Rachel's VA was back in the booth last year, and some other anon claimed some of the Expanse VA in mocap gear were alongside some of the DE cast in some IG stories made by one of the D9 dev working there.
girls don't have that
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>Turn 30
Technically I will be 31 when I get it done anon.
>a tattoo inspired by teenage vidya character
I was actually born ~2 weeks before Chloe, we are both Pisces even. So since we are the same age, I don't consider it all that weird.
I do not see how Chloe being a teenager in LiS 1 is relevant anyway. It is still a really nice sleeve regardless of if she got it at 16 or 30.
>vidya character
She is more then just that to me.
>from 10 years ago
People still get tattoos inspired by games from the 90s. By comparison LiS is pretty recent.
Doubtlessly lewd.
Her photographing models seems to make more sense given her stated ambitions and her families ownership of an art gallery.
I do not think it is impossible that she got into modeling herself. But I'm going to assume this is more the case of games journalists being games journalists and not actually understanding what is being communicated.
Safi copying elements of Chloe's drama is something we have known about since before that hilariously fake 'mafia leak' was posted.
Her being a black sheep that has a very strained relationship with a parent is not news. If anything it served as part of the basis for that fake leak. The fact that people are still clinging to that is just sad.
>Joyce being the only character Max still keeps contact with
I think that alone would be enough for them to have a meltdown. From what I have read, they seem to be expecting nothing less then several 'in person' cameos from Bay characters.
>Being passionate about things in your 30s is sad
>This is your brain on heterosexuality
We know Rhianna is back. But I believe she is the only confirmed returning VA besides Max's VA. All of the VA's for the major side characters introduced so far are new to the series. So unless we get flashbacks or timeline weirdness towards the end of the game, I do not think there will be some surprise cache of returning VA's.
>Her being a black sheep that has a very strained relationship with a parent is not news
To be fair, we didn't have any indication of what kind of relationship Safi had with her mother aside from a simple "Definitely drugs" when Max talks how glad is to be with her and Yasmin together at the bar, which doesn't necessarily indicate a tenuous relationship with a parent.

Only with the Pax gameplay reveal and this latest article we do have more evidence that points to them being in not the greatest terms with each other.
awfully defensive there…
Who are you referring to?
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Slice of Life is Strange: A Life is Strange Adaptation
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Katesisters, our response?
Is there any good Alex Chen p*rn?
tons. hottest lis protag
I wish she had more with Steph to be honest.
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>Calling all UK photographers! Want to have your work featured in a gallery like Max Caulfield?
>Enter the Life is Strange: Double Exposure photo competition to get the chance to feature at the Life is Strange Photography Exhibition in London!

What are you anons waiting for?
they reject chloe cosplay photos, I tried
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I still maintain they should've made the new LiS game with Lynn Marsh as the protagonist - right age and gender, has a strong connection to a greatly beloved character from the first game while being peripheral enough that the devs can pretty much invent her whole cloth.
that's courtney with a wig, be realist
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
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Max owes me a selfie. Of me. I want to be in her gallery.
Max can't take a selfie of you. By very definition, only you can take a selfie of you.
I am entitled to sex with Max.
Is there a fix in the Remastered versions for missing voice lines? Characters speak but the lines are just silent.
It's a selfie of herself, but the background of the shot is me.
We know Warren.
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Please don't be porn
This wait fucking sucks guys. Ive waited so long for more Pricefield.
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Took three years, but we're finally close to the next milestone.
The soundtrack is sucking so far, they just grabbed a bunch of "youtube singers" and commissioned them attempts of generic indie songs, this is so over troonbros :(
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Not even Max will be able to save this franchise.
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>that loser got to bang this
9 years to get nothing. KWAB
Can't wait to see the finished work in thread #1200
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Like a pancake.
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Seems like in Chapter 4 Max will get an Abraxas pin.
that's the reward if you complete the abraxas quest chain, amazing
Abraxas seems to have a bit too much plot implications to be just a side quest tho.
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it's time
unironically, Mari put more effort into her own theories than most of the fandom, kinda sad she stopped because had more neurons than the rest of the community
Was mari smarter that the keno girl?
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
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you too huh?
When's this man's black eye gonna heal
He keeps bumping it on the third wheel.
you were onto something with one song release but not Matilda's
The marketing for this game is literally just
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Who's playing the demo?
>October 3, 2021
>Had lunch with these two beautiful people on Friday. Let’s just say Friday was a good day. Yes.

What was Rihanna working on on that day?
She does R&D alongside Alex's, Steph's participated as well.
she played alex
scroll down to the test model section
>A combination of joint positioning and corrective blend shapes. Joint motion was expertly done by Lead Animator Chad Gleason, and I made the corrective blend shapes.

>Chad and I had an uncountable series of discussions about the blend targets as we learned how they needed to be used. Rhianna, the source actor for this test, was asked to be more “dramatic” than she would normally be…so she is a bit intense by demand.

>It also shows an earlier iteration of the main character Alex blendshapes compared to a test with a later version.
Oh man, Rachel looked just like a zombie model in the dirt, just bones, meat and maggots
doesn't this mean she also played max (for model tests) early on as well then?
That make sense, but in 2021 TC was relased, so Rihanna must have worked on something else.
R&D means next d9 project, they brought the trio Alex's, Steph's and Chloe's for those because they are familiar with the equipment
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>I built Jesse, although he was written out of the story causing him to be demoted from secondary character to NPC

Wonder what was his original role within the story.
He was replaced by Steph, so say fuck you to Katy for that
Wasn't Skip Matthews originally going to be in the game instead of Steph holding the music store?
datamine the game files, you will find a reflection cubemap where it shows Jesse instead of Steph
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If Rihanna was doing mocap sessions by 2021, and the game had it's own private Steam page by 2022, alongside with that confirmed leak of a playtester saying that Chloe is going to make an appareance in game... maybe there's a chance.
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At some point Skip was considered be the one holding the record store
Chloe's 20 second unvoiced cameo, of course.
I mean, people act like half the playerbase didn't choose to save Chloe, and that's literally the half more likely to care about and purchase future games. The publisher's marketing being dogshit is one thing and can be good or bad in a vacuum from that knowledge, but the devs themselves would be fools to ignore it.
>There is a scene where Max is doing some kind of investigation at a remote rural area and she gets shot by one of the goons from that gang Safi's family have a beef with.
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I don't get it
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Izzie, pls leak the ending
I never finished the original game because I stopped after going to the art gallery in the good timeline in chapter 5.
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Happy birthday, hipster girl! Welcome to the last year of your 20s.
I can't believe she's a MILF now
Has it been confirmed that Chloe's ON A VACATION FAR AWAY
god i wish that were me
Max dies.
She won't, you know that.
It's fucking unfair that I'll never get to kiss a girl like that under the lightpost at night. Fuck...
my favourite fanfiction is Zak's
What the FUCK were they thinking?
These two f*gs literally killed the studio AND the game franchise eventually. Wolf squad MY ASS.
If Double Exposure was LiS 2 - we would be fucking golden right now, not getting ready to inevitably bury the franchise in two months...
Did the writers at Dontnod REALLY deluded themselves into believing they were dope ass writers than can make a candy out of any piece of shit, and not just lesbian fanfic writers that got lucky with the first LiS? That's fucking sad...
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Happy birthday Max!
Another morning spent thinking of Victoria, Kate, and their clitorises
You guys saved me by spoiling me all those years ago. I just had no interest in continuing from whatever scuffed story these wacky devs are trying to tell.
>Bro the magic kill tornado
It'll be 10 years in January and these guys still suck
u dont want ur tornado in lost records as well?? too bad!!! it will happen
hag max hag max
Do you think they make theirs touch sometimes
I almost wish the failure that was Remember Me would have killed them right away and all the souls here would be free. Fuck tell a different story
jusant was a flop, twin mirror was a flop, when will they learn?
The demo for Jusant wasn't that bad IMO, but Dontnod marketed that game like shit and then even disbanded immediatly the whole team after it became clear the game wasn't successful.
Vampyr was really successful and Banisher was kinda successful I think. Maybe the should just stop trying to do narrative games especially life is strange because they don't understand what people like or want.
daily reminder that they didn't hire Edouard Caplain for lost records, entirety of lis roots aren't present in LR yet people still glaze it
>Vampyr was really successful and Banisher was kinda successful
I think it was the opposite, Vampyr did well enough to justify Banisher, which earned a lot more in return.
Where did that fucker go? I remember watching a behind the scenes on Before The Storm and he looked super fucking pretentious with his fucking laid back half-whisper voice. Did he do True Colors and then bailed? I'm still yet to play that.
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>Holy shit
I wish that was me with an adult Rachel
Sometimes, after an hour of chaste cheek kisses and hand holding
he worked on double exposure then he jumped ship to telltale, telltale fired him and now he's working on some mobile gacha
Seems like a perfectly reasonable escalation

>For me, the first game was the most influential. While we’re a direct sequel, the new power we’re exploring [...] is reminiscent of the original.

Also Stauder:
>First and foremost, Double Exposure is a great entry point for anyone who’s never played a Life is Strange game before.
>It works as a solid introduction to Max as a character, even for new players.

How can you say that the game is a direct sequel yet it's also a great entry point and introduction for Max's character to new players? Feel like there's a bit of contradiction in this statement.
Stauder eats shit, he can write good stuff, I will give him the full credits for that, but he's a baby man.
What else are they going to say, don't buy our game?
yes, I would buy it then
Back then, he was one of like four game directors working on one Telltale game at a time, while now DE is his first solo effort as a team leader.
Fiona's spoon scene from Tales from the Borderlands was all him, Max also uses a spoon, that must confirm that he has a spoon fetish.
What's the deal with Stauder and spoons?
>How can you say that the game is a direct sequel yet it's also a great entry point and introduction for Max's character to new players?
Good fucking morning. Every sequel for the past two fucking decades was marketed like that. They need new players not just those that played the first game and still care a dcade later.
his argument for max being out of character is: SHE GREW UP
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the brainrot lucy put out is funnier, her going into the light is just foreshadowing max's death on her birthday while at it, we love a teasing queen
Ohhh Silent Hill. Thanks
She isn't a MILF, unless you're a child
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Feral max.
Nice try, but Max isn't going to die.
I want a Max and Chloe version of Nico Robin screaming to Luffy that she wants to live.
Hella gay, even?
you just know there are beta autists in this thread that will spend the money on the deluxe edition just to play the game two weeks early and spoil everything in this general.
It's me. I'm the autist.
Not just any random autists, there are prepared ones that instead of playing will datamine the shit out of them, and if it's like The Expanse game, we'll know almost every detail of the game before the full relase.
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bless AI for blessing Max with them tittays
stop posting this
we need more pics of her sleeping with every male character to make it even more lore accurate
They keep picking cosplay duos it's weird to kiss each other as
It's their kink, don't think about it too hard
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keep posting this
I see you, elsanna enjoyer
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If this ridicolous Yakuza greentext turned out to be a real leak for a real game, how much you bet the other greentext anon that posted here a while ago is also right on DE?
I will leak everything they leave in early access build, so get fucked everyone
maybe the finally learned and they leave nothing in for you to find
No they haven't learned jackshit. Bts had roachyl s dark room phone in ep2, the expanse was entirely left in, true colors had steph s dlc left in as well, with remastered they left all the dontnod dev assets such as half life sounds, the elllen page fb mockup they had for max, etc. Every deck nine release is plagued and de won't be any different.
Max dies.
What if LiS was exactly the same except Max had a huge rack
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
Get in line.
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that short is ch1 and ch2?
It can't be that short, unless is the specific Chapter 2 demo in which Max sneaks into Moses lab
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What kind of modelling will Victoria do?
I had a dream last night where I was isekai'd as the principal and had to find a way to save the town. I wasn't able to stop Jefferson and Nathan from killing Rachel, so I was trying to bond with David and through him Chloe so I could encourage her to seek out Max early when she eventually showed up in Arcadia Bay.
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clearly the lewd kind
>thousand cock stare
Did she really take that many? Why?
She probably took more than we know about.
Her designers must have been horny af. She oozes sex.
I've never understood the fixation on Rachel. She's the least attractive of any female major character in LiS. Max, Chloe, Victoria, Alex, Steph, they all blow her out of the water.
She's "conventional" pretty.
Imagination is a strong vector, if BtS didn't exist, she would me almost a mythical characters in people's minds
You're wrong.
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Is max ok
No she is so-gay
such excellent tiddies max
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we get it, roachyl is a whore, you guys cant stop obsessing over a hooker character
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What the hell did she see in him
drugs for pussy
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She was desperate to leave town and hit the big screen, so this means being willing to sleep with any guy that can help her way.
geez what a slut
Max dies.
on my cock

>Chapter 1 ends at the overlook scene, after the title opening sequence

Double Exposure Ch.1 is less than half the lenght of True Colors first episode
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Nah, you're tripping.
1) She is conventionally pretty as another anon mentioned, in addition to being confident and seductive - she would bring all the simps towards her, which she pretty much does.
That all obviously if we go by BTS, in LiS she is nonexistant, just a girl you never meet but hear about from others, so no real connection there.
2) BTS on the other hand spends a SHIT ton of time on building your connection with her. Chloe is, ironically in this case, the only other character like Rachel in that regard, as LiS1 spends a shit ton of time on building your relationships with her.
All other characters you mentioned are not even close to that level of connection with the player. Like, you can say that Victoria is prettier, or Max is more of your type, but again - you don't build relationship with Max as the player, you play as her, and Victoria is basically an extra.
didn't some anon leak that chapter 1's 45 mins a few threads ago?
They claimed that it was only 45 minutes of lenght.

To compare that with True Colors, "Side A" basic lenght if you don't collect all stuff and do a modicum of look around is around 1 hour an a half.

DE's first chapter lenght would be the equivalent of that episode ending at Mac barging into Alex and Gabe apartment.
the expanse epidemic is spreading onto the next deck nine titles
Oh hella
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What the FUCK were they thinking with this remaster?

Not to say that some audio lines don't play, and subtitles are all fucked up. This is literally unplayable for a game that offers nothing but cinematography (no, it doesn't offer choices, since there are no consequences).
P.S. I wanted to play remasters cause I like how they upgraded some of the character models, like adult Chloe and Rachel, but this shit's just not worth it. Gonna stick with the originals.
Quick cash grab, just like DE.
Well fuck. I still hope for SOMETHING from Dopuble Exposure.
Anyway, gonna check out Remasters on PS4, maybe there they had the decency to not fuck up.
do you think chloe shaves her snatch
Duh. Max doesn't like getting hair in her mouth.
No. If this was an IRL person with that character and attitude - she wouldn't shave, at akk, armpits including. She would also have a very bad skin with a shit ton of acne from all the stuff she takes and spending all of her time at a junkyard, probably would be missing a tooth or something like that as well. I'm just going off of a person I know like that irl, and she is even not AS bad as Chloe in regards to her character. The writers of the first game just romaticise her too much, most of you f*gs would throw up within 5 meters of her.
spoiler for de
max dies
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stop posting this
quality discussion
She shaves it into funny shapes. She wants to get it into a hand flipping the bird but she's having trouble getting that refined with it.
I wonder if Chloe is an innie or outie
You just know he smothers her during the breeding
Ok keno sheep
100% canon
Sssh, don't say her name or she will accuse you of being obsessed with her.
I thought DE being a blatant cash grab was something incontestable at this point? It remains to be seen whether it will be a bad or a good cash grab.
Keno sends his herd of sheeps to bully one person on twitter because they had a different opinion, then spends 5 days complaining about that person as if an entire community is fighting against him.
new trailer today
Matilda Mann finally reveal herself as another artist on the soundtrack?
>You can expect september to be the biggest when it comes to teasers & square hears you all when it comes to Chloe. They are well aware of what will happen at the 2 events that they are organizing (everyone will ask about Chloe) but it's ultimately up to them if they want to show the Chloe content which D9 did prepare for them for marketing.
Just one week left for this month to end and still nothing, lol.
Because this was bullshit from an anon pretending to be the Square insider
You will get a couple of texts from Chloe at best and you will be happy.
Or from Joyce if you saved the town.
>the August 2022 leak
What about that, huh?
I waited 9 years for that?
Square Enix's marketing surely is not shy to pass across that message of DE being a cashgrab lmao

>still nothing
are you both like delusional? you got weekly music releases and on saturday we have gameplay

not to mention september started with pax west gameplay as well

you mfs are expecting all endings video
>you got weekly music releases and on saturday we have gameplay
we had no news since june, wake up anon, everything else they posted is just filler and not real news
yea, I guess the pax west 30 mins demo was just a fake like you say
don't bother with those retards, they just want to get a reaction
The schizos are back.

Waiting on the tc vs lis 2 drama now or Roachyl being a whore chain.
She's right though
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you mean the retards who pretend to be leakers or insiders just to get (You)s?

It would be ironic if the ending cameos amounted to just text messages.
The entire community believes they wont even do text messages, rather Chloe and Max broke up.
you saved the town? here are couple of text messages from joyce
you saved chloe? here a couple of text messages from chloe

that will be the only difference
you can screenshot this post
I bet that leaker just saw some kind of mention to Chloe and assumed she is going to make an appearance or something.
Breaking up would imply a prior established romantic relationship. I think they are going for Max gradually growing distant from Chloe because of the trauma for letting a bunch of people die or some shit just to make her even with Bay Max. And also just so she can be single and push new romance options.

Many called me crazy for suggesting that if Chloe appears in this game, she won't be playing a big role and at best she might appear for just a brief moment. Looks like even that is too much now.
>Many called me crazy
Which is funny, because the fact that Chloe will play no meaningful role in the game was obvious from the moment they mentioned that they plan to respect both endings. The odds that they would basically make two different games for Bae vs Bay were zero to none from the get-go, so the only option left was that Chloe is yeeted from the game one way or another.
Nope, he claimed that the playtester who talked to said that Chloe is going to make an appareance if you kept her alive.
the 2019 survey footage they showed of DE had white boxes with a bunch of M+C letters
>Chloe won't be playing a significant role in this game but her presence will be felt throughout the game.
>If you sacrificed Chloe, Max will her voice once in a while, multiple dream sequences will heavily feature Chloe and Max will always be carrying a photo of her in the pocket.
>If you sacrificed Arcadia Bay, Chloe will make contact with Max via text messages, video calls, etc. The justification for her physical absence is due to a trainee program she enrolled in at a plane factory as a junior mechanic or something.

I mean, if we have to take greentext anon seriously, this would be a fairly realistic outcome by all things shown so far
greentext anon leak still holds up really well and it as well be fully true
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We'll never know for sure until the game comes out early. But if it is fake, props to the greentext anon as they put effort and wrote something very much in line with what Deck Nine could do.

Also, there was that other anon who before the June 13 stream claimed that Chloe was going to be threated as a "maybe, maybe not" thing for all the marketing phase, which was an interesting claim since at the time people had no idea that Square had this NDA around the Bae path of DE.
Square revealed stuff related to bae such as the photo, then toned it down because people kept asking, in a way, the sheep herd of Keno's the cause why they are gatekeeping it.
The edit for the June 13 stream was deliberately made to hide the Bae photo and path by prioritizing Bay when they talk about respecting both endings. By the Pax footage, we know that Square has put some heavy restraint and centered their NDA and press kit to avoid talking about that specific path and Chloe at all.
I love Steph. Shame she was wasted as the love interest in TC.
Wavelengths proved that should have been the MC of her own full game.
Don't worry, the press will reveal it all eventually, the real reliable leakers.
Not canon, Jefferson would hate fuck her, and definitely would have just thrown her out of bed or walked away himself.
>Life Is Strange Creator Don't Nod Has Rough Start to the Year, Presses Pause on Two Projects

Seems like Dontnod's speedrunning the telltale death faster than Deck Nine.
We have known that D9 has been struggling for ages. The Expanse game was a disaster and they have failed to secure much in the way of non-LiS projects.
If Square has not already green lit a follow-on LiS project after DE, then D9 is probably staring down closure. Frankly the survival of D9 and likely LiS even remaining a Square IP is going to come down to how well DE does. So far things are not looking great, in no small part down to idiotic marketing decisions from Square.
>Don't Nod had seven games in the works as of March 2024, including the two which are now on ice.
>It revealed the number as part of an internal restructuring that saw three branches created to focus on role-playing games, narrative adventure games, and action adventure games respectively.

What if Lost Records flops as well? Do they shut down more projects or decide to go the live service route?
D9 has one more project on their plate. DE been finished since march.
Michel goes homeless, that's what will happen.
>Square Enix still has the LIS:DE trademark pending.
>Also, there is a considerable chance that this game can get delayed to early 2025.
is square enix really the type to delay a game because they don't have their trademark approved???
She really does deserve her own game.
I think it's too late for the game to be delayed at this point, unless something reelly extraordinary happens
They posted it on tiktok, even though it was supposed to be up on youtube. Oh well, enjoy your new footage lads of Ch2 and Ch3.
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>Revealing the full vinyl tracklist that comes as part of the #LifeIsStrange Double Exposure Collector’s Box! As you go around Caledon University or stop by the Snapping Turtle, you’ll hear music from the likes of dodie, chloe moriondo, Matilda Mann, Tessa Rose Jackson, NewDad, and Ape Dos Mil!
>Here’s the Spotify playlist of all the singles revealed so far! More will be added every Friday

Which new scenes have been shown?
Max dies.
Ch2 beginning (voiced) and Ch3 the comedy night (covered by the screeches of "content creators").
>Pale Honey - The Heaviest of Storms (Devotion, Pt 1)
I think we found our Max's death scene song.
You really cannot do much with her now. TC has kinda closed the door on her tragically.
But I think there is room for a smaller stand alone game based loosely on the Steph novel. A game centered on her relationship with Izzie and the messy breakup that it ultimately resulted in. Since this is LiS, you could even have a non-canon timeline ending option that avoids TC totally.
Max is not going to die lmao (but she's definitely getting shot and ending into the black and white nightmare)
There would be 2 shots, so they can leave us on a cliffhanger without knowing who else got shot (probably Safi).
I really hope
>The Heaviest of Storm
>I Must Come Clean
tracks are played at proper points in the story and not the fucking snapping turtle bar.
>Amanda's photo replaced with Gwen's at Collector's Box.
Amandabwos....your romance is over! Welcome the new queen!
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square enix scamming already by not delivering what was promised, nice
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
Aren't those cards supposed to be double sided? But still, based transbian wife Gwen.
>think they are going for Max gradually growing distant from Chloe because of the trauma for letting a bunch of people die or some shit just to make her even with Bay Max.
That's the worst possible decision and would piss off over half their target audience, they can't be that retarded.
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I'll be so fucking pissed if Chloe never shows up and all this bullshit coy "lol maybe uwu" they been pulling since the reveal was just a troll.
be more mad if the japanese gameplay from saturday is just ch2 helping moses or ch1 ending (finding safi dead)

they have a comedian host, so they must let him play chapter 3 where max has to do comedy
This hits different knowing they were about to compete with double exposure. No wonder they delayed lost records.
Have you seen their reception & overall fanbase? Lost Records's dead on arrival, there's so little reception.
>Haha :)
File deleted.
CHAD Warren won.
It's going down well enough within the general LiS fanbase, but I don't see it selling much outside of that. A lot of people will take one look and screech it's too woke because it has girls in it.
Max will be able to splinter across time by the end of the game without needing a photograph.
That's a nice theory but I still do think the photo will play an important factor in the game
restore it
>the japanese gameplay from saturday
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How do we feel about the theory that they're using this game to launch more Max games and are going to bridge the two endings of the first so Chloe and Bay both lives in the end? They won't have to work around that enormous plater choice anymore and would make future games much easier to write.
They'd still have to contend with the kind of freak who just hate Chloe and desperately want an average teenage girl to have died violently.
I always figured they'd do it osmehow, though I would have done it at the start of the game.

Saved Chloe? Good to go.
Saved Bay? 15 minute extra prolouge where tmey wimey stuff happens and Max changes her mind.
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I lied
They didn't do a dlc episode for some reason, even though it could bring in a bank... they are saving it for something...
Shame, but crumbs i guess
It will have english subtitles, hopefully those 3 clowns will get to play another scene.
That would be ideal. Max gets powerful and skilled enough to change her biggest failure and make her and her girlfriend's lives better forever
Planning a month long journey throughout the Pacific NW next year. Going to be visiting A LOT of quiet coastal towns. Where should I start and go? Anyone from that region have advice?
I've been genuinely surprised by how hard they've been trying to merchandize it, I never got the impression that the franchise was well-suited for that
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I had a friend stop in Garibaldi years ago (the town Arcadia Bay was famously based on) and he told me it was basically a run-down shithole, personally I think the nearby town of Oceanside seems much nicer looking. It lacks the railroad but overall it actually seems like a better fit for Arcadia Bay and even has a forest path to a lighthouse
That would be atrocious. As if this game isn't spitting on the first hard enough already.
Is it just my headphones, or is there a really strange tapping sound that starts playing in the right ear a little after the 1 minute mark in the Jonathan Morali's "Max & Chloe" song?


It's all I notice now whenever I listen to the song, and can't enjoy it. It's not a mistake on his upload either, I notice it now in every video of this song.
Damn, you too?
DLC costs money to make. Square wants this game to be as profitable as possible before they take old yeller out back
Going there just for the sake of the game is how you give yourself Paris Syndrome.
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That pic oozes so much comfy that it almost hurts.
I'm not. Ive always admired the beauty of the region and have wanted to visit for nearly 15 years but I'm a wage slave and money is tight. I have $10k saved up so I'm going to make it a nice, long and slow vacation.
Seeing a town like Arcadia would just be nice, that's all. I'm more interested in hiking and stuff.
No idea how that webm got posted....
no one else notice this?
I kind of hear it
thanks for confirming it's not just me. damn, what a shame. this used to be one of my favorite songs. how does a professional composer not notice something like that?
chloe fucked a guy
Likely several
No evidence of that
all Warren had to do was hit the gym
Chloe is not Rachel. Rachel would have fucked every cock in the world if she lived, yes that includes animals too. Didn’t she say she’s not sorry for fucking Pompidou in that Frankie B apology letter or something?
why did max just ignore her best friend for years and years?

what the fuck is her problem, and why do so many people make excuses for her?
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When you get older, you will understand
ah so no answer, got it
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Yeah, Max is a pretty shitty friend desu. Chloe would have done anything for her, and Max just ghosted, and then barely reciprocates even after returning to Arcadia Bay. Hell, if Chloe hadn't run into her in the parking lot, Max probably would have never reached out to her at all. It's a very one sided relationship.
I interpret that as they just hung out together
I don't understand how plebbit can defend her shitty actions. Yeah ghosting her in Seattle was one thing, but she was back in Arcadia Bay for a while and never even reached out to Chloe or Joyce. Chloe would have been just remained part of her past had the events of episode 1 not happened. Some fucking friend she was.
Max felt guilty for leaving and was grieving William herself. She didn't know how to cope with the situation or what to say to Chloe. Anxiety paralysed her. The longer Max went without replying, the more uncomfortable she felt. It was easier to run away and hide from it all instead of talking. So that's what she did.
She took his penis into her vagina on multiple occasions. This is irrefutable.
Then again Chloe ain’t Rachel. We all know Rachel took A LOT of cocks multiple times hell even multiple cocks at the same time, yes animals included. Didn’t Rachel imply she fucked Jefferson multple times at the Blackwell parking lot in her letter to C aka Chloe.
That's just a part of life though. You can be the best of friends one day and then over the years all contact just stops. You grow apart in different directions and eventually it becomes hard to talk about more than just stuff you both liked doing way back when.
The boy was so inadequate he turned Chloe gay. That's just sad
Ahh yes shitty friend. A shitty friend who would sacrifice an ENTIRE TOWN for and would also claim you are her number one priority and would also dedicate an ENTIRE journal to Chloe in Bay in Double Exposure and who also carries Chloe’s pic. I would be turned off if I liked someone but they carried a pic of their dead “””””””friend”””””””” talk about a huge cock block or should I say cuntblock. My girl was obsessed.
Uh letting an entire town be murdered by something she was singularly empowered to prevent, all for 1 friend, is psychopathic
Have you ever loved and been loved in return?
Someone never loved anyone besides their mother alert. Incel detected, opinion disregarded.

Ahh it all makes sense. A bayer who hates Max. Hmmm is this the new form of trolling from the ambercocks?
Rachel still owes me a blowjob.
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get in the line
this never gets old
Neither will Rachel
Nor Rachel’s lust for aged penis
there really is no excusing max's behavior. she's just a bad person, full stop
Max did nothing wrong.
Max ain’t Rachel. Rachel went and sucked and bounced on multiple cocks behind Chloe’s back. Hell she even sucked off a trucker guy so he could drive her out of the Bay. Hooker tier of shit.
so true bestie
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that's true
so true bestie, preach the truth ambersister!!!!!!

Verification not required
it should have been ME
how many sugar daddies she had
shameless slut
Fear the Spotlight is out on October 22nd.

ps1 game in 2024, lol
they recorded the shitshow
can someone check the length with the API? I recall it still spits the video duration before they are premiered
This is pretty open to interpretation
Max dies.
when she sees Ghost Chloe naked!
Wait till you grow up a bit before claiming Max is a shitty friend. Or better yet - fucking move to a different town like she did, and try to stay in contact with your friends on the same level of engagement, while also doing the same for your new friends at a new place. Life is not just strange, it's hard, and it IS hard to maintain a stable contact with people you don't interact with on a daily basis face to face.
your choices don't matter, they never did, bay/bae max ends in the same place doing the same things and same thing will happen with the 5 endings of DE, she will end up in the same location the next game without your endings mattering jackshit
The Chad Rachel owes me a blowjob vs the virgin Max dies
That's literally what made her a "bad" friend. But that's just normal and how things go. Relationships aren't always permanent.
That doesn't excuse Max not reaching out when she had been back already for some time. She straight up continued to ignore even though she was what 15 minutes away at most for weeks if not months
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It's okay to acknowledge that Max was not a good friend to Chloe but she makes it up to her in an epic way for the rest of their lives
every single polygon, literally designed for sex
You can’t be serious
wait is this chloe's room
well at least she wasn't whoring herself out to a bunch of old men behind her friends back unlike a certain someone
yes, chloe's well known cuck
Life is Strange is all about cucking
still the best animation to date
The Chad & Realist Max dies vs the virgin that uses Luc's imagination :) Rachel owes me a blowjob
you do realise how difficult is it for a shy teen to return to ANYTHING (or anyone in this case) when they've been missing for some time? They would constantly be overthinking what to say, and how not to offend, and stuff like that. She's been working up courage to do that.
Jesus, you'd think you people, playing game for sensitive girls, would get that right away and understand from the get go. I guess you f*gs are just here for the lesbian porn, huh?
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Let's be real real here, there is a higher likelihood of Rachel coming back to life as a real person and giving every anon here a blowjob than SE killing or causing any harm to their cash cow.
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>Max will make the decision to leave the town she is currently living in. Final cutscene shows Max taking a bus so that she can return to her parent's home in Seattle.

Shoutouts to Square Enix for confirming the ending before release on their own!
I take back everything I said about greentext anon.
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Better photo
but that's a train
Same fucking idea, max leaves the town
>Spend 10h at some university with characters you are supposed to get attached to only for Max to just leave.
Truly a deck nein moment.
or she can take a bus to the train station
Final choice:

>Leave by Train
>Leave by Bus
>Call Chloe
dontnod did the same thing and no one complained, it's just deck nine plagiarizing the same game hoping to have a successful game with 0 efforts
don't bae max leave town with chloe in a car she bought according to the leaker?
Max holds in the concept art the camera she broke during lis 1, this was fully a 100% bay game at some point
>But these cards hold a secret - they’re double-sided. One the back, you’ll find stunning shots of four more characters from the game:

>Vinh - the secretary to the President of Caledon University’s, Yasmin, and remains the head of the secretive Abraxas Society, an artistic collective with a line in performance art.

>Diamond - an aspiring director with a special interest in documentaries. She is also a member of the Abraxas Society, and a good friend to have - so long as you stay on her good side.

>Lucas - an award-winning author who works at Caledon University. He is passionate about literature and himself - that arrogance has made him unpopular amongst his co-workers and his students.

>Gwen - an author who works in the literature department at Caledon University. She loves live music, especially metal bands and often travels to shows with her wife.

Wonder wonder why SE's not revealing who Reggie really is...
They know deep down no one will give a shit about their original characters and most players are in for the ride just for Max.
That's a concept art tho, in the final game it could be possible they just used the bus asset because it was less pain than model a whole train.

Either way, greentext anon is getting more and more credibility every time we get new info on DE.
but GWEN LOVEE (izzie's script re-used) !!!!!
Huh. So the fake leaks I invented a couple of months back actually turned out real.
I don't think you are the original greentext anon
You ain't getting Joshua scottfree buddy, just reporting him to SE management for leaking
Not the full one, but I did make a post that was screenshotted and has been reposted a few times.
That one about D9 and SE teasing Chloe content this month?
Max's didn't die.
Fuck yeah and fuck you anons for calling me retarded or delusional for believing mafia leak. I can’t wait for GTA style LiS!!!! Yes!!! LMFAO. Suck my cock like rachel amber would, losers!!
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So that means Pricefield being canon for good in Bae is real now...
Ha. Amanda the Sims Character got ghosted. LMFAO. She’s gonna shug and brag about “”””””fucking””””” a teacher on social media for cool points probably.
You made the one before the June 13 stream saying that Chloe was going to be treated as "maybe, maybe not" in marketing?
It's entirely likely this person is just sowing dissent.
This better be the ending of fucking bay version of the game
It's Amandover...
Deserved, hope they show her bawling and crying after Max.
>Amanda is basically ignored and left alone
>Safi either remains dead or passes her rest of her life under a witness protection program
>BaeMax had Chloe faitfully waiting for her in either blue or orange timelines

If this is confirmed, we're eating good Baebros
We all know the whore of DE is Amanda, hello next Roachyl, hope she goes missing as well.
This is a fairly big screw up.
Even if you're not following the leaks and such, it's farly easy to interpret this.
Everyone's sleeping on it because the fandom lacks the 3 neurons to tie it together, not even Keno noticed or any other social gate. Only here anon figured it out as the ending.

>Don't care at all if you believe me. Just wait until October and we will see who is right.

I thought they were bold to say that for a random greentext "leak", all the anons here would shitted on them for days if it turned out to be fake.

But considering the latest news, I'm starting to seriously consider they were actually right the whole time..
If you expect 80% of any gaming fandom to have a brain, you are delusional.
Scott: Leaked us ep2-5 of lis 1.
Tobi: Leaked bts ep2.
Lucy: Leaked ending of DE.

Which community manager has been your favorite?
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It's over for Chloe and Safisisters...
Yet she gets ghosted by Max leaving. So it’s actually Amandover…..
She seems desperate for pussy, unfortunately for her Max will basically avert all the relationship build up through the game to save Safi at the observatory and then leave Caledon for good.
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Hag Max is the most uncanny valley thing
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I really need more concept art from the book
32 pages, you will have more than enough
fuck my dick is so hard
She looks like she's trying to attract an athlete that she will trap with a baby
When it is supposed to arrive?
Messy ahh town
Chloe cucked by Frank, Jefferson, basically the male population of Arcadia Bay
Frank cucked by Jefferson
Max cucked by Rachel
Warren cucked by Chloe
Brooke cucked by Max
William cucked posthumously by David
Victoria cucked by Jefferson with Rachel
Don’t forget LiS 2.

>Asian chick cucked by hobos

And TC.
White guy cucked by Steph
Steph cucked by white guy

God, I can’t even remember their fucking names. That’s how forgettable sequel NPC characters are. Will probably happen with Saphora and Amandur in DE.
I never looked at it that way... but wow it really do be like that
"Especially metal bands"

That troon did it again
my max will stay celibate
Imagine the only romance option is motherfucking Amanda...

Baesisters keeps winning
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So uhhh...When they were making Before The Storm, why haven't they made Rachel a playable protagonist? Wouldn't it make more sense...in EVERY possible way?
We never saw her in the original, we have NO real perception of what she was like as a person (we only hear different accounts of it, which contradict each other), so she would be a perfect playable protagonist whom you can play however you want (a slut, a mysterious girl, a not-understood genius?). A side bonus - you can have her Social Chameleon qualilty be an actual gameplay mechanic, kinda like Backtalk challenge, but have it be an actual Persuade mini-game, which would be much less cringe thatn Chloe's BS.
Have the story focus around three sides of Rachel's life, her academic life (with Jefferson and Victoria as main characters there), her teenage life (with Chloe and Nathan as main characters there), and her "live dangerously" life (with Frank and Damon as main characters there) , and have her move around these parts of her life, manipulating everyone to get her goals, shit like that. And dump the fucking mother/father sub-plot, it's insane that they chose to focus on THAT in BTS. And there you go, a game that isn't constricted as much in terms of playble character roleplay and what she can actually see/witness/pe a part of, you can even pull some insane twists here, like Rachel being a part of Jefferson's scemes, leading girls to him, getting drugs from Frank to him, until she becomes a victim of Nathan in the end.
Anyway, it would have worked much better, and would constrict developers from things like bringing Jefferson into the story (as Chloe can't meet him yet, she does in the main game), and we would actually be able to learn more interesting stuff about Rachel.
Aaaaaannyhow, my rant is done, just decided to play remasters. I know you are reading this Zak, why did you do it? Episode 3 of BTS is complete fucking trash because of your stupid decisions.
Nothing wrong with a little pump and dump
Amanda is an exception for this rule
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Max would be 200% cuter if she had a lil tooth gap
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put me in the screencap
Trailer showing some new game footage and trying to get new players to actually play the original story first. https://youtu.be/EkP39F0bxBg?si=t06913Ibz3USoI2n
Like they should have done in the first place to begin with lmao
You don't make a direct sequel with the main thing being the return of Max Caulfield and call it a standalone adventure/intro for new players
SE wants that $$$$$$$$
>you don't need to play the previous games, DE stands on its own
>meanwhile square enix:

What other lies these retarded writers said?
>game releases on 30th october
There's no way they delayed it by a day
>Chloe's alive.
So why shouldn't I purchase DE when it's on a 40% off sale as well?
I think that's because its a trailer from Square Enix Asia and Japan is a day ahead of the US. So if the game releases on Oct 29th in North America it's already Oct 30th over there.
Really? They already scrapped the fancy release schedule with 1 day before the date?

Bts had it, tc had it, de doesn't have it no more...instead asians have to wait till 31st....
With how brain dead square enix is as of late, don't be surprised if they end up releasing ch1-ch5 build on 15th and then oops, they change it quickly allowing you to download with depot downloader still ch3-5.
lolz I'm probably not explaining it properly. Up until now, all the North American trailers have said the game releases on Oct 29th. The trailer linked up above isn't a North American trailer it's a Squeenix Asia trailer. That's why it's showing Oct 30th.

I don't think the release schedule has changed. Oct 29th in America is Oct 30th in Japan. Here's the Japanese version of the trailer for clarity. For some reason the Asian YouTube channel released both an English and JP version https://youtu.be/gnqr4ih28AE?si=qrALF-YGy9XmFGCd
Bet my ass they left a ton of files that will give away all the events in the game.
I wonder if the marketing guys at the Japanese division of Square would have marketed this game better than what the London team is doing right now. It's wild how dumb this whole strategy is.
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>Vinh - the secretary to the President of Caledon University’s, Yasmin, and remains the head of the secretive Abraxas Society, an artistic collective with a line in performance art

What the greentext anon said?
>Safi's family is part a criminal organization (Safi doesn't know but will later on) and her death was just a way to ''send a message'' due to unresolved conflicts with another criminal organization, and the killer is one of their goons.

I mean, Abraxas fronting as an art collective and then doing shady shit in the background with Yasmin being directly involved seems bad enough. I could see Safi finding part of the truth, getting mad at her mother and then getting murked by someone else
What the fuck was her problem? Why was she LiS’s biggest cockwhore or should I said COKEwhore?

I legit saw a girl pose for ass shots and sexual poses for her Onlyfans account she had advertised in a big sign her friend was holding in a big city last weekend. I swear this is something I could imagine Rachel doing 100%. It’s crazy how it seems to fit her character.

sorry but that's just funny, the onions fuck boy and the rihanna stan being antagonists is just so bad
I mean it's a Deck Nine game after all.
so much for chronos relevancy
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Say hello to the character who will become the most hated one within the fandom
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Do we really have no anon or any listwtroon at TGS to record for us the new trailer?
love how square enix baited all the theorists by using ch1 outfits on a ch4 scene
>hinted to be depressed and having suicidal thoughts
I can see people letting him die on purpose if he eventually pulls a Kate.
I want to rip out his dumb piercing
They will release the new trailer after the show.
Fuck me, so that picture didn't matter anyway?
Reggie truly does look like Zak Garris lmao
don't be surprised, they most likely did the same stuff with other footages such as Alderman looking at himself, let's not forget about the model swapped Max with a gun from the remote area
Am I crazy or does something about him scream "Guest character on an episode of Scrubs"??
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>this is supposed to be Rachel Amber
Next lis game won't be touched by Zak at least.
Her and Roachyl will compete in hydra porn videos.
wtf are those shoulders, i thought it was just max, but all de characters have these overly exaggerated shoulders
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>Next lis game
you are laughing now, but square enix renewed the lis trademark till 2034 and with double exposure in specific they have the trademark for tv show and comic books as well, lost records has the trademark for games only
Alright, all the descriptions of the characters as shown by the japanese LiS Twitter account:

>Max Caulfield
>She is a lecturer at Caledon University and also works as a photographer. She suddenly awakens to the ability to travel to parallel worlds, and uses it to get to the bottom of a murder case.

>Safi Fayyad
>A friend of Max and Moses, she is a graduate student at Caledon College who aspires to be a poet. She is a go-getter.

>Moses Murphy
>A friend of Max and Saffy, he is a graduate student at Caledonian University studying the stars.

>Amanda Thomas
>Bartender at the Snapping Turtle, a bar near Caledon University.

>Vinh Lang
>A graduate of Caledon University, currently working as an assistant to the president.

>Yasmine Fayyad
>Safi's mother and the president of Caledon University.

>Gwen Hunter
>A professor at Caledon University and Safi's mentor.

>Lucas Colmenero
>A professor at Caledon University whose father is a famous writer.

>Diamond Washington
>A student at Caledon College who aspires to be a film director.

>Reggie Kagan
>A student at Caledon University who is learning photography from Max.

>Loretta Rice
>A student at Caledon University who aspires to be a journalist.

>Vince Alderman
>A detective from Vermont. He suspects Max and Moses of the case.
Reggie is our student? Fml, this fucker will be the Chloe replacement, watch.
Gwen was dubbed by a normal man, based jp square enix.
>Diamond Washington
>Gwen was dubbed by a normal man
True, but I'm wondering what's the meaning of all this
blame naughty dog for this culture of model swap culture in marketing meant to confuse fans/hide facts
Square Enix won't survive this decade
they will sell the franchise to either d9 or dontnod, but those companies as well won't survive either
well english gwen was voiced by a man too
What if they sell the franchise to Microsoft?
xbox would buy it 100% and that's probably the worst thing that can happen
not a mentally normal one
Why do you think that?
xbox has always adored the franchise and they've been "honored" to announce with SE bts and de
So I guess this was the ''Chloe content'' that supposedly leaker was talking about.
That specific anon was making stuff up tho
So was the gamescom anon
The one that correctly said Chapter 2 puzzle footage was going to be shown?
Whoa, some anon said that square enix will attend gamescom with their new lis game, with a demo and also have a surprise box, it's not like they did this every single time a lis game has been announced... but bts's was better because they would let you draw on a wall to "leave your mark", besides being able to play ep1 early and also giving you a proper box of goodies which included tear wipes and a mixtape. You guys are falling too easy for fake leaks when it's a pattern at this point. As for how he knew it was ch2 footage, they literally had a teaser on tiktok, posted one or two days before of Max walking around at Moses's lab.
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
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Can't stand the sight of a strong woman?
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So, did anyone ever uhhhh...get this particular model of her out of the game? Asking for a friend...
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How you think all of the porn of her is made with?
>How you think all of the porn of her is made with?
Uhhh...she films it?
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Reminder that Rachel is chloes true soulmate as shown by the canon comics. Chloe won't even be in de and max is straight
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most artists use datquil's model
Max dating Reggie would be the funniest shit ever
this is canon
entire fandom would have a meltdown especially with that schizo
Reggie is suicidal and has school shooter tendencies. Is that the real reason Max left that schizo school in the end? She’s afraid for her life, nobody wants to get shot by the school incel schizo who forgot to take his meds.
Cock is Rachel’s true soulmate. Will this whore ever stop thinking of getting dicked down? Not even hell can stop her it seems….
I don't know
Wrong, wrong and wrong

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